Teh Wingnutz Are A-Twitter

Some of SadlyNo!’s favorite people have started crowding into the Twitter-sphere after Hugh “Man Boobs” Hewitt blessed Twitter and said it was good. Most are still not quite sure what to do with the Twitter service. Pamela “The Audacity of Tits” Geller, fearing that her message that Obama plans to kill all the Jews may not have reached every possible person, simply pushes all of her full-cap posts from her blog to Twitter. But some others are using it for wingnut aperçus and touching little anecdotes about their daily lives. In short, the Fort Fricking Knox of comedy gold.

John “Hungry Man” Hawkins:


Yo! Yo!! John, he flow off from his crib hopin’ to hit skins and break it down with some conservashizzle beotches or find some new peeps. How do you think that worked out for him?

And speaking of “peeps” . . .

Amanda “Bo Peep” Carpenter


At least she does until her lips get tired, which is usually about two pages into Atlas Shrugged.

And speaking of tired. . . .

Professor Wine Box:


Even simple chores become dangerous when you break out the box of Franzia Chillable Red too early in the day.


Ann’s friend also thought Ann’s Tweeter ID was Anal Thouse! Yummy!!

And while we’re on the subject of food. . . .

Lorie Byrd


Lorie, please, please change the channel while you still can. Perhaps “Bizarre Foods” on the Travel Channel might be a better viewing choice for you this evening.

Another highlight of Twitter is that some of the Coffèemate-de-la-Coffèemate of the wingnutosphere have posted brand spanking new photos of themselves on their Twitter sites. Some will be future subjects of photoshop fun. And others can just be presented without further commentary.

Sassy Cassy Fiano CPA



Comments: 298


Ah, random musings from the self-obsessed. Food for the soul, it is.

Now pardon me while I go purge myself…




I’m glad to see that the bright lights of the wingnutosphere are just as boring and inane as one would expect.

Oh, I hope Twitter dies soon. Except for stephenfry, who is concentrated awesome.

Our Dead Selves

Hey, I try to read a lot of different things.

Hey, me too! Except, you know, I succeed at reading “different things.”

Our Dead Selves

Except for stephenfry…

Oh man, he is the most obnoxious person to follow on Twitter. I don’t need an update once every 5 minutes, man!





Apropos of nothing, really, but I really hate the phrase “comfort food.”


this is my first twitter. must remember to get coffemate @ grocery.


What a terrible abuse of electrons.


What’s next, drunken twitter bikini-blogging?


Sharp peeps = Bloody (Easter) Sunday

Rusty Shackleford

Facebook wasn’t bad enough? What have we done to offend thee, Technology Gods?


Does Sassy Cassie own a single top that has a collar and sleeves?


I’m lucky Twitter hadn’t been invented yet when I was in Congress.


oh, bless.


The fact is, I like the way you move, daditditdit.


Earlier this year, Conservative Justin Quinn posted his list of the top ten conservative books. I didn’t think it was inclusive enough so here are my top 10 picks of the greatest conservative books of all time.

Rusty Shackleford

Muir goes Galt, forgets to leave punchline behind


The fact is, Friday night I crashed your party, Saturday I said I’m sorry, Sunday came and trashed me out again. I was only having fun, wasn’t hurting anyone.

Rusty Shackleford

millionaire lebowski: I got the dreaded “Forbidden” message for both your links.


the Coffèemate-de-la-Coffèemate of the wingnutosphere

I don’t often laugh out loud when reading the intertubes, but that line right there did it. Kudos.


The fact is, You’re lonely for a man, so take me as I am.


I’m sure she makes the REAL bolognese sauce with Genuine Bologna!


Perfect example of Upper class Twits


it’s been said already, but, coffeemate de la coffeemate: I’m stealin it.


Dinner at La Casa di AltF4ouse sounds like a recipe for blogorrhea.


Lovely! Wingnuts embrace Twitter, just as it falls from cultural grace. Just wait until they find out that it’s also a big hit (for obvious reasons) with hookers & crack-dealers!

Now I can hardly wait for the advent of “LOLnuts” … “INVISIBLE HANDJOB” …”YR PENSION-FUND HAZ A FLAVR” … “OH NOEZ! GRAND JURY!!1!” … “I CAN HAZ MARSHUL LAW NAU?”

Twitter – for people who find e-mail too complicated.

Our Dead Selves

Bolognese! That’s downright un-American!

Stag Party Palin

“Does Sassy Cassie own a single top that has a collar and sleeves?”

They all used to have them but were discarded as her body expanded.


Rusty Shackleford

lebowski: that worked. Pretty damn funny. What do people think “nationalize” means?


lebowski: that worked. Pretty damn funny. What do people think “nationalize” means?

No idea, but this illustrates a problem. The voting public wants nationalization, but they don’t want to call it “nationalization.”

I guess there’s two ways to go about this: either rehabilitate the term “nationalization” so that it doesn’t carry such negative connotations or make up a new term. I guess I’m more inclined to do the latter.



Hate to say this, but Pammycakes is right about Obama’s secret plot to kill teh Jewz. Why did Obama pass over many competent economics types, both Jewish and Goyish, and name Geithner, Summers et al? Because he knew they would #@$% things up … no matter what Bush & CO #@$%ed things up so badly that Obama wouldn’t be able to fix them, which would cause Obama problems in 2010. Nu? What does Obama do? He oh so fiendishly names Geithner, Summers, et al. to their positions. So instead of criticizing Obama, Bill O. and friends will do what comes naturally to them — they’ll blame Hollywood Elitists who Wage War on Christmas and Apple Pie. And instead of hating on Obama, the Hoi Palloi will just go out and persecute all sorts of people with Hollywood Elitist names like Farbhimmelbergstein.


Ms. Flip’s reaction to Twitter: “I guess a lot of people must think they’re a lot more interesting than I do.”

Rusty Shackleford

That Bruni painting of Obama is pretty cool.


Twitter is the perfect medium for wingnugget thought—no space for premises, only conclusions. But it is probably useless for actually organizing people for political purposes. So I very much appreciate how they have convinced themselves that their dominance of twitter will allow them to out-organize Democrats. It truly shunts them off into their own little echo chamber where they can teabag and Cleveland steamer each other.


At last they’ve found something worthy of their time.


Twittering lemmings. They should show their gratitude and get Hew-twit a form fitting Playtex cross his heart. If he has one, that is.


Sassy Cassy Fiano has a John Stuart Mill quote posted on her page… heehehee

His is the one that said : Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives.

Rusty Shackleford


Twitter enables us to hear the wind howling between his ears in real time.


One of you nice people needs to encourage K-Lo to twitter because that would be entertainment.


Damn you to hades Trebecktin, that’s my joke you snot nosed punk!

I’ll take A Man da Carp Enter for a thousand!


Here you go, Lesley.


One of you nice people needs to encourage K-Lo to twitter because that would be entertainment.



sheeit 🙂 awesome. thank you guys.

now to plunge into the horrors of klopez’s documentation of constant cravings and silly generalizations like “why are there no clocks at airports?”


from katherine’s fingertips
You can tell Jindal’s used to just talking (because he’s smart and can) — this delivering a prepared speech thing is not natural to him.

What is it about Friday at 3 that makes me want to sleep?, she asks?

The prospect of another lonely weekend with your cheesie bag?


K-Lo: “how does lileks tweet as much as he does?”

Rusty Shackleford: “Twitter enables us to hear the wind howling between his ears in real time.”



Musings about the goings-on in some “gritty” cop movie. He’s probably watching “K9” or some shit.


Althouse twitters People are so gullible. How could I be drinking a huge glass of vodka with no decline in the quality of my speech? <a href=”http://tinyurl.com/d52yve”>http://tinyurl.com/d52yve

Trooper York (who has met me in person) said:

Despite all the crap she takes from the liberal loons, Althouse is not much of a drinker. She is actually tiny and more than one or two drinks would be very noticeable. So this is all bullshit and make believe fun.

But hey, apple juice in the rocks glasses worked as a gimmick for Dean Martin, so go for it.

It works, alright. Sanjaya!


screwed up the link: http://tinyurl.com/d52yve


Musings about the goings-on in some “gritty” cop movie. He’s probably watching “K9? or some shit.

Rin Tin Tin or Lassie?


Blogger Ann Althouse said…

How could anyone believe that that huge 16 oz. glass was full of vodka? How could I be talking normally after one hour of that? That would be enough liquor to kill me! What’s wrong with you people? How obvious must a joke be????
4:47 PM

Well people…how obvious must a joke be?


The voting public wants nationalization, but they don’t want to call it “nationalization.”

This is why CalculatedRisk has been pushing Preprivatization.


i know that most of you have cleverly used technology to block all the ads in the sidebar of the corner, but i still haven’t gotten around to figuring out how to do that, so once again i’m going to let you know what you’re missing. this one is pretty smirkable:

“Secret password to his $1 million portfolio lets you SPY on a famous bear—LEGALLY!”

um. yes.


Trooper York (who has met me in person) said

This doesn’t particularly surprise me, if you’ve read any of her comment threads (and may God have mercy on your soul if you have).

I love in how the crypto-wingnut women (Althouse, Alkon) attract these types.

So tell us about fathers’ rights, Trooper York…



I like that.


“how obvious must a joke be?”

I think there is a PhD thesis in there.


Pretty soon, shorters are going to be in pictograph form.


I believe this is relevant to Ann Althouse’s interests.


Are those tits real?


On analhouse’s american idol vlog, she turns to an invisible person on the couch at one point and asks “what do you think?”


Drinking a 16oz tumbler full of vodka will do that.


How obvious must a bad joke be
Before you impose a ban?


And then there’s Top Conservatives on Twitter, which turns this Wingnuts Go Tweet thing into a competition.


Are those tits real?

I think so.

Example No. 245,398 of How Life is Not Fair.


Lileks’ tweets:

“I like Mark Isham, but having him score cop dramas is like having Pat Metheny score Star Wars. C’mon.”

Mark Isham filmography at wiki. I guessing “The Black Dahlia”? Does it have “a hot bitter curly-haired ex-wife who stilll loves him”?

Rusty Shackleford

I guessing “The Black Dahlia”?

Probably Pride & Glory, which takes place in NYC.

Rusty Shackleford

Jon Voight – a conservative, so it’s okay for him to like the movie.


Are those tits real?

Hewitt’s are.


Yeah, probably “Pride & Glory”

“The actors in Pride and Glory do their best with this cliched material, but the film is so grim, ugly and miserable that it’s difficult to sympathise with even the most positive characters.”

Sounds like it’s Lileks’ kind of movie.

Rusty Shackleford

And then there’s Top Conservatives on Twitter, which turns this Wingnuts Go Tweet thing into a competition.

Did you read the Twiits from the top dog? They’re, uh, yeah…


Get a load of this guy from the “top conservatives on twitter” list

Lincoln Adams (http://twitter.com/linc4justice) United States
One man takes on the world in an epic battle for truth and justice, and for the girl of his dreams… wherever the @#$% she is.

and this dope

Larry Walker Jr (@larrymwalkerjr) Southeast GA, SC
Chief Critic, Independent Conservative, GSU Alumni, CXO, NATURAL BORN CITIZEN. Member: America’s Independent Party #TCOT

Being born in the US makes him special.

Rusty Shackleford

“Lincoln Adams”? More like Fillmore Nixon.


Sue (@praiseandcoffee) Wife, mom, speaker, writer, founder of Praise and Coffee Nights and coffee drinker who loves the Lord.

coffee drinker who loves the Lord. WTF? She must be a renegade Mormon.


kathrynlopez tweet:

“i think i’ve decided this week is the best sunday show. […] however … did ej dionne compare rush to bill ayers?”

I think this is what she was listening to:
NPR Week In Politics Examined


Leonard’s got to set up a profile there as the rep from the Milk Solids Council.

Rusty Shackleford

Reading a Twitter page is like reading a comment thread with only one commenter.


“Anal Thouse”

Rusty Shackleford

Sue (@praiseandcoffee) Wife, mom, speaker, writer, founder of Praise and Coffee Nights and coffee drinker who loves the Lord.

Because the only thing better than a person who defines herself by her love for the Lord is a highly caffeinated person who defines herself by her love for the Lord.


Leonard’s got to set up a profile there as the rep from the Milk Solids Council.



Well, coffee is pretty much my goddess. And a loving goddess she is.


Sassy Cassy Fiano CPA

It may only be March, but June is busting out all over.


Larry Walker Jr … CXO

CXO? Isn’t that what marketeers use as a catch-all for the entire spectrum of C-level execs, a title that doesn’t actually exist in the wild?


Reading a Twitter page is like reading a comment thread with only one commenter.

And when that commenter is a wingnut, it’s bound to be even more dazzling. Wow! This has got to be the most inspiring development since SARS.


Actually, there are two functional usages for CXO.

Chief X Officer – he’s the dood with no real skills but he has a GREAT ecstasy connect and brings the goods whenever the situation requires, or it’s friday, or it’s raining. Shit ROCKS!

Less common is Chief Xavier Officer. His role is to provide hot latin dance music, preferably of 1950’s vintage, at all meetings. If the company has both, most meetings last only twenty minutes before the topless dancing begins…



Hey, what’s the Over/Under on the number of Regnery tomes on the shelves of the Illinois Church Killer?

I’m going with Eleven.

Yo, ‘Lev!



I am intrigued by your ideas and would like to work for your company.


most meetings last only twenty minutes before the topless dancing begins…
Ah, the joys of working from home.

Smut "Fecksed" Clyde

Reading a Twitter page is like reading a comment thread with only one commenter troll.


So if I understand this ‘twitter’ correctly, you give them all your contact information and teyh let you make smart-ass comments on the Internet for free?



Ah, the joys of working from home. in California




Holy Fcuking Cr@P!!

In the taxi, when I asked David Brooks about her amazing arms, he indicated it was time for her to cover up. “She’s made her point,” he said. “Now she should put away Thunder and Lightning.”

Oh thanks, Bobo.

He said the policy crowd here would consider the dress ostentatious. “Washington is sensually avoidant. The wonks here like brains. She should not be known for her physical presence, for one body part.”

Why can’t teh 1st Lady be more like that infamous intamallectual, G.W.?


coffee drinker who loves the Lord.

Someone who worships magic jesus loudly, enthusiastically, and repeatedly until her inevitable mid-afternoon crash.


ITTDGY – Yeah, I expect the press to sink further and further into insanity as this goes on. It’s the only choice they have, professional journalism is not allowed.


The wonks here like brains
This explains the positive reception given to Hillary Clinton’s attempts to contribute to the policy process during the Clinton administration.


I see that K. J. Lopez can’t spell Justice Ginsburg’s name. Of course, not surprising coming from a Catholic & anti-semite.


S.C., perhaps Zombie Rotten McDonald can provide further insight. And such as.


OT but just had to share:

“When your new leader Rush Limbaugh calls for President Obama to fail he’s calling for more flag-draped coffins. Limbaugh is the new “Hanoi Jane.”



Anal T-House was adapted for the screen as “T-House of the Althouse Moon.”

The Zombie Press


Rusty Shackleford

“She’s made her point,” he said. “Now she should put away Thunder and Lightning.”

If Brooks gets a load of Sassy Cassy he’ll swoon dead away.


I’ve heard that the Anal T Ceremony consists of plastic tubing and a liter of boxed red wine.


His role is to provide hot latin dance music, preferably of 1950’s vintage

Pérez Prado says, “Huh!


Larry Walker Jr … Member: America’s Independent Party

In 1968 George Wallace supporters created the American Independent Party which in 1969 became the American Party which in 1976 split into the American Party (not to be confused with the 1969-1976 American Party) and the American Independent Party (not to be confused with the 1968-1969 American Independent Party). Eight years later, the American Independent Party in California (or part of it) joined the pro-David Duke Populist Party, which unfortunately disintegrated by 1996, but not before a splinter group broke off to form the American Nationalist Union. In 1992, other parts of the California American Independent Party (or maybe the same parts) merged with the Constitution Party, formerly the U.S. Taxpayers Party, but they un-merged in 2008 to instead merge with Alan Keyes’ America’s Independent Party, which had been separate from the similarly named American Independent Party, although they are now one and the same.

In 2010, all these groups will merge into the America’s Independent American Union of Nationalistic Constitutionalogical Independent Natural-born American Independent Taxpayers Party, forming a gigantic shapeless right-wing blob.


a gigantic shapeless right-wing blob.

And we’re back to discussing Limbaugh again.


Alan Keyes has his own political party? How does he mange that? He can’t ever wipe his own ass.


The fact is, liberals suck


Dream on, peckerhead.


Alan Keyes has his own political party? How does he mange that? He can’t ever wipe his own ass.

It’s a political party that is opposed to all ass-wiping.


The fact is, liberals really suck


Pérez Prado says, “Huh!“

Love the Puffy Shirts.


Ms. Flip’s reaction to Twitter: “I guess a lot of people must think they’re a lot more interesting than I do.”

Her opinion will change when she sees Jeff Jarvis’ discussion of his visit to the mall.


Not even for a Billion dollars, Gary.


From a twit quoted by Huge H. in link #2:

I frequently send out Tweet to let people know where I am. I have my Facebook account set up to automatically feed my Tweets into my Facebook status update and thereby let all my friends get an immediate update in case they are in the same area. It has frequently happened that, while traveling, I post my location and have people email or Tweet me back with an offer of coffee or dinner.

There’s the new economy, y’all. Cyber-Mooching. Bloated oafs (oaves?) cruising about, seeking a free lunch (It doesn’t exist, you bastards, as you keep reminding us!!) through the ether.

(Actually, after reading the whole Huge thing, I get the impression that people who are more geeky than political are dragging the elders/ancients of the other side into this kicking & screaming, & the actual stuck-in-the-mud know-nothings running things will probably never get any closer to whatever current tech becomes than they are now.)


There’s the new economy, y’all. Cyber-Mooching. Bloated oafs (oaves?) cruising about, seeking a free lunch (It doesn’t exist, you bastards, as you keep reminding us!!) through the ether.

A modern-day version of the Miracle of Oaves and Snitches.


Are those tits real?

Every last one of them, and they’re all on Twitter.

Anal Thouse

“It’s pronounced ‘Thou-zay’!”


“It’s pronounced ‘Thou-zay’!”


“I post my location and have people email or Tweet me back with an offer of coffee or dinner.”

What a whore. Twitter, the new Craig’s List.


Ah, the joys of working from home self-employment.


Yep, I’ve had some of the Franzia before. Not something you want to make a long habit of indulging.


Hee hee.

I LOVE Max Cannon!

This has always been my favorite:




Great googly-mooglies. How long has Max Cannon been holding write-your-own -Red-Meat competitions for his readers?
I don’t see mikey’s name anywhere on the list of entrants.


Everything I needed to know about child-rearing, I learned from Red Meat.


Oh, I get it. The uninvited disappear, & then this mikey guy shows up again.

Also, a pool on when this poor little bastard loses it, & whether he will shoot up a church or just do a 180 & become the most rabid leftist ever.

P. S.: Is it the length of the link that makes so-called preview less likely to function?


His voice rising to a wobbly squeak, he grabs any opening to press the cause. “Barack Obama is the most left-wing president in my lifetime,” he said.

Mr. Krohn buried his face in his hands. “Oh, Jonathan,” he sighed.

Or will dad go first?


I cringed reading that article. His self-certainty is so inflated yet so profoundly unsustainable that he will crash hard. He will probably be one of those insufferable policy debaters in high school, go to some echo-chamber Xtian college like Liberty or maybe Hillsdale where he will continue to be feted as a boy-genius, become an obnoxious pundit for some brief period of time … and then IT will happen. I can’t predict what IT will be, maybe a hurried handjob from some dude in a public bathroom or a run-in with oxycodone, but IT will be the first step toward a public and entirely predictable flameout.

His future self will cease to earn my pity and start earning my disdain sometime around the age of 20.


Conservatives: since the election they’ve gone from being led by a first-term, creationism-believing female governor of a sparsely-populated state with a pregnant teenage daughter, and an unlicensed plumber who blatantly lied about buying the company he “worked” for; to being led by an exorcism-performing governor of a slightly larger state named Piyush (who changed his name to “Bobby” after watching Teh Brady Bunch) whose first major TV speech drew was mocked and laughed at by people from across the political spectrum; to being led by a black Republican who criticized the stimulus as “bling,” and who’s planning an “off the hook” public relations offensive to attract younger voters to the Republican party, especially blacks and Hispanics, by applying the party’s principles to “urban-suburban hip-hop settings;” to being led by a pill-popping narcissist who cannot be criticized by other conservatives or Republican politicians for fear of being ostracized, and a 14-year-old wannabe preacher who became politically aware while listening to talk radio as an 8-year old.

We live in interesting times.



ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said,

March 8, 2009 at 22:59 (kill)

S.C., perhaps Zombie Rotten McDonald can provide further insight. And such as.

I don’t know, ITTDGY. I LIKE Michelle Obama’s arms.

Plus, none of the press ever show up at the meetings. So if they are brain eaters, they’re not in the union.

Now htat I think of it though, they’ve obviously resorted to self-cannibalism. And I don’t care if you’re undead, that’s just SICK.


I can’t predict what IT will be

My money’s on a fatal brain fart.


Conservatives: since the election they’ve gone from being led by a first-term, creationism-believing female governor of a sparsely-populated state with a pregnant teenage daughter, and an unlicensed plumber who blatantly lied about buying the company he “worked” for; to being led by an exorcism-performing governor of a slightly larger state named Piyush (who changed his name to “Bobby” after watching Teh Brady Bunch) whose first major TV speech drew was mocked and laughed at by people from across the political spectrum; to being led by a black Republican who criticized the stimulus as “bling,” and who’s planning an “off the hook” public relations offensive to attract younger voters to the Republican party, especially blacks and Hispanics, by applying the party’s principles to “urban-suburban hip-hop settings;” to being led by a pill-popping narcissist who cannot be criticized by other conservatives or Republican politicians for fear of being ostracized, and a 14-year-old wannabe preacher who became politically aware while listening to talk radio as an 8-year old.

You know, a vastly undervalued skill is the ability to create the “elevator message”, that is, to sum up a set of complex events and outcomes and create a clear statement that concisely describes the important arc of the story.

This, young man, is the gold standard…


Oh, PS and all that. The dood with the nickels covered in boogers gets it.


P. S.: Is it the length of the link that makes so-called preview less likely to function?

I think it doesn’t like question marks in links.


Thanks to Smut Clyde and Mikey for Red Meat comics. I am now considered “strange” by my workmates.


In a binary environment, uncertainty (?) must make the hamsters twitchy.


Washington is sensually avoidant my ASS. They slavered over Clinton’s member for years, and Hillary’s clothing and appearance got more column inches than her policies ever did. Jesus, the press’s big question was whether or not the public could stand to see a woman age in front of us.


If you ever have so little in your life, Another (do you mind if I call you Another? Thanks), if you are ever so bereft of real existence that you find yourself wondering “just exactly who is this mikey”?

I am the model for “Bug Eyed Earl”.

The resemblance is startling.

Actually, I’m a little heavier….




From the Times article on Krohn:

Lunch is eaten at their desks while they work.

It’s so nice to see a school priming middle-schoolers for a midlife crisis.


“He seems to at least have a historical perspective,” she said. “But at 13, there’s not a lot of life experience yet. But as he attends more conferences, he’ll have more ammunition and education, and see that there are more than black and white viewpoints.”

Modern conservatism is all about the grey areas where reasonable people can disagree.


Too late, mikey; I have already installed a Greasemonkey script that pops up a Bug-Eyed-Earl gravatar to accompany any comments by M. Bouffant.


Yeah, well, I rest my case, smut…



My hair & thyroid are just fine, thank you.

Other parts … none uh yer beeswax.


It’s even perfectly descriptive of my love life:




I consider it a sign of affection to sit up all night starin’ at someone while they’re asleep.


I’d concur.

It gets dicier if they’re dead….



Goddam, what, she’s got no sense of humor?



A modern-day version of the Miracle of Oaves and Snitches.
Miracle of Roves and Piyushes?


whattaya got against dead people, mikey?

concerned liberal

i agree with you guys and you say some funny things, but i’m concerned that if we liberals don’t adapt to new technology we are going to be left behind. it’s in our best interest to start participating in twitter and to listen more and mock less to what the right has to say. there is a lot we can learn and it is in our own best interest to be more willing to compromise.


concerned liberal, you forgot to say you wouldn’t be back.


Re: staring at folks, they might not understand what you mean.



mikey said,

March 9, 2009 at 2:43

It’s even perfectly descriptive of my love life:



Mine, too!


Darn you guys and gals for posting a link before me!


Hello Mr. Gopher. Yeah it’s me, just a squirrel. Just a squirrel, not a plastic explosive, nothing to be worried about.


It’s even perfectly descriptive of my love life:
Mine, too!

And mine!!!

Slavic hamsters in fetish costumes… ooh la la.


What a coincidink. Yesterday, Big Bad Bald Bastard alludes to Gene Wolfe; now here’s a Crooked Timber poster with the same allusion.
Zeitgeist is the new Weltanschauung, or something.

Our Dead Selves

As long as we’re comparing ourselves to Bug Eyed Earl, this is totally me.

Our Dead Selves

^ And I totally posted that link to my twitter page, too. Mwa ha ha ha!


I am Bug-Eyed Earl!!


Yep, yep, just a gopher…


I mean squirrel, a squirrel. yeah, that’s it. Just a squirrel….


So going from one right wing twitterer to another I discovered that Allahpundit and Patterico are at war with Ace and Pasty Godlstein and they’re all at war with Michael Steele and Davids Frum and Brooks. I spent just enough time in various comment sections to not be surprised that some are being called pussies, others are said to be faggots and worst of all, some party or parties are guilty of Northeastern elitism. I think the elitistas must be Frum and Brooks but it’s hard to be sure. Here and there it’s suggested that this is all playing into Obama’s hands but that has no impact on the beast’s expansion. It’s growing at least as fast as Smut Clyde’s flushed foreskin and it’s easily the most incoherent blog war that has ever been fought so I can’t be any more specific about the particulars but it seems to boil down to whether or not Rush should be careful when he speaks or should he just say whatever he wants no matter how inflammatory because shut up stupid liberals. Why can’t wingnuts be considerate enough to have a blog war about black and white issues like the morality of photoshopping giant sammiches into the hands of horrible people so’s I know WTF is going on?


there is a lot we can learn and it is in our own best interest to be more willing to compromise.

I think we’ve learned quite a bit about the Republican priorities and agenda the last eight years.


Mikey, thanks. I have on occasions wondered “Who is this mikey of which we speak” and have consoled myself with glancing at this dude. You may call me Another or you may call me Zimmie but you’re gonna have to serve somebody.
One also wonders what the increase in Twitter ions will do to the atmosphere.


Watchmen is 161 minutes of my life I’ll never get back again, and a wingnut’s wet dream. Just bloody awful.

I should have trusted the one star rating 377 people in my city gave this piece of shit.


In 2010, all these groups will merge into the America’s Independent American Union of Nationalistic Constitutionalogical Independent Natural-born American Independent Taxpayers Party, forming a gigantic shapeless right-wing blob.


Alexander Fraser Tytler

The above is the very truth, liberals.


Watchmen is 161 minutes of my life I’ll never get back again, and a wingnut’s wet dream. Just bloody awful.

You are right, absolute pish. Silly little fucker at teh pirate DVD store put it in instead of ‘Doubt’. Still,a s we were drunk & stoned, i though it should be given a go. Lasted 23 mins and 14 secs.

Alexander Fraser Tytler

All socialists/liberals (is there any difference anymore?) would do well to read and contemplate my 5:03 comment.


Hey, Alex.

Can I call you Alex? Thanks, douchebag.

So listen, I got one question. Just one. Answer it and I’ll leave you’re satin-panty clad ass alone. Ok?

Simple question. Why?

Why do you come to a blog that collectively thinks you’re an asshole and say things that prove it? What do you want? What do you get out of it?

I’d be delighted to beat you into oatmeal, but you are afraid to act the shithead in real life. We were having a nice little conversation here, and you, what, wanna just piss on that ’cause you’re a dickhead?

Go AWAY! And take your horseshit with you. Just shove it all right up your ass and go listen to rush. There’s no need for you to come here and be a prick. You can be a prick anywhere…



I don’t normally respond to trolls, but someone needs to point out to the poor cheesedick at 5:03 that they’re in the wrong thread.


I have just wasted 2 hours browsing through the Flickr account of my colleague Peter Fitz, and this is where I try and trick you into doing the same.


really, FYWP, fucken wanker…


I have a great interest in hearing more about Alex’s bondage but this is the wrong forum for it.

Alexander Fraser Tytler

“Simple question. Why?”

Why don’t you read my post at 5:03 first?

Democracy lasts…until parasites find then can vote themselves free money from the public treasury, which leads to dictatorship and bondage.


Sorry Smut, mi amigo.

Drinkin tequila, listening to Gaslight Anthem and writing song lyrics that will never be recorded.

My time is all accounted for. But I’ll check Peter’s Flickr page when I’m homeless…



I read it.

Plain old stupid wingnut gibberish.

None of which explains what you’re doing HERE.

You can’t really believe anybody here is going to think you’re anything but a dickwad. You cannot be THAT stupid.

So. Dickwad.

Why? What are you doing HERE?

And go the fuck away..


Alexander Fraser Tytler

Trying to change some minds.

I was once a “liberal”/socialist until I was mugged by a little thing called reality.


Smut Clyde said,

March 9, 2009 at 5:27

I have just wasted 2 hours browsing through the Flickr account of my colleague Peter Fitz, and this is where I try and trick you into doing the same.

I’d happily trade 2 hours of Flickr account viewing for the trip to Toledo I must take tomorrow for a site inspection.


If only the “site” was a strip club.

Or a festival with funnel cakes.



10 Floors of seniors apartments.


Funnel cakes?
You know of any cakes with Chardonnay in them, Mikey?


We could come up with a recipe, Another.

But I suspect it might very well suck.

How about rum?



I’ll mug all of you libs someday.


10 Floors of seniors apartments.

Hell, look at it this way, Thunder.

You got a helluva shot to get laid…



You might as well, Reality.

We’re busy mugging all the Conservatives…

Teh Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Bable Fish, by effectively removing all barriers to communication, has of course caused more and bloodier wars than anything else in the history of creation.


I vaguely recall an essay by Avram Davidson — it might have been a foreword to “The Island Under the Earth” about ‘reverse plagiarism’ in the late classical era (5th / 6th-cent. CE). Basically he describes a fashion for minor scholars to publish their works under the name of some previous and conveniently-dead author, in an attempt to give them more credibility. Thereby muddying the waters of scholarship with authors now known as ‘Pseudo-Dionysus’ and Pseudo-This and Pseudo-That.

There seems to be a similar phenomenon currently at work among conservatives, judging from all the spurious, apocryphal bullshit being circulated. I mean, there is no end of fake quotations attributed to George Orwell or Abraham Lincoln; and then there is this list of 8 cultural stages, fabricated in the 1950s and then attributed to a long-dead Scottish historian by the name of Alexander Fraser Tytler.

The thread on the subject earlier linked by Snorghagen was far funnier.


Wow. Just when I think the trolls can’t get twittier (twitterier?) some douche like Alex comes along and proves me wrong.

Alex, I hear Somalia is lovely this time of year, if you’re a halfwit Randian. You should get the first flight out. Get a load of that free market in action.

Sorry for addressing Teh Troll. I just popped in to see what was going on, and saw that Alexander just spouted the one line that really makes me want to go midieval on someone’s ass, to (t)wit:

until parasites find then can vote themselves free money from the public treasury, which leads to dictatorship and bondage.


The conservatives are actually busy mugging themselves.

Reminds me of Jim Carrey beating the shit out of himself in Liar, Liar.

And JUST as fun to watch….


until parasites find then can vote themselves free money from the public treasury,

But the Bush admin is gone, now.

The banksters seem to still want the free money though. Guess the banks can’t operate without public largesse. Makes them the big welfare whores, doesn’t it?


dictatorship and bondage.

According to Wikipedia, Dyanne Thorne has a doctorate in comparative religion. “Today she and her husband Howard (both had roles in five of the same movies) are ordained ministers, who own an alternative wedding business in Las Vegas, Nevada. They conduct scenic outdoor weddings as an alternative to a traditional wedding chapel.


“Alternative Wedding Business”.

Really? Hmmm.

No shit?

I think I want to start an Alternative Wedding Business. I’d do it in Nevada if I had to. Just not Reno. I’m pretty sure I’m still Persona Non Grata after the great window breaking episode.

But in the Alternative Wedding Chapel of mikey there’d be a couple, er, unusual rules. Hey, we’re nothing if not alternative. I’m thinking it would be only reasonable, if not appropriate, for the entire wedding party and the marrying authority (that would pretty much be me) to engage in group sex before the climactic “you may kiss the bride” is uttered to an unclothed, disheveled and sweat soaked couple…



mikey brings back le droit de seigneur, alt-stylee.


Well, sorta.

Except in this case its the “Right of the LAST night”.

And it’s part of the package…

Huh heh heh hunh… Package…



I discovered that Allahpundit and Patterico are at war with Ace and Pasty Godlstein and they’re all at war with Michael Steele and Davids Frum and Brooks. I spent just enough time in various comment sections to not be surprised that some are being called pussies, others are said to be faggots and worst of all, some party or parties are guilty of Northeastern elitism.

Like this?



That ain’t no brawl.

That just looks like happy hour at chez mikey on any given thursday…



With regard to the internecine wingnut squabble over Limbaugh’s words and his role in the movement and to what degree wingnuts are being divided and conquered by Emperor Rahm the Sneaky Liberal Socialist, now currently partially available on Twitter, maybe Going John Galt is what they end up doing to each other.

One can hope.


Going John Guilt just doesn’t work on those guys.


Going “John Galt”?

What, is that some kind of euphemism?

Hey, dood, pull over for a sec. I need to go John Galt….



What, is that some kind of euphemism?

As in: Limbaugh just went John Galt all over the Republicans’ electoral prospects in 2010.

Or: Bush went John Galt on the Constitution, and wiped his Galt crack with the economy.

Or: Although Ayn Rand is widely believed to have written the novel Atlas Shrugged, the truth is that she just smeared her John Galt on the page and sold it to a bunch of Galt-breathed fools.

Alexander "Sandy" Sparrowfart

Sorry. I think I have Jonathon Krohn’s disease.


Fun from Frum: “Why Rush Is Wrong.”


I think I have Jonathon Krohn’s disease.
The stick up my bum is itching something dreadful. The doctor says I have Irritable Dowel Syndrome.


The party of Buckley and Reagan is now bereft

What exactly does that mean?


Eating spicy Korean food makes me go John Galt something fierce.


Anal T House of the August Moon:



Anal T House of the August Moon:

It reads so much like Ann Althouse that I have already forgotten it.


Come visit Anal Tea House, where teabagging is always welcome.


Hey, Adolph Titler, you still around? ‘Cause you’re full of shit:

Who penned the above words? If one were to put one’s faith in the reliability of the internet, the obvious answer would be Alexander Tytler. Or Alexander Tyler. Or Arnold Toynbee. Or Lord Thomas Macaulay. Or…

The truth is that despite their frequent use, the above text actually has its origins in two separate and independent quotes, and the author of the first half is, to date, unknown. With regard to the first quoted paragraph, the Library of Congress’ Respectfully Quoted writes, “Attributed to ALEXANDER FRASER TYTLER, LORD WOODHOUSELEE. Unverified.” The quote, however, appears in no published work of Tytler’s. And with regard to the second, the same book says “Author unknown. Attributed to Benjamin Disraeli. Unverified.”


But the person who appears to be the actual author of this passage is none of the men named above. They were not born from the mouth or pen of a political leader or historian or famous author. Rather, they would seem to be the words of Henning Webb Prentis, Jr., President of the Armstrong Cork Company.

In a speech entitled “Industrial Management in a Republic,” delivered in the grand ballroom of the Waldorf Astoria at New York during the 250th meeting of the National Conference Board on March 18, 1943, Prentis had this to say about

Paradoxically enough, the release of initiative and enterprise made possible by popular self-government ultimately generates disintegrating forces from within. Again and again after freedom has brought opportunity and some degree of plenty, the competent become selfish, luxury-loving and complacent, the incompetent and the unfortunate grow envious and covetous, and all three groups turn aside from the hard road of freedom to worship the Golden Calf of economic security. The historical cycle seems to be: From bondage to spiritual faith; from spiritual faith to courage; from courage to liberty; from liberty to abundance; from abundance to selfishness; from selfishness to apathy; from apathy to dependency; and from dependency back to bondage once more.


Snorghagen sussed this out back in October (http://www.sadlyno.com/archives/13322.html/comment-page-2#comment-711757). Put a cork in it, son.


Twitter is over capacity.
Too many tweets! Please wait a moment and try again.

Sweeter words I’ve never read.


Speaking of wingnuts:

CBS reports as part of their coverage of the IL pastor who was shot:

“Last month, a man shot and killed himself in front of a cross inside televangelist Robert H. Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, Calif. In November, a gunman killed his estranged wife in a New Jersey church vestibule as Sunday services let out. In July 2008, two people were killed and six wounded in a shooting rampage at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, Tenn. An out of work truck driver who police say targeted the church for its liberal leanings pleaded guilty to the shootings and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. ”

Could you imagine if that kind of shit was happening at, say, hip-hop concerts? We’d never hear the end of how the reason it was going on was because of bad values.


Could you imagine if that kind of shit was happening at, say, hip-hop concerts? We’d never hear the end of how the reason it was going on was because of bad valuesnegroes.



I’m thinking (no, I’m really not hoping, really) that church shootings are going to be the new school shootings.


Don’t forget the Colorado church shooting in 2007, either.


Althouse tweets that she is having fun with vegetables. For the love of god pass the brain bleach!!!!


From Ann’s Twittering:

Please forgive me for making a LOLcat of myself.

Would it be possible to do so?


WTF? the link oh, never …


Seriously, roll over the non-link @10:25. It goes blue, but no link?


Got to admit that it makes no sense to me. Admittedly I did not try very hard to see what she was spewling about. However the comments are the true comedy goldmine, as usual.


One can seldom go wrong examining the comments. Idiocy on ice.


Wingnuts a-twitter…. the new Kerners Are Go?!

concerned liberal

I agree with you guys but the fact is Alex is right. My heart is with the liberals still but the facts bear out conservative positions. We should all re-evaluate in light of Obama’s tragic failures.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

That Muir bit is fucking hilarious. Galt, John Galt. BWAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH.

Hey youse fucking Objectivists, James Bond is a Government Agent, who has as his highest purposes in life – protecting the parasites and saving the undeserving world. He cashes a government paycheck for meddling in the affairs of successful independent businessmen. If James Bond was in the world of Atlas Shrugged, he’d be putting 9mm rounds into John Galt’s delicate little head.


The fact is, I’m going John Galt and refusing to tip waiters. Wolverines!


I don’t know, DKW.

A bunch of whiny businessman who have isolated themselves in a valley, to live cut off from the rest of the world?

why would James Bond (or anybody else) care?

They would die of starvation while arguing about who should clean the toilets. Sounds like more of a job for the Red Cross. You know, those parasitic liberal organizations.


The fact is, you liberals will miss me when I go John Galt and live off the grid.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Speaking of going “off the grid”, what were the folks at Galt’s Gulch going to eat or drink or do with their copious quantities of waste and excrement?

I’m guessing that the question answers itself.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Who is going to provide Galt’s Gulch with Twitter access?!


I’m thinking (no, I’m really not hoping, really) that church shootings are going to be the new school shootings.

How so?




Gary Ruppert said,

March 9, 2009 at 16:12 (kill)

The fact is, you liberals will miss me when I go John Galt and live off the grid.

That’s probably true. What would sadly, No be without our Home Troll? (All. One. Guy.)

However the commentariat has demonstrated ample skills to Sadly-source all our Gary Ruppert needs.


I’m going to be sending this one out today too, to an awful lot of Nouveau Poore whiners I know:



From the USAToday link:

So many Americans claim no religion at all (15%, up from 8% in 1990), that this category now outranks every other major U.S. religious group except Catholics and Baptists.



And if The The USA Today says it, you know it’s true!

The swirling colors. . .

Xecklothxayyquou Gilchrist

So many Americans claim no religion at all (15%, up from 8% in 1990), that this category now outranks every other major U.S. religious group except Catholics and Baptists.

I can’t help thinking that that’s for the same reason that Republican Party membership is down – many religious people acted like such triumphalist assholes for the last 8 years that it was majorly offputting. I can’t get the graphics to work on that site (workplace blockage of some sort) – are the liberal denominations off as far as the conservative ones?


I can’t get the graphics to work on that site (workplace blockage of some sort) – are the liberal denominations off as far as the conservative ones?

Catholic strongholds in New England and the Midwest have faded as immigrants, retirees and young job-seekers have moved to the Sun Belt. While bishops from the Midwest to Massachusetts close down or consolidate historic parishes, those in the South are scrambling to serve increasing numbers of worshipers.

It looks like the ‘conservative’ ones are going regional.

Just like the Republicans.


The percentage of Muslims, while still slim, has doubled, from 0.3% to 0.6%.

Quick, someone tell Pammycakes. We desperately need more good Americans to join the anti-jihad movement before the whole country is Muslimified by Islamocommies like Obama.


The American Religious Identification Surevey 2008

How Americans describe their religious identity, 1990 — 2008:

Mainline Protestant -5.8%

Baptist -3.5%

Catholic -1.1%

Christian, generic -0.6%

Jewish -0.6%


That’s a biased poll done by a biased group and it got biased numbers. Sorry, Charlie.


Is WooT the new w00t?


…69% of Americans, said in the ARIS survey [they] believe there is “definitely a personal God.”

9% of Americans, said in the ARIS survey [they] believe there is “definitely an Energizer Bunny.”

1% of Americans, said in the ARIS survey [they] believe there is “definitely a personal check in the mail.”


That’s a biased poll done by a biased group and it got biased numbers I don’t agree with. Sorry, Charlie.



DFH that I am, I’d rather go Johan Galtung.


All this Twitterings has done is confirm for me the basic fact I gleaned from the website itself:

Twitter is for Twits.

The End of the Thread



Orthodox Jews don’t Go Galt.

They Go Glat.

Thanks, you’ve been great. Don’t forget to veal your waitress.


Given that evangelicals don’t think any behavior modification is required for salvation, why in the world should any one care what they call themselves?

Question for the Liberals

Why shouldn’t people get to keep more of their own money?


Chunky Cassie went to town
Eating backwards upside down.


Take all your money and move to a deserted Pacific Island, dude. See how all that paper works out for you.


Why shouldn’t people get to keep more of their own money?

Ronald Reagan said it was a bad idea.

Somalia Tourist Board

Do you hate having a government take away all your hard-earned money? Do you have a having a government, period? Do you want to be able to hack up annoying people with a machete? Then you, friend, have what it takes to be a Somali warlord!

Come on down to sunny Somalia, where you keep all the money you can lay your hands on! You’re just an AK-47 and an RPG away from financial freedom! Be the first guy on your block to be the last guy on your block!

Libertarian paradise awaits! Throw off the trappings of civilization and experience life as it is meant to be lived!

Question for the Liberals

Just answer the question. Should people get to keep more of their own money, or not?

Why should their hard earned money be re-distributed?


I don’t know why I have to sit here and squirt gas all day. If I was on my own, I could go wherever I wanted, without being burdened by the rest of this smelly old car.


Question for the Liberals

Shonda for the goyim.

Human Fuel Injector

Bank robbers should certainly keep their money. They just figured out a way to game the system, like Tigerhawk does with Medicare reimbursement schedules. Their creativity should be rewarded.


MzNicky, there’s one place that religion is still playing a major role: separating the rubes from their money.

When Jason Green wanted his team of financial advisers to sell more of Stanford International Bank’s certificates of deposit, he knew where to turn: Proverbs 13:11.

“Wealth from get-rich-quick schemes quickly disappears; wealth from hard work grows,” Green wrote, citing the biblical passage in a 2005 e-mail to his U.S.-based “Superstars” team. He was pushing them to sell $62.5 million of CDs in three months for the chance to earn a trip to Zurich to meet the company’s founder, R. Allen Stanford.

Interviews with 21 current and former employees over three years show that religious faith, personal ties and the iron grip of Stanford himself created a culture that helped promote the bank’s CDs, the center of what the Securities and Exchange Commission calls an $8 billion “massive Ponzi scheme.”


I know our house is on fire. But why should I allow the fire department to squirt water all over everything? My room isn’t on fire. It’ll get my stuff all wet.

I have half a mind to “go Galt” and *leave the house.* That’ll show you socialists.


Man, there is a lot of stupid in the world. their own money. Funny, I don’t see their picture on it – buncha old white guys last time I looked. What? It’s a guarantee from the banking system? Well, what makes the banks honor the guarantee in the same way? A mutual system of cooperation called government? Really? You mean there is no banking fairy!

Libertarians are objectively anti-civilization.


Larry Summers said the current tax structure effectively provides a $10,000 per family subsidy from those making less than $250k/year to those making over $250k/year (i.e. the richies aren’t paying their fair share of taxes).

Why should wealth be re-distributed?

Question for the Liberals

What is the “fair share” they should pay? How do you define it? How is a “fair share” determined?

Question for the Liberals

How can it provide a “subsidy”?

The money the wealthy make is their money, if they keep it, it hasn’t been redistirbuted.

Question for the Liberals

BTW, Bush was not a conservative.

Question for the Liberals

I can suck my own cock. Beat that, Liberals!

Question for the Liberals

Mmmmmm, I taste GOOD.


Actually, the rich should just forget about trading in money and trade in commodities instead – I mean the real commodities. Paris Hilton should haul truckloads of soybeans around with her to pay her bar tab. Forget about using paper money or black AMEX cards – those are all part of the system. Go off the grid, go Galt! Pay for your groceries with…er…groceries.


The money the wealthy make is their money, if they keep it, it hasn’t been redistirbuted.

So you agree that bank robbers should keep their money. Interesting.


It’s easy! Just put a few paltry thousands in a campaign, and a legislator will pass tax law that makes the poor pay for roads and bridges! I get to keep all my money, and free infrastructure besides! Win-win baby!

Question for the Liberals

You don’t own money if it is taken by force or fraud.


it would also follow that identity thieves should keep the money they appropriate. It’s their money now, after all.


You don’t own money if it is taken by force or fraud.

Says who? How many divisions do you have?


You don’t own a lollipop if it’s taken by force or fraud, either.


Please, folks, stop feeding the trolls. There are only 2-3 of them, and they keep coming back because they get fed here.

Are you kids going to force me to get out the “troll feeder” hats and make you put them on? You know who I’m talking to here.


You don’t own money if it is taken by force or fraud.


You know what else? Money doesn’t really “grow”. You can bury it in the ground and water it, but it’ll be the same size when you dig it up.

Question for the Liberals

Stupid libs. Can’t you tell the difference between money earned by people voluntarily paying for goods and services you provided and money taken by holding a gun to someone’s head?

If there is anyone who has anything in common with the bank robber, it’s the government. Like the criminal, the government steals money through the threat of force.

Question for the Liberals

Damn, I love the taste of my own sperm in the morning.


You know, you shouldn’t have to pay rent either.

If the landlord throws you out and sues you for back rent, he is just forcing you to give up your money.

After all, what do you get for your rent? A place to live? But that is yours by birthright!!

Communism, baby!! We all own everything!!!

Then we all can all keep all of our money, while we’re sitting in the mud.

God what a putz. Sorry Tintin.

Another Question for the Liberals

Who won the Cup Final in 1957?

Question for the Liberals

Now I’m sticking my finger up my butt so I can have desert.


Why should their hard earned money be re-distributed?

It shouldn’t. As Lincoln said, to paraphrase, labor should be above capital.

So we should increase the capital gains tax to a rate commensurate with that which the highest salaried income is taxed.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Ron Kuby just interviewed the author of this article on a potential Twitter Bubble.

Rusty Shackleford

Time again for my favorite host comment ever:

“Please, please stop feeding the trolls, particularly unemployed losers like [Question for Liberals], who has nothing to do but troll blogs and apparently never leaves his house since all his comments, 24/7, come from the same residential cable account.

Tintin, 3/4/09

Big Bad Bald Bastard

Wow, Rusty, I hadn’t seen that one… that’s epic. How can this guy repost, when he’s been neutered so messily.

Hey, totally off-topic, but this is a funny comment on intellectual property issues, prompted by a Warner Music Youtube scrubbing.

Rusty Shackleford

Hey, totally off-topic, but this is a funny comment on intellectual property issues, prompted by a Warner Music Youtube scrubbing.

That’s crazy. The guys who wrote “Winter Wonderland” died in 1935 and 1944.

Big Bad Bald Bastard

That’s crazy. The guys who wrote “Winter Wonderland” died in 1935 and 1944.

The intellectual property laws have been changed dramatically over the last few decades, largely at the behest of the Disney corporation, which, it must be said, made most of its “bank” out of characters which were in the public domain.

Guess I have to grab all those Clark Ashton Smith stories now, before some corporate hack scrubs them off the net.

The Goddamn Batman Doesn't Hang Out With The Goddamn Catwoman For Her Witty Repartee, Frankly

Sassy Cassy has great things in front of her, phwoar!


Jebus Sassy Cassy don’t point those bow guns at me, they look like they might be loaded!


(comments are closed)