Two-Minute Townhall
Shorter Phyllis Schlafly: Only commies and traitors could disagree with some guy’s research vindicating Joe McCarthy.
Shorter Doug Wilson: The fact of the matter is, freedom will die if President Bush’s tax cuts are allowed to expire.
Shorter Star Parker: Upon closer analysis, Fred Thompson’s campaign failed because he just wasn’t conservative enough.
Shorter Matthew Ladner: We’d have better graduates and fewer dropouts if we made students pay their own damn tuition.
Shorter Amy Ridenour: Class-action lawsuit websites are destroying patients’ confidence in their prescription drugs; also, a lot may depend on what the definition of “safe” is.
Shorter Kathryn Jean Lopez: Sure, Barack Obama is charming, but he’s still a baby killer.
Shorter Frank Gaffney: Right-wing Democrats are becoming scarce, with the result being the impoverishment of our politics.
Shorter Dinesh D’Souza: Bush so did not lie, you liars!
Shorter Bert Prelutsky: Back in my day, movies didn’t show homo buttfucking.
Shorter Carol Platt Liebau: All things being equal, I’d rather the Republican nominee be a total asshole.
Shorter Rich Galen: I don’t approve of racial politics, but as a Republican, I’m happy about the South Carolina Democratic Primary.
Shorter Suzanne Fields: Clintons aren’t human beings; they are animals.
that’s one lovely yet crazy-ass scary lineup of screed, although I am still laughing like a fool over the Townhall subhead.
I’d LOL but that is so interweb nerdy, right? 🙂 🙂 🙂
Isn’t there a small asteroid around somewhere with Town Hall’s address on it?
Nope, but they’ve already taken delivery of many large hemorrhoids.
And pardon me for saying this, but isn’t it way the hell past time for a farmhouse to make a 4 pt landing on Phyllis Schlafly?
Maybe a bucket of water would have the same effect…
I am still wondering how Star Parker can get all “stay tough against baby killing” after having four abortions
All things being equal, I’d rather the Republican nominee be a total asshole.
Never fear, Ms. Liebau.
Compared to Bush talking, those people come across as fucking geniuses.
I don’t know how you mods regularly read that crap though. You guys have way more intestinal fortitude than I do. And I live in L.A., and eat burritos regularly; you’d think my intestines could handle anything!
Not only did Bert Prelutsky not like “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” but he expresses surprise that people are murdered in “Sweeny Todd.” That is the kind of insight and grasp of reality that we’ve come to expect from the Townhall Crowd.
Carol Platt Lebau looks even more melanin-deficient than your average Republican voter. There, I said it.
Is it just me, or does Carol Platt Liebau’s ClownHall pic bear a strong resemblance to The Joker?
I don’t know how you mods regularly read that crap though.
No, I am not in any way connected to this website, but I do the same thing, with more of an emphasis on Middle Eastern issues (FrontPageMag, Arutz Sheva, DhiminiWatch, Gamla, LGF, &c.). Frankly it is a lot of fun to see what the opposition is saying and then punch holes all through it.
The one interesting thing is that it totally validates our – as in the far Left’s – positions. For example, I was active with our local “Transform Columbus Day” protests – – and while the organized right-wing media denied a racist, anti-Native American spin, if you went to Free Republic and read the comments there, it completely validated out position that Columbus Day – at least here in Denver – has become a barely veiled white supremacist event.
On closer inspection I see that Carol Platt Liebau has recently escaped from a Marshall’s display window, and is most likely being held hostage by a crazed wingnut writer who is using her identity as a pen name. God only knows what he is doing to her.
“Right-wing Democrats are becoming scarce, with the result being the impoverishment of our politics.”
Gaffney hasn’t been paying attention. Earth to Frank, haven’t you heard, liberals have jumped the shark and are now fire breathing fascists. We are now officially bigger ass-kickers than pussy conservatives.
I’m happy to say I’ve never heard of any of these schlubs except for the Dragon Lady Schlafly. Interesting that she is joining the McCarthy revisionists. McC’s right hand man was Roy Cohn, who was as gay as Schlafly’s son.
Hey, maybe that should be the title for a rebuttal book to Liberal Fascists. Not Conservative Communists. But Conservative Queers.
Schlafly herself, I can see her sucking plenty of fish…plus she carries teh gay gene!
Bert deserves some credit for writing about movies from the very start of his column to the very bottom.
KayLow sez:
They hate the dirty tactics of the Clinton campaign against him — using his middle name, Hussein, against him; whispering untrue rumors about his past; trying to hang him on confessions about his past.
Isn’t that what the Republicans were doing?
And will no doubt being again in a couple of months, should Obama win the nomination?
the very start of his column to the very bottom.
Otherwise known as top to finish.
Righteous Bubba said,
January 29, 2008 at 6:21
the very start of his column to the very bottom.
Otherwise known as top to finish.
Soup to nutz.
I was trudging through the ruins of Ye Old Internet, and I happened to stumble upon this. It’s sorta cool taking a look at old stuff like this. It’s also good that you guys have been hating on Sowell for at least the last 5 and a half years.
Shorter entire Clown-Hall: Dave Matthews is so much more relevant than the Clash!
Someone on the last thread commented, incredulously, on the Unitard’s touting of our exports, and wanted to know WTF we export.
Dollars, silly.
OT, but, I saw that during the SOTU speech tonight, Bush mentioned that he was very upset at the results of the primaries on Saturday. Specifically, he doesn’t think that Miss Michigan is qualified to run the country for the next four years.
Virgin Ben ? Ou est mon Virgin Ben ???
Shorter SOTU address:
“Suck it, bitches!”
Someone on the last thread commented, incredulously, on the Unitard’s touting of our exports, and wanted to know WTF we export. … Dollars, silly.
That was me, and of course you’re right. Realistically however, that particular export is losing its marketability today. Now that Russia, Venezuela and Iran have allowed for non-dollar denominated oil exports; much of the developing world has rejected the IMF & World Bank (which operates exclusively through dollars); and our own reductions of the interest rate (which directly leads to inflation as we have far too many dollars circulating in the global financial system); the market for this most important of exports is collapsing quickly. The real issue now is who is going to get caught holding too many dollars, thus you see all the major dollar-holding states using their sovereign wealth (state controlled) funds to buy up tangible property in the US and other dollar denominated economies (like Belize).
I’m happy to say I’ve never heard of any of these schlubs except for the Dragon Lady Schlafly. Interesting that she is joining the McCarthy revisionists.
But. . . but. . . but Jonah Goldberg says McCarthy was a liberal! So–why are conservatives defending him?????????????????????????????????????????????????????
We’d have no dropouts at all if we disappeared kids who fail.
“And pardon me for saying this, but isn’t it way the hell past time for a farmhouse to make a 4 pt landing on Phyllis Schlafly?”
She’d just wear the farmhouse as part of her hair-do. Never knew what hit her…
o/t, Good take down of Jonah in slate:
particularly liked:
Liberal Fascism, then, is a howl of rage disguised as intellectual history. Some mean liberals called Goldberg hurtful names, so he’s responding with 400 pages that boil down to: I know you are, but what am I?
Virgin Ben was on Thom Hartmann last week. Amazing that that kid went to Harvard Law with his concept of American history. Appalling assumptions of what simply isn’t true fill his conversation. I couldn’t imagine how Thom could keep a straight face.
Ladies and gentlemen, the nostalgic stylings of Burt Prelutsky:
Thank blog that’s the last line of his column. I totally do not want an explanation.
Also, scientists and other smart people.
No! I’m still here!
Oh, wait…
Someone on the last thread commented, incredulously, on the Unitard’s touting of our exports, and wanted to know WTF we export.
Just like Jesus wanted.
I’d like to report a typo.
Shouldn’t that be Clownhall instead of Townhall???
(I know, I know, this joke has probably been made thousands of times already, but I can’t help but be reminded of some twisted, warped Twilight Zone town whenver I see their website name…a town filled with Killer Klowns).
Neil Stevens or RedState is God !!!
Well, not really.
You guys have been busy. And talking the WH into letting you take over this week’s Ask the White House is genius. Pure Comedy Gold.
I love the format, you guys ask the questions and the preznit gets to answer the question. Himself. Cool.
…I did not want to distract from the delicate political process that is now moving forward, and therefore on my trip I spent time with the leaders of the Middle East, strategizing on how best to help the Lebanese solve their problem of Syrian involvement and secure their own democracy.
…As for the U.S. doing business in the Gulf states, I support open and fair trade and investment. I also understand why the Gulf states would want to develop civilian nuclear power, it is a much more cost effective way to desalinate the water. After all, water is a precious commodity for these countries. Thanks for your question.
…Thank you for your questions. It’s been my honor to answer some of them. No question we’ve had a great trip — but it’s also no question I’m happy to get home. I’m looking forward to seeing Laura and Barney and Beazley and the Kitty. After all, there’s no better place to lay your head than in your own bed with people you love.
I find myself longing for the good old days when… a guy could be humiliated and still keep his pants on.
Don’t worry, it’s still possible, although the hourly rate is generally higher.
Not only did Bert Prelutsky not like “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” but he expresses surprise that people are murdered in “Sweeny Todd.”
This is “Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street”, yah? Paean to a serial killer?
What the buggeryfuck does he expect, sugared ponies? Jeebus, he makes me feel like I’m a cranky old man.
[…] Very true. We are compelled to point out Jeffrey Dahmer had a soft side, too. H/T: Sadly, No! […]
From the end of obsoleziphelicopter’s link:
After all, there’s no better place to lay your head than in your own bed with people you love.
~ George W. Bush
How many people, exactly?
Does Bert Prelutsky ever say anything else?
Wait, hang on, he hated “The Diving Bell and the Butterfly” based solely on its premise? What the fuck?
,i>The truth is, after wasting 20 minutes trying to figure out what the heck Depp and Helena Bonham Carter were saying and singing, I simply threw in the towel.
Ehh? Ehhhhh??? SPEAK LOUDER PLEASE! Bahh, you kids!
I hope he literally threw a towel at the screen. Also, I like to imagine that he had an ear horn.
Dinesh has the newest, greatest defense of Bush/Cheney’s lies about WMDs: the Nazis weren’t actually close to making an A-bomb, but we built one anyway! So there, Bush was right even if he was wrong! With his usual total blindness to the implications of his argument, Dinesh doesn’t consider that if FDR hadn’t pushed us to make the first atomic weapons, the world might be a safer place today. So being wrong about your enemy’s weapons research has terrible consequences. Get it, Dinesh? You’ve grafted the scourge of nuclear weapons onto the stupidity of unprovoked war and made Bush look worse. Go collect your check, idiot.
SOTU? Don’t you mean STFU?
pedestrian said… From the end of obsoleziphelicopter’s link:
After all, there’s no better place to lay your head than in your own bed with people you love.
~ George W. Bush
How many people, exactly?
Did you notice that most of the names he listed were those of animals?
I want to get paid to make up crazy stuff like D’inesh. Although if you substituted “yeti” for “nuclear program” and “me and my hunting buddies” for “Bush,” it makes perfect sense.
“Maybe the point of [Daniel Day Lewis’] homage [to John Huston] was that whether a man’s insatiable greed is for water or oil, he will inevitably wind up with the exact same voice.”
I love reviews written by senile old cranks.
“Another problem I had with the movie is that it’s extremely dark. I don’t mean its subject matter, I mean its lack of illumination. It’s one thing when the action, such as it is, takes place below ground level, but even after the villain is very rich and living in a mansion, it appears that he can’t afford anything but 20 watt bulbs.”
Someone please revoke this man’s right to go to movies. Evidence again that wingers serve only to ruin EVERTYHING,
I love that Bert Prelutsky, in his rant about how homo-butt-rape is dominating the movies nowadays, lists five movies, including Deliverance. Which was made in 1972. So he’s basically complaining about an average of homo-rape movies of about one every seven years.
That list is what the army calls a target rich environment. I thought Schlaflys’ head exploded a couple of years ago. Didn’t realize that vicious bitch was still with us.
Ehh? Ehhhhh??? SPEAK LOUDER PLEASE! Bahh, you kids! … I like to imagine that he had an ear horn.
pedestrian: I was thinking the exact same thing—also picturing him with a white pointy beard that comes down to his knees, wearing a ratty Homberg and hobbling around with a crooked cane. I think I’m remembering a pervy old coot from the way-old “Katzenjammer Kids” comic strip. I’d Google it but I can’t find my reading spectacles. Oh wait, here they are on top of my head. Now, what was I going to do?
Almost sounds like a plot to a bad 80’s romantic comedy.
You mean a movie about a serial killer has murder scenes?!?! zOMFGBBQBUSCUIT! What is this world coming to?!!11oneone1
“I was always struck by the fact that my readers would insist that I never liked movies, even after I’d just written a rave about, say, “The Apartment” or “Some Like It Hot” … To tell you the truth, I find myself longing for the good old days when every movie didn’t last close to three hours and a guy could be humiliated and still keep his pants on.”
OK, has he actually ever seen Some Like it Hot?
No, he hated it based solely on it being French.
regd bad movie: cue Mickey Thomas / Grace Slick:
“And we can build this dream together,
Standing strong forever
Nothing’s gonna stop us now…”
i wish i was in the Airplane Demographic rather than Starship…
Hey, maybe that should be the title for a rebuttal book to Liberal Fascists… Conservative Queers.
Great idea, but can I suggest a better name: “Conservative Closetboys”???
I love Schlafly’s logic — Hoover’s FBI suspected someone was a communist, so they must have been, and McCarthy was right! Yeah, hell of a track record there.
Does that book vindicate the fact that McCarthy campaigned as “Tail-Gunner Joe” who’d been on 30 bombing raids in WWII when the real total was zero? Or are the Air Force records part of the evil liberal historian-journalist-military conspiracy?
I find myself longing for the good old days when… a guy could be humiliated and still keep his pants on.
Senator Vitter has a nice lead on places where you can be humiliated with your diapers on, if that’s close enough for you. He’s a good ol’ fashioned family-values conservative, too! Just ask his pimps for a letter of recommendation.
I’m still wondering why newspapers haven’t dropped Super Star en masse, or why her and her wingnut welfare front group (Urban CURE) haven’t been properly labeled as a hate group.
The woman sounds like your garden variety I’m-being-vague-about-how-much-I-hate-gay-people pundit hack, which is cause enough to be dropped from Op/Eds around the country, but when she actually speaks in public is when the crazy really comes out. No lie- the woman wants to put gays in internment camps for “curing.” Again, no lie. This is what she believes. This is what she preaches. This is what she says at various wingnut forums when she thinks moderate America isn’t listening.
That this woman is offered the blessing of mainstream punditry is unacceptible. We can totes LOL at the Pantload’s nonsense, but Star Parker is *dangerous*.
Ahh, classic Sowell.
We drive on parkways but park on driveways. Language is funny like that. You can learn language in school. If only the liberals would let you learn language at school. Ted Kennedy is a drunk. Klinton Klinton Klinton!
The man is just not really there.
Suzanne Fields? I bet Totie Fields was a better and more incisive political observer.
Liberals can’t be fascists. It’d be impossible to get a consensus on a shirt color.
Carole Platt Liebeau:
And here I thought that civility was a first principle of the right! It’s almost as if they’re dissembling about that!
As Smiling Mortician notes above, Prelutsky says:
I find myself longing for the good old days when every movie didn’t last close to three hours
This is actually a sentiment I can get behind. It seems that every noteworthy film nowadays is so bloated with ambition and a sense of its own importance that it can’t possibly tell its story in the traditional two hours. I don’t know about you, but my back and kidneys aren’t what they used to be. If you need three hours to say what you’re gonna say, give us a fucking intermission please.
You’d think I’d learn. Every time S,N! does a Two-Minute Townhall, I click through to a couple, thinking “Well, they can’t possibly be that bad.” Being fans of irony, you all probably already know what happened next.
(Prelutzky actually tosses off a reference to the O.J. Simpson trial, just to show that he’s really with it. He and Oven Mitt should go on tour together.)
D’souza’s argument is that Bush didn’t lie, because he would have been afraid of being caught. Flawless logic! Likewise, Ponzi didn’t lie, because he was also afraid of being caught.
Ooh man, just got a whiff of that Prelutzky stuff. Yikes.
Theme of No Country for Old Men: Evil generally endures.
Theme of pretty much half the books ever written: Evil generally endures.
Makes no sense at all? WARNING: SPOILERS.
An oil prospector semi-cheats a family out of their land, builds some rigs, fights with the family’s son (he’s a preacher), gets rich, disowns his adopted son for competing with him, then kills the preacher in a crazy rage. Then the credits roll.
How, exactly, did this movie not make any sense?
And what’s with airline peanuts these days?
Star Parker is dead on! I thought Fred didn’t conserve anywhere near enough energy for the long haul. If he didn’t get all tuckered out in South Carolina I bet he would have had enough left in the tank so that he could have dropped out in FL.
Prelutzky actually tosses off a reference to the O.J. Simpson trial, just to show that he’s really with it.
It was probably the most up-to-date reference in a column full of lame name-dropping indicating that he was reviewing movies sometime before Edison invented them. I can only assume O.J. is his last coherent memory.
Seriously, Some Like It Hot? Someone who reviewed Some Like It Hot is still alive and giving his opinions on things? Isn’t that sort of astounding? It’s like reading a column on the troop surge from someone who fought in the Spanish American War.
Shorter Prelutsky: Man Washing Horse was a full eight minutes long! That is far too long for a moving picture feature. What will happen to the cinema next? Moving pictures that talk?… and *gasp* in full color?!
What is Bert on about? He says there was little man love in his first 25 years. Then, in order to prop up a Strawman he goes back *36* years in order to introduce Deliverance into the mix, he goes back 17 years for Prince of Tides. And then it’s 94, 2003, 2007. Yup, sounds like a trend to me.
Umm,guys? D over at Lawyers Guns and Money has a little Jonah related surprise you’re gonna just adore…..
Shorter Prelutsky: Man Washing Horse was a full eight minutes long! That is far too long for a moving picture feature. What will happen to the cinema next? Moving pictures that talk?… and *gasp* in full color?!
Additionally, I must protest the shocking and disturbing realism of the new French film, The Arrival of the Mail Train! My fellow theatergoers and I ran terrified from the theater as the train approached! Of course, the manager (an immigrant of Mediterranean extraction, if you catch my meaning) refused our demands to refund the exorbitant admittance fee of one penny! And not a phosphate in sight to calm the disquietude of my humors!
Ok,I’m gonna try to give you a link(again),because it’s truly fucking precious…
Right-wing Democrats are becoming scarce, with the result being the impoverishment of our politics.
In other news, stem cell research received a shot in the arm when Joe Lieberman was kidnapped by the Mengele Brothers for cloning purposes…
Off topic, but I now understand why Cheetos are the weapon of choice for wingnuts – You see?
Re: DN Nation as movie critic
I think There Will Be Blood was making a larger point about the origins of the American versions of religious fervor, energy development and the nexus between rampant capitalism and religion among other things. Simply viewing the movie as a sordid little tale of small scale greed and violence I think misses the point a bit. It is drawn from “Oil!” by Upton Sinclair.
As for “No Country” are you making the point that books about evil enduring have no point? Or that we know this and the point does not need to be made? As a meditiation on the nature of evil, godlessness and the randomness of the universe, I think the movie was well done. A lot of McCarthy’s work is like this. Probably best if you avoid The Road, friendo.
To tell you the truth, I find myself longing for the good old days when every movie didn’t last close to three hours
Yeah, why can’t they make zippy little films like Lawrence of Arabia or Doctor Zhivago these days?
Shorter President Bush final SOTU:
“…the war situation has developed not necessarily to
Japan’sAmerica’s advantage, while the general trends of the world have all turned against her interest.”That’s the first and dear god I hope last time I read that Butt Postloonie wanker.
But that (delayed) fuck was a. consensual and b. only implied.
Or maybe you mean the thing about pants.
He proves that the wingers general non-grasp of things metaphorical extends to the visual realm. As far as irony goes, look at his picture then read : W. Burt Prelutsky is an accomplished, well-rounded writer
Thank you Buttboy, thank you.
Bert deserves some credit for writing about movies from the very start of his column to the very bottom.
And he stayed within the lines when he colored in the illustrations.
I find myself longing for the good old days when every movie didn’t last close to three hours
“Good old days” = “before 1922”, when Fritz Lang brought us 5 hours of brilliance in the form of “Dr Mabuse the Gambler”.
Two minutes for Townhall is two minutes of my life that I’ll never get back.
Well, of course. I was merely responding to Burt acting like he had no clue what was going on. For the record:
– Me, written somewhere else. Additionally for the record, I loved TWBB.
Neither. My point was Burt whining about NCFOM’s violence and dark message was wholly moronic, seeing how similar themes are everywhere.
Agreed. My second-favorite of the year. Well, maybe third…Zodiac was also solid.
(Reading my post twice might have saved you all this hassle.)
Whatever you think of this analysis, there is no evidence that Bush made his decision about the Iraq war in bad faith.
When he says “no evidence” I’m pretty sure he means “I have my head stuck so far up my ass I can’t see the mountain of evidence. Since this is the standard of proof Bush used for the war, it’s good for this article.”
I find myself longing for the good old days when every thread didn’t last close to 200 comments.
Before I became aware of Bert Prelutsky, I thought Grandpa Simpson was an over-the-top parody of a certain kind of alter-kocker. Now I know that Grandpa Simpson is actually underplayed.
Does Burt Prelutsky wear an onion in his belt?
Shorter Carol Platt Liebau: All things being equal, I’d rather the Republican nominee be a total asshole.
When Democrats say things like this, we get slimed on the so-called-liberal media as unhinged. Yet, IOKIYAR I guess?
Kinda like how there was a phase when everyone was all aghast at how 527s, etc., were shifting the Dem. party to the left but everyone seemed to have forgotten that a similar thing occured in the GOP, and that “Club for Growth” didn’t kill the GOP.
Don’tcha just lurve you some “librul media”?
Apologies. I didn’t read all of the town hall gibberish. It looked like you were setting off his quotes and then making some separate related point, rather than doing your own “shorter” version of the town hall comments. The digressions in these threads often move away from the source material and become their own subject. See yesterday’s thread on supersonic bombers…
Butt whatshisname:
Didn’t he learn anything from Larry C? Like, that most of the communication in “such places” is non-verbal. Toe-tapping and the like,
Anton- Just messin with ya.
scenes taking place in public restrooms had become commonplace.
“Fuck him, I thought. With a bit of luck, it’ll ruin his life–forever thinking that just behind some narrow door in all his favorite bars, men in red Pendleton shirts are getting incredible kicks from things he’ll never know. Would he dare to suck a sleeve? Probably not. Play it safe.”
“Fuck him, I thought. With a bit of luck, it’ll ruin his life…”
Ah, how I miss the good Doctor.
There’s really only one shorter Phyllis Schlafly.
“Hi…I’m an old whore whose dessicated cunt dried out so long ago that the Sahara was still lush forest.”
The amazing thing about Burt Pretlutsky, is that he is a WGA TV writer with credits from M*A*S*H, Mary Tyler Moore, Family Ties, The Rockford Files, and Rhoda, (and the god awful Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman and the like) but not really the usual bad TV fare. That he managed to get these telescripts shot, only mystifies me more to his incredible stupid, simplistic, inane, and out right wrong movie reviews and his lack of understanding film, drama, and media in general. Truly bizarre.