Why I Do Not Like Roger Kimball’s Bow Tie

Roger Kimball
You’d think that a New York Times article that planted a big sloppy wet French kiss on John McCain would be welcomed over at Pajamas Media. But that would just prove that you were unfamiliar with PJ Media’s resident fashion plate, Roger Kimball, and his latest piece of nonsense, which he thoughtfully titled “Why I Do Not Like The New York Times, Section 10, Chapter 687,” for those who might not otherwise get the point. Roger managed to see the article, which praised the military service of McCain’s son, as further proof that the Times staff spends every waking hour plotting the best way to provide Al Qaeda with detailed instructions on how to build a suitcase nuke.
Roger starts his riff on the Times article with a little bit of fractured syntax that would make Pastor Swank blush with envy:
The latest contribution to malicious journalistic non-entity dilated on the fact Mr. McCain says very little publicly about his son’s service in the United States Marines.
If he’d just said the “malicious journalistic non-entity global splash dilated on the fact,” then the homage to Swank would have been complete.
As Jodi Kantor . . . noted in the course of her story, Mr. McCain has refrained from mentioning his son’s service with the Marines 1) because he did not want to be seen to be using it for political gain and 2) he wished “to protect him from becoming a prize target.”
You might think that even the Times would applaud number 1, but Jodi manages to cast a miasma of suspicion over even that aspect of Mr. McCain’s behavior, writing that he “has largely maintained a code of silence about his son.” What she means is that he hasn’t said much about it. But only dodgy people—you know, mafiosi, army generals, and Republican politicians—maintain “codes of silence.”
Ah, yes, there it is: the famous liberal tactic of smear by miasma. And the reporter was probably whistling the theme from The Godfather when she wrote the sentence in order to transmit telepathically to her readers the image of John McCain dressed up as Don Corleone and talking like he’d swallowed a box of cotton balls.
But now for the real wingnut magic — watch Kimball transform a piece that speaks favorably about the military service of McCain’s son into, well, a threat to his life:
I wonder how Ms. Kantor and her editors feel about the second reason Mr. McCain gave for not talking publicly about his son’s service? Ms. Kantor notes that “The McCains declined to be interviewed for this article, which the campaign requested not be published.” But she published it anyway. What if, God forbid, some harm comes to the junior McCain?
Clearly saying that Corporal McCain is a Marine and has served a tour of duty gives the Iraqi insurgents all the information they need to take him out — which, is why, of course Roger would never name a Marine in print.
Would she feel badly about that? Would she think, “Gee, perhaps I should not have published details about the military service of a son of a prominent politician?” I doubt it.
One of the requirements for becoming a Pajamas Media blogger is the ability to read the mind of reporters at the New York Times. Here at Sadly, No! our powers are somewhat more limited, so we have to settle for ridiculing Roger’s preposterous bow ties and his uncanny resemblance to a puppet from a kiddie show. Besides would anyone really want to read Roger Kimball’s mind?
W/R/T that insipid title, shouldn’t chapter come before section?
This story is as much a non-starter as “OMG the NYT published info about Rummy’s vacation home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” streak from a while back.
The liberal media knows no shame. THe NYT might as well publish the position of Corporal McCain’s unit, which is here, and where they will be going next, which is right over here, and what time would be best to launch an assault, which is at about 4pm when everyone is at the Support Our Troops/ Vote McCain 2008 BBQ.
Whoooo! Shit, the blow is really hitting the blood now! USA!! USA!! USA!! Fuck, someone get me a gun! NOW!!!
What did being the son of CINCPAC get a certain young shot-down flyer back in the day? Better treatment!
Besides would anyone really want to read Roger Kimball’s mind?
To quote another Marlon Brando character, “The Horror! The Horror! The Horror!”
We thought Roger could change, that one day the abuse would stop. But we realize now that we have to leave for the sake of the participles.
You know, Tucker Carlson and Roger Kimball and George Will have all contributed very maliciously towards claiming the bow tie as an exclusively conservative accoutrement, and it must stop. I hate wearing long ties, so when I need to dress formally I use a bow tie, and I’m pretty goddamned liberal. The bow tie becomes subversive, because people have equated bow ties with People Who Know Shit ever since the mid-50s when engineers wore them so as not to get their tie caught in machinery. That’s why conservative fuckwits wear them – they want to appear knowledgeable and distinctive all at once. Of course, for them it doesn’t work, but that’s no reason to let them claim the bow tie.
Free the bow tie!
Sha’mon, gentlemen.
Free the bow tie!
I thought that they were trying to look like this guy.
Boom-shaka-shalom, gentlemen!
So when McCain took a stroll through a Baghdad marketplace and the media dutifully reported his position and the number of soldiers sent to protect him, it was all part of a fiendish assassination plot? Darn librul media
Well, there’s the bolo tie… but you might get mistaken for a Rocky Mountain ranch owner. Then there’s the string tie… but then you’d get mistaken for Colonel Sanders.
Instead of spreading a “miasma” I prefer to think the Times tried to remove the caloric from McCain’s campaign for my discredited scientific theory metaphor.
The fact is, the liberal media needs to stop reporting on US troops in Iraq. If they didn’t traiterously give away our positions Al Qaida wouldn’t know about our men and 4,000 brave patriots would still be alive. The Heartland knows this and we are opposed to the way the media is running the war, not the war, which we are still winning.
Dear God,
I think that conservatives should return to the powdered wig and knee breeches. Also, can Dick Cheney please start wearing a monocle?
…and grow a handlebar mustache and goatee… and wear a stove pipe hat and black cape. That way, we’d know he’s evil.
This just in: Republican operative calls Republican politicians and army generals “dodgy,” likens to mafiosi. SOMEBODY CALL BILL KRISTOL!!
The fact is, what do hippies know about fashion?
Other than being objectively pro-miniskirt?
“a miasma of suspicion”
That’s easily fixed by recalibrating the current imbalance of his morbid humours. I’m thinking an excess of black bile, and a paucity of phlegm.
He’ll need lots of leeches.
How big was that dilation? Seven centimeters? Eight? When will it go into labor?
The fact is, here in the greater Heartland area, “chapter” comes before “section.” I haven’t checked on how they do it in Mexico or France.
Of course not. She’d toast the event with a glass of wine and cackle about how she got another soldier killed.
What a demented fuck of a human being that Roger Kimball is.
Resident-pray ush-bay is in the ite-whay ouse-hay.
Shorter Roger Krimpballs: Dishonest people keep quiet. Honest people prattle on and on. Like me!
I have a new theory that goes something like this –
– Wingnut writers you lots of big words in their columns
– Average Wingnuts don’t understand the big words, but don’t want to seem stupid so they don’t ask what they mean, or look them up. But, they want to seem smart, so instead they just nod along and agree because it’s easier than finding out the truth and possibly looking stupid
The only way we can preserve our freedom is for the press to not to publish anything without the consent of the government officials mentioned in it! If they’re Republicans!
Would she feel badly about that? Would she think, “Gee, perhaps I should not have published details about the military service of a son of a prominent politician?” I doubt it.
Would he use this same logic to condemn Egg-Man Drudge for outing Prince Harry’s military unit (hmmm…that could probably stand some editing) in Afghanistan?
“I doubt it.”
Bartcopfan – No, no, no, you see THAT is completely different. Prince Harry is pie-eating British Nobility (the bastard), where as McCain’s son is salt of the earth, good ol’ American. And they gave specifics about where the Prince was stationed as opposed to generically mentioning that his son is a Marine. See the difference?
BTW – Personally I think it’s great that McCain’s son is in the Corps, and I wish more of our political elite had family that was serving. It might make them a little more cautious before throwing the military at “problems” (see Sen. Jim Webb for a great example).
Well, you’ll be happy to know that I can read Kimball’s mind. And it turns out that what bounces around in there recurrently is the following: “I can handle things. I’m smart, not like everybody says. Not dumb, I’m smart, and I want respect!”
“What if, God forbid, some harm comes to the junior McCain?”
He volunteered – Dick Cheney
Filed under IOKIYAR
Cuz, you know, those folks over there in uniform are just “two bit security guards”
And, like, OPSEC is for the little people
For a while I dropped the tie entirely. I switched to a fabulous ascots. I loved the feel of the silk caressing my rearmost chin with every bobble of my head.
That led to experimentation with chokers. The studded leather felt particularly good with the leash attached. You’ll understand why I only talk about it privately. Will, it’s not just that we share the bow-tie as beard thing. I feel a deep personal connection with you – I think we share much more than that. Don’t we?
What? This thing is on?! Shut it off!!!! Did that go out!?!?! SHUT IT O
Roger Kimball is a very pretty girl.
The “journalistic non-entity” is dilated? Get her into Obg-gyn stat!
“He volunteered – Dick Cheney”
“So?” more Dick Cheney.
None of those will do. When it comes to neckwear, conservative pundits like Kimball need to stick with the good old-fashioned styles.
The fact is, We’re Winning! We’re Winning! We’re Winning! We’re Winning!
McCain’s prisoner of war conditions improved a bit after his parentage was discovered. Cindy could have leaked the information, for all we know.
Mr. Kimball’s brain: here.
That is a delicious picture.
Eat me, George.
I’m nummy and delicious.
Another tidbit to file under IOKIYAR:GOP Rep Calls a US Soldier a “Two Bit Security Guard”
And then the same schmoe decides that “opsec” is only for the little people
GOP Rep Reveals Details of Green Zone Attack; Did he Get U.S. Soldiers Killed?
I tried to link to the stories on AlterNet but a monster eated my post 🙁
I realize that I am exposing myself to large quantities of snark, but what does IOKIYAR mean? I’ve tried and tried to reason it out, but I get stuck on “I know you are, but what am I?”
It’s OK If You’re A Randroid.
IOKIYAR = It’s ok if you’re a fuckwit Republican
Aaah- I get it now. Muchas thank yous. Is anyone else still listening to Petreus? If so, we cannot overstate our gratitude for your service. It would seem that we are containing the threat to us to a country that was never a threat to us. And the Iraquis are helping by occasionally pointing out explosive devices before we find them. Have I missed anything?
“Have I missed anything?”
We got Saddam. He was hanged. So was one of his buddies, but that guy’s head popped off.
Good times, man. Good times.
Just think of all the generals the Cheney Administration had to humiliate and fire before they found one who would say whatever they wanted him to say.
Thank you for your service, General Petraeus!
How many generals do we have? Was this an internal hire, or did Cheney have to advertise out of house? Petraeus just right now said he has no idea whether we are creating more terrorists worldwide than we are “rolling them back” in Iraq. It’s not his concern. Today is a grey day, and I am discouraged.
I had a programming supervisor who wore a bow tie because he could:keep it in his top drawer and put in on without taking off his coat for those management meetings.
“This time Gen. Petraeus returns to Washington having led one of the most remarkably successful military operations in American history.”
– Senator Lindsey Graham
If teh Surge™ was one of the most sucessful military operations in American history, there wouldn’t be any American history, Senator Huckleberry.
P.S. Look, a hat tip to S,N!
But as scores of blogs such as Sadly No! immediately noted, anybody with a GED should have understood what Clinton had said because he expressed his thoughts in a very clear manner. Only Tapper, a senior political reporter for one of the largest news organizations in the country, had trouble grasping the obvious. (Click here to see a clip of Clinton’s remarks at Crooks and Liars.)
Who believes this? Who actually legitimately believes this in their heart of hearts?
Senator Graham’s a bit of a slut, isn’t he? Kissing up here, stroking there….
He seek them here, He seek him there,
He seeks those patrons everywhere.
Is he in heaven?
—Is he in hell?
That demmed, elusive Senate Belle..
He also doesn’t know the difference between an adjective and an adverb. It’s “feel bad”, not “feel badly”, you dolt, unless you’re talking about her ability to physically feel something with her hands. I just hate bad writing like this. He writes badly. Oy. Do I feel sadly for him? S/N!
He writes badly.
He also writes bad.
500 times, in soap, on his bathroom mirror, every morning before breakfast.
Well, he should.
The fact is, politicians in Iraq are getting more stuff done than politicians in the U.S., and we should feel lucky enough to emulate the safety, security, and prosperity of Iraq. I just wish you people would stop being so partisan and take my example of non-partisanship. Especially if you’re an American-hating liberal traitor.
“This time Gen. Petraeus returns to Washington having led one of the most remarkably successful military operations in American history.”
What the fuck was D-Day, then? A Grand Day Out?
“Who believes this? Who actually legitimately believes this in their heart of hearts?”
Teh Usual Suspects
It wouldn’t be a TRUE Swankism if it didn’t contain some variation of “Muslim stroking.”
I’m so confused by your blog, snarky…
I think I figured it out. Sorry, I’m slow.
Ask anyone around here, they’ll tell ya.
Theory: McCain never mentions his son, because he’s in the Marines, not the Navy.
No doubt, highly trained Al Hezzbollah Nazi KGB ninja assassins are moving in to kill him RIGHT NOW! Oh NOES!
Wait a minit! He’s in the Marines, eh? I’ll have to find pix. Marines are all major bottoms, as everyone who’s ever fucked a few knows. I mean seriously, EVERY TIME I ever hit the sack with a Marine it was an immediate fight for the bottom.
I am not making this up.
When it comes to neckwear, conservative pundits like Kimball need to stick with the good old-fashioned styles.
This link was not my idea. The voices made me do it.
“I’m so confused by your blog, snarky…”
That makes two of us.
Yeah – that vast echoing silence when Drudge outed Prince William was VERY educational.
How about INTIARDI – It’s Not Treason If A Republican Does It?
Rishy @ 18:07 ——
That is truly heinous.
Another neo-con politician who totally violates basic rules of security, quite likely getting soldiers hurt & killed by doing so. First McCain & his carpet-bargain market-stunt, now McHenry & his one-man circle-jerk website.
Funny – I’m not hearing any outrage from the Saul-Gary-Matt creature/s on ANY of this, & there’s zero room for doubt here: these people overtly & demonstrably put US troops in harm’s way, for nothing more than their own grandstanding. There was no tactical or strategic purpose being served, just naked PR-pimping at its ugliest. I’ve heard of Army brass doing exactly the same stupid shit in terms of photo-op “surprise visits” to sensitive hot-spots when they were running for office stateside, in both Afghanistan & Iraq, getting US soldiers pointlessly killed in the process – & well well well, isn’t that funny – they ALWAYS seem to run for the GOP ticket.
Quite the conveniently-placed blind-spot the Wingnut Brigade’s got there … good thing McHenry & McCain don’t write for the New York Times, eh?
It is NOT a coveniently placed blind spot.
That area of blindness is a HUGE blindspot that covers pretty much ALL conservative thinking and keeps us from seeing hundreds of things we choose to be ignorant of.
You seem to be accusing us of a subtlety we do not engage in, nor are we even capable of it.
Liberals. Hmf.
PeeJ, I never raised a fight over it, but otherwise I can vouch for your statement. While I would loveto click your link, I am still at work and don’t dare risk forwarding what may be lurking behind the curtain to the IT department.
I noticed quite a bit of hits coming from here and I see why now.
I want all of you to know that I appreciate you coming to my site and not leaving any rude comments as “rightwingsnarkle” tries to do all the time. I appreciate you guys seeing that targeting someone’s children is wildly wrong and haven’t participated in this disgusting behavior as ‘rightwingsnarkle’ has.
I mean this from the bottom of my heart. I think we can all disagree poltically and say what wish about our politicians and candidates, but it makes me feel good to know that while we may disagree there, we obviously agree that saying such inappropriate things about each other’s kids is wrong and taking it to a personal level even to each other is wrong.
Thanks guys.
Ms. Kantor notes that “The McCains declined to be interviewed for this article, which the campaign requested not be published.” But she published it anyway.
I am shocked that a journalist would flout the requests from a presidential campaign about which articles she should and should not publish.
Jodi manages to cast a miasma of suspicion over even that aspect of Mr. McCain’s behavior
I agree with Not Brit Hume. It would sound better if Kimball had written something like this:
Jodi manages to extract the phlogiston of suspicion from even that aspect of Mr. McCain’s behavior
or even
Jodi manages to permeate even that aspect of Mr. McCain’s behavior with the Luminiferous Æther of suspicion.
Well, I for one am happy to see that Roger Kimball found a paying job after they caught that dastardly one-armed fellow.
So the New York Times sucks, but it forgets to swallow, is the problem.
Well goddamn…you fucking hippies sure are lazy. Get to work. I don’t pay you to have a slow day. Make with the art. How many monkeys work here anyhow?
It’s cute that Rightwingsparkle thinks Condi Rice has a chance in hell of being McCain’s running mate. She doesn’t.
Is it because she represents the failed policies of the Bush Administration? No (though she does), McCain is running on precisely those policies.
Is it because she hasn’t accomplished anything of substance as Secretary of State? No (though she hasn’t), this has never stopped anyone from picking a running mate.
Is it because she’s black, or a woman? No. She is though.
No, it is because she is a HUGE lesbian. Huge. You think the fundies have a problem with McCain now, imagine how they’ll feel about a ticket including a D-Y-K-E.
This gives the phrase “race to the bottom” a whole new meaning.
As well as “HOOAH”.
I was wondering if someone was going to do that.
Reconquista update: They’re trying to take down the Mexican police. Is the U.S. Border Patrol next?
Were the bees released by killer barking dogs?
Maybe we do need them in Irackeystan!
I want all of you to know that I appreciate you coming to my site and not leaving any rude comments…
Well, I thought about it, but then after reading that drivel I figured, what’s the fucking point? You’re just another clueless Republican who wouldn’t know reality if it hit her over the head with a two-by-four.
The only reason I am clueless is because the Liberal Media isn’t doing its job.
So there.
Liberals. Hmf.
And another thing:
The reason everyone hates all you liberals and all your traitorous traitoring is because you say mean things about all those nice, sweet, honest godly conservatives like Dick Cheney, Ruch Limbaugh and Ann Coulter.
And, by the way, before you call me a hypocrite for drawing attention to your potty mouths, I must add that it’s NOT hypocritical for me to call you traitors and liars and that you are going to hell because you really are traitors and liars and are going to hell, NOT because I say so, but because God says so.
And I’m not presuming to speak for God. That’s just how it is.
Liberals. Hmf.
Has Obama apologized for the Africanized bees yet? What is Rev. Wright’s opinion… on bees? As long as they both admit that European bees are responsible for everything that is beautiful and productive in bee civilization, and “killer bees” have done nothing but steal and murder and live off the government, he passes… for now.
Sorry, just had my afternoon nap.
It’s a google books preview of: The Masculine Marine: Homoeroticism in the U.S.
Description: A tantalizing yet scholarly look at homoeroticism and the performance of hypergender in Marine Corps life.
quick check… looks SFW to me.
The right wing never changes; it just gets better at making excuses.
“A craving to serve.” Heh, indeed.
Rev. Wright will apologise for the bees when Europeans apologise for WASPs.
Smut, I bow.
I poke the borax and speak for the bees. I speak for the bees, for the bees have gone strange, when the police shot their hive in a firing range.
What is Rev. Wright’s opinion… on bees?
Or, more to the point, his opinion on the dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you? BARACK HUSSEIN COMMIE NAZI ISLAMO-HITLER OBAMA HAS NOT DISOWNED THEM!
No, it is because she is a HUGE lesbian. Huge. You think the fundies have a problem with McCain now, imagine how they’ll feel about a ticket including a D-Y-K-E.
I have no idea why you would say such a thing. Look how skinny she is!
PeeJ said,
April 9, 2008 at 2:30
No, it is because she is a HUGE lesbian. Huge. You think the fundies have a problem with McCain now, imagine how they’ll feel about a ticket including a D-Y-K-E.
I have no idea why you would say such a thing. Look how skinny she is!
Please allow me to blogpimp the definite Condi photo-blog.
More matching armchairs photo ops than you can shake a stick at.
The fact is, hte bias of the liberal media knows know bounds, you are biased day and night and night and day, everything you report and highlight is only to give preferential treatment to homos and blacks. Well an American Hero gets bashed and sielnced. McCain’s treatment on NBC last Friday was despicable, I will be cancelling my subscription.
Damnit, Gary, I’m with you.
Could you cancel my NBC subscription, too?
That’s not the only thing we do day and night, night and day… *lewd wink*
Umm. Subscription?
Do you get a set of ginzu knives with a 12 month subscription?
‘Cause I’m all over that…
“How many monkeys work here anyhow?”
It’s not so much monkeys, as tis’ teh gerbils…
Poor starving, meth-addled rodents at that.
Given the success of The Fog and The Mist, dibs on The Miasma of Suspicion as the concept for a horror movie.
McCain’s treatment on NBC
They showed his treatment on the teev? I agree, that was a despicable and egregious violation of medical ethics.
They showed his treatment on the teev?
Goddam thing looked like the Holland Tunnel.
Goddam thing looked like the Holland Tunnel.
And that was his brain.
On a good day
The fact is, the bias of the media that is liberal knows bounds that are 3″ in diameter and made of leather, oh mumma. You are biased day and night, but every night I cry into my pillow that i not a real man and confront my ‘problems’. Everything I report and highlight is only to give preferential treatment to homos and blacks, or even black homos, yum yum yum. Well an American Hero gets bashed with a large black dildo and then silenced with a large cock in his mouth and it makes me mad, I wish I was that American hero. McCain’s treatment on NBC last Friday was despicable, no nakedness at all, or even black homo man love, I will be cancelling my subscription, but will be visiting Amsterdam for some of those, eh, magazines.
Are you guys like high or something? Cause I just got home from work and you’re not making any sense to me.
Of course, neither is my boss making any sense to me.
She sked me to sign up all the people who work for me for a class and send her an email telling her when they were attending.
so I did. I listed everyone’s name and the time they were attending the class.
she responded by asking me whether I signed them all up for the class.
I’m going to begin drinking heavily.
g, drinking, its the only solution,
me, I’m desperatly trying to avoid work this morning, as I have a strange sleepy hangover kicking off
But my employers are certifiably insane.
The giants? Woeful.
I’ve had a couple cocktails, and a nice little dinner.
I’m gonna smoke a bunch of weed…
I just went to San Francisco this past weekend for the first time ever. Within 15 minutes of my arrival in Golden Gate Park about 6-7 people offered to sell me weed or mushrooms and one gentleman showed me a fine collection of pipes. One guy also offered “nuggets” which turned out to be chicken. After biking down to the beach and back and wasting several hours in Amoeba on Haight St, I was ready to relocate. I don’t know what you would call Boston, but it ain’t liberal.
Anyway, I thought of you.
Everything north of burlingame is a lovely, peaceful place mostly populated by people who care about one another and respect diversity.
The coast and the bay are very pretty places, good country that is a joy to walk, and is seldom overly challenging physically.
Unfortunately, I live in the south bay. A soulless place where money is god and people only serve to contribute to revenue. And the hills are stubby and brown, and the buildings have no sense of pride…
wasting several hours in Amoeba on Haight St
Don’t know about calling that a waste.
Is there still a guy standing round the corner from Amoeba with a sign offering a “Ladies’ night half-price special” on dope?
certifiably insane.
I got one of those too.
Well, it reads “No user-serviceable parts inside. Warranty void if opened”… but that’s nearly a certificate.
All your miasma are belong to us! Also, I have telegraphically hypnotized Al-Qa’eda to attack only Americans not wearing effete bow ties. Then, Darwin will do the rest. Bwahahaha!
Speaking of the awesomeness of big media outlets, did you know that Ace of Spades HQ is currently #1 on Time Magazine’s retarded First Annual Blogs Index and Poll?
Time magazine’s description of our Ace:
“The conservative/ libertarian answer to the Daily Kos, the Ace of Spades HQ, (AoS) has been going strong since 2003, and recently recorded its 10 millionth hit. Like most political blogs, the anonymous Ace comments on the day’s political news and provides links. But the anonymous Ace who writes the blog isn’t afraid to mix it up; AoS is full of snarling, flat-out funny commentary, videos, cartoons, pictures, and gratuitous insults. And while reliably conservative, AoS is no shill; last summer, the blog called President Bush “incompetent” and “embarrassingly dimwitted” and urged him to retire. The quote from H.L. Mencken in the AoS banner pretty much sums up Ace’s mission: “‘Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit upon his hands, hoist the black flag, and start slitting throats.”
Someone at time needs a kick up the arse, no mention of playdoe & bacon…….
the performance of hypergender in Marine Corps life.
Aww, WTF? I was just getting used to Metrosexual. What the hell is HYPER gender?
I love the smell of miasma in the morning.
[…] On the other hand, via Instapundit comes a less liberal-biased analysis by Roger Kimball. Above: A Bert in a world of Ernies Thoughts on the instinct of self-preservation or, Why I still, even now, believe John McCain will […]