World’s Quickest Self-Pwning

Above: G0ld3n4rs3

John Hinderaker, Powerline:
Where do the Lobbyists End, and the Obama Administration Begin?

The Competitive Enterprise Institute has uncovered, via…

Uh, wow.


Comments: 242

Spengler Dampniche remembered his nym

Joe McCarthy would laugh in his face. Frickin laser beams, man.


These lobbyists told me not to get off the boat because the scientific data proving there are mangoes has been manipulated by those other lobbyists.


Mmmm, tasty mangoes. Putting “green jobs” in “scare quotes” + throwing “left-wing” around like it’s a poisoned dagger + imagining something that could fairly be called the “enviro-industrial” complex even exists (similiar to the oil-water complex, I would imagine), and calling it “there is no institution more corrupt than” it. I salute you, Pooperline, and look forward to delicious mango chutney tomorrow night as well.


Stayin’ in the boat. The Powerline masthead is an affront to my senses.


Repeat, over and over: you cannot create wealth by subsidizing the inefficient production of energy.

Therefore we must invade Iran!


Hey Sadlynaughts, does anyone remember what old post had the long list of fake dirty names?
IE things like Mike Hunt and so forth.
It’s for scientific purposes!


All I’m seeing is “Hindraker”. Which sounds like a really fun gay club.


No way in hell I’m clicking on a Hindrockety link. Nuh-uh. Even your awesome graphic won’t get me to do it.


BTW, still taking photoshopping requests.


Hey Sadlynaughts, does anyone remember what old post had the long list of fake dirty names?

Wasn’t the “name Retardo” thread was it?


Can someone find the article that Hind III (DNA joke there) wrote about “Where do lobbyists end and the Bush administration begin” because he must have written one, eh?


BTW, still taking photoshopping requests.

The Madness walk but with naked Supreme Court justices.


Repeat, over and over: you cannot create wealth by subsidizing the inefficient production of energy

Is this why we’ve spent uncountable trillions on control of the world’s oil supplies for private profit, and have to practice a continuous bailout of nuclear power?


I’m investing in mangoes. Its a growth industry and very effecient for the production of stupid.

Spengler Dampniche remembered his nym

The water is swarming with piranhas, but the mangoes are the size of fruit larger than typical mangoes.


Did you see that man running through the streets today
Did you catch his face, it was 10537


That’s because piranha manure washes to shore and produces the very best mango tree fertilizer, Spengler Dampniche remembered his nym.

But you need well-fed piranhas to get the best mangoes.


Once the rivers are choked with our dead, only then will I walk across the bloated corpses to sample the mangoes at Buttrocket’s site.


If you have the time, download the email files and skim through them. The theatrical annotations done in what looks like yellow highlighter remind me of the posts teh teh used to do.


Sadly No! Pop Quiz time.

Who is the author of this sentence?
“Marxist Muslim Barack Hussein Obama is beheading America by throwing our money into the downdrains.”


Well, it’s too coherent to be Swank, so I’m going to guess RenewAmerica.


New developments in the case of the right-wing’s latest hero:

Former Rep. Eric Massa has been under investigation for allegations that he groped multiple male staffers working in his office, according to three sources familiar with the probe.

The allegations surrounding the New York Democrat date back at least a year, and involve “a pattern of behavior and physical harassment,” according to one source. The new claims of alleged groping contradict statements by Massa, who resigned his office on Monday after it became public that he was the subject of a House ethics committee investigation for possible harassment.

Massa had said that the allegations were limited to his use of “salty language” with his staff. He apologized for making some inappropriate comments and argued he was being unfairly villified.
Yikes. It’s almost makes you think he won’t show up as scheduled for Glenn Beck’s program, because even Beck won’t be able to ignore these sorts of allegations without damaging his credibility with Fox viewers.


“. . . beheading America by throwing our money into the downdrains.”

At least he/she is nice enough not to accuse the President of littering.

Quaker in a Basement

The National Renewable Energy Lab was coordinating with a wind energy industry group?



First they came for the wind energy industry groups,
but I was not a wind energy industry groups so I said nothing . . .


Ah, shit.


And ifthethunderdontgetya wins a copy of the new internet homegame. Its fun for the whole family. Our motto: Come for the porn, stay for the snark.


Yes Spaghetti Lee, go with your first instinct.


@gocart mozart – I thought Massa already went on Beck. BJ had a thread about it today.


There is no more corrupt entity in the world than the enviro-industrial complex.

Has this asshole not heard of The Legion of Doom?


Also, the study he cites that says Spain’s wind power project wrecked their economy; it was written by the Institute for Energy Research, which, if you put on your “They Live” sunglasses, reads the Institute for Selling Oil.


And ifthethunderdontgetya wins a copy of the new internet homegame.

Are the dice made out of POOP?


What a badly-worded sentence. I blame this immature bigfoot.

The Tragically Flip

I like how the right has managed to blow (pun intended) the chance to make hay out of a liberal Democrat known for supporting gay rights going down (pun intended) in a gay-sex (harassment) scandal.

It’s amazing really. Everyone is just talking about Rush and Beck jumping on then rapidly off the Massa bandwagon when the promised full-betrayal of the left did not occur. This could have been their revenge for Mark Foley, and instead we have Beck apologizing for wasting everyone’s time.

I could almost believe it was a real world 11 dimensional chess move.




Oh shit, the Spanish study in question was written by that hack Gabriel Calzada.


“Are the dice made out of POOP?”



Weyland Yutani said,
“@gocart mozart – I thought Massa already went on Beck. BJ had a thread about it today.”

Don’t blame me, blame the Great Orange Satan.

The Tragically Flip

Has this asshole not heard of The Legion of Doom?

They’re pretty well run actually. COBRA on the other hand, now there’s a corrupt group. Their primary arms dealer is boinking the intelligence officer and second in command, and it really shows in the quality of equipment he sells them. Their jets just explode, and simple hand guns can destroy COBRA’s armoured vehicles.

They’re even worse than SPECTRE, who waste far too much money building elaborate evil-headquarters facilities. I mean, does every secret lair need a god damn monorail?


Ok, look.

Is there some way that I can punch out Marc Thiessen?! This is very important.


“Repeat, over and over: you cannot create wealth by subsidizing the inefficient production of energy.”

Ooo… that isn’t going to go over well in corn-ethanol country.


I mean, does every secret lair need a god damn monorail?

Are you questioning our commitment to public transport?


No, just suggesting that maybe, if it weren’t for splurging all that money on the bases, SPECTRE wouldn’t need to hold the world to ransom in the first place.


I’m detecting another one of those mysterious Events where all the right wingers suddenly spout the same argument slightly reformatted to their own little region of saliva-spattered ‘expertise’. If you like to fish, and venture into the internet, you will have seen spawnlets from this little gem:

in which the scheduled closure of public comment for a fisheries task force becomes “Obama to ban fishing in the US” complete with photos sad little kids. It reeks of the coordinated Turdblossom tactic of loudly accusing one’s opponent of the thing we do. The complaint here is that advocacy groups are influencing the taskforce. Imagine that. The task force is likely to put the heat on commercial fishing interests who have, pretty much, caught all the fish and sold them. So they tell regular guys who go out on the lake, already stinging from when Obama took their guns and used them to kill their grandmother, that the real problem is not giant netboats hoovering up everything that moves, but the Sierra Club telling Obamunists to take away your bobbers. The task force is trying to deal with fisheries that are already destroyed, have been for a decade…but it’s way easier to just hate Obama.


Obama's Secret Police

Obama has taken it to the more subtle level.

Sha, got that right Holmes!

Even more Pedantic Asshole

…if it weren’t for splurging all that money on the bases, SPECTRE wouldn’t need to hold the world to ransom in the first place.

The monorails are the reason for the ransom.

It’s not like they can find a public option.


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Thank God for that sentence, eh?


Are the dice made of POOP?

O yes they are. Green and yellow poop. And there are…stick-men. No reason for the stick-men – they just are there standing on the POOP.

No word on the presence of PENIS. I think that is only on the deluxe edition.


I watched “Chuck” the other night and the Adam Baldwin character denied he was a “liberal facsist”.


or “fascist” either.

Lurking Canadian

They’re even worse than SPECTRE, who waste far too much money building elaborate evil-headquarters facilities. I mean, does every secret lair need a god damn monorail?

Short answer: Yes.

Long answer: SF author Ryk Spoor (internet name Sea Wasp) once posted an epic takedown of the Evil Overlord List to USENET. His basic point is that all the foolish things Evil Overlords do (senseless murder and torture, building elaborate death machines, wearing kicky capes, dressing their minions in death’s-head masks and so on) are essentially The Point of being an Evil Overlord. The goal is not the money; it’s Teh Evil.

If you can’t build a monorail-equipped secret lair hollowed out of a volcano, what’s the point of being the Evil Overlord, after all? If all you wanted was to get rich, you could just move to New York and run a hedge fund into the ground like everybody else.


already stinging from when Obama took their guns

Yes, I’m still waiting. Disarming the populace and the Shania Law, it’s right there in that speech he gave at that place.

I still hold out hope that First Brother Hussein X will be able to create

the coming Hyper Inflationary Great Depression.

The radio keeps telling me it’s going to happen. First the guns, then the beards and burkas, then forced conversion of 401k accounts into government annuities.

And now they’re coming after my rod. And reel, I suppose, with this vicious assault on liberty and USA FREEDOM:

An America whose stewardship ensures that the ocean, our coasts, and the Great Lakes are healthy and resilient, safe and productive, and understood and treasured so as to promote the well-being, prosperity, and security of present and future generations.

address my envelope, lips!

The irony is burning my eyes and leaving a nasty taste on my tongue. Or is that the Piranha poop?

When I get out of the boat I invariably get mud in my nice work shoes (2.5 inch heel, veiled PENIS reference).


OMG! That’s not a shorter!!!!!!!!!


Sierra Club telling Obamunists to take away your bobbers

Hey, I paid good money for those hookers!

I mean, hooks…also.


Former Rep. Eric Massa has been under investigation for allegations that he groped multiple male staffers working in his office, according to three sources familiar with the probe.

He’s a RIGO: Republican In Grope Only.

The Right Kind of Lobbyist

I hates me some lobbyists!


“Obama to ban fishing in the US”

I knew this day would come. All fishermen are Gitmo bound. Beware, brothers and sisters.


Individual liberty, freedom and sovereignty of the people will be restored in a representative republican form of government by clarifying the original spirit and intent of the Constitution. The Liberty Amendment will give back to the Constitution its full force and effect in limiting the powers and activities of the Federal Government and restoring those powers reserved to the States and to the people. The Liberty Amendment, proposed, could become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.

Text of the proposed Liberty Amendment:

Section 1. The Government of the United States shall not engage in any business, professional, commercial, financial or industrial enterprise except as specified in the Constitution.

Section 2. The constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of the United States shall not be subject to the terms of any foreign or domestic agreement which would abrogate this amendment.

Section 3. The activities of the United States Government which violate the intent and purpose of this amendment shall, within a period of three years from the date of the ratification of this amendment, be liquidated and the properties and facilities affected shall be sold.

Section 4. Three years after the ratification of this amendment the sixteenth article of amendments to the Constitution of the United States shall stand repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy taxes on personal incomes, estates, and/or gifts.

The Liberty Amendment states that the Federal Government shall not operate business-type activities unless they are specifically authorized by the Constitution.

It provides a three-year period for selling or liquidating more than 900 agencies and business-type enterprises presently operated by the Federal Government without constitutional authority. Sale of these enterprises will bring in enough money to substantially reduce the national debt. Annual budget spending by the government could be reduced by more than fifty percent. Revenue from excise taxes on goods and services, and on corporation incomes, will increase at least twenty percent, without increase of tax rates.

This means that the annual revenue collected from the Federal Personal Income and Withholding Tax, the Federal Estate Tax, and the Federal Gift tax, will not be needed. So the Liberty Amendment will stop these three types of taxes, at the end of the three-year period
Current status


There are currently nine States which have already endorsed the Liberty Amendment. These States and the year in which they endorsed the Amendment are:

Wyoming (’59) • Nevada (’60) • Texas (’60) • Louisiana (’60) • Georgia (’62) • South Carolina (’62) • Mississippi (’82) • Arizona (’82) • Indiana (’82)

* On April 30, 2009 the Hon. Ron Paul of Texas introduced the Liberty Amendment into the House of Representatives, as House Joint Resolution 48:

Proposing an amendment the Constitution of the United States relative to abolishing personal income, estate, and gift taxes and prohibiting the United States Government from engaging in business in competition with its citizens.

Here is Dr. Paul’s short speech introducing the legislation. And here are the full text and current status.

(Dr. Paul has previously introduced this amendment in: 2007, 2005, 2003, 1999, and 1998).

For more background information, please see The Liberty Amendment – its origin and progress.
The purpose of the Liberty Amendment

The purpose of this Amendment is to give full force and effect to the Constitution of the United States; to restore freedom and lost liberties to all Americans; and to restore sovereignty to the United States of America, the States and the body of the People.

The Liberty Amendment will renew personal freedom – the ability of individuals to exercise their God-given rights with a minimum of dependence on, and interference from, the Federal Government. It will restore to ourselves and to future generations the advantages which we inherited from our forefathers – advantages which made us the most fortunate people on earth.

Economic freedom, without which no freedom is possible, will be renewed by terminating federal competition with free enterprise and interference in “our” economy. When this has been accomplished, federal personal income, estate, and gift taxes will be unnecessary. So this Amendment will further renew economic freedom by terminating these taxes.

The Liberty Amendment is designed to regain the Constitutionally guaranteed powers reserved to the States and to the people. We are requesting that all States consider the urgent need to save the sovereignty of the States, the United States in its true Constitutionally framed Republic, and the Individual Liberty of all of our People.
Questions and Answers

Way back in 1975, Rep. Larry McDonald (D-Georgia) entered an excellent series of Questions and Answers about the Liberty Amendment into the Congressional Record. Even today, this is still one of the best explanations of the Liberty Amendment. Read it here.
The Liberty Amendment will win the battle on 45 issues all at once

The Liberty Amendment has been designed to fight all the multitude of apparently different battles at once – and win by restoring the Constitution to full force and effect. Once the Amendment is applied, a multitude of diversified battles will be won. Please read this important section.
Since the purpose and design of the Liberty Amendment is to Restore Liberty in America, it is our goal to inform as many Americans as possible about how this amendment to the Constitution will accomplish this difficult task in our time. And since nine States, so far, have passed resolutions requesting Congress to initiate the ratification process, it is our intent to motivate all freedom loving citizens of the remaining States to request their State Legislators to pass a resolution endorsing the Liberty Amendment. This resolution should request Congress to initiate the preferred process of submitting the Amendment directly to the States for ratification and firmly insist that a Constitutional Convention only be called for the single purpose of ratifying the Liberty Amendment.

So now is the time – for everyone to work for the endorsement of the Liberty Amendment and for its ratification. We will have to work hard to convince our state legislators that they should introduce a resolution calling for the Congress to submit the the Amendment to the states for ratification. Please read this section to see how you can help!




Well read this, this is the important part, 77south:

Section 1. The Government of the United States shall not engage in any business, professional, commercial, financial or industrial enterprise except as specified in the Constitution.

Section 2. The constitution or laws of any State, or the laws of the United States shall not be subject to the terms of any foreign or domestic agreement which would abrogate this amendment.

Section 3. The activities of the United States Government which violate the intent and purpose of this amendment shall, within a period of three years from the date of the ratification of this amendment, be liquidated and the properties and facilities affected shall be sold.

Section 4. Three years after the ratification of this amendment the sixteenth article of amendments to the Constitution of the United States shall stand repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy taxes on personal incomes, estates, and/or gifts.


Text of the proposed Liberty Amendment:

…is full of epic fail!


All fishermen are Gitmo bound.

Finally! The waterways of America will be free of idiots in bad plaid shirts and idiotic rubber pants.

And then there’s the fishermen!



Is there a useful abbreviation for “Too stoopid to be believed?”


(Dr. Paul has previously introduced this amendment in: 2007, 2005, 2003, 1999, and 1998).

Dr. Paul? What, you mean the terrorist mastermind behind the most recent Pentagon attack? I’ll give you Repubs credit, you don’t throw people under the bus no matter how politically poisonous they become.


…which, if you put on your “They Live” sunglasses…

Awesome sunglasses not needed. Here is the devastating report. You’ll notice that IER’s logo is an oil derrick. Their own About page makes no bones about them being Market cultists. The actual report itself is a bit of a laugh. NREL has an official response to it.


Whoah, spend too much time reading Renewable Energy white papers and you miss the arrival of “WHERE’S YOUR SOCSHULISM IN THE CONSTITOOSHUN?” troll.


Three years after the ratification of this amendment the sixteenth article of amendments to the Constitution of the United States shall stand repealed and thereafter Congress shall not levy taxes on personal incomes, estates, and/or gifts.

Don’t forget XIII-XV and XIX

The Goddamn Batman's Family Made Its Fortune Off The Enviro-Industrial Complex, i.e. Rutabaga Seeds; Hey, Don't Laugh, There's Big Money In Them Thar Rutabagas

Well, these are the same people who believe that ACORN is a ginormous vote-stealing conspiracy, but Diebold is totally cool, so no surprise, really.


(Dr. Paul has previously introduced this amendment in: 2007, 2005, 2003, 1999, and 1998).

Dr. Paul was an Air Force flight surgeon. This basically means that he spent most of his career giving prostate exams to healthy 20-something military pilots.


Whenever we got a new flight doc at my unit the first we would do is make him show us how long his index finger was.


Rutabaga Seeds

I wanted to watch some of Beck’s show yesterday with Eric Massa (who pretty much pwned Beck, because Beck kept promising a big blockbuster but ended up, much like the page in the shower, with a tiny prick on his hands).

One of the commercials, and this is no joke, was for “Survival Seeds,” non-hybridized crop seeds that “make the perfect bartering tool!”


I got out of the boat to see if I could find some sort of justification FAIL for how it is that a particularly insidious lobbying group thinks it can claim some moral high ground for pointing the finger at the Obama administration. Sadly, they managed to subvert that trap.

I did find some LOLZ, though.

There is much more. I haven’t had time to read the emails yet; you can read them here.
Longer shorter: I didn’t actually read this shit, cuz reading is, like, hard. But here’s a knee-jerk load of shit that will hopefully scare the shit out of you.

Two final observations: 1) Repeat, over and over: you cannot create wealth by subsidizing the inefficient production of energy. 2) There is no more corrupt entity in the world than the enviro-industrial complex.

Repeat, over and over:
1) You don’t know jack shit about energy production, Heintlikker. You don’t create wealth by subsidizing and protecting a monopoly of oil producing mob families.
2) Seriously? What happened to ACORN?


Whenever we got a new flight doc at my unit the first we would do is make him show us how long his index finger was.

Too big to fail.



Fucking awesome.


that “make the perfect bartering tool!”

don’t bottle caps and paper clips also make good bartering chips?


there is no more corrupt entity in the world than the enviro-industrial complex.

Besides an entity that creates, out of thin air, the word “enviro-industrial complex.”


don’t bottle caps and paper clips also make good bartering chips?



Sorry for the off topic, but…

Just reading the headline oughta make HindRocket’s head asplode. And, come to think of it, given where his head usually is, also make his ass asplode.

Lurk mode reengaged.



Yeah! I’m back in the black again!

Sir Richard Hindrance (Mrs), VC, DSO and Bar, Buffet, Dancing 'til Late

Bottle caps, ammo and packets of Mentats are best for good bartering…


Dr. Ron Paul could seal his personal excrement in Ziploc(tm) Bags and people like Cut ‘N’ Pasta would buy it.


Bottle caps, ammo and packets of Mentats are best for good bartering…

Good thing the good folks at Bethesda created “America’s First Choice in Post Nuclear Simulation.” Practice makes perfect.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Has this asshole not heard of The Legion of Doom?

Hawk and Animal weren’t corrupt, they just played heels every so often. Nothing wrong with that.


Dr. Ron Paul could seal dogshit that he claimed was his personal excrement in Ziploc(tm) Bags and people like Cut ‘N’ Pasta would buy it.

fiqqst for accuracy and more POOP


Hawk and Animal weren’t corrupt, they just played heels every so often.

Puke, however, was evil.


Shorter Liberty Amendment:

Fuck all y’all.


Why go through the trouble of the Liberty!!111 Amendment? Why not just ditch The Constitution altogether and go back to The Articles of Confederation? We could even change the name of the country to something catchy like “The Confederated States of Merka”.


We could even change the name of the country to something catchy like “The Confederated States of Merka”.

They’d want an Amendment changing the flag to the Stars and Bars and the Anthem to “Dixie”.


Why not just ditch The Constitution altogether and go back to The Articles of Confederation?

I’m for the Code of Hammurabi. Even if he was of the scary brown persuasion.


The Liberty Amendment, proposed, could become the 28th Amendment to the Constitution.

Good luck with that.


Oh, come on. You’re ignoring the upside of the Liberty amendment, we get all of the unregulated feudal savagery and environmental devastation, of a Mad Max movie, without that messy nuclear holocaust.


So, like, let me get this Liberty Amendment straight. We have three years to privatize the Post Office, public education (including higher ed), and the FAA?


Why not just ditch The Constitution altogether and go back to The Articles of Confederation?

I miss the 1950s, even though I wasn’t born yet. Can’t we just go back to a time where Real Americans™ ruled and foreigners lived in internment camps. “Progress”? More like ProGROSS!


That’s just counting shit that libertarians might think is important, BTW, though their stance on education is unclear.


and everyone will get an equal chance to apply for membership to the Post Apocalyptic Young Gentleman’s Motorcycle Club.


I’d say the ERA has a better chance of becoming the 28th Amendment than that piece of clusterfun.


So, like, let me get this Liberty Amendment straight. We have three years to privatize the Post Office, public education (including higher ed), and the FAA?

It should have been done already — if you ask me, which you didn’t. The private sector is so much better at, well, everything. Just imagine the profits!


their stance on education is unclear.

I thought their stance on education was that it indoctrinates and creates this horrible, horrible thing called “an informed populous.” Ugh, I don’t even want to think that. (LoL, get it? Think??)


Dr. Ron Paul – if that is his real name – is unable to count. Half our budget is military, and all his supporters would get red in the face if that were cut. So after we eliminate food inspectors and bridge maintenance and air-traffic controllers and all those other frills, we would still need half the current budget income.

No income tax or estate tax. The wingnuts don’t like business taxes or sin taxes. Are they looking to tariffs to fund the federal government? Are we resurrecting messers Smoot and Hawley? Voluntary contributions? Inflationary printing?


No income tax or estate tax. The wingnuts don’t like business taxes or sin taxes. Are they looking to tariffs to fund the federal government? Are we resurrecting messers Smoot and Hawley? Voluntary contributions? Inflationary printing?

Sales taxes, silly! Lots and lots and lots and lots of sales taxes! Totally fair, right? And great for the economy!


Sales taxes, silly! Lots and lots and lots and lots of sales taxes! Totally fair, right?

I look forward to buying tomatoes from our new black-market overlords.

(veiled lolita reference)


We have three years to privatize the Post Office, public education (including higher ed), and the FAA?

Yes! Or they’ll give you another three years!


We have three years to privatize the Post Office, public education (including higher ed), and the FAA?

Not necessarily the Post Office, since it’s in the Constitution, but all meat inspections will now be done by Hormel etc. “Of course we know it’s safe, we made it!”


black-market overlords.

That sounds too Obamay.


Are they looking to tariffs to fund the federal government? Are we resurrecting messers Smoot and Hawley? Voluntary contributions? Inflationary printing?

This kooky idea has been making the rounds for years. Apparently income tax only accounts for 42% of budget revenues. The bulk of the rest? FICA. IOW, investment income should be tax-free but cash with-held from paychecks? Totally free game.


their stance on education is unclear wide.



Not necessarily the Post Office, since it’s in the Constitution, but all meat inspections will now be done by Hormel etc. “Of course we know it’s safe, we made it!”

Undocumented immigrant hands and rats are fucking tasty, yo.


The bulk of the rest? FICA. IOW, investment income should be tax-free but cash with-held from paychecks?

Soooo, the funds from FICA would be transferred into defense? How is FICA any different from an income tax at that point?


I can’t access right now, but here’s the Q&A link for their FAQ. That’s where I got the 42% thing from – although it’s 43% for FY2009. You’ll note that the other huge slice of that pie is “Social Security & Social Insurance” – IOW FICA.

So yeah, they seriously are proposing that the tax burden be shifted off of investors and anyone earning more than $106,800 and onto workers and people whose income is from paychecks (as opposed to dividends or capital gains). AWESOME!


investment income should be tax-free

I also believe that investment loses should be reimbursed by the gov’t. I mean, how am I supposed to make any money if I invest in some no-so-stable market and it tanks? It’s not like I went to Atlantic City, I was in my house on E*Trade.


By the way, I was at the library the other day and some redneck douchebag was trying to get me to sign a petition to have an amendment to the state constitution that would make it illegal for the government to levy taxes on property that has been gifted to someone. He got all belligerent with me when I told him I wouldn’t and told me that Missourians pay millions of dollars in taxes every year. I guess he thought the library was privately funded? Ass.


How is FICA any different from an income tax at that point?

Because it’s been blessed by DRRONPAUL.


So yeah, they seriously are proposing that the tax burden be shifted off of investors and anyone earning more than $106,800 and onto workers and people whose income is from paychecks (as opposed to dividends or capital gains).

Y’know, I have an idea: what if we apportioned the tax burden this way.

The rich shall pay taxes proportionate to their income which will ONLY be used for the national defense and for the interstate highway and FAA systems. Their contributions shall equal those items in aggergate each year.

The middle and lower income classes shall pay for the rest of the tax burden, including any social programs that Congress deems fit to enact.

However, the rich shall be enjoined from enjoying the fruits of those programs and the poor and middle classes shall be prevented from serving in the military


So yeah, they seriously are proposing that the tax burden be shifted off of investors and anyone earning more than $106,800 and onto workers and people whose income is from paychecks (as opposed to dividends or capital gains). AWESOME!

So, yeah, it’s a fucking flat income tax that doesn’t apply to investments.Do you think the average Paultard even understands that much? Or do they think, “Wooo HOOO! I don’t have to pay taxes anymore!”


Or do they think, “Wooo HOOO! I don’t have to pay taxes anymore!”

Um. Yea. It’s the definition of “investment” that escapes them…


Okay, the Q&A is back up. Weird, it’s from 1975 (pre-FICA) – but stil when Social Security was enacted, it was paid for by payroll tax.

So, the liberty amendment is founded upon the idea that repealing income tax means leaving payroll taxes intact. IOW, Libertyamendment only wants to tax earned income, not the buckets of money the elite Richie Riches get from their investment portfolios.

Why am I harping on this point? I’m hoping to get through to the folks they are duping into supporting this measure. You thought massive government bailouts for banksters was bad – this is mega-zillions worser. Not kidding. Liberty Amendment means only people getting paychecks pay taxes and only up to $106,800. Meaning if you’re making $106,800 – you pay as much tax as someone making $106,800,000. And if you’re making $20,000 – you’re paying more taxes than jackass shitbags wallowing in capital gains funded hookers and blow. That’s their definition of Liberty.


Um. Yea. It’s the definition of “investment” that escapes them…

Sooo…they think putting money in their bank accounts is an “investment”? I don’t get it. My theory is that they don’t know the difference between income taxes and payroll taxes.


3 years?

Hell, it took Congress over a year to even get this close to Health Care reform. If they can come up with an enforceable definition of “business” in less than five, I’ll stop eating brains.


Clearly, the Freedom Amendment will fix everything. While unable to levy taxes on citizenry, the fedrull guvmint will be able to pay for a half dozen wars for oil each decade while making sure that nobody gets in the way of Doctor Assfinger Paul’s trollbrigade’s dreams of being rich from the stock market IF ONLY GUBMIT WOULD GET OUTTA THE WAY.

I’ve passed smarter things after a healthy breakfast of fiber-rich shredded wheat.

I wonder what that tldr post looks like disemvoweled?


However, the rich shall be enjoined from enjoying the fruits of those programs and the poor and middle classes shall be prevented from serving in the military

There is no way of preventing the rich from enjoying the fruits of a prosperous society. Even if they do not qualify for public education or free health care, they pick the brain fruit of people who do depend on public education, using the body strength of people who go to the clinic if they get sick.

The more that the rich bleed our infrastructure, the more dependent they become on the public infrastructure of other countries. Now they sustain themselves on the tax dollars of Europe, India, and Japan, which are kind enough to educate workers for our industries. What you describe is actually ideal for the rich: they buy the guns, everyone else hands over the wallets.

In order to truly restrict the ability of the rich to get fat on the public dole, you would have to do something far more radical, like mandate worker ownership of any commercial enterprise.


In order to truly restrict the ability of the rich to get fat on the public dole, you would have to do something far more radical, like mandate worker ownership of any commercial enterprise.

Or kill them.


In order to truly restrict the ability of the rich to get fat on the public dole, you would have to do something far more radical, like mandate worker ownership of any commercial enterprise.

I actually don’t have much of a problem with that. Then again, I’m pretty much a socialest. And it’s still less radical than N__B’s solution…


Or kill them.

Pump the brakes, N__B. What we should do is form a gang that goes around beating execs with socks full of soap. Then steal their Bentleys and credit cards!


Um. Yea. It’s the definition of “investment” that escapes them…

Honestly, the entire concept of “economics” escapes them. Ronpaul and his Randian Supermen are so dumb, they’d fuck up the purchase of gumballs.


“Section 1. The Government of the United States shall not engage in any business, professional, commercial, financial or industrial enterprise except as specified in the Constitution.”

So, the feds still get to be involved in “business-type activities” that promote the general welfare. EX-cellent.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Dr. Paul was an Air Force flight surgeon. This basically means that he spent most of his career giving prostate exams to healthy 20-something military pilots.

His unpopularity was due to his belief that reacharounds are an entitlement.

Bottle caps, ammo and packets of Mentats are best for good bartering…

Well, in a scenario in which the power grids aren’t functioning, and computers are useless, a Mentat would be a good alternative. Who needs a Butlerian Jihad when a Randian breakdown will suffice?

OT, met actor212 for a beer last night- he’s bigger than I am, but I am balder than he is. He’s approximately N__B’s height.


We learned a lot about negotiating from the health care debacle. This time we should start with Baader-Meinhof and possibly negotiate down to socialism.


But then again, morally/ethically, we aren’t much better than Iran, so I wouldn’t doubt the passing of the Liberty Amendment. (I just love how language has been pillaged; reminds me of the Patriot Act or the Internet Neutrality Act. What a load.)


4Bs, how was that science extravaganza? I was stuck at work. Could I expand my brain with science and destroy it with beer? Sadly, no.


OT, met actor212 for a beer last night- he’s bigger than I am, but I am balder than he is. He’s approximately N__B’s height.

So you’re saying we have the beginnings of the peasant army. We’ve got the Major as our air support and he can drop ZRM on brane-rich targets (admittedly slim pickings among the ruling class). If T&U can steal a tractor, we’ve got an armored division.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

But then again, morally/ethically, we aren’t much better than Iran, so I wouldn’t doubt the passing of the Liberty Amendment. (I just love how language has been pillaged; reminds me of the Patriot Act or the Internet Neutrality Act. What a load.)

In Dogwhistle, “Liberty” does not mean “Freedom”, which involves the risk of licentiousness. To the fundies, “Liberty” pretty much means “submission to god’s will“- narcissism of small differences indeed.


Imagine how fantastic the financial meltdown would have been if only we had liquidated the FDIC before hand!


(I just love how language has been pillaged; reminds me of the Patriot Act or the Internet Neutrality Act. What a load.)

We could probably cure a lot of problems by demanding an Accuracy In Labeling law for Congressional bills.

Forcing them to call this thing “Rich People Slough Off Their Responsibilities On The Middle Class And Fuck The Poor Act” would pretty much assure its rightful demise.


If T&U can steal a tractor, we’ve got an armored division.

That should be easy. I don’t really know how to drive one, but it can’t be too difficult…


Is that silhouette holding a corndog…? LMAO


durrr. Frank Cho… Liberty Meadows…

. . .


*shakes head * awwawawawawawawa

What were we talking about, again?


Imagine how fantastic the financial meltdown would have been if only we had liquidated the FDIC before hand!

Right? May you live in interesting times, indeed!


narcissism of small differences indeed.

The Shock are much better than Liberty.


Since we’ve privatized a good deal of the military (Blackwater, already, isn’t that competition for the ‘actual’ military, as in the military must be sold off within three years? ‘Cause I bought a whole seat, but I’m only usin’ the front third! Let the spectacle begin!


Forcing them to call this thing “Rich People Slough Off Their Responsibilities On The Middle Class And Fuck The Poor Act” would pretty much assure its rightful demise.

Speaking of conservative tax cut plans.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

4Bs, how was that science extravaganza?

Awesome, as always, but I have been totally assimilated by the Nerd Borg- I’ve been attending the lectures since day one, three and a half years ago. Last night, over 400 people showed up, some had to be turned away at the door.

Could I expand my brain with science and destroy it with beer? Sadly, no.

You’ll reach a state of homeostasis– you’ll gave fewer brain cells, but each one will be fuller, stronger, better connected.

So you’re saying we have the beginnings of the peasant army.

Peasant army? So far, I can count some hipsters, a lot of nerdlicious types (the second lecturer- also the drummer of the band- was a complete babe as well as a brainiac), and two bastards of various degrees of bigness, badness, and baldness.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

you’ll gave fewer brain cells

Thus, I prove my point!


Peasant army? So far, I can count some hipsters, a lot of nerdlicious types (the second lecturer- also the drummer of the band- was a complete babe as well as a brainiac), and two bastards of various degrees of bigness, badness, and baldness.

Hey, I’m a peasant! I grow herbs, peppers, and heirloom tomatoes on the fire escape!


You know, the best part of LIBERTY AMENDMENT’s post is the crowing that NINE WHOLE states have endorsed it, with a list showing the most recent endorsements occurred almost 30 years ago, while the oldest was from over 50 years ago.


as in the military must be sold off within three years?

No, teh Armee is enumerated in Article 1 Section 8. However, from the liberty amendment Q&A I linked earlier, they expect that getting government out of unconstitutional activities will cut expenditures by 50%. So the trick is figuring out how to do that given that when you add Social Security and Medicare (the reason for the payroll taxes in the first place) to Defense spending, you get 62%.


I will not cease from Mental Fight,
Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
Till we have grown veggies,
In Pedest’s green & peasant Land


over 400 people showed up, some had to be turned away at the door.

Town hall meetings are always a blast.


“Section 1. The Government of the United States shall not engage in any business, professional, commercial, financial or industrial enterprise except as specified in the Constitution.”

Secton 9. The Government of the United States is permitted to drill for oil and retain all profits therefrom, operate hospitals and nursing homes, build and maintain primary and secondary education edifices, conduct sobriety roadblocks including testing for marijuana intoxication, and arbitrate collective bargaining agreements.



Wait, what?

Don’t underestimate the power of hipsters. They may be stringy, but they can bring on the crazy.


Especially if they’ve been doing coke.


Don’t underestimate the power of hipsters.

They can ostracize even the coolest of us.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Hey, I’m a peasant! I grow herbs, peppers, and heirloom tomatoes on the fire escape!

That makes me a hunter-gatherer, I forage for nettles, wild grapes, and purslane in the park. Hey, pedestrian, do you live in the NY metro area?

N__B, what do you know about the really cool abandoned building on 3rd Ave and 3rd St by the Gowanus Canal? My friend told me that it has landmark status, being the first building to employ a particular building technique (which he could not recall).


Don’t underestimate the power of hipsters.

If Superman, a Kryptonian, has kryptonite as his secret weakness, do hipsters fear hip-waders?


N__B, what do you know about the really cool abandoned building on 3rd Ave and 3rd St by the Gowanus Canal?

Headquarters of the New York and Brooklyn Coignet Stone Company, built ~1870-1875. The company manufactured “cast stone,” whihc is basically architectural precast concrete. The buildings’ exterior walls are built of the stuff and it’s a landmark.

And the huge site next to it is chock full of heavy metals and PCBs. Don’t eat any of the soil.


…rassin frassin misplaced fucking apostrophe…


Debt servicing takes that to 67%. So yeah, massive Social Security and Medicare cuts. Like, in half – or more. Heck, they may even me claiming that Social Security and Medicare are ” business, professional, commercial, financial or industrial enterprise ” that’s not in the Constitution.

So, Liberty means no Social Security and no Medicare. Defense spending and interest payments on the national debt are almost entirely financed by payroll taxes – i.e. earned income while unearned income – money that fat cats rake in for being born rich, tax-free.

I know most conservatives aren’t going to listen to some anarcho-hippie-leftsist like me, but The Liberty Amendment is a total fricking scam. You don’t have to take my word for it – just ask them if they plan on leaving payroll taxes intact. Ask them if they plan on cutting Social Security and Medicare like demons. They’re just another bunch of greedy assholes who want your hard-earned money to pay for all their benefits and luxuries.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Town hall meetings are always a blast.

Especially when the booze is flowing.


The answer is simple; we fund the essential function of government (warmaking) with loot taken from places we invade. And sales of the videos.


Hey, pedestrian, do you live in the NY metro area?

Funny that you ask. I’m in SF now but moving to NYC in August.


If Superman, a Kryptonian, has kryptonite as his secret weakness, do hipsters fear hip-waders?

No, silly! They’re afraid of hiphuggers. And the girls are afraid of pants in general.


just ask them if they plan on leaving payroll taxes intact.

They probably won’t know wtf you’re talking about.


The answer is simple; we fund the essential function of government (warmaking) with loot taken from places we invade.

Yeah, that worked out great for the power of the Roman senate.

No, silly! They’re afraid of hiphuggers.

I, too, fear over-friendly hipsters.

And the girls are afraid of pants in general.

God bless america.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Thanks for the info, and the warning (that dirt looks delicious). One might say it’s at the pica freshness.

I am going to reiterate my call for the N__B draft. You totally have to have an engineering/industrial archeology blog, man.


For Lurker (after skimming to try to see if anybody else had answered):

Big Bad Bald Bastard

I’m in SF now but moving to NYC in August.

That’s going to interfere with the harvest!


And the girls are afraid of pants in general.

Just another reason why the terrusts hate us. Oh and our tax-free investment income!


You totally have to have an engineering/industrial archeology blog, man.

Engineering!? Those people are craaaaaaaaazy! LuLz, j/k, kthxbai!


And the girls are afraid of pants in general.

God bless america.

Yeah, except for the tights-as-pants look. Gross. That doesn’t work for anybody, even those with fixie-toned legs.


Engineering!? Those people are craaaaaaaaazy! LuLz, j/k, kthxbai!

Chuggachuggachugga choochoo!


I, too, fear over-friendly hipsters.

Also, lulz.


Gross. That doesn’t work for anybody

To quote someone or other from yesterday, it’s so cute that you believe that.


To quote someone or other from yesterday, it’s so cute that you believe that.

What a condescending thing to say!


God bless america.



So you’re saying we have the beginnings of the peasant army. </i?

Ayyyyyyyyyyy, 'oo youse callin' a pesent?


That’s going to interfere with the harvest!

I know, and it gives me a sad. I’m also going to have to entrust Oscar the Kaffir Lime and Golda the Meyer Lemon to a friend. What park to you forage in?


Ah, I see B^4 survived the night. I was worried, drinking all that water and dining at 3rd and 3rd…


over 400 people showed up, some had to be turned away at the door.

It was Nerdstock.

Marion in Savannah

“One might say it’s at the pica freshness.”

*golf claps*


It was Nerdstock.

I was in the mood for some soup…


Could I expand my brain with science and destroy it with beer? Sadly, no.

I dunno, I did a pretty good job.


God bless america.


So, here’s the question: will the ‘baggers fear of ZOMG SOSHALISM and the Mark of the Beast or whatthefuckever outweigh their terror over the Illegal Brown Invasion?


I was in the mood for some soup…

There was some good Nerd bones to be had last night.




So, here’s the question: will the ‘baggers fear of ZOMG SOSHALISM and the Mark of the Beast or whatthefuckever outweigh their terror over the Illegal Brown Invasion?

If Bush were president, no. Since Obama is president, yes.


There was some good Nerd bones to be had last night.

Yeah, there’s nothing better than a nerd’s bone……



o/~ Hindraaaaaaaaaaaker! He’s the man, the man with the mind of shit,
His mind is shit.
Such a mind raker.
Beckons you to enter his lair of crap.
But don’t you fap! o/~


Yeah, there’s nothing better than a nerd’s bone……

There were an awful lot of nerds I wouldn’t have minded boning.



BM Matt has got me more upset with him than that time he left the Atlantic and didn’t spit in Megan McArdle’s face.


Yeah, there’s nothing better than a nerd’s bone……

Whatever, they just pump up their brains to compensate for their small… bones.


Whatever, they just pump up their brains to compensate for their small… bones.

It’s not like anyone was asking anyone to marrow them, you know. It was a one-night boning.


Dem bones demo bones gonna pork around


Nothing like careless typing to fuck up supposed cleverness.


BM Matt has got me more upset with him than that time he left the Atlantic and didn’t spit in Megan McArdle’s face.

Yeah, well, I swear Ezra Klein sucked Kos’s dick or something, because Kos was all “kill the bill” up until recently, and now he’s calling for someone to primary Kucinich for opposing it.


Also, bones. Heh.


Are you suggesting Ezraklein was boning Kos?


he can drop ZRM on brane-rich targets

I’m also a ninja.


Are you suggesting Ezraklein was boning Kos?

Yes, and perhaps Yglesias, by the look of it.

I have a bone to pick with that young man!


For Whale Chowder (whose mom’s a whore) and Lurker:
I believe this is the thread in question.


Are you suggesting Ezraklein was boning Kos?

Yes, and perhaps Yglesias, by the look of it.

Wow! A full metal boning!


And the huge site next to it is chock full of heavy metals and PCBs. Don’t eat any of the soil.

new zombie homestead!!


I’m also a ninja.

So you’re slow-moving, lightning-quick, clumsy, and graceful?


It’s not like anyone was asking anyone to marrow them, you know. It was a one-night boning.

You must have enjoyed all of the bone-homie


I’m also a ninja.

So you’re slow-moving, lightning-quick, clumsy, and graceful?

No need to stereotype zombies. There are plenty of fast zombies.


You must have enjoyed all of the bone-homie

It was a nice joint.


There are plenty of fast zombies.

You’ve met ZRM’s mom, I see.


No need to stereotype zombies. There are plenty of fast zombies.

Most of my zombie experience comes from Half-Life and H-L2. The fast zombies are easier to kill.


Are you suggesting Ezraklein was boning Kos?

Yes, and perhaps Yglesias, by the look of it.

Wow! A full metal boning!

Geez, didn’t you know that? You really should bone up on your Ezra Klein knowledge.


No need to stereotype zombies. There are plenty of fast zombies.

Most of my zombie experience comes from Half-Life and H-L2. The fast zombies are easier to kill.

Really? Fast zombies scare the crap out of me.


Really? Fast zombies scare the crap out of me.

Oh, they scream in your face and wave their arms around, but they’re skinnier and take fewer bullets to put down. Of course, the joy of H-L and H-L2 is killing them with the crowbar.


You really should bone up on your Ezra Klein knowledge.

I thought I was pretty well-boned.


Yes, and perhaps Yglesias, by the look of it.

Matt’s been pro-Senate bill since before there was a Senate bill. He’s a reform for the sake of having something to show in November type. Srsly, I don’t know what could be added to HCR that would make Matt change his mind about supporting it. I suspect that if a joint resolution for the Liberty Amendment was tacked onto the thing, he’d be all “PASS THE BILL”.

But that’s not what’s got me pissed – I accept that people can be supportive of the Senate bill without being heartless corporate puppets. Sure there are some heartless immoral puppets that like HCR as it stands, but supporting the current proposal doesn’t mean you’re the same as Palin or Limbaugh or Boehner (hey I managed to get a boner into this humourless dildo comment).

And it’s not even like I’m asking for him to extend the same courtesy even. I’m just fucking pissed off that he’s making that argument. He’s not merely using dishonest bullshit to accuse others of being monsters – he’s trying to use it as a bludgeon to get his own fucking way.



I’m just fucking pissed off that he’s making that argument. He’s not merely using dishonest bullshit to accuse others of being monsters – he’s trying to use it as a bludgeon to get his own fucking way.

Dude, I hear you. I’d rather be accused of wanting a unicorn or whatever cute phrase they’re using to beat up on the DFHs these days. And not only is it offensive–it doesn’t even make sense. I’m supposed to have a boner (see what I did there?) for this legislation simply because the health insurance industry opposes it? Fuck that. That’s the way Republicans think.


I’m supposed to have a boner (see what I did there?)

Ah, the joys of text-based interfaces and vivid imaginations.

for this legislation simply because the health insurance industry opposes it?

Yeah, idiotic. It’s a mediocre bill, IMO better than nothing. The corporate hate is a ruse to make people think “If this is so bad, imagine what it would be like if the DFH bill was in play.”


For Dragon-King Wangchuck, Whale Chowder (whose mom’s still a whore> and Lurker:

I believe the thread in question is actually this one.


Most of my zombie experience comes from Half-Life and H-L2. The fast zombies are easier to kill.

video game coders HAVE to give you a chance, so reality is often modified.

Real life has no reset button.


Real life has no reset button.

I’ve made it through both games without dying. FEAR ME!


Of course, the joy of H-L and H-L2 is killing them with the crowbar.

that’s just hurtful. Why are you so filled with hate?


Why are you so filled with hate?

Because my HMO won’t cover lancing hate boils.


N_B is a hateful Antizombist.


Real life has no reset button.

Really? Then explain that billboard in Minnesota!


N_B is a hateful Antizombist.

That would make him pro-death. Or pro-life. Ain’t figured that one out yet.


That would make him pro-death. Or pro-life.

Anti-undeath, or, if you prefer, pro-antilife.


Anti-undeath, or, if you prefer, pro-antilife.

So if you prefer aborting zombie babies, that would make you anti-undeath-choice, or pro-choice-undeath?


Because my HMO won’t cover lancing hate boils.

eww. disgusting enough to knock a zombie off a brainpan.


Isn’t it funny how the most zombiephobic politicians are always the ones caught slurping on some poor page’s head?


Isn’t it funny how the most zombiephobic politicians are always the ones caught slurping on some poor page’s head?

“errrr, I was not eating that page’s brain…I was checking his scalp for nits.”


“errrr, I was not eating that page’s brain…I was checking his scalp for nits.”

“And NOT in a sexual way. I’m not gay.”


Isn’t it funny how the most zombiephobic politicians are always the ones caught slurping on some poor page’s head?

I deeply resent the implication that I am a politician.


Because my HMO won’t cover lancing hate boils.

Oh sack up. A sewing needle passed through a flame and then directly into your skin will cure what ails ya.

The best part: I won’t be able to hear the screaming from way over here.

And for the Dragon-King of the tagFAIL, yer mom says “take out the trash.” I presume that includes A212.


yer mom says “take out the trash.” I presume that includes A212.

I resent the implication that I’m a politician.


That Yglesias post is kind of stupid but still awesome because fuck Kucinich right now and also it caused that asshole soullite to completely lose his mind in the comments.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

“errrr, I was not eating that page’s brain…I was checking his scalp for nits.”

“And NOT in a sexual way. I’m not gay.”

Just licentious.


My favorite bartering tool is a Colt automatic. It’s very effective in tough negotiations. Probably work even better in the Post-Randian marketplace.


Just licentious.

Well yeah. I’m a senator and a zombie. Also.


Lobbyists with influence in DC?!? Fainting-couch, here I come.

CEI = Olin & Koch & Scaife, oh my!

Damn. These ghouls have been shitting in America’s Wheaties for more than 30 years now – by my count they’ve all but bankrupted the national treasury at least twice, not to mention boldly inventing & fighting the Kultcher Woar that’s made so many people totally miserable while accomplishing diddly-squat … & getting paid hand over fist for it all to boot.

Can someone please convince a few of these Haldol-challenged anti-government loonies to start crashing airplanes into think-tanks? Or maybe even commandeer an Apache attack-helicopter for a few low-level strafing-runs on these guys?

PS: Honorable Mention goes to “TEH LOBOTOMY AMENDMENT” for epic PoliSci 101 fail – just imagine what kind of magical hijinx that amendment would wreak on an already-shaky US credit-rating once the tidal-wave of unintended consequences came roaring in!

“Sorry, China, but, uh, something just came up – looks like now we won’t be paying you back for at least 300 years … but hey, you’ll still give us another $275 billion loan, right? RIGHT?”

Not to mention what the sudden lack of farm-subsidies would do to food prices. Better start fattening up those household pets now, America!


Lobbyists with influence in DC?!? Fainting-couch, here I come.

K Street? Why, it sounds like a PBS program so it CAN’T benefit conservatives!


…also it caused that asshole soullite to completely lose his mind in the comments.

Holy crap that guy’s got some serious issues. Wotta fucking asshole – and a pretty impressive meltdown too.


dear gavin,

it’s your conscience. obama recently reaffirmed the patriot act without any changes. he invaded haiti, thus establishing american rule for another decade or so. obama keeps talking about al qaeda and 9/11, but you know that al qaeda doesn’t exist and 9/11 was an inside job. do you have a soul? if you sold out, for how much and to whom?

if you sold out for $0 to nobody, then you’re the ultimate chump.



Solomon Grundy hate quibble, but 2010 PATRIOT ACT extension include significant though admittedly inadequate new restrictions on apparatus of surveillance state. Solomon Grundy share wish that civil liberties restored, but feel you overstate case in maybe disingenuous matter? Solomon Grundy apologize if wrong, but “9/11 was inside job” never claim by Sadly, No. Also you at first claim to be conscience then sign “Dad”.


(comments are closed)