Cool Schmool
Look upon ye Master, ye huddled slaves. Let its shiny can overwrite your mind and fill you with subliminal thoughts!
Kyle Smith & Wesson (but really failed comedian Greg Gutfield), New York’s The Post:
The hipster war on you: How liberals use cool as a weapons
Oh, we have gone far too long, my friends. Far too long since the last epic meltdown piece by desperate conservatives desperately trying to grasp onto some falling piece of youth culture or hip relevance.
And it’s a real shame, because these posts practically write themselves with their total failure to grasp even the outlines of the broader culture the wingnut finds themselves lost and confused within. I mean, with their insistent demand to dominate all culture and gain its reputation without work or effort, and of course their myopic failure to grasp just why they will never ever understand the culture they flail around, it’s pretty much a gold mine for us snark merchants.
Even more so when the whiny conservative in question decides to mix some good old fashioned dominant group with a persecution complex baggage into the mix in order to blame his personal failings on some Lovecraftian conspiracy of PBR beer cans and trucker hats.
In short, ladies, gentlemen, non-binary individuals, and fluberts, start up the popcorn, because we are in for a treat.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- The only possible reason my hacktacular rip-off show bought for me by wingnut welfare trying to ape the success of The Daily Show without a single understanding of its appeal failed is because of a vast conspiracy of PBR-drinking, truck hat-wearing, ironic racism-spewing hipsters working overtime to personally destroy me and other conservatives. It’s not my fault, it’s the coolocracy, I’m telling you! THE COOLOCRACCCCCCYYYYYYY!
Sniff… it’s all too beautiful of a setup.
But yeah, you’ve just got to love wingnut grasping around the concept of “cool” as they understand it, because the saddest thing of all is that they don’t understand it and they never will. By definition, conservatives are nostalgia-incarnate, a golden memory of a past that never was and a hostile resistance to the new and the revolutionary power new ideas hold to a status quo. Conservatives will always be outside counterculture and behind the curve of trends entirely because they are attracted to a worldview that is set in its ways. That enforces conformity and what was and is skeptical of new approaches, ways of thoughts, or even acceptances of basic human rights.
Conservatives are a time capsule of the old. Those who need to be dragged every screaming step towards “different”. Counterculture to them is the smell of the hippie, the roar of the anarchist, the immorality of the atheist, the duskiness of the foreigner, the queerness of the gender ambiguous, and the danger of the different.
As such, even the most basic facts are just guaranteed to be impossible to grasp for the dedicated lifer in Team Time Machine to the Past.
Such as the fact that “cool” is not really a thing. Not in the way that kids seek out “cool” as a self-identifier or youngsters are wholly comfortable in the term. “Cool” has the stench of 90s exploitation. The ultraviolent comics adaptations and skateboarding poochies of an adult led movement to monetize and exploit the quote-unquote youth market.
In short, Greg Gutfield and Kyle Smith start at least a decade behind cartoon character Daria when she noted:
As far as I can make out, edgy occurs when middle-brow, middle-aged profiteers are looking to suck the energy, not to mention spending money out of the quote-unquote youth culture. So they come up with this fake concept of seeming to be dangerous when every move they make is the result of market research and a corporate master-plan.
But hey, I’m sure that’s not the only thing they missed the point entirely on.
Why are good things seen as bad, and why are bad things seen as good?
Well, if by “good things” you mean right-wing talking points like “family” or “faith” that have been utterly ruined by decades of bigoted hate-mongers using those words and ideas as weapons against the disempowered and by “bad things”, you mean things liked by liberals that we reflexively hate because that’s how we show we are good tribe members, then I’d have to say…
Space aliens.
Either that or voodoo brainwashing. It’s the only explanation.
Greg Gutfeld poses the question and supplies an answer in “Not Cool: The Hipster Elite and Their War On You” (Crown Forum).
Oh for fuck’s sake. You’re picking a war with the fucking hipsters? Heh. Trust wingnuts to find the only possible opponent less threatening and more ineffectual than hippies to try and demonize as an existential threat. What, did you run out of six-year-old boys with asthma and adorable puppies?
I mean, I live in Northern California, so I have special reason to be frustrated with hipsters. In cities like San Francisco, they have largely taken over interesting neighborhoods to replace with a mostly monoculture of richer, whiter interests and privileged understandings of how to celebrate diversity. Arguing with a high idiot on why his breakup isn’t a worse tragedy than the number of trans* people murdered every year is frustrating yes, but even with that personal experience and my bottomless pit of rage, I can’t even muster the will to hate them.
I mean, hipsters are practically harmless music-nerds who coast through their little slice of life being ironically detached because that’s the only way to resist acknowledging the way the economic devastation of a generation has left close to none spared.
You can’t even really make fun of them, because they’ve already beaten everyone to the punch, making internet videos ripping themselves apart to be appreciated ironically to a round of PBR.
I mean, even for a dedicated conspiracy-addicted conservative, it’s really hard to sell these (usually) guys as some grave existential threat seeking out non-conformers and destroying them.
But then, I guess IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION is a truism for a reason.
Gutfeld paints a picture of a coolocracy
… Every time a wingnut earnestly beats us to a perfect piece of snark, a devil gets a nosebleed.
in which the world is run by star-bellied Sneetches who tell us what’s hip and we obediently keep running in and out of the belly-star-making gizmo.
And Dr. Suess is rolling in his grave.
But ignoring that, let’s just address the actual complaint.
Oh noes, what’s “hip” changes over time and attitudes don’t remain frozen in time to give cautious Republicans time to slowly adapt to frightening novelty and try to co-opt it. What’s more, new eras may even bring new perspectives and criticisms and once beloved icons of pop-culture may begin to be criticized as flawed by a modern perspective that can note its flaws in the treatment of a marginalized group.
And that’s totes for real oppression for a bunch of whiny rich white assholes who just want to be treated like rock stars for covering their personal copy of Atlas Shrugged with enough semen to make it completely unopenable.
Because conspiracies and Dr. Seuss references!
Icons of cool like Robert Redford, Mark Zuckerberg, Jesse James and Yoko Ono get shredded in the book,
Did I mention that wingnuts completely fail to grasp what “cool” is, even as they rant about the fact that they are perpetually the “squares”?
I mean, Robert Redford was indeed “cool”… you know, back in the 70s. But the rest have really never been “cool” as it is popularly understood. I mean, Yoko Ono was noted by some as being a genuinely talented artist in her own right by feminists countering idiots blaming her for breaking up the Beatles, but it’s not like she was a cult sensation or anything. Same with Jesse James, whose main claim to fame was inking Mötley Crüe and doing some artwork for the Tourist Trap “Hard Rock Cafe”.
And Mark Zuckerberg… pfft. He wasn’t even ever nerd “cool”.
It’s right about there that it becomes obvious that Greg was just grasping at whatever names of culture he picked up during his insular paranoid jaunts into the broader world whenever his supply of Cheetos and Red Bull ran low.
which is as breezy, enlightening and funny as Gutfeld’s two TV shows, “The Five” and “Red Eye.”
So… not?
On both shows, the way he delivers truths disguised as jokes makes him a kind of reverse Jon Stewart.
Which right there says everything you need to know about why ol’ Greggy’s only claim to fame was a doomed train-wreck from the beginning.
I mean, there’s the obvious of it being designed as an “anti-Jon Stewart” quickly handed off to whatever right-wing comedian hack they could drag into the studio, with no awareness of why “The Daily Show” became popular or what it’s appeal was and no mission other than to “punish” Stewart for perceived sins.
But the real reason is the whole concept of a “reverse” Jon Stewart. Cause Stewart and Colbert caught on and became a thing entirely because it was the “reverse news”. It was a news program beginning from a point of snark, so it was willing to call out media circuses as the bullshit they were, undermine talking points, note propaganda techniques, and actually get to the truth of the matter that “real” news programs were ignoring.
Stewart and Colbert became big because news completely shat itself and suddenly these little comedy shows preceding prank calling puppets was more trust-worthy and honest than supposed news agencies.
You can’t “reverse” that, because the “reverse” was already everywhere on the 24 hour news channels, presented as supposed non-farce, so just trying to repeat that with some sexist jokes about bitches and a bit of pot humor was always going to be doomed simply because it wasn’t novel and it filled no void in culture.
And that’s what Gutfucker and Smith are missing in their persecution complex of “cool”. That things that speak to an audience unspoken to are the things that rise up and succeed and become cult darlings with dedicated fans. The things that resonate and are remembered when the wingnut welfare careers of hacks crash into the ground and fade.
Gutfeld finds that cool warps everything.
Really? Damn, I knew we should have called in Bill and Ted as consultants to NASA when we had the chance!
In 2012, for instance, Zuckerberg’s Facebook not only didn’t pay any net federal income tax but was actually due a refund of about $430 million. Why?
Because our tax laws are a joke that the rich make mockery of in service to enriching themselves at everyone else’s expense?
Because the company (lawfully) deducted the stock options it issues to Facebook employees, many of them now deliriously wealthy because of those options. If Exxon or Koch Industries had managed that, someone might have noticed.
But because it was Facebook — a company that oozes cool out its pores — it was a one-day story that people forgot about. “If this company were something that actually made something in a factory or a field,” writes Gutfeld, “it would be roundly condemned by every single media hack on the planet.”
Ohhhhh. It’s because of the vast coolocracy that Facebook totally has, because the youth totally love Facebook and it isn’t routinely condemned as a shitty company that does a whole lot of scummy behavior to enrich itself at their supposed clients’ expense (because their real clients are advertisers).
See, it’s not the fault of a broken capitalism where it is easy for the wealthy to dodge taxes or where there are few options to stop a large corporation from doing morally unethical or straight-up illegal activities due to fears of increased unemployment. It’s all the fault of all those rich investors who made a whole bunch of noise about Facebook and heralded it as the new Microsoft… I mean, something, something, it’s all the fault of those damn 20-somethings who didn’t watch my shitty late-night programs!
… Wait a second? You only know about the Facebook thing because “alternate” news media like Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, and Rachel Maddow made a big stink about it as an example of how broken our tax code is.
And now you’re turning to it as your example of why those people who noted it are evil and you and other rich people are good because…
Never mind that companies like Exxon and Koch supply the energy without which Facebook wouldn’t work: They’re not cool.
Right, Facebook is “new” and therefore frightening and scary, whereas Big Oil is old and therefore comforting and paying you… I mean, wonderful and covered in kitties that are not at all carrying the money the Koch suckers have been paying you to keep you from the terrifying indignity of having to get a real job on the basis of your talents.
Also, I love how the logic extends here, but not to say the government that developed, expanded, and built the internet that makes not only Facebook, but New York possible.
Because it’s all about sucking off one’s big rich donors and hating whoever that pack of diseased fuckers decides to hate this week. And wah! Why isn’t that considered cool?!?
I mean, don’t counterculture types absolutely love those who have “sold out” (as if they had anything to sell in the first place).
Hipster iconoclasm dates back at least to the 1950s (James Dean, Marlon Brando),
I remember reading an argument a while ago that “hipster” has become sort of a universal epithet encompassing anything and everything that the speaker considers “bad”. At the time, I didn’t really agree… but then, I was thinking in terms of local cultural disagreements and not wingnut tendencies to collapse everything they hate into one bad thing (hippies are communists are fascists are anarchists are Democrats).
So yeah, apparently James Dean is now a hipster. Why not? Is this like those posthumous baptisms? Should we dig up his corpse and see if its holding a PBR or carrying a retro lunchbox?
but cool remained outside the establishment until the Woodstock Generation began to take over. It imposed warped values — artfully cultivated rebellion, counterproductive liberal “social consciousness,” romantic outlaw status for murderous enemies of America (the Weather Underground, Mumia Abu-Jamal, the Boston Marathon bombers) — on the mainstream. Today Flower Power types run the media, the networks, the Hollywood studios, even the Justice Department.
Oh right, everything is hippies forever.
Everything is that single Culture War endlessly repeated between the Crop-haired proto-fascists and the long-haired peace-loving hippies. Where everything is student uprisings and cult myths playing up the Weather Underground as something other than a bunch of idiots who only ever hurt themselves.
And everything is demonizing that one iconic moment and getting revenge for the supposed “success” they had in influencing culture away from segregation and white suburban fantasies on TV.
Which is really the undercurrent of this whole “anti-cool” thing. Is the reason that the wingnuts are still whining about “cool” long after most everyone else has stopped caring.
Trying to go back in time and destroy that one moment as if that battle was at all winnable (I mean, those “Flower Children” are now seniors. “Hippie music and movies” are considered universal classics. Ideas like segregation, land wars in East Asia, and having wives be legal property are gone and will not be easy to resurrect.
It’s all so doomed and tragic that we can’t help but laugh as we would at a cat who has failed to notice that that laser light isn’t actually a bug.
The 60s are over, Greggy. In fact, you and Kyle weren’t even alive for them. Let them go and move on with the rest of us.
But ask someone in their 80s and 90s what’s cool, Gutfeld figures, and they’d probably say something like, “Killing Nazis.”
More they would say, “being able to wake up in the morning without pain” or “universal healthcare” or “an end to the flashbacks”. I mean, as much as conservatives like to rub themselves raw at the thought of the last “just war” that America has been in, the reality for those who fought is that it was traumatizing and bloody and time has a nasty habit of erasing the beautiful memories of a lifetime and only replaying those moments of impact and trauma and blood and horror.
“Killing nazis” would not be a top ten “cool” thing for those who fought, simply because they did fight and thus they know that killing a man is not a video game or an action movie cliche. It is ugly and brutal and equalizing.
It would not rate as “cool” also because most older people who are not Fox News addicts understand something of modern culture and the tide of history and how it changes. They may not be in touch perfectly and might have a rough time catching up, but they understand that the world has progressed since the 1940s.
It’s also worth noting that even if these people were stuck in time from those days, they would hardly remember the sanitized version conservatives love. I mean, there was still counterculture. Jazz, communists, unions, daring artists and folk singers. Those drifting back in nostalgic thoughts of “cool” are as likely to stumble back to a Woody Guthrie or a Roosevelt’s New Deal than the Leave it to Beaver fantasy.
A 1950s study that tried to measure coolness of jobs
Citation needed. Because I’m willing to bet cash money that this study comes from a land covered in sweat and skid marks.
identified five factors that gave a career prestige: importance of the task performed, level of authority you have, the know-how required, the dignity of the tasks required and pay.
Scoring highest were jobs like bankers, executives, ministers and professors.
Sure they did. Bankers were cool, uh huh. Bullshit. You ask any 50s kid to tell you what they wanted to be when they grow up. What they’d fight over getting to perform, and I guarantee it wasn’t anything about bankers. No, it was all movie actors, cowboys, and greasers. I mean, James Dean didn’t become an entire generation’s icon of cool by flawlessly depicting an executive minister.
No, the sad truth was that they were the squares even then. The people that the Beats and the Greasers and the Beatniks mocked as shallow unhappy stereotypes. The people poked fun at in the Mad Magazines of the times.
And you can try and rewrite that and pretend that the sitcoms of the 60s were an earnest documentary of 50s life.
But you’d be a lying git.
But hey, that’s a given. So let’s see if you can go from obviously dishonest to offensive in 60 seconds flat?
Fast-forward to today, when, writes Gutfeld, “the Labor Department reports that only 47% of Americans have a full-time job. That’s because it’s hard to get full-time work as a maker of artisanal tricycles.” “Raising awareness” didn’t strike anyone as much of a career in the 1950s, but a recent survey of 350 college students discovered that “social consciousness,” i.e., daft activities like collecting signatures on petitions for Greenpeace, was among the accepted cool traits.
Oh hello, bottomless pit of rage, I was wondering where you buggered off to during all the conversation of hipsters.
I… I know I harp on this a lot. Noting the way that my generation has been economically devastated by a set of rich fucks who have gone out of their way to exasperate a second Great Depression in the name of trying to destroy the first black president and how messed up that is.
But Bob Damnitt, it’s hard not to rail that hobby horse like a pegging bottom when we keep getting assailed with bullshit like this.
I mean, for fuck’s sake, it’s one thing that my generation is fucked. That middle class full time jobs might as well be golden fucking unicorns and that we need to work our ass off harder than any previous generation for a level of work that our economic “betters” feel justified in looking down on as we struggle to survive. That entry level minimum wage jobs require college degrees and the thousands of dollars of debts required to secure them.
But the endless train of asshole conservatives who caused it trying to pin it all on us as if we’re just snubbing our noses at perfectly awesome middle class jobs because it’s not “artistically pure enough” is some sickening victim-blaming horseshit.
Also, you know what fucker? “Raising awareness” and “social consciousness” was indeed a big thing among the youth of the post-war era. The Beats raising awareness of mistreatment by mental health institutions and the dangers of the Red Scare. The unions trying to retain class consciousness in the era of a shift to a more retail-oriented economy. And let’s not forget the battle that wingnuts have been fighting against for decades, all those anti-segregationists and anti-lynchers who were mobilizing and building alliances. And that’s before noting things like brave souls like Alan Ginsburg bringing homosexuality more out in the open or the rise of second wave feminists after the return of soldiers meant a loss of economic freedom and jobs and a return to oppressive gender roles.
But hey, let’s not let reality get in the way of whining that lazy college students being unwilling to grab all those CEO positions lying around for them is the reason that you weren’t given free money and public applause for running a sad-little zero-effort rip-off show on Fox News?
Cause apparently working for a living is for other young people.
The end result of eco-minded hipster thinking is, for example, the San Francisco ban on plastic shopping bags.
You gotta “love” conservative self-destruction in the name of ideology. Wasting our dwindling oil supplies on easily-torn and environmentally disastrous plastic bags is good because those we have coded as liberal want to move away from it. Having an environment so we don’t all die is bad because liberals want it. It’s at the point where I think we should just all as liberals take great pains to note that not drinking Drano is good for the environment just to see if we can knock out a good quarter of the 27% in one fell swoop.
All right, you lying sack of shit. Sell me on why wasting resources we don’t have on plastic bags that are quickly disposed is a better idea than encouraging the same reusable bag method that every other first-world nation has migrated to*.
This well-intentioned move in favor of all that is green and natural actually wound up killing people. Why? Because when you use bags to transport food, bacteria collects in them.
Reusing that Earth-friendly tote gradually turns it into a chemical weapon. The ban, declared a University of Pennsylvania study, “is associated with a 46% increase in death from food-borne illnesses. That implies an increase of 5.5 annual deaths for the county.” (The researchers added that this was a conservative estimate.)
No, there are no links. Why do you ask?
Okay… so let’s try and get this obviously bullshit urban myth straight. So, apparently reusable bags are slaughtering the planet with their superior death rays because reusing bags means they store bacteria… unlike what happens when a pallet of plastic bags is thrown around on dirty trucks, left in disused back rooms, and then is constantly manhandled in the front of a grocery store by employees that may or may not have bothered to wash their hands.
Because people are apparently not washing their bags if something spills in them and are not washing produce and fruit they buy, even though factory farms have a totally stellar record in washing off the pesticides especially with the current excellent record of FDA supervision. And this problem is not at all, if real, something that can be easily be solved over time as people get used to using reusable bags and washing them when they store perishables.
I mean, after all, even with the wingnut scare stats pulled out of the finest of asses, IT IS KILLING UPWARDS OF FIVE PEOPLE A YEAR. Which is like thousands less than those killed by poor regulation of food quality or just the now regular outbreaks of salmonella. AND THUS PROOF THAT NON-PLASTIC BAGS ARE EVIL!
For fuck’s sake, wingnuts, there is weak sauce and then there is shit that makes mayo look like ghost pepper hot sauce.
So the bag ban is basically a serial killer on the loose.
Sure, if you’re a fucking idiot like you assume your readership to be and are willing to fall for complete bullshit as if it was the latest round of Death Panels.
But it’s cool because we probably saved the lives of at least five seagulls, and more important, it makes us feel cool.
Man, do conservatives hate animals.
Like, every wingnut attempt to grasp “protest culture” as they understand it either circles around trying to sell scary “Weather Underground” ghost stories or some dismissive little scoff at the foolish bleeding hearts of animal rights activists.
Which yeah, there’s groups like PETA that paint a nice big target on their bright red clown nose, but it’s never about that. Rather, every time, it’s some dismissive scoff at animal rights groups that everyone has admitted were completely right.
Laughter about “saving the whales” even though most people have come to support that mission. Rants about endangered animals as if that isn’t something most people support. Or things like this where the effect of plastic in slaughtering a huge swath of animal life is hand-waved even though most people agree that is a problem.
It’s just a little tic, but it lends such a fascinating look into just how out-of-touch and fucked up these assholes are on the environment and how their inhumanity and sense of domination over the animal kingdom extends in their lack of humanity and empathy with regard to humans (I mean, for fuck sakes, they can’t even bother to pretend to care about the suffering of people without cheering for an equal slaughter of animals for no reason).
More cities are sure to follow. A similar jihad against DDT, which saved an estimated 500 million lives, according to The Economist, has led to the deaths of perhaps millions in Africa, where cool environmentalism meets cold, hard reality.
Not letting Africans poison themselves is personally responsible to the enforced economic poverty that the World Bank is creating in Africa? Well, ain’t that a handy bit of responsibility dodging.
I also note how this bit of fancy footwork also raises the unspoken spectre of how Evangelical and Catholic missionaries on the continent have created a huge AIDS crisis because of their sectarian bullshit about safe sex. Or all the slaughter done by various Western companies that view Africa as a continent of guinea pigs.
But hey, that can’t be as easily blamed on hipster hippie commie nazis, so why bother bringing that up?
Now a few groovy artisanal types are sounding the alarm about vaccines, with predictably depressing results.
A year ago, a Florida county saw its first death from whooping cough in decades. The victim, a baby, had parents who decided not to vaccinate.
Uh huh… sure…. Yeah, it is totally the lower-class “artisinal types” struggling to eke a living on art and writing who have been behind the asinine anti-vaccine movement.
Not at all a batch of rich anti-science Hollywood fuckers who are having a large resonance with specifically rich white suburban parents who are on the lookout for anything that will give their artifact children a “leg up” on the filthy Untouchable caste “competition”.
Uh huh, sure.
Vaccines, DDT, genetically modified foods — all these things are unnatural or impure, hence suspect.
And right there, we get to the truth of the matter. Anti-vaccine panic, though popularized by crunchy granola Whole Foods types has really begun to find its home more and more on the right and right there is the reason why.
Purity is an obsession among conservatives. Keeping oneself pure and free from “sin” and “contamination” is the reason why conservatives work so hard to reject any idea ever handled by a liberal and why so many “good conservative parents” reject their kids if they turn out a different religion or sexuality or gender identity.
It is the reason for Apartheid and segregation, why companies still try and demand the right to discriminate against those they didn’t like, and is in many ways a capstone on racism and sexism and classism.
The struggle to keep oneself “pure”. The shifting definitions of what it means to be pure and who can be ever considered pure. And the notion that other people and things are toxins that are more important to whether or not you personally succeed than the real world are part and parcel of conservative behavior and it is why anti-vaccine movements and anti-genetically-modified-foods began primarily as upper-class phenomenons among those who already leaned right and is drifting more and more rightward every year.
“Purity is a big thing with the coolerati,” notes Gutfeld.
… You know, I want to go back in time and punch Jonah Goldberg so hard in the testicles that he was never able to ghostwrite his little fucking treatise, because ever since, every single wingnut wanting his day in the Regent sun has been wholesale copying his format of IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION through bold obvious lies.
But it’s also the reason that wingnuts are becoming more and more socially irrelevant as they drift further and further away from any understanding of the world as is rather than what bests serves the interests of those who cannot handle the fruit of their labors and successes.
“But, like cool, it exists separate from the notions of good and evil. Pure sugar is delicious.
Hey, wingnuts, breathing is really good for you, like super good for you. As a liberal, I absolutely love breathing and recommend it for everyone for the good of humanity and the environment.
For fuck’s sake, they’re against natural fucking sugar because people they perceive as liberal like it.
How about pure cocaine? How about pure horses–t?” That depends: Is it locally sourced?
Yeah, you like breathing? Well, I bet you like carbon monoxide too! I mean, it’s also a gas. What do you think of my slippery slope argument, liberals? I will too hold my breath and become pure! *pass out*
You know, wingnuts, you wouldn’t see slippery slopes everywhere if you cleaned up after you came instead of spraying like a tomcat on every surface you see.
OK, so why aren’t conservatives cool?
Because you are so reflexively against anything “the kids” do that you’re ranting about the evils of foods with actual sugar instead of High Fructose Corn Syrup.
Because try as you will, you will never be able to hide the knee-jerk authoritarianism and reflexive terror at anything new or even remotely associated with the creative, innovative, or young.
Because counter-culture causes you to break out into hives?
None of those. The real reason that you are not cool and will never be cool is that you are at the end of the day, complete losers.
A pack of sociopaths and bullies who do not know joy and have nothing to give the world except oppression, lies, and toadying up to the powerful. Because you have chosen the illusion of safety over solidarity and an improvement of the world. Because those who are not married to the status quo can see you are the enemy, the same enemy every counterculture has fought. The one that says that the injustices of today must stand forever for no other reason than it is familiar. The one that pines for a past that never was simply because it is archaic and punitive.
Because no one will miss you when you die, because you have drifted by on the sheer fact of your ideology and without a lick of talent to spare while those with something to offer the world are drained and beaten.
Because, you two are losers.
And you will never ever be “cool”.
Gutfeld makes a valid point: “From my experience being around conservatives, it’s extremely frustrating how dismissive they are of ‘weird’ things, and that hurts them.”
Yeah, and that. Acting like things everyone else has gotten used to are weird because you’ve stuck your fingers in your ears and pretended the last 5 decades away tends to hurt one’s image as a bunch of cool dudes who know how to get down with the kids, yo.
Gutfeld chooses the music that backs his segments on “The Five” and “my choices are never met with ‘That’s good’ or ‘That sucks.’ It’s always rewarded with anguished looks on the other panelists’ faces and the two-word review, ‘That’s weird.’ ”
Poor widdle baby, are you treated like scum by your fellow conservatives just because you are younger than them and have slightly different opinions?
Gosh… I have so much sympathy and have zero impulses to say “I told you so”.
Automatically dismissing tradition and latching onto whatever’s new isn’t cool. But neither is being closed-minded.
And that’s why you’ll never be “cool”. Because you are both.
And as much as you might try and scream that liberals are the real blah de blah, it doesn’t erase reality and make it so.
Conservatives are losers because they are conservatives. Because of what conservatism has come to mean and how conservatives have demanded their fellow travelers be.
They will always be the men lost in time, scrambling for a reference a decade out of date with only a cursory understanding of what has happened in the world.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I really wanted to throw in a few more riot grrl references as I went… so fuck it**. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
*I mean, I know that reusable bags are new therefore bad for the change-frightened mice at the New York Post and Fox News, but I lived for two years in Denmark where carrying your own bags is an expected thing and definitely required. After two years of getting in the habit of bringing my backpack to the grocery store and loading it up, I have completely lost the ability to empathize with people who look at canvas bags as if they were hostile aliens.
** Sonic Youth, Kool Thing:
Gutfeld makes a valid point: “From my experience being around conservatives, it’s extremely frustrating how dismissive they are of ‘weird’ things, and that hurts them.”
I was impressed in the course of the previous thread to learn that the Breitbart crowd have broadened the targets of their Kulturkampf jihad to include Gertrude Stein. Because 1920s modernists are still too new & scary.
A 1950s study that tried to measure coolness of jobs
About the only 1950s research to look at occupational prestige was Anne Roe’s 1956 “Psychology of Occupation”, and her results don’t match the description, so I’m reluctantly forced to the conclusion that Gutfield’s claims are rectally sourced.
Now a few groovy artisanal types are sounding the alarm about vaccines, with predictably depressing results.
Yep. Libertarians. Ron Paul is quite stridently anti-vaccine. Evidently Michele Bachmann’s opposition to Gardasil makes her a liberal.
I like the way “use cool as a weapons” sounds.
Note that noted liberal hippie Donald Trump has jumped on the anti-vaccine bandwagon:
Donald Trump Anti Vaccer
If they carry that far enough, we can end up like the Ikarrans from Babylon 5:
Thank Bob no government on Earth could ever be run by a “coalition of religious fanatics and military extremists” who base their decisions “on ideology rather than” science, amirite?
Because the company (lawfully) deducted the stock options it issues to Facebook employees, many of them now deliriously wealthy because of those options. If Exxon or Koch Industries had managed that, someone might have noticed.
If Koch or Exxon paid their employees well enough (via stock options or otherwise), and lowered their profits until they became a fraction of what they were, they WOULD have managed that. Instead they had huge profits and still paid a tax rate lower than just about any real person.
tigris, let me sum up Gutfeld’s objections in terms much more honest than he would actually use and much more sophisticated then he could actually mean:
“It’s called the Free Market. Why do you hate capitalism? Go peddle your weirdo Commie America-hating papers to the Red Russians, you America-hating Commie weirdo.”
The fact is, why is everything liberals consider funny and interesting and “ironioc” actually hateful, racsist and class warfare? Its not funny to Real Americans because you are attacking The Heartland, where there are no Obama fans or fags.
FYI – Never ever read the comments on MSN.
Here’s a choice mango from Consumer Reports 2014 American car picks. Mind you I don’t put much stock in CR when it comes to cars but jeez people!
Consumer Reports
Here’s another one:
Hank D from Texas weighs in. Me thinks he’s overcompensating a wee bit.
And finally:
This would make a fine explanatory footnote to any Koch-funded study claiming to demonstrate a conclusion based on quantitative evidence.
(The researchers added that this was a conservative estimate.)
To sum it up:
Fail at the cool,
Rail at the cool.
The only possible reason my hacktacular rip-off show bought for me by wingnut welfare trying to ape the success of The Daily Show without a single understanding of its appeal failed is because of a vast conspiracy of PBR-drinking, truck hat-wearing, ironic racism-spewing hipsters working overtime to personally destroy me and other conservatives.
Conversely, there was an article recently warning of the devastating appeal Rand Paul would have to the young, because… he uses pop culture references. (Pink Floyd, specifically). Right Wing Daily Show attempt sounds like the same formula.
It always impresses me when they think that an entire demographic is that fucking stupid that they can actually flip it if only they appeal to a few of the right totems – because it’s not possible, it’s just not possible, that these demographics could be turned off from the GOP because of anything other than some kind of cultural brainwashing.
But at the same time, it’s hard to blame them because, well – that’s how they got their current voters. Hop onto a cultural bandwagon and just keep spewing the tribal shibboleths – that’s all you’ll ever need. And it’s kept them in business for fifty years. So now, they think all they need to do is fine tune their message and find the right shibboleths that work on the other people. (Hence, “MLK was a Republican,” “Herman Cain is more authentically black than Barack Obama,” it’ll appeal to black people, because all they care about is race. Hence, “make pop culture references, because that’s all young people care about.” Etc).
The notion that not everybody’s like them, that appealing to the disenfranchised is very different from appealing to the dominant racial group, and that appealing to people based completely on cultural trends and what feels “cool” during the worst economy since the Great Depression is very different from doing it in the 1960s when the economy was at its peak… apparently just doesn’t compute.
Icons of cool like Robert Redford, Mark Zuckerberg, Jesse James and Yoko Ono get shredded in the book,
Jesse James?
That’s a Bruce Springsteen song, right? 😀
Jesse James?
Presumably he means the guy with the tattoos that builds motorcycles and not the famous outlaw.
writes Gutfeld, “the Labor Department reports that only 47% of Americans have a full-time job. That’s because it’s hard to get full-time work as a maker of artisanal tricycles.”
Yes. That’s it exactly.
But ask someone in their 80s and 90s what’s cool, Gutfeld figures, and they’d probably say something like, “Killing Nazis.”
I’ve said this before, but… the only soldiers I’ve ever met who think killing people (even Nazis) is cool are the ones who never made it into combat. The people who’ve actually had to do it may talk about it with other veterans, but rarely outside of that, and what little I’ve overheard of these conversations it’s usually a lot less “I killed a Communazi one time. It was badass” and more “so then the officer tells me to move the howitzer and I’m trying to figure out how to explain that there’s a reason for it to be where it is…”
Because try as you will, you will never be able to hide the knee-jerk authoritarianism and reflexive terror at anything new or even remotely associated with the creative, innovative, or young.
Authoritarianism = bingo.
Love it or hate it (good God, there’s never any trouble finding something to hate), the one thing about pop culture is that it’s something that emerges organically. It’s not something you can manufacture and/or channel into only the direction you want to repeat only the messages you want heard. (Which, of course, is why it’s so terrifying if you’re a control freak, which they are).
Presumably he means the guy with the tattoos that builds motorcycles and not the famous outlaw.
Now it makes slightly
more senseless nonsense. I was wondering what the hell a nineteenth century bandit was doing in that list. At least say Dillinger and keep it within the last hundred years…Rand Paul’s really going to win the kids over with Pink Floyd references.
From Cerb’s quote:
Really? I was under the impression that that stuff is all being run by the, er, “uncool” types who “joined” the hippies for the free sex amd drugs, and found, to their bitter disappointment, that they couldn’t get any, hippie chicks having funny ideas about controlling their own bodies (mostly). In other words, anti-hippies.
You guys think you’re so cool. BUT YOU’RE NOT, K?
But ask someone in their 80s and 90s what’s cool, Gutfeld figures, and they’d probably say something like, “Killing Nazis.”
Or maybe “Social Security”….?
Or maybe “Medicare”….?
Today Flower Power types run the media, the networks, the Hollywood studios, even the Justice Department.
Wait, what about Wall Street? And Congress? And the Pentagon? And the major corporations? And the Catholic Church?
Flower Power is like Kryptonite, it renders these poor institutions powerless!
If it had been James Jesse that would’ve been way cooler.
Hands off Jesse James, libs! As a professional thief who learned his stuff while operating as a Confederate guerilla during the War Between the States, he clearly belongs in the camp of supercool GOP idols.
Well in that case, he’s clearly not a thief, but rather a constitutional militia exercising his second amendment rights.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a Pabst Blue Ribbon.
Part of me thinks it’s weird that Gutfield’s book-like-object is getting a fair amount of attention, but I don’t think he’ll sell many more copies as a result. These things are already heavily marketed to the folks who buy them, and beyond that niche virtually nobody will bite, unless something insane happens like Obama denouncing the author by name.
Gutfeld makes a valid point: “From my experience being around conservatives, it’s extremely frustrating how dismissive they are of ‘weird’ things, and that hurts them.”
Gutfeld presents himself as an observer of conservatives, but not an actual member of the tribe. He wants to be their court jester while claiming to be an objective onlooker. I guess he’s worried about the uncoolness of calling himself a conservative; it would jeopardise his ironic hipster status.
Tesla, you couldn’t give me one.
Gutfield’s book-like-object is getting a fair amount of attention
Dunno. It does not bode well for the artifact if he is already reduced to calling in favours and getting his friends to fluff it in another of Murdoch’s vanity publications.
Hiya Chris! Nice to see you back: It’s always a pleasure to read your analyses. Were you in France or sumthin?
Sorry you missed the last thread, an epic Zardoz that reached 660+. Speaking of which …..
Sadlyburg: I left the final list of ZardozFest bands in the last thread, right under Cerb’s new-thread announcement. I had so much fun. Thanx to all who contributed!
Cerb: Excellent piece! Its cuts to the bone of conservative ‘cultural ‘ identity…and concisely explains WHY their ideology–by their own definition–will never allow them to reach ‘coolness’. Mos def bookmark this post for possible inclusion in The Best of Cerberus anthology. (Let’s make that Volume 1 of the anthology. I doubt all of yer selected superfine posts will fit into a single tome.)
You dint mention The Awful Crud that layed you low. It sounded horrible; I hope it’s gone.
Never mind that companies like Exxon and Koch supply the energy without which Facebook wouldn’t work: They’re not cool.
Thanks for reminding me to go to Amazon(dot)com and downgrade the Gutfield book.
Chris: In addition to the content of your Comments, I like your style. For example, you generally don’t use ‘strong language’ in your comments. So when you DO insert ‘fuck’ or ‘shit’ or whatever, it has good punch.
Fwiw, I’ve worked hard to clean up my spoken language for many years. I got into bad habits in the 1960’s and in the Army. As a hippie, ‘fuck’ and ‘shit’ had shock value. Oh, how scandalous! In the Army it was part of the lingua franca. I squeezed strong language out of my writing easily enough; not so with my spoken language, especially when I’m angry–short fuse, alas–and not patrolling my speech.
Once again you Morons are pushing your Advertisers and not great American Cars !
Do they even have advertisers? And you know who puts a space before exclamation points? FRENCH PEOPLE that’s who.
And capitalizing nouns? CHERMANS. This guy is like a whole European Union of fail.
C’mon, you two. Let’s all be grownups today.
Volunteer Public Works: Imo, the creature’s 23:32 should remain in the thread. It seems like a reasonable observation to me; it’s not simply copypasta.
Gee, tigris. I commit those sins all the time here ! I find that a space before an exclamation point makes it easier for the eye to distinguish. Also I use a whole buncha capitalizing as part of my repertoire.
pushing your Advertisers and not great American Cars !
Great American cars need to be pushed? I suppose that saves on petrol.
I’ve smoked the sweet smoke for most of my life. But I have never seen Reefer Madness. I’m down to dust, but I’m going to set up a bowl and watch it now. Have fun y’all.
Smut: Larfed, I did.
Speaking about uncool stuff which was cooler than the cool people ever would have realized, RIP, DAT.
This is probably his most beautiful piece.
You’ll never be cool, Pennis. That’s why you’re so fun to be around. That’s why you usually leave 15 to 20 comments/day for the mods to clean up.
Face it, crazy is never cool.
Great American cars need to be pushed? I suppose that saves on petrol.
I went a month or two without a starter motor once- I’d park on hills, roll the car and pop the clutch. *Hey, presto!* I could never go out with girls from the Flatlands of Brooklyn, though.
“Coolth” is a much-underused term. If it was good enough for Seamus Heaney it’s good enough for me.
Fenwick, I don’t have a problem with either of those traits, I just find them odd in a guy pushing “America first.” The juxtaposition of the “why no AMERICAN cars, you helping foreign car makers?” and “why so many GM cars, you helping Obama?” was also eyebrow raising.
“Coolth” is a much-underused term. If it was good enough for Seamus Heaney it’s good enough for me.
But ask someone who’s a conservative what’s cool, and they’d probably say something like, “The Iraq war!”
When will the perpetrator admit that our under the bridge resident is the work of a smart but not very bright guy – couple nights under the influence of some dodgy pharmaceuticals maybe – digging his fingers into Weizenbaum’s original code to create Elizapennis?
Forsooth say the soothsayers soothingly.
The fact is, it would be really cool if we could defeat Obamaism and Liberalism both forever, and get true conservatives to rule from the right forever, then we can crush the liberal hippie dogs and sent them to the coasts to go bankrupt.
Why do we have breadth and width but not narrowth? Depth but not heighth? Science can’t explain it.
But if you’d asked someone who was a conservative in the 1930’s what was cool, they’d probably have said something like, “The Nazis!”
From “The Seasonings”, by P.D.Q. Bach.
You’re not a comic book nerd, Pennis, that’s why you have no idea who James Jesse is.
Sucking up to the mods won’t keep them from deleting your comments, Pennis, but try it anyway.
Face it, crazy is never cool.
But sometimes, even often, cool is crazy. (I was thinking of Hunter S Thompson here and wondering if he was crazy-but-cool or cool-but-crazy. Or maybe he was… just Hunter.)
Why do we have breadth and width but not narrowth? Depth but not heighth? Science can’t explain it.
Teach the controversy!
This is probably his most beautiful piece.
“Once again you Morons are pushing your Advertisers and not great American Cars !”
B… but Consumer Reports doesn’t have advertisers… did I miss a change in the way they’ve operated since the 1930s?
(Cerberus, another masterful piece. Thank you so much for your eloquent defense of humanism and compassion; it’s been a serious comfort to me that you are able to speak your mind somewhere where I can hear you do so.)
Forsooth say the soothsayers soothingly.
Golf clap. Plus archaic language is such a blast, isn’t it?
Fenwick, there’s a whole archive– “Tramp” was able to portray the private lives of “monsters” in a very sympathetic light. Eskov’s The Last Ringbearer mines some of the same territory.
The “Wormy” archive would be perfect reading for you while you’re smoking up.
BBBB: Tanks! (Mostly T-34/85’s)
We saw The Grand Budapest Hotel today.
Very good movie but quite a bit darker than I expected.
From the wiki on “GBH”- Located in the fictional Republic of Zubrowka, a European alpine state ravaged by war and poverty, he discovers that the remote, mountainside hotel has fallen on hard times
Funny to see a shout-out to my favorite vodka. A friend’s dad, at one time the head of the Slavic languages department at NYU, got us all hooked on the stuff, then told us that it was illegal to sell in the U.S. Every time I went to Europe, I’d bring home a bottle of a local booze (e.g. grappa in Italy, genever in the Netherlands) and a bottle of Zubrowka. It’s legal to import to the states now.
The missus and I loved GBH, Major. We’d see it again tomorrow.
Thumbs up for the Bratmobile reference. Now, back to reading the post.
Crazy can too be cool. Echoing here, but good gawd y’all.
Just like fun drunks and mean drunks, there’s fun crazy, and then there’s mean crazy, CRA…
I don’t think I’ve ever had a Pabst Blue Ribbon.
In defense of Gutfeld and Red Eye, Patti Ann Browne is all that and so much moar.
In defense of Gutfeld and Red Eye, Patti Ann Browne is all that and so much moar.
Is she still on the show?
What’s even worse is about half of the arguments in the article were worse than the ones in the book. Kyle Smith is the one that went on the tirade about plastic bags, it’s not a quote from the book.
Which sorta makes me want to buy the book, but the review sucked.
Just like fun drunks and mean drunks, there’s fun crazy, and then there’s mean crazy.
That’s a great line for a screenplay. I imagined Lee Marvin delivering it.
Screenwriting is on my mind tonight. I had a goofy premise for a movie while watching Reefer Madness for the first time. I’ll pitch it to you in rough draft form…….
Do a remake of Reefer Madness as a comedic update reversing the plot: The stoners are the Good Guys and behave like real stoners (and not merely the Hollywood parody.) And the forces of Righteousness–the heroic protagonists of 1936–are depicted as the authoritarian, uninformed, paranoic, blustering, controlling assholes they really were and are. (Keep as much of their original dialogue as possible.)
The remake is mounted as a 1930’s costume piece, mimicing the costumes, sets, cars, furniture, props, and jargon that appear in Reefer Madness. That might appeal to actors …. as well as film’s political POV.
Under the laughter, the film has topicality during the legalization struggle: That alone will draw some audience. It is intended to ridicule and undermine anti-pot fossils by using humor to explode their bogus assertions and stereotypes. Laughter is also a way of winning over the ‘undecideds’ audience.
What’s even worse is about half of the arguments in the article were worse than the ones in the book
Ah, so Gutfeld asked his mate Smith to pimp his book, and Smith used it as a hobby-horse for
boilerplate conservative resentmentshis own concerns and made it sound even stupider than it actually is? That’s what friends are for.But ask someone in their 80s and 90s what’s cool
I had family friends of that general vintage. Arthur spent his formative years driving Spitfires over the English Channel, while Margaret had been a Bletchley Park girl. They were quite adamant about not being nostalgic for the early 1940s.
Frances Kelsey — 100th birthday coming up in July — reports that what’s cool is having e-mail.
Fox News is always a source of much hilarity. Thanks for the link.
Is she still on the show?
I don’t actually watch it, but stalking PAB’s twitter indicates that she was on fairly recently.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a Pabst Blue Ribbon.
It’s useful for stripping paint or removing grease from an engine block.
Speaking of watching FOX News,
DA mocks the troll, and it thinks he does it out of love.
Kinda funny, if your idea of “funny” is “deluded” and “pathetic”.
Some might even call it “textbook narcissism”…
Which sorta makes me want to buy the book, but the review sucked.
I’m guessing the book is on offer somewhere as a premium for subscribing to a conservative website. Bulk purchases of right-wing books by operations like Newsmax are one of the reasons that these books invariably become bestsellers. Alternatively, you will probably be able to pick up a copy at a library sale or yard sale at a low, low price in the near future.
how does a textbook fall in love with itself?
Hmmm… I can’t remember the exact words, but it was kind of comparison between your postings and monkeys flying out of his anus…
I can’t remember the exact words, but it was kind of comparison between your postings and monkeys flying out of his anus…
Anal Dwelling Butt Monkey
That poor monkey is just a pawn in Bruce’s game.
Jury Rejects Insanity Defense in ’08 Killing of Manhattan Therapist
you stick around here to make sure you don’t miss [my droppings] before they do get deleted
Once again, that’s pretty funny if your idea of humour is “pathetic” and “deluded”.
I mean, I live in Northern California, so I have special reason to be frustrated with hipsters. In cities like San Francisco,
Oh please. All the most annoying hipsters abandoned SF long ago. They’re all in Portland now. I’ll give you a tip we figured out here in hipster central: it’s okay to hate them as long as you do it ironically.
You know what’s REALLY cool? Mega-corporations paying zero tax!
can’t compare to how cool it is to obsessively and continually post repetitive, offensive and unwanted comments to a website where you hate everyone and your comments are deleted within minutes.
Total Conservative Cool.
That doesn’t sound very cool.
This, however, is cool.
“For me, if he had said Satan told him to do this, it would have been a different story.”
So a claim to be following the instructions of an imaginary Basement Cat would be proof of insanity, whereas killing someone according to instructions from imaginary Ceiling Cat is a sign of sanity?
I suppose people have been doing that for the last 2000 years, so at least there are precedents.
This, however, is cool.
Ah, the Athens scene band that was just too outré for mainstream success. They were pretty much Georgia’s answer to Sonic Youth.
“For me, if he had said Satan told him to do this, it would have been a different story.”
Don’t you know there ain’t no devil? Just God when he’s drunk.
So a claim to be following the instructions of an imaginary Basement Cat
Whattaya mean, ‘imaginary’?
Pylon references are always cool, but ACTUAL cool, not Gutfield cool.
BBBB will be disappointed when I reveal that I have never seen Pylon play live.
BBBB will be disappointed when I reveal that I have never seen Pylon play live.
I’ll give you a pass- the band was too short-lived and the geographic distance was too great.
I preferred Porn Orchard. Or Damage Report.
Good News, everyone:
Wingnut Big money fascists are looking to run the next Bush in line: JEB!
I think we need a prediction to bookmark, libs.
I preferred Porn Orchard. Or Damage Report.
Googling “Porn Orchard” at work is problematic, but Youtube served up the goods. Never heard of these guys… thanks, tig!
Wingnut Big money fascists are looking to run the next Bush in line: JEB!
Tie Dubya around his neck like an albatross and sink him.
the rich fucks are truly disconnected, and don’t have a clue how toxic the Bush name has gotten.
Not to mention Cheney; his audience of students just walked out on his speech, calling him a War criminal.
Tie Dubya around his neck like an albatross and sink him.
You appear to have confused albatrosses with anchors or millstones. It is an easy mistake to make, due to the similarity of shape.
BBBB mixes metaphors like other artists mix paints!
the rich fucks are truly disconnected, and don’t have a clue how toxic the Bush name has gotten.
I hope Sheldon Adelson can fuck up the 2016 primary as badly as he fucked up the 2012 one. GO NEWT!!!
You appear to have confused albatrosses with anchors or millstones. It is an easy mistake to make, due to the similarity of shape.
They also make an equally good stock if boiled.
I preferred Porn Orchard. Or Damage Report.
They must be cool.
I posted a link to a Porn Orchard video.
There must be a lot of hipsters in America if 47% of America unemployed or underemployed just because work isn’t hip. Aren’t hipsters all supposed to have trust funds?
BBBB mixes metaphors like other artists mix paints!
Exactly. There’s nothing wrong with mixed metaphors as long as they are mixed well. Also, with apologies to Will Rodgers, I never meta phor I didn’t like.
“Buy phor. They ain’t making any more of the stuff.”
+1 for the reference to a Coleridge poem.
That’s what I like about our current troll, he’ll jump to the defense of a fellow sociopath faster than Cherenkov radiation.
Uh, Pennis, zombie is not our current troll, you are. If you’re going to pretend not to understand basic reality, please be consistent about it and burn your hands and mouth trying to eat flaming dogshit.
And oddly, I am not shamed. Dick Cheney IS a war criminal. One person, four thousand, or the millions who protested the reprehensible Iraq war; being right is a perfectly valid defense.
Heh. There was a troll at The Political Environment who liked to call everyone else a liar too. Must be a wingnut knee-jerk reaction. Eventually that troll was also unable to resist being horrible and offensive, and he, too had his comments deleted. Also had his nym removed.
I am now legally obligated to link to this diagram, illustrating the non-sinkage properties of albatrosses. ZRM knows why.
BBBB mixes metaphors like other artists mix paints!
Bill Burroughs used to mix paints with a shotgun. This would certainly explain BBBB’s results.
I am now legally obligated to link to this diagram, illustrating the non-sinkage properties of albatrosses. ZRM knows why.
Rule 34! That albatross does look kinda pleased at what the mariner’s doing to it.
Dig it, Youthful Persons! This is almost as cool as the Collected Works of Ludwig von Mises, with prefaces by Murray Rothbard.
It is well known that Iggy, like all truly cool people, is a conservative.
Wingnut Big money fascists are looking to run the next Bush in line: JEB!
I can only hope that the Bush name is politically toxic for a few more years.
Porn orchard? As if wood grew on trees.
The fact is, all the swingin’ cats are hep to the conservative message.
Also F.M.U.S.A., T. Bagger.
I can only hope that the Bush name is politically toxic for a few more years.
Well, we can certainly do our part to make sure it is!
Of course, the conservatives will have NO idea what we are talking about, since they seem to think we went directly from Clinton to Obama. GWB has been properly memory-holed.
Considering how absent I am, I probably shouldn’t ‘to say bupkes – but I miss McGravitas.
McGravitas is always with us. We should always strive for Substance.
I am glad that Righteous Bubba character is gone, though.
Long week of job-hunting ahead? Student loan collectors bugging you? Enjoy some more right-wing gold. And now for a dedication…
And this one goes out to my man Fife. Remember, keep that box locked…
freaky deaky videos are conservative. The freakier, the more conservative. Greggers is sure of it.
The lack of bipartisanship on this blog is distressing. Can’t we all just cool out and be beautiful? I blame that fascist Obama.
That is supposed to be insulting? It’s just stupid and childish. If you haven’t noticed, acceptance of homosexuals has become the mainstream position.
The lack of bipartisanship on this blog is distressing.
I KNOW. we need to have more than one party. Two parties would be great. I like parties.
If we have freaky parties, perhaps we can get more conservatives who think we are cool.
In the spirit of bipartisan compromise with the Tea Party, I propose that the name of this blog be changed to Gay People and Women Who Have Sex Are Bad. What, you will not compromise me with me?! That’s typical liberal “tolerance” for you.
Tea Party – “Can I burn down your house?”
“Can I just burn the second floor of your house?”
“How about I just burn down your garage?”
“Why aren’t you willing to compromise?!!!”
Gig in 13 days. Rehearsal today was sick after we warmed up. The drummer and l are getting locked in, approaching “tight as the bark on a log” terratory.
Two more rehearsals and we will smoke the house.
I am glad that I heard the headlining act a month ago, as they scared me a bit. Callouses are back, the trips out to WallHolla have been intrimental in the recovery of a simulacrum of chops, bout three to six months before I am really in shape.
Im stoked.
The Final Solution to the hipster Nazi problem is coming and when it does, remember, YOU MADE US DO IT.
Now, back to our regularly scheduled programming.
The Tea Party isn’t dead- just wait until Rand Paul’s milkshake brings all the millennials to the yard.
Gig in 13 days. Rehearsal today was sick after we warmed up. The drummer and l are getting locked in, approaching “tight as the bark on a log” terratory.
Good to hear that you’ll tear the roof off. Do you have a videographer?
I love it when you talk dirty, Provider.
I’m too lazy to Google this…does this guy have some sort of link to “The Half Hour News Hour,” that pathetic Fox attempt to counter “The Daily Show”?
Nope, but Dennis Miller was a part of that noble, if doomed, effort to show that conservatives can demonstrate a sense of humor.
I’m too lazy to Google this…does this guy have some sort of link to “The Half Hour News Hour,” that pathetic Fox attempt to counter “The Daily Show”?
It’s probably been scrubbed from the internet, and anyone involved with it emigrated to Paraguay.
The Final Solution
I am surprised this didn’t lead to a Pere Ubu song.
It’s probably been scrubbed from the internet, and anyone involved with it emigrated to Paraguay.
Wrong again, libs! You can enjoy a taste of The 1/2 Hour News Hour here. Because mocking social and economic weakness = comedy gold.
Because mocking social and economic weakness = comedy gold.
And it’s cool.
But not like bow ties are cool.
Or fezzes.
I am surprised this didn’t lead to a Pere Ubu song.
Yeah, it would have made a great intro to Non-Alignment Pact… what are you looking at?
How could “Final Solution” lead to a Pere Ubu song? Don’t be absurd. King Ubu is, however, the kind of leader America deserves.
Come to think of it, in wreaking mayhem in eastern European countries and stealing all the phynance, you know who Ubu reminds me of? Putin, that’s who! (swoon).
How could “Final Solution” lead to a Pere Ubu song?
I just don’t approve of your strange kind of wit.
Well, you know, girls don’t like me because I’m an uptight right-wing blogger, er, they’re all sluts, yeah, that’s it, because they’re sluts and can’t appreciate me.
that pathetic Fox attempt to counter “The Daily Show”?
Oddly enough, “Red Eye” — Gutfeld’s contribution to cutting edge Fox humour — also aimed to counter TDS.
— on other words, the people Gutfeld is now writing about as the absolute scum of the earth.
Well, you know, girls don’t like me because I’m an uptight right-wing blogger
Put succinctly, misdirection.
– on other words, the people Gutfeld is now writing about as the absolute scum of the earth.
Some people just can’t handle rejection.
Holy cats, I just found a video of Living Colour doing a cover of Final Solution. I never knew this existed until now.
the absolute scum of the earth
Assuming that obvious contempt for a particular demographic group is some kind of impediment to winning over that group is totally 11/12 thinking. Just look at the way we conservatives have managed to scoop up the votes of women, non-white persons, and sodomites. We’ll pry those stoned slackers out of Jon Stewart’s liberal tentacles yet!
Holy cats, I just found a video of Living Colour doing a cover of Final Solution.
I lurve Living Colour, and have (of course) seen them several times. I canNOT imagine their cover of Final Solution does anything other than rock your face off.
TANX for that.
Well, you know, girls don’t like me because I’m an uptight right-wing blogger
Halfway between Poe and satire?
Not a good place to be…
Defending freedom on the internet isn’t for sissies. But the hour grows late. Let’s relax with a little right-wing gold, shall we, as we get ready for another week in the New Depression…
Let’s relax with a little right-wing gold, shall we, as we get ready for another week in the New Depression…
Don’t be silly. DEVO is totally cool and conservative.
DEVO is totally cool and conservative.
My point exactly.
T-Bagger Johnson is making sense.
“Did you just throw my cat out the window?”
I dunno if anyone else is reading the Coates-Chait dust-up, it is pretty entertaining.
Here’s a really kool young GOPer… Check him out!
Jon Stewart’s liberal tentacle
Here’s a really kool young GOPer…
Did the bowl slip when he got that haircut?
I don’t think White Supremacist Troll is the same as our usual suspect unless he’s moved to a different location.
So people in their 80s and 90s think Nazi killing was cool and presumably eschew all namby-pamby liberalism? OK let’s go to my grandmother.
1. Lifelong Midwest Republican (so no silly unionism or New Deal liberalism here)
2. Had to fight her parents to go to college (to be a nurse during World War II!)
3. Her favorite singer in 1940 was (wait for it, it’s a good one)…Sammy Davis Jr.!
OK, it was before he converted to Judaism or married a Swede, but I’m pretty sure he was a still a swinging black guy.
4. Once referred to pro-lifers as “dirty old men.”
Guttfield, you don’t know jack. And you’ve been out-cooled by a 90-year woman with dementia.
Shorter RW loons: “We preach that the market has the solution for anything, but clearly the market’s utter rejection of our terrible ideas and worse jokes is because of a vast conspiracy and not because our ideas and jokes are horrible!”
See also: soliciting donations to make sequels for the Ayn Rand movie after nobody bought tickets the first time.
Here’s a really kool young GOPer…
So Zoolander got into politics now.
If “alternative medicine” worked, it would be called “medicine.”
Homeopathic remedies contaminated with REAL medicine get recalled
If “alternative medicine” worked, it would be called “medicine.”
If people didn’t get those government forced vaccinations, maybe they wouldn’t have those allergic reactions to penicillin. It’s all part of a larger conspiracy, see?
Poseidon 1 Jahweh 0,0,2458234.story
The drummer and l are getting locked in. …. Callouses are back
Rock on.
Holy cats, I just found a video of Living Colour doing a cover of Final Solution.
Thanks, that was awesome. The Rock, was strong with them.
B^4, will try to get that covered and will share unless horrible.
ZRM, nice to see you. Been lurking quite a bit lately and have enjoyed reading you.
Fenwick, as always a pleasure to see and be seen.
Suezboo, condolences and good will are traveling through the ether in your direction.
Belgian Skeptics Commit Mass Suicide
A good book on patent medicines and homeopathy is the Toadstool Millionaires.
Hark, the herald Angels sing
Beechams’ Pills are just the thing
Peace on Earth and mercy mild
Two for the man and one for the child.
histrogeek said,
March 31, 2014 at 16:24
does your grandma know how to use a computer…i think she would fit in well here…
Poseidon 1 Jahweh 0
whoa…if that’s not flat-out jesus does’t want you i don’t know what is!
Thanks, Fenwick! Yes, a precision F-strike every now and then does help, but I can imagine being in the military would make it deja vu very quickly.
No, wasn’t in France. Just busy w/ stuff. I occasionally drop off this blog for a little bit, but I always come back.
Speaking of posters who haven’t been around, though, I’d been meaning to ask: anyone know whatever happened to actor212 and T&U? Actor’s blog is still as busy as it ever was, so I assume he just dropped out, but T&U’s, last I checked, hasn’t had a post in two years. Nothing bad happened there… right?
we need to have more than one party. Two parties would be great. I like parties.
“Let’s have two parties. The Democrats, and a left-wing party.”
Whoever coined that phrase deserves a medal of some kind.
anyone know whatever happened to actor212
He terms himself, in 2011, as “Troll-proclaimed leader of Sadly, No!”. I’d follow up on this lead, but I’m on a tight deadline.
My dream bill: Jason Wisneski together with these gnarly dudes.
OK, so why aren’t conservatives cool?
because you say things like this:
but a recent survey of 350 college students discovered that “social consciousness,” i.e., daft activities like collecting signatures on petitions for Greenpeace, was among the accepted cool traits.
also, every time you say the word ‘cool’ we can hear the bunny ears…and you way over-use it…also, too…nobody thinks hipsters are cool…except for other hipsters…and then it’s only admitted to oneself ironically…
The problem with “cool” is that it’s as subjective as judging a modern art piece. It might be just paint splattered all over a canvas, or it might deplore the struggle of modern man against…um…whatever, it’s just cool, k?
The thing about Guttfield is that he’s a stupid asshole who really thinks he just came up with a fresh new idea and BOY ARE YOU LIBZ IN TROUBLE. Cracked the code, so to speak. The problem with his entire thesis is that he stole it from every other cranky old white guy who thinks these kids with all their cool and their phones with no wires are nothing but a big headache and are surely going to destroy society.
anyone know whatever happened to actor212
he mostly hangs at Whiskey Fire and LGM nowadays.
Cool is the condition of not being cool, while you observe this truth wryly at a safe distance. But you still wouldn’t be cool if you worried about being cool. Which is cool.
? Is Captain Cold also cool?
but T&U’s, last I checked, hasn’t had a post in two years. Nothing bad happened there… right?
You might be able to find out how she’s doing by checking some of the Missouri progressive sites. I’ve posted a couple of “phone home, we’re worried” comments at her blog, but with no response.
Alternately, she posted a couple of times at A212’s place- he might have contact info for her.
I have a hard time equating the title Honk if You Want Peace with the description of hauntingly epic. It also sounds like a rather hippie pacifist title that should not be on the same album as the righteous, patriotic, gun-lovin’ Right to Bear.
Grifter’s gotta rock
Also, looking at the bands bio page, apparently the band consists of a lead singer and a drummer.
Comment left for Youtube video of “Right to Bear”, which is as bad as I imagined it would be.
this should appeal to people who like Nickleback’s sound but want something even stupider.?
apparently the band consists of a lead singer and a drummer
It’s a perfect antidote to the failed, statist rock of the past.
but T&U’s, last I checked, hasn’t had a post in two years. Nothing bad happened there… right?
I can see her on social media, she’s doing just fine.
She probably just didn’t appreciate that tsam guy’s sexist and neirhwoatian eliminationist otherness comments.
I can see her on social media, she’s doing just fine.
That’s a relief- does T&U now stand for “tweeting and upvoting”?
I wish there were an antidote for Ted Nugent, but sadly, no.
It’s a huge surprise that somebody who calls themselves Truculent and Unreliable would be truculently unreliable in visiting us here.
Grifter’s gotta rock
whoa…here’s a part of an interview lead man dave bray ‘graciously’ took time out of his ‘frenzied’ schedule for:
yes, lyrics like that ARE indeed goosebump inducing…
I can see her on social media, she’s doing just fine.
how come you can see her?!?! i wanna see her! also, too…you are probably right about that tsam guy…
a perfect antidote to the failed, statist rock of the past.
It’s a huge surprise that somebody who calls themselves Truculent and Unreliable would be truculently unreliable in visiting us here.
yes, lyrics like that ARE indeed goosebump inducing…
That’s dry heaving. Goose bumps are when your skin gets all bumpy.
That’s a relief- does T&U now stand for “tweeting and upvoting”?
Man, they sure do love their Reagan worship. Give them a fake war hero and they’ll take him over a real war hero every time.
Why is tsam supporting statist, collectivist rock?
Because tsam is an unashamed socialist who will fight you.
Give them a fake war hero and they’ll take him over a real war hero every time.
Every war hero I’ve ever seen interviewed was careful to say that he was no hero–that the real heroes made the choice to end their lives to save the lives of others. If we could communicate with those guys, they’d probably decline the mantle of hero as well.
It’s been quite a while. Someone probably needs to remind her to vote.
No, that’s not it, either. What do you call “wanting to scream and throw things” because
Doesn’t reflect any known reality*?
*We’re talking Real Life™, not that manufactured stuff.
I will say, in tsam’s defense, that he’s totally not the childish type who would increase a behavior after being told it’s off limits just be a petulant brat.
boo…and ugh…
Give them a fake war hero and they’ll take him over a real war hero every time.
You know, that was actually the earliest thing (that I can recall) that made my then-teenage self look at the two parties and go “ya know, these ‘Republican’ characters seem to be full of shit.”
All that gushing about the troops… and then looking at Chambliss vs. Cleland, Bush vs. Kerry, and how perfectly happy they were to spit on “the troops” as soon as you gave them one who didn’t fit the G. I. Joe image. Combined with the hero-worship of phonies who, when they had a chance to make a difference, used their connections to run away from it instead.
how is it possible to be in a blizzard warning and a tornado watch in the SAME DAY?
Also, thanks for all the responses re Actor and T&U.
::shakes fist at Tsam for scaring people off::
::shakes fist at Tsam for scaring people off::
watch out…tsam will cut a bitch…even if they ain’t a bitch…
I spent part of my college years “In the Days that Reagan Ruled,” which is the title of one of your songs. The lyrics include the following: “When he met with Gorbachev he stood firm and proud / Not like other men who would have knelt down and bowed / He was the Gipper, he had the knack / He took a bullet and he still came back.”
Knowing that artists have different creative processes, I have to wonder how these lyrics came about. Did he shit them out all at once, fully-formed? Did he have to carefully polish them into their final shape? All I may ever know is that they’re really, really shitty. Also shallow. I haven’t heard the accompanying melody, but I have a feeling it’s not a redeeming feature. Irving Fucking Berlin couldn’t make those lines soar.
And: I’d be real sad if Obama got shot, but then maybe conservatives would shut up about how cool it was that time when Reagan got shot and didn’t die. That’s ol’ Dutch for you! The Gipper wouldn’t die from a non-fatal wound, unlike some people.
They talk a big game about the troops, but they sure didn’t show an ounce deference to Kerry or Kennedy. Hagel will be the next one thrown under the bus, if he hasn’t been already.
Did he shit them out all at once, fully-formed? Did he have to carefully polish them into their final shape?
I’m guessing he remodeled post 9/11 country songs for some, and stole the rest from teabagger candidate websites.
::shakes fist at Tsam for scaring people off::
I know I didn’t play a role in chasing off T&U or actor212. The last I remember of actor, he was involved in a pretty heated argument, but I don’t think that’s why he left. Last I heard, the IP was blocked at his employer.
I don’t think I’ve chased anyone off–except maybe one or two random concern trolls who thought my humor was too much and addressed it with me in a way that pissed me off.
Last one, went something like
[quoted my bad word]
“Nice. Go fuck yourself”
used their connections to run away from it instead.
Or shit their pants to get out of active service–TED NUGENT.
“In the Days that Reagan Ruled,”
Lyricist should really be honest with himself and change it to “reigned”, if he’s going to be all monarchic.
And: I’d be real sad if Obama got shot, but then maybe conservatives would shut up about how cool it was that time when Reagan got shot and didn’t die. That’s ol’ Dutch for you! The Gipper wouldn’t die from a non-fatal wound, unlike some people.
That commie bastard, saved by government healthcare. He should have thrown himself on the mercy of United Healthcare. Probably would have had that nice big house foreclosed on.
It’s been quite a while. Someone probably needs to remind her to vote.
D-KW took care of that back in November 2012. I bookmarked it.
“In the Days that Reagan Ruled,”
Lyricist should really be honest with himself and change it to “reigned”, if he’s going to be all monarchic.
Nah, whoever transcribed the lyrics misheard and dropped the initial ‘D’.
The last I remember of actor, he was involved in a pretty heated argument
Imo, actor was hypersensitive and hypercombative. Sharp as a whiplash but unpleasant as hell. I tangled with him twice. Both times he accused me of being a liar. I don’t miss him at all.
Just kidding, tsam.
I don’t think I’ve chased anyone off–except maybe one or two random concern trolls who thought my humor was too much and addressed it with me in a way that pissed me off.
I remember one of the trolls! He was shocked–SHOCKED, I tell you–that you employed the C-word in fencing with him. And when you (non-seriously) said you were going to cut his throat, it was hypocrisy–HYPOCRISY, I tell you–because Libs are all kumbaya peaceniks all of the time. He knew we all think alike and march in lockstep on all the issues.
By the way, have you all gotten the double-secret April marching orders from Liberal Cabal headquarters?
I met actor for a beer once. Nice enough fellow, though his decision to drink Red Stripe bottles when they were Six Point draughts available made me question his judgment somewhat.
For the record, I never drink bottled beer if there are decent beers on tap. If the choice is between decent bottled beer and Bud on tap, I’ll drink whiskey.
how is it possible to be in a blizzard warning and a tornado watch in the SAME DAY?
Climate change, what is it? (I’ve never heard of the combination, but I can imagine it: blizzards require high winds. Tornados require high winds.)
Did you and hubbkf have a splendid time together? Where did you go? Was shaving your legs worth it?
Part of me hopes to gawd that in the Nugent quote above, “buttered poop” is a typo for “buttered popcorn.” On the other hand, I hope that Nugent ate buttered poop.
I met actor for a beer once. Nice enough fellow
Perhaps it’s the difference between a person in meatspace and a person in cyberspace. Plus you always look for the good in people, you Big Bald Nice Person.
I don’t remember any commentators with the nym you idiot.
Thanks, Fenwick! Hey, did you read any of that “Wormy” archive? I figured it would be perfect post-smoking material.
Some guy from NOTL
Sheesh. Is this yet another creature or–as I suspect–drool from under the bridge?
NOTL. Hmmm. Goggled it and found lots of stuff about Niagra-on-the-Lake in Ontario. Perhaps I’ll cogitate and work out an expansion for the acronym….
Got it bookmarked. The artwork was stunning.
If the choice is
between decent bottledbeerand Bud on tap, I’ll drink whiskey.Fixxxed.
I can’t believe Nugent readily admits that. He’s a bigger coward than those “wussy” hippies who publically declared they wouldn’t go to war and risked jail.
Wowie-Zowie! The volunteers are really on-the-ball today! That was lightening-fast clean-up, friends. Out of curiosity, was ‘NOTL guy’ yet another alias of it-that-must-not-be-named?
It was troll boy, nym-stealing and possibly “doxxing” another commentor.
Imo, actor was hypersensitive and hypercombative.
I once got him to call me a dick on another website when I was scuffling with another regular.
Red Stripe may be no great shakes as a beer, but it inspired an excellent song.
Yo, I posted a bunch of iterations of “Final Solution”, starting with a 1974-ish version by Rocket from the Tombs that I’d never heard until recently and ending with Living Colour’s cover.
“Let’s have two parties. The Democrats, and a left-wing party.”
Bitter laughter in Albuquerque.
tsam is an unashamed socialist who will fight you.
Solidarity, comrade!
actor had it out with Pup one time–that one got a little nasty and personal. He got his ASS handed to him by a former commenter who is now a blogger at LGM. She was having exactly none of his bullshit in this instance. She was totally right about it too.
There IS NO LIBERAL CABAL. That’s preposterous.
actor had it out with Pup one time–that one got a little nasty and personal.
Oh, yeah- it was an argument about atheism, as I recall.
He got his ASS handed to him by a former commenter who is now a blogger at LGM. She was having exactly none of his bullshit in this instance. She was totally right about it too.
In this case, he was condescending, wasn’t he?
yeah, I remember that atheism kerfuffle. I think I had the good sense (for once!) to stay out of it.
Thanks, Fenwick! Hey, did you read any of that “Wormy” archive? I figured it would be perfect post-smoking material.
“Wormy” fucking rules. I have all the Dragon magazines that ran “Wormy,” but I didn’t realize there’s an ARCHIVE?! (Link, plz.)
Here’s the “Wormy” archive. Tramp died on March 24. There were rumors that he had been reconsidering a return to the art and gaming world.
Correction: I have PDFs of all those Dragon mags.
Never be young and dumb, if you can help it. Case in point: as a 9-19(?) year old, I collected a bunch of cool old school D&D stuff. I became ashamed of it. I thought maybe if I didn’t read that stuff, or roll up characters (I never played as an older teen) I would play guitar more, or date girls, or whatever. So I failed a wisdom check and threw it all away. After which I did not actually become super-focused on the important things in life, hehe.
Many years later I bought most of it used. I never got all the Dragon mags, tho — I am one of the few people who has the stack of CD-roms containing them all. But the mags would be better bedtime reading, that’s for sure.
I think the problem is that the collectors’ market is so insane that they drive prices of all that stuff up. Same with the comic book market.
I remember when “bronies” first appeared on the scene and the assholes were clamoring for “better merch”. Fuckers would drive up the price of kids’ toys just to satisfy a weird itch?
In this case, he was condescending, wasn’t he?
To a degree that drove one of the most agreeable people I’ve had contact of any sort with to tell him to stick it up his butthole and break the handle off, yes.
And yes, that fight with Pup was over atheism–and I had the good sense to steer clear of that one too.
In this case, he was condescending, wasn’t he?
odiously so…he could be a nasty piece of work…
Out of curiosity, was ‘NOTL guy’ yet another alias of it-that-must-not-be-named?
I’m not sure. It sounds like him but it’s a different IP address than the one he usually posts from.
If the choice isbetween decent bottledbeerand Bud on tap,I’ll drink whiskey.noooowww it’s fixed…hubbkf bought me a 2 gingers party pack this weekend…i came home with a shamefully small amount left in the bottle…i think (hope) i had help with it though no one would fess up…paradise was awesome, fenwick…we even road tripped for the first time in years…hubbkf brought along some grain belt 16 oz-ers…our new friend from oregon totes fell in love with grain belt (and honestly, who can’t? it IS the friendly beer)…and i discovered that vodka and pineapple juice actually is a good way to start off the morning…these rellies and friends will be the death of me someday, but in the meantime…PARTY ON WAYNE…
I’m not sure. It sounds like him but it’s a different IP address than the one he usually posts from.
i’m not sure it’s him either but it wouldn’t surprise me in the least bit…
feck…i see i tag-failed AGAIN…anyway, that whole sentence should be struck through othewise it’s still the same sentence…ach!
On actor:
I always sort of assumed that I was partially responsible for his decision to stop coming here. I seem to remember him taking it really personally when I started writing for the site and him getting really pissy about it with a lot of the regulars and started doing really dumb slightly passive-aggressive things. For whatever reason (prolly my ever-burning aura of pure evil), I guess my writing for the site just cheesed him off.
I can’t see how you bear any responsibility for any of that, Cerb.
For the record, I never drink bottled beer if there are decent beers on tap. If the choice is between decent bottled beer and Bud on tap, I’ll drink whiskey.
Decent bottled beer makes a good chaser for whiskey.
I can’t find the archive but as I recall it went something like
[“reasons” to believe in god]
a212: But say you’re an ignorant caveman …
Peej: Okay, you’re an ignorant caveman. Apparently.
Was that nasty?
Was that nasty?
nah…it was easy…you had to go there…
but holy shit, really dennis? you totally have this stuff bookmarked? and you claim that da is the obsessive one…oooookay…
I can’t see how you bear any responsibility for any of that, Cerb.
not responsible, but it was getting obvious that actor would have preferred himself to be chosen…
I must note that “arguments about atheism” is funny and ludicrous also too. Atheism is not a thing. Atheism is absence of belief in gods. Atheism exists as a concept only because so many people are theist. I don’t call myself aSantaClausist or aeasterbunnyist or aRussellsTeapotist. You wouldn’t either, I’m willing to bet cash money. Theism has, somehow and sadly, become the default. We’re not cavepersons anymore.
Fuck this. Go read that thread from 2010 I linked. Its much more entertaining than anything we’ve had lately. I willingly share any blame though I do have the excuse of brain rot so no fucking complaints damnit.
looks like I did participate a bit, although I kept out of the central rumble.
The Tsar would be horrified if he knew what was being done in his name. Just like Seb, who I miss.
I hope esteev is doing okay- if I recall correctly, he was a twenty-something guy from Long Island who was having some difficulty finding work. He had a short-lived blog for a while.
Oh, fucksake, not this ancient wingnut shibboleth again. Those million Africans Rachel Carson personally murdered? Never. Fucking. Happened. Use of DDT wasn’t banned in Africa. They kept using it when the US banned it’s use. In fact, they used it so much and so indiscriminately that the mosquitoes evolved a resistance to it. The US banning the domestic use of DDT dot not cost a single African life because, and I realize this might be a difficult concept to grasp AFRICA IS NOT IN THE UNITED STATES.
DDT-ban myth bingo.
DDT – It’s not just for breakfast any more.
Oh yeah? Then how do you explain that Kenyan Preznit you got!
Geography is not very strong in the wingnut tribes. Recall that when they mock global warming because it was cold this past winter, somehow they manage to ignore the ‘global’ part of that when completely glossing over the extreme heat events in South America or Australia.
I think it’s why they tend not to travel out of the country; they appear to think all of these places are mythical, and the US is the entirety of their world.
Before we accept that as a given, did the neo cons who wrote PNAC have anything in there about annexing it?
And the main reason why the DDT ban was necessary in the United States was that it was used in massively in agriculture rather than for mosquito control. More run-off, more in the food chain, more damage.
But hey it’s not like bald eagles are important to anyone. There just really big pigeons.
But hey it’s not like bald eagles are important to anyone. There just really big pigeons.
And brown pelicans are just the moochers of the avian kingdom.
Before we accept that as a given, did the neo cons who wrote PNAC have anything in there about annexing it?
No oil.
They might have had fun bombing the bejabbers out of it, though.
jeez, would you two just hook up and fuck each other already? This isn’t TrollMingle.
So BP is drilling in the Congo for fun?
DDT – It’s not just for breakfast any more.
I think I could point to one or two people who seem to eat it for breakfast, lunch AND dinner.
So BP is drilling in the Congo for fun?
Although I wouldn’t put it past them to just be doing it because they hate to leave a portion of the planet unsoiled.
Snark at its best.
Back when the tsunami hit Indonesia and south/southeast Asia, I was surfing the dial when I happened to catch a right-wing radio bloviator screaming that liberals were complicit in the deaths of millions of tsunami survivors, and it dawned on me that the fucker was going to come out in favor of DDT. It was funny, in a horrific sort of way- what kind of monstrousness does one have to harbor to use the victims of a natural disaster to smear environmentalism?
I don’t know why right-wing assholes fetishize bald eagles when they pine for the poison that nearly drove them to extinction.
Lots of oil in Africa. Nigeria for example is an OPEC member. About 40% of Nigeria:s oil production goes to the US.
But hey it’s not like bald eagles are important to anyone
I hear they taste a lot like Whooping Crane.
Comic book super villains scoff at the casual pointless cruelty and wanton destructiveness of hydrocarbon energy companies as being a cartoonish caricature of evil.
China is grabbing a fuckton of land in Africa, much of it for farming. They are a lot more involved there than the U.S. is now.
Comic book super villains scoff at the casual pointless cruelty and wanton destructiveness of hydrocarbon energy companies as being a cartoonish caricature of evil.
I think I saw Esteev at actor’s blog a while back.
Tintin<Carl doesn't have comments so I didn't hang around and haven't been back.I think Rob Nyswonger did a much better job of chronicling the Reagan era in song, The Great Communicator:
I cut a noble figure, had a knack for sports
A figurehead was needed who looked good on a horse
Substance takes a back seat when image can be sold
I breezed through the audition to land my biggest role
But Mommy, I really can’t recall
Did I crush the evil empire by showing off my sword?
Believe me, I always tried my best
I’m the Great Communicator
But I missed my nap, I sure could use some rest
Memos flying everywhere, meetings without end
The microphone relaxed me, the camera was my friend
Producers & directors were whispering in my ear
The scripts were mostly boring, but at least my role was clear
But Mommy, my memory is blank
There was something ‘bout the Contras needing cash for guns and tanks
Believe me, I always tried my best
I’m the Great Communicator
But I missed my nap, I sure could use some rest
I’ll rise to the defense of Mom and flag and apple pie
I’ll build of a web of satellites & lasers in the sky
But Mommy…
It was funny, in a horrific sort of way- what kind of monstrousness does one have to harbor to use the victims of a natural disaster to smear environmentalism?
Smearing environmentalists using natural disasters is a growth industry, but I suppose it’s carbon neutral.
DDT = Die, Defecation-breath Troll!
@ Cerb; You made him cry. Bad Cerb.
I hope esteev is doing okay- if I recall correctly, he was a twenty-something guy from Long Island who was having some difficulty finding work. He had a short-lived blog for a while.
GOD THAT DUDE WAS FUNNY! Wasn’t that Spaghetti Lee? I remember him being a 20-something that was exceptionally bright and sounded wise well beyond his years.
I must have impeccable timing. I miss all the troll action around here. If people didn’t keep mentioning him, I would have assumed Dennis fucked off and died months ago.
In other words, good work, cleanup crew!
I miss all the troll action around here
You must now change your nym to “Trollbane” and hang around here more often.
GOD THAT DUDE WAS FUNNY! Wasn’t that Spaghetti Lee? I remember him being a 20-something that was exceptionally bright and sounded wise well beyond his years.
I had the same thought last night, but I’m not sure… Spaghetti Lee comments quite a bit at Roy’s place.
Candyman Candyman Candyman
Not the same guy, tsam.
speaking of which, when was the last time Tintin posted?
and the US is the entirety of their world
well being as god gave them the us, it would seem rather rude to go see other places…
[snerk] yeah, they want to make sure they don’t anger their g*d….
Spaghetti Lee is pretty awesome, but I really miss Felonious Monk.
I remember that (which is good, since I participated). That Peej guy was cool.
That Peej guy was cool.
needs more food pron…
Yeah, I was right.
There’s a post by Esteev from a few days ago. CTL-F
didn’t turn up anything from her.I read through that old thread again to confirm that the two off them were among the more offended that we dare question their sincerely held beliefs.
More like Snowy Egret, in my opinion.
Speaking of which, where can I get some good Passenger Pigeon?
(((also band name)))
Good to know Esteev’s active. I always liked that guy.
For Fenwick, Feral Banana.
Good to know Esteev’s active. I always liked that guy.
me too…glad to know t & u is still alive and kicking as well…she made me laff…and i thought she was pretty smart…
Speaking of which, where can I get some good Passenger Pigeon?
i would not pick any up at the bus station…you never know where they’ve been…
Cool schmool pool fool.
But hey it’s not like bald eagles are important to anyone. There just really big pigeons.
Not something I want to squabble about.
Not something I want to squabble about.
Pup’s Mantra: The longer a Sadly Thread goes on, the probability it devolves into puns approaches 1.
I’m more hawkish on the subject.
Pup’s Mantra: The longer a Sadly Thread goes on, the probability it devolves into puns approaches 1.
aka Smut’s Corollary
The onset of puns will certainly bring commenters flocking to this thread.
aka Smut’s Corollary
Only if you’re upside down.
Somebody bump the internet, it’s stuck.
The onset of puns will certainly bring commenters flocking to this thread.
Aaaah, go fly a kite.
You know, when you say the word smut to yourself over and over, it gets to be an incredibly funny sounding word.
See also: beef.
Oh, that last comment was OT, by the way. I forgot to flag it as such.
And stop your damn grousing.
FYWP I do the puns around here. Posting too swiftly indeed.
ugh! bird puns are so fowl…
You’re robin those puns from other commenters, pup.
You will egret it.
Pup’s been pigeon out on bacon again.
Posting too swiftly indeed.
ha! i seagull what you did there…
My very first pun ! That took nerve.
I would take my tern, but I’n not good at puns. I’m afraid I’d look like a booby. Though I have heard that bird puns are a manly thing, they’ll put heron your chest. So if someone is willing to teach me I am eagle to learn.
Bugger – I blew it. I had to swallow my pride, too.
swallow my pride
Oooh, good one. A bird pun and and African wildlife pun combination.
Oooh, good one. A bird pun and and African wildlife pun combination.
suezboo is good…in’t she…
bbkf : Mwah !
My very first pun ! That took nerve.
You crushed it.
It’s like penis and oh I’m terrible at this.
I’ll show myself out.
Poor tsam, the obvious is wood
PENIScockMen in Black : Who else thinks agent K blew J in the mens room ?
I am a poor pun thinker-upper. Best to stick with being offensive and inflammatory.
Men in Black : Who else thinks agent K blew J in the mens room ?
Suddenly the movie doesn’t seem so dumb. Tawdry details always pique my interest.
Ugh. I hope y’all are avian a good time with these puns.
Which ones were J and K? Izzat Tommy whoever that black guy?
As I am walking Bagoas I can’t give this thread the raptor attention it has erned.
Why you so Örnery D-K?
Ugh. I hope y’all are avian a good time with these puns.
i owlways find these pun threads to get hawkward…
Men in Black : Who else thinks agent K blew J in the mens room ?
Sounds more like “Men in Crack”
Why you so Örnery D-K?
All this wordplay and yet no one has said anything about BOOBIES!
Geese pun threads aren’t for chickens but what I really swanna know is, where’s all the chicks?
Birds ? Chicks ? Eider one is offensive. This thread -are you trying to pullet down?
I’d say “Nene” to that, but I don’t think it would do any good …
What have you bustards been up to?
Some of us have to erne a living.
Kids these days, and tanagers are the worst. Always raven on about something. What have they got to be so bittern about? They live like kinglets. They should all be put way in the nuthatch if you ask me.
Bird puns. Why did it have to be bird puns.
Well, as foretold by the prophecy – thread takes a tern for the worse.
but what I really swanna know is, where’s all the chicks?
And do they swallow
Don’t be left behind, the raptor is coming. Let osprey in the name of Christ the kingfisher.
Don’t go puffin your chest up about it, now.
Damn it, I had a pun but now I frigate what it was.
sniff…so proud of you…
And do they swallow
i can’t believe you haven’t made a breast pun yet…
In all condor, I’m pretty impressed by tsam too. Also.
i’m actually pheasantly surprised as well…
tsam’s punning career is a fledgeling one right now but i swear i will quill him if he really takes off with punning…
If you do, bbkf, I will talon you…
There should be a law. Wordplay this bad should be ill eagle.
Agreed. everyone here is a bunch of flocking dodos.
Don’t be puffin up your chest…
Yep, what we have here are bird puns. There’s just no doubt abou… tit.
There’s just no doubt abou… tit.
I larked.
Game hen-ing the English language. Robin words of their meaning. All for a lark. I’m puffin mad. Owl be raven and grousing until you stop.
Albatross ing all y’all to behave now.
I cannot contribute moa to this thread, I’ll go for an auk until this place settles down.
Don’t get your tailfeathers all ruffled.
I’m puffin mad. Owl be raven and grousing until you stop.
Oh, sparrow us.
That last pun of mine kinda laid an egg. I’m feeling all angsty and emu now.
Duck! I am not falcon kidding. Stop or you’ll be rhea sorry.
I’m not mockingbird puns, toucan play at this game. The cardinal rule is just don’t go cuckoo. Some puns are a little ruff but a bit of sandpiper will take care of that. Keep on going till you run out of petrel. Live life soaring like an eagle or die a rhea.
Duck! I am not falcon kidding. Stop or you’ll be rhea sorry.
You’re becoming a parrot-y of youreself.
You’ll never get me! I aint some stool pigeon! You won’t pintail this on me! You think I’m some sort of yellow-bellied sapsucker? Flock off!
Be careful, Thread Bear. Budgie your puns.
Some of these are so bad they’re making me finch.
Crow up. You think these puns are witty? Ostrich, to be sure.
I think OBS is ignoring the cardinal rule: don’t grouse.
Some of these are so bad they’re making me finch.
Agreed. they make me quail.
There’s just no doubt abou… tit.
Don’t go puffin your chest up about it, now.
Well, see, that’s my first (and likely last) pun contribution.
Also, puffins give me nightmares.
Crow up. You think these puns are witty? Ostrich, to be sure.
Don’t snipe.
In all condor, I’m pretty impressed by tsam too. Also.
I’m just parroting the contributions of others.
What, you’d rather I were waxwing romantic or something?
This place is a nuthatch.
Somebody might ahem that. Myna own opinion is that mimicry is the sincerest form of flightery.
What, you’d rather I were waxwing romantic or something?
Hey, I’m just passerine the time.
Duck! I am not falcon kidding. Stop or you’ll be rhea sorry.
wattle you do ’bout it?!
Imma openin’ a can of whoopass so big, I’ll need a crane to do it. A whooping crane.
Forget it folks, its plover. If kiwi don’t gannet a rest they’ll say were ready for the nuthatch. Let osprey they don’t hear us grackle and carrion, I vulture to say we’re all cuckoo.
D-K W, you’re just a common loon.
In Central America, we call it a quetzal pro quo.
There’s just no doubt abou… tit.
ha! (again)
There’s at most two people who are enjoying this thread, and I am going to knock the peregrines off their faces.
someone laid an egg…
You think you are all so amazon, but I don’t caracara. Just wait teal your bad puns all come home to roost. We’ll see who’s cock-of-the-rock then.
Thread Bear : I definitely laffed.
Chicken out the thread,
Bird puns, with none as haiku.
What are we made dove?
Dear FSM what did I start?
I would tern that into “may dove” but whatevs.
Oh how the chickens come home to roost.
A little bird told me that as the pun-thread-starter you should be proud as a peacock. Sitting in the catbird seat.
Or instead, do you see it as an albatross around your neck? I hope it isn’t your swan song…
Allen West, what made your crazy blah-cassowary about Obamacare?
Here’s a moment of synchronicity- after reading all the DDT references and the bird puns, I took a nice “OMG, working nights has prevented me from seeing the sun gotta get outside” walk in a nearby park and saw an osprey.
I see them occasionally at work, and I check out an osprey nesting box at a not-too-distant nature preserve from time-to-time, but this is the first one I’ve seen so close to home.
BBBB is trying to tern this thread away from the puns. I fear he will be wigeon out. ibis to laugh.
Dear FSM what did I start?
Uno, dos, three, four: I declare a punny war. (Then run like hell cuz I’m going to get my ass way kicked)
tsam, you curlew. Starting a fight? You’ll get thrushed.
I think we’re all a grebe that these puns are caw-ful. They are, however, better than Our Troll’s usual skree-ds.
tsam, you curlew. Starting a fight? You’ll get thrushed.
Don’t fuck with the rooster.
Don’t fuck with the rooster.
He’ll punch you in the cock.
And if it bruises blue, it will be a cock-a-teal.
You’d prefer that he pullet.
Pullet three times you get a cockatrice.
You are all dodos. If you’ll grant some leeway, I might venture to say that Homeric verse is written in pterodactyls.
My writing isn’t going well today. I guess my mews has flown.
That’s what happens when you’re late to the pun party. All the best bird names have been used. And re-used.
You know what I like best about boobies? The orioles.
I need to to get back to work. Sorry, but I gotta wren.
I invite y’all to admire my restraint.
I invite y’all to admire my restraint.
Pics from your dungeon are NOT WELCOME.
I invite y’all to admire my restraint.
Hey buddy, what consenting adults do behind closed doors is none of my business but don’t come round here trying to show off your gear.
I’m pretty sure you punny fuckers have done birds before.
I’m pretty sure you punny fuckers have done birds before.
It’s kinky if you use a feather. It’s perverted if you use the whole chicken.
I’m just glad it died down. I wasn’t sure I could carrion much longer.
It’s kinky if you use a feather. It’s perverted if you use the whole chicken.
An important PSA, occasionally.
Such puns. So cock. Much walk.
I lost it at Icons of Cool and didn’t recover.
Jindal, freaking Jindal on de Blasio in the NYPost is way meaner. HIs de Blasio rant is so freaking stupid it’s hard to argue with . . . a minor mostly pro charter school de Blasio policy change gets hit with a million dollar PR campaign, treated like an episode of Girls set in the early days of the Comintern . . and Jindal jizzes all over Success Academy. (Read Ravitch, she’s been paying attention.)
Jindal, freaking Jindal on de Blasio in the NYPost is way meaner. HIs de Blasio rant is so freaking stupid it’s hard to argue with
once again, the liberals are intolerant racists…be careful if you click the link, kiddies cuz the projection will smack you right into next week…
Ugh. Bobby Jindal is out of his falcon mind. I will not shed a tiercel when he finally fades into well deserved obscurity.
At least Gov. Jindal didn’t call him a ‘poverty pimp‘.
Bobby Jindal is cuckoo.
Bobby Jindal is cuckoo.
Cuckoo for Koch dough puffs.
Paperbag: Nice ta seeya again!
(((Clean-up needed on aisle six.)))
Crapola. I have w-a-y too much stuff to do today. Can’t be much more than a lurker. Ibis get back to work now.
C’mon, DA: Don’t provoke it. Don’t feed it.
WOW! This place has the bestest Public Works crew evah! That was really fast.
Also this thread illustrates a point I’ve made before. Do you imagine you could ever find a comparable pun fest on a conservative blog? Unpossible.
This year, many on the left are celebrating 50 years since President Lyndon Johnson declared his War on Poverty — an era that saw the creation of massive new government programs that liberals proclaimed would raise living standards for the poor. However, it’s a distinctly ironic anniversary. Half a century later, with the Census Bureau reporting more than 46 million Americans still mired in poverty, these same liberals seem insistent on denying low-income children quality educational opportunities, through cruel policies that will only perpetuate the cycle of poverty.
that highlighted bit? that’s the one that makes me laugh the most…reeeeaaaaallly, bobby jindahl?! yes, quality eductational experiences for the poors has ALWAYS been front and center on the gooper agenda…
Also this thread illustrates a point I’ve made before. Do you imagine you could ever find a comparable pun fest on a conservative blog? Unpossible.
That’s because they are a bunch of friggin’ loons.
oh, wait…there’s this too:
In Louisiana, we know a thing or two about government authorities meddling in parents’ right to choose the schools that are best for their children. President Obama’s Justice Department filed a lawsuit trying to impede our program that gives parents of low-income students in failing schools an opportunity to attend a better school. Fully nine in 10 students participating in the program are minorities, yet the Justice Department seeks to block the program on the grounds that it would lead to racial segregation. The lawsuit would be funny if it weren’t so sad — and if the lives of so many young African-American children weren’t at stake.
hmmmmmmm…Education Week’s annual “Quality Counts” report card:
The magazine’s “chance for success” index also put Louisiana near the bottom, finding that only 53 percent of 3- and 4-year-olds were enrolled in preschool and only 34 percent of children have at least one parent with a postsecondary degree. Just over three-quarters of eligible children are enrolled in kindergarten.
Finding ‘gotcha’ zinger that let the GOP pretend that liberals are hypocrites is on the first page of the GOP playbook. At a guess 9 out of 10 of those ‘gotchas’ are willful misinterpretations of actual events, distortions, or outright lies.
“Shit bird”— remind you of anybody?
I’m sure that conservatives, who claim to be so concerned about the plight of the poor and the culture of poverty, will be outraged to hear that hard-working non-unionized fast food workers are being systematically cheated out of their wages…
Ewwww, I smell a shitbird…
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
Being John Benghazi.
I must have been doing it wrong all these years.
And: note the picture of Sister Jane Dominic Laurel. Am I wrong to conclude she’s demonstrating technique? Something along the lines of “work the shaft with your right hand, tickle the glans with your index finger?” A little combo I’ll dub the “Gay-Maker.”
LEFT index finger. I don’t wanna send anyone off in the wrong direction.
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
keep fucking that chicken!
did you know that masturbation will most likely make a boy gay?
This is why nearly 100% of men are gay. Also: wtf does she know about sexuality? Her degree is in theology, and her talk was supposed to be about theology, too.
Four good men died in Benghazi so Americans would have the freedom to masturbate.
did you know that masturbation will most likely make a boy gay?
So, the logical solution is to have sex with young boys as soon as possible. This seems to be perfectly consistent with the actions of the Catholic Church.
Oddly, apparently masturbation does not have the same effect on girls.
Masculinity & Femininity: Difference and Gift Media and popular culture promote gender confusion. As Catholics, we know that God created us male and female for a reason: our bodies, psyches, and biochemistry differ because our vocations differ. Only by rediscovering our identity as either male or female can we discover the gift of our lives and the genuine happiness that comes from living according to either the masculine or the feminine mode of loving.
wteff is the masculine or feminine mode of loving? sounds like sex talk to me…
So, the logical solution is to have sex with young boys as soon as possible. This seems to be perfectly consistent with the actions of the Catholic Church.
there, see! you just answered my question about what the masculine loving mode is!
there, see! you just answered my question
zombies live to serve….
Oddly, apparently masturbation does not have the same effect on girls.
Girls masturbate?
Also: wtf does she know about sexuality?
Since when has that stopped the Church from prescribing what sexual behavior is OK and what isn’t?
Wait, zombies don’t live to anything.
maybe the good sister is really a radical…this part is either badly written or she’s promoting for persons to question their gender and go with the one they identify with:
Only by rediscovering our identity as either male or female can we discover the gift of our lives and the genuine happiness that comes from living according to either the masculine or the feminine mode of loving.
I think that’s “missionary position” and “wimminz are supposed to submit to their lords and masters, so rape in a marriage is unpossible (unless it’s the filthy slut doing it)” and, generally, “know your place, bitch!”
I think I got that translation right, but now I feel the need to take a bath, or at least pet a cat.
I think that’s “missionary position” and “wimminz are supposed to submit to their lords and masters, so rape in a marriage is unpossible (unless it’s the filthy slut doing it)” and, generally, “know your place, bitch!”
i think you’re spot on with that translation…but this part still intrigues me:
rediscovering our identity as either male or female
yeah, she’s totes promoting gender re-assignment…so…is she crazy or crazy like a fox?
also, too…petting a cat
which is masturbation…but girls have cats, so it’s okay!
I don’t wanna send anyone off in the wrong direction.
But what if a southpaw is doing the handjob? The world is rigged against lefties. (((Also true in MSM and Democratic party.)))
This sounds ominous….
Btw, this thread is cookin’ ! Into the 460’s now.
did you know that masturbation will most likely make a boy gay?
Nuh uh!
If it did I’d have been faaaaaabulous!!! years ago.
Citizens United 2.0.
Is this our normal idiot? I didn’t think copypasta was his shtick.
Sadly, yes. Evidently it’s craving carbs or something.
At a restaurant just now, I overheard a couple people commiserating that they’d received letters from their insurance providers, saying their premiums would go up. No mention of whether they looked for different providers …
How do people all of a sudden forget everything they’ve learned in a lifetime of markets? Your insurer is disinclined to tell you that you can get the same service elsewhere, or for less. If the person who drafted the letter was naive enough to include such information, it’d be edited out before you saw it.
But we all know these things, right? Or do people believe Company X makes the world’s best widgets, because they say so?
Also ominous
An object lesson in the depraved lunacy of BELIEVING that vaccinations are dangerous.
How do people all of a sudden forget everything they’ve learned in a lifetime of markets?
Remember, 27% of Americans still believe GWB was a good president.
Remember, 27% of Americans still believe GWB was a good president.
He WAS the best president money could buy, at the time.
At a restaurant just now, I overheard a couple people commiserating that they’d received letters from their insurance providers, saying their premiums would go up. No mention of whether they looked for different providers …
prolly not…people seem to be afraid of messing with the boondoggle that healh insurance (or any insurance really) is…i know i am. knowing the company and the plan that are going to screw you is better than getting a migraine trying to navigate a new company and policy…
and this is what pisses me off most about aca…it’s still all about insurance…and that’s now what health care reform should be about. a person shouldn’t have to have insurance to go to the doc for a cold or for preventative care…it should be reserved for the big things…i hope someday we may live in a world that doesn’t put shareholders and corporations over its people’s health…
Thanks to SCOTUS and Citizen’s United 2, they might be able to get a better quality product.
And shouldn’t this latest act on the majority’s part get ’em impeached? I know, they’re not Dems, and sex (with a woman) wasn’t involved*, but it’s still pretty brazen.
*I believe that as long as it does not involve anyone not an informed, consenting adult, someone else’s sex life is none of my business. That said, I’m pretty sure I’d be completely skeeved by anything that gets Scalia or Roberts, um, excited.
Insurance companies advertise as if we should all switch providers as frequently as a better deal is offered. (Car insurance companies are the most obvious example.) They make switching sound easy. The opportunity cost involved in the trouble of switching is typically elided. And maybe it IS easier to switch to Company A than to Company B — this doesn’t necessarily translate into better or cheaper service overall.
But really they want you to switch to them and then stay with them. And they must know what we’ve all thought a million times, more or less: oh god so many insurance commercials, I want to think about this very infrequently, not every few minutes. We don’t want to think think think switch switch think etc. for the rest of our lives. You’d have to pay me to do that …
The funniest thing about the right’s anti-Colbert hysteria is that Colbert was riffing off a Rush Limbaugh screed. Where the fuck was Malkin when Rush was making fun of the Chinese president? She was probably writing a follow-up to her book about how internment of Japanese-Americans was so good it should be followed up with internment of Muslim-Americans.
Remember, 27% of Americans still believe GWB was a good president.
That’s right. That same 27% (and an additional 15%, likely) spend their lives engaged in situational values. Free markets are great, except when they aren’t.
Where the fuck was Malkin when Rush was making fun of the Chinese president? She was probably writing a follow-up to her book about how internment of Japanese-Americans was so good it should be followed up with internment of Muslim-Americans.
no, she was busy reading gutfeld’s cool book…she gushes about it in her screeeeeeeeeeed…
I provide health insurance for myself and all of my employees without cost to the employee–thought that cost reduces our profits and restricts what we can pay. I get this exact same letter every year. They rise every year–at least 5%. Sometimes it’s 25%. We have been getting that letter every year this business has existed.
Don’t forget whatever percentage it is of people for whom the GWB presidency doesn’t exist. Plus the 1% or so for whom GWB really was a good president (not great, because he failed at privatizing Social Security). And yeah – privatized gain, socialized risk for me, but not you moochers.
I get this exact same letter every year. They rise every year–at least 5%. Sometimes it’s 25%. We have been getting that letter every year this business has existed.
yes, this has been my own personal experience: every year the premium goes up…towards the end of my relationship w/BCBS it was ALWAYS $50…
An object lesson in the depraved lunacy of BELIEVING that vaccinations are dangerous.
Remember, 27% of Americans still believe GWB was a good president.
Slightly more believe the Earth is 6000 years old. It wasn’t long ago that ” 27 percenters” – meaning those who could relied upon to vote against their ow best interests – was in common parlance, nicht wahr? Does anyone see a pattern here?
I’m pretty sure you punny fuckers have done birds before.
I don’t DO anything except Pterodactyls. They are not birds. No feathers, see?
Another “memory hole” item. Yeah, back when I had a job with bennies, my health insurance payments always went up – usually by a greater percentage than whatever piddlin’ raise I might have gotten did, and that never kept up with inflation.
Don’t forget whatever percentage it is of people for whom the GWB presidency doesn’t exist.
That’s where my extra 15% is. 27% were deluded enough to think a college cheerleader who pretends to be a cowboy and was as articulate as stoned 15 year old had a measurable level of competence. The other 15% are just as dumb as the 27%, but are really mad about Medicare D because DEFICIT and teabags or something.
from the troll spoor:
But what do I know, Mr. Colbert? Me so stupid. You so funny.
hey malkin got one thing right!
yeah, rightwing shitbirds, Colbert should apologize—- right after you guys apologize for calling Iraq war protestors “traitors” disloyal to our “Commander in Chief”
They rise every year–at least 5%. Sometimes it’s 25%. We have been getting that letter every year this business has existed.
When I had employees, we experienced year-over-year 20% increases….three years running.
Which is another bone I have to pick with the reichwingers and their stooges in the punditocracy. No president is my “commander in chief,” thenkyewverramush, as I am not, nor have I ever been, in the US military. If those fools hanker after an imperator, I’ll thank them to move somewhere else, and stop trying to push us faster down that Roman road.
I forgot to add — then a middle-aged teabagger gave a fifteen-minute lecture on Obamacare to a 22-year-old waitress, culminating in a call for revolution, “hopefully peaceful.” She was polite and noncommittal about it.
“Maybe you could lead it,” she said, but the guy demurred.
“Maybe you could lead it,” she said, but the guy demurred.
And be late for supper?
Fenwick! Nice to be here.
Argh. That Jindal thing . . . well, read Ravitch, she doesn’t hold back on the charter school bullshit, even though she’s not exactly easy on de Blasio.
All those years of screaming “We are going to hold schools accountable!” and then privatized charter schools come along . . . and accountability? Oh, what’s that? That’s what commies do . . . you can’t hold private schools to account, they are, you know, private. Sigh. De Blasio is still giving the charters 90% of a free ride. I’d be much happier if he listened to Botstein and only allowed non-profit charters in NYC.
FWIW, I suspect the serious money being dumped in to hating de Blasio is based in part, yes, on damaging de Blasio but it’s also happening because there’s a chance that de Blasio will be rational about NYC schools and, viola!, we’ll end up seeing that universal pre-K, a bit of increased stability, and less resources handed over grifters will make a difference and . . . everyone will see that Ravitch > Moskowitz.
I can scarce believe it. I mean, hypocrisy in the Christianist ranks, who could believe?
Another story from the Culture Wars front… Nyuk, nyuk, nyuk… rightwing loon pretends that Florida public school teacher made his kid stop praying in the lunchroom…
To be fair, I’m sure he would have stepped in and officiously stopped a child from doing something in an equivalent situation.
All those years of screaming “We are going to hold schools accountable!” and then privatized charter schools come along . . . and accountability? Oh, what’s that? That’s what commies do . . . you can’t hold private schools to account, they are, you know, private. Sigh.
Quoted for emphasis. And for “schools” you could probably substitute “utilities” or whatever govt. does or did.
Hear! Hear! I’m going to repeat my assertion that government should be running certain things, things that, imo, should never be “profit centers:” roads, schools, hospitals, prisons, utilities, or any other “natural monopoly.” I continue to be amazed that people so often buy into the idea that these kinds of things will cost us, the taxpayers less if they are run by an entity that is required by law to make a profit than by an entity that is also required by law to get the most bang for the buck.
Ratvich on NYC charter schools not paying rent, among other things:
“The charters can afford to pay their CEO half a million dollars, but they can’t pay the rent. They can pay millions for attack ads on television, but they can’t pay the rent. They can hire the politically-hot public relations firm SDK Knickerbocker for more than $500,000 a year, but they can’t pay the rent. . . The charters are proving to be public parasites in New York City, invading the host and doing harm to the 94 percent of children who are not in charters.”
A pretty good survey of where things stand by Ratvich in the NYRB:
“the State Comptroller has no power to audit [charter] schools, because they are “not a unit of the state.””
rightwing loon pretends that Florida public school teacher made his kid stop praying in the lunchroom…
Think of the time and effort Starnes can save when instead of having to scrounge around for spurious stories of persecuted christians for his next book, his publisher makes them up and feeds them to him directly!
It is like a combination of a puke funnel and a beer bong.
Maybe a puke-klein bottle.
It is like a combination of a puke funnel and a beer bong.
rightwing loon pretends that Florida public school teacher made his kid stop praying in the lunchroom…
Found this in the comments:
“I’m a Rastafarian and my kid’s teacher stopped him from sparking up during recess. It’s political correctness gone mad!”
and my favorite:
“Practitioner of the Aztec religion here. The less said about my problem, the better.”
Did the teachers at the Doktorling’s school let her put up a níðstang pole? DID THEY BOGROLL.
It is like a combination of a puke funnel and a beer bong.
I am surprised Fox News has not recruited Matt “The Tube” Crowley.
No president is my “commander in chief,” thenkyewverramush
stop trying to push us faster down that Roman road
Oh boy! The perfect opportunity for linking to Pines of the Appian Way. (((Try it you’ll like it. It gets bigger and bigger and bigger)))
Did the teachers at the Doktorling’s school let her put up a níðstang pole? DID THEY BOGROLL.
Did the Doktorling carve the blood eagle into her principal? Could this have been the reason she had to scarper off to England?
Liberals hate diversity
In today’s episode of “We have no fucking clue what the First Amendment means”: Right… Because the First Amendment clearly states that citizens have the right to free speech, unless that speech offends someone (apparently…)
In today’s episode of wait a minute while I contradict myself: Of course, these “progressive” advocates of censorship have “every right in the world” to ask for Eich’s dismissal… Also this guy has an ellipsis fetish I think.
In today’s episode of … best I can come up with is “boy are we idiots” But, the irony of asking him to be fired because they feel he isn’t “tolerant” enough seems woefully lost on the petition signees. (Seriously, people: Pick up a dictionary once in a while.) Also the dictionary appeal fallacy.
My favorite mango so far:
I do believe I have the vapors!
Respighi is always worth the click.
No president is my “commander in chief,” thenkyewverramush
The President is Commander-in-Chief of the active duty military and that’s as far it extends.
He isn’t even C-in-C of the National Guard unless they’ve been activated.
“I’m a Rastafarian and my kid’s teacher stopped him from sparking up during recess. It’s political correctness gone mad!”
that one cracked me up…
“The charters can afford to pay their CEO half a million dollars, but they can’t pay the rent. They can pay millions for attack ads on television, but they can’t pay the rent. They can hire the politically-hot public relations firm SDK Knickerbocker for more than $500,000 a year, but they can’t pay the rent. . . The charters are proving to be public parasites in New York City, invading the host and doing harm to the 94 percent of children who are not in charters.”
and here, we could substitute ‘corporations’ for charters…
Damn it, Pup, don’t try to shove your Hungarian goulash recipes down my throat!
Also, I’m thinking of tackling Yorkshire pudding (last time I had it was at a Christmas dinner thrown by some old friends- their mother was a Yorkshire gal and she taught her kids well- it was the last time I had dinner with her before cancer got her). Does anybody here have any tips besides “keep the oven hot hot HOT”?
and here, we could substitute ‘corporations’ for charters…
Same difference. The charter-school corporations tend to be for-profit. As much as conservatives decry a “cradle-to-grave” social welfare state, they sure as hell love for people to be “cradle-to-grave” revenue sources for corporations.
And they’d prefer the “revenue sources” to be as efficient as possible. That is, they’d prefer we waste as little of their money as possible on our unworthy selves on that cradle-to-grave journey. A variant of the old “What’s our oil doing under their land?”
The fact is, Obamacare is a huge disaster that will ruin America. All the poors and blacks will bring the system down with there birth defect babies that we have to support when they should have just said no.
Also this guy has an ellipsis fetish I think.
i’ve heard the more exclamation marks you put at the end of a sentence the more comical and/or not true it is…or something…
with there birth defect babies that we have to support when they should have just said no.
i KNOW! i wish that one time i let hubbkf near my vag* i would have said no instead…**
*fyautocorrect, yes…i mean vag and not bag
**i can’t finish the joke…taken out of context it would be just horrible so you will have to supply your own ending…
A former cow-orker of mine became pregnant because the only color left in their box of colored condoms was one she and her boyfriend … did not care for.
A former cow-orker of mine became pregnant because the only color left in their box of colored condoms was one she and her boyfriend … did not care for.
A story for the child. Why’d we name you “Pink” ?… Well, son …
My Seb, My Seb, why hast thou forsaken me?
Why’d we name you “Pink” ?.
And by the way, which one’s Pink?
Hey, something new! Pines Of Rome: The Appian Way! I’m rocking out. Thanks, Fenwick.
I don’t understand what Koch is so upset about. The current system is obviously working pretty darn well for him.
Hot means motherfucking hot. You don’t need to worry about it if you do like I do and make Yorkshire pudding in muffin tins. Put the pan in your 425 or 450 oven with a couple tablespoons of drippings (or suet you’ve bought if you didn’t just cook a fatty rib roast) in each well. When the pan is as hot as the oven pour the batter in and quickly pop it back in the oven. Also be sure to let the batter rest at least 30 minutes before baking.
Mmmmmmm, Yorkshire pudding. I like it.
I would also recommend a tray to put the muffin tins on, in case there’s leakage of the now-liquid suet so it doesn’t hit the bottom of the oven. Also, most butchers will give you suet for free if you ask nicely.
Of course we should always believe what those guys say. They’ve never lied about wages or the ACA.
As members of the “lucky sperm club,” the Kochs, like Teh Donald, are clearly superior to anyone not born wealthy and/or well-connected.
There’s no need to copypaste an entire tract of disingenous garbage. Grab the funniest paragraph, add a link. I believe this may be Creature Drool (*) and needs the attention of the clean-up experts.
(*) also band name.
Nymjacked at 19:54. I’ve got a lot of patience, but the creature is lame and howling again. Let me ask the Wizards: Rather than relying on the clean-up crew, Is it possible to kill the stupid beast altogether? If it is possible, I urge that you make it so.
That “wanking turns you into fags” nun? The students are _not_ happy.
From reddit,
Let me ask the Wizards: Rather than relying on the clean-up crew, Is it possible to kill the stupid beast altogether?
Fenwick, if it were so easy, it would have been done.
Until we sort out a way that does not require a whole bunch of overhead we remain where we are. Please to ignore its skrivlings until a member of the PWD comes along.
Thanks in advance.
Fenwick: Now you’ve gone and done it! You objected to nymjacking and copypasta. Expect lots of the same in future, until the Koch-creature moves on. Just take a few deep breaths, with or without any additives, and wait for us to get there with our mops and waders (boots are inadequate). Even in multiples, we have trouble keeping up with our little obsessive.
New Month, New one.
For a view of the Right’s use of ‘coolness’, see Thomas Frank’s “The Conquest of Cool”…which can largely be summed-up as McCain and Palin’s being limned as ‘mavericks’ and simple overt racism as being ‘edgy’.
Funny, though, I was just thinking of that show, which I must admit I never bothered watching—but anyone who did, please tell me if they were ever, _ever_, as self-mocking as the “Daily Show” or “The Colbert Report”…or for that matter any right-wing comic be as mocking of right-wing Kultur as most leftish comedians are of our tranch of the reality-tunnels.