A very special Valentine’s message from Kim Du Toit
Anytime the Ole Perfesser writes the following words…
…sane people should start shrieking and running for the comfort of the nearest scotch bottle.
Unfortunately for you, I’m not a sane person. Let’s boogie:
Kim Du Toit: Hellllllllllllooooooo, ladies!I think women don’t understand how clinical men can be when it comes to analyzing a relationship. (Note: just because we don’t talk about our relationship with you, doesn’t mean we don’t analyze it.)
Here’s how I explain it. I think that men keep a running ledger going in their subconscious—all the good/great things about their relationship on the one side, and all the bad/terrible things on the other. At some point or another, if the perceived negatives outweigh the positives, the man will quit the relationship—I mean, just bail out of the whole thing—and usually with a swiftness and finality which confounds women.
Unless they’ve been dating you, dude. Then the reaction is, “What took him so long?”
Because we’re guys, we don’t talk about this much—even, or especially with other men, and hardly ever with women. But it’s a plain fact.
Now, because we’re guys, certain things have a disproportionate effect on both the good and bad things: on the good side, sex, food and shared interests being probably the best examples…
I love how he tosses “shared interests” in at the end there, as if to prove to himself that he doesn’t really see all women as mere blowjob-and-fried-chicken-dispensers.
(And incidentally, what kind of grown man looks to a woman to make his meals? Personally speaking, I’ve spent the past two months teaching myself to cook Thai and Indian. My pad thai and chicken yellow curry can move oceans, peeps.)
…on the bad, infidelity, constant nagging and invasion of privacy constitute the negative.
“Nagging” = “Comb the Cheeto crumbs out of your pubes or I’m never sleeping with you again.”
I am not interested, incidentally, in hearing the female side of this. The topic is “why men are putting off getting married”. Here’s why.
All the great advantages of the women’s liberation movement have created an environment which, frankly, does not leave men with much.
Nope. Men got nothin’. Why the hell would any man want to get married nowadays? “Companionship?” Ewwwww! You’re shitting me, right? That’s the best thing a woman can offer a man? Not, like, constant worship or steak dinners or pics of her making out with her hot lesbian pals? WTF, man???
We can’t flirt with women at school, college or at the office anymore, because one man’s “flirting” has become another woman’s “sexual harassment” and the punishments for such transgressions are not only severe, they’re permanent—crippling a man’s career and prospects thereof.
A lot of women I know love being flirted with, even at work. The difference is, they like flirting with guys who are attractive, witty and who have good personalities. Charmless, misanthropic warblogger weirdos don’t quite cut it in this regard. They normally come off more like this:
When a woman can get pregnant outside wedlock, and still hound a man forever for child support (with the enthusiastic support of the State), is it any wonder that men, even though ruled by their sex drive, might actually step back a little and think with their heads?
You mean the oppressive state is making men actually take responsibility for the women they knock up? The injustice! The foul, foul injustice! Back in the Good Ole Days, rough’n’tumble studs like Torgo Kim could impregnate six bitchez in a night and never have to pay a red cent!
And the fact that women have become more sexually liberated doesn’t help matters. The old saw is true: why would a man go to the trouble of buying, stabling and feeding a cow, when milk’s available at the supermarket?
“And at least the cows don’t bitch about the Cheetos crumbs in your hair after you fuck ’em!”
Remember: the early post-adolescent years are the time in men’s lives when they are most ruled by their sex drive. If the drive can be constantly sated by willing women, can anyone be surprised that when the sex drive starts to fade in importance, men look at all the other parts of a relationship, and find that the game just isn’t worth the hassle?
At ages 19 to about 27, men are at their most vulnerable for marriage, because the nice thing about married sex is not that it’s necessarily great, but that it’s pretty much always available, without too much work involved.
Why aren’t ladies lining up for this guy? He says that he won’t put any effort into sex once he gets married! What’s not to love!
The saddest part of this is that all things being equal, most men actually enjoy being married, and look forward to it.
Yeah, man, marriage used to have some perks to it. Among them:
- You’d have a bitch to cook for you.
- You’d have a bitch to sleep with.
- You wouldn’t even have to work hard at satisfying your bitch in bed! Just get those rocks off and fall asleep!
But now feminists have taken away all that good shit and are even demanding that men chip in with taking care of the children!
Anyway, I hope you guys have been as inspired by this Valentine’s Du Toit message as I have. And to all you married guys out there: make sure you give the Missus some extra lazy and mediocre sex for Valentine’s tonight!
Just remember two minutes in heaven is better than one minute in heaven…
So, cheetos in the male pubes bad? But some tasty crumbs in the female pubes a bonus?
Me need drink. Head hurt.
Please somebody tell me it’s a joke that he’s named “of the twat”?
I think perhaps he is relying on third or fourth hand hearsay for the sex stuff. Certainly none of the women I have ever known would ever have sex with him, even after chugging a quart of Jack with a handful of roofies. I have to agree that any man who relies on a woman to feed him is a dweeb. I cooked my way through several marriages (learned Indian & Chinese cooking 30 years ago) and still am well regarded in that department.
My favorite part: (Note: just because we don’t talk about our relationship with you, doesn’t mean we don’t analyze it.) So if he thinks there’s a problem in the relationship, he won’t tell her, and there will be no possible way to solve it. Makes sense if you’re as attractive a speciment as Monsieur DuToit, who doubtless has a long string of women just waiting to be the next significant other and can treat women as disposable.
A stallion needs to run, and run free.
I’m sorry. I’m experiencing technical difficulties. Tried to Ctrl-C everything that needed a response from the Human-Acquainted Community and blew up my computer.
Wow, I bet this guy makes a mean poptart. I mean, shared interest with this lothario obviously leads one to suicide.
I love the way he claims to speak for all men.. Because of course, he is the Alpha male, and is thus the spokesman for all us penis-possessors.
Not a word about what women might want out of a relationship, or marriage. No, because they couldn’t possibly act on those desires, thus putting poor men to the inconvenience of having to react to these developments. “What? Honey, I did everything society expects of me, so why are you so mad?”
Added to Rugosa’s observation:
At some point or another, if the perceived negatives outweigh the positives, the man will quit the relationship—I mean, just bail out of the whole thing—and usually with a swiftness and finality which confounds women.
Yeah, no. That’s not a logical summing up of a relationship. I fucking do that. I ignore as much unpleasantness as I can in a relationship of whatever sort, and then I lose it completely over something that looks probably very minor to the other person. The straw-that-broke-the-camel’s-back bit. The thing is, this isn’t a logical analysis of a relationship and its costs and benefits. It’s a passive-aggressive reaction to the possibility of confrontation.
It’s a different thing. Not adult. Not rational. It doesn’t make for good relationships, on the whole. And it rarely makes people view you as a good catch, you know?
The very first reply to DuTwat’s tender billet-doux:
Isn’t that a charming, classy way to say “bitch” without saying “bitch”? Cary Grant would weep with envy.
I love this line as well … At ages 19 to about 27, men are at their most vulnerable for marriage, because the nice thing about married sex is not that it’s necessarily great, but that it’s pretty much always available, without too much work involved.
How the fuck would he know about sex with an actual woman? Really, come on, sane people do not think this way.
And where is the “work” involved in making love to your wife? What, does she make you rake the front yard before you can disrobe and get some of her delicious fried chicken?
Do you have to take out the trash, walk the dog and build a tree fort before you get to bumpin’ uglies?
Dear Kim,
Your ideas on Relationship Calculus intrigue me, and I would like to pose to you a poser:
My woman provides me with twice the normal number of blowjobs, but no fried chicken at all. Now is the net result a simple additive function (i.e. 20 blowjobs + 0 fried chickens = 20 good things) or is it multiplicative (i.e. 20 blowjobs x 0 friend chickens = 0 good stuff)?
I need to know the answer to this so I can proceed with my love life.
Yours in anticipation,
Music for today:
In all fairness, these guys are as qualified to speak about relationship issues as they are to talk about politics.
And personnaly speaking, I’ve spent the last two months teaching myself how to not overbake the frozen pizza. I hate it when it curls up like a potato chip.
” . . . The old saw is true: why would a man go to the trouble of buying, stabling and feeding a cow, when milk’s available at the supermarket?”
He didn’t even get that right! It’s “when milk is free!” What a maroon. I like Torgo better- the cute way he waves his hands, stumbles, says “I want you!”. He likes to stroke hair, too. Let’s see La Twat do that!
a) What IS that clip from?
b) Why do all wingnuts write like somewhat bright 14-year olds? With their “theories” and their “frankly” and their great confidence (“Here’s why”) and their bluff, macho “we’re guys” team spirit of adolescent yoof huddled on one side of the gym at the dance, proudly terrified of actual girls?
Now let’s be fair. There’s a word on this. 12 words, actually.
If I understand the most recent draft of the Loser Douchebag’s Rules of Gender Relations, he’s got it covered.
I’m sorry, has this man ever had a relationship with a woman, I mean a real woman, not those blow up doll things. Jesus, its not 1940 anymore.
….both the good and bad things: on the good side, sex, food and shared interests being probably the best examples
So, thats what he thinks is the good side to a relationship, sex, food and ‘shared interests’. No wonder the poor sap hasn’t had a fuck for 12 years. It kind of reminds me of my engineering college buddies back in the day wondering why they couldn’t get dates while being the most ignorant, sexist, pigs they could be. Most of the poor saps blames the ‘feminist movement’ or something similar for their virginal status.
I’m thinking my mom would’ve kicked his ass from here to August back in 1940. Just sayin’.
That he wrote this, knowing it would be a matter of public record forever more?
Ah! I know! It’s that you don’t see the irony inherent in a sexist, juvinile rant about women in relationships (“Chicks, huh? Are they weird or what?”) using this phrase!
Blah blah blah the whole pig when I just need a little sausage. Sorry, more sausage than that, Monsieur du Toit.
His whole schtick reminds me of the end of “Sexual Perversity in Chicago” when Dan and Bernie are sitting on the beach and they are yelling “how YOU doin’s” to some hottie who walks on by. Dan says, “Probably deaf”. “Yeah she looked deaf,” says Bernie. “Deaf bitch,’ says Dan.
Invasion of privacy? He’s worried a woman might invade his privacy? Not going to happen.
men are at their most vulnerable for marriage
That might be my favorite line from du Toit. Why doesn’t he just marry a cow, anyway?
So does Dr. Helen agree with all this, huh?
God, they really are as sociopathic in their relationships as they are in their domestic and foreign policy positions. “Why won’t anyone defer to my power, dammit!!!!”
The closing line of the post is a classic.
(Oh, and I’ve been cooking Thai and Indian for years, and it’s great stuff, so good choices.)
I agree with gbear, however, I want ye olde Perfessur. We’re perfect together. I’ve had two relationships in my long life, and they’ve both failed. Because I’m an alpha female, I somehow choose to pick – ahem – men who are less likely to be as intelligent as I…ahem, and then “cough” I end up dumping them and having to pay good money to be rid of them – “cough”. Based on my previous experience, this fellow is right up my alley (I’ve been celibate for over 20 years okay?) Mind you, the last experience with a stud as intelligent as this one cost me over 100K, and yes, I am female. A lot of us do make a salary, that, however, never is commensurate with our skills in relation to the white male A..Holes that make more, for doing the same job.(I’m white) Gosh, I raised two children, on my own, without any child support, put them through college, and gosh, kept them in touch with the putative “father”, to ensure that my kids did not live with guilt. People like this git need to be shaken , not stirred, and forced to experience real life, outside the elite bubble that he has created. What a git.
This guy can’t possibly have reached post-adolescence yet. He’s addled and makes less sense than anyone around.
Women should avoid him like he avoids apostrophes.
Whenever these guys threaten women to give up our rights or lose the opportunity to have them pump away for 2 unsatisfying minutes on top of us and then demand a steak, I’m sort of amused. It’s like saying, “Stop eating chocolate or I won’t kick you in the shins!”
I seem to recall reading that this bozo’s actually married. At the risk of sounding old-fashioned: jeez, what a flaming asshole.
Kim- re: the cows vs. milk thing?
The ladies always love it when you compare them to livestock.
Nice work, you playah…
What a catch he is! Well, he is wriggling on the end of a hook, so that makes him a catch doesn’t it?
I love the way he claims to speak for all men.
Heaven forbid that I should try a Shorter, but the underlying theme seems to be “It’s not just me; all the other guys are bastard arseholes too.”
I assume that Kim Kimminy is not a father. It is easy to imagine him running the cost/benefit analysis on the parental relationship, and then selling the sprog to a laboratory.
Mr. wonderful: the clip is from “Manos: Hands of Fate!” Made famous by Mystery Science Theater 3K. I actually have that on CD.
Torgo is cuter, smarter and sexier than du Twat.
The fact is, if more women would just lower their unrealistic standards and submit to our rule, there would be a lot less unhappiness in the family. However, the feminazis thrive on strife and want everything upset.
Since they love muslims so much, they will love the shania law that comes with it, right?
“When a woman can get pregnant outside wedlock, and still hound a man forever for child support (with the enthusiastic support of the State), is it any wonder that men, even though ruled by their sex drive, might actually step back a little and think with their heads?”
Granted, there may be some ambiguity here with regard to the word “head”, as well as a rather narrow, right-wing interpretation of the word “think”, however speaking in more general terms, isn’t this a good argument of why men SHOULD get married? You know, if by “thinking with [someone’s] head” is to mean “thinking rationally”…
another virgin speaks…
oops, not Krassen.
I’m imagining a woman on a first date with du Twat. It goes something like this:
After being seated at Appleby’s, du Twat launches into a monologue about “the way things are” between the sexes and holds forth on his completely rational analysis throughout dinner. du Twat insists on getting the check but stiffs the waiter, sniffing that a tip is to be earned, not expected, and the gal could have hustled the cheese dip out a little more quickly. Upon leaving the restaurant, du Twat suggests to his date that they return to his place and continue the conversation and get to know each other better.
The date, who has remained largely silent for most of the evening, thinks about it, decides it is not a good idea, and tells du Twat that if he wants to continue the conversation, he’ll be talking to the hand tonight – his own – again.
du Twat weighs the pros and cons of the relationship – so far, he’s gotten no sex, the food sucked, and though the woman seemed to share his interests since she remained silent through his dissertation on the way things are between men and women, that doesn’t outweigh the first two strikes. So he bails.
Or at least, that’s what he tells himself.
on the good side, sex, food and shared interests being probably the best examples…
Of course it helps if sex and food are shared interests.
Y’know, I look at that picture while thinking of those words, and I’m just . . . just . . . well, I’m feeling immense sympathy for Mrs. DuToit, but that’s just the beginning of it. Is he for real? I mean seriously for real? Because this is not my planet.
Whats this dude’s problem with liberated women? I take it as a boon that they are sexually liberated. Sex on the first date is a good thing for me! Also, now women are willing to pay for some of thier own shit, so it feels a lot less like socially acceptable prostitution. I even dated some older and far more successful women who paid for everything. I don’t know about you, but I never could figure out what the big problem was with house wives. I’ll do the laundry, cook, and take care of the kids while my hottie (hypothetical) wife slaves at work all day. Sign me up!
Also, usually people who complain about not being able to flirt because of social constraint are only really constrained by their fear of talking to women. I flirt with everyone: teachers at college, old ladies, people at work (of course working in a bar makes that easy!), random girls on the street or at the supermarket. I barely ever get in trouble for it, and if I do, its usually some overly conservative man saying “don’t flirt with all the ladies.”
Oh man, now I have the haunting ‘Torgo Love Theme’ in my head.
Yup, that’s a full on wingnut face-mullet, complete with superior smirk. Or possibly one of those “I’m ashamed of how yellow my teeth are” smiles.
Gary, I tried, and believe me, it doesn’t work. And, no, Ann Romney doesn’t count, she is just deranged…
When did the lead singer of the Georgia Satellites get a blog?
That’s when she told me the story about free milk and a cow
She said no hugging, no kissing until I get a wedding vow
My honey, my baby, don’t put my love upon no shelf
She said don’t hands me lines and keep your hands to yourself
And yes, the Dr. Mrs. gave this post a nod.
What an idiot! McLovin has more on the ball than this guy. This is one of main problems with the Internet. Everyone gets to give a wide voice to their opinions…
Oh, fer crissakes. This is a dood who’s entire experience with women is internet porn in between hanging out with his friends on world of warcrap.
My nephew, for example. The only eighteen year old male I’ve ever met who simply can’t be bothered to do that which is required to get laid. Hell, he can talk to his friends on the headset and jack off six or eight times a day.
Anybody who has ever actually loved a woman would never make ANY of the statements in this assclown’s screed. This is a guy who has some kind of porn/lit fantasy babe and has no real truck with the real world and the joys that love and intimacy can bring.
So know what? Fuckim. I’m done…
I always thought “Kim Du Toit” was a joke name.
And a female.
Live and learn.
I never could figure out what the big problem was with house wives. I’ll do the laundry, cook, and take care of the kids while my hottie (hypothetical) wife slaves at work all day. Sign me up!
Hey, John? Get a clue. Unless you’re doing the parody thing, in which case, carry on.
“Shania” Law. He he talking about Shania Twain???
N is no where near R on the keyboard, so Gary is an obvious put on.
To He-doublehockeysticks
Whats you number? we should get together sometime, you sound like my type!
Whats this dude’s problem with liberated women?
It’s not a problem, it’s a feature. He sees ANY woman that he can’t get along with as being a liberated woman.
See, here’s the other thing. If the cow is liberated he doesn’t have to “buy[], stabl[e] and feed[]” her. She can do it for herself.
actually loved a woman
You sentimental fool, Mikey. There is no place for ‘love’ in the cold harsh realpolitik of the bedroom.
“Hey, John? Get a clue. Unless you’re doing the parody thing, in which case, carry on.”
what do you mean? I’m dead serious. Why would anyone in their right minds want to work at most jobs if they didn’t have to? Don’t get me wrong, i’m all for women having freedom to do whatever they want, but I’d chose sitting around the house all day, it beats the hell out of working.
Fozzetti said,
February 15, 2008 at 3:40
” . . . The old saw is true: why would a man go to the trouble of buying, stabling and feeding a cow, when milk’s available at the supermarket?”
He didn’t even get that right! It’s “when milk is free!” What a maroon. I like Torgo better- the cute way he waves his hands, stumbles, says “I want you!”. He likes to stroke hair, too. Let’s see La Twat do that!”
I don’t think the milk is free for him, he has to buy it, possibly in thailand.
I think he really starts to go wrong with the “flirting” thing. He’s probably unaware that making twitchy grimaces at women while bugging your eyes out and rubbing your sweaty hands together is NOT enticing…
The comments are some of the most unintentionally entertaining writing I have seen in a long time.
John I am leaving you, but I left a lasagna in the oven. Set it to 450 and bake for 45 minutes. Don’t let the ends of the noodles burn and curl up like gbear’s frozen pizza.
On the other hand, it’s fair to say that while your Ex left that lasagna, it’s fair to consider the possibility that Urine trouble with with that recipe…
Just askin….
Um. Every woman here has my sympathy, but I’m really, really, REALLY glad this guy is straight.
Except … that means he might successfully pop off a dick nosed goat faced sprog…
Nope. Still don’t care. Just keep the mace handy in case something like that “flirts” (translation: breathes down your shirt) with you.
“Hmmm. Mrs. Phyllis Torgo…..guess I…kinda like it…..”
I had a mildly witty remark to post in response to some of these comments, but then I saw the picture (which didn’t load on the main page) and I fell into a paralysing state of disgust and shock.
Creepy, smug, leering guys like him are a huge reason why I wear hijab…I wouldn’t want that motherfucker to gaze on my liberated womanly hawtn3ss and have it in mind as he takes out his thinly-veiled frustrations by penning crap like this.
Guess what, KduT, us
cowswomen exist for more than just mental images for you to beat off to!!You all are so mean, using that author photo. This one is much more flattering.
God, they really are as sociopathic in their relationships as they are in their domestic and foreign policy positions.
Beautifully succinct. Battochio nails it.
[…] i’m not sure the exact translation, but i’m pretty sure du toit is french for “the twat“… […]
gbear: Overbaking is the only way to do frozen pizza. If it’s not practically burnt it’s tasteless.
“I think that men keep a running ledger going in their subconscious….”
Speak for yourself, you soft ass moonbat. I am a strictly rational machine run by pure logic and I keep my ledger front and center at all times. It is how I am able to determine the appropriate point at which to fill my corpora carvernosa antecedent to deploying my bulbourethral gland.
Agreeing with someone above, what is these moron’s problem with ‘liberated women’ for want of a better phrase. I have known some men over the years who are married to the mouse like woman, and it just seems so boring to me. Even my wife has commented how dull these woman are in her conversations with them, all they talk about is their husband and kids in reverential terms, rather than themselves and what they like.
It still amazes me that even today, that there are woman like that, even youngsters, all they seem to aspire to be is mere ciphers of their husbands.
Man, this isn’t the first wingnut lament about how liberated women are destroying men’s urge to get married.
But where the hell’s the evidence? I mean, of all of these little rants that I’ve ever read, they never point to any particular indication that the actual institution of marriage is on the decline.
And the number of bridal magazines and TV shows focused on wedding planning seems to contraindicate Kimmy’s central thesis.
Maybe the real nut of itis, nobody wants to marry these guys anymore. That’s hardly a tragedy.
Well I have become a master of it…
MzNicky, I tried to say the same thing as Battochio in my first comment. I guess I was too obtuse.
This has got to be a parody. I mean, de twat couldn’t possibly be serious about any of this, could he? Really, read it again and think about it. It’s got to be parody.
John Witherspoon: Wow, man. You sound like a real catch. Honey, let me introduce you to my redneck friend.
Love the youtube clip too, what movie is that from?
Well, after viewing the photo linked to by Michael Bérubé (did I get the accents right?), it all makes sense. Horrible, horrifying, sex hormone-negating, sex-drive neutralizing sense. Lots of guns and belly flab. And that’s just Mrs. Connie du Toit.
Michael Bérubé said,
February 15, 2008 at 4:51
You all are so mean, using that author photo. This one is much more flattering.
And then they all rode their broomstix off into the sunset.
P.S. Nice to see you ’round here again, Perfessor.
From that other photo, I have one comment: Mass quantities, indeed!
Have you ever seen Mrs. du Twat? She looks like a particularly ugly and resentful blancmange. I can see why Kim kind of hates women.
Reading this made me wonder what such people must believe of pro-equality males. I could come up with only two options:
1) Such males are basically putting up a front to get “what all men want.”
2) Such males have simply surrendered in the “Battle of the Sexes” where one either fights or dies. (Everything is warfare with these people).
Apparently, the concept of interpersonal relationships as being the foundation of one’s quality of life is totally alien as is the idea that each party is entitled to their own expectations (Whether such expectations will be fulfilled in a given relationship is another matter but, um, there’s this strategy of talking that some people have found useful).
Perhaps another reason they have a big problem with same sex relationships is that they are simply confounded with how the dynamics might work – therefore they can’t be real.
He double hockey stix–
I reject “failed.” Relationships that don’t last until death aren’t necessarily “failures.” People change either in or out of synch. Don’t let The Man force-feed you His criteria.
Now *there’s* a franchise whose popularity would make Starbucks look like “Plague-in-a-Cup.”
“I’d like a grande mocha chocolaté half-n-half, two hands, lots of foam…oh, and some fried chicken.”
Thank Glub for small favors…
This could have been me, except I figured out early on that the problem was I was unattractive, unpleasant and boring, and the only way I was going to get any attention was if I hung benjamins around my neck. And that wasn’t really the kind of attention I was looking for anyway…
Wingnuts would be dangerous if they had a little self-knowledge… but then, they wouldn’t be wingnuts, would they?
check out the comments, there is some real stars there, its like AoS commenters when the grow up, my favorite so far is:
We don’t have kids yet, so admittedly the stakes aren’t as high. A man ought to do this before he makes children with his wife.
“… makes children with his wife….” who talks like that?
and another classic:
It was getting real serious. I suppose she figured she had her man. That’s when she started getting domineering and telling me what to do. That took one day! Bing! Gone! Over! Fuggedaboutit!
gos damn, these uppity woman, telling me what do, get back in the kitchen, bitch…………….
This is just too precious … but I have to tell you, life isn’t much like the deliriously-happy couples on eHarmony.com. For every blissful couple in the ads, there are literally millions for whom a relationship is not a joy, but a wearisome chore.
What feminism hath wrought is simple: if men are to treat women as equals, then they will treat them like men—or at best, they will not treat them like women.”
Wow, he just doesn’t hate women, he hates women with a passion that makes his hair grow like a magical chia pet. Rograine of hate.
This has got to be a parody. I mean, de twat couldn’t possibly be serious about any of this, could he? Really, read it again and think about it. It’s got to be parody.
No parody. See also his “The Pussification of the Western Male” (November 2003).
“Makes children with his wife?” Fuck me. Young Dr. Wankenstein
This, on the other hand, is parody.
Fixed it for ya, gbear.
It’s not a problem, it’s a feature. He sees ANY woman that he can’t get
along withas being a liberated woman.Next up, brussell sprouts recipes.
And another thing: Who in the whole fuckin’ universe still says “women’s liberation movement”? Well, other than this joker and William F. Buckley Jr.?
The guy doesn’t even need to be wearing the sign around his neck that reads “I’m a total douchebag!” His face says it all. Yeah, I’m lookist. I mean, lookit ‘im!
why not. I dont descriminate unless shes particularly stupid or ugly.
…when the sex drive starts to fade into mpo
rtaenceFixed (and speak for yourself, you limp-dicked, wingnut facemulleted little shit)
Strollin’ in the park, watching winter turn to spring
Walkin’ in the dark, seein’ lovers do their thing
That’s the time I feel like making children with you.
When you talk to me, when you’re whinin’ high & low.
When you’re touchin’ me and my feelin’s start to show.
That’s the time I feel like making children with you.
In a restaurant, holdin’ hands by candlelight.
while you’re weighing my merits left and right.
Actually, after seeing that pic of his wife, i kinda understand where hes coming from. I mean, i wouldn;t have sex with that either.
Okay, here’s a theory. Any overweight, middle aged male who has somebody take a photograph of them posing with a firearm.. Has some form of crippling insecurity, and a huge need to prove themselves.
Yup, I think the article supports the theory. Now, I am no relationship expert.. but one thing that has just struck me about that article. No talk of compromise. No negotiation. How chickenhawk is that? The one sided, inflexible rhetoric of the armchair imperialist, applied to human relationships.
What the blatherer who “doesn’t talk much cuz I’m a guy”, doesn’t get about the women’s movement is it freed women to be…well…free to choose who they want to be with.
I wonder how many crap emails this dude has written to women who’ve rejected his advances.
not terribly discriminating about your spelling either, I see.
Of course, in a spiritual sense it doesn’t matter what M. du Toit looks like, or what silly little bang-bang-shoot-shoot hobbies he has. What matters, in the end, is the toxicity of the fetid little creatures swimming around where his soul should be.
Btw, the subtext of his post is “I want to get married!!!!!!!!! whaaaaaaaaaaa!”
Before I read all the comments, I just had to say – what an asshole!!!
When a woman can get pregnant outside wedlock, and still hound a man forever for child support (with the enthusiastic support of the State), is it any wonder that men, even though ruled by their sex drive, might actually step back a little and think with their heads?
Damn!! you mean women can just get pregnant outside wedlock and there’s nothing men can do about it? Somehow those women just overpower men and force their cocks into those toothed vahjayjays against their will! Oh, if only someone would invent some kind of prophylactic device that men could use to contain their sperm. And maybe someday, in a distant, idyllic future, men who didn’t want to be pregnant could actually have a medical procedure to assure that!!!
But no. For the likes of Kim, and men like him, helpless, unable to protect themselves from unprotected sex, there is only the doom of forced, unpreventable fatherhood.
Sweet. A perfectly good piling on gone horribly wrong again.
Did any of you fools live through the Great Sammich Campaign?
Ol’ Kim provides us with a endless supply of source material. No need to go off on his wifey about how she’s a fat cow who’s fat. And a cow. But you’d hit it anyway.
Cause you’re projecting your own contempt for/hatred of women and that is pretty much the anti-funny. See Muir, Chris.
At least try to bring some better game.
Please. Fer gawds sake. Don’t laugh at them.
They think the world owes them, not just a privileged position, but but regular sex and the right to commit rape and other assorted war crimes.
They aren’t willing to put their ideas out there, they just indulge in groupthink and tribal hatreds, and we all lose over and again when that happens.
Stop them from making the world safe for, well, THEM, and recognize that somebody’s got to make a fucking difference this year…
The saddest part of this is that all things being equal, most men actually enjoy being married, and look forward to it.
Yes, what’s sad about it is this asshole observing men who are in happy, well-adjusted relationships and calling it sour grapes.
To Mr. du Toit: A fellow comes home one night and finds his wife using the blow dryer on her pubic hair.
He cries: “My god! What are you doing?”
“Cooking your dinner,” she calmly answers.
When Mr. du Toit gets the joke, he may have a second date, and even a relationship.
i’m wondering if du twat has noticed the upside of marrying a woman here in the 21st century–they make money and can help to feed and clothe one’s family.
in some cases, they can even support you through the hard times (cough protein wisdom cough) as you
eat cheetos and play vidslook for gainful employment at phoenix university.or while waiting for your movie to happen. i’m just sayin’.
If married men are so unhappy why do they live longer than single men? Must gluttons for punishment.
J- Thanks for pointing those out to me. I think I understand, now. He’s just a complete asshole.
brussell sprouts recipes
If these involve lasagna or frozen pizza bases, please give me plenty of warning so I can start drinking.
I’m not gonna go off on his wife – I can’t imagine what it must be like living with an asshole like him.
Someone who has not had contact with another person’s genitals since he (or she) was born.
Or someone who has a bitching secret laboratory.
“It’s alive! Alive!!”
Another thought. I know Kim is genderless name. But if you’re going to be Mr. Manly Man and talk about how awful it is that womenfolk don’t know their place … you must change your name!
Geez, what’s up with that huge gun list he has on his blog?
Indeed. I hope she doesn’t read his shit. Or, if she does, and stays with him, she’s got some serious self-loathing problem. Or maybe he’ll wake up one night with a Bobbit situation.
Why did Boom Boom Mancini have to hit this kid so hard?
His idea of a functioning relationship amounts to second-hand nostalgia for a pop culture myth about a time that never even existed in the first place. It’s as clichéd and unrealistic as a woman who is literally waiting for a knight on a white horse. It wasn’t real then, it certainly isn’t real now, and you need better reading material.
Or, put another way, Kim Du Toit is the Jonah Goldberg of relationship counseling.
Oh, here’s a nice bit:
the early post-adolescent years are the time in men’s lives when they are most ruled by their sex drive. If the drive can be constantly sated by willing women, can anyone be surprised that when the sex drive starts to fade in importance, men look at all the other parts of a relationship, and find that the game just isn’t worth the hassle?
So, after spending a lot of time treating women like meat, write them off as human beings, too.
Hmm…. haven’t read all of Kim yet. Is he advocating women keep themselves Godly and pure [i.e. cockteasing], so as not to become objects of his overt contempt, but rather his stealthy, hidden, passive-agressive misogyny?
or is he simply a global misogynist?
We can’t flirt with women at school, college or at the office anymore, because one man’s “flirting” has become another woman’s “sexual harassment” and the punishments for such transgressions are not only severe, they’re permanent—crippling a man’s career and prospects thereof.
Ooops. Got a funny feeling this guy has a woman for a boss! And has gotten some not-so-good performance reviews lately!
He makes Mike Adams look like Alan Alda.
I mean, of course, Dr. Mike Adams, PhD.
Yeah guys, stop teasing his wife because she is a disgustingly fat pig. Maybe she has a gland problem. Im just saying, just because she was born on the ugly train tracks, doesnt mean you should tease her. And Its a little low to go after someone so fat and ugly, when shes not here to defend her fat, ugly self.
I’m guessing the “special interests” he shares with his wife is knowing a bypass surgeon…
I’m more curious to know if this fellow knows any other people. Are any – ANY – of them happy at all? Do they just not tell him?
pedestrian –
Ah, the difference between love (Joanne Woodward and Paul Newman, for instance) and Romance (Romeo and Juliet). One of them’s for grown-ups.
mikey: Anybody who has ever actually loved a woman…
Well, there’s yer problem right there. You got a contrapositive jammed right there up in the middle a yer wingnut analyzer. I c’n get ‘er outta there, but I’m gonna have to put ‘er up on the lift and it’ll take a while. Whyn’t you just have a seat and read last April’s Podunk Weekly Shopper, there, and I’ll let you know when it’s ready.
you know, I always had a really great group of male friends, so I a little naive about these kinds of attitudes.
I just don’t even really know what to say, except I almost pity him, and anyone who feels likewise.
I have seen that website before, and to be honest, it strikes me as rather mean. Obviously, there are tons of doodes with issues nowadays, but the idea of the site and the tone of the commenters is not a good representation for the girls who participate.
Keep in mind that unlike the preposterous Mr. de Toit and his deserved public humiliation at Sadly No, these are private e-mails, so I find their public trashing to be unjustified.
Nothing of the sorts was available when I was younger and I am somewhat worried, if this is representative of today’s culture, being the father of a rather sensitive boy, and all…
In the looks department, Monsieur du Weiner and his wife seem evenly matched. Looks like they enjoy a fair amount of frozen pizza too. (That pic is begging for a slight PS alteration to make all the women’s guns point at his head.)
Oh, good lord, if I had any idea people were going to go after his wife, I’d have cropped that damn photo. It was Kim with the gun I was going for. Once more with a sammich, everyone, there’s nothing wrong with being overweight. It’s not some kind of deep moral failing.
Being a twisted misogynist warflogging wingnut, however, is quite another matter.
Yeah, I think the Mrs Twat has suffered enough.
Connie du Weiner has a blog of her own. http://www.mrsdutoit.com/
[describes very creepy events by a couple of young ted bundys in training…]
Mrs du Toit’s conclusions:
Being overweight is no moral failing.. At worst it is a lack of self discipline. But.. Staying married to a man like that? That is a spinal deficiency. Still, I would not judge her for that. There is the frightening possibility that he is abusive.
Come to think of it.. I am sure he is emotionally abusive. Nobody could write an article like that in all seriousness, and not be so much of a misogynist they would be incapable of having a healthy marriage.
Is he worse than just emotionally abusive? We don’t know. But seriously, attitudes like his are great big warning signs for things like physical abuse and spousal rape.
I’ve spent the past two months teaching myself to cook Thai and Indian.
Brad you need to update your PR pitch.
Mrs. du Toit is the wingnut equal of Kim. They are a match made in cheesey heaven. Jesus, you guys want to believe she’s a victim? Read her blog.
I didn’t see your post before I posted mine Lesley. Yup, she’s mad. They deserve each other.
I’d even go so far as to say she’s almost worse than hubby. And to think, they reproduced! Those poor kids. I hope they turn out okay.
This is what happens when we no longer cull the herd, or have methods of separating decent people from the animals who pretend to be humans
Ah, so that’s why she and Kim carry all those guns around. Gotta cull the herd! Thanks for clearing that up, Lesley. As I said upthread, it’s what’s inside the du Toits’ hearts and minds that really matters.
Read Harvey Mansfield’s Manliness (or preferably to save your sanity Gary Wills’s review of it in the NYRB). It’s definitely option number 2. The really scary thing is that Mansfield’s book is no less insane or poorly argued than du Toit’s drivel and yet he’s considered an icon by neocons.
This is what happens when we no longer cull the herd, or have methods of separating decent people from the animals who pretend to be humans, have parents who enable their children to be nuts, and have no clue what parenting means… but they cry about it a lot. They were not, as should have been the case, run out of town, but still manage to walk the streets, and I assume, work in that town.
The parents HUGGED HIM? They hired an attorney to defend him from these acts?
Jesus fucking Christ. I now understand why Kim du Toit loathes women, if SHE’S the one he knows the best.
fuck. This is fucking sick. “Cull the herd?”
Disclaimer – I have no idea what incident she’s talking about. But to somehow suggest that parents should not care for their troubled child is….vile.
Even though Mr. Toit rants about feminists, I’m betting he and Mrs. du Toit are equals in their family. She works, he works, they fire guns together at the range, homeschool their sad little offspring, eat pizza and iceberg lettuce together. Like a lot of guys who pound their slack little chests and expel hot air about the decline of the empire of men, he’d be be devastated if he suddenly lost her.
Disclaimer – I have no idea what incident she’s talking about. But to somehow suggest that parents should not care for their troubled child is….vile.
g, the troubled child is a right sick fuck (if you read the article), and possibly a right off, but Connie is unwilling to look at what makes people sociopathic in the first place. Instead she blames superficial things like premarital sex, goth attire, tattoos, and “angry outbursts” and her solutions are to institutionalize kids who express anger, wear tattoos, have sex, which is stupid beyond belief. Finally she concludes that if these kids had been homeschooled they wouldn’t be shitheads. (Evidently she hasn’t read about Derek Schlessinger, the son of Dr. Laura, who posted rape and murder fantasies on his soldier-in-Iraq blog).
er ..that should be “write off”
OK. Just a guess here, but John Witherspoon has the same IP as the SaintSaulBooger. Am I right?
Lesley, I reluctantly read her column (I did not, however, find a journalistic source for her tale ) and concluded as you did, that the kids who perpetrated the crime she’s talking about are fucked up kids.
But – you are right on to say that she blames it on superficial shit, and I am surre that she is one step away from using the “L” word to describe the parents, as many others have done to describe the parents of the Columbine killers.
we don’t know what makes people become sociopaths. But it’s been bourne out historically that sociopaths arise on both sides of the aisle, with the aid of bad parents, or in spite of the efforts of good parents. And I would imagine inthe case of ALL parents of such criminals, unless they are sociopaths themselves, the horror of one’s own sweet child turning out so terribly wrong is heartbreaking.
And for some smug shithead to write something about “culling the herd” – well – excuse the fuck out of me. Perhaps the mom of these children should have been able to abort a child she didn’t want to raise right? Oh, no, sorry – that’s not an option in Ms. Du Toit’s America. Abortion is a sin, but you can strangle them in the cradle if you think they might turn out gay or goth.
As if you needed another reason to loathe this pair…
The wife is a corporate contractor who specializes in laying people off (or, as she likes to call it, “right-sizing”). Think the Two Bobs from Office Space, except it’s the fat one and she’s a woman.
Post: “Retirement Lust”, 9th paragraph.
Fuck them both.
Mrs du Toit has an about me page with this revealing tidbit.
I’m guessing it was she who resisted the idea of marriage (her second), because “there was a shotgun involved in my first marriage, and it was pointed at ME.”
[…] when I read, via Sadly, No!, that Glenn Reynolds had linked to “thoughts on men, women and marriage from Kim du […]
we don’t know what makes people become sociopaths. But it’s been bourne out historically that sociopaths arise on both sides of the aisle, with the aid of bad parents, or in spite of the efforts of good parents.
It’s relatively easy to understand how abuse (particularly abuse that is inflicted in infancy) can lead to sociopathy (the conscience has no chance of developing). But parents who coddle, spoil, and excuse every behaviour can also create narcissistic monsters. They may not all become murderers or even criminals but they can be impossible to live and work with.
Ann Rule wrote a book about one, appropriately titled “Everything She Ever Wanted.” It’s a fascinating read.
Seriously. Kim du Toit? Best porn name ever!
J—: No mention of his “Pussification” should ever be posted without an accompanying link to the classic Philosoraptor takedown, The duToitification of the Western Conservative.
I… I think… I think he just tuned me gay!
Thanks a lot, du Toit! I was this close to having sexy monkey fun time with a lady and now I gotta start all over and work my sexy magic on the men. And I don’t know anything about working the sexy magic on men, dang it!
I wish these people would make up their minds. Gays are bad, women are bad… what’s left, sheep?
Great… now I must form the punk rock band “Torgo Sexy Time”. Thanks…
Curse you, YouTube!!!
Ginger Yellow thanks for the, um, tip. I’m sure it will be enlightening in that “understanding a serial killer” sort of way. Still though, I think option 1 may also be at play. It has been my experience that one of the hallmarks of conservatism is the consistent attribution of negative intentions on the part of others.
My fiancee and I both hold what you’re supposed to want in a relationship and in a partner in contempt. She’d be bored to tears with a muscular bread-winning idiot who lumbered into her often enough to let her live vicariously through spawn; I’d be similarly irritated by a creature whose purpose in life was to serve my whims as efficiently as possible so as to have more time to bear my children and ignore them in favor of scrapbooking.
The inside joke formulation of this is that if I really wanted some blonde, submissive, pretty young thing who wanted to have a dozen babies, I’d have married the family dog. But to be entirely fair, Buttercup is a little bit smarter than du Tosser would be comfortable with.
Any form of compentency can be sexy, given the right situation, and cooking is a lot more convenient to replicate than, for instance, gene splicing or sharpshooting or ribbon embroidery. And things may have changed in the… (huh!)… generation since I was doing my fieldwork in this area. But it was always my experience that, as long as one had access to a reasonable pizza delivery service, if the sex was good, then cooking was extremely optional. And if the sex was really good, your partner would even go find the phone and place the order.
As for the du Toit\’s marital situation, my granny’s proverb said “Every pot will find its lid”. Or, as someone is supposed to have quipped about Thomas and Jane Carlyle, “How fortunate that they found each other, and are making only two people unhappy instead of four.” Here in the meatworld, looks are transient, but shared interests — whether in sex, cooking, or snark — will improve and deepen with time…
Between knocking on George Jefferson’s door all the time and going out and painting letters on stools and bread and stuff, I don’t think this cat’s had much time to hone his social skillz.
Sorry, all the Torgo jokes were taken. I had to move to a different tack.
I totally hope the dude who thinks staying home and raising kids is equal to sitting around all day has a couple of kids under age 5 some day so he can sit around with them. Heh,indeedy. And heaven help him if one of those kids has some kind of”issue”,like autism,cerebral palsy,or any other host of things that profoundly effect families at all levels. Yep,being a full time caregiver is such an easy job,why it’s a wonder folks aren’t lined up around the block to help out. Nitwit.
DuToit and his lovely espoused one deserve each other. I really hope none of their kids are gay,attracted to a brown person,or actually want to go to one of those fancy liberal colleges.
I stay home with my kids and boy do I enjoy sitting around all day on the couch, eating bon-bons and watching Oprah. Especially now that all the kids are in school. I was a little busy when the kids were younger. Two have speech delays and couldn’t talk, and I was very worried they’d be ignored in day care, so I didn’t go back to work.
It’s great being dependent on my husband for every dime I spend. And it’s fun worrying all the time about being a older woman with a huge gap in her resume when I do go back to work. Plus the lack of human contact, lack of tangible reward, lack of respect–all fun too. And it’s not like running a house is any work at all. Those meals (we don’t go out because I “don’t work”) make themselves, so does the laundry (I don’t send it out becasue I “don’t work”), the errands for my husband’s job (I do them because he’s busy and I “don’t work”), and all the cleaning with no help at all (becasue I “don’t work”).
No man who respected his mother would say they sit around the house. Call you mother John, and tell her you love her.
aab: You realize that if all three happen, they’re just going to blame each one on the one before it. (Their perverse jungle lust drove them to secular humanist demon school, and of course you know what they do [i]there[/i].)
The sad thing is that except for the doctrinaire jackasses – like Alan Keyes (sp?), say – most Republicans with LGBT relatives are actually pretty tolerant of them. At the very least, they’re willing to look the other way and maybe pester them a little about how they want grandchildren/to hang up pictures without having to explain why they have a different ratio of sons to daughters/whatever. The more religious wingnuts are the more they’re willing to let ideology blind them to family ties, but there’s really no contradiction between Dick Cheney wanting to deny lesbians the right to marry and being as decent a father as a horrible old viper like him can be to Mary.
The wingnuts’ only real ideology is self-interest, and preferably as destructive as possible. You know how they like to pretend that the only reason anyone becomes a bureaucrat, minority politician, or whatever is so they can pervert the course of justice to funnel money into their own pockets? If Freud were born in our lifetimes his landmark work would probably center around politics; they’re all kinky, awful little masters of projection. Similarly, unless they’ve drank the Kool-Aid like nobody’s business, they can talk as big a bigot game as they like, but they’re going to at least somewhat look out for their own.
Even though du Tight Asshole might scream and hiss about teh gay, and probably about teh darkies too, it doesn’t mean he’s not going to (very privately) back his own spawn to the hilt in spite of himself.
(For that matter, this is exactly why people with an ideological commitment to kids being forced into the workplace abnormally early, being refused access to healthcare and higher education, and such bullshit – well, their own kids are very seldom made to affect rags on their way to riches. And those who do inflict that on their children are seen as lunatics by anyone else in the Horatio Alger circuit.)
Incidentally, I’ve recently posted something that sort of goes over this theme – respect for women, childrearing, and crazy entitled white-boy bigots.
It’s long-winded, like everything I do, but worth looking over.
I know men who are everything Du Toit aspires to be, and they don’t whine. He’s got the wimpy victim vibe all locked up with that self-pitying bitch-fest.
And the ensuring circle jerk among his readers – pathetic. Nice guys don’t finish last, boys; but – and pay attention here, because this is key – emotionally fragile men-children are at a distinct disadvantage in the dating game. They’re as likely to attract women who want to “fix” them as cow shit is to attract flies.
Thank You Susan of Texas,you were way more articulate than I was.
I have a 15 yr gap in my work history,who knew raising an autistic son required no usable skills at all? And that humiliation at job interviews has been a fucking hoot,why I haven’t had so much fun since my manservant ran over the squirrel with the Humvee. If one more 20-30 something yr old middle management MBA Asshat asks me”No,really,what HAVE you been doing all this time?” in an interview I’m going to make national headlines.
The upside is that I’ve decided to start my own business this year(a small scale community supported agriculture-CSA-business featuring heirloom vegetables grown with no chemicals or additives. I already have two clients,one a family owned restaurant in the area) so I don’t have to go to work for Dwight Shrute’s idiot evil twin. I probably wouldn’t last in the traditional workplace anyway,my bullshit tolerance level(BTL)has dropped dramatically over the years.
Shorter Du Twat:
Flabby balding middle aged guys always get hot young girls on teevee, so why am I married to this fat cow?
stryx: “The ladies always love it when you compare them to livestock.”
I believe ‘brood cows’ is the preferred term of art. The alternative of ‘mares’ shows an attempt at sophistication but is simply roccoco.
And I would imagine inthe case of ALL parents of such criminals, unless they are sociopaths themselves, the horror of one’s own sweet child turning out so terribly wrong is heartbreaking.
Did you ever read The Fifth Child by Doris Lessing? It plays on a lot of deep fears that are never really allowed to be expressed. A woman who decides to take the “old-fashioned” route and devote her whole life to being the world’s greatest mom gives birth to a neanderthal baby. Its good stuff.
Remember: the early post-adolescent years are the time in men’s lives when they are most ruled by their sex drive.
Fascinating. I had completely forgotten this. So THAT’s what every sex comedy and pop song and young adult book has been going on about.
I’d say he’s a wanker but I bet even his hand gets a headache whenever he’s around.
I’d say he’s a wanker but I bet even his hand gets a headache whenever he’s around.
I’m writing this one down.
Been making up for his name since he was born, Kim…dutoit, biggest douchebag on the net.
Thanks, Randy Owens. I hadn’t seen that before.
Yep, javafascist, that’s a keeper.
I think the comments over there rank at the top of the unintentionally funny wingnut blog comments:
A-Men to that one Kim!
I think this post just hit a game winning grandslam and will be commonly referenced in the future!
Frigate | 2/13/2008 10:02 AM CST | #112914
Just remember, you younger guys out there. No matter how good she looks, long legs that go from the floor all the way up to her ass, nice firm breasts that stand at attention like a Legionnaire, short skirt, hi heels and a lo lo cut top with a look that says she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch there’s some poor bastard in a dumpy dirty apartment she hasn’t cleaned, ever, laundry piled everywhere, stale food all over and dozens of empty beer cans too. He’s just one more bitch from tellin her to GTF out and take her 2 bratty little rug rats with her!
Shooter1001 | 2/13/2008 12:29 PM CST | #112962
I think that last one needs to be turned over to police departments with open serial killer investigations.
Just remember, you younger guys out there. No matter how good she looks, long legs that go from the floor all the way up to her ass, nice firm breasts that stand at attention like a Legionnaire, short skirt, hi heels and a lo lo cut top with a look that says she can suck the chrome off a trailer hitch there’s some poor bastard in a dumpy dirty apartment she hasn’t cleaned, ever, laundry piled everywhere, stale food all over and dozens of empty beer cans too. He’s just one more bitch from tellin her to GTF out and take her 2 bratty little rug rats with her!
Shooter1001 | 2/13/2008 12:29 PM CST | #112962
If I wanted to expound on that certain type of male who thinks he deserves a supermodel wife/girlfriend despite his pot belly, receding hairline, complete self-centeredness and poor personal hygeine, I couldn’t top this.
How dare this hottie have more in mind for her life than picking up all his empty beer cans!
It only gets better (or worse):
Connie, we start by killing communists that want to destroy the nuclear family then tell the socialists they’re next. A lot of the government/political aggrevators would be removed by that.
Once that has begun, we become more tolerant of the James Dobsons and Pat Robertsons of the world and less tolerant of the “entertainment industry”.
Then we shun and ostrasize dead beat parents.
I’m not saying any of that will be easy but killing commies will be fun.
JimBob, that’s about the most depressing thing I’ve read all week. Sorry to hear it.
arkythehun | 2/13/2008 01:20 PM CST | #112984
I wonder if that”shooter”guy is the same one that used to haunt Glenn Greenwald’s comment section. Sounds like the same guy. What a charmer.
I love how these guys never seem to be able to pick up their own beer cans and make a damned sandwich for themselves. Heaven forbid they do some laundry or actually help raise a child.
What hollow sad little men.
“One More Bitch Away: A Real Man’s Guide to Love, Lice, and Loneliness” by Shooter McGillicuddy — buy it at your nearest Christian bookstore.
I’m not gonna bother to click over and read the whole thing, but it doesn’t even seem coherent. On the one hand, guys don’t want to get married because the now-liberated womenfolk are always sexually available. On the other hand, the now-liberated womenfolk are so sexually UNAVAILABLE that you get thrown in the Super Max in Terra Haute for life if you bat an eyelash their way. So which is it, KimTwat?
Bravo Caitlin. great book title.
He’s sitting in an apartment that’s never been cleaned and it’s her fault? I hope that man’s headed for Beijing because that’s some Olympics level blame vaulting.
That’s a self-ascribed nickname if ever I heard one. I can just imagine the conversation:
‘Shooter’: “Hey guys, I just decided that I should have a nickname!”
‘Shooter’s friends: “But we already have plenty of nicknames for you! ‘Dorkwad’, ‘Cocksplash’, ‘Fuckhead’, ‘Limpdick’…”
‘Shooter’: “Yeah, about that…”
Despite what you may have heard from Rush and Justice Thomas, comments to female co-workers such as, “Nice tits” or “Great ass” are not flirting.
I searched all over Amazon and couldn’t find one of these. Do they sell ’em at Wal-Mart?
Cause I’ll take half-a-dozen.
Because I’ve been laughing at it to myself for two weeks now I have to remind y’all that one of our antipodean contributers pointed out that the correct name for that kind of face foliage is not ‘face mullet’ but ‘cat’s ass’.
Fits this guy to a tee. Or toit. Or whatever.
“Nagging” = “Comb the Cheeto crumbs out of your pubes or I’m never sleeping with you again.”
Uh oh. If Jonah finds out about the Cheeto crumbs in du Toit’s pubes . . . [shudders]
This guy’s view of masculinity more resembles a gorilla than a human. And who doesn’t believe in evolution?
I love that this comment guy, when faced with a woman who for the sake of argument we will allow is hot (he’s… really awkward at actually describing it, like he’s taking his cues directly from Hollywood cinema, and along that vein I’ve known a lot of guys to pretty much consider a woman hot because she looks like the sort of person who could play an extra in Baywatch. I’ve always half-wondered if a strong plurality of the ‘straight’ male population isn’t just that way out of a crippling fear of Teh Gay, see.), has one thought and only one thought: I wonder how much of my garbage she could pick up.
I don’t even know what I could do to improve on that. This guy, who is mourning the loss of American hetero masculinity, describes a woman’s oral prowess in terms of sucking on a car – I don’t know, I guess with gas prices the way they are you could kind of take some pleasure out of having someone else siphon gas for you, if the idea of sex with a woman was completely disgusting to you.
And for fuck’s sake, who the fuck would compare tits to the Foreign Legion? Just go all-out and call them big pebbly bags of sand already. Christ.
“When a woman can get pregnant outside wedlock, and still hound a man forever for child support…”
That has *got* to be my favorite part. Notice the implication that us bitches are whores for getting pregnant out of wedlock as if we did it all by our deliberate selves. Of course, men bear no responsibility whatsoever for knocking a woman up. Which is why they shouldn’t have to help to support these supposed “children” with their selfish needs for things like “food” and “clothing.”
That guy is one extraordinary asshole.
This guy, who is mourning the loss of American hetero masculinity, describes a woman’s oral prowess in terms of sucking on a car…
Yet more auto-eroticism.
I think you’re right – these guys are more Teh Ghey than Planet Unicorn.
The sick, sad part of all of this is that these are people who can make objectification look good. At least there’s the vague possibility of cynically exploiting someone who thinks of you as a sex object for your own gratification; it’s not as if a shit-patriarch like Shooter is going to give you any kind of pleasure even accidentally by trying to conscript you to do the housework he’s too cheap to hire a maid for.
I seriously wish he’d come to grips with his fucking problems and just have sex with men. That way he wouldn’t be fucking with the psyche of whatever poor women fall within range of him, and the sexual liasions people like this always wind up having with men sooner or later will be less furtive and more likely to have some element of protection and mutual respect.
If the first thing you think of when you see an absolutely beautiful woman is ‘That stuck-up bitch wouldn’t cook me a roast if I beat her all day’, consider sticking it in something else. Women aren’t doing it for you, and if you can’t make men work either you might as well traumatize some poor quadruped without a complex psychosexual consciousness to terrorize.
jk: Yeah, you gotta love anyone in this day and age who takes bastardry seriously without actually giving a shit about the father’s behavior.
Wait, no, not love. Hate? Destroy? Something like that.
This must be the same kind of guy who, first time he IMs you on Yahoo, sends you a photo of his wiener or has one on his profile. Because, y’know, women are not supposed to be easy, right? But guys? Propriety? Nah.
For the record, I HAVE had married sex (I’m a woman, in case that’s not clear–my name’s kinda androgynous) and it was fantastic. I’m not just bragging; when my husband and I broke up he wrote me a letter and said that was probably the best part of our relationship. (And in the last year or so of it, he’s probably right. I hope he didn’t mean the whole time.) It isn’t signing on the dotted line that kills sex, it’s thinking you’re getting married for the express purpose of having a regular lay. Then you realize, too late, that you don’t get to boink anybody else if you want to STAY married, and for guys like Of Twat, the dismay sets in.
Alec – I don’t think love or hate covers it. I look at men like this with a certain amount of bewildered amusement, mostly because I’m lucky enough to not have to spend time around creeps like La Twat. It’s just incredibly funny when guys like him reduce people to simple categories like “men” and “women,” when all those words really describe is the plumbing. Generalizations and stereotypes are just that, and pretty damn useless in the first place.
And you know what, Mr. Dew Twat? Don’t you dare presume to know what I do and do not understand about men, m’kay pumpkin?
Ah, so the woman gets herself pregnant – the man is just a victim.
This guy, who is mourning the loss of American hetero masculinity, describes a woman’s oral prowess in terms of sucking on a car…
The really super sad part of using that line is that he probably stole it from ‘Prairie Home Companion’s’ Guy Noir.
Garrison Keillor seems to know a whole lot about the religious repression thing, but he’s at least able to recognize it and channel it in cathartic ways (He did marry a hot young babe a while back, but now they’re divorced, so he’s not quite batting 1000).
The woman gets pregnant by stealing the man’s precious bodily fluids. Duh.
Did anyone feel that their enthusiasm for Valentine’s day was dampened somehow yesterday? If so performances of the Vagina Monologues might be to blame and not your depressing online encounter with the du Toits. At least according to Anne Althouse.
Apparently Kim the Twat isn’t just an asshole, he’s THE asshole.
“At some point or another, if the perceived negatives outweigh the positives, the man will quit the relationship—I mean, just bail out of the whole thing—and usually with a swiftness and finality which confounds women.”
Riiiiiiight. Overcompensating for being repeatedly dumped, are we?
Anne Althouse prays to bipartisan Jesus that she will someday be as moderate and as skilled at reaching across the aisles as our wonderful President.
If only our Lord who is Christ and not a Divider had granted her wish, she would have found a subtle way to drag Vietnam into that. After all, nothing is more topical than Jane Fonda and her collaboration with the hated Vietcong.
The amazing thing about Jane Fonda with right-wingers (and Althouse has no right to claim to be anything else) is that she’s one of the few celebrity activists who has lived long enough to see themselves largely vindicated by history. For all of the effort put into sliming her for it, it’s not like we won Vietnam – or like we didn’t napalm children or deliberately raze villages to the ground. And now, in her old age, she’s doing the respectable thing and – rather than acting like a shrinking violet, making a demure show of ladylike withdrawal from the world – she’s at least somewhat forcing a lot of people to take women in general and older women in particular seriously.
If Jane Fonda accomplishes nothing else with this, I’d really like her to set precedent for the Boomers’ sexuality as active instead of buried deep and violent – it’s going to be kind of grunchy, yes, but we really don’t want to deal with a generation that is approaching menopause and retirement age to get as sexually twisted-up as they seemed to in the 80s. I don’t think we could survive another morning after in America.
Wow. Just wow. Even for Ms Althouse that is some seething misogynist rage.
Why does “in the news” sound like “knocked up” in this context?
Oh heavens, don’t just stand there, call Peggy Noonan!!
as if having a mind weren’t bad enough.
Aww… looks like somebody didn’t get any valentines!
Well, Ann, I guess you were born too soon and you started too late. Hear that? It’s the sound of billions of people not paying any attention to you.
All I see in that Althouse post is “Jane is better than me at this.”
Alec said,
We don’t need him. We don’t want him. Ugh! bluthpt! icky icky poo poo!
I think trying to convince men that sexual liberation is a bad thing – that being able to have sex wihtout a wedding ring being involved is actually bad – I think that’s gonna be a tough sell. But good luck Kimmy.
The bestest part of Jane saying the C word on the teevee was watching Merideth Viera twitch,heh. I saw it live,it was teh awesome.
Completely off topic, is there anything more Bush can do to screw Katrina victims?
No matter how good she looks, long legs that go from the floor all the way up to her ass
My GF’s legs start at her ass and go down to about 2 inches above the floor. She literally walks on air. It’s pretty cool.
Love this comment that Kim talks approvingly of today:
“Absolute truth? It’s HER job to have her orgasm and it’s mine to have mine.”
He has got to be the worst lover ever. Mrs. du Toit probably has to use all the guns he has lying around to satisfy herself after she crawls out from under his gouty carcass after 30 seconds of hot Afrikaner loving.
There’s something about a guy who thinks he’s being manly to say “I don’t give a shit if I satisfy a woman.” Yet another ringing endorsement for the charms of Mr. Dew Twat! Lord, he really is a flipping PIG.
There are crack Republican operatives working on that question as we speak.
Also, what “Fair and Balanced” Dave said–du Toit and all his MRA ilk need to learn that breathing heavily and staring over the cubicle wall with your hands under your desk is not flirting.
It’s HER job to have her orgasm and it’s mine to have mine.
But he listed infidelity as one of the bad things women can bring to the relationship…?
As usual, tigrismus, there is no rhyme or reason to it.
How can the NYTimes justify keeping an asswipe like Kristol when it’s laying off 100 newsroom workers?
Well, see, this is the kind of fucking the wingers like to do…long, hard and rough, approaching two and a half years now.
If you haven’t come by this point, it isn’t their problem.
(Helpfully pulling together two unrelated threadlets since 2008)
Can I come out from behind the scotch bottle yet?
As was written above: “What a catch he is! Well, he is wriggling on the end of a hook, so that makes him a catch doesn’t it?” You know, worms wiggle off the end of hooks too….
As for the “suck the chrome off a trailer hitch”, that line is from the movie Full Metal Jacket. What makes it especially fitting is that this is what is said about the prostitute who has been brought up to the front lines on a motorcycle by her pimp, and who is refusing to service a black US soldier because she thinks his dick will be too big. At this point the soldier unzips and shows it to her, and she says OK.
Let’s deconstruct that scene and the use of that line in Du Twat’s context, shall we?
(1) Refers to women as whores; check
(2) Remains consistent with the du Twat view that women are for blow jobs only, and it damned well better not cost too much; check
(3) The prostitute will only agree to sex with the paying customer if his dick is small enough to not be too much bother: double check in du Twat’s and his commentator’s case. And that’s really what this is all about, isn’t it? Penis size issues and all the bloviating that goes with trying to minimize the terror over it.
Sadly, No!
breathing heavily and staring over the cubicle wall with your hands under your desk is
Man. You gotta have you some LONG freakin arms to do that.
I have no chance.
and here I thought it was the gin that made me hung over this morning.
Too late, I came out and looked…. at the comments too.
I’ll be behind the gin bottle for the rest of the day.
Nah… just really short cubicles.
I chose it as an example because I actually caught a coworker doing this once. We worked with a ridiculously beautiful woman (who had been a model before becoming a Jehovah’s Witness, but that’s another story). The male coworker, who was also an obnoxious glibertarian, had a “no-means-yes” fantasy about her, which he shared publicly with every other penis-equipped human at the company. The only sad part about the incident was that it took him actually getting caught wanking under his desk before management sacked him.
The only sad part about the incident was that it took him actually getting caught wanking under his desk before management sacked him.
New thread please.
Clearly he’s in the running for Upper Class Toit of the Year
I have the flu today but could someone please arrange an Althouse/Du Toit hookup w/ massive amounts of coverage ?
That would cheer me up to no end.
Just to make sure I’m not being misinterpreted here, the guy was a total waste of oxygen. The only thing I regretted about him getting fired was that it took the bosses too long to get around to it.
The old saw is true: why would a man go to the trouble of buying, stabling and feeding a cow, when milk’s available at the supermarket?”
So’s the other old saw: Why buy the pig, when all you want is a little sausage?
This is the only book on manliness one should ever read.
I think women don’t understand how clinical men can be when it comes to analyzing a relationship.
What’s clinical about “I wanna beer and to see something nekkid”?
Is this guy gay?
is it any wonder that men, even though ruled by their sex drive, might actually step back a little and think with their heads?
See, here’s the thing, Kimmy…maybe your penis drives you to whatever degradations you seek, but a *man* thinks with the head perched on his shoulders, 24/7.
And in some cases, that includes both heads…but I’m just a lucky S.O.B.
Just in case nobody somewhere on this thread, ever got around to identifying that movie, it is called “Manos, the Hands of Fate.”
It’s kind of legendary among bad movie afficionados. After you see Manos, you will find a new appreciation for the works of Ed Wood. Manos makes Plan 9 look like “Citizen Kane.”
On imdb’s worst movies list, it is ranked #17. I have seen “Manos, the Hands of Fate,” and I doubt there are really 16 movies that are worse.
OK. Just a guess here, but John Witherspoon has the same IP as the SaintSaulBooger. Am I right?
Nope.who the fuck is saint booger?
The fact is
The stark distinction he makes about analyzing relationships is interesting in itself. does he mean only men critically analyze their relationships while women are just grateful to have them at all? Or does he mean that only men analyze their relationships “clinically” with a “ledger” but when women ponder over whether their relationships are going well or not and if they should stay in them, they do it via a sackful of fluffy bunnies, a magic unicorn, and a mood ring?
Well I gotta be honest here. Either way? SWOON.
I totally hope the dude who thinks staying home and raising kids is equal to sitting around all day has a couple of kids under age 5 some day so he can sit around with them. Heh,indeedy. And heaven help him if one of those kids has some kind of”issue”,like autism,cerebral palsy,or any other host of things that profoundly effect families at all levels. Yep,being a full time caregiver is such an easy job,why it’s a wonder folks aren’t lined up around the block to help out. Nitwit.
Oh waaah. People actually are lined up around the block… if you haven’t heard of the booming nanny industry you might want to check out this brand new device called the refrigerator! we just got them here, they sure are amazing. And the other day i bought sliced bread! SLICED FUCKING BREAD!
(on a serious note, people who care for kids with “issues” are fucking awesome heroes dealing with some of the most heart breaking sadness i’ve ever seen.)
Kathleen at 22:32 –
I think he just assumes women are so grateful to have trapped a man into a relationship that it would never occur to them to ponder the pluses and minuses. And with how great he makes a relationship sound, why would we?
Oh waaah. People actually are lined up around the block… if you haven’t heard of the booming nanny industry you might want to check out this brand new device called the refrigerator! we just got them here, they sure are amazing.
Fucking get real.
Uh oh! We lost Gary! Noooooooooooo!
…if you haven’t heard of the booming nanny industry…
Um, the nanny industry is booming because of a high demand for nannies – ie, a low desire to take care of kids all day.
The fact is, Society [has] a right to erase from the roll of its members any one who rendered his own existence inconsistent with theirs; to withdraw from him the protection of their laws, and to remove him from among them by exile, or even by death if necessary.
–Thomas Jefferson, 1815
Take down that horrible picture of Du Toit. It’s offensive, like if you posted a picture of a really gross-looking penis and left it there for a day and a half. That goatee is making me sick.
How do you pronounce “Du Toit” anyway? He and Rep. Boehner should form a songwriting team- Boehner & Toit.
The fact is, I just made my pee pee hard
Being a nanny is commonly accounted a horrible job. People aren’t lining up around the block for the excellent pay, flexible hours, and intellectually stimulating work. They’re doing it so they can eat.
I would expect housewifery to be boring till you have kids, then hellish nonstop thankless drudgework till they leave home.
Plus the lack of human contact, lack of tangible reward, lack of respect–all fun too. And it’s not like running a house is any work at all. Those meals (we don’t go out because I “don’t work”) make themselves, so does the laundry (I don’t send it out becasue I “don’t work”), the errands for my husband’s job (I do them because he’s busy and I “don’t work”), and all the cleaning with no help at all (becasue I “don’t work”).
excuse me for butting in, but it seems like you are letting your husband shit all over you because you “don’t work.” If you’re life sucks so hard because you “dont work:” then get a fucking job. If people dont respect you then give them the finger. If there are no rewards in your life, get divorce. Don’t play a victim and just whine about your shitty life, all you have to do to change it is do something. anything. Its fucking retardedly easy.
No man who respected his mother would say they sit around the house. Call you mother John, and tell her you love her.
Pardon me? my mom raised me and my brother while holding down a full time job. She worked her way up through the ranks (from literally the bottom rung on the ladder) of a major corporation through hard work and determination, while raising us. and as you can tell, we aren’t angels. But im sure your “job” is much more difficult.
Wasn’t Thomas Jefferson a Muslim?
I’m sure I heard that somewhere.
Or, as someone is supposed to have quipped about Thomas and Jane Carlyle, “How fortunate that they found each other, and are making only two people unhappy instead of four.”
-Samuel Butler, FYI
Gary quotes Jefferson: Society [has] a right to erase from the roll of its members any one who rendered his own existence inconsistent with theirs; to withdraw from him the protection of their laws, and to remove him from among them by exile, or even by death if necessary.
And yet if Gary were banned he’d cry foul in one beat of his icy little heart.
If there are no rewards in your life, get divorce. Don’t play a victim and just whine about your shitty life, all you have to do to change it is do something. anything. Its fucking retardedly easy.
That’s right, taking care of a child is the easiest thing in the world. And if you ever decide you don’t like it, then, hey, just chuck that kid! No worries.
Witherspoon: housewifery is easy!
Housewife: No, it isn’t.
Witherspoon: then why don’t you quit you stupid bitch??!?!?!?
You make very little sense.
But, UIP, if his Mom did it, then every woman must want to do the same thing! Can’t you see that?
The first difference which strikes us is that of colour. Whether the black of the negro resides in the reticular membrane between the skin and scarf-skin, or in the scarf-skin itself[…] is this difference of no importance? Is it not the foundation of a greater or less share of beauty in the two races? Their own judgment [is] in favour of the whites, declared by their preference of them, as uniformly as is the preference of the Oranootan for the black women over those of his own species.
The circumstance of Superior beauty, is thought worthy attention in the propagation of our horses, dogs, and other domestic animals; why not in that of man? Besides those of colour, figure, and hair, there are other physical distinctions proving a difference of race. They have less hair on the face and body. They secrete less by the kidneys, and more by the glands of the skin, which gives them a very strong and disagreeable odour…They are more ardent after their female: but love seems with them to be more an eager desire, than a tender delicate mixture of sentiment and sensation. Their griefs are transient. Those numberless afflictions, which render it doubtful whether heaven has given life to us in mercy or in wrath, are less felt, and sooner forgotten with them. In general, their existence appears to participate more of sensation than reflection… in imagination they are dull, tasteless, and anomalous. Misery is often the parent of the most affecting touches in poetry. Among the blacks is misery enough, God knows, but no poetry.
~ Thomas Jefferson 1782
Unlike you, I wouldn’t ever denigrate one woman’s work over another’s. What your mom did is awsome, but it would have been nice if she taught you understanding also. Otherwise you’re nothing but another du Toit, slamming stay-at-home moms instead of working or single women. You telling me to stop whining is like me criticizing your mother for being unable to keep a man and devote those few years when children are young to their care–it’s insulting and disgusting.
Even if I hadn’t had two handicapped kids I would have stayed home. When I taught, every student I had that got into trouble, didn’t do homework, and ignored the consequences of their actions had a mom who worked. Every one. I have a fucking job, raising extremely bright, empathetic kids who will be a credit to my efforts. In a while they’ll be grown and I’ll get a different job, and be better at it for my experiences.
Its fucking retardedly easy.
It’s retardedly easy because your mom did it. Nice.
Wasn’t Thomas Jefferson a Muslim?
I’m sure I heard that somewhere.
Yeah, he administered the oath of office to Barack Obama on his copy of the Koran. Afterwards they enjoyed a hearty meal of Christian baby and couscous.
“Connie, we start by killing communists that want to destroy the nuclear family then tell the socialists they’re next. A lot of the government/political aggrevators would be removed by that.”
Jesus Christ, I can’t run so good today. Shit !
People aren’t lining up around the block for the excellent pay, flexible hours, and intellectually stimulating work. They’re doing it so they can eat.
What the fuck ever. I know several nannies who get paid rediculous (try 20 bucks an hour to hang out at the park, sounds like a horror!) amounts of money, go on vacation to hawaii with the family, have flexible hours, and spend their copious amounts of free time in a drunken state of debauchery. Whats this problem you people have with being a house husband if one so chooses?
And what’s with all this rank seriousness?
The fact is, I just made my pee pee hard
Wait, you mean your urine or your penis? Either way, keep it to yourself, dude.
The fact is, I will heartily cheer on the expulsion of the unfit from our society. Most of them are brain damaged or liberals, in fact, one and the same, because they have no reality. Here’s reality: here in the Heartland, we know good leadership and patriotism when we see it and support it, and our freedom and troops. You want the muslims to initiate shania law here? See how it goes for your friends the womens libbers and the gays.
And what’s with all this rank seriousness?
It’s in reaction to your glib refusal to look at the facts.
The fact is, HOOOAAHH.
What’s “shania law”? Is that anything like Shania Twain?
Whats this problem you people have with being a house husband if one so chooses?
Dude, if you want to be a house husband and your wife says go for it, go ahead. BE a house husband. Just don’t be dismissive of the sacrifices that others make.
Whats this problem you people have with being a house husband if one so chooses?
Who had a problem with that?
“Even if I hadn’t had two handicapped kids I would have stayed home. When I taught, every student I had that got into trouble, didn’t do homework, and ignored the consequences of their actions had a mom who worked. Every one. I have a fucking job, raising extremely bright, empathetic kids who will be a credit to my efforts. In a while they’ll be grown and I’ll get a different job, and be better at it for my experiences.”
well who’s the conservative nuclear family nutball now? You’re saying women should be stay at home moms and give up a career for housework? And you somehow think this is a feminist ideal? look, im sorry if you had developmentally disabled (most handicapped people prefer not to be called handicapped BTW so i might call bullshit on your sob story) kids, but insulting my mother is going too far. I said i want to be a house husband. that means i admire people who sit at home, and i want to be like them.
It’s in reaction to your glib refusal to look at the facts.
what fucking facts? being glib is what this site is all about!
Um, I’m going to need a little help here.
I do not understand this adjective Retardedly.
It seems to be used to modify Easy.
But I would thing that things would not be so easy for the developmentally disabled. So does “retardedly easy” mean “extra-special easy” or “really hard easy”?
It seems to more accurately describe the person using the term than any kind of “easy”…
Me: I want to have a career in housework!
Some Lady: Its really hard, my life sucks, no one respects me, I have to do laundry!
Me: If you life sucks, change it! But I don’t find doing laundry all that difficult…
If you don’t like your job, it doesn’t mean no one else wants it.
Mikey Likes It!
Johnny Tediously…
John,before you disrespect what a full time mom does,do the job with no outside assistance. THEN come back and tell me how easy it is. It hasn’t got a thing to do with sliced bread or nannies or any of that. I haven’t had an easy day in 14 yrs. Try teaching a speech delayed kid to talk because you cannot afford therapy. Try sitting on the floor with them for hours and working with them so they learn to crawl because your insurance company pays for one fucking physical therapy session and then bails. Try holding them for hours while they tantrum and scream so they don’t hurt themselves.
And then do all that plus the laundry,the shopping,the cooking and whatever else needs done to run a household.
Wah? Fuck you. Part of the fucking problem in this culture is no one gives a rat’s ass about what it actually DOES take to raise decent human beings. It’s not easy even when the child is perfectly “normal”and has no issues.
250+ comments?
Alright, who forgot to shut the screen door?
The trolls are as bad as june bugs in August around here.
Go away, fake Gary/Saul/Kevin/St James/shoelimpy A-hole.
That is all.
Family is looking for an after school nanny for 4th grade daughter. She will need to be picked up from school and supervised on homework. The ideal nanny would enjoy doing some light cooking so dinner could be started while Mom and Dad are at work. They want a nanny that would be a good role model and an active companion for their daughter. Hours are 2:30- 6 :00 M/T/Th/F. The number of hours could be flexible to suit the schedule of the right nanny.
Please apply today at http://www.collegetutors.com!
* Location: Austin
* Compensation: $17.00/hr
* Principals only. Recruiters, please don’t contact this job poster.
* Please, no phone calls about this job!
* Please do not contact job poster about other services, products or commercial interests.
jeez, who would want that job? its like slave labor.
I’ll also add that my son is one of the bravest kids I know. All that work paid off. This is his first year out of special education and he’s having a truly hard time,but he’s refusing to give up. It’s been a rough year,and I doubt it will get easier.
Ten years ago the doctors told be to give up and surrender. That he would never read,write or talk. I doubt that would have happened had I sat around eating bon bons.
That job description isn’t even close to what it takes to raise a child. Jesus,are you really that damned dense?
LOLzers, Arky!
About 20 hours and hundreds of comments ago I called Johnny on his Trollitude.
Can we puh-leeeze have a new thread?
Miffed Advanced Aged Lady –
If you keep feeding it, it will never stop.
jeez, who would want that job?
Someone who wants $12000 a year.
The kind who divides the labor with his wife, and that division includes “You cook, and I will wash the dishes.”
I know,I apologize. I hate this shit though. Ack.
I’m off to do that easy thing called motherhood now.
Can we get back to Sadly,Troll: Form of Gary?
I’ve got lots more brain-curdling Thomas Jefferson quotes for him…
Yeah, men who look for excuses to trash women are a fucking bore. It’s always the same thing, “all women are whores except for my mother, who is a saint.” You can slay them with your Troll Sword, but then you end up feeling sticky and unclean.
Aw, Fuck.
They went home and left us trapped in here again.
I hope someone realizes we’re still in here, pushin the thread uphill, sometime before Monday.
And getting damned tired of it.
Fro the record, anangry, I pretty sure that 99.9% of the people around here have respect for what you do.
Don’t let some pimpley 15 year-old get you goat.
So, what’s for dinner? Mikey?
I hope not liver.
We’re prolly going to be having hotdogs at the local high school basketball game, where our 16-year-old son will be playing in the pep band. Sometimes the food is not the feature!
That son and his younger sister were raised primarily by my wife who stayed at home and subsumed her own career and (copious) intellectual interests to deal patiently and carefully with our very normal kids. I’ve told her more than once it was not something that I could do.
Me, I salute stay-at-home parents of whatever sex (and I’ve met some very cool stay-at-home dads). My job, slaving away in the saltmines for The Man, was easy in comparison.
And no, I’m not just saying that so I’ll get laid.
by gum, I believe I finally killed the thread!
It’s only mostly dead!
You can slay them with your Troll Sword, but then you end up feeling sticky and unclean.
You’re probably nicer than me. I feel just fine calling them morons, and pointing out childish and stupid they are.
I seriously wish he’d come to grips with his fucking problems and just have sex with men.
Well, that would (will) help a certain percentage of du Toit’s commenters. Out of the three men I can remember meeting whose idea of opening a conversation with me was “I understand you are a feminist; let me tell you why I hate feminists”, two of them eventually came out, got laid, and calmed down considerably. (The third disappeared from the social network and was rumored to have been involuntarily committed.) But there are a lot of guys out there whose real issue is that they’re starved for skin contact, because they’re convinced themselves that Real Men only touch other humans for sexual purposes. I mean, even the most athletic young studpuppy is going to walk around angry if the only Good Touch he’ll permit himself is genital manipulation, with or without partnership assistance, because he will be hungry even after he’s finished, y’know? Some of these guys need the massage part of the “massage therapy” a lot more than they need the happy ending, because their inner monkey baby is just desperate.
And, yeah, oral gratificationt’s one reason so many of the fReichtards end up as fat porkers, but on the other hand, a hidden advantage to middle-aged spread for the happily bonded is — more skin, more skin contact. Which probably has something to do with the fact that the du Toits look happier than their unbonded comrades-in-armoury, even if they *do* gross out TRex.
About a million responses ago, someone referenced the Mrs.’s blog about a murder case, but couldn’t find any news references. I believe she was writing about the murder of Adrianne Reynolds by Sarah Kolb and Cory Gregory, but of course, she got a number of items wrong. For example, they weren’t goths, they were juggaloes, and Cory Gregory was Kolb’s ex at the time, I believe. (Kolb’s then-current boyfriend, McKittrick, was in the car and objected to the assault on Reynolds, but instead of interefering, just left the vehicle while it went on — I’m surprised the Mrs. didn’t mention and wax wroth over this.)
aw, inner monkey baby. I like that.
Smiling Mortician said,
February 15, 2008 at 23:56
About 20 hours and hundreds of comments ago I called Johnny on his Trollitude.
Can we puh-leeeze have a new thread?
seriously! even I am sick if it and Im the troll!
anangryoldbroad said,
February 15, 2008 at 23:47
That job description isn’t even close to what it takes to raise a child. Jesus,are you really that damned dense?
who said it was? that wasn’t even in reply to you! get a grip!
[…] to write about for my Lenten obligation. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Kim Du Toit, by way of Sadly, No!. Before clicking on the link and reading the obliteration of Du Toit, the following disclaimer must […]
Susan of Texas said,
February 16, 2008 at 0:08
Yeah, men who look for excuses to trash women are a fucking bore. It’s always the same thing, “all women are whores except for my mother, who is a saint.” You can slay them with your Troll Sword, but then you end up feeling sticky and unclean.
jeebus, try not to read your wierd opinion of some men into everyone. I never said “whores,” or anything like it! get over yourself. you people were denigrating the character of my mother, who you don’t even know, and now I’m somehow the asshole? WTF?
Turnabout is fair play.
Well John, you ride in here having never posted before, say stupid shit about a housewife’s job and then get all pissy when people call you on it.
Asshole? Or troll?
In your case, it’s not really an either-or proposition, is it?
I think this quote is all we need to know about the state of the sacred du Toit marriage [edited for clarity]:
He’s an asshole. He’s a troll. He’s a floor polish AND a dessert topping!
It’s not bad enough that such people exist. It’s that they promote themselves and then others have to know about it.
Hmmm…looks like some asswipe drifted in to say housework isn’t work. If it’s not work, why is work part of the word? huh?
If I knew John’s wife I’d ring her up and tell her to stop doing everything she’s doing around the house (and if he has a maid – who, by the way is paid, because it’s WORK, I’d ring HER up (cuz it’s always a HER) and tell HER he doesn’t need the service anymore. I’m betting Mr. Witherspoon would be blowing gaskets at the end of five days.
Whenever the people who carry the burden of housework go on strike, the house falls apart at the seams.
My mom worked a full time nursing job plus she did all the housework. I remember vividly how difficult it was carrying these two jobs. The unpaid one was 24/7.
For that matter, I live alone and somehow manage to cook, clean, pick up after myself, handle the bills, admin and household chores, hold down a full time job, do my volunteer work, have fun, have friends, have dates, do laundry, shopping, my toilets are clean, my kitchen is ready for action, but to be honest I DO need to clean out the fireplace ashes.
I have nothing but respect for anyone who manages a household. It is work, it consumes time, and I have nothing but disrespect for a guy that doesn’t lift a finger to contribute to household operations because somehow he thinks it’s not his responsibility. To be honest, I do tend to get angry with women who do not insist on a fair division of labor, but ultimately whatever deal you work out has to work for you…
Things aren’t always fair, but that goes for both sides. I’d rather he use his rare spare time to be with the kids, for the sake of us both.
Heh, your house is probably cleaner than mine.
As the surname of a guy making an ass out of himself on a thread devoted to archaic notions about love and sex, “Witherspoon” has some comic potential. Unfortunately, “wither” is a bit archaic in its own right, so any amusement to be had along those lines probably wouldn’t be worth the effort.
Some see things as they are and ask why. I dream things that never were and ask why I can’t suss out a spooning joke to smack beta-male guy on the snout with.
please find where i said housewives are “lazy, women are all whores, im married, i have a maid, i’ve never posted here before, and anything else you think i said trhat offended you” and quote it. Good luck. You people didn’t even bother to read what i said at all…
is borehole your real name? cmon numnuts who uses their real name on the internets?
my only point was:
“For that matter, I live alone and somehow manage to cook, clean, pick up after myself, handle the bills, admin and household chores, hold down a full time job, do my volunteer work, have fun, have friends, have dates, do laundry, shopping, my toilets are clean, my kitchen is ready for action, but to be honest I DO need to clean out the fireplace ashes.”
ergo, only doing house work seems like a lot less actual work.
Everyone attack mikey!
John, don’t you have to go masturbate or beat up your girlfriend or something?
‘Cause I dunno, I’m kinda finding your contributions, well, kind of stupid.
Hell, maybe that’s just me…
Whether or not you’re using your actual name is immaterial to my point, a point so lame in retrospect that I refuse to defend it, except to say that it’s spelled “numbnuts,” dickwad.
Jesus, dude, just go lick your wounds. You stepped up and you got schooled. No shame in the former, a teensy bit of shame in the latter–but hey, that’s what learning experiences are, teensy bits of shame.
I hope you’re as young as you sound; otherwise my empathy’s going to waste. Assuming you are, I hope it’s some consolation that, had the internet been around during my formative years, I would have acheived heights of online douchebaggery than you couldn’t even aspire to.
Come on, we all know there’s no way this guy can reach his penis.
stepped up to what and got schooled how? I still fail to see the thrust of any argument against me. There are a lot of baseless claims. Did you read what i originally wrote? Probably still no. I’m only ashamed that i bothered to post on some site full of a click of angry nerds who have reading comp. problems. Like I give a fuck what you think about me…. Way to defend your misogynist female friend from texas, ironically in a thread decrying misogyny,. I mean, really.
clique rather.
Come on, we all know there’s no way this guy can reach his penis.
wow, the pain. that especially hurts coming from your droopy face:
Dude, you look at least 40, isn’t it time you stopped insulting people you don’t know on the internets for not actual reason? I love how i’m the immature troll here… This shit is classic. Next i’ll be a republican, all cause one crazy lady misunderstood something i wrote.
I was totally going to tease you about some other things on your blogger page, but then i realized i like most of those things too, oh well. You are welcome to reach my dick for me, droopy.
John, if you really want to understand why you’ve been slammed here, just go back to your first comment where you denigrated the worth of women who take care of kids and households, and asserted that their work is a cakewalk compared to having a paid job. (I don’t know about you, but I never could figure out what the big problem was with house wives. I’ll do the laundry, cook, and take care of the kids while my hottie (hypothetical) wife slaves at work all day. Sign me up!)
If you really believe that the former is easier than the latter, then I can guarantee that you’ve not experienced both.
People here don’t suffer that kind of aggressive ignorance gladly.
Sigh indeed.
I don’t see where i said one was easier than the other, I justs stated a personal preference. Oh well, im over it.
John, you have an anger problem. You started off insulting others, got insulted back, and couldn’t handle it. I’ll tell you the same thing I told my students when they acted up in class–nobody here can make up for what you are missing at home. There are positive ways to get attention as well as negative ones. Try to participate and get along with others instead of being disruptive.
I think humans don’t understand how clinical cats can be when it comes to analyzing a relationship. (Note: just because we don’t talk about our relationship with you, doesn’t mean we don’t analyze it.)
Here’s how I explain it. I think that cats keep a running ledger going in their conscious—all the good/great things about their relationship on the one side, and all the bad/terrible things on the other. At some point or another, if the perceived negatives outweigh the positives, the cat will quit the relationship—I mean, just bail out of the whole thing—and usually with a swiftness and finality which confounds humans.
Now, because we’re cats, certain things have a disproportionate effect on both the good and bad things: on the good side, food, food and regular strokes being probably the best examples… on the bad, infidelity, constant nagging and unchanged litter-trays constitute the negative.
That old garbage can probably leaks, so your relationship probably hasn’t drowned yet…
wow, the pain. that especially hurts coming from your droopy face…
you look at least 40, isn’t it time you stopped insulting people you don’t know on the internets for not actual reason?
could this be any more perfect?
isn’t it time you stopped insulting people you don’t know on the Internets, J. Witherspoon?
Sigh indeed.
I don’t see where i said one was easier than the other, I justs stated a personal preference. Oh well, im over it.
Evidently housework isn’t hard, but spelling and grammar take a lot out of our newest troll.
wow, i even tried to be nice about it and explain what i really meant. That wasn’t enough. You want me to be a troll? so be it!
Hey susan, maybe your dumbass kid wouldn’t st-st-st-stutter if you had laid off the bottle when you were pregnant, you sanctimonious whining cunt! Drop the bottle and get a job!
PS if you want to see me beat my girlfriend, come to Seattle, I’ll beat any of you faggot ass girls, male or female.
meet you on broadway and republican at 1:00 am on next Saturday.
Asshole it is, bitches!
Leslie is a fat whore!
(is that better? does it please you to your womanly core?(i read parts of a romance novel just tonight, womanly core is the new pussy!))
but seriously, come meet my fat, cant reach my 4 inch cock (but its thick) ass. Give me the beating you wish i would give my “girlfriend!”
Witheredspoon’s hardworking mother must be proud.
I really meant the saturday the 23rd, but as tonight is saturday, WTF i’ll be there tonight (tomorrow morning) at 1 am too. I’ll give you two different dates! come meet me. I know at least one person on her who talked shit about me lives in seattle (hint you describe yourself as a dick and have two daughters). bring the pain. I’ve been hit in the face by bigger girls than you… Feel free to post responses under whatever pseudonym you please!
oh noes, my “spoon” is whithered!
Gary Ruppert said,
February 15, 2008 at 23:16
The fact is, I will heartily cheer on the expulsion of the unfit from our society
Is your passport up to date?
John Witherspoon said,
February 15, 2008 at 4:14
You’re giving away the male feminist secret, now STFU!
Sad. And annoying, but mostly very sad.
If that is borehole’s picture is he supposed to be embarrassed by it? I don’t see why he would be. If my stance were a little wider I’d even say I’d hit it.
Witherspoon is a jackass, fer sure.
But Susan of Texas: Did you really tell your “unruly students” that “nobody here can make up for what you are missing at home”? Sorry, but that’s harsh. If you’d said something like that to one of my kids for “acting up” in class, or anything else for that matter, we’d be havin’ ourselves a little sit-down with the principal.
I’ve done the stay-at-home mom thing and the working-mom thing and I’m not about to get into any holier-than-thou parenting pissing contest with anyone. It’s uselessly divisive. Your anecdotal experience does not negate, nor confirm, decades of studies on the subject.
I often enjoy your comments, but your sanctimony (and perhaps resentment? anger?) is showing a bit.
Isn’t that the guy who played Mr. Bentley on “The Jeffersons”? This blog has sunk to a new low, picking on an acromegalic.
MizNicky–The first year I taught I took over for a teacher being punished for trying to organize teachers. One class consisted of students mostly mentally ill and all disruptive in the extreme. My ordinary way of disciplining followed the school codes exactly, as parents don’t like to see their kids disciplined by others, usually.
Lawnguylander–no, I think that’s tb, but if you drained the boyishness out of the face and slapped a goatee on it, then whacked it with a frying pan a few times, dead ringer. Thanks anyway; I’d like to think a theoretical homosexual wouldn’t kick me out of bed.
I guess I underestimated Spoon’s douchebag potential. You really brought your A-game, kid.
Schpewn is pissed! Don’t say anything bad about his weenie or he’ll get mad and smash his computer.
That was one of the funniest things I’ve read all week.
And your side commentary was excellent, too.
No, really, boss, you’ve done a wonderful thing!
John Witherspoon said,
wow, i even tried to be nice about it and explain what i really meant. That wasn’t enough. You want me to be a troll? so be it!
Hey susan, maybe your dumbass kid wouldn’t st-st-st-stutter if you had laid off the bottle when you were pregnant, you sanctimonious whining cunt! Drop the bottle and get a job!
PS if you want to see me beat my girlfriend, come to Seattle, I’ll beat any of you faggot ass girls, male or female.
meet you on broadway and republican at 1:00 am on next Saturday.
Asshole it is, bitches!
Leslie is a fat whore!
(is that better? does it please you to your womanly core?(i read parts of a romance novel just tonight, womanly core is the new pussy!))
No way…
It’s not… he wouldn’t…
OMG it fucking is…
Hellooo, Monsieur Du Toit – so nice to have you with us at last…
And please send my love to your charming bags-of-sand wielder won’t you
Of course. I should have realized that only Du Toit could combine such a fetid morass of misogyny, homophobia, cowardice and plain bad manners. HIs mother sure did a lousy job of raising him.
Sorry, again. Obviously Cpt. Phallus would not be interested in someone resembling Du Toit.
At some point or another, if the perceived negatives outweigh the positives…
DuToit can’t even get the math right!
One study I read about lately (sorry, no cite) on couples’ happiness have determined that the perceived positive to negative memories/thoughts/experiences of the relationship has to be much better than 50% +1. I think it was more like a 75%/25% or 80%/20% ratio in order to make someone consider themselves happy.
And let’s apply the smell test to that: If your spouse’s positives added up to 185 days last year and the other 181 were negatives, how long would you stay married? Hell, would you stay at a job like that?
Can’t our writer and his cohorts apply their real-world experience to their purported expert scientific theories?
[…] linking Du Toit because I can’t stand to link him directly, so instead I’ll give you Brad’s takedown of him, which is much funnier than anything I could write on the […]
Hi everybody!
I just got here. Did I miss anything upthread?
[…] imagine feminism being responsible for women having sucky jobs. As for relationships, we give you: Kim! Now many women experience double the pressure — having to succeed in jobs outside of the […]
[…] Sadly, No! » A very special Valentine's message from Kim Du Toit Joe's parents thought that Joe was “finding himself” so I assume they were at least casually aware of his drug use, saw what he was doing to his body (piercings/tattoos) and was aware that he was wearing clothing that says “I'm desperately in need of Thanks a lot, du Toit! I was this close to having sexy monkey fun time with a lady and now I gotta start all over and work my sexy magic on the men. And I don't know anything about working the sexy magic on men, dang it! […]