Yeah…? Well Ryan is Hot!

Biden laughing at the right-wing shitstorm he knows he just started.

Entire National Review:
Every Goddamn post on the site

Shorter entire bloody site:

  • Biden is a poopyhead!

At some point, you’d expect one of them to look at themselves and their desperate pleading and just let it go. Maybe enjoy the baffling gains The Smiler made in his first debate*, but no.

Biden revealed the Village’s wonk as having no policy clothes and for that he must be destroyed. Because having eyes is Liberal Facism Double Plus Ungood!

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Seriously, the entire fucking site. It’s wall to wall, wah Biden, wah, how dare Democrats campaign. If I was a hack and my “guy” was able to erase the political damage of stating half the country deserves to starve, not to mention months of complete incompetence, with one debate performance of complete fiction, I’d think I’d be cheering. But hey, whatever, right? We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Seriously, though, what the fuck America? The Smiler has hardly hidden what he is, what he’s going to do, and how badly he’s going to fuck every last one of us in the 99%. If a majority of Idiot America send him to the White House anyways because “black man scary” then we fucking deserve the hell we will receive.


Comments: 539


Where is everybody?


Up to no good, I’ll bet.




Also too, the angles at which Ryan isn’t kinda funny looking are not many. I think Biden was sitting at one of the other angles.


I don’t get the orgasms on the Right about Ryan being handsome. Good body, to be sure. But he looks like Eddie Munster with a bad haircut. Joe is infinitely more manly and good looking.


The real question is “Who is everybody?”


Everybody is Spartacus


I’m new here. Sorry about the turd.


Biden moves the facial muscles around his eyes when he smiles. Comparing with Ryan’s photograph in the previous post, we see that this is clearly not the right way to do it.


I’m new here. Sorry about the turd.

Oh, that’s just a Baby Ruthless floating in the pool.


Also, mucho thanks for getting Geddy Lee off the top of my screen. Thank you, thank you.


It has been clear for some time that Republicans, and media personalities generally, think Democrats are cheating anytime they don’t curl into a fetal ball.


…then we fucking deserve the hell we will receive.

Absolutely Goddamn Right.


Fox psychiatrist Ablow wants Biden Examined for Dementia

Dr. Keith Ablow provides his services to Fox regularly, making remote diagnoses of the president, etc. Here, some Fox co-hosts deviate from the script by saying that Biden has a solid command of facts, whereas “people with dementia can’t remember.” Good point!

Ablow: “Not knowing every fact is not required to diagnose dementia. And I’m not saying he has it, I’m saying you put it on the differential … You want his alcohol level.” (Why? Biden wasn’t slurring, and was fully in control.)

Put it on the differential — that’s doctor talk for “I’m a shameless, pitiful hack.”


I’d like Dr Ablow examined for an ego the size of all outdoors. If he’s going to take up all that space I want him to pay some damn rent.


Why would anyone vote for the Smiler? It’s simple marketing. You gotta give the right credit for constantly bombarding the public with the image of lazy welfare recipients, who only get by because of the generosity of the government, and are actually too lazy to find work that’s well paid (we know every job is well paid in their universe). So, it becomes a matter of principle which trumps every other negative aspect of the “take from the poor and middle class and give to the rich” policy. As long as a right wing candidate promises to cut taxes, it’s all good, because in their world that means they are also cutting the welfare spending.


But he looks like Eddie Munster with a bad haircut.

I think he looks like a young Mr. Bean.

You know that scene in the Mr. Bean movie where he sneezes on Whistler’s Mother and tries to wipe the snot off and totally cocks it up?

I can TOTALLY see Paul Ryan doing that.


It’s simple stupidity. People believe that cutting taxes is deficit neutral, they believe that decreasing revenue in direct taxation will stimulate the economy to the point that revenues will increase because of increased economic activity. It’s easy to believe when you don’t have any education in economics and think that some fuckhead in a suit that actually wants the job of being president is anything other than a lying egomaniac–the type of person that I wouldn’t be sad about seeing exterminated.

When I was a small child, I would have sworn that the sun was in motion based on hearing the terms sunrise and sunset and my own uninformed observations. Same principle applies here.


Convo w/ wingnut pal (he’s a volunteer for Rmoney/Lyin’Ryan):

“He was fuckin *laughing*! That’s what you guys call ‘capable and competent’?”

“Well, don’t you laugh when you see a joke embodied in a human?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Ryan’s a guy who went to school on the Government’s cuff, hasn’t had a meaningful job outside of Government, and does nothing but denigrate ‘the Government’. He’s a Catholic that wants to ignore all the human suffering going on, right now, in America, caused by actions his party initiated, and he wants to stand on his ‘religious values’. The irony, that’s the funny part!”

“But Biden was laughing! That was so fucked up and stupid!”

Cognitive disconnect in Colorado. My other head-scratch moment is seeing ‘Veterans for Romney’ signs and stickers. I moved from Boulder (Republik of!) to Longmont (Land of Mountain Williams- the high-elevation version of Hill Billies). Shocking contrast in a ten mile drive.

Ever notice how the double-R logo kinda looks like a Rolls-Royce logo? I guess it means we get to buy them (the 1%) another Rolls-Royce, and we (the 99%) get to get run over by it, and also, have to wash off the mess afterward, and pay for any damages.


Convo w/ wingnut pal:

“He was fuckin *laughing*! That’s what you guys call ‘capable and competent’?”

“Well, don’t you laugh when you see a joke embodied in a human?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“Ryan’s a guy who went to school on the Government’s cuff, hasn’t had a meaningful job outside of Government, and does nothing but denigrate ‘the Government’. He’s a Catholic that wants to ignore all the human suffering going on, right now, in America, caused by actions his party initiated, and he wants to stand on his ‘religious values’. The irony, that’s the funny part!”

“But Biden was laughing! That was so fucked up and stupid!”

Cognitive disconnect in Colorado. My other head-scratch moment is seeing ‘Veterans for Romney’ signs and stickers. I moved from Boulder (Republik of!) to Longmont (Land of Mountain Williams- the high-elevation version of Hill Billies). Shocking contrast in a ten mile drive.

Ever notice how the double-R logo kinda looks like a Rolls-Royce logo? I guess it means we get to buy them (the 1%) another Rolls-Royce, and we (the 99%) get to get run over by it, and also, have to wash off the mess afterward, and pay for any damages.




Seriously, though, what the fuck America? The Smiler has hardly hidden what he is, what he’s going to do, and how badly he’s going to fuck every last one of us in the 99%. If a majority of Idiot America send him to the White House anyways because “black man scary” then we fucking deserve the hell we will receive.


Seriously, NOT the Doughy Pantload

You lie!


Many people have been convinced that the Deficit is the cause of all our economic woes, and the Deficit is in turn caused by Welfare and Unemployment and Medicare and Foodstamps and Social Security. Oh, and also by public education and probably the Post Office, too!

But NOT the “defense” industry, oh no no no!

Therefore, we must slash and burn and erase with acid and privatize all, and more of these “communist socialist entitlements”, and everything will return to 1950’s type affluence and power and world-wide fear/respect. Yep. That’ll do it.

Its working in Europe, isn’t it?


… That just laughing at wing nuts would piss ’em off so bad?

Too bad no Dem ever thought of this before Biden..

If only they were Sadly, No readers…


Many people have been convinced that the Deficit is the cause of all our economic woes…

That’s the message we are immersed in, 24-7, by our corporate media, KWillow.

And all the serious people in both parties agree.

So other than Paul Krugman, Artrios, and a few other voices in the wilderness, there’s not much promotion of the truth: We have an unemployment crisis, not a deficit crisis.

And all this austerity bullshit will do nothing but make it worse.


Whaddya mean the Smiler has hardly hidden who he is? The reason why we have such a meth epidemic in this country is due to self-medication for the massive ADD case that we collectively seem to have. Remember the etch-a-sketch comment? Well, he did it and it’s working so far: as far as people know, the Smiler has a plan to cut middle class taxes, spend more money on national security, single-handedly save Medicare (without cutting that 716$Billion that Obama cut) and reduce our deficit. And if Obama really believed that Romney was lying, why didn’t he say so in the debate? (yes … someone actually put it that way)

Meanwhile, because Obama promised to end partisanship yet he was a partisan who didn’t “bend over backward” (according to William Bennett, that’s part of the McConnell quote the liberal media are not reporting, which entire quote shows that it was indeed Obama and not the GOP who was responsible for all that partisanship) to appease the GOP, he’s just another promise breaking politician.

The Smiler may have not always hidden who he is, but he did manage to pull off his etch-a-sketch without anybody calling him on it (except Biden, who doesn’t count, because he was smiling and being rude). And, with our short attention spans (my students can’t even manage to remember organic chemistry by the time they take biochemistry a year later), who’ll remember that, at one point, the Smiler was not hiding who he is?


>Good body, to be sure.<

Not that good, he has chicken legs… one of those guys who spends all his time working chest/arms.


Why should we not laugh at unserious people? Romney and Ryan are unserious. It’s really as simple as that.


You gotta give the right credit for constantly bombarding the public with the image of lazy welfare recipients, who only get by because of the generosity of the government, and are actually too lazy to find work that’s well paid (we know every job is well paid in their universe). – witty1

The right has managed to convince the Howard Roarks and Dagney Taggarts of the country that they should vote for James Taggart and Wesley Mouch over someone who actually has managed to pull himself up by his bootstraps and get stuff done, even if his chosen instrument for getting stuff done happens to be the government.


You know that scene in the Mr. Bean movie

Yes. Yes I do. I confess to actually paying money to see that in the theater.

The only defense I have is that drugs and alcohol were involved.


I actually found parts of that movie amusing and no I’m not proud of that.


You gotta give the right credit for constantly bombarding the public with the image of lazy welfare recipients, who only get by because of the generosity of the government, and are actually too lazy to find work that’s well paid (we know every job is well paid in their universe).

While at the same time bombarding the public with the image that Obama so wrecked the economy that there aren’t any jobs.

(taps cognitive dissonance detector with screwdriver – hey is this thing working?)


I completely missed the opportunity in the last thread to say that the only thing Ryan’s “workout” photos proves is that in addition to being a lying sociopath, he’s also a narcissist, too. Not an uncommon combination.

Grateful this is still on topic.


I’m not sure why the Dumbocrats aren’t using the comedy goldmine Romney gave them in the Repig debates…

They can also play Gingrich calling him a liar and and the millions of other nasty things he said about Romney.


Study proves the obvious. – tsam

And here I used to think back when I was in college that by offering all the young ladies I had the hots for HPV vaccine they’d suddenly get all promiscuous and sleep with me. No wonder it never worked for me to walk up to some hawt gal and say “here, have some HPV vaccine … ya wanna get promiscuous with me now?”


How about a room full of assholes booing a gay soldier? A room full of assholes encouraging Paul to let a person die because he didn’t have health insurance? Anything Bachmann has ever said…Anything Rick Perry ever said. Santorum? (The guy, not his namesake, ewwww)…

This is why Dumbocrats always lose. They don’t hold repigs responsible for pandering to ignorant, racist, bigoted morons.

This fucking singular obsession with demographics and identity politics makes them lose sight of the bigger issues and completely miss golden opportunities to bash the enemies’ brains out with their own fucking words.


No wonder it never worked for me to walk up to some hawt gal and say “here, have some HPV vaccine … ya wanna get promiscuous with me now?”

I hear ya, bro. I used to try slipping a condom in the ladies’ purses, thinking that having access to birth control would make them hot and horny, but IT DOESN’T. I feel like I’ve been lied to about how stupid women are…so disillusioned…


This fucking singular obsession with demographics and identity politics makes them lose sight of the bigger issues and completely miss golden opportunities to bash the enemies’ brains out with their own fucking words.


But on the other hand, they get lucrative jobs at big corporations after their careers in “public service” (aka selling out their voters to those big corporations) are done.


“He was fuckin *laughing*! That’s what you guys call ‘capable and competent’?”

“But Biden was laughing! That was so fucked up and stupid!”

Capable and competent people aren’t allowed to laugh at the ridiculous? Maybe Biden should have shot Ryan in the face, that’s apparently OK with these assholes. And Christ on a cracker, how is merely laughing at Paul Ryan’s obvious idiocy any ruder than calling Obama a lying child?


tigris – IOKIYAR

How quickly we forget.


I hear ya, bro. I used to try slipping a condom in the ladies’ purses, thinking that having access to birth control would make them hot and horny, but IT DOESN’T. I feel like I’ve been lied to about how stupid women are…so disillusioned…

Now that’s not fair. There are plenty of stupid women out there…but how horny would you have to be to fuck a republican?. I mean, I’d sooner rub up against a clothes dryer.


Study proves the obvious.

I expected better of Science. They need to re-work that vaccine.

I’d sooner rub up against a clothes dryer.

Rule 34 says: pix plz?


A mango from GayPutzRiot:

Biden knew that Ryan was no match for him,he too has nothing but contempt for Rryan; his antics and embarrassing behavior was to simply to distract, lie, laugh, obfuscate and, redirect to hide his hubris and incompetence.

Comment by cali — October 15, 2012 @ 7:01 am – October 15, 2012


I’m new here. Sorry about the turd.

You must be new if your apologizing for POOP.

(Click the link, it’s all sciencey and shit… C’mon, you know you want to… All the cool kids are doing it…)


but how horny would you have to be to fuck a republican

This calls for a flow chart, which I shall not be arsed to produce, but a narrative looks something like this:

Would you?

A) Is she hot?—>Is it just meaningless sex that will never result in any kind of relationship?—>Are you a dude?—>Yes, hit that shit.

B) Is she hot?—>Run away fast and never look back.

C) Is she hot?—>Is there any chance that you might have to discuss anything besides how she likes it when you spank her ass?—>Run away fast and never look back…

Bughunter, on his mobile,

I’d sooner rub up against a clothes dryer.

There’s a good chance that someone in the world is doing that right now… Intentionally unbalanced load, ya know.


It is time to remind Americans in general and Democrats in particular that one of the most effective politicians since the mid-point of the last century was Lyndon Johnson, a true son-of-a-bitch. Like or loathe his policies, he got things done. It’s not that nice guys finish last, it that they often don’t get to finish at all because assholes grind them into bloody spots in the mud.


There’s a good chance that someone in the world is doing that right now… Intentionally unbalanced load, ya know.

I thought that was the washing machine’s spin cycle…?


Unbalancing your load.


Answers for the flow chart, derp.

A: Yes, yes, yes
B: No
C: Yes, yes


But on the other hand, they get lucrative jobs at big corporations after their careers in “public service” (aka selling out their voters to those big corporations) are done.

Yeah, I guess we all forget what the real goal is…


This calls for a flow chart, which I shall not be arsed to produce

Is it kind of like the where to pee flowchart?


Okay, which one of you is Another_Jeremy at GayPutzRiot?

Paul Ryan is hott. He looks like a sexy, closet case, bible salesman who could suck a golf ball through a water hose. A sexy, wide-eyed conservafox. If we were voting for which candidate I’d rather fellate, it would be Ryan hands down. Or hands back and forth, rather.

Too bad we’re deciding who will be the leader of the “free world” should the President be harmed for whatever reason.

Bughunter, on his mobile,

Fuck a Republican? Just normally horny. But then female repugs are obliged to be hot when the party is full of neanderthal males, and obliged to be extreme in their writing and speech to get past the resulting chauvanism. Therefore, they’d have to agree to wear a ball gag. And perhaps a collar and leash.

Heck, I’d even do Malkin or Coulter if they’d consent to that getup.


Fuck the Republicans – before they fuck you.


All personnel strongly encouraged to check this expanded list of peanut butter and peanut product recall list

I noticed that Kirkland, Costco’s main brand is on there–so check it out..


Heck, I’d even do Malkin or Coulter if they’d consent to that getup.

Eeew, ick. You are a sick, sick, person.

No amount of kink makes either of those two acceptable in any way.


Heck, I’d even do Malkin or Coulter if they’d consent to that getup.

Blech. I’d still need them to be hot–like SE Cupp or Megyn Kelly or Dana Loesch type hot. Milkin’ and Coultergeist don’t even make the beer/meth goggle cut off line.


I’d still need them to be hot–like SE Cupp or Megyn Kelly or Dana Loesch type hot.

Jeebus, what is wrong with you people?

It is hereby decreed: “Hot” is not just about appearance.

Yeah, so the “decree” is written on a post-it note with a beer stain on it. So what?


If I got myself drunk enough to be able to do Malkin or Coulter I’d be way too drunk to do it anyways.


Megyn Kelly has a crooked nose.

I would love to see S E w/out all the glam make-up.


It is hereby decreed: “Hot” is not just about appearance.

That’s why the flowchart says that if there is any possibility of further contact, you RUN AWAY.

Hot is strictly about appearance when you’re just looking to hit it and disappear.


Megyn Kelly has a crooked nose.

I guess now that you mention it…I never noticed before

Vagina; It’s a food product, essentially.


I would love to see S E w/out all the glam make-up. clothing



Jeebus, what is wrong with you people?

You trying to tell me that if you and Megyn were in a bar drunk, knew there wouldn’t be anything beyond a one night stand, that you’d be worried about her being an incorrigible TV news hack? This would stop you from taking her to a hotel room and doing the deed? REALLY?


Oh come on, people. If the perpetuation of the human race depended on people being not only hot but agreeable as a prerequisite for mating, we would have died out long ago.

Ms Malkin is a reasonably attractive person, when she’s not sneering and spewing vitriol. Thus the ball gag condition. And Coulter, I’m still not convinced that she isn’t just an attention whore who found a schtick that worked and doubled-down on it.

Besides, if I was able to get Malkin and/or Coulter to wear a ball gag and dog collar, I’d be taking pictures…


Malkin and Coulter are both too boney and gaunt for me. I like girls to have some curves.


Holy fake boobs, Batman!

I know, I know, I’m catty. So much artifice makes me sad.


Study proves the obvious.

What it also proves is that we live in a country so scientifically and sexually backward that studies like that are even needed in the first place.


I like girls with money.


This would stop you from taking her to a hotel room and doing the deed? REALLY?

Yes, rilly.

If appearance and willingness were the only criteria I’d have gotten myself in a ton of trouble over the years.

Do. Not. Want.

Remember Pup’s axiom.


If I got myself drunk enough to be able to do Malkin or Coulter I’d be way too drunk to do it anyways.

Yeah, and the period getting to that point with either one would be agonizing.

Seriously, NOT the Doughy Pantload

Maytag or Kenmore?


If the perpetuation of the human race depended on people being not only hot but agreeable as a prerequisite for mating, we would have died out long ago.

The perpetuation of the human race does not depend on that anymore though, that’s for damn sure.


Perpetuation of the human race is a bad idea.


If appearance and willingness were the only criteria I’d have gotten myself in a ton of trouble over the years.

Yeah, can back that up with plenty of embarassing anecdotes. Impulse control is NOT one of my virtues.


Tsam, and photoshop, too, prolly. Looks like they straightened her nose in that one picture.

I’m sorry…I’ve always thought she was weird/plain. I’m sure all the dudes here think she’s Hawt.


So after launching Groove Salad’s stream today, Winamp begged me to upgrade, again, so I did, and poked around their site a little only to discover that Alex Jones’s Inforwars Radio Program is Winamp’s most listened-to stream right now. WTF??

From the front page of today:

On the Monday, October 15 edition of the Alex Jones Show, Alex covers growing threats made by followers of Obama to riot if their leader is not re-elected in November. “The new threats continue to dominate Twitter and the vast majority make no reference to the media’s coverage of the issue over the last week, illustrating the fact that they are a legitimate expression of how many Obama voters plan to respond if Romney comes out on top,” reports today.

Many, many Poe’s Law mangos on that site, including a nice collage of riot police, flames, and a blissful Obama.

I suspect that many of Alex Jones’ listeners view him as freak show entertainment and don’t take that shit seriously…


InfoWars is seriously a threat to the republic. Talk about an exemplar of the Gish Gallop, holy fuck.


I’m sure all the dudes here think she’s Hawt.

Until today, I wouldn’t have been able to recognize Megyn Kelly in a line-up. She’s a Fox News type, right? So, I am at least one dude who does not thing she’s Hawt.

I will confess (not for the first time) to a moderate admiration of Sipp E. Cupp, on purely aesthetic grounds. I am not made of stone.


I’m actually a little scared about how the wingnuts are gonna act when Obama wins. So I understand where Alex is coming from.


I’m sure all the dudes here think she’s Hawt.

I’m guessing she has money.


Sipp E. Cupp has the hawt nerdy glasses thing going for her. But I know a few smart, liberal women that also have that look, and are way hotter in the appearance department too. I have a rough life.


VS, I think we just have to accept we’ve got us a couple man-hoars here, and I for one will not judge a fellow liberal no matter what a disgusting filthy pervert he is.


VS, I think we just have to accept we’ve got us a couple man-hoars here, and I for one will not judge a fellow liberal no matter what a disgusting filthy pervert he is.

Good. I would never want you to judge me.


I’m really astonished how many of you are to unable to decouple your opinion of someone’s personality from your perceptions of their appearance.

Here’s an example: Cat Deeley is tall and lanky and has a crooked nose, too, but she’s built quite a successful career on her appearance. Her gig MCing a reality/contest/game show came later. But she also seems like one of the sweetest, least offensive people on the planet, so yeah, I expect few objections to her here.

(And for the record, I’d tap that like a keg of doppelbok at Octoberfest.)


we’ve got us a couple man-hoars here

WELL IF SEX FOR MONEY MAKES ME A WHORE then I am a very unsuccessful whore. BOO HOO.


I think Cat Deeley is adorable.


I for one will not judge a fellow liberal no matter what a disgusting filthy pervert he is

Well at least we’re open and honest about our perversions.

And I’m tempted to point out your blatant political bias here, too, but since it’s working in my favor I’ll just leave it as a backhanded implication out of my gratitude.


Cat Deeley is a liberal, as far as anyone seems to know.


Well at least we’re open and honest about our perversions.

Oh totally, he said, as he made sure he stood right in front of the basement door.


WELL IF SEX FOR MONEY MAKES ME A WHORE then I am a very unsuccessful whore. BOO HOO.

Well, by that measure, I imagine most us are poor…unless I’ve been posting at political snark blog hosted by the Bunny Ranch (?) this whole time.



Woo! Three in a row – can you tell the furriners are out of my hair this week?


You. YOU sneaky snooks. Dammit.



Naturally. However, most of us are very poorly paid if you count by the hour and we wish we were doing something as straightforward as fucking people for money.


VS, I think we just have to accept we’ve got us a couple man-hoars here, and I for one will not judge a fellow liberal no matter what a disgusting filthy pervert he is.

Judge me all you like. Being liberal doesn’t mean I’m not a pervy wanker. Also, tsam cares not for the judgements of others.

Also, I just keep my perviness out in the open. All others repress it, but don’t try to deny that it exists. Some of us just don’t believe there is such a thing as “polite company” and don’t really care if someone takes some personal umbrage at the fact that we aren’t scared to talk about how much we like to hump.


Perpetuation of the human race is theft.


Woo! Three in a row – can you tell the furriners are out of my hair this week?

It’s the furries you have to worry aboot.


I don’t worry about furries but I do fear the fursuits.


Getting fucked in the 99% is not very pleasant.



Toyboy. Quite different.


I don’t worry about furries but I do fear the fursuits.
Baby don’t fear the fursuit.


tap […] a keg of doppelbok at Octoberfest – bughunter

Maybe OBS would differ, but doesn’t one generally tap a keg of bock beer in the spring?


This is why Dumbocrats always lose. They don’t hold repigs responsible for pandering to ignorant, racist, bigoted morons.

This fucking singular obsession with demographics and identity politics makes them lose sight of the bigger issues – team

Yes and no.

Yes: not only do the Dems suffer because they don’t call the GOP on their “stuff” (it’s an Irish word, like malarky), but they also suffer because their obsession with demos and identity politics make them seem like they only care about “the rights of icky people to do icky things”.

OTOH, to the extent that the Dems do call the GOoPers out on their stuff, “even the liberal media says that the Democrats are being shrill and partisan”. While simony may tip the calculations of many Democrats to the “not calling the GOP on their malarky” side, the calculations are there because there are very real political costs for Democrats who do call a spade a spade in regards to the GOoPers.

Could you imagine the “but, but Paul isn’t the GOP candidate, Moderate(TM) Mittens is” and “the Democrats should stick to the issues and not make politics so personal and shrill” and “the Democrats are just being partisan” malarky storm if the Democrats actually did as you suggest? And people would believe it … because “there are extremists on all sides — the Democrats have them too — and the truth is somewhere in the middle, so the Democrats are just being hypocrites for attacking the GOP”.

I’m not saying the Democrats shouldn’t grow gonads and go on the offensive, but it will have a cost.


Who knew? said,

October 15, 2012 at 17:51

… That just laughing at wing nuts would piss ‘em off so bad?

For people who’re that profoundly insecure and take themselves that seriously, yeah, it’s kind of a death blow. Which is why I think mocking and trolling them is pretty much the only appropriate response at this point.


For people who’re that profoundly insecure and take themselves that seriously, yeah, it’s kind of a death blow. Which is why I think mocking and trolling them is pretty much the only appropriate response at this point.

Somebody the other day (at Balloon Juice? Here? I don’t know, just that it was online and had nothing to do with my day job) mentioned seeing a kind of “talk to the candidate about your concerns” meeting. The concerns raised by the Republican crowd were all fictional: Solyndra, Fast & Furious, death panels and so on. These people genuinely do not live in the actual universe we inhabit. They live in a parallel one of their own making that has only peripheral connections to ours. There’s an old saying that you can’t reason somebody out of a position he didn’t reason himself into. Pointing and laughing is likely to work better, I think.


Oh yes … one more point to add to my mini-rant: part of the issue is that the we have a strong anti-little-d-democratic strain in our political culture so that anyone perceived as being “political” (as attacks on the GOP will be perceived as being) will actually loose political points for it, as people will need fainting couches if politicians actually seem to want to get ambition.

The problem is that it’s very hard to maintain a healthy, Madisonian system when political ambition is frowned upon: if it’s better not to be seen as being too ambitious, how do you make ambition counteract ambition? We saw this especially during the Bush years when politicians knew that if they opposed Bush & CO’s ambitions, they (the opposing politicians) would be tarred and feathered for their “ambition” (“don’t play politics in a time of war, we need to be united!”) … so ambition was not made to counteract ambition but to go along with it. And look at what ended up happening?

At least Mitt Romney’s success with his etch-a-sketch (besides indicating his lack of principals) indicates that there is a market for the solutions he is now claiming to propose, which solutions are actually pretty liberal compared to the Village consensus as it stands. Of course, if Obama does win but governs in such a way as to work to obtain the results Romney claims for his plans, Obama’ll be denounced as a radical socialist. And people will forget their support of Romney’s “plans” and join in the denunciation.


Seasons don’t fear the furries.


Solyndra, Fast & Furious, death panels and so on

In other words, all their issues are about “getting liberals” and “showing the liberals.” They have no actual concerns beyond that. God, so depressing. Sick people.


Romney = Lincoln?

One of the oddest things about that is that for many of us progressives part of the issue with Obama is that he’s trying to be Lincoln in a time that calls for an FDR or LBJ. So, is this yet another odd example of right-wing projection (or I guess more precisely the inverse of projection)?


It’s a natural. White peoples is ENSLAVED.


Romney will free the white man from the bondage of the KenyanHitler.


I don’t think Obama is trying to be Lincoln.

He’s trying to be Democratic Reagan.

THAT’S the problem.

As for the pukes, accusing Democratic Reagan of being Stalin-Mao-Marx just helps them move the ball deeper down the field, in spite of the epic failure of their agenda for most Americans.

George Carlin nailed this years ago.

But it’s simply too painful for most U.S. Americans to admit it.


Unrelated: The Raspberry Pi got some updates. Pending orders will receive the updated version. Methinkst it’s about time to order a couple.


Romney = Lincoln?

He’s going to invade the South?


Mind you, Glenn Beck has probably never actually read anything ever said by Lincoln:

“I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me, and causes
me to tremble for the safety of our country. Corporations have been
enthroned, an era of corruption will follow, and the money power of the
country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of
the people, until wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the republic is destroyed.”


I think the real reason they’re pissed is because real-world Biden is not quite the gaffe-prone boob-Biden of their dreams. Real Biden hurt them by shaking their worldview.


Ah, but I recently heard Mitt say almost that exact same thing. Only, hedidn’t call it a crisis, he called it… oh what was it? A Bain? Oh, a boon!


Lincoln had to go to war to hugely expand federal power. So let me see..STATES’ RIGHTS OMFG is today’s mantra, as it was for the same crowd of subhuman pre-fascists who were willing to kill family members to defend slavery, but they still think they’re the party of Lincoln and want to take a dopey lightweight dimwit and try to compare him to Lincoln.

Got it. Cool plan, bro.


It is time to remind Americans in general and Democrats in particular that one of the most effective politicians since the mid-point of the last century was Lyndon Johnson, a true son-of-a-bitch. Like or loathe his policies, he got things done. It’s not that nice guys finish last, it that they often don’t get to finish at all because assholes grind them into bloody spots in the mud.

He had the advantage of a completely different political system, though. Political parties were more decentralized and divided, machine politics were stronger, the liberal coalition was stronger, the right-wing money-machine/primarying-system/alternate-universe didn’t exist yet (certainly not in the same scale), moneyed interests in general have subverted a lot more of the political system since then… Not saying Obama shouldn’t hit hard and play dirty, just that there are limits to what any Democrat could accomplish here compared to what Johnson could do.

I’d also point out that what Johnson got done was in a two-year window between 1964 and 1966 when there were enough liberals in Congress to help him pass all these things. Before that, you had a couple decades where the Conservative Coalition had a stranglehold on Congress and used it to shoot down Truman’s Fair Deal and either shoot down or water down all kinds of civil rights proposals throughout the fifties. After that, well, you got the rise of the Nixon/Reagan coalition, leading all the way down to today…

Shorter me: passing liberal shit is fucking hard even in the best of possible times.


Romney would totally suck at killing vampires.


Shorter me: passing liberal shit is fucking hard even in the best of possible times.

Especially when your Democratic President has no intention of passing any liberal policies.


A) if I had teeth half as beautiful as Uncle Joe’s I’d be showing them off too.

B) my badly broken jet lagged sleep last night included a dream hat Glenn Beck was dead and the FXers were freaking out.


a dream hat.
Glenn Beck was dead.
the FXers were freaking out.

I’ll have what you’re having.


No sleep for 40 hours coupled with groping by a uniformed German?


No sleep for 40 hours coupled with groping by a uniformed German?



A) if I had teeth half as beautiful as Uncle Joe’s I’d be showing them off too

Speaking of teeth, I’m going to the dentist tomorrow because my son (accidentally) hit me in the face with a rock-hard acrylic glass, and broke the bottom third off my front right toof. Sounds ugly, right? But I like to call it “Tweaker Chic.”


No sleep for 40 hours coupled with groping by a uniformed German?

Did this uniformed German look like Ilsa, She-Wolf of the SS?



BTW, skimming yesterday’s thread…did I see talk of “Nashville?” Because I watched the pilot, and it’s a lot of fun. Hell, I even liked some of the music, which scared me a little. I blame my new hillbilly tooth.


He looked like Larry the Cable Guy’s uglier brother.


Katie Kieffer writes like an angel:

Dagny Taggart is not just the entrepreneurial heroine of Ayn Rand’s magnum opus novel, Atlas Shrugged. She is the inspiration of real women everywhere who are taking up her shield and fighting her battle for freedom using the weapons of entrepreneurship, education and free speech.

The media continually talks about the “war on women.” What the media never admits is that the government is waging a war against women through unjust force.

The government’s “weapons” include: domestic drones that violate women’s private property rights; unconstitutional taxes and regulations that make it nearly impossible for women to achieve their dreams; healthcare legislation that forces women to overpay for subpar healthcare and the Federal Reserve’s unconstitutional monetary policies that inflate women’s money.


DAS: [shrug] I was under the longstanding impression that double bocks were served at holidays of any kind.

passing liberal shit is fucking hard even in the best of possible times

Chris, I feel your pain. Middle age, dietary restrictions, and the occasional course of painkillers for a pinched nerve make it hard for me to pass shit liberally sometimes, too.

Try milk of magnesia and lots of fiber.


The government’s “weapons” include: domestic drones that violate women’s private property rights; unconstitutional taxes and regulations that make it nearly impossible for women to achieve their dreams; healthcare legislation that forces women to overpay for subpar healthcare and the Federal Reserve’s unconstitutional monetary policies that inflate women’s money.

ruthless efficiency, an almost fanatical devotion to the Pope, and nice red uniforms—oh damn!


No sleep for 40 hours coupled with groping by a uniformed German?

You’ve met my friend Rena in Frankfurt?


Damn, vs.

When I was destructive little kid, I mostly just hurt meself.


Quote of the day:

“Of course I don’t like to read all this bullshit because it brings the heat down on us, but since we got famous we’ve had more rich fags and sex-hungry women come looking for us that we ever had before. Hell, these days we have more action than we can handle.”

(Hell’s Angel, reacting to the Time and Newsweek articles in 1963 that brought them to national attention, as reported by Hunter S. Thompson in Rolling Stone, reprinted in 2005 by The Nation.)


The government’s “weapons” include: domestic drones that violate women’s private property rights; unconstitutional taxes and regulations that make it nearly impossible for women to achieve their dreams; healthcare legislation that forces women to overpay for subpar healthcare and the Federal Reserve’s unconstitutional monetary policies that inflate women’s money.

It’s those damn monthly vaginal inspections, makes it hard to get anything done.


“Federal Reserve’s unconstitutional monetary policies that inflate women’s money.”

Chicks dig gold, amirite?


When I was destructive little kid, I mostly just hurt meself.

Yeah. I could see the glass coming right at my face. I was like “Oh, this is gonna hurt.” Never dreamed, it would take a chunk out of my tooth.


The government’s “weapons” include: domestic drones that violate women’s private property rights

“Tough on crime!”
“If you’re not doing anything wrong you don’t have anything to worry about!”


Ouch! That sounds painful vs.


It was, Major Kong. But on the bright side, I think my new gold tooth is really going to up my street cred.


domestic drones that violate women’s private property rights

I was not aware that they had perfected vaginal probe delivery systems to quite that degree.

bughunter, on his bughuntermobile,

Yes, they’re called ROVEs for short. Remotely Operated Vaginal Examinations.


Then there’s the GROPE (Gratuitous Remotely Operated Proctological Exam).

Kinda like a UFIA but telefrotteurically.


Dear Sadlyland:

I really want to get out the ol’ Ouiji board & let the dearly departed Patron Saint Of Bitchslapping loose on Kudlow, but he seems to have cunningly raised an immense Stupidium Shield that would only degrade & shame any warrior-o’-snark who lowered themselves to break it. The ever-thirsty LULZNIR, SACRED SERRATED GINSU MACHETE OF ARSEWHUPPERY requires a hearty quaff of sweet sweet gore, not stale Cheetos-dust. Any suggestions?

Nattering In New Westminster


BTW, skimming yesterday’s thread…did I see talk of “Nashville?” Because I watched the pilot, and it’s a lot of fun. Hell, I even liked some of the music, which scared me a little. I blame my new hillbilly tooth.

That was me. They shoot a lot of it in my fair city, so’s I got interested, after-the-fact.


Any suggestions?

Nuke it from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.


Nuke it

Airburst or groundburst?
Tactical or “crowd pleaser”?


That was me. They shoot a lot of it in my fair city, so’s I got interested, after-the-fact

Well, I’m excited about the show…had no idea they were filming on location. How cool.


Airburst or groundburst?
Tactical or “crowd pleaser”?

I’ll leave target analysis to those who have the expertise.


Yes, they’re called ROVEs for short. Remotely Operated Vaginal Examinations.

Those must use that DILDO (Drone Inserted, Laser Delivered Oppression) technology I’ve been reading about.


Well, I’m excited about the show…had no idea they were filming on location. How cool.

The writing seems pretty good so far. And yeah, there’s a lot of interiors and exteriors that are authentic (or they went to a lot more expense than needed to recreate). It’s been the topic of a lot of local talk, so I assume they spend a fair amount of time here shutting down Hillsboro Road, for example. 🙂


My one person in NYC who works with network folx think Nashville is “the one to beat” this season.


My one person in NYC who works with network folx think Nashville is “the one to beat” this season.

Well, when the competition is “Pawn Stars” and “Honey Boo Boo”….

Other than Boardwalk Empire on HBO I mostly watch movies on Netflix these days.


Well, when the competition is “Pawn Stars” and “Honey Boo Boo”….

I have no real idea. I don’t have or see cable TV, and haven’t even bothered building my coat hangar DV antenna (yes, it exists!, so the only TV is see is what I can get for free on hulu, and Up w/Chris Hayes, online.


You’re not missing much. Sometimes I wonder why I even pay for cable.

I guess so I can watch “Law & Order – Parking Enforcement Division”.


I had some analog rabbit ears which pulled in most of the local channels (not the ABC affiliate, as its broadcast mast is directly line-of-sight behind the CBS affiliate’s where I live), but I haven’t been arsed to try to make them work where I’ve now located the 15″ TV.


Here is an ad for Duck Duck Go.

You are what you search. That’s definitely the case on Google, where any search query turns up a personalized set of results based upon your prior Google search history data, even if you’re completely logged out of your Google account.

So it’s been since 2009, when Google expanded personalized search to all users.

But what this means on a practical level is that searching for the same set of terms, including politically charged topics like “abortion,” “gun control,” even the President’s last name, “Obama,” can pull up wildly different results for different users even they’re all signed out of Google, according to a new test by a rival, small, privacy-minded startup search engine called DuckDuckGo.

“I didn’t expect so much variation for signed out US users,” DuckDuckGo’s founder Gabriel Weinberg told TPM in an email. “You expect some personalization when you’re signed in. But if you’re signed out or in incognito mode, you expect to get the ‘regular results.’ What we found is there are no more ‘regular results’ on Google.”


my son (accidentally) hit me in the face with a rock-hard acrylic glass, and broke the bottom third off my front right toof.

Not too long ago, my darling son, having finishes the bunch of grapes I gave him for a snack, threw the stems at my face, and having excellent timing, hit me right in the eye. Some blood vessel in said eye broke and my eye filled up with blood. Apparently this is not a serious problem, but it looks scary as hell.

Anyways, the interesting part is that everybody I spoke to at the ER, three nurses and two doctors, after I told them what happened, immediately asked in a very serious voice, “How old is he?”. I imagine that if I had said any number larger than, say seven or so, I would have tripped some kind of domestic abuse macro and the shot would really have hit the fan.


Yes. The “shot” was going to hit the fan. One of the more obscure expressions we use here in the land of ice and snow. Fuckin’ phone.


From the NRO Jay Nordlinger link:

“Boy, does Ryan sound like he’s from Wisconsin! I like it when people sound like where they’re from. (Sometimes, Obama doesn’t sound like he’s from Honolulu.)”

Boy, this is three or four kinds of dumb.


I’m sure he just meant Obama should say “Mahalo” more often and this has nothing to do with him being, you know…


I had some analog rabbit ears which pulled in most of the local channels
Get one of those UHF loop antennas (It’s what I use; almost all the digital channels are UHF.) or search YouTube for “how to make an HD antenna.” Involves nails, a board & a couple of clothes hangers.


I pay just $24 a month for “Antenna Service” from my cable company. It’s Clear QAM of all the local channels, both SD and HD, and in Los Angeles, that’s quite a few. Plus there are a few cable channels like Cartoon Network, Discovery, etc. Combine that with a $200 one time investment for a PC tuner+DVR software connected to an old 21″ iMac that makes for a quite servicable TV since our den is so small.

For premium channel stuff like Sons of Anarchy and Game of Thrones, etc, bittorrent is a (nearly) ideal solution. (The bittorrent clients are the weak link… I’m using Miro for now, but it’s not perfect.)

It’s really the best deal around. I design and build microwave/UHF antennas and receive sites for a living, and I could do that for my home TV, too. But to build a comparable homegrown service would cost me the better part of 10 grand, plus a metric fuckton of grief. And the last thing I want to do when I come home is troubleshoot my own fucking system because Mrs bughunter can’t watch So You Think You Can Dance. $24/mo for cable and $29/mo for 3Mb/s internet is peanuts for the convenience.


Bughunter: TWC? ‘Cause the only cable channels I get on QAM are TCM & the Movie Channel, which seems to have become both free & expectedly crummy, & SPEED. Bravo was available for a while, but no more.

Do you get all the OTA channels? I only get the ones that TWC retransmits anyway.


Seconding the plug for … I rarely use Google any more.


MB: Charter. I’m no fan, but they’re the only choice.

The only OTA channel I don’t get is the local PBS station in SD. But I do get their HD feed.



I’m not an anti-porn crusader by any stretch of the imagination (or anus) but I think if I happened upon one such unicorn of a man, I’d probably think he was pretty neat.


My one person in NYC who works with network folx think Nashville is “the one to beat” this season.

I really dug it. Great cast, great acting and soapy without being completely over-the-top. (Although, ftr, I like over-the-top.)


from vs’ link:

Single men watched pornography for an average of 40 minutes, three times a week, while those in relationships watched it 1.7 times a week for around 20 minutes.

By ‘watched pornography’ they mean ‘fapped to naughty bits on a computer screen.”

And don’t believe those numbers… for single men it’s more like three times a day.

The only number I do believe is the 20 minutes for married men. Most porn scenes come in right at 20 minutes in length, unless the producer thinks he’s either an Arteest (de Renzy) or a Ladies Man (Siffredi).


Herp… I meant to say “There’s a reason most porn scenes come in right at 20 minutes…” Derp.


I’m sure he just meant Obama should say “Mahalo” more often and this has nothing to do with him being, you know…

My big sis was born in Kenya Honolulu. I don’t believe I’ve ever heard her say Mahalo. When we were little and I was being obnoxious she would threaten to give me a “real” Hawaiian punch though.


Hmm. I’m apparently under-porn’d, far behind the curve you might say. I have much catching up to do.


Prof Lajeunesse said pornography did not have a negative effect on men’s sexuality.

“Not one subject had a pathological sexuality,” he said. “In fact, all of their sexual practices were quite conventional.

If 100% of men watched porn, wouldn’t that define what was “conventional?” And how would one ever determine effect, negative or positive, with no control group for comparison?


If 100% of men watched porn, wouldn’t that define what was “conventional?” And how would one ever determine effect, negative or positive, with no control group for comparison?

I think there may be some Pacific Island or Amazon tribes that could qualify. Good luck getting to them though.


I think there may be some Pacific Island or Amazon tribes that could qualify. Good luck getting to them though.

And would that be a good baseline for Western ideas on what was “conventional?” Seems to me like convention is a societal construct.


“In fact, all of their sexual practices were quite conventional.
said a man who watches porn.


I feel like I’ve been lied to about how stupid women are…so disillusioned…

can you tell this to j.d. hatter or whateverthefuck his name is from the last post? i don’t have time to go through that whole thread, but i hope it is chock full of scalding denigration of that fucking moron creeper…


Shorter Frank Luntz: If you like what I did to American politics, you’ll LOVE what I’m about to do to the NHL!

Because a dull sport like hockey NEEDS focus group Sudden Death Shootouts.


Because a dull sport like hockey NEEDS focus group Sudden Death Shootouts.

You know what does need the Luntz focus group treatment? Porn, that’s what.


JTHA-CL: That link is fucking outrageous. I thought it was some kind of satire until I got into the details. Instead of trying to settle the lockout (not strike), NHL management is conducting focus groups oh how to make their obstructionism look good.

The next time I hear anyone complain about how the NHL gets no respect, they’ll get an earful as to exactly why that is.


Did I miss something? I was busy watching porn.


That was me. They shoot a lot of it in my fair city, so’s I got interested, after-the-fact.

hmmmm…i’ve been debating on this one…previews look like it’s a re-thrashing of the ‘old chick threatened by young chick’ kind of thing…

Well, when the competition is “Pawn Stars” and “Honey Boo Boo”….

Other than Boardwalk Empire on HBO I mostly watch movies on Netflix these days.

ha! last night i turned ‘honey boo boo’ on to see how long it could play before hubbkf noticed…not long…i have never seen such a look of disgust…

also, too…teh facebook tells me that my own dear hooterville got a shoutout on ‘boardwalk’ recently…

okay, that’s all my anecdotes for now…


the fact is, Obama is gonna get a hard takedown of facts and logic tonight. Real Americans cannot trust him and should not, for he will continue t bring the socialist that takes freedom away. Job creators and those who understand there roll will turn out in drovers to get America moving again, since Obama has been an absolut failure.


am i the only one NOT watching porn right now?


dang…i guess gary’s not watching porn either…


First peanut butter, then injectable steroids, now Bumble Bee Tuna.

I think I’ll pass on the tuna melts for a while.


The fact is, if you support Obama you are stupid idiot as well as Hate America. People who vote for Obama whould be indentified as the traiters they are and hunted down and publicly humiditated when we Take Back America.


I think if I happened upon one such unicorn eunuch of a man, I’d probably think he was pretty neat.

Fixed for statistical likelihood.

Xecklothayyquou Gilchrist

i guess gary’s not watching porn either…

Trolling S,N! is all the erotic charge Gary needs. Or is capable of, or something.


And how would one ever determine effect, negative or positive, with no control group for comparison?

That’s exactly what I pointed out to the deputy sheriffs after the incident in my front yard with the latex-clad komodo dragons and the barrel of canola oil.


The fact is, if you support Obama you are stupid idiot as well as Hate America. People who vote for Obama whould be indentified as the traiters they are and hunted down and publicly humiditated when we Take Back America.

so, the other night at work, uberconservativemissourisynodlutheran buddy sits down at the bar while another customer and i were paying half-assed attention to the veep debate while making smartass remarks about it…uberbuddy got just as nasty as gary and repeatedly told everyone sitting there that i ‘drink the kool-aid’…i did not rise to the bait i am proud to say…i did get him later on though after we turned the teevee to baseball and he was whining that it is totes unfair that the yankees can buy titles and it’s not fair to the other teams wah, wah, wah…i opined that i thought that a guy such as himself didn’t realize that life is not fair and shouldn’t the other teams just pull themselves up by their bootstraps?


Hmm. I’m apparently under-porn’d, far behind the curve you might say. I have much catching up to do.

Don’t panic, someone has to make up for Smut Clyde skewing the average the other way.


Skewing the average.


You can’t love America and hate Americans. Except if you’re saving all your hate for Gary, in accordance with the prophecy.


the fact is, Obama is gonna get a hard takedown of facts and logic tonight.

Covert Affairs and Sons of Anarchy, versus watching Mitt Romney be Mitt Romney for three hours.

The fact is, I’m going with the former. Sorry, presidential candidates. But I’m going to be getting more than enough of one of you for the next four years, and the other doesn’t matter. I’ll read the transcript tomorrow if it’s any good (I LOL’d several times with the Biden/Ryan transcript, so good).

The fact is, if you support Obama you are stupid idiot as well as Hate America.

I am stupid idiot! You are genius, comrade! Fucking indefinite articles, how DO they work?


The fact is, if it weren’t for the hatred of liberals, I wouldn’t exist.


In re what constitutes conventional sexual mores: “conventional sexuality” = sex in a GOP approved manner. “Unconventional sexuality” or “pathological sexuality” = the actual sexual practices of leading GOoPers


bbkf: I think your bar cretin and all other Yankees haters are going to have lots to love with this series. They couldn’t win one game at home, and they have yet to face the Tigers’ best pitchers? Oh, wait, I think Curtis Granderson just struck out again.


hard takedown of facts and logic tonight

I may have to watch because that sounds HOT. Mmm, brain porn…


uberbuddy got just as nasty as gary and repeatedly told everyone sitting there that i ‘drink the kool-aid’

I wonder how many people now using that phrase know its origin. I’m guessing the guy up in your grill didn’t know.

A little while back, Paul Ryan felt he needed to distance himself from his buddy, Todd Akin: “His statements were outrageous, over the pail. I don’t know anybody who would agree with that. Rape is rape period, end of story.” Oh, Paul, you don’t believe that, and even if you did, you’ve explained that the circumstances surrounding conception just don’t matter vis-a-vis abortion.

Anyway, I got a kick out of Ryan’s mangling of “beyond the pale” here. I’m not surprised when people don’t know what that expression means — I didn’t — but I know which words it involves, i.e. not “pail.” But remember, Paul Ryan is really smart.


To be fair, he was being interviewed, and could have meant “pale,” but if so, why’d he get the other word in the cliche wrong?



I really, really don’t feel like getting any work done (I’m kinda sick-ish right now and just need to veg to let my immune system do its thang), so I looked up missouri synod lutheran on wikipedia and started clicking around. Do you know that 16% of MO synod lutherans are pro-choice? 44% of them think we should accept homosexuality? 68% think that there is actually more than one way to interpret their religious teachings? (

The culture wars are over and the right wing lost. Our current GOP core really are a bunch of holdover reactionaries fighting a long lost cause. The problem is that so many people are committed to a pseudo-Nichomachean to ethics and morality that, even when faced with a choice between a nominally liberal party of centrists and a party of reactionary cavaliers that somehow have the religious fervour (if not the moral sense) of Puritans, they still will hold the truth to be somehow in the middle of those two “extremes” and will thus fail to see the GOP’s core for what it is but rather will see it as a mere mirror image of the Democratic “base”.


hmmmm…i’ve been debating on this one…previews look like it’s a re-thrashing of the ‘old chick threatened by young chick’ kind of thing…

It’s a little more complex; there are no villians here, just characters with issues.


there are no villians here

Gary was just here!


Gary’s not fun and interesting enough to be a villain.


Gary was just here!

That wasn’t Original Fake Gary™.

Accept no substitutes!


You can’t be a true villain without the proper equiptment.


Do you know that 16% of MO synod lutherans are pro-choice? 44% of them think we should accept homosexuality? 68% think that there is actually more than one way to interpret their religious teachings? (

this gives me hope! i reckon they are probably missouri synod lutheran city folks…cuz the ones out here in the sticks would not even THINK any of those things…hell, even OTHER missouri synoders can’t take communion at the local church without making prior arrangements…but, like i said, you’ve given me hope…


That link gave me a threat warning, TB. Though I suppose a villain site would do.


It’s a little more complex; there are no villians here, just characters with issues.

good to know…i will check it out with no pre-conceived notions…i have to admit however, that i am totally cranked to watch ‘american horror story’ tomorrow night…


I wonder how many people now using that phrase know its origin. I’m guessing the guy up in your grill didn’t know

oh, he knows, alright…he knows EVERYthing…you can just ask him…or not…either way, he’ll tell you…he was quite smug when other bar patron and i were discussing how we don’t go to church anymore (uberbuddy teaches sunday school, which he is overly proud of) a topic which i brought up because i know it makes uberbuddy feel even more superior…i said that if even jesus didn’t go to church every sunday, then i don’t have to…uber got super smuggy-smirky and was all, ‘ha! they didn’t have church on sundays…it was on SATURDAY!’ well, i can tell you that just knocked me down to size…yes, he’s that kind of douchehat…he also kept saying, regarding the debate, that ryan was struggling because ‘it’s hard for someone who’s intelligent (ryan) to debate an idiot (joe)…it was an extremely trying night…but you know what bugs me the most about this dude? he’s all goody-goody and sanctimonious when his wife (whom i work with) is around, but if she’s not and he’s had a few beers (heinkeken, natch because it’s the ONLY beer), he comes on to me like none other…i really want to kick him in the balls…


‘ha! they didn’t have church on sundays…it was on SATURDAY!’

So that means we never have to go to church on Sundays! Thanks, douchie guy!


i really want to kick him in the balls…

kicking people like this in the balls is not good enough. I suggest you smite him in the balls.


So that means we never have to go to church on Sundays! Thanks, douchie guy!

it’s almost like you know me…


Gary’s not fun and interesting enough to be a villain.

True, I s’pose. A refreshing lack of villain’s is rather pleasant, since they’re so prevalent everywhere else.

And now that I’ve typed that the troll that shant be named ([shhh]D3nn15[/shhh]) will show up any moment.


kicking people like this in the balls is not good enough. I suggest you smite him in the balls.


Gratuitous Ball Smiting

Junkpuncho the junkpunching Alpaca

kicking people like this in the balls is not good enough

No, no it’s not.


True, I s’pose. A refreshing lack of villain’s is rather pleasant, since they’re so prevalent everywhere else.

Can I at least be an evil genius?


ha! they didn’t have church on sundays…it was on SATURDAY!

Did you ask him why he isn’t a 7th Day Adventist?


i really want to kick him in the balls…

Might make for an interesting and enlightening conversation with Mrs. Douche if you did.


At the villain supply web site (that apparently poses a threat so don’t click on it) under the Misc. Evil category they have a robotic Ayn Rand. The fine print at the bottom contains this warning: *software tends to be rather buggy. For instance, your Randroid® may oppose immigration, yet be an immigrant herself. She may oppose infidelity, yet cheat on her husband. She may espouse individuality, yet believe that only those who follow her are individuals. She may oppose the control of individuals by organizations, yet laud corporate power. These bugs can not be repaired.


When we were little and I was being obnoxious she would threaten to give me a “real” Hawaiian punch though.

I would love it if in tonight’s debate, Obama turned toward Romney with a smile and said, “Say! How about a nice Hawaiian Punch?”


Thread Bear, that site is great — from the same page (I get no warning with Opera):

Multi-level marketing scheme

There’s not much in the world more evil than a good Multilevel Marketing Scheme.

Why, it’s been estimated that MLMs have ruined more lives than W.W.II, the Bhopal Disaster, and child actors combined.

And don’t forget that many of today’s largest Global Domination Conspiracies, like Amway and the International Cabal for Fascism, Terrorism, and Fine Quality Home Goods at Reasonable Prices, started as MLMs.

Get everything you need to start from this informative home presentation, brought directly to you in your lair or secret base. No obligation.

Price: Free

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I’m fairly certain my evil neighbor is a mid-level pawn in a multilevel marketing scheme.


Romney’s IQ tests are different from one week to the next.


Average troll IQ: 0


The Randroid(TM) has incredible power over people. It can convince Howard Roark and John Galt to vote for Gail Wynand and James Taggart and can convince Gail Wynand that he’s a regular Howard Roark and can convince James Taggart that he’s a real John Galt.


Obama is a Mulatto so his IQ is probably 85-90.

Yes, because people with room temperature IQs often enter Harvard and edit and later become president of the Harvard Law Review. Happens all the time. His graduation magna cum laude was clearly affirmative action at work.

So, trollypants, when did you edit the HLR?


bbkf, your anecdotes are always worth reading from where I sit.

but if she’s not and he’s had a few beers (heinkeken, natch because it’s the ONLY beer)

I used to drink a fair amount of Heineken, before I arrived in Wisconsin. Now it seems like a silly thing to do, for the price.


Sounds like troofie is back.



Troll-child, you won’t “believe otherwise” because it doesn’t suit your worldview. Your ex-recto ASSessment of Obama and all blacks is not subject to change by silly little things like facts.

Why don’t you go back to your basement and jerk off to The Bell Curve again?


Anonymous does in fact blow goats. I won’t believe otherwise until I see DNA swabs from the genitals of every goat within 50 miles of his house. I don’t know why that’s so unreasonable.


So, trollypants, when did you edit the HLR?

All this negative talk about affirmative action works wonderfully with people who either have not gone to college, or did nothing of substance while there; also, people who have not really worked challenging jobs. (Holding a supposedly challenging job is not enough.)

Good luck finishing a PhD (for ex.) if the only thing you have going for you is minority status … but then, that’s not how admissions work.

These are the same dumbfucks who cry foul early and often if they are asked to perform or adapt in school or on the job.


Ah say, that boy’s about as sharp as a sack full o’ wet mice.

– Foghorn Leghorn


Anyone who believes that a statistical average (mean? median?) can tell you anything at all about an individual, is either a) of far below average intelligence, b) being dishonest, c) repeating a fallacy he heard somewhere else and liked because it made him feel smart to repeat it, or d) all of the above.

Not to mention that saying “it’s just the facts,” is attempting to evade providing any support for the premise that “American Blacks” have lower than average intelligence, much less any willingness to discuss that IQ only measures one’s ability to take a test, as any psychologist will admit.

In other words,

Shorter Anonymous Troll: “Obama’s just a dumb nigger because SHUT UP LIBTARDS.”


It’s been said before, and it’ll be said again: if Obama is a product of affirmative action, then that is itself and argument FOR affirmative action. We all may have our disagreements with Obama, and we all can say with confidence how LBJ or FDR would have been able to do far better making mincemeat of the GOP opposition and effectively promoting a liberal/progressive policy agenda. But Obama is hardly the worst or least effective leader around. If affirmative action means that the Obamas of the world get ahead, even if it means that a few Bushes or Romneys don’t get into their first choice schools, I’d say that’s an unequivocally good thing, wouldn’t you?


Boring troll is boring


Bush and Romney were legacy admissions.


Nice to know that conservatives are suddenly all about socialist Sweden.


…saying that Thomas is on the Court and went to Harvard because of AA (true statements, btw…

Except for the Harvard part. (It was Yale.)

Thomas has built his entire conservative cred out of self-hatred. Telling himself, and everyone else who will listen, that he wasn’t good enough to get a private-sector job and it’s all because he should never have been let into Yale in the first place is the keystone of that cred. It would be simply pathetic and contemptible, except that he now is in a position to inflict his neuroses on the rest of the nation for decades to come.


bbkf, your anecdotes are always worth reading from where I sit.

well, thankee…

Average racial differences in IQ are an established fact and explains a lot about life

such as the fact that you are dumber than blacks and other minorities?


Social Democracy only works in racially homogeneous nations.



such as the fact that you are dumber than blacks and other minorities? the average house cat and I’ve got a couple potted plants that might be in the running?

Fixed it for ya bbkf.


I won’t believe otherwise until we see his college grades, I don’t know why that’s so unreasonable.

It’s unreasonable because no presidential candidate is expected to release them, including Mitt Romney. Also, no one gives a shit what you believe.


So “racial homogeneity” does not in fact mean “racial homogeneity”?


This troll was on Balloon Juice a week or two ago.

Can’t remember if it was Political Observer (the current wingnut troll) or someone else.

(You know how y’all look alike…)


( checks map )

Did I make a wrong turn somewhere and end up at Stormfront?


“Blacks have never had a Sweden or a Singapore. Ever.”

The subject of African history seems to embolden the most ignorant people to make sweeping statements. Without recourse to Google, this fellow could not recount even a few hazy scraps about African history or culture.


I am smarter than the vast majority of blacks and mestizos, but probably not as smart as Northeast Asians or high-caste East Indians.

oh…i see…you apparently got your facts from ‘stereotypes r us’! hey, guess what? i’m smarter than A LOT of people of all races and gender and also dumber than A LOT of people of all races and gender! also, iq doesn’t really have shit to do with how ‘smart’ or capable a person is…


Homogeneity? I believe that would describe Anonymous’ family tree. You know the kind, the ones with no branches.


Are you going to make a prediction for the November elections, troofus?

We’d all like to bookmark this page…


And you’ll notice Singapore is a police-state dictatorship (though a very pleasant one), political democracy is impossible there due to racial tensions.

You mentioned me first as comparable to Sweden, trollboy.
Do I have racial tension or not? Make up your freckin’ mind.


We’re certainly entertaining this person… hard to tell if he’s genuine or just having a bit of fun with us.

But if he is genuine, then he’s entirely blind to how his foregone conclusion (Obama’s dumb because he’s black, and therefore must have been given special treatment) is a result of his racism, and how it forces his logic into knots to avoid dealing with any contradictory real world facts… not just those he’s cherrypicked or invented.

When they’re laid out plain and simple in front of him, he resorts to projection (e.g., “looks like someone’s irritated because facts don’t square with his worldview”) and changing the subject.

(I’m using the male pronoun out of convenience only… and assuming it’s a person out of benevolence.)

The simple fact that he ranks races by intelligence, ignoring mountains of evidence that there’s no correlation by defining intelligence in his own narrow-minded fashion, proves that he’s a simple bigot, and should not be allowed to make any decisions more important than what to have for breakfast.


The subject of African history seems to embolden the most ignorant people to make sweeping statements. Without recourse to Google, this fellow could not recount even a few hazy scraps about African history or culture. – CRA

For that matter the same could be true if you substitute “European History”. For a good chunk of European history, it was an ethnically and religiously homogeneous hellhole. And if you dared be religiously different, it could get you killed.


Who has two thumbs and a new toof? THIS GAL!


The real danger in the United States is the trend of low-IQ southern redneck whites intermarrying with mestizos (especially those from Mexico and Central America). They’re creating a new underclass featuring aspects of both white trash and Latin culture that are less than ideal for a country in the 21st Century. The especially scary thing is that it is both lower-class white women AND white men at about equal rates.

Oy. Sorry, hate to repeat the troll’s talking points, but one of the more fascinating things I never used to notice about your baseline wingnuts is the amount of contempt they have for “white trash” and working-class whites. Like, in general. Not even just those who vote Democrat or join unions or are on welfare, all of them. It’s not quite as bad as the contempt for Other People, but it’s often damn close.

(Too young to pay attention in the 1990s, but I’m told the fact that Clinton rose from such a background was brought up often as a point against him).

This country is class-ridden out the wazoo even if you completely factor race and other “identity” points out.


Who has two thumbs and a new toof? THIS GAL!

Diamond inset?


Anonymous said,
October 16, 2012 at 21:49

Sincere Stormfront type, paid Romney shill, or both? I dunno which of the three is more pathetic.

DAS: well-put re: European history.


Were the Untied States still 90% white non-hispanic, instead of about 65%, it could maybe work here. But that ship sailed.

“Untied.” LOLOLOL.


VS – where is the new tooth? Forehead? Further south?


Oy. Sorry, hate to repeat the troll’s talking points, but one of the more fascinating things I never used to notice about your baseline wingnuts is the amount of contempt they have for “white trash” and working-class whites. Like, in general. – Chris

And yet they accuse us urbane liberal types of looking down on working-class whites and being out of touch with real Americans. Chalk it up to “it’s always projection with the wingnuts” I guess


But since you asked, women on average have higher IQs than men,

no, i didn’t ask…i threw gender in there because i was sure a scientimethic mind such as yours would take that into consideration as well…

So, there are fewer females who are total retards (when is the last time you meant a TRULY stupid female? but you can name males off the top of your head I bet) but also fewer geniuses.

and this doesn’t even begin to make sense…i know a couple of truly stupid females, but i also have a daughter who is retarded…how does that fit in with your statistics…also, my daughter can write more clearly than you…


Where do we fit on trollboy’s ladder of racial superiority?

The American National Socialist White People's Party

In re: the person styling himself “Anonymous,” we wish to report that this man is a SPLITTIST! and that no true loyal son of the Aryan race should follow his blasphemous pronouncements.

(We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you that Long Knives are being readied to deal with him and his kind as we speak!)


VS – where is the new tooth? Forehead? Further south?

Imma guessing that someone shot VS with an ExistenZ tooth gun.


And yet they accuse us urbane liberal types of looking down on working-class whites and being out of touch with real Americans. Chalk it up to “it’s always projection with the wingnuts” I guess

Or just divide and conquer. “The urbane liberal Jew is using the black as muscle against you!” and all that, you know.

Where do we fit on trollboy’s ladder of racial superiority?

You cure the Master Race’s møose bites.

(Which kan be pretty nasti…)


a new underclass featuring aspects of both white trash and Latin culture that are less than ideal for a country in the 21st Century.

Hmph. Coulda fooled me.


So my point stands.
No, anonymous’ point has collapsed in the corner in a drunken snivelling vomit-streaked heap.


The real danger in the United States is the trend of low-IQ southern redneck whites intermarrying with mestizos

Don’t you need to go wash your sheets Klan robes or something, sparky?


gocart mozart said,

October 16, 2012 at 21:26 (kill)

Boring racist troll is a boring racist


And I totally think this is a reincarnation of a past troll. Could be D3nn1s or Troofie. Slightly too coherent for Gary…


Bring back disenvoweling!


Diamond inset?

You KNOW it.


hmm figured you were talking about little LC.

I could use a few new teeth myself now that I think about it..


Yeah, LC knocked the bottom third off my front tooth. Hubby kept calling me “Arkansas Chic.” And then I punched him. (Not really.)

When I was the at the store a few days back, I was talking to the bag boy about how LC will eat a piece of dog food off the floor without hesitation, but will eye a piece of macaroni suspiciously for a half hour before putting it in his mouth. And I was trying not to smile…but I couldn’t help myself. So now everyone at the Stop and Shop thinks I’m a toothless hillbilly.


Oh hey, those doctors can get a lot done these days and GAAAAH!

   —  —
   ◉  ◉


Diamond inset?

You KNOW it.

Aw, man. I had the over/under (heh) on gold.


Beck + Romney = Lincoln x (weapons grade stupid)
You just think that you’ve heard it all and they say this sort of shite and blow everything else out of the water.


Yeah, LC knocked the bottom third off my front tooth.

You know you have to post pictures on your blog, right? Otherwise we’ll think you made the whole thing up.

And now I realize that’s probably a Rule 34 violation and I feel all creepy.


Violating Rule 34.


I feel all creepy.

Hey, as long as creepy consents…


Today in It’s Always Projection:

Fact: Voter fraud contributs to less than 1% of 1% of votes cast.

Fact: GOP has gone to extraordinary lengths to make it more difficult for legitimate voters to cast ballots in youth, residents of Democratic voting precincts, and minorities.

Wingnut Reality: Democrats are Going to Steal The Election!


Second Derp of the day.

Aborted rewrite read: for legitimate voters to cast ballots in youth, residents of Democratic voting precincts, and minorities.

That should have been “for legitimate voters to cast ballots in precincts with a majority of youths, Democrats, and minorities.”

I’ll just blame WP because it’s convenient.


Wingnut Reality: Democrats are Going to Steal The Election!

They have to have something to say if they lose (and this suggests they think they will). “We lost the election because black people voted and that shouldn’t be okay” might just kill them with moderates, so they run with this instead.


Diamond inset?

You KNOW it.

Aw, man. I had the over/under (heh) on gold.

i am disappoint…i saw on teh teevee one day that screen printing images on teef is the new rage…i thought for sure vs would be all over that shit…


VS is a piker. I’m replacing everything in there.


With wind-up chattering teeth? Please…pleeeeeeeeeeease…


With wind-up chattering teeth? Please…pleeeeeeeeeeease…

giant chiclet teeth would also be awesome…


Whoops “Dinesh D’Souza’s fiancée is weird and there is that whole cheatin’ stuff.


i am disappoint…i saw on teh teevee one day that screen printing images on teef is the new rage…i thought for sure vs would be all over that shit…

OMG scrimshaw toofs, I wants them.


You know you have to post pictures on your blog, right? Otherwise we’ll think you made the whole thing up.

I was super-tempted. If I hadn’t just had that weird depression/medication meltdown, I totally would have. Now I’ll prolly just photoshop it.


i am disappoint…i saw on teh teevee one day that screen printing images on teef is the new rage…i thought for sure vs would be all over that shit…

There’s always the next time! And, hey, what a way to promote my art.


giant chiclet teeth would also be awesome…

ROFL. Now you know what I’m thinking of, don’t you?


Cheater D’souza’s not-wife: Time and again, they urged us to recognize human’s natural “animal instincts” in relation to traditional morality and therefore, to reject traditional institutions such as marriage as outdated because now these intellectual elites had things like biology and sociology, things like women’s studies, gender studies, and critical race theory, to back them up. They pointed to infidelity or infamous sexual desire surveys (conducted by homosexuals)[vi] among traditionally married couples to “prove” their theses. Limb by limb, they tore the traditional family to shreds until they reduced us to the shining bastion of zoological (but even animals aren’t this bad and do not depend on the state to care for them)cesspool equality that we have now in every American ghetto and which is seeping out into the middle and upper classes in less animated ways.


Fucking word salads, how do they work?


D’gheyz ruined D’Souza’s marriage!


Word salad fucking, do they work for you?



His wife’s name is Dixie D’Souza. That’s so perfect.


How to understand the Romney tax plan in one simple step.


Marriage-breaker girlfriend should change her name to D’nise. AND STOP BEING A GAY FEMINIST.


Perhaps change her name to D’oh after thisbecause now these intellectual elites had things like biology and sociology LEARNIN’ IS BAD!!!


Commentary is not just dressing horrible desires but also breaking turkeys.
Not plugging makes everything most omnipotent.
The thing is out there.
Overcoming is not just nailing ecstatic bureaucrats but also nailing zipperheads.
Don’t trip up over your own tentacle.


I like that I can use the AWESOME Droid browser, here to read and post comments, unlike over at that hack, Duncan Black’s place.


And vs: Congrats on toof!


With wind-up chattering teeth? Please…pleeeeeeeeeeease…
Fill me w/ the right substances & anything could happen.


ocart mozart said,
October 17, 2012 at 0:14

How to understand the Romney tax plan in one simple step.


And that was PRE troll infestation so you have no excuse. phtphtphtt


Dinesh D’Souza
Dixie D’Souza
D’nise D’Souza

Utterly awesome would be if Dixie played tuba in a N’awlins second line… Then we’d have Dixie D’Souza playing Dixie on D’Souzaphone.

Also, Denise Joseph’s middle name is Odie. Srsly!

(Does she call Dinesh “Garfield?”)


And vs: Congrats on toof!

Thanks, JP!


I wonder how long Empire State Bldg. U will keep him around.


Spotted in Portland:


Empire State Bldg. U
Isn’t that Spider-Man’s alma mater?

European Union Thug

Apt. The word I wanted is apt.

D’nesh: “…a hateful little man with a chewed-up baseball head.”


D’nesh needs to start d’ting the d’lectable D’bbie Schlussel.


…they reduced us to the shining bastion of zoological… cesspool equality that we have now in every American ghetto and which is seeping out into the middle and upper classes in less animated ways.

(edited for greater clarity)

I’d like to bring up a few trenchant points about this thought-provoking comment…
=Zoological cesspool equality is pretty bad, but not as bad as botanical cesspool equality.

=If you want to build a cesspool bastion, you’ll need to dig a shit moat.

=Seeping ghettos are a real problem, but the lazy and shiftless nature of the ghetto dwellers results in less animated seepage.


“Chewed-up baseball head” is my new favorite insult.

Oh, and Upienus, its gocart not ocart you stupid chewed-up baseball-headed mofo.


Also, the word “shit moat” should be used more often in polite society.


Paul Ryan also has a chewed up baseball head.

Interesting documentary on PBS right now about Race and Politics. Money quote: “To the 1%, we are all niggers.”


Hey, no clean coal shout-out.


Perhaps Obama is awake tonight. Some good beating on Mitt’s history.


Hmm, Mitt’s looking like a flailing loser.


Mitt IS a flailing loser. I love that Big O is bringing up Rmoney’s primary statements. ABOUT TIME.


Mitt’s totally failing on the pay-equity bit.





Ah, he’s sidling up to it.


Vouchers! Self deportation! Zing!


Teh Ho on Rmoney’s difference from George W.: I didn’t fuck Laura, though she’s a fine filly.


Barrez killin’ yo




Well mittens sure made it nicce for ladies in hiz office, all others can piss off


/stamps feet and throws microphone


Romney scored on last four years…

Jeebus if O doesn’t bring up Mittens’ comment about being born to Latino parents I’ll go to DC and slap him.


Last four years bit was good for Mitt, but I think he’s been sunk. Saying “Democrat” right now.


Willard said he told his staff to go find some women to fill cabinet posts.

So….Willard’s for affirmative action?


Self deportation, bitzes.


Laraine has a question.

Mitt: It’s “laraine?”.
[Laraine speaks in an accent]
Mitt: [whoa, it’s a foreign name!]. Is it “laraine?”


Obama’s back to owning Mitt on immigration.


Troll iz gone.


Obama’s back to opwning Mitt on immigration.


OBTW, Willard is obscenely rich. Has anyone noticed?


Stopped watching but def needs most Cayman, people hate that shit


oh jeez…i am so digging barry right now…even hubbkf is getting in on it and he HATES talking politics…could mitt be even more of a flaming asshole?


Jeezus. Barry talking about Libya: don’t fuck with me. CinC indeed.


Answer to the Hillary-blaming attempt.


mitt: i know you are, but what am i? nah nah nah nah boo boo!


i would put money on a crowley/obama tag team…


Flop flop flop [gasping for air] flip flop flop


Now THAT is a bitch slap.


mitt: premarital sex causes mass murder shooting sprees…


The answer to assault weapons? Two-parent families!

Wait, what?


Also, Fast and Furious!



“Am I incorrect?”

I’ll take things you should never say in a debate for 10 Trillion, Alex.


Wow, you’d think Mitt would have been a little better prepared to attack Obama over Fast and Furious. That was gibberish. He spent half his time repeating that he has no idea what happened or why.


“Am I incorrect?”

No, you’re lying.


He’s looking bad, and all it took was to call him on bullshit.


“Trickle-down government has never worked here, has never worked anywhere.”

Think people are gonna get what he means?


ooooooh…mitt’s mad at us!


Cheater D’souza’s not-wife:

Nothing will convince me that this word salad gallimaufrey was not written by one of Substance’s JanusNode scripts.


“…because unemploment is high. And I know how to make that happen.”

Have a Romney.


“Trickle-down government has never worked here, has never worked anywhere.”

IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION has hit an all new level of stupid.


LOL, douchebag gets in a quick chant of “GOVERNMENT. DOES. NOT. CREATE. JOBS. GOVERNMENT. DOES. NOT. CREATE. JOBS”





Ooh, good last question for Mitt to stumble over.


“I care about 100% of the people.”

…so you were lying to your donors a couple weeks ago then?


YES. 100% and Mormon church. Way to go. Also health insurance is great!


Ooh, Bams calls Mittens out on 47%! Love it!


woot! barry! 47%!


He thought they meant post holes probably


ann doesn’t look super happy…


in fact, she looks like she has to go home and sleep with a loser…


There we go. Obama did his prep.


Even Bobo said Bams won.


also, too…i am going to stop bein china now…


haha…hubbkf and i just discovered the smoke detector on the upstairs landing does indeed work…i probably shouldn’t cook supper after a late afternoon meeting held at a drinking establishment…


also, shock top’s pumpkin wheat isn’t bad a’tall…


who doesn’t enjoy bobo talking about ‘alpha males’?


Aaaaaand Barry mops the floor with Mittens.

Alas, the nattering class will scramble to tell the low info crowd why what they saw isn’t what they saw.


There’s no way out of this. Their boy got floored. I would have said that there was no need to bring up Benghazi and the “I care for %100 of you” was DUMB.


Disagree. The talking heads will promote the horse race: …and now it’s Obama by a nose!


My last comment was aimed at Pup.


Laissez les bon temps roulez.


He who is not a bukkit to himself doesn’t know himself.
Nobody can make you feel clumsy without your employer.
The funniest way to a child’s brain is through its pancreas.
Paranoia is not just squashing argumentative standardizations but also becoming fools.
Sleets are the pregnant jays of nogs.
Infinities are the tough prince of the lower aerial kingdoms of hoohoos.
The deviant is out there


And, hey, what a way to promote my art.

vs, exactly what i was thinking!

ROFL. Now you know what I’m thinking of, don’t you?

if walther matthau and the phrase, ‘i was husky! enter in, then, yes i do know what you are thinking…


Go have a peek at The Corner.

Lots of wishful thinking there, but DAMN Mona Charen needs to put down the airplane glue.


this is just plain awesome…it’s one of the daughter’s friends’ fb status:

ummmm so i keep hearing about this mitt idiot wtf is his problem the whole things i keep reading about guns an people begging violent because thiers not two parents in a home yea not voteing for that dude………………. not sure i feel like voteing this year espically if a idiot gets in office


not sure i feel like voteing this year espically if a idiot gets in office

Fuck yeah


o plz! d00d on facebook is trying to tell me that the corporate owners of olive garden and red lobster aren’t wealthy…


o plz! d00d on facebook is trying to tell me that the corporate owners of olive garden and red lobster aren’t wealthy…

Have you tasted that yummy food? They do it for LOVE.


“Binders full of women” become more practical when you only keep the skins.


enh…’rules of engagement’ is on my teevee because once again i am too lazy to find the remote and it is possibly the worst show i have ever seen…


The Devil went down to Georgia
He was lookin’ for a woman to steal
She was in a bind and he was way behind
And he was willin’ to make a deal


“Binders full of women” reflects an executive mentality that sees people and their lives as abstractions. Women aren’t their resumes. Romney’s mindset is soulless enough that his phrasing is telling.


No-one could have predicted that Romney is claiming credit for someone else’s work and lying about the idea being his.

Link may or may not get through, on account of server overload.


So….is it safe for me to go home from Poland?


The Right-wing fixation on whether Obama called Benghazi an act of terror illustrates their desperation and small-mindedness. Romney hasn’t lost his macabre conviction that he can sink Obama if people will just understand this issue. He came off very badly, like a hyena being clubbed away from a corpse.

Obama said “No act of terror …” in the Rose Garden: close enough for most folks. Hypothetically, what if he had not? So what. My takeaway is that the president and secretary of state are trying to do their jobs, perhaps not perfectly. Meanwhile, Romney, his party, and his movement play wierd games that are increasingly incomprehensible to outsiders. This sub-game is distasteful at the very least, but Romney and his camp seem oblivious. Obama seems to know, and knows how to help viewers grasp why they’re ill-at-ease with the Ghoul Hyena’s shenanigans.


So….is it safe for me to go home from Poland?

But we have binders full of women here. Veritable binders. What are the wonders of The Zakopane Mountains, compared with Mitzy, the Clown-Boy?


“Binders full of women”? Most people just call it their porn stash.


The tell was Mitzy saying, “binders of women”, then quickly following with “binders full of women”.

Sad. Mitt’s neglecting the all-important BDSM vote.


So….is it safe for me to go home from Poland?
Probably depends on which airline you’re thinking of flying.


Probably depends on which airline you’re thinking of flying.
I’d check if you’re thinking about Air New Zealand
The Civil Aviation Authority says the Air Force put civilian lives at risk if it sent dangerous oxygen-generating cylinders on an Air New Zealand passenger jet without permission. It did send them.


Anyone notice Mitten’s repeated inability to pronounce “legislation”? It kept coming out “leddislation” or he could have been referring to “lettuce station” or “lesbo nation”. I’m sure it was Obama’s fault from some ooga booga spell or something.


The Obama Ooga Booga Spells issue has been DELIBERATELY underplayed by the Lamestream media.


The Obama Ooga Booga Spells issue has been DELIBERATELY underplayed by the Lamestream media.

Good thing Mark “Appalachian Trail Hiker” Sandford warned about Obama’s use of spears in the debate.





The Civil Aviation Authority says the Air Force put civilian lives at risk if it sent dangerous oxygen-generating cylinders on an Air New Zealand passenger jet without permission.

That’s what caused the ValueJet fire and crash some years back.



But we can’t cut defense spending because that will cost jobs.

( picks up cognitive dissonance detector and shakes it – I’m sure I changed the batteries in this thing )


( picks up cognitive dissonance detector and shakes it – I’m sure I changed the batteries in this thing )

I call it cognitive assonance- it’s a combination of cognitive dissonance and assholery.


Mark Sanford: Obama will ‘throw a lot of spears’ at next debate

Ya think using “chuck” instead of throw would have been a bit much? Nice use of restraint on nature oby’s part.


But you just can’t deny that Mitt Romney Style


That’s what caused the ValueJet fire and crash some years back.
The Air Force were well aware of that, which is why they sent the gear as cargo on a domestic passenger jet rather than risk their own transport.

Apparently they have sent dangerous goods on multiple occasions, and have had internal inquiries to ensure that it won’t happen again until the next time.
They did not get around to informing the airline or the civilian air-safety authorities about the mistakes or the existence of any inquiries, due to “different staff within the Air Force thinking that others were doing it”.


Ya think using “chuck” instead of throw would have been a bit much? Nice use of restraint on nature oby’s part.

Can’t have anyone thinking he’s a racist, now.


The Air Force were well aware of that, which is why they sent the gear as cargo on a domestic passenger jet rather than risk their own transport.

Heck, we would have shipped it. We carry all sorts of flammable explody stuff for a price.

We also carry toxic/radioactive/infectious stuff – but I figure it’ll burn up in the fire.


We also carry toxic/radioactive/infectious stuff – but I figure it’ll burn up in the fire.

You’ve given me an idea for dealing with our nuclear waste: bonfires.


We used to wear radiation badges, but they tell us we don’t have to wear them any more. Trust us.

So far I haven’t acquired any super powers.


So far I haven’t acquired any super powers

You should always carry a jar of various biting insects. Then let them bite you after they’ve been irradiated. Everyone knows that’s how you acquire super powers.


hey major, don’t you have to wear dosimetry anyway because of the radiation up at those altitudes?


d00d on facebook is trying to tell me that the corporate owners of olive garden and red lobster aren’t wealthy…

Well, they’re publicly traded so he may be right that the majority of owners aren’t wealthy, but I have a feeling that’s not what he meant. The largest direct holder is the CEO, Clarence Otis jr, and you can see for yourself if he’s wealthy here. Spoiler for those who can’t be bothered to follow: YEP.


Everyone knows that’s how you acquire super powers.

Or a nasty rash.


hey major, don’t you have to wear dosimetry anyway because of the radiation up at those altitudes?

No, but a lot of people do worry about cumulative radiation exposure at high altitudes.

That’s why a lot of people don’t want to fly our 777s because we fly them very long distances (14 hours) at high altitudes.

I just don’t want to sit an airplane that long. I’ve done it in bombers (16.5 hours) and tankers and don’t care to repeat the experience.


Are Mitt’s binders full of women possible sister wives for Ann? (You know, someone HAD to go there).



Up yours, Mittens. I’ve created more jobs than your private enterprises have ever even thought of creating. Heck, I’ve created more jobs than the number of jobs you’ve eliminated. And you like firing people. You really, really do.

BTW, ever heard of something called the internet? The interstate highway system? You think private enterprise would have built those?


I think WordPress ate my comment reminding people that government can and does create jobs. I betcha I personally have created more jobs than any businessman.


Binder? I barely know her.


WordPress keeps eating my comments. It doesn’t want you to know that I’ve created more jobs than any private businessman ever.

Up your Mitt “government doesn’t create jobs” Romney. And FYWP.



I see around the toobz that “binders” makes most people think of the three ring variety whereas the binders I use are lever action chain binders for holding heavy equipment.


Are suits that keep women captive using the ties that bind?


Binders. I always think of the Roy Rogers restaurant ad from some years back with a guy doing an impression of George C. Scott doing Patton. He keeps saying the other roast beef place has BINDERS! the word is used a number of times. It was a very good ad.


“Binders” is also slang for “brakes”.

For example – Romney’s plan would put the binders on the economy.


“Binders” is also slang for “brakes”.

I’ve never bothered wondering, do Mormons have their own slang?

If they do, I bet they’d be uncomfortable with me calling it “slang.”


The Krugman coins a new mitticism: Mitt Binderminder
The whole thing is worth a read.


From the link

MS. CROWLEY: Governor, if you want to reply just quickly to this, please.

MR. ROMNEY: Yeah, I — I certainly do. I certainly do. I — I think it’s interesting the president just said something which is that on the day after the attack, he went in the Rose Garden and said that this was an act of terror. You said in the Rose Garden the day after the attack it was an act of terror. It was not a spontaneous demonstration.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Please proceed.

MR. ROMNEY: Is that what you’re saying?

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Please proceed, Governor.

MR. ROMNEY: I — I — I want to make sure we get that for the record, because it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror.

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Get the transcript.

MS. CROWLEY: It — he did in fact, sir.

So let me — let me call it an act of terrorism — (inaudible) —

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Can you say that a little louder, Candy? (Laughter, applause.)

MS. CROWLEY: He did call it an act of terror.


The Krugman coins a new mitticism: Mitt Binderminder

By timestamp it looks like Krugman said it first but I’m still giving credit to Mrs. Polly at Rumproast.


Matt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor’s second son, told how his father would present his children with a stick of butter, telling them “it’s so rotten you have to smell it”. When they leaned down he would gleefully shove their faces into the plate.

Mr Romney apparently repeated the trick recently with one of his grandsons, pushing the shocked child’s head into a platter of whipped cream.

Digby has more on this, forcefully illustrating that Romney plays by a different set of rules, whether in business and taxes, in breaking the rules of the debate, or in “jokes” on children: “He does like pranks but he doesn’t like to get pranked. We’ve learned that the hard way,” [his son] Josh said.


PRESIDENT OBAMA: Please proceed.

And he did! That’s a self-pwn, that is.


Matt Romney, the former Massachusetts governor’s second son, told how his father would present his children with a stick of butter, telling them “it’s so rotten you have to smell it”. When they leaned down he would gleefully shove their faces into the plate.

Wow, what a charming fellow.

And this is the republican response to bindermindergate. Wotta buncha dumbasses.


A better link for the GOP “empty binder” response.


Jonah Loadedhosen on NPR this morning: [my paraphrase] Obama is trying to sell the idea that raising taxes _causes_ growth and I don’t think it’s true.

Jon Chait was very gentle, he did not say “Jonah you stupid twit.”


Don’t get caught with an empty binder!


Look out folks, the GOP’s gonna “own” binders. They’re flipping the script!

Americans just love them some binders. So many happy memories! … Nothing’s manlier than a thick binder, just oozing data. ‘Cept maybe one in each hand, Mitt-style. That’s right, he can palm a 4″-thick binder and work it no problem all up and down the boardroom … Mitt’ll pretend to draw your attention to some fine print, and just shove your face down in that binder.


Thread Bear said,

October 17, 2012 at 20:04 (kill)

Don’t get caught with an empty binder!

Fun! I gots me 88 wimmins in mah binder!


Now I want a JanusNode module that’ll generate 88 Lines About 44 Women.


88 binders full of 44 women?


Jon Stewert reaches out to the all important Sadly,No! demographic with:
“Back in Black – Lance Armstrong, Butt Chugging & Farm Animal Sex”


“Back in Black – Lance Armstrong, Butt Chugging & Farm Animal Sex”

Ok, which one of you fuckers is Louis Black in real life?


You should always carry a jar of various biting insects. Then let them bite you after they’ve been irradiated. Everyone knows that’s how you acquire super powers.

Radioactive bed-bugs, for instance, give you the ability to crawl across teh ceiling and drop on people.

the ties that bind?
You only need four of those, one at each corner of the bed. Silk is best.


Radioactive bedbugs, for instance, give you the ability to crawl across teh ceiling and drop on people.

Wouldn’t that be the ability to hide in the mattress, crawl out and bite people while they sleep?


Yes, I think Smut is thinking of radioactive drop bears.

Consumer Unit 5012

I heard a cheap shot that amused me:

“Of the two candidates for President this year, one is a not-so-secret member of a religion that orchestrated attacks on American citizens on 9/11. The other is the black guy.”

(Mountain Meadows Massacre, 9/11/1857. NEVER FORGET.)


The Washington Free Bacon checks the counter-tops of the young woman who asked the question about equel pay. Fucking asshole douchebags.


Silly tigris, drop bears are an Australian creature and would New Zealanders want some Australian animal in their stores? NO.


Fun! I gots me 88 wimmins in mah binder!

69 here. YA RLY.


From K-man’s blog:

“First, there’s the notion that posturing and talking tough is what it’s all about.”

Obama needs to find a good way to hit this point home during the foreign policy debate: something along the lines of

there’s talking tough and there’s being tough: I could and did call terrorist acts ‘terrorist acts’, I could have asked Congress to unilaterally pass sanctions against Iran that other nations would have ignored and which would have made them useless, but instead of just talking, I did things. I got stuff done. The last president from Mitt Romney’s party said he’d get bin Laden, dead or alive. Under my administration, we got bin Laden …


Also from the Free Bacon
“Obama campaign co-chair Eva Longoria promotes vulgar anti-Romney tweet”

Heh, she called Romney a racist/misogynist twat. Good on her. Jormalism at its finest.


(Mountain Meadows Massacre, 9/11/1857. NEVER FORGET.)

Those were overzealous subordinates.


“Obama campaign co-chair Eva Longoria promotes vulgar anti-Romney tweet”

That may be a Big Hollywood pickup.

Here you can see how awful and vulgar it is:

Here, on the front page with that right now, you can see how wonderful Gene Simmons saying “piss-poor” is:


“Binders full of women” isn’t quite as good as “There is no Soviet domination of Eastern Europe,” but it’s good.


If you can find a book by Eando Binder containing more than one female character — let alone being full of them — you’re doing well.
Those books include “Adam Link, Robot”, and “The Mind from Outer Space”, so it may well be that Romney has read them.


Gene Simmons put his tongue back in his mouth long enough to say that?


Expect more hate from Hollywood, from wholly untrue attacks on Romney’s stance on women’s issues to flat out vulgarities

oh. em. gee. not flat out vulgarities!!! whatever shall we do…naughty, naughty liberals!

Here, on the front page with that right now, you can see how wonderful Gene Simmons saying “piss-poor” is:

more from teh wah!mbulance on the front page:

Crowley Saves Obama with False Fact-Check
they’re not going to let this go, are they?

Crowley Interrupts Romney 28 Times, Obama Just 9
uhhhh…maybe because mittens was continually going, ‘but…but…obama’s a poopyhead!’?

Gallup: Romney Up 51-45%, Proving Biden Lost Debate
i don’t even know…they’re really grasping here…

but yeah, it’s okay for a vulgar, marginally talented former rockstar to use the term ‘piss poor’ regarding the sitting president, but the sky is supposed to fall when a hollywood bimbo calls romney a twat? how does no one in wingnuttia not notice the double standard? is there some short of short between their eyeballs and their brains?

my other favorite here, is that gene simmons…star of a reality show all about his family passes judgement on obama being a family man…granted it’s positive, but really, when you parade your whole goddamn family life onto the teevee, you should really just stfu about everything except what a sell-out media whore you are…


So far I’ve used “A Tale of Two Big Hollywoods” as a title three times, but obviously there’s more out there…


Guild of Women Binders


from wholly untrue attacks on Romney’s stance on women’s issues to flat out vulgarities

Running the gamut from A to B.


from wholly untrue attacks on Romney’s stance on women’s issues to flat out vulgarities
Running the gamut from A to B

i strongly believe that the pearl clutching contained in that phrase deserves repeated mocking…


I did things. I got stuff done. The last president from Mitt Romney’s party said he’d get bin Laden, dead or alive. Under my administration, we got bin Laden …

How about:

“My opponent has been very critical of my inability to lift this country out of the economic mess that my predecessor created. And I admit I haven’t done as well as I hoped. But Gov. Romney wants to go right back to the policies that created the mess I inherited. And claims it’s the right thing to do… Do you really believe that?

“Furthermore, my opponent has been very specific in his criticism of my performanc, using statistics and citing “facts” [gotta use scare quotes here]. But yet when pressed for specifics about his economic plans, the most specific thing he can say is that he’s gonna fire Big Bird. PBS, whose federal funding represents SIX MINUTES of US military spending. Devoid of any meaningful specifics, the promise the Governor delivers boils down to, ‘Trust me, I’ll figure it out. Because I’m a successful venture capitalist.’ He’s said nearly this exact thing himself, many times.

“What he’s not telling you is that the job of a venture capitalist is to 1) take over a company, 2) use its assets to take out loans, and 3) sell the company to some schmuck and walk away with the borrowed money, leaving the new owner to pay off the debt. Gee, when it comes to the federal government, that approach sounds kinda familiar, doesn’t it? Bill Clinton left this country with a surplus after 8 years, George W Bush left us with a massive deficit and the biggest economic crisis in nearly a century after his 8. In four years, I’ve barely been able to stabilize the patient, but the Governor here wants to drain more blood.”

It’s not hard to write this shit. If the Obama team wanted to, they could do just as well in a hell of a lot fewer words, perfect for televised debate.

Why aren’t they?

I’ve become resigned to the apparent fact that the job of the Dems is to lose to the Republicans, in a sort of Kabuki Government that implements the designs of the plutocrats, and return the US to the social condition that’s dominated human history: a few very, very wealthy powerful elite and the rest economic slaves.


wow…according to local hard-thinker joe soucheray, candy crowley’s performance ‘was wholly predictable…she had to insert herself in the fray and came out looking foolish.’


I’ve never bothered wondering, do Mormons have their own slang?
Yes, & it’s clean!!!


This one’s fun too, but requires some knowledge of their bullshit.


wow…according to local hard-thinker joe soucheray, candy crowley’s performance ‘was wholly predictable…she had to insert herself in the fray and came out looking foolish.’ – bbkf

Actually, I was indeed expecting Candy Crowley to insert herself into the fray. And I was expecting her to come out looking foolish (e.g. by backing Mittens up or criticizing Obama and it turning out that she got her facts wrong). But actually she didn’t come out looking foolish.

Anyway, in between the traffic reports (which were useless because they said nothing of the horrendous traffic in Queens plaza spilling back onto Queens Blvd and Van Dam nor did they say anything about the accident on the lower level of the 59th St. Bridge or the traffic on 2nd and 3rd that was backing everything up in the first place), I caught the local news radio stations (both subsidiaries of Infinity Broadcasting) trying to spin like mad so they could say “both sides were equally wrong” about the whole “Obama didn’t talk tough about terrorimists” flap.


bbkf, you forgot:

OMG!!! Michelle Obama broke the rules!! She clapped!! What a cheater!

omg is right! i cannot believe she has been allowed to live!

i am srsly ready to barf right now…joe soucheray has this schtick about ‘garage logic’ whereby real men and women are at home in the hardware store and have a large cylinder index which means they have a lot of big ass motorized vehicles, cuz you know, gas guzzling and pollution are cool! but anyway, one of his ‘tests’ is who would he most likely see in the hardware store…NOT obama! and his twerpy little dipshit producer was all, ‘oh ya! you would definitely see mitt in the hardware store!’ i have to walk away from radio before i throw up my manicotti and latte…


In Re: Michelle Obama. My wife noticed that Ann Romney and Michelle Obama were dressed in a very similar manner and Romney this time was showing off her arms. Meanwhile, all I could manage to notice was that Michelle Obama’s dress was, er, well, shall we say, very flattering to her posterior.


who would he most likely see in the hardware store…NOT obama! and his twerpy little dipshit producer was all, ‘oh ya! you would definitely see mitt in the hardware store!’

WTF? Next time they’ll be saying that people would rather have a beer with Romney.

FWIW, I can imagine running into Obama in the hardware store: “Sasha and Malia just broke the upstairs sink. I told Michelle that the White House is a full service facility and a plumber would come by in the morning to fix it, but she said ‘wait for the plumber, are you kidding me? we need the sink fixed now … anyway that plumber is probably one of Nixon’s plumbers and he’ll just put bugs in the West Wing while he’s wandering around the grounds’, so that’s why I am here in the hardware store in SE DC at 11:00 PM … I told Michelle we should just wait, but no …”

I can’t imagine running into Romney in any similar situation.


[Scene 1: WIllard stumbles accidentally into a hardware store…]

What is this strange place? Some of these items look vaguely familiar — like I might have seen them in my peripheral vision at some time. Oooh, look, one of those switch thingies that I see the servants use to adjust the illumination in my houses! I always wonder where they got those. I wonder if they have to install new ones every few weeks? Or perhaps they use the same magic as Joseph Smith’s special hat? I shall pray on it and hope for the answers.

[Willard leaves, enlightened*]



Yes, & it’s clean!!!

I worked in a place where profanity was an actionable offense, and I had a potty mouth, so I had to adjust… fortunately, I could turn to Hebrew and Spanish, often mixing the two:

Oy Carumba!


Gefilte Fish! (Ok, I also said that when someone sneezed.)



All very satisfying, for various reasons.


hubbkf sux: he gets his new iphone5 tomorrow…he is rubbing it in…dink…


[Willard leaves, enlightened*]



those obama’s ARE beyond the pale*!!! now it’s been noticed that obama NEVER THANKED THE QUESTIONERS AND DIDN’T ACKNOWLEDGE THE MODERATOR!!!

oh, this horror must stop, i tell you!

*yes, you see what i did there…


“What he’s not telling you is that the job of a venture private equity vulture capitalist is to 1) take over a company, 2) use its assets to take out loans, and 3) sell the company to some schmuck and walk away with the borrowed money, leaving the new owner to pay off the debt

Venture capitalists invest in companies, not harvest them.


Also, you left out the part about squeezing them dry via the fees you charge for running the the place to ruin.


Also, you left out the part about squeezing them dry via the fees you charge for running the the place to ruin.

And the evil maniacal laugh that goes with it.


That too. And such as.


Well, one thing about the debate is that Romney’s weaseling on contraception probably turned off some of his base (although he completely mischaracterized what Obama’s plan does: how is it that Republicans think Obama has just mandated all woman receive mandatory contraception rather than that the policy does exactly what Romney says he wants — to make it so the choice is the choice of the woman and not her employer or the government?) with him giving qualified support to letting women (rather than their employers) choose.

Romney also managed to remind us in the liberal base why, as less than optimal as Obama has been, Romney can’t be president — with his remarks about making us more competitive with China and making our business environment more favorable: i.e. he wants to lower our wages and working conditions to be comparable with those in China!

OTOH, Romney was right: Obama doesn’t know how to improve the economy. Obama (like Romney) clearly believes that titans of industry are the ones that can turn the economy around. I understand how Romney might not realize some of the history of how our middle class grew (although his father’s spinning uncontrollably in the Celestial Kingdom), but Obama should be smart enough to know that government — from the New Deal through the GI bill, etc. — played a key role, beyond merely assuring people follow the rules and such (although basic fairness is important in creating a middle class).


OMG!!! Michelle Obama broke the rules!! She clapped!! What a cheater!

First comment over there:

“The Obama’s play by their own rules – Chicago rules.”


how is it that Republicans think Obama has just mandated all woman receive mandatory contraception rather than that the policy does exactly what Romney says he wants — to make it so the choice is the choice of the woman and not her employer or the government?)

this was just one of the many moments wherein mittens caused me to stare agape at teh teevee…cuz mitt flat out said that all women should have access to contraception but obama’s wrong because he says all women should have access to contraception…


“The Obama’s play by their own rules – Chicago rules.”
You stop me clapping, Imma fucking cut you.


Anyway, in between the traffic reports (which were useless because they said nothing of the horrendous traffic in Queens plaza spilling back onto Queens Blvd and Van Dam

In defense of the traffic reporters, the weather reporters didn’t mention that a giant ball of plasma undergoing fusion 93 million miles away was having an effect on the weather.


holy cats! nowhere in the two links provided by gocart, is there anything about clapping during the debate…michelle clearly makes her own goddamn rules and is truly BADfuckingASS!


nowhere in the two links provided by gocart, is there anything about clapping during the debate…michelle clearly makes her own goddamn rules and is truly BADfuckingASS!

Republicans want Tinkerbell to die.


michelle … is truly BADfuckingASS!

Imma go with DAS here and say Michelle’s ass isn’t bad, not at all.



Imma go with DAS here and say Michelle’s ass isn’t bad, not at all.

dammit, now i wish i would have looked…i was too distracted by ann’s painfully pinched face…did not look happy…


Oy Carumba!

I’m so totally stealing that bughunter.

I spent my early years in a Jewish neighborhood on Lawn Guy Land.

I was probably 10 years old before I realized we weren’t Jewish.


That’s OK, Kong. I stole it from Bart Simpson.

I think he only uttered it in one episode.


Oh, and it helps if you say ‘carumba’ in a yiddish accent.


Chicago Rules:
Spade in the hole.


I was probably 10 years old before I realized we weren’t Jewish.

And what would you be playing with at age 10 that told you that?


Hmm, I was told punyeta means jagoff or jerkoff. Google tells me that I’ve been laboring under a serious misconception.


That’s what I thought it meant, too… maybe spelled puñeta?


Aye. Marimba.


Maddow just dropped a “sadly, no” while discussing epistemic closure on the right.

(She didn’t use the words “epistemic closure”. Big deal. Or we could explode and gnash our teeth for a month on our TV networks and opinion columns because the sacred words weren’t uttered in our preferred manner. Either way.)

She was pretty pissed the whole segment. Angry, not drunk. The first person to figure out how to monetize the discontent about ineffectual centrist news networks without politicizing it will make a billion dollars.


And what would you be playing with at age 10 that told you that?



“The Obama’s play by their own rules – Chicago rules.”

Well, I fucking hope so.

MALONE: You wanna know how to get Capone? They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital; you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way!

Not that I’m 100% “In”, but you can fight better if you hold some of the high ground. We fought from the swamps for almost a decade of the Peevish Dullard and President Cheney. Don’t want to go back.


My name is Mitt Romney, I’m running a campaign
My ever fluid policies you might think quite insane
Though trickle down’s been proven wrong, I’m four square behind it
Another tax break for the rich? You know I sure don’t mind it

I have binders full of women and exemptions in a bucket
But when it’s time to do the math I just say “aw fuck it”
I have a horse I can write off who competes in dressage
My name is Mitt Romney and I approve of this message


You may be amused by this:

How’s about scared shitless?

I saw that over at Balloonjuice. Honestly, if’n I was Obama and saw those freaks in the audience giving me the Mother of All Fuckeyes, I dunno if I coulda stood it.
This guy could talk Godzilla down off some bad brown acid.


I’d think internationally famed film director McG would be more amused by this version.


Buffsby Romneying takes after his mother, facially.


Man – some folks just have the WORST luck when it comes to their outbursts of very revealing honesty getting caught on tape!

No, you don’t need to listen to that entire slab of glurp: the really juicy bits are after 26:35 or so.


New post


You may be amused by this:

My guess: before the debate Dad shoved his face in butter.


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