Five Second Jonah
Over at America’s Shittiest Website™, K-Lo posted a video of a disheveled Jonah Goldberg (sporting a shiny new mullet) and Laura Ingraham, in a Faux News segment titled “To Drill or Not Drill in Arctic Nat’l Wildlife Refuge.” Guess who was on the side of not drilling? No one, of course! (That was a trick question.)
So that busy Sadlynots don’t have to watch the whole thing, we have thoughtfully condensed the video to five seconds:
Bonus LoadPants-ism: Jonah swoons over the 10 billion barrels to be found in ANWR, and then says that the U.S. imports 10 billion barrels of oil a day. Woohoo! One day’s supply of oil in ANWR. Totally worth it, dude.*
*Actually, the U.S. imports about 10 million barrels per day.
Five Second Jonah: That’s what his wife calls him.
Ba-Ba-bum. Try the veal!
The fact is, you liberals are the ones with egg on your faces. He did not say billion, he said million. So it will be good for a thousand days,not one, which means we have to do this. There is more there, too. And it will be worth it. But you left winger biased types are the same tree huggers and greenshirts who would not let any refineries open and want to force us to drive less by taxing gas more. Anti-freedom is what you are.
So we drill in ANWR. Fine. Let’s do it. I can live with it.
These dopes do realize that the oil will be sold on the global market, yes? And not just held within American borders, yes? And that the ease on price will be absolutely microscopic given this, yes? And that it’ll be all gone in a matter of minutes, yes?
Or do they expect us to pull a Venezuela and force corporations to horde it for America only? Is that what our grand free marketeers have planned?
The fact is, liberals, as usual, are wrong on the facts. Here in the Heartland, we have a firm grip on reality, unlike you coastal eleiteists who think you don’t need God or the 2nd Amendment, and think terrorists whould have special rites.
Also, though we import over 12 million barrels a day, we use over 20 million.
These dopes do realize that the oil will be sold on the global market, yes? And not just held within American borders, yes? And that the ease on price will be absolutely microscopic given this, yes? And that it’ll be all gone in a matter of minutes, yes?
I wonder what would happen if the Democrats proposed a state-run drilling operation. You know, since it is government land and it is a national emergency and all that. How many Republicans would still support it?
and think terrorists whould have special rites.
hey, it worked for the IRA
The fact is, liberals, as usual, are wrong on the facts.
You should make this into a banner for Confederate Yankee.
Wasn’t James Watt going to drill everywhere back during the first of the great Republican Takeovers? If Saint Ronnie couldn’t manage to push this through, how would the preemptively lamed duck McCain?
Oh that’s a good look for him. Very Rip Torn meets Matt Foley, a little bit of Spock, the seasoned tang of the Match Game studio…
Gary Ruppert:
Don’t you realize where the Democratic nominee is from? Yeah, he’s from the heartland too!! Can you stop bringing such weak crap to the table?
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession?
Greetings, everyone! It’s me, your friendly neighborhood Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot! This post on the Pantload has stimulated my circuitry and reminded me that I had an e-mail correspondence with this pundit recently. Here it is, in full:
Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot:
Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession? Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession?
Jonah Goldberg:
Pleae (sic) don’t waste my time with this sort of thing.
I was disheartened, to say the least. However, I did get a nice response from my master himself!
Glenn Reynolds:
You left out “Gateway Pundit has a roundup.”
Well played, Ole Perfessor!
Anyway, that’s all from me. Back to your regulary scheduled thread. And don’t forget- Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Obama doesn’t back up the rhetoric. Dude, where’s my recession?
I wonder what would happen if the Democrats proposed a state-run drilling operation. You know, since it is government land and it is a national emergency and all that. How many Republicans would still support it? – pedestrian
I’d say that the Dems. should go for this just to see heads explode, but given the way the GOP operates, they would simply launch one of their “Mayor Quimby released SideShow Bob from jail — vote SideShow Bob for Mayor” campaign ads: “Democrats say they like the environment, yet they just agreed to drill ANWR … vote GOP”. And, it would work. Heck, “Democrats say they are critical of the war in Iraq, but Kerry voted for the war … vote GWB” worked in 2004.
This is a SNer parody right? Ahhh…you guys got me there! For a second there I really thought that it was a nutter being obtuse as usual.
The Ole Perfesser’s response to that e-mail indicates to me that Roy was way way off when he declared his stupid-evil ratio to be 5:95.
The stupid quotient was way too high.
He knows exactly what he’s doing. Fucker.
Oil, fascism, popular culture, hairstyles – is there anything the Mighty Pantloadio can’t get wrong?
Heh. Indeed. We’re w…okay, anyway:
Jay Ambrose (Scripps Howard resident wingnut columnist) is apparently a little oblivious:
“Agreed. We deserve a recession and aren’t getting one, even though the Democratic rhetoric would have you think we are in a depression or hell.”
This, of course, in response to the Heh. Indeed. Etc.
These things are fun
and fun is good.
Thanks for the laugh, Clif.
The dirty secret about the current oil crash that you will never hear in the media is that it’s not lack of supply at the source*, nor is it futures speculation**, it’s the lack of refinery output. Throughout the 80’s and 90’s, refineries were slowly shutdown such that the US went from over capacity to just at capacity. The whole oil mess started when Hurricane Katrina hit, and wiped out half the refineries in this country. Some of them are still shutdown or irreparable. This is something that can’t be solved overnight, either, as it takes several years to build one and start operations.
* There’s actually a glut oil on the market. However, most of it is heavy, sour crude… stuff that’s useless unless it’s refined.
** The $135/bbl. often quoted price is the speculated price for next month’s futures contract on light sweet crude. It has nothing to do with actual price on the market, which is somewhere around $100/bbl. for light sweet crude, and almost a third of that for heavy sour crude. There’s a reason why they call them “futures”.
I don’t know if anyone else has linked to this already, but since we’re talking about Jonah, now would be a good time to mention I LOVE YOU CHEETOS.
So it will be good for a thousand days,not one,
Cool!! Three years worth of oil!! I’d say that’s worth it.
(except of course, Gary’s wrong as usual.)
I’ve been told, sadly, that I look a lot like a skinny Jonah. I love how he started growing his hair out when I did, too.
Too bad I cut it this weekend. Take THAT, Pantload.
Two wingnuts and a cup of Cheetos.
I think Jonah’s trying to develop his own ‘Christoper Hitchens’ look.
He’s going to need to drink a lot more.
Jonah looks certifiably insane in those screen captures.
>>The dirty secret about the current oil crash that you will never hear in the media is that it’s not lack of supply at the source*, nor is it futures speculation**, it’s the lack of refinery output.
This has an air of truthiness. I would like sources so I can use that argument when faced with wingnuts.
Also, would that affect prices in Canada as well, or is our price inflation for oil entirely unrelated to these particular American conditions?
Those screen caps are unreal.
I think he may have gone for the extra serving of Game Fuel prior to that segment.
So how much oil is in a Carrabou? Just thinking…
Yes, Jonah is looking a bit unkempt. Perhaps Lucianne has stopped bathing him.
Surprised you guys missed this. Mountain Dew-flavored Doritos.
ewww, I just got a bad mental picture. ETCH A SKETCH!!! ETCH A SKETCH!!!
So how much oil is in a Carrabou? Just thinking…
Less than is in Jonah. Also, ambergris!
I think that D-Pant may slowly be turning into Withnail & I‘s Richard Griffiths. Sorry, Rich.
Jonah’s wife is an Alaskan heiress. Her father made a fortune in shopping malls and liquor stores. But that’s not all Jessica’s Daddy owns. “According to the Web site for the Environmental Working Group, he owns oil and gas leases near the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge.”
I think this little conflict of interest should be shared with everyone on the planet.
GR – The fact is, you liberals are the ones with egg on your faces. He did not say billion, he said million. So it will be good for a thousand days,not one, which means we have to do this.
Lessee, 10,000,000 into 10,000,000,000….carry the 1; I get 1000 alright, so far so good. Divide by 352, carry the 4; I get 2.84 years estimated supply at current rates of use for US. Double number to add comfort level. Wow, that’s a lot of oil. Maybe not for the US but for a country like Greenland or Widgetstan, sure.
Now, applying the rock solid laws of the free market capitalist system, which the oil companies generally prefer, I wonder who they’ll actually sell the oil to in order to recover their investment and make oodles of profits?
It looks like other factors played into this than Katrina. In 2004-05, the ME dumped a lot of sour crude on the market, but many refineries turned it down, simply because it’s more expensive to refine. ( Meanwhile, the sweet crude supplies were sucked up while the sour crude was untouched, and this caused prices to go up… especially the price differential between sweet and sour crude.
Katrina only exasperated the problem by destroying refineries in the Gulf region, as this is the one of the biggest concentrations of them in the US. People who have been arguing that oil peak will come later instead of now, point out this discrepancy between output at the drills and outputs at the refineries.
My personal opinion is that we’re not running out of oil any time soon… what we are running out of is cheap oil. The stuff that’s easy to refine (sweet crude) is about to run out, while the stuff that’s been often left in the ground as “garbage” (sour crude), because it’s expensive to refine, is still out there in spades. I guess the upside to this is that cleaner and renewable energy sources might become “affordable” once it’s obvious that petroleum energy is too expensive.
Nice find Susan.
A Wingnut with a conflict of interest? Isn’t that like a hipster with skinny jeans?
Those screen caps make me imagine this is what Jonah looks like when he’s making a Doughy pantload in his Depends.
Especially the last one: “I made a big poopy!”
Oooh, I missed this the first time–Jessica is 6 years older than Jonah. Not that there’s anything wrong with that; emotional maturity is much more important than actual age. I’m sure the older lawyer Jessica, former senior policy advisor for AG John Ashcroft, was just as mature as the younger wingnut welfare pundit Jonah Goldberg.
Someone simply must create a screen shot of Jonah proclaiming his general awareness of all internet traditions.
Funny how Doughy forgets to mention you can only reach 10 bn barrels by including land owned by Native Americans and offshore pockets up to three miles off the coast. Otherwise you’re looking at 7.7 bn barrels of recoverable oil. Which, even if it was hoarded by the US strictly for domestic use, would cover little more than one year of US consumption.
And then what?
I refuse to watch the video, but did he actually argue that Eskimos are stupid? Last week he crapped out a column using the support from the local community as a reason to drill.
Also, if you’re eating right now, I suggest you stop.
Jonah Goldberg and Laura Ingraham arguing about whether or not to drill.
Liberals are so hater, and angry leftists. They are biased against truth and hate reality. Maybe you should swim to Cuba.
We need to drill now or the hippies win. Fuck hippies.
I should also mention that I am a hippie.
The fact is, we have a solution to our oil price problem but the liberals care more about polar bears and eskimos, typical hand wringing, nothing practical, which makes one wonder why they are no good in business. Here in the Heartland, we are practical minded.
I vote we drill for oil in Gary Ruppert.
My my. Married to a former John Ashcroft staffer 6 years his senior. And she’s a pundit too!!
Nice find, Susan.
Why, there’s no start to his genius!
Let me get this straight- You libs would rather make fun of a successful conservative’s appearance than debate the facts? Somehow I’m not surprised. Look, libs, it’s tantamount to economic suicide not to properly make use of the resources we have. Why don’t you understand this? Ahh, government schooling.
We have Congress to thank for high gas prices. Who’s in charge of Congress? That’s right.
Oh, she’s one of those anti-feminists who don’t like girls playing sports.
You libs would rather make fun of a successful conservative’s appearance than debate the facts?
Especially if the “debate” commenced with name-calling and an ad hominem remark about our education. But – nice try, troll!
The Reciplagiarist strikes again!
Look, libs, it’s tantamount to economic suicide not to properly make use of the resources we have.
Whereas Jonah is keen on the “death by cheetohs” approach.
You need to look up “ad hominem.” I was merely stating a fact concerning the sad state of socialized education.
I’ve heard this caribou-love-pipelines and government schooling meme like six times this month from my students here in Arkansas…must be the new Winger talking point. Or is it Rush-spew?
I can play this game too! I am merely stating the fact that you are a dried out cumstain on Jonah’s pantloaded underwear.
Just the facts!
Seven months, I heard. That’s if the estimate is worth a shit. Who knows? I have also read that due to the physics of the situation it would take 50 years to extract that oil. Meaning it wouldn’t amount to a gnat’s fart in a hurricane.
OT, from The Politico’s article on Obama accuser and fugitive-from-justice Larry Sinclair:
Who knew they’d named the lounge after Jeff Gannon?
The Reciplagiarist strikes again!
Simple pleasures are always the most satisfying.
“I was merely stating a fact concerning the sad state of socialized education.”
Evidently the same has affected your reading comprehension abilities. Pantload’s “arguments” have been refuted in this thread and a dozen others at a dozen sites. That you are incapable of reading or understanding them is your problem, numb nuts.*
*ad hominem
Help! I am being held prisoner!
We have Congress to thank for high gas prices. Who’s in charge of Congress? That’s right.
He he. Someone hasn’t been paying attention.
Mature, Simba. You know, you don’t see that sort of thing at TownHall. You do see it here. Why?
I am merely stating the fact that you are a dried out cumstain on Jonah’s pantloaded underwear.
Funny, that was our next mystery Dorito flavor.
I was merely stating a fact concerning the sad state of socialized education.
Nice try, but dishonest. “Why don’t you understand this? Ahh, government schooling.”
You were implying that those you intend to debate were unable to understand your point due to what you have prejudged to be an insufficient education. To claim otherwise is disingenuous.
Beginning a debate by making an assumption about the position and intelligence of those you propose to debate is, defacto, not debating.
Take your scarecrow and go home. Your buddy Sowell has enough strawmen to keep you both company.
Shiny new mullet and a matching face-mullet! Jonah’s head is mulletastic!
I’m going to totally flip the script here:
Who’s in charge of socialized education? That’s right.
Mature, Simba. You know, you don’t see that sort of thing at TownHall. You do see it here. Why?
Here, the troglodytes are the trolls, not the commenters or the columnists.
We also are free of advertisements for ass candles.
Liberals are so hater
Huckabee’s man crush will take care of you liburuls.
Plus are we done with all the Saint Timmy the Potato Head gushing on teebee? It’s interfering with me watching 3rd rate hacks flail their arms and legs with semi-nude wannabes. I think my next remote control is going to be a pistol.
Still waiting on you libs to expalin to me why we shouldn’t use resources effectively.
Also, we have plenty of sunlight and land suitable for windfarms, yet conservatives are unwilling to exploit the resources we have. This is tantamount to my point. Heh, indeed.
Can we somehow shove live caribu into our gas tanks? Problem solved!
Ahh crap, he has almost exactly the same hair as I do. I need a hair cut.
All this tantamounting has frayed my nerves. I shall retire to the NRO fainting couch post-haste and indulge in some Cheetos to calm the vapors.
Still waiting on you libs to expalin to me why we shouldn’t use resources effectively.
Doesn’t all that straw make you itch?
We’re perfectly capable of pointing out Jonah’s facts are wrong and making fun of his appearance. Why limit ourselves?
No matter what, ANWAR would be a short-term solution. There is no long-term solution to the replacement of oil. The point is not that we’re running out of oil or that we need to drill or that there’s tons more oil out there. The point is that our current economy is utterly dependent on cheap oil, and will suffer a lot of shocks before this problem is overcome, if it can be overcome in time.
The other problem is that we have a lot more problems. It is the confluence of all this individual, probably solvable, problems that haunt our future. Climate change and resource shortages will affect society exponentially.
You libs would rather make fun of a successful conservative’s appearance than debate the facts … it’s tantamount to economic suicide not to properly make use of the resources we have … We have Congress to thank for high gas prices. Who’s in charge of Congress? That’s right.
Tell you what, we’ll look up “ad hominem”, you look up “false dichotomy”, “begging the question”, and “non causa pro causa”. For starters.
Still waiting on you libs to expalin to me why we shouldn’t use resources effectively.
Would you mind waiting over there? You’re dripping all over the clean floors. Thanks.
Still waiting on you libs to expalin to me why we shouldn’t use resources effectively.
I think we should.
We should start by using Jonah’s blubber in the most effective manner possible.
Also, we have plenty of sunlight and land suitable for windfarms, yet conservatives are unwilling to exploit the resources we have. This is tantamount to my point. Heh, indeed.
Yeah, it seems using our resources effectively means making oil companies richer.
Yeah, there’s all that republican blubber just going to waste. Why shouldn’t we use resources effectively?
You know, you don’t see that sort of thing at TownHall.You do see it here. Why?
You know, simply human kindness compells me, to point something out to you.
See, just as I would gently intervene if a little old lady mistakenly wandered into a biker bar, and escorted her back to the sidewalk to point her in the direction of Mabel’s Cut n’ Curl, I will try to gently point something out to you.
This is a snark site. We like poop jokes here. Town Hall is a bunch of conservatives who imagine themselves to be serious political pundits.
See the difference?
Now go on down the sidewalk, it’s two doors down. Rosanne is great with highlights, by the way.
Why don’t we just use those new bacteria that make oil out of agricultural waste?
It’s short work to establish Jonah’s elusive grasp of the facts.
But making fun of his appearance? That’s a full time job.
Well, he is pretty big.
God or the 2nd Amendment???!!! The Second Amendment is God!
I shall retire to the NRO fainting couch post-haste
Still waiting on you libs to expalin to me why we shouldn’t use resources effectively.
Much as it is pointless to argue with someone trying to defend Swift’s Modest Proposal as an effective use of resources, it’s pointless to argue with someone called SowellFan (unless you’re referring to Ron Sowell in which case I apologize). But what the heck, being pointless can be great fun!
Okay, here goes: We are talking about drilling for oil in a Wildlife Reserve. Hey, here’s something you might not understand, when you exploit a natural area, you change it – thereby making it different than it was before and not reserving it in it’s former condition.
I think he wants to be played by Oliver Platt in the movie version of Liberal Fascism.
Bobby Sowell also okay.
Hmm? Sorry, I didn’t realize that was at issue – it’s self-evident, you know.
Care to explain how the whole process of extracting oil from ANWR is an effective use of resources?
Typical. They just don’t get it.
Still waiting…on you libs…to expalin…to me!
…why we…shouldn’t…use…resources effectively!
Yesterday on my ellipsical… trainer… a flashing strobe light came on. Kinda like this flash… flash… flash…
It made me drop into an ellipsis… episode…
What I don’t understand is how the wingnuts have been foaming at the mouth for the past several years that we need to drill in ANWR. My question is, what’s so goddamned great about the oil there anyway? Seriously, why specifically ANWR and nowhere else in the country?
Is it the largest oilfield left in the US? Is it some really awwwwesome oil that barely needs to be refined? Is it an excuse to kill wildlife just to piss off liberals? Something tells me that there are other oilfields still around under US soil that are better alternatives, but all the GOP wants to do is kill caribou.
Is it an excuse to kill wildlife just to piss off liberals?
10 Billion barrels? That’s, like, three whole fraking years of not having to import anything!
Uh, but then what?
That’s, like, three whole fraking years of not having to import anything!
Yup. But in wingnut-attention-span-years, that’s like, forever. There’s a whole congressional election cycle in there and probably a presidential one, and the bounty of oil will make the Republicans win forevar.
Um, why not save the oil in ANWR for the future when oil will be even scarcer? it’s not going anywhere, the price will not be dropping anytime soon and it’ll take too long to develop the field to use in the immediate future. Why not (warning, crazy idea) save it for a day in the future when we might need it even more than we do now? What’s the rush to use it?
Married to a former John Ashcroft staffer 6 years his senior. And she’s a pundit too!!
Nope, no Mommy issues there, none at all (Calling Dr. Freud, Dr. Freud, white courtesy phone please)
Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest intellectuals in America today. What exactly is so indefnsible about wanting to properly use resources? Quite frankly, you can’t address this simple point. I wander why.
Jonah Goldberg has been there, and he’s right, it’s nothing but random animals and nothing. We should be drilling there now. But sadly, the impact the radical greens and big environmentals have on Congress is huge, and cowardly Democrats are too cowardly to let us drill there.
Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest intellectuals in America today.
Look Ma, it made a funny!
SowellFan’s idea of “properly” is to utterly despoil every inch of land in a desperate attempt to maintain an unsustainable lifestyle.
SF, don’t even try to deny it. Things like ecological relationships mean nothing to you, clearly.
We are very important to the global ecosystem!
Ironically, the same people who complain about gas are the same people who don’t want us to drill. Ironically, they are also Democrats.
I sense a certain troll read Ayn Rand at age 17 and never grew out of it. sad.
I am aware of all Jonah Goldberg traditions, and I am unaware of any information which might indicate he has been to Alaska, or any of the non-contiguous states except for a trip to Waikiki when he was 16.
Re BlueBuddha’s comments about refinery capacity … actually the wingnuts use this talking point all the time: they blame environmental laws and NIMBYism (although I don’t see wingnuts lining up to live near oil refineries) for the lack of refinery capacity. In some cases, however, there is an incentive not to build refineries simply to keep the price of oil-products up, which, of course, the wingnuts never mention.
Still, I’m not so sure about this
The $135/bbl. often quoted price is the speculated price for next month’s futures contract on light sweet crude. It has nothing to do with actual price on the market, which is somewhere around $100/bbl. for light sweet crude
Well, what that means is that either next month the price of oil will increase another 35% or a bunch of people are going to loose big on the futures market. The latter has been known to happen, but something tells me that so many investors can’t be that wrong. Speculation does increase the price of oil as it creates an additional demand for oil, even if that oil be next month’s oil.
Ironically, the same people who complain about my gas are the ones who have to live with me. Ironically, they are also my mother.
Look at me and know fear, beaches!
Well we are tasty, you have to admit that.
Verily, they are chardonnay flies!
Jonah Goldberg has been there, and he’s right, it’s nothing but random animals and nothing. We should be drilling there now. But sadly, the impact the radical greens and big environmentals have on Congress is huge, and cowardly Democrats are too cowardly to let us drill there.
It’s a shame Jonah Goldberg came back. Let’s try this one more time. I appreciate that you may have difficulties with this, being a fan of Thomas Sowell and all, but here it is again:
Arctic National Wildlife Reserve.
Wildlife Reserve
Would you like to see it in not bold?
Wildlife Reserve
Now, what was it you were saying?
point her in the direction of Mabel’s Cut n’ Curl…
I hear that the stylists are better at Poodle’s.
Ironically, the same people who complain about gas are the same people who don’t want us to drill. Ironically, they are also Democrats.
So much material in two short sentences; where to start?
Let’s go with the irony thing first. That’s not ironic, idjit.
Also, has anyone of heard any non-democrats complain? Anybody? Bueller?
I won’t even bother to point out the logical FAILlacy.
Also, we should drill in WordPress.
Big environmentals have been gobbling up land and locking up resources for years under the lie of “wildlife reserves” for years, making life harder on poor Americans. If liberals truely cared about the poor, they’d let the free market determine whether or not we should drill, which we should.
I’m calling parody troll. (Which should be obvious of course…Thomas Sowell fan? Even Thomas Sowell would be suspicious.)
Would that be the same free market that got us to this point? Does that invisible hand hurt when it slaps you upside the head?
SowellFan would chop down all the “useless” trees… and ass-phyxiate.
Gary Ruppert squaked:
“So it will be good for a thousand days,not one, which means we have to do this. ”
Ripping apart Alaska for <3 years of oil. A win-win!
People who smear Thomas Sowell are the ones who need to read him the most. His books are brilliant.
Most red states can be described as “random animals and nothing” ;p
Shorter SowellFan:
Thomas Sowell is aware of all smearing traditions.
The fact is, I have no fans.
Big environmentals have been gobbling up land and locking up resources for years under the lie of “wildlife reserves” for years, making life harder on poor Americans. If liberals truely cared about the poor, they’d let the free market determine whether or not we should drill, which we should.
Those dastardly lie-bruls. Which one of those stinking lie-bruls was responsible for this whole ANWR mess anyways?
Stinking lefty that Islamofascist Ike was.
Look, you’ve already stated that ANWR is full of nothing and that no one ever goes there, doesn’t that make it a perfect place to designate as a wildlife reserve?
If you keep smearing businesses like that, Skullhunter, they’ll take their business elsewhere. That’s called the law of economics. If you read more Sowell you’d be aware of this.
Even I don’t read me.
I sense a new form of political commentary has been born.
Love it.
Breaking rocks in the hot sun…
Clarence Thomas read Thomas Sowell. In case your government-socialized education didn’t teach you anything other than Hollywood morals, Clarence Thomas is a Supreme Court judge.
What exactly is so indefnsible about wanting to properly use resources?
I think no one would quibble with “wanting to properly use resources.” At issue is whether the proposal you’re championing meets that definition. Mmmmkay?
Clarence Thomas is aware of all pubic-hair-placed-on-Coke-can traditions.
Looks like someone’s got too many ironicallys in the fire.
Um, he’s a Supreme Court Justice, sport.
Big environmentals have been gobbling up land
Wrong. Preserving land /= “gobbling.” Gobbling = consume, alter, destroy. Preserving /=consume, alter, destroy.
I’m a wanker, not a Supreme Court judge.
I’ll thank you to remember the difference.
Big environmentals aren’t preserving land. They’re gobbling it up for non-use. There’ s a difference. If you knew the law of economics, you’d know that there was a difference.
Still waiting…on you libs…to expalin…to me!
…why we…shouldn’t…use…resources effectively!
Wow. That is a great way to make someone sound really fat.
Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest intellectuals in America today.
Best laugh line of the day!
Oh yes, the poor, put-upon CEOs are going to pull an Atlas Shrugged on us if we don’t get into line and let them do what they want, bunch of moochers and looters that we are.
Let them go. I’m sure after a few years of trying to exploit some third-world country like it’s their own private South Africa, they’ll be begging to come back to a place where they don’t need to live in a fortified prison to protect them from the citizens.
Jonah Goldberg said:
You’re going to need at least 2 of the following to make this a convincing Goldberg post: a) Simpson reference b) BSG reference c) a call for others to research your big idea d) grandiose pronouncements of your works awesomeness e) comparing white males to slaughtered innocents of a fascist regime.
Keep trying because that is not numberwang.
I gobble up the land and I poop out the mud.
(And I also think this guy is a parody. Too good to be true.)
I’m not a parody. It’s incredible how you libs think that real people don’t cherish Dr. Sowell’s work. Ironically, you like Chomsky, so it’s not surprising.
Ironically, you like Chomsky
Sing it brother!
Clarence Thomas read Thomas Sowell. Big environmentals aren’t preserving land. They’re gobbling it up for non-use. Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest intellectuals in America today. Ironically, the same people who complain about gas are the same people who don’t want us to drill. Ironically, they are also Democrats. Clarence Thomas read Thomas Sowell. Big environmentals aren’t preserving land. They’re gobbling it up for non-use. Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest intellectuals in America today. Ironically, the same people who complain about gas are the same people who don’t want us to drill. Ironically, they are also Democrats. Clarence Thomas read Thomas Sowell. Big environmentals aren’t preserving land. They’re gobbling it up for non-use. Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest intellectuals in America today. Ironically, the same people who complain about gas are the same people who don’t want us to drill. Ironically, they are also Democrats.Clarence Thomas read Thomas Sowell. Big environmentals aren’t preserving land. They’re gobbling it up for non-use. Thomas Sowell is one of the greatest intellectuals in America today. Ironically, the same people who complain about gas are the same people who don’t want us to drill. Ironically, they are also Democrats.
The precious!
If you keep smearing businesses like that, Skullhunter, they’ll take their business elsewhere. That’s called the law of economics. If you read more Sowell you’d be aware of this.
Ummm, no. First Skullhunter’s comment was about you and not businesses. Second, considering oyur output so far, it was hardly a smear. Third, what is this law of economics you’re talking about? If there is one that describes how businesses behave, it’s just about the opposite of what you’ve stated. i.e. Businesses will stay in unfriendly conditions, so long as there is profit to be made.
So, you don’t think America is fairly hospitable to the oil industry? Are you kidding?
We’re no Cayman Islands, but we’re not exactly Soviet Russia either.
[Iris and SowellFan are posting their comments from the same IP Address. Here, sockpuppet! Here, sockpuppet! Come here, little sockpuppet! -Clif]
Jonah Goldberg has been there, and he’s right, it’s nothing but random animals and nothing.
Ah. The great expert biologist Jonah Goldberg has pronounced it so.
I’m longing to hear his opinion on the ocean. Just some random fish and stuff.
I’m not a parody. It’s incredible how you libs think that real people don’t cherish Dr. Sowell’s work. Ironically, you like Chomsky, so it’s not surprising.
Yes, it’s totally ironic that Chomsky-ites don’t appreciate Thomas Sowell… Totallly ironic…
Damn, missed Alanis @ 20:20.
On the off chance that the SowellFan isn’t a parody troll, the answer to him is pretty simple.
Drill those unused lands first, I’d say. The idea that “environmentalists” are locking up all available oil resources is as stupid as SowellFan’s handle
Isn’t Sowell a real laissez-faire nut? (Perhaps that’s a duh…)
Anyway, it sounds like the kind of thing that impresses people who know nothing about economics, psychology, or animal husbandry.
But, just because I’m the kind of picky geek who looks things up, I’m not letting it go yet.
Dayum! Per Wikipedia, he doesn’t want to be known as a black conservative.
Well, I wouldn’t, either.
Soooooooooooo, I pity the fool!
I’m seeing a definite Clarence Thomas rage-issue in his future. Watch the blood pressure, Mr. Sowell!
Oh, sad. I’m so sad. It’s a parody troll. It has to be, no real troll can be that stupid. And I was hoping it was the real thing.
Random animals and nothing? Sounds like the interior of Pantload’s head.
I’m not a parody. I’m a living, breathing, voting, American. Who thinks that we should follow the law of economics, because the law of economics has given us the prosperity we know today.
Wait, Alanis… Does this mean you’re back to being Alanis?
Attention Management: Jonah fails again at making a funny.
That first pic of Jonah looks very similar to the “I has a bucket” walrus when the bucket is stolen.
Sowellfan, the arguments for not drilling in ANWR are very clearly understandable and have been endlessly covered elsewhere.
The top arguments:
-there’s not much oil there, relatively speaking
-getting it out would threaten the permanent despoliation of one of the last unspoiled environments on the planet
-there’s no guarantee that the United States would receive even 50% of the oil thus recovered, oil being fungible and shipped worldwide
-like a junkie reaching for “just one more fix” before going cold turkey, it would be kicking the can down the road just a little further in terms of facing up to the reality that we need to get off of oil and starting to take meaningful steps to do so.
Now, I’m waiting for pro-drilling “conservatives” to explain:
-how it is “conservative” to advocate unlimited and unrestricted exploitation of natural resources
-how drilling in ANWR will be a permanent, long-term, or even medium-term solution to our energy needs
-how modern oil-prospecting and extraction techniques make environmental damage so unlikely that it’s a needless worry (and just saying “we’re really good at it now, we promise” doesn’t cut it)
-how continuing to reach for more and more sources of oil advances the nation’s agenda of reducing our dependence on oil as an energy source
Simba- Yep, you can just hear the crickets after Jonah’s latest dropping. Also, I fully expect K-Lo’s prudishness not to rear its ugly head; bad thoughts are only bad when they’re remotely progressive.
A liberalrob sighting. Lovely. Look what you’ve done, SowellFan.
I have no problem with SowellFan taking a turn at being Iris, it seems to be a sort of Sadly tradition. But here’s some pointers: Iris is way more passive agressive. The first Iris comment was to assertive. Also, you need to use at least one of the following phrases: Reagan Democrat, empty suit, misogynist press. Preferably all three.
too assertive
I say liberalrob take up the banner.
What’s this “we,” white man?
I’m not feeling particularly prosperous these days. I have gotten a lot more “prosperity” mileage out of personal relationships with employers; all economics has ever done is gotten me laid off, reduced my benefits, and raised the costs of everything I buy.
I applaud Jonah’s attempt to bring back the Finger Wave. Quelle coupe de cheveux!
I call fake Iris – there’s not a single reference to sexism!
G- Fake Iris always talks about sexism, though. So it’s neither Real Iris or Fake Iris. I’m confused.
Quite frankly, you can’t address this simple point. I wander why.
Because shut up. That’s why.
Ahhh, I finally get it. Since I’m not a SowellFan, I had no idea what he meant when he cited the Law of Economics, but thanks to the Great Gazoogle I found
That’s from the great Thomas Sowell himself. So SowellFan’s use of the first law of economics to justify drilling ANWR is…and the poetic justice is killing me… ironic.
Obama and his supporters in the mainstream media chirp about change, but real change would be to finally take this country in a direction of knowing more about economics. The entire Congress would be best served reading Dr. Sowell’s works on economics instead of the dangerous demagoguery that puts us at the feet of Big Environmentals and the terorists. McCain realizes that it’s best if we drill, so we should vote for McCain.
Sorry to harsh your mellow.
Did you bring p_luk along for the ride?
It’s getting confused. That last was more Irisy than what it had established as the SF nonpersona.
SowellFan – one of Sowell’s relatives who just completed his first econ course at community college.
An economics course at a community college is more than the Democratic demagogues know, despite the fact that they crow and crow about how much they know.
Nice rejoinder!! It does your plea for reasoned debate proud.
And look at the cute little birdies! they chirp! they crow!!
McCain realizes that it’s best if we drill, so we should vote for McCain.
Well, I’ll take the bait (again). With apologies to our gracious hosts,
Sadly, No! Actuall, it’s not sadly. It’s one of the few positions of JiSM3 that I agree with. Also, at least historically, one that he voted correctly on.
OK, SowellFan, you’re getting really boring, now.
Gah! Can’t we get some trolls in here with the courage to at least address substantive questions? Troll quality has dropped WAY off since the wingers took power, and getting spanked in 2006 hasn’t done anything to bring them back up to snuff.
I agree with p_luk on a lot of things. Or at least I did when I commented at Swampland. It’s been a while, though.
Oh my. Forgive me, folks. I just realised I asked for the impossible – courage from a right-winger. Silly me.
Is this new troll a real-life honest to goodness new troll? He has the same pretentious ignorance, but his style is different. He uses obvious rhymes sometimes and repeats words. Could he be a repetitive new troll?
An economics course at a community college is more than the Democratic demagogues know, despite the fact that they crow and crow about how much they know.
Check it.
I know I know
My economic stylings, are high profiling.
My knowledge is piling
My words are beguiling
These digits are for dialing.
With the greatest of ease
I navigate issues fiduciary
Ain’t no pundit on TV’s
That can touch me
on the ABC’s and 123’s
of the eco-eco-economies
I crow
’bout what I know
Which is a lot.
‘cuz dat’s what I got
the know how
so kowtow
to my high brow
Don’t have a cow!
They are now out of print even in Canada, and it’s easy to see why they have not been available in recent years, because these two recordings are very different from her later alt-rock work. Unfortunately, they are also often embarrassingly bad. Even on a dance pop level, they don’t generate much excitement.
Hopefully “a lot of things” doesn’t include his Larry Johnson-esque racism, his ridiculous conspiracy theories, his dead-ender whining, and so on. Way back when you and Iris seemed to be fairly comfortable with those things. Gave one pause.
Still waiting for SowellFan to answer my questions, after I answered his…not holding my breath, though.
Interesting how the topic is no longer ANWR drilling, it’s how Dems don’t know economics.
Ever hear about opportunity cost? When you buy something, you give up something else. That was Econ 101. The opportunity cost of drilling in ANWR is loss of a pristine wilderness, forever. The opportunity cost of NOT drilling in ANWR is loss of a few years’ worth of oil (at best). Hmm, let me think about which opportunity cost is worth more to me.
So if I go to ANWR and shout obscenities at the oil companies, they’ll stay away?
Silly rabbit.
Trolls don’t answer questions.
Oh Alanis! It’s great to have you back! You were indeed too hot to hold. Now if only you’d regress a couple more years to the YCDTOTV days, then everything would be perfect!
You liberals have already been told by serious commentators that ANWR holds nothing. Nothing nothing nothing. And yety ou want to keep it, because you can’t bare the thought that people be given the ability to reason and decide for themselves in a free market. That’s what this is about, always about. That you want to tell people what to do.
Well you can’t do it forever, because gas is expensive now, and people will realize that we must use our resources smartly. A “pristine wilderness” is liberal codespeak for “I want to make people think the way I think.” It’s a shame you won’t admit to this, but sadly expected.
So I just answered your question, rob.
[But you haven’t answered mine, SF/Iris – Clif]
I read that after 35 years Don Cornelius has sold off the rights to Sowell Train.
A “pristine wilderness” perfectly describes the contents of SowellFan’s skull, if you discount the word “pristine.”
I’m just waiting for Sowell’s fan to revive some of Spiro Agnew’s (Patrick Buchanan’s) alliterations.
Now that was some demoagoguerific speechifying.
A “pristine wilderness” is liberal codespeak for “I want to make people think the way I think.”
Such an economics whiz.
And doesn’t know the meaning of priceless.
That’s it. This is the last fucking straw. You people wanna know a secret? Here’s the secret:
ALASKA HAS PEOPLE. AND STUFF. AND MOVIE THEATERS. AND TRAFFIC. AND PANHANDLERS. AND APARTMENT BUILDINGS. God, I fucking HATE you morons. ALASKA IS NOT MARS. IT’S STUCK TO THE GODDAMN NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT! IT IS NOT AN ISLAND OFF THE COAST OF MEXICO! Aaaaargh. *Ahem* Sorry. After being born, raised, and living in Alaska for most of my life, and encountering people who STILL will not ship to Alaska (or will only ship via the most expensive method — I Buy Power, an online computer retailer, would happily ship a computer to AK. For 189.00. Uh, wtf? No, I don’t think so.), I’m a little bitter.
Also, the Gwich’in and Inupiaq people would like to state that, y’know, they kinda like LIVE in the area. And it would be nice if whitey would, like, decline to come in and make a huge mess out of the place. (It’s too bad that poster is sold out; I know at least one person that would love to have a copy.)
Two last things and I’ll go do something else:
– To get a sense of how big Alaska is, here’s a very very large picture of a valley in ANWR. (It’s 1600 x 1200 pixels; text about the trip here.)
– Technically, it’s about the Yukon, but Robert Service’s The Spell Of The Yukon has one of the best descriptions of the wild places of Alaska I’ve ever read.
Mr. Clif-
I’m not sure how petty politicians expect oil companies to drill in those lands when they tax them reprehensibly. You can’t overtax these companies and then expect them to dance when you ask them to dance. It’s amazing how cocky politicans are.
SomeNYGuy, I rather imagine it would be more along the lines of a howling void than a wilderness.
You liberals have already been told by serious commentators that ANWR holds nothing. Nothing nothing nothing
Holy fucking shit. Wildlife Reserve. What the fuck were you expecting? Malls? Subdivisions? It’s a wildlife reserve. The whole point is that there’s nothing there. And that nothing goes there. Wildlife Reserve.
Unless you’re seriously arguing that we shouldn’t have any wildlife reserves. Because if that’s the case, then you can just STFU since Skullhunter has already summed up your entire argument:
I never said that.
Leave the yetis out of this!
I never said that.
So this isn’t you?
’cause it sure sounds like you.
Dragon-King, you have to remember that when a wingnut says “nothing” in that context, they usually mean “nothing of immediate value to me”. SowellFan can’t buy it, sell it, eat it or jerk off to it so it might as well be destroyed in the name of producing something he can buy, sell, eat or despoil.
It includes those things I on which I agree with him, and doesn’t include those on which I don’t.
If you really want to go into that…
What in that isn’t correct? Liberals have been trying to force people to think like them for ever. You people want everyone to think like you, so you make people not want to drill in ANWR. We should drill in ANWR because there’s natural resources there that we need, and because there’s nothing in ANWR except grass.
You seem like a good guy and a fine ally. “Being a Hillary supporter” has never been a bad thing for me.
With that being said, I really wish for your sake you hadn’t spent time on S,N! defending rancid individuals like p_luk and Real Iris(TM). That’s all.
Right, because conservatives never tell people what to do.
Unless it’s to tell them what god to believe in. Or who they can have consensual sexual relationships with. Or how “real men” and “real women” should behave and look. You know. The important stuff. Not how we should treat each other or how we should make sure that there’s an actual non-dystopian future ahead or how we should protect the less powerful among us from the more powerful.
Liberals have been trying to force people to think like them for ever. You people want everyone to think like you, so you make people not want to drill in ANWR.
It gets worse. We’ve also forced people to think that we should pull out of Iraq, fund stem cell research, stop global warming, keep abortion legal, and elect Barack Obama as the next president.
Soon everyone will think like a liberal. Even you.
I’m waiting for pro-drilling conservatives to explain one thing: What’s in it for me?
10 billion barrels over 50 years is 200 million barrels per year. We use about 30 billion barrels per year now, so that would add 0.6% to the yearly supply. I’d never see the corresponding drop in price at the gas pump.
It’s not worth my 1/300,000,000 share of a wildlife reserve.
>The phrase ‘nothing but random animals and nothing’ was written by a supposed troll, and his opinions are therefore not representative of the opinions of most of the commenters on this blog.
>The supposed troll is very likely a parody troll, and his opinions are therefore not representative of the opinions of most of the trolls on this blog.
It is nothing but random weird postings and nothing.
And we want conservatives to stop being afraid of minorities and hating gays and women. Bad us.
As the current chair of The Honorable Brotherhood of Sadly, No! Trolls, it is my duty to inform you that SowellFan’s opinions are representative of Jason Ambrose, at least. Shoelimpy kinda digs him, too.
No, I like to keep my thoughts clothed in tasteful rationality. Bare thoughts are often wild, unruly, untamed, even dangerous. For example, I might have a bare thought about just nuking the Middle East, turn it into a glass parking lot, then I wouldn’t have to worry about those people flying planes into skyscrapers. If I didn’t take a minute to put some rational thought on the consequences, my bare thought could kill millions, maybe billions.
The “free market” DID decide, dope. Markets aren’t only comprised of business interests and calculations of financial profit and loss; there is also the concept of the “marketplace of ideas,” where groups of people haggle and argue about politics and social goals. Our “free market” in this case is our system of publicly-elected government officials; it decided to establish a wildlife refuge to preserve a wilderness. It can of course change its mind; but that seems unlikely, especially given the current political climate. In that regard, you would better use your time trying to convince true fence-sitters that drilling is a good idea than charging into the heart of enemy territory and arguing that drilling is a great idea to people who are absolutely dedicated to the opposite proposition. All that’s going to happen is, we’re going to laugh at you. QED.
Still confident about October, guys? Still think that pump prices will drive everyone to vote for your beloved Obama?
I’m going to sit back and laugh when he gets blown out because the Dems refuse to drill in freaking ANWR. Don’t say I didn’t tell you so.
The fact is, you cannot argue with the facts and logic of conservatism. Here in the Heartland, we understand the Law Of Economics. You don’t.
Arctic Refuge drilling controversy
It’s Wikipedia and should be understood as a place to start but even starting there is hard with a troll. The important figures are 1.26 trillion and 7 months. That’s the real controversy, 1 trillion to the oil companies for 7 months of oil.
All I can say is that Bill Ayers disagrees with that assessment.
“Still confident about October, guys? Still think that pump prices will drive everyone to vote for your beloved Obama?”
Um, is this a trick question? Yes, and yes.
How is that any different from you and Jonah Goldberg trying to make people WANT to drill in ANWR?
Fine, that’s what you believe. I and others think differently. Let’s vote. So far, my side has been winning.
Yes, it’d really teach us a lesson if McInsane wins, pushes through drilling in ANWR and then is left trying to explain why destroying a wildlife refuge was worth a three second dip in gas prices.
Then again this is coming from the same bunch who decided to teach us a lesson last Earth Day by tripling their own electric bills and gasoline expenditures.
You know what would REALLY show us liberals who’s boss? If all you wingnuts started punching yourselves in the testicles until you pass out. That’d teach us a thing or two.
Given that SF faked Iris, and it’s been a little while since Real Iris™ has been around, I suggest that SF has either done his research or has been here before. The former isn’t too likely, methinks.
Damn you WordPress!
What about TM?
Oh. IC
In case anyone’s wondering what happens in October, it’s a special secret early voting day reserved for super-duper patriotic Republican voters. Everybody else votes on the first Tuesday in November.
Snorghagen: So a troll wrote it. Doesn’t make the attitude towards Alaska any less irritating — there was this huge flap a while ago about Don Young’s “Bridge To Nowhere” that had the same dismissive ‘oh, there’s nothing there, pffft’ feeling to it. It was just the last straw on a gigantic pile of similar stupidity.
Plus, all the cool kids were feeding trolls, so, y’know.
Many of the Unicode codes we are so fond of have symbolic analogues in HTML, in the case of the ™ mark, you can use ™
(and to “escape” a code and prevent it from being parsed like I did above, use & instead of an actual ampersand)
The fact is, the laws of economics are immutable, and your attempt to shove socialism, and the gays, which are both against nature, down our throats, is the typical biased left wing unhinged strategy of failure. So keep trying and keep loosing elections. Here in the Heartland, we vote for people who talk straight common sense, not Halfricans who say nothing and are tied to radical muslims and affirmative action and America haters.
The fact is, stop being biased and hating America. The left is really unhinged and full of hate.
I agree 100%, Gary!
Indeed I was a Hillary supporter; now I’ll vote for Obama. I defend the things I agree with. Maybe like SowellFan I often choose the wrong place to do so; and maybe we have different perceptions of lukasiak and Iris (probably more on the former than the latter). I’m sorry that apparently means we won’t be close friends. But we do seem to agree on ANWR drilling, and probably other things a lot more important than whether or not blog commenter p_lukasiak is a racist dead-ender conspiracy nut.
“Here in the Heartland, we vote for people who talk straight common sense, not Halfricans who say nothing and are tied to radical muslims and affirmative action and America haters.”
“The left is really unhinged and full of hate.”
So… you’re a member of “the left” whatever that is? Because you are unhinged and full of hate.
Does straight talk = idiocity? Enjoy your candidate. You will lose.
We disown any association with Gary Ruppert.
Bunch of class clowns around here, with no understanding of economics. Let me put it to you straight, so it’s easy for you to understand:
1) Oil is a scarce resource.
2) We need more oil.
3) ANWR has lots of oil.
4) There’s nothing in ANWR except oil. Plenty of experts have said this.
5) We should drill for oil in ANWR.
It’s as simple as that. Economics is not a difficult thing to understand, the looney left theories are much more difficult. Why? because they are incorrect. You can chirp about “nuance,” but in fact you are wrong about drilling for oil in ANWR.
Well I certainly can’t argue with that.
Jonah Goldberg is not one of us.
4) There’s nothing in ANWR except oil. Plenty of experts have said this.
Get your fucking ladle and go make a fortune.
Ah, Republicans. So good at economics, they brought us the Great Depression!
And they enjoyed it so much, they seem determined to do it again. Second verse, same as the first?
I sold my Sowell to the devil.
I really have to go on with this. Liberalrob, wanna know why we think Iris is such a steaming pile of crap?
The above was posted by Iris over at Talk Left the night after Obama essentially captured the Democratic nomination.
She deserves nothing but our scorn. And mockery. And fake trollery. And FWIW, my “Iris” sounds a heckuva lot smarter than the real thing. Maybe I should tinker with it.
1) Oil is a scarce resource. –Maybe.
2) We need more oil. –or to do more with the same amount or less(i.e. be conservative)
3) ANWR has lots of oil. –if you define “lots” as “not lots”. The actual amount is disputed by the experts, but none would lead to energy independence.
4) There’s nothing in ANWR except oil. Plenty of experts have said this. –No evidence any experts said this, even using your definition of nothing(i.e. not nothing).
5) We should drill for oil in ANWR. –PROFIT!!!
Gary Ruppert wrote:
Unnatural gay socialists are being shoved down your throat? How often have you had this experience?
1) Finally, a wingnut who thinke we’ve hit peak oil. I look forward to SowellFan’s future comments about supporting wind and solar power and enforcing stricter mileage requirements.
2) Peak oil! You just said so in 1) so what we really need is – to need less oil.
3) This is already shown to be arguable at best. I mean, it does depend on your definition of “lots”, but even a generous accounting is three years of US consumption – not exactly “lots”
4) Phew. I thought I hammered this one enough but apparently not. Wildlife reserve.
5) Well, your conclusion doesn’t really follow anymore, does it. Especially since, if magically ANWR drilling lowers gas prices significantly, that’ll only increase demand for oil. So your 5) should really be invest in renewable alternative energy sources.
Hey SowellFan’s really a hippie!
1) Oil is a scarce resource.
2) We need more oil.
3) ANWR has lots of oil.
4) There’s nothing in ANWR except oil. Plenty of experts have said this.
5) We should drill for oil in ANWR.
1) Plants crave electrolytes
2) Brawndo’s got electrolytes
3) Water comes out of the toilet
4) I never saw plants grow out of no toilet
5) We should put Brawndo on plants, not water.
There’s nothing in ANWR except oil. Plenty of experts have said this.
Many of the same experts said
“They’ll greet us as liberators”
“Saddam has nukes”
“The economic picture is rosy”
“No one could have predicted _________”
Stoopid troll doesn’t know what the word “expert” means.
Truth, I’ll let you in on a secret, and it’s a beaut!
It’s not going to come to that – the day before the speech that’s supposed to use ANWR to pillory Obama (sched for Aug 14, IIRC), Congressional Democrats are going to submit legislation nationalizing parts of several major US firms that have declined to drill on land they’ve leased for decades. (Interestingly, the USAPATRIOT Act makes this legally possible.) The legislation will nullify those leases for non-performance, and establish a government enterprise to drill and refine oil which will compete on the open market against other firms.
It will be similar in many respects to the US Postal Service.
That, by the way, is one of the ways the DNC is going to market it.
It is both an energy policy track, and a campaign gimmick – Dean is a genius.
“That’ll never fly!” you say?
Nonsense – most Americans send mail and packages via the USPS – it’s very cheap for letters and other correspondence, and competitive for packages. You ever send mail via FedEx? Hell no – that’s limited to corporations that have money to burn. Government-run enterprise moves regular peoples’ mail.
And all it’s got to do is cover costs – no extra money out of your wallet for profits, no 3-martini lunches or golf junkets!
Add to that the 2nd Amendment friendly nature of government enterprise (“going postal?”), and it’s a marketing campaign that can’t lose.
And why not?
You’ll either:
a. have Republicans supporting the legislation for fear of losing their seats
b. have Democratic candidates filling those formerly Republican seats, who will then approve the legislation
Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaary said:
“Here in the Heartland, we vote for people who talk straight common sense”
GOP Presidential John McCain flip-flops on offshore drilling:
“It is hardly a secret that when it comes to offshore drilling, Sen. John McCain was against the idea before he was for it. On Monday, the Arizona Republican told a crowd in Texas that he was abandoning his long-time support for a federal moratorium on drilling along the nation’s coastlines in favor of allowing states to decide for themselves.
But how recent a convert is McCain to this position?
In late May, during a campaign town hall, McCain was asked about the prospect of coastal drilling. His answer then was far more nebulous and skeptical of the idea compared to his recent, full-throated endorsement.
On a campaign stop in Greensdale, Wisconsin, the Senator suggested that turning to the nation’s coast for energy needs would be something of a waste in time and effort and do little to resolve America’s broader energy needs. ”
Gotta love that straight talk and common sense.
Maybe I’m the one that’s missing out on the concept. I thought I must have had it right since it conflicts with both SowellFan and Jonah.
Wildlife Reserve: A wildlife reserves(sic) is a protected area of importance for wildlife, which is reserved and managed for conservation.
So the argument that there’s “nothing” there is completely beside the point. There’s supposed to be “nothing” there. It’s an area reserved for wildlife. Unless they’re arguing that there’s no wildlife there either. I mean, what the fuck are they trying to say?
Congressional Democrats are going to submit legislation nationalizing parts of several major US firms that have declined to drill on land they’ve leased for decades.
The same legislation will also forcibly gay-marry white Americans to whoever’s nearest, unless it’s an animal in which case they will be DOUBLE GAY-MARRIED.
You people want everyone to think like you, so you make people not want to drill in ANWR.
Triple point-by-point at 22:36. I feel honored to be part of the hat trick!
kenga – I love it. Is this for real? Linky? Please?
PS Dean’s not so much a genius as very adept at recognizing opportunities where no one had previously seen them. I guess that’s a kind of genius – never mind.
One of the things I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is the people who claim to have the most solutions are the same people who are causing the most problems. Perhaps it’s about time you liberals looked in the mirror. Not surprisingly, the same people who claim that everyone else has faults are the same people whose faults they are unable to see.
Hey, knock yourself out. I have no problem with that, other than that I’m slow on the uptake sometimes and can’t tell the fake trolls from the real. I love the Malfunctioning X Robots around here, too. Just don’t assume that because I agree with one or more statements of a commenter that I’m BFF’s with them. I know that’s hard to do, given that you know nothing about me. For all you know, I AM a racist dead-ender conspiracy nut just like you think lukasiak is. I’d like to think my various comments and posts would argue against that perception.
You could use SowellFan as a model…
our attempt to shove socialism, and the gays, which are both against nature, down our throats
The fact is, we’re just not that into you.
Economics is not a difficult thing to understand, the looney left theories are much more difficult. Why? because they are incorrect.
So everything true is simple to understand, eh? OK, reconcile the Trinity with monotheism.
(hums tune to Jeopardy, looks at watch)
“One of the things I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is the people who claim to have the most solutions are the same people who are causing the most problems. Perhaps it’s about time you liberals looked in the mirror. Not surprisingly, the same people who claim that everyone else has faults are the same people whose faults they are unable to see.”
What solutions are being proposed in this post’s article? Or is this just general hot-air-steam-blowing?
From the term “you liberals” it seems you’re just upset at your stereotyped straw man
Yes. They call themselves Republicans.
How can anything we come up with be against nature, when it’s our nature to be what our nature is?
One of the things I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is the people who claim to have the most solutions are the same people who are causing the most problems.
How perceptive of you. I wouldn’t have expected that kind of self-reflection of a person who claims drilling in the ANWR is the solution to all our problems, and attempted to start a flame war over it.
pedestrian said,
June 18, 2008 at 22:36
Vote for the Idiocrat candidate!
One of the things I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is the people who claim to have the most solutions are the same people who are causing the most problems.
Perhaps it’s about time you liberals looked in the mirror. Not surprisingly, the same people who claim that everyone else has faults are the same people whose faults they are unable to see.
Public self-pwnage is a crime in many states.
SowellFan demonstrates one fallacy of the simplified scarcity model of economics. S/he has roughly the same number of brain cells as the average human being, but they don’t seem to connect in ways that lets him or her engage in proper debate.
Thus, this demonstrates that the abundance, or not, of a substance can be trumped by its fitness for its purpose.
I see Jonah’s cultivating the Murray Hewitt look.
As you’ve gotten older? How old are you?
As I’ve gotten older, now 41, I’ve noticed that a lot of people will decry the faults of others while they themselves secretly share the same faults; they will even accuse others of having faults that the other person does not have, but that they themselves secretly do have. I’ve also noticed that people will advocate almost any restrictions on behavior so long as they themselves are not affected or expected to abide by them; have you noticed that? Another thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is that people who have acquired position and prestige tend to agitate for policies that preserve and expand that position and prestige, while at the same time denying or restricting the opportunity of others to acquire similar position and prestige. In fact they will even go so far as to reduce their own position so long as in exchange that position is preserved and protected.
liberal rob wins “best use of QED in a left wing political satire blog comment thread.”
No seriously, what do I get if “we” drill for oil in ANWR. How many dollar-dollar-bills for my pocket?
I’m guessing none. “We” is a codeword for the oil companies, and they don’t have a history of sharing nicely.
sagra –
You get a choice: jack or shit. Choose wisely. The caribou are watching.
Stupid, angry, scared, arrogant, and unhinged – the defining characteristics of wingnuts everywhere – seem to be congealed into an unholy mess in the (vestigial) brainstem of the organism posting under the name “sowellfan”.
No one could be that dense and be able to turn on a computer. He has GOT to be a parody troll like Gary.
Sadly no, this is not an ad hominem attack. It is merely parody like the coultergeist likes to engage in.
nothing but random animals and nothing
What, like unicorns and Panda bears, living together? Aside from the fact that even random animals aren’t nothing, but actually something.
hey, tell ya what SowellFan, if you want to drill in ANWR, I say go ahead. Leave today and go up to Alaska and pound….sand.
1) Plants crave electrolytes
2) Brawndo’s got electrolytes
3) Water comes out of the toilet
4) I never saw plants grow out of no toilet
5) We should put Brawndo on plants, not water.
Bravoe, sir, bravo.
One of the things I’ve noticed over the last seven years is the people causing the most problems are the same people who offer no solutions to them.
Seriously, you’re starting to sound like The Sphinx.
“He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions.”
[Mr. Furious tries to balance a hammer on his head]
Mr. Furious: Why am I doing this, again?
The Sphinx: When you can balance a tack hammer on your head, you will head off your foes with a balanced attack.
Mr. Furious: And why am I wearing the watermelon on my feet?
The Sphinx: [looks at the watermelon on Mr. Furious’ feet] I don’t remember telling you to do that.
The Sphinx: Your temper is very quick, my friend. But until you learn to master your rage…
Mr. Furious: …your rage will become your master? That’s what you were going to say. Right? Right?
The Sphinx: Not necessarily.
The Shoveller
Some Caribou said,
Well we are tasty, you have to admit that.
Is anyone else experiencing flashbacks to Hardware, and Reno’s radiation-free reindeer steaks?
My Youtube powers are weak and I cannot find a clip.
…your attempt to shove socialism, and the gays, which are both against nature, down our throats…
like cars, airplanes and open heart surgery occur in the wild all the time
Mystery Men deserves way more credit than it gets.
I am also against nature and I would like to be shoved down someone’s throat.
The fact is, you liberals have shown you have grasp of economics, facts, logic or truth. You have nothing but hate and unreason. Your hatred for Bush is a mental illness, but it is not a reason to vote for a black man, merely out of spite. As well, you need to stop caring about a few polar bears when America’s security is on the line. Here in the Heartland, we have our priorities straight. Out there in the fringe land of coastal eleitsm, you have all really lost it.
like cars, airplanes and open heart surgery occur in the wild all the time
We typically leave the open heart surgery to the bears and Timber Wolves, but they aren’t particularly good at it.
I am better than Alaska! We have much oil here. Nothing but oil! And no messy caribou. Only peasants, which are not federally protected. What will you do when your uppity caribou demand collective bargaining agreements? You never hear of backpackers lost on a small island off the Mexican coast! Join us
No no no no no.
That’s what Presidential signing statements are for, silly!
PeeJ – I regret to inform you that almost all of that came out of my occasionally active imagination. But, I see no harm in putting it out there …
We typically leave the open heart surgery to the bears and Timber Wolves
I thought that was bears and pumas.
Most red states can be described as “random animals and nothing” ;p
I dunno, there aren’t all that many animals here in Utah.
I see this thread got EVEN SILLIER after I had to go back to work.
Impressive, young jedis.
open heart surgery
Careful, or I will sing “Total Ellipsis of the Heart” again.
I’ve seen guys like Sowellfan. They come in and talk about how great Sowell is … and then they never give any examples. They don’t seem to know the names of his books, even. They call him a genius, they say how great he is, they mention a random conservative who says how great he is, then they attack the same straw men that Sowell attacks just as clumsily as Sowell does.
So, Sowellfan. Tell us why he’s so great? I’ve never read any of his books, but I read his column every week. (I’m a copy editor at a newspaper that runs his column, and I think he’s an idiot. We all got such a laugh out of the column where he said Sirhan Sirhan is Iranian. That’s some typical Sowell sloppiness. We call his column “Straw Man Theater.”) What does he write that separates him from other economists? Why is he such a great economic intellectual?
I’ve asked this in other political forums and no on has ever attempted to answer.
So show us how well you understand Mr. Sowell and his brave dissent on the liberal heterodoxy’s view of capitalism and the economy.
Being specific will help your credibility.
I am better than Alaska! We have much oil here. Nothing but oil!
That’s a lie! You got fucking pelicans!!!
Hoosier X, I’ve seen your kind before too, who refuse to read Dr. Sowell’s books but still bash him anyway. Why don’t you educate yourself before talking. Sadly, people these days think their words are more important than their actions. Economics is what this world hinges on, and yet you refuse to read Dr. Sowell. So sad.
Hmmm…it appears that Jonah’s found the “random animals.”
Basic Economics is a good place to start, HOoser X. Because your view is basic.
Squee! I can’t believe we got ourselves a live one!
Hoosier X, I’ve seen your kind before too, who refuse to read Dr. Sowell’s books but still bash him anyway.
I believe you were asked if you yourself had done so.
LA Confidential Pantload—
not to pantload in your punch or anything, but…ahem.
Fucking WordPress, that’s actually the first time it’s eaten a link on me. If you can believe that.
Squee! I can’t believe we got ourselves a live one!
It’s a parody troll. Note Iris crossdressing upthread.
I’m guessing Matt McMahon *glares*.
Economics is what this world hinges on, and yet you refuse to read Dr. Sowell. So sad.
Wrong. The world hinges on mathematics, yet you refuse to read The Doctor of Cubicism.
Ooooh mister Goldeberg has lovely hair!! And he will look after the deers. I have seen them come down to drink the water when the monkeys took me there in a sedan chair. They are very beautiful.
I have a headpain from people arguing and shouting, sherbet cannot cure this I need Turkish Delight. Would Mister Goldberg have some? I hope he does not get oil on him. How does he talk so we can see the words?
Too many questions I need marzipan , where are the monkeys????
I’ve read half of Dr. Sowell’s books. Which is better than none, which is what Hoosier X has done.
Did you read the front half, or the back?
The right half, natch.
I like to read the white half of a book — the gaps between the letters and words. They form braided patterns on the page. Then the voice explains what they mean and who is next to be sacrificed.
Smut Clyde wins the thread.
Snarky to the end, I see. Sadly for Sadly, No.
How does one become a parody troll?
I am concerned that you are taking your assigned role (P.T.) too seriously. Remember, the guys you idolize laugh at you.
The fact is, the laws of economics are immutable
For about +90% of human history, economics was collectivist & overtly totalitarian, with “laws” to match – nowadays, not so much. Get your econ wisdom from FOX NEWS much? Or did that ripe brown nugget fall off the Sowell Train, too?
Let me get this straight- You libs would rather make fun of a successful conservative’s appearance than debate the facts?
Nah, I’m a greedy bastard so I’ll take “all of the above” on that.
Places like ANWR are why you get to do fun stuff like BREATHE or have CLEAN WATER, & when you fuck them up, they often stay fucked up for a lot longer than you can survive without air or water … oh, & that 1,000 days of oil (which is only at peak production levels America won’t see until between 2020 & 2035)? Nuh-uh. You’re using today’s rate of consumption – but that rate’s catastrophically non-static: oil depletion is going up, exponentially. Supply is pretty much dead flat. I know it’s mighty damned hurtful to kick that monkey, but if you don’t, the “inconvenient truth” is that it’s going to kill you, period. You, all those hippies you loathe, & everyone else like you that thought it’d be cool to say “fuck the stupid caribou & the stupid Natives & the stupid trees & grass & shit – I wanna go on another joyride just like the good old days!”
Get it through your thick skull – the good old days aren’t coming back for oil.
Cheap gas is a memory, & drilling a Wildlife Refuge won’t bring it back to life – consider yourself VERY lucky if you ever see it on the happy side of $4/gallon again – & it’s SUV-fetishing, 24/7 A/C-running, no-hippy-recycling-crap-for-ME myopic fuckwits – who think they’re being cool when they praise Neoconderthal dingdongs like Sowell – that did more than their share to make the oil burn up so damn fast (oh the “IRONY”), from 60-years’-worth in 2000 to about 25-years’-worth today – so please feel free to suck it.
Oh yeah – & judging by that new hairdo, I’d say Jonah looks like he’s coming out of the closet in 5 … 4 … 3 …
Simba B – I’m reduced to an echo. I’d say I made an ass of myself, but young Goldberg might misinterpret that…..
No! You are wrong! The world hinges on irrational psychobabble and nonsense, yet you refuse to study the TimeCube guy.
Oh… We seem to have arrived at the same destination via different paths.
How does one become a parody troll?
There’s a book you can buy.
Oh… We seem to have arrived at the same destination via different paths.
Yeah, and I should clarify that I only meant to imply that Gene Ray is a mathematician in the same sense that Thomas Sowell is an eminent economist.
Snarky to the end, I see.
I’m sorry – didn’t anyone give you a brochure when you came in?
Uh, I read his column every week.
Did I mention that?
Yes. Yes, I did.
For some reason, Sowellfan, like a typical Sowell fan, refuses to acknowledge that. Sowell’s columns are full of attacks on “liberal” positions that are not held by any real-world liberals that I know. He frequently mentions studies that support conservative positions … then doesn’t name the study so that the interested reader can see if the study says what Sowell claims. Sometimes he weighs in on the liberal academia and liberal media and global warming, and it is frequently quite clear that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about beyond the information supplied in The Big Golden Book of Republican Talking Points. (He doesn’t always seem to have the latest edition either, and it often appears that he is cribbing from Mallard Fillmore.)
To be a little more specific, I love it when he talks about “liberal academia” and African-American History. I have a master’s degree in history and I wrote a thesis paper on southern newspapers from 1800 to 1860, and when he starts in on slavery, and the way slavery is taught, I roll my eyes and laugh. He does not describe any curriculum I ever heard of.
He once praised a new book on slavery, and went on about how it was honest and true, and would upset “politically correct” “liberal academia” because it said – horror of horrors! – that other countries besides the United States had slavery!
Yeah. That was crap from the pen of Thomas Sowell. I will admit that I was in classes that focused on American slavery. You know, classes on American History. That ALWAYS talked about the triangle trade and the text had a chart that showed that 80% of the slaves that came across the Atlantic went to Brazil. Lots of stuff like that.
Sowell’s contention that “liberal academia” is trying to “blame” America – and America alone! – for the slave trade is some serious nonsense. I speak from personal experience, as a student and as a teaching assistant.
So … I ask: I have much experience reading the nonsensical blather that Sowell spews forth. I’ve been reading his column regularly for years. His columns are full of lame rationalizations and logical fallacies. Here I am, as I have done with Sowell supporters in the past, asking you to convince me that the nitwit sophist I see in the newspaper could somehow write a honest book, full of perceptive comments and insightful wit, on the economy.
So far, seeing that this is the best you can do, I am just not convinced that readers of Sowell are walking away with anything worth reading or hearing about.
I have read a lot about economics, by the way, and I took a class in the Economic History of the United States. I am currently reading Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. Ever heard of it?
I am not kind any of an economic expert, but I can see the holes in Sowell’s logcal fallacies a mile away.
You can’t even say a few words on why he’s so great.
Pathetic. Like Sowell himself.
That guy’s been on TV. That’s all the proof I need.
No, no, I understood. It’s pretty much impossible to mistake the TimeCube guy for anything other than a loon.
I’m going to lay off Sowell.
It’s rude to make fun of the mentally handicapped.
Snarky to the end, I see.
Among our tribe, ridicule and buffoonery are a traditional way of showing our respect for an opponent’s intellectual accomplishments.
It’s also how we laugh at them behind their backs.
Quite frankly, I think you dislike Dr. Sowell because you’re a liberal. Answer to that.
Why should I? It’s more fun seeing you dance around for attention from people you perportedly despise.
Do the Dance of Joy, Numfar!
I think you dislike Dr. Sowell because you’re a liberal. Answer to that.
NOW we’re liberals.
In the 1950s, or 1919-20, we’d’ve been Bolschevik dupes, or Reds.
In the 60s or 70s, we’d’ve been Utopian dope-fiends.
Congratulations – you’ve transformed a positive attribute into an insult.
Moral degradation? You’re soaking in it!
I can just see the comments circa 2020:
“LOL! Hey look guyz, itz anuthur one ov those loonytoon retarted pro-intellijence wackjob’z!!!11!! Thinkingk iz liek, so totallie GHAY. Ollie North Junior 4 Emperor in 2020!1!11”
Certainly his coloring books are.
Give me white
Ground to run
If The Devil is six…
why is it that SowellFan can’t quote any specific examples of Sowell’s work, or even credibly paraphrase what he says?
“Random animals and nothing” ? I thought that was the program for the 2008 Republican National Convention!
The fact is, you liberals have shown you have a great grasp of economics, facts, logic and truth. You have nothing but love and kisses for us poor conservatives, I love you all. Your hatred for trees is a mental illness, but it is not a reason to vote for a Mexican evildoer, merely out of a misguided sense of loyalty to the flag of the Free Republic of Andorra As well, you need to stop caring about a few panda bears when Germay’s place in the quater finals is on the line, with only five minutes left in the half, and down 2-0 (although one was a dodgy penalty). Here in the center of the galactic Federation, we have our priorities straight; man love & furries. Out there in the fringe land of coastal leitmotivs, you have all really lost it and are embracing love of gay pelicans and other deviants. Damn you all!!!
How can anything we come up with be against nature, when it’s our nature to be what our nature is?
You cannot go against nature
Because if you do
Go against nature
It’s part of nature tooooooooo . . . .
Mystery Men deserves way more credit than it gets.
Its only flaw is in the use of that horrible “Hey Now, You’re a Rock Star” song.
In the 60s or 70s, we’d’ve been Utopian dope-fiends.
Thanks for reminding me – I need to update my business cards.
As flaws go, having the end-credits theme be objectionable is pretty minimal.
Fun movie.
Uh, Sowellfan,
If you really want to understand why “liberals” aren’t very impressed with you or your big hero, take a look at the sum total of your (and his) arguments.
“If you don’t agree, it’s only because you’re a liberal.”
Please try to comprehend why that isn’t very convincing to honest decent people who don’t get their information from the Big Golden Book of Republican Talking Points.
One question that I’ve been mulling over: Does Mallard Fillmore get his material from Sowell? Or is it the other way around?
We typically leave the open heart surgery to the bears and Timber Wolves
I thought that was bears and pumas.
Well, yes, you’re correct, since they are random animals after all.
Here is my not-shorter attempt to summarise the underlying argument with which this thread began:
(1) A president who is widely seen as beholden to the oil industry…
(2) At a time when oil companies are responding to the high price of petrol by making record profits…
(3) opts to spend what little is left of his
political capitalcredibility by proposing…(4) to let the oil companies drill within National Parks and sell any resulting oil to whichever country will increase their profits even further.
(5) It is argued that the popularity of Democrat politicians will suffer if they fail to support this proposal.
Have I missed anything out?
the economics:
Additional oil production resulting from the opening of ANWR would be only a small portion of total world oil production, and would likely be offset in part by somewhat lower production outside the United States. The opening of ANWR is projected to have its largest oil price reduction impacts as follows: a reduction in low-sulfur, light crude oil prices of $0.41 per barrel (2006 dollars) in 2026 for the low oil resource case, $0.75 per barrel in 2025 for the mean oil resource case, and $1.44 per barrel in 2027 for the high oil resource case, relative to the reference case.
so basically 75 cents off a barrel of oil 17 years from now. im buying a hummer!