Rooting for injuries
Like John, I’m rather enjoying the public spat going on between Steve Schmidt and Emperor Palpatine Bill Kristol. Here’s the good stuff:
William Kristol, the editor of The Weekly Standard and at times an informal adviser to Sen. John McCain, touched off the latest back-and-forth Tuesday morning with a post on his magazine’s blog criticizing the Todd Purdum-authored Palin story and pointing a finger at Steve Schmidt, McCain’s campaign manager.
Kristol cited a passage in Purdum’s piece in which “some top aides” were said to worry about the Alaska governor’s “mental state” and the prospect that the Alaska governor may be suffering from post-partum depression following the birth of her son Trig. “In fact, one aide who raised this possibility in the course of trashing Palin’s mental state to others in the McCain-Palin campaign was Steve Schmidt,” Kristol wrote.
Asked about the accusation, Schmidt fired back in an e-mail: “I’m sure John McCain would be president today if only Bill Kristol had been in charge of the campaign.”
“After all, his management of [former Vice President] Dan Quayle’s public image as his chief of staff is still something that takes your breath away,” Schmidt continued.
It’s tough to know whom to root for in this fight, but if I had to choose, I gotta say I sympathize with Schmidt. Oh sure, he’s a sleazy GOP political operative who’s clearly trying to cover his ass for his own failings. But at the same time, Schmidt has actually had to, you know, do stuff in his career. He help Ah-nold get reelected in California. He was apparently the Bushies’ point man for getting Alito and Roberts confirmed. Of course, these aren’t admirable achievements, but they are achievements.
Meanwhile, what the hell has Bill Kristol ever done? Mostly he’s sat on his ass in the Weekly Standard office and advocated invading other countries. Christ, he even backed sending America’s armed forces to take down the damned Somali pirates — as though the Army doesn’t have enough wars to fight already.
The bottom line is this: imagine you’re Steve Schmidt. Imagine that you’ve worked your ass off to make John McCain into a semi-legitimate candidate for the presidency. And then imagine that this twerp from the Weekly Standard comes along and convinces McCain to pick as his running mate a crazy, narcissistic wingnut who is well known for stabbing her allies in the back and whose sole qualification for the vice presidency has been eating a moose. How the hell would you feel?
Meanwhile, what the hell has Bill Kristol ever done?
Built two Death Stars, had three Sith Lords killed, converted The Convergence to the Dark Side, destroyed a Republic and turned it into an empire….Get off his back, willya????? The guy only has two hands!
So, Steve Schmidt didn’t notice that John McCain would say or do ANYTHING at anytime, and possibly reverse himself the next minute or next day. Or he just didn’t care? Which feeling is it?
It’s the didn’t care one. He’s a Republican.
Why do I have the feeling choosing between these two is comparable to the expression “not knowing whether to shit or go blind”?
“It’s tough to know whom to root for in this fight”
Well, given Kristol’s awesome record of GOPFAIL, I’d have to root for him.
Yes! We want Kristol to emerge stronger from this fight, with more political capital and leadership status!
Access my loach, tribs!
“some top aides” were said to worry about the Alaska governor’s “mental state”
Wheee, so that would make two American governors who are certifiable. At least.
I was going to root for Kristol to take down Schmidt on the chance that Schmidt may have learned something from the failed McCain candidacy that would make him more effective managing future campaigns but then I had a vision of him as the GOP’s answer to Bob Shrum. Now I have to root for him to work for every Republican presidential candidate for the next 20 years or so.
One other thing – “imagine you’re Steve Schmidt”
Okay I tried.
Doesn’t much matter whether it’s Steve Schmidt, Steve-O or Steve the Pirate, the idea of Bill Kristol pointing an accusatory finger in your direction for talking to journalists is like having Doughy go apeshit on someone for having an oedipus complex.
I find Bloody Bill much more tolerable now that he has zero influence over anyone relevant. Keep grinnin’, Billy.
To be fair to Kwazy Kristol, though…
Actually, dude, you pretty much did run the campaign like Kristol would have. That is to say…perpetual pronouncement of victory was Job #1. Every single drooling sub-moronic stunt Camp McCain pulled- from Notjoe the Notplumber to AyersAyersAyers to the Britney ad to the campaign suspension was done for the sake of declaring to any schmuck who’d listen that each stunt would finally drive that last nail into the Obama campaign’s coffin. I can’t see how Bill da Butcher would have done any worse.
It’s the collateral damage I’m enjoying. It all turns around how obviously terrible Sarah Palin is.
Let us note her place in the minds of voters as of June 10th:
Her under-two-percentness is not for lack of hearts to win: the top three vote-getters who speak for the Republican party are Other, No one, and No opinion.
You know, Palin is still one of the most popilar Governors in the country. You can almost taste the fear coming from the lib bastions of Hollywood and Manhattan over the prospect of a Palin nomination.
I think “taste the fear” is the new “scuse mah fingars”
You can almost taste the fear coming from the lib bastions of Hollywood and Manhattan over the prospect of a Palin nomination.
You mistake “drooling with anticipation” for fear, sir.
Goodness gracious yes! We are trembling in our fear that the charming and erudite Ms. Palin will dominate the 2012 election. Please, oh, please, don’t throw us in dat briar, um, don’t nominate Ms. Palin!
I think “taste the fear” is the new “scuse mah fingars”
It’s the new Republican candy, Scuttles. “Taste The Fear!”
They’re like Skittles (“Taste the rainbow!”) only deliberately macho and manly.
And why should we listen to Schmidt? That morom couldn’t even manage to keep Indiana red. Fuck him.
And Actor, get out of the Upper East Side and step out into the real world once in a while.
taste the fear
Sounds like Spinal Tap’s chartbreaking followup to “Smell The Glove”.
And I’d assert the GOP candy would be called “Shittles”. “Shittles – ‘Cause You’re Eating It Anyway”
Obviously, the only honorable and masculine way Schmidt and Kristol can end this argument is with hand grenades at five paces.
Anything less means they are spineless cowards and liars.
Who do you really think the American people will vote for in 2012 when the economy still hasn’t recovered, the deficit is spiraling out of control, and inflation and taxes are on the rise?
Sure as shit they won’t vote for Hopey McChange again.
I can’t fucking wait for 2010 and 2012!
This bears repeating:
Redress my arse, libs!
I can’t fucking wait for 2010 and 2012!
Why? It’s not like reality can even fucking make a dent…
This has got to be a spoof troll, right?
And Actor, get out of the Upper East Side and step out into the real world once in a while.
I think I need a boatload of meth to do that, Troofie.
Can I have some of yours, please?
If you want to see the end results of liberalism, look at New York City and California. Both bankrupt shit holes that are losing population due to their high taxes, high spending, political corruption, crime, and nanny satate laws.
While NY and CA have huge budget deficitsn guess what state has a budget SURPLUS, even in a recession? Texas. And its population is growing. Because of successful conservative principles.
Compare it to shithole Michigan, California, or New York.
Why does the troll hate us so much?
Both bankrupt shit holes that are losing population due to their high taxes, high spending, political corruption, crime, and nanny satate laws.
Hell look at Detroit. Very few evil white male Republicans left there. Should be a paradise, right libs? Instead its a Third World country.
My conservative principles are what lead me to petition for record levels of federal aid.
I wonder how much of that Texas increase is refugees from Katrina who had to stay?
Oh, sweet Jesus. Twoofie’s gonna start in on Zimbabwe in a minute, and then claim we’re projecting if we call him a racist. You will wonder how the hell I was able to figure this out, unless you’ve spent more than ten minutes here before.
If you want to see the end results of conservatism, look at Arkansas, Missisippi, or Saudi Arabia.
Texas was growing at a record rate long before Katrina.
The growing states in the electoral college–the ones that will get more EVs and more Congressmen, are REPUBLICAN states.
Why does the troll hate me so much?
[gets punched] Give up? [gets punched, spits out tooth] Give up?
I wonder how much of that Texas increase is illegal Messicans engaged in identity theft?
Georgia is another growing state with refugees from shithole New Jersey and Mass.
In 2012, it will have more EVs than New Jersey or Michigan, and South Carolina will have more than Connecticut.
While NY and CA have huge budget deficitsn guess what state has a budget SURPLUS, even in a recession? Texas. And its population is growing. Because of successful conservative principles.
Funny, I thought it was from teh Mexislamohomofascists coming over the Rio Grande to take our jerrrbs.
Palin is still one of the most popilar Governors in the country
Popilar? She has the most explosive hair?
-Condemn about 60% of your countrymen as insufficiently American because of their regional origins, and gloat at the prospect of them failing.
-Bookmark it, libs.
That’s what Kristol Jr. felt when he was on the National Review Alaska fundraising cruise and he met Palin and he knew the GOP had met its
one true loveleader for the future.Explain to me why Californians are fleeing their state for Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado if liberalism works. Explain Detroit, too.
Oh, all Southerners aren’t failing — just the idiot, backwards, right wing conservative Dixie Confederate-addled fucktards who grew even fatter, stupider, and lazier after dominating national politics for the last 40 years. Good riddance to the unhealthy authority held by so many of my undeserving Southern neighbors.
Nope, you still owe us an explanation of why we didn’t wake up to the McCain presidency.
Hi, Twoofie. Looks like you know something about me.
Something you don’t know: the GOP brand here is el toasto in 2010/2012. Apparently you can’t campaign entirely on “Atlanta SUX!” and expect to run the state forever.
McCain lost because he voted for the bailout, and because the MSM was in the tank for Obama. ACORN busing homeless people in from Chicago and Kentucky to vote in Indiana and Black Panthers intimmidating people at to polls in PA didn’t help, either.
As a rule I eschew violence, but in this case I think I’d be pretty happy to hand out the 2X4s for however long it takes one of them to work their way through the other’s lead-filled skull.
You can almost taste the fear
Mmm, num num num … yummy yummy fear … kinda like butterscotch, actually.
I didn’t notice any flavor coming from the extremely fearsome link in my previous comment here but I’m pretty sure that scratch-&-sniff cards would only add to the fun-factor.
But I practice what I preach when it comes to tolerance of others’ cultures – if the GOP decides it really wants to nominate The Whore Of Babylon, for POTUS then I say what the heck, let ’em – after all, it’d STILL be an improvement on that grinning human boil made of non sequiturs & epic fail they got “elected” last time.
That’s what Kristol Jr. felt when he was on the National Review
It was Rich Lowry and it was when she winked during the debate.
Bookmark it!
I called people who disagreed with the Florida 2000 outcome “Sore Loserman”.
Also, I claim to be for personal responsibility, but all my problems are the fault of darkies with clipboards.
Explain Detroit, too.
(strongly resisting urge to scroll-troll Troofie)
Also, Obama outspent McCain by a large margin by going back (lying) on his promise of public financing and illegally raising cash from overseas by disabling the address verification system on his website donation form.
WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! The Party of Personal Responsibility demands its bah-bah!
There was more to the Rev. Wright story, too, but the MSM didn’t investigate it. Read Steve Sailer’s expose on Wright.
The butthurt is strong with this one
Read what a white supremacist thinks of a man in a dashiki! You’ll never guess!
I love that some libs are so immature they would rather spoof my nome de plime than respond to my points.
Why don’t you go watch “jackass”, cartoons, or play video games with other immature children and leave political debate to the adults?
We have jobs.
Poor Troofie. He’s become a parody of himself…
If by “jobs” you mean government work or welfare.
There was more to the Rabbi story, too, but the MSM didn’t investigate it. Read my expose on Rabbis.
Altho, to be honest, we should have figured Troofus would show up here. After all, Al Franken won the Senate yesterday for the Democratic Party. He has to scream at someone and his mom demands he use his indoor voice while she’s in bed
with the biker gang from down the blockwith a headache.“If by ‘jobs’ you mean government work or welfare.”
So what’s your excuse?
nome de plime
Paging Smut Clyde, Smut Clyde, English cleanup in aisle 8. Please bring the Puntastic with you…
You have to admit troofie was right about one thing.
He has an inexhaustible supply of different IP addresses.
I loev the money quote from one of McCain’s aides re: Palin
“She’s the Little Shop of Horrors”
Would that make her “Audrey, Jr. Jr”?
“Fuck with the bull and you WILL get the motherfucking horns.”
“Tintin is a faggot”
“You will wake up to the McCain presidency and the Great Liberal Freakout will be on.”
Mr. Troof-OP 17:19
Mr. Troof-OP 17:20
An adult wrote that, ladies and gentlemen
(and misspelled “plume”, btw)
“Would that make her ‘Audrey, Jr. Jr’?”
And Trip is Audrey Jr. Jr. Jr. Jr.
Typical libs. Spoof me, and then claim I really said it.
I was wrong about the election only because I underestimated the combined stupidity and racial guilt of the American people, bult up over the years by a failed public school system and biased MSM.
I was wrong about the election only because I underestimated the combined stupidity and racial guilt of the American people, bult up over the years by a failed public school system and biased MSM.
I’m glad we agree it was Reagan’s fault.
Only fags would harp on a minor mistake like a typo!
Unless Obama misspoke, which further establishes him as Satanic Black Hitler to the Max.
I was wrong about the election
Really? You seemed so sure of yourself when you said:
Againan I underestimated the stupidity of the voting public.
They had clear heads in 2000-2004, but the MSM successfully brainwashed them this time through a racial guilt trip. McCain would have won if he had run against a white guy.
I call fake Troofie. Our boy would never concede the remotest possibility of being wrong in any way, shape or form.
I was wrong about the election…
Clearly a fake troofie. The phrase “I was wrong” is unutterable by a wingnut.
– sorry about that, Kid.
“They had clear heads in 2000-2004”
It takes a clear head to vote for the guy who scares you the most about the impending Ayrabistani Takeover and Shanialawcommunofascism Also.
McCain would have won if he had run against a white guy.
Yeah, look how successful he was in the Republican primary; that was FULL of white guys!
Againan I underestimated the stupidity of the voting public.
Really? Because you really seemed to factor that in when you said this:
I’m FULL of white guys!
Mr. Troofie, I need you to fill out one of these, if you’ll just have a seat over there. Thanks!
Shouldn’t you be playing Nintendo and watching cartoons with the other children, Badger?
Yeah, look how successful he was in the Republican primary; that was FULL of white guys!
Didn’t he win because every other asshole had to drop out because they either had no money, no platform, no scruples, or was a Mormon from Massachusetts?
Yes, victory by default, what a mandate to further winning.
Hmmm, awfully quiet all of a sudden. This must mean:
a) Everyone’s moving over to the new thread, oooooooooor
b) Troofie is switching to scroll-troll mode.
Didn’t he win because every other asshole had to drop out because they either had no money, no platform, no scruples, or was a Mormon from Massachusetts?
Yep. Just further proof that “you win (the primary) with the candidate you have, not with the candidates you wish you had.”
Yeah, the GOP is just full of adults.
Like the OK congress, which is considering a bill to blame the recession on America’s moral decay and advocate a return to proper theocratic gummint. And Mark “Sex At Taxpayer’s Expense” Sanford. Also.
” If by ‘jobs’ you mean government work or welfare”?
Shouldn’t you be playing Nintendo and watching cartoons with the other children, Twoofie?
Hey, ‘member a while back when even the word “troll” was sending Double-Truth, Ruth into a frenzy of I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I self-righteousness? That was hilarious.
Troofie is switching to scroll-troll mode.
Pere, I don’t want to make you look anymore stupid than you already are, but it is called a “state legislature” not a “congress”.
Perhaps before commenting next time you could at least learn the proper name of the institution.
And Mark “Sex At Taxpayer’s Expense” Sanford. Also.
Now now, he only admits to sex with one woman. And he’s trying to fall in love with his (heiress) wife all over again…
Yes, victory by default, what a mandate to further winning.
To be fair, victory-by-entitlement worked for Bush twice.
“…I don’t want to make you look anymore [sic] stupid than you already are, ”
And curtain.
Perhaps before commenting next time you could at least learn the proper name of the institution
And use a better nom de plime, Pere! *snark*
use a better nom de plime
Or even a nome de plime.
Anyway, it’s now wandered next-door. More whack-a-troll to ensue…
I prefer a nom de om nom.
At least I’m not blaming my money problems on TEH GHEY like the oh-so-adult Okie STATE LEGISLATURE is doing. Party of personal responsibility my ass.
Besides, I’m sure Twoofy is one of these jackasses who does the “IT’S A REPUBLIC NOT A DEMOCRACY” comedy routine.
Speaking of which – you guys see Michelle Batshit Bachmann is evidently going to be on Alex Jones’ show this week? Clash of the Titans!
Didn’t Bachmann urge her constituents to ignore the 2010 census, thus almost assuring her seat will be taken away under the apportionment thereafter?
Well, in the post-apocalyptic wasteland she’s certain is arriving any day now, she’ll be Queenie-for-Eternity, so these minor details about a census is but a trifling impingement on her fantasies of wearing a crown and bossing around underlings into physical infirmity, the mental already long infirm.
Honestly, not really long-term thinkers we’re dealing with here.
She told her constituents to only put down the number of people in their household and their addressan since that is the only thing the Constitution authorizes the Census to do. Any other questions are unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy.
Any other questions are unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy.
said the guy who defends warrantless wiretaps and government surveillance.
Any other questions are unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy.
Correct. Because she’s afraid she’ll be rounded up and imprisoned with the other Japanese in an internment camp….ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
I suddenly deeply care about the privacy rights of people and what it says in the Constitution.
Also, fuck habeas corpus.
Any other questions are unconstitutional and an invasion of privacy.
sadly, no.
The mere fact that Bachmann would be seen/heard in conjunction with a fuckstick like Alex Jones just pretty well says it all.
Oh, and she’s the one who predicted (as I recall) $4 a gallon gas if Obama got elected. Considering I just filled up for $2.39 per yesterday, her accuracy astounds.
Read Steve Sailer’s expose on Wright.
well, that me convinced…
Spending a year lurking anonymously on an Internet message board and insulting strangers is clearly the “adult” way to address important issues.
Mr. GOP said,
July 1, 2009 at 17:20
If by “jobs” you mean government work or welfare.
Troofie, why do you hate our troops?
It’s fun to watch Twewfie sputter old wingnut bullshit in response to the scorn justly heaped on his original assertion, that people are actually scared of a Palin presidential run instead of it being the best-case scenario for Democrats. He’s like our own personal Shut Up, Little Man!
Is this the same (putative adult) troll that has the hot stripper wife and talks to high-ranking career CIA guys at his barbecues?
Troofie, or someone remarkably like him, likes to go into supervillain mode sometimes:
When will the Republicans start coming back, Troofie?
Are you going to keep moving the goalposts, Troofie?
Bookmark, this, GOP!
“Morom”: the new “moran”!
Is this the same (putative adult) troll that has the hot stripper wife and talks to high-ranking career CIA guys at his barbecues?
That was The Fool.
I can see how you could mix them up.
What with the being the same and all.
It’s fun to watch Twewfie sputter old wingnut bullshit in response to the scorn justly heaped on his original assertion, that people are actually scared of a Palin presidential run instead of it being the best-case scenario for Democrats.
I am actually scared of a Palin presidential run – if she’s anywhere on the ticket, there is a possibility she’ll actually win. It might take major electoral shenanigans, or the U.S. public might just be stupid enough to do it for real. Better safe, I say.
Being scared of a Palin presidential run is somewhere between ‘shark attack’ and ‘lightning strike’ as far as plausibility goes.
And being from Florida, I’ve got much better odds on the first two.
Being scared of a Palin presidential run is somewhere between ’shark attack’ and ‘lightning strike’ as far as plausibility goes.
True enough, but I don’t go stand under tall trees during rainstorms. Here in the desert I’m relatively safe from shark attacks.
Home run, Brad. I also love Schmidt’s line on Quayle.
Here in the desert I’m relatively safe from shark attacks.
Or so one would think.
Or so one would think.
Shark attack!
Indeed. So one would think
nanny satate laws.
What Tw00fiee (extra E) doesn’t realize is that NY actually has nanny satiate laws. Should a liberal libertine decide to have hawt sexxx with a nanny, it is illegal not to satisfy her. Of course, he would be against such a law, being completely unable to please (or even locate) a lover.
The bottom line is this: imagine you’re Steve Schmidt. Imagine that you’ve worked your ass off to make John McCain into a semi-legitimate candidate for the presidency. And then imagine that this twerp from the Weekly Standard comes along and convinces McCain to pick as his running mate a crazy, narcissistic wingnut who is well known for stabbing her allies in the back and whose sole qualification for the vice presidency has been eating a moose. How the hell would you feel?
You know when you put it that way it’s a bit of a wonder that Schmitt hasn’t become a proud member of the Democratic party.