Shorter Adam Yoshida

The “Plamegate” Nonsense

Valerie Plame is a slut.

Want something even better? It’s YoshiRadio?! (4 minutes of Adam’s analysis of the Canadian elections, converted to MP3 from Adam’s original WAV file by your faithful servants, 1.5MB file.)


Comments: 10


Um…Yoshida. Sounds like a Jap. Who cares what a Jap has to say? They raped Nanking, after all.

(end sarcasm)


I would listen to him but I think I’d rather jam a red hot leather awl in my ear bursting the drum first and hearing aids are a bit pricey.


That was freaking hilarious.


“Valerie Plame is a slut.”

I think Adam intends that as an insult but it reads more like a desperate wish.

Quick, how many times has Adam had carnal knowledge of a female??? Hint: you won’t need your fingers to count.


GodDAMN, I’ve never seen a weblog host so thoroughly eviscerated in his own comments. I think that he should, for the sake of his self-esteem, go the way National Review’s Corner and publish supportive, anonymous, self-authored e-mails.


A while back in Adam’s comments, I opined that Adam thrives on the derision. The more he’s derided, the more convinced he is that he’s correct. In fact if he ever did post anything that most sane, sensible people could agree with, he’d probably think he’d gone all soft and liberal.

Adam’s political views are a symptom of his deep frustration at being rejected by women, his lack of social skills, and his general self-loathing.

Funny, that seems to also describe many of the wingnuts inhabiting the blogosphere, particularly Frei Republik and Little Green Fascists. Adam’s just a little more extreme than the rest.


A toke too far

Adam Yoshida must have gotten hold of some seriously whacked stuff. Really, it’s quite the amazing screed. The ?Plamegate? NonsenseIn fact, the entire ?Plamegate? affair is best an example of what?s wrong with a large part of the CIA. The…


“Adam’s political views are a symptom of his deep frustration at being rejected by women, his lack of social skills, and his general self-loathing.”

shorter version: it’s because Adam has a small penis.

I sincerely hope the guy is a joke, but apparently, raving mad lunatics do exist, and they post.


no, it’s not necessarily penis size; one could have an enormous schlong, but if one is obese, doesn’t know how to dress one’s self and totally lacking in social skills…

he could have a very little, little soldier as well… I’d rather not think about it, frankly!


The management kindly requests that discussions of Adam’s penis be kept short. Thank you.


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