Two-Minute Townhall
Shorter Dennis Prager: If elected, a President Barack Obama would peel away decades of conservative policies, when all voters wanted was to elect a black dude.
Shorter David Limbaugh: Leftist partisans, who for years slandered Bush as “a reckless cowboy” and a “moron,” have engineered the likely presidential election of an anti-American radical who might also be the Antichrist.
Shorter Thomas Sowell: Thirty years of excessive government regulation led us to our current financial crisis, which is really no crisis at all but, in fact, yet another a leftist conspiracy designed to destroy our free-market economy.
Shorter Chuck Norris: “Hello, this is Chuck Norris. My wife and I are calling from our ranch in Texas to urge you to resist liberal bullies and outlaw gay marriage. Also, buy my book, ‘Black Belt Patriotism.'”
Shorter Monah Charen: A recent study has shown that teenagers who watch sex-drenched filth on television are more likely to become pregnant or impregnate someone else. Reading a pornographer’s obituary could have the same affect.
Shorter Debra J. Saunders: Actually, I’m gonna call bullshit on Newsbusters.
Shorter Patrick Buchanan: In the end, George W. Bush failed conservatism.
Shorter William Rusher: Things aren’t looking so good this time for Republicans.
Shorter Cal Thomas: The media could earn back some of its credibility by giving in more quickly to its critics’ demands.
Shorter Phyllis Schafly: Barack Obama and his best friend, the 1960s radical William Ayers, conspired to undermine American traditions by teaching children to question authority and sympathize with the wretched, downtrodden classes. (Shudder.)
I voted.
Hey, watch this video of Chuck Norris… then tell me again, uh, why he opposes gay marriage?
Chuck Norris’ Total Gym
Seriously, he’s like one of the Village People in this.
Even when these fuckers have been shamed with the collapse of every single phony ideological shift they’ve ever supported, they still yack on as if they’ve not been thoroughly lambasted by reality.
They truly are a shameless bunch, these American CON-servatives.
Leftist partisans, who for years slandered Bush as “a reckless cowboy” and a “moron,” have engineered the likely presidential election of an anti-American radical who might also be the Antichrist.
I await The Rupture.
Shorter William Rusher: Things aren’t looking so good this time for Republicans.
Ah. Well.
who might also be the Antichrist.
After Cheney, would we notice?
There has to be a genetic tie between conservatism and the concept of shame. If you are conservative, you have none.
I pooted.
Shorter Debra J. Saunders: Actually, I’m gonna call bullshit on Newsbusters
Egads. No, really? Whoa.
Not thirty seconds after reading this article over at ThinkProgress about right-wing whining about GOP poll watchers being “intimidated”… what do I hear from the other side of the room but Limbaugh on the electric radio whining about GOP poll watchers being “intimidated”.
Like clockwork.
Like clockwork.
And SteveBenen has already debunked the story.
Like clockwork.
Their message discipline has always been scary-good, and I’m pretty sure it’s something our side shouldn’t aspire to.
Single women of all colors and ethnicities vote Democrat. They do so primarily because many of them are financially dependent on the state, because they have no man to depend on, nor a husband who might influence them politically (married women are considerably more likely to vote Republican than single women).
Jerk, as if women must be dependent on either the state or their hubby. Jerk.
Me said,
“Their message discipline has always been scary-good, and I’m pretty sure it’s something our side shouldn’t aspire to.”
It’s like the antithesis of democracy. First we all decide to say the same thing, then we all say the same thing. I don’t think they appreciate the value of debate.
To the sports pages of the Washington Post, where the political analysis is far more incisive and succinct than anything else you’ll find in that fishwrapper:
“Said Redskins CB Carlos Rogers of the election, ‘Hey, like a lot of people said, one president gonna stick it up your butt, the other one’s gonna stick it further in the butt, so it don’t matter, man. Whatever happens, happens. That’s something we can’t control.’”
Amen, brother. Amen. Fred Hiatt should be shaking in his Salvatores right about now.
Whee! Limbaugh now going on about Obama’s Kenyan brother.
I’m still not exactly sure how this should mean we shouldn’t vote for him, but there you are.
Shorter Sadly,No!
Oh good grief!
Look, at least they’re accepting defeat, if not graciously.
Dennis Prager:
With apologies to our gracious hosts, Sadly, No!
“Wrong track” to “Right direction” numbers are 76 – 11
Also, the post is (as expected) self-contradictory.
But then this is what he says “fundamentally transforming America” will lead to:
Nevermind where he got that (please don’t think about it – it involves the words “pulling out of” and “ass”).
Oh, god…the comments…
“My hatred for them is boiling over and I will have no use for any Demcorat Liberal, scum-sucking man or woman ever again, including anyone in my family, circle of friends, coworkers, etc. I do not associate with vile, braindead gutter trash which I deem a Liberal to be.”
“you and those like you will be eliminated early on if you try and cram commusnism down our necks”
“he is a shady flim-flam man and his America Hating supporters are out to tear this country down – OVER MY DEAD BODY!
I expect there to be protests and perhaps a Civil War if this fruit cake is elected!”
“Maybe the blood should run in the streets if the babboons riot. ”
“Time for another Civil War = Some REAL FBI stats on black violence against whites in America:”
“Maccaca Hussein – You’ll be waiting at home sitting on your sofa eating McDonald’s waiting for Obama’s checks in the mail too?”
“Freedom isn’t the easy path. Freedom is the path of VIGILANCE!”
“Praise God and pass the ammunition – Republican men must not let this happen. My friends and I live far away from this mayhem, but I assure you that if it were closer to us, this would not be happenning. ”
Tonite I bathe in the tears of the newly powerless!
Yeah. I read about the study yesterday and brief Q&A with the people who conducted it today. I’m not sure they understand basic statistical methodology.
No wait. I’m sure they don’t understand basic stats.
Which is what makes wingnuts default bigots. Everybody is supposed to be the same.
Maybe some lengthy stints in State Security Chief Ayers’ upcoming Inner-City Diversification Awareness camps will do them some good.
Me said:
“Their message discipline has always been scary-good, and I’m pretty sure it’s something our side shouldn’t aspire to.”
I dunno.
“You’ve been a very bad message, haven’t you? And what happens to bad messages?”
Could be fun. Just sayin’.
“he is a shady flim-flam man and his America Hating supporters are out to tear this country down – OVER MY DEAD BODY!
Just remember how bad you felt in 2004 – that’s only part of what these sad people are going through. Karma, folks.
I voted.
Sarah Palin, closet Liberal!
The campaign entourage made two coffee runs while in Wasilla, stopping first in Kaladi Coffee, where the governor ordered two lattes and five regular coffees for her secret service agents.
The campaign entourage made two coffee runs while in Wasilla, stopping first in Kaladi Coffee, where the governor ordered two SNOT lattes and five regular coffees for her secret service agents.
Fixed. Baristas everywhere are liberals.
Watching conservatism die at the hands of Bush, Cheney, Palin, McCAin, Feith, Rumsfeld, Brownie, Kristol, Ace, CY and Malkin et al, has been sheer beauty.
The USA might get it’s country back today.
I’m starting to feel better about this. Over at HuffPo they have a video of the 1000 students lined up at 7 a.m. at Penn State. That’s WAY more than the usual total student vote count. Hell, back when Ho and I were running the Howard Dean effort in Centre County, there was a kid running for State College city council who couldn’t get 25 fucking signatures on his petition. Total apathy. Now, they’re voting.
And there’s massive turnout everyfucking where. Yes, I’m, feeling much better about it all.
Can one of our resident conservatives tell me why the “party of personal responsibility” never takes responsibility for anything?
Even a lukewarm “because it’s always the liberals’ fault” will suffice.
The McCain pie slice is down to 1.1% at 538. Woot!
Just remember how bad you felt in 2004 – that’s only part of what these sad people are going through. Karma, folks.
Yea, but we didn’t steal the election, Pere.
Hey everyone,
I just wanted to say, enjoy being a liberal for at least one day! We deserve it.
Y’know, it just occured to me.
This will be the first Democratic president to be elected in the history of (h/t Skippy) Blogtopia!
we didn’t steal the election, Pere.
All the more reason to bask in the Schadenfreude.
Come back in about 9 hours The Truth.
The McCain pie slice is down to 1.1% at 538. Woot!
Obama never did top 99% there. He’s just not closing the deal.
All the more reason to bask in the Schadenfreude.
Bask in it? I’m going to drink it as nectar. Anoint my body with it. Bathe in it. Swim in it. Drown myself in it.
Anybody got other good uses for Schadenfreude? I think there’s going to be a glut.
Have you counted up all those uncounted chickens yet?
I put in a closing tag but the Schadenfreude eated it.
Oh, the shitstorm of whinging, racism, and impotent rage to come.. I imagine it will be both hilarious, and slightly scary.
But I have a serious question. It looks like the Dems are heading for 56-57 seats. Now of course Bernie Sanders is dependably liberal, but the traitorous Leiberman cannot be trusted in the least. That means we need 2 or 3 moderate republicans to become “Obama Republicans” to get that majority.
There is one repub senator whose name I forget, that ran ads about his ties to Obama. There must be others though, the type of centrists that want to be on the winning team.
I imagine the republicans will be in such disarray that they will find it hard to keep discipline in the ranks. I think they would be hard pressed to put a filibuster together for all but the most important bills. On the other hand, the new administration should find it fairly easy to keep the “blue dogs” in line.
So what are your thoughts? Which repubs will leave the sinking ship, and which will simply suck up to their new glorious leader?
Which repubs will leave the sinking ship, and which will simply suck up to their new glorious leader?
Well, there’s that one Arizona Repub senator who did some serious kissing-up to the Pretzeldent. Can’t seem to remember his name.
Have you counted up all those uncounted chickens yet?
Well, all I know is we aren’t the ones peeing ourselves and fulminating on the anti-Americanism of the American people.
After the liberals win, will The Truth be anti-American?
After the liberals win, will The Truth be anti-American?
But we can pretend.
Yah, I didn’t figure that worked both ways.
Tonite I bathe in the tears of the newly powerless!
Eeeeuuuwww, you’re taking a shower right after that, right?
I believe that was Smith in Oregon, who’s almost certain to lose.
That’s sort of my fear. One of them, anyway. The most powerful people in the country will be Barack Obama, Joe Lieberman, Olympia Snowe, Susan Collins, and perhaps a handful of other Republican senators. That is, unless Harry Reid grows a pair and actually forces them to filibuster, and doesn’t continue with this “oh well, everything automatically requires 60 votes” bullshit.
I haven’t been able to stomach much cable news TeeVee, but I did flip on MSNBC (over the internets), and there was Dan Rather and some other asshole whining to Chuck Schumer about how it’s such a danger that those Demmycrats will be sooooooo liberal. You know what guys? Go fuck yourselves. You did an absolute shit job these past eight years, just shut the fuck up and stop acting like your Broderist blather is wise and informed and oh so reasonable. Fuck you.
That bottle of Sauza Gold is screaming at me from the freezer and it’s not even noon yet out here !
Sockpuppet #47: Chuck Hagel, even though a Repub, is a pretty reliably decent Senator.
There is one repub senator whose name I forget, that ran ads about his ties to Obama.
Prolly Smith here in OR. Obama asked him to stop running that ad, btw. But he’s very likely to be looking for work after today. Correction: he’s likely to focus on his vegetable packing business where they seem to have a small problem with undocumented workers.
That bottle of Sauza Gold is screaming at me from the freezer and it’s not even noon yet out here !
Mine is a vintage 1999 (Clinton) bottle of Veuve Cliquot.
If only Righteous Bubba would create a recipe for a special Election Night cocktail for us all! Something that contains in its title the word “schadenfreude” would be the awesomest. Oh, if only.
Mmmmm. I like pie!
So what are your thoughts? Which repubs will leave the sinking ship, and which will simply suck up to their new glorious leader?
I think Iowa’s Charles Grassley has been positioning himself for quite a while for good relations in a probable Democratic majority. He won’t jump ship but he’ll be a reacher across the aisle type. He seems like a bumpkin but he’s an incredibly astute politician who’s seen the way things were tending for a long time.
He’s used to working with Tom Harkin, and they’ve done pretty well together. Won’t be a big leap for him.
Mine is a vintage 1999 (Clinton) bottle of Veuve Cliquot.
Also, FYWP. Don’t you be starting that shit today of all days.
Hey, whatever happened to that African Press tape?
They do not know how hard it has been to make a country as great as America and have been educated to see its flaws far more clearly than its far greater virtues.
What a fracking idiot Dennis Prager is. Hasn’t he heard of constructive criticism? Would America be a great country if we spent all our time patting ourselves on the collective back and not working to make things better?
I betcha that Prager, had he lived in the times of the Neviim would be denouncing the Prophets for being anti-Semitic for criticizing Israel and the Jewish people:
which will simply suck up to their new glorious leader?
Since John McCain is a) a horses’ ass and b) less-than-pure ideologically, I expect several Republicans will decide their bread may be buttered more effectively by working with power instead of against it. It will be easier to instill doubt that everybody will be a team player.
That said, these folks are authoritarians (which is why their message discipline works so well – they prefer to be told what to do), so breaking old habits may be tough.
Mmmmm. I like pie!
Schadenfreude Pie recipe needs more porter. Or oatmeal stout.
And a teaspoonful of the tears of your enemy’s loved ones.
DAS, Prager is so fucking stoopid™ he thinks Arabs are anti-semitic. Brilliant, just brilliant.
Would America be a great country if we spent all our time patting ourselves on the collective back and not working to make things better?
You’re forgetting that things COULDN’T! POSSIBLY! BE! BETTER!
Well, the country could stand to be more conservativer, but otherwise it’s Pangloss City.
Which reminds me… Herr Clyde, what’s up with your election down there? Or is all the news about U.S.?
Hey, whatever happened to that African Press tape?
Sadly, the promised pink unicorns have not yet arrived.
If only Righteous Bubba would create a recipe for a special Election Night cocktail for us all!
I recommend a very hopey beer.
Well, I just voted a straight Libertarian ticket AND a straight Republican ticket. The problem is, I’m pretty sure a bunch of them have the gay. I hope my vote won’t be disenfranchised because of this…
Schadenfreude Pie recipe needs more porter. Or oatmeal stout.
For the cloying sweetness I’d recommend a doppelbock. What isn’t used in the pie will do wonders when take internally.
And a teaspoonful of the tears of your enemy’s loved ones.
Those should be easy to find in a few hours…
I voted this morning. Straight-ticket – except that I joyfully, decadently, proudly and patriotically filled in the little circle next to the Democratic candidate for every office.
My little county, with an estimated population of ~21,000, had ~5,300 early ballots turned in, this cycle.
Suck it, wingnuts! Suck it long and hard.
I recommend a very hopey beer.
A good solution to society’s ales.
a very hopey beer
bleah! FAIL
a very hopey beer
Is that a beer for “Love and Rockets” fans?
I recommend a very hopey beer.
Keep hopey alive! And frothy!
I am barley in time to contribute a beer-related pun.
Let me tell you a little story; it’s a story of 4 years ago. At that time I was lurking on Eschaton, back before it had truly become a set of throw-away one liners and links to other people, both from the host and in comments. Early exit polls had given Kerry up to a 5% lead as I recall, and during the morning spirits were high… Indeed, one (but just one) of the regular asshat trolls there even had the decency to say “It looks like you’ve pulled it off, well done.” But then, as the day wore into the night, the evidence clearly began to shift… and as it did, the usual sociopathic trolls became more and more in evidence; I’ve forgotten most of their names by now, but one I’ve unfortunately ran into again recently, still exactly as offensive, hate filled as he was on that day, our old friend Toby Petzold pouring his spite onto left wing blogs even now. But back to 4 years ago; concerned with nothing more than justifying their insane evil against real and perceived enemies, as the day wore on the tone across liberal boards became increasingly dragged down and poisoned. Did these freaks allow even the possibility of tolerance or acceptance? No… they wanted to rub our faces in it. Humiliate us. Hurt us. And when, at some disgusting time in the morning for me, when Kerry finally conceded, began 4 years of gloating and vindictiveness, both from the easily enraged supporters, but from a Bush administration that desperately courted them in order to maintain what slim control he had, both over the country and his own factitious party…
And now here we are, 4 years later. The same people, mostly under new assumed names, although Petzold continues to shame his own ancestors by using his genuine surname as mentioned, are back again… this time without even the hope of a victory to cheer, just nothing left but impotent rage and hate. Because they know this time, this time they lose. This time evil and hate is finally going to be defeated. And it’s going to be GLORIOUS to see the sick-moon of theirs wane, and the light of day finally begin to rise. And we owe them nothing, no sympathy, no compassion, nothing at all because they have proven, through torture at Guantanamo, and violence and stalking and harassment in our cities, and just plain unconscionable behavior anywhere they could find us online, that any sense of human fraility and dignity is utterly anathema to them. And today, their power to be sociopaths ends… unless we allow them to to take it again.
So take this time now, before the polls close, to call anyone you know who might not have voted yet, to ensure they do. Let’s make it a liberal landslide. And yes, let’s rub their pug-faces into their own impotence everywhere they dare show their faces for now… but tomorrow perhaps, let them eat pie, for spewing hate across these blogs will be all they will have left, and let us deny them even that.
Let us leave them alone and weak, in a world where a black, liberal man is President, with a soon to be revealed Democratic majority.
And we hope, that you choke. That you choke…
Sadly, the promised pink unicorns have not yet arrived.
Damn, and I rented all these saddles…
I recommend a very hopey beer.
See, this is why elitist-socialists drink wine. With the massive wave that’s sweeping across the US, it’s easy to select the right beverage as any port in a storm will do – but you can’t just have any beer, you gotta go with That One.
I am barley in time to contribute a beer-related pun.
Feel any wiser, bud?
I am barley in time to contribute a beer-related pun.
I’m just glad you didn’t brood. A cold brood…
Speaking of booze, I am just about to nip out for ethanol supplies. All I have in the fridge is some hoegaarden. I think it is a night for hot cider.
Dreadnaught Imperial IPA hopey enough for you?
Pere Ubu said,
November 4, 2008 at 21:03
Heart of Darkness kicks ass!!!
and as it did, the usual sociopathic trolls became more and more in evidence; I’ve forgotten most of their names by now
Which reminds me. The Standing Orders on pseudonym management currently read
Article 11, Section 5, Paragraph vii:
Non-use lasting 45 days (continuous) constitutes nym abandonment…
I would like to propose the following amendment:
Paragraph viii:
Non-use lasting 30 days (continuous) of an aggressively hyper-masculine nym shall constitute gay abandon.
I voted for McCain first thing this morning. I know Montana will go for McCain by around twenty percentage points regardless, but still, better safe then sorry.
There was no line at all that early, and a buddy of mine ended up calling me on my cell phone as I was voting. He’s a conservative McCain supporter too, who works as a security guard.
I had a very long two hour conversation with him as I was walking to the local Dunkin Donuts to get a cup of coffee. Both of us a certain, that McCain will win this election. Where both very concerned about ACORN and voter fraud, but in the end, good triumphs over evil.
“Wingnut” no longer covers it.
These guys are nutbags.
duh on kg.
i like hope
I like hops.
Both of us a certain, that McCain will win this election. Where both very concerned about ACORN and voter fraud, but in the end, good triumphs over evil.
Uh, yeah, whatever.
Have fun there in your alternative universe.
I’m just dropping by to refer all you snark addicts to the Double-tall Redeye of Snark over at Wolfrum Chronicles:
Dear Barack Obama: Can we start killing Conservatives, aborting full-term babies and acting like communist Islamofascists yet?
Pure. Win.
If you’re going to misspell Mona Charen’s name when she’s writing about pornography, you should at least call her “Moanah.”
See, this is why elitist-socialists drink wine. With the massive wave that’s sweeping across the US, it’s easy to select the right beverage as any port in a storm will do
Look, make up your addleded brain, LIEberal. Either it’s port or it’s wine!
“Wingnut” no longer covers it. These guys are nutbags.
They’re wingnutbags.
They’re wingnutbags
Then I have something they’ll need tonight.
I am barley in time to contribute a beer-related pun.
I’m not usually one to pint fingers, but you malt want to quit while you’re a head(though I admit I found it humulus)
I know Montana will go for McCain by around twenty percentage points regardless, but still, better safe then sorry.
I wouldn’t bet your life savings on that slick.
Where both very concerned about ACORN and voter fraud, but in the end, good triumphs over evil.
Hey, Rugged. I think I just saw some community organizers nosing around your cellar door. With some seagulls.
I miss being able to buy a six pack of Hoegaarden at my local supermarket in the US. It was and is my favoritest beer evar. In Berlin I have to trek to a specialty store to get anything but German beer. The upside, of course, is that you can get really good (albeit not very interesting) beer for €0.50 per half liter bottle. I’ve wound up just adopting the Berliner attitude of being lazy and cheap.
You know, I’m still wondering what the October Surprise was.
I’m sure there was one, but bedam if I can remember it.
Funny story, as I was leaving the voting booth this morning, there were a group of high school kids standing around holding Obama signs. As I walked by them one of the kids said to me “Obama rules”. I replied to them “So does homework, go home and get started on it.”
Kids, immature and naive.
I’m not usually one to pint fingers, but you malt want to quit while you’re a head(though I admit I found it humulus)
Well, you’ve certainly tapped that for all its wort. Pour excuse for a post, tho.
They’re wingnutbags.
I keep trying wingnugget, but it never catches on. I like it because it has an infantilizing aspect to it, in addition to the whole ‘nuggets aren’t real food’ angle.
Shorter RiM Job:
I went and vote-ed, and there was voting people out voting, and someone called my name! The GIRL! With Kaleidoscope EYES!
Ohhh, look! Something SHINY!
Humula humula!
Ah, if it weren’t for wingnut welfare, Dennis Prager would be blowing Republican state level legislators in filthy subway restrooms.
Thank you Clownhall for employing the mentally ill.
Just you wait until Obama’s vat tax.
Just you wait until Obama’s vat tax.
He’s going to tax vats?
Where the hell are all the mad scientists going to grow their creatures – sandboxes? Tupperware(tm)?
Goddamn anti-mad-scientist socialists.
I keep trying wingnugget, but it never catches on.
It sounds a little too endearing to me, maybe it’s my take on the infantilizing aspect you mention.
“Wingnutbag” is right out, though, because I seem to remember reading that any insult word ending in “-bag” is inherently sexist. Did that make the cut as Official Liberal PC Dogma?
“So what are your thoughts? Which repubs will leave the sinking ship, and which will simply suck up to their new glorious leader?”
Maybe Obama will nominate Snowe to his Cabinet and the Dem gov of Maine will name a Dem to replace her?
First off, who is this Toby Petzold you speak of? I am the official Toby of the intertubes.
And I did just as Saul asked, way back when:
All in all, I marked your words, old buddy.
Maybe Obama will nominate McCain to his Cabinet and the Dem gov of Arizona will name a Dem to replace him. Putting Country First!
Yeah, I wouldn’t have expected that. Good for her…i guess.
Just voted here in rural Georgia (in a church, beneath a giant crucifix, naturally). Place was PACKED at 6:30 a.m., but when I went back at 3 I was in and out in fifteen minutes flat. Hit the liquor store on the way home, so I’m prepared for what may come tonight.
I think I’ll avoid watching the early returns. May tune in to The Daily Show/Colbert special.
+ talk of electoral squeakers in a previous thread
=> Korenwolf.
For a while it was on tap at the Sloany Pony
Just you wait until Obama’s vat tax.
Ayup! There’s trouble a-brewing, to be sure.
“Wingnutbag” is right out, though, because I seem to remember reading that any insult word ending in “-bag” is inherently sexist. Did that make the cut as Official Liberal PC Dogma?
Does this mean I have to make tea using a tea-condom?
There will be brewsed egos tonight.
How about “hyperdextrous pennatesticular?”
Maybe “duodextrotesticular?”
/elitist hyperliterate bastard
I like “wingnutsack”. It just sounds right.
Speaking of things hopey, I got bombardier “satanic mills”. Most people consider it too heavy for a session ale, but tonight is going to be a heavy session.
It is nice to see American politics move on from that mire of stupidity it has been stuck in for a long time. Bout damned time.
I’ve decided to congradulate John McCain and Sarah Palin when they win this election, by shipping them each a box of steaks from my cattle ranch. There both going to love it, premium, high-quality, grass-fed beef straight from a traditional Montana cattle rance. They’ll be enjoying them in the White House on inuagaration day, I presume.
What? You’ve not started drinking yet? Here, this’ll get you in the mood:
(Funny, he doesn’t look Irish.)
I keep trying wingnugget, but it never catches on.
This works for me, because I crudely call the stuff I sift out of the cats’ litter box “buttnuggets.”
Wingnugget = buttnugget & v.v.
There will be brewsed egos tonight.
I think it’ll be peaceful. The lion lying down with the lambic, and all.
Done with work, off to begin my election night bender.
Ale be bock lager…bitter watch out!
Does this mean I have to make tea using a tea-condom?
A tea-condom keeps your tea-sac from releasing teamen into your receptacle.
Yeah, yeah, going to Hell.
This leads inevitably to tea coozies.
Oh, the humanity!
This leads inevitably to tea coozies.
Hey, I got my coozie shot this morning.
I heard that Cheney even made Actor212 apologize. What. A .Dick.
Ich bin ein Berliner…Weiss. Seriously, do we have to apply astringent standard here or should we barrel on? I could cite the circumcision thread(s) with talk of decoctions. And what about Prager the hogshead?
What’s that…I need to say it lauter?
Here’s looking forward the the wingnuttersackoshitbags’ pouring out amazingly large units of bitterness.
I only recently found out (thanks to the wonders of the Interducts) about ‘tea-bagging’. Now you youngsters expect me to forget that and start talking about tea-condoming instead.
I’ve decided to congradulate John McCain and Sarah Palin when they win this election, by shipping them each a box of steaks from my cattle ranch.
Bruce, we have ONE cow and if you lay a hand on Daisy to make your “steaks”, there’ll be real trouble in the Rugged household. Get it through your danged thick head that you and I are dental floss farmers, not frikkin’ cattle ranchers!!!!
I heard that Cheney even made Actor212 apologize. What. A .Dick.
I apologize to no man!
Of course, it was Cheney…*blush*
I got my coozie shot this morning
By a floozie in a jacoozie?
Lemon curry?
By a floozie in a jacoozie?
Nah. I’m too choosy. It made me woozy.
“Said Redskins CB Carlos Rogers of the election, ‘Hey, like a lot of people said, one president gonna stick it up your butt, the other one’s gonna stick it further in the butt, so it don’t matter, man. Whatever happens, happens. That’s something we can’t control.’”
spoken like a man who knows his buttsex. . .
Well as usual I have no earthly idea what you kids are on about now. All I know is it’s past 5 o’clock and the bar’s open. I shall sit here and drum my fingers on the table with one hand and bend my elbow on the other hand as it were with glass firmly clenched until the dang polls start to close and I have something to listen to on the TV set other than Pat Buchanan and Tweety and I don’t know what all.
Hey, like a lot of people said, one president gonna stick it up your butt, the other one’s gonna stick it further in the butt
Is that a racial reference???
I heard that Cheney even made Actor212 apologize. What. A .Dick.
God help me, it took me a minute to get that.
Remember when we had an insane sociopath for a V.P. who’d shoot a man in the face and then require the shootee to apologize? Good times, good times.
So you haven’t seen Pecker then?
but in the end, good triumphs over evil.
Heh, indeed!
I have something to listen to on the TV set other than Pat Buchanan and Tweety
That’s why Goddess made Teh Intertubes. And DVD players.
Pere Ubu: I know, but on this historic wonderful liberating day I cannot tear myself away from MSNBC.
Funny story, as I was leaving the voting booth this morning, there were a group of high school kids standing around holding Obama signs. As I walked by them one of the kids said to me “Obama rules”. I replied to them “So does homework, go home and get started on it.”
I then told them to get off my lawn. They said something about me being “tehh suczorz,” whatever the hell that means.
Naked Politics, as in right-wing tricks exposed.
why is “bag” sexist but “sac” isn’t?
why is “bag” sexist but “sac” isn’t?
Same reason “honky” doesn’t really insult anybody. Ever.
Hey, I got my coozie shot this morning.
Wait! It’s coozie season already?
And in Indiana, Anna, we find that “The removal of two Republican election workers from a Warren Township polling site – for using improper methods to challenge voters’ rights to cast a ballot – has prompted local Republican Party leaders to issue a statement of regret.”
Seems they were issuing challenges based on party affiliation. It’s a good thing the GOP is populated mainly with Bozos. They’re too incompetent to actually steal any votes.
I didn’t see the “statement of regret” but I wonder if wasn’t “we regret we got caught in a lame attempt to steal votes.”
All this talk of coozies and shit makes this old homo uneasy. Hell, I had to reroute my motorcycle trip thius summer around Coos Bay. Couldn’t stand the thought of being in Coos Bay. [shudder]
How’s the election going? Has McCain received a second vote yet besides Truthy’s?
Oh, my, I’m so regretful I missed Glenn Blech today. According to ThinkProgress he had Joe Lieberman on, who predicted “America will not survive” if the Dems get a filibuster-proof margin.
My. I want to see a list of all the times he objected to one-party rule before 2006. Otherwise he can just sit on it and rotate.
Has McCain received a second vote yet besides Truthy’s?
I’d say Palin voted for him, but no, she probably voted for Bob Barr. Or did a write-in for Joe-The-Not-Plumber or something.
There’s probably some guy living in a shotgun shack in Utah who voted for McGrumpy, I think.
William Rusher is still alive?
Lesley said,
November 5, 2008 at 0:45
How’s the election going? Has McCain received a second vote yet besides Truthy’s?
I just voted!
Man, I suck. I’m only gonna get the fun of voting once today…
Has McCain received a second vote yet besides Truthy’s?
Aw, c’mon guys. At least I THINK Cindy and Megan voted for him.
I saw there were big lines before work today, so instead I waited until after.
No line. In fact, I was the only voter while I voted (I did see someone headed in, as I was leaving).
This is downtown Columbus around Franklin University (I’m hoping all those kids had already voted for Obama).
Palin probably wrote in her own name.
At least I THINK Cindy and Megan voted for him.
They probably voted for Barr, too.
D00d should spend a little more time working on how to catch potential game-changing interceptions, imho.
They probably voted for Barr, too.
I bet Cindy voted for Obama: “Call ME a cunt, will you? Fuck you, Grampa, I’m voting for the ni…ice guy.”
Dunno where the Ho is getting these but he keeps sending me weeper stories.. good enough to share.
Dammit, why the fuck do I keep flipping back to even though I know damn well nothing’s changed yet?
It’s like I’m hoping for McCain to just throw up his lil’ flippers and say “The hell with it – I condede!”
PeeJ asked what’s up with your election down there?
The odds favour a centre-right coalition coming together after the election, and a loss for the current centre-left coalition. Here “centre-right” = “somewhere to the left of your Democrats”, and “centre-left” = “somewhere near the European Social Democrats”.
The main centre-right party has been working hard to rebrand themselves as safe, centrist and compassionate. They’ve partly convinced voters that just because they’ve always worsened economic downturns in the past by privatising everything in sight, and cheered on every US military adventure from the side-lines, doesn’t mean they’ll do the same if they get into government this time.
However, a taped conversation has just emerged in which the party’s deputy leader expresses support for McCain over Obama; he worries that an Obama administration would stop invading other countries, leading to a multipolar world, which would somehow leave NZ less secure. The conversation suggests that the leadership is (a) bullshitting about the party’s new brand, and (b) remarkably ill-informed about Obama’s foreign-policy statements.
So the election results are not yet a done deal. Anyway, if we fuck up, at least we only hurt ourselves.
Someone else can probably provide a more cogent analysis.
PeeJ, no fair. I musn’t cry at work.
Peej, The second paragraph cracked me up.
“Inside those cabs, one Democrat and one Republican hitch a ride to one of the 590 precincts in Marion County, where the orange bags will be unzipped and unloaded.
“The old bags couldn’t handle all these ballots,” said Marion County Clerk Beth White.”