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Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Michelle Malkin: Government-backed union thugs with their tactically violent hate criming respond only to a show of force. Shorter Tony Blankley: I have begun to grow, urp, concerned about the president’s exit plan from Afghanistan, or his, oof, lack thereof. Shorter Austin Bay: Surfing the Internet is like riding the wave of the future! […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Dennis Prager: If elected, a President Barack Obama would peel away decades of conservative policies, when all voters wanted was to elect a black dude. Shorter David Limbaugh: Leftist partisans, who for years slandered Bush as “a reckless cowboy” and a “moron,” have engineered the likely presidential election of an anti-American radical who might […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Ben Shapiro: MTV manufactures its own market of porn-loving sluts. Shorter Cal Thomas: Of course bipartisanship is date rape, so instead of us ‘reaching across the aisle’ to them, I think they owe us a reach-around. Shorter Austin Bay: Turns out it’s actually better that we didn’t kill or capture Osama bin Laden. Shorter […]


Two-Minute Townhall

I’m scared to go out at night, it’s not safe on the streets. And it’s hard to disagree in today’s society, you can’t trust anyone you meet. Shorter Thomas Sowell: Whither Obama: Too black? Too strong? Or is he, as some critics have persuasively argued, neither? Shorter Dick Morris and Eileen McGann: Obama should tell […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Kevin McCullough: I’m not saying he’s a queer or nothin’, but I bet Barack Obama thinks unicorns kick ass. Shorter Janice Shaw Crouse: Get it straight, United Nations: teenage mothers — especially the married ones — in the Third World don’t need your advice, or your contraceptives. Shorter Doug Giles: The fact of the […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Bill O’Reilly: While virtuous rightwingers justly denounced Michelle Obama, hateful leftwing internet haters left hateful comments at the HuffPost about poor lil ol’ Nancy Reagan. Shorter John Andrews: Hahaha, Obama’s surge has had the effect of cutting the Clintons down to the level of that hick Mike Huckabee, and I bet that really ticks […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Phyllis Schlafly: Only commies and traitors could disagree with some guy’s research vindicating Joe McCarthy. Shorter Doug Wilson: The fact of the matter is, freedom will die if President Bush’s tax cuts are allowed to expire. Shorter Star Parker: Upon closer analysis, Fred Thompson’s campaign failed because he just wasn’t conservative enough. Shorter Matthew […]


Two-Minute Townhall

We haven’t done one of these in a couple months… Shorter Rich Galen: You can’t trust the Pee-Pee. Shorter John McCaslin: Excelsior! Trent Lott bases his governing philosophy on the outlook of a town that most Americans have never heard of. [rimshot] 23 Skidoo! Shorter Mary Grabar: Only filthy communists like Jane Fonda think that […]


Two-Minute Townhall

Shorter Mary Katharine Ham: It was nice to see someone ask Hillary Clinton some tough questions regarding her Presidential records. Shorter Amanda Carpenter: Americans dread another eight years of Hillary Clinton as president. Shorter Michael Medved: Principles and democratic ideals have no place in politics, where winning is everything. Shorter Allison Kasic: Lady science professors??? […]


Two-Minute Townhall

And in the 70s there were Osmonds, lots of little Osmonds. Lots and lots of Osmonds everywhere. Shorter Michelle Malkin: Colleges should teach students to defend their beliefs. As in, physically. Shorter Ben Shapiro: The fact that Jackie Robinson suffered institutional racism in silence while the Rutgers women’s basketball team seemed to revel in the […]