Wolverines! Ah, I mean an actual Wolverine! Mommy, get my Anarchy Ouchy Kit!

Pew pew pew, now fall down Federal Government, I shot you!

Bob Owens, The Website Formerly Known as Confederate Wanker:
Shock the system

I’ve said before that what wingnuts lack most is creativity and I think nothing better demonstrates that than the coked-up fantasies wingnuts come up with to describe their idea of what real life is like.

I mean, sure, we had D&D towers and Tim Allen rolls in the last post, but overall, the fantasies just boiled down to the same sad refrain: “they want to live in an action movie and kill someone without going to jail”.

Now, not every fantasy needs to be a sci-fi/fantasy epic involving queer unicorns and space ninja leprechauns, I have my own suite of more mundane fantasies about things like being born my correct gender, not having been sexually assaulted in front of my mom and partner*, or sending all the wingnuts of the world off to smoke some weed and come back in a couple of years so we can try and fix the most egregious stuff wrong with our planet in the meantime.

But still… what the wingnuts come up with, what they cling to as a desperate substitute for a reality they find cloistering, confusing, and painful just makes them look… pathetic.

Take our latest case in point:

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • The fact that some douchebags working for a subcontracted security firm only mildly invested in finding me because my employer was too stupid to call ahead, couldn’t find me in a manner I consider timely, me and my fellow armed insurrection LARPers could totally cripple America without ever being caught ever.

Yes, really. Here’s the tagline:

Just one example of how the government could lose a civil conflict

But hey, if fantasies about how I could hold off an entire US military filled with tanks, fighter planes, and unarmed drones with my M16 were something so important to me I’d back child murderers and terrorists, I guess I’d grasp at straws too.

I keep reading comments from arrogant progressives who delight in the assault on gun rights

And how can you filthy bastards sleep at night! Gleefully smirking after political victories stripping away the rights of brave guns just trying to use the bathroom or create a legal family with the one they love? So arrogantly you strip away such important rights as… er… restrictions on voting? Denial of equal pay? Forced deportation?

Well, whatever it is, it’s bad and came from out of nowhere.

led by their elected and appointed allies in the recent weeks since a madman gunned down innocent children in a school in Newtown, CT.

Oh right, yeah, that. The latest mass shooting in a painful lineage of them because we here in America believe that a white person’s right to own as many murder devices of as many types as they can physically house should be trumped by nothing so petty as other people’s lives not to be shot or not living in perpetual fear of literally delusional paranoid bigots wandering around everywhere with gats strapped to their legs.

Yeah, I can see how the real victims of that were the poor gun owners.

They seem to think they can impose any indignity and infringment they want without repercussion, because the President of the United States is one of them

Ow, goddamnitt cracker, can you turn up the dog whistle? I’m not sure the chihuahuas down in Mexico quite heard it.

he’s the leader of the nation’s military, and he can therefore win any battle against America’s freedom fighters who might rise up to restore their constitutional rights currently under assault.

And that’s why you and the other treason role players have strongly supported every new military advancement and expansion of executive power possible. So that if those “others” ever did elect a “President” who was sick of your shit, he’d have enough flying death robots and city-erasing missiles to ruin your day without having to crease his suit.

One second, I need to go get a thesaurus, because there are only so many ways in the English language to call you a fucking idiot and I suspect I’m going to need all of them before we’re done here today.

They don’t understand asymmetrical warfare in the slightest

No, Mr. Mirror Master, I guess they just don’t understand asymmetrical warfare what with the way they support endlessly spiralling military money and wars of choice in urban environments and like to treat a handful of angry citizens with rocks like an existential threat. Maybe they should learn some more lessons before spouting their mouth off.

(shake head)… You (flip, flip)copulating cretin.

much less how it would be waged here. Let me give you just one small example of how a lone wolves or small teams can strike well beyond their size against a near defenseless leviathan.

Like, OMG, Snape will like totally tell Harry that like he was only super-duper mean to him because he reminded him of Lily so much, and then he’ll reach up to his scar with his hand and like then dragons burst out and totally take down that Slut Becky who’s been spreading those nasty rumors about me all over school. She is such a leviathan!

After the Dot Com bubble burst in the early 2000s, I took a job in upstate New York for a subcontractor of Central Hudson Gas and Electric. I was part of a crew sent out to map electrical transmission line power poles and towers via GPS, check the tower footings for integrity, check the best routes for access, etc.

So… you were a tower jockey for the electric company… or rather not even that, you were the douchebag who drives along the road and notes whether or not the downed connection the customer complained about seven days ago might have something to do with the decaying power line they reported in their angry call.

I’m not sure how this adequately prepared you for a life of terrorism and hiding out from the law. But, please, go on.

It meant I rode quads (ATVs) through mountains, swamps, forests, neighborhoods and farms all over southern New York, in winter’s icy chill and blowing snow, and in summer’s melting heat. It was exhausting work, often in beautiful scenery.

How exhausting? Like super exhausting. I mean, there was all the pedals and… I mean, what if the ATV ran out of gas somewhere? I’d have to like actually physically get out of my nature destroying useless ass douchebag recreational vehicle and like… WALK! In the woods!

There might be bears out in those woods. Or chipmunks. Or something. It’s really scary, man! Barely got out with my life is what I did! Like a real man… punch. Ow. Stupid hard Obama air, broke my nail is what it did.**

We probably averaged 20 miles of line a day, and that over the course of the contract I easily rode a thousand miles. I can tell you stories of flipping quads, sinking quads, going down a mountain without brakes, almost hitting deer at top speed, and parking on the remains of an electrocuted bear, but that isn’t really what I remember most about the job.

PLEASE BELIEVE I AM BUTCH! I nearly killed a deer! Like for reals! I am totally a manly man doing “real” “manly” “work” TM! I could take down the government with one flex of my mighty pecs… someone believes me… right?

No, what I remember most about the job were the days we spent up near the Rondout Reservoir. What I remember in specific was discovering how powerless the government was to protect key utilities.

… Yes… how “powerless” the “government” is in protecting key utilities… You do realize that most utilities are owned by private companies, right? Like the private company you worked for? Hence why our electricity and gas comes far more expensively than every other first world nation’s, works far less often, has worse customer service, is often outright scamming us, and is working on grids last improved back in the 1930s, i.e. the last time the government was allowed to throw any sort of real money at the issue?

You’re not really so much of a (flip flip) fornicating imbecile as to try and blame the federal government for how little private companies spend on security as compared to dirtbikes for terrorizing the local wildlife and saving their lazy workers the indignity of hiking… right?

In a post-9/11 New York, where terrorism was foremost on the minds of many, you simply didn’t mess around near New York City’s water supply, and Roundout was part of that equation.

… Of course, you are. And also insert joke here about how if the government (and New York in particular) gave a shit about water and power supplies they wouldn’t be as shit and deregulated as they are.

I mean, not to burst Bob’s bubble, but we here in America couldn’t care less about our electricity and water supplies. We regularly let it be wasted in semi-functional pipes, horribly outdated distribution systems, and unacceptable environmental standards and enforcement.

When I still lived in Southern California, one of my favorite hiking paths went all the way around one of the major reservoirs for the city. Because no one cared. And if they did, even after 9/11, we never would have let Bush jack up the arsenic rate like a Captain Planet villain.


Is this the setup for your big proof? Taking down our nearly decayed utilities? What would be your encore? Disrupting the bus lines to make them unreliable? Putting drano in the sewer water to poison our fish supplies? Drill for oil in a major fishing zone and nickel and dime it to the point that it creates a massive nearly unfixable oil spill which you will then respond to in a way that makes an entire body of water completely unsafe for human fishing? Oh wait, someone beat you to that one! (flip flip) Procreating Nincompoop!

The thought that we could be viewed as a threat as we rode the hills around the reservoir for several days never crossed our minds, because we were focused on our jobs minding the electrical transmission lines, not the waters flowing nearby.

Wait? Your brain-dead company didn’t phone ahead and say “hey, FYI, we’re going to have a bunch of inebriated yokels on dirtbikes riding through pretending to look at power line poles that are for some reason not following existing roadways, try not to arrest them, k thanx, bye?”

And this is somehow the government’s fuckup?

Would you prefer it if some slack-mouthed (flip flip)tribbing tomfool plinked you between the eyes with his gun fetish concealed carry because TURRISTS?!?

Naked Recreation Nitwit! Mating moron! Taint-Whispering Incompetent!

It wasn’t until late on the second day, where we parked right beside the dam’s offices, that law enforcement caught up to us.

Because they didn’t fucking care.

Apparently we’d been the on again, off again suspects in a low intensity chase for two days

Yes. Low-intensity chase, because they didn’t give a fuck. Actually have something going through the chatter about some camo-patched motherfuckers with a canister of C4 and some actual legitimate law enforcement breathing down their necks and I imagine you and your boy Friday would have been singing a different tune.

Or fuck, if just one of you had been black or brown, or god forbid, sikh! We’d have never have heard this story again, because they’d be still trying to figure out a place to transfer you to from Guantanamo so they didn’t have to admit putting you there in the first place!

with the law enforcement agency that was in charge of providing security for the reservoir (NYDNR, maybe?) trying to chase us down, without any luck. They didn’t catch us until we parked the truck beside their HQ on the afternoon of the second day and began unloading our gear right under their windows.

That it took them 14 hours to “catch” us was a little unsettling.


with the-


Having the Physical Act of Sexual Intercourse.

Person with low curiosity, information, and data-processing ability about the world that surrounds them.

You and your fellow parasites have fought tooth and goddamn nail to utterly decimate any federal agency that isn’t the police or the military and have fought to deregulate everything to the point where important security duties were being delegated to rent-a-cops and wannabe George Zimmerman’s…

And then you use the complete ineptitude of said subcontracting agencies failing to solve the cock-up of your privatized public utility company phoning ahead about your douchebag squad’s little dirtbike romp to try and argue that the government so neatly cut out of all of this had FUCK ALL to do with anything in this basket of fail.

Then I started thinking about the much more fragile structures we were working beside routinely.

Yes, maybe we should care about those “fragile structures”. Maybe important public utilities we all count on for life shouldn’t be in the hands of private companies and whatever band of freakshow rejects they employ to watch over things. Maybe we shouldn’t respond like fucking lemmings the next time some greedy ass monopoly pitches the notion of “privatization” because “less government regulations and standards will mean less cost… before we jack up the rates because hey, monopoly!”

In short, you have made a much stronger argument for why we should be bringing all these utilities back into the hands of our government where they can be updated, regulated, and properly run than you ever could about your wannabe insurrectionist fantasy.

You see, we’d ridden up to edge of the Danskammer and Roseton power generating stations, and a dozen or more unattended substations during the course of this contract, without being challenged at all.

Um… weren’t you working for the power company? Likely wearing your power company uniform? Doing actual work for the power company you were employed by?

Why would they notice the pack of mouth-breathing company-ATV-riding (flip flip) anal fisting boneheads they themselves sent out to check their own substations?

And on that note, why was your company spending money on environmentally tragic dirt-bikes rather than some guys in the wake of 9-effing-11 to stand around the substations and pretend to be working. I mean, we were kinda going through a recession back then. I don’t doubt a good number of people would have been grateful for the work.

Substations like the one above could be accessed not just from surface roads, but from access trails under the power lines by people with UTVs, ATVs, and motorcycles.

Well, yeah, because those trails and surface roads are specifically there so power company workers can go to their substations and make repairs as needed. If they weren’t accessible, you’d probably need to give your employees ATVs or…

Actually, that’s a good point, why did your employer give you ATVs when you could just drive up the surface roads or down some unpaved dirt roads from said surface roads to get to your destinations?

Just like the residential transformers in your neighborhood, the transformers in substations are cooled with a form of mineral oil. If someone decides to blast a transformer at its base as prepper Bryan Smith did, and the oil drains out, then the transformer either burns out catastrophically, or if the utility is lucky, a software routine notices the problem and shuts the substation (or at least the affected portion) down. The power must then be rerouted through the remaining grid until that transformer can be replaced and any other resulting damage can be repaired.


Your link goes to an equally pathetic fantasist who was dumb enough to actually believe the media hype about the fiscal cliff who is, I guess, who you are talking about.

But I’ll note that that disturbing portrait of a complete (flip flip) screwing simpleton notes that said (flip) pinhead hasn’t actually broken open any transformers but has merely thought about doing it as a means of keeping his generator going because going to the store and buying fuel is for liberals and pansies.

Were an angry group of disenfranchised citizens to target in a strategic manner the substations leading to a city or geographic area—say, Albany, for example—they could put the area in the dark for as long as it took to bring the substations back online. Were they committed enough, and spread their attacks out over a wide enough area, perhaps mixing in a few tens of dozens of the residential transformers found every few hundred yards along city streets, they could overwhelm the utility companies ability to repair the damage being caused or law enforcement’s ability to stop them. The government could perhaps assign a soldier or cop for every transformer, substation and switch, but they’d run out of men long before they ran out of things they need guarded. Not that the government could even guarantee to actually protect the transformers they were guarding; a residential transformer is a big, stationary target, and the substation transformers and switches and other equipment even bigger targets. Residential transformers are easily “touched” by even a moderately competent deer hunter from hundreds of yards away, perhaps separated by roads, subdivisions, swamps or streams. Substations are a dense area target easily struck from a half-mile or more away.

Meanwhile, the lone wolves and small teams would simply shift to other targets of opportunity left unguarded by an overwhelmed and outmatched government force, of which there are many.

And then, those lone wolves could escape back through the closet door back into Narnia.

Because we’d officially be reading the least believable author-insertion fanfic since 50 Shades of Grey.

Yeah, you know what? We do have idiots in charge of our utilities. And the second said idiots let through the “Wolverines” dickhead with the C4, it’d be officially out of their hands and in the hands of angry people with actual power.

And said people will find you and try to arrest you. And like so many other “lone wolves” in your psycho terrorism club, you might even take a few down… well, not you, specifically, you’d start weeping and shitting yourself at the first sign of blue and red lights, but even less stable versions of you. They might even kill one or two federal officers.

And then they would be gunned the fuck down.

Fuck, sure, the conservative terrorism protection racket has hidden abortion clinic bombers, Olympics terrorists, child kidnappers, and cop killers for awhile. But usually, when the government can be arsed to care, they take the fucker down, even with all that protection and the magic badge of whiteness in our society.

Try and take down the power of a city or the Eastern Seaboard or your “blackest night” fantasy? And you’d be surprised just how many federal officers will stand in line just to wrestle you to the ground and give you a good boot to the head.

You and your crew are allowed to be seditious little mass-murdering weasels because you’re smart enough to stick to targets that we as a society don’t give a fuck about. Medical clinics that cater to women, trans* people and sex workers, ex-and-current wives and girlfriends, pretty much anyone who gets in the way of a white man’s right to spray bullets indiscriminately.

Actually inconvenience people who buy the police and care about things like fiscal cliffs, Wall Street, and the mythical Market Forces?

You’ll learn what “being on the wrong side of the bootheel of power” means faster than you can say “Occupy Movement” or “Seattle WTO”.

How many days with partial power or no power, how many nights in the dark, would it take before the local economy collapsed in the targeted area?

Well, seeing as how we regularly have to deal with that pretty much every winter and summer simply because we haven’t upgraded the electrical grid since Roosevelt? I’d have to say, far less than it would take to hunt you down, cut you up and use your intestines as insulator sleeves for the new power lines.

Insurgents could cripple a city, region, or state, without ever firing a bullet at another human being.

Yeah, you totally are wicked cool anarchists who’ll “take down the system, man” before retiring to your man cave “bunkers” to share a brewski with the mates.

Oh please, this would be pathetic fantasy coming from some 19 year old wearing a Dead Kennedys tee, much less from a supposed grown-adult who we know would be weeping openly if even a bad signal interfered with his ability to watch the Big Game on his plasma screen television.

If there is one group of social maladjusts who would be least able to cope with a tragic societal collapse, it’s these (flip flip) going down on a trans-man while a trans-woman does you from behind with a strap-on people with reduced capacity for processing the consequences of their actions and are thus more likely to mistake deluded fantasy that wouldn’t even work there for really good ideas… uh oh, are we almost done? Cause I think I might officially be out.

Progressives seeking to undermine the Constitution seem to think they hold all the cards.

I will take my toys and go home. You might not believe me, but I will totally take my toys and go home if you try and ban me from bullying the other kids. Don’t try and stop me. Cause you can’t.

I would warn them that they are not remotely prepared for what will happen if they attempt to cross Constitutional boundaries and natural rights.

So what?

If we nasty queer folk insist on fucking and fighting for universal health care, you’ll pout so hard and warm up your ATV to go out in near-freezing weather to go down to each and every power station and blow every last one of them up before you are gunned down and left in an unmarked shallow grave?

It could be a cold, dark winter.

Tread carefully.

I’d feel more threatened if I was being savaged by a mouse.

I’m sorry, Bob, you (flip flip… uh) sexifying dummmmmypoopoohead? (I’m so sorry, I had nothing left!)

But you’ve somehow managed to take terrorism, violent threats, and conservative threats of insurrection and make them as pathetic and boring as every other fantasy wingnuts have been able to come up with lately.

If I wasn’t such a liberal and therefore wrong about everything, I might start to note that you and the other deluded gun-fetishists might be legitimately scared that we’ve finally crossed a threshold in this country and we’re officially tired of giving endless free passes to white terrorism and mass gun crime simply because of the fee-fees of people like you. That finally, we might be forced to do something real that legitimately inconveniences you in some way and no amount of media ownership or NRA bad idea spitfire is going to protect you.

And if so, Bob, all I can say is:

Good. Enjoy that feeling. Because it’s the closest you’ll ever get to actually living that pathetic boring fantasy of yours.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Merriam-Webster, how could you have forsaken me?!? We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Long story.

** He follows this up with a giant picture of some dickweasels riding ATVs through a lightly wooded forest as if this testosterone fueled explosion of raw manly “real work” would cause Obama to resign and women to suddenly find his genitals attractive. I’m not sure if that is officially more pathetic than last post’s “Citadel” “plan” or not.


Comments: 399


for the record, part of my epic fail today was that i contracted a nasty virus after coming in contact with bobo wens…

that fucker…


I would warn them that they are not remotely prepared for what will happen if they attempt to cross Constitutional boundaries and natural rights.

yes, the best way to return the constitution to its pristine and original mint condition would be to break about a bazillion laws and endanger lives…not a dick move at all…


Ya know, I still haven’t contacted Con Ed about Bobo’s threat. I wonder how he’d respond to a letter from a large corporation’s legal team…


not having been sexually assaulted in front of my mom and partner*,

i am profoundly sorry…


Ya know, I still haven’t contacted Con Ed about Bobo’s threat. I wonder how he’d respond to a letter from a large corporation’s legal team…

i think we owe it to ourselves to find out…


Insurgents could cripple a city, region, or state, without ever firing a bullet at another human being.

Yes, folks like Bob Owens are totally not up to any sort of self-reflection, but I gotta ask – doesn’t he realize how much he sounds like his idea of what Bill Ayers sounded like, back in the day?


Cerb, are you pulling all the weight around here now? Where’s Tintin? HTML? Nobody should have to stare into the abyss all by themselves.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Cerb + thesaurus = I’ll just go sit over here and shutup.


I would warn them that they are not remotely prepared for what will happen if they attempt to cross Constitutional boundaries and natural rights.
Since when is gun possession a “natural right?”


My continuing question is “How do these people keep successfully selling the idea that private companies (required by law to make a profit) will run something more cheaply than government?”

I know the real reasons are to a) give as much of that sweetsweet money to their buds, and b) deprive as many of those coloreds and wimminz of decent jobs as possible (for starters), but it’s pretty obvious.

Guess the Masters don’t think they have to be subtle in their thefts.


Since when is gun possession a “natural right?”

Since the 2nd was put in to help put down slave rebellions.


RIP Earl Weaver
RIP Stan Musial


More on Earl. Last season the Orioles inaugarated statues of all the Hall of Famers. The unveiling Weaver’s statue had to be delayed because of his poor health. I was so glad the Orioles did this while the most elderly of them were alive. (Brooks Robinson’s honor was delayed by ill health. Frank Robinson is also getting along in years.)

There are three more Oreos in the Hall of Fame: Jim Palmer (SP), Eddie Murray (1B), and Cal Ripken (SS).

changed a number of times due to his medical problems.


Editing. What is it?


i think we owe it to ourselves to find out…

Con Ed’s website’s “contact us” section is pretty much geared towards customers with billing issues.


So now we can add terrorist to the list of hollywood b-movie fantasies that seem to be the only thing that gives meaning to the lives of these pathetic losers.

Again, it’s just another specific flavor of the gun fetishism that has poisoned segments of our culture.

And also, too, publishing this kind of thing will certainly lead to his license to own a gun being suspended, or at least put on probation pending an investigation…

Oh. Wait. That’s right…

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Not sure if this made it here yet. Ahem away.
I’m not afraid of guns. I’m afraid of stoopid.


Ah, yes, someone finally decided to exploit the rich vein of pure stupid which is Bob “Bob” Owens on a good day. Brava, Cerb! Let’s pile on without shame:

Were an angry group of disenfranchised citizens…

While I’m all for Bob learning him some really big words, ignorance enervates his effort. “Disenfranchised” does not, in fact, mean that low-education white males were outvoted by everyone else. It means, “your right to vote was taken away,” often by racist “literacy tests” that I would greatly enjoy administering to Bob, just to watch him writhe and fail.

The best part is where he blithely assumes local liberals are not merely unarmed, but as helpless as Bob himself when confronted by a tipped grill:

Meanwhile, the lone wolves and small teams would simply shift to other targets of opportunity left unguarded by an overwhelmed and outmatched government force, of which there are many.

New Yorkers are famous for their idle slacking in the face of trouble-making morons attacking them.

I’m almost irresponsible enough to encourage him in this, just to watch him try it. Then I recall he works at a gun store, and has more interest in selling ammo than in actually getting up off his ass to shoot at electrical equipment.

Bonus manglo, from the very first of his witless commenters:

As I and many others have pointed out – take out the power, take out the water pumps, drop a couple of key highway bridges with thermite and the cities become death traps within 72 hours.

Yeah, that’s all easily done by a handful of g00bers who are not native to the area. Cripes, we have to start demanding higher difficulty settings from our video game creators.


So according to him, NYC became a deathtrap within 72hrs of the big storm?


Do these psychopaths actually think they represent some kind of populist force? Do they actually think that knocking out peoples’ utilities will be met with widespread approval and ticker-tape parades?

At least if they go this route, the media might eventually stop pretending that they represent a legitimate counterpoint to the progressive, non-insane majority in this country.


not having been sexually assaulted in front of my mom and partner*
*Long story.

I’ll say, Oedipus.


Comedy gold. I bow to the master…


Bonus manglo

I always consider man glow a welcome bonus.


I think the city deathtrap thing, besides “nears” is just your typical butthurt: city slickers called me stupid, I’ll show them who’s the stupid poopyhead! Poop! Poooooop! How do you like your light rail system now with no electricity, poopyheads?


I’m almost irresponsible enough to encourage him in this, just to watch him try it. Then I recall he works at a gun store, and has more interest in selling ammo than in actually getting up off his ass to shoot at electrical equipment.

Just you watch, as soon as one of the morans (sic) that he riles up starts something, he’ll deny that mofo thrice before the cock crows.

drop a couple of key highway bridges with thermite

You’d think the guy never actually saw a suspension bridge- some al Qaeda fucks thought they ‘d be able to cut the cables of the Brookyn Bridge and send it crashing down into the East River- good luck with that, asshole.

Funny how conservatives think alike, no matter what culture produced them.


Just you watch, as soon as one of the morans (sic) that he riles up starts something, he’ll deny that mofo thrice before the cock crows.

Like when Bart tries to ingratiate himself to the kewl kids and defaces the Springfield statue. “Probably some jerk from Shelbyville.”


Do these psychopaths actually think they represent some kind of populist force?

Hey, they held the House via populist appeal rampant gerrymandering!

Do they actually think that knocking out peoples’ utilities will be met with widespread approval and ticker-tape parades?

Bob and his peeps really love a man in a uniform, so everyone else must like hicks in camo, right?

At least if they go this route, the media might eventually stop pretending that they represent a legitimate counterpoint to the progressive, non-insane majority in this country.

Yeah, and they might also stop pretending that teabaggers are something other than exceptionally fat and stupid Republicans who get incredibly belligerent when reminded they voted for W.

Just you watch, as soon as one of the morans (sic) that he riles up starts something, he’ll deny that mofo thrice before the cock crows.

Bob himself having sold him the ammo, along with tales of how the Kenyan Usurper is gonna take all “our” guns away, unless some True Patriot puts a stop to this evil, right here right now…

You’d think the guy never actually saw a suspension bridge- some al Qaeda fucks thought they ‘d be able to cut the cables of the Brookyn Bridge and send it crashing down into the East River- good luck with that, asshole.

To be fair, BBBB, the number of bridges connecting Manhattan to the outside world is far higher than this guy can ever possibly hope to count.


some al Qaeda fucks thought they ‘d be able to cut the cables of the Brookyn Bridge

And these al Qaeda fucks are now Bobo Wen’s new role model. For PATRIOTISM.


as i said elsewhere on the intermedia netweb;

Bob Owens Determined To Strike In US



To be fair, BBBB, the number of bridges connecting Manhattan to the outside world is far higher than this guy can ever possibly hope to count.,

THREE bridges? Such extravagance!



Woot! Cornfed didn’t delete & ban me this time!



THREE bridges? Such extravagance!

Next they’ll be expecting TUNNELS.
Someone should make a movie about Escaping from New York.

Bozo the Cocksucker

I didn’t realise he’d dropped the TIDOS Yankee name. Probably ages ago. Did he finally realise it made no sense?


Like when Bart tries to ingratiate himself to the kewl kids and defaces the Springfield statue. “Probably some jerk from Shelbyville.”

That’s exactly what I was thinking.

And these al Qaeda fucks are now Bobo Wen’s new role model. For PATRIOTISM.

Like I wrote, conservatives think alike, no matter what culture produced them.

Bob Owens Determined To Strike In US

So much win.

Someone should make a movie about Escaping from New York.

Somebody tried, but the film crew got stuck in midtown traffic and starved to death.


That it took them 14 hours to “catch” us was a little unsettling.

That’s the funny part- it took “them” 14 hours to “catch” them when “they” weren’t even dealing with a threat- it would take much less time to nab a couple of vandalizing yokels who established a pattern.


Bob Owens Determined To Strike In US

Okay, you’ve covered your ass.


Wow, another delusional wingnut suffering from adult oppositional defiant disorder.

Nothing new here.

Can you imagine, 20 years ago, Timothy McVeigh coming to the realization that Federal Buildings were excellent targets for car bombs?

Bob Owens, meet Timothy McVeigh. Crackpots of the USA, unite!


Nice of Owens to write a “how to” manual for Al Qaeda.

I mean, if it’s that easy Bob, what’s to keep some swarthy individuals from trying it out?


Hey, it worked on New Caprica! C-Bucks Rule!


I mean, if it’s that easy Bob, what’s to keep some swarthy individuals from trying it out?

Bobo fantasizes about swarthy hands violating his porcelain skin his precious bodily fluids his reservoirs.


Someone actually used Castro as an example of “Wolverines!”

While technically true, I suppose, the Cuban Army circa 1959 doesn’t exactly make me think “unstoppable military superpower”.


Cerberus, you need to clean the lenses of your geographical scope. The high-tension power lines run cross-country. I have spent lots of time mountain biking and riding dirt bikes along the rural power lines in Pennsylvania. But … Riding those trails in a quad, presumably at fairly slow speeds, is not too physically demanding.

Bobowens, Treason in Defense of Terrorist LARPing.


Woof, Cerb! That was a whole bunch o’ typing. These “Longers” can be a bear to write, even if you’re fueled by your boundless rage. Actually, things like that Macho Man LARPering column boil down to one of a couple structures, as you noticed. The standard is:
1. Destroy a function of government.
2. Blame Government when that function no longer functions.
[3. Profit!]
Near as I can figure, these kinds of clowns stopped reasoning at about 6 years old. Personally, I blame their parents, but it seems to be a characteristic of the “Conservative” family to spoil their kids like that. I guess when that’s all you know (“It’s not my fault!”), that’s what you do.


not a gator said,
January 22, 2013 at 7:38

Cerb, are you pulling all the weight around here now? Where’s Tintin? HTML? Nobody should have to stare into the abyss all by themselves.

Agree. Would our Sadly Overlords consider handing keys to other Sadlies to help out? One or two posts ago, I floated the idea of Chris becoming a poster. Also bbkf comes to mind.

Gotta bounce outa here soon. In 15 minutes I leave for my first consultation with the Johns Hopkins surgeon who will be doing my third abdominal hernia fix (hopefully in March). When this is over my belly will be so scarred I will look like the world’s most inept samuri.


Let me see if I have this straight – if Congress passes laws that he doesn’t like, he wants to start blowing shit up. If Bob Owens was black, he would be calling for his own execution


Paranoid gun-lovers vs drones. Hmm, who would win that fight, I wonder?


Did he finally realise it made no sense?

bobo don’t roll like that…


The government can pretty much kill you from space.

These guys don’t realize they lost that arms race years ago – and they voted for it.

In fact, they called anyone who didn’t vote for it a traitor.


If the last 10 years are any indication, just as soon as TIDOS Yankee gets 3 people together, the odds are that one of them is a paid informer. He’ll find himself picked up by the police while carrying 20 lbs of modeling clay labeled “C-4” that his new friend managed to get his hands on.


okay…what does TIDOS mean?


TIDOS: Treason In Defense Of Slavery

i.e. a reference to his earlier moniker of “Confederate Yankee”


ahhhhhhh…i see… thanks…bobo wens is even more full of fail than i presumed…man, i’d love to see whackaloons like him prosecuted for making terroristic threats…his stint in the big house would be a reality show i would watch…


mountains, swamps, forests, neighborhoods and farms all over southern New York

Southern New York? What, Westchester or Scarsdale?

We probably averaged 20 miles of line a day,

Twenty whole miles? That’s my trip to the supermarket and back.


So if the Federal government implements universal background checks or mandates insurance coverage includes contraception, Bob Owens is going to blow up a power substation in suburban New York? And do what then?


oh holy shit…just noticed that a young ‘friend’ of mine just ‘liked’ redneck international’s status:

11YR OLD SHOOTS ILLEGAL’S thanks FOX NEWS for reporting it
BUTTE, MONTANA Shotgun preteen vs. Illegal alien Home Invaders…

Two illegal aliens, Raphael Resides, 23, and Enrich Garza, 26,probably believed they would easily overpower home-alone 11-year-old Patricia Harrington after her father had left their two-story ho…me. It seems the two crooks never learned two things: they were in Montana and Patricia had been a clay-shooting champion since she was nine. Patricia was in her upstairs room when the two men broke through the front door of the house. She quickly ran to her father’s room and grabbed his Mossberg 500 shotgun. Resides was the first to get up to the second floor only to be the first to catch a near point blank blast of buckshot from the 11-year-olds knee-crouch aim. He suffered fatal wounds to his abdomen and genitals. When Garza ran to the foot of the stairs, he took a blast to the left shoulder and staggered out into the street where he bled to death before medical help could arrive. It was found out later that Resides was armed with a stolen 45-caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. That victim, 50-year-old David O’Brien, was not so lucky. He died from stab wounds to the chest.

Ever wonder why good stuff never makes NBC, CBS, PBS, MSNBC, CNN, or Acnes……..? An 11 year old girl, properly trained, defended her home, and herself……against two murderous, illegal immigrants…….and she wins, She is still alive. Now THAT is Gun Control!

Thought for the day…. Calling an illegal alien an ‘undocumented immigrant’ is like calling a drug dealer an ‘unlicensed pharmacist’

I like this kind of news! American citizens defending themselves and their homes.


i used to have him in class when i was a sub…dropped out of school, slovenly surly family, older brother was accused of possessing child pornography, yada yada yada…one of the things i remember most about this kid is that even in 5th and 6th grade, he would literally burst into tears if things didn’t go his way…


As I and many others have pointed out – take out the power, take out the water pumps, drop a couple of key highway bridges with thermite and the cities become death traps within 72 hours.

Idiot drives an ATV into the parking lot of a substation, does not even begin to attempt to enter the substation, begins fantasy about blowing up bridges.

That’s like me parking in the bank parking lot, making a $60 ATM withdrawal, and fantasizing about my future life as a millionaire bank robber living in Monte Carlo.


That’s the funny part- it took “them” 14 hours to “catch” them when “they” weren’t even dealing with a threat- it would take much less time to nab a couple of vandalizing yokels who established a pattern.

“Funny” would have been an abutter calling the utility about the drunk, camo-wearing, ATV-riding jackholes doing wheelies on the power company ROW and via a game of telephone the utility trying to “rationalize assets/synergize/poop” by calling the contractor whose underlings attempt to contact Bob to go investimagate the trespassers who at last report were seen hear his area.

The fear, pissing of pants, and fish tales about the standoff with his own shadow would be epic.

It would make a good 1970s horror movie, with Bob as the twang-talking yokel who deliciously bites it.


seen *near his area, those nears are sly, doncha know

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

The government can pretty much kill you from space.

Oh, I’m sure Traitor McTraitorface doesn’t believe there actually is space. It’s just a crystal shell over the horizon, and Sputnik and the moon landing were just plots by Communists to destroy our faith in God.


Twenty whole miles? That’s my trip to the supermarket and back.

Don’t forget the pub crawl.

I have spent lots of time mountain biking and riding dirt bikes along the rural power lines in Pennsylvania. But … Riding those trails in a quad, presumably at fairly slow speeds, is not too physically demanding.

Again… pub crawl. He flipped enough times in the ATV as it is. (Didn’t hurt him none as he has no brain to injure.)


bbfk: and that tale is complete bullshit. A Google News search returns: “No results found for “enrich garza””

But a search on that name does return dozens of facebook entries, some apparently posted by RW trolls in the comments of news media facebook pages.

Birth of a Bullshit.

I much prefer true stories about clever girls who escape their kidnappers. Any kid who shot and killed two men and watched them bleed out in front of them would be looking at an epic case of PTSD.


John Revolta said,
January 22, 2013 at 13:58


The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

It’s from 2007

…but then they don’t believe them no Snopes.


It’s from 2007

yes, it’s a wonder the lamestream media didn’t report that, isn’t it? now that i re-read my post, i see i once again did not type what i meant…i wasn’t holy shit-ing because i thought the story was true (as the hat tip to fox news is a dead giveaway) but more on the fact that the redneck idiots are getting younger…and that there are actual people who applaud this type of thing and call themselves true americans…

writing…how do it work?


bbfk, I did enjoy your story about the young WATB poopypants.


It was found out later that Resides was armed with a stolen 45-caliber handgun he took from another home invasion robbery. That victim, 50-year-old David O’Brien, was not so lucky. He died from stab wounds to the chest.

And I thought gun owners were automatically impervious to knives. I think the NRA may have lied to me.


The word “whine” is a cognate for weinen, which means crying, sobbing. (IIRC, shrieking and screaming is schreien.) Not quit sure about weeping.

Anyway, dunno if the sarcastic Anglo-Saxon connotation is the old or the new spin on it.


How come all these wingnut families leave their 11 year old kids home alone?


bbfk, I did enjoy your story about the young WATB poopypants.

that is the exact descriptor for him…god that family is downright scary…once in a blue moon they come out to my supper club to eat…looks like a pack of wolverines mauled the salad bar and their table when they leave…i can only imagine the state of their house…even the mom wear sleeveless tees and wranglers…


Read the snopes article and it’s quite entertaining (such a pity it doesn’t come up first in gazoogle when I searched for that fake name). The story from 1988 is so quaint in that the 11 yo home alone shotgun shooter attempted to exercise his “duty to retreat”.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

(such a pity it doesn’t come up first in gazoogle when I searched for that fake name)

Go for the anglo name first.
They don’t do such a good job spellin’ “ethnic” names.


How many days with partial power or no power, how many nights in the dark, would it take before the local economy collapsed in the targeted area?

Maybe as little as a couple of days, maybe as much as a couple of weeks.

An interesting note – the number of fatalities where The Great Blackout of Ought Three was a contributing factor is twelve. The average number of firearms homicides daily is thirty. If we assumed that banning guns reduces the firearms homicide rate in the US (3.6) to double what it is in Canada (2 x 0.5 = 1.0) then the implied reduction in firearms murders is 22 per day.

Meaning even if Bobo Wens and his ragtag bunch of treasonous WOLVERINES implement their armed insurrection plan and manage to cause power outages on the scale of the 2003 Blackout (55 million people affected) despite their overabundance of FAIL – it would still be safer to ban guns. IOW, the extent of their ability at armed insurrection[1] – at Revolution! and a Patriot Powered Coup to depose Kenyan Usurper X is less of a threat than just the regular proliferation of death machines in the general public.

[1] Buffed up to ludicrous levels. I’m assuming that the Bobo Wens Liberation Army will manage to plunge the entirety of the Northeast, including parts of Canada, into darkness.


Oh no, not the bridges. Why, we have no way to cross the bodies of water around cities without a bridge!

Where does this person live? I want to live in the Utopia where a 72 hour blackout is the biggest tragedy ever.


Teh Ho watched some West Wing this weekend (rather a lot, actually). Yesterday we saw the episode this clip came from, which I had totally forgotten about. Those of you with Facehugger accounts ought to post it and twat it and such.


The thing that strikes me most about Owens’ recent ravings is his apparent lack of understanding that publicly bragging about committing terrorist acts might, oh, attract the attention of the feds, or at the very least, the police. And not in a favorable way. It kinda reminds me of an incident from my childhood:

I used to read the local right wing fishwrap back when I was a kid, a nasty little rag called the Toronto Sun. It was my introduction to Teabagger politics decades before the Tea “Party” even existed. It was known as our city’s “conservative” paper back then, by which, of course, it meant the editorial pages were packed to overflowing with far right nuts and extremists. This included an especially stupid and mouth-frothing reactionary by the name of Bob MacDonald, who once wrote a column in which he exhorted that anyone who complained about the Toronto police force, in any way or for any reason at all, were “scum.” Yep. That’s the word he used, and in a supposedly mainstream newspaper. The people who disagreed with him were out-and-out scum. This was the 1980’s, so there were a lot of protests against nuclear energy (among other things) at the time, and a fair bit of grousing about our cops’ less than gentle treatment of the various protestors. Obviously, this was the heart of MacDonald’s rant in this particular case.

But then something rather amusing happened: I forget the exact details, but some Russian military band was scheduled to play music at a public event – this was the 80’s, remember, and the Soviet Union was still around at this point – and the Sun organized a protest. A whole bunch of local yokels showed up to shriek at the commies, but in the eyes of the police, these noble Freedom Fighters were just another group of protestors…and were thus treated accordingly. There were arrests, and some of the right wing loons in question were (supposedly) treated none too gently. Not that they wouldn’t have screamed like stuck pigs no matter how much the cops handled them with kid gloves, I don’t doubt. But never mind that.

So. How ever did the Sun (and Bob MacDonald) react? After all, these miscreants had dared to go up against out sainted police force and some of them had – Gasp! – actually been arrested. Didn’t this make them “scum” by default? Well, bless your heart, of course it didn’t! MacDonald’s next column was one long screech about “How our police are out of control!” Heh, heh, heh. And I have to say, after all these years, that’s still one of my favorite examples of right wing hypocrisy. Talk about shameless.

The Bob Owens of the world never seem to understand that the market forces they usually cheer on while hippies’ heads are being bashed in might just conceivably turn on them at some point, especially when actual law breaking is an issue. And here the fuckin’ idiot is leaving signed confessions up online for everyone to see in advance. My goodness, he’s stupid.


I left a comment last night, asking BobOwens if he had read the Patriot Act. It was deleted. I just now left a follow-up. If that’s deleted as well, we might say that I have super powers.


Yeah, someone could go around my neighborhood plugging deer slugs into lp tanks and whoo howdy that’d do alot of damage. But uhh, who’d do that? You might as well say you could run a bulldozer through the middle of town and do alot of damage. Duhh, but why would you want to? It’ll just make everyone pissed and there’s a good chance someone will spot or catch you doing it and when everyone’s pissed at you your chance of hiring a big law firm to defend you is pretty slim.


Shorter Moana: Obama’s not as good as Lincoln phtphtpthtpht neener neener


A sane, non-WATB person would say “Isn’t that great that he finds inspiration in Lincoln and strives to emulate him!” Moana is very much a WATB.


Since when is gun possession a “natural right?”

Since forever, because Those People are Born That Way.

take out the power, take out the water pumps, drop a couple of key highway bridges with thermite and the cities become death traps within 72 hours.

Sounds like a great episode of Mythbusters. My guess: BUSTED.


I don’t recall seeing thermite* for sale at my local hardware store.

*I case you were wondering. Thermite is a very high temperature incendiary. You might use it to destroy a piece of equipment if you were retreating and didn’t want the enemy to be able to use it.


The Bob Owens of the world never seem to understand that the market forces they usually cheer on while hippies’ heads are being bashed in might just conceivably turn on them at some point, especially when actual law breaking is an issue. And here the fuckin’ idiot is leaving signed confessions up online for everyone to see in advance. My goodness, he’s stupid.

I like the “canary in the coal mine” analogy. All of the groups Bob despises so heartily are canaries in the coal mine of society, much more vulnerable to violence, to economic instability, to environmental change… you name it. Bob is so happy to see the canary suffer and die that he cannot imagine the implications.


I commented on that post last week, something like “Wouldn’t it be more effecient to just fly airplanes into a couple of skyscrapers?” Sadly, my comment has been disappeared.


I wonder if this yahoo knows that over the last decade or so even police departments out in BFE have SWAT teams and all kinds of fancy toys.


Just reposted:
“Wouldn’t it be easier to just fly airplanes into a couple of skyscrapers. I mean, go with what has worked in the past. Why reinvent the wheel.”
in moderation


That’s beautiful gocart.


I don’t recall seeing thermite* for sale at my local hardware store.

There are some cockamamie Anarchist’s Cookbook-style recipes for homemade thermite floating around. Most of them are fake; the “real” ones are the kind of thing that result in “Local Man Blows Up Own House” headlines.


The right to purchase all of the thermite they can carry is a clear violation of their 2d Am. freedumbs. Attempts to deny them will trigger harsh retaliation! I mean, they’re trying to overthrow tyranny and stuff!

I wonder if this yahoo knows that over the last decade or so even police departments out in BFE have SWAT teams and all kinds of fancy toys.

Courtesy of post-9/11 scare mongering by people who claimed that if every police department in the U.S. wasn’t equipped to take on a brown horde, the terrorists would win.

Also: Helicopters.


violation = part.


The fact is when the grid goes down the EBT/SNAP paracites will be the first to turn on each other and devower the weekest among them. The daze of liberal exstreamistism shall soon crumbel and fall. Then the awakening thymed to the heartbeet of Christian Patriots will flour across this grate nation.


…an angry group of disenfranchised citizens…

Attention, Confederate Douchebag: “disenfranchised” means you’re not allowed to vote. You know, what Republican secretaries of state try to do to minority voters. It does not mean the guy you voted for losing the election.


The lightest breeze on a power line is more of a threat to my electricity than this guy and his fellow jerkoffs will ever be.


From what I can tell, EBT/SNAP parasites are more likely to deconsonant than devowel.

Unless you count a glottal stop as a consonant.


No, no, no, Bitter Scribe, the franchise is like rights–they’re only extra special when those people don’t have them. If the Satanic Court or CON-gress extends those rights to those people, they lose their magic fairy dust penis extender powers and become gray and withered, like our dreams.


There are some cockamamie Anarchist’s Cookbook-style recipes for homemade thermite floating around. Most of them are fake; the “real” ones are the kind of thing that result in “Local Man Blows Up Own House” headlines.

Thermite isn’t explosive, or difficult. The headlines would probably say “House burns down- authorities investigating possible arson” But to burn through a medium sized bridge you’d need a dump truck full, and that’s the sort of shit that gets noticed.


take out the power, take out the water pumps, drop a couple of key highway bridges with thermite and the cities become death traps within 72 hours.

Bomber Command spent a while testing that theory during the Late European Unpleasantness. Myth well busted.

I don’t recall seeing thermite* for sale at my local hardware store.
There are some cockamamie Anarchist’s Cookbook-style recipes for homemade thermite floating around.

SOmeone could always suggest to Owens that he mix up something based on fertiliser & fuel oil instead.


not a gator said,
Unless you count a glottal stop as a consonant.

I see that not a gator has encountered Danish.


Who’s this ‘chicken’ using my computer?


Were an angry group of disenfranchised citizens to target in a strategic manner the substations leading to a city or geographic area—say, Albany, for example—they could put the area in the dark for as long as it took to bring the substations back online.

He’s got a point. After taking out the grid how’s the army gonna plug in their helicopters?


I don’t recall seeing thermite* for sale at my local hardware store.

I’m pretty sure my local Thai place has some in the kitchen.


It appears that the Bob Owen’s P.C. gestopo has disappeared my comment again. My free speech rights are being violated. Help! I’m being oppressed.


The way I see it, by the time this skink is through making triple super sure his fellow disenfranchised citizens are truly committed to the cause and aren’t gubbermint drones he’ll be too old to do more than annoying the staff at his nursing homes.


What this clown fails to realize is how much people have to lose if the apple cart of the status quo is upset. Revolutions are bad for business. He may think its worth a rebellion if his precious collection is restricted or outlawed. But rebellions only work when a majority of people have something to gain, and coups de etat only work with absolute secrecy and complete control of the military and communications. If he’s imagining an insurgency, he clearly doesn’t think he can pull off a coup.

But here’s the thing, if he or like minded people do this, they will inconvenience a lot of people. When enough powerful Americans are prevented from making all of the money they possibly can, they get grumpy. When powerful Americans get grumpy they do things we might consider rash. Like machine gunning striking miners. Like genociding native Americans with the temerity to live on places that might have gold. Like invading a foreign country who doesn’t want to play ball with international oil companies. And when those powerful people do something rash, they don’t seems to care much about the people they hurt.

What makes him think he would fare any better than anyone else who tried to throw sand in the gears of the American economy? The Police, the National Guard, the Army, have eyes in the sky and can see in the dark. They share that capability with a dozen or so TLA’s a heaping helping of private contractors. The time window for armed revolution has passed. That ship has sailed. Not only has it sailed, it probably sailed 200 years ago. The only hope for change* in America is change from within using our extant political process.

*Also if you want change, it will help if Boeing and GM and Halliburton and Exxon and Microsoft can make trillions of dollars making it happen.


I keep reading comments from arrogant progressives who delight in the assault on gun rights

It’s critical to understand that this is why they’re mad. Not because their gun rights are being assaulted. But because they think somewhere, behind his copy of the New York Times, a Volvo-driving body-piercing Hollywood-loving liberal elitist is looking down his nose and laughing at them as he sips his latte and munches on his tofu burgers.

They don’t understand asymmetrical warfare in the slightest

So, seriously, which is it? Is the United States Military the most powerful death machine on Earth, utterly unable to lose a war with an irregular militia unless Liberal Elitists stab them in the back – as you were saying about “asymmetrical warfare” in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan? Or is it an Imperial Stormtroopers convention just blundering around helplessly until the plucky lone militiaman brings them crashing down with a cunning trench run? It can’t be both.


So, seriously, which is it? Is the United States Military the most powerful death machine on Earth, utterly unable to lose a war with an irregular militia unless Liberal Elitists stab them in the back – as you were saying about “asymmetrical warfare” in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan? Or is it an Imperial Stormtroopers convention just blundering around helplessly until the plucky lone militiaman brings them crashing down with a cunning trench run? It can’t be both.

It’s Schrodinger’s military. It is simultaneously all powerful and criminally incompetent. We will only know when we open the box.


I would warn them that they are not remotely prepared for what will happen if they attempt to cross Constitutional boundaries and natural rights.

A gaggle of clowns will go terrorist.

The full weight of the U.S. security state, which unlike in Iraq and Afghanistan is operating in a terrain they control and understand perfectly well, will come crashing down on them.

Out of the dwindling number of people who support their political goals, most will fail to support their actions, first because actual violence is a bridge too far and second because, if they actually succeed in shutting down utilities for any length of time, the public will blame them, not the feds. Because they’re the ones who considered the people of these United States to be expendable collateral damage in their attempt to prove a point.

Seriously. Crack open a history book someday, brainiac. You are not the first or even the thousandth group of people to fantasize that you and a group of True Believing disciples could bring down the U.S. government and make your political utopia happen. You should really check on how those previous efforts went before following in their footsteps – especially those of your namesakes, who had a hell of a lot more clout than you will ever have.


My continuing question is “How do these people keep successfully selling the idea that private companies (required by law to make a profit) will run something more cheaply than government?”

Well, there was a period there for over half the twentieth century where they weren’t too successful at it.

But the federal government became a dirty word again once it became seen as an agent of “these people,” which makes it easy to believe the worst about them.


The best part is where he blithely assumes local liberals are not merely unarmed, but as helpless as Bob himself when confronted by a tipped grill:

I would so fucking love to see those professional pants-wetters take on the Crips, the Bloods, MS-13 or the 18th Street Gang.

Not “liberals” but, you know, “these people.”


I get the feeling we’re all taking this too seriously. I think this will all boil down to one of these fools snapping at some bewildered clerk at the currency exchange while paying his Con Ed bill.


What makes him think he would fare any better than anyone else who tried to throw sand in the gears of the American economy?

Bobby and his merry brigands are making another high-speed getaway on their souped ATVs when they come across a lone police officer who is on the look out for the mystery men who keep cutting power to the local QwikeeMart.

Bobby’s hand tightens on the trigger of his super huge gun. But as he squints into the glare of the flashlight he looks at the police officer and sees another human being, another American, another man. He signals to his men and lifts his hands. They grumble a bit but follow suit.

As the officer of the law approaches, Bobby bravely lifts the place where his chin would be if he had one. He keeps eyes forward as the officer inspects each man in his unit, the ATVs, their gear.

The officer sighs. “I ought to turn you all in,” he says. “You’ve been terrorizing people who just want their iced Squishees and there’s a $100 dollar bounty on your head. My youngest girl. She’s sick and I could use that money. But I’d rather let her die that take that money. It would be like spitting in the face of a crying bald eagle while setting Old Glory on fire. You boys get out of here. God bless you. And … Thank you.”

And … Scene!


Gary Ruppert said,

January 22, 2013 at 20:32

Dial it down a notch, oftentimes you’ll find less is more.

Update on the Cornfed Revolution

You know, I don’t deny that that the founding fathers believed in the right to revolt against a tyrannical government, but just cuz more folks voted for the other guy and he won doesn’t make it “tyranny.”


But the federal government became a dirty word again once it became seen as an agent of “these people,”

i blame st. ronnie and his ‘i’m from the government and i’m here to help’ bullshite…uttered at the time when he was running for the highest government post…dipshits…and he also gave us welfare queens, didn’t he…i bet bobo wens faps to st. ronnie when he’s not too busy fapping to his gun collection…


The fact is when the grid goes down the EBT/SNAP paracites will be the first to turn on each other and devower the weekest among them. The daze of liberal exstreamistism shall soon crumbel and fall. Then the awakening thymed to the heartbeet of Christian Patriots will flour across this grate nation.

taDAH!!! ladies and germs, i present to you…a manglo!


I get the feeling we’re all taking this too seriously

Maybe, but maybe someone said something similar about Timothy McVeigh back when the federal building in OKC was still standing. I don’t think he’s that dangerous, but the feral swamp of the gun nut/survivalist/white supremacist culture has caused a lot of trouble, so now when people try to tell everyone at large that they are dangerous insurgents, we might try believing them.


Anonymous said,

January 22, 2013 at 21:44

i also blame that nymfail on bobo wens…had to decontaminate my computer overnight to get rid of that stupid scour virus he gave me…asshole…i really really want to check out the cornfed revolution update, but i dasn’t…


Courtesy of post-9/11 scare mongering by people who claimed that if every police department in the U.S. wasn’t equipped to take on a brown horde, the terrorists would win.

Wasn’t the uber-militarization an older process, like, going back to the urban riots at least? Before there was the war on terror there was the war on drugs.


i have just learned once again that my friend babs and i cannot sit together anywhere…we were just at kiwanis and the speaker was an unfortunately large and pear shaped local pastor who recently spent five days in germany on a martin luther vision quest…as i said, he’s a large man and he has a booming voice…his little presentation was on a laptop so we watched it through teh teevee monitor…every so often, when he wanted to point something out in a slide, he would stand up and show us on the monitor…but then his voice would really get loud and it looked like he was yelling and threatening the monitor…we giggled our way through the presentation, taking delight in his obsession with the christmas markets and especially when he started talking about the city of halle…we’d take turns whispering ‘holla!’ to each other…during the q & a i wanted to ask how he felt about luther being such an anti-semitic puke, but felt i should refrain…

one thing did stand out at me though…he was talking about how the wittenburg boys choir celebrated their 800th anniversary and then later on about how germany is determined to go green…for the most part it’s very clean and of course the architecture and the history that’s been preserved is phenom…there’s also a tendency for the people to go through things together…i’m sure there’s some bitching, but holy shit…if anything makes the american experiment fail it’s going to be douchewads like bobo wens and his merry band of miscreants and the wingnuts who insist we remain as individual as possible fucking it up and it will all end in a hail of bullets…


Before there was the war on terror there was the war on drugs

and before that the war on blacks and before that the war on women…


Helmut Monotreme said,
January 22, 2013 at 21:28

All this.

Right wing terrorism only works (in the sense of “being ignored and tolerated by the authorities, the elites and polite society”) when it sticks to targeting the underclass. The Klan’s targets were mostly limited to being black people, immigrants, some poor whites and the occasional eccentric white guy who had the poor taste to give a shit about them, which explains their longevity and why authorities going as high up as J. Edgar Hoover mostly didn’t give a shit what they did. Doing things that affect John Q. Voter on Main Street and involve taking on the people in uniforms is an entirely different ball game which brings out an entirely different reaction.


I’m a little verklempt.

i know…that was another blubbering moment for me yesterday…and yet, mona thinks he’s cocky and a clunk…


Two small observations:

1. He’s casing the joint!
2. He sounds exactly like the Taliban, which makes him, and those like him, a terrorist.


I don’t think he’s that dangerous, but the feral swamp of the gun nut/survivalist/white supremacist culture has caused a lot of trouble, so now when people try to tell everyone at large that they are dangerous insurgents, we might try believing them.

Maybe you’re right.


My continuing question is “How do these people keep successfully selling the idea that private companies (required by law to make a profit) will run something more cheaply than government?”

Because innovation.

I’m not sure what that word means when it’s spoken by a wingnut, but it appears to be part of some incantation but they can’t remember the rest of it.


Before there was the war on terror there was the war on drugs
and before that the war on blacks and before that the war on women…

Not enough drones. That’s where the War on Poverty and the War on Cancer went wrong.


CBS affiliate KHOU Houston reports of witnesses saying that two men were arguing when one of them took out a gun and fired. Three people, including the man involved in the argument, were wounded.

“Responsible gun ownership.”

Something like this happened in a nightclub where I went to college. These sorts of incidents really put the lie to that whole “armed society is a polite society” line.


War on Brown People.
War on Red People.
Plus, the bloody Irish.


There are some cockamamie Anarchist’s Cookbook-style recipes for homemade thermite floating around.

Yeah, I think I used some of them in high school and college to make improvised fireworks.

It’s a miracle I survived to adulthood with all my limbs intact and no criminal record.


CBS affiliate KHOU Houston reports of witnesses saying that two men were arguing when one of them took out a gun and fired. Three people, including the man involved in the argument, were wounded.

This must be that “polite armed society” I was promised.


Chris said,

January 22, 2013 at 21:47

In some places, yes. The local law enforcement has long been geared to the max because at one point the brown peoples might get upset at repeatedly having their rights abridged and rise up to defend their freedoms. I mean, riot.

Places that have traditionally been short on brown people or the threat thereof, not so much. But post Sept 11, many departments geared up in case terrorists decided to blow up their water tower.


“It’s Schrodinger’s military. It is simultaneously all powerful and criminally incompetent. We will only know when we open the box.”

Obama is Schrodinger’s President. Simultaneously a powerful Hitlerian despot and a weak-kneed Chamberlainian appeaser. What Typical Ivy League Chicago street thug!


I can’t believe I didn’t see the answer before. We can combine two problems and solve them both at the same time. American obesity is an epidemic if you ask people that track such things, and there are too many gun deaths. Clearly what we as a nation need to do is to wear 70lbs of body armor at all times. Those of us with impaired mobility can be issued armored scooters or wheelchairs. Who among us wouldn’t get stronger from wearing 70 lbs of kevlar armor including a helmet, and front and rear armored flak jacket every day in all weather? People could then be allowed to carry or conceal the firearm of their choice as long as it was in a similarly well armored case, only to be removed in life threatening situations.


D Johnston said,

January 22, 2013 at 22:13 (kill)

Because innovation.

A private corporation’s definition of “innovation” is stealing licensing, privatizing and monetizing all the clever shit that government-funded university research comes up with.


Other solutions:
If those kindergardners in Newtown had been armed, they could have defended themselves.


I’ll probably be “ahemmed” to death — have at it: obviously what the U.S. needs is moar gawd-n-guns.


But post Sept 11, many departments geared up in case terrorists decided to blow up their water tower.

the hooterville po-leece mainly focus on getting new squad cars…although they now wear bullet proof vests…

in odessa, where i live, we had a hootervillian young man climb and deface our watertower…his punishment was to pay for the re-painting of the watertower and i believe some probation…a couple of years later, he moved on to kidnapping, and then last year kidnapping AND stabbing…the last two offenses involved his girlfriend…his father is a federal employee…hmmm…there’s got to be a way to tie this all together doesn’t there?


Other solutions:
If those kindergardners in Newtown had been armed, they could have defended themselves.

funneh…i was just thinking that about the houston thing…if everybody had been packing, it would have prevented any innocent lives being lost…


Unrelated: New Zealander hates pussy.

No, I’m not randomly clicking on links on the CBS news website in a feeble attempt to avoid some boring work, why do you ask?


Fed. + Crime + Liberty Taking = RELEASE THE WOLVERINE!


Yeah, I think I used some of them in high school and college to make improvised fireworks.

It’s a miracle I survived to adulthood with all my limbs intact and no criminal record.

I know exactly how you feel.


If those kindergardners in Newtown had been armed, they could have defended themselves.

That seems to be the National Review’s take.

Once upon a time, it was common for an American child to be packed off to school with a rifle on his back and for him to come home smiling and safe in the evening. Shooting clubs, now quietly withering away, were once such a mainstay of American high-school life that in the first half of the 20th century they were regularly installed in the basements of new educational buildings. Now, they are in their death throes, victims of political correctness, a willful misunderstanding of what constitutes “gun safety,” and our deplorable tendency toward litigiousness.

In 1975, New York state had over 80 school districts with rifle teams. In 1984, that had dropped to 65. By 1999 there were just 26. The state’s annual riflery championship was shut down in 1986 for lack of demand. This, sadly, is a familiar story across the country. The clubs are fading from memory, too. A Chicago Tribune report from 2007 notes the astonishment of a Wisconsin mother who discovered that her children’s school had a range on site. “I was surprised, because I never would have suspected to have something like that in my child’s school,” she told the Tribune. The district’s superintendent admitted that it was now a rarity, confessing that he “often gets raised eyebrows” if he mentions the range to other educators. The astonished mother raised her eyebrows — and then led a fight to have the range closed. “Guns and school don’t mix,” she averred. “If you have guns in school, that does away with the whole zero-tolerance policy.”

But how wise is that “zero-tolerance policy”? Until 1989, there were only a few school shootings in which more than two victims were killed. This was despite widespread ownership of — and familiarity with — weapons and an absence of “gun-free zones.” As George Mason University economist Walter E. Williams has observed, for most of American history “private transfers of guns to juveniles were unrestricted. Often a youngster’s 12th or 14th birthday present was a shiny new .22-caliber rifle, given to him by his father.” This was a right of passage, conventional and uncontroversial across the country. “Gee, Dad . . . A Winchester!” read one particularly famous ad. “In Virginia,” Williams writes, “rural areas had a long tradition of high-school students going hunting in the morning before school, and sometimes storing their guns in the trunk of their cars during the school day, parked on the school grounds.” Many of these guns they could buy at almost any hardware store or gas station — or even by mail order. The 1968 Gun Control Act, supported happily by major gun manufacturers who wished to push out their competition, put a stop to this.


He set up a website, called Cats To Go, depicting a tiny kitten with red devil’s horns. The opening line: “That little ball of fluff you own is a natural born killer.”



Unrelated: New Zealander hates pussy.

Good Lord, on an article where FLIGHTLESS BIRDS are specifically mentioned some idiot commenter is all “birds can fly away, cats not dangerous!” Christ, how can some people even operate their own eyelids, much less figure out how to get online?


This was a right of passage, conventional and uncontroversial across the country. “Gee, Dad . . . A Winchester!” read one particularly famous ad

Sometimes I wonder, if advertising is such a reliable guide to existing social circumstances, why do advertisers spend so much money trying to create that social circumstance?

Have you reminded the NRO writer of the difference between ‘rite’ and ‘right’?


Until 1989, there were only a few school shootings in which more than two victims were killed.

I’m sure a breakdown of school shootings through history would COMPLETELY SUPPORT whatever his point is. My guess: if only two children are murdered at a time it’s A-OK, no matter how often it happens.


This was a right of passage, conventional and uncontroversial across the country. “Gee, Dad . . . A Winchester!” read one particularly famous ad

If you pronounce it “Winshester” they know you’re furrin and you’re not allowed to pass.


Incidentally, how much damage would the grid take if it were intentionally attacked in the manner suggested by Bobo Wens, advocate for terrorism? Well, he’s talking about right now – or in the near future – i.e. not during the summer.

Due to air conditioning load, the US is generally summer peaking. In the PJM RTO, 2011 summer peak was 160 GW vs a winter peak of 130 GW. There are a number of factors such as balancing circuits, overload and short circuit capability, and a host of other weird esoteric power systems thingies. BUT one of the major restrictions on transmission equipment is the thermal performance of the parts – i.e. the more current they pass, the hotter they get, until they catch fire or fail in some other manner. During the winter/early spring, grid capacity is actually significantly higher than on hot, windless August afternoons.

So, he’s planning his attack essentially at the time the grid is most resilient (barring winter storms that down power lines). I would imagine that hitting the magical 95% restored power would require less than restoring 95% of the assaulted substations. Significantly fewer if the plan was to spread the pain and afflict as many others as possible. Meaning that the downtime might be a lot shorter than one would expect if the afflicted stations could be temporarily bypassed. We’re talking short enough that no one outside the utility would notice.

That said, most of the big power outages were caused by things other than loss of transformers and substations. Here it would depend strongly on how prepared the local utility is. Lead time for new transformers is on the order of months – but a rush job could probably be completed a lot faster. Most grids have a handful of critical nodes where taking the single transmission station out would have a massive effect on the electrical system. On the other hand, all transmission system operators are required to develop a staggering number of contingency plans.

So the determination becomes – how many seditious LARPers love their guns so much that they would become terrorists in action (and not just in fevered race war wet dreams) and are any of them actually knowledgeable about electrical transmission systems. Unless a critical mass of terrorists is assembled (and it is probably going to require A LOT of terrorists) so that a large enough chunk of the grid’s infrastructure is taken out – the grid is probably going to treat any terrorist attack as a sort of hiccup. Less of a concern than dealing with the additional TV load on Superbowl Sunday.

Of course there’s the additional concern for Bobo Wens that having that many treasonous wankers in on the great REVOLUTION! scheme means that law enforcement will almost certainly find out about it. Probably on Bobo Wens’ blog.


Meanwhile, the lone wolves and small teams would simply shift to other targets of opportunity

You know who else valorised “lone wolf” freedom-fighters who would battle an oppressive government with their guns and their acts of sabotage?

Whackyweedia provides a nice pennant for Bobo.


Christ, how can some people even operate their own eyelids, much less figure out how to get online?

i was thinking this yesterday when i was reading the comments at the linked sasquatch article…it was noted several times that you could listen to the scary noises they were talking about…and there was a big arrow button in the middle of the article to click on…one of the comments, “naturally no-one has bothered to record these noises, so we will never know what they might actually be.” the brilliant commenter then went on to ‘like’ his own comment…


Forest Grove police say five agency officers fired weapons during encounter with off-duty Hillsboro cop



Good Lord, on an article where FLIGHTLESS BIRDS are specifically mentioned some idiot commenter is all “birds can fly away, cats not dangerous!”

Just that much more incentive for those lazy birds to evolve flight.


Forest Grove police say five agency officers fired weapons during encounter with off-duty Hillsboro cop

I don’t mind a shooting here and there when the criminals just kill each other.


So the determination becomes – how many seditious LARPers love their guns so much that they would become terrorists in action

Whaddaya wanna bet Fox News insists on referring to them as “second-amendment activists?”


If you pronounce it “Winshester” they know you’re furrin

I approve of a Shibboleth test for furries.
It’s probably the cleft upper lip that screws up the pronounciation.


Freedom Fighters are go!

Karl Rove will be embedded with them.

But we all know that Bobby would never risk his freedom for Freedom. I’m sure he has studied the career of fellow traveler Matthew Hale closely so he knows he can’t be held accountable if someone just happens to read his long detailed post on how he would commit acts of terror and tries to put them into practice.

Or gets impatient with trying to figure out how to blow a sub-station (I sucked and sucked and nothing happened!) and just starts shooting people in the name of Freedom.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin


The chipmunks and other small critters at my place aren’t laughing.
I have developed a distinct aversion to wandering felines also, too.


it was common for an American child to be packed off to school with a rifle on his back and for him to come home smiling and safe in the evening. Shooting clubs, now quietly withering away, were once such a mainstay of American high-school life that in the first half of the 20th century they were regularly installed in the basements of new educational buildings



Many of these guns they could buy at almost any hardware store or gas station — or even by mail order. The 1968 Gun Control Act, supported happily by major gun manufacturers who wished to push out their competition, put a stop to this.

isn’t this the type of market that wingnuts generally applaud? so again, it’s schrodinger? it’s good unless it means less guns?


Those were the glory days when “no backsies” was “no backsies OR ELSE.”


Still don’t see how a revival of high school shooting clubs would have prevented Sandy Hook, and isn’t that the threshold for doing a thing?


Because innovation.

I’m not sure what that word means

“Innovation” to modern capitalists means keeping one step ahead of law and regulation in defrauding your customers and screwing your competitors. In other words, figuring out how to avoid complying with the spirit of the law without violating the letter of the law.


Still don’t see how a revival of high school shooting clubs would have prevented Sandy Hook

Armed high school students could patrol the halls of EVERY school.


In 1975, New York state had over 80 school districts with rifle teams. In 1984, that had dropped to 65. By 1999 there were just 26. The state’s annual riflery championship was shut down in 1986 for lack of demand

soooooo…it’s not GUN REGULATIONS that killed the shooting clubs at schools, it was LACK OF INTEREST…totes the same thing…

i do recall back in the early 80s that kids would bring their shotguns to school because they had been or were going to go hunting…thought nothing of it then…i would definitely now…again, the second amendment fetishists don’t realize (likely won’t admit) that it’s a matter of a changed culture…one that has gotten increasingly violent…


i do recall back in the early 80s that kids would bring their shotguns to school because they had been or were going to go hunting

I could see that in a rural school district.

I went to high school in the Chicago suburbs in the late 1970s. Such a thing was unheard of.


i do recall back in the early 80s that kids would bring their shotguns to school because they had been or were going to go hunting…thought nothing of it then…i would definitely now…again, the second amendment fetishists don’t realize (likely won’t admit) that it’s a matter of a changed culture…one that has gotten increasingly violent…

It’s also possible that:

a) the kids don’t bring guns for before/afterschool hunting because they’re now all obese fucks that couldn’t go for a walk in the woods if their lives depended on it.

2) IT’S A VAST LIBERAL CONSPIRACY! AAaaahghhfhghahgklfj!

iii) ???

D) Profit?

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

My memory is failing me, but I think I recall that high schools with rifle teams were the same ones that had lacrosse and water polo teams. Y’know, wealthy ones.
As far as hunting up here, weapons were to be left in the car with all the restrictions that entailed.
Again, my memory sucks.


it was common for an American child to be packed off to school with a rifle on his back


Shotguns to school probably stopped around Columbine.

again, the second amendment fetishists don’t realize (likely won’t admit) that it’s a matter of a changed culture…one that has gotten increasingly violent…

Not so, if violent crime is a measure of “violent culture”.

Even popular culture pulls its punches more. Westerns, full of dead injuns and desperadoes is replaced by Star Trek, where sometimes the bad guys accidentally off themselves because they’re carrying too many weapons (See Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Unification”). R movies have given way to PG-13, which has “sci-fi violence” which means ray guns and no blood. While there are some gory FPS’s for sale, a lot of the popular ones also involved “sci-fi violence” or the targets are alien instead of human. Zombie baddies are now popular, seeming to inhabit a crossover between “phew, not human” and “oo la la, killing humans instead of robots/aliens/robot-aliens”.

Gun imagery/fetishism was on the wane but experienced a brief revival during the 1990 crack war epidemic when gangsta rap exploded into the culture, but it has again slipped into the fringe as the culture moved on.

American culture is still pretty damn broken. Children are punished for hugging each other. Americans are starved for touch. But violence itself seems less popular–not gone away, not by a long shot. But when compared to the way things used to be….

(Is there a subcultural that hasn’t moved on? Why yes. Millions of faithful xtians went to see the gory passion play “The Passion of the Christ” while latte-driving, Volvo-sipping elites vomited dans leures bouches propres.)

The shotguns at school, aside from the rise of “zero tolerance policies” are also victim to the intrusion of Walmart into the rural zone. Instead of hunting and foraging for food, as generations before them, it’s cheap dvds and “cakes we like”. One study looked at how in a single generation a population in Kentucky went from a healthful, wild diet to an atrocious, Pima-Indian-style disaster of convenience food. If the dad-blamed gubmint weren’t spraying white bread with niacin and iron, we’d have rural disease like you wouldn’t believe.


Right. I used to get up at 10 o’clock at night, half an hour before I went to bed…

I thought school gun clubs started to die out around the time NRA leadership shifted from being for people who OWNED guns, to being for the people who owned the companies that MADE guns.

But even if so, correlation does not causation make. Silly me.


Americans are starved for touch.

About all we’re starving for. Too bad you can’t supersize it.

Also, too:

Starved For Töuch
Anorexic Touch And The Starving
Starving Touchingly


Supersized Starvation


I heard this piece by Wade Goodwyn on Morning Edition this morning, giving a nationwide soapbox to racist white birthers in Texas who are disgruntled that Obama didn’t pander to them in his Inaugural Address, and I was hollering at the radio “WTF?? Stop legitimizing this shit already!”

GOODWYN: Down the street, Republican precinct chair Ann Teague is still not sure Obama is constitutionally qualified to take the oath of office.

ANN TEAGUE: We never saw a birth certificate. We never met any of the professors who went to school with our president.

GOODWYN: It is almost impossible for rank and file Republicans to think about Obama’s second inauguration and not have it turned into a conversation about how the GOP does better next time. Debora Georgatos is a conservative activist who is trying to attract women back to the Republican Party. She’s written a book to that end entitled “Ladies, Can We Talk?”

DEBORA GEORGATOS: In this election cycle, my sense was that it was the president’s – in my view it’s pandering. But through their HHS mandate that free birth control had to be provided to women, I thought it was like a lure to become dependent on government. To me that was a complete U-turn from what feminists used to always stand for.

GOODWYN: The theory that President Obama won the election by promising federal goodies is widespread through the GOP, as Obama acknowledged in his speech. So beginning on day one after the inauguration, the task for Republicans like Georgatos becomes weaning enough voters off the mind-altering federal largess so they can again see the world clearly enough to vote Republican.

GEORGATOS: Recipients of government assistance need to be looked at as victims who’ve been entrapped by policies the Democrats have created over the last 40 or 50 years, and it has robbed them of the opportunity to be participants in this fabulous American dream.

Seriously, it’s time for VSPs to stop being fucking stenographers for the neo-Birchers in today’s society. If anyone gives these people a chance to air their opinions, then it’s their fucking duty to give a disclaimer that it’s bullshit… or better yet, mock the living hell out of it.

Fortunately, in the comments, no one else is happy with NPR for this story, either. But very few people who listen to their radio stories go seek out the comments to the online transcript.


As far as hunting up here, weapons were to be left in the car with all the restrictions that entailed.

Pretty sure you are correct about that sir.

Also, too, cars at school used to be either the working class but not exactly dirt poor families that gave junior a car because he was not going to college and was or would shortly start working and the really richistan families who could afford both. I’m thinking when cars started lastly longer than 2yrs (and public transit got REALLY bad) maybe mid 1980s, that suburban middle class families started giving the teens hand-me-down cars big time. My dad’s family was a comfortable middle class (2 story house, cleaning lady) but he had to buy his own damn car in the 70’s. Which were much cheaper then, between the lack of safety devices and durability and US dollars buying much more metal than a US dollar today. Dad had a summer job (which he still bitches about).

Apparently the hand-me-down cars dropped off a lot during The Glorious Shrub Dynasty because there’s been a plummet in teens getting learner’s permits and stats also show households keeping cars longer. There has been a push, not sure how successful, for neighborhood schools, and more importantly a huge uptick in transit usage. There also seems to be a recent ‘splosion in the popularity of bicycles, although they were probably even MORE popular in the 1970s* before everybody got fatty fat fat and cried to their mommy about needing a riiiiiiide even though they’re 23 and their sneakers ain’t threadbare yet.

*-according to a very accurate metric I call “old photos”


ANN TEAGUE: We never saw a birth certificate. We never met any of the professors who went to school with our president.

Continued Teague: except the Blah ones, and I’d sooner believe a Gorilla was made dean, *snort-laugh, snort-laugh*!


wow…just listened to this on nor…really g.o.p.?! fecking whining bullshitting aholes…obama has spent the past four years bending over backwards for them…to his own and party’s detriment…and when he mildly rebukes them, they are all waaah! he is divisive and mean!’


Americans are starved for touch.

But only LEGITIMATE touch.


Even popular culture pulls its punches more. Westerns, full of dead injuns and desperadoes is replaced by Star Trek, where sometimes the bad guys accidentally off themselves because they’re carrying too many weapons (See Star Trek: The Next Generation episode “Unification”). R movies have given way to PG-13, which has “sci-fi violence” which means ray guns and no blood. While there are some gory FPS’s for sale, a lot of the popular ones also involved “sci-fi violence” or the targets are alien instead of human. Zombie baddies are now popular, seeming to inhabit a crossover between “phew, not human” and “oo la la, killing humans instead of robots/aliens/robot-aliens”.

On the other hand, spy fiction has gone from “Mission: Impossible” to “24,” so some genres have been thriving on increased violence.


But only LEGITIMATE touch.

Everyone picks on popery.


Show me on the doll where America touched you.


You know something weird and annoying about Sadly, No!? If you increase the font size – say it’s late at night or you’re setting the laptop on the counter – the column the major text is in, shrinks. Alot.


Oh hai, everybody. I’ve started a tumblr blog documenting just this sort of thing. Please do stop by! http://generalarmchair.tumblr.com


sexually assaulted in front of my mom and partner*

Holy shit. There are no words.

Ow, goddamnitt cracker, can you turn up the dog whistle? I’m not sure the chihuahuas down in Mexico quite heard it.

What were once dog whistles are now vuvuzelas.


On the other hand, spy fiction has gone from “Mission: Impossible” to “24,” so some genres have been thriving on increased violence.

Normalizing torture has been the weird twist. Only bad guys used to do that in the old serials, although pistol-whipping/beating someone silly didn’t used to be considered anything worth worrying about neither.

Spy fiction started as this upper class fantasy which may be why spy tv shows were both aspirational and doofy, although the Bond books were pretty well strewn with bodies. I think it’s telling that Bond’s casual offing of Sévérine in Skyfall, which could be interpreted as either self-preservation or prima faciae evidence of his sociopathy, shocked a good measure of the modern audience, whereas the “rape her straight” scene in Goldfinger didn’t seem to raise any eyebrows at the time.

I want to say tv got more violent and the movies less, but I can’t say that with a straight face. I remember seeing wicked violent stuff on prime-time on broadcast television in the 1980s. As I recall, NYPD Blue was “shocking” because they showed butt shots and HBO was worth the extra bucks for showing movies without the bewb shots cut out. (Some *ahem* states used to censor movies even as late as the 1970s, according to my dad, who went to college in FloriDUH.) VCRs were the killer app toy of the 1980s because you could watch porn at home instead of in a sticky theater with weirdos. (All those other people are weirdos.)


Thanks, Mayor!


Wait, somebody is selling/buying real person fanfic for $17.95?

Sounds like conservatives. The dumb dorks.


I brought an old Mauser my dad gave me to school when I was a senior back in the late 70’s. It was in a case and I walked by the principal and we both waved at each other. I refinished the stock in wood shop and polished the action in metal shop. No one even raised an eyebrow.

I used to hunt partridge (ruffed grouse) on the way home during season.

The car was a rusty old ford pickup I worked all summer to buy.


My letter to the BBCNPR in response to the Goodwyn piece:

I was disappointed by NPR’s decision to air Wade Goodwyn’s piece on the reaction of conservative Texans to President Obama’s inaugural address. This kind of journalism is a perfect example of what concerned critics of contemporary journalism consider “stenography” or “The View from Nowhere” in which even the most radical, misinformed fallacies are treated with equal validity to objective facts and expert opinion. In this day and age, it is irresponsible not to air the viewpoints of Birthers and Neo-Birchers without some kind of disclaimer that they are sadly misinformed. Lending validity to this kind of misinformation out of fear of being labeled partisan is the reason why we are still debating things like Global Warming and Evolution with people who refuse to accept facts in favor of dogma and prejudice. Unfortunately for some, their partisan beliefs are biased against established facts. As society moves into a century when we are faced with social, environmental, political and health decisions that need to be made based on merit rather than superstition, encouraging this misinformation to propagate and influence our policy decisions does a disservice to society… even to the species as a whole.

For how long are we to put up with these things?

Signed: Yours sincerely, E. B. Debenham (Mrs).



Wait, somebody is selling/buying real person fanfic for $17.95?



Ruffling the Grouse.


Normalizing torture has been the weird twist.

yeah…what is up with that…that is the ONE thing i totally can’t tolerate watching…i don’t know how anyone can…


Normalizing torture has been the weird twist. Only bad guys used to do that in the old serials, although pistol-whipping/beating someone silly didn’t used to be considered anything worth worrying about neither.

It’s gone in three stages as far as I can tell; in the original 1960s serials the spies were righteous people acting in a righteous way to defend righteous causes, and there was no more doubt of their being the good guys than there was for the crew of Picard’s Enterprise. In the 1980s, after Vietnam and Watergate and COINTELPRO and all that, the shows were a lot more cynical about the intelligence community. But in the 2000s (well, at least in “24” – not every show’s done this) – the ugliness that the 1980s shows were pointing out was embraced as fine and necessary because Greater Good and Ticking Time Bomb Scenarios.

(The violence was ramped up accordingly).

Spy fiction started as this upper class fantasy which may be why spy tv shows were both aspirational and doofy, although the Bond books were pretty well strewn with bodies.

The upper class fantasy element kind of mirrors real life spy agencies, as the CIA originally recruited a lot from upper class Ivy League blue bloods. That changed over the years as people gradually realized that these weren’t necessarily the best people to run covert operations in the third world. (Big seismic shift from Kermit Roosevelt, son of a banker and grandson of a president, to Gust Avrakotos, son of a soda maker and second generation immigrant).

Heck, the story of the Dulles brothers using the CIA to overthrow a government in order to protect the profits of a company they were shareholders in, is pretty much the ultimate upper class fantasy brought to life. Use the instruments of patriotic awesomeness to make your First World Problems go away.

I want to say tv got more violent and the movies less

I feel like TV kind of follows where movies have paved the way. Jack Bauer is basically the TV version of the bloody, macho, larger-than-life action superstars of the eighties like Stallone or Schwarzenegger’s characters. I can’t think of any TV equivalent to these guys in their day, it was still pretty tame by comparison.


yeah…what is up with that…that is the ONE thing i totally can’t tolerate watching…i don’t know how anyone can…

I already asked this on Balloon Juice, but… anyone seen Zero Dark Thirty and have an opinion on the torture thing that apparently has a bunch of people claiming that the movie justifies torture? I haven’t seen it yet, and kinda don’t want to if it’s true. Not out of principle, actually – I just don’t want to shell out ten bucks for something that’s going to have the political part of my brain raging all evening.


In fact, they called anyone who didn’t vote for it a traitor.

Actually, anyone who disagrees with them in any way is a traitor.

You peeple have been commenting like super-sexed bunnies. I see this is going to be a long ketchup.


Bobo’s Library for Troubled Times

1776: The Illustrated Edition by David G. McCullough

Liberty and Freedom: A Visual History of America’s Founding Ideas (America: A Cultural History) by David Hackett Fischer

Lexington and Concord: The Beginning of the War of the American Revolution by Arthur Bernon Tourtellot

Almost A Miracle: The American Victory in the War of Independence by John E. Ferling

American Insurgents, American Patriots: The Revolution of the People by T. H. Breen

Total Resistance by H. Von Dach

War of the Flea: The Classic Study of Guerrilla Warfare by Robert Taber

Phantom Soldier: The Enemy’s Answer to U.S. Firepower by H. John Poole, Mike Leahy and William S. Lind

The Tiger’s Way: A U.S. Private’s Best Chance for Survival by H. John Poole

Militant Tricks: Battlefield Ruses of the Islamic Insurgent by H. John Poole

Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice (PSI Classics of the Counterinsurgency Era) by David Galula

Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam by John A. Nagl and Peter J. Schoomaker

The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One by David Kilcullen

1776: The Illustrated Edition by David G. McCullough

Liberty and Freedom: A Visual History of America’s Founding Ideas (America: A Cultural History) by David Hackett Fischer

Lexington and Concord: The Beginning of the War of the American Revolution by Arthur Bernon Tourtellot

Almost A Miracle: The American Victory in the War of Independence by John E. Ferling

American Insurgents, American Patriots: The Revolution of the People by T. H. Breen

Total Resistance by H. Von Dach

War of the Flea: The Classic Study of Guerrilla Warfare by Robert Taber

Phantom Soldier: The Enemy’s Answer to U.S. Firepower by H. John Poole, Mike Leahy and William S. Lind

The Tiger’s Way: A U.S. Private’s Best Chance for Survival by H. John Poole

Militant Tricks: Battlefield Ruses of the Islamic Insurgent by H. John Poole

Counterinsurgency Warfare: Theory and Practice (PSI Classics of the Counterinsurgency Era) by David Galula

Learning to Eat Soup with a Knife: Counterinsurgency Lessons from Malaya and Vietnam by John A. Nagl and Peter J. Schoomaker

The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One by David Kilcullen


You peeple have been commenting like super-sexed bunnies.

I think they’re usually too busy with, um, other stuff, to actually comment.

Like making wrong turns at Albuquerque.


Fuckety fuck you WP. Sorry everyone.


That changed over the years as people gradually realized that these weren’t necessarily the best people to run covert operations in the third world.

But not enough so that the CIA is actually competent at translating Arabic or doing the computer doohickey or not totally discriminating against African-American agents.

Upper echelons of the FBI also, too.


Heck, the story of the Dulles brothers using the CIA to overthrow a government in order to protect the profits of a company they were shareholders in, is pretty much the ultimate upper class fantasy brought to life. Use the instruments of patriotic awesomeness to make your First World Problems go away.

Wasn’t that the entire purpose of British Intelligence?

Jack Bauer is basically the TV version of the bloody, macho, larger-than-life action superstars of the eighties like Stallone or Schwarzenegger’s characters.

But show torture and rape of women in graphic detail was a-okay during prime time as long as the (hrm) “bad guy” got caught/killed at the very end.

Sure, some of the cop shows, like “In The Heat of the Night” were as tame as “Golden Girls” (actually, not totally tame–plenty of social commentary there), but those prime time made-for-tv-movies were another story altogether.

And “24” is just one show. Pretty sure Law&Order has made more money with a much bigger audience and it is lame-o tame-o if you get your jollies watching cops rough people up.

Sometimes Ice-T grabs a guy by the collar and lays on the Bronx really thick and rolls his neck to the side. Oh, and sometimes the prosecutorial and defense lawyers threaten each other with career humiliation.


Liberty and Freedom: A Visual History of America’s Founding Ideas (America: A Cultural History) by David Hackett Fischer

See–it says hack right in the name.


Spy fiction started as this upper class fantasy which may be why spy tv shows were both aspirational and doofy, although the Bond books were pretty well strewn with bodies.

i think an argument could be made that the shift was partly because of liberals taking over hollywood…and that they were advancing the notion that just because you aren’t wasp, doesn’t mean you’re not intelligent…that minorities and lower class people’s intelligence was something more than resourcefulness or craftiness or something intrinsic…that these people were actually intelligent…

haven’t quite puzzled it out and i may once again be blowing smoke out my ass, but i think there’s something there…


Spy fiction started as this upper class fantasy which may be why spy tv shows were both aspirational and doofy, although the Bond books were pretty well strewn with bodies.

Just spitballing, but in the times of Fleming, or even back to Bulldog Drummond, the tales of intelligence operations, war, etc, were often told as a game between gentlemen – the wogs were bit players, red-shirts, and target practice.


To finish the bloody damn thought, kind of hard to phraseologize. As the Middle East, Africa, Latin America, drug-running, etc., became plot points, it somehow became okay to brutalize your opposite. Not sure why…


Back to the OT, at least Wens didn’t suggest putting anyone’s head on a stick.


Not A Gator – sure there are still tamer shows. Just couldn’t imagine a show like “24” being aired in the old days.


Being a simple little electrician, I want to see dickweed take down a transmission line, or let the magic smoke out of a transformer. Under best circumstances, poof, no eyebrows. There is a hydroplant in Iowa that I worked at and the transformer decided it was inadequate to the task – carbon marks 80-90 ft up the plant walls.

(About 45 minutes after 500 sparkys had been on the job site…)


And so, the jello being thoroughly peed in, my job here is done.



i think an argument could be made that the shift was partly because of liberals taking over hollywood

liberals didn’t take over hollywood. read any confession by bitter ex-screenwriters. many actors are liberal, but they have to work with diverse people every day and many of them came from disadvantaged backgrounds. the money people are a totally different story.

there have been some waves of independent films achieving financial success when hollywood got too bloated/stupid. right now we’re in a big money waxing phase.


There was Jello(tm) ?



Not A Gator – sure there are still tamer shows. Just couldn’t imagine a show like “24? being aired in the old days.

In that you see a “good guy” sometimes torture people? No. That was for the movies. But I quite frankly saw much more violent stuff in terms of what you see on the screen on network tv and pbs at 9, 10pm. It’s funny because “Mystery!” used to scare the spit out of me and it’s actually really tame, but “American Playhouse” had graphic everything and… come on… remember “Murder, She Wrote?” I turned on the tv one day and the teaser is someone being electrocuted in a bathtub, perp’s eye view. “Law and Order” sometimes doesn’t portray a single murder during the teleplay–it happens off camera.

Tom&Jerry was considered perfectly acceptable, too. Even Simpsons, which went a few rounds with the tv censors in the early days for using coarse language, found it over the top.

Avatar, Dragonball Z, even when the stories are sad and characters die you can’t match the sheer butchery and gore of America’s Babysitter.

Just not buying that today’s tv is worse. Okay, reality tv, ya got me there. Real Housewives of Parvenus Trash is objectively eleventy thousand times worse than anything on the boob tube in the 1980s.


we’re in a big money waxing phase

Waxing the money.


Just not buying that today’s tv is worse. Okay, reality tv, ya got me there. Real Housewives of Parvenus Trash is objectively eleventy thousand times worse than anything on the boob tube in the 1980s.

i for one wish they would nail charmin’s ad agency to the wall for their commercials over the past couple of years…although to be fair, thinking about dingleberries and skidmarks is a bit better than their previous targeting of menstruating women,…wait…no, it’s not…


gocart mozart skrev

Obama is Schr[ö]dinger’s President. Simultaneously a powerful Hitlerian despot and a weak-kneed Chamberlainian appeaser.

Inorite? Kind of like how Bill Clinton was simultaneously a brilliant “Mayberry Machiavelli” who spent his every waking moment plotting against America on behalf of his godlesschicom paymasters and a mindless “hillbilly with a hard-on” who spent his every waking moment trying to stick his “distinguishing characteristic” in anything that couldn’t outrun him and wasn’t Hillary.


in other news, wayne lapierre continues to be a major douchebag…


Okay, reality tv, ya got me there.

And why does every TV show need to be set in Alaska? We’ve got the ice truckers, the crab fishermen, the loggers, the gold miners, the bush pilots, the state troopers and one or two others I’m sure.

The whole damn state has the population of Akron and apparently they all have their own television series.


If I had to guess, and… I have to guess, I’d say it’s because the combination of harsh climate, lack of infrastructure, depressed local economy, beautiful scenery and non-existent safety regulations make for a good chance of filming some desperate redneck attempt do something dangerous and fail in a spectacular fashion.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Generous tax breaks

Michigan did the same for awhile. Why else would someone film movies in Flint?


Why else would someone film movies in Flint?

Because where else in the world could you film the siege of Stalingrad just by changing the street signs?


Wayne LaPierre – say, that sounds awfully French – apparently got very butthurt by Obama’s “mistake absolutism for principle” line. Just heard him being perulant, “there _are_ absolutes there are there are there are!”



In truth, I heard him being petulant, not perulant.


right? he is such a hideous piece of shit!


I wonder if any of the latest perpetrators of mass shootings has been an NRA member? I wonder what fraction of gun related crimes are committed by NRA members? I wonder if there will ever be a point where an ambitious prosecutor could investigate them under the RICO act?


Which is not to say there isn’t room in American political discourse for a gun owner’s rights group and a gun industry lobbying group. I just think it would be neat if they were separate groups.


The fact is, you liberal traiters enjoy it well it lasts. Soon there were be a threat to America and Obama will fail and sell us out, then there will be peachment and restoring the consitution and you liberals will all be going to camps.


Fake Gary, I can’t see what there is to be afraid of. Who doesn’t like peaches, mint and camping?


I like camp, Gary.

We get to throw firecrackers and shoot bottlerockets at each other.

Afterwards, we burn dinner over a camp fire.


Eat ‘smores, Gary!


Gary could be executed by a camp firing squad.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Because where else in the world could you film the siege of Stalingrad just by changing the street signs?



Dr.KennethNoisewater said,

January 23, 2013 at 2:12 (kill)

Oh hai, everybody. I’ve started a tumblr blog documenting just this sort of thing. Please do stop by! http://generalarmchair.tumblr.com

You kids and your “livingjournamals” and “wordpressings” and “rollingtumblers” and other internet shenanigans. I just can’t keep up.


In other news, Rand Paul, still not rotting in hell.


Being Rand Paul would be more hell than I could take.


In other news, Rand Paul, still not rotting in hell.

Well, he is in the Senate, so he’s about 90% of the way there.


Well, he is in the Senate, so he’s about 90% of the way there.

nononono! Senate=Hell only if you’re trying to do things for the 99%. what he’s doing is making it Hell for the rest of us. Not the same thing at all.


Not the same thing at all.

The Senate (actually, Congress in general) sounds like hell to me. Could you stand to hang out with those idiotic shitheels in one endless, useless meeting after another, over and over again?


Time for a rewrite of Huis Clos.

Hell is Another Committee Meeting.


What’s so unpleasant about spending all of your working time chasing corporate cash, grandstanding for the most reactionary press outlets and arguing with narcissistic buffoons half of whom are revival tent demagogues the other half of whom are cynical careerists, any one of whom has left a trail of slime from one end of their pork barrel greased district to the other, and Tammy Baldwin? Actually, I retract the question.


Hell is Another Committee Meeting. – Shakezula

Yep. I’m in a department meeting right now and various faculty are just spouting off. Older faculty are complaining about younger people not having long enough attention spans. Somehow I can’t manage to pay attention 😉


DAS – You’re talking at least the 7th ring right there.


Yep. I’m in a department meeting right now and various faculty are just spouting off. Older faculty are complaining about younger people not having long enough attention spans. Somehow I can’t manage to pay attention 😉

University departmental meetings are the worst. Related: a good quote I heard somewhere (can’t be arsed, etc.):

“A university faculty is 500 egoists with a common parking problem.”


I presume THE Senate is kind of like a faculty senate in that you get supplied with free coffee, tea, fruit and salads and maybe even sandwiches. That’s quite a motivation to go somewhere, ain’t it? Especially if you can (as one does in faculty senate meetings) pretend your using your laptop to take notes and instead do research / read and comment on blogs.


In other news, Rand Paul, still not rotting in hell.

Heaven doesn’t want him and the other guys are afraid he’d try to take over.


Rand Paul doesn’t have the sense it takes to run a cub scout troop. If he took over in hell the whole place would be underwater in a week.


Why would Paul bother with cub scouts? The little buggers are too young to read Atlas Shrugged OR run a large business.


blah…waiting as hubbkf has brain mri…emg this morning was looooong…so far looks like its the herniated disc in his neck that’s causing the most problems…after this, it’s off to see dr. klopper who i am fully expecting to tell us, ‘well, we mri’d your brain and didn’t find anything.’ he also refers to the mayo clinic as the mayonaisse…


Good Lord. I just read a hundred-comment thread on Facebook that involved my cousin (the only politically sane person in that part of the family) exploding at her brother on the abortion issue (he’s been on a binge for the last couple weeks, ever since he figured out that “liberals are hypocrites for wanting to save children from guns but not abortion” was as close as he was going to get to a moral high ground on the school shootings) and basically saying “MY body, not yours, now fuck off.” Never seen her actually cut loose before. They’ve had political and religious disagreements before, but not like this.

You go, girl.


Why would Paul bother with cub scouts?

He’d have trouble getting them away from Rush Limbaugh.


You go, girl.

good for her…my fb feed has been chockfull of save the fetuses and equating out of the womb children being killed and abortion and i’m sick of it…so sick of it in fact that i can’t even muster up a response to any of them…i am bemused however to see the same people ‘liking’ stories like the 11 year old capping the illegals also ‘like’ the pro life posts…but we all know what that is…


also, too…why the flip does jeff probst have his own talk show? and why is blair from facts of life talking so goddamn much…and why are the people of sioux falls intrigued with the pair of them?

bughunter, axillophile,

Speaking of Jeff Probst…

Do they give the wimmin on Survivor razors? Cuz I can’t recall seeing even one stubbly armpit… except for that one tattooed girl, Sugar, who landed on the island with furry pits.

Just wonderin’.


why the flip does jeff probst have his own talk show? and why is blair from facts of life talking so goddamn much…and why are the people of sioux falls intrigued with the pair of them?

Some mysteries are just beyond comprehension.

Do they give the wimmin on Survivor razors? Cuz I can’t recall seeing even one stubbly armpit… except for that one tattooed girl, Sugar, who landed on the island with furry pits.

I figured those ‘reality” shows are just normal scripted shows with cheap/terrible actors. They probably just go off to their trailer to get cleaned up and have a few drinks in between pretending to struggle to “survive.”


“liberals are hypocrites for wanting to save children from guns but not abortion”

If that were a reasonable argument wouldn’t it indict conservatives even more for not caring about a life once it’s actually being lived?


A team of Pentagon analysts devoted a week to the question, “If Rand Paul and a 5-pound sewer rat were tossed from the top of the Washington Monument at exactly the same moment, which would hit the ground first?” After extensive computer modeling, taking into account wind speed and aerodynamics, they determined that the correct answer is, “Who cares?”


Funny, I would have hoped they would have come up with a back of the envelope calculation that says they hit at the same time, and asked for more funding to experimentally verify the results.


“In other news, Rand Paul, still not rotting in hell.”

Even the Devil thinks he’s a dick and wants nothing to do with him.


If that were a reasonable argument wouldn’t it indict conservatives even more for not caring about a life once it’s actually being lived?

You would think so, until it occurred to you that you’re a liberal and they’re conservative and therefore it is empirically impossible for them to be indicted of anything, or for you not to be indicted of whatever they wish.

At least, it would occur to you if you weren’t a truth-denying illogical liberal cocksucker.

Why do you hate America, anyway? 😀


a truth-denying illogical liberal cocksucker.

One out of three isn’t bad.


Oops. “liberal cocksucker” is to be treated as a single term.


Do they give the wimmin on Survivor razors? Cuz I can’t recall seeing even one stubbly armpit… except for that one tattooed girl, Sugar, who landed on the island with furry pits. – bughunter

I’ve asked the same question. I know if I were on an island with little access to running water for my regular grooming habits, it wouldn’t take long before my hair looked like Leopold Stokowski’s and I would be covered from eyes to chest with a Tolstoy length beard.

Then again — how long do these shows actually last? They aren’t on the island for the full length of time it takes them to actually show all the episodes on TeeVee.

I figured those ‘reality” shows are just normal scripted shows with cheap/terrible actors. They probably just go off to their trailer to get cleaned up and have a few drinks in between pretending to struggle to “survive.”

OTOH, I watch survivor for the tropical plant food porn: so many yummy arums so little time. My wife says if I were on the show, I’d be the only contestant who would gain weight on the island. I’m a lousy fisherman, though. I’d need to team up with someone who could actually catch fish — then I’d have a pot of water boiling 24/7, cooking the raphides out of the arums, have some grilled fish … and I’d be living it up.

I’m sure the citadel dwellers probably wouldn’t figure out how to cook an arum and would be chocking to death on raphides if they tried to actually survive out in the real wild, FWIW.


a truth-denying illogical liberal cocksucker.

I’m an irrationally fussy, straight male, subjectivist (epistemologically although not ethically speaking). Does that make me a truth denying, illogical pussy-licker?


Oops … forgot to add liberal.


Absolutely, and probably a liberal elitist, too, judging by the size of that big word starting with an “E.”


Having been to survival school, I fail to see the appeal of these shows.

We were up in the mountains somewhere in Eastern Washington and it was getting pretty darn cold at night.

I was sleeping in an “evasion shelter”, which is basically a ditch with your sleeping bag inside it and covered with brush.

Sometime around 4:00 AM I’m curled up in my sleeping bag trying desperately to keep warm when I realize that I really need to piss and I’m going to have to go out there to do it.


Absolutely, and probably a liberal elitist, too, judging by the size of that big word starting with an “E.” – Chris

I’m “Professor Doctor DAS” … so yes, I am a “liberal elitist”. I also am a scientist so I believe in global warming and EVILution, which makes me anti-religious no matter how often I attend religious services and how strictly I actually follow my religion.


I believe in global warming and EVILution



On topic: at some level what Bob Owens has discovered is security theatre. I have had many occasions where I’ve noted security holes that someone could slip a bomb through (post-9/11) even as I’ve had to take off my belt and shoes, etc. with no real security benefit.

I’d say something about it being about time that the right caught onto this, but I’ve heard conservatives complaining about security theatre even back in the Bush days. What I have never heard (and probably would never hear because anybody who does this would immediately and irreversibly lurch to the left and never vote GOP again) is a conservative putting 2 and 2 together and questioning the whole security apparatus (beyond blaming big gummint and hence Democrats) and the role politicians and policies, which even the most libertarian amongst them have supported, have played in creating that security state.

Of course leave it to a conservative to piss in the wind, complain that it is raining and then claim that the rain means that liberals are silly to act as if droughts are a problem.


which makes me anti-religious no matter how often I attend religious services and how strictly I actually follow my religion.

Well, Obambi attends church too, but he’s a God-hating Muslim. So clearly, we can’t use that as a way to measure your religiosity.


What I have never heard (and probably would never hear because anybody who does this would immediately and irreversibly lurch to the left and never vote GOP again) is a conservative putting 2 and 2 together and questioning the whole security apparatus (beyond blaming big gummint and hence Democrats) and the role politicians and policies, which even the most libertarian amongst them have supported, have played in creating that security state.

They have ways of specifically dividing up the security state, where it’s good overall but there are particular departments of it that are evil or liberal or inefficient or ungood, and they project all their problems with the security state onto that one. (The ATF, obviously, since it comes for their guns, and also the TSA ever since it started groping people who might not have been darkies).

They can also rationalize all their problems with the security apparatus by saying “they’re all awesome overall, but there are a few bad apples who’re protected by liberals, especially at the top [e.g. the generals who opposed Iraq] and they’re ruining the entire apparatus. The solution is to get rid of them and make the security state more hardcore (and efficient, they’ll never come for me since they’re real patriots who know their own).”


a truth-denying illogical liberal cocksucker.

NOT TRUE. Oh crap.

Having been to survival school, I fail to see the appeal of these shows.

When I first heard of “Survivor” that’s more what I thought it would be, an educational thing which showed the edible plants, how to build and use a solar still, etc. Fortunately I didn’t have TV at the time so I was saved from the devastating disappointment of actually watching the show.


If you ever get a chance watch Survivor Man. I believe it was cancelled from the boob tube but check the intertubes. It is the opposite of Survivor.


Wolverines, Come out To Play

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Of course leave it to a conservative to piss in the wind, complain that it is raining and then claim that the rain means that liberals are silly to act as if droughts are a problem.

Where do I send the interwebz?


Godwinning the Survivor


I’ve learned a couple of good tricks from Surviorman. Les seems to know his stuff. Cody Lundin from Dual Survival used to teach a course in aboriginal living skills at Prescott College but it was a couple of years before I got there. Every once in a while you would see him around town, barefoot. He has a really cool sustainable home outside of town.


If you ever get a chance watch Survivor Man. I believe it was cancelled from the boob tube but check the intertubes. It is the opposite of Survivor.

I just watched it on the TeeVee t’other day, so it’s still on (maybe reruns only?). Good show. Nothing whatsoever like the “Survivor” non-reality show — e.g. he carries his own camera equipment.


Hey, it’s on Netflix. Will check it out in future.


a truth-denying illogical liberal cocksucker.
One out of three isn’t bad.

We have two key weapons: truth-denying, illogic and liberality…
We have three key weapons. Truth-denying, illogic and liberality and cocksucking…

I’ll come back in.


There is also Man vs. Wild, for which I could never care. Something about knowing he had an entire film crew there. Still not bad and has nothing in common with Super Exotic Island Drama shows.


I got a little annoyed at Survivorman using his electronic equipment (taking it apart to get a spark) to start fires. Seemed like cheating.


I fail to see the appeal of these shows

The Mrs. loves ’em. Survivor, Amazing Race, Top Chef, Project Runway… And “The Bachelor” also, too.

I’ll watch Project Runway and Survivor because BOOBIES. Especially Survivor, where the boobies all seem to be enhanced, scantily clad, and a little sweaty.

But even the boobies can’t make up for the inane crap that is The Bachelor.

She also watches Dual Survival, and while I like Cody somewhat, he’s still annoyingly pedantic. Dave was just tiresome and this new guy, who they take every opportunity to remind you is a ex-Navy Seal, is just a whining egotistical fuckhead who is going to get himself killed Steve Irwin style, mark my words.


I cut Les Stroud a lotta slack on the cheating because he hasto lug all that effing camera gear with him in his trek through the wilds.


Is this really a thing? People taking photos of their plates at restaurants? So much of a thing that now restaurants are forbidding it

It never even occurred to me to take pictures of my food until a couple of years ago. It’s for eating, not looking at. And having some exposure (heh) to photography and videography, I know how much work goes into making prop food look appetizing on camera, under lights, so that it doesn’t look slimy -or worse, wilt under the lights.

But I bought my wife a high-end Lumix camera a couple of years ago, with 20 specific settings for all kinds of situations (she uses like three of them for 99.99% of her shots). One of the settings was FOOD.

“Food?” I thought. “That’s stupid.”

Apparently, many people think otherwise.


My “real” blog (aka the one I hide from you lot) actually contains lots of pictures of beer and food, with descriptions of how they pair. Mostly beer. It’s all very liberal-elite and silly. And fun. Whatevs.


Is this really a thing? People taking photos of their plates at restaurants?

Why wouldn’t it be?


Why else would someone film movies in Flint?

I thought all the movies were filmed in Arkansas.

Oh, wait. That’s a stoopit joke, seeing as how Dr. Ken doesn’t visit SN very often now.


Speaking of “reality” shows, “Moonshiners” is awful and terrible and indecipherable and hilarious all at the same time.


Just wait OBS – “Brewers Of Corvallis coming up next after Ancient Aliens…”


Shit, should went with Honey Boo-Boo.


Fake Gary
Harsh Climate
Rico Act
Plant Food Porn
Irrationally Fussy
Security Holes
Lurch to the Left
Groping People
Aboriginal Living
Exotic Island

Don’t blame me. You people wrote them.


WOW. That’s, um, WOW.


My “real” blog (aka the one I hide from you lot) actually contains lots of pictures of beer and food, with descriptions of how they pair. Mostly beer. It’s all very liberal-elite and silly. And fun. Whatevs.

Link or it didn’t happen.


tigris said,
January 24, 2013 at 4:44

WOW. That’s, um, WOW.

Yeah. You said it.


WOW. That’s, um, WOW.

They’re not even bothering to pretend any more.


People taking photos of their plates at restaurants?

I guess the restaurants will be happier when I carry in a scanner.


Re: amateur food pron. Check out the Yelp type thing to see why restaurant owners object. Apparently all camera phones have a filter that makes food look like it is in the mid- to post-digestion stage.


“Americans are starved for touch.”

I do my best. I put the touch on everybody I can.




At 3:00!!!!


This is bad. In case you haven’t seen this, the GOP is trying to rig the next Presidential election at the state level:


I really hate these people.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Jim Crow ISREAL!!!

The proportional assignment of electoral votes in the north and midwest are another leg on this “stool of evil”.
(There’s a band name!)
I fear for my grandkids.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

I didn’t click through.
I assumed it was the gerrymander post from last night.


They’re not even bothering to pretend any more.

I think it’s become involuntary. They’ve swallowed the dog whistle, like a Glitch (RIP) swallowing a firefly whistle or the traffic cop in Rankin-Bass’ Frosty the Snowman swallowing his whistle.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

From the “Escaped pig that soils everyone” department.

They’re going to win. It no longer matters whether their whistles are obvious. When Fox can declare “We should love the very rich because Downton Abbey!!!” (Per Tuesday’s Colbert) and it slips by virtually unnoticed, well,…fuck it.
I’m sure there’s some Manti T’eo news on somewhere, right?
Damn this shit to hell.


So….basically they’re upset that the “Obama’s Coup Fails” game they farted out was a complete utter fantasy?


Hey, it’s on Netflix. Will check it out in future.

so, are you an online netflixer or a dvd in the mail netflixer…or both? can one be a both netflixer? we’ve pretty much decided to go with netflix through our roku box, but i’ve heard that you can’t get all the seasons of some teebee series online and you have to get them through the mail…of course i am much too lazy to check this out for myself…


My “real” blog (aka the one I hide from you lot) actually contains lots of pictures of beer and food, with descriptions of how they pair. Mostly beer. It’s all very liberal-elite and silly. And fun. Whatevs.

Is this really a thing? People taking photos of their plates at restaurants?

Why wouldn’t it be?

god, you people constantly remind me that i live in a shithole…


On a visit to Momofuku Ko, one diner thought nothing of subtly raising her iPhone and snapping a picture of her shaved foie.

o m g…that just goes beyond food pron…that is downright indecency!


The bill’s sponsor, Republican Senator Charles W. “Bill” Carrico, says the change is necessary because Virginia’s urbanized areas can outvote rural regions, weakening their political strength.

oh, this is fucking rich…the legislature doesn’t give a fuck about rural areas…our joke out here is that our legislators think mn ends at st. cloud…which is about an hour from the twin cities…


sooooo…i just thought i’d go for a ‘fivefecta’ of comments since i’m apparently the only one here…or there’s a new thread…or other people have lives and/or aren’t avoiding work…


Oh, I’m reading, I just haven’t had a chance to comment yet. Please, vent away. I will spare all of you my used car woes that are making me grumpy today.


Going Five-Fecta.



Mr. Paul also blasted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her testimony on Benghazi before the Senate today: “Her tactic of answering each and every question we asked her didn’t fool anyone.”


Just wait OBS – “Brewers Of Corvallis coming up next after Ancient Aliens…”

Oh gawd, that would be awful.

“Graveyard Carz” is filmed down in Eugene/Springfield. It’s about restoring old Chrysler muscle cars from the ’60s back to as if they just rolled off the showroom floor. Not sure why you’d want a car that you can’t actually drive lest you ruin its value, but whatevs.


Not sure why you’d want a car that you can’t actually drive lest you ruin its value, but whatevs.

jeepers, you hate america, don’t you?!



it took me a moment before i realized this was satire…only because last night as hubbkf was whizzing through the channels, i briefly glimpsed a still on fox news trumpeting the ‘beyonce scandal!!!’


bbkf, I’m online only. I’m sure it’s true they don’t have everything online for some series.


Not sure why you’d want a car that you can’t actually drive lest you ruin its value

That’s exactly why I only buy “drivers”. My Desoto looks perfect from 10 feet away.

You almost never get back your investment from restoring a car to factory condition.

I’ve seen countless ads where the seller is advertising “Over $40,000 spent on restoration” and the car is selling for $25,000.


god, you people constantly remind me that i live in a shithole…

You don’t even have food? That really is a shithole.


Shitholes have plenty of food, it’s just digested already.


You don’t even have food? That really is a shithole.

silly! we have food…just not interesting food…we have ONE grocery store in town…restaurants include subway, dairy queen, pizza ranch, one bar and grill, a crappy supper club where cajun is still a thing, anothe overpriced supper club on the lake and a coffee house & bistro…if you are looking for a sandwich around here, no problem…anything else though…must drive at least an hour…of course my supper club is awesome quality-wise, but we are pretty boring…


bbkf, I’m online only. I’m sure it’s true they don’t have everything online for some series.

d’oh…i think we are going to go with netflix online anyways…we tested out amazon prime, but their movie selection is not optimal…we would reconsider that though if we started buying more things online through amazon…which really wouldn’t be that bad…i’m just not organized enough to do it…and really, i would feel pretty guilty having the major bring me breakfast cereal…


of course my supper club is awesome quality-wise, but we are pretty boring…

See I think “Reviews of boring supper club food from the upper midwest” would be an excellent blog! Here, I’ll do your first post for you:

Tonight’s baked potato had just the perfect amount of sour cream, but they skimped a bit on the butter. The chives were also a bit sub par, but they are out of season so I’ll let that slide. The steamed cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots were actually hot, but still retained some of their color and crunch, which is unfortunate. The prime rib was tender and flavorful, but I found the 16oz portion to be a bit small, what is this, Europe!?! They offer only some non-“A1” off-brand steak sauce, and they skimped on the horseradish too. 3 out of 5 stars.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

The Catlicker Coich ties itself into a Gordian knot.


Tonight’s baked potato had just the perfect amount of sour cream, but they skimped a bit on the butter. The chives were also a bit sub par, but they are out of season so I’ll let that slide. The steamed cauliflower, broccoli, and carrots were actually hot, but still retained some of their color and crunch, which is unfortunate. The prime rib was tender and flavorful, but I found the 16oz portion to be a bit small, what is this, Europe!?! They offer only some non-”A1? off-brand steak sauce, and they skimped on the horseradish too. 3 out of 5 stars.

you pretty much nailed it except for the steamed veggies (uhhhh…no veggies as sides…unless you count cole slaw or the salad bar) and we offer only name brand a1…and heinz 57…of which persons get a withering glare from me for using…especially if they slather it on a well done piece of beef…just stay at home and ruin your food you moran!


The Catlicker Coich ties itself into a Gordian knot. – Da Mayor

This just shows that trial lawyer loving liberals should be anti-abortion and are hypocrites for not being pro-life. ( / GOoPer who just discovered irony)


The Catlicker Coich ties itself into a Gordian knot.

This position is perfectly consistent with the main tenet of the church: amassing* large quantities of money.

* heh, I crack me up.


The RCC insists that fetuses are people, until it is inconvenient to insist that fetuses are people, even when said non-people are a lot closer to independent personhood than, for example, a microscopic clump of cells.

The RCC also insists that sexual contact outside the bounds of matrimony is wrong, until … Ah, fuck it.


This just shows that trial lawyer loving liberals should be anti-abortion and are hypocrites for not being pro-life.

Oh yeah, the commenters beat you to it… liberals are the REAL hypocrites because it’s legal to get an abortion and it’s also legal to sue someone who caused an unwanted miscarriage! And the Catholic hospital is not hypocritical because it’s legal to get an abortion! Apparently it’s never hypocritical to do something that’s legal no matter how fiercely you oppose it. Unless you’re a liberal, of course.


oh, this is fucking rich…the legislature doesn’t give a fuck about rural areas…our joke out here is that our legislators think mn ends at st. cloud…which is about an hour from the twin cities…

Oh, right. Because rural voters are entitled to X amount of political strength no matter how much the shape of the country changes.

Goddamn Virginia.


Oh, right. Because rural voters are entitled to X amount of political strength no matter how much the shape of the country changes.

that’s not what i’m saying…what i’m saying is that normally they don’t even know we exist out here…until they need us for some bullshit like this…


Oh sure.

I’m just saying that their basic premise – “rural voters deserve a special status because you can’t have them getting outvoted” – doesn’t have a leg to stand on. Other than “we should never lose elections,” which is of course what it’s all about.


Shit. Just realized I copy-pasted the wrong sentence in my previous post – meant to copy-paste the one you were quoting rather than your response.

Apologies. Was bitching at the guy’s claim, not at your response to it.


The GOP just wants rural voters to have 1 and 3/5ths of a vote.


Apologies. Was bitching at the guy’s claim, not at your response to it.

no worries…although i was beginning to wonder about myself…


The Catlicker Coich ties itself into a Gordian knot.

i am half tempted to link that on my fb page…oh, what a shitstorm that would cause…

hypocrisy, as this case and the shitlickers in virginia have shown, is once again the word of the day…


Dear Sarah:

We’ve missed you. We know you spend a lot of time with your family now and are on Fox News a lot, but we think it is time for “Momma Grizzly” to make an appearance again. Who better than you who grew up with all kinds of firearms to get involved again and lead a movement to protect the 2nd Amendment. Since many republicans in Congress are too weak-kneed to stand up to a tyrannical Constitution breaking President, maybe it’s high time for you to come to Washington and take down some of these corrupt gun grabbing politicians just like you did in Alaska by showing them why Americans have an ABSOLUTE 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and it “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” upon as the US Constitution states. It will drive the left absolutely CRAZY for you to get involved and stand up to Obama and his executive orders. Give us a shout and let us know you are in!

I endorse Sarah Palin’s participation in this effort.


ewww…just got off the phone with one of the foundation’s portfolio managers…my ear always seems like it needs to be cleansed and purged afterwards…


I endorse Sarah Palin’s participation in this effort.

times, like, 85 billion…


It will drive the left absolutely CRAZY for you to get involved and stand up to Obama and his executive orders. Give us a shout and let us know you are in!

if by CRAZY they mean ‘hysterical with laffter’, then yes, by all means…color me CRAZY…


okay, i know a bunch of you aren’t into fb, but it is worth clicking sub’s link just for the picture of ms. palin at her finest alone…also too, actual comments:

Sarah is us,we the people,from us,those who break a swet at work,the people.Give unto us divine force thy voice,finally.Listen to the voice of Indianola September/2011.
Maria Helena Jr, vc: é contra ou a favor da emenda constitucional de desarmamento? See Translation

Michele Hagood: just wish she didn’t target the wolves



Geoff Pond Remember……hitler was elected…he was popular…he promises equality to all..he surrounded himself with people who were afraid to speak out against him…he flattered the powerful..and destroyed the people who couldn’t defend themselves..in a very short time he destroyed a great people..and country..



Holy crap I love FaceBook, it’s like dropping acid but I can still get to sleep!


We’ve missed you. We know you spend a lot of time with your family now and are on Fox News a lot, but we think it is time for “Momma Grizzly” to make an appearance again. Who better than you who grew up with all kinds of firearms to get involved again and lead a movement to protect the 2nd Amendment. Since many republicans in Congress are too weak-kneed to stand up to a tyrannical Constitution breaking President, maybe it’s high time for you to come to Washington and take down some of these corrupt gun grabbing politicians just like you did in Alaska by showing them why Americans have an ABSOLUTE 2nd Amendment right to bear arms and it “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” upon as the US Constitution states. It will drive the left absolutely CRAZY for you to get involved and stand up to Obama and his executive orders. Give us a shout and let us know you are in!

… And when she doesn’t get involved, when she sits this one the same way she sat out the 2012 primaries, the same way she sat out the rest of her term, will it finally occur to you that she doesn’t, in fact, care about you, or your goals, or your precious “values,” or anything that requires more work than being Fox News’ version of the Kardashians with all the sweet money that implies?



Holy crap I love FaceBook, it’s like dropping acid but I can still get to sleep!

right?! and i am still trying to figure out who these people who are ‘afraid’ to speak out against dear leader are…


Sarah is us,we the people,from us,those who break a swet at work,the people.

Unless all our “swet”-breaking isn’t enough to add up to enough wages for taxable income. Then we’re not “we the people,” we’re parasites.

Or unless we’re the illegal immigrants breaking a “swet” by doing jobs Americans don’t want to do for wages Americans won’t accept. Then it’s not “we the people” either.

Or unless we’re breaking a “swet” for the federal government or any job that lets us unionize. Also not “we the people.”

Or unless we’re gay. Or Muslim. Or whatever Undesirable category they’ll come up with when they get bored of these ones.

Yes, you guys are just all about the dignity of work and “we the people,” aren’t you.



I thought they didn’t like protection. That’s certainly what I’m getting from all these anti-contraceptive campaigns that’ve cropped up recently.


… WAAAAAAAAAAH stop calling us RAAAAAAACIST also too.


i am still trying to figure out who these people who are ‘afraid’ to speak out against dear leader are…

Not Geoff Pond, that’s for sure!


fb commenter marie, with a well thought out, well written treatise on the constitution, the second amendment and guns:

i dont care when it was wrote it still should stand sure you want all the good guys hand over your guns then who do you think is going to protect us check out the buyers are you crazy enough to believe the people going around went and bought that gun or would it make more sence to think he bought it a pawn shop or any on the street that could have stolen it if i owned a gun i would keep it but at my age i proably shoot myself by not knowing what i am doing


Geoff Pond Remember……hitler was elected…he was popular…

Geoff’s got some pretty powerful projection going on, there.

And as for those assholes trying to return US voting to the original intent (nonwhite, nonmale folk don’t get to), I say “Please do move into that Citadel thing and let the rest of us get on with our lives.” Seriously, either we keep the anti-populist Electoral College as is, or we go to direct election of the President. No making it even more antipopulist.


Not Geoff Pond, that’s for sure!

i wish i could meet him! reading his post made me feel all tingly!!!


I endorse Sarah Palin’s participation in this effort.

times, like, 85 billion…


I’m actually surprised we haven’t heard from the rootinest, tootinest, shootinest failed ex-governor on this issue. Maybe the various Guns’ Rights groups are still bidding.


Maybe the various Guns’ Rights groups are still bidding.

Maybe she’s still trying to get an opening bid.


… WAAAAAAAAAAH stop calling us RAAAAAAACIST also too.

and they aren’t sexist, either:

She is the sexiest politician ever………Enuff Said


Also, too.

Maybe she’ll just force her way into the debate, as she has been known to do a time or two hundred. Fingers crossed she shares her opinions on guns and women in combat.


She is the sexiest politician ever………Enuff Said

Yes, the dead-eyed vacant look is SO HOT.


Holy crap I love FaceBook, it’s like dropping acid but I can still get to sleep!

Jeez, I’m just not getting off, I better eat more.


I’m actually surprised we haven’t heard from the rootinest, tootinest, shootinest failed ex-governor on this issue.

I dunno. She got burned pretty badly on the Gabrielle Giffords shooting, so maybe she’s learned to keep her mouth shut after massacres.




Mouth shut.

Sorry, could you help me put those three concepts together? I tried several times and nothing works.


Give Palin credit for grasping the art of money-extraction from rubes so quickly.


I write ugly sentences, but this gun here says I’m allowed. To.


I write ugly sentences

oh…i thought you were writing in palin-speak…


Speak ugly, but carry a big talking gun.


Speaking Gun

/S.G. Nerd


Shitholes have plenty of food, it’s just digested already.

Not completely. You finished with that?


Did anyone listen to today’s NPR piece on the causes of declining union membership?


Did somebody say Shit moat??!!!


Did anyone listen to today’s NPR piece on the causes of declining union membership?

No I didn’t. Can I guess the causes? NAFTA (and outsourcing in general), automation, and leveraged buyouts/strategic bankruptcies.


Reading Owen’s article, & the following responses, is very enlightening. And yes, some people have been watching Walking dead, Red Dawn & Doomsday Preppers and taking them a bit too literally. From my Aussie perspective, it seems these gun lovers are more than willing to screw the lives of millions of their fellow countrymen because the cant buy a certain make of weapon or ammo accessory. Do they not think that, say, they fool around with the water supply, that it wont just be the nasty old Government that would be against them? I’d say there would be quite few hundred million against them. And for all their fear and loathing of the MOOSLIM jihadists, these crazy bastards deep down want to emulate them. And it was very touching to see some white supremists too. Described as their “natural allies”. It would be a shame if the kooky old neo-Nazi’s were left out. Bloody hell you Yanks are funny! I think it would be awesome if these clowns watched the classic 60’s counter-culture film “Wild in the streets”. In that rarely seen film, the YOOF take over America by spiking the water supply with LSD. Put that idea in Red Dawn 2.


Is it me, or did NPR’s coverage of the Roe v. Wade anniversary consist mostly of giving a platform to anti-abortion types? I don’t think I heard anything new to me.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Did anyone listen to today’s NPR piece on the causes of declining union membership?

No, but I’d like to,…I think.
Which program was it?


That Palin link from Subby is great… my favorite exchange is:

Michele Hagood just wish she didn’t target the wolves

Susan Bly Ziots Michael. Here is hoping that a pack of wolves move into the park near your home or your horse barn!!!!!!!

The second best is:

Terry Glen Lindsey If she has ever fired a gun I will kiss your foot. I am a conservitive, but NEVER wanted Shara running the country….think she hasn’t got a clue. Just my thought.

John Way Terry, yes she has fired many, and she still was more qualified than BO. Try reading her book before you judge her!



Susan Bly Ziots Michael. Here is hoping that a pack of wolves move into the park near your home or your horse barn!!!!!!!

Who Would Jesus Sic a Wolf Pack On?


And for all their fear and loathing of the MOOSLIM jihadists, these crazy bastards deep down want to emulate them.

Too true- it’s the “narcissism of small differences”.

And it was very touching to see some white supremists too. Described as their “natural allies”. It would be a shame if the kooky old neo-Nazi’s were left out. Bloody hell you Yanks are funny!

The Second Amendment has a lot to do with white militias being necessary to put down any feared slave revolts. While slavery existed in the North, most families owned one or two domestic slaves. The South, though, had large areas with majority black, enslaved populations. Those tend to be the regions where gun fetishism still holds sway. The tragedy is, I-95, the major north-south corridor, is a veritable “river of iron”, guns flow from states with no background checks or waiting periods, like Virginia and the Carolinas, to New York City, where they are employed in turf wars in disadvantaged inner city neighborhoods.


Is this really a thing? People taking photos of their plates at restaurants?

When we went to New orleans, I nearly gave Pinko Punko an aneurysm by posting pictures of all the amazing food and drink I had.


Is this really a thing? People taking photos of their plates at restaurants?

Food Porn


All Things considered


Audio should be up shortly.


So, if hardly anyone’s in a union any more, how is it that we’re destroying the economy? That’s a pretty good trick.


Did someone say Food porn?


Bloody hell you Yanks are funny!
Says the man from Mad Max Land.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

All Things considered

Thank you!
Just in time. I just finished watching Stewart/Colbert.
That MIT-pilot lady is hawt, and she has potentially bad news for The Major.
I kinda sorta had a sad.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

So, if hardly anyone’s in a union any more, how is it that we’re destroying the economy? That’s a pretty good trick.

Careful, ask questions like how an insignificant, powerless minority can become an existential threat and the whole thread of “How the Freemasons and Jews are destroying Wiemar Germany” falls apart.


The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Hm, not much new there in terms of “who’s to blame”. I’ve been hearing the same vague crap for years. The idea that manufacturing just kind of “slipped quietly away” as if it were the natural order of things is, and always has been the biggest con. Unions “missed their opportunity”, jobs are somehow now etherial and rootless and mobile…
Same shit, different blind man.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Jeez O’ Pete, this Carnevale character is a smoke blower of the highest order. (no s’prize there)
An interview from 2009

First Q and A –

CUF: What is the current recession showing us about the larger transformation of the economy?

AC: The structure of work in America has evolved to the point where it’s a high skill economy in just about every sector. When you put money out for infrastructure, the image that brings to mind is the guy with a shovel. But that’s not how bridges are built anymore. If you’re going to have a bridge project, that’s managers, engineers, accountants

Um, so those guys didn’t exist before?
They’re new?

…What this brings home is that the modern economy is fairly skill-intensive. If you specifically said that what we should have done was target subsidies to low-wage, low-skilled workers in those industries, you couldn’t build the bridge. A substantial share, half or more, you wouldn’t be covering their wages, and the states can’t pick up the slack.

…then the managers, engineers, accountants, suppliers, truck drivers, food carts, boot salesmen, and the guys WITH THE FUCKING HAMMERS AND SHOVELS go back to work!

We’re screwed.


Aussie Craig: SN needs more southern hemispherical people. So please come back often! (Also to keep the outrageous Kiwis in check.) Whereabouts in Australia are you located?

Also a question for you, suezboo, Canukistanis, for all furriners:

From your perspective, is the United States completely over-the-cliff batshit insane?

((Some Sadly-American citizens–myself among them–believe the US is rabid howling-at-the-moon crazy. But we really can’t be objective.))


the major asks: So, if hardly anyone’s in a union any more, how is it that we’re destroying the economy?

Tony Carnevale of Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce says the federal government has replaced the labor union for many American workers, in pushing for health and safety regulations, minimum wage legislation and equal pay.

the answer clearly is: bronco bama…


I swear, these wingnuts (Bob Owens, for ex.) are starting to sound like people who took a dozen stiff bong-hits and then got bonked with a mallet. I mean you get a good visceral idea what sloshes around in their brain-pans, but there’s no real sense to it.

They’re not only tooling around in ATVs fantasizing about being Wolverines, they’re publishing their reports to the Web.

It’s as if I did a bad job of jerking off and then decided to give everyone an epic writeup.


It’s as if I did a bad job of jerking off and then decided to give everyone an epic writeup.

I’m trying to figure out how you could do a bad job of jerking off. Use 40-grit sandpaper or something?


oh, ha! i was just checking out a possible diet plan…one of their suggested ‘treats’: 5 oz. of red wine and 1 hershey’s kiss…

they obviously don’t know who they’re dealing with…


I’m trying to figure out how you could do a bad job of jerking off. Use 40-grit sandpaper or something?

Oh I’m not sure. It was a dodgy analogy anyway, because maybe Bob Owens most fully enjoys ATV-riding when he thinks about blowing up power stations. I won’t begrudge him that, but why take to the web with it?

Vigourous movement thru the great outdoors really stimulates my fantasy life in a mostly non-sexual way. It either sends me in an obvious, meditational, non-verbal direction, or it sets my mind on fire. I think the latter happens to Bob Owens, only he’s a fucking fruitcake.

His mental masturbation is probably really satisfying for him, but it does nothing for me, and raises the question of why he shares it. He thinks he’s done a good job?


one of their suggested ‘treats’: 5 oz. of red wine and 1 hershey’s kiss…

Try a bottle of red and a dozen kisses, minimum.


No matter if some one searches for his required thing, therefore he/she desires to be
available that in detail, so that thing is maintained over here.


New post! Now with 20% more inbreeding!


Hey Bob: enjoy your trip to fucking Gitmo – after all, we can’t be too careful about possible terrorist threats!


(comments are closed)