Adam Yoshida’s Triumphant Return

After a two-month hiatus, Adam Yoshida has returned with an eloquent and well-reasoned essay simply called “Nuke Iran.” Let’s check it out:


Nuke Iran

We are now rapidly approaching the moment that many of us have long feared.

Notice how he said that many of us feared it, not all of us. It’s an important distinction, ’cause for some people, the thought of nuking Iran is like popping a whole bottle of radioactive viagra:

Either we accept the acquisition of nuclear weapons by a maniac state which will almost certainly use them against Israel (and probably the United States as well), setting off a nuclear exchange which will kill millions of people or we launch a pre-emptive strike of our own – for which we will face certain retaliation and probable economic losses – and do so using all the means at our disposal, including nuclear arms.

I also hear the Iranians have an army of level-5 rock trolls and level-7 pyrolisks, which are immune to nuclear weapons. Either way, they’re gonna be tough to beat.

Before us – the people of the free world – is a choice. Do we choose to live the rest of our lives in fear? Do we even, as some are sure to propose, commit an act of evil so great as to demand that six million Jews – and millions of free Arabs – either die, abandon their homes, or live under the rule of theocratic madmen? Do we want to live in a world where a nuclear Iran, shielded by its missiles and its nuclear bombs, routinely commits and supports Islamic atrocities?

Calm down, Adam. John Negroponte, who isn’t exactly a hippie-dippy left-winger, says Iran is 4-9 years away from having a nuclear weapon. There is still plenty of time to work this out without dropping nuclear weapons on the Iranians. Just take that bucket of ice and pour it right down your shorts.

Further, I put it to you that we cannot even, were we to abandon those who surely lie under the shadow of the Iranian bomb, rely upon deterrence to prevent attacks upon our own homes. In this era of weakness, do you believe that most Western leaders would have the will to properly retaliate for a nuclear attack which, say, killed half a million New Yorkers?

I’m not saying that we wouldn’t use nuclear weapons in response to a nuclear attack – we surely would. But would we use them against targets sufficient to deter such an attack? It would be one thing for Iran to launch a nuclear attack in the certainty that, in response, the United States would wipe Tehran and a hundred other Iranian cities off the face of the Earth. But I – and I suspect the Iranian leadership as well – tend to believe that our people and our politicians are too weak to inflict such deserved punishment upon our enemies.

Adam. Jesus Christ. The Iranians are not crazy enough to drop a nuclear weapon on New York. They know that such an action would effectively end their regime. The reason we have to fear a nuclear Iran is primarily because:

a.) It will give them disproportionate influnce in the region, particularly in Iraq.

b.) It will likely set off an arms race in the Middle East, with Saudi Arabia and Egypt the most likely contenders to go nuclear.

They are not crazy enough to launch a goddamn nuclear strike on New York. I repeat: take that tray of ice and shove it down your pants.

Instead, I tend to think that they’d dither and then finally launch a nuclear response against the military of the enemy. What we face here is the real possibility of asymmetrical nuclear warfare, with our enemies perfectly willing to kill millions of civilians and our leaders unwilling to respond in kind.

Perhaps the above isn’t true of President Bush – I don’t believe that it is – but it certainly will be true of future leaders.

I can’t tell you how comforting it feels to have a president that, per Adam, is “perfectly willing to kill millions of civilians.” I worry about the future, when we won’t have a genocidal maniac calling the shots.

It would even be true of many possible ostensibly ‘conservative’ American leaders. The primal call for an eye for an eye seems to have slipped from the minds of the Western elite.

It’s true: most Western leaders are not, in fact, totally fucking insane. This is why Adam wants G-Dubs to nuke Iran while he has the chance. Who knows when we crazy Americans might elect somebody rational!

And, I would note, the above assumes some degree of rationality on the part of the leaders of our enemies. Iran’s President Ahmadinejad, on the other hand, appears, like most Islamist leaders, to be a wild-eyed, raving, lunatic who believes that he’s some kind of Islamic spiritual figure – the Persian edition of Martin Sheen’s character in The Dead Zone, who launches a sudden and senseless nuclear attack simply to “fulfill his destiny.� The idea of a man who sees visions of divine lights and is actively and openly preparing for the arrival of the “12th Mahdi� with control of nuclear weapons and a global terror network is the stuff of nightmares.

Or in Adam’s case, sultry wet dreams.

More to the point: no Islamist leader can be trusted with the bomb. Frankly, I’d be more comfortable if no Islamic nation (including Pakistan – and hopefully someday India will do something about that) had nuclear weapons.


Perhaps there are trustworthy Moslem leaders in the world but, at this point in time, allowing them to possess nuclear arms is something akin to handing out Assault Rifles to escaped mental patients.

I’m sorry the Candian governmment turned down your gun permit application, Adam (or as you were formerly known, “Patient 843 from Cell Block C”).

Some will say that there’s nothing to be done about Iran’s acquisition of nuclear arms – that the military options are all unworkable. I don’t believe that to be even remotely true. Certainly, the conventional military options are limited and it is equally true that a strike is likely to miss some facilities. As well, Iran is sure to retaliate by launching terrorist attacks against the Israel and the West and to stir up trouble in Iraq. We know all of that to be true.

However, we still possess the capability to strike. Indeed, in contemplating action against Iran we ought to recall an old phrase – “Shock and Awe.� What we saw over Baghdad in 2003 was far from what the inventors of that phrase envisioned. What happened in 2003 was a limited air campaign designed to minimize casualties in the part of the enemy. What is needed in 2006 is an all-out air campaign designed to utterly devastate Iranian military and industrial capacity.

I agree, and that’s the #1 why the Iraq war’s been such a failure- we’ve failed to kill an adequate number of people.

As well, I think that we need to strongly consider the use of nuclear arms against Iranian targets. A lot of these facilities are certain to be deeply buried and heavily defended. They need to be totally destroyed as quickly as possible. In order to make that happen, there’s only one option: ground-penetrating free fall nuclear bombs.

Of course, once the decision to use nuclear weapons in any capacity has been taken, there’s no real reason to limit their use. One nuclear attack and fifty are going to have pretty much the same effect in American and global public opinion (so long, of course, as we don’t blow up Tehran or a major city). If we’re going to use nuclear weapons to destroy Iranian underground nuclear research and development sites, they might as well be used to destroy Iranian missile bases, airfields, and other vulnerable installations set out in the open.

Heck, we can even use ’em to kill lawn weeds and escaped zoo animals.

It would probably also be safer to use them against chemical and biological research facilities. Depending upon the shape of the events that followed, it might also be worth using them against Iranians ground forces in the field, assuming that they’re clear of densely populated areas.

Ah c’mon, Adam. You should use them especially if they’re in densely populated areas. You don’t want the Persians thinking you’re weak, do you?

Such an attack would have to be larger in scale that the 1981 operation by Israel against Iraq not only on account of the size and sophistication of Iran’s program, but also because of the obvious need to neutralize the major economic threat posed by Iran – their ability to disrupt shipping in the Persian Gulf.

Hey, y’know what would really disrupt shipping in the Persian Gulf? The widespread use of nuclear weapons on Iran. Just sayin’.

It would make sense if, at the same time as the air attack is launched, the US Navy destroyed every single ship in Iran’s Navy along with Iran’s coastal missile batteries and paramilitary forces capable of operating on the water.

Or they could hire an elf mage to cast a level-12 frost spell and freeze the entire Persian Gulf. Of course, that’d disrupt shipping pretty bad too. I guess this is why Adam is the super-cool military stragerist, and I’m just schmuck who makes fun of the super-cool military strategerist.


Comments: 286


I love his sauces!


As far as I know, Iran cant *get* a nuclear missile to us. the best range they have is western europe. but i’m not an expert military strategerist, either.


Let me see if I get this right – Iran might, at some point, use a nuclear weapon and that would be bad because nuclear weapons are bad. So, to prevent that, we should use a nuclear weapon, which would be good, because America rules, bitches! Got it. Oh, and wouldn’t a nuclear blast be a *bad* way to neutralize a chemical or biological weapon facility?


Oh, and wouldn’t a nuclear blast be a *bad* way to neutralize a chemical or biological weapon facility?

Not if you nuke the fallout debris. Aaaaaah, didn’t think of that, did ya?!


So we are losing to Canada in both the Pension Filching Televangelist and the Genocidal Wingnuts categories?

It’s a sad day.


It took him two months to write this because his keepers kept retightening the bindings of his straitjacket and knocking the crayon out from between his toes.


Shorter Yoda:

Nuking brown people = Good.


That was chuckalicious.


Christ on a bike.

“In this era of weakness, do you believe that most Western leaders would have the will to properly retaliate for a nuclear attack which, say, killed half a million New Yorkers?”

Um, Adam. In this era of weakness, Western leaders invaded and occupied two countries in response for an attack by a non-state organisation which killed 3,000 people. Of course they’d fucking retaliate you fucking psycho. Even those surrender monkeys in France sent paratroopers into Cote d’Ivoire when it was looking a bit dicey for some expats.

“Do we want to live in a world where a nuclear Iran, shielded by its missiles and its nuclear bombs, routinely commits and supports Islamic atrocities?”

No, we want to live in a world where Israelis and everyone else downwind of Iran have to live underground and eat only food imported from the other side of the world. For fuck’s sake.


That is one of the most frothingly bug-fcking insane examples of delusional chop-logic I’ve ever seen. I’ve had sweat-drenched fever dreams that were more sound.


Yodel’s got comments again.

…uh, yay, I guess.


I know the trolls will eat me for this, but I worry about the safety of the Iranians. This doesn’t mean I agree with the Iranian government, but I don’t want to kill millions of people just because of jerks in charge. I guess that makes me pro-terrorist.


The really sad thing is you can take this back-bacon-eatin’ yay-hoo’s rant, remove his byline and insert the name of practically ANYONE who supports military action against Iran. They’re all saying basically the same thing: “Iran may get nukes sometime in the future, they don’t like Israel and I’m very, very scared, so we should nuke Iran first. No, we’d still be the good guys.”

Sheesh. Doesn’t this kid live in British Columbia? Isn’t he aware that therein lies some of the ickiest of the sticky? Do I need to make a pot joke based on today’s date? I do hate to sound like the stoner stereotype I am, but man…Adam needs to burn one down with me, seriously.


My fave is “hey we’d use it under these other circumstances, why not now? also, wouldn’t it be awesome if the Indians nuked the pakistanis? Wouldn’t that help us out? I mean the Dell call-center is bound to be collateral damage, right?”



Of course, once the decision to use nuclear weapons in any capacity has been taken, there’s no real reason to limit their use.

Best. Wingnuttery. Ever. (Today.)

confused canuck

Oh dear. It would seem, we in the “few acres of snow”, have a great deal to apologize for. Aimee Semple Macpherson, Father Coughlin, Celine Dion, and Mark Steyn. I can’t remember or think of any more, although I am certain the list is much longer. And Lo! Adam Yoshida’s name led all the rest. I humbly apologize.
At least we can share Neil Young


Oh dear. It would seem, we in the “few acres of snow”, have a great deal to apologize for. Aimee Semple Macpherson, Father Coughlin, Celine Dion, and Mark Steyn.

Nickelback. Nickelback. Nickelback. Apologize, you bastard.


Adam become Death, destroyer of the worlds!


Of course, once the decision to use nuclear weapons in any capacity has been taken, there’s no real reason to limit their use.

Best. Wingnuttery. Ever. (Today.)

I would agree that it is absolutely hilarious but scary in that there’s enough people out there (including our beloved Gary) who think this is RATIONAL.


Adam makes a lot of good points here.

When it comes to Iran, if nuking Iran is the only way to stop it from using nukes, then that is a route which we should go on.

The fact is that the Iranian government is under the influence of an insane death cult and they think that nuking America is a good idea. After all, to them, it’s not a big deal to kill non-Muslims.

They’re under the impression that the entire world should be converted to Islam by force.

Barring a miracle, we will need to take military action against Iran.


Why does a picture of Gavin have the backdrop of a computer creating this very post??

Hmmm??? Brad??


The fact is that the American government is under the influence of an insane death cult and they think that nuking Iran is a good idea. After all, to them, it’s not a big deal to kill non-Christians.

They’re under the impression that the entire world should be converted to Christianity by force.

Hey, I found a way to make Gary make sense!


At least we can share Neil Young

And four-fifths of The Band, even if Robbie Robertson is a cobag amongst cobags. And maybe Hank Snow.

Barring a miracle, we will need to take military action against Iran.

What do you mean “we”, pale face? What sort of action will you, personally, be taking against Iran? You wanna smoke a bowl with my, Gary?

confused canuck

Brad R.

Nickleback? Um, i’m 62, and the only nickles I know about are in my pocket.
Are they a particularily egregious rock band? Perhaps my now legally deaf daughter would know.


Are they a particularily egregious rock band?

Yes. Second only to Creed.

(I hereby apologize for Creed, by the way. And Leonard Cohen is a very good Canadian entertainer too, FYI.)


The fact that you would compare Christianity to Islam shows your delusion.

Christianity is a religion of love and peace.

Islam is a religion of war and impulse


Britney Spears? The View? FoxNews? The GOP?

Buffalo, New York?!!

Canadians don’t have to apologise for anything…well, maybe for those awful cold fronts in December. And Pamela Anderson’s right implant.


One nuclear bomb…50 nuclear bombs…It’s all the same. Fuck it. We’re not going to hit near any of the oil fields though, right?

And Brad, did Adam really say, “They are not crazy enough to launch a goddamn nuclear strike on New York. I repeat: take that tray of ice and shove it down your pants,” because that seemed a little out of character to me. (Apologies if this is some cutting edge blogging technique where commentary is interspersed with block quotes.)


The fact that you would compare Christianity to Islam shows your delusion.
Christianity is a religion of love and peace.

Errr, yeah Gary, that’s why Christians killed 15 million people in the first world war. Then, just to prove how loving and peaceful we were, we fought a second one with three times as many casualties.


“that’s why Christians killed 15 million people in the first world war”

World War I was not a war to spread Christianity.


Cranky- thanks it should be fixed.


Somewhere on the other side of the planet… [cue swirly screen]

Osama makes a lot of good points here.

When it comes to America, if nuking America is the only way to stop it from using nukes, then that is a route which we should go on.

The fact is that the American government is under the influence of an insane death cult and they think that nuking Iran is a good idea. After all, to them, it’s not a big deal to kill towel-heads.

They’re under the impression that the entire world should be converted to Western-style democracies by force.

Barring a miracle, we will need to take military action against America.


Adam Yoshida wrote:

They are not crazy enough to launch a goddamn nuclear strike on New York. I repeat: take that tray of ice and shove it down your pants.

No he didn’t.

Just sayin’.


Gary, I’m wondering whether your Warheads of Love and Peace will be raining down lollipops and WWJD bracelets on Iran.


Gary, I’m wondering whether your Warheads of Love and Peace will be raining down lollipops and WWJD bracelets on Iran.

Sort of like nuclear pinatas.


I can’t remember or think of any more, although I am certain the list is much longer.

Swanky Swank and Benny Hinn…


The fact that you would compare Christianity to Islam shows your delusion.

I agree. Gary, after we nuke Iran, will we be applying our morally-superior-to-Islam rules of warfare to the survivors? Because our religion says we can have whichever virginous booty remains (Deut 21:10-14, Num 31:17-18), and those doe-eyed Persian men give me butterflies.


World War I was not a war to spread Christianity.

Gary, I love you. Seriously I do. In fact, I agree with you. World War I wasn’t a war to spread Christianity. World War I was a war between Christian nations fighting over which Christian nations were Christian enough to, well, carry on the white man’s burden or something like that. Young men went over the top and got slaughtered by machine gun fire all in the name of Christian peace and love… because those other guys… those Germans or those Russians… they weren’t REALLY Christians see.


Gary is right on target. We should accept the gentle yoke of our peaceful, loving Christian overlords, and rest assured we will be ruled as beneficently as Calvin ruled Geneva.


When did the Ottoman Empire become a Christian nation?


I love Benny Hinn…sigh

confused canuck

I wonder if Bushido Boy has actually thought this through. I know linear thinking is a foriegn concept to many extremists and actually employing scientific reasoning is taboo. Says so in their bibles, after all. What, for example, does he think will happen to the clouds of radiation that will be generated? Will they remain localized? Is there no wind in Iran? Does he know how to spell Chernobyl? Perhaps his hero, The Boy Emporer has a cunning plan to make all the radioactive dust fall immediatly to the ground. Perhaps he is too young to remember that terrible accident in the Ukraine, whose effects are still being felt today. As I remember it, the fallout drift affected countries as far away as the UK and Scandinavia. Oh, I forgot, those degenerate Euros don’t count. Is he aware that Israel is right next door, and may not really appreciate nukes being flung around in their vicinity? In any event, according to the International Nuclear Community, Iran only posesses 160 or so centrifuges which, if they all work and cascade properly may produce ONE bomb in, oh, 6 to 8 years I have read in various places, Josh Marshall for one, that rattling rockets around noisily is a plan dreamed up to make us feel better when they try and flatten Iran with conventional ordinance. We are supposed to breath a sigh of relief and posit that they are not all that insane. Just a little insane, you understand, a smidgen. No more than that. My head hurts.


we will be ruled as beneficently as Calvin ruled Geneva

I for one welcome our new child-beheading overlords.


I don’t know Annie. When did the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, South Africa, France, Germany, Russia, Austria-Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia and Greece become Muscom Islamo Fascist Nations? If it wasn’t prior to 1914, my guess is that WWI was mainly fought between Christian powers.


The Ottoman Empire was one of the major allies of Germany. It was also basically the entire Muslim world at the time.


The most frightening thing in this entry is the graphic at the top, which shows what appears to be Potato-Head Bobby (or maybe the Thing-Fish) emerging from its lair in the event of nuclear holocaust. Are we prepared for the Night of the Living Thing-Fishes that would undoubtedly follow an attack on Iran? Can Frunobulax, the great big poodle dog, be far behind?

Go to the shelter, my baby, my baby… go to the shelter, go to the shelter…


“Of course, once the decision to use nuclear weapons in any capacity has been taken, there’s no real reason to limit their use.”

No, none at all.


Uh, Annie… Germany’s major Allies were Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and from 1915 on, The Ottoman Empire.

They all kinda got their butts kicked and Germany was constantly propping them up.

And No Annie, The Ottoman Empire never contained the entire Muslim world. The Muslim World stretches from Morocco to Indonesia and from Somalia to Bosnia and Turkmenistan.

Notice those places. None of them in 1915 were part of the Ottoman Empire. They were French, Dutch, Austrian and Russian respectively.


I said, “basically” the Muslim world. That doesn’t mean there weren’t other Muslims here and there. That’s a helluva lot of Muslims you’re making Christian if you’re saying it was a war between Christian nations.

And thanks for restating my point that the Ottoman Empire was a major ally of Germany.

I mean who do you think taught the Muslims how to blow up trains? We’ve got Lawrence to blame for that. Did he win his way into the tribes with his knowledge of the Bible?


What a dumb fuck.

NUKE IRAN COBAGZ!!!1!!one!!uno!1!

“Hey man, you’re too chicken to use nukes.”

“No I’m not.”

Yes you are.”

Not, infinity!”

“Infinity plus one, cobag!”



Did he win his way into the tribes with his knowledge of the Bible?

We’ll wait for you tell us the answer. We know it takes time to read a Wikipedia article.


I’ll take that as an acknowledgement that I’m correct that Muslims are not Christians.


Can I dig this? THEIR nuclear bombs would kill millions of people. OURS won’t. THEIR nuclear bombs would disrupt shipping. OURS won’t. PAKISTAN’S bombs — ba-a-a-a-d. INDIA’s bombs — OK.

Do I have this right?


Annie, you are contridicting yourself. First you are saying that the Ottoman empire is a major ally of Germany, then you are claiming that Lawrence trained them to blow up trains (Something that only Muslims apparently do, Tamil Tigers, Timothy McVeighs, Red Army Factions, the IRA, the ETA, and Irgun notwithstanding). See only problem is that Lawrence was on the British side trying to liberate the Muslims from the Ottoman Turks.

Anyways, the Ottoman Empire was a joke. They tried invading Egypt. Once. A lot of young men died. They never tried again. Germany on the other hand fought the British and the French and the Russians (and much later the Americans) tooth and nail for 4 Years. The majority of the 15 million dead in the War were Christians Annie, not Muslims.

Essential Wingnut debate points: When using historical context as a means to justify current wingnuttery facts nor understanding are necessary.

oranges, for example

Why do you guys bother with her? There’s the low-hanging fruit, and then there’s the fruit one actually must unearth from the compost heap….


Isn’t Pakistan an ally in the War On Terror? Wouldn’t, therefor, their nukes be okay? France has nuclear weapons, yet they are, of course, French and, thus, unAmerican. Are their nukes worse than Pakistans?


“I’ll take that as an acknowledgement that I’m correct that Muslims are not Christians”

That’s about the only point you’re correct on.

Houdini's Ghost

The idea of a man who sees visions of divine lights and is actively and openly preparing for the arrival of the “12th Mahdi� with control of nuclear weapons and a global terror network is the stuff of nightmares.
Uh, doesn’t Bush think that God talks to him and tells him which people to explode into freedom? Replace “12th Mahdi” with “2nd Coming” and this pretty accurately describes both Bush and that lunatic Reagan, who had the same insane millenialist bullshit to say about the USSR as our contemporary wingnuts have to say about the “Islamists.” And yes, it is the stuff of nightmares. How can Garry, Adam, and that stubborn 33% of the American public not see that?


“Isn’t Pakistan an ally in the War On Terror? Wouldn’t, therefor, their nukes be okay?

Oh, fuck!! It does not computer!!! India’s nukes — OK! Pakistan’s nukes – OK!!



I’m not contradicting myself. Lawrence used the Arabs to fight agaisnt the Ottomans who controlled them. Who were allys of Germany.

The English primarily wanted to keep the Ottomans busy so they wouldn’t have to fight them so much. Kind of like how Germany wanted Mexico to invade America.


Replace “12th Mahdi” with “2nd Coming” and this pretty accurately describes both Bush and that lunatic Reagan…How can Garry, Adam, and that stubborn 33% of the American public not see that?

Because they’re too busy watching the skies along with them.


Muslims are also not Hindu nor are they Buddhist. From the best I can tell, your average Muslim is also not followers of Thor, Gaia or Athena. They do, however, think the late J.C. is pretty cool, in a non-Son Of God sort of way.

Don’t know what they think of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or pasta-based deities in general.



The Ottomans were a major ally of Germany.

Lawrence taught the Arabs to be terrorists against the Ottomans, for example by blowing up trains.

Muslims are not Christian.

The Ottoman Empire was basically the Muslim world at the time. Like, Mecca is there and it’s like yeah.

WW1 was not a war between Christian nations. Neither was WW2 for that matter.

The world is not a Christian world, yet.

Gavin has small feet.

melior (in Austin)

If we just encourage Israel to do the nuking instead of us, then those crazy liberals won’t be able to say anything about it at all without demonstrating that they are just crazy anti-Semites!


If the world ever does become Christian, reckon what denomination it’ll be. Catholic or Protestant? Presbyterian or Methodist? Southern Baptist or Freewill Baptist?

Personally, if the world must be Christian, I say we let the Rev. Al Green run things. That would be awesome.

melior (in Austin)

Wait wait, I’ve got it. How about if we get the CIA to orchestrate a coup, and replace the leader of Iran with some royal figure like a Shah or something. That way we could have all their oil, mwahahaha!


Ah the Mexicans. A bunch of Commie Muslims if I ever heard of one.

Of course Annie, you are merely acknowledging my point when you admitted that the British were using the Arabs as proxies. IE, Britain (a Christian nation) was using a bunch of Muslims to fight a bunch of Muslims who were proxies of the Germans.

The Ottomans didn’t start the war Annie. Gavrilo Princip did, plus the convergence of entangling alliances. The Ottomans weren’t even in the War ’til 1915, which at that point had engulfed all of Europe. Forgive me, I am merely an ignorant fool but I wasn’t aware that Europe was full of MusComs at that point. If Germany had dropped out of the war in 1915, The British and the French would have taken all of 3 months to take the entire territory of the Ottomans.

Side note: Has Gary and Annie ever posted at the same time? Just wondering.

melior (in Austin)

No no, here’s a better one. We storm the Iranian embassy, kidnap 52 of their citizens, and hold them hostage until the Iranian goverment delivers us their nuclear arms. Sure it’s against the Geneva Convention, but that’s quaint nowadays.


I didn’t say the Ottomans started the war.

It only took 6 days for Israel to defeat Egypt and Syria. Muslims can’t fight against an ordered campaign. Their strength is in the sneak attack.

Lawrence knew this, why don’t you?


Say, if it only took six days for Israel to defeat Egypt and Syria, why is “they’re threatening Israel” used as a drumbeat for U.S. going to war with Iran?

melior (in Austin)

Muslims can’t fight against an ordered campaign.

Yeah, true dat. And I hear Christians run like little girls if you publicly cut off the heads of a few POWs.

Just goes ta show, we should only allow atheists in our Marine Corps.


why is “they’re threatening Israel” used as a drumbeat for U.S. going to war with Iran?

Because the temple has to be rebuilt before Jesus can come back.


Why can’t Muslims fight an ordered campaign? I’m not saying they can or can’t, as I don’t know one way or another, but that is a curious statement to make without providing any sort of justification for it.

Say, speaking of Lawrence, didja know he had a thing for being whipped? S’true. He liked being tied up and whipped until he bled. Basically the extent of his sexual interaction with the rest of the world, too, if you know what I mean and I think you do.


Say, if it only took six days for Israel to defeat Egypt and Syria, why is “they’re threatening Israel” used as a drumbeat for U.S. going to war with Iran?

Because Israel was only interested in defending herself, not taking over Egypt and Syria or wiping them off the map or annihilating them or pushing them into the sea.


It only took 6 days for Israel to defeat Egypt and Syria. Muslims can’t fight against an ordered campaign. Their strength is in the sneak attack.

Lawrence knew this, why don’t you?

Ever hear of Gallipoli Annie?


Ever hear of the Crusades and Saladin Annie?

My goodness.

Anyways, do you even know why the Ottomans got involved in the war in the first place? Do you know what their objectives were?

Let’s rehash this. World War One (from the start): Christian Powers: Germany, France, Britain, Russia, Austria Hungary, Belgium, Serbia. Of those, the ones who really had the power to dominate the world were Britain and France vs Germany. If you seriously think the Ottomans were a major power (The Greeks and the Bulgarians beat them in 1913), you seriously need your head examined Annie.


So…you’re saying Israel couldn’t take Iran by itself? I thought their army was all bad like Jesse James. I think Israel could take Iran, personally, whup up on ’em like Ric Flair and Dusty Rhodes.

melior (in Austin)

Buddhists make good warriors too, but it’s said the meditation time really cuts into training.

I also hear Zoroastrianists are just terrible at close assault combat, but can hold their own running artillery and air cover support missions.


I like having nuclear annihilation hanging over my head. It adds a certain spice to life. Flowers smell sweeter. Every day is like a lottery!

melior (in Austin)

And let us never again forget, if you let the Bantu warriors get their Hawk and Eagle fighter aircraft custom units, you’ll have a hell of a time regaining air superiority.


The Ottomans were a big enough threat that the British went to the trouble of trying to stop them.

Ever hear of Algebra? Arabic numerals? Have you heard of anything like that coming from Arabs in the recent past? Why? Stagnation is a wonderful thing as it leads to the degradation of a culture.

I mean, look at Iraq. They ran away and the army disbanded because they couldn’t face an ordered attack like gentlemen. Instead they fight in the streets like animals, chop off heads and blow up anything they can.

Traditional Arabic warfare, just like caravan raiding and kidnapping.


Some Guy,
No shit. I haven’t felt this way since Reagan was in office. That’s one thing about Republican administrations: they certainly force you to appreciate the glory of existence…by threatening to take it away or make it even more miserable.


“WW1 was not a war between Christian nations. Neither was WW2 for that matter”


Britain & the Nethalands & Denmark & France vs. Germany & Italy????

Excuse me?????

“The Ottoman Empire was basically the Muslim world at the time.”

At WHAT time? The Ottoman Empire didn’t control India at any time during the 20th century or the 19th century, and it was a major Muslim terriory.

Persia ( that would be Iran) was never under the control of the Ottomans, EVER, nor was any Subsaharan African Muslim nation.

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia came to power at the turn of the century, well before the 2 WWs.

The Ottoman Empire was basically in its waning power well before the start of WWI, and completely gone by WW2.

The empire was offically no longer in business by 1922.

Annie, you are full of shit in this as in so many other things.

So at what time are you saying that the Ottoman Empire was somehow a major player in the 20th century world wars?


melior: I also hear Zoroastrianists are just terrible at close assault combat…

But you know who’ll win in the end? We Erisians. Seriously. You all oughtta consider converting to Discordianism. A song to explain:

Onward Christian Soldiers,
Onward Buddhist Priests.
Onward, Fruits of Islam,
Fight till you’re deceased.
Fight your little battles,
Join in thickest fray;
For the Greater Glory,
of Dis-cord-i-a.


Animals don’t “chop off heads and blow up anything they can”. No, that’s a pair of particularly human activities.


So g, how did France gain control of Iran?


Animals don’t fight wars, either. They really don’t do much beyond eat, fuck, play and take the occasional dump. They also don’t have jobs, religion or governments.

Never have quite understood why “animal” is supposed to be a pejorative.


Humans ARE animals. We are however animals made in the image of God which sets us above the other creatures on earth. When we ignore God we revert back into savages, animals who don’t value the life of the person who they sit beside on the bus before they blow themselves and everyone else on it to smithereens.


for which we will face certain retaliation and probable economic losses

Umm, what’s this “we” shit. He’s a fucking Candian. Nothing against Canadians, mind you, but I don’t think the Iranians will be bombing Moose Jaw or Medicine Hat anytime soon.


“The Ottomans were a big enough threat that the British went to the trouble of trying to stop them”

God, Annie, you are fucking ignorant.


Oops, I see someone on this shitbag’s own site beat me to it.


Um,, annie? Animals don’t blow themselves up on buses. Only humans do that.


What is so hard for you to grasp?

The Ottoman Empire was involed in WW1 and they were not a Christian nation. I understand that Eurocentrics such as yourselves have no problem discounting an entire group of people because it suits your biased view of history.

And WW2 was not fought soley among Christian nations either. Unless the Japanese used to be Christian and I missed that day in school.


…we revert back into savages, animals who don’t value the life of the person who they sit beside on the bus…

Oh…now that is rich!


Humans are animals, idiot.

But animals made in the image of God. When we lose God and start serving Satan, we revert back into being mere animals.

I mean, is this thing on??



Animals serve Satan? Wow.


The most frightening thing in this entry is the graphic at the top, which shows what appears to be Potato-Head Bobby (or maybe the Thing-Fish) emerging from its lair in the event of nuclear holocaust.

Dude, where have you been? That’s Sadly,No! mascot Gimme Gimme Octopus.

Kure Kure Takora, Cobagz!


When HUMANS serve Satan they revert back into being mindless demon servants, fleshbags of Satan, meatpuppets of the Prince of Darkness. Animals.


.we revert back into savages, animals who don’t value the life of the person who they sit beside on the bus.

See, annie is one of these homicidal tendency types who needs the fear of hellfire to keep her from flipping out and killing everyone in sight. Most of us understand that being nice to people is something you can do without the fear of an imaginary friend in the sky who will send you to the bad place if you get out of line. Some people like annie, however, have impulse control. But hey, if that’s what it takes to keep her from hacking up her family, more power to her.


So how do non-human animals serve Satan? I mean, do cats have Black Sabbaths? I bet they do, sneaky little bastards. And if someone doesn’t serve God means their “mindless demon servants, fleshbags of Satan, meatpuppets od the Prince of Darkness”, does that mean Buddhists, Hindus and atheists are demons? If I must be an animal, can I be a beagle? They look like they got it good.

And most importantly, does this mean Cris and Curt Kirkwood are emissaries of the Dark Lord?


So how do non-human animals serve Satan? I mean, do cats have Black Sabbaths? I bet they do, sneaky little bastards.

Fuck, and all this time my parents told me all of our pets were in dog heaven. Good thing there’s an invisible sky fairy up there, or I’d have to serve satan and kill my parents.


Some people think that if they murder infidels while killing themselves they will get lots of virgins to ummm… in the afterlife. And not only are they virgins, but no matter how many times you have sex with them….they stay virgins!

Oh yeah, that would be the same people who blow themselves up on busses…see a connection?

Yep, they do it so they can go to heaven. Too bad they’re all hellbound. Murdering coward bastards, like the ones who hijacked the planes on 9/11.

Do you think you can change their mindset with your bullshit words of “don’t nuke them let’s all hold hands?”

If that’s all you’ve got, if you think that will change the perception they have of the “infidel”, if you think that will stop the chants of “death to America”….then you will eventually accept Allah as God and Muhammed as Prophet. Or die.


You know, it’s definately a negative for the Bush Administration that they really haven’t addressed the problem of the infiltration of demonic housepets into our saintly, above-reproach Christian American culture. Something should be done, or we’ll all be sacrifices for Mittens, The High Priest Of Beelzebub.


Muslims hate dogs. Muslims won’t let one in the house. If a Muslim touches a dog or if a dog licks them, they freak out and go do wudu.


Muslims hate dogs.

Well of course! They’re competitors in a race to serve satan. They don’t want to give the dogs a competitive edge.


Dogs don’t serve Satan. All dogs go to Heaven. Muslims don’t like them becuase Muslims are insane.


I’m waiting by the phone for my secret blog lover to call. *wink*

Oh hey, annie!


All dogs go to Heaven

I thought animals didn’t have souls?


…maybe they’re robot clone dogs.


Well dogs don’t really go to Heaven, it’s just a movie. Sheesh!

You need to be part of God to reuinte with God. God made us in His image, our Spirit is part of Him.


When it comes down to it, I stand by Adam’s article.

The forces of leftism are on the wrong side when it comes to the war on terror, they should be opposing islamic-fascist terrorism


Done spamming my blog, Pinko? The rush ran off? Feeling better now?


The forces of leftism are on the wrong side when it comes to the war on terror, they should be opposing islamic-fascist terrorism

Gary, do you know what a “false dichotomy” is?


Franky, I’m a cat person. I have several cats, and they’re good pets. Although lately, the kitty-beheadings have become, well, nearly intolerable.


Gary, do you know what a “false dichotomy” is?

Yes, and I didn’t use one of those here


Personally, I’m more concerned with the dark forces of parakeet Satanism.


I didn’t use one of those here

I think you’ll find that you did. Just because the “left” don’t want crazy apocalyptic leaders of the free world nuking Iran, does not mean that we do not oppose terrorism. That was the implication of what you wrote, wasn’t it?


Maybe we should drop beagles on Iran. Get a whole Les Nesman thing going.


Personally, I’m more concerned with the dark forces of parakeet Satanism.

It’s OK, they go to parakeet heaven. Parakeet god created them in his own parakeet image.


Personally, I’m more concerned with the dark forces of parakeet Satanism.

I oppose the both the dark forces parakeet Satanism and kitten beheadings. (You see how that works, Gary?) All minions of Satan must learn to get along.


I have two cats and a stray who thinks he can come around here anytime he wants and be fed and brushed and loved and have his battle wounds mended and then disappear for days and act like he doesn’t know me if he sees me on the street.


live under the rule of theocratic madmen
Is Adam talking about Iran or the U.S. here, ’cause you know it could be either one…


Vladi G,
Momma has a parakeet, and apparently, it’s image of God is my old man. It talks to my mother – who talks back, because her sanity was destroyed due to 25 years of teaching screamin’ young’uns – but it flat worships my father. Although I think my father would make a pretty good deity, I personally am skeptical.

He was a carpenter before he retired, though. Hmmm…


Is Adam talking about Iran or the U.S. here, ’cause you know it could be either one…

Except if you made that remark in Iran you’d probably be arrested.


I oppose the both the dark forces parakeet Satanism and kitten beheadings.

Yes, but do you support beagles over Bagdhad?


Dropping dogs on Muslims would cause a WORLD WAR!


Yes, but do you support beagles over Bagdhad?

I have some reservations. I’m concerned about beagle-blowback.


Anonymouse was me, haloscan has demons!!


Anonymouse was me, haloscan has demons!!

[gasp] A sign!!


I have two cats and a stray who thinks he can come around here anytime he wants and be fed and brushed and loved and have his battle wounds mended and then disappear for days and act like he doesn’t know me if he sees me on the street.

You lack the ability to bond with cats. You are truly missing out in life. Perhaps you should make your stray some fresh-squeezed OJ.


I’ve bonded enough with him that he comes here when he wants to be inside and loved. Outside he’s his own cat. I respect that.


Dropping dogs on Muslims would cause a WORLD WAR!

Probably upset Rick Santorum, too. Ruin his Friday night. Perhaps we’ll drop kittens on them. That’s actually not a bad idea. Drop 25 tons of highly pissed-off kitten on an Invading Islamofacistcommienazi Horde and I guarantee you them that ain’t being scratched to hell and gone will be stunned into inactivity by the sheer cuteness tonnage.

Then, we’ll release the parakeets.

I have some reservations. I’m concerned about beagle-blowback.

Tsk. Typical lefty handwringing, objectively pro-terrorist and Satanic parakeet limp-wristedness. I guess you’d rather see the Islamofacistcommienazidarwinists set off a dirty beagle briefcase in Downtown Christian America, U.S. of Good Ol’ A.


I wouldn’t call it spam!

I’d call it “enquiring minds!”

Want to KNOW…


Throw the dog a BONE!


Gary and annie, I’m sorry. I know you both want to comment here, but Adam has Teh Crazy at the moment. Can you guys just draw straws to see who gets it tomorrow?


It’s been fun. Goodnight everyone, I hope you feel better soon, Pinko.




Matt, your dad is simply a servant of Parakeet God.


So, annieangel, in just the last 100 years of history, which group killed the most Christians:

a. Christians
b. Buddhists
c. Muslims
d. Hindus
e. Sikhs
f. Animists
g. Parsees
h. Jews
i. Jains
j. Wiccans
k. No true Scotsman
l. Other



guess you’d rather see the Islamofacistcommienazidarwinists set off a dirty beagle briefcase in Downtown Christian America

They only reason they might have low-grade beagles is because we sold them to them when we thought the kittens were our greater enemy. We’re making the same mistake again, mark my words. The war on the dark forces of Satanic parakeets cannot be won with kittens alone. We will only radicalise the moderate parakeets, and turn menagerie opinion against us.


The forces of leftism are on the wrong side when it comes to the war on terror, they should be opposing islamic-fascist terrorism …

Yeah, sorry about the part where we oppose genocide and nuclear winter.


Mohhamed was a big cat-lover. According to legend one time his favorite cat fell asleep on his sleeve and he cut off the sleeve rather than disturb his pet. It is a fact that cat-lovers are Islamofascist terrorist.


Haha! DA arrives in his clown car, but my sweet Elvis has left the building. I don’t see anyone else here on this blog askign about my cold. I think aa has a point. I’m starting to think the rest of you are cobags.

Especially Vladi G.


Annie has two great points, PP. I only hope I get into 6th Heaven, so I can look up her skirt up there in 7th Heaven.


Moderate parakeets? Hah, that’s a laugh. If these so-called “moderate parakeets” were worth their feathers, we’d heard them denouncing the Satanic forces within their midsts. Have you heard it? Neither have I.

And nice dodge with the beagles. It was different then, as we were facing danger from the forces of Communist Russian ponies. But you beagleists are all about appeasing the ponies, aren’t you. Like your hero, Michael Moore, who is fat because he ate ponies as a child. And Bill Clinton got a blowjob and was friendly with Chinese chickens.


Annie, on her stray cat:

I’ve bonded enough with him that he comes here when he wants to be inside and loved. Outside he’s his own cat. I respect that.

Annie, on how to be a good Christian wife:

Do not complain or question if your Husband has plans for after dinner. He has the right to a private life. Never call to check up on him. Use your free time to bake more, or to do his laundry.

Annie, on her disdain for her stray cat, i.e. would-be pet (ahem, husband):

I have two cats and a stray who thinks he can come around here anytime he wants and be fed and brushed and loved and have his battle wounds mended and then disappear for days and act like he doesn’t know me if he sees me on the street.



Folks, annieangel is really starting to look like Willie Mays with the Mets, or Ali vs. Holmes.

Floyd Alvis Cooper was Barry Sanders, or more tragically, Roberto Clemente – leaving us at the very top of his game with nothing but rosy memories of good, good times.

Gary Ruppert is Uwe Blab.


“Humans ARE animals. We are however animals made in the image of God which sets us above the other creatures on earth (sic) When we lose God and start serving Satan, we revert back into being mere animals.”

I LOVE this argument coming from the Christians. So, during those troubled times up to and including the Reformation, who was serving Satan there? The Catholics? The Protestants? The Calvinists? The Lutherans? Get this clear, once and for all: Christians have killed probably more people in the name of their God than any other religion on the planet. Including other Christians. In God’s name. In God’s image. God seems to be the perfect justification for killing somebody else – especially if they are brown and don’t believe in white, blue-eyed Jesus. And let’s not forget that the Inquisition – the first and original one – was targeted against a Christian sect, the Cathars.

Really annie – The Ottoman Empire? Is that the best you can do? I don’t think you’re even trying anymore, more like phoning it in.

(Oh, and should we tell her that the way the way American colonists won their independence from the British was by using a guerilla force and terrorist tactics? Boston Tea Party, anyone?)


The only entertainment value the two of them have for me now is seeing annie get all worked up when people ignore her. The rest of it is just the usual “talking points, leftists love terrorists, talking points, I’m saved and you’re not, talking points,” etc., etc., etc. It’s getting a tad tedious.

I’m sorry to hear about your cold, however, PP. I wish you a swift victory over the germ hordes with minimal collateral damage.


Thank you STH. I am trying to not cover everything with the fast flowing phlegm. I think the medicine is causing mood swings.


Uh, PP – that falls under the heading WTMI (WAY Too Much Information).


Did that Canadian asshole actually say “we”?
It’s like chicken hawks saying ‘we’ won.
I’m not implying that all Canadians are assholes. Just the ones who worship bush for some strange reason.


I have several cats. They worship me. I am the cat God.


My cats worship Gus? You must be very proud. They won’t even *listen* to me unless I have catnip or Pounce in hand.

PP, sorry about the cold. Try taking one Ny-Quil and one Day-Quil at the same time. I don’t think it really does anything, but it makes you feel like a rebel. Also, God is probably opposed to it.


The fact that you would compare Christianity to Islam shows your delusion.
Christianity is a religion of love and peace.
Islam is a religion of war and impulse

Oh, that was a thing of beauty! You know, in a fucked-up, mentally-defecient way. Seems like we must be the Muslim nation, then, ‘cos it seems like this is the third war we’re initiating in six years. And this time, just to make things all glowy, we’re spicing it up by adding nukes. Bravo!
And, while nobody’s set off a nuclear device in a major American city as of yet, you can bet that if we nuke Iran that it will just be a matter of time. tick… tick… tick… Good times! Something to look forward to! Huzzah!
BTW, Gary, that was a valiant late effort on your part to steer this thread back to your genocidal talking points, but futile. annie stole it right back. You just can’t compete with her kind of output. Tell you what, though–shave your legs and post a pic of ’em up on the interwebs, and maybe we’ll pay more attention to you. Hon.


I don’t understand why annie doesn’t like atheists. We only reject one more god than she does.


How come God can’t kill Satan anyway? I mean, why does evil exist? God doesn’t look very omnipotent to me. God is just Satan’s bitch as far as I’m concerned.

If you believe in such a thing as “Satan,” that there is actually a dude named Satan who runs a joint with lakes of fire and pitchforks and Hitler and all that, well, you are just a moron, and you are wasting your life with deluded moronic bullshit.

Religion, especially Christianity, is just ego run rampant. “I’m going to live forever! Up in heaven, with my long-lost great-grandparents and my dog Fluffy.” Uh, no, you’re not. Christianity, with its empty promise of an eternal afterlife, appeals to the egomaniac in all of us. We all want to live forever. The more clever of us have figured out that it ain’t gonna happen.

The fact that so many waste the time they actually do have on earth by paying lip service to a fictional God, then die without going to the Great Cloud In The Sky is such a sad irony. Although maybe they have the last laugh. They never find out that there’s no afterlife, because they’re already dead.


and then disappear for days and act like he doesn’t know me if he sees me on the street.

You’d think she’d be accustomed to this kind of thing, by now.


Hey, g, if yer around, check out the Flying Spaghetti Monster thread comments. Info for you posted there. Hope it helps.


And Bill Clinton got a blowjob and was friendly with Chinese chickens.

In addition, like Harrison Ford he was feeling frantic. Like Sting he’s tantric. But much like Snickers he’s guaranteed to satisfy.


I have a cookie for anyone who’s used the term “Islamofascist” in a non-ironic sense who can actually define “fascist”.


And I’m hurt that after all this talk of the Ottomans, no one mentioned me at all. Was nothing I did to bring those fez-wearing backwoods hicks into the twentieth century good enough for you?

Christ, what’s a guy got to do to get shown some props anymore?


Back to Adam and his wingnuttery for a moment. Adam said:
The primal call for an eye for an eye seems to have slipped from the minds of the Western elite.

Jesus Christ said:
“You have heard that it was said,’an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth’. But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also.”
Matt 5:38-39


that lunatic Reagan

I never thought I’d say this, but I kinda miss that lunatic Reagan. At least he was a personable lunatic, unlike Bush and his cohorts.


In addition, like Harrison Ford he was feeling frantic. Like Sting he’s tantric. But much like Snickers he’s guaranteed to satisfy.

Hey, aren’t the Barenaked Ladies Canadian? Hrm.. I hear they’re also dans la maison, whatever that means.

Tak, the Hideous New Girl

Was nothing I did to bring those fez-wearing backwoods hicks into the twentieth century good enough for you?

You are responsible for Akbar and Jeff?


You have to admit that given the style of blogging he does, this really was the strongest possible way for him to come back. Plus all of these outraged left-wingers are definitely helping him to regain traffic.


Gary, do you know what a “false dichotomy” is?

Assuming that that’s surgery to remove a false dick… Gary knows.


I love Akbar and Jeff!(Oops, I suppose that also makes me an Ottoman loving fez sympathizer.)

Geez, you can’t win!


Kemal, Eric the half-bee says “hello” (flapping one wing at you) to your menagerie of Abduls. Unfortunately, I think about half your people have pretty much decided that whole period of “modernizing” and Westernizing was a mistake. Hysterical Woman, that’s one of my favorite stories. Misremembering, I used to think it was about the Buddha and was pleasantly surprised to recall who it actually was. It’s just an anecdote, but it serves as a reminder that even a religion that says some scary stuff about infidels and how Islam is supposed to conquer the world (come on, it’s in there–and I’d like to know how I’m supposed to feel about it, because I don’t feel very good at all) also has some beautiful aspects. Religion is great, if we could restrict its practice to only those who don’t take it too seriously. Like, philosophers, and not crazy yahoos who think their way is the One True Way and shove it in our faces all the time. Maybe there should be a license for practicing religion, like medical licenses.


Annie, do you really not understand that the people who blow themelves and others are not “ignoring god”, they think they’re doing god’s will?


apart from worshipping cows, we indians also have a SANE person in charge of our nukes.

India 2: America 0


Lucy, it does suck that my countrymen are choosing the glories of the fourteenth century over the wonders of the twenty-first. In their defense, the only thing I can say is that the twentieth century wasn’t nearly as good to them as it was to you, and yet it seems like a bunch of your compatriots are trying to make the same choice.

This may be a weak, tu quoque defense, but in the end it would seem we are all the slaves of our demons, lacking the courage needed to be the masters of our worser natures.

One of your poets once said something about putting the secret of life in your pants, forgetting it’s there and sitting down on it…don’t think I could’ve said it much better myself.


“putting the secret of life in your pants, forgetting it’s there and sitting down on it”

The secret of life is a potato?


“putting the secret of life in your pants, forgetting it’s there and sitting down on it”The secret of life is a potato?

g in Yoshida’s case, apparently, it’s a tray of ice cubes–if Brad gets his way.Kemal, very eloquently said. Sad that many of my countrymen and their sympathizers respond to perceived threats with an even greater display of the same threatening behavior. Did we learn nothing about the danger and futility of “escalatio,” as the poet Tom Lehrer once put it, in the Vietnam War and the Cold War? (oh, and to the wingnut peanut gallery, “we” did not “win” the Cold War–it was abandoned by both sides, temporarily.)


If Gary is Uwe Blab then Annie must be Detlef Schremf. That means Gary is only on the team so Annie can talk to him in German.


Christ, what’s a guy got to do to get shown some props anymore?

Not commit genocide against the Armenians would be a start …


It was a preemptive genocide – the Armenians were objectively pro-terror. What was I supposed to do? Listen to the nay-sayers in my own government who seemed to think that appeasing the land-hungry Christofascist Armenians would have protected my fellow Turks?

I say no this: I am the Decider, and I got to decide. I stayed the course, and it’s all well and good for you to criticize now, you leftist pansy.


Consider the continued use of depleted uranium rounds, at the cost of the health and welfare of not only generations of future Iraqi’s but their own armed forces. Bush and Yoshida will not be concerned with the fallout or the health risks.

Annie, Saddam’s army did the only sane thing it could have in the face of overwhelming force and inferiority of numbers, they folded and decentralized and used guerrila tactics to destabalize the new government and they’ve managed to turn it into a civil war bloodbath. Now there are so many factions and groups fighting and killing for so many reasons that American troops and leaders are stuck between a rock and a hard place and don’t even know who their enemy is from day to day. If we’re comparing strategies to America’s which amounts to “stay the course, right into that wall”, Saddam wins.

Jillian – I think you’re right about the mis-use of the word “fascist”, Annie called me one when I took exception to her christian wife article. I mean really, you might as well call me a cabbage roll, it makes as much sense.


Annie, do you really not understand that the people who blow themelves and others are not “ignoring god”, they think they’re doing god’s will?

They are ignoring God by worshipping a false god, Allah who is really Satan and who promises them eternal virgins for sex toys. I mean, think about it, there is a battle looming between Islam and the West. This will be world war 3 and it wil be RELIGIOUS because the only way the Muslims unite is through clan or Koran.

This will be Armageddon and it will be soon, so REPENT SINNERS!


Kemal, you should stand up for yourself. You didn’t commit the genocide against the Armenians. That was before your time. Gee, being dead for 70 years sure has taken a toll on your intellectual powers.OTOH, I only know the broad outlines of Turkish history. Maybe Mustafa Kemal had something to do with it, and I just haven’t run across that fact. Sir, would you like to defend yourself?


Honestly, you all say “genocide” like it’s a bad thing…don’t any of you ever read Glenn Reynolds?

Yes, I was involved, Lucy (or at least, the troops I commanded were), although it was before I was proclaimed the “father of my country” by my proud and grateful countrymen, so technically, I was not “Ataturk” at the time.

What can I say? The Armenians stood in the way of progress.


Sheesh……..I’d never cut it as a troll, would I?


Mustafa Kemal, you are the most happening 70-years-dead guy I know. You are so Internet savvy that you even know how to steal someone’s identity in a comment thread. I’ll bet Jillian is going to be PO’ed when she comes back. I tip my fez to you.


So why didn’t these dirtball wingnuts now howling to nuke Iran call for the same thing in Iraq back in the runup to that disaster? Wasn’t Saddam supposed to be even closer to a nuke that the Iranians?


Short answer: because no one told them to that time, Anon.



Jillian is BUSTED!!!

And ugly!

Not so Gay Ruppert

“No, we want to live in a world where Israelis and everyone else downwind of Iran have to live underground and eat only food imported from the other side of the world. For fuck’s sake.”



I have absolutely no clue what’s going on in this thread, but it’s damn amusing.

How did it go from Adam Yoshida’s fine wingnut screed to annie claiming that animals are the servants of Satan? Did I miss something, or did annie forget to take her pills this morning?


This will be Armageddon and it will be soon, so REPENT SINNERS!

Uh-huh, sure it will, just like all those other times armageddon was coming but didn\’t.

At any rate, if it does turn out to be the end times, people like you are the ones making it come about, because of your inablility to put current events into a larger context and your knee-jerk reactionary fear.

If Iran is trying to get weapons, we must destroy them… with our weapons.


Timmah! how was your 4.20?


“I mean, is this thing on??” – AA

Yes, but us sane people are trying to ignore the batshit crazy ones.


OMG!!!1!1!! The Iranis have ROCK TROLLS? Damn, we’d better nuke them then. BTW, why are y’all still bothering with analannie? It’s a MAN, dude!




Christianity is a religion of love and peace.

As the Cathars of Beziers would attest, along with the 20,000 other townspeople slaughtered with them by the Papal army in 1209.

The workings of divine vengeance have been wondrous…


If Iran is trying to get weapons, we must destroy them… with our weapons.

I agree. Because if we don’t, they WILL destroy us.


Papists are not Christians.


Hell, “Christians” aren’t even Christians these days.


I agree. Because if we don\’t, they WILL destroy us.
Destroy us? How exactly?

Even if they have a nuke, which is years off even by conservative estimates, it couldn\’t possibly reach us.

And even if it could, you ever hear of a little thing called mutually assured destruction? It only kept the USA and USSR from destroying all life as we know it for the entire cold war. Iran knows that if it used a nuke against the US or it\’s allies, the US would turn Iran into a giant fucking glass crater, thereby ending their regime and their lives.

They\’re not capable of doing it, and if they could, if you believe they would do something as suicidal as that… Well, we\’ve allready covered what you believe, and it\’s fucking insane.
On the other hand, If America attacks Iran, it could make the Iraqi civil war even worse and multiply the number of geurrila fighters taking pot shots at american troops and Iraqi security forces in Iraq. Your ideas about Iran are dangerous to American troops. Don\’t let facts stand in the way of your lovely ignorant Christian bloodlust though. (I\’ve been waiting to steal this saying from Chazmo and the LGF hordes) Religion of peace my ass annie!


Jillian – My 420 sucked. I was stuck blowing out years\’ old dust from shitty old pentium II\’s in a filthy grocery store. It\’s too bad too, I live near a place called Coombs which is basically 420 spot on Van Isle, which is the spot in BC, which is the spot in the world (this side of amsterdam). And there, a wonderous display of peaceful civil disobedience takes place, young and old, poor and rich all light up, in plain view, smoking ones the size of your forearm and generally having a damn good time. Then the pizza deliveries start… those poor, poor overworked server boys and girls must start hyperventilating when they see us all coming.


Jillian – My 420 sucked. I was stuck blowing out years\’ old dust from shitty old pentium II\’s in a filthy grocery store. It\’s too bad too, I live near a place called Coombs which is basically 420 spot on Van Isle, which is the spot in BC, which is the spot in the world (this side of amsterdam). And there, a wonderous display of peaceful civil disobedience takes place, young and old, poor and rich all light up, in plain view, smoking ones the size of your forearm and generally having a damn good time. Then the pizza deliveries start… those poor, poor overworked server boys and girls must start hyperventilating when they see us all coming.



Brad or gav, can one of you please enable author deleted comments or something? This proxy is driving me nuts, but it\’s the only way to partake in SN! goodness at work.


Does PZ Myers know that you stole his squid?


Do you think Muslims have a problim with suicide? WHAT PLANET DO YOU LIVE ON, STUPITER?

They don’t care how many of them die as long as we die too. If we let it get to that point, IT WILL.


#202, COBAGZ!!I always wanted to do that.

Chris Moorehead

Papists are not Christians.

So, the founder of Christianity was Martin Luther? Ulrich Zwingli? Or was it Charles V of Spain & the Hapsburg Empire, who sacked Rome in 1527 as Pope Clement VII watched helplessly from the fortifications of Castel Sant’ Angelo?


Brad or gav, can one of you please enable author deleted comments or something? This proxy is driving me nuts, but it\’s the only way to partake in SN! goodness at work.

Only Brad can do things in Brad Threads, but what’s the basic problem?




So wait Gavin, if only Brad can do things in Brad threads, then it WAS him who posted that picture of me and NOT Retardo…

…got any pics of Brad??? Ones he doesn’t know you have? I’ll be your best friend if you do….



Uh, actually, no. If you believe in him, Jesus wast the Messiah, not the founder of the Church.

It’s kind of like the difference between being the Chairman of the Board and being the CEO.

St. Peter was the founder of the Christian church. Which became the Catholic Church. You know, the one with the Pope. As opposed to the other one, the one where the Emperor of Byzantium was the guy in charge.

Unless you mean King Henry VIII of England, you know, the guy who was in charge of the Anglican Church, ’cause the Pope wouldn’t let him divorce his wife.


Stupider… Priceless.

I wouldn\’t be asking that if I was someone who spelled problem with an \”i\”.

The suicide bombers are pawns, tools for the really nasty higher ups in process. If you think for one minute that those leaders are brave enough to face certain nuclear annihilation when they are too cowardly to simply blow themselves up instead of sending brainwashed kids to do it, you don\’t understand anything about how this whole terrorism thing works. They aren\’t blowing themselves up for simple revenge, they want their demands met, they want power. It\’s pretty hard to make use of newly gained power when you\’re a charred silouette on a sandblasted wall. Even so, I have to give you kudos, as you usually just ignore pointed questions, so this is a step up, baby steps Annie.


If Adam Yoshida’s advice percolates up to the Whitehouse and they say, “Aha, that’s the plan we were looking for!” how is it going to work for our ribbon-supported troops in Iraq?

Will the Iranians get suspicious when we suddenly start bringing one hundred thousand plus troops home as fast as possible, even though we said we wouldn’t until Iraq was stable? Will the Iranians move their computers and equipment to new locations unknown to us, perhaps in densely populated areas? Or will we just sacrifice the troops currently in Iraq to the radioactive fallout and the Iranian soldiers who will come over the border screaming for revenge?

Just wondering.

I’m no military expert either.


Jesus FOUNDED the Church on the faith of Peter. Plus, like Petros means rock and Jesus was a punny guy.

I mean give me a break, no Jesus no Christianity.

Jews who are still awaiting the Messiah stil are Jews, correct? Or are they Christians? You’re confusing me….MAKE SENSE!


Awww, Timmah, that stinks. You need to make up for a crummy 4.20 by having an extra kind night tonight.


We all remember how much old JC loved his puns.

What a crackup.


Christianity was a sect of Judaism as practiced by the earliest followers of Jesus.

They considered themselves Jews. The first non-Jewish convert was baptized by Peter.

“I mean give me a break, no Jesus no Christianity.”

Yeah, and if there hadn’t been a George Washington there wouldn’t be a Washington State. That doesn’t mean George found it.

I like you being confused. It’s flattering on you.


G, you’re a straight up idiot.

Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity. You are too stoopid to live. You’re the one who’s confused, you don’t even realize that, do you? LOL!


And that, ladies and gentlemen, is an example of annie’s debating skills!

Chris Moorehead

Jesus Christ is the founder of Christianity.

Not quite. As has been pointed out already, Jesus was the Messiah – the Christian Church as we know it was founded by Peter. Peter, however, insisted that all Christians must first be circumcised Jews. It was Paul who believed that people could become Christians directly, without painful surgery.

In any event, Peter was considered to be the first Pope – therefore, if “Papists” are not Christians, then there were no Christians from the time of Peter to 1517, when the incredibly constipated Martin Luther (if you believe John Osborne) nailed his 95 theses to the church door at Wittenberg.


There is no debate to who founded Christianity.

You then twisted your next post to include the word Church. But Jesus himself said he would BUILD HIS CHURCH on Peter. HIS CHURCH, not Peter’s Church.


And Peter was not a Papist. It’s not Biblical to call Peter a pope! And in fact, in the Bible they are told to turn to James!! So you’re either judging who the first church leader was AFTER Jesus on a pun on the word ROCK or you’re pulling shit out of your ass.

G, stop making a fool of yourself.


Whoops, take out the “then” in my first sentence.


Annie’s last comment is a perfect example of the childish nonsense that Annie falls back on when confronted with the absurdity of her arguments.

At least Gary Ruppert comes up with arguments that are halfway plausible.

Ok, maybe I’m giving him too muh credit, even so…


Ok, Timmah, you tell me what is incorrect about my post.


Uh post or comment? I wasn’t talking about any post.

If you need me to point out what’s wrong with your last comment, there’s more wrong with your reasoning than I originally thought.


sorry second to last, the one that starts with:

G, you’re a straight up idiot.


Please, I want to see what you consider “childish nonsense that I fall back on.” Please tell me!


Bye, annie, dear. I wish I could spend more time in this fascinating conversation, but I’m off to attend a dinner with a few dozen millionaires. Tata!


In other words, you’re bailing. 🙂

It’s ok, I don’t expect non-Christians to understand Christianity. Even though you all seem to think you’ve got it down.

Have fun, g.


Ok, Timmah. So you agree with my next post after that one?


No, I don’t agree or disagree with it because I don’t know enough about the subject to say either way.

That’s the difference between me and you, when I don’t know something, I’m smart enough to keep my mouth shut about it.


😉 I’ll buy it, but only because you watch TPB.


Annie is right in a way. The Roman Catholic Church didn’t develop until at least the 2nd century. Heck, you could say it wasn’t established until Council of Trent. Whether Protestant should try to pick out all the Catholic bits in their Christian salad is another question.


I’m the original TPB watcher. I’ve seen the pilot movie, where they were allowed to do cocaine on camera (or baking soda or whatever) and the first episode and ever since have been in love with the whole concept.

Me and a few friends made an amateur show with a similar motif but they really went all the way with it.


Also, does christian salad have shellfish in it? My girlfriend is allergic, but I really want to force feed her some so she squeezes me fresh orange juice every morning.


So wait Gavin, if only Brad can do things in Brad threads, then it WAS him who posted that picture of me and NOT Retardo…

I mean procedurally. Only Brad gets the ‘approve this comment’ notification in a Brad Thread when a comment hits the filters.

I can certainly go poking around in the room where the comments live, but it’s full of other people’s stuff, as it were.


I’m usually right and if I’m wrong I admit it.

I’ve seen the TPB movie too. It’s a great documentary of newfie life. Although I think if Randy and Barb hook up I’ll vomit.


Gav – Nothing was wrong btw, just a double post.

Annie – You do realize it’s not really a documentary… right?


I see, Gavin.

You know what I’ve heard through the parrot line? I’ve heard that a certain person who stalks me pretty much everywhere and who uses handles with bass in his name has been banned from here for trying to, in his words, “out me”. I have no idea who this person is or why they hate me and try to spread shit about me. This person is the cause of most of the bullshit I put up with.

Anyway, I’m glad they’re banned for whatever they did. People who break haloscan while trying to libel people should be shot in the face.

And they’re saying I’m cranky. Everytime I go to a new board….I’m accused of being every person they’ve ever known on that board. It’s cute.

Witchsmeller Pursuivant

Annieangel, how are Roman Catholics not Christians? I know that quoting the dictionary is both a wingnut staple and a boring rhetorical device, but I really don’t see how “of the part of the Christian Church headed by the Pope” contradicts “of Christ’s teaching or religion”.

Incidentally, I am an agnostic (well, technically a weak atheist, but what most people refer to as an agnostic) who was raised in the High Church faction of the Church of England and still identifies with that particular branch of Christianity to some degree. I was brought up to consider myself a Catholic, although certainly not a Roman Catholic (by the way, if you’re getting sick of ‘Papist’, there are other insulting terms for Roman Catholics – ‘Mick’ and ‘Taig’ are my father’s favourites), just in case you think that’s relevant.


Banned from here?

I suppose it’s theoretically possible to do something bad enough to get banned from here, but whatever it is, nobody has succeeded in doing it yet.


I think he broke haloscan with too many links. It’s what he’s saying anyway.

You’ll ban me, eventually. Just wait.


Catholic means universal. Roman Catholic means the Church led by the Pope.

They are not Christian because they worship the Pope ahead of Jesus and they also worship Saints.

Jesus said to sell what you won and give it to the poor. The RC Church is the largest landowner in the world. They are RICH.

They are responsible for AIDS education being sabatoged in Africa. They are responsible for covering up rape of children by their Priests.

They are the Whore.


Won should be “own.”


I mean, look at Iraq. They ran away and the army disbanded because they couldn’t face an ordered attack like gentlemen.

Like those snivelling rebels in the American Revolution?


The Minute Men never blew themselves up for God.


They are not Christian because they worship the Pope ahead of Jesus and they also worship Saints.

No, no, sweetie. We don’t worship the Pope. Whoever told you that…most likely the demon Pazuzu disguised as your road-side church pastor…is, obviously, mistaken.

Domine satanus exaudi orationem meam …Amen


Yes you do. Popes are considered infallible. Infallibility is a trait of GOD. To give it to a human is to make that man God. Therefore you worship the Pope and that is unGodly and unChristian.

Witchsmeller Pursuivant

I must admit, I was expecting something a bit more original than “they worship the Pope ahead of Jesus”. You know, strangely enough, not all Roman Catholics do exactly what the Pope says, or even think they should. Maybe you know Roman Catholics who consider a statement by the Pope to have more authority than Jesus’ words, but I don’t. I wouldn’t say that they worship saints either – pray to them, sure, but as far as I can tell, they’re regarded more as intermediaries between God and men than people to be worshipped in their own right. I don’t understand how praying to them is idolatry, and I can’t see any other reason for the practice to be regarded as unchristian. Then again, the Anglican Church also venerates saints, so perhaps I’m not the most neutral judge here.

As for the other points, I agree that the Catholic Church should give all it owns to the poor. I also think every other church should do so. Are Protestant churches excluded from this duty because they don’t own as much land as the Roman Catholic Church?

I disagree strongly with the Catholic Church’s policy on contraception and its shameful treatment of the victims of sexual abuse by priests. So do many Roman Catholics. Is my Catholic French teacher more or less of a Christian for having pro-contraception posters in our French classroom? The Anglican Church has also had its share of child molestation scandals, and the establishment’s response, sadly, has been much the same as that of the Roman Catholic Church. Is my father, a staunch Anglican, also considered unchristian because of the behaviour of the church hierarchy in this matter?

As for the Catholic Church being the Whore of Babylon, I think that judgement in this matter without finding out whether or not the church uses frozen orange juice is rather presumptuous. (I know, I know, it’s a dead horse, but that was such an obvious joke I couldn’t bear not to make it.)


The RC Church has been the cause of all evil done in the name of Christ.



Yes you do. Popes are considered infallible.

No, no, sweetie. Affirmations from the Pope are declared infallible or not. The Pope is not infallible. Once again, you’ve fallen under the spell of the demonic Father of Lies…ie, your road-side pastor. I’ve got the Roman Ritual right beside me here…shall I…?

Witchsmeller Pursuivant

Does that mean that all Roman Catholics, even those who disagree with the church policies which cause evil, are not Christians?


When it gets down to the nitty-gritty, you should see how baffling Catholicism is with regard to the state of sin.

Regardless, annieangel needs an exorcism…pronto

…let us begin.

In nomine patre, et fili et spiritu sancti…


Yes. Let me ask you, if I went to a RC Church would I be allowed to take communion?

Anyone who wants it should be given it freely, shouldn’t they???

I’m off to bed, night all.

Kindly old Doc Enola

It takes a lot to make me abandon lurker-mode, but kracklin’ Khrsna, this done the job:

Per Annie, “The RC Church has been the cause of all evil done in the name of Christ.


Soooo… Jim Jones was a Roman Catholic? David Koresh was a Roman Catholic? Jimmy Swaggart, when he was hanging out with all them hooo-ers, was a Roman Catholic for the occasion? Robert Tilton was babbling in “tongues” and misappropriating funds under the authority of the Roman Catholic Church? Etc, etc, etc?

I could be persuaded to cut you some slack if you were honestly and unavoidably slow or something, but your statements stink of willful stupidity to me.

Just sayin’….


Yes. Let me ask you, if I went to a RC Church would I be allowed to take communion?

Who’s going to stop you? It’s not like there are guards there checking whether you’re in communio or not…although, a hymen check on you would be revealing…but I digress…

In conclusion…go for it, annie. Go to an RC church and attend communion..twice, if you want. No one cares.

We’ll continue your excorcism later.

Witchsmeller Pursuivant

Assuming annieangel’s last comment was in response to my post, in my opinion anyone who wishes to receive communion should be permitted to do so. Would a Roman Catholic who agreed with you and me on this (I don’t know how much dissent exists within the church on this matter, but when you consider that it has over a billion adherents, there’s probably at least one dissenter) be Christian or not? Are members of Protestant churches that practise closed communion Christian or not? What about members of the Eastern Orthodox Church?


The standard definition of Christian is to accept that Jesus (PBUH) is the seal of the Prophets. After him, there shall be no other.

Issa-hu Akhbar!

Witchsmeller Pursuivant

You don’t have to persuade me, Mal de mer. So far, annieangel’s assertions that Roman Catholics are not Christians have almost all been based on her disagreement with various teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The purpose of my questions on whether a Catholic who doesn’t accept a particular doctrine or a Protestant who does is, according to her, a Christian is to determine what her definition of a Christian is.


Well, as far as Catholicism is concerned, the state of sin and grace are the determining factors in your relationship with God. Catholics take a dim view of the annieangels of the world propose to speak for God and pronounce who’s Christian or not. In fact, to behave in such a way is heretical…demonic, even.


Annie may be have a point here: I suspect that if she sashayed into a RC church and demanded “Gimme communion, you evil priest of the Whore of Babylon,” she might face some difficulties.


Also, annie has yet to reveal which heresy^H^H^H^H^H^H denomination she calls home.


Gimme communion, you evil priest of the Whore of Babylon

Oh…if only mass were that interesting, eh?


Annie’s blatherings about the Roman Catholic Church are like reading a Jack Chick tract, only without the delightful artwork. She just needs to throw in some “THEY WORSHIP MARY LIKE A GODDESS!!!!11!!”

Witchsmeller Pursuivant

Actually, I was surprised she didn’t bring that one up along with the Pope and the saints. However incorrect, it would have been a far more convincing argument that Roman Catholics are not Christians than saying that because some Catholics do bad things, the Roman Catholic Church is the only source of evil done in the name of Christ, and therefore no Roman Catholic is a Christian. At least the argument about Mary is just factually wrong rather than blatantly fallacious.


You’ll ban me, eventually. Just wait.

Ah, you’d like that.

But if you knew how hard it is to keep decent trolls around here…


Annie is possessed. I’m trying to narrow it down to the exact demon…either some pre-Christian Dionysian demon like Pan, or something or maybe some druidic spirit even more obscure.


Is it the Ars Goetia that has a list of demons, or is it some other book?




Yeah, but you’re possessed too, Gavin, so, Goetica my arse.

Or something. Fix the damn link. 😉


The Mary = GODDESS one has always been my favourite. That and we’re all waiting for the Pope to throw up the Pope Signal and … and … I dunno. Overthrow the government or something. I need to find my Pope Decoder Ring before that happens!


Kennedy (America’s last fearless president) was assasinated because of his stance against nuclear proliferation. Israel wanted to go nuclear at any price.
Ultimately, the price will be Israel being destroyed by Pan-Arabia, good riddance.


Israel wanted nuclear weapons.
The thrid nation to go nuclear, that upset the balance between the Soviet Union and the US.
The consequence of this is that the US has had to grin and bare it as each and every additional nation goes nuclear.

So when Israel wants the US to save the day in the face of Iranian nukes, I say Israel must reap what it has sown on it’s own.


Yeah. Frankly, the Catholics haven’t been nearly as impressive as they once were since they no longer have large armies of their own to field. If they were really with it and mod, every RC Church would have its own ICBM silo on site.


Well, I’m back from my dinner with the millionaires. Anyone want to know the details? The menu? The centerpieces?

It was an event organized to thank the donors to a large non-profit institution for their generosity over a long fund-raising campaign. I had kind of a good time.

My companions at the table included the widow of a noted film composer; her escort; a stodgy lawyer and his girlfriend, and an old guy whose name you all would recognize who used to be a hot business person but who’s now only the head of his named foundation. Total donations to the organization from the people at my table was in the area of $20 mil.

My job was to smile, nod, flatter and engage in conversation. I think I did all right.

I think even annie would have enjoyed it, as long as she behaved herself, meaning that she didn’t go all ape-shit crazy Christian on them.

did I miss anything?


Annie is possessed. I’m trying to narrow it down to the exact demon…either some pre-Christian Dionysian demon like Pan, or something or maybe some druidic spirit even more obscure.

Posted by: Mal de mer | April 22, 2006 07:40 AM

Oh no you don’t – leave the druids out of it. Although I’m sure they’d have some appropriate curse to send her way – you know, satirize her until it raised blisters on her skin, something along those lines…


Aw, c’mon!! Ask me about the desserts, at least!


Oh all right…how were the desserts? How were the millionaires? Was there any pearl clutching to be seen?

Chris Moorehead

While the RC church has some serious problems, I’m not sure that most Protestant denominations are any cleaner. It’s not the RC Church that wants to nuke Iran, arrest all liberals, or continue the slaughter in Iraq. Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell have done more damage to Christianity than all the evil popes combined, even Alexander VI (the Borgia pope), Julius II (who spent most of his tenure leading armies and sacking cities), and Leo X (pope during the Protestant Secession).

And I come from a long line of anti-Papists on both sides of the family. (Well, my wife is Ukrainian Catholic, but they have married clergy & don’t believe in the authority of the Pope.) But even my grandfather, who was some sort of Loyal Orange Lodge grand master, wasn’t deluded enough to claim that Roman Catholics aren’t Christian.


While the RC church has some serious problems, I’m not sure that most Protestant denominations are any cleaner.

And the best place to go for evidence of this is right to the source….just read some of the things Martin Luther had to say about Jews and women. Some of the bloodiest of the witch-craze persecutions took place in Protestant Germany.

I’m not one to defend the Catholic church overmuch, but there’s no sense in laying undeserved blame at their doorstep, either.



You don’t say, Anonymous.

Fascinating. I am intrigued by your ideas, and would like to subscribe to your newsletter.


meringue shells, with lemon filling.


“Kennedy (America’s last fearless president) was assasinated because of his stance against nuclear proliferation. Israel wanted to go nuclear at any price.”

Whoawhaoawhaoawhoawhoawhoawhoaand STOP!!!!!
Exactly WHERE did that come from?!


Millions donated and all those people get are some lousy mini lemon pies?

I would have expected chocolate covered albino tiger penis or something, edible gold covered diamonds, that sort of thing…

They just don\’t make the rich like they used to.


Yeah, and they were chintzy with the wine, too.


“You’ll ban me, eventually. Just wait.”

Do I detect the smell of burning martyr?


Yoshida is stark raving fucking bat fucked mad. No one, and I do mean no one takes this guy seriously. At one time, Malkin used to link to his site. Times have changed. I actually believed at one time that he was a liberal plant, set up to galvanized the national left.


(comments are closed)