Deep Thoughts with Pam Geller
Pamela on feminism.
I don’t need equal rights….I’m already equal. I don’t need somebody telling me something that’s already a fact. All these women like Gloria Steinem, “Oh, we made it happen for you!” You didn’t make it happen for me. That whole movement…is rooted in Marxist-Leninist propaganda….I’m not a feminist, I’m an anti-feminist. I think it has hurt women enormously.
Nope, I can’t even begin to parse this one. It reads like something an infinite number of monkeys would produce if you gave them a magnetic poetry kit comprised of the 200 most frequently used words in Liberal Fascism.
UPDATE: Wow. I should also include this stunning snippet from Right Wing News’ Michelle Malkin interview:
Is Michelle bothered that there are undoubtedly a lot of guys going to take a look at her vlogs because of her looks?
Well again, it’s a double edged sword and I think a lot of women who are successful at blogging and vlogging realize that, so you use it to your advantage. There’s nothing wrong with using what God gave you to spread your message, to get people to pay attention to your content. …On YouTube, the key to producing a viral video is to be very visual and that includes looking good.
Shorter Michelle: Yeah, I make winger pr0n, but if it gets some horny goober to hate on just one immigrant, it’s all been worthwhile.
“It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times”?! You stupid monkey!
What is it?
Yeah, Pam, needing fake breasts so that you can find just one ounce of respect from guys certainly is central to your point.
Someone’s been mixing box chardonnay and blogging again.
I don’t need equal rights! Fuck you, equal rights!!
Glorida Steinem, Gloria Steinem, Gloria Steinem.
Who cares? Really. Who cares? How exactly is attacking a 170-year-old feminist pioneer (who may be apt these days at saying dumb things) going to earn any votes?
I’m sick to death of these bitchez who reap the benefits of the feminist movement and turn around and condemn it.
Yes I know this wasn’t a funny comment. Like all other women and feminists especially, I lack a sense of humour.
Vox Day doesn’t abide by these crybabies.
I pimp and pimp again!
And I give up my pimping for a while. Pimping ain’t easy.
Shorter Malkin: “It’s hard out there for a whore.”
Pammy and Our Lady of the Concentration Camps are only two of the five women interviewed by Hawkins. Read the whole thing, and then you can put your eyes out with an icepick.
Why do Family-Value Conservative Lady Bloggers find it necessary to flaunt their body parts, then play shy? Is it the Stepford Wife mentality that resonates so well with conservative men?
I’m sure Miss Geller has never, ever, ever complained about the treatment of women in Islamic countries. I mean, those women don’t need anyone to tell them they’re equal just because they can’t drive a car or vote or go to the toilet without a note from a male relative.
Message? Content?
Never heard it called that before.
Heterosexual men would find Michelle Malkin hot?
I will never ever ever ever ever understand breeders. Particularly the one’s with penises.
Oh, sure. Blame me.
Pimping ain’t easy.
But somebody’s gotta do it.
There’s nothing wrong with using what God gave you to spread your message, to get people to pay attention to your content.
Um, I think when guys try that they wind up in the back seat of a Minneapolis squad car.
Michelle Malkin is rather attractive, yes, and I would have sex with her. But then, I’d give her a brass-knuckle donkey punch.
Um, I think when guys try that they wind up in the back seat of a Minneapolis squad car.
Minneapolis police: storm-troopers of the New World Order.
But then, I’d give her a brass-knuckle donkey punch.
Uh, at this point I’d like to point out that I bear no responsibility for what people write here and only delete comments in very rare circumstances.
I don’t need equal rights.
Hmm. Yep, makes sense.
People of this political stripe seem to have a rather low opinion of rights in general. Habeas Corpus? Nah, screw it. Privacy? Why, you got something to hide? Abortion? Hey, just exactly who’s body do you think that is, yours? Rights are for suckers.
Just don’t fuck around with my right to own a gun!!
‘Sokay, Bradrocket.
Your forbearance is beyond legendary.
Sometimes bleeding into the fanaticism end of the scale…
It’s this whole feminist thing where it’s empowering to use foul language, to do the lowcut shirts, and act sleazy — and I don’t just mean that just sexually, I mean intellectually as well…*
My daily recommended dose of sexual sleaziness is already filled, but I would like to complain about the lack of intellectual sleaziness provided by feminist commentators at S,N.
* Copied from a post at LG&M. Did not click on the link. Not that stupid.
Well again, it’s a double edged sword
That phrase, it does not mean what I think she thinks it means.
She may have intended to write “double-edged petard”, or “Gordian knot of Damocles”.
Why are all the self proclaimed “Anti-Feminist” women all such sorry losers? Pam Geller and K-Load aren’t the sort of spokes people I’d want, to say the least.
Anything goes when it comes to prose because pimpin’ ain’t easy….
I was going to pimp your S-O-R-O-S, RB, but I knew you’d do it yer own self.
8,9,10 then you got 11
12, 13 starts to age
14, 15, 16…
It gets a tad misogynistic there, so I’ll stop.
Geller may not be a feminist, but her implants are.
Well, she’s not attractive, and I wouldn’t have sex with her.
I’m undecided about the donkey punch, however.
Geller may not be a feminist, but her implants are.
Only the left one. The right one rejects that Marxist-Leninist propaganda about boobies.
Red, phleabo-
C’mon, guys. There’s funny, and there’s dumbass.
And although I tend to toe the dumbass side of the line, seriously.
Would a tiny bit of poise be too much to ask?
Would a tiny bit of poise be too much to ask?
Asking that question can get you thrown into the back of a squad car in St. Paul.
What is Oleander, anyway?
Minnesota: Where the Black Helicopters Land
Wow, punching women in the face with brass knuckles … classy …
Minnestoa: Where the air is clear and the stances, wide.
I’m not familiar with Carpenter, but Malkin getting her own cable news show? I don’t think so.
There’s nothing wrong with using what God gave you to spread your message, to get people to pay attention to your content
if by ‘message” she means legs, and by ‘content’ she means her DSLs
All these women like Gloria Steinem, “Oh, we made it happen for you!” You didn’t make it happen for me. That whole movement…is rooted in Marxist-Leninist propaganda….I’m not a feminist, I’m an anti-feminist. I think it has hurt women enormously.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but does Juggs even have a job?
I mean, one other than plying the world’s oldest profession. I’m in agreement with her that she doesn’t need rights to keep on prostituting herself…indeed, that’s about the only option open to women with no rights other than living in submission to one particular man. Pammy no-rights is already living in submission to every human with a penis by choice, so a loss or a lack of rights can’t be much of a concern for her.
The right to divorce, sign contracts, vote, own property–why would Malkin and Gellar want those?
The funny thing is that if they got their way, nobody would listen to them because they’re girls.
Another funny thing is the guys who think the woman will stand there and be hit, instead of taking out the Taser(TM!), pepper spray, or brass knuckles of their own.
Feminists do NOT advocate dressing like sluts to show you’re ‘powerful’. Bleah. It’s a corporate/media distortion of feminist freedom. Feminist just want equal pay for equal work. And co-ed bathrooms, of course. Nothing a woman likes better than using the toilet with a man in the room. Ug!
As one horndog I knew in high school liked to say: “I’ve never seen an ugly back-of-the-head”…
“I’m not immediately suffering from blatant discrimination based on my gender, so all women everywhere are equal to men.”
Yep, sounds like the natural conclusion of the school of “Screw you, I got mine” Libertarianism/Republicanism.
I’d search through Pammy’s archives for when she’s used women’s rights in Iraq or Afghanistan as a political football, but that’s more effort than this tripe is worth.
What makes her think people pay attention to her content? For crissakes, I watch Victoria’s Secret commercials on TV, but I mute the darn things. As my parents taught me, not all attention is good attention, and just because they’re looking at you doesn’t mean they’re listening to you.
Doug – what the fuck is it with you? Do you have an outrage monitor on this site so you’ll know when to come over and lecture us about what is and is not acceptable? It seems that’s the only time we hear from you. Which honestly is more than we’d like to.
Of course a co-ed toilet could lead to a whole new set of “Wanna get it on?” signals, couldn’t it? In-ter-esting!
That top chick upstairs is teh hawt. The Mr. T-esque bling is a bit much, but then again, who’s fixed on the neckline?
There’s nothing wrong with using what God gave you to spread your message, to get people to pay attention to your content.
I’m not a fan of the brass knuckle comments but note that “what God gave” might possibly include the ability to physically dominate weaker people.
I don’t know, Jennifer. My blog is called Donkey Punch, and I thought advocating punching MalKKKin in the back of the head with a weapon right as she achieves orgasm is a tad, well, base.
Speak for yourself, Jennifer. I for one appreciated Watts’ brief yet to the point comment. And if you think he only comes hear to express outrage or lecture on propriety, you’re not paying attention.
We don’t have to resort to that kind of ugliness to call a turd shit.
hearhereThe acceptance of feminism is further proof of sociey’s erosion of the fixed moral standards established by God and revealed to mankind in His Word.
God created Adam first and then Eve, womankind is to be subserviant to mankind as God Himself has made clear in His Holy Scriptures. It is the job of men to work and put the bread on the table while it is the job of women to stay at home and raise the children and cook and clean.
The feminist movement is yet another example of how the 1960s has corrupted American culture and caused our society to turn away from God and His Word.
You know, I think it was over the top as well, but once Brad weighed in on it, I didn’t think the condemnation of a visiting school marm was really needed. And yes, I do pay attention, which is why I’ve noticed that 4 out the last 5 times Doug’s graced these comments it’s been to lecture someone about what they shouldn’t say.
I call dibbs!
Sing a song of sixpence a pocket full of rye,
Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie.
When the pie was opened the birds began to sing,
Oh wasn’t that a dainty dish to set before the king?
The king was in his counting house counting out his money,
The queen was in the parlour eating bread and honey
The maid was in the garden hanging out the clothes,
When down came a blackbird and pecked off her nose!
Fuck you, liberals. Stop trying to “help” me. I worked hard and helped myself, I have no pity for those who didn’t.
Hawt winger chix — yes
Sweaty wingers from Big Sky Country — not so much
So, I could actually see where Malkin is too young to remember a woman’s lot pre-feminism but Geller? C’mon. She’s old enough to know better.
And oh yeah, didn’t they have mothers? Do they never talk to them?
Or perhaps read a fucking book?
Man. Stupid is one thing but this achieves a whole new level of sad.
Really, do they think they could get away with the crap they do without Gloria Steinem?
Fair enough, but I for one don’t want to see Red’s comment used as proof of the fact that the DFH’s are violent fascists.
I suspect he was a Rightard, anyway. I mean ‘Red’? Come on.
I worked hard and helped myself, I have no pity for those who didn’t.
Helped yourself to Jimmy Wales’ clothes, which you then flogged on eBay, you mean.
Who invited Rachel Marsden to this party?
GO HOME! We don’t care.
“Helped yoiurslef to stalk a proffesorr in Canada”
…pardon the typoes
Hey, DRugged in Montana, thanks for reminding me.
I gotta install Greasemonkey on this computer…
And yes, I do pay attention, which is why I’ve noticed that 4 out the last 5 times Doug’s graced these comments it’s been to lecture someone about what they shouldn’t say.
This list isn’t organized chronologically from most recent to oldest, but 4 out of 5 of these are not what you say they are.
God, I remember it like it was yesterday… how despite being a lonely and neurotic sociopath, for one special moment, I got Michelle Malkin to notice me. I’d go to Liberal blogs, and leave violent, sexist comments on them; and then immediately email Malkin and tell her what nasty, nasty things “Liberals” were saying about them. And then she included my comments, my own little secrets, in her book! Sure, Malkin may have made herself and the whole claimed point just look ridiculous and pathetic by also including obvious satires, such as “King Leopold” at Eschaton; and sure, her interest in my existence only extended as far as I was prepared to prostitute my sanity and honesty, in order to maintain my delusional fantasies of a married woman suddenly seeing the real me behind all my false “Liberal” names; but still! What a wonderful, wonderful time in my life that was. So much so, that many empty and pitiful years later, here I am again, as I am on every thread ever about Malkin I can find across the internet, trying the same old tricks to bring back that little bit of magic once more… so now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to continue letting everyone know what wickedness you “Liberals” are saying. And as you can some of my friends (yes, friends! I have friends! Of course I do!) are here already, disapproving… but if only I could get Michelle to notice once more… Please Michelle? Please? *sighs*
Is that mdhatter?
Wipe your face. The Cheetos are showing.
Rachel Marsden was mentioned on the AP wire today. It described her as a “TV personality,” and a “political pundit.”
The Canadian press was a little more specific.
Hey, “Rachel”, if that’s your real name. I clicked over to check out your linked page (if that’s your real page). I noticed something about the TV clips.
You seem to be wearing the SAME shirt in all of ’em. If that’s your real shirt.
Do you only own one shirt? That’s a bit sad.
As is the part at the bottom where you say your Radio Show (if that’s your real radio show), is looking for a new home. You know, seems to me that a radio show that’s not actually ON the radio doesn’t really qualify as a radio show.
Just sayin…
a visiting school marm
Is the implication here that someone has residence and someone else does not? I mean, it’s not my blog or anything…
Funny to see winger women, who mouth all the respectful platitudes to the ‘Founding Fathers’ for establishing America and essential liberty, at least for white property owners; while they refuse to see the same regard is due to liberal women and men for extending the same essential liberties to, well themselves.
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Patriarchal imprinting is pretty damn effective, it appears. Or else the self loathing is so deep they can’t see out anymore.
Statements like this always give me a headache. On the one hand it is true that the Wingars will seize on anything as proof that the libruls hate America, are psycotic, love to perform abortions/gay sex on the unwilling, etc, etc, etc, etc etfuckingc.
On the other hand we’re talking about clowns who have tried to claim Obama is a stealth killer Mooslem because … uh … something about his father’s side of the family.
There is nothing you can say or do that a Wingar won’t twist into an all out threat to kill, kill, kill, because those pussies are afraid of their own damn shadows. So…what was I saying?
Oh yeah. If you’re going to moderate your speech because the fRingeLoons might be listening you may as well shut up and never speak again. If you’re going to moderate your speech because you don’t want people here to think you’re an asshole, that’s your choice.
But I’m just a sissy faggot girly dude so my opinion probably don’t count.
Advocating sexual violence in a thread about misogyny just seems a little beyond the pale, wingers be damned.
You’re right, Rug. Rachel, Pam and Michelle should all be home taking care of their children and stfu. What about those house husbands at the corner? Jonah’s wife is a rich lawyer heiress. She doesn’t sit home. K-Lo should be popping out babies right now.
Go yell at them.
Go on. Shoo.
I heart Canada.
Notice how Red dropped that comment like leaving the kids at the pool and was gone?
Shut up and stop LYING about my ex-boyfriend!
The fact is, I just dropped some kids off at the pool, too.
t4toby – yeah. He was a troll. Which is why Brad’s response was the only one necessary.
Oh yeah. If you’re going to moderate your speech because the fRingeLoons might be listening you may as well shut up and never speak again. If you’re going to moderate your speech because you don’t want people here to think you’re an asshole, that’s your choice.
There’s a third option, which is writing what you yourself think is reasonable. Most folks here are pretty good at writing what they think and not what they think others want to hear, and yet they’re not all a bunch of gibbering loons I’d like to beat to death with a crowbar while dancing the naked hokey-pokey to the strains of Stravinsky’s Firebird while covered in some kind of Jell-O product which I buy from that store where they don’t give me the dirty looks so much.
I feel ya.
Just remember Rachel, the only thing all your ex-boyfriends have in common is you. Well, that and restraining orders against you. And lawsuits alleging harrasment. But that still all ties back to you, really…
I would totally watch “Real Housewives of Wingnuttia.”
While I’m sure that new Real Housewives show will be just as god awful as the Orange County one, I loved how in the ad for it they show the woman horrified by the idea of living in the suburbs.
With people like Pam living in the New York suburbs, I think we can all understand why.
Umm, where exactly IS that store, Bubba?
‘Cause I’m pretty much at a loss for a place like that within a hundred mile radius…
Too many post-Appletini stops at the local bodegas, mikey?
I would totally watch “Real Housewives of Wingnuttia.”
Teaser here.
Umm, where exactly IS that store, Bubba?
Apple o’clock.
Now that’s hawt.
Unless you’re talking about this particular gibbering loon, in which case I’ll see your crow bar, Stravinsky & jello and raise you a lead-filled pool cue, Ravél’s “Bolero” and a thick coating of maramite.
Yeah, I make winger pr0n, but if it gets some horny goober to hate on just one immigrant, it’s all been worthwhile.
truer words were never spoken. Malkin knows eggzactly what she’s doing in that cheerleader getup.
As Pam ages and becomes less sexually appealing – and therefore less visible – to her demographic (or any demographic), she’ll discover she’s not quite as equal. After all, men just get better as they age (craggy faces are still good looking, in some cases better looking and wrinkles=character and so on). Older women, on the other hand, are typically viewed as hags and has beens. Poor Pam is going to wind up being another botoxed plastic freak desperately preserving her “equality”.
Real Housewives of Wingnuttia:
I thought it was funny.
I don’t advocate violence towards women in general. Just the ones who advocate the policies that have turned America into a third-world country.
Wait ’til Pammy’s next column wherin she argues that since black folks have equal rights now, we should repeal the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments to the Constitution. And how Thurgood Marshall and Martin Luther King Jr. hurt the cause of Civil Rights “enormously.”
maramite? Where you from, Arky? Down under?
Sorry, Red, I didn’t mean to get all self-righteous. I completely understand the sentiment. There is just a history of Right-tards planting comments in blogs they don’t like.
I would totally watch “Real Housewives of Wingnuttia.”
Wouldn’t that just be reruns of the OC one?
The mere mention of those shows makes me give with one of those awful sour barf-belches.
Project Runway, now, that’s the shiznit.
SamFromUtah – I pretty much like most of the “contest” reality shows, the ones where people are actually creating stuff in a competition and it’s not just some bullshit like I think Survivor is (I’ve never watched it; I saw maybe 5 minutes of one show once and decided it was the dumbest thing ever). Even the one the comptetition show for models has some limited hilarity value in the cluelessness of the contestants…
General Note: Nobody cares which right-wing pundits you would fuck. Please don’t tell us.
Jennifer – Project Runway’s appeal to me is exactly that, the talented-people-creating-stuff-under-pressure angle. I admire that even though, in this case, I know very little about how to judge the end result.
According to the “Project Rungay” blog only twelve straight men watch PR, and I imagine that’s about right. I may be the only one who watches it not under duress – I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s installment. I’m agog – agog, I tell you! – to see who wins.
The models show just looks too embarrassing to watch, for me. You know, the embarrassment on behalf of the participants thing.
SamFromUtah – well, it is embarrassing to watch. To be perfectly honest, it’s like when I watch the comcast entertainment clips from the home page, I always feel dirty afterwards. But then again, if I hadn’t watched, I would have never seen the one guy who when eliminated was musing about how it was going to suck to have people coming up to him and saying, “oh, yeah, you’re the guy who can’t walk. But I can walk”. Comedy gems like that don’t just fall from the sky; you have to do some slogging to get to them.
Comedy gems like that don’t just fall from the sky; you have to do some slogging to get to them.
How very true, but we all have to decide what we’re willing to slog through to get them. I value this blog highly for the proprietors’ willingness to dive the right-wing sewers for pearls.
The fact is, I just dropped some kids off at the pool, too.
Ha! This is my second-favorite Gary-ism, the reigning champ still being, “The fact is, shut the hell up.”
God leers in mysterious ways.
Pammy is a supreme fraud. I got banned from her site right around the time I pointed out that she had comment shills on it (Pam or her proxies pretending to be regular Joes – they responded publically to comments made to her privately via email).
I’ll see your crow bar, Stravinsky & jello and raise you a lead-filled pool cue, Ravél’s “Bolero” and a thick coating of maramite
One of my ambitions is to replace my current beryllium-alloy prosthetic left testicle with a miniaturised boom-box that plays Bolero as background music for moments of passion. The Frau Doktorin is not so keen on this idea.
The fact is, liberals are stupid. You are going to loose bigtime in November.
Hysterical Woman said,
March 5, 2008 at 1:58
General Note: Nobody cares which right-wing pundits you would fuck. Please don’t tell us.
Hear, Hear!
Thank you, HW.
Ok. That’s reasonable.
How ’bout which movie stars?
Or singers? Yeah, what about Singers.
I kinda have this “thing” for Tanya Donelly…
Gary Ruppert said,
March 5, 2008 at 2:39
The fact is, liberals are stupid. You are going to loose bigtime in November.
Army of OneArmy Strong, parody troll. Find a recruiter near you.Dear Rugged in Montana,
Sadly, there is no God.
But does Tanya Donelly read this blog, mikey?
Damn, I didn’t think of that.
Maybe I oughta clean up my act a little…
Kim Deal, mikey. Kim Deal.
Damit! I’ve got CSPAN2 on ’cause it’s still early, and who do you think shows up?
The one and only Ann Althouse, who you are not.
On Webcam.
Claiming to be a “neutral observer”.
Changing the channel now…
The fact is, only I, Anne Althouse™®©, are allowed to change your channel.
And I, Anne Althouse™®©, deny said channel change request. Watching me (Anne Althouse™®©) is mandatory.
Wow. If left the house at 9 and check in now and there’s a new thread AND it has more than 100 posts, I can only conclude there was some major trollage going on.
Or else the post was really great, one or the other.
“General Note: Nobody cares which right-wing pundits you would fuck. Please don’t tell us.”
Even if it’s Ben Shapiro?
Or one-third of the Rommney brothers?
Pammy sez: “I’m not a feminist, I’m an anti-feminist. I think it has hurt women enormously.”
Then why are you dressed like Madonna?
Dear Ann Althouse,
Knowing how concerned you are about the use of subliminal persuasion, kindly check out this video of a young-looking woman with Asian features, dressed in a child’s outfit and pigtails, doing a cheer. Could there be a hidden message in a grown woman dressing like a little girl to “spread your message, to get people to pay attention to your content”?
I just can’t figure it out, but I know that you will want to examine and analyze the footage. Just make sure your husband is in the basement.
Hugs and Kisses,
Susan of Texas
The fact is, Drink! Feck! Arse! Girls!
Look, Father, nuns!
Oh my God! Liberals! Don’t tell me I’m still in that feckin’ election!
You are going to loose bigtime in November.
Loose what? The dogs of war, mebbe?
What I find disturbing about the “I’d still hit it” comments is knowing there are men who are capable of fucking women they hate. Which is what rapists do.
Ugh ugh ugh. I realize you’re out there but I’d rather not know.
Are you sure she didn’t say neutered observer?
I hear she had both testicles replaced with mini-boom boxes that play the 1812 Overture … Wait.
Sorry, wrong Ann.
Heterosexual men would find Michelle Malkin hot? I will never ever ever ever ever understand breeders. Particularly the ones with penises.
Jacob M: Here on the other side of the genital-shapes aisle, we can only assume that the penis is a demanding master. In fact, there’s another adjective I’ve heard men use in connection with their favorite toy, but it’s not always that cooperative either, is it?
The implants are in a different place, Arky.
“Boom boxes”… I see what you did there.
Instructions not quite there yet, but ingredients looking swell.
Paul McCartney’s Emu Candy
2 gallons emu, mercifully creamed
1 teaspoon applesauce
1 jar Christian pepper, toasted
3 teaspoons easygoing hog tentacle, dissonantly stuffed
1 gallon thyme
4 jars dill
Pre-heat your oven to 55 Kelvin. Place the emu into a medium bag. Stir the applesauce with the pepper over high heat in a jar.
Yeah Smut Clyde, I meant to ask: Why only ONE testicle? You definitely don’t want to broadcast mono in that situation. KnowwhatImean?
ah pammy, i give her six months and one more face lift until she has a goatee, stretch marks on her forehead and she’ll be able to pick lint out of the top of her head.
Arky — I blame it on a mistranslation of Mark 9:47.
Peppered Gopher with Paranoid Crushed Garbanzos
1 portion gopher
2 jars nasty garbanzo thorax, unenthusiastically herbed
1 occasional walnut
7 jars eternal mandrill thorax
1 bag pepper
7 pints butter
Pre-heat your oven to 515 Kelvin. Separate gopher throat from carapace. Consume carapace. Mix the garbanzo with the walnut over medium heat in a pot. Sprinkle resulting mixture over the gopher.
Hang on, hang on, I’m still spittin’ carapace here…
Too true, Lesley. Why settle for love when there’s plenty of slightly-used domination just lying around on the Goodwill shelf?
Spread your _________, get people to pay attention to your c________nt.
Uh, that’s gross.
Ha SC! You didn’t think I’d have a Bible handy. Let’s see … Mark, Mark 9 … eh?
How can one testicle offend?
Is this a set up for a joke about the famous Chinese philosopher?
There’s nothing wrong with using what God gave you to spread your message
God gave her pompoms?
There’s nothing wrong with using what God gave you to spread your message
K-Lo would agree.
I don’t need equal rights….I’m already equal.
To what? The Pantload? KLo? The Chimp-in-Chief? It would be a sad day for me if my only claim to respect was being equal to an ignoramus, an illiterate, and a war criminal.
And Susan of Texas, thanks for telling off Rugged Bughead. Montana would be such a lovely place if nobody like him lived there.
Dear Rugged in Montana:
You do understand that the reason that the males of most species travel abroad in the dangerous world while the females typically hang back at the crib protecting and nurturing the next generation is not because the males are more valuable and important but because they’re expendable?
You do get that, don’t you?
John Lennon’s Beet-root Burrito
4 ounces symbolic ape
5 teaspoons noxious beet-root
1 tablespoon vegetable
4 cups fictitious jackal lung, pickled
4 portions cinnamon
3 tablespoons butter
Pre-heat your oven to 141 Farenheit. Halfheartedly grease a cookie sheet. Place the ape into a large wok. Combine the beet-root with the vegetable over low heat in a pot. Slather resulting potion over the ape. Marinate the jackal, cinnamon, and the butter. Pile the latter combination on to the former. Bake for 109 hours. Serves 11.
That’s the thing about these upper-class anti-feminists, they don’t have to worry about things like child-rearing and housework because they have servants and nannies to do that stuff so they can just sit on their asses and judge everyone else. To me, the true meaning of feminism is that women are more than just servants/assessories for their husbands, but people who have thoughts and can make choices in their lives. Not to mention that marriage is an EQUAL partnership and that’s what scares these women that their husbands might wise up and start seeing through their sucking up and demand that they actually have some substance beyond looking pretty for them.
The other thing is that upper-class anti-feminists are just playing a role to appese the male half and saying that these guys want to hear all while reaping the benifits and believing that the anti-women rules that they want to come true will not be applied to them. The problem is that just like what happened to Serena Joy of “A Handmaid’s Tale”, it will.
Righteous Bubba- just checked the pantry, all out of symbolic ape- do you think i can substitute hypothetical zebu? Also have a can of metaphysical dingo, but the best-by date is June 2007, so i’m not sure it is safe.
Excuse me, I find this sort of wrong-headed analysis very offensive. We are not expendable. We’re very, very dumb.
Thank you.
If Michelle Malkin had sex with me, I would also give her a Brass-Knuckle Donkey Punch. That punch is both delicious and refreshing. Made with lemonade, rum and some other ingredients, shaken over ice.
If we wish really hard, can we transport Pamela into a never-ending, inescapable episode of Mad Men?
Oh, wow, hey Pammy, is that you I’m hearing?
Say, hon, why don’t you get your pregnant, barefoot naked ass back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich. K? And keep that racket down. I’ll let you know when I want to hear from you. Don’t make me tell you twice, y’know how it makes me mad to have to get up off my recliner and discipline you…
Now you see what I’m talkin’ about, guys? She means well, but it’s like watching a pig play the piano – it makes an awful racket, messes up the piano, and eventually even the pig gets embarrassed.
Without feminism, these women would never have gotten the time of day, and we’d be blissfully unaware of their reality-deprived opinions. Same thing with Phyllis Schlafly or Anita Bryant.
When Pam gets a little older, and her saint of a husband finally wakes up and divorces her bitter, unhinged ass, you can be sure she’ll be first in line for the house, the car and child support payment. But no, she doesn’t need equal right or any of that weak communistic crap.
Can I get my money back? When I go to the circus I want to see clowns that make me laugh. Pam is more like watching one of those horrible slow motion car wrecks that never end. You keep watching only because you’re too shocked and mortified to look away.
Good for you, hon. Now gemme some goddam cake, woman. No, put those heels on first.
There ya go.
Obsessive Compulsive Basement Dweller said,
March 5, 2008 at 0:58
Look, everybody! Misha’s here!
“There’s nothing wrong with using what God gave you to spread…?”
Poor Pam is going to wind up being another botoxed plastic freak desperately preserving her “equality”.
Featured on Endlessly.
Not…that.. I’ve ever seen such a thing.
Does anyone else find the new Cheetos commercials fekking hilarious? The Cheetos Underground: Join Us.
And the people in the commercial being goaded into being dicks by a hallucinatory Chester Cheetah.
*sob* it’s funny ‘cuz it’s true.
Man I read “Deap Throat with Pam Geller” when I got to this post.
I guess I was channeling John Bolton.
“dancing the naked hokey-pokey to the strains of Stravinsky’s Firebird while covered in some kind of Jell-O product which I buy from that store where they don’t give me the dirty looks so much.”
That was you at the party last Beltane…I thought you seemed familiar.
The beauty of reading Pamela is that she will inevitably contradict herself (or “flip flop,” if you will) in a matter of weeks or months.
Remember when she poo-poo’ed Ann Coulter’s “faggot” remark by saying it was no big deal, just a common schoolyard taunt? Apparently it’s a Very Bad Word if a blond conservative pundette isn’t using it. And of course if it serves her goal of Blaming Teh Moooslems for Everything:
“I’m not a feminist, I’m an anti-feminist. I think it has hurt women enormously.”
No, women like YOU have hurt women enormously.
Bite me, bitch!
Michelle Malkin is NOT, I repeat, NOT attractive in any way.
Especially in her fatigues.
No, she isn’t.
I call her the Rabid Pekingese ever since I saw the photo of her on Tweety’s show where she looked as though she was going to bite someone.
She looked like a rabid Pekingese in that shot…….and I like Pekingese dogs!
Seems like Pam has rather deeper thoughts than Brad. Not that that’s saying a whole lot.
“Yeah, I make winger pr0n, but if it gets some horny goober to hate on just one immigrant, it’s all been worthwhile.”
Boy, my fucking toe jam is smarter than you are, “Brad”.
“Michelle Malkin is NOT, I repeat, NOT attractive in any way.”
Not to gay men, perhaps.