Shorter Bryan Fischer
Fischer: “Putsch, putsch, in the butch…”
- Gays are the homosexuals of Liberal Fascism.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard.
Also cf., and cf., and especially cf.:
Religious Right Groups Involved in Antigay Incidents
Abiding Truth MinistriesLaunched by attorney Scott Lively, co-author of the controversial book, The Pink Swastika, the mission of Abiding Truth Ministries and its affiliated Pro-Family Law Center is to “oppose the ‘gay’ movement and its destructive agenda by providing essential pro-family information and resources.” Lively also leads the American Family Association of California.
Web site
Gays are the
homosexualsfascists of liberal fascism.Fixed.
It is true that Nazi Germany fostered an attitude of he-man manly manlikeness, what with the idolization of the Army and the confinement of women to domesticity (kinder, kirche, und kuche).
It is true that some of the old-guard SS brownshirts assaulted some pages at a gala in the mid-thirties.
However, if homosexuals are responsible for the Second World War and the Holocaust, then white people as a whole are responsible as well, because there were a whole lot of white folk trying to kill the undesirables, and a whole lot of white folk trying to stop the killing.
So blaming Nazi Germany on teh ghey is a dog that won’t hunt.
Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots and even swastikas.
Oh yeah, totally. Just go to any gay bar.
“Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots and even swastikas.”
Chic? Such a tired word, plus that’s not the full explanation: It’s that Werner Klemperer is such a fabulous queen that it’s just so camp to dress Aunt Bob in a Stalag 13 Kommandant while he judges the Tom of Finland bootlicking contests at the Leather Ball. And a little Major Hoffsteddr on the side just isn’t complete without his cute little swastika.
And the overweight security guard at the hotel? He knows nothingk, nothingk!
Are you sure it’s some circles? Are you sure it isn’t…NOTHING?
To quote Hank Hill, “I don’t know whether to laugh or vomit.”
Gays are the liberals of fascist Homoism? Eh?
Goddamn if I can keep up with a wingnut’s Pantloadian logic any more.
That is one of the most intellectually dishonest piece of tripe you guys have found yet. Bryan says that some Nazis were homosexual and some homosexuals wear Nazi gear; therefore, homosexuals should stop whining about their persecution in 2008. Gavin, your tying that into Liberal Fascism is PERFECT, because this uses the exact same argument. Nicely done.
That dude is seriously fucked up. Jesus has apparently given him some bad info.
Don’t be stupid
Be a smarty….
Haven’t we seen pictures of actual American Nazis dressed up like brownshirts?
And aren’t they generally overweight slovenly slob slobs?
“In fact, the Nazi Party began in a gay bar in Munich…”
Around the same time that the Ku Klux Klan was being founded in a little juke joint in Harlem.
If wankers like Fischer (hmmm, innnnterestink Namensrechtschreibung Herr Fischer!) were kicked in the swingers (with steel toed jackboots) every single time the motherfuckers ‘published’ obvious logical fallacies (on par with ‘that GOP candidate spoke in front of Nazis therefore all GOP are Nazis…oh wait; they are) they’d HALT sehr schnell.
Yeah, if you call studded leather caps, leather chaps and leather vests a standard Nazi uniform.
And aren’t they generally overweight slovenly slob slobs?
You must be thinking of the bear wing of Homofascism. Not everyone who doesn’t haconform to glam twink conceptions of beauty is a slob. Next time try to be a little more open-minded. Now, into the oven with you.
I would guess that the percentage of Nazis who were self loathing homosexuals matches that of today’s Republican Party.
We should reflect on some of the great things that have evolved in modern times. Gays coming out and becoming full members of society is one. The closeted ones secret still leading miserable, secret lives tend to be Republican, don’t they?
OT: Paging Mikey and also any others who might want to go to PDX. Trying to confirm date for PDX sadly/bachelor festivities. Anyone interested, e-mail me at the username above , and let me know what days (2nd/3rd/4th) you’d be able to make it…
Then we’ll solidify the date, and focus on a place.
(We’ll also see about getting a post up to discuss it, so that we don’t miss people who don’t see these comments in threads.
Nope, not gonna do it.
It’s a nice day and I’m not going to ruin it by reading the ravings of some homophobic wank who probably gropes little girls and tells himself it’s ok because at least they’re females.
haconform = happens not to conform. That sounded wordy, so I shortened it.
Expect many more changes as we transition from grammar to gaymar.
Pre-emptive FU:
Needless to say, suggestions that this dipshit is in fact gay have my whole hearted FU.
He’s right about Roehm, enamored with the idea of re-animating The Sacred Ban and about the Night of the Long Knives and such but I had no idea my peoples were responsible for the Holocaust! I also like when they say things like “one researcher said” without of course, any sort of citation or attribution whatsoever. But my peepuls duz the Teh Nazi Drag? Who knew?
My favorite part though was where the footnotes, you know, should be where it says, “The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of Alan Keyes,…..”
The fact is, you are missing the point. The Nazis killed the effiminate faggots, or in their parlance, bottoms. The nazis were TOPS, and they were butch, and enjoyed sodomizing gay and straight boys and women, if they were turned around they would do. Their spirit lives on in hte Lavender Mafia of today, running hollywood, publishing, the media and indoctrinating our children. They are also mostly Democrats. I’ll bet Obama is actually a secret homosexual fag, which is why he doesn’t want the Muslims to know.
“Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots and even swastikas.”
This dread conspiracy has also roped in Prince Harry.
The fact is you can’t trust the Aristo-Homos. Never forget that.
“In 1942, the death penalty was instituted for homosexuality. Offenders in the German military were routinely shot. “That wasn’t a punishment,” Himmler explained, “but simply the extinguishing of abnormal life. It had to be got rid of, just as we pull out weeds, throw them on a heap, and burn them.” ”
So should we read this as just another campy quip from a mincing old queen?
What pedestrian said,
May 15, 2008 at 16:50
You’ve again earned my fervent adoration…….wanna get together later?….you can dress up like Poland and I can invade you?
“Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots and even swastikas.”
It also seems to be a bit of a hit with the man running Formula One Racing – Much to Formula One’s embarasment.
I’m going to say this again, not because anyone here doesn’t know it, but because every time an idiot writes something like this, it needs to be said:
Gay men are attracted to men, not children. Men who are attracted to children are overwhelmingly straight (if you could call it that) and tend to be attracted to the femininity of pretty young boys. Also,
Transvestite does not = gay.
Well, personally Gary….I think Obama is actually a heterosexual fag.
Nazi Germany became the horror that it was because it rejected both Christianity . . .
No, he didn’t
wanna get together later?….you can dress up like Poland and I can invade you?
Alright, but you have to let me bring France. He’s a sub power bottom, you’ll LOVE him.
So why couldn’t the Nazis on trial for war crimes plead gay rage?
Fischer is relying on the book The Pink Swastika by Scott Lively. Here’s a little info on Lively (for someone who’s so taken with the idea that the supposed gay Nazis were hung up on “masculinity,” Lively sure seems to stress the whole “masculine” thing himself) :
Lively argues in a widely-circulated tract called Masculine Christianity. “For every motherly, feminine ministry of the church such as a Crisis Pregnancy Center or ex-gay support group we need a battle-hardened, take-it-to-the-enemy masculine ministry like [the anti-abortion group] Operation Rescue.”
Lively identifies “the enemy” as not only homosexuals, but also what he terms “homosexualists,” a category that includes anyone, regardless of sexual orientation, who “actively promotes homosexuality as morally and socially equivalent to heterosexuality as a basis for social policy.”
When he personally confronts the enemy, Lively practices what he preaches when it comes to “battle-hardened” tactics. He recently was ordered by a civil court judge to pay $20,000 to lesbian photojournalist Catherine Stauffer for dragging her by the hair through the halls of a Portland church in 1991.
Lively occasionally writes for Chalcedon Report, a journal published by the Chalcedon Foundation, the leading Christian Reconstructionist organization in the country. (Reconstructionists typically call for the imposition of Old Testament law, including such draconian punishments as stoning to death active homosexuals and children who curse their parents, on the United States.)
Hmmm. Door number one or door number two?
Hermann Goering (who may not have been homosexual but who liked to dress in drag, paint his nails and put rouge on his cheeks),
And who, according to Neal Stephenson, had a bad morphine jones. And necrotizing hemorrhoids.
wanna get together later?….you can dress up like Poland and I can invade you?
Alright, but you have to let me bring France. He’s a sub power bottom, you’ll LOVE him.
And Switzerland just likes to watch.
You’d have a morphine jones too, if your ass was rotting from the inside out…
And it wasn’t drag; it was accessorizing.
I resent that pedestrian!….as we both know, even from a cursory reading of our “Nazisissy Histories”, at least half of France was like totally top!
Uh….would you mind not bringing that up Cid?! Do you have any idea how many frigging pharmaceuticals I have to ingest each day just to keep that ‘tamped’ down???
It is unrelated to the subject, but “Necrotizing Hemorrhoids” is an AWESOME band name.
Ahhh! Teh Ghey is trying to fascisize me!!!!
Gaymar is the Ebonics of Liberal Fascism.
English is a great language.
And another thing. If I sincerely thought a relatively small portion of a country’s population could take over most of a continent and kill a lot of the population, I’d sorta leave them the hell alone.
Not that I’m suggesting we run these PoS over with tanks … really. That would be bad.
Fascist Fragrance?
I always thought that homos were the “necrotizing hemorrhoids” on Society’s Ass?
Poor dumb Nazis. You aren’t going to get laid if you kill off all the bottoms.
Serious post: A part by part refuting of the bullshit of The Pink Swastika
I think we should all take a moment to offer extra oblations to our Great and Beneficent OverLords™…..they bestow such nutritious posts upon us!
Wow… with everything that’s going on in the world today… with all the horrific situations that need fixing, with all the opportunities that modern life provides… this is what people choose to focus on?
These folks sure like to think about men sucking each others’ cocks, don’t they? Can’t stop thinking about those naughty, nasty boys, I guess.
1. Who knew that Nazi Germany was such a swinging place?!
2. I’ll bet 10 million bucks that this Scott Lively fellow is as gay as the combination of ABBA, unicorns, and sparkles.
3. Someone clarify for me: he Nazis were masculine tops, and they killed the femme sissy bottoms right? GOPers claim to be the masculine, macho, manly men, protecting America from the Islamonazis. Of course, but for the manly, totally heterosexual, and musky GOPers, we faggy liberals, who love the Islamonazis, would all be slaves and wearing burkas, or beheaded or whatever the fuck.
So GOPers are by definition more like the Nazis because of their manliness and contempt for sissy fags.
Ok, so what I think is going on here is that the GOPers, who are of course totally heterosexual and musky, want to keep us queer hippies away from the Moooooslim invaders because they think that at the sight of these invaders, we will readily break out the leather gear and techno music as a welcome, thereby rendering the GOPers without boy toys.
Is that about it, GArY?
What Hysterical Woman said,
May 15, 2008 at 18:33
Thanks HW!…..did I ever tell you that you’re my heroin?
I’ve always contended that people who have trouble with homosexuality have no ability to control their own creative visualizations.
I always thought that cologne was for teh gay mens! What….is there now a smidgeon of Judy Garland pheromones in each bottle or somethin’?
sorry……”Judy Garland: not quite apropos…..make that “Leni” Riefenstahl”
Pantloadian logic
You should trademark that phrase, it’s going to get a lot of use.
The Bestest. Unity. Party. Evar:
Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots and even swastikas.
Hells Angels? Total ghey-boys!
Bryan Fischer attempts to use the historical fact of widespread Nazi party homosexuality as a club to beat up on American gays, which is of course sheer bullshit.
What is not sheer bullshit is the indisputable fact that many prominent rightwingers are, and have traditionally been, closet gays.
This was evident in both the Nazi era (including Hitler himself; according to University of Bremen history professor Lothar Machtan’s amazing book “The Hidden Hitler”) but also modern-day GOOPers like J. Edgar Hoover, Roy Cohn, Sen. Larry “Widestance” Craig, Rev. Ted Haggard, Rep. Mark Foley, Rep. Bob Allen and former RNC Chair Ken Mehlman
Homosexuality is probably no more prevalent on the right than it is on the left, but what makes it different is that most homosexuals on the right typically attempt to stay carefully closeted for ideological reasons.
The right wing’s whole stock-in-trade is fear, hate and boogeymania, so what could be more logical for a self-hating closet homosexual than to hate boogeymen-figures such as Jews or communists.
The important thing about criminals who created the holocaust was not that some or many of them were closet homosexuals. The important thing was how these criminals were able to take advantage of a long history of German and Catholic anti-semitism to successfully act upon their hatred.
Pantloadian logic
Professor Pantgloss?
The military fetish isn’t just for Germany anymore:
This guy made money off of it.
How’s about Pantlodian Response©™?
Umm, sorry guys. Maybe you better go outside and look around.
They said Iraq had WMDs and was a threat. It turned out not to be so.
They said Iran was the greatest enemy to america since the soviets. No one believed them.
They said tax cuts for the rich would improve the economy. The economy melted down.
They said the Iraq war would be over in months and only cost a few billion. We’re still there, and we’re still bleeding.
They said that the invasion of Iraq would bring democracy to the middle east, which in turn would bring about peace and stability and lower the cost of oil. Oil now trades at $126/bbl.
They said we needed guns to defend ourselves, but who will defend the 30,000 a year who are killed from the guns?
And finaly, they told us the “gay agenda” would destroy the american way of life. Problem is, we all know gay people. They’re in our workplace, in our gym, in our poker club, in our families. And we can see it is simply not true.
Once again, if your agenda is predicated on telling people the sky is green, you need to find a way to prevent them from going outside to LOOK!!
I’m willing to bet that Bryan Fischer dreams of getting rear-ended by a big guy in a Nazi uniform while he flaccidly goes about giving his wife her once monthly ‘maintenance’.
Also, I bet he smoked a little pole in college. But it was just experimentation.
Just sayin’.
Professor Pantgloss?
Professor Poopypants!
Also, I bet he smoked a little pole in college.
Can’t forget Poland.
Break out the Champagne.
California SC has over turned the Nazi marriage ban.
Suck it ‘phobes.
This just in…..California Supremes overturn gay marriage ban.
I wanna watch their little heads ‘splode!
Even today in America, it is chic in some homosexual circles for individuals to wear replicas of Nazi Germany uniforms, complete with iron crosses, storm trooper outfits, military boots and even swastikas.
Two words: Wishful. Thinking. And you know that the hakenkreuz is really optional, as long as Daddy has a riding crop to teach Miss Bryan the meaning of Kraft durch Freude.
This just in…..California Supremes overturn gay marriage ban.
The fact is, this country is going straight to tell.
I love Straight to Hell.
One of the best songs, evAr!!!1
Cue the next round of calls for judges to be assassinated from the wingnuts. But for now, a toast to thee, CA Supreme Court!
HOLY CRAP!!….I’m on the phone with the wedding planner as we speak!!!……Ceremony to be held at Manzanar!!……all invited!…..please sport your best Nazi regalia!…..and Michelle….you’re not invited and you know why!!!
Re: the California Supreme Court ruling
It looks like and Hot Air had their spin on this one all lined up and ready to go: “A victory for our side, as it will help us in November.”
Dream on.
He is of course confusing Elie Wiesel (note the correct spelling), an author and winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, with Simon Weisenthal, co-founder of the Jewish Documentation Center (and in whose honor the Simon Weisenthal Foundation was named).
Nitpicking, I know. But if this guy can’t be trusted to get the most elementary facts straight, why should anyone listen to him?
Didn’t some chick make a hit out of it recently?
Combat Rock was the first Clash album I ever got, because it had the hits that I knew.
And now I know what to wear for my big gay wedding! It’s going to be faaabulous!
Ummm, do any of you Butt Pirate Nazis around here have any Nazi drag I could borrow? Aside from my racing leathers, I got nada that would be apropos.
Nazi regalia in gay culture? Uh, no. I think the folks who favour Nazi regalia are known as, well, Neo-NAZIS. Who just happen to be the most homophobic gits you’ll ever meet – if you’re unlucky enough to meet them that is.
Yes, there were a few Nazis playing for the other team, but it sure didn’t stop them from gassing a LOT of homosexuals – sort of the same way those Chalcedon Institute people (& I use the term “people” loosely) who identify as Reconstructionist/Dominionist all sincerely want to go back to stoning them to death or crucifying them, because “God Is Love” after all (unless your love isn’t the officially acceptable kind) … to fully enforce Biblical Law as laid out in Genesis, Exodus & Leviticus, in modern America, they’d need so many Concentration Camps that they’d make the SS look like the Girl Scouts — yep, Fischer’s thesis makes exactly as much sense as the phrase “Liberal Fascism” does.
*swallows down rising wave of vomit*
Hail to thee, O California, land of my birth!
By the way, Jesus was gay. He told me so Himself, in a Very Special Episode of my dreams. DaVinci Code made him chuckle. “He said, close, but no cigar. If you catch my drift.”
Yes, Fury.
One of my other favs, MIA.
God, that’s terrible. But if I was gay, I’d probably like it for its kitsch value (You see what I did there? Full circle. That’s how I roll.)
Is like the American Family Association of America?
That seals it.
I am going to become gay so I can have a gay Nazi wedding. With Islamabortions as snacks.
Hey, I like MIA!
I have a soft spot for pop, as I came of age in the early 80’s.
I recently realized that I am not very hip.
Btw, we’re not going “straight to hell.” We’ll go gayly or not at all.
I would love to be a fly on the wall there right now.
Sorry toby, but where I come from (Earth) that sucks. But since you obviously like the Clash, I’ll let it slide.
Hitler himself likely functioned as a male prostitute in the days of his youth in Vienna.
You can literally support any point of view at all if you simply make up all of your facts.
The fact is, California will now break off and fall into the ocean. Then it will float out to that giant pool of trash in the middle of the Pacific, where it, and all of the farggy fargs on it will be eaten by seagulls.
My tastes run the gamut, Furious.
<tinfoil>And I have often suspected I may be an alien, so there you go. </tinfoil>
And toby?…for the “entertainment!?”
Just be sure to remember to put “Naked Cub Scout Wrestling!!” on the marquee!!
(h/t Jon Stewart)
Hm, Lively used to be one of Lon Mabon’s lieutenants in Oregon. Wonder what made him head south? A lover’s spat?
Anyone need a duly ordained clergy member to perform secular marriage ceremonies?
I’d love to do a wedding on the beach. Asilomar?
I kinda liked it. But then, I’m from Planet X.
You, too, styx?
Best Picture Ever.
Thankfully, that’s the new hip thing, or so Huey Lewis told me.
You sure that wasn’t Patrick Bateman?
As a middle-aged white guy it’s impossible for me to be hip and I would only look all the more pathetic for trying.
M.I.A. got more records than the K.G.B. So, uh, no funny business.
It was actually that dickhead, Marcus Halberstram.
I’m for MIA. Her and Creed.
You did not just lump MIA into the suck-bin with Creed!
No. You. D’int!
Hm, Lively used to be one of Lon Mabon’s lieutenants in Oregon. Wonder what made him head south? A lover’s spat?
Ack! Lon Mabon! I’d managed to block his existence out of my mind. What a colossal asshat. What has he been up to lately, anyway? Has he lost the title of Chief Oregon Ballot Measure Cobag to Kevin Mannix yet?
The things I miss out on living on the far coast.
She’s exotic, hawt, and has a unique style. Plus, she’s the daughter of a Tamil Tiger leader.
Creed just suxxors.
You did not just lump MIA into the suck-bin with Creed!
It’s a joke! She’s good. Not quite as abrasive as the earlier stuff though…
Yeah. Go to any gay bar dressed like a Nazi and see what happens.
Seriously though, I wouldn’t be surprised if this were 100% true. There are homosexuals who dress up as Nazis – they are called “Republican Politicians”
Warning: Blog Whoring Ahead
The New Gay
Maybe we should ask John Bolton. He knows what goes on in the underground sex cluib industry.
I am going to become gay so I can have a gay Nazi wedding
Sorry t4. According to (what a hoot – they’re totally whacko) The “How-to-be-homo” seminar has been canceled.
If you’re desperate, I can give you some lessons.
Could be. All white, heterosexual people look the same to me.
Y’know, all I get from the third world is DHL stuff. UPS? MIA YOU FRAUD!
Maybe we could just solve this whole tolerance problem by everybody becoming bisexual. Then nobody will be cast out–except for Mickey Kaus of course. Nobody likes a goat blower.
Its a wonder he doesn’t blame them for burning Rome and framing the Christians.
I think its largely nonsense. Hitler was an odd-ball but there is no real evidence that he was gay.
Maybe we should ask John Bolton. He knows what goes on in the underground sex cluib industry.
His mustache doubles as a sling.
I guess I walked into that one, huh?
Well, that gives a whole new meaning to the term “mustache ride”
His mustache doubles as a
…and pelicans.
Isn’t that what happened in the Superman movie? Who knew Lex Luthor was gay? I thought he was just very well dressed.
Well, that gives a whole new meaning to “
publicpubic official”.and undersecretary
Homosexual Agenda #1
6:00 am Gym
8:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am Hair appointment
10:00 am Shopping
12:00 PM Brunch
2:00 PM (Here’s the really important part)
1) Assume complete control of the US Federal, State and local Governments as well as all other national governments
2) Recruit all straight youngsters to our debauched lifestyle
3) Destroy all healthy heterosexual marriages
4) Replace all school counselors in grades K-12 with agents of Colombian and Jamaican drug cartels
5) Establish planetary chain of “homo breeding gulags” where over -medicated imprisoned straight women are turned into artificially impregnated baby factories to produce prepubescent love slaves for our devotedly pederastic gay leadership
6) Bulldoze all houses of worship
7) Secure total control of the INTERNET and all mass media for the exclusive use of child pornographers.
2:30 PM Get Forty Winks of Beauty Rest to prevent facial wrinkles from stress of world conquest
4:00 PM Cocktails
6:00 PM Light Dinner
8:00 PM Theater
11:00 PM Bed
I would love to be a fly on the wall there right now.
I’m sure they’re in a panic. It might sound something like this:
Gayz comin’ through the window
they comin’ through the door
Gayz is bustin’ down the big wall
and settlin’ the score
Gayz comin’ through the window
they comin’ through the door
Gayz bustin’ down the big wall
and mincin’ in the hall
I bet if you found a gay Islamofascist abortion doctor, you could make wingers spontaneously explode.
Styx shoots, HE SCORES!!!
I’m giving a lecture on condom use to nuns until 2.15, can we reschedule?
Actually This thread has more, including the real thing.
stryx wins. The rest of you can leave.
Only five hours of sleep? Man, the gays really are the master race.
The Bell Curve told me it was the Asians.
The estimator in me urges you to re-check your math, Ugly.
To be clear- I totally stole that from Pam’s House Blend.
I wish I could be that funny.
“Bed” implies at least two hours of Nazi-uniformed fucking.
What he said.
(nice cover)
Mercy, the gay agenda must be exhausting. I hope they do get in a little spa time.
Don’t worry Susan of Texas. After drinking a gallon, a gallon! A GALLON! Of stable boy’s blood, we’re ready for another day of world domination.
Only 30 minutes for world domination?! Gimme a break. Not even teh gays are that efficient.
Or are they?
Only 30 minutes for world domination?! Gimme a break. Not even teh gays are that efficient.
I even had five minutes left at the end to conquer Mitt Romney’s Mormon planet as well.
Maybe we’re approaching this from the wrong end. It’s not that gays need to be able to marry, it’s that the marriage laws need to be flexible enough to let conservatives mate with gorgeous non-human alien babes.
I hear Mitt fits like a glove.
He has ribs for your pleasure.
Backed into it, I believe… But indeed, that only strengthens my point.
He has ribs for your pleasure.
It’s worth pointing out that the California Supreme court is dominated by republicans. This makes the news extremely exciting as it gives me hope that there are still judges that now how to use their own god damn judgment.
“Maybe we’re approaching this from the wrong end.”
Bow chicka bow wow.
And finaly, they told us the “gay agenda” would destroy the american way of life. Problem is, we all know gay people. They’re in our workplace, in our gym, in our poker club, in our families.
So when the heck am I going to start running into some that aren’t already partnered???77?!
Why don’t you try the GOP convention, gbear?
I hear they have more closets than Mukesh Ambani’s House
Susan of Texas said:
Maybe we could just solve this whole tolerance problem by everybody becoming bisexual.
Ewww. Girl germs.
Why don’t you try the GOP convention, gbear?
Ewww. Conservative cooties.
I think I may be seeing a pattern here, gbear.
Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily Heh! Heh! Heh! Heh! Indeedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily deedily doodily ding dong diddily
I’ve got something to show you all.
Ahhh! ChristoZombie Kirk Cameron!!!
Is it a banana? It’s a banana, isn’t it?
Oh, noes! Kirk wants to show us his banana!
Damn you, Furious…
Ha! Eat it (the Banana of Creation, that is. It’s delicious.)
2:30 PM Get Forty Winks of Beauty Rest to prevent facial
wrinklesrankles from stress of world conquestFixed.
Of the Brown Shirts, historian Thomas Fuchs says, “The principle function of this army-like organization was beating up on anyone who opposed the Nazis, and Hitler believed this was a job best undertaken by homosexuals.”
Well, nobody said he was a SMART crazy dictator. He SHOULD have put them to work fixing that jacked up stache and Moe Howard ‘do. The pants were nice though.
Kirk Cameron is a cute guy. I would totally try to win him over from the dark side with my seductive sodomite ways. If he chose to keep being a douche, I could sell the sex tapes I made of us and be RICH!
Actually, even if he did reform I would probably sell the tapes.
Come one pedestrian, you can do better than that !
yeah, but I need the money.
It must suck being famous.
It’s not a banana. I was going to show you a plantain, and how it proves that man was meant to also eat through his ass.
Actually, I take that back. In this case it doesn’t suck nearly enough.
That’s where the videos come in.
Some people get famous by sucking. Jus sayin.
I wonder if any of them creationists was let in on the little secret that ape and monkeys’ hands are also perfectly suited for the banana…
Why do wingnuts hate reason?
I wonder if any of them creationists was let in on the little secret that ape and monkeys’ hands are also perfectly suited for the banana…
Look… WHY is this sooooo complicated? I don’t care about sperm. I don’t care about blastocysts. I really could care less about gays getting their jolly on.
I designed a beautiful, intricate set of interlocking parts specifically so that men could all have free monkey handjobs! Why no monkey handjobs?? Fuck it, have another hurricane.
No-one mentioned that as part of the job description.
Nobody likes a goat blower.
For practical reasons. Their breath is terrible
The fact is, California will now break off and fall into the ocean.
Fuck it. I’m going back to Annandale.
11:00 PM Bed
We wouldn’t mind hearing a few more details about this part, stryx.
Hanx, Gentlewoman.
Y’know, I wander around Sillycon valley every day, sniffing up the smog and sitting in the traffic, gazing at the concrete tilt-ups and strip malls, and sometimes it’s pretty easy to forget.
This is a special place. The diversity, the tolerance, the forward looking sense of hope, the BEACH!
Once again, and not even close to for the first time, I am goddam proud to be a californian…
A fundamentalist (they put the “mental” in fundamental!) was telling her child about the Romans throwing Christians to the lions. After the story, she showed her child a gory picture of Christians in the Coiiseum being torn to bits and eaten by lions. the kid’s eyes fill with tears and s/he said: “Oh look, Mommy! The little lion on the outside isn’t geting any!”
Why no monkey handjobs??
You get really tired after forcing them into the little Nazi uniforms.
Back the fuck off bitch……he’s mine!
Why no monkey handjobs??
Monkeys + banana-peeling behaviour + foreskin…
Of course no-one’s going to admit the truth, so they made up that bullshit about “G*d told me to do it as a sign of our covenant.”
You get really tired after forcing them into the little Nazi uniforms.
Personally I prefer to dress my monkeys up in little construction-worker outfits.
Hmm…maybe a little Indian outfit with footbells and a biker…
Then a cowboy…
I’m totally into my handjob monkey being dressed like a cop.
I even put a 70’s porn ‘stache on it, for authenticity.
My experience with monkeys has been limited to them wearing business casual ware. Primarily khakis and blue denim work shirts.
And brachiating….
Good word, mikey. I learned something new today.
I roomed with a homogay my freshman year of college, and all that happened was I became a little bit cleaner.
What a Nazi.
Tidy Homos are the Elton Johns of the Ladies Shoe Department at Macy’s.
It’s always been the ululating during staff meetings that kills me.
Does anyone know where I can buy a monkey-sized choir-boy costume?
Good word, mikey. I learned something new today.
I learned something new today about Mikey.
I got one you can borrow, smutty, but it needs to be dry cleaned.
Have you guys seen this?
Bush told members of Israel’s legislative body at the Knesset that he condemned “the false comfort of appeasement … that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals, as if some ingenious argument will persuade them they have been wrong all along.”
He then compared such a strategy to speaking with Hitler and the Nazis in the lead up to Germany’s takeover of Poland and the start of the Second World War.
While he did not mention Barack Obama by name, Democrats accused Bush of cheap political posturing.
Now that he’s given up golf, maybe he can give up travelling and public speaking too.
I saw it. No words for it. We have become the fraternity of the world.
Nxt thing we know, George Bush is going to be asking the world leaders of they want to do a keg stand they want and if they know where to score some blow.
Because that is how juvenile this shit is.
I saw that, Lesley. As chance would have it, I read it right before reading a Guardian piece about the Bush family’s get-rich-quick-through-Nazi-investment plan. Had to hold both sides of my head to forestall the explosion.
he condemned “the false comfort of appeasement … that we should negotiate with the terrorists and radicals,…
Where’s his next stop? Off to the Occupied Territories, to tell the Palestinians about the wave of happiness that sweeps around the world at the sight of them electing their own leaders?
He’s just cranky because his monkey butler refused to wear the Mother Teresa costume.
<Smut Clyde said,
May 16, 2008 at 1:21
Where’s his next stop?
Off to Saudi Arabia to spend some quality time with his master?
Professor Pantgloss?
That’s how I started my “work” day today. He was quoting a fucking Republican. A member of the Republican National Committee.
And the sentiment Sen. William Borah was trying to get across, according to my wikipedia-based knowledge, was that if only Borah had talked to Hitler, maybe Hitler would have seen the errors of his ways, not invaded Poland, and maybe just gone ahead and moved to Idaho and founded a big ol’ gay Aryan Nation.
Now that he’s given up golf, maybe he can give up travelling and public speaking too.
Lesley: Speed the day when we no longer will be subjected to Teh Chimpinator’s “public speaking.” Traveling? Fine by me, as long as he never comes back.
I think there are more homa-seckshuls on this here thread than there were in that doctoral fiction-writing seminar I took that one time. I mean that with all due respect and love.
sigh Late to the party again, I see.
DAMN being employed again! DAMN it ta HAY-ELL!
Time to bring out that photograph of Donald Rumsfeld not negotiating with Saddam Hussein.
Did I hear someone say they’d prefer biker monkeys??
Rumsfeld pics?
This one?
Ah, you want this one.
How many Israelis sitting in that room must know about Prescott Bush?
Oh the irony, it burns… Of course none of this history is contained in any of the news coverage of GW’s speech.
Now that he’s given up golf, maybe he can give up travelling
I’m pretty sure Bush won’t be traveling outside the US for the rest of his life after he leaves office.
Although he may. Rendition and waterboarding aren’t crimes anymore, right Iraq/n?
When you think about it, this is a vote of confidence for the US press corps… Bush doesn’t feel that he can get away with slandering a Democratic politician in front of a press conference at home, so he has to run off to a friendlier audience.
“Hand-Job Monkeys” = band-name of the thread.
I’m usually a peaceful citizen but…Has anyone sent an engraved invitation by registered mail to the, ahem, leadership of the American Nazi Party politely informing them that certain Christian groups are calling their members pansies?
The hand-job monkeys Love the dark
No-one is home They’re thin-skinned sharks
Hues exchanging Gives sea-leg walks
No-one is home The chemicals talk
Load up the spoiled goods
Hook up the spoiled gods
Fill up the kindness cups
Drink up the finest drops
The hand-job monkeys Love the dark
No-one is home They’ve gone for a walk
The hand-job monkeys Love the dark
No-one is home The chemicals talk
Load up the spoiled goods
Hook up the spoiled gods
Fill up the kindness cups
Drink up the finest drops
Does anyone have a photograph of Reagan
not negotiating withwelcoming Jonas Savimbi to the White House in 1986?Hey, that’s OUR job!
I don’t see how that could be taken as not peaceful. You’d only be passing along the message of one Christian group to another Christian group. Spreading the good word and all that.
And it’s not like you’d be the one swinging a lead filled pool cue.
To fall off the edge
and totally blind
to know the truth,
but only use lies
don’t let trouble climb, my friend
the golden rule
don’t let trouble
don’t let trouble climb
o.k. this is the pops
creep, creep, creep up
but don’t ever be real
know the truth,
but tell only lies
the golden rule is, my friend,
don’t ever be real
the golden rule
use only your eyes
o.k. this is the pops (4x)
o.k. this is the pops (4x)
a good walker leaves no tracks
a good door needs no lock
only one weakness inside
no one can be sure, my friend,
where truth begins and fiction ends
noone can be sure save your eyes
o.k. this is the pops (9x)
Ahem… Ex-Lion Tamers? I think you want this:
This / is / not / a / drill!
WordPress is the gay fascist of liberal blogging software. How about this link for Wire instead?
Um… yes. That’s it.
Its beginning to…
… and back again.
I’m pretty sure Bush won’t be traveling outside the US for the rest of his life after he leaves office.
Although he may. Rendition and waterboarding aren’t crimes anymore, right Iraq/n?
That depends. Does Paraguay have an extradition treaty with the Hague?
[…] Original post by Golf » Comment on Shorter Bryan Fischer by Golf » Comment on Shorter &acir… […]
Does Paraguay have an extradition treaty with the Hague?
OK, so I found Paraguay on the map. But where’s Guay?
Someone catch this before they change it.
Liiiie–brals–come out to play-ay.
[…] this time it’s racial suicide — as opposed to the Shoah, when they were murdered by homosexuals. As Jews were roughly 2 percent of the U.S. population from Roe v. Wade to today, perhaps 2 percent […]
These guys are gunning for this creep. I hope they are sucessfull
If I understand correctly, Lively’s book tells us of a political party full of closeted homosexuals that made persecution of openly homosexual men part of its identity. Umm hmmm.
[…] been something on ol’ Bryan Fischer’s mind lately. That is, other than the fact that homosexuals are Nazis, and vice versa, and that liberals are Nazis, and so forth. No, it’s not that the exact same theory as […]
[…] […]