So wait… Bitch, I’m Sorry You Were Offended Isn’t a Real Apology?!? Since When?


Ned Barnett, The Comedy Goldmine Known as American Thinker:
The Apology-Gotcha Game

Okay, I’m going to try and go against all my verbosity instincts and put the shorter first as if I was a real poster. Okay, here, we go… c’mon… almost there…

  • Our insincere apologies being treated as the insincere backhanded apologies that they are is proof that we should never ever apologize for being reproachable lowlifes and thus doubling down is the only legitimate strategy.

Oh Bob in Himmel, that was harder than I thought it would be. I hope you appreciate the sacrifices I make for you all.

So, moving back into my comfort zone of over-long treatises, today’s offering is yet another in the long line of wingnuts rushing to the aid of Lord Rushbo the First, King among Assholes.

Cause for what would only be like the second time in his life, he’s actually facing consequences for deciding to double down on the contraceptive fail (cause something like 99% of Americans use at least one form of contraceptive protection) with a prolonged stint of attempted slut shaming.

And so he released the usual half-hearted, back-handed, and insincere apology assholes give when they’ve been caught and want to make their critiques shut up. You know the type: “I’m sorry you were offended”, “I’m sorry that this private message was released publicly”, “I’m sorry that you feel so bad about me stabbing your mom in the neck, but maybe if she wasn’t such a cunt, I wouldn’t have had to stab a bitch. What? I said I was sorry!”

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Ned, if you’d do the honors?

The “Apology-Gotcha Game” has become one of American politics’s favorite indoor sports — one that has increasingly dominated our public political discourse over the past decade. If you want to play, it helps if your cause is politically correct. In that case, the media is more likely to be on your side, which is vital because media support is essential to winning.

Here’s how the Apology-Gotcha Game is played.

That is true, there is a large group of people who constantly claim offense and use our lazy media and its desperate need for “he said, she said” narratives that make it look like “both sides are as bad” to bully American discourse.

These parasites often hide behind children, claiming their children were offended or would have been offended if what they saw wasn’t at 3 in the morning in something intended only as adults or behind religion, claiming that religion demands they be offended by public acknowledgment of something that regularly occurs in life. I’m really proud of Ned for having the ovaries to really call out his own team on that behavior because-

What? Oh, right. IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION demands this will instead be a desperate flinging of all those insincere behaviors on groups DARING to notice that the people trying to remove or prevent basic rights for them are calling them inhuman and unworthy of basic humanity. Cause who would ever get offended at being told you’re a dirty slut who should learn to keep their legs closed because you tried to be responsible and make it so abortion wasn’t your first and only line of defense against unwanted pregnancy?

The game starts when someone on the “other side” says or does something that might conceivably offend (though of course it never really does offend). Your immediate response: publicly claim mortal offense — this secures your position as a victim — and then very publicly demand a public apology. If the media becomes engaged — which is essential to your success — then the various reporters and commentators will pile on, supporting your demand, as the politically correct victim, for an apology. As long as they continue covering the “issue,” they’ll pressure the offending party until he or she caves in and issues an apology. Then the media will decide if the apology is sufficiently sincere — the media may require several rounds of apologies before these arbiters of PC finally accept it.

You play the game not because you’re offended. There is never any real offense — this is, after all, a game. You play the game because demanding an apology positions you as a sympathetic victim, and that generates press coverage; even better, securing an apology proves that you’re stronger and more powerful than your opponent.

Of course it doesn’t really offend. I mean those inhuman piles of shit aren’t real people and if they aren’t real people, they can’t be offended, QED. As such, their demonic lizard brains simply coldly calculate how best to profit over claiming outrage on supposed “dehumanizing language in support of dehumanizing arguments in support of dehumanizing legislation and public treatment”. Then their metal hearts beat once as they plan on how to win the elaborate game that is politics, seeing as how nothing really matters except how well your team plays FOOBALL! I mean, politics.

Also, joking aside, we often talk about “IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION” but wow. This is a dead on reprinting of how the right-wing tries to mimic what they see as “outrage politics” in order to try and intimidate minority groups off public culture. This is pretty much the exact formula that every parent’s group arguing that rap music, gays on television, trans people in the street need to be hidden for the good of the children goes through. Right up to blaming the other side for “beginning the game” of “insincere complaints” for complaining about meaningless things like “being blamed for 9/11”, “being equated with inhuman demons to a group notoriously rife with people who then go on to beat, drive to suicide, and kill said minority group”, and so on…

But back to the comedy.

The public isn’t aware that this is only a game, one with no real-world substance.

La la la la la! Can’t hear you! No real substance! Politics is just a game! I don’t support sociopaths who gladly want to see vast swaths of non-white, non-male, non heteronormative people die just so they don’t have to acknowledge them anymore!

I mean, seriously, he repeats this so many times, it’s pretty damn obvious the only person he’s trying to convince is hisself.

Ah, is the last remnants of your conscience speaking up and causing you grief? Maybe you should have thought of that before you started living your life only in service to the Asshole Party.

They don’t realize that no player who demands a sincere apology really expects, nor do they understand that no player believes, if he receives a public apology, that it actually reflects honest remorse.

Yeah, it’s almost like they’ve gotten so dissentized that they no longer really believe that the asshole will bother to give a sincere apology.

And when they turn out to be proven correct for the umpteenth time, by yet another asshole giving a back-handed and “you’re the real poopyheads” apology, well that just means that they don’t really believe in the honest remorse that isn’t there.

And they should feel shame about that, because free speech means that liberals are always supposed to treat our bad faith and self-serving bullshit as the good-faith and earnest things they are trying to poorly emulate the form of (like an alien trying to ape our cultural mannerisms with only TV as a guide) or else they are the Real Hitlers!

Nonetheless, the players — as well as their supporters in the media — all treat the Apology-Gotcha Game as if it is for real. Whether it’s aimed at someone who posts a politically incorrect tweet or toward some politician who makes a “Washington Gaffe” (memorably defined by Michael Kinsley as a “politician caught telling the truth”), the demand for an apology is a power play.

Though its members clearly know better, the media frequently acts as if this demand is legitimate and sincere. This is especially true when the cause — or the supposed insult — fits the media’s template.

Wah, wah, wah! When we get caught, everyone should just pretend they didn’t hear anything. Cause that’s the real earnest response. Also the media’s in on it. Everyone’s in on it. No one understands him like I do. He loves me! He loves me!

When this happens, the media willingly adds to the pressure for an apology. That was certainly the case a few weeks ago, when Planned Parenthood’s supporters vigorously demanded that the Susan G. Komen group “apologize” for refusing further grant requests from Planned Parenthood. Because it didn’t go far enough, Komen’s initial official apology fell on deaf ears — it wasn’t until a politically active conservative executive resigned her job, voluntarily eschewing her severance and retirement package, that the furor and orchestrated demand for an apology died down. This Koman/Planned Parenthood kerfuffle was a classic exercise in power-playing and score-keeping.

Um, Ned, I know that all of this is a bad faith effort to link everything the right-wing has been whining for the last 2 weeks to King Rushbo’s kerfuffle, but it doesn’t help your case when you have to stretch this bad.

Women’s groups didn’t exactly demand an “apology” from Komen Group for being easily scared into joining the right-wing crusade against women’s health providers.

More, they were calling them spineless invertebrates who didn’t deserve any more money, especially as the blowup allowed greater exposure of Komen’s little problem of using most of the money they receive to make their board of directors very rich instead of actually helping women like they claim.

I know it’s difficult for you to understand, what with being obsessed with power plays and the “Game of Politics”, but real people care about real issues. And so, an organization all about aiding women saying they were jumping on the anti-women train wasn’t exactly an “apology demanded” issue so much as a “you fucked up, Sally” issue.

Actually, that’s the problem with this whole post. When someone reveals something untoward about their character, they can’t just go “whoops, sorry I got caught” and then everyone goes on pretending they didn’t hear anything.

That’s not how human beings work, Zorquan8! I don’t care what sitcoms say!

There is nothing new about the Apology-Gotcha Game. Yet time and again, conservatives buckle under to the demands of those who are “offended” and respond to the media as if they were actually guilty of something.

That is true, whenever a conservative says something offensive, they are always quick to give a sincere and instantaneous apology, often beating the negative press and blowback and never ever deciding to double down on the fail and attack the complainers as the first, last, and in between resorts, thus making a screw-up into a power play.

I’ve always admired that about their ideology, cause if they were insecure bullies who constantly attacked their accusers until the point where they were facing genuine consequences for their actions wherein they gave an insincere apology and expected everything to just disappear and everyone to pretend they were good faith arguers, then I’d probably hate conservatives and spend hours mercilessly mocking them on humor websites.

What is amazing about this phenomenon is:

1. How many times conservatives act like the demand for an apology is sincere,

2. How many times conservatives actually deliver on the demanded apology, and

3. How many times conservatives seem surprised that even a heartfelt apology doesn’t make the problem go away.

It is amazing how:

1. How conservatives never act like a demand for an apology or complaint about behavior is sincere and how they try and create learned helplessness in critics by making it a thoroughly unpleasant and draining experience to fight the stupid,

2. How conservatives never deliver on the demanded apology unless they’re livelihood literally is on the line and

3. How many times conservatives seem surprised that their last-minute ass-saving apology that “some people couldn’t take a joke” didn’t just make the problem go away.

I mean that behavior would almost make it seem like it wasn’t just a game to the critics and there was some deeper underlying issue that this was illustrative of or something.

Nah, must be bitches making up stuff to grief good ol’ boys who were doing nothing wrong, officer.

On the other hand, when conservatives feel that they have been “offended” by something that a progressive or politically correct icon says and try to play the Apology-Gotcha Game, it’s amazing:

A. How many times offended conservatives ask for demands from liberals, thinking that an apology would actually make a difference;

B. How many times offended conservatives seem surprised that the media doesn’t join in their demand for an apology; and

C. How few times that the PC offender plays the game and actually apologizes.

It is amazing how thorough IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION is. Man, I wish professional progressive and liberal institutions were as strong back-boned as conservatives like this pretend. It’d be great if artists weren’t stripped from museums, employees weren’t instantly fired, organizations weren’t instantly defunded at the first whining letter campaign from conservatives. If fuck, they’d wait long enough to see if any of the complaints were say based in reality.

Meanwhile liberals pretty much have to bring in a 14 hour slide show showing multiple forms of proof with signed affidavits just to get to the insincere apology stage.

Oh, I’m sorry, forgot the First Amendment Rule with regards to liberals. Yes, siree Bill Cosby, that is indeed how it works, ooh, curse those underhanded liberals for failing to respond to admitted insincere complaints by conservatives only motivated by “getting back” at liberals for perceived slights. I sure hate (insert group here) for producing an apology and intention to investigate hours or days after a conservative witch hunt rather than within the nanosecond to keep up with conservative attention spans.


The most recent ill-advised example of outraged conservatives trying to play the Apology-Gotcha Game, and being disappointed when their demand for an apology is ignored, revolves around the Huffington Post columnist Larry Doyle’s “satiric” column, “The Jesus-Eating Cult of Rick Santorum.”

It should come as no surprise that neither Arianna Huffington nor former Simpsons script-writer Doyle has refused to apologize — and with the exception of Fox News, the media is largely ignoring this issue. Usually, conservatives know better than to play the Apology-Gotcha game.

Yeah, a little known and little read “liberal” columnist for the totally liberal Huffington Post actually using the humor we never seem to grasp is totally equivalent to a conservative voice so powerful that congressmen were checking in with him before votes a handful of years ago deciding to start a smear campaign against a woman who dared to get in the way of the latest right-wing obsession.

All those scalps we’ve collected in the last couple of years on trumped up and insincere outrage ginned up by poorly edited video?

Not worth mentioning because…



Rather than trying to play the game and hoping that the problem will disappear, stand firm on principle. Don’t joke about it, don’t play along with the media, and — unless you’ve really done or said something wrong that you feel remorse for — don’t apologize. Explain the truth as you see it, batten down the hatches, and prepare to ride out the storm. You will suffer storm-damage, but if you maintain your integrity, you will survive with your honor intact, and your friends still on your side.

We will double down on the fail in the valleys. We will double down on the fail in the mountains. In the beaches and in the skies. We will double down on the fail everywhere and show those bitches what it means to fuck with us.

And then we will finally never have to care about what any of those “minority groups” think ever again.

Luckily none of them are allowed to vote.

We… uh… did remember to repeal the 15th and 19th amendments right? Right?!?

Bottom line: the Apology-Gotcha Game, generally featuring an outraged progressive victim demanding a public apology from a conservative antagonist, is nothing more than a cynical way of generating publicity and exerting power. The apology itself — or the refusal to issue an apology — is merely a way of keeping score. The only way you can lose is to cave in on your principles, ignore the truth, and hope that an insincere public apology will actually solve the problem.

Let’s face it. We’re assholes, and we really suck at apologizing, so we might as well just let our id run wild and never stoop to acknowledging the lesser beings as anything other than ants to be gleefully crushed under our heels.

What, you say, we already do that? And we only bother with our bullshit non-apologies when we are trying to desperately stave off our inevitable slide back down to obscurity following that one statement that was finally one statement too many?

Well, maybe if we never give that last desperate flailing attempt to reach air, we’ll stop drowning!

Did you ever think of that, Mr. Smartypants?

As a postscript, one final note: while many of his opponents believe that President Obama has become our “apologizer in chief,” he doesn’t play the Apology-Gotcha Game.

Oh, do tell.

Yes, how does your most obvious and glaring example of demonizing apologies and playing an actual “apology-gotcha” game not at all undermine your blatant projection and self-serving nonsense?

When he apologizes, he’s not giving in to the demands of some group he’s offended.

That’s… true… He isn’t at all abdicating the presidency and apologizing for daring to stain the President’s chair with his blackity blackness and acknowledging that from now on only Republicans are allowed to win elections.

Rather, he uses official apologies for different reasons

Oh, well, I’m very much looking forward to hearing some of these reasons and your rationale for why this isn’t just a hasty “but but, your face” style thing. I’m sure you’ve prepared a nice comprehensive list or perhaps a link to a compelling argument by someone el-

— reasons having nothing to do with the “Apology-Gotcha Game.”


You’re not even going to try are you? I know your side isn’t used to having your bad behavior have actual consequences (minor though they may be), but c’mon man, at least throw up some self-serving bullshit. Or at least pretend the counter-argument doesn’t exist. I mean, it’s not like you’re above doing that with the rest of your post.

C’mon man, have some Hack Standards!

Ned Barnett is CEO of Barnett Marketing Communications ( in Las Vegas. The author of nine books and an adjunct professor at two universities, Barnett has managed strategy and media for three presidential campaigns — in South Carolina and Nevada — and in 2010, he served as communications director of both the Clark County/Las Vegas and Nevada Republican Parties. Since the mid-’70s, he has managed issues advocacy campaigns for not-for-profit employers and clients, and he is a frequent speaker and author on subjects related to such causes.

I matter damnitt. I’m a CEO, I’m a strategist, I’m in advocacy campaigns. I’m a big fish too. Sure, I’m writing a poor man’s equivalent to LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE without the camp and charm, but I’m a big dog. Someone? Anyone?


Believe me.


Also, I’m NOT balding!

Bonus mango from his website*’s About page:

When it comes to PR and marcom, strategic planning and specialized non-profit services, I’ve been there, done that and got the T-Shirt. Hey, more than once, I’ve used T-Shirts as promotion tools.

Oh, oh, Ned.

I know being a consultant is all about self-promotion and sometimes you need to accentuate the positive and diminish the negative, but…


Yes, Ned, you are a special little snowflake whose meager contributions totally matter to society.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Giving in to pressure to include top of post shorters is invented to me. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

* For a given value of website. The web design looks like he had a Geocities template vomit out the most bland and generic option there was.


Comments: 328


good god. cerb, when I said give me some laffs, I didn’t mean THIS. haha.

what a maroon. and hey, I know it was hard to get a post out of that crap. Appreciate you trying. OMFG.

Yes President Obama is fake apologizing to – who? Middle Eastern blackity black types I guess. Blech.

I can’t wait to see these guys go down in November. The whining will be so resounding I just can’t wait.



On behalf of all Neds, my sincere apology to all women. Particularly those with cooties.


And here I thought conservatives were supposed to be the “tough guys”.

Who knew their poor widdle feewings could get hurt so easily?


And here I thought conservatives were supposed to be the “tough guys”.

Tough guys from a culture of honour and chivalry and personal responsibility.


And here I thought conservatives were supposed to be the “tough guys”.

Who knew their poor widdle feewings could get hurt so easily?

Oooh! Oooh! I did!

a mendacious republican chatting up his reflecition

You are so brave and knowledgeable and resolute and rugged.

Ooooh, yes you are!


a mendacious republican chatting up his reflecition said,

You are so brave and knowledgeable and resolute and rugged.

Sounds kind of gay.

Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


Ned Barnett’s mother is a slut and a prostitute.

What? That’s offensive?



Also, I want to garner a post* as long and substantive** as yon Cerberus.

*… cock

**Hands up if you’re 21.

exford worm legs in proximity to the bBreitbart

you want me to what??


Ned Barnett’s mother is a slut and a prostitute.

I bet she regrets not keeping an asprin between her legs that one time.


The game starts when someone on the “other side” says or does something that might conceivably offend (though of course it never really does offend).

Yeah, he’s right. I mean, what’s offensive about a major, nationally syndicated talk radio host spending three hours a day for three days defaming a private citizen for testifying before Congress? I mean – really, what kind of game it this? It’s totally not offensive for someone to be called a slut by name and be accused of deviant behavior. Lighten up, people.


Let’s see what the dittoheads saying about this. Not Rush’s site because it has no comment because he is a coward, but TheBlaze (no link because fuck them)

For love of pete what the hell does it take that you can say somthing and NOT have to say i am sorry!!!! This country is over done , gone , ppl have lost their balls and principles!!!!!!!! And they wonder why ppl dont stand up and say something cause it does not do a dam bit of good. YOu let those ******** win everytime. Come on ppl , stand up and lets not let these ppl win this time. We have got to get our country back!!!!!!!!!! I am disappointed in Rush, I am sure it was that or bein takin off the air. What good is it to stay on the air if yu cannot say what the hell yu think. I am so sick of ppl sayin they are sorry. Get some balls!!!!!!!!!! I am sOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry Andrew is gone, he would not have backed down!!!!!!!!!

Posted on March 3, 2012 at 6:26pm
There are few men left in this Country. They have bowed to the PC bullcrap and listened to their women tell them they need to be kind and gentle…All while the Barbarians are at the gate.

The worst? Probably Glenn….I for one refuse to stand down.

Posted on March 3, 2012 at 6:37pm
If he felt the need to apologize, he should have aplogized for using the word slut and just stuck with the word prostitute for PC reason. Actually the more I read about her, I don’t think she needs contraception, just saran wrap and chap stick.

Posted on March 3, 2012 at 6:42pm
Rush, you have nothing to be sorry for.

Posted on March 3, 2012 at 6:44pm
What a sad day for freedom in America. We are so close to total collapse. ;-(


Internet tough-guys are tough.

Somehow I doubt any of them are commenting from Kandahar.


Yes, because you savage a woman for daring to speak, calling her horrible names…and some people find that offensive, Amurka is collapsing. Seriously, are these people mentally ill?


Seriously, are these people mentally ill?

Seriously? Yes. Yes, they are.


Seriously, are these people mentally ill?

To ask the question is to know the answer. – Confucius or Buddha or Yogi Berra or Somebody


What a sad day for freedom in America.

Yeah, when you get criticized for calling a young woman slut and prostitute because she doesn’t think insurance companies should require co-pays for contraception, then we might as well all march off to the gulag.



Rush – As soon as u started losing the big $$ from your hate speech, you caved & obeyed the men who pay u. Who’s the prostitute now, bitch?
-Michael Moore!/MMFlint/status/176158086011158528


God, I have come to hate the concept of political correctness. All it seems to mean is that assholes cannot be assholes without fear of a response. Thoughtless things cannot be said without some thoughtful person butting in. Nobody knows their place; etc. And if that sounds like hell, then fuck, I dunno what to tell you. I understand that the old rules were great for a few people, but what’s with all these other folks waxing nostalgic? The little folks who’d be kissing ass and holding their tongues in a conservative paradise? Is stuff like the privilege of saying “nigger” and beating your wife and kids really worth the whole package? You’d hafta be a fucking orc to buy into that.


The vileness reported on that Daily Kos link takes my breath away. These psychopaths need a huge comeuppance in November.

This 20-year-old song is still timely. Much as I like being relevant, that’s not a good thing.


God, I have come to hate the concept of political correctness.

I’ve hated it ever since I’ve heard of it. It’s just a lot of whining. Whenever anyone says “I’m not politically correct,” he might as well say “I am a flaming asshole.”


I hate to leave it at ‘mentally ill’ – most mentally ill people aren’t total despicable shitbags. They are mentally ill and evil. Or mentally ill and stupid and evil. They fall somewhere in the winger ternary diagram, with crazy up one side, evil down another, and stupid on the third.


Good point, mingo.

y “I am a flaming asshole.”

Small correction…”I’m a flaming asshole, and I don’t want to be called on it.”

Pupienus Maximus

I don’t have time to read the whole thing (heh). Re one of the early paragraphs,

“It doesn’t have ANY effect on your life. What do you care? People try to talk about it like it’s a social issue. Like when you see someone stand up on a talk show and say ‘How am I supposed to explain to my child that two men are getting married?’ I dunno, it’s your shitty kid, you fuckin’ tell ’em. Why is that anyone else’s problem? Two guys are in LOVE but they can’t get married because YOU don’t want to talk to your ugly child for five fuckin’ minutes?” – comedian Louis CK on gay marriage.


“They” in the second sentence of my prior comment refers to wingers, of course, not the merely mentally ill. sigh.

I got a bit frenzied after reading that Kos link, myself.


also, this:

We will double down on the fail in the valleys. We will double down on the fail in the mountains. In the beaches and in the skies. We will double down on the fail everywhere and show those bitches what it means to fuck with us.

is a thing of beauty.


(though of course it never really does offend)

How nice that he was not offended on behalf of the other, not-him person who was actually the target of the purposely offensive speech. Maybe if he weren’t such a useless, witless skinbag he’d realize it’s not his fucking call.


Somehow I doubt any of them are commenting from Kandahar.

Most of them are commenting from under their beds in the basement with their double strength Depends on.


God, I have come to hate the concept of political correctness.

We had political correctness back in the day. I think we called it “politeness” and “decency”.



Shit, that hits like a punch to the gut. And yeah, that brings up the fucking straight line there often is between winger bullies out here in the adult world and the teenage bullies that often made our lives living hells back in the day and make the kids’ lives hell these days.

Overall, I’m just not seeing the Explicit War on Sex to be as big of a seller for them as they seem to think it will be. Sure, we’re a fucked up and repressed enough culture to be fodder for egregious buckets of Implicit Wars on Sex and Slut Shamings. There are still an unforgivable amount of people who think being raped means you must be a whore and that being a “whore” or a “slut” is somehow a) a negative personality trait, b) something one should be ashamed about, and c) the worst thing a person can be, rather than something even if it was bad that would be way way down the list after murderers, rapists, abusers of trust, bullies, liars, people who talk during movies, and being that guy who keeps asking if you’re enjoying the party.

But few people are going to go for it if you spell it out ahead of time. If you just straight up go, “We hate sex and we think anyone who has ever thought about having it is a horrible degenerate who deserves suffering and death” and ask them to jump on the bandwagon.

People still like having sex and like to pretend that all the implicit stuff isn’t really about them. Oh, it’s okay to rant about abortion and sluts, because when it’s time for their abortion or when they get kinky in the bedroom, it’s different.

But there’s no out for deniability on this one. Contraceptives? Sure, in the middle school/early high school level the amount used might be low, but by adulthood, pretty much 99% of people use some form of contraception and over half use multiple. Especially since the whole STD scare has made it necessary for people to talk about it.

They are basically going, “remember when nobody used protection and having sex was taking your life into your own hands? Yeah, we miss those times and want to go back.”

Which is good, because we really are decades overdue some goddamn backlash on the rolling back of women’s rights in this country.


Also, for these pigs to go after a wholesome young woman that your average swing state voter might look at and think “That could be my daughter, or my sister” is bad P.R., no matter how sick and hypocritical American attitudes toward sex are in general.


Ladles and jellyspoons, a very bad person whose name may or may not be Another Kiwi has been all patronizing to a person called Carol in the Comments at a Scholars and Rogues thread about The Gas Giant Limbaugh. Carol rather jumps, pirouettes on and does the Watusi with, the shark
Do not go and read it and chortle or make smart comments.


“We had political correctness back in the day. I think we called it ‘politeness’ and ‘decency'”–Major Kong

PC talk involves how those qualities play out in a social hierarchy. What do I owe my betters? Who dares deny me the indecent fruits, however meager, of my position? But Rush, and the witless commenters at The Blaze for ex., hafta mystify the status/privilege angles. So we get these bizarrely oblique complaints, supposedly about PC. (“What a sad day for freedom in America. We are so close to total collapse.”)


Oh, conservatives are so oppressed! Who, I ask you, will stick up for the poor, downtrodden racists, sexists and homophobes?!

Truly, theirs is the greatest hardship!


God, I have come to hate the concept of political correctness.

My all-time favorite use of this garbage was by some lunatic who had a website arguing for the reintroduction of race-based chattel slavery. Those who didn’t agree with him were “just a bunch of pc pukers.”


First they came for the racists and I did not speak up for I was not a racist. Then they came for the sexists and I did not speak up for I was not a sexist. Next they came for the homophobes and I did not speak up for I am not a homophobe. And than the world was a much nicer place.


Am finding Rush’s little Stalingrad moment versus Sandra Fluke quite infotaining, especially so in the sharp contrast I see between this & the recent one day of “OMGWTFBBQ?!?!” followed by crickets when he was defending his African mass-murdering child-rapist brah Joseph Kony against that awful big bad nasty evil Meanie McMeaniepants Obama.

Don Imus repeatedly made comments much uglier than the one that got him shitcanned.

Love that Limbaugh’s quasi-apology includes his reasons why it’s actually more or less perfectly okay that he equated Fluke with a shagged-out crack whore – & that said reasons illustrate that he’s one seriously dumb-as-dirt meatbag.

Seven sponsors down, Probably more yet to go. Someone has got their penis stuck in a hornet’s nest.

Some enterprising young producer needs to opt in on a one-hour slot & start waving epic dosh in Limbaugh’s & Fluke’s faces if they’ll debate live on (CORPORATE NAME GOES HERE INC.) … he sighed wistfully.


Do not go and read it and chortle or make smart comments.

whoa…that is some high octane st00pid over there…


WATERGATE 2.0 = Wet Water model & Dry Water model continue to be hotly debated.


also, kiwi, you should know better than to bait me like that…my comment is awaiting moderation…i hope it makes it through! because of course it was frigging brill and i of course did not save it before hitting ‘submit’ and we all know about word press’s voracious appetite for comment eating…


I spent my evening arguing with a wingnut on Twitter. I checked his feed and saw that he recently retweeted Ben Shapiro and is mourning the death of Andrew Breitbart. What am I doing with my life?


“No risk of accidental salsa stains on your jeans.” It goes downhill from there.


My goodness, Another Kiwi … I am guessing that Carol over at Scholars & Rogues has never typed so much in her life! (Which would explain the lack of paragraphs, organization, and what have you.)


I spent my evening arguing with a wingnut on Twitter. I checked his feed and saw that he recently retweeted Ben Shapiro and is mourning the death of Andrew Breitbart. What am I doing with my life?

ooooh…i got into it last night with a wingnut who believes ALL government is evil…when i pointed out that we need SOME government and mentioned that the road that he drove on was ‘government’ he insisted that yes, we need some laws, but we’d figure things like roads and schools out on our own…and he truly didn’t believe that some opportunistic s.o.b. would step in and fill the void…and make him pay to drive on his roads…also too, there are NO starving children in this country…hubbkf and others got quite a kick out of the whole thing…i was apparently the only one who did not know this dude was a nutter…


My goodness, Another Kiwi … I am guessing that Carol over at Scholars & Rogues has never typed so much in her life! (Which would explain the lack of paragraphs, organization, and what have you.)

isn’t she something?!?!? i reeeaaallly hope my comment gets posted over there because i congratulated her on being such a paragon of virtues and having the good fortune to do the exact right thing always…except apparently learn how to google things, and then i chastised her for selling out womankind….

and actually, i found dale wills to be something else…’i’m not paying for your birth control, sluts! but send me VIDIO of you having sex!!! lol, indeed…

zomfg…i cannot believe that is his site…i guess bmc in this case stands for ‘bowel movement central’…


and actually, i don’t know wtf i am doing up at midnight…jeepers!


and in 2010, he served as communications director of both the Clark County/Las Vegas and Nevada Republican Parties.

Ah. So this is the genius we have to thank for putting Sharron Angle in front of TV cameras and crafting her message, ensuring Reid’s reelection.

Heckuva job, Brownshirt.


You’d hafta be a fucking orc to buy into that.



Small correction…”I’m a flaming asshole, and I don’t want to be called on it want to be praised like a new puppy taking a dump on the paper for it.”

Slight fixxoredness


a wholesome young woman that your average swing state voter might look at and think “That could be my daughter, or my sister” is bad P.R.

Within the right-bloggosphere grumbling about Ms Fluke, there is a sub-genre of complaints that she is older than the complainers initially thought. Apparently she has NO RIGHT to be 30, when in obedience to Rush’s prompting, people had built their sexual fantasies around her in the belief that she is in her 20s… they are squicked out by the inappropriateness of those fantasies for someone of an age with their sisters, or their bosses. And it is evidently her fault that they leaped to the conclusion that she was only as old as their daughters.

How dare she allow them to call her a ‘co-ed’ when she is not Girls-Gone-Wild age? It is all FALSE PRETENSES and moar LIBERAL PERFIDY.


LOL. Now this is teh funnay, from AK’s link

Randy French, March 4, 2012 at 11:54 am :

I have just been called a “butt sucker”… I am sure Francine March does not use your product… I do, and will not re-new… The gate swings both ways… Mozy, here I come!!!

Francine, March 4, 2012 at 12:02 pm :

Randy, Randy, Randy. The name is Francine. March is the month…


Okay, who murdered this website all day?


Shorter Rush: I only apologized so I would not seem like a mean liberal, not because I’m hemorrhaging sponsors, really!


They don’t realize that no player who demands a sincere apology really expects, nor do they understand that no player believes, if he receives a public apology, that it actually reflects honest remorse.

So when David Letterman spent seven minutes in a heartfelt and deep apology to Bristol Palin, that was all bullshit, huh? Or when Ed Schulz, after almost getting fired (and being suspended for two weeks) apologized personally to Laura Ingraham (note that Rush never apologized directly to Fluke, except in the abstract “if I hurt…”) and Ingraham accepted with humour, both of them were being disingenuous?


Shorter Rush: I only apologized so I would not seem like a mean liberal, not because I’m hemorrhaging sponsors, really!

i love how he makes it sound like it’s somehow OUR fault that he called her a slut and carried on with it for 3 FUCKING DAYS…


What am I doing with my life?

No kidding. That makes practicing with acoustic instruments in obscure genres seem positively productive. Now, where’s my rosin.



You may recall that when Joe Wurzelbacher was approached by Barack Obama entirely accidentally, he became something of a political celebrity for having a philosophical disagreement with the president over spreading the wealth around and all that. Before long, the mainstream press went to battle stations to discredit the man. He didn’t even have a plumber’s license! (didn’t need one in Ohio). He had financial problems! He was a fraud! An astroturf plant! Blah blah blah. The Democrats, likewise, were unrestrained in their efforts to ridicule the man.


Meanwhile, here’s Sandra Fluke a 30 year old law student and committed political operative and activist. And yet the mainstream press can’t muster the slightest skepticism about her efforts.


Shorter Ron Paul: You didn’t have tornado insurance? Fuck you.


Ron Paul:

“There is no such thing as federal money,” Paul said, on CNN’s State of the Union. “Federal money is just what they steal from the states and steal from you and me.”

I believe that Article 1 of the constimatution makes it clear that ALL American money is federal money.


Okay, who’s fucking with the hamsters?


That Ron Paul reasoning works on so many levels:

There’s no such thing as Mississippi River water, that is just water stolen from the states, with nitrogen stolen from farmers, PCB’s stolen from Industry and dew and mist stolen from garden gnomes.


Someone has got their penis stuck in a hornet’s nest.

Little as I like the thought of Rush’s penis…


Not the words I would have used.

There are far more nuanced ways of denigrating women.

Example: “Sweetheart, don’t worry your pretty head about birth control pills. I’m hungry.”


This is very bad of me, but I don’t want Rush to die – I like the thought of Rush having a veryvery long life – right after he collapses with massive heart and lung deterioration from his hate and bad habits, and can’t go much more than two feet ever again without having to suck on oxygen through permanently installed tubes in his nose.


ALL American money is federal money.

Ron Paul ripped that part out of his pocket Constitution, therefore, federal money is unConstushul!

QED, loony libs!


Okay, who’s fucking with the hamsters?

Richard Gere?

Jonah links to the Washington Post to limn Fluke as a “committed political operative and activist.” But the WP does nothing to support Jonah’s characterization.

“Fluke came to Georgetown University interested in contraceptive coverage: She researched the Jesuit college’s health plans for students before enrolling, and found that birth control was not included. ‘I decided I was absolutely not willing to compromise the quality of my education in exchange for my health care,’ says Fluke, who has spent the past three years lobbying the administration to change its policy on the issue.”

So Fluke, like all sensible women, looks into health plans before she signs on. The WP does not establish that she was or is a registered lobbyist who’s been hired, paid, or has even coordinated with others. I conclude that she was “lobbying” in the broadest sense; she was not an “operative” by any definition, and a rather mild “activist.”

So, Jonah: your team can have “Joe the Plumber,” and we’ll gladly take Sandra Fluke. I cannot believe you argued the point. Talk about a fool’s errand.


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Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

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Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

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Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

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Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

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Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

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Folks, what’s happening???


To be clear, we don’t believe Jonah actually argued. We do very much believe he made a moronic choice of argument.


I genuinely enjoy your writing and all, but would you please do me a favor? Please review your posts, pre-publication, and reduce the number of sentences and paragraphs you start with “Yeah!” It makes me wince for want of polish. Thank you.




Thred still ded?


Mala onda.






WTF is wrong with the site?


Still noneja feexed?


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Knowing your ass from a hole in the ground? ACTIVISM!

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Can you still comment here?


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Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

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Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

Checking out the warantee before you buy? ACTIVISM!



(taps mic)

Is this thing on?


Knowing your ass from a hole in the ground? ACTIVISM!

Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

Checking out the warantee before you buy? ACTIVISM!


Pupienus Maximus


This thng on?


Knowing your ass from a hole in the ground? ACTIVISM!

Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

Checking out the warantee before you buy? ACTIVISM!



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Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

Checking out the warantee before you buy? ACTIVISM!



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Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

Checking out the warantee before you buy? ACTIVISM!



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Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

Checking out the warantee before you buy? ACTIVISM!



Let’s try again…


So, a failed server, a bunch of repeated invisible posts, and a 500 error walk into a bar…


Don’t blame us.


Is there an upper limit to the comments the WordPress database can store? Might we have to go back and delete some of the comment threads that topped 1000 posts because of POOP and PENIS and puns?


eengo no no n 8043708 bsP


One two three …


OK, what was the topic?


That’s why I give my intarwebz proxy votes to jim because HE WORKS HARDER.


So, Jonah: your team can have “Joe the Plumber,” and we’ll gladly take Sandra Fluke. I cannot believe you argued the point. Talk about a fool’s errand.

Speaking of Not Joe The Not Plumber, he and well-know goat-fucker Kevin Jackson are doing a Two Nekkid Heads Tour. Hide your goats.

It’s wankstains like these two that make me think about using Rogaine.

And FYWP and FYhamsters, in advance, just in case.


I knew that the crack Sadly Intertoob Task Force would finally prevail in its struggle with chaos.

The Principal Contributt

In case you hadn’t heard: ACTIVISM!


Getting your comments sent to service error hell:DE-ACTIVISM


jim said, (over and over and over again)

Knowing your ass from a hole in the ground? ACTIVISM!

Submissively submitting to those stupid activist signs by washing your hands after using the toilet double-extra FASCIST ACTIVISM with a twist of lemon!


Test tickles. Test tickles.


See, that’s the problem with using a hosting service in east Africa.


Well thank Bog my obsessive comment attempts didn’t go through. I’m willing to bet that there are a number of repeated comments and Jim just got lucky.

The Principal Contributt

The real problem with this article is saying that conservatives would ever need to apologize for anything of course.

He’ll never get into the big boys club with an attitude like that, no matter how many failed presidential campaigns he’s involved with or sparsely-attended Holiday Inn speeches he gives. Poor guy.


Wow … my first threadshitting!

Sorry about that … guess those “Server Error” messages were bogus after all.

Please feel free to nuke that pile of crap. SHEESH.


Test tickles.

Test-i-cles, the nuttiest greek of them all.

Pupienus Maximus


This thing on?


Test-i-cles, the nuttiest greek of them all.

Each Tickle-Me-Elmo gets two test tickles before leaving the factory.

The Principal Contributt

jim –

I actually find it quite breathtaking, it is a mighty and striking monument that reflects the conservatard need to repeat what they think over and over in order to make it true. Or perhaps more indicative of the right-wing echo chamber. Or maybe just a monument to server errors.


???pu????z ??u o? bu??so? ??? p??o? ???? ?? ‘?s?no? ?o


[wipes chin]

That feels much better.

Pupienus Maximus

Somewhat related, this week in poor widdle huht feefees.


So, Breitbart’s people didn’t bring the site down on Sunday? What was their big plot then?


jim’s so lucky…i had a remarkably brilliant comment that i obsessively tried to post during the dark time we shall not speak of and fywp didn’t post it a zillion times…dammit…

now, of course that comment is gone, but breitbart is still dead and rush is still the most heinous person on the airwaves…


So, Breitbart’s people didn’t bring the site down on Sunday? What was their big plot then?

We all know the Obamaforce kept the site up to mock them.


We all know the Obamaforce kept the site up to mock them.

oh, that’s right…i forgot obama controlled teh internets and the airwaves…i was slightly surprised in listening to an ebs test earlier today…i wouldn’t have been surprised if i would have heard ‘boooyah bitchez! this is obammy…grab your ankles and kiss your ass goodbye, cuz here comes the soshulism train!!!! woooooooowoooo!”


Yay!, the hamsters lived! Is it hard to give mouth to mouth to a rodent? How about tongue?

(Gimme two weeks for the needle tracks to go away and I’ll be good as new.)


Shame there aren’t any comments at the “Camera Lucida” site. I’m sure the “Art, Culture and Society” community would be wholeheartedly supportive of the author’s brave call to arms:

not doing business with openly gay people (there aren’t that many); not watching shows and movies with openly gay actors or characters; pointing out aggressive gay behavior to others (as I did here); cutting off even social niceties with openly gay friends and acquaintances, and so on.”

Don’t you think?
Funny how he doesn’t offer any of the usual defenses for his homophobia, like religious edicts, or “family values.” No, apparently just the idea that gays exist gives this guy the vapors.
Personally, I think he’s so far in the closet he’s finding Christmas presents…


Somewhat related, this week in poor widdle huht feefees.

Wow. “I am a bigot” is a point of pride.




Funny how he doesn’t offer any of the usual defenses for his homophobia

She. She also really really likes fashion.


i had a remarkably brilliant comment that i obsessively tried to post



I was really disturbed. We now live in a world where homosexuals will accost you with their aggressively upfront “my husband” and “my wife” information, unsolicited and disconcerting. What do you say when a man talks to you about “my husband” and a woman about “my wife”?

Here’s what you do, supergenius:

Stand WAY back. Hold your hand up, close one eye, and use your fingers to SQUISH HIS HEAD! That’s how you handle that.


What do you say when a man talks to you about “my husband” and a woman about “my wife”?

How much of a useless toolbag do you have to be to not answer this to yourself “the same way you’d talk to a breeder”?

SERIOUSLY? Panic attacks over same sex marriage are grounds for euthanasia.


From Pup’s linkster

Well they didn’t. I don’t have any more pleasant “hellos” for him or his dog. Rather than ask what is the matter, he seems to act like someone who got found out, with a submissive, and rather pathetic, expression whenever he sees me.

Riiiight, Mr. Ruppert. Complete and total bullshit. The horrible person-who-is-not-straight notes that our noble blogger is clutching his buttcheeks shut, with both hands, so tightly his face is turning plaid. The evil dog-walker decides that any possible conversation with our valiant keyboard musician cannot possibly have an positive ending, or even an ending that makes sense in an Euclidean universe. The uber-criminal pooch-hoarder then looks away, hoping the elevator moves with greater urgency, or barring hoped-for but unexpected acceleration, that the cable breaks.


Substance McGravitas said,
March 7, 2012 at 22:57

Funny how he doesn’t offer any of the usual defenses for his homophobia

She. She also really really likes fashion.

Holy shit, was she the one complaining about how there are asian restaurants in Canada, a few months ago?


paleotectonics said,

March 7, 2012 at 22:47 (kill)

Look look! paleotectonics has a blog! See, there was an underlying reason the hamsters went on strike, they needed to spur on another commenter to start a blog. Thanks hamsters, I take back my earlier FY, for now.


I was really disturbed. We now live in a world where homosexuals will accost you with their aggressively upfront “my husband” and “my wife” information, unsolicited and disconcerting. What do you say when a man talks to you about “my husband” and a woman about “my wife”?

I have a neighbor with a cute French bulldog. I meet him in the elevator, and sometimes out in street. We were talking more than the usual “hello” the other day (which I usually direct to his dog),

the fact that she directs her ‘hellos’ to the dog tells us everything we need to know….

Holy shit, was she the one complaining about how there are asian restaurants in Canada, a few months ago?

yeah, and too many in the orchestra as well…

can you imagine what she would do when ‘confronted’ with a gay asian (gaysian)?


Holy shit, was she the one complaining about how there are asian restaurants in Canada, a few months ago?

I did not know about it until you forced me to look it up.

Which brings me to the phenomenon I’ve discussed above regarding Asian immigration, and the consequent interracial marriages. I think this is a concerted (perhaps not yet systematically planned) endeavor by the Far East to try and get foot-holds into the West. And what easier way than through (wine) women and food?

She appears to be loopy in the Renew America way.


In hilarity elsewhere, there is the “Inventor of E-mail saga”, in which an aging hacker convinced a credulous WaPo reporter that his late-70s software implementation of e-mail was the FIRST EVAH (the reporter seems to have corroborated his account by checking the Wiki entry on the code monkey in question, which he had written himself).

The WaPo ombudsman initially flicked off the rebuttals from actual programmers who knew what they were talking about, as irrelevant trivial pedantry… eventually, though, a profuse apology emerges from the system:

Basically “we fucked up, we were wrong on multiple levels, we had no excuse for letting this guy pwn us; here are the people who eventually forced the truth into our thick heads”.

(In the meantime, alas, Time reporters — keen to share in the embarrassment — have picked up the story and re-published it because it was IN THE WAPO so it MUST BE TRUE).

This is all very strange because I was given to understand that no-one in the public arena ever makes unreserved apologies these days and that in fact apologies are a sign of weakness. I read it somewhere


She appears to be loopy in the Renew America way.

Her blarhgroll includes the American Thinker and Drudge Report, so yeah.


We now live in a world where heteroexuals will accost you with their aggressively upfront “my husband” and “my wife” information, unsolicited and disconcerting.


This is all very strange because I was given to understand that no-one in the public arena ever makes unreserved apologies these days and that in fact apologies are a sign of weakness. I read it somewhere

As I’ve also heard somewhere — time for another blogger ethics panel!


What’s that sound dear listeners? The sound of squeaky hamster wheels getting back up to hyperspeed?
Can it be that The Sadlynoium Falcon flies once more??!
A between Christmas and Easter miracle!!


A between Christmas and Easter miracle!!

Hmm, perhaps you’re onto something — the hamsters attempted to give up sadlying for Lent.


The man who wrote “It’s a Small World” died yesterday. I, for one, will be getting drunk in celebration tonight.

The Principal Contributt

Even entertaining the idea you might be wrong, no matter how fleeting a thought it may be, means you’re a nutless cheese-eating surrender monkey that wants to shove your gigantic throbbing jungle-love socialism down everyone’s throats, don’t you know.


yeah, and too many in the orchestra as well…

Oh, I remember that one. The weird thing is she’s Ethiopian, and you might figure she’d have some sympathy towards immigrants.


General Tso is a real general with real troops. The chiken dinners are all an elaborate ruse to trick us into leting our guard down. Wake up Sheeple!!!!


in which an aging hacker convinced a credulous WaPo reporter that his late-70s software implementation of e-mail was the FIRST EVAH



She appears to be loopy in the Renew America way.

ding! ding! ding! i think we have a new phrase to shopwear!!!


The chiken dinners are all an elaborate ruse to trick us into leting our guard down.

The breasts are barcoded.


The man who wrote “It’s a Small World” died yesterday. I, for one, will be getting drunk in celebration tonight.

He also co-wrote “Supercalifragilisticexpialladocious” (sp?)


We have no choice really. Either that, or we let the homosexual wave roll over us.
Clooney, Pitt, D.Craig and Frith in my wave please.


This is all very strange because I was given to understand that no-one in the public arena ever makes unreserved apologies these days and that in fact apologies are a sign of weakness. I read it somewhere

“The word “apology” is tossed around a lot these days, but when it comes from in here… “


I think this is a concerted (perhaps not yet systematically planned) endeavor by the Far East to try and get foot-holds into the West. And what easier way than through (wine) women and food?

I, for one, welcome our Asian masseuse overladies.


It’s alive! It’s alive!

Pupienus Maximus

Rats. Looks the WaPOOP site has been slashdotted.


For the Sadly Hamsters: Springsteen with E-Street Band and Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine

“Death To My Hometown”

No cannonballs did fly
No rifles cut us down
No bombs fell from the sky
No blood soaked the ground
No powder flash blinded the eye
No deafening thunder sounded
But just as sure as the hand of god
They brought death to my hometown
They brought death to my hometown

No shells ripped the evening sky
No cities burning down
No armies stormed the shores for which we’d die
No dictators were crowned
High off on a quiet night
I never heard a sound
The marauders raided in the dark and brought death to my hometown, boys
Death to my hometown

They destroyed our families’ factories and they took our homes
They left our bodies on the plains
The vultures picked our bones

So listen up, my Sonny boy
Be ready for when they come
For they’ll be returning sure as the rising sun

Now get yourself a song to sing and sing it ’til you’re done
Yeah, sing it hard and sing it well
Send the robber baron’s straight to hell
The greedy thieves that came around
And ate the flesh of everything they’ve found
Whose crimes have gone unpunished now
Walk the streets as free men now

And they brought death to our hometown, boys
Death to our hometown, boys
Death to our hometown, boys
Death to our hometown


“What’s that sound dear listeners? The sound of squeaky hamster wheels getting back up to hyperspeed?
Can it be that The Sadlynoium Falcon flies once more??!
A between Christmas and Easter miracle!!”

I’ve erected a pole!


eck! i just heard that a hulk hogan sex tape has been released…


Rats. Looks the WaPOOP site has been slashdotted.

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

I read the ombudsman’s “eating crow” and it was weak. He does admit they were wrong but makes a shit ton of weak sauce excuses about why, e.g. “I had been working for six hours” “the reporter is young” etc.

S’funny, I imagine there are all sorts of qualified young tech reporters out there that would just love to work for the WaPo…


The man who wrote “It’s a Small World” died yesterday.

well, ain’t that a bag of tits?


“I had been working for 6 hours” SLAVERY!
Possibly 0.6 seconds hard graft on Gozoogle might have helped with the crapping on ones shoes.


Cerberus, bottom line, you’re a charity case.

I seen it.

“World’s biggest python,” my ass. Mine’s bigger


“eck! i just heard that a hulk hogan sex tape has been released…”

It would suck to release a sex tape nobody wanted to see.


Wow, that was random thread crossover…let’s try that again. take 2….

eck! i just heard that a hulk hogan sex tape has been released…

I seen it.

“World’s biggest python,” my ass. Mine’s bigger


Possibly 0.6 seconds hard graft on Gozoogle might have helped with the crapping on ones shoes.

But he Wiki’d it! HE WIKI’D IT!


Nice to see the site’s back up. I was worried I might have to go back to Huffington Post (horrors!)


eck! i just heard that a hulk hogan sex tape has been released…

Will never be as popular as the Colonel Hogan sex tape.


I thought this sites name woulda had to be changed to Sadly, No Commentin’!!


Will never be as popular as the Colonel Hogan sex tape.

golf clap


Someone upstream claimed that
“In the meantime, alas, Time reporters — keen to share in the embarrassment — have picked up the story and re-published it because it was IN THE WAPO so it MUST BE TRUE”

Mistakes were made. It turns out that the Time reporter’s credulous account of Mr Email’s bullshit actually preceded the WaPo’s decision to board the Failboat.
(Time have not bothered with a correction — they settled for turning off commenting).

Longer account of the whole story at Gizmodo.


Camera Lucida – isn’t she the one who’s upset that so many Korean musicians are playing in the Korean-American Concert Orchestra?


Yay! 288 posts! I can’t wait to read this thread!


I’ve erected a pole!

Who gets to cut the ribbon?


Yay! 288 posts! I can’t wait to read this thread!

well, jim is responsible for 88 of those, so don’t get too excited…


Clooney, Pitt, D.Craig and Frith in my wave please.

Bond? James Bond?



<i.I’ve erected a pole!

also, my senses are assaulted by this unsolicited controversial information, vs…for shame! now i can’t even direct my hellos to your dog! *sob!*


so affronted am i by vs’ pole erection, it caused me to tag fail!


I will have to sit out the festivities, since I have pole-eo.

Pupienus Maximus

I’ve erected a pole! Mr. slayer’s presumably?


I will have to sit out the festivities, since I have pole-eo

at least you’re not polemic…

Aleksy Kowalski

I’ve erected a pole!

Dziekuje kiedykolwiek tyle


I’d be very talented if I could-he’s about 20 miles always right now. I’m not THAT flexible.


I’d be very talented if I could-he’s about 20 miles always right now. I’m not THAT flexible.

Something something cameraphone something…


Something something cameraphone something…

Something something Teledildonics™ something…


Lazy lechery loses a lot of its oomph. But I rate for laziness.


Btw, speaking of lechery, everybody visit my site.


hmmm…the weatherman just said something about a coronal mass ejection causing more aurora this evening…


It’s a commercial. One I’m genuinely surprised they show in the daytime, or at all.


It’s a commercial. One I’m genuinely surprised they show in the daytime, or at all.

oh. my.


hmmm…the weatherman just said something about a coronal mass ejection causing more aurora this evening…

Where can it be seen, anywhere other than yer area, go north, any thoughts?


It’s a commercial. One I’m genuinely surprised they show in the daytime, or at all.

oh. my.

although it is marginally better than it’s time to get real…


All this talk of poles and mass ejections has my magnetometer all aflutter. IYKWIMAITYD.


Wait. Is OBS telling us he has a steel penis?


Curse the stolen penis trade!


Magneto a Titanium Man. I believe they will come over and clean your pipes when they’re not busy fighting crime.


Where can it be seen, anywhere other than yer area, go north, any thoughts?

my bad…i drifted off immediately after hearing about coronal mass ejections…wally dahl was just talking about it on soucheray…


paleo…dave dahl says metro area after midnight if the clouds clear out…


after hearing about coronal mass ejections

Mixing spring breakers and Mexican beer will often cause that.


Even this thread is repeating on me


Do those ladies really want to get real about what goes on in the bathroom? Is it time for a frank talk about dingleberries and poopy smears?


Do those ladies really want to get real about what goes on in the bathroom? Is it time for a frank talk about dingleberries and poopy smears?

and let’s not forget about aunt flo…


Boy am I glad to see you guys back up and running. I was sorta wondering if 88 repeated posts of mine were going to show up here too after my repeated attempts at leaving a comment last night. omg haha.

So don’t feel bad Jim. Oh and I read all 88 right through to the end. 🙂

Glad to see we’re back to poop and penis jokes. Speaking of which……….my elderly boss is going in tomorrow for old guy surgery on his junk to correct a little incontinence problem. So he tells me all about his impending surgery with WAY TMI and a little drawing. Eeeuuwww dude, really………since the guy is 70 and goes about 3 bills, it was to say the least an awkward moment haha. Coming from anybody else you could consider it sexual harassment. But it’s just the way he is, he takes a very clinical interest in all things medical and likes to share all his thoughts on every subject with me. When he had back surgery he showed me his full-body x-rays. OMG. Way too much on view there too. Whew.

See, this is the times I miss Patrick the most. (We were coworkers as well as everything else, and believe me old guy loves and misses him as much as I do). He would have taken something funny like that and run with it and had us all laughing till we choked. Not in any mean way, but just……….funny.

Carry on y’all and thank you so much for your kindness to me over the last few days. Now, I want to hear more about poles and mass ejections. And bad puns, of course.


Pupienus Maximus

I would be very happy to have never heard of auntie Flo in the first place. So please, let’s do forget all about her, k?


No, I’m not gonna ask, not gonna not gonna…………..who is auntie flo?

There now I went and did it damnit.


Anywhoo… on to more serious matters.

Yesterday, I cast my very first ratfuck vote in my nearly-49 years on Planet Kobol… and my guy won! Yay!

Unfortch, L’il Brown Eye Gravy Boy has no pledged delegates in Tennessee, and I stupidly voted for The Ging’s full slate, with the balance given to those pledged to Rick Perry. I should have voted for Ron Paul’s full slate, balanced with The Ging’s, but I am new at this game.


No, I’m not gonna ask, not gonna not gonna…………..who is auntie flo?

the red-headed aunt who visits once a month…

I would be very happy to have never heard of auntie Flo in the first place. So please, let’s do forget all about her, k?

ha! you and me (and prolly a zillion other women) both, bub!


oh………….well I asked haha. Just like gettin out of the boat. Oh those bad mangoes haha.

hey JP you did just fine. Here’s to more ratfuck votes. :):):)


Unfortch, L’il Brown Eye Gravy Boy has no pledged delegates in Tennessee, and I stupidly voted for The Ging’s full slate, with the balance given to those pledged to Rick Perry. I should have voted for Ron Paul’s full slate, balanced with The Ging’s, but I am new at this game.

well done, you, anyways! you’ll get the hang of it…


hey JP you did just fine.

Well, not really! I mean, had I given it 20 seconds thought, it’s obvious to me that Ron Paul’s delegates would be the least likely to ever give it up for Rmoney, and the whole exercise was/is to delay, if not outright deny Rmoney the nomination.


Speaking of which……….my elderly boss is going in tomorrow for old guy surgery on his junk to correct a little incontinence problem.

eh…today our hospital had a ‘lunch and learn’ featuring a wunderkind urogynocologist…there was such a large response to learning about female incontinence over soup (yes) and sandwiches that they had to move it to my building’s larger meeting space…i referred to it as the ‘overflowing crowd’ which made some of my cohorts sputter…due to piss-poor design in this building, we cannot use our groundfloor loo if there’s a meeting in the downstairs due to the fact that you can clearly hear the toilet flush and the water gushing through the pipes on its way out…the ultimate irony today…


female incontinence over soup (yes) and sandwiches

Skipping lunch today, I think. Straight onto the beer.


There useta be a great big lesbian comic in NY who called herself Heavy Flo………..!

Dunno if she’s still working


well maybe so. But NONE of these clowns can win in the general against Obama. I firmly believe that. His smackdown of that Fox that asked him the loaded question about gas prices was priceless. Just priceless.

I wish I was as confident about the Congress coming back our way, but hey, I’ll take what I can get.

Yeah you probably are right about Ron Paul’s delegates. Libertarians are a whole different breed of cat. Although it cracks me up that they don’t see that Republicans are using them.


oh god…..a “lunch and learn” you know there are so many things I don’t miss about corporate america – (well I do miss the money sometimes but not enough haha)

I remember those very well. Here we’ll steal your lunch hour to fill your heads with some of our bullshit we want you to know. Yep. Don’t miss it.

Yup I think straight on to the beer is a very wise choice.


eck! i just heard that a hulk hogan sex tape has been released…

So he can get birth control now?


Knowing your ass from a hole in the ground? ACTIVISM!

Acknowledging the existence of either cause & effect or basic science? ACTIVISM!

Reading the fine print? ACTIVISM!

Checking out the warantee before you buy? ACTIVISM!



Oh noes! The big scandal is finally exposed! How will the left ever recover from such a blow! We’re doooooooomed…….[faints]

Pupienus Maximus

Yeah, I enjoyed the humiliation moment. “Does anyone think that’s a good strategy? Bueller?”

And today he as much as called Newticles a liar.


Libertarians are a whole different breed of cat.

Siamese? Abyssinian? Devon Rex?


Over the course of the day, will be releasing additional footage that has been hidden by Obama’s allies in the mainstream media and academia. Editor-in-Chief Joel Pollak and Editor-at-Large Ben Shapiro

two things: first off was the footage hidden in the mainstream media and academia? that seems to be a difficult if not inanimate place to hide something, but…wevs…

also is ben shapiro the twitty little lawyer/movie critic? if so, i laff…


Yes, that would be this Ben Shapiro.

oh, gads…this should be comical…


hmmmmm…………good question Clyde. I would say Dilute Tortoiseshells. Always female (just to piss off all the libertarian guys I know) full of attitude, uppity and basically dependent on the kindness of liberals like me for their very existence. (one of them owns me, so I guess who’s the sucker haha)


Libertarians are a whole different breed of cat.

Siamese? Abyssinian? Devon Rex?

Fattish Scold?


Yes, that would be this Ben Shapiro.

Someone at Eschaton nicknamed him, “Yentl Ben.” So glad I did not have a mouthful of tasty beverage.


I have another post ready, but the back-end of the site is still Santorumed out, so we’ll let you know when that is fixed (with new post goodness).




Someone at Eschaton nicknamed him, “Yentl Ben.” So glad I did not have a mouthful of tasty beverage.

that one took me a couple of tries…then i laffed, also tasty beverageless…


Fattish Scold?
Our own Mehitabel the Abyssinian is as thick as one-and-half short planks, oblivious to the needs of anyone else, dependent on support from humans for survival while remaining assured of her own status as a special snowflake who would rise to world domination if it were not for other cats and humans dragging her down. Just saying.


Breaking: Zombie Breitbart releases exclusive footage of law student Obama associating with a black law professor. Seriously, that’s a fair description of the expose. Moron Hannity tonight.


Oregon Bear went there first. I shall ahem myself. Ahem.


I have another post ready…

All praise Cerebrus! I hate to admit how hungry I am for distraction right now. I’ve not gotten more than six hours of sleep a night for the last three nights, I have brain fog, and I’m fatigued. A fix of sadlyno! new thread would be sweet relief.


Fattish Scold

Deserves a present. GRRRR!


Oh that’s fabulous.


Our own Mehitabel the Abyssinian is as thick as one-and-half short planks, oblivious to the needs of anyone else, dependent on support from humans for survival while remaining assured of her own status as a special snowflake who would rise to world domination if it were not for other cats and humans dragging her down. Just saying.

You know, one could get into trouble stealing cats from the Kochs.


I’ve not gotten more than six hours of sleep a night for the last three nights

Welcome to my world. Except when I’m working nights it’s more like 4 or 5.


Eek, Major. I cannot do. Hope you make up for the deficits with your time off. I swore off all-nighters and dedicated myself to getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep per night, preferably without fail, when I was 22 years old. Even getting half an hour less than what I need makes me feel poopy.

Rotating shiftwork was one of the worst things that ever happened to my body. It created a horrible state of biological confusion, such that I didn’t know when to sleep or when to eat. I was a basket case— not certifiable— but fucked up nevertheless. Am a complete pansy on that account.

Here is the worst schedule I ever had:

2 days 7 to 3
2 days 3 to 11
2 days 11 to 7

that second morning when we got up at 7 was our day off and we had to be in at 7 the next day. I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what they were trying to accomplish with that schedule.


We Are All jim Now said,

March 8, 2012 at 1:48

Oh dear boneless bleeding sweet Jesus, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

[ /nolife ]
[ /notthemalfunctioningglennreynoldsrobot]


All praise Cerebrus! I hate to admit how hungry I am for distraction right now. I’ve not gotten more than six hours of sleep a night for the last three nights, I have brain fog, and I’m fatigued. A fix of sadlyno! new thread would be sweet relief.

Don’t praise my name yet.

The problem on our end was there this morning before I went to work and is still in effect 12 hours later, so it may be awhile to wake up the hamsters that make our part go.


That’s o.k. Cerebrus. I wish you and the hamsters well and mostly just wish I had the wherewithal to get offa my butt. Oh how I hatesses the brain fog and fatigue. I’m giving myself license to bitch about it until I’ve caught up on Z’s and feel a little less worn from it. The MS World chat board ain’t working either. A strange quiet has settled across the internet. It’s just really difficult to live vicariously right now.


Sometimes I feel like every time I have a moment to myself, a moment to play, everyone disappears. So, I know how you feel, Wiley.


I’m supposed to be at work but I’ve got an ear infection. I went to an urgent care clinic today and they gave me some antibiotic ear drops. I hate burning up my sick leave but that’s what its for I suppose.


Sorry, Major Kong. That doesn’t sound like any fun.


Good for you getting the antibiotics, Major. Hope they work well and quickly. The ear infections can be ouchy and dangerous. It’s seldom addressed, even in health circles; but adequate sleep is a huge part of immunity which makes me question why it’s so hard to get enough sleep in a hospital.

I hope you get a lot of sleep, and wake up well and refreshed.


the red-headed aunt who visits once a month…

She was my great-aunt and it was obviously henna. Or were you talking about something else?


Whoops. That was anonymous me.


Finally, a sincere and honest apology from Rush.,11521/
(link stolen from alicublog comments)


Hogeye Grex said,
March 8, 2012 at 1:48

eck! i just heard that a hulk hogan sex tape has been released…

So he can get birth control now?

Thank you, it’s just what I wanted…


The most insane thing you will read today. Were talking TimeCube crazy. Yep, its still alive.


Opposites Create, not God,
who equates queer creator
and masturbation creation
of Evil Oneness Educators.
Oneism equates to evil lie,
and Death for Opposites
of Hemispheres and Sexes.

Wikipedia claim that the
Time Cube is non-science
constitutes a Grave error
by the half-brain bastard
who can’t think opposite
of the lies he was taught.

I was born to think Cubic
as in a 4 corner family life,
therefore I rise above you.





I am the walrus.






Interring comments requires little tiny caskets.


The man who wrote “It’s a Small World” died yesterday. I, for one, will be getting drunk in celebration tonight.

Aw, he had plenty of good songs too (“Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious”, “I Wanna Be Like You”, “Chu-Chi Face”, lots of others)– but he probably will have to do some time in Purgatory/on the wheel of Karma for “Small World”.


Aw, he had plenty of good songs too

Want to discuss the karma of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang?


If only I had a little tiny casket for ol’ Mega-Stinky McStinkbomb up yonder.

𝅘𝅥𝅯 𝅘𝅥𝅮 It’s a small thread after all … 𝅘𝅥𝅯 𝅘𝅥𝅮


The most insane thing you will read today. Were talking TimeCube crazy.

Sarah Palin is an agent of Fidel Castro’s who is working with Obama on behalf of the richest people in the world who are all members of the Illuminati which is using Jimmy Carter and Whitney Houston look-alikes to transmit secret codes?

What’s crazy about that?


Well, maybe we can go mango hunting. Wish me luck…


I can’t, for the life of me, figure out what they were trying to accomplish with that schedule.

Trying to break your will? So’s you’d be dazed and obedient workers?

Naahh, nobody could be that evil. They were probably just doing it for laughs.


I love the Palin guy… “The Feds are mad I broke this code and in an effort to save embarrassment they are breaking every law on the planet to keep a lid on this.” It amazes how an intricate, multiyear plot with a ton of money and the full force of at least one government behind it is so easily foiled by a face-blind guy with a website.


I don’t know whether I believe in this guy or not. He seems too entertaining to be really crazy.


The most insane thing you will read today.

Yeah… right. As if I would spend the hours needed to pour over that bag of tits.


What’s crazy about that?

The fact that nowhere in that paragraph do I see any mention of Teh J00z in this Vast Global Conspiracy. Or the Masons. Or even the Bill Clinton Body Count. This is clearly the work of a fraud, most likely perpetrated by the Evil Conspiracy, in order to direct your attention away from the real culprits.


Needs more defenestrated Chicago City Comptrollers.


Ok, saving the post I wrote before for when the system isn’t quite so foobarred, and special wrote a new post for the meantime. Hopefully this problem will be fixed sooner or later.

Also, I’ve got another post I need to try and finish for special release later.

And on a totally unrelated note, can someone do a big eye-catching notice here for me whenever Romney inevitably wins the Nomination?

Thanks and please enjoy your fresh new post.


“Small World” is cool in my book because, as you ride your faux boat from room to room looking at the little animatronic ethnic kids sing, the song swells and fades from speakers in every nook and cranny, creating quite a nice set of effects: something like a vocal “round,” but also chorus or reverb: not simulated, but due to the space, the many speakers, and the fact that you’re moving. “Small World” suits all this. If it was fancier, things could get messy up in there.


a face-blind guy with a website
Suddenly faceblindness is the Interesting Neurological Condition of the month. Hear that, Tourettes people? You titty-farting feckers are as passe as a bag of tits.

exford legs gots his cube! Cube cube cube!

What? You can only add posts to the thread in one dimension? You mean you guys can post ACROSS the thread and you can’t post INTO the thread?


[…] attention for declaring that feminazis are responsible for his tiny penis, we apparently get a repeat of dimwitted C-listers following their hero into the What the Fuck […]


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