Two-Minute Townhall
Shorter Ben Shapiro: MTV manufactures its own market of porn-loving sluts.
Shorter Cal Thomas: Of course bipartisanship is date rape, so instead of us ‘reaching across the aisle’ to them, I think they owe us a reach-around.
Shorter Austin Bay: Turns out it’s actually better that we didn’t kill or capture Osama bin Laden.
Shorter John Stossel: Pharoah Obamanaten will totally wreck the economy with his so-called “green” pyramid schemes.
Shorter Jacob Sollum: As a libertarian, I lament the insufficiently laissez-faire platforms of both major parties.
Shorter Walter E. Williams: The American Bar Association, for wickedly demanding more student diversity, might just as well have burned a cross on the yard of the George Mason School of Law.
Shorter Tony Blankley: It’s alive! It’s aliiiive!
Shorter Kathleen Parker: Can’t uppity negroes and dirt-eating rednecks just get along?
Shorter Terence Jeffrey: Joe Biden’s voting record demonstrates a tolerance of every point of view apropos the abortion issue except the intolerant one.
Shorter Jonah Goldberg: Sarah Palin’s rubber, Obama and his hacks are glue; Sarah’s covered in Teflon, Biden’s got squirrels in his pants, and Obama just double-dribbled the basketball. Yeah. So, there.
Shorter Michael Medved: Obama is both like and unlike Abraham Lincoln, which is to say that compared to Lincoln, Obama is total crap.
I’m sorry I ever hung out with the ClownHall types. I’m just…so sorry.
Stupid overload. Signing off and heading for the tub.
I think that’s Virgin Ben’s best column evar
Alt. Shorter Tony Blankley: Sarah Palin puts lipstick on the pig.
Shorter The Truth
“I have nothing signifcant to add so I will whine about you”
Sorry, Truthy, but even wankers like Joe Klein and Andy Sullivan have fallen off the Straight Talk Express and are seeing your candidate for the scumbag he is:
The desperation is showing, and it’s starting to stink like old fish wrapped in newspaper. Your bounce is about to experience the effects of gravity.
Shorter Tony Blankley: We’ve thrown Bush and Cheney under the bus. Yea for us!!!11!11
You’re not the real Truth. I am!
Nuh-uh! I am!
Shorter Truth: “My hemorrhoids are acting up. Can I scratch them in here?”
That is the stupidest thing I’ve read all week.
I can’t imagine what it would be like to have the lack of integrity it takes to write something so utterly inane.
Dear Mr. Marshall,
Your shorters do the denizens of Clown Hall a disservice by making them seem intelligent and concise.
Plus they’d never be funny enough to come up with “Blue Suede Poo.”
I mean really, what’s the difference between that and some like
“CSI has a tremendous stake in the increased bloodthirstiness of the American people. That bloodthirstiness allows them to purvey their rape and murder stories on the airwaves without fear of public backlash. If people were non-murderers, parents would surely rebel against CSI’s poisonous filth….”
Shorter Ex-Virgin Ben: I see your pregnant teenage VP candidate’s daughter and raise you a tight-garbed former dope and sex fiend!
Faux Truth, I’m sure there are many excellent conservative snark sites out there that can fulfill your every desire.
Plus they’d never be funny enough to come up with “Blue Suede Poo.”
Alas, neither was I.
Obama says enough is enough!
Is Ben still a virgin?
So true. Before MTV, no one had sex outside of marriage, or had STDs, or abortions, or adoptions, or committed suicide or had depression, or were abandoned by their first sexual partners. No, none of that stuff ever happened. Bad, bad MTV!!!!
That’s a very interesting fantasy world you llive in, Ben. Oh, and…
Bristol Palin.
MTV manufactures its own market of porn-loving sluts.
Think of it as capitalism in action, VBen…now deal with it, pigdog!
They enter marriage with a healthy fear and disgust for their own bodies, the way God intended. I’m still dumbfounded that God created the male body in such a way that we have to touch our tallywhackers to take a pee. It must be a test of our faith.
So how many hours of “research” do you think went into Ex-Virgin Ben’s article on MTV pr0n?
You peons may read the speeches that some guy wrote for me if you want my lies – I mean, positions on issues.
I am off to go ban some books, have sex with somebody, and get more earmarks.
I strangely agree with the general thrust (heh) of his article that MTV is evil. Not because I object to teenagers having sex though.
Sarah Palin’s rubber
Heh, indeed.
Don’t want your head to explode? Then don’t read this post.
I’m still dumbfounded that God created the male body in such a way that we have to touch our tallywhackers to take a pee.
Personally, I think the Republicans are in that detail. Who else would put a food source so close to a sewer?
My poor liberal friends. Still a month and a half away from the election and John MCain is already showing a substantial lead in the polls.
Around this time in 2004 John Kerry was shown to be winning by a wide margin. And we all remember how that one turned out now don’t we? Heck every modern election has shown the Democratic candidate to be winning around this time. That only goes to show how badly Obama bin Biden is going to be crushed this election.
The American people have spoken and they don’t want a far-left babykiller with a muslim background as President. McCain has substatial leads with Independents, men, whites, evangelical Christians and gunowners.
Heres the proof.,2933,420361,00.html
I’m glad Palin is here. Jacking off to KLo was getting a bit tiring.
so, as I understand it, in all the recent elections, the person leading the polls at the end of summer loses.
McCain is ahead in the polls I link to.
Therefore, Obama will lose?
Must be a high school troll who cheated to pass Freshman algebra.
Dear Virgin Ben: Russell Brand wouldn’t fuck you with the Jonas Brothers’ dicks.
Around this time in 2004 John Kerry was shown to be winning by a wide margin. And we all remember how that one turned out now don’t we?
The guy with the substantial lead in the polls lost the election?
Is Ben still a virgin?
One can presume that Mrs Virgin Ben still thinks so. (See Eddie Izzard’s Dress To Kill for the conversation.)
Yay! Jonah Goldbrick Strikes (Out) Again!
Der Pantload goes for the basketball metaphor – & beats it to death with a tire-iron. But the real comedy is in the comments, where some genius glibly intones about how “Biden is contemplating debating Palin, & soiling himself” – someone needs to cut down on the crystal meth there. The moment Biden takes her off her script & she gets that deer-in-the-headlights look, or worse, goes feral & starts foaming at the mouth, Caribou Barbie is going to look more like Howdy Doody – or a Dalek in drag. The kind of sneering, ugly stupidity she oozes may go over among the faithful, but that all-important Wishy-Washy vote won’t be so eager to lap it up.
Speaking of reality issues: Saul, when you say “here’s the proof” & then link to Fox News’ website, you may as well put a teeny-weeny tiara on your dick & say “here’s the Queen Of England” – it’s exactly THAT logical.
Said it before & I’ll say it some more: polls are bullshit, & precentage-polls for Presidential Elections are the worst bullshit of all. They’ve already been busted for excessively polling GOP voters, & STILL can’t get the full benefit from doing so – because (not unexpectedly) some of those people are switching sides. That’s the reality behind those numbers everyone’s getting so huffy about – & for a candidate who needs to GAIN votes, it’s an omen of doom.
Check back in a month & see if anything remains of McCain’s post-con bounce – if not, he’s playing Fail-Ball with no goalie, because any candidate worth a bucket of spit can hold the bounce from the last Convention for a month. If I’m not mistaken, McCain’s will have evaporated by then, proving that he should’ve retired years ago.
The Truth’s slip is showing.
you may as well put a teeny-weeny tiara on your dick & say “here’s the Queen Of England”
I am so going to try that. It’s Queen’s Garden Party time!
I am so going to try that. It’s Queen’s Garden Party time!
You’ll find suitable co-starring roles for Prince Charles & Prince Ha(i)rry immediately below “Her Majesty” … just be very careful when pinning those medals on them. In fact, I’d recommend going with duct-tape instead.
“Balls!” said the Queen, “if I had ’em, I’d be King!”
Well, now she just might…
Thanks. Really. I’ve been wanting a new damn keyboard anyway.
“Turns out it’s actually better that we didn’t kill or capture Osama bin Laden.”
We beg to differ.
“Turns out it’s actually better for the Republican Party that we didn’t kill or capture Osama bin Laden.”
It’s always so easy to make fun of teenagers who want to remain abstinent until marriage. They receive the ire of their peers for their scruples. They are pilloried as closet homosexuals, geeks and nerds.
The homosexuals geeks and nerds got some lovin’. Sadly, you did not.