The Big Sophistry Of Low Expectations
Sarah, Sarah, Sarah! But the press just won’t leave her alone. And what about Barack Hussein Obama, Dr. Ol’ Perfesser wonders:
DEMANDING A SARAH PALIN PRESS CONFERENCE: Sure, bring it on — right after Obama takes questions from Bob Owens, Stanley Kurtz, David Freddoso, the Powerline guys, and Hugh Hewitt on the Bill Ayers/Annenberg business.
Bob Owens? Where do I know that name from … no, wait, you must be joking around, Ol’ Perfesser! Bob Owens?
So Sarah Palin having her first normal MSM press conference could only be matched in Reynolds’ eyes by Obama getting charcoal-grilled by random wingnuts on the Internet. Seriously, if they lower the bar any more on Palin’s ability to communicate, Thursday’s debate is going to be a limbo contest.
Dr. Ol’ doesn’t really go far enough, in my considered opinion. Demanding Sarah Palin break a tie in the Senate? Sure, bring it on — right after Obama keynotes a ConFURvative convention … in a skunk suit!
And here’s a thought. Screw Gwen Ifill — let’s have Pam Oshry moderate the Veep debate!
right after Obama takes questions from Bob Owens, Stanley Kurtz, David Freddoso, the Powerline guys, and Hugh Hewitt on the Bill Ayers/Annenberg business.
Bill O’ wasn’t wingnutty enough for the Dr. Mrs.?
Wait, the Dr. Ol’, not the Dr. Mrs. Sorry.
If Cornfed gets in on the action, I demand Rude Pundit get credentials for Palin’s.
Obama takes questions from Bob Owens, Stanley Kurtz, David Freddoso, the Powerline guys, and Hugh Hewitt
Fine with me, just so long as it’s done via that idiotic ‘blogging-heads’ technocrap, where everybody wears stupid-looking headphones or those ridiculous bluetooth earpieces, and talks over each other when they’re not just staring blankly at the webcam.
But Mickey Kaus has to be a part of it, too. Make it a six-way split screen, for extra chaos.
The whole thing would be very informative.
Bill O. is too mainstream for the likes of the Drs. Ol’ and Mrs., Sam.
But Mickey Kaus has to be a part of it, too.
Will there be goats involved?
If Louis Farrakhan is not allowed to interview John McCain then I am turning in my moonbat card.
You know I’m starting to think that Sarah Palin ditching the ticket is going to be the Republicans ‘October surprise’.
Think about it… You remove Sarah Palin from the ticket mid to late October and replace her with a well known conservative figure who is then able to re-ignite the base and get a bounce before the November polls. This move would also remove a lot of the normal vetting that gets done, such as debates and a limited number of interviews.
John McCain gets to look all ‘mavericky’ again and the public is introduced late to a new VP-candidate they know very little about. With the vast numbers of low-info voters out there, the majority of the public sees a VP-candidate having a massive crowd gather and cheer for them and all the pundits start saying that it was a really clever move and blah blah blah.
The above would be if McCain was really lucky. Most likely what would happen is that everyone would start labeling it a final desperation move that only proves McCain’s poor judgment.
Whaddya think guys, could it happen?
Hey! Palin’s already done interviews with raging socialist moonbat Charlie Gibson, not to mention Satan’s Little Helper Katie Couric. Meanwhile the closest Obama’s come to facing a real journalist is a brief sit down with left-leaning moderate Bill O’Reilly.
I think Palin has clearly been the more open and accessible candidate here.
Obama takes questions from Bob Owens
I want to see Cornhole Wankee on teevee attempting to “grill” Obama. It might be dangerous to my health, though, as I think I’d probably have a couple of broken ribs from the laughing fit I mean, look at Gomer. Just look at him! Totally ready for prime time!
George Will no likey McTheusalah/Bible Spice no more:
I demand that Barry Hussein X take questions about some tenuous stuff random morons on the interubes heard somewhere (i.e. “made up”)!!
If Mr. B. Hussein Obama was not a coward he would have the courage to tell us why he is a Muslim terrorist.
Yes, I saw that The Editors had had their “furry moment” as it were this morning.
As long as somebody could control these maniacs and limit them to a question and then being silent, I would love to see the rodeo clown show between Barack Obama and these lunatics.
I’m trying to picture Pam Atlas as a debate moderator. I figure it’d be a lot of incoherent shrieking, some flashes of boob at the camera, and an occasional feasting upon a baby. Palin would love her, because she’d finally have an interviewer dumber and more nonsensical than she is.
Of course, it’d all end with Malkin showing up and howling a challenge in the form of a primal scream, then I reckon they’d kill each other. The wingnuts would get permanent stiffies and be unable to leave the house to vote, and the universe’s average IQ would go up 50 points…
Have Sarah Palin attend a G-8 conference? Sure, bring it on — just as soon as Obama shows up at a Little Green Footballs meet-up!
DA- I’m glad someone else out there considers Glenn Reynolds to be required reading in the morning. Heh!
oh – oh !!
by Greta Van Susteren
“I confirmed for us here on GretaWire: the McCain campaign did NOT know about Gwen Ifill’s book (I think I told them when I made my efforts – emails about midnight – to find out!) I am stunned….the campaign (actually both) should have been told before the campaign agreed to have her moderate. It simply is not fair – in law, this would create a mistrial.”
How could the could the McCain Campaign possibly find out that Gwen Ifill had written a book?
…not to mention Satan’s Little Helper Katie Couric…
Katie really did miss an opportunity by failing to ask Palin if she thought Navy SEALs rocked.
Additionally- look, professionally, I have no problem with Reynolds being a wingnut. The best prof I had in college was a supply-side glibertarian, because he broke down my lefty comfort zone and made me defend what I believed. If I could prove that dumping on the poor wasn’t necessarily a sign of health for a nation, if I could really prove it to him, then he didn’t punish or degrade me. On the other hand, worst prof I had was a loudly proclaimed socialist. Having my beliefs shouted back at me to varying degrees didn’t teach me anything.
So the Glennbot being a nutter…that’s fine. Oh, I can’t stand him for it, but that in of itself doesn’t make me respect him less.
But the problem is, he’s so aggressively anti-intellectual with this stuff. Bob Owens? For real? Bob freaking Owens? UT isn’t the highest of the high, but it’s at least a place you’ve heard of…and a law prof there is telling us that Confederate Wankoff represents scholarship? The wingnuts ran Ward Churchill off for less than this.
Because I know Reynolds actually reads the enemy…listen up, Ole Perf. I can deal with you being a glibby, but when you promote racist idiots like Owens as some sort of source for anything other than a barrel of chuckles, you do a disservice to your field and to the taxpayers who pay your salary. So knock it off.
And FWIW, Obama would absolutely clown Owens in a debate.
Obama should face Jimmy the Greek, David Duke, the Ghost of Strom Thurmond, James Earl Ray’s cadaver, Mark Fuhrman, Jefferson Davis’ bones and George Lincoln Rockwell’s mummy and Obama should be forced to be dressed as Chicken George.
That’s the only way to level this palying field.
-Malkinista Comrade X
short comment hijack, but this is bugging me. I don’t know if the title “Dr.” is being used here ironically, sarcastically, facetiously, pedantically, whatever. Reynolds has a J.D., Juris Doctor, which in no way confers upon him the title of “Dr.” It’s not a doctorate and it’s not a medical degree.
And furthermore, it’s from Yale, which is basically a big salon where everyone’s opinion is the curriculum and the practical stuff is for after you graduate. Which explains why the Ol’ Perfesser expects everyone to wait on every last word he squeezes out about any topic he please. It just gets on my nerves to see the Dr. thing.
Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this? Ayers! Wright! Rezko! Indeed! Ouch! The New York Post says… Bob Owens says… Why haven’t we heard about this?
So I don’t understand, did he just completely space out and forget about that O’Reilly interview? Or, he did, but it was, what–too “softball” for him?
Good gawd, these people are seriously touched.
Since Obama went on O’Reilly’s show, it’s only fair that Palin be a guest on either Keith Olberman’s or Rachel Maddow’s show. Or I’d be satisfied if she appeared on Colbert’s show in a “Get to Know a Governor” interview.
So, let see if I understand this. Questions to Obama about crazy deranged terrorism conspiracy theories or his black supremacist plots are fair – but asking Sarah Palin what newspaper she reads is biased hateful reporting. Got it.
DEMANDING A SARAH PALIN PRESS CONFERENCE: Sure, bring it on — right after Obama takes questions from Bob Owens, Stanley Kurtz, David Freddoso, the Powerline guys, and Hugh Hewitt on the Bill Ayers/Annenberg business.
I’m not up on my knowledge of common journamalism practices, but – isn’t a press conference one of those things where you let people know you’ll be available to take questions, so the journalists with questions show up and ask them?
Did I miss the press conference where Owens, Kurtz, etc., etc., showed up and the Uppity Feller refused to call on them?
“Did I miss the press conference where Owens, Kurtz, etc., etc., showed up and the Uppity Feller refused to call on them?”
It’s bias and elitism to make them leave their basements to ask questions.
Our country, the freedom, country first, at the beginning, our country was based on freedom of the speech, and that includes media. The press business, protecting our Constitution rights, and with freedom comes responsibility. The, uh, mainstream press, media, bzzzork *booooop* they have a responsibility to serve politicians, uh, you know? And that’s why a Palin/McCain Administration will fight for rules, well, not rules, but we will make it very clear that the media’s responsibility is to accurately report on, to *zeeeee* serve and protect our leadership, and not to say bad things about America or about our, about the leaders of our great country. God bless Alaska, America. God bless America.
Well it’s a different situation entirely, you see, because it’s not face-to-face. So, therefore CY “asks” the “questions” but Obama doesn’t get a chance to is not answering them.
Sheesh, liberals, do we have to explain everything to you?
He wants those clowns to receive a verbal spanking that leaves them crippled and incontinent for life?
Oh well, whatever floats his little dinghy.
Dude, where’s my strikethrough?
Dude, where’s my strikethrough?
Use strike and not strikethough.
FOX had Obama locked in a room with BillO, for crying out loud. His inability to cover crazy wingnut talking points is either proof that 1) FOX News is too left-wing or 2) These people are insane.
About a week and a half after the convention, I was convinced that it would. I thought that they would announce that Bristol was experiencing medical issues with her pregnancy and that Palin would drop out of the campaign to be at her daughter’s side. If Romney had been substituted for Palin two weeks ago, McCain would be seeing some bounce. But they’ve waited too long, unless Palin performs like Lincoln at the debate on Thursday. They’ve kept her too isolated, and too much is riding on this debate. If she dropped out after looking bad at the debate, it would focus too much attention on McCain’s horrible judgment in picking a running mate. “Yeah, she bombed so he had to replace her,” rather than “It’s lucky Palin had to leave the campaign and we got a guy who’s good at financial matters at this time of crisis.”
Use strike and not strikethough.
Nor bracket s bracket, apparently. Weird, looked fine in preview.
But they’ve waited too long, unless Palin performs like Lincoln at the debate on Thursday.
That’s how I see it, too. I think they’re counting on her either:
1) pulling out a surprise acceptable or even good performance at the debate, or more likely
2) doing horrible and then the reichtards go on a big screeching jag about how mean and horrible Biden and the liberal media are.
Not sure how well 2) would play, after the ridiculous “Nancy Pelosi was so hateful!” fiasco a few days ago.
Actually, on second thought – this is a great idea. They could call it the Glenn Reynolds Conference and Bobo Wens could be there screaming “Ayers Ayers Ayers!” or breaking down and just calling Obama a nigger or something – and they could get on teevee! That would be fucking awesome!
There is a horrible, horrible joke in here. I’m going to shut up now.
Weird, looked fine in preview.
Preview is a lying bitch. <big>PENIS</big> looks FUCKING AWESOME in preview.
I’ll be.
Yeah sure D-KW. That’s what they all say.
Preview: is a wonderful place where <blink> works! So in that magical land, who is to say if this =========D really isn’t nine inches!
No sheet. I figure McCain/Palin owes Keith Olbermann an hour-long sit-down at this point.
Bill O’ wasn’t wingnutty enough for the Dr. Mrs.?
Wait, the Dr. Ol’, not the Dr. Mrs. Sorry.
Technically, it’s the “Mrs. Dr. Mr. Dr. Mrs.”
Technically, it’s the “Mrs. Dr. Mr. Dr. Mrs.”
I thought the Mr. was just the male appendage.
Also: I keep waiting for Palin to riff on airline food or something. It’s not merely that she’s a joke, but she’s the hack comedian’s idea of a joke. Like the DJ 2000 from the Simpsons talking about those fat cats in washington doing it again.
You know I’m starting to think that Sarah Palin ditching the ticket is going to be the Republicans ‘October surprise’.
Highly unlikely. The backlash from fundie whackjobs would negate any possible bounce, which is also unlikely, given the lack of anyone else who could possibly match Caribou Barbie’s MILFy charisma.
right after Obama takes questions from Bob Owens, Stanley Kurtz, David Freddoso, the Powerline guys, and Hugh Hewitt on the Bill Ayers/Annenberg business.
OH HELL YEAH. Hold that one in a room with a big drain in the middle of the room; stock it with plenty of heavy-duty red biohazard bags, and make sure that Barry X has a fresh suit to change into afterwards.
The Bill Ayers/Anneberg business. It may yet reach the level of the Zimmerman Telegram in the wingnut mind.
But there is one question I have: Walter Anneberg was a very weathy Republican publisher, why the FUCK would Obama prance around with filth like that?
Another problem with ditching Bible Spice is that most states are printing their ballots and some have started early voting. If they ditch her now, they risk putting all those ballots up for dispute. To say nothing of calling a special National Committee to endorse the choice.
They’ll keep her barring some catastrophe. Her being a moron isn’t nearly enough.
ah cain’t call Obama a nigger, but ah can call him Hitler! Fry mah hide!! Fry mah hide! Whut in tarnation? Hitler hated black varmints too?
Well, mah photo capshun still sho is funnah.
Speaking of the soft bigotry of low expectations, does anyone else think that Reagan portrait looks like Jon Voigt with Down’s Syndrome?
I think they think they’ve got a trick up their sleeve.
Remember, McCain has proven repeatedly he goes for the double-down, let it roll, bet the mortgage gamble. “The biggest Hail Mary in the history of football, or Marys”, as Barney so charitably puts it.
I think they plan to have Palin make some utterly outrageous wingnut proclamation, the kind that’ll get Pammycakes and Malkinbot all wet and runny. And then loudly proclaim she has “guts” and “speaks truth to power” and all that shit.
The thing is, they’re losing the base. Even wingnuts have their limits. A lot of them are on the verge of giving up (just look at their comments sections these days.) A lot of them have finally swallowed the red pill and realize that Palin is a disaster and Johnny Maverick is on his way to landslide defeat. The only thing that keeps them from thinking like that is large quantities of red meat, the kind that clogs their brain cells like mental cholesterol. So Palin now has to serve it up. That’s what “let Sarah be Sarah!!!” actually means. Their logic is: if we keep the base, we’ve got a slim chance that Obama will screw up somehow and we’ll win. If the base abandons McCain, Obama and Biden could suck blood from aborted fetuses on the CBS Evening News and McCain would still lose.
So be ready for Palin to spew something so gobsmackingly outrageous that we’ll all be saying, “oh no, she DI’NT!” while K-Lo has a shuddering orgasm and Bob Owens comes so hard his dick explodes.
Probably they’ll drill short and simple answers into her and make her memorize some insulting quips they had Dennis Miller write for her. They’ll tell her to talk small town values and wave the flag a lot and flash her smile all the time, And Biden will still make her look ignorant.
Then Palin will die in a tragic accident back home in Alaska involving a drugged moose, a wetsuit, bungee cords, and a copy of “The Story of O.”
Ol’ Perfesser suffers from delusions of journalistic grandeur and drags his close Intertubal associates with him. Not that they mind.
… and make her memorize some insulting quips they had Dennis Miller write for her.
Yeah, I don’t thnk Palin can even pronounce the shorter words that Dennis Miller would hand her … try Larry the Cable Guy as her joke writer.
Bob, you pinhead. Pelosi is Hitler this week, not Obama.
IFILL: Governor, what do you think our policy approach to the economic crisis should be moving forward?
PALIN: Git ‘er done!
If McCain told me he sought Foreign Policy advice from Palin, after reading all these comments, I wouldn’t believe it.
Tape leaked of Palin repeating talking points
If McCain told me he sought Foreign Policy advice from Palin, after reading all these comments, I wouldn’t believe it.
Did he say he sought foreign policy advice from her, or just that he “turned to her” about foreign policy issues? If that’s what he said, he did indeed, at least in that joint hold-handing interview – he turned to her, told her what she thought, and then said he’d let her speak for herself.
Today was a strong day of polling for Obama. Time for another stupid political human trick from Maverick Thing 1 and Maverick Thing 2.
So now Palin will win the debate because of two factors:
1. Low expectations. If she seems to have an IQ even half a point higher than a 32-oz. Slurpee, she will have performed beyond all expectations, vindicating McGrumpy’s selection.
2. Biased moderator. Apparently, Gwen Ifill has written a book about how the political involvement of African-Americans is different now from before and during the Civil Rights era. Obviously, this means she is pro-Obama (also, she’s black, so she must be pro-Obama), and therefore, she will ask Palin to deliver a detailed explanation of the derivative securities markets, while asking Biden to tell us his favorite color. Thus, the entire debate is invalid ab initio.
Never mind that Palin probably couldn’t name a single color if asked.
So now Palin will win the debate because of two factors:
Also Biden will lose the swimwear portion.
I Think “turned to her advice many times in the past” kinda speaks for itself.
Well, it really doesn’t matter what question Gwen asks Palin, because she never broaches the subject of the question when she answers.
I would just love to see Obama fielding a question from Confederate Yankee at a press conference but only if he stated his blog’s name first.
Obama: Before I answer your question would you please repeat the name of your blog? Because I thought you said it was called Confederate Yankee and that just can’t be right. Nobody would call his blog that who wasn’t straight up racist, simple and plain.
Or if he could get past the blog’s name maybe Obama could show up at TIDOS and address Wankee’s concerns there. Oh right, his comments would just get deleted.
Well, if the wingers do want to lower the bar and turn the Veep debate into a Limbo contest, the debate is already in St. Louis – and St. Louis is already set up with the Limbo bar the wingers think Palin should have to clear. And then they will applaud her stunning and unexpected success.
For the Limbo bar the wingers think Biden or Obama should have to clear, well, I’m sure they can find a gutter someplace.
Izzat yo culchun hay-tidge? Dat ain’t MY culchun hay-tidge!
I’d just like to note that healthcare reform is vital to the bailout– and it’s got to be all about job creation, too– and, uh, the Wall Street Journal!– That’s what I meant; I mean I read that, that’s what I read, when I want to be up to date on, uh, I think if Pakistan won’t cooperate we should attack, uh, Russia?
What do you mean the debate isn’t until Thursday?
Oh, uh, well, nevermind.
[McCain wanders on stage and begins to look around, befuddled]
Uh, John? John? I think you leave the stage over… John? John! I think you leave the stage over to the right-hand side, I… John? Oh, darnit. I don’t think he can hear me.
D. Arisotophanes, are you a Pharynguloid? The Confurvatives were brought up by some bastard in a Pharyngula thread last week:
Nice to see they’re getting some net luv.
I agree with those who think Palin will go out there and just repeat her convention performance in chunks at a time. She’ll mock community organizers, or say something about tax-and-spend liberal elites and soy lattes, and that will be about it. Biden won’t have much to respond to and he won’t get any real responses from Palin. I don’t think anyone is counting on a substantive discussion of anything, which benefits Palin. We’re all just watching to see something wacky happen. Such is the entire point of McWacky’s campaign.
The wingers will cream themselves with delight. That’s all McCain can hope for.
At this rather late date, I don’t see Palin leaving the campaign. However, I do think that if by some miracle she and McC win in November, she will resign prior to the inauguration to spend more time with her family.The McCain/Lieberman administration again rears its head – mavericky!
I would love to see TIDOS Yankee interview Bush.
Provided I could be there at the end of the interview and beat them both about the face and neck with a fencepost with a nail driven into it.
Legalize said :”I agree with those who think Palin will go out there and just repeat her convention performance in chunks at a time. She’ll mock community organizers, or say something about tax-and-spend liberal elites and soy lattes, and that will be about it….”
After this week, can they REALLY talk about them durn tax-and-spend libruls? They dug us a pit we can never get out of- and no one from the party of personal responsibility will fess up. I honestly don’t understand how anyone who has been active in the Republican Party at any time in the last 20 years can even show face now.
“Then Palin will die in a tragic accident back home in Alaska involving a drugged moose…”
Now, you have to clean up the tea I just spewed on my laptop’s screen!
Little dinghy? Hell, man, that thing’s a second navel! And not just because of all the cold water Reality dumped on it, either.
C’mon, she’s only gotta go up against Joe Biden. Can you imagine the hysteria if she had to face, say, Al Gore?
I don’t know if the title “Dr.” is being used here ironically, sarcastically, facetiously, pedantically, whatever.
Mistakenly. The proper form is ‘Ol Perfesser’ and ‘Dr Mrs Ol Perfesser’ for the one with the doctorate (and, the horror, a state board license) in psychology.
A lot of them have finally swallowed the red pill and realize that Palin is a disaster
I disagree. I think a lot of them have looked at Palin and realise that McCain picked her because this is who they are. The cognitive dissonance is killing them. He picked one of their own. They adored the pick. And now they either hunker down like Instafuckwit or can’t bear to identify with her.