It’s Obama

Let the healing begin. Onward to victory, etc.


Comments: 176


Let the shitstorm of crazy begin.


Remember, at the heart of every bigot is a squalling little coward.

But of course, the cowardice in and of itself is not the problem…


Are you insane, can’t you see that man is a ni —

Sorry, wrong person.

This country is fucked.


Man, Democrats are gunna be REAL embarrassed when they realize they just nominated a BLACK man. Whooo-doggies!


So, when is the press going to start shouting about McCain’s liabilities? He gave his speech tonight from an all-white, all-Republican suburb 15 miles away from New Orleans, but opened his speech with pride at being “in New Orleans”. ‘Cept he’s not. He’s at a $15k-per-plate fundraiser in the whitest part of a white suburb in Louisiana.

God, I wish they’d give him shit for that. Kenner is about as close to New Orleans as San Diego is. It’s one of the cities that helped elect David Duke, fer Chrissake!


McCain gave that speech from the estate of Ulysses Simpson ‘U.S.’ Bates.


Man, Democrats are gunna be REAL embarrassed when they realize they just nominated a BLACK man. Whooo-doggies!

and, according to man-tits Hewitt, ‘far left’ & ‘socialist’. Its like watching a slow motion tantrum on Ritalin.


So, when is the press going to start shouting about McCain’s liabilities?

Don’t hold your breath waiting for fairness from our media. Watch them instead do a 180 on Obama. Now that he is the presumptive nominee the gloves will come all the way off. And they will never, ever challenge McCain. Why? Because while Dems complain when they are treated badly, Repubs end your career.


but Neon, townhall tells me that the media is loonie left, socialist, Che loving types, who am I to believe?


the only thing mccain had going for him in that speech was that the green backdrop matched his teeth nicely.


Oh noes!!! the Barackalypse!

Hillary Clinton

…You asked yourself a simple question: Who will be the strongest candidate and the strongest … Who will be ready to take back the White House and take charge as commander in chief and lead our country to better tomorrows?

People in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the territories, all had a chance to make your voices heard. And on election day after Election Day, you came out in record numbers to cast your ballots. Nearly 18 million of you cast your votes — for our campaign, carrying the popular vote with more votes than any primary candidate in history.

Even when the pundits and the naysayers proclaimed week after week that this race was over, you kept on voting. …

You have voted because you wanted to take back the White House. And because of you we won, together, the swing states necessary to get to 270 electoral votes.*

-Hillary Clinton, actual quotes from tonight’s victory speech.


McCain unwittingly endorses Obama
McCain agreed with Obama that the presidential race would focus on change. “But the choice is between the right change and the wrong change, between going forward and going backward,” he said.

Yes, yes it is. Which is why few will be voting for you, McNoChange.


I wonder how many “Hillary in ’08” vintage t shirts we’ll see in four years time?

Perhaps they’ll be the new ironic slogan for disaffected youth.


They’re going predictably apeshit on Talk Left right now … it’s like watching an endless loop of that ultimate fighter guy’s ear exploding all over a Kentucky Derby runner-up’s broken ankles while Chris Webber calls time out to lose the championship and runaway sports analogies morph into syphilitic shit clogging up every toilet in a collapsing South American soccer stadium.

In slow motion.


Obama is going to demolish McCain in the debates. So much so that I’m going to feel a little uncomfortable. It will be like watching my grandfather getting mugged.

Then I’ll remember that McCain is not that nice kind of grandfather who takes you fishing. He’s the kind who tells you and your friends to pipe down and stay off the lawn while he throws back highballs with his fat-cat buddies. And when you are a little older, he’ll send you off to war.

Regardless of the media, we will be watching Obama take the oath of office next January.


Andre said, June 4, 2008 at 9:25

I wonder how many “Hillary in ‘08? vintage t shirts we’ll see in four years time?

Perhaps they’ll be the new ironic slogan for disaffected youth.

I think it will take more than four years before the U.S. will be willing to elect a Republican again.


Here’s what I see happening….

The rift this primary season caused won’t close up before the election season gets going. It can’t, because it’s an irrational rift: if you look at the actual platforms of Clinton and Obama, they are almost identical. There’s no damn difference between the two of them, which is why the partisan hackery in favor of one or the other of them has been so consistently hysterical – when you are trying to get people to choose between two mostly identical options, you have to shout loudly to distract them from the fact that the two options are the same. I mean, if I was giving you a choice between a slice of cake or being stabbed, I’d just lay the choices out – cake or stabbing. But if I’m trying to get you to choose between being stabbed and shot, or being shot and stabbed, I’ve gotta do some impressive legerdemain to get you to even care one way or the other.

So the rift, being irrational, won’t close. The country is divided enough in its political loyalties right now that something this small is enough to throw the election to McCain. The Clinton faction of the Democratic party will blame the Obama faction forever for this, and the rift will never close, although neither group will ever work up the gumption to just fucking quit the party and start their own, which will effectively neuter the Democratic party for another fifteen years – long enough to ensure the Republicans finish destroying this country and bringing the rest of the world down with us.

Times like this, I wish I were a praying person. I’d pray that Ted Kennedy’s brain tumor would magically transfer into me so that he could go on at full strength and do something to mitigate the worst of the catastrophe that lies ahead, and I could just die so I don’t have to see it happen.


Jillian, that’s really depressing, but possibly true, alas. There’s no world shortage of idiots, although if the Republicans do get in for another term there may soon be a world shortage of breathing.

I have to say when I read this I did heave a small weary sigh and start thinking along these lines: Oh-bama, Hey-bama, bama bama ho, bama hey, bama ho-ba-ma…


What the fuck is wrong with the people at talkleft? Generally speaking, it’s republicans that are that out of touch with reality. jeralyn’s mewling pity post was utterly pathetic.

Seriously folks, grow up. It’s time to move on and win an election. It’s not about your personality cult. Quit looking for the spin that makes you think gives you the right to wallow in self-pity.


The rift this primary season caused won’t close up before the election season gets going.

No – the rift will close up the minute a gracious and classy and genuine concession speech arrives.

But it will stay open until that moment.


the rift will close up the minute a gracious and classy and genuine concession speech arrives.
The ball is in Obama’s court!


Really good work. I found a lot of profound information which can help me to go on.

Incontinentia Buttocks

Obama is going to demolish McCain in the debates.

The debates should be pretty excruciating. McCain is terrible at the format. But Obama’s not at his best either. Obama will be better than McCain, but I don’t think Obama is capable of demolishing anyone in a debate setting.

Generally speaking, it’s republicans that are that out of touch with reality.

Republicans have never had a monopoly on this. Remember how electing a Democratic Congress in 2006 was going to get us out of Iraq?


Random comment from Talkleft (#101):

Would we expect anything less from the arrogant elitist? He’s one of the few people who look heaven ward while looking down his nose at everyone. He doesn’t need us, he doesn’t like us, and he doesn’t want it. Ok by me. I kind of like McCain and I trust him more than I trust Obama.



That was from TalkLeft?


That photo is just too beautiful for words…and it’s got nothin on how good they’ll look come January.
[returns to cynicism, fear of character mawling, and healthy hatred for all things spawned by conservative political machines]


The best I can manage is “Let the pitying chuckles directed at the Chuckle Heads 4 Hillary begin.”

Right now a relatively tiny number of people are enjoying their Orgasms of Outrage and it would be rude to interrupt. If they want to keep it up until Nov. 4, and beyond, let ’em. They’ll provide a nice diversion when people get sick of picking on the fRightWingers.


The rift Jillian describes, while irrational, is broad, but not deep. The hard core candidate obsessives do not represent the typical Democratic or Democratic-leaning voter.

And the irrationality will intensify for a very small number of people (including both candidate obsessives and Republican activists, pundits, and trolls) over the next few days and weeks while no matter how much they insist the moving finger retrace its steps and write a different line, Barack Obama is about to transition from being one of rivals to being the Democratic candidate.

They will do all they can to scream about this huge & all-important split, division, etc., as the evidence first begins trickling in, then coming by in streams, then visible as a strong & flowing river, that the vast majority of the people in question simply no longer are thinking about “which” Democratic candidate and simply backing the Democratic candidate.

But, then, that’s what they have to do: they only have a few more days and weeks to ply this game.


The fact is, I hope that Hillary continues to spend money and give speeches to divide the Demoncraps, and that many of her supporters vote for McCain. All very amusing, however, there will be a terrorist attack on September 11th and we will be under martial law with elections cancelled until the emergency is over, yay!


Did anyone actually see McLame’s excrutiating speech yesterday?

Come on people, quit with the whinging. 2006 happened, remember?

The Senate election was part of the “Democratic sweep” of the 2006 elections, in which no Congressional or gubernatorial seat held by a Democrat was won by a Republican. Democratic candidates defeated six Republican incumbents: Rick Santorum (Penn.), Mike DeWine (Ohio), Lincoln Chafee (R.I.), Jim Talent (Mo.), Conrad Burns (Mont.), and George Allen (Va.).


Barack Obama is about to transition from being one of rivals to being the Democratic candidate.

Not in the minds of Hillary supporters. not without the gracious and genuine concession from Hillary.

See, Obama has already had an unbreakable stranglehold on the nomination for two months. That’s a lot of time for the reality to sink in, to face facts, to get behind the nominee – and it has not been enough.

And as long as Hillary maintains that it’s not over, and he isn’t qualified to be President, and she’s the real winner and he’s undemocratically stealing the nomination, that’s the way it will stay.


Not in the minds of Hillary supporters. not without the gracious and genuine concession from Hillary.

Well, define “Hillary supporter,” because if you’re limiting that to activists, bloggers, campaign employees, and other specialists, okay.

But if by “Hillary supporter” you mean “people who voted for or expressed poll preference for Hillary in primaries and before today”, no, that’s gone, they will shift quickly and dramatically to the Democratic candidate.

This notion that the average voter who backed Hillary in the primaries (and caucuses, because, yes, they count too!) will be as reticent to back the actual Democratic candidate as the most hard-core candidate backers is going to be empirically (factually) proven wrong over the next couple of weeks.

Will a tiny minority claim that they represent a huge electorate and that they can ‘command’ whether they do or do not consolidate behind the actual Democratic candidate? Of course. But they’re wrong, and they’re likely to be surprised by how quickly this will be proven.

not even an mba

Question for Lambert, is it reasonable yet to ask Why Won’t The Stupid Bitch Quit? How about Aug. 29? How about Nov. 5?


The cool thing, however, is these gumballs also want an Obama who will make them feel part of a mass movement too. Instead they have a dumpy little white guy with a droning voice that makes you want to throw yourself into a sulphuric acid pool just to make the pain lessen.


If anyone wants a nice heapin’ helpin’ of teh crazy, go check out Taylor Marsh’s front page.

I hope she and others eventually come back from the brink. I really used to enjoy reading her blog.


Atrios said that the green backdrop made McCain look like the cottage cheese in a lime jello salad.

That pleased me.


Did somebody use the word reasonable?

Perhaps that should be down in the history thread.

not even an mba

If there’s a zombie talking point that needs crushing it’s the one that has Barack Obama, freshman senator from Chicago, the man who’s apparently too inexperienced to be President, as the Washington insider opposite Hillary, already spent 8 years in the White House, Clinton the outsider. If there were indeed DNC elite fingers tipping the scale, that’s probably best reflected in the January superdelegate breakdown of Clinton +100.


Worse, McCain’s cadence sucks. I think Droopy Dog should be his nickname.

not even an mba

I’d vote for Droopy! That sad dog had brilliant comic timing. McCain, however; well I’m still chortling at the last delivery of his slogan at 21:30 of his speech.


The funniest part is going to be watching McCain go through half a dozen image makeovers to make him look like more of a hep young cat.

I think that we are virtually guaranteed a leather bomber jacket, but dare we hope for a motorcycle? A dye job? A terror scarf?

not even an mba

A&F McCain.


“Making empty promises to bring back lost jobs is nothing to the unemployed worker except false hope.”

Yup, this is where it starts to get good.


Healing? HEALING?!?!

You, sir, are a misogynist.

not even an mba

Did you get the dig at how America doesn’t believe in natural selection?
Go Johnny! Stick it to those Darwinists! It’s all those Evil-outionists that are stealing all our jobs and foreclosing on our houses!


I see frequent comparisons of McCain to Grandpa Simpson, but he reminds me more of Mr. Burns. Perhaps a combination of the two.


Throw in a little Reverend Lovejoy, Fozzetti, and you’ve got a perfect match.


Would we expect anything less from the arrogant elitist? He’s one of the few people who look heaven ward while looking down his nose at everyone.

this is insane. “Arrogant elitist” was a tactical weapon – I can’t imagine anyone would actually believe they can psychoanalyze someone’s personality from a couple of slipped words and an orange juice preference. I perfectly understand (though despise) political ops who push talking points like this because of the tactical advantage.

But is it possible someone can be nuts enough to actually believe Obama is an “arrogant elitist” looking down his nose at everyone – based on such non-existent evidence?


John McCain missed a golden opportunity last night. By standing in front of a green screen, he could have had them project all sorts of exciting images behind him, maybe like he was floating in space or in a field of giant psychadelic flowers or something. All sorts of movies use green screen: MCCain could have shouted “I… am… IRON MAN!” and then made it look like he was lifting off and flying through the air.

Anything would have been better than the speech McCain actually gave. Obama didn’t need a green screen to visually destroy the other two candidates, even if you watched the speeches with the sound turned down. McCain looked like he was speaking to at a local AARP meeting at a Ponderosa steak house. Hillary looked like she was speaking to a high school pep rally. Obama, though, looked like he had the combined audience of a sold-out auditorium rock concert and a visit from the pope. To paraphrase Sesame Street, one of these three looks presidential…


I’ll always swear that McCain is Bruce Dern’s character from the Burbs. In fact if Bruce Dern is still with us, he’d make a great stand-in for McCain.

And holy shit that Taylor Marsh front page. Holy shit.


Some commenter over on Marsh’s site refers to Obama as ‘the Dark Bush’.



“Droopy Dog” already refers to Lieberman.


not even an mba said,
Question for Lambert, is it reasonable yet to ask Why Won’t The Stupid Bitch Quit? How about Aug. 29? How about Nov. 5?

That is not how to win friends. And besides, Hillary is not stupid.


Completely OT, but has anyone seen the 1965 French film, The Battle of Algiers? I can’t recommend it enough. Some of the parallels to Iraq are absolutely devastating, with the difference that there is no American population that has been living there for centuries. The humanitarian justifications, the “dead-ender” quips, the endless progress that never materializes, the impotent disaproval of the rest of the world.

But what really hit hard was the moment when the military began to torture prisoners, but insisted on calling it “interrogation”. The first example that the director chose to show was waterboarding.

I’m not a politician, so I can say this: I hope and pray that we lose this war, and as soon as possible. These are the same evil colonialist bastards that have been plaguing the world for 500 years and they can’t be allowed to get away with it anymore.


@not even an mba:
Question for Lambert, is it reasonable yet to ask Why Won’t The Stupid Bitch Quit? How about Aug. 29? How about Nov. 5?
As an Obama supporter who is glad he won…it’s never going to be ‘reasonable’ to call Clinton a bitch, so shut yer pie hole until you remember the manners yer momma shoulda taught ya.

Did you not even read the OP? Heal, people, heal!


Low-rent analysis to follow:

After seven years of Bush, the GOP is toxic and a good percentage of traditional Repub voters are running away from their party. They’re not ready to embrace liberalism, but they can smell something rotten in the punchbowl. McCain crossed the finish line first in a field of addle-brained freaks. He might fish the turd out but they know he’s going to leave that punch – ladle, cups and all – right there on the table. No way to win an election.

So what’s a cynical rightwinger to do? How about Hillary Clinton? She’s republican-lite, reliably insincere, establishment all the way AND she voted the right way on Iraq. She was also the odds-on favorite. Everybody loves a winner.

These are your Hillarrhoids. Wingnuts-for-Clinton – never true Democrats. In love with smears and lies, fine with lobbyists and legal trickery. Obama won’t ever get their votes. Why should he bother twisting himself in knots trying to win them over?


That Corrente article by P_Luk is down right scary.

Maybe I’m being naive, but I am in a perpetual state of disbelief that people who call themselves Democrats would either intentionally sit out the most important election in the past 30 years or vote for the McCain because Hillary didn’t win.

It makes my head hurt. It really does.


Lol apparently Taylor Marsh is claiming that there’s a vast conspiracy to get her DNC credentials pulled because she backs Hillary.

IMO she should get her credentials pulled because she’s not a journalist and not notable.

not even an mba

Hey, I gave the whole heal thing an honest attempt already.
The bitch line line is Lambert’s (actually I think, orginally Aravosis’, but appropriated just the same by Corrente). It was certainly reasonable in April, but it’s June now. And really, that ball is in their court. There ain’t nothing I can say now to win those folks as friends. They need Lambert and Jeralyn and the other Clinton loyalists to take their unelectable empty suit rhetoric, pack it away, and pull out the Bomb Iran snark.


Jillian, the ‘form a new party’ angle is officially dead.
Hillary knows it’s time to concede graciously and not split the vote for a lose (hi Ralph). She can and will do it.
Yes, their policies are a matchstick apart. Hell, that’s why the campaign has become distilled into the black man/white woman candidacy. Not because of misogyny/racism/whatever.
She’ll come out in the next day or week supporting Obama, as she would have RALLIED for him 20 years ago; or she’s turned into the shell – yes, shell, of what she used to stand for, not shill – due to the gruelling process she chose to go through.
I know I wouldn’t do it. Or put my daughter through it.
– MC

not even an mba

The leading lights of Clinton’s last stand don’t even need to back Obama, I just want them to come out swinging against Johnny 100 years, repeal Roe, more like Scalia and Thomas, fifty bucks an hour lettuce pickers, McCain.
It’s their vote, and if they can’t support Barack, for whatever reason, that’s their decision.
But if they seriously are considering voting R – fuck ’em.


Hillary knows it’s time to concede graciously

Did you see a different speech than I did?


Good God, TalkLeft is awful. Obama is the establishment candidate, he’s really a Republican, he’s a poor public speaker when he doesn’t have a script, there are too many skeletons in his closet, he’s already losing in the general, he’s alienating the core of the Democratic Party…

…meanwhile, over here in reality, Obama ran a successful insurgent campaign that produced record turnout among demographics that will be key to the Democrats’ future. His campaign reacted quickly and effectively to everything that got thrown at him, and he’s come out of it relatively unscathed. McCain’s been running against him for at least six weeks, and can’t get any traction.

I have some concerns about how well an insurgent campaign will work in the general, but at the moment I’m pretty pleased with the candidate we’ve got.


Travis thoughtfully directs us to an impromptu rant by a Hillary supporter at last week’s DNC Rules & Bylaws Committee hearing.

I preferred the Chinese translation.

It made more sense, had a better cadence, and worked much better as poetry.

Besides, it’s never too late to learn Chinese.


1. Jillian, please. You don’t mean cake or stabbing. You mean cake or death. You could look it up.

2. What El Cid said.

3. Had dinner last night with a very well-connected (read: rich) couple here in LA, staunch Dems (although properly contemptuous of what’s contemptible about specific Dems). The wife spoke v. knowingly of all the stories, dirt, common knowledge, etc., about McC’s extra-marital dalliances, none of which have come out in the MSM. Can I hear a “yet”?

4. The Battle of Algiers was phenomenal when I saw it in…whatever it was. The late 20th century. With most movies, especially today, you think, “Wow, imagine having to marshal all those extras.” With this movie you think, “Wait–is this a documentary or what?”

not even an mba

Good news, despite being the presumptive nominee now for three months, New Mexico is only the second state where McCain managed to break 80%, so the GOP has it’s own unhealed rifts too.


“Droopy Dog” already refers to Lieberman.

Rats. Now I have to find another pasty-faced, desultory cartoon character. Barney Rubble? Grouchy Smurf? Popeye?


I support Obama. Would have supported Hillary had she won the nomination, but alas, she did not. Progressives must take back the White House, no matter who’s leading the charge.

I’ve felt this way all the way through. As for those who refuse, those who’ve so heavily invested in Hillary the person (same folks who blast Obama supporters for doing likewise) that they’d blow up progressivism, those who think that not getting exactly what they want is a cause for everyone to get zero what they want, well…I just can’t say anything more. They are what they are.


And Hillary is what Hillary is, for that matter.


My mind is still blown by people desperately clinging to the idea that somehow Hillary is way to the left of Obama. I guess my understanding of what “the left” is is way off. Either that or the Clinton dead-enders are simpering morons. One of the two.


But didn’t you hear? Obama is “arrogant,” meaning he didn’t wait his turn. Obama supporters forget that since the beginning of the Republic, nominees are to go in order as selected by numbered colored balls. It’s much like the NBA lottery selection although around the time of Jefferson the balls were made of wood and the event wasn’t televised.

Of course one could say that George W. Bush skipped ahead of McCain in 2000. However, that was done to ensure God got his choice into the White House.

[As a serious note to Dems thinking of sitting out or voting for McCain: do yourself a favor and review the last 7 1/2 years (in video and/or text form). Come back to me and tell me your favorite moments. Then we’ll discuss how you want that to continue for at least the next 4 years, except in a more jowly form.]


the only thing mccain had going for him in that speech was that the green backdrop matched his teeth nicely.

Like the woman in that song by Charlie Daniels?

” I tell you boys this man’s a spy, he’s an undercover agent for the FBI, sent down here to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan …”


Can we start a petition that begs Brad to take Taylor Marsh off of his blogroll?


Barney Rubble? Grouchy Smurf? Popeye?

How about Pruneface?


“The rift Jillian describes, while irrational, is broad, but not deep. The hard core candidate obsessives do not represent the typical Democratic or Democratic-leaning voter”

Exactly… I’m a fairly typical democratic voter and I voted for Clinton. Oh well, she lost. I’ll be more than happy to pull the lever for Obama in the fall.

No worries.


[As a serious note to Dems thinking of sitting out or voting for McCain: do yourself a favor and review the last 7 1/2 years (in video and/or text form). Come back to me and tell me your favorite moments. Then we’ll discuss how you want that to continue for at least the next 4 years, except in a more jowly form.]

Two words: Forced conscription. Three more words: For both genders.

You make that happen, and maybe some people start taking this stuff seriously.

not even an mba

Here’s two more that’ll make a difference: No deferrals.


Obama is going to demolish McCain in the debates. So much so that I’m going to feel a little uncomfortable. It will be like watching my grandfather getting mugged.

Yep, but the victory of Obama will be so worthwhile.

I almost feel guilty to be so thrilled at a half-not-white-person getting a nomination like this. But it feels so vindicating! Maybe mi abuelo will be finally happier now politically, too.

Travis–you rock.


“These are your Hillarrhoids. Wingnuts-for-Clinton – never true Democrats. In love with smears and lies, fine with lobbyists and legal trickery. Obama won’t ever get their votes. Why should he bother twisting himself in knots trying to win them over?”

I’ve been a democrat since first voting for Jimmy Carter in 1976 and I also voted for Clinton. As I said previously I’ll be more than happy to vote for Obama this fall as will the vast majority of the “18 million” people who voted for Clinton in the primaries.

You should quit insulting people, it won’t get you anywhere good.


Maybe mi abuelo will be finally happier now politically, too.

Creo que mi abuelo, como muchos viejos blancos a traves los estados unidos, se cage anoche


Travis: nope, not a different speech. She’s biding, she said she’d make a decision later. Meaning she knows what is right and good, it’s just f***ing difficult to find the words, is all.
I don’t just feel happiness and light when I think of Obama as the next POTUS (was not a bot of either colour until this day) I am convinced Hillary will rise to the occasion. Let’s see, okay?
– MC

Captain Beefheart

I’m sure the Dems with snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

Have fun…

“Revolution changes little, voting changes even less.”

Captain Beefheart

Sorry, “will”…


Okay, so I just read Lukasiak’s post and from what I understand he’s unemployed and drinking heavily, pretty musch the only thing on the page that makes any sense. Then there are his readers who simply won’t vote for Obama because he’s a right-wing leftist and an inexperienced insider and it has nothing to do with the fact that he’s a nigger!-nigger!-nigger!-nigger!-nigger!-nigger!-nigger! because we’re all good people here.

I think I have to lie down now, maybe until November.


What occasion is there for Hillary to rise to? She basically had the opportunity to (for once) act graciously and instead she gave a petulant, demanding speech.

She lost the primaries. It was close. Because many Americans are easily duped or just plain uninformed, it was way closer than any primary has ever been. But it’s over now. Like, for reals. She lost. She’s been mathematically eliminated for 2 months.

Hillary wouldn’t know what’s right and good if it bit her in the seat of her pantsuit. This loss is the ghost of her going to Kos and declaring her love for lobbyists, her scolding Obama and Edwards on national tv for “getting people’s hopes up”, her voting for this stupid war, her threatening to kill everyone in Iran, her voting in favor of clusterbombs, etc etc ad naseum.

I think I already busted out this gag here, but it still works:

To paraphrase a not-so-great man, Hillary Clinton screwed Hillary Clinton.


Here’s P_Lukky being a first class sucker in comments to his Messages to Hillary post:

what an ass….
Submitted by Paul_Lukasiak on Wed, 2008-06-04 07:50.

when I went to, the intro page was all about asking us what we thought she should do.

THE “tell us what you think” part was CENTRAL to the page…the contribution button off to the side — and that takes you to a page where you fill in your information and make the contribution

But if you type in…. you are sent to a “secure” site that is about NOTHING but giving him money.

You have to find the “skip donation” button to find out anything about the Obama campaign. Hillary’s page has links to polities, issues, speeches —

and that is the difference between Clinton and Obama. For Clinton this race is about issues. For Obama the race is about the race — and that means that the first order of business is money.

P_Lukky is just the kind of naive chump you have to be to think that Clinton’s appeal last night to have all her supporters come to her website and tell her what she should do next is anything but a fundraising effort. There are people at Taylor Marsh and similar comment sections saying they are taking out loans they really can’t afford and pawning their possessions so they can continue to support her. And then they proudly copy and paste the form email they got back from her. If they weren’t so busy calling Michelle Obama a bitch and praying that Larry Johnson’s much promised “whitey” video comes out any day now I’d feel sorry for them.


Damocles, I don’t think the “Hillaroids” comments are directed at you, since like most Democrats, you’ve said you’ll pull the lever for the Democratic nominee. I’m in the same boat, though I voted for Edwards; in any case my plan at the time I voted was to support whichever Democratic candidate emerged out of the primary process.

The Hillaroids are the ones who identify with Taylor Marsh, the No Quarter-ites, etc who claim Obama “stole” the nomination and would rather vote for McSame or not at all that vote for the man who so nefariously defeated their Hillary. For people claiming to be democrats, and for the tiny, tiny smidgen of difference between Obama’s and Hillary’s platforms, that sort of declaration is bat shit insane.


BTW, I’m terribly disappointed that nobody has tried to out cynicalize Jillian yet. Very weak. Do I need to say something hopeful about Obama to get the competitive juices flowing around here?


“The Hillaroids are the ones who identify with Taylor Marsh, the No Quarter-ites, etc who claim Obama “stole” the nomination and would rather vote for McSame or not at all that vote for the man who so nefariously defeated their Hillary”

Oh, I see. Yah, I’ve been avoiding a lot of sites the last few months where fellow democrats of various persuasions have been busy insulting and denigrating each other, which is why I like Sadly, No, because not much of that nonsense has gone on here.

I used to visit a lot of liberal blogs but lately the only ones that don’t seem insane are this one, Atrios, Altercation, Digby… maybe a few others. Other sites where democrats who support one candidate spend all day insulting other democrats who support a different candidate aren’t very fun or even informative. And what’s weird is they seem to be totally unaware that they’re not very fun or informative anymore.

Oh well, hopefully this is soon all behind us.


The funniest part is going to be watching McCain go through half a dozen image makeovers to make him look like more of a hep young cat.

Anyone else remember in the waning moments of Bob Dole’s ’96 campaign a Dole rally with him rallying the troops to “Rock Around the Clock?” Now that was funny



further to stringonastick: I was talking about a subset of HRC supporters, that is, noisy repubs flirting with the Democratic Party, who wanted a coronation.

Out of that 17-18 million, I would think a vast majority will vote for the Democrat. The ones who won’t deserve our insults. It’s the only logical discourse.


Damocles, we’ve apparently lived the same life. I thought I had descended into bottomless cynical-land when I realized that my blog time had changed to only the sites you mention and my favorite snark sites; I used to be quite a bit more free-range. When I had the time to go back to places I used to visit, I was appalled at how crazy they’d gotten.

Oh well, if humor/irony is what it is going to take to get me through the next few months, years, decades, then so be it.

So, did the tide really start to turn when Colbert cold-cocked Bush and the Villagers at the correspondents dinner, or am I imagining things?

not even an mba

For those who want to re-live the moment when a comedian pwn3d the entire White House Press Corps. Except Helen. Helen rocks!


Henry Lewis, I ascede to your logic. Anyone who can’t see a difference between McSame and Hillary deserves heeps of scorn, and perhaps an hour or two with a competant psychiatrist.

I knew Bob Dole’s campaign was dead when I heard him say, after getting a nosefull at the Tobacco lobby trough, that “we’re not even sure that tobacco causes cancer”. At that point even my winger mother admitted it was over for Viagra Bob. I am waiting for a similar moment with McSame, and I know I am going to get it.


“So, did the tide really start to turn when Colbert cold-cocked Bush and the Villagers at the correspondents dinner, or am I imagining things”

That was certainly one of the highlights!


I suppose I could throw the typical barb at you liberals, now that you’ve committed to an unelectable candidate, but I’ll change things up by asking you all a question.

Which is:

Must one have served in the military in order to support military action by one’s country? Is it appropriate to demand of those who support military action by their country that they themselves enlist?

This is a favorite liberal meme – “You enlisting, rethug?” – and so on, but by now the danger of this in the upcoming election should be evident to you all.

So – what do you say, liberals?

This ought to be good 🙂


Must one have served in the military in order to support military action by one’s country?


Malfunctioning Larry Johnson Robot

I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow! I have the tapes! Obama’s going down! Stop asking for the tapes! I’ll have them tomorrow!


Must one have served in the military in order to support military action by one’s country?



The Truth said,

June 4, 2008 at 18:53

When did you stop beating your wife?

not even an mba

Must one have served in the military in order to support military action by one’s country?
Also no.
BUT if you’re gonna disparage others for skipping military duty, expect the same standard to be applied to yourself.


Ooooh, I love it when neocons think they’ve sprung a GOTCHA! point on poor defenseless liberals. You can almost see them, rubbing their greasy Cheeto-stained hands together in sure anticipation of their coming moment of triumph.


So, did the tide really start to turn when Colbert cold-cocked Bush and the Villagers at the correspondents dinner, or am I imagining things?

I think that was the first sign, at least the first really public and intentional one, that the tide had started to turn. I’m guessing Schiavo and Katrina made the important differences, and after a while it became OK to come right out and disrespect the Boy King, which Colbert did.

not even an mba

Oh, and once more for the heal and make friends folks.
fuck ’em.

not even an mba

I mean, “How come the Democrats don’t say this about Clinton?”
Seriously? Here’s your Anti-Christ speaking last night:
They are leaders of this party, and leaders that America will turn to for years to come.

That is particularly true for the candidate who has traveled further on this journey than anyone else. Senator Hillary Clinton has made history in this campaign not just because she’s a woman who has done what no woman has done before, but because she’s a leader who inspires millions of Americans with her strength, her courage, and her commitment to the causes that brought us here tonight.
Man, that Obama’s got his CDS on.


RB, DN, noteven: I appreciate your honesty.

Jacob and Travis: run away from this one if you want. It will come up during this election, in (yet another) delicious example of liberal hypocrisy coming home to roost.

Try again, liberals: Must one have served in the military, or enlist in the military, in order to support military action by one’s country? This is gotcha, Jacob, because it shows how full of shit you are. Try again.


I’m sorry, has Obama been pushing for military action?


Must one have served in the military, or enlist in the military, in order to support military action by one’s country?

No. Get to the point.


Travis – you can look that up for yourself, liberal. I suggest Googling “Iran” and “Obama” for starters, but please – don’t think you can wiggle off the hook that easily. Since Obama didn’t serve in the military, and the typical slack-jawed groupthinking liberal chants “Enlist yerself rethuglican Bu-Shit if you think we should be in a war”, that would mean that Obama could never direct the US to engage in military action.

Come on, many of you liberals are grad student / visiting lecturer types, right? Surely you lazy freeloaders smart free-thinkers can find some way to reconcile your full-of-shit moralizing with the candidate you are committed to, right?

Sadly, No!


I remember sitting on the couch with my wife flipping around on the TV and running across the live C-SPAN coverage of the 2006 Press Corps dinner.

We got there just in time to see Colbert introduced.

I remember wondering what Stephen was going to do and thinking that he was probably going to follow the Drew Carey model and take it (relatively) easy on Bush.

About 2 minutes into his speech those thoughts all dissolved and we sat there with our mouths agape at what we were witnessing.

Colbert was tearing them all a new one.

Our reactions alternated between full-on belly laughter and disbelief that he had the balls to do what he did, a mere 3 yards away from the President himself.

It was glorious.


“This is gotcha, Jacob, because it shows how full of shit you are. Try again.

Um, HOW exactly? Was Obama in favor of the Iraq war? Does his not having served in the military disqualify him from having opinions on military matters? I honestly have no fucking idea what the hell you’re going on about.

In regards to your question, “must one have served in the military, or enlist in the military, in order to support military action by one’s country”, the answer, quite obviously, is NO. Just as one does not have to serve to disparage military actions by one’s country.

I served four years in the Navy, but that doesn’t make my opinion any more or less valid than someone who didn’t serve. Of course, I’m also not beating any war drums and clamoring for my country to send more Americans off to die so I can feel a little cozier back home.


More from the totally rational folks at Corrente :

And please don’t threaten us with Roe v. Wade. We don’t fall for that canard anymore. BO praised and voted for Chief Justice Roberts. Below is just one representative comment written by a Boomer.

“If my younger sisters lose Roe Wade it will be their own fault for taking the rights they have for granted, because they didn’t fight for them. They are complacent and can take the time to swoon over a sexy empty suit who has already set gender relations back a minimum of 30 years, and we haven’t even gotten to the General Election campaign yet. Serves them right. Not my problem. I know how not to get pregnant.

I mean, wow.


Ah Jacob, how quickly things change when you hope (in vain, my lad, in vain) that a liberal will be elected President. All of a sudden the fact that Obama never served in the military is no big deal; you’ll have to put down the banners calling out Bush for never having served first, though, when you say that. Just like it was OK for Clinton to bomb Serbia, because he was a Democrat.

Hypocrite, thy name is liberal.

PS Where is teh funny?


Oh wait. Your idiotic point is that if we stoopid lib’ruls call for Keyboard Kommandos to enlist to fight in the war they love so much, then we must automatically invalidate Obama’s foreign policy decisions with regards to military action because he never served.

Christ, you’re dense.


I wonder what sort of troll The Truth will become once Obama cleans McCain’s clock?


That is one SWEET false dichotomy you going there “Truth.”


What war is Obama advoacating?


Good golly. I’ve been peeking at the Tennessee Guerilla Women blog, and they are cartwheelingly insane. It’s not that I mind the radical sloganeering and logos – as a member of the dirty socialist club I’ve seen my share of the stuff, good, bad and indifferent – but to see it employed in the defence of Hillary Clinton is utterly strange. What on earth do these people think President Clinton V. 2.0 would do? March into the White House singing the Red Flag?


The so-called Truth said:

“Must one have served in the military in order to support military action by one’s country? Is it appropriate to demand of those who support military action by their country that they themselves enlist?

This is a favorite liberal meme – “You enlisting, rethug?” – and so on, but by now the danger of this in the upcoming election should be evident to you all.

So – what do you say, liberals? ”

First: You’re not The Truth. Paul Pierce is The Truth.

Next: No, you don’t. The criticism “chicken-hawk” is directed at those who not only promote military action based on lies and propaganda, but who then impugn the “patriotism” of those who criticize that behavior.

Or at those who point out, accurately, how badly-managed the military action itself has been.

Or at those who point out, accurately, what a sinkhole of corruption and waste the military budget is.

Or at those who point out, accurately, that you don’t defeat a guerrilla religious movement in the 21st century with tactics imported from inter-nation conflict from 1944.

The right, having piled all its chips on the 00 of Bush and Mission Accomplished, are still staring in disbelief at where the ball fell. Everything about the right’s military agenda, having begun in lies and stovepiped, self-blinkered “intelligence” and breast-beating self-righteousness, has failed, accompanied by literally uncountable deaths and literally uncounted billions wasted and pissed away.

Then, when people protest this, they’re called cowards, islamofascists, dhimmis, and etc. by second-rate writers and transparent hypocrites whose only real desire is to get on the wingnut welfare gravy train–to make a dishonest living trashing people whose mouse-lint they’re not fit to eat.

Enjoy your “gotcha,” troll. And keep pretending *you’re* the realist. Fantasy and faith is all you people have ever had and you’ll need it more than ever.


I wandered over to see how the people at TalkLeft were reacting, but they seemed pretty preoccupied, what with cleaning up after killing Sharon Tate.


“The right, having piled all its chips on the 00 of Bush and Mission Accomplished, are still staring in disbelief at where the ball fell. Everything about the right’s military agenda, having begun in lies and stovepiped, self-blinkered “intelligence” and breast-beating self-righteousness, has failed, accompanied by literally uncountable deaths and literally uncounted billions wasted and pissed away.

Then, when people protest this, they’re called cowards, islamofascists, dhimmis, and etc. by second-rate writers and transparent hypocrites whose only real desire is to get on the wingnut welfare gravy train–to make a dishonest living trashing people whose mouse-lint they’re not fit to eat.

Enjoy your “gotcha,” troll. And keep pretending *you’re* the realist. Fantasy and faith is all you people have ever had and you’ll need it more than ever.”

You, sir, are going up on my refrigerator!


MrWonderful,I see Jacob is grateful that you rode in to his rescue, but your liberal hypocrisy is exposed even more now. Essentially all you are saying is that it is OK for liberals (regardless of veteran status) to support military action, but not OK for conservatives. That’s the dictionary definition of hypocrisy, you knucklehead. You liberals indict yourselves with your own words!

See, I really enjoyed it when liberals were hung on their own petard of identity politics – who deserves the nomination more, a woman or a minority? – and you are not out of those woods yet. I am enjoying this little dilemma, which McCain will have fun skewering liberals with this election, and which I see none of you can quite wiggle out of you. But most of all, I’m going to enjoy coming to this site in November and reading the horrified, furious, tear-stained rants of pathetic, entitled liberals when Obama loses in a landslide.


I’m going to enjoy the crickets chirping and tumbleweeds blowing by when The Truth completely disappears off the radar after Obama trounces Grandpa Simpson.


drink every time “liberal” is used without any real link to the rest of the sentence


Yay, MrWonderful. That was beautifully said.

A bunch of straw men tripping over red herrings

Hey, Tooth, you realize you owe us time and a half, right?

Smiling Mortician

Must one have served in the military in order to support military action by one’s country?

Asked and answered. And answered. And answered. And answered. And the answer will always be “no.” Seriously, did you expect someone to say yes? What a maroon.


“MrWonderful,I see Jacob is grateful that you rode in to his rescue…”

Yes, MrWonderful is the Dudley Do-Right to my Nell Fenwick, saving me from a dime-store version of Snidely Whiplash.


“Essentially all you are saying is that it is OK for liberals (regardless of veteran status) to support military action, but not OK for conservatives. That’s the dictionary definition of hypocrisy, you knucklehead. You liberals indict yourselves with your own words!”

That’s not remotely what I am saying but, as do all the other “conservative” bloggers, pundits, and commentators left rotting on the beach after the tide of the past eight years’ events has gone out, you say what you want to be true and ignore everything else.

Nowhere did I say it was not “OK” for conservatives to support military action. I didn’t say it, imply it, or hint at it. I didn’t talk about conservatives’ attitude toward the military at all, apart from the sanctimony with which they invoke it–at liberals–from the safety of their basements and think tanks.

I talked about conservatives’ attitudes about those who disagree with them.
I said it was not “OK” for conservatives to impugn the patriotism of those who are critical of the military or the administration. I said it was not “OK” for conservatives to support, uncritically and in lockstep and with no regard for–pardon the expression–the truth, military ineptitude, military bungling, and military financial and budgetary corruption.

You need a new dictionary. Among other things.


I believe the opening sentence of this particular post was “Let the healing begin.” Exactly how do you Obamabots plan to start the healing process in order to persuade Clinton supporters to vote for Obama instead of sitting this one out? By calling us names, deriding us, calling us murderers (a la Sharon Tate)? Because IMO you so-called supporters of Barack Obama are stepping on and crushing his message of unity every time you open your yaps. Are you all just that immature? When Obama loses in November because half of the Democratic party stays home, who will you blame? I doubt very seriously it will be yourselves. It is just not in your DNA to look beyond your own selfish “eat thy own” behavior.


“Are you all just that immature? When Obama loses in November because half of the Democratic party stays home, who will you blame? I doubt very seriously it will be yourselves. It is just not in your DNA to look beyond your own selfish “eat thy own” behavior.”

You’re going to stay home and not vote and risk four more years of Bush’s failed policies because someone on the internet called you names, and you think you’re the one holding the moral high ground?

Assuming you’re not just another conservative troll masking as a Clinton supporter, that is…


And I do it even knowing full well that Jacob Singer only really loves my horse.


Hi, new concern troll!

Can I piss in your mouth!

Now, back to serious topics: expect to see this Blazing Saddles clip all over the place…

not even an mba

Shoot, that nigger was advocating shootening hisself. Well darn if he ain’t served a day in the good ole USMC. I do declare that that boy is a downright hippo-creet, pardon my language.

not even an mba

Dear Kathy/Iris,
You don’t feel that your vote is wanted? You want to be woo’d, and then the healing can begin? Well then, strap yourself in.

Whenever blue tear drops are falling
And my electoral stability is leaving me
There is something I can do
I can get on the telephone and call you up [non-derogatory term of affection], and
[non-derogatory term of affection], I know you’ll be there to GOTV
The votes you give to me will free me
If you don’t know the things you’re dealing
I can tell you, [non-derogatory term of affection], that it’s non-Sexist Healing.


Essentially all you are saying is that it is OK for liberals (regardless of veteran status) to support military action, but not OK for conservatives.

Military action is worth supporting when it is right. Serbia was right. Iraq wasn’t. Regardless of whoever was president. Hope this helps.

Additionally, I don’t exactly recall wingnuts such as yourself lining up in support of Clinton’s actions w/r/t Kosovo. So I’m not sure if bringing that one up is helping your cause.


I believe the opening sentence of this particular post was “Let the healing begin.” Exactly how do you Obamabots plan to start the healing process in order to persuade Clinton supporters to vote for Obama instead of sitting this one out? By calling us names, deriding us, calling us murderers (a la Sharon Tate)? Because IMO you so-called supporters of Barack Obama are stepping on and crushing his message of unity every time you open your yaps. Are you all just that immature? When Obama loses in November because half of the Democratic party stays home, who will you blame? I doubt very seriously it will be yourselves. It is just not in your DNA to look beyond your own selfish “eat thy own” behavior.

Thank you very much for you opinion. It has been noted.

If you want to be a complete stump-humping, dead-ending, self-hating, bloated, stupid, slovenly dope and vote for McCain because your feelings are hurt, then by all means, please go ahead. I do not intend to stop you. I’ve made the case enough on this blog and elsewhere why doing so is a mind-boggingly idiotic decision, and will do so no longer. It is up to you to come to this conclusion. If you do not, then you do not.

Finally, do not expect me to acommodate you if you are threatening me with being a stump-humping dead-ending self-hating bloated, stupid, slovenly dope. That’s your decision, not mine.


Oh, “Truth,” when Obama wins will you come here to cry for us, or is there some other website we’ll have to visit to see the wailing and gnashing of tooth?


I stopped by corrente earlier today and the posts along with their attendant comments made me feel the same need to shower that i used to get from reading the outbursts of teh crazy over in freeper-land.

apparently, failure to recognize Hillary as the One True Candidate categorically and without exception equals misogyny now.



awfully funny that you can blather about maturity while still throwing around the term “obamabots” about.

way to be a rampaging hypocrite there.

after Edwards dropped out, it was the constant stream of bullshit about “Obama Cultists” “Obama Koolaid Drinkers” “Obamazoids” and “Obamabots” that pulled me off of the proverbial fence and made me pick a side. Had she won the nomination, i repeat, she would have had my vote on principle as a Democrat, but her own supporters did as much to dissuade me from getting behind her as anyone or anything else could have.

somewhere in the world there are cookies, take a deep breath, come down off the fucking roof and have some before you hurt yourself already.


MrWonderful and Jacob, you are moving the goalposts. Now we’re in a swamp of semantics and re-re-rerefining your original statements. The simple fact is that when non-veteran Republicans support military action, you shriek “Keyboard Kommando” and so on, but when non-veteran Democrats do it, you say no such thing.

It’s spelled h-y-p-o-c-r-i-s-y, you’ve been called out on it, and you’ve no answer for it. You are worried because all those pejoratives you’ve spewed about Bush and Cheney can be applied to Obama. Liberals hoisted on their own petard once again….

Let me show you an example in this very thread. DN Nation says in regards to military action that “Serbia was right,” Hey, chickenshit keyboard commando, did you enlist the military to support that action, or are you a typical cowardly liberal who is happy to send fighting men and women into harm’s way as long as your grad student ass is safe?

Get used to getting called on it, liberals.


Hey, chickenshit keyboard commando, did you enlist the military to support that action, or are you a typical cowardly liberal who is happy to send fighting men and women into harm’s way as long as your grad student ass is safe?

Wow, really?

You really want to go there?


I like pie!


Get used to getting called on it, liberals.

I did not see anyone getting called on anything, however rest assured that your campaign to be a dick in a Sadly, No! comment thread is equal in importance to serving your country in uniform.


when non-veteran Republicans support military action, you shriek “Keyboard Kommando”

As Elaine May says to Mike Nichols in one of their routines, “Information cannot argue with a closed mind.”

We shriek Keyboard Kommandoes when non-veteran Republicans support corrupt military ventures based on lies and carried out–haven’t I already said this?–with a combination of larky, macho bravado (as exemplified by Blackwater, Custer Battles, etc.) and ill-conceived ineptitude. None of which “patriots” such as your benighted self ever, ever acknowledge. Four thousand dead for spurious ends, incompetently pursued, and not a whisper from your patriotic self in defense of the troops you so proudly “support.”

When posturing nitwits like yourself continue to champion that kind of nightmare, it’s only fitting that you do so from the front line.

Carry on making shit up, “conservatives.”

(Yeah, yeah, I know–don’t feed the trolls. Desculpa me.)


Wow, it seems I have opened a very raw wound in some of you people with my comments about unity yesterday. FYI, I have voted for Democrats only since George McGovern so if that makes me a conservative in masquerade, it must be a pretty damn good masquerade. In response to my post, I have been called derisive names, called out on “hypocrisy,” told to come down off the roof and eat cookies, and a long hysterical rant from someone named “D.N. Nation” who apparently has nothing to do but troll every website in the blogosphere. Has anyone actually responded to my query about completely squashing Obama’s message of unity? No. What exactly is your agenda? Name-calling is divisive. And BTW, I am consistently appalled at the level of discourse on these and other blogs. I always believed Democrats were better than Republicans. You have proved me wrong. Also, not that it is any of your business, but I have every intention of voting for Obama despite you people, not because of you.


Dear Kathy, if the “cultural liberals” are going to continue to ridicule former Hillary supporters, then how can there be unity. Good point and good comment.


Gee, Kathy, maybe if you didn’t start off by calling people here selfish, immature Obamabots who won’t shut their yaps, people might take your disavowal of name-calling and the low level of discourse more seriously. Sit home in November if you want, but yeah, don’t be surprised if people blame you if McCain wins; if you refuse to sully yourself by voting for Clinton’s ideological twin and equal just because some anonymous commenter on the internet hurt your feelings, you’ll deserve it.


My goodness, tigrismus, thank you so much for proving my point about immaturity levels of Obama supporters. Supporters like you and others Senator Obama does most assuredly not need to spread his message of unity. Now, if he has a message of divisiveness, you guys are just what he needs.


Kathy, you call people names while belittling others as namecallers and you make demands that you be treated well while treating others poorly, lowering the level of discourse and being divisive(while blaming others for the same) in a comment purporting to call for raising it and unity. Pointing that out is not immature or divisive, nor is pointing out that people are accountable for the forseeable outcome of their action or inaction.


she may not be a republican, but Kathy’s demands versus her willingness to abide by them herself mean she could easily play one on teevee.

and Kathy, would you rather i had stooped to your level and called you a “Hillarhoid” instead of a hypocrite

we’re all so very impressed with how impressed you are with yourself and your pretense of principles…now go have that fucking cookie already

not even an mba

Holy crap Kathy, no wonder people call you names.
I fucking serenaded you and you fucking either ignored me or called me divisive.

Sure it’s easy for Obama supporters to say that they’d support whoever was the Democratic nominee, because the Democratic nominee is their guy. But a lot of people actually mean it. Seriously, the numero uno requisite for the vast majority of commenters here is that the person you vote for is not John McCain.

not even an mba

By the way, if you came here looking for mature discourse I think you may have stumbled across the wrong big bag of dicks. But if you also think that the maturity level in a Sadly, No! comment thread is representative of all Obama supporters then, well I guess you’re a stupid cow and there’s no helping you.
Also, Who’s being divisive?


Well, not even an mba, I missed your serenade, sorry. But, I really don’t think that calling me a “cow” is conducive to unity, do you? And, I have never said I will vote for McCain. I am not brain dead, after all. And, as far as all Obama supporters being represented at “Sadly, No,” I have been reading blogs for years and have been keenly disappointed at the level of hatefulness emanating from the likes of Daily Kos, The Huffington Post, I am TRex, TBogg, Rising Hegemon, etc.. I truly though Democrats or Progressives or Liberals were better than that. What you people seem to miss is that while you are gloating ungraciously about the nomination of Obama, there are those of us who are sad that it is not Clinton. But we are not sad that Obama has the nomination. Rubbing salt in a fresh wound does not help it to heal. Being derisive does not bring us together. Obama is likable enough, I suppose. I am just not so sure about his supporters.


Being derisive does not bring us together.

Notice that your list of oh-so-awful gloaters and derisive meanies include, as with this site, FOLKS WHO USE DERISION AS CONTENT FOR LULZ.

Please enjoy this Kleenex coupon.

Also: I wish that Jay Leno fellow would stop telling jokes.


Ah, the funny disappears so quickly when the little twerps majoring in social studies humanities get called on their bullshit.

I made this simple enough even a grad student could follow it:

1) For eight years, liberals have shrieked “if you support war, go fight it yourself”

2) Now that liberals are locked into non-veteran Obama as their nominee, their shrill hypocrisy looks to bite them in the ass, especially in comparison to McCain.

3) To help out the intellectual lightweights here, I went so far as to reference the 1999 NATO war against Serbia – which at least some liberals claimed to have supported – and wondered if the liberals that supported that war had gone to fight it themselves.

4) Their total hypocrisy and bullshit exposed, liberals are now trying to move the goalposts.

I *am* enjoying this, thank you very much!


1) For eight years, liberals have shrieked “if you support war, go fight it yourself”

You confuse “war” with the “Iraq war” as fools do.

liberals are now trying to move the goalposts.


not even an mba

You want salt in the wound?
1. It’s not fresh, this campaign was over in March. By then it was obvious even to those of us unable to earn MBA’s, that the Clinton campaign gurus were about as smart as a sack of rocks. She surrounded herself with yes-men sycophants who wouldn’t tell her to change strategies until it was well past too late. We’re talking bubble mentality, not at the Bush level, but some deeply impressive denial.
2. It’s not up to the Obama camp to “bring us together”. He won the nomination. By all accounts Hillary is going to endorse by week’s end. This train is going to the White House and it’s running over the Straight Talk Express to do it.
3. For the sake of Kung-Fu Grip Jebus, try to understand – this is a humor site. There’s another thread where I’ve just been accused of using a virtual penis pump in public. The level of discourse here involves a lot of pointing and laughing. TRex, TBOGG, fucking Attaturk for FSM’s sake. Why don’t you complain that the progressive movement is going to die because the Rude Pundit swears.
4. And even still, in this place where derision is coin of the realm, people are going out of their way to mend fences (including myself). Sure there are some dicks and some gloaters (including myself) the tone here is orders of magnitude more friendly then what you find at some of the Hillary Suicide Pact places. TalkLeft wasn’t exactly known for biting satire before this primary so I’m not sure what their excuse is. If there’s a group of supporters that you should be unimpressed by, it’s the group you just emerged from.

not even an mba

2) Now that liberals are locked into non-veteran Obama as their nominee, their shrill hypocrisy looks to bite them in the ass, especially in comparison to McCain.

Because liberals are all hoping that once Obama gets in, he’ll start bombing the crap out of shit. WTF. When Obama becomes El Mucho Grando Lord Protector of Azatlan and her Colonies, those hypocritical liberals are going to want him to end the Iraqi occupation. OMG – consistency in position! What hypocrites!


There’s another thread where I’ve just been accused of using a virtual penis pump in public.






So it’s the liberals who have been moving the goalposts and shifting the rationale for the Iraq war and liberals who have invoked some variation of the Friedman Unit for when the Democracy Fairy was finally going to appear and turn Iraq into a happy peaceful Middle-Eastern suburbia full of unicorns who shit rainbows and ice-cream?

for the last five years there has been an almost endless litany of “we should see major improvements within the next (three to six months/several months/very soon)

and if you had been paying any goddamned attention whatsoever,”truth,” you’d know that our rhetoric behind suggesting that certain people who had such an intense longing to see dead Iraqis and fling epithets like “traitor” “dhimmi” and “america-hater” at those of us who knew all along that the reason for invading was a steaming crock should step out from behind their cheeto dust and jizz encrusted keyboards and visit their local MEPS has been pretty consistent.


both because of, and oddly, in spite of Hillary’s decision to drag the process out, i still have a great deal of respect for her. To have the slim chance and keep reaching might not have been the most productive use of her energy, but i can’t totally fault her for it, except to the extent that it caused some of her less realistic supporters and their extreme level of being personally and emotionally invested in her to follow her not just to the very edge, but even as she stopped, they threw themselves and are still throwing themselves over it in some perverse display of zeal…never realizing the irony of referring to Obama supporters as being “cult-like” even as they plummet off the cliffs of reality

As for Lanny and Mr. Ickes, however, if anybody at all associated with her campaign deserve to be labeled with the dreaded B-word, those two guys, appropriately enough, are the ones. Ickes’s after his vociferous hissy at Saturday’s RBC thang and most especially Lanny Davis. Watching him on CNN tuesday night during the post-primary wrap-up he was like an ultra-annoying cross between some Woody Allen character and an emo kid in a middle aged man’s body

not even an mba

To be fair, I didn’t deny it.


1) For eight years, liberals have shrieked “if you support war, go fight it yourself”

Wrong again, honey. For eight years liberals have said/shrieked, “If you support the Iraqi invasion, based as it is on (etc.–lies, perverted “intelligence,” and so on), and therefore compromised and essentially corrupt as it is, your claims to “realism” or “patriotism” are empty and false. Which means they proceed from some (pathetic) character flaw within you. Who else (we shriek) would champion the transparently lying, smug, mendacious Bush? Therefore, since acting in good faith is beyond you, shut the f. up and go fight it yourself. Have the decency to bring the troops home, since they’re pawns in your fantasy Liberation and are the only ones really suffering (and their families), and put your fucking money where your smug mouth is.

As usual, you ignore this, and the “truth” it’s based on, and instead endless posture, pose, and pretend.

The sooner you realize your politics are a symptom of your pathology, the sooner you’ll snap out of it. Good luck.

not even an mba

I didn’t finish reading the Truth’s argument because I got so pissed off at point number 2 – but WTF?!?! Kosovo is the Iraq war? Give me a fucking break.
Just so you guys are ready for it, The Truth (is that his penis is very very small) will next be presenting the following argument:
1. The Allies went to war in WWII, I bet a lot of you thought that that was justified.
2. Hitler also went to war in WWII therefore you are all Nazis!


Not even an MBA,

How do you feel now that you are locked into non-veteran Obama as their nominee? Your shrill hypocrisy looks to bite you in the ass, especially in comparison to McCain.

Your meme has been: Support a war? Why haven’t you enlisted? I pointed out how you liberals supported the war against Serbia but didn’t feel the need to enlist. QED liberal hypocrisy.

Cue the liberal wailing and moaning as they hoisted up (quite embarrassingly and obviously) on their own petards.

And now penis jokes are teh funny?


Your meme has been: Support a war?

Goalpost move.


Your meme has been: Support a war? Why haven’t you enlisted?

It only seemed that way to you because you’re a moron. If you claim to believe an imperial invasion based on lies is a moral imperative to thwart a threat to the very existence of Democracy etc, but you don’t enlist even when it becomes clear the army is so short-handed they are pulling troops out of another, unfinished action, YOU ARE FULL OF SHIT and should be mocked then ignored. Why is this hard to understand? If you really thought it was a moral imperative or an existential threat, you’d be out there. Your inaction proves your paucity of belief and your surfeit of poo.



Did you believe the 1999 war with Serbia was a moral imperative? If so, why didn’t you enlist? If not, why the hell did you support deliberately killing people with high explosives?

Obfuscate, wiggle, twist, goalpost move, and argue semantics all you want, liberals: your hypocrisy is obvious and unavoidable.


No, nor did I believe it was to eradicate an existential threat. I think war is sometimes morally justifiable, though: I thought at the time that Afghanistan was morally justifiable, though not a moral imperative nor an existential threat. I didn’t advocate war in any of the preceding. You: still full of shit.

not even an mba

Sure Truthy-boy. My meme has been to shout PENIS, but it’s a common thing for you wingnutters to confuse PENIS with war.
How do I feel about Obama being a non-vet? Fantastic. People with military backgrounds are already more than well-represented in the decision making class. But thanks for calling me shrill, I think that’s my first – I’ll wear it as a badge of honor.
Oh and by the way, I only get my petard hoisted behind closed doors so I don’t know how you found out about my wailing and moaning. Pervert peeking through my windows I’d bet.


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