We Do Not, I Say, We Super-Do-Not See A Correction
It has been an eternity1 since we wrote a 17-page letter2 to Confederate Yankee detailing the journalistic malfeasance that he continues to flagrantly perpetrate, yet we have heard not a single word to explain or extenuate the blatant disingenuousness and total disregard for facts that. . .uh, uh, uh, stupoundingly bamblastic craptigency of the most flagrant and blatant kind!
Hell’s bells, are we steaming!!!
Secret Service: Media Claim of “Kill Him” Unfounded
Don’t have any proof of rage-filled bigots at McCain-Palin speeches, even though you just know in your shriveled little heart that they have to be there?
Never fear. You can always just make it up.
Doop-de-doop, surfin’ the Internet. Lookin’ for proof of rage-filled bigots3, et cetera.
Bless my shriveled heart, what’s this?
By the Sons of Worvan,
1I.e., almost five hours.
2I.e., a blog post of more than minimal length.
3This, the best YouTube video in world history, was by sheer mischance not recorded at a McCain/Palin rally.
Wow, a Galaxy Quest reference?
I bow to you, man.
It’s in his bloodline!
I blame his mother.
Speaking for commie faggots, Stalin was kinda hot.
The fact is that once again, Barack Obama played the race card to try and shift attention away from his radical far left socialist beliefs.
Joe the Plumber isn’t fooled by Barack Obama. He’s an average American who knows that Obama is a socialist.
Barack Obama’s election means the decimation of the American Dream and that’s a fact. If you liked the way the Democrat Congress has run America into the ground, you’ve love the way that Obama will drive America six feet under.
McCain/Palin: before it’s too late
These videos made me very sad.
The raging imbecility on display in those clips is really difficult to parody or satirize.
Actually, fuck that. It’s really, really difficult to hang on to one’s stomach contents after watching.
Speaking for commie faggots, Stalin was kinda hot.
Well, that mustache was always his best feature.
I’d be more impressed by the cries of “socialist” if the people yelling that had even the slightest glimmer of what “socialism” was, or even if they had IQs over room temperature.
Or, you know, if Junior Bush hadn’t started nationalizing stuff.
I used to live in Bethlehem, PA. I kept looking for people I knew in that line of foaming morons–AND DIDN’T SEE ANY! YAY!
*Pace* Godwin’s Law, every time I see things like these I understand how Weimar Germany became Nazi Germany.
You ask these people a simple question (“Why is he a terrorist?”) and they take it as an attack. Hating-Obama is a group-mind, group-emotion activity of catharsis like rooting for the Iggles.
I wanted the reporter to ask the guy who said Al Sharpton, etc., would be in Obama’s cabinet, “What will you say if that proves not to be the case?” Not that he’d get a considered answer, but it’s a good question.
Speaking of Scott Beauchamps, John Cole did some awesome followup a couple months ago:
Certainly puts the demand for Foer’s resignation in an interesting light.
If you liked the way the Republican Congress has run America into the ground, you’ve love the way that McCain will drive America six feet under.
Fixed that for you’ve.
There’s a major difference between the subtle, infinitely more adaptible and vile kind of hate where you quietly but with inexplicable pride support a system designed to kill Arabs and charge for the privilege and the kind where you go to rallies to scream at people for not wanting to kill Arabs fast enough.
The people you’re looking at in those videos would have joined the SA in a heartbeat, but without a Fuhrer they’re nothing but pathetic whiners.
And most of all, they’ll catch up to the rest of America because they’re cowardly, dim-witted churls. Some of them are old enough to remember the issues that animated the Goldwater-era base, but that’s not what they’re out there screaming about. It’s not even a matter of ideological extremism; it’s a simple matter of fucking pathology.
The best we can hope for is to keep their Duce du jour out of any kind power; without mass rallies and state sponsorship they inevitably lose interest and wander off and become unpleasant, mean-spirited and meaningless people in the middle of nowhere.
Socialism is using the Government in a way that punishes private business and redistributes wealth and punishes success.
Obama’s plans for socialist medicine and the economy are pure socialism. Obama’s health care plan will lead to millions losing employer health coverage because they could save money by letting their employees leech off the government.
What, Woodrowfan, you don’t think they would be as willing to yell “I will send my social security check back if you will just leave the billionaires alone!”
Wtf, they’re standing in the sunshine in their cheap pastel clothes telling others to get a job?!?
What’s that? They’re retired? Collecting social security?
Is this a great country, or what?
Yeah, near collapse of the economy that was only saved by global planning, real fucking success.
Is there no one who can introduce Gary Ruppert to the joys of autoerotic asphyxiation?
become unpleasant, mean-spirited and meaningless people in the middle of nowhere.
From the remarks on the video I think it should be became.
“socialism is punishing success!”
so by definition, if Obama is a socialist, and he wins the election, then he has to waterboard himself!
Um, can you guys please stop talking about my hammer? It beeps when it’s summoned and Grabthar has need too you know.
Yeah, seriously dudes, knock it off, we were busy stimulatin some orc prostates. Coz that’s how we roll.
Did you HAVE to conjure up that image?
The fact is, I’m gonna hurl.
Wait until Obama wins the election here in North Carolina.
Confederate Wankee will have to move his palatial Raleigh Doublewide estate to Alabama in order to keep his Rural Route street cred…
Maybe we could get up a petition and submit it to Acey and his minions, the Vogons?
Well that was Johnstown PA fer fuck’s sake. Ever been to Johnstown? It’s a fekkin hell-hole filled with redneck scumbags. I’d make a crack about it actually being located in WV rather than PA but even I won’t be so rude to WV.
[apologies for continuing with the piss poor toilet humor]
Confederate Wankee will have to move his palatial Raleigh Doublewide estate to Alabama in order to keep his white robe and hood…
Fixed yer post.
“socialism is punishing success!”
so by definition, if Obama is a socialist, and he wins the election, then he has to waterboard himself!
Not quite so severe. A nightly spanking will suffice.
Ooooh, the thought of Michelle in leather boots…*drool*
Socialism is using the Government in a way that punishes private business and redistributes wealth and punishes success.
Whereas Republican capitalism rewards failure, we GET IT, shithead…
Al Jazeera goes to a McCain/Palin rally:
Sheesh, Gary, didn’t you get the memo?
“Socialism for the rich! Private enterprise for the poor!”
“Ooooh, the thought of Michelle in leather boots…*drool*”
As opp. to Cindy, who *is* a leather boot.
I’m kidding, of course.
But ser., imagine the cultural events these two are going to host at the White House.
Brandi said,
Is there no one who can introduce Gary Ruppert to the joys of autoerotic asphyxiation?
Totally OT, but I knew a troll who used to go by that handle, Autoerotic Asphyxiation, who would always go on about how he was a soldier and how great the war on terror was and how he enjoyed killing civilians in Iraq and shit. I’m not sure if his intention was to troll liberals or make conservatives look bad, but he often managed to do both.
I totally forgot about that up until now. That said, I suspect him and Gary Ruppert would get on wonderfully.
The joys of autoerotic asphyxiation?
DO NOT give Gavin an excuse to re-post that image of ‘tail-pipe practices’.
What’s sad about all this is that most people would happily join a lynch-mob, if they thought that was the way to align themselves with the majority view.
Trouble is that everyone knows from the polls that the crowds Palin are inciting are a minority… so people who in other circumstances would be shouting out “Death to the Traitors” as loud as the next guy, are instead thinking “These people are not only losers, but ugly thuggish losers — thank god I’m not like them!”
So far Palin hasn’t called upon her supporters to pick up their machetes and crush the conckroaches, but it’s heading that way.
Remember that the Wankee doesn’t just say stuff like, “I emailed that dude two weeks ago.” It’s always something on the order of, “Tomorrow marks one day less than the two-week anniversary of my email to etc.” I guess it makes everything seem more important to McChinless O’Flattop.
Smut, if anything could make me sadder than that collection of video, it would be the analysis you just provided. Not that you’re wrong, of course.
I think I need a nap now. Maybe a cookie and then a nap.
Ah, shit. Never mind. I’m still at work.
Sigh… I’m starting to get behind the whole ‘reparations camp’ idea, frankly.
The most revealing thing is that when questioned, they look away from the camera and start to mumble. The guy with the camera’s asking “do you really believe that ?” and they can’t even look him in the eye to answer. They may or may not truly believe the filth they’re spewing, but they sure like to be loud and angry and act like they’re better than everyone else.
Painful to watch.
Is there no one who can introduce Gary Ruppert to the joys of autoerotic asphyxiation?
Well, Gary would be more than welcome at our conFURvatives site:
Maybe OT, but here’s some Top Shelf wingnuttery from the comments at Atlas’ Juggs:
Also, Pam is extra off her nut because even-the-Conservative Roger Simon is saying McCain lost last night’s debate:
Paulson and Soros now own Bush – it’s an inside takeover that’s already done.
Wow. I mean, wow.
And it’s not even like you can chalk it up to her bleaching her own hair or anything like that!
… but I believe you will see a correction – as of the first week in November.
Nothing to do with Owens per se, but still.
I wonder why there are so many angry, old, white people supporting McCain?
Results 1 – 10 of about 18,800 for palin laconia. (0.26 seconds)
So far Palin hasn’t called upon her supporters to pick up their machetes and crush the conckroaches, but it’s heading that way.
And perhaps the most sickening thing of all is if her masters and handlers told her to do it, she wouldn’t think or hesitate. When a movement’s leaders have all become slavish, mindless ideology-bots, it’s pretty clear that said movement has run it’s course….
Al Jazeera goes to a McCain/Palin rally:
Of course the outrage in wingnuttia won’t be the old man who casually and knowingly called Obama a n****r on camera, it will be OMG, Ayrab jernlists, why they even allowed in Amurka, slandering the heartland, Bush shoulda bombed ’em when he had the chance…
“And it’s not even like you can chalk it up to her bleaching her own hair or anything like that!”
TBF, this was a comment at Pam’s site, not a comment from Herself.
Man, that is kooky.
I was half-expecting a “We’re through the looking glass here, people” in the Jim Garrison-style conspiracy rant.
Nice to see that when they’re on the losing side, they claim they’re going to flee just the same.
I also loved the idea that the UN (in no small part full of KENYANS *knowing wink*) we’re going to come here and keep the peace. Fuckers just slide right back to the militia movement, don’t they.
Damn, I missed the comments part. Did she at least say something like “No, no! There will be no useless speculations here at my blog!”
Oh, good lord
“Did she at least say something like “No, no! There will be no useless speculations here at my blog!””
Here’s how she presented it
Yeah. “Speculation.” That’s what you call it, huh?
Poor Gertrude Stein, rolling in her grave.
Oh, like Wal-Mart does now?
Well, I just went from 256Mb to a Gig, and I am flying! Nothing can stop me now! Took out the two 128s and plugged in the two 512s! Cost me a lousy $60 and change, and now it doesn’t baulk. I’m set.
That’s great, lanterne. Some asshole minor GOP ladies auxiliary makes an “Obama Buck” with Obama on it along with some watermelon and fried chicken. When she’s called out on it, she says “I absolutely apologize to anyone who was offended. That clearly wasn’t my attempt.” Clearly. The attempt was to be a racist cunt, not to be called out on it by people who would be offended.
well, there’s a lot of *something* in that comment anyways.
Well… that does kind of take the ‘auto’ part out of it…
Atlas Bugs probably thinks speculation is something her gynecologist does.
Obama’s health care plan will lead to millions losing employer health coverage because they could save money by letting their employees leech off the government.
yes, that is kind of the whole point (minus the “leech” part). It’s better for businesses and better for everyone.
And she just didn’t make the connection that watermelon, Kool-Aid and fried chicken could in someway be perceived as *racist* I mean, she supported Alan Keyes, and he’s one of them!
I’m kind of happy reading about the minority Republicans coming to the realization that they’re in the exact sort of company that explains why nobody else wants to be a fucking Republican though. It warms something angry in myself.
It’s always bad news when she starts out, “I can’t prove it, but. . . ” At least she warns you that the crazy is coming. Hoo, boy – what a loon!
Socialism is using the Government in a way that punishes private business and redistributes wealth and punishes success.
What? It’s Pull Definitions Out Of Your Ass Day and nobody told me?
I also loved the idea that the UN (in no small part full of KENYANS *knowing wink*) we’re going to come here and keep the peace. Fuckers just slide right back to the militia movement, don’t they.
I have personally wittnessed black helicopters, with that African flag of Obama’s painted on their sides, releasing massive flocks of rabid pelicans into the skies of The Heartland of the USA of America. Yesterday, skywriters funded by George Soros wrote “VOTE OBAMA” in chemtrails over Butte. I only barely managed to escape the bio-indoctrination by quickly pulling out and putting on the gas mask that I always carry (along with a fully erect M1A1 Battle Rifle). You commies may be trying to take over the country with U.N. troops, but when the Jamaican Storm Troopers come after me, the door to my basement lair will be locked and I won’t answer no matter how long they knock.
Shorter entire RX Blogsphere:
“Sure we think he is a marxist, socialist, terrorist, eeevil muslim, tax-loving child-rapist, whitey-hating racists nigger who will, steal all your money, force you to have gay-abortions, ban Christianity, give the southwest to the Mexicans, hand over the government to the caliphate, give your first-born over to Osama so they can chop its head of just for fun before forcing your wife and daughter to become Iranian sex slaves, and in general must be stopped AT ALL COSTS (Wolverines!), which is why we email each other jokes about him being assassinated, but how dare you accuse us of wishing harm on the man!”
“Jamaican Storm Troopers ”
If they throw a chillum through the window, I’m never coming out.
OMFG. I used to live in Johnstown (not voluntarily), and it is an absolute pit. Ironically, the only thing keeping the city alive now that the steel mills are gone is the massive EARMARKS Rep. John Murtha keeps shoveling its way. My husband worked for a company there that only existed because Murtha made the DoD keep awarding them funding.
I feel like a fucking Pelican. Everywhere I look, there’s a huge bill in front of me.
I wonder if I could get a few buckets of that there for my neighbor? She’s an avid gardener.
Kind of OT regarding CY but check this out:
The only way to make this more funny would be to cut and past Byron York’s hair on to the picture of James Lockhart.
I think I need a nap now. Maybe a cookie and then a nap. Ah, shit. Never mind. I’m still at work.
Smiling Mortician: Go for it man! Being at work never stopped me from such things. Oh wait I forgot, I don’t have a job anymore.
Oops, paste not past. I should known.
For me, the best part of the CA GOPper’s comments about her sending out the Obama buck was her saying [paraphrasing] I had to do it because he made such an outrageous statement. That outrageous statement, of course, was him saying “I don’t look like the presidents on dollar bills” [again, my recollection]. Ranks right up there with “HE MADE me smear him. If he had done what I wanted, I wouldn’t have to smear him.”
Two things came to mind as I typed the above.
First, anyone want to bet that the first thought that woman had on thinking “Obama buck” had nothing to do with currency? [nudge nudge wink know what i mean?]
Second, I’ve come to think that McCain is actually sincere when he says that shit about the nastiness being Obama’s fault. I think he really believes that had the O-man done the town halls – at which he believes he excels – he wouldn’t be losing so badly. And it’s goddamn DUE to be President. Obama is STEALING it from him. Hence, he is forced to do whatever it takes to win. Ergo, it IS Obama’s fault.
Yeah, I’m surely not the first person to have that notion (in fact, my Ho clued me in to it last night). It surely does fit well. As the eyeties say, e ben trovato . (If I were one of them that would constitute proof. )
Gary Ruppert is the result of excessive autoerotic asphyxiation. Lizard brain is all that’s left of poor Ruppert’s gray matter.
I’ll just leave this here:
I don’t know why, but this is the first time it’s occurred to me that Johnny McMaverick must be extra-angry these days at the prospect of not just losing the presidency, but of losing it to a
n*gg*rblack man.* Owch. That’s gonna supply a lot of real special loser jokes among his yachting and country-club set next year, huh.__________________
*a young black man. Who’s hot. And whose wife actually looks like a woman.
BTW – PeeJ
Did you see that Craptain Shitmoat has agreed with you on the transom issue?
What? It’s Pull Definitions Out Of Your Ass Day and nobody told me?
Stores are still open. It’s not too to pick up last minute gift ideas!
Old Steubenville (OH) joke:
You have a gun with two bullets. You stuck in a locked room with a hungry bear, a crazed mountain lion and an angry drunk redneck from Johnstown. What do you do?
Shoot the Johnstown redneck.
As in “You are stuck . . .”
Actually, shoulda been “Y’all” in the first place, I guess.
Watch me pull a definition out of my arse!
MzNicky –
McCain is likely extra pissed because he’s also about to lose his entire political career AND legacy, as well. I mean, no one thinks that the wingnut base is gonna blame the loss on their sweetheart Caribou Barbie, do they? And the rest of the Repubs really have nothing to lose by more or less going along with that.
That Shtick never works.
The fact is, don’t be disgusting. Like any other red-blooded Republican patriot, I prefer a dildo up my ass.
MaineMan: I was born and raised in Johnstown. Graduated from Westmont Hi, class of ’65. I recognized the line of Palin supporters formed up in front of the War Memorial arena. Gotta admit, I never heard that Steubenville joke…I didn’t know they cared. Seeing that crowd made me wince; it’s been a while since I’ve been back, and it saddens me more than you know to see what’s happened to the people there.
The fact is, don’t be disgusting. Like any other red-blooded Republican
patriotparrot, I prefer a dildo up my ass.Fixed!
Ahh…Steubenville! Gave us two of my all time favorite people: Dean Martin and Traci Lords.
Is there no one who can introduce Gary Ruppert to the joys of autoerotic asphyxiation?
Sadly, the real experts keep, um, offing themselves.
“Steubenville! Gave us two of my all time favorite people: Dean Martin and Traci Lords.”
My ex-wife, who is from Columbus, used to call it “Stupidville.” Rather obvious, but apt nonetheless.
It occurred to me a while back… adds some bite to it. The same way Dewey was famous for losing to Truman…
Is there no one who can introduce Gary Ruppert to the joys of autoerotic asphyxiation?
Sadly, the real experts keep, um, offing themselves.
Then how do they pass along the knowledge? Is there like some failed expert, like a Republican, who lectures for a fee?
The autoerotic asphyxiation that can be taught is not the true autoerotic asphyxiation.
MaineMan: As others have noted, Caribou Barbie™ is likely destined to be nothing more than a future Trivial Pursuit question. That’d be my most fervent prayer, if I were a praying person.
Shorter Above Truthless: OMG!!!!!!!111!!!!! We’re gonna have a BLACK PRESIDENT!!!!
Y’know, starting out with “Politicians do not control the economy” might work better if you then don’t completely rely on the idea the Democrats are solely responsible for the economy going to shit and in fact have the only genuine control over economic indication.
Truthless needs to listen to the above link I left. Payback indeed fucker.
Uh, no. Not really.
Luckily, the majority of Americans do not.
It is amusing to watch you liberals pretend these aren’t valid reasons to reject the pompous, corrupt windbag from Chicago and elect McCain.
(ahem)……….Those are as valid as claiming that Michelle “skipped a grade, honor roll, advanced placement classes, National Honor’s Society member” Obama had poor grades and test scores and only got into college as a “affirmative action princess”, aren’t they?
You’re saying they have no control over the economy at the same time saying *only* they have control over the economy.
Truth: From the same Newsweek article: “Michelle was determined to prove that no matter how she got there, she deserved her place in the class: she graduated with departmental honors, and was accepted to Harvard Law School.” Sources inside the campaign say that she was not an “affirmative action princess”, but was helped by being a legacy, since her older brother was at Princeton as a scholar athlete. You guys know about legacies, right? And Djur is right: the only people needing to frequently change their underwear over the thought of frequent attacks were people like you and FOX News analysts, who were saying that we had to attack someone, anyone, to show them Ayrabs we were serious. Since the 9/11 hijackers were mostly Saudis who came here through Hamburg and London and had been in the US for up to a year before the attacks, we clearly attacked the wrong people. We should have bombed Britain, Germany, and Florida, where the hijackers got their flight training. As for the financial meltdown, it’s highly unlikely that it was JUST the mortgage defaults that brought the world economy to a screeching halt.. the banking system could have handled that. It was the credit default swaps, sliced and diced securitized mortgage-based instruments, and derivatives that caused the meltdown. Those fish are still swimming, bro.
OT, the Newsweek article on Michelle Obama indicated her grades and test scores weren’t outstanding. She got into Princeton anyway
(Good grief). From Wikipedia:
” Michelle attended Whitney Young High School, where she was on the honor roll four years, took advanced placement classes, was a member of the National Honor Society and served as student council treasurer.[3] She was a high school classmate of Santita Jackson, the daughter of Jesse Jackson and sister of Jesse Jackson, Jr.[6] She graduated from High School in 1981,[10] and went on to major in sociology and minor in African American studies at Princeton University, where she graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Arts in 1985.[3][11]”
Even you should be able to recognize that no one (and I mean no one) graduates cum laude from Princeton without stellar grades and test scores. Just stop with the racist bullshit, ok?
Gary Ruppert is the result of excessive autoerotic asphyxiation. Lizard brain is all that’s left of poor Ruppert’s gray matter.
Sadly, you’re probably right, but if he’s dangling in the air he might have a little more trouble typing. (This also applies to Twoofie, CUM Dumpster, and, well pretty much all our trolls.)
Yeah, but how many people did Michelle Obama kill with her car?
That’s an important quality in a future first lady.
Just what I need — videotape of my neighbors. Thanks, S,N. Thanks a lot.
OT, anyone who can’t score a high GPA from a grade inflated Ivy in sociology and African studies (good Lord) is pathetic.
I note a certain retreat, as if trying to recover from an embarrassing face-plant off your bicycle with the new banana seat.
But anyway, yes, the Ivy league is super easy which is why they spend so much money trying to entice the dumbest and laziest of high-school graduates and nobody wants to go to them ever because classes in NASCAR just do not make sense.
It’s a part of their oral tradition…
I am glad to see you liberals at least defending the honor of academia.
And we’re willing to fund it too, cheapskate. We believe in intelligence, not ignorance.
By the way, Troofie, isn’t it true that Palin scored BARELY 800 total on her SATs?
I don’t know where the hell your mutual exclusive understandings of Michelle Obama come from. You sure seem to know an awful lot about someone you claim has been kept hidden,,,
Whoops, I’m totally wrong about that because it turns out you don’t know jack shit about Michelle Obama. Her “mediocre degree” (B.A. cum laude from Princeton) lead to Harvard Law lead her to an associate position at a law firm lead to…I mean holy crap – she graduated Princeton Class of ’85, and landed in her current position at University of Chicago Hospitals twenty years later. There was some stuff in between.
I appreciate that since Michelle Obama’s a black woman, you are incapable of recognizing that she could have accomplished anything other than yelling “Kill Whitey”. That’s not the basis of a good argument, that’s a racist paranoid delusion.
I appreciate that since Michelle Obama’s a black woman, you are incapable of recognizing that she could have accomplished anything other than yelling “Kill Whitey”.
Well, Bush did speak of the “soft bigotry of low expectations”.
Troofie! You’re an affirmative action advocate!
It’s clear the only thing that will save us is buildibg a shit moat around the blue states.
Obama prefers demand side economics, which I think is a disaster.
Ahh… here lies the root of the problem!