One Of Our Trikes Is Missing

Destined to be a “No-he-di’nt” moment for the ages, Erick Ericksdotter attempts a line-by-line critique of a Josh Marshall post. Erickson’s effort at this recalls, sadly enough, the epic, if lop-sided, Zimmer-Martinez brawl in Game 3 of the 2003 ALCS, except that Marshall doesn’t even have to fight back for Erickson to fall down on his own capacious butt.
Josh Marshall and the Democrats have descended into rubber and glue political commentary flat out blaming the Republicans for inciting violence, much of it fabricated and ignoring the Democrats’ own rhetoric and violence.
And, with the “rubber and glue” business, Erickson has descended into third-grade playground political commentary. All he’s missing is the obligatory “nyah, nyah, nyah.”
First of all, I would point out that it was the Democrats who just took over 1/6th of the American economy despite upwards of 56% of the American public being opposed. And they expect people to . . . what . . . clap?
No, of course not, we fully expected that opponents of health care reform would cut propane lines at the home of a Congressman’s relative and threaten to kill legislators who voted for the bill. But, er, Erick, if your point is that the notion of Republican violence is “fabricated” by the Democrats, it is probably not a good idea to lead off with an argument that the Democrats deserved it. The reason for Erickson’s short-lived career as a lawyer probably was that closing argument he made where he said that his client did not murder the victim but, if he did, it was in self-defense.
As I said earlier today, violence is unacceptable, but none of us should be surprised — especially the left, which feeds off riots, protest, and molotov cocktail parties every time they strongly oppose something. The Weather Underground was not a Republican insurgency at the Weather Channel.
Oh where, oh where, to begin? I suppose by observing that Erickson has confused a weather website with a decades old terrorist organization known as the Weathermen, later known as the Weather Underground Organization. And, of course, that the Weathermen weren’t Democrats. And that Erickson had to go back more than forty years to find an example of violence to support his argument. And that protests aren’t violence. Not to mention that Democrats didn’t have molotov cocktail parties after the GOP passed Bush’s tax cuts for the rich.
And now? Police say the bullet that hit Eric Cantor’s office was most likely random, but it is not definitive.
Right, it’s not definitive. Even though the Richmond police report said that the bullet landed on the floor a few feet from the window at 1 a.m. in the morning, there remains the definite possibility that some Democratic sniper flew by in a helicopter and fired a bullet at an empty room in the middle of the night without being noticed by anyone. There’s also a good possibility that Al Gore himself was responsible for all the car bomb explosions in Iraq.
And, now, for Erick the Redneck’s coup de “gras,” in a footnote no less:
I had intended to put in one more clear expression that perpetrators of violence should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to jail, but no matter what I say the Democrats and left will say I am actually encouraging and excusing violence. They have a vested intereste [sic] to play up the violence and, perversely, do exactly what they are accusing the GOP of doing — incite it so that the media narrative that started building on Monday highlighting all the immediate taxes and pain while the benefits don’t show up for a few years would disappear and focus instead on the racist angry white men.
Shorter footnote: By mentioning the violence at all, Democrats have become solely responsible for inciting it, so I can say whatever the fuck I want. I am rubber, etc., etc.
I’m so proud of CNN
incite it so that the media narrative that started building on Monday highlighting all the immediate taxes and pain while the benefits don’t show up for a few years would disappear and focus instead on the racist angry white men
Shorter Ewick –
“What are you going to be concerned about; accusations of treason, racism and socialism, or YOUR TAXES GOING UP?!?!”
*scrolling back to the other post to see if I did the same thing with Weather Underground/Weathermen*
FUCK. I did! I’ll take comfort in the fact that it was a one-off post and a brainfart, whereas I’m pretty sure he thinks a weather website is a terrorist organization and didn’t bother to double-check his blog post.
Brilliant, Erk. Shorter: I know you are but what am I? Though I am loath to use the term, there is only one proper way to describe that: EPIC FAIL. Damn you Erkle, for making me say “EPIC.”
that was zimmer-martinez…
I realize they all look alike to you, but COME THE FUCK ON
otherwise, perfect analogy
[Tintin adds: fixed]
So does John King know how radical and stupid Erik is and thus has hired him to help the cause, or is he too self-absorbed to notice and thinks Erik is a legitimate representative of an actual political philosophy. Really, it’s a tough call. John King is as filled with pride as he is devoid of understanding. He’s the emptiest suit not on Fox.
“I had intended to put in one more clear expression that perpetrators of violence should be arrested, prosecuted, and sent to jail, but no matter what I say the Democrats and left will say I am actually encouraging and excusing violence.”
Maybe that’s because you just wrote an entire article attacking not violence but people who feel threatened by it, and downplaying the current violence by saying that after all other people did the same thing forty years ago. You’re like a teenager who totals his dad’s car and then comes home and furiously rants that after all his dad’s had accidents too.
To which most parents would correctly respond “don’t try to change the subject, you done wrong and you know it.”
Also, heads I win, tails you lose. Also.
From the comments: If they think We the People are angry now just wait until Obama and the radical leadership of the Social Democrat party try shoving amnesty and cap & trade down our throats. I won’t condone it but they may see real violence then and frankly they will have no one to blame but themselves. We aren’t domesticated sheep like Europeans and Canadians.
2) “I won’t condone it.” Bullshit. You’d love to see it happen.
One might also note that the revolutionary movements of the 60s were limited to alternative weeklies run off on mimeo machines, while the Teabaggers have several nationwide modern-type media outlets on TV, radio, print and the Intertubes at their disposal.
So, um, yeah, totally equivalent.
Until Nancy Pelosi apologizes for Shays’ Rebellion when the Demoncraps put all that debt on the Revolutionary War soldiers, no one need pay attention to their hypocrisy and moaning just because the Fried Foods Liberation Front is throwing
lardbricks through windows and cuttingbuffetpropane lines.Damn you Erkle, for making me say “EPIC.”
We have to keep up with the mashup of memes in the social media crunch Twitter blart.
I’m pretty sure he thinks a weather website is a terrorist organization
In fairness, the one took its name from t’other.
Meh, I think Weather Underground is pretty common shorthand, but holy crap his go-to example for how much more violent lefties are is a group that had pretty much dried up by the mid-70s?
Josh Marshall and the Democrats have descended into rubber and glue political commentary flat out blaming the Republicans for inciting violence, much of it fabricated and ignoring the Democrats’ own rhetoric and violence.
Hilarious. Other people “descend into rubber and glue political commentary,” Erick merely provides hard evidence that proves liberals suck forever infinity no takebacks.
Go Eric!
I forgot a “K” there but he’s already got three of ’em.
If I were Josh Marshall, I would put up a link to Ewick’s response, with the note, “I’ll leave it up to the reader to determine the validity/hilarity of Erickson’s remarks.”
Given Irk Irksome’s apparent avoirdupois, most anytime he takes a swing at a foe it’s bound to have the distinct sound of the coup de gras, something like a sack of suet suddenly splatting onto a concrete floor.
HEY TIGRIS – try now. You can send Subby McG his payoff ( ) later.
flat out blaming the Republicans for inciting violence, much of it fabricated
So an allegation of “incitement” becomes false if enough of the incited behaviour is spun into invisibility? I did not know that.
I’m so proud of CNN
I can’t see the point of hiring a hack apologist who’s as predictable as vintage Pravda articles — “We didn’t do it and anyway they were going to do it first”. It’s almost as if CNN want commentators who won’t startle their audiences or make their brains work by saying anything unpredictable.
Despite Irky Leakbottom disingenuously adding the 13% who thought it didn’t go far enough to the 43% who opposed from the right, the majority of the American people want health care reform.
Also, despite taking one poll as an absolute indicator that strengthens his opinion, he manages to be wrong even there.
So an allegation of “incitement” becomes false if enough of the incited behaviour is spun into invisibility? I did not know that.
Rumplestiltskin was an expert at spinning incited behavior into gold.
@ justme, at least he didn’t use the Megyn Kelly figure of “70%.”
As I said earlier today, violence is unacceptable, but none of us should be surprised — especially the left, which feeds off riots, protest, and molotov cocktail parties every time they strongly oppose something. The Weather Underground was not a Republican insurgency at the Weather Channel.
I won’t call this “rubber v glue,” but it is Tu Quoque, as is the whole piece. Erickson’s “argument” boils down to 1) conservatives aren’t the violent ones, liberals are, and 2) if conservatives are violent it’s because liberals deserve it. Bonus auto-fallacio: he name checks the straw man fallacy, then accuses the Democrats of “stirring the pot of Socialism.” Don’t lawyers have to learn logic?
I don’t know. At least that’s just laughable on its face. Irky is trying to contort an actual poll into saying something it doesn’t.
The only people who are going to believe “70%” are, ironically, what are sometimes called “30%ers.”
Aaaaand back to contortionism.
Oh great Eritch, not content with displaying your fucktardness as though it was a Magic Pixie Badge from the Pixie King, we will probably get some recipe from Teh Janus Node for Socialism inna pot.
“stirring the pot of Socialism.”
When Erik’s metaphors came out of the kitchen blender, I couldn’t tell whether to identity the pot that was undergoing agitation as socialism, or as the narrower concept of “socialism taking over the private sector”. A diagram would be helpful.
Given Erik’s tightly-constrained thought processes, it is a pleasant surprise that this pot (whatever its nature) did not follow its metaphorical stirring by calling a kettle ‘black’.
And actually, re-reading the quote,
his weaselly parsing doesn’t even work. He’s simply wrong. Said %age was “opposed” from one side or the other to this particular bill, not to HCR in general. Fail.
This, of course, is not to mention that “taking over 1/6 of the American economy” sounds like universal single-payer, which has nothing to do with the actual bill that went through. But I digress.
The reason for Erickson’s short-lived career as a lawyer probably was that closing argument he made where he said that his client did not murder the victim but, if he did, it was in self-defense.
Actually, there are many lawyers who use this very line of defense. It works more often than you think.
Admittedly half the strength of Libertarian pot.
John King has the Ronald Reagan haircut down to perfection. Sweet Jeebus, I hate that man. Oh, yeah, and Erik sucks too.
Who came up with the “1/6th of the economy” statistic?
I mean, I know 95% of statistics are made up on the spot, but I was just wondering if there was any pseudo-rationalization for that or if they just pulled the number from their own asses.
I personally can’t wait to see Wolf and Erick “discussing” one of these non-events of rightwing violence on the new-and-improved CNN — Now With Less Facts®.
Although, the Wolf and Erickson Hour does have a nice pillagey ring to it.
® FAIL? It worked in the preview…
Health care spending is something like 16% of GDP. So the stupid statistic is built on a rickety foundation: the government doing something that affects the money spent on health care becomes the government “taking over” “one-sixth of the economy,” as though the government just became the sole spender on health care. If anything you’d think people would be more pissed off that health care was one-sixth of the US economy. Sounds like a fuckload of money.
And, now, for Erick the Redneck’s coup de “gras,
more like a boule de gras from this boule de suif, or possibly un boule de merde
heh heh, Google tells me that boule is also slang for “ass”. boule de suif indeed…
John King is the less hot Anderson Cooper of
liberal fascismCNN.Apparently, that’s about right.
@ justme, Sure, but that (obviously) doesn’t say anything about what proportion of health care spending has anything to do with Teh Gummit, either before or after the new law.
That’s refreshing.
The fact is, liberals are the violent ones. They always want to kill people when the don’t get there way, like Nazis and Communists. If any liberals get killed in the coming Next American Revolution, it will because some patriots could not take the assult on the Consitution anymore.
Although, the Wolf and Erickson Hour does have a nice pillagey ring to it.
“Hour of the Wolf (and Erickson)” was the original title for an Ingmar Bergman movie. He shortened it when the comic-sidekick character was taken out during editing.
If any liberals get killed in the coming Next American Revolution, it will because some patriots could not take the
assult on theConsitution anymore.More accurate.
Seperated at birth.
If only I could reach out my over worked liberal hands and squeeze at least 16% of the neck of a wingnut like Erikson.
We’ve got a lot more work to do.
“Fried Foods Liberation Front is throwing lard bricks through windows and cutting buffet propane lines.”
and scooting off into the night in their 95 foot, 4 mpg road whales, until they reach the next gas station, wherein they gather at Dunkin’ Donuts to watch Fox News and spike their blood sugar levels.
If liberals hate USA so much and idleize Canada and Europe so much, why wont the fags leave and go there? Leave Our Land to Us.
That’s not true. Whether or not we get our way has nothing to do with it. We just always want to kill people.
I stole it. But in my defense he had it coming.
No, Mr. Rupper, if you libertarian contrarian fools think non-government is so great, why don’t you go to Somalia? Or maybe Siberia?
Loose yourself from these gubmint chains and once for all, show us how that Randian utopia is formed.
Percent GDP . The whingers, however, can’t figure out what’s wrong with that picture.
There was another chart, one that I can’t find just now, that showed the curves had Truman’s or Clinton’s plans gone into effect. Even more depressing to look at.
Percent GDP . The whingers, however, can’t figure out what’s wrong with that picture.
Don’t you want higher numbers?1?!?!1?!!
That’s not true. Whether or not we get our way has nothing to do with it. We just always want to kill people.”
ESPECIally babies.
You don’t get to count legislation regulating an industry as the government “taking over” that industry, otherwise 100% of every airline is now — OMG EVERY AIRLINE IS OBAMA AIR!
My question is when is Urk Urksun going to put on his Viking helmet and blue face paint and lead a battalion of Red State Trike Farce to roll on Washington and threaten to eat all the donuts in DC unless Obama repeals
health care the 2006 and 2008 elections?Still waiting for the watershed moment when the Wingnut Brigades rise up, rifles at the ready, to vanquish the godless commie socialist fascist hordes and take back Amerikkka, for the Real Amerikkkanz. I won’t hold my breath, cause, well, I got COPD, and that doesn’t work out that well. And I get light-headed when I laugh too hard, also. The teabagger crowd could only hope to be as effective as the campus radicals of yore.
I don’t think they misunderstand the numbers of that chart Peej, they just really believe that feeding Americans means first helping CEO’s to their fourteenth yacht.
Because that way, they’ll think about us, probably, really. Donald Trump hearts me all the time because I am poor.
but none of us should be surprised — especially the left, which feeds off riots, protest, and molotov cocktail parties every time they strongly oppose something.
So, wait, because the left apparently always expresses its opposition with protest, the passage of something the left is NOT opposing forces the right to incite acts of violence?
Even if one accepts his “logic” this doesn’t make sense.
Just another disappointing graph.
That’s a nice chart Willy, I saved it, thankie.
The Right has always used this rhetoric, ever since Clinton they have been about to rise up, gun in hand for the new american revolution., Thats been 30 years and yet no uprising.can I tell you why?
They are poorly armed pussies who would get their asses kicked in very short order by the state (Police National guard army)
As for terrorism can you imagine what would happen to to the wingnuts in this Country if, god forbid, some madman shot Obama? They would be lucky to survive,
I’m not of course in favour of violence, but to coin a phrase, they would have brought it on themselves……..
And yet another graph that is scary.
he fact is, liberals are the violent ones. They always want to kill people when the don’t get there way
And dammit, VacuumSlayer prestole my “nuh-uh, just the BABIES RAWR nomnomnom” comment.
The FBI is conducting raids in Michigan, east Michigan I think, right now. Most likely the justification is meth labs but meth is how many militias fund themselves these days. I wonder if Debbie is freaking out yet.
“As for terrorism can you imagine what would happen to to the wingnuts in this Country if, god forbid, some madman shot Obama?”
Yes – Fox, PJTV, the NRO, the Washington Times, the televangelist community, everyone would unleash a media blitz to end all media blitzes talking about how “OH MY GOD THAT WAS ONE MAN!” and how they were being demonized by a liberal media using the assassination attempt to further their own sinister goals of imposing socialism down the country’s throat. In other words, exactly what Eric’s doing right now.
Conspiracy theories about how it was a setup meant to create sympathy for Obama would be proliferating wildly too.
“The FBI is conducting raids in Michigan, east Michigan I think, right now. Most likely the justification is meth labs but meth is how many militias fund themselves these days.”
Ahhh, family values at work.
No word from Lil’ Debbie but over at the Fish Eaters Traditional Catholic Forum
ALERT!! Homeland Security raiding state militias in multiple states
(WXYZ) – The FBI was conducting raids Saturday night at multiple locations in southeast Michigan.
But this is my favorite part:
I believe the snotchos are always free.
Wackos are never free, they come with a huge price.
“As for terrorism can you imagine what would happen to to the wingnuts in this Country if, god forbid, some madman shot Obama?”
False flag attack! A LIBERAL DID IT !!!
Oh great, the next bubble is Wacos.
There are some strongholds of racist fury compressed into little ‘churches’ and military groups in eastern Michigan, I hope they are going after them, oh please!
Well. That’s not funny at all.
I want a refund.
It seems the FBI is after the Hutaree (probably NSFW) after its members made threats of violence against Islamic organizations. Seven arrested in FBI raids linked to Christian militia group (link to more reputable Detroit News site.)
Well, good riddance to this bunch.
Well, never mind what he says, Tintin, I just love love love your molotov cocktail parties. And what have you got cooking over there, in the pot? Is that Socialism? Smells dee-lish!
some things are still in the works of happening.
No wonder the works of happening have jammed.
How d’ya like Rolling-The-War-On-Drugs-And-Anything-Else-The-Cops-Want-Into-The-PATRIOT-Act-And-Calling-It-Terrorism Now, motherfuckers? It was fine to spy on grannies and Quakers and librarians, but God forbid that it might get used for, oh, actual law enforcement.
Mmmm. I’ll have the works. With jam.
Spread on top of whatever’s happening in that pot of socialism over there.
Is that some fine mix of Venezuelan and French cooking going on over there? Because I’ll tell you what, I’m awful hungry for summa that and I think I’ll bring some commie-pinko margaritas.
When Socialism rules, there will no jam on anyone’s sammidges but nachos in everyone’s pots
Ask me why..I’ll say I love you
and I’m always thinking of yoooooou
I can’t believe its happened to meeee
I can’t conceive of anymore misery….
Ask me why (oooooo)
I’ll say I love you (ooooo)
and I’m always thinking of yooooou
And what the fuck kind of wimpy-assed name for a terrorist organization is “Hutaree,” anyway? Why not “Sword of Yahweh” or some damned thing? I think I went to Hutaree once when I was in Webelos. No wonder they’re getting their asses kicked.
Shrieks of outrage from right-wing sites that Obama is siding with the Islamists in 3–2–1.
I knew that motherfucker was fucking French!
Obama is siding with the Islamists !!!111!
‘they have just handed us Fort Sumter and kicked off the next American civil war.
No more free Wacos.”
Goddamn liberals and their incitement-fabricating riot protest Weather bombers.
No wonder the works of happening have jammed.
Stick a knife in there and jiggle it around some.
So are those tea partiers still sitting in the desert, soaking up the dry sun and the enjoying the benefits of a government developed and supported fresh water infrastructure?
Are they tapping into every electric line they can find and clogging every coffee shop in town to suck up the latest from their leaders on the tube?
Will the tax payer funded EMT’s be overstressed with heart attack/stroke victims?
Who will pay the bill? Ayn Rand where are you?
arrgh! Fucking trackpads – I hates them I does.
Actually I opted for Islamist siding for my house cause the Amish use that MDF® crap.
® FYWP!! That showed up fine in preview you prick.
Shit, it’s gonna be a busy week.
From noen’s link to the Detroit News:
Oops. That’ll throw a wrench in your preconceived notions works.
“but the militia member — who is of Islamic decent and had heard about the threats — declined to offer help.”
What? How did that islamofascist escape detection from their super sensitive-intelligence infrastructure? From Radio Shack’s clearance rack.
Yeppers. Lets see if BlogTK gets the job done. ®
He has an al Qaeda training camp in his backyard? Damn! I’d be skeered that Islamomaniacs were gonna crawl in the doggy-door.
Ho-lee shit.
If you don’t think this is going to instantly be re-written as Obama launching martial law attacks against Christians so that he can help his Islamic terrorist friends, then I suggest you’re mistaken.
You just wait to see how this is re-written over the next week, particularly for the Glenn Becks and Glenn Beck imitators.
Damn! I’d be skeered that Islamomaniacs were gonna crawl in the doggy-door.
I’d be scared I’d be arrested and sent to Gitmo. Of course my backyard is tiny so I couldn’t easily hide the fact I was AIDING AND ABETTING TERRORISTS BY LETTING THEM TRAIN THERE.
For great justice and sink lettuce, No-Visible-Means.
OK The Community Reinvestment Act has officially gone too far.
He has an al Qaeda training camp in his backyard?
It’s actually a latrine. He’s just trying to trick the gubmint into cleaning it out.
“Well. That’s not funny at all.”
Sorry, I’m not as funny as some here but I thought I could at least be helpful.
“I want a refund.”
Check your e-mail. You can print it out as you wish. I’m sure your local militia bank takes our notes or you can always trade sex for chocolate and cigarettes.
He has an al Qaeda training camp in his backyard?
I guess the huge, flashing neon “Al Qaeda Training Camp” sign was a dead giveaway.
Shake it, shake it,
They’re looting the bird feeders!
Shake it, shake it,
but Various Hutaree training clips set to Poker Face?
Doesn’t sound like the Lady Gaga one, anyway.
They’re looting the bird feeders!
Their terrorismic enterprises need seed money.
So when I came along, the Gary Ruppert thing was a long-standing phenom… Does anybody else really believe he exists? I mean it’s all just too obvious, the spelling and memes and mome raths and so forth.
I think — and this is certainly the pot calling the kettle black, or perhaps there’s some kind of joke in there in which “cannabis” is substituted for “pot,” but the legacy of meaning allows an elision from “pot” to “cannibal,” with “kettle” becoming a pun somehow, like “cattle” or if we’re talking about alcoholics, maybe “ketones,” so you end up with a gag that intertwines the original expression with some preposterous mental picture, as in an old New Yorker cartoon, of a cannibal standing by a large kettle in which a pith-helmeted missionary is beginning to heat up, except they’re both smoking marijuana — I think we have mostly frightened off all the genuine trolls, and now CERTAIN CONTRIBUTORS who shall go nameless are pulling our legs.
Pull my finger.
Shake it, shake it,
SugareeHutaree.“They are more of survivalist group and in an emergency they withdraw and stand their ground. They are actively training to be alongside Jesus,” Mike Lackomar, of, said.
Thanks, Mike. So, what are your plans for The Rapture?
He has an al Qaeda training camp in his backyard?
It’s right there on Google maps.
“al Qaeda training camp” “my backyard”—> and there it is. Pops right up on the sat view, too.
Seed money! See what Gilchrist did there? Fucking pun, man. Damn. Joke with “beak wingnut.” I’ll get back to it, Jonah fashion.
Oh, I am glad to see Junkpuncho, the Junk-punching Alpaca show up! I had postulated “Cockpuncho the Cock-punching llama” on the earlier thread because I’m old and senile.
Junkpuncho is win.
I had postulated “Cockpuncho the Cock-punching llama” on the earlier thread because I’m old and senile.
I think the world has plenty of room for both. There’s a lot of junk that needs a good wallop – amirite, Junkpuncho?
Did anybody else piss away the entire day in a manner plene attero? It makes me weep. Were it not for Sadly, I might have gotten something written, at least, but no. Sadly, no. My writing today is all on here somewhere.
Gary Ruppert?
Gary Ruppert?
Gary Ruppert?
Their terrorismic enterprises need seed money.
Yes, to pay for the milletants.
Guillermo Ruperto
Okay, I buy that. It’s a Mexican kid doing it to save his ass.
Yes, to pay for the milletants.
They are actively training to be alongside Jesus,” Mike Lackomar, of, said.
The Jesus in Heaven? Godspeed.
Wonder if Holder/Obama would waste a couple of minutes looking into AQ training camps in the US, especially since there is one right here in my freaking backyard.
You know, why doesn’t he alert someone? These people are always on about personal responsibility, why not try it sometime?
I’d like to make a joke about chickadees as terrorists, but I don’t have the energy to pursuet. Or maybe I’m just chicken so I have to duck while the rest of you swan around avian the times of your lives. So you know what? Pull my finger.
Over in Horton-Hears-A-Hutaree land there’s a link what sez “BEAST WATCH”.
I clicked it expecting K-Lo’s swimsuit pics.
Spengler, this will make you feel better. And by better, I mean worse.
*You know, why doesn’t he alert someone? These people are always on about personal responsibility, why not try it sometime?*
Do you for one minute imagine the local FBI office doesn’t have note up over the fax machine that says, “if you get a message from this number regarding a terrorist camp in citizen XXX’s backyard, no action is required, he’s a paranoid old asshole?”
Hey Esteev, when Obama’s plans come to fruition, you know who’s going to be a Christian examiner? Me, that’s who. I’m going to examine them senseless.
The Jesus in Heaven? Godspeed.
tigris, no. They mean the Jesus on Earth. He’ll BRB.
Their terrorismic enterprises need seed money.
I like to put up some corporate suet and tort reform to help them get through the winter.
Lovely plumage.
It’d be a cardinal sin to go around robin people of their happiness.
It’s starling how fast these come to me.
They mean the Jesus on Earth. He’ll BRB.
What sort of training does that take? Do they take turns nailing each other?
Well, sorta…
In a finch, I can find dozens.
Yes, to pay for the milletants.
And for toothbrushes so they don’t get sorghums out there in the field.
I hope Eric Holder sparrows no expense when it comes to putting these jaybirds behind bars.
Do they take turns nailing each other?
Of course they…
no, I can’t, it’s too easy.
It goose against my nature to engage in that sort of silliness.
I hope Eric Holder sparrows no expense when it comes to putting these jaybirds behind bars.
Me too, but he always has to grackle with constitutional issues.
What sort of training does that take? Do they take turns nailing each other?
That’s what confuses me. I think it’s vanity. They seriously think the world is going to end on their watch.
The fact is, I will not go anyhwhere and neither will the Real America. It is you liberals who should leave and plege your fagotry to other countries amen.
Are you sure that’s spelt correctly?
The fact is, I will not go anyhwhere and neither will the Real America. It is you liberals who should leave and plege your fagotry to other countries amen.
Will the vulture wars ever end?
Gary Ruppert said,
March 29, 2010 at 2:44
$20 says that Spengler.
I am so tired of Gary’s grousing.
Worst Dear John letter evar!
Such swift retorts are hard to swallow. Owl be over here when you’re done, and I’m not budgie-ing.
The fact is, why do liberals idolize hitler so much, it is proof of there perfitty.
Such swift retorts are hard to swallow. Owl be over here when you’re done, and I’m not budgie-ing.
Whoa. That was a thrush!
Such swift retorts are hard to swallow.
They are pretty unpheasant. When one is aimed at me I just chukar in the trash.
I’m kinda martin from that last one.
Yes, but toucan play at that game.
When one is aimed at me I just chukar in the trash.
Puffin yourself up bit, aren’t you?
I understand that Smut Clyde comes from simple, pheasant pholk.
toucan play at that game.
But the bill gets to be pretty big.
I’m pretty swift, huh?
Depends on how much moa you can stand.
Depends on how much moa you can stand.
That’s a bit ostrich, no?
I don’t know. I thought it was emu-sing.
Brad knows how to identify the Real Gary.
What are you boobies up to?
Ah, good. It was getting a bit loon-ly in here.
It was getting a bit loon-ly in here.
That birdwatching alpaca, Juncopuncho, was around, just lurking.
I swear, none of the Fake Gary posts are mine. I can’t do fake troll. It’s ostrich of the imagination.
I swear, none of the Fake Gary posts are mine
I wish whoever it is would stop falcon around.
From last thredsville: the “my bum is warm” emoticon ???
That’s brilliant.
…worked in preview!
Yes, it certainly is a disa-grebe-le habit.
I swear, none of the Fake Gary posts are mine>I>
Nothing to crow about.
That birdwatching alpaca, Juncopuncho, was around, just lurking.
Now I see what you did there. I was gulled at first.
I clicked it expecting K-Lo’s swimsuit pics
And why did you click it? Do you want to go blind?
Nothing to crow about.
Yeah, so stop your rantin’ and raven.
I clicked it expecting K-Lo’s swimsuit pics
Oh, I see we’ve moved on to bird puns. I posted without refreshing–a cardinal sin.
Thanks, Xecky. I’ll try and find the unicode again. I guess you can’t copypasta combining diacriticals.
I always Heron these blogs about fake trolls
“I posted without refreshing–a cardinal sin.”
The Pope Bird will make sure it’s all kept thrush thrush.
But as a tradesperson, I’ll just pick up my Hawk and make a bricks and mortor site and be done with the trolls.
Noen, that made me grackle.
Once more, with feeling,
. ͝♨͝
That’s 035d, 2668 and 035d, for anyone wondering, and IF wfp will let it through.
justme, et. al.
Here is a useful unicode thingy that may make your life a bit easier – no more huffin and puffin.
. ???
. ???
Seeing if it copies in non-italic:
Seems like a whole lotta work for a POOP joke.
…guess not. Thx for the codes!
Is that POOP or a fire?
But as a tradesperson, I’ll just pick up my Hawk and make a bricks and mortor site and be done with the trolls.
Requires knowledge of specialized tools. I like that.
We all have special tools Spengler
Seems like a whole lotta work for a POOP joke.
SOMEbody sounds consternated.
what the hell does fywp mean? Please tell me?
So much peregrine-ation
I thought a warm butt might look like this:
( I )
OK, that’s my last cormorant for the night.
It means “Fuck You, WordPress.”
For when the site software, WordPress, messes up or refuses to post your comments.
what the hell does fywp mean? Please tell me?
That’s what I was answering with my last comment.
FY Preview. (Sorry for the fowl language)
Oh, I coulda said that a few times, Ibis I need to pay attention
Oh, noez! ⍥
Drat. It just doesn’t come out right with other characters.
Be careful, you don’t want to be robin Peter to pay Paul.
This is making me stork raven mad.
Or stork raven cuckoo, even.
anybody else piss away the entire day in a manner plene attero? It makes me weep. Were it not for Sadly, I might have gotten something written, at least, but no. Sadly, no. My writing today is all on here somewhere.”
it did keep me from my arts for a bit but it was worth it. I had a trike to steal dammit.
I know it’s hard for a conservative to have any sense of history, but it should be known that molotov cocktails were first used to fight Soviets.
We are hoping that through this website we can reach out to those who have not the word of God and those who are lost in there ideas of Christ. Many of the things Christ said would happen have happened and some things are still in the works of happening.
Isn’t that what Galadriel said in front of the fountain in the movie “Fellowship of the Ring”?
anybody else piss away the entire day in a manner plene attero?
I did it on a lark.
Xecky –
You mean my disgusting bun is warm emoticon, or a different one?
They are actively training to be alongside Jesus
Besides dropping trou, what training is required?
I didn’t piss the entire day away, but my desk with my tax work is very close to this one…and well I had to check this site a number of times because the numbers were straining my poor eyes.
I should have the work done this afternoon.
My brain is nothing but a Nutthatch these days anyway.
What I really can’t stand is when people parrot all these talking points.
I know it’s hard for a conservative to have any sense of history, but it should be known that molotov cocktails were first used to fight Soviets.
I’d make a molotov cockatiel joke but it would just be too foul and I’d egret it.
Good job tigris!
Wrenever I see a good pun it just makes me Flicker like nobody’s business!
Where is everyone, they flew the coop?
Two pretty amazing cartoons at Big Hollywood right now. I quote Chris Muir’s broken-spined redhead:
The other one’s also bananas but has a little more style.
That leaves me wanting moa. It’s the mynah pleasures.
Mmmmmm……substance. Tasty substance.
I spent a lot of time hanging out here, which kept me from doing the other trivial stuff I was planning on doing so as to avoid all the important, long overdue tasks that I had to do.
officers to harass us and eat our substance!
Her womanly substance?
Typo on my part: “eat out our substance.”
I have a stake in this.
Two pretty amazing cartoons at Big Hollywood
Take a gander, he sez.
The other one’s also bananas
Veiled coq reference?
Muir is a fucking parrot. A stupid parrot.
a multitude of his Czars
I don’t know what the collective term is for czars, but I’m damn sure that it’s not a ‘multitude’.
One of Muir commenters responds to a troublemaker:
Some people can’t handle the truth. The truth is THE truth.
It’s important to remember that.
Indeed, its also important that when you want to make your point even more truthie is to yell it as loud as possible.
And repeat it over and over again, simple ideas work best.
There’s one or a cockatoo of references over there I’m sure.
Candied Mute Swan with Candied Robiola Lombardia Cheeses
1 mute swan
1 teaspoon robiola Lombardia cheese
1 jar soya milk
5 bunches batfish leg
4 tablespoons sage
7 bunches mustard
Pick over the ingredients tempestuously and discard excess ceramic. Cream the mute swan with a large whisk. Use a food processor to stir the soya milk with the robiola Lombardia cheese. Stuff the resulting mixture into the mute swan. Rinse – very spryly – the batfish leg, sage, and the mustard. Heap the latter combination on to the former. Leave raw but pretend it’s cooked. Serves 8 masculine individuals with blessed stomachs.
The Galt, dear Troofus, lies not in our Czars, but in our shelves.
THE Truth is THE Truth is THE Truth is THE Truth.
That does greatly increase its truthitude.
As long as they don’t sap our essence.
Some people can’t handle the truth.
We live on a placid island of ignorance in the midst of black seas of infinity, and it was not meant that we should voyage far. The sciences, each straining in its own direction, have hitherto harmed us little; but some day the piecing together of dissociated knowledge will open up such terrifying vistas of reality, and of our frightful position therein, that we shall either go mad from the revelation or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
Let’s face it: Despite using fancy words like quantum shift, planes of existence, perichoresis and particle index of refraction, our perception of the reality surrounding us is at best fuzzy.
Oooh…tentacle pr0n.
…or flee from the light into the peace and safety of a new dark age.
Praise Zombie Reagan!
FYWP, I was talkin’ ORBS. WordPress cannot handle the truth, but it is THE truth.
a multitude of his Czars
Teh Great Gazoogle reports
Results 1 – 10 of about 55 for “CZARS virus”. (0.12 seconds)
Harummph. Well I thought it was original.
I like how we’re talking to the troll even when he doesn’t show up.
Obama should be appointing a buncha Rasputins anyway. They’re more durable.
But the Czars were made erect by Caligula.
The Caligulas of today swim the vapid seas of self import financed by stock funds that gain in value in proportion to the number of workers laid off and payroll cut in any given day.
They party on all night in motels with sleepy headed wannabe starlets while working class Tea Baggers, their bodies sore, old and bloated from arteries clogged with pre processed dollar a box foods that have profit margins like sweatshops that fuel the class angst the Tea Bagger feels and the trust funders feeds but never understands.
My fellow commenters, I do appreciate all of your condor tonight.
Democrats are big faggot pacifist hippie pussies who can’t do war like us manly chest-thumping real Murricans!
And they’re bomb-throwing rioting terrorists, always on the violent rampage!
How dare the Democrats politicize actual events that transpired in our world in the past week?
238 comments? It’s nice to see everybody get a tern.
I tried to write, but that e-mail doesn’t correspond to a mailbox.
I know, shocking.
Wonder if any of my old gun club pals in NE Ohio got caught up in this bust? Some real paranoid cases there. When they asked me what I was doing to prepare for the soon-to-occur ‘race war’ (this was the late ’70’s), I told them I would just kill a couple of them and take their shit. I was serious, and I think they were reconsidering having an organized-crime/union boss guy like me in the club, after all. The whole saga of my time with those folks is too long and involved for this space, though. Speaking of killing time (and other things), I had a great day in bed with the Creaturette and then grocery shopping. She’s already pregnant (1st trimester), so we wasted all those proto-humans, just for our own enjoyment. We did ponder how the upcoming kid would fare in the soon-to-be brave new world. I figure just fine, with her and I to guide them through the numbkins of the future.
I for one must say you’ve piqued my curiosity.
I’m really bittern about missing the bird puns!
By mentioning the “Weather Underground” and calling attention to forty-year old “leftist” violence, Erick bin Erick is willfully ignoring the right-wing assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK… need I go on?
Well, I gannet be bothered to rail at these coots anymore tonight.
From heron in, I’ll try to stay on topic.
Well, I’ll hold you to your promise not to duck the issues.
Quetzal you have to do.
Erick, we know you’re desperate, but committing an act of necrophilia with the mummified corpse of 60s radicalism is just wrong.
willfully ignoring the right-wing assassinations of JFK, MLK, RFK… need I go on?
Indeed you must, if you want to convince EE that the assassins in these cases were right-wing when he knows perfectly well that they were liberals.
The fact is, liberals, YOU are responsible for the violence, the threats, if youd left well enough elone instead of taking our freedom away the New American Revolution Of The Patriots would not be necessary but you made a bad choice — OBAMA, THE ONE, THE COMMUNIST, and trying to shove SOCIALSIM down everyonews throat, you rape the worldwind.
At this point, I think Gary is the product of a coop of artistes, like the Situationists or the Residents.
Mickey Kaus is a goatsucker.
Rail on, Gary!
Apparently Lloyd Marcus counts as a journalist too:
The title of the article is “A Black President, the Progressive’s Perfect Trojan Horse”.
At this point, I think Gary is the product of a coop of artistes, like the Situationists or the Residents.
The Ruppertist Internationale. For one day, one of us shall dress up as a TV televangelist, stand in front of a teleprompter, and say “The fact is, Real America is dead, amen.”
…the Democrats’ unbelievable arrogance and disdain for We The People.
Hey your, you’re listening to and parroting the same people who lied America into a completely pointless Invasion and Occupation of Iraq.
From the department of El Oh El…
Michael Steele’s expense report includes “$1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.”
Now I’m not just in El Oh El mode because Steele + bondage + fiscal conservatism = **snort**, it’s because Tucker Carlson’s shop needed a breakthough scoop and will now be forever known as the place that broke Bondage-gate.
I’m uncomfortable about these politicized militia raids in Michigan. Right now is not a good time to rock the boat. The HRC was radical enough. Now to go out of your way to anger Christians and believers in the 2nd Amendment? I consider myself a Democrat, but this is just going too far too fast.
WordPress, dude! Really?
you make me repost teh tucker link
I quote Chris Muir’s broken-spined redhead:
Did you notice that she’s left-handed? Hmmmmmmmmmm…….
Also, I’m pretty sure that Ryan North spends more time on his comics.
$1,620.71 spent [update: the amount is actually $1,946.25] at Voyeur West Hollywood, a bondage-themed nightclub featuring topless women dancers imitating lesbian sex.
Well, of course. If you go to one of those budget nightclubs, you get imitation women dancers imitating lesbian sex, and who wants that?
From the department of El Oh El…
I was just going to post that! Okay, like, whatever, it sounds like a fun time, but why the fuck would you be dumb enough to put it on your expense report???
Glenn Beck’s prospective novel title is also cracking me up.
As I said earlier today, violence is unacceptable, but none of us should be surprised — especially the left, which feeds off riots, protest, and molotov cocktail parties every time they strongly oppose something.
This has apparently become the talking point for the right wing.
The problem is, MOST of the “leftist” demonstrations have been while Democrats have been president, which kinda negates…ok, totally obliterates… Irky’s argument.
They always want to kill people when the don’t get there way, like Nazis and Communists.
It’s true. It was Democrats who went to war against the Naxis and the Commies. Thanks for recognizing our deep commitment to national security, Gary.
why the fuck would you be dumb enough to put it on your expense report???
I’ll take that one.
Because Steele is the quintessential free-loader. Nothing is more important than free lunches. The RNC has the leader it deserves, they shouldn’t be at all surprised when he goes all laissez-faire on their dime.
why the fuck would you be dumb enough to put it on your expense report???
It’s bad enough he’s black, but they have to make sure he’s not gay. He’s probably required to spend hard coin on hookers.
Because Steele is the quintessential free-loader.
This is true. I almost think he’s trying to see how much he can get away with before they fire him.
It’s bad enough he’s black, but they have to make sure he’s not gay. He’s probably required to spend hard coin on hookers.
Dude, I’ve always wondered about him.
Dude, I’ve always wondered about him.
You aren’t the only one who thinks Ed Gillespie took him
as a bottomunder his wing fortoot-elagetutelage.Another thing to watch for today is the comments section for Douchehat’s most recent screed, blaming hippies for pedophile priests. I’ll guess a 10 to 1 ratio of rejected to published reader quotes.
Comments are no longer being accepted.
Another thing to watch for today is the comments section for Douchehat’s most recent screed, blaming hippies for pedophile priests.
Holy motherfucking shit. Where is Junkpuncho when you need him?
Comments are still being published though… I wrote in that in light of Douthie’s advice, that Roman Polanski should plead priesthood. Won’t get published, but whatevs.
I’m uncomfortable about these politicized militia raids in Michigan. Right now is not a good time to rock the boat. The HRC was radical enough. Now to go out of your way to anger Christians and believers in the 2nd Amendment?
So, I say we should just hold off on stopping potential domestic terrorists, because, you, know, it might look bad.
Best Concern Troll EVah!
It’s interesting how many of Douchehat’s readers felt obliged to point out that child abuse is not a mere sin, but a crime.
Since I’m too ill to start sucking down mangoes, I have to assume that convenient little fact was overlooked by Douchehat in his column and that as punishment, he deserves to be ass fucked with barbed wire.
Just so, you know, he gets the point.
Junkpuncho is with Michael Steele, doing three-foot lines of blow off Kim Kardashian’s ass. I know. They’re in my dungeon.
It’s interesting how many of Douchehat’s readers felt obliged to point out that child abuse is not a mere sin, but a crime.
So typical. How many children have been molested whose parents have said, “Oh, he said he’s sorry. Let’s just keep this in the family” and then that person continues to molest other children? It’s so fucked up.
Douchehat also seems to think that there was just a rash of incidents in the 70s and 80s that were covered up. I call bullshit. I think this has been part of the institution since its inception; it’s just now that people are comfortable enough to tell the truth about abuse by priests. Any institution that demands such unwavering loyalty and submission to power is going to be rife with this kind of shit.
Junkpuncho is with Michael Steele, doing three-foot lines of blow off Kim Kardashian’s ass. I know. They’re in my dungeon.
That is one badass alpaca. I guess everyone deserves a vacation, no?
it’s just now that people are comfortable enough to tell the truth about abuse by priests.
Score one for technology. Anonymous, widespread communication through the net enables people to realize the scope of the problem and to find others to band together to get the nerve to speak out.
Yes, G, that was some pradicat concern trolling. Figured we should all pretend we didn’t notice, but it’s irresistible.
We should develop some dog-whistle type comment code so that nobody responds to trolls, periodically, just to see ’em twist in the wind. See the phrase, don’t respond to troll, high jinks ensue.
May I suggest a certain code phrase from a popular television program of the early 1970s that happens to include an important fruit:
“I hear the gooseberries are doing well this year… and so are the mangoes.”
Sorry, pradikat.
I think this has been part of the institution since its inception
His point about therapy is right, but for the wrong reasons.
He blames the Church for taking a more therapeutic approach to molestation. I’d argue that the church has done nothing of the sort.
Where therapy has worked into it is the recognition that…for the victims…getting it off their chests has helped them overcome some of the damage inflicted on them, and has revealed this disgusting behavior on the part of the clergy.
As a victim of sexual abuse as a kid myself, I had it so deeply repressed that when it finally came out, I marveled at how hard I had to work to deny or even ignore it. My predator was not a clergy man, so I can only begin to imagine how hard that must be for a victim of clerical abuse.
“I hear the gooseberries are doing well this year… and so are the mangoes.”
Mine aren’t, but the Big Cheese gets his at low tide tonight
That’s odd, my teeth just exploded. But have been this unusual mouthwash.
Okay, I’d like to blame wordpress for my replacement of “must” with “but.” However I cannot. It was me.
Right! What’s all this, then??
Douthat: In reality, the scandal implicates left and right alike. The permissive sexual culture that prevailed everywhere, seminaries included, during the silly season of the ’70s deserves a share of the blame, as does that era’s overemphasis on therapy.
If the church and its seminaries allowed worldly sin to thrive, is that the world’s fault or the church’s? Was the worldliness of the 70’s somehow different from that of the previous two millennia, that the church couldn’t help but fail? And does he have any evidence of any priests receiving therapy instead of just being shuffled from one molestation opportunity to another, protected from a prying secular world and it’s crazy ideas of actually punishing crimes?
No, I deny that anything in the secular world, liberal or conservative, is to blame. The blame lies solely within the sphere of the church, with its notions of self-righteous moral rectitude, cloistered “us against the world” tribal self-protection, and patriarchal patronizing.
If the church and its seminaries allowed worldly sin to thrive, is that the world’s fault or the church’s?
I call Cardinal Richilieu as a character witness, m’Lord!
you rape the worldwind.
Damn, Zeus is at it again.
Yeah, Actor, I don’t actually buy the “worldy sin” frame but figured that would be the way Douthat would look at it.
Was the worldliness of the 70’s somehow different from that of the previous two millennia, that the church couldn’t help but fail?
In many parts of the world, pedophilia was criminalized in the early 20th century… it may be a lack of awareness that prevents Douchie from trying out a “behind the times” defense, but my sense is that balls-all-Catholics like Douchie only have one moral prism which means here trying to make sense of how the special Jesus-people could have sinned so gravely.
Where therapy has worked into it is the recognition that…for the victims…getting it off their chests has helped them overcome some of the damage inflicted on them, and has revealed this disgusting behavior on the part of the clergy.
Exactly. Especially if victims felt like they couldn’t come forward within the church–at least therapy provided a way for them to talk about it and, more importantly, be listened to.
As a victim of sexual abuse as a kid myself, I had it so deeply repressed that when it finally came out, I marveled at how hard I had to work to deny or even ignore it. My predator was not a clergy man, so I can only begin to imagine how hard that must be for a victim of clerical abuse.
🙁 Beyond this whole “scandal” (and, how I fucking hate using the word “scandal” to describe an ongoing criminal conspiracy to cover up some of the most heinous acts that people can commit) is the work that society as a whole needs to do to acknowledge that sexual abuse of children (and adults) is fucking pervasive. I admire the bravery of anyone who comes forward about something like this, especially when they know that there are going to be people who wave it away, minimize it, and, say, blame it on the sexual revolution.
Oh pshaw. For the good stuff you gotta watch Bill Donohue blame the victim’s parents. Yep. Me do iPhone so no linky – find it yersef.
but my sense is that balls-all-Catholics like Douchie only have one moral prism which means here trying to make sense of how the special Jesus-people could have sinned so gravely.
I just don’t get it. I don’t understand how someone’s inability to reconcile doctrine with reality would make them disregard the welfare of their fellow human beings so completely. Then again, I was raised Protestant by a sexual abuse survivor, so I was never, ever told to defer to authorities on something like this.
For PeeJ’s lazy ass… linktastic
I was calling you lazy PeeJ, but forgot who I was for a second.
For the good stuff you gotta watch Bill Donohue blame the victim’s parents.
someone’s inability to reconcile doctrine with reality
Similar to T&U, I too was raised by someone who was abused, but Catholic. When this “stuff” was starting to come out in parishes that we attended, the first thing my ‘rents did was sit my sibling and myself down and ask. They weren’t afraid to know, they were concerned for our safety/mental health. Luckily, we’re too ugly to be touched. For some reason, I think people are afraid to think their entire life was a lie; listening to people tell you to do one thing who then do the complete opposite.
This is rich. Yeah, it’s the Liberals destroying religion… as well as national security and teh Free Market.
I don’t understand how someone’s inability to reconcile doctrine with reality would make them disregard the welfare of their fellow human beings so completely.
Some of this echoes back to pre-Reformation church dogma, which was the Church was the only pipeline to Jesus and salvation (Luther was the first to posit that one could have a personal relationship with God, reinforced in sermon at services).
So if the Church says it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. The church and its clergy were infallible, not to be questioned, the perfect patriarchy.
The play (and movie) Doubt goes thru a really pretty deep exploration of this idea, that even a mother superior has no place questioning a priest.
So if the Church says it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen.
It seems that it took a while for followers to realize that the Church is full of people — fallible ones.
Yeah, it’s the Liberals destroying religion
Donohue longs for the good old days, when little boys and little girls who misbehaved were told to drop their underwear and bend over the knee of the nun who then took out a long glistening hard ruler and would spank their pretty little asses until they were peach-pink and tenderized.
Before I take over this thread, I would just like to point out the “Frequently Bought Together” books on that Secular Sabotage amazon link:
Glenn Beck’s “Aruging With Idiots” and Sarah “Hooked on Phonix Worked for Me” Palin’s “Going Rogue.”
until they were peach-pink and tenderized.
How do you like your lamb?
So if the Church says it doesn’t happen, it doesn’t happen. The church and its clergy were infallible, not to be questioned, the perfect patriarchy.
I know…I’m just surprised that attitude still prevails to some extent.
actor, the Us vs. Them act is getting old with the likes of Donohue. It’s always the liberals and the secularists attacking them while they rant and rave about the old days. It is getting tiresome — especially, for good or bad, in an increasingly secular world. What bothers me, and I’m sure many, is that they are always the victim no matter what happens. Donohue wants to be a martyr without dying for anything… well maybe for a favorable Amazon review.
I noticed something like this in liberal vs. conservative foreign policy. Liberals are usually very aware that America does not live up to its values or to its self-image. They want it to; but in order to do that, first you have to acknowledge that it’s not happening right now (Obama’s so-called “apology tour” was a step in that direction).
Conservatives, on the other hand, want to believe heart and soul that Captain America comics are an accurate representation of America, its military, and its actions, and become very upset when you point out that it’s simply not true. That’s why they were furious when John Stewart recently called the atomic bombings in Japan a war crime (something Curtis LeMay himself admitted); that’s why they were furious after Abu Ghraib and Haditha, not at the soldiers who disgraced their uniform but at the reporters who reported the truth. It’s also why press coverage of war in the last thirty years has been overwhelmingly sanitized and pro-military.
The moment of divergence was Vietnam, and the way liberals as opposed to conservatives reacted when seeing the atrocities committed by our war machine. Before that, the problem was simple ignorance; after that, it became denial, the engine that drove the Reagan-era military buildup and all the wars that occurred since.
took out a long glistening hard ruler and would spank their pretty little asses until they were peach-pink and tenderized.
Have you been hanging out with Michael Steele?
Before that, the problem was simple ignorance; after that, it became denial, the engine that drove the Reagan-era military buildup and all the wars that occurred since.
It’s a pathological fear of ambiguity and a childish belief that all Good Things are All Good and all Bad Things are All Bad.
It seems that it took a while for followers to realize that the Church is full of people — fallible ones.
I’ve often wondered what people of their times made of Popes like Alexander VI (who was a Borgia, and so practically Mafia) or Julius II, who basically bribed France to declare war on Italy so as to overthrow Alex.
Alex, it should be pointed out, died of a rather nasty, um, disease (probably poisoned) where his skin turned blood red and then began to slough off, altho official accounts shortly thereafter blame malaria.
Yup. Julius II quickly acceded to the Papal throne…after
killingthe death of new Pope Pius III only twenty six days later from an apparent ulcering wound on his leg.It is really just a matter of maximizing returns on investment. Jesus died for our sins, in a most gruesome and painful manner. Now, how unappreciative would it seem if we stopped sinning after that? Jesus would be like “WTF you assholes?!?! I spend three fucking days dying for the edification of the crowds and Mel Gibsons future snuff fantasies and you guys could have just stop being such douchebags at any time?”
So part of the role of the church has been to make sure that Jesus’s death was not in vain, that we would have lots of sins that needed forgiving. Its like an all you can eat buffet… you don’t go in to have a light salad, right? No, you paid for your meal up front, so you need to gorge yourself on as much as you can possibly stuff in you. And then sneak some out in your purse! It’s what Ayn Rand would do (WWARD).
And the best part is, a lot of these kids will go on to be really fucked up and commit lots of sins on their own! Its like Reagan’s best free-market fantasies, with every individual guided by the invisible hand of free redemption to validate and add even more value to Jesus’s sacrifice.
Just like he would have wanted.
I noticed something like this in liberal vs. conservative foreign policy.
Agreed, Chris. The disconnect, I hope, is getting more difficult to cultivate. There has got to be that Ah-Ha! moment sooner or later when it becomes obvious that America is no longer the great moral/military superpower that some people think — for the most part conservatives. It’s almost as if they think we are as infallible as the clergy and to point out differently is unpatriotic. The same rhetoric has been used over and over and over and over for
yearsdecades now.For the good stuff you gotta watch Bill Donohue blame the victim’s parents.
Those aren’t mangoes, they’re shriveled, jaundiced ball sacks.
And his book sounds like a laugh riot. God is all-powerful and all-knowing, and the church is his stronghold on this earth against the allied forces of sin and the storehouse of Truth and Wisdom, but it can’t resist the world’s siren call nor answer the questions raised by liberals.
Mysticdog said,
March 29, 2010 at 16:53
Sounds eerily like Brit Hume on Tiger Woods: “Convert to Christianity — You can do all the bad things you want, say sorry, and then do some more bad things! It’s, like, the coolest!”
There has got to be that Ah-Ha! moment sooner or later
I don’t think there ever will be for some people. Some people are so invested in the idea that they will never, ever face it. You’ve seen what they’ve done to explain away reality already.
Have you been hanging out with Michael Steele?
OMG topless nuns. *herk*
In other words, I think it’s not ignorance or stupidity, but a mental health problem.
There has got to be that Ah-Ha! moment sooner or later
I don’t think there ever will be for some people.
Ugh, c’mon. Isn’t all the fluoride in the water doing ANYTHING?!
Before that, the problem was simple ignorance
I think your point about ignorance needs a little fleshing out. Up to 1963, I think the press was given to cover wars and other national crises precisely the way the government wanted them to.
Certianly, World War II, the “last good war,” was covered with minimum of dissent in the mainstream press. Sure, you could find critical articles and editorials, but for the most part, no one brought home the horrors of being at war.
Even the movies, which could graphically depict what it’s like to be on the receiving end of a bomb, gussied things up. If you look at the metaphors on screen, you get a sense of the horror, but you never saw it.
The assassination of JFK, I feel, changed all that. Suddenly, an entire nation was in the grips of a news fever that had them riveted to the television. I’d argue that the assassination weekend was the first time all of America was united in witnessing and trying to understand an event simultaneously. Even Pearl Harbor, covered as it was on the radio, was not nearly as galvanizing an event.
Once news organizations began to understand the power of imagery, they knew precisely how to cover the next war: with film. That LBJ was caught off-guard in censoring coverage is understandable. No one could have foreseen the effect those ghastly images flickering around dinner tables would have on the American psyche.
We had to grow up. We’ve lost a lot of that in the desensitized arena of Shock and Awe. That’s deliberate. But our ignorance is our responsibility and our fault.
Donohue wants to be a martyr without dying for anything… well maybe for a favorable Amazon review.
From the looks of him, it’ll be an ultra-bacon Monte Cristo.
Incidentally, MoDo thinks that the answer to the Church’s ‘little problem’ is to make a nun Pope.
No link, because really, who wants those mangoes?
There has got to be that Ah-Ha! moment sooner or later when it becomes obvious that America is no longer the great moral/military superpower that some people think — for the most part conservatives.
Some will never get it. Look at England: even a hundred years after its empire was dismantled, and fifty years after the last of it was stripped away, there are still Anglophiles who will insist on “Britain, first and last!” in any foreign or domestic policy.
Not that I’m against nationalism, no. I think pride in one’s country is a good thing so long as countries have to exist for whatever reason, but to extend it to jingoism is the height of hubris
OMG topless nuns. *herk*
Ew. Sorry about that.
The problem is, MOST of the “leftist” demonstrations have been while Democrats have been president…
And buried by the media, so they don’t really have any record of violent lefty demonstrations to point to – not newer than 1968 or so, anyway.
“It seems that it took a while for followers to realize that the Church is full of people — fallible ones.”
Amusingly, the Papal infallibility doctrine is only supposed to count in matters of faith and even then there are rules and guidelines as to what does and does not constitute an infallible statement. (E.G. when the Church has policies preventing priests and nuns from marrying, that’s a matter of choice in terms of how they run their clergy, not covered by the infallibility thing – and certainly actions like molesting children wouldn’t be).
Course, when you’re out their preaching for your own benefit it’s okay to ignore doctrine. (An equivalent in the secular world would be free-market believers preaching Adam Smith to the highest heavens while completely ignoring what he actually said about taxation and regulation).
And buried by the media
I disagree. Our conservative main stream media took great pains to cover the unrest in Seattle in 1999.
But note who was President then and who was President-apparent.
I disagree. Our conservative main stream media took great pains to cover the unrest in Seattle in 1999.
Aha, conceded. I was thinking of the Bush years when the hundreds of thousands of antiwar people were a sneered-at “focus group”.
Some will never get it. Look at England: even a hundred years after its empire was dismantled, and fifty years after the last of it was stripped away, there are still Anglophiles who will insist on “Britain, first and last!” in any foreign or domestic policy.
Exactly. There are some people who have to hang on to that worldview because they wouldn’t know what to think or believe otherwise. Questioning things can be scary!
We’ve lost a lot of that in the desensitized arena of Shock and Awe. That’s deliberate. But our ignorance is our responsibility and our fault.
This is the reason why LiveLeak is so important. If what is available on that site was shown on nightly news casts (rather than the mind-dumbing B.S. of what Biden has his foot in his mouth that day) we wouldn’t be in the 5 Muslim countries we are in now.
Questioning things can be scary!
We evolved from apes?! That can’t be true! That’s just iky.
If the damned news would just cover the five countries we’re in properly, we wouldn’t be in four of them.
Well, maybe three. I think we’d have to be in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but at least we’d be focused on getting bin Laden and rolling up the Al Qaeda.
If what is available on that site was shown on nightly news casts (rather than the mind-dumbing B.S. of what Biden has his foot in his mouth that day) we wouldn’t be in the 5 Muslim countries we are in now.
Maybe I’m just underestimating the impact of imagery, but I don’t know if that’s true…
If the damned news would just cover the five countries we’re in properly, we wouldn’t be in four of them.
Well, maybe three. I think we’d have to be in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but at least we’d be focused on getting bin Laden and rolling up the Al Qaeda.
Yeah, this seems more likely to me.
Maybe I’m just underestimating the impact of imagery, but I don’t know if that’s true…
T&U, Have you ever seen a beheading video? It is indescribable. My cousin is in Afghanistan now as an Air Bourne Ranger (fourth tour). He made me watch one before he deployed to Iraq, the first time. He told me if more people watched what was actually going on –rather than the bloodless drone attacks– these wars would lose funding in a second due to the public.
If the damned news would just cover the five countries we’re in properly, we wouldn’t be in four of them.
Agreed 100%, but then we’d lose a lot of $.
May I offer an off-topic shorter for Ross Douthat?
The Catholic Church should do now what any non-evil organizations would have done back then.
I think we’d have to be in Pakistan and Afghanistan, but at least we’d be focused on getting bin Laden and rolling up the Al Qaeda
This too, I agree with, but the lack of help from those gov’ts is another problem. Anyone read Greenwald’s column from the other day? The war isn’t just against Teh Terrusts anymore.
He told me if more people watched what was actually going on –rather than the bloodless drone attacks– these wars would lose funding in a second due to the public.
Funny, Ewick and the 101st Keyboarders told us just the opposite!
Who to believe… who to believe…
Oops, this was the Greenwald column I was talking about.
Funny, Ewick and the 101st Keyboarders told us just the opposite!
“To Infinity! And Beyond!”
“Some will never get it. Look at England: even a hundred years after its empire was dismantled, and fifty years after the last of it was stripped away, there are still Anglophiles who will insist on “Britain, first and last!” in any foreign or domestic policy.”
Worse is the number of Brits you can still find who insist “our Empire was wonderful because those bloomin’ Third Worlders were living like animals and we brought them enlightenment and civilization and they should be thanking us on bended knee!” It doesn’t translate into politics the same way it does here, but it seems to me like the British imperial sentiment is still there for a lot of people (not unlike Southern nostalgia for the good old days).
And yes, good point on the impact of media imagery.
It doesn’t translate into politics the same way it does here
It does, and in very much the same way the immigration reform debate in America does: they owe us a favor, so let them stay home.
You forget that the ‘liberal’ imperialists often add that, yeah, yeah, it was often done in an imperfect manner and awful mistakes were made, but, um, you know, omelets, eggs, and all the rest of it.
T&U, Have you ever seen a beheading video?
No, and I don’t plan to. Not because I don’t care, though.
He told me if more people watched what was actually going on –rather than the bloodless drone attacks– these wars would lose funding in a second due to the public.
But I also think there’s a tendency to become desensitized to it. I also think there’s a tendency to dismiss it if it’s happening to people you don’t consider to be quite human.
I’m not saying that it wouldn’t have an impact–I think it would. I just don’t know how large it would be.
“My cousin is in Afghanistan now as an Air Bourne Ranger (fourth tour). He made me watch one before he deployed to Iraq, the first time.”
Out of curiosity, what’s the politics of most people in the field like him, do you know?
I.E. whether we should be in these wars at all; who’s strategies (Bush or Obama’s) are working better, whether we should torture or not, how to interact with the locals… all that kind of stuff? I have relatives in the military too, but none that have been deployed to a shooting war zone and I’m just wondering.
Oh, and I’m also not arguing against it. Release that shit. I want it on the front page of the newspaper and at the start of every news broadcast every night. I just think that people are really, really good at explaining away/ignoring evil, especially when they’re part of it.
Y’know, thinking more on some of the stuff we’re discussing here, it strikes me odd how often the right wing wants to defend accidents as the way things ought to be.
Take “tax cuts for the rich”. Rightwingers want to defend these as being rewards for working hard and making money in a capitalist system. On the face of it, that argument has a certain amount of power and value. After all, who would work hard if they knew 90% of their income was going to be taken away?
And yet, much wealth (not income) in this country devolves from someone hitting a genetic lottery, an accident of birth that has them the off-spring of parents with substantial incomes. Yet, these same “work is its own reward” types have no problem contorting their arguments to cover these gadabouts.
Similarly, the whole “American exceptionalism” argument centers on yet another accident: a geographic one. The Americas were always protected from exploration and invasion by the rather substantial geographic barriers of oceans. The United States, specifically, had the natural advantage of having nearly every frikkin’ ecosystem you could imagine *somewhere* within our borders, meaning somewhere someone would want something from every part of our nation.
Rather than treat this bounty as a bit of dumb luck (and of course, share it as one is wont to do when one stumbles across a bit of luck) these jackasses somehow see it as “God’s gift to the world”.
Well, yea, it is, but that doesn’t mean you have to hog it all for yourself and somehow think that, because you avoided being touched by two world wars in one century that you are somehow better than everyone else.
You aren’t. You’re luckier than everyone else, that’s for sure.
Make no mistake, America and Americans are an exceptional place, but not so far above average that we ought to entertain the notion that we can lord it over the rest of the planet in perpetuity.
I’m not saying that it wouldn’t have an impact–I think it would. I just don’t know how large it would be.
Worked in ‘Nam.
I’m not saying that it wouldn’t have an impact–I think it would. I just don’t know how large it would be.
Worked in ‘Nam.
Was that the sole reason, though? I’m legitimately asking, here, not being a smartass. I’ve always perceived the draft to be a big part of it. In other words, once it started affecting middle-class people on a wide scale, there was enough of a movement among more powerful people to stop it.
Chris, after four tours in a combat zone, how wold you feel? Granted, its his job and he does it well. He does as ordered. And to be honest, he rarely speaks about it -especially to his sheltered, liberal cousin. I just know he doesn’t like goikng to war with a wife and baby at home.he strategy means little unless you live through it.
Worked in ‘Nam.
Was that the sole reason, though?
It didn’t hurt, but keep in mind it took almost four years of nightly video like that, as well as a lack of military successes before the nation finally turned its back on the war.
And even then, even after Walter Kronkite finally said this war was unwinnable, it was years before we finally ended it.
Rather than treat this bounty as a bit of dumb luck (and of course, share it as one is wont to do when one stumbles across a bit of luck) these jackasses somehow see it as “God’s gift to the world”.
Well, isn’t it much comfier and much more reassuring to believe that you’re special? That way, you can do what you want with what you have with no moral guilt, because God has blessed you. It’s what He wanted!
Well, isn’t it much comfier and much more reassuring to believe that you’re special?
History is not kind to the “special.”
History is not kind to the “special.”
Nor is the SAT.
He told me if more people watched what was actually going on –rather than the bloodless drone attacks– these wars would lose funding in a second due to the public.
Funny, Ewick and the 101st Keyboarders told us just the opposite!
The Ericks of the world think the public would respond to such videos the way they do.
Rightwingers want to defend these as being rewards for working hard and making money in a capitalist system. On the face of it, that argument has a certain amount of power and value. After all, who would work hard if they knew 90% of their income was going to be taken away?
That argument would only hold water if these dudes fought to tax earned income at a lower rate than capital gains and inheritance taxes. As with just about every fucking thing they do, their actions put the lie to their rhetoric.
History is not kind to the “special.”
Nor is the SAT.
DKW’s mom is, tho.
Actor, what you said here is exactly the thinking in large parts of this country. I don’t understand how people think they weren’t lucky enough to be born here but it was predetermined. The same thing with the taxes. A conservative buddy of mine, who grew up in an extremely well-off family, thinks it’s unconscionable to raise taxes on the rich saying, as you did, “why punish those who work hard” which, I agree with but, my old man was a firefighter for 30 years. The man literally broke his back for strangers for a pittance compared to those who made up numbers out of thin air made millions. Fairs unfair, I guess. Geography and timing mean more than people think.
That argument would only hold water if these dudes fought to tax earned income at a lower rate than capital gains and inheritance taxes.
Well, yea, that’s sort of my point. To claim that the tax system ought to be scaled to reward sloth but then claim the American value is hard work is ludicrous.
Not that I have a problem with a lower capital gains tax, IF it’s a legitimate capital risk being taken, like a man opening a business and putting his own ass on the line, and not some accountant or financial advisor placing a boatload of money on some arbitrageur who makes money finding soft spots in some currency exchange.
If what Douchehat postulates were true, there wouldn’t have been all that child-buggering going on in the church for (at least) the 2 or 3 decades leading up to the 70s.
When all the church abuse cases started making headlines back in the 80s, the adult survivors of the (still active) priest/abusers started coming out of the woodwork, and they were people who had been abused by those priests 20 or 30 years earlier.
Maybe the 70s counter-culture time-travelled back to the 50s and infected all those priests with sexual permissiveness? Or maybe, as usual, Douchehat is just full of shit.
Kind of sad to find out that a 2,000 year old institution which many credited with the rise and dominance of western civilization turns out to just have been a beard for a bunch of pederasts.
Well, isn’t it much comfier and much more reassuring to believe that you’re special?
My helmet says Special on it, does that count?
It didn’t hurt, but keep in mind it took almost four years of nightly video like that, as well as a lack of military successes before the nation finally turned its back on the war.
And those who were in favor of continuing regardless are STILL butthurt and causing trouble.
It’s the same reason we pay teachers next to nothing, yet they will largely determine the course of this country for the next generation.
Firefighting is seen as a job that any chimp can do, where big money things like investing and banking can only be done by the brightest of the best.
Which is odd, because a computer can’t fight a fire, but it can make money and possibly be better at weighing risk and return. So in truth, banking is chimp work, firefighting is real work.
Maybe the 70s counter-culture time-travelled back to the 50s and infected all those priests with sexual permissiveness?
Happy Days was a documentary shown as it happened through some weird time tunnel television network.
Kind of sad to find out that a 2,000 year old institution which many credited with the rise and dominance of western civilization turns out to just have been a beard for a bunch of pederasts.
Those Dark Ages really put a damper on my dream of owning a flying car too, also.
After all, who would work hard if they knew 90% of their income was going to be taken away?
Oddly enough, people still worked hard and wanted to become rich back in the 40’s and 50’s when that was exactly the case.
So there’s evidence to the contrary.
So in truth, banking is chimp work, firefighting is real work.
Banking is genius. I make money off of holding onto your money. Oh, don’t worry what I do with your money while I’m “watching” it. Worse comes to worse, I’ll just give you someone else’s money if you need some and your’s is.. um, misplaced.
*Madoff’s ears perking up*
“why punish those who work hard” which, I agree with but, my old man was a firefighter for 30 years.
This argument pisses me right the fuck off, because, as you said, it implies that the non-rich don’t work hard. There are TONS of people who work their asses off every day and contribute far more to society than some of the richest people in this country.
But again, it’s this just world theory…the American Dream is possible for everyone, so if you can’t achieve it, there’s something wrong with you. It’s a permutation of “God rewards those who are good and punishes those who are bad.” The very fact that you’re “bad” (ie, poor) means that you must have done something wrong.
Kind of sad to find out that a 2,000 year old institution which many credited with the rise and dominance of western civilization turns out to just have been a beard for a bunch of pederasts.
Honestly? Not that surprising, though.
Those Dark Ages really put a damper on my dream of owning a flying car too, also.
Oh? Really?
Oddly enough, people still worked hard and wanted to become rich back in the 40’s and 50’s when that was exactly the case.
Look what happened in the 60s when JFK dropped the top rate to 70%.
I have no problem with tax cuts until they become too deep.
It’s the same reason we pay teachers next to nothing, yet they will largely determine the course of this country for the next generation.
I thought we paid teachers next to nothing because they’re shiftless, unionized layabouts who want to indoctrinate children.
The very fact that you’re “bad” (ie, poor) means that you must have done something wrong.
When, in actuality, you were just born in the wrong place at the wrong time. Or, you weren’t the subject of a bet between two investment bankers.
Well, yea, that’s sort of my point. To claim that the tax system ought to be scaled to reward sloth but then claim the American value is hard work is ludicrous.
Oh no, I got that that’s what YOU were saying, it’s just another example for the “JESUS how can these people be so fucking TRANSPARENT” files, e.g. Esteev’s “why punish those who work so hard selling shares and inheriting from dead relatives” friend. I am never quite sure if it’s that they’re too dumb to see it or think we are.
Those Dark Ages really put a damper on my dream of owning a flying car too, also.
Oh? Really?
Here’s another thing about that whole “punishment” argument that doesn’t make sense to me. Conservatives assume that people won’t innovate and work hard unless they are being paid obscene amounts of money. But, uh, there are some people who love their jobs, even if they don’t pay much. It’s like the idea of happiness and fulfillment doesn’t even enter their minds.
It’s like the idea of happiness and fulfillment doesn’t even enter their minds
You mean wars, tax cuts and extramarital-homosexual affairs, right?
It wasn’t until the Renassance that man actually conceived of a flying car.
Why do you hate history so????
You mean wars, tax cuts and extramarital-homosexual affairs, right?
Sounds like my idea of fun!
I love (and when I say “love,” I mean, really, really hate) how conservatives project their own personal pathologies into the political sphere. *cough*Ayn Rand*cough* Work that shit out in therapy, you fucking idiot.
Why do you hate history so????
LoL, I don’t! I mean that the idea of the flying car could have been concieved during the Dark Ages. Cf
Oui… I sure did that thing.
I love (and when I say “love,” I mean, really, really hate) how conservatives project their own personal pathologies into the political sphere. *cough*Ayn Rand*cough* Work that shit out in therapy, you fucking idiot.
The word that you’re looking for figured large in that masterpiece of American cinema “Bad Santa:” fuckstick.
Conservatives assume that people won’t innovate and work hard unless they are being paid obscene amounts of money.
People innovate not for money, but because there’s a need to fill in their own lives. They may take those inventions to market because there’s money to be had, but many inventions, particularly in the days before megaconglomerates, were simple people who had a need and went about fulfilling it.
Scotch tape, for example, finds its roots in celluphane, which was invented one day when some Swiss guy stained his table cloth the night before with a bottle of wine and wanted to figure out a way to waterproof the linen. The first steam engines widely used were for pumping water out of mines faster than using a bellows or a team of guys draginb buckets.
No one figured, “Gee, there’s a lot of money to be had here.” They just saw a need and tried to fill it.
OT, but rather amusing. Seems one of the itemized claims Michael Steele made on his expense report to the RNC was for a bondage themed strip club in West Hollywood (West Hollywood Voyeur), for $2000. That’s some serious private dance action.
The actual FEC filing from the RNC is here (just search on “voyeur”):
Look what happened in the 60s when JFK dropped the top rate to 70%.
I have no problem with tax cuts until they become too deep.
I still remember Pigman going on and on about Kennedy’s tax cuts, while failing (*quelle surprise!*) to point out the aforementioned.
One might conclude that, if the Laffer Curve has any meaning in the real world, that the apex is indeed around 65-70%.
In fairness to the Dark Ages, they did experiment with flying ox-drawn carts
Can someone remind these libertards that these are marginal tax rates — and also were flooded with loopholes?
It’s not 90% on your whole freaking income, douchebags, it’s 90-fucking-percent above whatever the margin is, say, $10 million.
And, yes, Randnerds, if I could make a billion dollars and had to pay “income” taxes on that tiny portion of “earned income” over $10 million and the rest coming from dividends and interest were essentially non-taxed, of course I’d fucking do it.
*sipping herbal tea, waiting for the inevitable “Gaston! Fetchez la vache” joke*
The word that you’re looking for figured large in that masterpiece of American cinema “Bad Santa:” fuckstick.
Ah, yes. Thank you. I’ve actually never seen it.
No one figured, “Gee, there’s a lot of money to be had here.” They just saw a need and tried to fill it.
Yeah, I don’t know why conservatives seem to think the former is the case all the time. I’m sure it has to do with some Galtian superhero bullshit that I can’t be arsed to think about right now.
*sipping herbal tea, waiting for the inevitable “Gaston! Fetchez la vache” joke*
Hasn’t there already been at least one Monty Python reference in this thread? How many are we allotted per thread?
Seems one of the itemized claims Michael Steele made on his expense report to the RNC was for a bondage themed strip club in West Hollywood (West Hollywood Voyeur), for $2000.
So the head of the Party Of Family And Traditional Morality not only went off to see some hot’n’heavy D/S action but was stupid enough to include it on his expenses.
WTF *is* it with these people?
Gaston! Fetchez la vache” joke*
Cardinal Richelieu was a bad ass
Look what happened in the 60s when JFK dropped the top rate to 70%.
Priests started RAPING CHILDREN!
And, yes, Randnerds, if I could make a billion dollars and had to pay “income” taxes on that tiny portion of “earned income” over $10 million and the rest coming from dividends and interest were essentially non-taxed, of course I’d fucking do it.
Being taxed 90% on a billion dollars still means you have, you know, 100 million left.
Hardly chicked feed.
Five. No, three.
WTF *is* it with these people?
Noblesse oblige, bitchez.
Cardinal Richelieu was a bad ass
Hot boots.
And yeah, I noticed throughout the presidential election that most people had no fucking clue that the marginal tax rate is not the same as a tax on all income.
The Tea Partiers, especially those on the gov’t dole, had better start reading. Their desire for the “simpler times” of the 40s and 50s isn’t too smart…that era had astronomical tax rates.
I’ve actually never seen it.
December movie watching in the __B house:
Bad Santa
A Christmas Story
The Ref
The Ice Storm
Actually, the rightwing rhetoric about taxation is even more offensive that either of you (Esteev & actor) have spelled out.
We get to hear douchebags like Ewickson prate on and on about “parasites”, as if those who work as bank tellers, clerks, janitors, garbagemen, etc etc etc don’t actually do useful work. We know that they do – primarily because someone is willing to pay for them to do. If corporate America has taught us anything, it’s that they’ll cut every job that isn’t absolutely necessary to save a few bucks and add to their profit. So anyone who has a job you can pretty well bet is needed.
But what’s really offensive about this line of “reasoning” is that it utterly fails to acknowledge that it is the wealthy – the business owners, the “productive” according to Ewickson and his ilk – who determine the wages for those necessary jobs. And in most cases, those wages are not nearly commensurate with the time or effort the employee contributes to the company. For example, people who make clothing overseas typically are paid less than 1% of the garment’s retail price; less than 2% of its wholesale price. Yet without them, the manufacturer would have nothing to sell. So on that $150 jacket, the retailer kept $75 (and paid wages averaging under $10 per hour to its workers), while the wholesaler got $75, with perhaps 1/3 of that going to the raw materials. The person who constructed the garment? They got $.50.
When they used to make the stuff here in the US, that worker probably would have gotten maybe $5 per garment constructed. But the “productive class” decided that making ONLY $45 per garment wasn’t enough; so that job got shipped overseas so the manufacturer could pocket $49.50 of it.
And so on and so forth throughout just about every segment of the economy. Competition really has very little to do with it; with the exception of the cheap Chinese goods that started showing up in the early 90s, the prices for all this stuff manufactured overseas didn’t go down – the business owners just pocketed more money. Thanks to finding more “parasites” who would work even cheaper. “Parasites” without whom nothing would get made, including profits.
That’s what is so disgusting about Ewickson & Co.’s description of workers as “parasites”. They seem to have this belief that having a pile of money with which to start a business constitutes “productivity” when, in reality, a pile of money can’t produce anything. But Ewickson characterizes those who own the piles of money as being the “productive”, as if they can magically spin those piles of money into bigger piles without any help from anyone else. And then to add insult to injury, Ewick and his compatriots sneer at those workers who actually spin the piles of money into bigger piles for not making enough money to pay for basic necessities of life, health care being one of them. Their bottom line is that making a rich man richer should be enough of a reward in and of itself and you should kiss his ass for the privilege, not whine about how you need insulin or dialysis treatments or what-have-you. You made the decision to not be able to afford those things the moment you didn’t have a big pile of money to invest to get other people to spin it into a bigger pile for you.
Bad Santa is a very fine film. Christmas needed more assfucking.
From Jennifer– “You made the decision to not be able to afford those things the moment you
didn’t have a big pile of money to invest to get other people to spin it into a bigger pile for you.weren’t born into it. Loser. Just work harder and screw over a few more people. C’mon get wit the program.”Fiqzt
Christmas needed more assfucking.
“All right. So he likes to fuck large women. Who doesn’t?”
You’re not gonna shit right for a week!
Since the Obama administration let their Honduras policy on the coup be established by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC), we helped re-establish democracy! by the coup leaders, and it has worked out wonderfully.
Whereas previously our close ally Colombia was the most dangerous place for journalists to work in (I mean, if you’re all like ‘Please don’t kill me’ as a reporter), Honduras has captured that record in only the first 3 months of the year!
Yay! They finally got rid of that awful Manuel Zelaya! Long life Demkrasee!
Their desire for the “simpler times” of the 40s and 50s isn’t too smart…that era had astronomical tax rates.
You ever see those Bugs Bunny cartoons where Elmer is inhereting a zillion dollars if he’s nice to rabbits and all that there and ends up owing $100 to the IRS after taxes?
That was funny in part ’cause that’s pretty close to how it actually was.
And, as I pointed out, people still worked hard even after the War. Before Kennedy dropped the top tax rate TO 70 or so percent.
The super-rich were actually wealthier in the years after the Great Depression than they were going in. Yes, there were high theoretical tax rates, but there were tremendous loopholes and incredibly high economic growth & investment.
Since the Obama administration let their Honduras policy on the coup be established by Senator Jim DeMint (R-SC)
Yeah, I really keep feeling like I have to apologize for The Minty One.
He also has been a driving factor in the teabaggery. Which, as I said last night, falsifies Ewick’s bullshit arguement about equivalencies with the 60’s radicals, as they could only DREAM of having a plant in the Congress.
We should develop some dog-whistle type comment code so that nobody responds to trolls, periodically, just to see ‘em twist in the wind. See the phrase, don’t respond to troll, high jinks ensue.
Nice thought, but I think troll emissions are this place’s version of tasty, tasty Cheetos.
Uh oh — someone’s trying to make the Baby Jesus have a sad:
It’s not all his fault — Hillary & the State Dept had made it pretty clear they agreed with DeMint anyway, and didn’t mind making Brazil look like a bunch of jackasses for thinking the U.S.-led negotiations to restore the elected President were something other than a fucking joke.
OMG crazy person threatens Cantor’s entire family it’s just like the teabaggers time for equivalency stores!!!11!!11!!!one
Here is a Polish joke.
I missed a “snotchos” reference last night, yet I am here for Brandi’s obligatory whining about trolls.
No justice, I tells ya, no justice.
And, re: tax cuts: something that never seems to occur to these fucksticks, because they can’t do math, is that a cut from 91% (as under Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy) to 70% (during Kennedy’s term) means that return on each dollar of earnings more than triples: you could only keep 9 cents of each dollar over a certain threshold at the 91% rate; at 70%, you get to keep 30 cents of that dollar. When Reagan cut the top rate to 50%, now instead of keeping 30 cents of that dollar, you got to keep 50 cents – again, that’s a pretty good profit increase – 66%. Every tax cut has a lesser potential stimulative affect as you cut them lower and lower, because the profit gain is going down, and so the supposed benefit to the economy decreases as well.
But these asshats don’t recognize that. Nor the reality that when you finally get it to the point that the rich guys don’t just own 70% of everything but 90% or more, which is what you do with every tax cut – increase their overall share of wealth, the economy pretty much ceases to function.
Christmas needed more assfucking.
Your wish, our command
My story of Capitalist “innovation”.
I work at a company that is trying to make a product in the green energy field. The material for this product is not particularly complicated, there are probably hundreds of facilities capable of making it in the US. Our company seeks to be “innovative” by finding an incremental addition over current patents, probably something other people have done but have not bothered to patent, so that we can monopolize that little area.
Our company actually doesn’t have much experience in this application (green energy) for our material, so we flounder a lot. We don’t get much money to get the equipment to do the research properly. But if someone else were to try to do what we are doing, perhaps with more saavy or resources, we would shut them down.
Meanwhile, I believe I have learned how to solve other companies technical issues that created the little gap for our material. Of course, I have no incentive to tell my company, because it would make our material (and my job) irrelevant. I cannot tell our competitors, because they would make our material (and my job) irrelevant. And I cannot leave to go to a competitor, because of the non competition clause in my employment contract, which would allow my current company to sue me.
So, the real innovation sits in my head. We burn a bunch of (private) money (which comes from our customers, which comes from their customers) on an unnecessary “innovation” that really just consists of creative patent applications, and one we are unlikely to make work anyway. The net gain of all of this is that at least I am getting a paycheck.
Brandi said,
March 29, 2010 at 19:26
Nice thought, but I think troll emissions are this place’s version of tasty, tasty Cheetos.
Your shit stinks different, twunt.
We burn a bunch of (private) money (which comes from our customers, which comes from their customers) on an unnecessary “innovation” that really just consists of creative patent applications, and one we are unlikely to make work anyway.
Welcome to 21st century capitalism, where the customer is not the only mark, the shareholder is, too.
The net gain of all of this is that at least I am getting a paycheck.
You are a Titan of Industry, dog.
Press Release to the Resuce!
By sexually abusing children who were hearing-impaired, Father Murphy violated the law and, more importantly, the sacred trust that his victims had placed in him.
I’m your wicked Father Murphy
I’m glad you won’t see or hear me
As I fiddle about
Fiddle about
Fiddle about !
What tune is that set to, actor?
That was a dumb question. I retract it. Where junkpuncho when you need em?
Young man! Go to your room and study up on the Canon of Who!
You are a Titan of Industry, dog.
Fuck yeah! I am so ready to go Galt!
I have this vision of rewriting Atlas Shrugged, where all of the titans of industry endlessly hold meetings and 3 hour lunches and pointless business trips until they all starve to death.
Here is a Polish joke.
Poland’s gain is our tragedy.
A 38-year-old Philadelphia man was charged today with threatening to kill Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) in a profanity-strewn Youtube video that has since been pulled down.
In the video, Norman Leboon says Cantor will “receive my bullets in your office, remember they will be placed in your heads. You and your children are Lucifer’s abominations.”
The San Francisco office of the FBI received a copy of the video on March 26, according to the affidavit in the case. You can read the press release and affidavit on the case here.
K, hang on a moment here.
Cantor = Representative from Virginia
Threatened by = Man in Philadelphia
Investigated by = San Francisco FBI????
I smell something fishy…
I have this vision of rewriting Atlas Shrugged, where all of the titans of industry endlessly hold meetings and 3 hour lunches and pointless business trips until they all starve to death.
Throw in some conference calls, and that sounds like my idea of hell.
I have this vision of rewriting Atlas Shrugged, where all of the titans of industry endlessly hold meetings and 3 hour lunches and pointless business trips until they all starve to death.
Douglas Adams did that already.
Yes, that was stupid of me. It’s Monday and I couldn’t get the tune in my head to sing it correctly. Well played (now that I’ve got it), sir, well played.
Investigated by = San Francisco FBI????
Somebody sent the video to the San Francisco FBI, and then they worked with the Philadelphia FBI to find him and arrest him. I have no idea why they received the video in San Francisco, though. It’s weird.
What tune is that set to, actor?
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
Our company seeks to be “innovative” by finding an incremental addition over current patents, probably something other people have done but have not bothered to patent, so that we can monopolize that little area.
Our company actually doesn’t have much experience in this application (green energy) for our material, so we flounder a lot. We don’t get much money to get the equipment to do the research properly. But if someone else were to try to do what we are doing, perhaps with more saavy or resources, we would shut them down.
Hey, you work for patent trolls!
Meanwhile, I believe I have learned how to solve other companies technical issues that created the little gap for our material. Of course, I have no incentive to tell my company, because it would make our material (and my job) irrelevant. I cannot tell our competitors, because they would make our material (and my job) irrelevant. And I cannot leave to go to a competitor, because of the non competition clause in my employment contract, which would allow my current company to sue me.
They’d probably also claim to own the idea since you thought of it while working there. Once the papers have been signed I’ll have such a funny bedtime story to tell little capitalists.
What tune is that set to, actor?
Matchmaker, Matchmaker
The Republican national anthem, “Boysland Uber Alles”
The new GOP mantra: Reason is Treason
And I cannot leave to go to a competitor, because of the non competition clause in my employment contract, which would allow my current company to sue me.
Have a lawyer look at it, these are often not enforceable depending on where you are and how shitty their in-house lawyer is.
I have no idea why they received the video in San Francisco, though. It’s weird.
YouTube is based in California near SFO, which might’ve had something to do with it.
Throw in some conference calls, and that sounds like my idea of hell.
And here’s my idea of hell.
here’s my idea of hell.
A 38-year-old Philadelphia man was charged today with threatening to kill Rep. Eric Cantor (R-VA) in a profanity-strewn Youtube video that has since been pulled down.
A crazy UBER-RELIGIOUS guy who also attacks Obama and Pelosi in other videos. Fucking liberals.
Last try:
Why won’t this work?
I have no idea why they received the video in San Francisco, though. It’s weird.
I’d guess someone who saw it just alerted his local office.
YouTube is based in California near SFO, which might’ve had something to do with it.
Makes sense.
YouTube is based in California near SFO, which might’ve had something to do with it.
He posted over 2,000 videos in which he made threats. It took YouTube/Google this fucking long to get around to him????
Yeah, sounds familiar.
Crazy video guy threatening Eric Cantor reportedly also threatened Obama, Pelosi, et al, he himself claimed to have issued 2,000 threatening videos.
But it’s okay because he’s the son of the god of Enoch, who told him to do it.
It took YouTube/Google this fucking long to get around to him????
Hey, they had a lot of petty copyright violations to go after!
But it’s okay because he’s the son of the god of Enoch, who told him to do it.
Enoch Root? Because that guy gets around.
Enoch Root?
Don’t Enoch it til you try it.
Haley vies goes for self-pwnage title
Ahem. Signed into law by George Fucking Washington. And passed by a Congref populated with many of the Constitutional fucking Conventioneers who, one would think, might know a thing or two about the consatushin they just fucking wrote a few years earlier
every American to have to buy a gun
Listen, if they threw in a public option, I would so buy a gun in a heartbeat.
YouTube claims 20 hours of video uploaded per minute.
YouTube claims 20 hours of video uploaded per minute.
Yea, but I bet if MCA or Sony had complained about copy-fucking-right infringement, this asshole’s videos would have been pulled before they hit the web.
They have the tools. They ought to use them.
haveare the tools.fiqqst
They don’t if you’re not tagging or titling your videos in a meaningful manner. Here I’m talking out of my ass because maybe he was, but really you have to look at YouTube as the phone company – there’s no way for them to police all that junk without actually watching it, which is an impossible task.
there’s no way for them to police all that junk
With teraflop servers? I find it hard to believe that they can’t sample soundtracks and images, at least on a cursory basis, that they can’t find something as obvious as a death threat.
Yea, but I bet if MCA or Sony had complained about copy-fucking-right infringement, this asshole’s videos would have been pulled before they hit the web.
Yeah, but sony et al can give them names to search for and google employees can sit through enough of the video to tell if the rules have been broken without clawing their eyes out with a spork. Imagine if freedomluffa youtubed a threat, how long would it take before someone sober and sane sat through enough of a video to know?
What tools would those be, oh great actor of internetz technology?
Srsly, you underestimate, by several orders of magnitude, the scope of the problem. And, without natural language fluent machines, much more capable than anything now extant, it’s not even a problem of scale but of basic ability to do it at all.
With the copyright issue, the interested players can work with YouTube to set up tools so that they don’t even have to send notification of possible infringement. The tool generates it. Who would be the interested player here?
Sure. But a cursory basis may never hit what you want, and this guy sounds like he was just yammering on for hours and hours.
Srsly, you underestimate, by several orders of magnitude, the scope of the problem.
Nonsense. I underestimate YouTube’s commitment to security, not the technology. If the fucking government can, in real time, sort thru trillions of bits of data a second, then so could Google.
Who would be the interested player here?
I’d bet China has just such an arrangement.
Really, actor, those of us who work in the fringier technologies very much appreciate your estimation of our capabiities. Alas, even finding overt death threats through automated means is really, really, really, really hard. Context is everything. Machine intelligence today don’t know nuttin bout no context.
Have a lawyer look at it, these are often not enforceable depending on where you are and how shitty their in-house lawyer is.
Yes, DEFINITELY have a lawyer look at it. Non-compete clauses range from not enforceable at all (eg. California) to theoretically enforceable, but possibly too much of a legal PITA for them to bother with in practice.
Non-compete agreements can NEVER be used to take away your livelihood. “Livelihood” is the magic word here. If you do happen to talk with a lawyer at your soon-to-be-ex company, just keep saying that word over and over again. Are you threatening my livelihood? Are you trying to legally impinge upon my right to practice a trade?
Basically, livelihood means, if you’re an expert on field X, your employer CANNOT take away your right to work in field X, even in states where noncompete clauses are otherwise valid. So the higher up the professional ladder you are, the less likely they even apply, no matter what you signed or what state you live in.
Just because you signed a contract, that doesn’t make it legal. There are certain rights that you can’t sign away even if you signed a paper that says you gave up those rights. The right to practice a trade is one of them.
those of us who work in the fringier technologies very much appreciate your estimation of our capabiities
Humans are idiots. I was talking about the machines.
OMG topless nuns. *herk*
Damnit, now I’m searching Youtube for scenes from The Devils. Another day wasted.
Machine intelligence today don’t know nuttin bout no context.
As long as it can birth a baby, it’s good enough for me.
I can’t tell you how or why I know about such things, but remember Echelon? Doesn’t work nearly as well as everyone is afraid it does. And it takes half a dozen governments to do it at all. That’s why they came up with Carnivore and it too, has some major, really huge shortcomings.
Machine intelligence today don’t know nuttin bout no context.
As long as it can birth a baby, it’s good enough for me.
I chortled embarrassingly.
OMG I’m so bored I might actually do some filing.
Humans are idiots. I was talking about the machines.
I freely admit to that. Alas, its idiots like me who are programming the machines. GIGO on the project level, one might say.
Come on, PeeJ….2,000 videos from the same crackpot alone would have generated an exception report.
It’s a job-creation bonanza!
I think Erk Erksome is going to start pissing off his Redface State regulars pretty soon:
Now, how’s he gonna ride that tiger, hmm?
Now, how’s he gonna ride that tiger, hmm?
I’m not making any suggestions, but when someone guests on his, um, program, they might want to consider arming themselves with any number of his rather “private” thoughts…
If the fucking government can, in real time, sort thru trillions of bits of data a second, then so could Google.
If the gov’t can already do it why should Google have to?
If the gov’t can already do it why should Google have to?
They have to balance against the First and Fifth Amendments. Google is under no such constraints.
If he talks funny, maybe not. I’d be shocked if any machine could pick up Yokel McYokel’s yammering.
And in some ways, when you talk about things in private and in public, you sometimes use different language.
So, if he calls Justice Kennedy a “goat-fucking child molester” on Twitter (which, I presume, would be considered “public”), what does he call him in private??
I’d be shocked if any machine could pick up Yokel McYokel’s yammering.
This is the moran?
I withdraw my complaint!
No no, just using him as an example (which may not apply).
If he talks funny, maybe not. I’d be shocked if any machine could pick up Yokel McYokel’s yammering.
NSA doesn’t have computers that do what actor wants — make sense of a random voice without extensive training — so why should Google? And they have the advantage of knowing what the language is likely to be.
They have to balance against the First and Fifth Amendments.
To monitor publicly posted data? I doubt it. Didn’t stopped the NSA, at any rate.
If the gov’t can already do it why should Google have to?
They have to balance against the First and Fifth Amendments.
PeeJ, seriously, what government, Republican or Democrat, is going to admit they are monitoring domestic terrorism and actually build a court case on illegal surveillance?
I’m not making any suggestions, but when someone guests on his, um, program, they might want to consider arming themselves with any number of his rather “private” thoughts…
The Redface State crowd expects Erk to toss red meat out to keep them sated. Is he gonna stop? That’s not gonna make them very happy.
I guess my point is this: Erk can’t have it both ways. He can’t call a SCOTUS justice a goat fucker and then expect to be considered a reasonable voice on the Teebee. Something’s gotta give.
And no, Erk cannot finesse this. Boy ain’t got the ability to spell the word (sounds Frenchy, don’t it?) much less pull it off.
A Trike Force rebellion looms!
I’d be shocked if any machine could pick up Yokel McYokel’s yammering.
What was the problem? You should clean the taters out of your ears.
The argument then becomes “because MAGIC!”
NSA doesn’t have computers that do what actor wants — make sense of a random voice without extensive training — so why should Google?
For values of “extensive training” that mean many years of development by people much smarter than I, billions of dollars in hardware, constant refinement a[pplying the latest academic and internal research, et cetera et cetera et cetera. And they __still__ aren’t anywhere near as capable as most people assume they are.
The man literally broke his back for strangers for a pittance compared to those who made up numbers out of thin air made millions.
I remember vividly a classroom discussion about socialism from when I was in the fourth grade (late 70s). The teacher got to the end of her description of what socialism was and one of my classmates, appalled and disgusted, raised his hand. “But that’s crazy! You mean a guy who breaks his back all day hauling garbage or something ONLY makes the same as some guy who just sits behind a desk smoking a cigar?” My teacher, with a whimsical and sardonic smile, replied, “Yes, that’s what it means,” everybody agreed that this would really suck, and the class moved on.
I was many years later before I understood the root of that smile. In our non-socialist society, of course, the guy with the cigar is making roughly 200 times what the guy with the broken back makes, and everybody thinks that’s the way it oughtta be, but that’s not the way my nine year old classmates saw the matter.
It’s not 90% on your whole freaking income, douchebags, it’s 90-fucking-percent above whatever the margin is, say, $10 million.
The conflation of marginal tax rates with average tax rates is the great palmed card of the supply siders, in my opinion. The core argument of the Laffer Curve, that government income drops to zero at 100% taxation, only makes any kind of sense if it means 100% total taxation. You could impose a tax structure that taxed people at marginal rates of 10%/million so that all income above 10 million/year was taxed at 100%. Such a taxation scheme would have massively distorting effects on the economy (since it would be possible to “win” in life, the same way you “win” in the Game of Life boardgame). It is also true that it would reduce your government revenue, since the 99.9% of people making less than 1 million dollars get a massive tax break, but I would not expect the economy to stop working because of it.
Should google really be canvasing all of the videos that are uploaded? I mean, if the guy really had 2,000 videos posted with rather “harsh” things to say about the gubbmin, I’m sure there were people rating it negatively. I put more of the onus on the ration people watching his videos. Or do I? I don’t know. Sticky, the situation is.
And they __still__ aren’t anywhere near as capable as most people assume they are.
If you throw enough computer power at a random intercept of an unfamiliar voice you can tell the sex and emotional state of the speaker. That’s useful for, say, intercepts from Japan, because if the speaker is female then she will not be in a position of authority.
The argument then becomes “because MAGIC!”
Ooooo! I love parlor tricks!
We aren’t talking about a vaporous conversation. We’re talking about a permanent post, one that time can be taken with.
My teacher, with a whimsical and sardonic smile, replied, “Yes, that’s what it means,” everybody agreed that this would really suck, and the class moved on.
What a awful educator. That teacher should love socialism. Under that system, teachers would be the first to get a pay raise.
Under that system, teachers would be the first to get a pay raise.
Can’t smoke in class.
I would not expect the economy to stop working because of it.
Indeed, whole cottage industries would spring up to try to get your income up to $9.99 million+ without that last dollar.
We aren’t talking about a vaporous conversation.
Not wanting to disillusion Actor or anything, but NSA have been known to actually record intercepts before they throw the computer power at them.
I mean, if the guy really had 2,000 videos posted with rather “harsh” things to say about the gubbmin, I’m sure there were people rating it negatively
The only people who saw it were probably ones who were a-okay with it because they were his friends. There’s so much content on that site that it’s basically impossible to “stumble” across something. You either have to search for it or have the direct link.
You either have to search for it or have the direct link.
Which then raises the question, how did the SF FBI office get their hands on it?
Now, how’s he gonna ride that tiger, hmm?
Riding the tiger isn’t the hard part. The hard part is making sure the elin doesn’t cave your skull in with a 9-iron.
The hard part is making sure the elin doesn’t cave your skull in with a 9-iron.
I heard she’s caddying him at the Masters. He’ll carry his clubs in his bag, she’ll have his balls in her purse.
He’ll carry his clubs in his bag, she’ll have his balls in her purse.
I don’t use “LOL” because I almost never do while reading. I just LOLed. Congrats.
There’s so much content on that site that it’s basically impossible to “stumble” across something.
Peep this.
Which then raises the question, how did the SF FBI office get their hands on it?
Somebody he knows could have sent it to them. And really, while it’s unlikely that multiple people would have just happened to come across the video, I suppose there’s a small chance that one person stumbled across it, too, especially given how many fucking videos this guy posted.
Peep this.
Well, yes. That was floating around in the back of my mind, which is probably why I used the word “stumble.”
I guess what I mean is that there’s a one-in-a-however-many-YouTube-vids-exist chance that you’ll come across it. So, to have enough people rank it negatively so that YouTube looks into it (I don’t even know if this is the case–do they have a mechanism for that?) is really unlikely.
Which then raises the question, how did the SF FBI office get their hands on it?
For fuck’s sake: they were looking for underwear-wii-fit chicks and they stumbled across it. Occam’s Razor, people.
For fuck’s sake: they were looking for underwear-wii-fit chicks
*closing browser*
What is this “underwear-wii-fit chick” of which you speak?
I guess what I mean is that there’s a one-in-a-however-many-YouTube-vids-exist chance that you’ll come across it. So, to have enough people rank it negatively so that YouTube looks into it (I don’t even know if this is the case–do they have a mechanism for that?) is really unlikely.
True. But when I’m bored enough (read: hi enough) I find some really random crap on youtube. But, you’re right, it would have been difficult to find it unless you were looking for anti-gubbmint stuff… which seems to be all the rage *wink* right now.
What is this “underwear-wii-fit chick” of which you speak?
I second that emotion.
What is this “underwear-wii-fit chick” of which you speak?
Someone dumb or clueless enough to allow her shitheel boyfriend to tape her exercising in her underwear.
Someone dumb or clueless enough to allow her shitheel boyfriend to tape her exercising in her underwear.
Is there more than one of those floating out there? Kids these days!
For fuck’s sake: they were looking for underwear-wii-fit chicks and they stumbled across it.
Thought it was called “Cunt’er” instead of “Cantor?”
shitheel boyfriend to tape her exercising in her underwear
Did she really call me a “shitheel”??????
Wow. Good thing she didn’t see the YouPr0n video!
Did she really call me a “shitheel”??????
Yeah…and during sex, she’s actually “Louing” you.
she’s actually “Louing” you.
This kind of louing?
Yeah…and during sex, she’s actually “Louing” you.
Cuz her last boyfriend was named Boo-urns.
This kind of louing?
Answering that would require me to turn on my bug in Actor’s bedroom and I can’t be arsed.
According to the FBI affidavit (pdf), on March 26, 2010, the bureau’s San Francisco office “received a copy of a video that had been removed from the internet website YouTube.” This was the video in which Leboon allegedly threatens Cantor. The FBI then filed an “Emergency Disclosure Request” with Google to get the user’s IP address associated with the video in question. Once they had that, the FBI then filed an “Emergency Situation Disclosure Request by Law Enforcement” form with Verizon to get information on the user assigned that IP. This led to a name and street address in Philadelphia.
K, hang on a moment here.
Cantor = Representative from Virginia
Threatened by = Man in Philadelphia
Investigated by = San Francisco FBI????
I smell something fishy…
Think locally, be insane globally.
Louing louing,
oh, whoa
we gotta go now
(and WHOSE junk is the FBI investigating? Man, talk about government overstepping itself…)
J— said,
March 29, 2010 at 22:11
That makes it even more incredible that this chump’s shit wasn’t being watched by either Google or the government.
The man has an outstanding terror warrant in Philly AND the doosh was arrested last July (presumably for some similar reason).
Ooooo! I love parlor tricks!
Me too. Though I should say, I suspect that “doing tricks in the parlor” means something very different to me than yo you.
Which then raises the question, how did the SF FBI office get their hands on it?
Several possibilities:
1) Someone with a lot of time on his hands DID manage to stumble across it, and therefore reported it;
2) One of the guy’s associates had a crisis of confidence or was marginally less crazy, and therefore reported it;
3) The guy’s circle of friends/coreligionists/ideological soulmates/whatever is infiltrated by an agent of some organization or another, who therefore reported it.
From what I understand, (3) happens but is mostly limited to organizations with some kind of real potential for doing harm–the KKK, various militia groups, the Animal Liberation Front, etc. (1) or (2) seems much more likely.
We aren’t talking about a vaporous conversation. We’re talking about a permanent post, one that time can be taken with.
Yes, but…that doesn’t help, because additional time and computing power will not allow you to solve the problem at hand. I’m not under the restrictions that PeeJ is (although, and presumably because, I don’t have his unique experience), so let’s see if I can make this make sense….
Speech recognition programs have gotten amazingly better over the last few years, but they mostly rely on a bag of tricks. If you call up an airline and “talk” to a computer, it seems like it can understand you fairly well. The catch is that at each step in the conversation, there are only a few valid answers that you can give (to use the jargon, the problem space is heavily constrained), and the computer tells you what they are. The computer’s task isn’t to understand you or anything of the sort; it’s just to figure out which of the four things you said, or to pass you to a human if it can’t figure it out. Moreover–this is the trick–the prescribed responses have been carefully chosen to make it *easy* for a computer to distinguish among them even if you have a strong accent, are on a flaky cellphone connection, are in a noisy airport terminal, whatever. The recent explosion in computing power has made this process faster, but it hasn’t (much) improved the computer’s ability to distinguish between two very close alternatives.
Programs like Dragon Naturally Speaking are better, but they require a substantial period of pretraining to learn the peculiarities of *your* accent and *your* diction. Even so, these programs still have trouble with specific words or specific accents, and people find themselves adapting *their* speech so that the computer can understand them, and no lunatic is going to be kind enough to do that for you.
This only covers transcription–the ability to take a sample of audio data and turn it into text. None of this allows the computer to *understand* what it has transcribed. What is the definition of a threat? How do we distinguish real threats from figures of speech or fictional threats (from movies and the like)? Computers can’t do this much, if at all.
suspect that “doing tricks in the parlor” means something very different to me than yo you
Nope, I was unemployed for a while so I had to make money however I could.
I wish to upvote that comment but do not see the little arrows for doing so.
In other news— Knock, knock..The afterlife; the afterlife who? Uhh, i got nothin’
I wish to upvote that comment but do not see the little arrows for doing so.
HA HA Peej was not paying attention during the tutorial on using Unicode characters.
Trilateral Chairman said,
You might very well think that. I could not possibly comment.
Knock, knock..The afterlife; the afterlife who? Uhh, i got nothin’
The Avon lady is desperate for sales.
Norman LeBoon posting kooky Tea Party videos. He seemed to like this site. Shout-out to Governor Palin.
“The door came from the tomb of User.”
They had them back then even. Users everywhere.
Men and woman you’re FREE WILL, will be removed as the Leaders have failed you ALL!
Just ask Governor Sarah Palin
Is Leboon admitting that Sarah Palin is instrigating the threats and violence?
I’m tired and you people are not waking me up. C’mon let’s step it up in here a bit!
There’s assfucking upthread. Maybe closer, depending on PeeJ’s menu.
This is not Simon Leboon, former lead singer of Durian Durian is it?
This is not Simon Leboon, former lead singer of Durian Durian is it?
If Jon Tailor is arrested as an accomplice, I swear, I’m selling my Rio album….
“There’s assfucking upthread. Maybe closer, depending on PeeJ’s menu.”
I didn’t say I needed a pipe cleaning. My maintenance schedule is up to date, thanks anyway.
I suspect she was just doing her job. I’ll admit that I hadn’t been in the American educational system until college, but it seems like the level of idiocy that translates into today’s politics wouldn’t be possible without some seriously ideological brain-deadness going on in education.
Granted, this was a fourth-grade classroom and a discussion on socialism and capitalism would be years ahead of everybody. Even so, it’s a blatant lie to say “socialism means everyone gets paid exactly the same” – broadly speaking, it means public ownership of the means of production and a good deal of wealth redistribution, but I don’t recall a single socialist ever advocating that everyone get paid exactly the same no matter what their job or how well they did it.
The trouble with biasing children from an early age this way is that they grow up predisposed to believe any criticism of socialism, without realizing that the capitalist society they live in has more in common with the fantasy they were taught to hate in fourth grade, than any of the “socialist” reforms or countries they’re decrying now.
My main customer just found an error in one of my invoices that robs me of some bucks and he took advantage of it and I’m shit out of luck because I was stupid.
So thanks, I’ve had more assfucking this week than I wanted already.
“The trouble with biasing children from an early age this way is that they grow up predisposed to believe any criticism of socialism, without realizing that the capitalist society they live in has more in common with the fantasy they were taught to hate in fourth grade, than any of the “socialist” reforms or countries they’re decrying now.”
Well now, there you go, you just summarized the quality of education most kids get in public schools in the states.
I can remember teachers in grade school saying that socialists would make us all wear the same clothes all the time, not listen to music and we’d be chosen to slave away in a profession that they chose for us without our consent. It scared the hell outta most of us.
I remember a high school ‘history’ teach who repeatedly would wander off into a tangent about how we “shoulda just bombed Cambodia and been done with it, but the damn liberals wouldn’t allow it and those peaceniks are ruining the country.”
With no critical analysis at home, which thank god I had, for many kids this was the deepest political discussions they had ever known.
re: the Michigan militia raids: “Captain Hutaree,” his wife and two sons planned with other militia members to kill a law enforcement official to draw the officer’s colleagues to the funeral, authorities say. Then, according to an indictment unsealed Monday, the militia planned to attack the funeral procession to kick off its war against the U.S. government.
Members of the Hutaree militia — whose Web site says it is preparing for end times to “keep the testimony of Jesus Christ alive”– have been indicted on five counts, including seditious conspiracy and attempting to use weapons of mass destruction.
I missed the LEO killing part of Christ’s testimony.
And the dates on the warrant to obtain the IP address posting the video to youtube were “between March 24, 2010, 4:48 p.m. PT, and March 26, 2010, 04:58 a.m. PT,” so it apparently didn’t take too long.
I missed the LEO killing part of Christ’s testimony.
“Render ye unto Caesar that which is Caesar, then plug him with a 30/30 shell.”
And the dates on the warrant to obtain the IP address posting the video to youtube were “between March 24, 2010, 4:48 p.m. PT, and March 26, 2010, 04:58 a.m. PT,”
Seems like pretty much the day he posted it, it was discovered and the process began.
Outsiders’ perspective again, but if I had to pin down the most emblematic problem with the system, it’d be the Pledge of Allegiance. And I could care less about the “under God” part, I’m talking about the whole thing.
How early is it when you start reciting that? First grade? In my first grade, I barely had a clue what a country, a flag or a government were, let alone whether I should be swearing allegiance to one or which one it is. And yet kids all over the nation get up every morning and uniformly pledge allegiance to the U.S, long before they have a friggin’ clue what it is they’re saying. (As for it being “voluntary” – I’ve heard too many stories from friends about teachers who wouldn’t tell their kids that or would flat out ignore it and require them to recite it anyway).
I happen to think America’s worth pledging allegiance to even in its current state, but that’s not something you should decide or have to decide at the age of five. When you start inculcating patriotic groupthink that friggin’ early in children’s lives, it’s an easy thing to build on it to create things like “we should have bombed Cambodia to a cinder.”
I missed the LEO killing part of Christ’s testimony.
Low Earth Orbit killing?
Chris, I attended a lot of public schools when I was a kid and not all of them required the Pledge before class. Some didn’t even have the traditional American flag hung above the chalk board.
But, admittedly the more educated the demographic of the school, the less likely the fanatic nationalism.
and the really dangerous people like Quakers, anti-war protesters, anti-death-penalty groups …
Wow, if User’s tomb is that ornate, imagine what Administrator’s tomb looks like!
Wow, if User’s tomb is that ornate, imagine what Administrator’s tomb looks like!
Oh, you have NO idea! Dude, mine’s like SOLID GOLD because I AM THE PHARAOH–this guy was just my vizier. And yeah, he only got the job as a favor to his father, who was a pretty stand up guy…
Destined to be a “No-he-di’nt” moment for the ages, Erick Ericksdotter
I believe it’s “Ericksdottir”.
Luther was the first to posit that one could have a personal relationship with God, reinforced in sermon at services
Luther was NOT the first, he was the first who had powerful buddies to protect his ass. Plenty of others were burned at the stake. Wycliffe had the temerity to die of natural causes before his heresy trial was concluded, so they dug up his body and burned it on conviction.
PS: Google is your friend.
Bravo! Don’t forget the bondholders, too. Actually, I think the shareholder is the first mark. After all, it is perfectly possible to lose your shirt investing in a company that makes perfectly good
toxic loansproducts.Of course, that may simply be because the consumer side is more heavily regulated than the financial side thanks to Clinton, Greenspan, and their Republican friends in Congress.
mine’s like SOLID GOLD because I AM THE PHARAOH
A long time ago in a galaxy Pharaoh way.