This Will Certainly Clear Things Up
Above: Email sent to the Tennessee Center for Policy Research
Update: Simba asked if the 81,261 unread messages are real or a Photoshop trick. Nono, they’re all too real.
In fact, I’ve been meaning to say something since I got back (or actually since before I left) about how awful we’ve been at replying to mail lately, and about the insidious, crushing guilt from the tips unfollowed and comments unrejoined. If you’ve sent something and we haven’t replied, please don’t take it personally. We’ll be a lot better at replying promptly from now on.
…Or at least I will; I can never quite tell what anyone else is up to around here, from one day to the next.
The fact is, if you’d just read a book by DR. Thomas Sowell, you’d understand how smart economics makes us come up with this solution. Duhhhh.
Gavin M … more screenshots from your Gazoogle mail please. I wanna know what your “status messages” are
Dear Gavin M, you are a poopy pants. And Al Gore is fat. This proves our point.
I would be interested to know if the 81,000-odd unread mail messages is a ‘Shop.
Spam(1841) Geez, you must’ve had that account for at least a week!
Rats! I stepped in Gary Ruppert again!
You sir, are worse than Hitler!!!11!
You lousy liberals. You are evil bad people. I hate all liberals. You lousy liberals and all your “facts”. What a despicable tactic it is to use facts.
Can I get a cookie now?
No problem. The Chicago School of Supply-Side Statistics lifts all numbers.
Trickle charge that!
Oh come on, Gav. You know they’re not going to be so stupid as to reply, don’t you?
fucking citizen journalists. always meddling in places they don’t belong.
What you people need to realize is that Al Gore, due entirely to his service to the Clintons, and most importantly, Hillary Clinton, that shining light upon the billions of Reagan Democrats living in Appalachia and other most importnt areas, is without sin, so when defending him it would behoove you unless you want us to leave the Democrat Party to kneel and say how great Hillary Clinton, that shining light upon the billions of Reagan Democrats living in Appalachia and other most important areas, is, for this is the most important issue at stake as billions of Democrat voters are prepared to walk away from the party should Obambi and his misogynistic accomplices steal the nomination in Denver.
Wait, what’s that? Gore endorsed Obama?
Sorry, what I meant to say was, what you Obots need to realize is that the Tennessee Center for Policy Research is a very important outpost of Reagan Democratia, the true-blue heartland of real American vlues, and Al Gore is a traitorous traitor evil guy who I hated from the start, and so did Taylor Marsh because she’s a hard-hitting journalist, to say nothing of the excellent true-Democrat work being done by Larry Johnson, who along with me and billions of Hillary supporters, will walk from the Democrat Party should Obambi steal the nomination in Denver.
Gavin, the estimate is less, because shut up, that’s why.
good stuff Iris.
Larry Johnson always seemed crazy, but he was on our side. if you learn nothing else (and going back a thread or two) it’s the ones you agree with some of the time who need watching. that’s why modo is ultimately a bigger asshole than kristol, and friedman than brooks, (and to really go for the jugular, rich than safire).
toss ’em all in a lifeboat with only enough food for one column a week i say.
oh, and al gore remains corpulent. that is all.
18,400 has more zeroes in it than 17,768, therefore it is less.
QED, MFers!
81,000 e-mails in an in-box? That seems almost too much to ever read. At which point, having an e-mail account sort of becomes self-defeating.
You weak pussies probably want to use a law enforcement approach to estimating power usage, when September 11th proved that we can’t wait for your gay faggot fifth column traitor surrendercrat “law” sh*t.
TCPR is way too busy to respond to this type of tripe. I mean check out their home page:
The link for that takes you to, and I am not shitting you, This quote from The Mike Slater Show
So here’s your serious think-tank President, the multi-talented baller.
Thinks highly of himself, he does.
Sorry! Correction just in – that was Miss TransexualTexas.
We apologize for any confusion.
If you’ve sent something and we haven’t replied, please don’t take it personally. We’ll be a lot better at replying promptly from now on.
In that case, please let me take this opportunity to remind you of “Muslims against Sharia” and their
fit of pearl-clutching apoplexy over a statement on Obama’s website that can be parsed to imply an offense to Muslims.
The irony is that one of “Muslims against Sharia” is none other than…
the Shrieking Harpy!
Good thing she would never offend Muslims
over there.
It’s an “increase” in the same way that George Bush is a “compassionate conservative,” Saddam had WMDs, and “the Clear Skies Initiative” promotes clear skies.
Are you new here?
Fixing on the internets?
Why does Gavin hate us?
re: Update
I look forward to the next update when after claiming to be more responsive to e-mails more promptly we’ll see that the number unread will have increased 10% to 75,869.
Geez. I try to get a teensy bit of Gavin time for myself, and he gets ever so slightly behind on his e-mails, and you all jump all over him.
That sounds mighty s-e-l-f-i-s-h of your, Gary. I mean Doctor Missus Marita.
If you delete those emails and pretend they never occured then the number will drop to zero and everyone will think your Surge worked.
Drew Johnson, wingnut welfare junkie.
Man, Drew should’ve put Adam’s piece in “Commentary”. It’s closing in on a whole year since someone other than Drew had something in there.
Here’s one you guys might have some fun with. A Stossel puff-piece!
Oh also, and Gavin might want to point this out to Adam, the TCPR has a Guarantee of Quality Scholarship:
Yeah, I think unread message # 46,875 is mine.
comment @ 19:05 made me choke on a pretzel.
Obviously, the glorious Right has broken the stranglehold that Big Math™ has used to bottle up the Truth™ low these many years!!! No longer will numbers be subject to the superficially imposed liberal fascist order!1!! No longer will the long suffering denominator be subject to the humiliation of having to ride the lower level of the bus!
Please send your generous donations to:
Numbers for a New American Century Foundation!
101 Crazy Town, USA 11111
That sounds mighty s-e-l-f-i-s-h of your, Gary. I mean Doctor Missus Marita.
You made me do this, ITTDGY.
By the way, and in the interest of full disclosure, I should say that I may have lied about Drew “Droolin'” Johnson working out of a basement apartment. Someone on the InternetsTubes told me it was an apartment. I may have just made up the basement part. But it probably is in a basement.
We demand satisfaction!
Dremel 300-Series 55-pc. Rotary Tool Set
item #085-06-0413
This seems worthy. I’ll take care of it when I get home.
(What am I saying…I am AT home, and lunch hour’s already over!)
Back to teh Borg™ I go.
You may not read your 81,000+ unread emails, but don’t worry.
The DHS will be doing it for you.
And you thought our glorious President was so bad! See, he saves you time! If you only read a whole bunch of Dr. Sowells’ books, like I have, you would know that.
Can I have a cookie now?
Obots differ from fascists in many ways. I don’t deny this. Indeed, it is central to my point. Obots differ from each other because they grow out of different soil. What unites them are their emotional or instinctual impulses, such as the quest for misogyny, the urge to “unify” Democrats, a faith in the perfectibility of the Creative Class, and an obsession with the aesthetics of elitism and the cult of action.
Holy Jeezus’ Tits in a Mason Jar!
Eighty One THOUSAND unread emails!
If you laid them end to end, they’d stretch all the way to Google HQ in Mountain View.
I’m pretty sure the subtle message here is to never send Gavin another email.
Loud and clear.
Fer gawds sake, they ain’t doin you any good just sitting there clogging up the series of t00bz.
Just give ’em a mercy round in the temple.
Delete the goddam things and start over.
I think it was “Pinky” Westmorland who said “We had to destroy our inbox in order to save it”….
the quest for misogyny
I must seek advice from wise Mandalf.
If the wingnuts had any sense (should I even bother finishing that sentence?) they would fall on their knees every day and thank the universe for Al Gore. Instead of ever having to, you know, engage in a reasoned discussion on climate change, they feel they can substitute for that by just camping out next to his power meter and reporting on the numbers every day. What a joke.
Eighty One THOUSAND unread emails!
You fucking luddites, it looks that way whether you’ve read ’em or not.
What about us, sitting here unfinished for months and months on end. How do you think that makes us feel?!11eleventy!
Maybe all those unread e-mails could be recycled, you know, maybe made into compost to be used in producing alternative energy sources, you know, instead of gas for my car, I could run it on recycled e-mails. Or I am sure we could make a new compound that could be used to replace the traditional asphalt based shingles used for roofing. Lots of good uses, if we are just willing to think outside the box a bit.
Think of all the poor children in Niger who don’t have any e-mail AT ALL! We could package them up and send them where they would be used if not cherished, rather than sit, gathering dust, in some clod’s In Box.
Please take note, Mr. Bubba, that way back at 18:36, I never said “unread”. That aspect seems to have entered the discussion at some later time.
I keep the number of emails I receive trim and low by automatically deleting any email from anyone I don’t know, and also because nobody wants to email me.
About 99% of my email consists of Netflix shipping requests, the output from monitoring scripts, and exception notifications from the web applications I manage.
I am so lame.
ITTDGY, we need that lemon citrus press. Without it, all our lemons will go unpressed, and how will we make lemonade when life gives us lemons?
It’s hardly my fault that everything in every store is branded with someone hideous on it. You’ll note we were at least strong enough to resist anything with Rachel Ray on it from Target.
If only it were so! If you expand a thread of 100 unread emails, such as from a mailing list, the number goes down by one.
Please take note, Mr. Bubba, that way back at 18:36, I never said “unread”. That aspect seems to have entered the discussion at some later time.
Upthread – nay! Up in the post itself – Gavin lie lie lies like a lieberal lying-type liar!
If only it were so!
Sigh. I remember the honest Gavin, cheerily fiddling away with his Rudimentary Penii…
81,261 Unread Emails™²³®© said,
June 19, 2008 at 18:57
Why does Gavin hate us?
This could fill 232 average inboxes for a month!
Simba asked if the 81,261 unread messages are real or a Photoshop trick. Nono, they’re all too real.
And what’s worse, if you get it down to around 72,000 you’ll have increased your unread messages by more than 10%!
I call this the Idiot’s Paradox.
I’m a citizen editor and I’d like to suggest the following changes:
1) Delete “Hi”. This is far too informal a greeting for a serious e-mail sent to a serious organization such as TCBY. I’d suggest something along the lines of “Dear assholes”, which is friendly but maintains an air of professionalism.
2) Delete the figures you cite. Multiple digit numbers can be confusing to people with lower IQs, such as the people at TCBY. Instead, use simple words and stick figures to get your point across. “Hey, moron – pull your head out of your ass!” is easy to understand because only one word has multiple syllables.
3) Make a statement which involves the reader. For example, “Get a real job, you tosser!” shows that you’re in tune with the situation at TCBY and have their best interests in mind. Building a relationship with the reader can create an atmosphere of mutual respect and ensure a future of successful cooperation.
I’d suggest something along the lines of “Dear assholes”, which is friendly but maintains an air of professionalism.
What’s wrong with “Dear fascist bully boys”? The classics always work.
I confess that I am the lying liar: I read all my gmail in another app, so they all remain unread even though I’ve read every damned one!
My apologies for ruining Gavin’s reputation, marriage and life.
You fucking luddites, it looks that way whether you’ve read ‘em or not.
I just checked. Mine doesn’t (aside from not having 81K to play with). When I open an unread message, the number goes down one.
Also, at Spam(1841) this account can’t be much older than a year, so that’s something like 20000 e-mails a day. StrongBad probably doesn’t get that many. Unless, of course, there’s time enough to clean up spam but not time enough to look at actual e-mails or my maths is bustered.
Well, as it turns out, Media Matters has already done a vigorous investigation into TCPR. Although considering that the “think-tank” is really more of a “Drew check out my Johnson” blog it seems a little much.
Dude, who has 81,000 inbox messages? Either Gavin has a lot of friends or answers way too many of those “increase your manhood” offers.
Multiple digit numbers can be confusing to people with lower IQs, such as the people at TCBY.
Aw geez, is TCBY behind all of this? I loved their frozen yogurt, and now they go around wearing a Hamas scarf.
If you’ve sent something and we haven’t replied, please take it personally.
Oh, the spam gets flushed out every month.
I’m a bit defensive, I suppose, because people seem not to believe that the 81,000 number is real. But it’s actually far worse; that’s the number of unread threads…
Simply put, I will believe in global warming when global warming’s biggest preachers start living like there’s global warming. It’s as simple as that. As Dr. Sowell has said, simple belief in how smart you are is not the same as evidence, which is what we have to base conclusions on, and at this time, we can’t say global warming one or the other. Of course, that doesn’t stop leftists like Gore from making people believe what he believes, which is the height of arrogance. Typical.
I just assumed this was Bubba being hilarious.
You shoulda just let it stand.
I never woulda known that the whole “luddite” thing was, um, what do all the smart kids call it again?
Oh yeah.
I’m a bit defensive, I suppose, because people seem not to believe that the 81,000 number is real. But it’s actually far worse; that’s the number of unread threads…
But wait, doesn’t it mark it as read if you reply…OMG – you’re copied on 81K different ongoing threads?!?!?! Sweet baby Jesus, it’d take a mathemajigger to even estimate how many e-mails that is.
Dear Gavin:
Your information is biased because you are a liberal. Facts from liberals may be discounted because they are liberal liberals. Clearly, there is a 10% increase in power usage because you want to raise taxes and cup Bin Laden’s balls.
I just assumed this was Bubba being hilarious.
I WAS being hilarious, but the Ming vase/big ladder kind of hilarious.
Most of them only have one message, but yeah, some are quite a bit longer, like the ones that come from comment threads.
[cough cough] long thread [cough cough]
Simply put, I will believe in global warming when global warming’s biggest preachers start living like there’s global warming
So, you’re going on record saying that if Al Gore lived in a smaller house, you’d be 100% sold on global warming? That’s all it would take?
I wonder how many of the e-mails are from Google blling him for excessive bandwidth.
> Simply put, I will believe in global warming when global warming’s biggest preachers start living like there’s global warming. I
You can’t introduce new versions of logic that disobey all know laws of the Logic used in our universe unless you have two PhD’s (Applied Math and Theoretical Math), and live in a Hilbert Space with a coordinate transform eigenmatrix that changes up into down and includes 1+1=1.
i.e, the place where you wingnuts live.
Never mind.
Don’t you mean long thread?
OT but probably of interest to Sadlynauts.
Actually, while not being the long thread, this one is probably the reigning champion, long-threadwise. That is, PeeJ still has a lot of work ahead of him.
Just start posting all your e-mails to this thread and we’ll read ’em for you.
I would like to give the entire staff of the TN Center For Policy Research–which I think is just one person, so I guess I get off cheap–an all-expensive paid trip to this lovely Russian resort.
I think he might feel right at home there. Really.
Okay. Here’s one that just came in:
[MCM] Evacuation drill in Philadelphia
—– Original Message —–
From: Munich420
Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2008 12:54 PM
Subject: Evacuation drill tests city’s emergency preparedness
Good afternoon Mark:
Living in Northeast Philly this is the first I’ve ever heard of this type of evacuation drill. Although the article pertains to a power outage, it seems they are preparing the entire country for something.
Evacuation drill tests city’s emergency preparedness
Like a team practicing drills, Mayor Nutter and his senior managers yesterday were put through the paces of how they would handle an evacuation of Center City high-rises.
Everett Gillison, deputy mayor for public safety, added that Philadelphia was working with surrounding Pennsylvania counties and communities in South Jersey to develop strategies for the mass movement of people. “Philadelphia is not operating in a vacuum,” he said.
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Gavin- Yep. It’s still got devoted followers, too…and obviously has the notoriety of being the only Sadly, No! thread ever to house Real Iris(TM).
Okay, read that one, you can delete it. Nothing of interest in Philadelphia. Next!
This one seems promising:
Amid Controversy, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Gathers in San Jose
WASHINGTON,June 19 /Christian Newswire/
The Institute on Religion and Democracy will be sending a team led by Presbyterian Action Director James Berkley to the 2008 General
Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has 2.3 million members in the United States. The General Assembly, which meets every two years, is the denomination’s top governing body.
The denomination is divided over hot-button issues, such as same-sex unions, the ordination of practicing homosexual persons, Israel-Palestine and a proposed new Form of Government. IRD/Presbyterian Action supports a conservative perspective that affirms traditional church teachings.
What: 218th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Who: 752 Commissioners (Ministers and Lay Persons) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Where: San Jose, California
When: Saturday, June 21 through Saturday, June 28
Available for Interviews:
James Berkley-Director, Presbyterian Action for the Institute on Religion & Democracy. Berkley has an M.Div. and D.Min. from Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. Ordained in 1975 at Yakima First Presbyterian, he has served pastorates in Bellevue, Washington, as well as Dixon and Ventura, California. Berkley is a minister member of Seattle
Presbytery. He was previously editor for Your Church magazine and Leadership journal for Christianity Today, Inc. Berkley has edited and written a number of books, including Essential Christianity (Zondervan, 2001) and The Dynamics of Church Finance (Baker, 2000).
Alan Wisdom-Vice President for Research and Programs at the Institute on Religion & Democracy. Wisdom has attended every PCUSA General
Assembly since 1988. His research has had a particular focus on the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Latin America. He has written articles on these and other topics for IRD’s bi-monthly publication Faith & Freedom, of which he also serves as executive editor. Alan is an elder at the Georgetown
Presbyterian Church and a member of the Global Mission team of the National Capital Presbytery.
White papers are available on line at
Let’s Be Fair Concerning the Middle East: A briefing paper on ISRAEL-PALESTINE
Speaking Humility to Complexity: A briefing paper on SOCIAL AND POLITICAL ISSUES
Newswire (
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~To: National and International DesksContact: Loralei Coyle 202-682-4131, 202-905-6852 cell,;
Radio Interviews: Jeff Walton,;
both with the Institute on Religion and Democracy
I would like to give the entire staff of the TN Center For Policy Research–which I think is just one person, so I guess I get off cheap–an all-expensive paid trip to this lovely Russian resort.
But that might mess up his hair.
So Mikey said:
“Eighty One THOUSAND unread emails!
If you laid them end to end, they’d stretch all the way to Google HQ in Mountain View.”
Then gavin said:
“…the 81,000 number is real. But it’s actually far worse; that’s the number of unread threads…”
So assuming it’s roughly 3300 miles from Baaaston to Mountain View, that makes each thread about 215 feet long.
Gee, I always wondered about that. Thanks, Mikey!
Eh, you’d be better off finding that sort of thing at RenewAmerica. Next.
Ok wait, this one’s definitely got something good in it:
MRC Alert: CBS Evening News Airs Brief Against Offshore Drilling
MRC CyberAlert
A usually-daily report, edited by Brent H. Baker, CyberAlert is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.
Support MRC through PayPal – it’s fast, free and secure!
The 2,671st CyberAlert. Tracking Liberal Media Bias Since 1996
1:15pm EDT, Thursday June 19, 2008 (Vol. Thirteen; No. 116)
1. CBS Evening News Airs Brief Against Offshore Drilling ABC’s World News and the NBC Nightly News gave plenty of time to left-wing environmentalists and Democrats opposed to President Bush’s call to open up oil drilling off the shores of the continental U.S., but unlike the CBS Evening News the two newscasts provided equal time to supporters and experts who predicted it would lower gas prices. CBS reporter Bill Whitaker began with pro and con soundbites, but his story quickly deteriorated into a brief against the proposal with opponents and those saying it would do nothing to lower prices getting twice as many soundbites (4) as supporters (2). Whitaker used California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to illustrate “bipartisan” opposition as he reminded viewers of a spill nearly 40 years ago: “In California, which suffered a devastating oil spill from a rig off Santa Barbara in 1969, opposition to offshore drilling is bipartisan.” Following a soundbite from Schwarzenegger, Whitaker hailed how “from Republican Governor Schwarzenegger to local environmentalists, California is largely green.” Whitaker next tried to undermine the proposal: “Drilling opponents say reserves off California wouldn’t last long. In fact, at current consumption rates, 21 million barrels a day, Americans would use up the estimated 18 billion barrels off the coasts all around the country in less than two and a half years.”
2. NYT Defends Michelle Obama, Suggests “Proud” Gaffe Overcovered Who needs when you have the New York Times? Dismissing Michelle Obama’s “For the first time…I am really proud of my country” gaffe as a “rhetorical stumble,” the New York Times rallied around its pick for future First Lady against out-of-line conservative critics. Reporters Michael Powell and Jodi Kantor helped Michelle Obama soften her image in Wednesday’s big front-page interview, “After Attacks, Michelle Obama Looks for a New Introduction.” The long, laudatory piece was anchored with a large photo, taking up half the upper fold of the front page, of Michelle Obama listening thoughtfully to her husband’s famous race speech back in March.
3. CBS’s Tough Look at Obama: Loves Scrabble, Doesn’t Like Ice Cream On Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Julie Chen teased an upcoming segment on Barack Obama: “During the long primary season, we all learned a lot about Barack Obama. He is a Senator. He’s a Harvard grad. He’s a husband. And he is a father. But this morning, you’re going to learn five things you probably don’t know about Barack Obama.” Later, in David Letterman style, correspondent Jeff Glor introduced the story: “Here are the top five things you likely don’t know about Barack Obama.” Among those things, were important facts such as “Number four — in addition to enjoying basketball and cycling during down time, Obama loves to play Scrabble.” In addition to the top five, Glor later added: “Now one more thing we learned that didn’t quite make our list, Julie. Obama’s job as a teenager was at a Baskin Robbins and to this day he does not like ice cream.” Chen responded: “So rocky road is like his Kyrptonite?” While Glor and Chen focused on Obama trivia, earlier in the show, co-host Russ Mitchell offered a mere one sentence news brief on the Illinois Senator’s opposition to a Republican plan to allow offshore oil drilling.
4. CNN’s Martin: ‘Weak’ Conservative Men ‘Don’t Like Strong Women’ CNN contributor Roland Martin, when asked on Tuesday’s Anderson Cooper 360 if Michelle Obama was being held to a different standard than other presidential candidates’ wives, unequivocally placed the blame on conservative men: “No, I think what you have is you’ve got some weak men on the conservative side who, frankly, don’t like strong women. I mean, we saw the exact same thing take place for Hillary Clinton back in 1992….All of a sudden…Michelle Obama is this angry black woman, when in fact, she’s an accomplished woman, a mother, a wife. And so, they are trying to define her in that way, because they don’t want to deal with the reality.”
5. CBS’s Lara Logan: I’d Kill Myself If I Had to Watch American News Chief foreign correspondent for CBS News Lara Logan appeared on Tuesday’s Daily Show With Jon Stewart to declare that she doesn’t watch American news (that would presumably include her own network). She also decried: “If I were to watch the news that you’re hearing in the United States, I’d just blow my brains out. ‘Cause it would drive me nuts.” (How does CBS feel about this?) What became apparent in the segment was the South African-born journalist’s distaste for both American journalism, which she is a part of, and her belief that Americans don’t really care about Iraq. In addition to answering “no” when asked if she watches the news, host Jon Stewart proceeded to question her about Iraqi violence not getting enough media coverage. The Comedy Central anchor queried, “Have we lost our humanity with this entire situation?” “Yeah, we have,” Logan agreed. Logan also used her appearance to bash First Lady Laura Bush: “See Laura Bush saying this is my third time in Afghanistan. She doesn’t mention that she was only there for a few seconds…”
6. Goldberg: Russert Recognized Media Bias; 2003 Russert Interview In an op-ed in Wednesday’s Wall Street Journal (page A-15), “Russert Took Media Bias Seriously,” former CBS News correspondent Bernard Goldberg observed: “What made Tim Russert different, and better, I think was his willingness to listen to — and take seriously — criticism about his own profession. He was willing, for example, to keep an open mind about a hot-button issue like media bias — an issue that so many of his colleagues dismiss as the delusions of right-wing media haters.” Goldberg recalled that when he wrote Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, “no one in network television wanted to discuss the issue, no matter how many Middle Americans thought it was important.” But “Russert was the lone exception. He had me on his CNBC interview show, and we talked about bias for a full hour.” In his op-ed, Goldberg quoted from an interview he conducted with Russert for his 2003 book, Arrogance: Rescuing America from the Media Elite. (Below is a full reprint of that book chapter.)
I guess I’ll just omit the book chapter.
I just realized, since there are a lot of people reading each of these posted e-mails, shouldn’t the number unread be going fown faster? Say if there are 500 people reading about the Presbyterian Action for the Institute on Religion & Democracy, shouldn’t the unread threads drop by 20000? At this rate, you’ll only have to post, like a couple dozen before everything’s fixed. Or my maths are stil bustered.
Start by deleting all email messages that are longer than a single line.
Ok wait, this one’s definitely got something good in it:
Indeed. Lara Logan is Teh Hawt.
Here’s your Lara Logan clip from TDS. Next.
Here’s the Lara Logan clip thats gots everyone all hot ‘n bothered in the first place.
CBS’s Lara Logan: I’d Kill Myself If I Had to Watch American News Chief foreign correspondent for CBS News Lara Logan appeared on Tuesday’s Daily Show With Jon Stewart to declare that she doesn’t watch American news (that would presumably include her own network).
What the fuck would the MRC give a shit if a reporter said she hated American news? Isn’t that their shtick?
After all: CyberAlert is distributed by the Media Research Center, the leader since 1987 in documenting, exposing and neutralizing liberal media bias.
The Idiot’s Paradox strikes again! Only here can we really see that it’s OK for jagoff conservatives to harbor doubts about the “Em Ess Em” — but if someone suspect does, then it’s What’s the problem with American news, comrade?
No wonder they fuck up math. They can’t keep their own biases straight.
Wow, a person could have a riot with Gav’s inbox and a JanusNote script or maybe a complaint generator:
“The denomination is divided over hot-button issues, such as same-sex unions, the ordination of practicing homosexual persons, Israel-Palestine and a proposed new Form of Government. IRD/Presbyterian Action supports a conservative perspective that affirms traditional church teachings.”
I’m with Mikey. Nuke the whole lot. If it’s important it’ll show up again. It’s not worth the stress.
2. NYT Defends Michelle Obama, Suggests “Proud” Gaffe Overcovered
This MRC organization doesn’t seem to understand that it’s a win to get the story covered at all.
Isn’t this how The Doughy Pantload does research?
Sadly, No!, if my wife’s errant former husbands did not seem to succumb so readily to acute cases of lead perforation (1/4″ from the femoral artery) I would so beg you to marry me.
At any rate, nothing will deter me from enjoying our affair as long as possible. Til death do us part, baby!
Nothing of interest in Philadelphia. Next!
Except that apparently their mayor is named Nutter.
Goldberg recalled that when he wrote Bias: A CBS Insider Exposes How the Media Distort the News, “no one in network television wanted to discuss the issue, no matter how many Middle Americans thought it was important.
I well recall the enraged Capital M Middle Americans and their fury over something or other on the news.
As for the commenters here, I consider us betrothed already! I stand ready to take out your garbage or walk your dog on demand. I love you all!
Damn! How’d I do that? I blame Opera. And WordPress. Especially motherfucking WordPress.
Gavin: I agree. Nuke ’em! Nuke ’em all! Except the one I sent you the other night.
Your increase in the number of unread messages has me worried. I’ll start forwarding Human Events to you, Gavin.
If only we had an Internet I could still rool! Damn you Al Gore for not inventing it yet.
81,000 e-mails in an in-box?
This is a 10% increase on last month when there were only 82,717.
Although I Am Aware Of All Internet Traditions (IAAOAIT):
81 thousand unread messages?
I didn’t think they would let you store that kind of info.
Don’t they start dropping off at some point?
I’m really having trouble wrapping my mind around this fact.
Assuming a 10% margin of error on the electrical usage statistics, it’s well within possibility that a value of 17768 is actually 10% larger than 18400.
I’m an engineer, which is practically a scientist, so I figured that out using Science, so it’s true.
it’s well within possibility that a value of 17768 is actually 10% larger than 18400.
As a mathemagician, I can confirm that your hypothesis is true but only for large values of 17768.
Professional mathematician in closed room. Do not attempt.
your hypothesis is true but only for large values of 17768.
Given both that and a small value of 18400, it works even better.
Actually, you are both using statistics, which as everyone knows is a black art that you can get to say practically anything you want to say. Lies. Damn Lies. Statistics.
I believe that there is a 95% chance that I could beat both of you up.
I don’t care how nutty MRC is, anything that gets me to google Lara Logan is all good.
Lara Logan in a dress. She looks smokingly hot, but she sounds smokingly hotter. Just transcripts of her would get me all excited.
zeppo, you know as well as I that 93% of statistical assessments are made up on the spot.
What’s interesting is that the SPAM is only 1,841. How’d he do that?
What’s interesting is that the SPAM is only 1,841. How’d he do that?
He flushes spam monthly. So just under 1900 spams in 19 days is only 125000 spams a day.
Lara Logan makes my mathadoodad go woogly-moogly.
This is a 10% increase on last month when there were only 82,717.
Creationist math! To go with the Creationist Geology! that says ANWR will give us $2/gal. gasoline!
Long thread is long.
Hrmm. I would transfer those 81,261 emails from my inbox to one of our many fine CIA black sites in Eastern Europe. Wah! Wah!
Eff you Chey-knee, you dirtbaggity scungebcuket!
I hz a scungebcuket!
I’m dying to know whether you got a response from the Think Tank that can’t do basic math. Please UPDATE.
Thank you.
I’m pretty sure the subtle message here is to never send Gavin another email. I don’t know, Mikey, he replied to me the one time I sent him an email.
As for the 80K+, how many a gushy emails from Marie-Jo?
Group says Gore’s home overuses electricity
“The think tank said that Gore used nearly 221,000 kilowatt hours last year and that his average monthly electric bill was $1,359. Johnson said his group got its figures from Nashville Electric Service.
But electric company spokeswoman Laurie Parker said the utility never got a request from the policy center and never provided them with any information.”
I notice a few other commenters asking if utilities freely give out this sort of information.
Important note – the article I cited above refers to last year’s press release.
You’re a regular Smithsonian of cyber-hokum!
That is one serious whompin’ pile of 1’s & 0’s ya got there.
Ought to fetch you 6, maybe up to as much as 8 cents on the open market!
Any of those Cease & Desists via Der Pantload?
Maybe you SHOULD’NT nuke them … there might truly be some gold hiding in all that cack, infotainment-wise.