This cartoon rules

I laughed my ass off when I saw this in the Boston Phoenix yesterday:

Matt Bors is a pretty funny dude.

Gavin adds: Um, I would very strongly prefer that we not post copyrighted cartoons, especially from a local newspaper whose staff is among our readership.


Comments: 55


But I don’t even own a gun.




The depiction of Obama making a fist is somehow racist. I’ll leave it to my betters to tell me how.

And then they can tell me how depicting him as having only two enormous teeth and one ear is a sexist plot against Hillary.

Then they can go on and say how CHA HOPE is a subtle clue that he’s been bought out by the Chinese TeaMerchant Triad, Ltd. (it’s still based in Hong Kong, naturally.)

But the best part will be when the Right Wing says it’s all true!


Obama is making a Black Panther salute! Or perhaps a gang sign or terrorist fist jab. The point is, he’s black and a terror sponsoring elitist and Mr. Bors clearly agrees with me, which proves that Black Osama and not Jesse Helms is the true racist.





Pretty good. Obama is not, however, “moving to the center”, which is actually significantly to the left of where he (and Clinton) started, but moving to the right.


It’s funny, which means that all the usual nitwits will be offended (including on the left, if the NY cover was any indication).


OT, thought you all might be interested in this. “Active Duty Missionary” & GI Bill apparently covers the “tuition” to train ex-soldiers as missionaries


Gavin adds: Um, I would very strongly prefer that we not post copyrighted cartoons, especially from local newspapers whose staff is among our readership.

Sure, that’s very responsible of you Gavin. And somebody has to make sure wordpress rnus ontiem.

But I would never have seen it, otherwise.


The mullet on Joey Sixpack at the end just says it all.
Ah, head-shots – another proud American tradition.
Thanks for the free ride on the LOLmobile!


Keith Olbermann is totally gonna go all Special Comment on these bears.


Is that a terror star and an elitist exclamation point above Barack’s head?! That’s it; I’m voting for McCain now!


I’m trying to take it down, but I can’t seem to find the code! Please, not NY LAW FIRM!!!


I’d sympathizeer a bit more with your ‘plaint, PP, but the fact is, whenever I try to comment at 3dawgs, I get rejected as ‘spam’

Not that I take it personally, mf’er.


Gavin adds: Um, I would very strongly prefer that we not post copyrighted cartoons, especially from a local newspaper whose staff is among our readership.

The fact is, if that great titan of The Law, Ann Althouse, couldn’t take you down, NOBODY will – BWAHA-HAA.

Our Dead Selves

There is nothing more anti-American than bears! Shame on Obama for supporting that kind of filth!

Five of Diamonds

He’s black? I thought he was Muslim?


“Muslim” is actually Arabic for “black”.

Johnny Coelacanth

““Muslim” is actually Arabic for “black”.”

And “black” is Arabic for “muslim.” It’s like a snake made of stupidity, swallowing its own tail.


Our Dead Selves said,

July 19, 2008 at 18:57

There is nothing more anti-American than bears! Shame on Obama for supporting that kind of filth!

There is nothing more anti-American than dead selves! Shame on Obama for supporting that kind of stench!

fixed. so there.

And, of course, it’s ALL Obama’s fault. Everything.


thunderpants- shoot me an e- 3bulls at gmail next time you commento, if you ever do. I will massacre the spamulator. Or alternatively, we’ll never post again, so problem solved.

Our Dead Selves

I hate you, gbear. 🙁



I’m probably not coming for you, S,N!


Gavin adds: Um, I would very strongly prefer that we not post copyrighted cartoons, especially from local newspapers whose staff is among our readership.

Can’t we just pass a law that makes it retroactively legal?


And “black” is Arabic for “muslim.”

I thought muslin was kind of off-white.



gbear said,

July 19, 2008 at 15:41

But I don’t even own a gun.

That’s why you’re gbear and not “bear arms bear”.

Your job is to, um, to get g to vote for Obama.

You may find this to be a relatively easy task…



I thought we sent all the bears to Iraq? And what about pumas!? WHY NO PUMAS!?!?!



Purty Unity My (unbleached) Ass!


Mikey, ‘g’ in gbear is actually short for ‘garden’. That said, it’s probably an even easier task to get out the gardener vote for obama than the gay vote.

Oh, and get those dead people off my lawn!


Gavin adds: Um, I would very strongly prefer that we not post copyrighted cartoons, especially from local newspapers whose staff is among our readership.

Tell Gavin he can kiss my ass.

Our Dead Selves

Oh, and get those dead people off my lawn!

Fine!! I didn’t want to be on your stinky lawn, anyway!


I just heard on NPR tha ASCAP is suing the feds for the fact that they played copyrighted music to the detainees at Gitmo for all these years and never paid their BMI/ASCAP fees.

Of course, it was on a humor show on NPR. But I hope its true.

Doctor Missus Marita

Tell Gavin he can kiss my ass.

Now, now Pope. I know Gavin is cute and everything, but I think he’s a little too old for your taste.


You’re in Boston, right? Just go hire Dewey, Cheetham and Howe.


g said,

July 19, 2008 at 20:41

I just heard on NPR tha ASCAP is suing the feds for the fact that they played copyrighted music to the detainees at Gitmo for all these years and never paid their BMI/ASCAP fees.
Creed, wasn’t it?


You’re in Boston, right? Just go hire Dewey, Cheetham and Howe.

If you want, I’ll call my lawyer, the Hon. Charles H. Hungadunga of Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga and McCormmick. I’ll write ’em now, if you want…



The New Yorker should hire that guy.


N.C. said,

July 19, 2008 at 21:41

You’re in Boston, right? Just go hire Dewey, Cheetham and Howe.

One Hah-vahd Sq.
Our Fair City of Cambridge, MA 02138


Where’s the warrant-less searches carebear? I’d like to see HIM bustin’ down some doors!


The fact is, the terrorist fist jab was the giveaway that Obama is working for our enemies, with his wife who is unhinged and angry about liberal bias not working enough. What kind of destruction do liberals need to see before they will be satisfied USA is destroyed?


What kind of destruction do liberals need to see before they will be satisfied USA is destroyed?

Does the slurpee machine still work?


You are absolutely right Gary. When King Obama I of Muslimamerica takes office, you will be shipped off to the nearest relocation center, to be brainwashed and put to work in a madrassas in Kansas City. There you will polish the Koran and clean the prayer rugs.


What kind of destruction do liberals need to see before they will be satisfied USA is destroyed?

Four years of a McCain administration would provide way more than enough.


What? No waterboarding bear?


And, of course, it’s ALL Obama’s fault. Everything.

Nuh-uh! Remember the Clenis. How soon some of us forget.


Oh, and get those dead people off my lawn!

But they’re rich sources of nitrogen!

What? No waterboarding bear?

Cheap piece of crap fell apart as soon as he got wet.


Those bears are so cuddly!

Fooled me Twice

I was going to vote for Obama, but you’ve convinced me there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. It’s just like 2000 all over again! Bob Barr in 2008!


Go for it, Twice Fooled. You can always change your name to Thrice.


What kind of destruction do liberals need to see before they will be satisfied USA is destroyed?

Has anyone worked out a spotting chart for Real Fake Garys?


is it okay to ask gavin how it feels to “strongly Prefer Things”

I’m an ambivalent kinda guy myself

unless I get pissed off …


Gavin adds: Um, I would very strongly prefer that we not post copyrighted cartoons, especially from a free, found in the bottom of every birdcage, local newspaper whose staff is hopefully looking for a new job.

Fixed for clarification.


Where’s the warrant-less searches carebear? I’d like to see HIM bustin’ down some doors!

There’s no such carebear because “redneck America” didn’t have a clue about all those FISA goings-on. That’s what made total Democratic capitulation on the issue all the more urgent.


hey, kids, obama is not moving to the center. remember he’s the guy that opened his campaign appearances with donnie “i hates teh gay” lurkin, and he never ever ever voted to stop funding the war as long as the votes came up in front of the senate.

come on, kids, he’s always been where he’s been. it’s just the earth revolving around him, so you don’t notice.


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