

Above: Burgermeister Meisterburger hates toys

Question: When will the wingers come up with fresh and original attacks on Democratic politicians? A case in point is today’s New York Times column by William the Bloody:

Then there’s the fact that we’re at war. As a Congressional staffer put it, “Here’s something to consider: Although Hillary will be out in May, she may determine the outcome in November. McCain’s secret weapon — among Clinton supporters — may be Hillary’s 3 a.m. national security ad.”

And an experienced Democratic operative e-mailed: “Finally, I think [McCain’s] going to win. Obama isn’t growing in stature. Once I thought he could be Jimmy Carter, but now he reminds me more of Michael Dukakis with the flag lapel thing and defending Wright. Plus he doesn’t have a clue how to talk to the middle class. He’s in the Stevenson reform mold out of Illinois, with a dash of Harvard disease thrown in.”

In a close race, that “dash of Harvard disease” could be the difference.

Blah, blah, blah. We know. Obama is an elitist who doesn’t like cheesesteak and who probably windsurfs. Real salt-of-the-Earth, red-blooded Americans like Bill Kristol find his disdain for the typical American reprehensible, and will thus be forced to vote for another crazy gasbag who will get us into more imperial wars.

Can’t these guys come up with something more original? Or is the American public really so stupid that they’ll only vote for someone who eats artery-clogging shit? Do I really want to know the answer to that question?


Comments: 145


no, you really dont, I fear.


Real salt-of-the-Earth red-blooded Americans like Bill Kristol

Now, now, Mr. Snarkypants. I once saw Bill Kristol kill a charging egg salad sandwich with his bare hands.


attended a reception for friends of Bill Buckley after his memorial service at St. Patrick’s

I imagine it went something like this.


Where’s the fucking names, Bill? Cause without a name, I’m going to be forced to suspect that you made them up and are lying, right now, at this moment, fabricating people to fit your own candidate instead of actually having any.

You complete twat.


Kristol, like Dear Leader, likes his cheesesteak wiz wit


Do I really want to know the answer to that question?


From my conversations with voters up and down the East coast, the answer is, sadly, yes: They really are just that stupid. They will vote for McCain because he seems like Grandpa (but better because they don’t have to smell McCain), and he’s a fighter. Batshit crazy, but a fighter. Who likes cheesesteak. What more could they want in a candidate?


As soon as a Democrat is elected President (i.e. pretty damn soon), you will hear no more of this time of war crap from the rethuglicans, and they’ll go back into attack mode as they did from 1992-2000.

E.G. Saint John (the Lobbyists Best Friend Forever) McCain.

Sen. John McCain – October 19, 1993

There is no reason for the United States of America to remain in Somalia. The American people want them home, I believe the majority of Congress wants them home, and to set an artificial date of March 31 or even February 1, in my view, is not acceptable. The criteria should be to bring them home as rapidly and safely as possible, an evolution which I think could be completed in a matter of weeks.

I can haz surrender date certain? Kthxbai!


And really, the fucking flag lapel again?



We’re back to a fucking button?


Can’t these guys come up with something more original?

Not until they get a do-over on the Sixties, one in which they dictate all roles and outcomes.


And an experienced Democratic operative e-mailed: “Finally, I think [McCain’s] going to win. Obama isn’t growing in stature. Once I thought he could be Jimmy Carter, but now he reminds me more of Michael Dukakis with the flag lapel thing and defending Wright. Plus he doesn’t have a clue how to talk to the middle class. He’s in the Stevenson reform mold out of Illinois, with a dash of Harvard disease thrown in.”

“And also, the experienced Democratic operative thinks Obama is a scary Muslim, wants to kill whites, and eats a bit too much fried chicken. The experienced Democratic operative also think William Kristol is soooo handsome and has an entirely king-sized penis.”


McCain seems like the candidate that they would most like to have beer with, until the alcohol hits is system reacts to his meds- then he becomes a MEAN drunk.


And the name of that experienced Democratic Operative? William Penn. And now you know the REST of the story.


oops MARK penn- damnit


Yes we are at war unless we are talking about the poor sods at Gitmo.


up here in the Northern Heartland, our cheesesteaks come with real cheese – provolone – not that processed crap.

Real cheese for Real people… Obama gets points for knowing the effing difference, rather than putting on an act like GWB….


Once again, life imitates Onion


Galactic Dustbin, GWB is, by all accounts, a mean drunk also.

I’m thinking most Republicans suffer from Battered Wife Syndrome…. or want to. “He beats us because he Loves us!!!”


I will bet you a quality bottle of Sangría that the “experienced Democratic operative” to which Kristol’s refers is none other than DLC-ocrat and PNAC signatory Marshall “Bullshit-Moose” Wittmann.

Also, Wittmann is the source where Kristol got that B.S. about McCain being the new Teddy Roosevelt, back in February when Kristol suggested that the Republiculos could run Dick Cheney as the consensus candidate. (yes, he did)

Seriously, if there is one Villager who’s going to be less relevant after 2008 than Kristol, it’s WIttman. No wonder Billy boy goes crawling to him for a concern troll quote.

Pfui, I think Wittmann could use some of the same spotlight treatment that Mark Penn recieved the last few weeks.


Maybe it’s my endearing but ultimately soul-crushing naivete speaking, but I really think Obama will win. I think he’s shown he can turn any attack around.

But I’ve been wrong so many times by underestimating people’s desire to fuck themselves in the most unpleasurable ways. It’s sad. I’m going to have to go back into a fetal position after November again, aren’t I?

LA Confidential Pantload

No doubt Kristol prefers his cheesesteak after someone’s whizzed on it. His “Democratic operative” is most likely Ahmad Chalabi.


No, but we could certainly censor you.

That we don’t more often is a sign of our benevolent nature.


I’m going to have to go back into a fetal position after November again, aren’t I?

No. Obama is going to win. That’s when we have to keep kicking rightwing chickenhawk ass, and make it count.


Guys, who are y’all fighting with in these past few threads? I don’t see any trolls around or anything.


I hope hope hope hope he picks Condi. That way we get to hear her answer questions about “no one could have expected” 9/11. in her Mary Tyler Moore “Oh, Mr. Grant!” voice!.



I wouldn’t put it off the table of possibilities. We’re becoming very good at destroying ourselves.



Kristol says McCain can win. Ergo, we’re in like Flint.


If I was expected to prove my authenticity by eating some local hometown ailment aliment at every photo-opportunity, I would certainly grow in stature.


But I’ve been wrong so many times by underestimating people’s desire to fuck themselves in the most unpleasurable ways. It’s sad. I’m going to have to go back into a fetal position after November again, aren’t I?

You know, I refuse to let it drive me insane. I guess I should just withdraw some cash for the bank and make sure I have lots of shoes, a working bike, etc. Have an escape route to Canada? But what the hell would I do up there?


Guys, who are y’all fighting with in these past few threads? I don’t see any trolls around or anything.

His words may be gone, but his gams linger on.


Smut Clyde said,

April 8, 2008 at 4:04

If I was expected to prove my authenticity by eating some local hometown ailment aliment at every photo-opportunity, I would certainly grow in stature.

Or in circumference, at least.



Eat a lot of poutine to prove your authenticity, obviously.


His “Democratic operative” is most likely Ahmad Chalabi.

Sure, why not? It’s just one guy with a creepy smile quoting another guy with a creepy smile. That’s what modern news reporting is all about.


I refuse to let it drive me insane. I’m not going to overthink it. I’m not going to despair. I will not go postal at work. I will not buy a shotgun.



Eat a lot of poutine to prove your authenticity, obviously.

See? There you go. I knew there was something I could do!


No. Obama is going to win.

I sure as shit hope so.


an experienced Democratic operative e-mailed

Bill, just say it was Lieberman already. No one will be shocked, I promise you.


When the last time Kristol was right about anything?


Can’t these guys come up with something more original?

After several thousand years of Kristols clucking ‘Watch out for [fill in the blank] they want to kill/rape you/your women and take your [fill in the blank]’ I think the answer should be evident.

And you don’t want them to have an original idea and I’ll tell you why: If a rouge original idea were to gain unauthorized access to one of those shmucks’ heads the explosion caused by the meeting of original with anti-original would leave a smoking crater bigger than Rhode Island and deeper than K2.


Could someone put the poutine off the table of possibilities? It’s making me feel inauthentic and sesquipedalian.


Kristol’s been wrong about everything so far, so this column only confirms my belief that Obama will win this in a walk.


Can’t these guys come up with something more original?

Kristol is part of the great Republican tradition of nepotism, so it’s only logical that he would treasure this bullshit as a cherished family heirloom.


The good news is that it comes down to an actual binary choice, and a canary-in-a-coal-mine test that will allow plenty of opportunity for decision making and direct action.

I’m pretty comfortable that the american people will, in a rejection of the bush/cheney policies, vote in anything with a pulse the democrats manage to nominate. But if in early november, mccain wins the election, you’ve got a little better than two months to deal. Bush/cheney, knowing that their worst policies and beiliefs will not just be extended, but enhanced, will back off, coasting into the bloody disaster of the mccain years.

In the meantime, that’s when you can convert your assets to gold, buy a few very well chosen firearms, cache food and supplies and consider what the world might just look like from your standpoint in 2011….



yeah, bill is right… only john mccain truly understands the middle class.

finger on the pulse as usual.


It was Wittmann, I’d bet on it.

Wittman and Kristol are amigos, they’ve both done work for the conservative Heritage Foundation. Wittman has worked for The Christian Coalition and is a member of the PNAC. Wittman, though a DINO in the DLC, was communications director for McCain’s botched run for president in 2000, than went on to help advise Joe Lieberman right out of own his party. Lieberman and McCain were trying to get grafted together just a week or so ago.

That quote of Kristol’s is redolent w/ Bullshit Moose droppings.


Mr. Clyde would prefer a poultry salad.


Shorter John McCain:

“My friends, fuck you, my friends. America!”


Meanwhile, the John McCain we’d rather not know gets scant attention from the wingnuts. He calls his wife a trollop and the C word, in public no less.

If I ever run into the man, I’ll be sure to address him as “fucker”.


I linked to that last thread Lesley, and no one even blinked.

I mean, damn!!

IOKIYAR, or what???


Then there’s the fact that we’re at war. As a Congressional staffer put it, “Here’s something to consider: Although Hillary will be out in May, she may determine the outcome in November. McCain’s secret weapon — among Clinton supporters — may be Hillary’s 3 a.m. national security ad.”

“The WAR will save McCain. Oh sweet WAR! Wonderful WAR! I love my WAR! I have these WAR-colored glasses and they make sure I see nothing but WAR WAR WAR! Fuck its GREAT!”


Being a community organizer in the south side of Chicago just screams elitism…


dash of Harvard disease thrown in.”

Oh, so THAT’S what’s wrong with W. I’ve been wondering.


He calls his wife a trollop and the C word

I’d like to see some independent confirmation of this. The link mentions five witnesses, but fails to name them or link to them. If this story is true, it’d be nice to have some real evidence at hand, and then spread it around like manure.


Is “Harvard Disease” anything like “The Christian Disease”?

I guess we could ask the women at Radcliffe…


ah shit, the spamulator is eating comments again.

Me, did you click on the Raw Story link?


Go Speed Diaper, Go!

He’s a Demon on Depends!

He’s busy reving up the power on Diaper Five!



God Dammit, I am disgusted by this stupid claim that we are “at war”.

How the FUCK are we at war? WE picked a small, poor, country almost at fucking random and invaded it with overwhelming military force at a time and method of our own choosing, toppled it’s government by force of arms and occupied it with a huge force, using threats, intimidation and collective punishment to maintain our authority.

For a government responsible for this illegal invasion to justify it’s excesses by claiming to be governing in time of WAR, when there is absolutely no credible military threat to america or or whatever she wants to do, for that government to claim even more powers due to the emergency status of being a wartime government, well, that is simply foul.

Certainly, the lies and justifications are blatant and disingenuous enough, but to allow this to stand, when every day another young american is buried in arlington for nothing but lust for power and cumulative greed, at some point as citizens we MUST stand up and say NO MORE!

This historical crime shall not stand….



trying again.

The Real McCain by Cliff Schecter, which will arrive in bookstores next month, reports an angry exchange between McCain and his wife that happened in full view of aides and reporters during a 1992 campaign stop. An advance copy of the book was obtained by RAW STORY.

Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain’s intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.” McCain’s excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.


McCain’s campaign did not return a call from RAW STORY seeking comment Monday morning.

If the story’s not true, you’d think his campaign staff would be denying this up and down like white on rice ten ways from Sunday. Har.


The site won’t let me post links of a sudden. From Raw Story – linked above by L. Beysterstein on her site.

The Real McCain by Cliff Schecter, which will arrive in bookstores next month, reports an angry exchange between McCain and his wife that happened in full view of aides and reporters during a 1992 campaign stop. An advance copy of the book was obtained by RAW STORY.

Three reporters from Arizona, on the condition of anonymity, also let me in on another incident involving McCain’s intemperateness. In his 1992 Senate bid, McCain was joined on the campaign trail by his wife, Cindy, as well as campaign aide Doug Cole and consultant Wes Gullett. At one point, Cindy playfully twirled McCain’s hair and said, “You’re getting a little thin up there.” McCain’s face reddened, and he responded, “At least I don’t plaster on the makeup like a trollop, you cunt.” McCain’s excuse was that it had been a long day. If elected president of the United States, McCain would have many long days.


McCain’s campaign did not return a call from RAW STORY seeking comment Monday morning.

If the story’s not true, you’d think his campaign staff would be on this like white on rice denying it up and down ten ways from Sunday. Har.


Pres Bush is a’scared of horseys! What does Kristol say about that?


um, “Beyerstein”.

That’ll teach me to add three shots of espresso to my hot milk.


Why change? This tactic continues to baffle democrats. Simply, it works. Until Obama body slams a right wing talking asshole, hannity, o’realy, laura, Lush Limpballs, et al, it will continue.


I think Obama can win, however, MSM coverage of McBush has me seriously concerned. So far they seem to be giving him a bigger pass than they gave W– I don’t think even Bush had the balls to have them over for BBQ at his “ranch.” Also, with all the chat about Clinton’s taxes there is NO mention ever that McCain hasn’t released his.

Just an aside, there is something that still lingers in the back of my mind about Romney. I still think it’s weird that Romney “suspended” his campaign and that McCain hasn’t released his medical records yet and seems to keep putting it off.


“. . . Once I thought he could be Jimmy Carter, but now he reminds me more of Michael Dukakis w. . Plus he doesn’t have a clue how to talk to the middle class.

Jeez! Who does he think is voting for Obama all over the Nation? Rich Folk? Homeless? Only the Poor? Utter Moron.


Fozzetti said,

April 8, 2008 at 5:09

Pres Bush is a’scared of horseys! What does Kristol say about that?



Mr. Clyde would prefer a poultry salad.
ITTDGY comes across as uncomfortable in the company of the commentariat, as if the traditional lunchtime snack of S,N! is not good enough. Is he too elitist to eat a big bowl of dicks? This could affect many voters’ decisions.


Thanks Fozzetti. Every so often we need to remind ourselves of that from which we are getting out from under.


Let’s ask the Witches!!



If the story’s not true, you’d think his campaign staff would be on this like white on rice

Lesley, that could very well be true. On the other hand, they might not have enough regard for Raw Story to consider a response.

Trust me, I would love for it to be true.


Smut Clyde said,

April 8, 2008 at 5:42

Mr. Clyde would prefer a poultry salad.
ITTDGY comes across as uncomfortable in the company of the commentariat, as if the traditional lunchtime snack of S,N! is not good enough. Is he too elitist to eat a big bowl of dicks? This could affect many voters’ decisions.

I’d prefer a heaping helping of play-doh, with a side of bacon. But that’s just me.


Jeff Goldstein Jeff Goldstein Jeff Goldstein.

Cock slapped paste.

…This works like Beetlejuice, right?


[Added a pic. Work, work, work, that’s all I ever do around here. Land sakes. My stars.]


Tsk tsk. Picking on an intellectual like Bill Kristol. You people talk a big game, but I’d like to see you go against a policy architect like Kristol, who understands the nuances of war and the nuances of the Islamofascist threat. Keep playing around in your parents’ basement; we’ll let grownups like Mr. Kristol continue shining in American politics.


Gavin M. said,

April 8, 2008 at 6:08

[Added a pic. Work, work, work, that’s all I ever do around here. Land sakes. My stars.]

Gavin Rox and Rolz all Nite, And he Parteez every Day!


We need to focus on the issues in this upcoming Presidential election, the issues are what matters. And on the issus McCain blows Obama out of the water.


Awww, I was just going to comment on how much I love seeing the pic of Kristol taking the pie to the face. Sorry it didn’t last. It’s getting to the point you can tell it’s monday because that picture shows up everywhere.


And on the issus McCain blows

(stands on it’s own)


Yes, nice to see the fake troll Matt McMahon. Keep acting like the only people who oppose Obama’s campaign are fakers. You’ll see


what’s an issus?


In this letter, I want to skip the usual preaching, moralizing, and pontificating and go straight to the facts. In the text that follows, I don’t intend to recount all of the damage caused by Barack Hussein Obama’s atrabilious shenanigans but I do want to point out that in this case, the obvious solution is also the correct one. But the problems with Barack’s goals don’t end there. Are you beginning to get the picture here? It’s good that you’re reading this letter. It’s good that you’re listening to what I’m saying. But reading and listening aren’t enough. You must also be willing to help me encourage individuals to come out of their cocoons and flourish.

My position is that I’m not saying anything you don’t already know about. He, in contrast, argues that negativism can quell the hatred and disorder in our society. This disagreement merely scratches the surface of the ideological chasm festering between me and Barack. The only rational way to bridge this chasm is for him to admit that the first lies that he told us were relatively benign. Still, they have been progressing. And they will continue to progress until there is no more truth; Barack’s lies will grow until they blot out the sun. You might say, “People should soothe each other’s pain, not exploit it.” Fine, I agree. But he would have us believe that taxpayers are a magic purse that never runs out of gold. Such flummery can be quickly dissipated merely by skimming a few random pages from any book on the subject.

As stated earlier, when Barack says that his ultimata enhance performance standards, productivity, and competitiveness, that’s just a load of spucatum tauri. I receive a great deal of correspondence from people all over the world. And one of the things that impresses me about it is the massive number of people who realize that I didn’t want to talk about this. I really didn’t. But he drops the names of famous people whenever possible. That makes Barack sound smarter than he really is and obscures the fact that he really struck a nerve with me when he said that it’s okay if his suggestions initially cause our quality of life to degrade because “sometime”, “someone” will do “something” “somehow” to counteract that trend. That lie is a painful reminder that you may have noticed that Barack is dead set on defending his position against what I have to say, regardless of what I have to say. But you don’t know the half of it. For starters, there are some basic biological realities of the world in which we live. These realities are doubtless regrettable, but they are unalterable. If Barack finds them intolerable and unthinkable, the only thing that I can suggest is that he try to flag down a flying saucer and take passage for some other solar system, possibly one in which the residents are oblivious to the fact that I have never read anything Barack has written that I would consider wise, logical, pertinent, reasonable, or scientific. His statement that it is not only acceptable but indeed desirable to extract obscene salaries and profits from corporations that eat our nation to its bones is no exception. What’s more, if he is going to create new (and reinforce existing) prejudices and misconceptions, then he should at least have the self-respect to remind himself of a few things: First, the longer we delay action, the harder it will be to win the culture war and save this country. And second, he says that he is always being misrepresented and/or persecuted. That is the most despicable lie I have ever heard in my entire life.

If you understand that Barack’s apologues do not come without a price, then you can comprehend that either Barack has no real conception of the sweep of history, or he is merely intent on winning some debating pin by trying to pierce a hole in my logic with “facts” that are taken out of context. I want to speak in the strongest possible terms against his communications. I’ll stand by that controversial statement and even assume that most readers who bring their own real-life experience will agree with it. At a bare minimum, over time, Barack’s mottos have progressed from being merely aberrant to being superaberrant, hyperaberrant, and recently ultraaberrant. In fact, I’d say that now they’re even megaaberrant. My current plan is to cast a gimlet eye on Barack’s principles. Yes, he will draw upon the most powerful fires of Hell to tear that plan asunder, but he keeps telling everyone within earshot that his macabre little empire is a benign and charitable agency. I’m guessing that Barack read that on some Web site of dubious validity. More reliable sources generally indicate that my codices are clearly in defense of decency and human dignity and violate nobody’s rights. I know you’re wondering why I just wrote that. I’ll explain shortly, but first, I should state that someone just showed me a memo supposedly written by Barack. The memo spells out his plans to pose a threat to the survival of democracy. If this memo is authentic, it tells us that we are a nation of prostitutes. By this I mean that as long as we are fat, warm, and dry we don’t care what Barack does. It is precisely that lack of caring that explains why if you look back over some of my older letters, you’ll see that I predicted that Barack would eliminate those law-enforcement officers who constitute the vital protective bulwark in the fragile balance between anarchy and tyranny. And, as I predicted, he did. But you know, that was not a difficult prediction to make. Anyone who has bothered to learn even a little about Barack could have made the same prediction.

Rather than pick out appropriate verbs and nouns, Barack pads all of his sentences with extra syllables to grant them an atmosphere of authority. I, on the other hand, prefer to use simple language to express the sentiment that Barack’s fantasy is to usher in the rule of the Antichrist and the apocalyptic end times. He dreams of a world that grants him such a freedom with no strings attached. Welcome to the world of lexiphanicism! In that nightmare world it has long since been forgotten that Barack wants to waste natural resources. It gets better: He believes that 75 million years ago, a galactic tyrant named Xenu solved the overpopulation problem of his 76-planet federation by transporting the excess people to Earth, chaining them to volcanoes, and dropping H-bombs on them. I guess no one’s ever told him that it’s always nice to be nice. An obvious parallel from a slightly different context is that if we don’t halt the destructive process that is carrying our civilization toward extinction then Barack will waffle on all the issues. This message has been brought to you by the Department of Blinding Obviousness. What might not be so obvious, however, is that Barack’s foot soldiers get a thrill out of protesting. They have no idea what causes they’re fighting for or against. For them, going down to the local protest, carrying a sign, hanging out with Barack, and meeting some other belligerent riffraff is merely a social event. They’re not even aware that if one believes statements like, “Barack’s polity is looking out for our best interests,” one is, in effect, supporting pusillanimous creeps. And now, to end with a clever bit of doggerel: United we stand. Divided we fall. Barack Hussein Obama’s prissy politics will destroy us all.


What does Obama stand for, change?

Define what you consider change.


We’ll see what?

That some of you are sincere idiots?


Awww, I was just going to comment on how much I love seeing the pic of Kristol taking the pie to the face. Sorry it didn’t last.

I put it up all like, “Sweet! We haven’t used this since last winter!” And then I realized it was from January ’08 — i.e., not 15 months ago, but practically the last time someone did a Kristol thing.


I mean, there was just a huge uproar over Brad reusing the same Malkin pic again and again. Someone has to keep up standards around here, and I think I’m the only one who’s consistently sober in the evenings.


Why does this blog have the creepiest trolls around? I picture Matt McMahon as a 62 year old pastor in a strip mall church, banging out his “letters”, thinking he’s Ben Franklin.


is there a concise troll in the house?



I got sick of it too, long time ago. The fact is, only Congress can declare war. That aint happened.

But more than that, if, after (illegally) invading a two-bit limp dicked nation whose government toppled in pretty much no time, after five years we’re still at war, how the fuck is that not total incompetence?

Are people that god damned stoopid or just willingly blind? If we’re at war it’s because Murca teh Great couldn’t conquer the tin-hat tyrant. If the mission was successful howcum we’re STILL at war?

[my take: We won the war. The war was over years ago. The occupation though, there’s another story. And yes, I’ve read Orwell. And the PNAC crap. And…]


I mean, there was just a huge uproar over Brad reusing the same Malkin pic again and again.

There was not! I whined very meekly and quietly about it.


Um…I’m assuming there’s multiple Matt McMahons.



It’s the same old complaint-generator bullhonky crap that already annoys me. Particularly as I come to realize that the difference between something that maybe takes two or three words to fill in the Mad Libs-style generator and the entire right-wing sound machine is… well, nothing, really.


Shorter Matt McMahon: Teh stoopid. Let me show you it.

Smiling Mortician


(Sorry. Just noticed the Burgermeister Meisterburger bit and am inordinately pleased.)

Also, why is Jason talking to itself so angrily?


So Barrack is a secret Muslim, radical Black Christian AND a Scientologist??!?! How can he find time to run for office?


Matt McMahon.

You’re wrong.

Like biblically wrong.

Please don’t procreate.

The world cannot suffer any more insane lunatics.

Moses, Jesus, Pius X, Mohammed, Luther, Calvin, Mather, Moody, Finney, Stone-Campbell, Swann, Sunday, Graham, Falwell, Buchanan, Robertson.

Fuck ’em all.

Parse a word of religious truth and a cascade of worldly hate descends.

Fuck god. Fuck religion. Fuck antiselfdetermination. Fuck you.



I put it up all like, “Sweet! We haven’t used this since last winter!” And then I realized it was from January ‘08

The pie pic is one I could stand to see everyday. Kristol should, in reality, be hit with a pie every fucking day of his life. Everytime he goes out in public. He’s probably breathing easier now that Baker’s Square has gone under.


Change is a talking point. It takes more than that to inspire the educated.

I can see that Obama has inspired the stupid, with his meaningless feel good preaching just as Jeremiah Wright did.

Change without out substance is nothing, the man doesn’t stand for anything. He just says what the ignorant so-called “educated” liberal masses want to hear.

Here is a man who wants to redrisribute our hard earned wealth, bring our free markets to ruin with his socialist regulations, continue the slaughter of unborn children, take away our gun rights afforded to us by the second amendment of the United States Constitution, continue to actively encourage the destruction of American society by refusing to stop the flow of illegal immigration, and surrender to the terrorists.

Obama would have been one of the communist subversives in our Country had he been of age during the height of the Cold War.


I picture Matt McMahon as a 62 year old pastor in a strip mall church

Or a Mall of America Chapel?


And the name of that experienced Democratic Operative? William Penn. And now you know the REST of the story…

…oops MARK penn- damnit

I dunno, for some reason I laughed out loud at the William Penn comment. The thought of the old Quaker being Kristol’s source seemed incredibly funny, for some reason.


Per WK:

Last week, over drinks, one Republican strategist not affiliated with the McCain campaign mused about how an independent advertising effort against Obama might work. “Barack Obama: He’s not who you think he is” would be the theme.



Matt McMahon, in addition to being a fucking troll, is the stupidest fucking troll that’s graced this blog. He makes Gary Ruppert look like Einstein.

He has no personality; he has no regional identity – not even a faked one – he’s simply obnoxious without any mitigating demographic factors.

My opnion is that he’s a bot.

A bot who really likes pie.

Malfunctioning Glenn Reynolds Robot

My opnion is that he’s a bot.

Heh. Indeed. We’re winning! Read the whole thing. Etc….


Parse a word of religious truth and a cascade of worldly hate descends.

Yeah, because if there’s one thing that shows you’re serious about rejecting hatred, it’s a blanket condemnation of billions of people because of some twats.


You SadlyNosians would probably like this video: It’s scientifical, y’all!


For some reason I can’t stop writing “for some reason.” If only I hadn’t gone to a cheap-ass state university. God damn my parents. And America too, while I’m at it.


A couple months ago right here on this board I said that the neocons didn’t really have anything but “McCain: flag, Obama:communist” and that’s about all we were going to hear from them for the next umpteen months through their free bullhorn known as the “liberal media”. Brace yourselves for plenty more of it.

Hey, the spell checker doesn’t complain about McCain, but it does flag Obama as misspelled. See? Even the S,N spellchecker is biased.


Matt McMahon said,

April 8, 2008 at 6:38

Can you please stop farting?


It is “gospel” truth that ignoring gospel idiot trolls like McMahon is the best way to dispose of their Stone Age philosophy.

Yet I cannot be dissuaded.

McMahon is a cancer.

Double plus cancer.

And he should be cast into Cocytus to parlay with the traitors to god, country, and kind.

For he is traitor to all and a comfort to none.

I hope his god will punish his insolence and ignorance of the Scripture.

If you’re going to believe in bullshit you’d better get yourself a nice big shovel.



Yeah, you’re clearly right.

No human force in the history of the universe has been so clear, distinct and infallible as religion.

Show me a single religion that is based on a unified, coherent philosophy with an ironclad ode of behavior and I’ll show you the other side of the rainbow.

The rejection of billions of reality-denying morons is not based on hatred but on simple observation of your own holy book.

Your god created man and woman twice (Genesis 1:27-28 and Exodus 2:7 and 21-25).

Deal with that, you simple invisible space-daddy believing idiot.


Burgermeister Meisterburger hates toys
That made no sense to me, but that’s why we have the Great Gazoogle.
The Kristol-Meth photo also has an element of Baron Bomburst.


What ever happened to ‘Rugged…’ as a troll he was pretty good.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

I, too, vote for William Penn. Funnier on multiple levels.


No human force in the history of the universe has been so clear, distinct and infallible as religion.

Name one human force that has been. Because it’s been my understanding that every human force has been obscured, indistinct and fucked-up since we came out of the trees.

Deal with that, you simple invisible space-daddy believing idiot.

Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t play along with your little anger-fest, so I’m now the idiot.

I don’t believe a literal translation of a holy book. Those who do are idiots, and those who expect all those of faith to believe that way are as well.

Religion was created by man, and man is fucked up. Man will re-write things over and over like stories of the creation of men and women because editors weren’t any more accomplished in 3,000 BCE than they are now.

But I’m clearly the one who’s the idiot. I’m clearly the one who has no mind, no reason. I don’t reject a reasonable philosophy once examined based on the actions of twits, which is why hey, I’m still frequenting Sadly, No, despite the bitter resentful twats who think that if only we banned faith, everything about humanity would be super.

This belief, in spite of the fact that money-grubbing war-mongering dickheads just need the xenophobia, distrust and hatred of the human condition to perpetuate their bullshit, not any paeans to any god. You play along with this idiocy just as much as the dickless wonders you rail against.

You think nationalists need God? Think sexists need God? Think fascists need God? Think plutocrats need God? Do you think racists need God? God’s a mask these people put on and pull off because it’s not about faith, it’s about their own stupid ideas, their own stupid drives, their own stupidities that everyone is victim to.

And those ideas, those drives, will be with us for as long as we fail to address them on their own and instead blame whatever Other we don’t like for it.

So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.


This is why we can’t have nice things.


But I’m clearly the one who’s the idiot. I’m clearly the one who has no mind, no reason. I don’t reject a reasonable philosophy once examined based on the actions of twits, which is why hey, I’m still frequenting Sadly, No, despite the bitter resentful twats who think that if only we banned faith, everything about humanity would be super.

Christopher Hitchens is certainly living proof that atheists are perfectly capable of being idiot warmongering racist fucks. Don’t get me wrong. I’d rather live in an atheist world. But I’m just a tad skeptical of the supposed avalanche of social benefits that would result from the end of religion.

As far as I am concerned, I’m an atheist because I don’t believe that my soul is immortal and I don’t believe that Christ was truly the son of a God. Not because I think atheism will solve all of the world’s problems. I’m mostly happy to allow the age-old conversation/conflict/war between the believers and the doubters to go on for another aeon.

Closer to home, do we really need to call each other idiots? I don’t think there are any idiots commenting here. (OK, except for Gary/Saul/Matt/Limpy/etc.) We all have a point of view, they are all a little different, so what? Focus on mocking wingnuts, not dissing each other. Because when it comes down to it, we’re not that different from each other, whether we are religious or not.

We are the people who have noticed that the neoconservative junta that has controlled our government and media for the past eight years is not only horribly bad for the nation, but also completely fucking ridiculous. This should be a source of, if not unity, at least sympathy and respect for each other.


Faith gives us wonderful stuff!

Excuses like “Its says so here in my holy book and that’s all that matters.”

Wonderful sentiments like, “Boy is that mass murder sure gonna pay for it after he dies of old age.”

And brilliant strategies like, “Kill them all and let God sort ’em out.”

But what do I know? I’ve already condemned myself to eternal torment for pointing and laughing…


“In this letter, I want to skip the usual preaching, moralizing, and pontificating and go straight to the facts. ”

Possibly the funniest wingnut troll sentence ever written. As soon as you read it, you know as sure as night follows day that you’re about to get 2000 words of preaching, moralizing and pontificating, and not a single, solitary fact.


“So fuck you and the horse you rode in on.”

Wait – you want to fuck my horse?

I need to think about that for a minute. I also need to check with my horse.


“McCain blows Obama”

Damn, I missed that headline. I’ve got some catching up to do.


As far as I am concerned, I’m an atheist because I don’t believe that my soul is immortal and I don’t believe that Christ was truly the son of a God. Not because I think atheism will solve all of the world’s problems.

I’m an atheist for pretty much the same reason, and I agree with you that atheism will not solve all the world’s problems . . . but then again, I can’t think of a single problem that religion has solved in the past, oh, thousand years or so. (I’ll admit, the prohibitions on eating pork when it was a public health risk to do so were a net good for society, but now that we understand why eating pork can sometimes kill you, who needs religious dietary laws?) In fact, religion just seems to exacerbate a lot of problems that are difficult enough to solve already.

So while I would never say that atheism in and of itself will solve much of anything, it would at the very least remove a serious impediment to a lot of sorely needed solutions.


Burgermeister Meisterburger hates toys

That’s the caption of the year. Well played.


I mean, there was just a huge uproar over Brad reusing the same Malkin pic again and again.

Here, reason to use it frequently.


atheist said,

April 8, 2008 at 13:24

As far as I am concerned, I’m an atheist because I don’t believe that my soul is immortal and I don’t believe that Christ was truly the son of a God.

Buddha was considered an “atheist” back in his day for simply rejecting the immortality of the gods. He still believed the Hindu gods existed and lived a long, long time, but his idea that nothing was permanent, especially the gods and the karma cycle, was considered sacrilege.


(I’ll admit, the prohibitions on eating pork when it was a public health risk to do so were a net good for society, but now that we understand why eating pork can sometimes kill you, who needs religious dietary laws?)

People who don’t happen to live in first-world nations, which usually has something to do with political or economic injustice perpetuated upon them by the first-world for a variety of reasons? And that as a result, aren’t often going to have access to just how it is we keep the majority of our populations from getting sick off tainted pork?


The fact is…I really wish we made free throws last night.

slippy hussein toad

The delightfully ignorant quote:

Plus he doesn’t have a clue how to talk to the middle class.

Kristol imagines he knows what the middle class wants to hear. But he can’t close his dumb-ass piehole long enough to hear what we’re already saying. And I assure him, it is not “100 more years in Iraq.” Nor is it “more Bush economy, please!”


Hey, Kristol’s kinda cute when he furrows his brow.


Given D. L. Hughley’s putdown of Kristol on Bill Maher’s show back in 2003, I don’t think there’s any need to ever listen to anything Kristol says ever again.;ep_title;16

I remember Hughley’s quote a little differently, to wit:

You’re high, aren’t you? You’re high! I got a cousin in rehab, and he says some of the same shit you do.


This is why we can’t have nice things.

Smut, I don’t think we appreciate you enough. I’d just like to take this opportunity to say I adore you. And you owe me a keyboard.


What’s the typical American? High school education, obese from malnourishment and garbage meat diet, broke from no savings and credit card debt, training the Mexican about to take their job?

Woah can’t wait to hitch up to that wagon!

Duros Hussein 62

Obama isn’t growing in stature.

Well, at 47, he probably isn’t going to get any taller, no.

Duros Hussein 62

Maybe it’s my endearing but ultimately soul-crushing naivete speaking, but I really think Obama will win. I think he’s shown he can turn any attack around.

But I’ve been wrong so many times by underestimating people’s desire to fuck themselves in the most unpleasurable ways. It’s sad. I’m going to have to go back into a fetal position after November again, aren’t I?

Agreed on the first part, not so much on the second. I had faith in Obama eight months ago. He has shown (at least to me) that he can pace himself very well. You don’t finish the race by sprinting from the start.


>Can’t these guys come up with something more original?
Sadly, no!

>Or is the American public really so stupid that they’ll only vote for someone who eats artery-clogging shit?
Sadly, yes!

>Do I really want to know the answer to that question?
Sadly, no!

Duros Hussein 62

we’ll let grownups like Mr. Kristol continue shining in American politics.

And make sure you use two coats of wax on that turd this time, Bill.

Duros Hussein 62

Matt McMahon said,
April 8, 2008 at 6:38
Change is a talking point. It takes more than that to inspire the educated.

And how the fuck would you know?


Of course he’s educated! He wears glasses and has a bow tie!


Change is a talking point.

This is beyond stupid.

No. Change is a real concept. It’s a word with meaning.

I don’t like bush/cheney. I don’t like what they’ve done with war. I don’t like what they’ve done with the economy. I don’t like what they’ve done with the constitution. I don’t like what they’ve done with politics in government. I want something different. I want….CHANGE.

Anyone who’s happy with bush/cheney, well, I can’t understand it, but those people would be opposed to change. For the rest of us? Change, a different path, a different way of doing things is a tremendously attractive message, and one we’d very much like to see win out in november…



[…] at Sadly! No makes the mistake of reading Bill “Sure I went to Harvard too, but I still drink Pabst whenever I can” […]


Change is a talking point.

It may seem that way to you. But then, it would seem that way to any conservative. Because conservatives never, ever, change. Even though you’re scared shitless about the present, we better not change anything because, what, it might get worse? It can’t get much worse.

One of these things is not the others, one of these things does not belong. I expect your answer on my desk by 10 a.m.
A. Conservative
B. Change
C. Liberal
D. Progressive
E. Democrat
F. Betterment
G. Life


Argh. One of these things is not like the others…


Are these nitwits still going on about the Rev. Wright?

When did they get all politically correct on us?

“Ooooh! Rev. Wright offended us! Boo hoo hoo!”

Rev. Wright needs to stand strong and not worry about offending any of these inconsistent conservative cowards.

After all, who cares what shoelimpy’s sock puppets think?

Typical Republican

I’m writing my own political memoirs about how George W. Bush was only almost perfect but any Democrat will be worse, and how I am going to show how independent minded I am by supporting a real conservative like Rick Santorum George Allen Sam Brownback Fred Thompson Mitt Romney Mike Huckabee John McCain for a better America, where only a veteran knows what’s best for the country.

(Unless he’s a Democrat.)

It’s called “The Audacity of Poop.”

Liberals. Hmf.


Kristol says McCain will win?
Best news I’ve heard in ages.

Kristol would take out a second mortgage to bet on a two-toed-tree-sloth beating a leopard in a 50-yard-dash. Such is his “genius” in politics.
He himself has publicly admitted he chumps it nearly every single time he opens his yap – but the Wingnut Welfare keeps flowing freely. Reassuring BS will always find a market in troubling times, no matter how often it kills & maims the innocent.
Kristol is a self-confessed attention-whore. The recipe is simple – ignore him & he’ll go away.


Just so everyone is on the same page; Willard, Rudolph, The Huckster and Juan are no republicans, let alone, conservatives:

Willard Mitt Romney

Rudolph Giuliani

Mike “The Huckster” Huckabee

John “Juan” McCain

Now understand how we got into this mess;

How the Republican Party Committed National Suicide By JB Williams

Who Hijacked the Primaries? by Brett Winterble

The Death of Conservatism? 43 Mistakes and the GOP’s Dobson’s Choice

GOP Leads Astray

“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is the philosophy of sniveling brats.” – P.J. O’Rourke


mikey said,

April 8, 2008 at 5:04

God Dammit, I am disgusted by this stupid claim that we are “at war”.

Me too. I don’t diss the troops; they’re just doing their jobs, and I admire their dedication and regret every sacrifice. But this isn’t a “war.” It’s a playground bully beating up the weakest kids and expecting to be rewarded for it.


“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill disciplined, despotic, and useless. Liberalism is the philosophy of sniveling brats.” – P.J. O’Rourke

“P.J. O’Rourke used to be kinda funny for a douchebag. Now he’s mostly just douchebag.” – Me


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