Above: Found my previous workings of Morbid Angel
and GWAR a bit much, so…
I was enjoying gay homo sex, cashing welfare checks,
Such a liberal…
Fannie Mae gave me ten houses for free
’cause I said I was a black criminaaal
I destroyed the economy
I should have listened to Ruppert, Gary
I paid no money down (my skin was brown)
My candidate, a terrorist
Never had a job, worshiped Ahmadinejad
Was sticking pictures of Jesus in jars of piss
Was kissing abortionists
’til I saw you on the Freepers’ mailing list, oh
Girl, you’re ev’ry wingnut in the world to me
You’re my fantasy, you make me feel like Rich Lowry
Girl, you’re ev’ry wingnut in the world to me
You’re ev’rything I need, you make me forget I’m a commie, oh
Ev’rything wing, ev’rything nut
That’s what you are
So dump Virgin Ben and Gaynor, and come with
This fifth-columnist moonbat re-tarrrrd
I’ve finally found the exorcist
To drive out the evil spirits, Islamist and socialist, oh
Girl, you’re ev’ry wingnut in the world to me
You’re so sexy, you make me feel like Rich Lowry
Girl, you’re ev’ry wingnut in the world to me
You’re ev’rything I need, you and your apostrophe, oh
Girl, you’re ev’ry wingnut in the world to me
You’re my fantasy, the cure for my Bush Derangement Disease
Girl, you’re ev’ry wingnut in the world to me
I won’t read no Michael Berube, just Marie and Alan Keyes, oh
I hate Air Supply, but I love this. Indeed, this is probably the best thing that’s ever been done with an Air Supply song, not counting burning.
It is obvious that the Democrat party is not capable of exercising stewardship of our country in any capacity. They have become impacted by their own mean-spiritedness. Their intellect is stunted by an extreme liberal ideology; they are no longer able to aid their own country in time of war or peace.
The damned liberals spent the last seven years tearing down everything we Cheetos™-devouring reichtards built!
(slow clap)
(wipes single tear from eye)
Everyone in this country can become whatever they desire with hard work and personal perseverance. We can no longer afford the Democrat’s divisive ways.
It is time for every citizen to come back to America. Patriotism is making a comeback along with a hockey mom who bakes a great apple pie. She is beautiful, intelligent and, if necessary, ready to be on stand-by for the president.
It is apparent that people are fed up with listening to those responsible for our fiscal debacle blame others. There awaits a monumental surprise for those who will not take their medicine for the current crisis in which we find ourselves. Indeed. Just hold on and wait until we vote come in November.
Eat your heart out, Jonathan Swift.
You can’t touch this.
I still can’t forgive you for cheating on me with Amanda Carpenter. You will need to sing this ( for weeks on end to earn my forgiveness.
Wait, wait, let me go get my lighter.
OK, go again…
Patriotism is making a comeback along with a hockey mom who bakes a great apple pie. Um…where has it be mentioned that Palin bakes a great apply pie? Moose stew, perhaps.
Here’s my favorite, though:
She is beautiful, intelligent and, if necessary, ready to be on stand-by for the president.
“If necessary, ready to be on standby?” isn’t that the whole point of the job of VP, being on standby?
our fiscal debacle
That word, fiscal, IDNTIMWYTIM.
But I have been impacted by mean-spiritedness.
HTML: Bra-fucking-vo.
That’s just beautiful, man.
Since they took all the lighters (and sharp objects) away from me, I’ve got to use this here glowstick, but I’ve got it raised in the air and I’m waving back and forth.
Please, please, hold your applause. For an encore, I do a mean take on an Andy Williams classic.
Look out, Branson, here I come!
As result of government intervention into our capitalist system, financial institutions many believed were invincible are in danger of collapsing. – Marie Jon
Yes, Marie. Regulation caused this crisis. How is the weather in your Republican Parallel Universe? Or is it the Negative Zone? Or Opposite Land?
Or Limbaugh’s Asshole?
Exceptional, but, no more ‘ ? What hath she done? Just plain old “Jon” now. Ah, well.
Cindy sez:
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. My husband, he’d be the first one to tell you that he was trained to do what he was doing. The guys who had the trouble were the 18-year-olds who were drafted. He was trained, he went to the Naval Academy, he was a trained United States naval officer, and so he knew what he was doing.
I dunno. Lots of people struggle with what PTSD is. And is not. Hell, babe, I don’t honestly know either. They say “just suck it up”. The tell you, “dude, it happened a LONG time ago – get over it”. And you tell yourself “nothing bad can happen to you now. You’re home.” But none of it matters. Everything’s broken, and while maybe you can SEE there from here, you can’t GET there from here.
Cindy seems to think that if you’re an officer, if you’re somehow educated enough, if you are old enough, you can “handle” it. Sorry. No. I’ve been in the group sessions. I’ve seen the LTs and the Capns and even some Majors.
Know why? It seems pretty obvious to me. It’s not who you are, how you were raised, where you went to school, your rank or your branch or your MOS.
It’s what you saw, what you did, what was done to you. It’s what you did with no sleep. It’s what you did day after day, night after night.
I’ve been saying it for getting close to forty years, goddam it. I don’t need your pity, and I don’t want your help. I just want you to under fucking stand.
And that continues to be too fucking goddam much to ask…
The apostrophe is gone?
But it’s obvious McCain doesn’t have any sort of PTSD stuff. I mean, it’s not like he goes around calling groups of people “My fellow prisoners” forty years after he got out or anything.
What’s that?
Seriously, though. I don’t know if those of us that haven’t had such experiences truly can understand completely. Some of us are certainly willing to try, and at the very least, accept and do what we can.
The apostrophe is gone?
The apostrophe is voting for that terrorist Obama, so I dumped it.
If we can do something, we must.
The apostrophe is voting for that terrorist Obama, so I dumped it.
Does everybody on that website write like a 12 year old?
Nobody writes songs like this for K-Lo.
re The guys who had the trouble were the 18-year-olds who were drafted. He was trained, he went to the Naval Academy, he was a trained United States naval officer, and so he knew what he was doing.
If he has PTSD she doesn’t want to know. (How many guys with PTSD have wives and families members who think like this gal.)
My grandfather (WW1) and dad (WW2) – dad was a career officer, a major, in the airforce – suffered with PTSD. Something about the bombing missions deeply disturbed my dad. I think it was the knowledge that he was killing women and children.
Nobody understood them either.
Cindy, put down the pills. Do you not remember what he called you? SANE men do not go calling women that. And they also don’t go tapping untried, wingnutty, separatist-hugging, fundie-kissing Alaskan governors for the second-most-important job in the land.
When I was in high school, Air Supply came to play a concert at the podunk state college in my podunk town. I didn’t attend but…some of the girls from my class did and then went to the hotel to “party” with Air Supply after the show…and then came to school and bragged about it.
Which the rest of us never allowed them to live down.
No, it’s OK with you, because as liberals, your hypocrisy means that it is fine to committ voter fraud as long as it helps leftist candidates.
Yer darn tootin, bucko! We learned from the cons. Umm, conservatives I mean, though I suppose it works either way.
It’s similar to the way that it is OK to launch your political career from the living room of a terrorist, as long as the terrorist is a leftist.
Heh. Launched like a Titan missile baby, sky fucken high. But we had to! The terrorists have all the explosive kinda stuff.
Does your hypocrisy ever bother you, liberals? Nah, I know it doesn’t, but I really do enjoy calling you on it.
High-poo-crazy? Wuts dat? I dunno no high-poo-christy.
Barack Hussein Obama listens to Ayers Supply.
You betcha!
Which the rest of us never allowed them to live down.
Did they have green jello cups and watch Matlock together?
Troll kibble:
Liberals, do you want to discuss how your friends at ACORN have been raided as their blatant voter fraud work continues?
You do know why the iffy registrations are so blatant, don’t you?
Because they flagged them for review by the registrar.
And, yeah, those 50 some-odd iffy registrations (out of 80,000) are sure as hell going to change the election results, ain’t they?
(And now I’ll go mourn the loss of the apostrophe…)
Since pretty much every other band in the world has demanded that the McCain campaign stop using their music, maybe there is an opening for Air Supply to be the big theme song for McCain/Palin.
I’m thinking maybe “Making Love Out of Nothing At All”?
Russell Hitchcock looked an awful lot like Richard Simmons. Discuss.
I’m so depressed and offended I wouldn’t even fuck her anymore.
Way to go, HTML.
We need to deal with it: Even if Obama wins, the best we can say is that we’re less fucked.
somewhere, someplace, megan mcardle is crying into a very expensive drink.
I just figured out who Palin’s voice is.
It’s Principal Victoria.
OKay, full disclosure, I’m a woman who has never been in combat.
But –
My husband, he’d be the first one to tell you that he was trained to do what he was doing.
Wasn’t McCain simply flying over Vietnam and dropping bombs on the countryside below? What horrors did he see? How close was the combat he engaged in? I’ll give him props for what he experienced as a POW, which I’m sure was horrendous.
but it is just NOT RIGHT to say that McCain experienced war the same way as 18 year old kids drafted into the infantry, and somehow avoided being affected by it because he was more mature and better trained.
Plus….I call bullshit on her saying he hasn’t been affected.
Damn, you know, I actually had a tiny bit of sympathy for Cindy McCain until a couple of days ago. Since she started coming out with all this outrageous bullshit and lies about Obama, I’m kicking that peroxided bitch to the curb.
I’m so depressed and offended I wouldn’t even fuck her anymore.
Way to go, HTML
Jesus Christ! I’m so sorry!
Thousands of ballots thrown out, uncounted. Entire counties have vote totals twice their population, Millions harassed AT the polls and “YAWN” from Teh Pukes and Corpse Media.
“OMG, Mickey Mouse on a REGISTRATION FORM!?!!”
Raids, hours of discussion, and fainting spells.
Thanks Pukes, for truly summarizing the last 8 years so neatly.
somewhere, someplace, megan mcardle is crying into a very expensive drink.
Dear God, I hope so.
HTML Mencken said,
October 10, 2008 at 4:11
somewhere, someplace, megan mcardle is crying into a very expensive drink.
Dear God, I hope so.
It’s not like she’s ever produced anything worth anything.
So all she has is this.
Own it, glibertarian!
I’ve got to use this here glowstick
Well, John McCain can’t wave anything around over shoulder height at any concert. Ever.
Sorta OT, but has anybody else seen this videotaped interaction between two old coots?
The old crank in the audience is actually more coherent than McP.O.W., though he’s likely just as demented. It’s a freaking growl-fest.
It is to lol, this is.
Oh, dear. With or without the
apostacyapostrophe, Marie Jon’ Jon is just so very pretty.The Truth Says:
October 10th, 2008 at 3:24
Liberals, do you want to discuss how your friends at ACORN have been raided as their blatant voter fraud……OUCH!!!!! TEH FOX NEWS TRANSCRIPT OF EVERY SHOW THIS WEEK!!!!!!!
The Truth hurts. He really, really hurts my noggin.
I desire to become a lazy-ass lump of disorganized cytoplasm. Hard work and personal perseverance just get in the way.
When one’s name is a perfect rhyming substitute for the name of a porn star, one should give extra careful thought whether to bring up one’s own insatiable penchant for wankery.
You liberals will eat your words soon enough I assure you. Once McCain is elected President you’ll go back to singing kumbaya, smoking pot and whining about reactionary “racist” middle America. Don’t worry, you’ll still be collecting your welfare checks, for a while anyway until McCain has enough votes in Congress to back up his fiscal conservatism.
Twoof wrote:
It sounds like this creep is now trying to convince himself that the only reason the Repubs are about to get their asses kicked is because the evil, sneaky Democrats are going to steal all the votes.
Kumbaya, EffEssEmm
Pass the pot.
Kumbaya, Invisible Pink Unicorn
Welfare checks.
Kumbaya, Angry Sky Fairy
Ghey ‘bortions
Oh Eris, Kumbaya.
I’m detecting a distinct anti-glowstick vibe. Glowsticks are awesome! If glowsticks don’t bring a smile to your face, then you’re probably the type of person that thinks bendy-straws are like “meh”.
We’ll get one of these for JiSM3 and he can just rock back and forth, holding his disappointment and self-pity in, while the resy of us sing Kumbaya.
Everyone in this country can become whatever they desire with hard work and personal perseverance.
I’d’ve moved south much sooner if I’d only known – & all it’ll take is hard work & personal perseverance … at last, a place where my personal dream of one day being an invincible 400-meter-tall killer cyborg can come true!
Thank you, Ms. Jon, thank you!
Soon I will avenge your fallen apostrophe, soon, soon …
They’re not my friends, it’s not OK with me, I’m not that interested in discussing it because I have the funny feeling that in a year or three we’re all going to find out that it was yet another “Delta Force” ratfuck like the Lewinsky “scandal” was (& you’ll ignore it, just like you “miraculously” ignored all the other numerous slimeball GOP ratfucks of the last decade – & beyond), thinking “liberal” is synonymous with “hypocritical” sounds like you need to be tested for tertiary syphilis ASAP, gleefully regurgitating whatever slush you were just spoon-fed by Faux Snooze merely marks you as a total rube begging to be intellectually pwned, & I doubt you “enjoy” getting shot down in flames like this every damn time you open your cakehole here.
Oh, & you reek of fail.
Wow, is it almost November ALREADY?
My my, how time flies …
Just don’t try to do all three at the same time.
It sounds like this creep is now trying to convince himself that the only reason the Repubs are about to get their asses kicked is because the evil, sneaky Democrats are going to steal all the votes
Hey, he’s got to maintain his martyr-based priapism somehow…
Marie Jon’ the ap
ostrophe is shorthand for
“right wing wank muffin.”
I’m kind of looking forward to the really, really elaborate vote-fraud stories used to explain Obama’s pasting of JSM3. “No, see, he didn’t really WIN Ohio or Iowa or Colorado or Nevada or Virginia or Florida. He stole ’em! Stole ’em all!” I want to see giant headline fonts last used for NIXON QUITS or NAZIS SURRENDER, over pictures of weepy McCain. I want to see Bush’s surly drunken scowl as he hands over the White House keys to the black guy. I want to see the contempt GOP leaders heap on McCain after he loses. I want to see sweaty frightened pundits on Fox explaining that sure, Obama got as many electoral votes as Reagan in 1980, but he doesn’t have a Reagan-sized mandate, because there were some fishy things in the vote count in Cuyahoga County.
Hey What’s Goin’ On?
This summer bloom’s ALLUPONS!
She be Marie Jon’
Don’t ever forget
haiku poetry comes out
of odd poem rules.
I think he’s going to need some peppermint tea, too. He’s gonna be really bummed out.
On Marie losing her apostrophe: I can’t help thinking that all this time it was a typo. Must have K-Lo as an editor.
ANYway, HTML, I’m holdin’ up my cellphone in the darkened arena just for you.
Inbred goodness
Creeps me out
The Almighty approves
Well, I’d say that’s pretty spot on.
Marie Jon: “McCain wrote legislation in 2005 in an attempt to fix Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Democrats voted it down.”
If only the GOP had had any legislative power in 2005, they would have prevented the Dems from letting big business run wild!
“McCain wrote legislation in 2005 in an attempt to fix Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The Democrats voted it down.”
I can’t count the number of things factually wrong with those two sentences without pulling down my pants.
McCain didn’t write the legislation. He signed on almost 2 years after it was first brought up when it became obvious that something needed to be done. It wasn’t an attempt to fix Fannie/Freddie. It was to massively expand them and allow them to give even bigger, riskier loans with even less oversight. Many republicans opposed it, because it was a retarded plan. It never made it to a vote, because the Republican head of the finance committee never let it get that far.
She really has a beautiful face. I feel bad for her. She has what it takes to be the republican fantasy hottie, but republicans went gaga over a very masculine-faced blonde with the figure of a lanky boy.
Your party is in the closet, Marie. Come join a party that will accept you for the babe you are – sure we have lots of gay men, too, but they will still love picking out clothes for you and telling you that your hair looks fabulous.
You guys are letting the little head do the thinking for the big head.
As the saying goes, I wouldn’t fuck her with Ann Coulter’s dick.
Big head is mostly concerned with finding food and money and generally survivng to keep little head happy and content. Little head really doesn’t care how she talks. Big head can think of football scores or something while little head does what it needs to do.
The system has flaws, but what can one do?
Also, little head isn’t exactly sure it likes being called little head, regardless of how accurate the comparative physiological truth.
It is also wondering “how you doin’ “…
Oh, no, no, no, no, no. My husband, he’d be the first one to tell you that he was trained to do what he was doing.
Say Cindy, was John McCain trained to panic and drop his bombs off the wing of his plane on to the flight deck when a misfired rocket hit the plane next to him? He couldn’t get those thousand-pound bombs away from his plane fast enough.