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The Once And Future Yoshida
We subscribe to a few right-wing news services, via email and RSS, but mostly use them for background. That is, the daily parade of teh stupid is usually so consistent that it hardly seems worth posting about Outrage #10,052 of Type F, subclass B, when a dozen more items will have flown past in the […]
Yoshida Watch ’06
How long will it be until Adam Yoshida calls for the nuclear annihilation of Lebanon? Honestly, we’ll probably forget to check. And then we’ll find a month from now that he also recommended, in that artificial policy-wonk tone for which he’s so justly known, the mass disembowelment and gibbeting of all non-Republican life forms and […]
Yoshida Battles the Red Kim-bots
BWWWAAAAAH-HAAAAA-HAAAAAA!11!!!!111! Gavin adds: Graphic by the indefatigable Salvage:
And Now, Your Adam Yoshida Moment of Zen
Feel the love pumping right from Adam Yoshida’s groin heart: It may not be a popular or politically correct thing to say – though I’ve never courted popularity or embraced political correctness – but the editors and reporters at the New York Times ought to go to be put to death for their crimes against […]
Adam Yoshida’s Triumphant Return
After a two-month hiatus, Adam Yoshida has returned with an eloquent and well-reasoned essay simply called “Nuke Iran.” Let’s check it out: Nuke Iran We are now rapidly approaching the moment that many of us have long feared. Notice how he said that many of us feared it, not all of us. It’s an important […]
Yoshi’s Manifest Density (Or: “Vi-vaaaaa Yoshida!”)
First of all, let’s congratulate the winner of yesterday’s Renew America Bachelor Pageant, Judson Cox! SC of The Girl Gets Away has graciously volunteered to take my place as Judson’s date. Judson, what do ya have to say to the lucky lady? “When have you seen a major movie about the evils of the abortion […]
Shorter Adam Yoshida
The “Plamegate” Nonsense Valerie Plame is a slut. Want something even better? It’s YoshiRadio?! (4 minutes of Adam’s analysis of the Canadian elections, converted to MP3 from Adam’s original WAV file by your faithful servants, 1.5MB file.)
Readers of Sadly, No!: Adam Yoshida needs your help!
Adam has an idea that’s so crazy, it might just work: What I propose is this, in the near future, representatives of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand should be invited to Washington […] to develop and sign a treaty which provides for a formal Alliance between these countries and […]
That would make Adam Yoshida the second dumbest Canadian
David Frum, the Robin to Richard Perle’s Batman, offers this most interesting observation: The US did not in fact assassinate Salvador Allende, or even have a hand in his overthrow ? but if it did… When you’re busy writing a book, as Mr. Frum recently was, you stop having time to read the newspaper it […]
As a German might say: “hello all together” It’s hard even for us to remember, but the very first sign of life of this blog was in July 2003, when we linked to one Ezra Levant, who had asked “Would a U.S. occupation show that France and Germany continued to help Saddam with his weapons […]