(Barely) Shorter Ole Perfesser Reynolds


‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 58

The Central Scrutinizer

You’re plooving me too hard!


Via the Ole Perfersser, the wonder that is Jonah, writing in response to a reader who emailed to chastise The Corner for ignoring the Gramm story yesterday:

My own excuse is that this is one of these stories that I somehow missed until late in the day, not sure why that is. Anyway, this is just another example of why I’ve always wanted Phil Gramm to be president of the United States and why that can never, ever, happen.

Because it’s a peeve of mine, my ears always seem to be catching people talking about how much we need straight talkers in this country who won’t cave to their handlers, won’t spin, won’t poll-test their views. And yet, whenever somebody speaks honestly, down comes the thunder. I think this is a bipartisan phenomenon, by the way.

Anyway, I think Gramm’s comments were politically dumb but substantially correct.

Phil Gramm is the Straight-Talk Turtle, popping out his shell and speaking the right-wing mind at an editorial board office near you.


Brad- Thank you.


BWAHAHAHA Yet another anti-gay Republican politician caught being gay.

The comedy hits just keep coming from the GOP.


“Anyway, I think Gramm’s comments were politically dumb but substantially correct.”

My, my. Jonah fancies himself quite the chicken-pen Machiavelli, doens’t he?

This guy wouldn’t publish a letter to the editor without Mommy’s number on his speed-dial.


When society collapses, Jonah will be the first to go. His carcass could feed a family of four for a week.


There’s something really special about the right accusing people of whining about the economy. There’s this made-up statistic, GDP, that has to decrease for two quarters. But GDP is an overall aggregate of both productive and unproductive economic activity. If you want to see what so many people are worried, look at real median income. The median is a better estimate of the “average” than the mean in a highly skewed distribution — which the income distribution certainly is!


Shorter Jonah: Marie Antoinette was a victim of the PC Police.


PeeJ: “BWAHAHAHA Yet another anti-gay Republican politician caught being gay.”

Hey, in all fairness, he was caught by his wife. Since he was married and never coveted his neighbors WIFE, isn’t he still within the holy confines of the Jesus Approved Life (TM)?


Michael – not to mention the fact that the CPI is doing a lousy job of measuring inflation because the absolute biggest price increases come in food and fuel, two commodities that we really can’t live without.


Gramm, McCain and the GOP to America: Nothing to see here, folks.

[If that fails, they can always turn to the old reliable: “But, but, but, Clinton!”]


From the FAQ page:

… for my whole life people have been asking the rhetorical question, “You’re not like other people, are you?” No, I’m not.

Christ, he’s a real Cyborg-Lovin’-Ninja of understatement there, huh?

Hmm. Here’s an idea. You think we could convince Bush to moonlight as McCain’s new campaign director? I mean, it’s not as though he’s exactly stretching his limits right now, to put it mildly – & his proven track-record when faced with a real challenge is just what America needs right now … IF he’s spinning his special brand of (Black) Magic by working for McCain’s campaign, that is. Shit, Obama could spend 2/3 of the debates power-napping & STILL wind up using McCain for a toe-rag … you gotta admit, my idea would finally put the good clean fun back in US politics, a realm where it’s been absent ever since Gerald Ford did that guest-cameo on “Rhoda” – I think it’s at least worth a shot.

Don’t laugh – despite Bush’s record to date, I sincerely believe he CAN become even more idiotic & pathetic, & that this unique phenomenon of UberStoopid CAN be used to America’s advantage, if only it can be directed toward the appropriate ends.


When society collapses, Jonah will be the first to go. His carcass could feed a family of four for a week.
Unfortunately not as it is as completely toxic as his writing and could kill an elephant.


Brad – Yup. I can’t believe that we exclude food and fuel from our inflationary measures. These are the forces that are driving inflation. The economy is approaching the end of a Wiley Coyote moment. We’ve run over the edge of the cliff, but the financial class is looking at statistics that are two or three steps removed from the hardship (CPI, GDP, et al). These haven’t yet caught up with everything else, but eventually the extra fuel cost must show up in other goods in the CPI market basket. Then maybe those brilliant, brilliant professors can conclude that there’s bad times ahead.


My own excuse is that this is one of these stories that I somehow missed until late in the day, not sure why that is.

As much as it pains me to defend Herr Pantload, he missed it because NOBODY WAS FUCKING REPORTING IT! CNN had no stories on their site until they finally got St. McCain to disavow the statement. CBS ran it last night on the news with the Jesse Jackson so they could provide the requisite “Both sides do it” spin.

If McCain had kept his mouth shut it probably would have died down and nobody would ever have heard of it except us DFF’s who like to read what some dude with a blog has to say.

Is it too early to start drinking?


Hey, in all fairness, he was caught by his wife. Since he was married and never coveted his neighbors WIFE, isn’t he still within the holy confines of the Jesus Approved Life (TM)?

From PeeJ’s link: Bonus: The dude’s wife caught him, in their bed.

You know that verse in Leviticus the fundies always quote? What this guy did is what many liberal Christians think is the ONLY thing that verse actually forbids, based on a literal translation…


The statement Gramm made is correct. Why are you liberals so huffy about it? Time to work harder and stop whining. The economy is awesome right now. If people are poor, its their own fault. Who needs socialism to prop up parasites? I got mine, and so do those who count, here in the heartland. Why should we care about the lazy slackers? Let them starve and die, and let the laws of economics create efficiencies.


Oooh tig, that’s good. Very good.

Jaded Metal Head

When Jonah kisses his mommy does it taste like LBJ’s cock?

Dragon-King Wangchuck

BWAHAHAHA Yet another anti-gay Republican politician caught being gay

Well, this all depends on what type of teh ghey secks they were engaged in. As RB reminded us eatin’ ain’t cheatin’. So if they were just sucking each others’ cocks than that’s not even teh ghey, that just g0y intimacy.


I know a business owner, pretty conservative, she’s loaded, the business has some long term contracts still in good standing and she’s fucking terrified about the economy. Like “we have enough to cover my family for a year”, but I don’t know what we’ll do after that.

This won’t end well.


Stop your whining, Mr. Hedge Fund Manager. It’s all in your mind.


For those interested in the fiddling that’s been going on with government economic statistics over the past 40 years (at least!), see Kevin Phillips’ article in Harper‘s, Numbers Racket.


D-K W: I posted the original g0y link so I probably should have included the disclaimer you mention. Nah, the g0ys are batshit fucking loonietunes, they are. I wouldn’t be at all surprised to find out the, er, “top” people are the same closeted frat boys I fucked in college.

Jaded: How rude of you to refer to Joanh’s mommy as an “it.” I suppose that’s what Jonah would call a gaffe, eh?


Loretta Nall, via PeeJ’s Wonkette link:

I have some friends in pretty high places in Alabama politics so I called one of them up with the juicy details. They told me they heard a rumor about his sexual orientation some six months ago from a former reporter with a large, credible newspaper in Alabama. I also know that reporter and knew them to be very credible. The rumor at the time was that Troy’s mystery man was his old college roommate who he gave a position to when he took over the AG office in 2004. Supposedly when Troy was out of town so was lover boy.

The story then became that the mystery man was a young man who had just graduated from Troy University and was the Homecoming King(no pun intended) (God that gets confusing…Troy King with the homecoming king who graduated from Troy) and that was who the wife walked in on. Then a few weeks later Troy and his boy toy from Troy were spotted at the YMCA (not kidding) engaging in….ummmm….inappropriate activities. Yeah…at the YMCA…made famous by the Village People. Apparently Troy has no inkling of what it means to be ‘discreet’.

GOP history repeats itself. First time as stereotyped fiction, second time as reality.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

batshit fucking loonietunes

You’re being too kind. But I, for one, look forward to a kindler, gentler and more enlightened time – when “cocksucker” will mean one who has great empathy for his fellow well-hung man.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Ahh, Jonah. You always bring a little outrage into my life.

Goldberg April 15, 2008 at the Cornhole:

I don’t mind him saying that small town blue collar workers are bitter over lost jobs. I think that’s objectively true in some cases and perfectly defensible as a general statement. The offending word here is “cling.” It’s a word drenched in haughtiness and condescension.

Goldberg April 15, 2008 at the La Times:

Later, when his comments sparked a controversy, he dismissed it as a “little typical sort of political flare-up because I said something that everybody knows is true.”

But everybody doesn’t know anything of the sort. Not in this decade anyway. Obama’s merely recycling the liberal cliches of the 1980s, namely that Pennsylvania’s “bitter” voters have been duped by “wedge issues” like guns, religion and racial resentment.

Coming up next, Goldberg explains how Phil Gramm is out of touch and has no idea about what’s going on in.


The fact is, whiny Americans complaining about high prices wouldn’t have so much of a problem if they just WORKED A LITTLE HARDER.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

umm in. I don’t know – should try not to comment while I’m actually working on in other stuff or you might start seeing Excel tables in here.


Who needs socialism to prop up parasites? I got mine, and so do those who count, here in the heartland. Why should we care about the lazy slackers? Let them starve and die, and let the laws of economics create efficiencies.

One day, my friend, you will be too sick &/or too old to make your way. Time marches on, & money gets spent or devalued into pretty toilet-paper … then a most unpleasant hour comes when you realize that YOU are now the “parasite” of which you once spoke so callously. Are you fool enough to quietly perish like a lost ant when it’s your turn to suffer that horror? Which is more important: economics or life?

Your glorious “heartland” has already largely been written off. The only thing you “count” as is cannon-fodder & a milch-cow for more tax-funds & consumer-debt. Even the blacks in New Orleans made news for MUCH longer than the flooded Iowans have, because the “heartland” is simply off the nation’s radar, by design. In case you didn’t notice: Middle-America is being intentionally kept isolated, destitute & ignorant by the same neocon asshats that keep jiving it into thinking they’re it’s Numero Uno Best-Buds, & you keep right on bending over that hood & slapping on yet another layer of KY for them. May one inquire why?

The “lazy slackers” won’t be so polite as to simply “starve and die” – they’ll form informal warlord-armies that will quite happily put a gun to your head for whatever you have that they want. Pray to your imaginary sky-cop that they still have enough residual mercy not to turn your skull-contents into a kinetic sculpture after you fork it over. Your psychopathic version of “the laws of economics” will create the “efficiencies” of pure unmitigated anarchy, & you will become a plaything for competing warlords with neither patience for your excuses nor mercy for your shortcomings. Would you rather be their helpless little he-bitch, or await the arrival of a horrific death of sheer burning misery with no food or water? At least you’ll have “Freedom Of Choice” in that regard. Again, pray like you’ve never prayed before that your little sick sad daydreams never come to pass – they would kill you, very agonizingly & very slowly.

Dragon-King Wangchuck

Josh Marshall has a beauty of a clip compilation of why it’ll be hard for JiSM3 to quit Phill Gramm.


This attitude is universal among filthy rich Republican elites. I rememebr a recent episode of Left Right and Center where Tony Blankley said that US citizens should stop being so pessimistic about the Bush economy, and compared the US economy to that of, say, Egypt, so in effect we should be counting our blessings. This got derisive laughter from both Robert Scheer and Mat Miller, who said he wouldn’t recommend “The US Economy – It’s Better Than Egypt!” as a campaign slogan.


The fact is, The Heartland doesn’t take kindly to Washington politicians saying that we’re bitter. We do, however, take kindly to Washington politicians saying that we’re whiners. Why? Because, um…see, the thing is…well, the fact of the matter is…the truth of the situation is…um…kinda…it’s…uh…poopie.


My own excuse is that this is one of these stories that I somehow missed until late in the day, not sure why that is.

Oh my frakking GODDDDD!!!!

I’d ask how he keeps his job, but I know why – the market for right-wing apologists is that big, and the supply of actual thinkers who can stomach it is that small.

But does he have to keep his job??

Anyway, I think Gramm’s comments were politically dumb but substantially correct.

And the near-certainty that Jonah actually believes Gramm was correct, is central to my point: the supply of actually intellectually honest thinkers who can stomach it is currently zero.


The fact is, The Heartland doesn’t take kindly to Washington politicians saying that we’re bitter. We do, however, take kindly to Washington politicians saying that we’re whiners. Why? Because, um…see, the thing is…well, the fact of the matter is…the truth of the situation is…um…kinda…it’s…uh…

We interrupt this train of thought for a special bulletin: Barack Obamamuslimgaymarriagefetus Bin Lesbiantigun’s baby mama 9/11!!!!


Who needs socialism to prop up parasites? I got mine, and so do those who count, here in the heartland. Why should we care about the lazy slackers? Let them starve and die, and let the laws of economics create efficiencies.

Here’s the thing: I don’t hear Phil Graham saying tough love for the banks and their investors.

Somehow all the banks and stockbrokers who made **bad business decisions** that were **their own responsibility** because they were too LAZY and/or STUPID to consider the risks they were taking – they all get bailed out.

Welfare for the rich, but tough love for the masses.

The rationale for bailing out the banks, was the hit the economy would take otherwise. The thing is, this rationale works just as well for the poor. If they lose their houses and their jobs, they won’t have any money to buy anything – and that’ll take the economy just as bad.

But if one is concerned with only fairness, and not with pragmatic concerns about the economy – if the poor shouldn’t be bailed out and should have to take it on their chin, then so should the rich.

Wouldn’t you agree that’s fair?


Sowell-fan probably self-identifies as a good, decent churchgoing Christian, too. if that is so, i would love to hear it try to reconcile its wretched “fuck/kill the poor” attitude with Matthew 25:35-45

I may no longer be a churchgoer, or a believer in particular, but that has always stuck with me


Dear jim and another jim:
I am a FAKE troll. Please ignore me.


Grace Nearing said,
July 11, 2008 at 20:41

That is one scary fucking article.

The real numbers, to most economically minded Americans, would be a face full of cold water. Based on the criteria in place a quarter century ago, today’s U.S. unemployment rate is somewhere between 9 percent and 12 percent; the inflation rate is as high as 7 or even 10 percent; economic growth since the recession of 2001 has been mediocre, despite a huge surge in the wealth and incomes of the superrich, and we are falling back into recession.


RB: It’s pretty funny how the regressives have put on the victim hat. They just don’t understand the differences for being persecuted for your race and being persecuted for your ideas. (Hint: sometimes your ideas are wrong. We’re allowed to make fun of you then in the hope that you’ll change them.)


I am a FAKE troll. Please ignore me.

That’s what YOU say.

ok, ok. 🙂

Shorter Star Parker

Linky dinky doo

The fact is, the public’s digust with Republicans and conservative politics only means that they’re actually disgusted with Democrats and liberal politics. I can haz wingnut welfare now?


<>Josh Marshall has a beauty of a clip compilation of why it’ll be hard for JiSM3 to quit Phill Gramm.

Brokeback JiSM3 to Phil: “I wish I could quit you.”

I can smell the Photoshop!


Gary, that’s for posting that Harper’s article. Rock solid read; for years I had people telling me “the GDP is strong, unemployment is low, inflation is low, why do you think the economy is in trouble?”

It’s like the Accountant joke. 3 people apply for the job of Accountant. The interviewer asks the first guy “What’s two and two?” Applicant answers “Four!”. Interviewer sends him on his way.

Interviewer asks second guy “What’s two and two?” Applicant says “well, if you mean two plus two, then it’s four. But it could also mean 22.” Interviewer sends him on his way.

Interviewer asks third guy “What’s two and two?” Applicant gets up, closes the door, shuts the blinds, then turns to the interviewer and asks “What do you need it to be?”


Err, meant to thank Grace… carry on.


Here’s an economist joke I’ve liked since I first heard it.

An accountant and an economist are walking down the street, and see a piece of dogshit. The accountant says, “I’ll pay you $10 if you eat that.”

The economist eats it, and the accountant pays him. They walk another block, and see an even larger piece of dogshit. The economist says, “I’ll pay you $10 if you eat that.

The accountant eats it, the economist pays him, and they walk a little further. Then the account stops and says:

“You know what? We’ve both eaten dogshit, and neither of us have any more money to show for it.”

“Yes,” says the economist, “but together we generated $20 for the economy!”

Rugged in Montana

If they eventually produce “cyberbabes”, it will result in some idiot producing cyber pelicans. Now, as bad as those blood-sucking vampire-zombies are, I can at least fend them off with the aid of the dreaded badgers. However, if the new generation cyber pelicans are built with “Terminator” technology, there will be no stopping them. I don’t know if my basement lair’s door is strong enough to stand up to an attack by a terminator-type pelican. How am I supposed to defend my collection of my bodily fluids (all neatly stacked in clearly labeled and catalogued mason jars, on rows of sturdy shelving) from the Islamosexuals if the door is broken down by a super-pelican??? We, here in The Heartland of the USA of America are pleading with you: STOP WORKING ON THE CYBERBABES, NOW!!!


Too late! We iz in ur Mantunas. We haz plan.


Well, if you’re going to include economist/accountant jokes, I have one other:

Company X sends 3 accountants and 3 economists to a one-day convention at a neighboring city. It gives each person enough cash for two one-way train tickets. (there & back) The 3 accountants walk to the ticket counter, and buy 3 tickets. Then, the 3 economists walk to the ticket counter,buy 1 ticket, and board the train, much to the confusion of the accountants. As soon as the train starts and the ticket takers begin checking tickets, the 3 accountants hold up their tickets, and look over at the economicsts. The 3 economists rush down the train, and all 3 pack themselves into a single bathroom; when the ticket taker boards the car & knocks on the bathroom door, a single hand with a ticket pokes out, the ticket taker punches the ticket, and continues on. The rest of the train ride down, the economists enjoy drinks in the dining car with their extra money.

After the convention is over, everyone heads to the train station to go home. The 3 accountants walk to the ticket counter, purchase a single ticket, and knowingly wink at the economists. But the 3 economists simply stride directly onto the train, bold as brass. The accountants exchange puzzled looks, but climb onboard anyway. As soon as the train starts, the 3 accountants rush down to the nearest bathroom, and all pile inside. They hear a knock at the door, and one sticks out his hand with the ticket to be punched. But instead, the ticket is taken away! The 3 accountants all stick their heads out the door, puzzled, and see the 3 economists running like mad towards the next bathroom.

The Really Real Gary Ruppert

The scriptblocker addon I installed into FF does a nice job of blocking instapundit – the whole f-ing site is scripts.

The minute I say “OK” to scripts on crazed wingnut websites is the day you can sell me the Bridge over the East River.

The first time I looked at the crazed wingnut freeper site, it tried to put all kinds of privildged (sp) cookies on my system.

Beware the evil wingnuts: their evil comes in many flavors, and sometimes they do it very sneak-ily.

I’m sure this all comes as a big “doh” to everyone here…so nevermind.


jonah always gets it wrong…
‘anyway, i think grahamm’s comments were substantially dumb but politivally correct’.



or politically.


I’m living in Tokyo and there is a show on the teevee that takes a news story from a foreign broadcaster and uses it as the basis for an Engrish lesson. They show the story several times – with Japanese subtitles and then with English subtitles – then they break down the sentences individually and focus on any words that may be new or difficult for the Japanese audience.

Last night, we learned the word “Whiner”.

A Horde Of Prehistoric Nomadic Barbarians

We’re definitely onside with Reynolds on this one. You modern softies are all emo about “waaah, how do I feed my children AND take care of my ailing grandparents on my fixed budget, waaahhh” … for us, that one’s easy!

Feed the elderly to the hungry sprogs.

Yeah, yeah, sure, you can strangle them first – if you’re all anti-educational & such like.
It’s called “killing 2 birds with 1 stone” for a reason, people.

And don’t you even DREAM of bitching to us about your property taxes, or we’ll burn down your village – AFTER the raping looting & slaughter, that is..


A Horde Of Prehistoric Nomadic Barbarians said: We’re definitely onside with Reynolds on this one.

Makes sense. Where do you stand on the whole robot-body issue?


Marie Antoinette was a victim of the PC Police
The pamphleteers were pretty free with their interpretation of events . The bitterness of high taxes on the public was the root of that , meager sources of protein .
Antoinette was not one whisker different than any other Austrian princess or any other garden variety royalty . Marie had an accent , and an unfortunate , clumsy , syntax which was interpreted for stoking the anger of the political fires which burned righteously against the idiot government – monarchy .
Marie Antoinette was as responsible for the misery of the starving population of France as Laura is responsible for who her big strong hubby holds hands with , his posed and unposed awkward syntax , or his families famous inattention to details outside of their own intimate needs .
Or I just made that all up
You decide
Or not …



It’s a word drenched in haughtiness

Haughtiness is one of those smelled-it/dealt-it kind of words.


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