Desperately Seeking Kaye Grogan
Posted on March 14th, 2008 by Gavin M.
Oh by the way, we’ve located her again.
Above: K-Gro
Warning: Adjust your speakers, because the next voice you hear will be Kaye’s…
Oh by the way, we’ve located her again.
Above: K-Gro
Warning: Adjust your speakers, because the next voice you hear will be Kaye’s…
(comments are closed)
No. She. Di’nt!
She sounds worse than she looks! Did she suffer a stroke, or does she just slur all of he words?
Adjust means turn off, right?
Adjust means turn off, right?
Yes, and that picture makes me feel very adjusted.
I’m impressed that she can play the piano with a double bourbon in each hand. But is Ms. Grogan wearing an unflattering wig and unfashionable coat in that photo or is she in the process of being swallowed by a yak?
I think the leopard print body suit has something to do with the verbal inarticulacy.
Kaye Grogan, AKA starliteva, photographer.
“I love to sing karaoke, and they say. . . I’m pretty good at it. (blushing).”
Did nobody notice that she’s playing “God Save the Queen” on her piano?? TRAITOROUS SCUM!!
“K-Gro”, the new GMO fertilizer by Monsanto. Will eventually cause cancer? Guaranteed!
If she thinks the schools are bad, she should take a visit to the factory farms.
Do we have any professionals who can deduce her mental defect from that sound clip? Do we need to get Bill Frist on the horn to find out?
My god the eye-bleeding color scheme on her website (e.g. this)…
I think…I think I’m gonna…blarrrgh!
The Army of God? This Army of God? Is she serious?
Heh. My computer wouldn’t play the clip, said it “might be corrupted”.
from Prayer of the Day
If you think of life as something to be
cherished and having great appeal…
Then you’re one step closer to finding out
what is fake…
and what is real.
If only life could be gathered up and put
in a bottle…
Just think of the ways life could be the
super model.
Damnit, I was saying the same thing just the other day!
Warning: Adjust your speakers, because the next voice you hear will be Kaye’s…
Oh, hell no. And damn you for even suggesting it. I’m sensitive and have, over the past 10 years, eaten my weight in magic mushrooms, so there’s no way in bloody blue hell I’m clicking that link. I avoid casinos, strip clubs, factories and live shows by teenage heavy metal bands for pretty much the same reason.
I totally know when to turn off my sound.
As for that, this doesn’t even make sense. ‘No!’ is not going to choose the nominee. 😛
I Kayem.
I’m guessing the deer and the duck in the Photograph of the Week had their heads blown off right after the photo was taken.
<em? Do we have any professionals who can deduce her mental defect from that sound clip? Do we need to get Bill Frist on the horn to find out?
I’m not a professional but I’d guess it’s either (possibly ischemic) stroke induced aphasia or the DT’s.
The crying bald eagle at the “Calling the ‘Army of God'” link is a Thing of Beauty.
Kaye writes:
How refreshing that a self-proclaimed conservative supports marching Bush, Cheney and their various henchmen in handcuffs to the Hague. That is what she’s saying, right?
Let me put it this way: some people’s volume knobs are binary, there is only “on” and “off”. Both my brother and father are like this… the concept of “indoor voice” completely eludes them.
Instead of a fancy English accent or a sexy purr, I think it would totally be awesome if all sci-fi AI supercomputers had that voice instead.
I’m not a professional but I’d guess it’s either (possibly ischemic) stroke induced aphasia or the DT’s.
Good thought. I was just assuming that her parents were first-degree relatives.
Why do you always post things I can’t click on at work while I’m at work? Damn you!
I clicked on “Kaye’s Point of View,” and nothing happened. I just had a blank white screen staring at me … endlessly … white …
I guess it’s easier to talk than type when you have a box of chocolates in your lap.
I am married to my wonderful husband Burton. We have two lovely daughters and five beautiful grandchildren. But I can tell you as a young grandmother, I am not ready for a rocking chair by a long shot!
Chalk up another victory for Abstinence Only sex ed classes.
I think it would totally be awesome if all sci-fi AI supercomputers had that voice instead.
Steven Hawking has a couple of different voices for his speech synthesiser. Obviously he needs a special one to use when the Shit-faced Fairy has paid him a visit. Someone send him the link.
Did nobody notice that she’s playing “God Save the Queen” on her piano?
No, no, she was reciting the Leichtenstein national anthem.
She is no young grandmother. She sounds about 70 in that clip.
It’s not a sparkle pony, but she does have a unicorn at the bottom of the home page. And a fairy.
Now I’m kinda feelin’ bad about making fun of her.
She is without a doubt mentally deficient. And not in that Ace/Pammycakes way.
Actual, verifiable retardation.
I’ve been mocking the handicapable. I will rot in hell.
Oh, well. Don’t forget to give Kaye our best regards.
And it appears that I was banned from DailyKos.
Must have done too well at telling the truth.
Gary – go over to Eschaton, and yell the word GUILLOTINE! But first, disagree with one of the regulars. You can get banned there, too.
Save me a seat down there, will ya?
Gary Ruppert said,
March 15, 2008 at 0:15
And it appears that I was banned from DailyKos.
Must have done too well at telling the truth.
I read your post. You could have stopped after four lines and gotten the same results.
And it appears that I was banned from DailyKos.
I seriously doubt it. And your “diary” and sub-site are still up. If you were banned, they’d have been deleted.
Quit whining.
It seems as if some of the least pleasant denizens of blogistan might all be finding their way here to Teh Sadly because it may be the only place that doesn’t ban them…
Speaking of Hell, one of the traditional Chinese concepts of Hell is a place run by seven bureaucrats who constantly change and write new laws to confuse and inflict upon souls sent there. Kinda makes you think, doesn’t it?
“Maybe this world is another planet’s hell” — Aldous Huxley
Banned from Daily Kos? I’m sorry, Gary.
We put up with your shit day-in and day-out and don’t ban you, because we are not the Fascist arm of the LIE-bral party.
I refuse to click on that link and you can’t make me! I learned my lesson with the first Atlas Jugs link you ever posted…….
mikey – are you saying I’m unpleasant? Just wonderin’.
I’m suprised it took him only two comments to be trool rated at the ORANGE SATAN
I’m certainly unpleasant, so mikey may be onto something here.
His reputation preceded him, methinks.
And it appears that I was banned from DailyKos.
Must have done too well at telling the truth.
You have done well, my friend. These atheists will know G*d’s wrath when U.S. Americans of the American heartland smolder them into heaps created by M1 Battle Rifles™, the right to own (and SHOOT) which is given to us by the Lord’s Will. Hollywood may try to deceive us by promoting free sex, but this will only lead to a loss of essence. President George W. Bush is a war president of USA America!
I didn’t make any comments. When I came to my diary 45 minutes after it was posted, I was not allowed to make comments.
Wait, Americans will do the smoldering, but the M1’s will do the heaping?
“His reputation preceded him, methinks”
Gary ruppert is the Keyzer Soze of Liberal blogs
Wait, Americans will do the smoldering, but the M1’s will do the heaping?
The 7 x .563mm (NATO) calibre round travels at 6300 FPS and has a striking weight of .973 ft/lbs, so I figure some considerable smoldering would ensue, yes. BTW, the aforementioned data comes straight from the classified files that a full-bird kernal of the Special Forces had the good graces to lend me. Nice to know people in high places when you’re an American Patriot of the heartland.
Gary, dude, you’re supposed to put up a first comment that serves as a tip jar. Also, you spelled knives wrong. Maybe that was the problem.
That ‘Rugged in Montana’…..he’s so funny!
For ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© when he gets home from work.
Gary, I have a friend in a very high place in DailyKos, and he told me confidentially through some leaked memoranda that the problem with your diary was that you didn’t have an animated .gif of a flag jiggling on your page, like the America Speaks page does. Why not? Why won’t you show your patriotism? All you guys do is whine whine whine about how crappy America is with all these Demon-crats, but when it’s time to PROVE your love for America, you REFUSE to put a jiggling animated .gif of the flag on your page. Why? Why do you hate your country? Are you ashamed of America? Feh. You anti-American creeps don’t fool me. That’s why DailyKos banned you. They knew you weren’t a True Patriot of the Heartland, where Jesus Was Born ™.
Dear Mr. Montana: It has come to our attention that you have posted what purports to be US GOVERNMENT CLASSIFIED information on a public website. Please call your local FBI Field Office in Salt Lake City, Utah at 9:00 am Monday morning to discuss the matter, or we will be forced to take measures. Thank you.
Grogan’s a real patriot.
To think I just called it “elementary school.” But I do agree that all poor children being raised as wingnuts should have their own home school, so their moms can spend every minute of their lives taking care of them.
Every. Single. Minute.
And Susan…did ya ever notice that all of the cases that you’ve heard about the past decade or so involving psycho women murdering their children?… all of ’em were mothers who were doin’ teh home schoolin’ of the childrun.
But I do agree that all poor children being raised as wingnuts should have their own home school, so their moms can spend every minute of their lives taking care of them.
My mother tried that at one point. We went to a Xtian madrassa when we were still living in the Ozarks, but we could only find Catholic schools near Pittsburgh.
It went fine for about three months. Then my mom started locking herself in her room for several hours each day and hiding cheap alcohol in strange places. Finally one day she broke half of our plates and “went to visit her mother”. About two weeks later she called my father from a hotel in North Carolina and he went to pick her up. They seem to have worked things out on the long drive home and her doctor prescribed some pills so she wouldn’t get “sick” again,
After that we went to public school.
BTW, if you actually knew someone in the military, especially someone of that rank, you’d know that it was spelled colonel. Nice try, dumbfuck.
Now go and take out your pimply-faced pre-pubescent fantasies on some tentacle rape Hentai.
J— said,
March 15, 2008 at 1:07
For ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© when he gets home from work.
I iz home from teh borg. (Whew!)
It disturbs me to have to agree with Alan Dershowitz. He’s far too eager to condemn anyone who doesn’t agree with a “bomb all the Ayrabs, Always” policy as an anti-semite.
But I think he’s mostly right here.
Both Democrats and Republicans have targeted political adversaries over the years.
Ahh thank you Alan, that’s crap.
Nothing compares to what boosh, cheney, and Karl Rove have done. Ask the U.S Attorneys who were fired for doing their jobs.
Ask Donald Siegelman.
I don’t get any audio when I follow the link to her site, but I’m not complaining. I was pretty intrigued by ‘The Stool of Do Nothing’ on her home page. If I ever start a web site myself, ‘Stool of Do’ are not three words that will ever appear in succession. The flaming letters are also a curious choice.
I thought it was the couch of do nothing, the stool of dunceosity, and the lamp of wisdom.
But what do I know, I don’t even have a weeping eagle on my blog.
Mr. Cyan colored Buddha.
May I suggest that you go back and read the postings of our Rugged friend a little closer, and with a mind open to considering it’s meaning as opposed to what it seems to say?
I don’t know for sure, but you MAY find that the intention of our Rugged militiaman is a little different than what you are assuming.
Just a thought, sure, but please consider it…
I mis-read Kaye’s recruitment drive, but fortunately I checked the spelling before I signed up.
Results 1 – 4 of 4 for “army of goo”.
This has shattered my hopes of rising to the rank of Kernel.
BTW, if you actually knew someone in the military, especially someone of that rank, you’d know that it was spelled colonel. Nice try, dumbfuck.
Nice try, LIE-brul. My home schooling was educated enough that I’m pretty sure that a word spelled like that would sound like “koh-lohn-el”, which is not how we pronounce kernal in the United States. Maybe you got a little bit mixed up from visiting FRANCE during your vacation??
As to knowing people in the military, most of my aquaintances are former SEALS, commandos, Army Rangers and a smattering of Park Rangers. These are highly trained American Patriots who reside in the heartland and live a military lifestyle (the commandos, for an example, are said to eschew underclothing, such is the spartan quality of their existance). They and me, we, live in AMERICA, where we speak AMERICAN not, French, as you LIE-bruls would have us talk.
I think the leopard print body suit has something to do with the verbal inarticulacy.
Would it spoil anyone’s dinner if I wondered aloud whether that’s actually body paint?
The new Rugged is a pretty boring parody troll. I wonder if he also does counterfeit Jackson Pollocks.
This has shattered my hopes of rising to the rank of Kernel.
That’s okay. Being a Capped Hun isn’t too bad.
The new Rugged is a pretty boring parody troll.
Wow. That’s pretty harsh. None of the other “parody trolls” have ever let on that it’s a joke. To me, that’s boring. If you do a perfect cheney, you’re just cheney. Without the wink and nod, it’s not a parody.
And this guy’s at least giving it a shot. I’m enjoying it…
You passed up the chance to give this post a title of “If You See Kay.”
You passed up the chance to give this post a title of “If You See Kay.”
I begin working on the statue of you immediately.
I’m with mikey. I think the new Rugged is an improvement.
Of course, I was all group III and IV in collage, so what do I know about Art.
2: the inner softer part of a seed, fruit stone, or nut
Monsieur’ Fruit Stone
most of my aquaintances are former SEALS, commandos, Army Rangers and a smattering of Park Rangers.
And the Wackenhut night shift down at the rendering plant.
Does any know the exchange rate of Schrute bucks to whore diamonds?
Righteous Bubba:
I begin working on the statue of you immediately.
Hold those plans. I’m not worthy, because
a) It ought to be “If You See Kaye” (I left off the ‘e’ on KG’s first name)
b) I totally stole the idea from the April Wine song “If You See Kay,” and they undoubtedly stole the idea from someone else.
But thanks!
And the Wackenhut night shift down at the rendering plant.
You Islamosexuals think you’re so smart but you don’t even get that “Randall” is the venerated and respected “Mall Ninja” who is spoken of in tones of awe and fear. He works as an upper-tier security personel for major commercial concerns in American shopping facilities. Few people realize the kind of crime that goes on all around them, unnoticed, such as gang wars and drug hits and other crimes, and Randall and his team watch over us, unnoticed and unseen, as they are masters of camoflage. You may laugh at “Wackenhut” security but many of them are former Special Forces types who keep the bad guys on the run, rather than running you over while you’re shopping. This is everyday life in the heartland, thanks to the corruption of Hollywood. Randall and his team have seen much in their lives……too much, and yet they continue watching over even you LIE-bruls who laugh at them.
Ok, sure, but hey, it can’t all be gold.
You keep ’em coming, m’man…
Who’s taking my name in vain?
Secular humanism, class warfare, and being led by a Muslim. This is what America will get with Obama. News flash, not gonna happen.
Liberals, hmpf.
I didn’t make any comments. When I came to my diary 45 minutes after it was posted, I was not allowed to make comments.
Gary, you retard, you have to be logged in to comment there. You probably weren’t, and thought your poor oppressed self had been banned.
Aw gee, Ted, why did you have to go and ruin the fun for? I wanted to see how long it’d take him to figure it out.
Guess I’ll go to bed now…
Guess I’ll be deliciously popping along now too…
Typical Republican said,
March 15, 2008 at 4:00
Secular humanism
You’d a thunk by now wingnuts would have wordsmithed that into something a little more menacing. Like maybe, Leftacular Bleedingheartism or some such.
If she thinks the schools are bad, she should take a visit to the factory farms.
Tragically, Pedestrian, “factory farms” are exactly what Kaye Grogan and her ilk want our public schools to be. Stack up the kid-units, slop the corporate ‘smart kibble’ in at one end, and blast the whole operation with fumigants every so often. Failed ‘units’ will be ground up & recycled into the smart kibble. After a pre-set period determined by rigorous testing, the surviving units will be ejected into their pre-determined futures as corporate drones, service workers, or global security as needed by the megacorporations and their wholly owned subsidiaries in the Oval Office.
Hell, if you look at the fReichtards clogging the intertoobz with the sludge they plop out on command whenever a new RNC blastfax arrives, it looks like the manufacturers of high-fructose corn syrup may already be well on their way to this ADM utupia!
Kaye would sure love me, I guess, on account of I’ve now been a home schooling mom for two whole weeks! Yep! Of course, I’m not doing it for any religious whackadoodle reason – in fact, teenager and I are both atheists – but for other reasons entirely. But I’m sure Kaye would feel we’re doing gawd’s work. Wouldn’t she?
You know, the idea of Kaye having had ischemic attacks is a fairly good explanation for her, um, issues. I’ve been saying for years that I think Bush’s problem is that he had a series of small strokes, probably back in his cokehead days. It’s not uncommon. Next time you see him attempt public speaking, think about it. It explains a lot.
And I’m not going to click on the link. I do really want to know, though: did she really praise the Army of God? The terrorist organization? Why does Kaye hate America?
I prefer an Army of Dogs. specifically wire-haired dacshunds.
I saw two very nice sheep dogs earlier. I doubt they’d make an army . . . perhaps a patrol.
I have to say, Carey Roberts, Warner Todd Austin Dallas/Ft. Worth Huston, and Kaye Grogan, all in one day – that’s like a trifecta of evil. Have you no mercy, no pity?
And I still say that Warner Todd and Kaye-Growth both need the stars and bars behind them, rather than the stars and stripes.
Can I just say that Alice and I have a bit of a problem with dogs.
Leash ’em or take your chances….
“Warner Todd and Kaye-Growth both need the stars and bars behind them”
Let’s put the bars in front, Candy.
And I’m not going to click on the link. I do really want to know, though: did she really praise the Army of God? The terrorist organization? Why does Kaye hate America?
She’s borrowing the phrase from the song “We Want America Back,” originally performed by The Steeles.
This nation is like runaway train
Heading down the wrong track
It’s time for the army of God to arise
And sing we want America back
Let’s put the bars in front, Candy
Excellent idea, Rightwingsnarkle! Photoshop, please, Gavin? I haz no skillz.
Oops, make that “And say we want America back.” No rank in the army of God for me.
Thanks, J -.
Jebus, if that’s the kind of thing they listen to . . . well, I had no idea. [shudders]
Singing Armies are better anyways, J-
you can still be a ranking officer.
The spoken word part of the song is awesome. If you can’t stomach the video, you can read over the lyrics here.
I stole Nightjar’s dictionary/thesaurus and found there’s a definition of rank that I can claim. It’s an adjective, but I won’t hold my nose to it.
That’s okay. Being a Capped Hun isn’t too bad.
I never even made past Second Loo Attendant.
I have to say, Carey Roberts, Warner Todd Austin Dallas/Ft. Worth Huston, and Kaye Grogan, all in one day – that’s like a trifecta of evil. Have you no mercy, no pity?
You hardly gave us a chance to snark or outrage, depending on your take, about Bush’s romantic musings about Teh Totally Awesome Adventures our troops are having.
I never even made past Second Loo Attendant.
So were you in charge of the Stool of Do?
So were you in charge of the Stool of Do?
I was in the few, the proud – the Latrines.
Err, that’s the poo, the proud…
g’s got a good point. Although I’m not sure I want to closely examine Bush’s romantic musings about teh troops or anything else.
I seem to be shuddering a lot tonight.
I stole Nightjar’s dictionary/thesaurus and found there’s a definition of rank that I can claim. It’s an adjective, but I won’t hold my nose to it.
Everytime I see someone described as a “ranking member” of something, I always think, jeez, man, take a bath.
Late to the party, as usual, but 10 seconds into my survival instinct kicked in like an amphetamine injection, and I had to bail.
I’m sure it was…interesting?
Into the tape.
Hey, new com.puter.
Pedestrian, your mom has my sympathy. I hope things got better for her.
I have to say, Carey Roberts, Warner Todd Austin Dallas/Ft. Worth Huston, and Kaye Grogan, all in one day – that’s like a trifecta of evil. Have you no mercy, no pity?
What are you, a fucking Dallas Mavericks fan or something?
Typical Republican said,Secular humanism, class warfare, and being led by a Muslim. This is what America will get with Obama.
Oh, come on. The class war has been going on since January 20, 2001, when Georgie started robbing the public to pay off his rich buddies.
Oh, come on. The class war has been going on since January 20, 2001, when Georgie started robbing the public to pay off his rich buddies.
The class war has been going on much longer than that.
Ronald Wilson Reagan (666) kicked butt for the Tycoon Class back in America teh Awesome I.
In spite of all his massive failings (as might be judged by normal humans), the shrub has delivered even more dollars to the Tycoon Class in America teh Awesome II.
Richard Mellon-Scaife, Donald Graham, the twit who inherited the NYT, and all the other military-industrial complex parasites are well pleased.
Right. I should have said, “The class war has been going on at least since….”
The fact is, liberals who have no skills, talent and do no work have been launching class war on patriot capitalists who work hard, invest wisely and make profit for decades now, and they will NOT get away with taxing the productive class, or their descendents, to death.
Seriously, Gary, don’t ever change. The world would stop spinning on its axis, and the sea would turn to stone.
Just wondering if any of you have had the balls to fess up to the borrowers liability in the ongoing credit crisis.
Anyone out there ready to tell the truth?
The truth is shut the hell up.
If ever, when in American history was real estate a 100% proven investment?
Grow up.
Ask me if I want to bet your dumb ass kids are going to be Phi Beta Kappa. I’ll put down good money.
Grow the hell up.
This is the real world.
83 weeks ago my ugliest llama died. What he had was a bloated nose and if I had the money he would have lived many more hours. I miss Para so much…
LibVet said,
March 15, 2008 at 6:16
Just wondering if any of you have had the balls to fess up to the borrowers liability in the ongoing credit crisis.
Is that you, Randy? I recognize a certain incoherence, accompanied by unfocused hostility.
Do you want to bet our dumb ass kids are going to be Phi Beta Kappa?
I don’t think it’s fair to pick on the dumb ass ones. It’s not like I’m untying them from the fence-post any time soon.
We would never have had all these dumb ass-kids, were it not for our penchant for sodomy.
Now the smart ass-kids, them’s the ones that can see past the feed-bags I strap to their heads.
Hmmm. Is it okay for the government to bail out Bear Stearns?
“As to knowing people in the military, most of my aquaintances are former SEALS, commandos, Army Rangers and a smattering of Park Rangers.”
Unless you know the Power Rangers, you aren’t a true patriot.
I stole Nightjar’s dictionary/thesaurus and found there’s a definition of rank that I can claim. It’s an adjective, but I won’t hold my nose to it”
You can use it j –said, but I need it back to learn Amurkin Rugged MT style. IE..What is “eschew”?Dainty La French sneeze, I’m thinking..
Mr. Potato Head’s Warthog Tea
7 gallons iron warthog saliva
1 ounce coconut juice
Incestuously add the warthog to the coconut juice since it’s heavier. Serve in a medium odd pail. Phone the authorities.
Ray Charles’s Lighter fluid Tea
2 jars lion blood
6 parts lighter fluid
Add the lion blood dreamily to the lighter fluid since it’s heavier. Serve in a large penultimate tumbler. Observe your guests carefully.
Just wondering if any of you have had the balls to fess up to being a huscular semenist.
gbear said,
March 15, 2008 at 7:09
Just wondering if any of you have had the balls to fess up to being a huscular semenist.
General Jack D. Ripper: Your Commie has no regard for human life. Not even his own.
Eschew the squirrel squeezings into the methyl-ethyl ketone. Serve with alacrity and celerity. Easy on the celerity.
Will Gary continue updating his diary on DailyKos, or will it just slip into oblivion like
I think there’s something very sad about such forgotten sites, evocative of neglected orphans huddling in the rain.
I can’t believe some people are actually arguing with Rugged in Montana. I can’t be the only person who knows RIM is a -funny- parody troll, can I? RIM has been doing great riffs in here, and people are arguing with him? “…and a smattering of park rangers”?!!? Come on. That’s goddamn funny. That’s an obvious joke, like this, which is a thing of beauty. Come one guys, RIM is on our side. And I don’t mean “yes-he-is-really-a-troll-let’s-pretend-he’s-joking” I mean, it’s obviously a joke. It’s embarrassing when you argue with him.
Oh, and I’d like to append that RIM is funny; members of the Byrd family are pie eating fucktarded trolls.
And Kaye Grogan is, say it with me, teh suxxor.
Johnny: shhh! the debaters only make it all funnier.
I followed the link. That site serves to demonstrate the perils of inbreeding and glue huffing.
“the debaters only make it all funnier.”
I dunno. It’s like a drunk at Halloween, trying to pick a fight with the guy dressed up as Frankenstein in the Kiwanis Club Haunted House. I get more pathos than humor out of it.
The new Rugged is a pretty boring parody troll. I disagree, I kind of like him, in the way you like stupid puppies.
Just wondering if any of you have had the balls to fess up to the borrowers liability in the ongoing credit crisis.. Gary invested it all in Bear Sterns.
Rugged seems like a crappy knock-off of Murikan, a parody troll that visits Atrios and is actually hilarious. And Kaye Grogan is the toast of Mayberry, whatever that means.
Mrs. Dubchek?
The fact is, Kaye’s voice reminds me of Jan Hooks from “Pee Wee’s Big Adventure.”
“Say hello to our residents, Pedro and his wife Inez. Pedro is working on an “adobe.” Can you say that with me? Inez is holding a clay pot, of which she seems to be very proud. She has decorated it with lots of paint and glaze.”
God bless America.
You have to scroll down that page and check out their “awards”. Words fail…
“…and a smattering of park rangers”?!!? Come on. That’s goddamn funny.
Sure, funny to you. I work at the DNR and have to deal with a smattering of park rangers on a daily basis. It’s not so funny in the real world, buster.
Way O/T – although in keeping with the theme – but this guy is a college Rethuglican-type to give college Rethuglicans the heaves:
Thank the Gods for Azam Ali and my absentmindedness. I clicked the link with iTunes going, and this horifying, mind-bending noise came on beneath the music. I managed to close the browser window quickly.
My hands were shaking when the song ended. I wonder how much of my sanity was stripped away by this brush with indescribable, bottomless hate.
As to knowing people in the military, most of my aquaintances are former SEALS, commandos, Army Rangers and a smattering of Park Rangers.
Don’t forget the Mall Security Special Forces.
I can’t believe some people are actually arguing with Rugged in Montana.
Have you ever noticed that RIM and El Cid have never been seen together at the same time?
Of course, what am I talking about? El Cid wears glasses and RIM doesn’t. Couldn’t be….
I KNEW I should have stayed up
last night. I love it when 90 of the posts are poop jokes.
Poop is funny.
Poop jokes rock the world!
Which is important, on a Sadly, No! post Saturday.
This post is not funny, because it does not use the word “poop.”
The post does, however, include a picture of a poopy head…
Oh, and I finally said “what the hell” and clicked on that link. Now I understand why Kaye writes the way she does. I also now believe that Sadly, No! should leave her alone, as you (we) are clearly picking on someone who is mentally disabled.
mikey, to be clear, I should have written “my comment is not funny, because it does not use the word “poop””. I was trying to be self-referential and meta and shit. This sentence no verb.
I verb whatcher sayin’, Johnny.
I don’t know if my interpretation of the lexicon is in any way accurate, but I have always thought there was a formal differentiation between “posts” and “comments”.
But then again, I don’t like to wear underpants, and I think the Giants will win 75 games this year….
We don’t make much sense, but we do like pizza!
I agree with your interpretation of the lexicon, mikey. One posts a comment, but comments upon a post.
dere Rnge Saytin:
pls giv bak r gary ruppert cuz weer not dun playin wif it yet
dere Ess, En!:
we herd k growgin klip it hert r eerz
gess whose gettin a harbl horkd up on dere pillocayse 2nite?
u r
The fact is, the man arrested for murdering the baby in West Des Moines is being framed by the liberal media, which makes too much of his Republican connections, and he is probably innocent, yet you convict him in absentia.
Checked in to see if there is a new post. Sadly, No!
Not that it’ll make any difference, but here’s your hero, picked up after alrady convicted on kiddie porn charges. Whether or not the murder charge of the baby of the 16-year-old mother is true will be determined by a court of law, as they say.
He was a big fish in his little pond.
which makes too much of his Republican connections, and he is probably innocent
Allow me to second that opinion, my fellow Patriot. The fact that he has proven Republican connections implies that he IS innocent, as Republicans are people of the heartland and have American values. Besides that, people are making too much of this, after all, it was a baby, not a fully formed human adult. A baby is unable to do any real form of labor and is therefore more of a parasite than anything else, until it’s able to be productive.
And now you must denounce him, for he is a Republican and you are a Republican. If you don’t, baby Jesus will cry.
a smattering of Park Rangers.
I am always pleased to learn a new collective noun.
Like maybe, Leftacular Bleedingheartism or some such.
Capped-Hunnish Beefheartism.
The fact is, I do not need to denounce someone who is innocent until proven guilty. I am fairly sure the child pornography charges are a liberal smear job. They love to charge their enemies with crimes they commit themselves. All liberals can do is project.
So you are now a card-carrying member of Republicans For Kiddie Porn? Are you sure you want to do that?
Before you answer, look at THIS!
Do we know what Gary’s sex crime conviction was? He may be a long-term card carrier…
a smattering of Park Rangers.
I am always pleased to learn a new collective noun.
Here’s another one for you then, Smut:
When bears gather, a friend of mine refers to the group as a ‘bristle’ of bears
So Gary’s graduated to defending domestic baby killers now? I suppose it’s not such a big leap from supporting the patriotic killing of brown babies by his institutional heros.
Um, A Belly of Bikers?
A blowdry of yuppies?
A driveby of surenos?
A puddle of drunks?
A jiggle of tweakers?
Gary Ruppert said,
March 16, 2008 at 0:35
The fact is, I do not need to denounce someone who is innocent until proven guilty.
When will Hillary and Sox (the White House cat) confess to murdering Vince Foster?
The fact is, it is the liberals who are into kiddie porn and the ACLU and others are there to support their agenda of access to perversion, and so they try to “get” loyal patriots entrapped into situations that are trumped up to descredet them because that is what they like to do. Smear and have sex.
I like to have sex. And smear it around. Ewww.
I descredeted once.
On my ex girlfriend’s kitchen floor. Ewww.
She was PISSED!!
Loyal Patriots never have sex.
That’s why we’ve run completely out of Loyal Patriots.
Lol. I think gary’s finally lost it. First we smear, then we have teh sex.
“I’m sorry darling, I’m not in the mood tonight. I haven’t smeared anyone yet.”
“Oh Petunia, how you make me yearn! Let’s go to the Young Republicans meeting to mock them, and then have liberal sex. I’ll get the condoms. You get the Dixie Chicks CD!”
I usually have to leave the room or call a timeout when someone gets descredeted. Same with smearing. I may like guys, but I’m not much of a swinger.
And, contrary to yesterday’s discussions, I am not going to ask Mikey what he’s wearing right now…
Ah hell, why not, gbear?
Dark grey sweats, black sleeveless tee, denim work shirt with rolled up sleeves, Merrill boots, I’ve got my hair tied back with a piece of purple leather and earlier I was wearing a tan suede Bianchi Hawk with my Sig 220 working out at the private range down in San Martin.
Now, that’s a great look….
It’s hard to choose between “a bodyguard of lies” or “an orchestrated litany of lies”.
How about “a dishonesty of lies”?
Or if they’re political in nature, “a disappointment of lies”?
Or if they are republican in nature, “a sickness of lies”?
Or if they’re bush/cheney, “a disgustment of lies”?
Clyde , Chippendale did the investigation of the “orchestra”? That have anything to do what mikey is wearing? ( me ? – dark gray sweatshirt , jeans and no purple leather:)
ps Good one Gary! (If I’ve properly tuned my whack-a-wingnutmole-parody-troll -tracker , Gary is RIM is Rugged in the wilds of suburban DC, Virginia ) =)))
That have anything to do what mikey is wearing?
I hope not. I’m just stuck on the topic of collective nouns.
Lawnguylander–everything you want and more, pal. I did it. Big-time. And what’s more, I will NOT stop now. May need your back-up though….LOL.
What’s the collective noun for a collection of collective nouns?
A pedantry?
Uh oh . There’s penetration!
(of the universities)
Is Kaye Arlene’s sister?
Oh and re: collective noun for lies, I always liked “a tissue of lies.”
Then there’s the pack. Do they single out the weakest wingnut ?
Or if they’re political in nature, “a disappointment of lies”?
Or if they are republican in nature, “a sickness of lies”?
Or if they’re bush/cheney, “a disgustment of lies”?
A comedy of errors.
A proliferation of prevarication?
A proliferation of prevarication?
A Bush=ell of Bullshit.
Gary Ruppert is a poopey-head.
And mikey?….as a person of the ‘homosexualist’ agenda, I heartily resent this incessant talk of yours, this no wearing of the underpants…..I tell you I resent it sir!!
a cackle of conservatives?
Once you’ve had to make some hard decisions about what’s important, what chafes, and what is simply silly, underpants tend to fall into a category of unnecessary, and kind of ridiculous. Like pajamas. Just don’t make a lot of sense…
Pajamas make all kind of sense when you’ve got the flu.
I thought the fever was over after the first 36 hours. It’s back now. Plus, every bone in my body hurts.
You’re a simple man mikey, a very simple man.
Then get thee to thy bed Jennifer! (and hope you feel better soon!)
Don’t wind Mikey up. He’ll be wearing a kilt, next.
In lieu of a fresh post, I am staring at the opening lines of this one —
— and playing Wire. Loudly.
I’ve found something
No one else is looking for
I’ve found something
That there’s no use for
And what’s more
I’m keeping it to myself
A conflagration of Congresscritters?
A gaggle of GOPhers?
A karass of K-Streeters?
My homosexual agenda for this evening was to try to find Sopwith Camel’s ‘The Miraculous Hump Returns From The Moon’ CD at the local Cheapo Records store. No luck so I consoled myself with a hot chocolate at the Coffee Shop next door. Now I’m listening to the 4th Nuggets collection of San Francisco psychedelia. I’m missing the fact that I wasn’t able to get away for my vacation in SF this winter.
The rest of St. Paul seems to have the agenda of wearing green and getting as shit faced drunk as possible tonight. St. Pat’s day is a big deal in St Paul.
a lipschitz of liars?
A shrubbery full of shrub shit.
No, it doesn’t make any sense at all. Go ask Randy, when he’s 10 cm tall.
Mikey, I too have pondered the weighty question of the origin of underwear. My theory (never before made with such little care or lack of proof) is that it stems from our less hygienic ancestors. See, if the only baths you take are baptism and when you die, you get kind of funky, and it rubs off on your clothes. Underwear exist to protect your good threads from your sweaty, funky, unwashed, medieval ass. And it provides an extra layer of warmth in the unheated, mud encrusted etc.
I hope you like this theory, and I encourage you to adopt it as your own.
how about a gasbag of GOPers?
a retrenchment of republicans?
Someone once posted the perfect collective noun for a group of Freepers, and now I’ve forgotten what it was…. Anybody remember, or have a suggestion?
Your theory, Johnny, is dependent upon a very important ass-umption. (Heh heh). That being that we care if other people are offended by our base funkyness. I tend to care about the opinions of others about third or fourth, definately behind comfort and functionality.
In simple terms, if in order to avoid offending you I have to itch or chafe or be uncomfortable, I’m pretty sure you’re going to have to find a way to deal with your personal discomfort.
Sorry, old man…
As for you, you troglodytes and phillistines you, I always gird my loins!
And ‘gbear’. Oh how I wish that everyone had a ‘homosexual’ agenda….what a lovely world it would be!
and because I simply adore Phyllis Schlafly, I give you…
‘a frothing of eagles’
Someone once posted the perfect collective noun for a group of Freepers, and now I’ve forgotten what it was…
I don’t remember what it was, but “a pantload of Freepers” works pretty well, IMO.
I miss Gary…..(sniff)
Whisked Newt with Stretched Breakfast Creams
1 newt, illegibly sugared
6 portions eternal breakfast cream
1 pinch preeminent smoked Gouda, uncommunicatively scrambled
3 pinches ermine brain, pulled
1 pinch mint
5 ounces paprika
Pick over the ingredients dumbfoundedly and discard excess sand. Place the newt into a small bag. Combine the breakfast cream with the smoked Gouda over medium heat in a bag. Sprinkle resulting potion over the newt. Barbecue the ermine brain,, and the paprika grouchily. Heap the latter combination on to the former. Bake for 33 minutes. Serves 5 physical individuals with authoritarian stomachs.
The demons crawled our church walls. Then I knew the rules, having visited numerous prisoners prior. So I shed my jacket, putting it on a hook in the same window.
There she was working in a Christian school. She kept screaming.
Then finally she walked back into her yard. I turned quickly in her direction, listened up and heard all sorts of nasty words. They were ensconced in their heads, wondering if they’d get a caller. I spent some time with Mike, a new jacket. At least it was new to me. Our church had a free clothing center that she would keep the faith. Above all, we could not be near me.
Not even my shadow. Linda would come to worship. I learned that Fran was recording my sermons in hopes of finding something demonic. He then told me I had never felt in the furthering of widespread, deadly diseases. It is illogical; nevertheless, it is God-blessed. Such sex activity does involve teens, many of them girls, thus the apostates being party to the convention.
Why not? Just why not?
Or a positive way of putting it: Go forth, Huck! He murdered a fellow.
Pick over the ingredients dumbfoundedly and discard excess sand
Finally! Some cooking instructions that I can relate to. And no cilantro!
At least it was new to me.
1 newt, illegibly sugared
Only one Newt. that be slim pickens for 5 trogs. Maybe with a steamed portion of augmented Newt from the Gringichieda order Salamandridae
There once was a gasbag called Newt
Who shoved fishing line up his patoot
With the hooks on as well
And when asked “What the hell?”
He yanked out the snagged infantry boot.
“That being that we care if other people are offended by our base funkyness. ”
No, man, I was coming at it from a purely practical POV. If your clothes become too crusty, too fast, then you have to wash them more often. Since the outer layers tended to be complex and delicate (I’m thinking Elizabethian here) they were difficult to wash. Undergarments were easier to wash, and kept the outer layers fresher by absorbing the sweat, the assfunk, what have you.
I concur with Johnny. i think underwear were a convenient way to keep your funky junk off the brocade and silk.
But how interesting that underclothes have now evolved into the wonders that they are now – at least for women. I am a terrible addict when it comes to lingerie – i like the lacey things.
mikeinportc asked:
Is Kaye Arlene’s sister?
There seems to be a strong resemblance.
From Arlene’s keyboard:
Jeff ran a flawless conference, except, for his misfortune to book the event at the Sahara Hotel. They changed the guarantee (at the last minute) from $110 a night for the room to $400 for a room that was decorated early Howard Johnsons. Walking through the lobby was enough to give you cancer from the lingering cigarette smoke and the food was bordering on ptomaine.
Yep, that’s the definition of a flawless conference. I went to one like that in Columbus, Ohio. The second day they moved to a different hotel.
Joe Kaufman spoke at length how Hamas threatens America. CAIR is a durative of Hamas.
A good illustration of the danger of using a Thesaurus without already having a good vocabulary.
The meaning of the noun “durative” is in both senses also called continuative.
1)The durative aspect.
2)A durative verb or verb form.
The meaning of “durative aspect” is “the aspect of a verb that expresses its duration.”
So what was the point about CAIR? Is it an offshoot of Hamas, an evolution of Hamas, a wacky and plausibly denied claimant to the title of “Top Ten Terrorist Organizations,” a civil liberties and advocacy group for Muslims in North America, or the aspect of a verb that expresses its duration? It remains a mystery to readers of Arlene’s essay.
I remember a couple of years ago when I slipped into a local mosque and listened to a few of the well-dressed crowd that was there. The idea seemed to be to encourage their children to major in three specific fields. Those being, education, politics and communications.
I am completely fascinated by this scenario, and I long for lots and lots of details, but, none are forthcoming.
Thanks for the link to another Bizarro World, Mike in Portc.
Dear God, is that Drew Carey in drag?
Saturday Night Live tonight, Weekend Update. Tracey Morgan guest commentator. Talking about Obama and Hillary and Geraldine Ferraro:
“Bitch may be ‘The New Black’, but Black is The New President, Bitch!“
Hey folks,
You may have noticed that the U.S. economy is headed for utter ruin. If you haven’t, then just let me be the first to mention it, and say that I believe the situation is deadly serious. To that end, I’ll be down in Houston on Monday, waiting for my bank to open at nine.
If you have any assets you wish to save from utter ruin (i.e. those that are denominated in $USD), then I would run, not walk, to the following web sites:
You might also want to look into small amounts of physical gold/silver. Preferably from a shop/seller that doesn’t want to know your name.
Not affiliated with any of the above, by the way. And I don’t know that any of them constitute “magic bullets” against what is coming. They are simply what I’ve decided to risk my own meager resources on. And it may be that next week will be the very last chance any of us gets to try to save him/herself. I think life in this country is about to get very unpleasant, more than most people are capable of guessing at this point.
Not trying to be a drama queen here, or imply that you haven’t seen this coming and taken steps, etc. Just mentioning it now because I feel obligated to do so. I’ve gotten a lot from reading you guys, and the S/N community seems like a pretty good bunch.
Don’t know what else to say. “Happy landings,” is as good as anything, I suppose.
And, of course, good luck.
i think underwear were a convenient way to keep your funky junk off the brocade and silk.
My underdrawers are made of the finest fringed buckskin, with the days of the week written in rhinestones (it’s my “tip o’ the hat” to the Electric Cowboy).
Are the rhinestones on the inside or the outside? I’m just wondering which kernel needs to be reminded what day it is.
It appears Sadly, No! has entered a new epoch of blogging. The site is so good, the insights so perceptive, the biting humor so biting, it needs no new posts.
Welcome to post-postism. Please comment accordingly.
Write me for great deals on Viagra.
Hey, Huge Twit is holding a cruise? Why wasn’t I told?
Posts at Sadly, No only strengthen America’s enemies, and all comments are inherently liberal-fascistic. Far better to simply let the wisdom of Kaye Grogan reverberate endlessly.
I thought you wrote “Huge Tit,” and oddly enough that desribes HH too.
Vietnam War news.
Our society dearly loves suffering and sacrifice, especially when we can glorify it to martydom. This makes no sense to me.
Do you want uhhhn or hhhhhrn?
Susan – our society dearly loves suffering and sacrifice, so long as it’s someone else’s.
“Hey, there’s four people in this line, can we get another register opened? Please!?”
What? No new forums? I’m growing increasingly disenchanted with this site!
(but of course, like any addict, once I get my fix, it will again be ‘Teh Most Awsomeist Site in the World!”
Hush now. When provoked Teh Master of Teh SadlyNaughts are wont to unleash a barrage of bad 80’s videos the likes of which should never have been seen the first time around.
Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Well, Moxie, for not wanting to be a drama queen your sure scaring the crap out of me. Most of my money is tied up in ‘substantial penalty for early withdrawl’ type places and I guess I’m not going to be so panicked as to convert all of those funds to silver bullets tomorrow. If a shitload of people join you in your panic tomorrow you could very easily be one of the dominoes that falls over.
My iguana just died inaudibly after nearly 34 days – she was the naked love of my ugly lobotomized life. She got run over by a speedboat. I miss Yoko so much…
I guess I’m not going to be so panicked as to convert all of those funds to silver bullets tomorrow.
gbear – likewise. I’m in a spot where about all I can do is grit my teeth and hope the panicking doesn’t make a bad situation a shitload worse.
Awww, cute kitties! When I attended the U of M I used to take naps in a student center while waiting for the rest of my car pool to finish their classes. I was napping on the floor by a window one afternoon when I felt something walking up the backs of my legs. I lifted my head up, and a moment later, a baby lion cub tackled my head from behind and everyone in the room started laughing, Luckily, the lion was too young to know it was supposed to shred, gut and eat me.
mikeinportc said,
March 16, 2008 at 3:03
Uh oh . There’s penetration!
(of the universities)
Is Kaye Arlene’s sister?
Did you see that, RB? On the one hand, it looks like Arlene already ran her post through JanusNode. On the other, perhaps JanusNode can make it even more better?
she was the naked love of my ugly lobotomized life.
Hmmm. For some reason I find myself oddly comfortable with this sentiment…
Moxie’s post makes me wish mikey would re-run his wise words on survival in difficult times.
Let’s face it. If things become really truly Holy Fuck We’re Doomed unpleasant, currency will just make you a target for people too stupid to admit that currency is no longer the way we keep score.
You’re better off investing in a decent water purification kit, water proof matches and a decent knife/multi tool. Recommended reading: Survival guides aimed at your current location. Tom Brown is a bit goofy but he has a two in one that covers “official” survival (out in the wild) and suburban/urban survival. If there’s a book out there on how to kill and prep corporate lobbyists, let me know. We’ve got more of those critters than deer in my neck of the woods.
I know it’s common practice for teh Sadly,No!s to feed us no posts on weekends…but it’s particularly cruel to do that to someone who is HOME WITH THE FLU. I guess no one picked up on the “hint” in my nym.
I haven’t seen Jillian post in a while. I hope she’s doing OK?
I don’t know that I’m much of an authority. But the main thing is to THINK. Don’t suddenly find yourself screwed without options. It’s sunday. Take a walk around your neighborhood. But with a slightly different eye, one more predatory and pragmatic than usual. Look at your AO with an eye to resources, shelter, solutions. You might well have to “liberate” some of them, as traditional modes of acquisition may not be available.
Think about food, water, shelter, medicines. Thing about how to move if your location is untenable. Think about how to carry what you need, and how to make other resources available as needed. You can invest a few hundred dollars in some baseline items without breaking the bank.
You can think about what you’re willing to plan for, and what you’re willing to do. If it’s a couple weeks of rioting and looting, primarily restricted to the big metros, you can probably just hunker down and ride it out if you got some canned goods and water. If the entire system shuts down, and it’s just the national guard on the streets and no real organized support for folks like you and me, then you’re going to have to get together with your neighbors and work together to protect and take care of each other.
Honestly, it’s going to take some major systemic shock at this point to tip it all over like that, but we are the most vulnerable we have been in my lifetime, and possible in a very long time.
The economy is a house of cards, the population is badly divided, angry and scared (not to mention pretty well armed – hows that for an experiment in social engineering all by itself?), the infrastructure, particularly water and electricity is old and needs constant maintenance, deliveries of key materials like food are dependent on unlimited supplies of fuel, and if the banks go off the grid money just won’t work anymore.
Like I say. It’s worth at least putting some thought into…
I can sympathize Jennifer. I was stuck at home, sick, for the better part of a week recently. The only thing that kept me sane was old horror flicks and a brand new Yacht Rock episode and frozen food.
Yes, I’m single. What of it?
Jennifer, here’s a song for you today. You can even listen to it with your eyes closed.
Sooner or later everyone feels the pain that comes with the passing of a beloved iguana. We all must deal with our grief in our own ways, but personally I found that the best way to overcome my sorrow at the loss of my dear Leopold was to chop him up into iguana steaks and grill him with light applications of K-Gro Fish Emulsion Barbecue Sauce and a little oregano.
OT, and pretty much only to Jennifer: I’m not sure where you are exactly, but if you’ve got the kind of flu that’s going around SoCal, make sure you’re pillows are nice and fluffed up. You may be in that bed for a while yet. (My daughter hasn’t been to school in a week, my wife’s been down for five days and counting, and I’m just barely getting functional after a week+!)
I have acquaintances who lived in Sarajevo before it all blew up; they were academics and professionals. They stayed in the city for a few months before they were able to come to the US, and from what they say – or imply but don’t say – is that your life reduces down to the essentials. Food, water. Staying alive. The superfluous things you worry about in your life now don’t seem very important. Its amazing what little you need to survive.
Marsupial, i think the damned Influenza A is pretty much all over the country. It’s dying back a bit here in Iowa but some students were out of class for over a week. Nasty stuff, and the vaccine they gave out this year didn’t cover for the strain that’s currently going around.
We’ve avoided it so far and I’m starting to hope we will get lucky this season. Hope your family feels better soon. And you too, Jennifer.
CDC Flu Map – Wow
that your life reduces down to the essentials. Food, water. Staying alive.
We have a sizable number of Bosnian immigrants in our area, g, and the kids my son goes to school with basically say the same things. They were pretty young then but still remember a lot I occasionally wonder how we Americans would stack up in similar circumstances. I would be willing to bet it’s the flag-waving armchair warriors who would be folding up first. Just a hunch.
I for one am furious that my S,N! overlords have not provided me free entertainment today. I will stop freely looking at this free site for free if they continue this. Except, the recipes are so darn good…
Tanks, folks.
I think I’m over the worst of it. I ran a fever of 102 – 103 for 36 hours straight…even had some fever waking-dreaming “hallucinations” the first night in the middle of a hellacious thunder/hailstorm (added fun: kitteh is terrified of thunder and is even scared of the sound of rain hitting the windows, so guess how she is about hail, and was under the bed yowling until I got up, got her out from under the bed, and put her under the covers with me) which was interesting, since I’ve not had any of those since I was a kid…the fever seems to come back in the evenings and mornings though not as bad as that first day and a half. I have some coughing now, hacking some stuff up, but not too bad…my worst symptom now is that I hurt all over in my bones. Here’s how bad a patient I am though: I never took anything to bring the fever down, having decided that it would help beat back the virus (had I reached 104, I would have) and actually I think it worked the way I thought it would…but it was a miserable 36 hours. Unclear at this moment whether I’ll be back at work tomorrow or not. Strangest thing about the whole illness is how quickly it came on. I literally went from feeling fine to sick as hell in the space of about 15 or 20 minutes.
jennifer, I think you owe yourself a day off work even if you DO feel better Monday.
I mean, what are sick leave days for, anyway? You might as well use one, after all you’ve been through!
Watch the productive cough, Jennifer, as it may suggest a secondary infection of the lungs. Influenza cough is usually non-productive. Go to the doc if it doesn’t go away or worsens.
Disclaimer: Not a doctor nor do I even play one on T.V.
I don’t have the fortitude to do without drugs. At the first sign of anything, I medicate. Codeine cough syrup is one of life’s little bits of heaven, in my humble opinion.
Sick days are such a two edged sword.
They can be a very nice day off.
Of course, then you go back to an extra thirty voice mails, 80 emails, frantic messages, unaddressed disasters and meltdowns of many varieties, melodramatic fears for our continued existence and of course, except for some unpleasant whining upon your return, none of your coworkers ever actually picked up any of the slack and tried to deal with anything.
So enjoy, but every silver lining has a touch of grey…
A couple weeks ago it was even more severe – every state had widespread activity except Florida, which is something I’ve never seen before. Flu has now dropped off sharply here in Texas, but its still going strong in many other states.
Exactly, mikey. I’m a construction project manager, which means whichever day I go back (since I already missed Friday), my entire day will be consumed with documenting the atrocities that occured in my absence.
Candy – not to get too graphic, but the hackage seems to be clear of infection, and there’s not a lot of it, so nothing to worry about at this point, anyway.
“Codeine cough syrup is one of life’s little bits of heaven”
Candy, having discovered its wonder at a very, very young age, I’ll go one step further and just say codeine is one of life’s little bits of heaven.
Cough, migraines, diaherria, hang-overs, insomnia and plain old aches and pains, its good for whatever ailes you. It’s that tricky tendency for addiction thing that gets ya’.
And, did you see that DM ranks #1 in parks per square mile according to Prevention? At least there will be plenty of urban green space when the great GOP-induced collapse comes.
That’s good, Jennifer! And if you’re feeling better and the fever stays down, that’s a pretty good sign too. 🙂
I’ve never seen it like that either, Snorghagen. Bad season.
MileHi, I won’t have to run too far to get away to the woods! 🙂 And I’ll have nice trails to run on, too.
Yeah, maintaining the supply of the codeine is the problem. Another good reason to move to Canada. Much more sensible attitude toward codeine up there. I can remember (barely) when you could pick up a bottle of codeine cough syrup at Osco’s, OTC. One of my best early memories is lying in my crib, sick with the flu, and that incredible feeling of relief spreading through me as the cough syrup took effect. It explains a lot about some of my later, um, experimentation.
Yep, I know that feeling. My early experience was lying in a hospital bed of a certain Children’s Hospital in that blinding, searing, wanting-to-die kind of pain that will drive you to the edge of insanity. One little shot of morphine and it all goes away, if only for awhile. But even that little break is such a welcome, divine relief.
And the opiate-induced dreams are pretty cool too…
When my time comes, hook me up to a morphine pump and I’ll take care of the rest. After all, I am a professional.
In that situation I’d actually feel sorry for those guys. I don’t think there’s even a chance they would gang up with like “minded” assholes and cause trouble. They might try but they’d find out really quickly that on the spectrum of Bad Motherfucker, they rank slightly below Punk Ass Bitch. I mean, what could someone like Johan LdedHösen offer in a survival situation?
Besides a rich source of protein and fat.
That comment was Jonantastic.
“I mean, what could someone like Johan LœdedHösen offer in a survival situation?”
I always figured Kaye Grogan was a real life version of Darlene McBride.
If the shit hits the fan it’s going to be tough to get a hold of any codeine. The pharmacies and the liquor stores are going to be picked clean in the first few hours and I don’t see how I’m going to get in touch with the uh, messenger service so today I’m experimenting with some novel means of adjusting my consciousness using items likely to be easily found in event of complete societal collapse. My kitchen chairs look to have been heavily treated with chemicals so I just sawed the legs off one of them and stuck them in a big pot on the stove. As soon as the water starts boiling I’m going to drape a towel over my head and shoulders and inhale the vapors until I’m feeling sweetly stuporific. Then I’m going to stumble out the door and shamble about town zombie style and see if that’s any fun. If I’m never heard from again you can assume this was not a good idea at all and that trans-dermal methods are a safer bet than inhalants.
I remember Jonah speculating that when the revolution comes, he’ll make the biggest guy on the block his bodyguard and grab the women for himself. (No, really.) He didn’t say why he would be the giving the orders instead of taking them, however. He just seemed to think it would automatically happen. Nothing says confidence like unearned privilege.
Jonah’s Plan for the Apocalypse
1. Apocalyse Comes
3. Party!
That would be my choice, too, MileHi. Not with a bang or a whimper, but just to drift away.
You must have been very ill in that certain Children’s Hospital. I hope it wasn’t a long illness.
I’ve been very lucky. I’ve only known that kind of physical pain once.
I once, as a noodle-headed teenager, took a friend’s advice that cough syrup with codieine provided a great ‘high’, and promptly drank a small bottle of it. Whilst lying in a vegetative state, I became convinced that I could see through my drooping, shuttered eyelids. (Do not try this at home!!…this is a wholesome family site!!)
I’m into sniffing Vicks, Lawnguylander. It doesn’t get you high but it smells good. Vicks and Noxema. Other than that inhalants are a really, really bad idea. Diff’rent strokes ‘n all that, though.
Strange. I see the hilarious plot but I do not see Susan of Texas’ brilliant one act play.
[Thumps computer] Is this thing working?
For you seekers of altered states, here’s the only way to fly.
Do not watch if you are currently in an altered state. Really. Stop! Don’t do – Ah shit, someone get the nets.
Fortunately, opiates are a naturally occuring substance. A little knowledge of botony, some good soil and a small understanding of the processing and you’re good to go, Lawnguylander. A very ancient art, really.
As luck would have it, that was just the start, Candy. By now its been 40 years of problems. Controlling pain for that long has made me pretty good about it.
But hey, I got to meet Walt Disney at that hospital–and there was photographic proof in the Register (or was it the Tribune–I can’t recall).
If there’s a book out there on how to kill and prep corporate lobbyists, let me know.
The Zombie Survival Guide is what you’re looking for. And no, you shouldn’t eat them.
Well, MileHi, it’s obvious you’ve come through it with a healthy intellect, kindness, and a really nice sense of humor. I’m sorry you’ve had such a fight. At least you met Uncle Walt, though, he of the bedknobs and broomsticks.
I have to go do laundry. I’ll miss seeing the evolution (or would it be devolution?) of this thread. It’s getting kind of a waiting for Godot thing going on.
It’s always occurred to me that if an apocolyptic event did happen, us ‘commie-pinko-leftists’ would do what we could to help others in need and the ‘wingnuts’ would quickly exclaim that it was ‘every man for hisself!!’ That said, I would prefer to have Monsieur Goldsberg in my fallout shelter; he’d be kinda like tender veal and foie gras all rolled into one. Deeeelicious!
If there’s a book out there on how to kill and prep corporate lobbyists, let me know.
The Zombie Survival Guide is what you’re looking for. And no, you shouldn’t eat them.
Though they do make good firewood.
You don’t ever eat Orcses!….stupid Hobittses!!!
Oh, fine. I was going to let the deer get a bit fatter first but I guess I can always use the lobbyists oily skins to make rain gear or stretch them over a frame to make a light boat.
Or sell them as wetsuits to wandering pastorbators.
“Well, MileHi, it’s obvious you’ve come through it with a healthy intellect, kindness, and a really nice sense of humor.”
And you are a dear! Hope your whites come out bright…
Righteous Bubba said,
March 16, 2008 at 19:24
My iguana just died inaudibly after nearly 34 days – she was the naked love of my ugly lobotomized life. She got run over by a speedboat. I miss Yoko so much…
The Dead Milkmen feel your pain, RB.
I would be willing to bet it’s the flag-waving armchair warriors who would be folding up first.
What you LIE-bruls don’t seem to realize is that society collapsed a long time ago, when Clinton was elected. Ever since then, I’ve been “sheltering-in-place” in my basement, living off of dried brambles and listening to static on my shortwave (if you listen REALLY closely, you can hear voices that instruct you what to do…obviously some top secret government program aimed at heartland Patriots).
I can tell that my neighbors live in abject terror, pretending to go about their business as though nothing is wrong (even going so far to stick to everyday patterns of “going to work” and “picking the kids up from school”) but I give them a nod and a knowing look, so they’ll know I understand what’s going on. In the few times since the “collapse” that I’ve spoken to my neighbors, they stick to what sounds like small talk but I can read between the lines, I know what they’re REALLY saying (that the LIE-bruls are working hand-in-hand with U.N. commandos, who have most of the country in prison camps and that they’re closing in fast on Bozeman and it’s environs).
I keep my Airsoft M1 Battle Rifle™ in spit and polish order, always strapped to my back, even when I sleep (this would account for my limp and the odd angle of my neck), ready for the moment when the silent black helicopters arrive in the dead of night, filled with Tamil Tigers and other dark-skinned mercs, with the United Nations and the New World Order as their paymaster.
I can only laugh at how weak you Hollywood atheists are, how unaware you are that America fell to the enemy in the 1990’s, a war that I’ve been quietly fighting while you’ve been listening to your Walkman in a latte induced haze. Patriots like me and heartland militias will be the soldiers who win this war and all the while, we will hate you for your freedoms. USA Americans are Number One!!
Bitchin’ Camaro was always my fave.
Rugged….listening to their Walkmans?? You really need to step out of your lair more often!
an adoring ‘pansy’ fan
Rugged….listening to their Walkmans?? You really need to step out of your lair more often!
Oh? Have those oriental brainiacs come up with some itsy-bitsy cassette player now? I don’t care about what the latest new innovation is, I’m happy listening to my record collection of American music (mostly polkas) and even some comedy albums (Art Linkletter….he’s a hoot!). My neighbor got one of those 8-track thingies a while ago, but I’m sure not gonna try to keep up with the likes of him (he’s just got to have every new gizmo that comes down the pike).
Rugged in Montana listens to such exotic, foreign music as polkas? Who knew that Rugged was a-ok with the swarthy Germanic hordes that overwhelmed our country in the 1840s and the Slavic hordes that followed?
I’m with Rugged. I bought Radiohead’s ‘In Rainbows’ and Tim O’Reagan’s great solo record (lots better than Gary Louris’ solo record) on 12″ vinyl just last week.
So you are now a card-carrying member of Republicans For Kiddie Porn? Are you sure you want to do that?
Otherwise known as NAMBLA
Led Zeppelin 1 sucked on 8-track. A couple of songs had to fade out in the middle and then fade back in for the track jump.
God, I am so old….
Radiohead? That homeless, crazy guy that hangs out behind the Bozeman Safeway? He’s got a record out? Good grief! You people seem to think I’ll believe any malakey you make up, well……old Rugged’s got more smart than that.
Better luck next time, LIE-brul!
My cassette of Animals was the same way, Gbear. Really harshed my mellow…
Boseman, one of the few last places where you can still get a bitchin’ Camero with an 8-track player.
Radiohead? That homeless, crazy guy that hangs out behind the Bozeman Safeway?
I think that you’re thinking of Jesushead. He don’t need no radio to get his messages.
I lived in a funky apartment complex on Las Vegas Trail in Fort Worth in the middle seventies with a whole bunch of ever changing bikers, wackos, thugs and addicts. I had an eight track deck and three tapes – Head East’s “Flat as a Pancake”, BTO’s “Not Fragile” and Jackson Browne’s “Saturate before Using”. So one or the other of those would play endlessly, over and over, around endlessly, day and night, forever and ever amen.
Of course, it got to the point where you couldn’t even hum the songs to yourself without including the track breaks.
Interestingly, I never got tired of them, and I’ll still listen to all three of ’em…
When my dad had the 8-track player installed in the Chevy, the first three tapes he got were Led Zeppelin 1, Best of Buffalo Springfield, and Atco’s The Super Hits, Volume 2. I don’t know who picked those tapes out for him but I’d still like to thank that person (we already had the Zep and Springfield records). I still listen to all three of them too.
I think that you’re thinking of Jesushead.
Nope, this guy wears a surplus steel WWII helmet painted silver with about a half a dozen coat hangers attached to it. Says he gets messages on it. Everybody calls him Radiohead, he’s been there for as long as I can remember, at least since Reagan kicked all of the lazy, do-nothing looneys out of their cozy hospitals.
So do the messages tell him to do anything, or are they just informational, like the guy around here who could tell you the current price of gas at every station within 5 miles of where he was standing (and he’d be right)?
So do the messages tell him to do anything
Beats me. Nobody talks to him, he’s CRAZY!
I mean, do you talk to crazy people?
I was working at a convenience store/gas station at the time. I talked to crazy people ALL DAY. I honestly think that 6 months of working in a convenience store should be required service for everyone in America.
To Rugged:
LOL my friend…LOL
The fact is, liberals, hmpf.
I honestly think that 6 months of working in a convenience store should be required service for everyone in America.
That is SO like you LIE-bruls to try and force more governmental red-tape on average working American Patriots. I’m not sure of what a “convenience store” is (sounds like something for the morally weak) but no one’s gonna force me to work at one, not while I have my Airsoft M1Battle Rifle strapped to my back!!
I’m gonna turn in for a while…….Islamohomos were creeping around outside of my basement all night and I couldn’t get a wink of sleep.
Through my twenties and thirties, during the times when I could or simply HAD to hold a job, I worked in lumber yards. After you get enough generalized building products knowledge, you can get hired as a customer service clerk or salesman anytime, anywhere.
And that’s the same deal as gbear describes. Any barking loony that wants to build a shelf, fix a faucet, repair a roof or just patch the broken drywall and bedroom door after the big party can come in, and as long as they occasionally return to the topic at hand, you have to entertain them.
On the other hand, in general, lumberyards and home centers in the seventies and eighties? Hotbeds of hardcore drug abuse. I don’t know how it is now, but if you were part of the crew that had to work saturday mornings, it was hilarious watching the customers try to express their problems and needs to a bunch of twitching, hallucinating longhairs…
You’re confusing the youngsters. “Dude, why’s he talking about pleather shoes n’ stuff?”
Since our masters have left us untended how about a calm debate that often turns into a full-on war:
Analog or Digital?
Analog. Duh!
Infinite sampling kicks butt.
I dunno. I’ve heard it on and on, ad nauseum. I suppose there’s something to be said for analog, but I still have no idea what is this “warmth” of which they speak. And playback artifacts like pops and hiss and flutter have a major negative affect upon my enjoyment of the music.
Now, it is fair to say that I have significant hearing loss in both ears and could in no way qualify as an “audiophile”, so it may simply be something I am physiologically unable to experience.
But I’ll take the convenience of a decently sampled mp3 played LOUD over the fragile, awkward, user unfriendly vinyl anytime…
Are you serious? That’s just precious.
Dear Jonah:
1. If “the revolution” comes, it’s going to be you and your ilk who cause it; and I’m afraid you’re not going to be on the winning side.
2. If it’s a fun, bloody revolution, I personally am coming to collect your head. And I don’t think I’m alone in that respect.
Mikey, when I bought my new computer, I bought an Xitel program so that I could download my records to mp3’s and I’m finding that program to be so unfriendly that I haven’t used it much. The manual that came with it sucked. I need to find someone to give me lessons on how to use it.
I still find the process of handling records to be very friendly, but I’m a member of NAMVLA.
Maybe some bright young person needs to create a digital player that has this ‘warmth’, or something like it.
lumberyards and home centers in the seventies and eighties? Hotbeds of hardcore drug abuse.
Skill-saws and amphetamines, a perfect combination.
I had an eight track deck and three tapes – Head East’s “Flat as a Pancake”, BTO’s “Not Fragile” and Jackson Browne’s “Saturate before Using”. So one or the other of those would play endlessly, over and over, around endlessly, day and night, forever and ever amen.
Funny, the only two pieces of music that I’m able to listen to in constant rotation are London Calling and Chumbawamba’s Jesus H. Christ. For some reason they never get old.
And gbear, if you think infinite sampling kicks butt, I should burn a copy of Jesus H. Christ for you, because it’s next to impossible to buy it. It’s nothing BUT samples…sampled tunes, sampled lyrics, etc. The tagline for the album was “Everyone’s Stealing from Someone” and this is actually why you can’t buy it…Sir Paul wasn’t keen on the band lifting some of the instrumentals from Sgt. Pepper, so there was only an initial pressing of 7,500 copies before they got slapped with a lawsuit.
gbear – go to and check out their system analog – digital recorder. Really user-friendly. I have one and it’s easy to set up and use…and it’s cheap, too.
Dear Jonah:
1. If “the revolution” comes, it’s going to be you and your ilk who cause it; and I’m afraid you’re not going to be on the winning side.
Shorter Shock Doctrine: The former part of the statement is correct, but as for the second part, “being on the winning side” has always worked so far for the Ilk of Jonah .
Led Zeppelin 1 sucked on 8-track.
It was perfect for Metal Machine Music.
gbear, I’m no expert, I haven’t touched a vinyl record, let alone digitized one, in at least twenty years.
But I’ve had a lot of people tell me that those USB turntables work really well. They’re not audiophile quality turntables with speed correction and high end cartridges, but they do a first class job of sucking your vinyl into your ‘puter with a minimum of bother…
A “Blubber of Conservatives” ?
Rugged in Montana listens to such exotic, foreign music as polkas?
In the ancient Usenet days a buddy of mine used to read the Neo-nazi stuff that was floating around to keep an eyeball on them (he himself was the only American communist I’ve ever met, an actual honest-to-god Wobbly). At one point the skinheads were having a discussion about which kinds of music were racially pure enough to be tolerated, and at that point the only one that had made the cut was polka.
At the thought of Nazi skins dancing to polka, my friend laughed so hard I thought he was going to have to be hospitalized.
Re: vinyl vs. digital, my ears aren’t good enough to hear any difference between the two except for the hisses and pops on the vinyl. I’m with Mikey as regards handling and maintenance – digital wins that round. Luckily, I didn’t start collecting music in earnest until CDs had come out; I only needed to replace about 20 albums I had on LP.
I’m still tickled by the fact that you can now carry around a Walkman equivalent which is much smaller, holds several hours of music, runs for a long time on one AA battery, and is completely solid-state. I don’t trust gadgetry with moving parts, including those little hard drives in the roomier MP3 players. I chose mine because it’s flash-memory-based and can play Ogg Vorbis, because I’m a geek.
My ears are pretty shot from being a drummer in the 70’s and 80’s, but almost because of that my ears are super sensitive to a harsh high end. I can’t listen to ‘economy’ downloads without getting tired of it really fast. I’m also still a bit of a technophobe. I need to get over that and start downloading the records. I’ve got about 2000 lps, which is a small collection by collector’s standards. I’ve got a lot of CDs too but I haven’t been in a hurry to make the jump to having my whole music collection in a box.
Back on the main topic:
Did anybody notice that the pic of ‘K-Gro’ posted here makes her look like she’s about, like, you know, 150 years older than the pic on her website? And when did leopard print caftans come back into fashion??
There’s a good chance that many of your records are out there at a decent bit-rate already. Don’t waste time on the ones that are. Usenet’s pretty productive and lots of music-stealing clients will tell you the bit-rate of what you’re stealing so you don’t have to deal with the garbagey-sounding things.
What’s the obstacle to just plugging the computer into the stereo? You’ll get a long AIFF track that you can split up and turn into mp3s if you like. Or not.
(I’m assuming that’s a caftan; either that or Trills everywhere will demand her symbiote back!)
Hey, bubba. As long as you’re offering advice.
I use frostwire for music. I was just thinking that it might be fun to get some old tv shows I missed. So I started looking at bit torrent clients and I’m stumped. I downloaded bit tornado and couldn’t get it to work. Some of the mainstream – er clients wanted me to PAY. Yeah. Money! How rude.
Can you point me at a decent bit torrent client on the torrent or donkey nets that isn’t loaded up with malware and just does what I want it to do?
Or am I asking for something that doesn’t exist?
I use Azureus for BitTorrent stuff.
It’s kind of a resource hog, but it’s free, open-source, does a lot, and doesn’t cheat (some clients try to choke off uploads and just leech the downloads, which is understandable but doesn’t keep the torrent alive and might get you banned from various trackers).
There’s a basic set-up if you don’t need to see all the bells and whistles or an advanced one if you think you know better.
Does anybody know the folks at the Koufax awards? Because I’m thinking if they had a new award fro Best Troll, Rugged in Montana would make the short list.
Not having used it I discover that Frostwire claims BitTorrent support. It may or may not be a well-behaved client, but what the heck.
I’ll assume you can get the sound into your computer….Download Audacity, a free audio recorder/editor. Also get PopFix, another free d/l. Record the whole side of vinyl in one shot using Audacity. Then save it, clean it up with Popfix, save it, then open it again with Audacity to break it into cuts.
I had that cassette. It faded out after the first verse of Pigs. I was ten or so, and I sent off for the ten free tapes from Columbia House with an agreement to buy something like eight more. Then they started just sending another tape out every month. I never sent them a dime. It was the beginning of my love for music, and both CH and I learned something valuable. They learned that it’s hard to get any money out of a little kid, and I learned that I should have ordered CDs instead.
Ironically, the 8-track version of Animals has a song that doesn’t appear on any other version. Since 8-tracks had four sides, and Animals has three long songs with two short ones at the beginning and end, they simply put the three long songs each on their own side (Though I guess Dogs was split between two tracks), with the short ones (Pigs on the Wing 1 and 2) put on a side with a guitar part by Snowy White between them.
It’s almost enough to make me want an 8-track player. Almost.
mikey, as RB says you can get torrents using Frostwire. It’s always worked well for me, except for the way it sucks up all of my meager computer’s resources.
You still have to use the web to find the torrents in the first place though, it only searches through the gnutella network.
I already have a pile of music mp3s I haven’t listened through, but I have been catching up on my comics. Astonishing X-Men is excellent, and I finally got around to reading League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Black Dossier. I feel a little bad about not buying them, but when money is short comics are the first thing to get pruned from the budget…
OK, you all are making me feel old and about as technologically adept as a non-technologically adept thingy. I listen to Pandora and own an iPod. But if my computer gets hit by a major virus attack so I can’t recharge my iPod (ie three weeks ago), I’m without music which means 24 hours max before withdrawal kicks in and I … start … singing. No one wants that. Turntables and cassette decks can be cracked open and fiddled with. And they sound better. And they keep me from singing.
So get offa my lawn. And quit that stompin’ around, you make the needle skip.
Radiohead, Jesushead, Buckethead, Deadhead, Parrothead. What the collective noun for ___heads?
I’m on Comcast here, and although they deny any evil intent, I can’t get frostwire to connect from here. Tomorrow morning, at work, I’ll check out the frostwire torrent connection.
Perhaps once again, I’ve been looking for a solution when the answer was in my hip pocket all along.
Kinda like that whole Survivor “The search is over” vibe. That was the song at my wedding. Talk about contributing to the cynicism. Sheesh…
I’m completely technologically inept. Which is why I bought the DAK recorder thingy…with the software and all it was only like $69 and it’s easy enough for a technoretard like me to use and works well. Sometimes it’s worth spending the money to avoid having to learn too much new stuff, which I guess I’d have to do with all the freeware.
Analog without a doubt. Digital allows any no-talent hack to walk into a studio and put out a recording with the vocals srubbed clean electronically. And don’t even get me started on drum machines and alike. Hence the focus on marketing over talent these days.
Music is a human thing–and I prefer hear the human imperfections in my music.
Some service provides choke off BitTorrent traffic, also some trackers seem phenomenally slow to connect. Some of the torrents I’ve downloaded from The Pirate Bay, for instance, have taken hours to connect while other sites are instantaneous. Leave your machine on overnight before you give up on a torrent and see what happens.
Digital allows any no-talent hack to walk into a studio and put out a recording with the vocals srubbed clean electronically.
You missed the DeFranco Family I guess.
Over the last 3 days, Bear Stearns has shown more life than SadlyNo.
Can we get a Sadly, Node! that will give us a random post of gibberish when the human authors are otherwise engaged?
A talking of heads.
You don’t wanna know the other verb I was going to use.
Consider mu-Torrent (u-Torrent). All the benefits of Azureus and NOT a resource hog.
I second Snowwy’s recommendation. μTorrent is a nice little utility that does everything I want and doesn’t load my computer down.
My hard drive got full in a big hurry from my using it, though.
What the collective noun for ___heads?
A hydra.
the American Truth Forum exposes Islamic penetration of the universities; penetration, fwarr…………………………..
but seriously, coworker, what a bunch of eliminatioist crap, I’m sure there was Germanic version of this around in 1935, although I trust the grammar was better. It really is a bag full of mental bollocks. She whines away that the conference struggled to break even, perhaps too much scary shit about dark skinned types, and not enough penetration. My favorite line was towards the end:
What will it take to allow everyone to clearly see the handwriting on the wall? And don’t say we haven’t been given fair warning. The Islamo-fascist terrorists have stated very plainly what it is that they desire: To eradicate Western Civilization. It’s time to smell the Humus.
The handwriting on the wall….. ha ha ha ha ha
The Nikkei has dropped 4%.
The fact is the proprietors of Sadly, No! are a bunch of potsmoking hippies who are too stoned to at least create an open thread.
The Dustbin of History is overflowing with those who were too busy eating the Humus to read the Handwriting on the Wall.
I’m pretty sure this IS an open thread, Gary.
It’s a dustbin thang…
Woo woo….
Oh, Gary, don’t look now but I think Gavin just sobered up…
Quick question for you bit-torrent experts. I tend to use bit torrent at work, rather than home, as the rate is faster here, and I am real good terms with the IT manager. However, your ‘resource sucking’ comments worries me slightly. If I am bit-torrenting on the office network, is there a chance that I fuck up the whole system using a torrent like Frost wire?
No lobbey, my resource-hog comments applied to the local computer only. If everyone at your work is downloading video there might be some sort of traffic problem but since you haven’t noticed a slowdown it’s not likely anyone else has either.
Well, I’d never try to pass myself off as an expert on much of anything computer related (unless you count 4chan memes and Final Fantasy XI lore, I suppose), but it’s my processing power and RAM that Frostwire monopolizes, not my bandwidth. I have had problems using other gnutella software with a router, so I don’t doubt that it could cause problems, but probably nothing that a qualified IT guy couldn’t fix.
If you only want to use torrents, I wouldn’t recommend Frostwire. I use it because I already have it, but a program that only runs torrents will undoubtedly use much less memory.
Dammit, beaten again.
*Falls to his knees, raises his fists to the falling rain, and screams to the sky, “NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE, RIGHTEOUS BUBBA!”*
thanks, have not seen any major problems as yet. Just spoke to the IT manager, who tells me that Yahoo and MSN messenger take up more resources than my bit torrents
The handwriting on the wall….. ha ha ha ha ha
I read between the lines of the handwriting on the wall. That wins the trifecta.
If there’s a book out there on how to kill and prep corporate lobbyists, let me know. We’ve got more of those critters than deer in my neck of the woods.
The March Harper’s includes an interview (purporting to be?) with a Chinese mortician who lived through the 1960s ‘Great Leap’ famine. He said the preferred targets for cannibalism were “the flesh around the thighs, the shoulders, the backs, and the buttocks”. Although he adds the warning note:
“Do you know why they wanted to eat human flesh? Many people were constipated after swallowing wild grass and white clay to appease their gnawing hunger. Their stomachs became very bloated. Then some herbal doctors told them human flesh was an effective laxative. They wanted the relief badly.”
And on that happy note, have a great Monday morning, all!
Then some herbal doctors told them human flesh was an effective laxative.
There is zero fiber in human flesh, which is why I stick to eating dried brambles…cleans you out right on down the line.
Has the Apocalypse started yet? Mebbe I should stack a few more sandbags around my basement’s fighting positions…
To combine the two subjects discussed above, you wanna get yourself one of these:
It’s a wind-up media player – no mains or batteries required – and its built-in mono speaker, radio, torch and mobile phone charger make it ideal for the approaching apocalypse!
It also has a line-in jack and all the software needed to convert your old vinyl and tape to MP3, so you needn’t miss out on your favourite classics as you stagger through the smouldering remains of your once-proud civilisation.
As MP3 players go, it’s a pretty no-frills affair, but it really is an adorable little gadget. My girlfriend and I fell in love with ours as soon as we took it out of the box…
Analog vs. Digital side-by-side comparison, engineered by my friend the MIT acoustical engineer:
Analog: $8,000 B&O turntable (probably equipped with a moonrock needle), and a vinyl copy of Dark Side of the Moon (general release, from 1974, picked up at a used record store in Harvard Yard).
Digital: $3,000 CD player, and the Umpteenth Edition Gold Re-re-remaster compact disc of same.
A/B’d through a couple of Corollas’ worth of audio snobbery.
There wasn’t even a comparison. The analog vinyl sounded warm, alive, mellow. The CD sounded tinny, scratchy, jagged — like K-Gro’s orgasm.
The analog vinyl sounded warm, alive, mellow. The CD sounded tinny, scratchy, jagged — like K-Gro’s orgasm.
Did he put the CD through a decent compressor that cut the dynamic range by a third?
The digital vs. analog arguments are not so much about objective “better” as about preference. Vinyl compresses where CD doesn’t have to and a lot of people like that compressed sound.
I’m somewhat surprised that home-use compressors never developed as a market following the transition to CD.
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