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Sometimes One Shorter Just Isn’t Enough
ABOVE: Uncle Tom Sowell Tom Sowell, America’s Shittiest Website™ A Political Glossary Hungry people are just fat people who are too lazy to work. When I was young and had to walk to work backwards and barefoot and through the snow, I was hungry and I didn’t ask Joe DiMaggio to buy me a hamburger. […]
White Like Me
ABOVE: Tom Sowell. He even poops like a white guy. Shorter Thomas “Actually I’m Whiter Than Pat Boone” Sowell, America’s Shittiest Websiteâ„¢ A Racial Revolution? Unless we do something about all the black babies being born today, we will become a bankrupt welfare state, unable to afford to pay even for our own national defense […]
On the Slippery Slop
Sowell, go no more a roving. Thomas Sowell, Investors Business Daily: Is U.S. Now On Slippery Slope To Tyranny? When Adolf Hitler…* ‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™ * Actual beginning of column.
White Like Me
ABOVE: Tom Sowell. He even poops like a white guy. Shorter Thomas “Actually I’m Whiter Than Pat Boone” Sowell, Human Wingnuts Online Race and Resentment If liberals would just come out admit that black kids are stupid, rather than spouting all this claptrap about social inequities, then black kids would accept their rightful place at […]
Final push
OK, I just called Mike Capuano and told him to pass the damn health care bill. Yeah, I know the bill sucks in a lot of ways, but if we let reform die now we won’t get another shot at it for 20 or so years (at which point we’ll already be broke trying to […]
Actual Stupidity
ABOVE: Tom wonders if its too late to getthe Activia refund In a column titled “Artificial Stupidity” that accuses liberals of being poorly-educated dolts indoctrinated by Marxist college professors, the received wisdom is that it is best not to commit any particularly stupid mistakes lest that title come back and bite you in the buttocks. […]
Anti-Intellekshualsm R Us
Above: Have dumb, will travel Shorter Thomas Sowell, The Brainy Bunch G’derrrrrrr … derrr-uhhhh … Obama make head hurt! You know who else too smart? Derrrr-Roosevelt, that who! But smart guy bad for ‘Merica! Need good dumb guy in charge! Dumb guy too dumb to mess up ‘Merica! Smart guy always make smartypants stuff […]
Mike Barone, He Has A Way, With B-O-L-O-G-N-A
Michael Barone, syndicated column1: Strangers to Dissent, Liberals Try to Stifle It Since nobody ever disagrees with them, liberals try to stifle dissent by refusing to pipe down and do what we say — defying, for instance, a clear demand that all media assist in exposing a dissident with communist and 9/11-truther sympathies. ‘Shorter’ concept […]
Another White Victim of Negro Oppression Bravely Speaks Out
ABOVE: Selwyn Duke Shorter Selwyn Duke, Renew America All the President’s Bigoted Men All blacks are racist and hate white people. This is not itself a racist statement because it’s true (with the possible exception of Alan Keyes, Thomas Sowell and about three other Negroes). If you don’t believe it’s true, let me remind you […]
Meanwhile, Back In The Jungle
30. Freedom of speech is dead in America. Posted by John Freeman July 29, 09 05:31 PM 32. I think this is a free speak issue if he wasn’t acting in his official capacity as a P.O. Posted by pia3 July 29, 09 05:31 PM Got it: Freak peen […]