Oh England My Lyin’ Heart
Baron Mordo over at The Darkies Are Coming has made the Pajamas Media front page once again! He’s brought to American eyes the terrible plight of British hateblogger Lionheart, who, according to himself, is facing arrest and imprisonment under the UK’s Racial and Religious Hatred Bill. Let’s let Lion-O himself explain!
I am currently out of the Country and on my return home to England I am going to be arrested by British detectives on suspicion of Stirring up Racial Hatred by displaying written material” contrary to sections 18(1) and 27(3) of the Public Order Act 1986.

Wow! Quite a chilling indictment of how so-called ‘hate crimes’ legislation is really designed to limit our freedom, and it’s even worse when you read all the links he provides detailing the specifics. Or at least it would be, if he did bother to include even the slightest bit of evidence that his claim were true. In fact, in the entire article, he doesn’t give us the slightest indication that he’s not making the whole thing up. [Gavin adds: Oh, it might well be true that he’s going to be arrested for suspicion-of, etc. But lest any doubts remain about the seamy alliances kept by these British ‘anti-Jihadi’ types, he’s being represented by this guy.] But hey, who needs facts? They just get in the way of a good yarn about how the dark people are destroying our freedom.
This charge if found guilty carries a lengthy prison sentence, more than what most paedophiles and rapists receive, and all for writing words of truth about the barbarity that is living in the midst of our children, which threatens the very future of our Country.
Actually, it will be Lionheart, not the charge, which will be found guilty if the case comes to trial. While a conviction does indeed carry a maximum term of seven years (or six months on a summary conviction), the maximum sentence has never been given to any of the whopping 44 people convicted under the law in its 21 years of existence. Also, the average time served for rape in the UK is 84.4 months. That, for our math-impaired readers, would be over seven years. Meaning that the maximum prison sentence Lionheart could receive, assuming he’s not making the whole thing up, would be less than what most rapists receive. But again, why let the facts interfere with trying to get people to feel sorry for you?
The cultural weapon in the hands of the modern Jihad within Great Britain, silencing the opposition using our own laws against us – The Dumb Filthy Kaffir’s as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.
Boy, who could ever think this guy was trying to incite religious hatred? All he’s doing is pointing out that The Moslem calls white people stupid dirty pigs whenever he gets the chance.
Who have I killed, who have I threatened to kill? No one, all I have done is written about my reality on a computer screen, and now I face going to prison in my own country for standing up for myself and others.
He’s got a point there, folks: He hasn’t killed anyone. Or threatened to kill anyone. Of course, he’s not being charged with either of those things, but the point remains.
What has happened to those who threatened my life or who have killed my friends – NOTHING – This is British justice in the 21st Century – Shove your British Labour justice because it is worthless to the Englishman whose country this is, whose country you have destroyed.
Again, good point! What is happening to all those who are committing hate crimes against white people? Nothin’! After all, who’s the most at risk from hate crimes in England? White people, of course! According to statistics, whites are the people most likely to be victims of hate crimes, right behind Pakistanis, Indians, and blacks! In fact, Pakistanis — the people who this innocent truth-teller most frequently targets in his crazy, hate-filled racist tirades brave jeremiads against Islamist indoctrination — are only eight times more likely to be victims of a racial crime than white people! That’s barely even statistically significant!
The Moslems cry we are peace and you believe it, when their brothers declare war and murder, a different side of the same coin, a different branch of the same tree with the murder and war of Mohamed and the Koran as their root.
Boy, I sure don’t see anything there that could possibly lead to a conviction under the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill. What is this guy even worried about?
I did not wake up one morning and think I hate Moslems and start my blog, I do not have a racist disposition as this blog is not a race issue it is a Religious issue, I had my life threatened and this blog is the result.
See, it’s a religious issue, not a race issue! Unfortunately, the bill in question covers both those bases, but honestly, is Lionheart guilty of any kind of religious hatred? I mean, okay, sure, this very post has a bit where he says that all the Mahometans snicker at us behind closed doors, and a bit where he says the Q’uran is a murder manual (that’s also a coin or a tree or something), but besides that, is he really inciting mayhem? Let’s take a look at some of the stuff he wrote just based on links to his own blog in this post.
I personally would be more than willing to go to the North of England and do what needs to be done for the mothers and children caught up in this Moslem savagery that needs to be eradicated and I know I am not alone in that respect.
The Islamic Kingdom owns the monopoly on the Human rights laws, it owns the monopoly on racism and discrimination laws, so this is one more monopoly for them to eventually own as they subdue us with our own civilized laws. Creating laws to govern our land for our ‘New’ masters.
There are gangs of Moslem rapists and murderers walking the streets terrorising our society…Do we give in like most of Europe and accept the Islamification of our Nation? Or do we stand up and fight with every last drop of blood declaring ‘No Surrender’ no matter what the cost? A few summer riots will probably be the spark that lights the British fury that no British government or police force will be able to quench. Go quench the army of Islam before you pick on the British defenders of our lands.
I would urge you to send this to everyone you know because it affects everyone living around here including and most importantly their children who are growing up with this dark ‘monster’ Islam surrounding them with the intention of destroying us and our children and enforcing Islam upon the community. Do you want your children to become Pakistani Muslim drug and sex slaves? It is each of our individual and collective responsibilities to act now before it is too late.
This is the Islamic enemy my community and country is faced with and the Moslem enemy which has forced my community into ‘Dhimmitude’. Things can only get worse from now unless action is taken and this Pakistani Moslem community’s actions are stamped out.
ABOVE: The last great hope of white BritainI am not a BNP member and have never voted, I am not a neo Nazi or racist, I am a British patriot who cares about his future, his country, his children’s futures and his friend’s lives…Does that now make me a racist? The British National Party are a party for the British people whose country this is, whose forefathers fought and died for this Great land, which in this generation is being destroyed by certain powers. They vilify the BNP as racists to turn people away from them because they are scared of the British people rising up against the injustice being inflicted upon them and their country. People are now waking up to this fact and I know that the Living God is on the side of the BNP.
This is the truth that my God tells me which I am not afraid to say in the face of your murderous threats against anyone who speaks out against your religion. Your religion is full of murder, war and oh yes paedophilia because lets not forget, Mohamed was a sex offender.
The next generation will have ‘no’ option but to go to war with Islam unless appropriate action is taken now in this generation. So when your children are fighting for their lives and being murdered or being forced to become Moslem and they ask you: what did you do to stop this from happening? You will have to say – NOTHING I WAS A COWARD of you can lie!!!
There’s lots more from this ex-drug dealer/Jesus freak who seems to think that a line written in 1839 by an English playwright is actually from the Bible, but I can only take so much of this stuff before I need to take a nice soothing bong hit. Anyway, the comments are also tons of racist fun (“I hated islam long before I discovered your blog. You might want to consider not coming back, this country has been turned into a craphole by our evil commie leaders. On the other hand, if there is such a thing as British Justice, how is it possible to be guilty of a crime if all you do is tell the truth?”), but let’s let Baron Zemo have the last word:
And don’t think that the United States is immune. There are people working diligently right now to get laws through Congress which are almost identical in wording to those used by the EU. The First Amendment has become all but meaningless in the last two decades. We are at the mercy of nine old men in black robes who sit in summary judgment on our freedoms. The election of a Democrat as President along with a Democrat Congress could topple freedom of speech here as surely as it has been toppled in England.
Look out, America! Here comes Barack Obama to take away your Constitutional rights! You know, the good ones, not the meaningless, stupid Constitutional rights that Bush has taken away! By the way, let’s all take a moment to delight in the irony of Baron Strucker’s title for this post:
First They Came for the English Bloggers
This, of course, is derived from the famous poem by Martin Niemöller, which was written to illustrate how there is always a need to combat the rise of political groups who use hate speech against religious minorities. Baron Blood is using it to defend the rise of political groups who use hate speech against religious minorities. Now THAT’S progress!
The truth is, that British Patriot (sadly one of the few left) should not have been imprisoned. The brown-skinned muslim hordes are ruining the once great nations of Europe and turning the continent into the turd world while the politically correct European elites are glad to participate in the destruction of Western Civilization in order to promote their eventual multi-cultural one world government they wish to establish under the auspices of the UN.
Wow, what can I say. I really feel for this “bloke”. Anything I can do to help? Does he need any financial assistance buying that return airplane ticket home?
Every single Patriotic Briton who loves his Country should join the British National Party. They are the only Patriotic Godfearing true Conservative Party left in Great Britian.
that’s some of the nuttiest Bircherconspiracy theory I have ever heard
Shorter Booger
“Impeach Earl Warren”
The British National party is the party of Nazi’s and Skinheads, so i can see why you would endxorse them
And we all loved what happened the last two times all the nationalists in Europe got together and supported their nations.
In fact, I think there’s about five square feet in France that won’t ever forget what European nationalism did for Europe.
In case you’re missing my subtle reference here, Booger, nationalism is what nearly ruined Europe. Just like you insist on it ruining America.
“He’s got a point there, folks: he hasn’t killed anyone. Or threatened to kill anyone. Of course, he’s not being charged with either of those things, but the point remains.”
And indeed, it is central to his point.
“The Dumb Filthy Kaffir’s as the Moslem would say to his children behind closed doors.”
You can always tell the true jihadist by his poor use of apostrophes. And lack of commas, oh god please, think of the commas!
The guy writes just like Bulwer-Lytton, anyway.
Also, it’s one f in “kaffir” if you’re using it in the Islamic sense. Otherwise, you’re insult black people from South Africa or Jamaica.
Christ, these racists can’t even get their fucking racist slurs right.
Boy, there just aren’t enough Earl Warren jokes around for my taste.
You know, nothing says “courage” like sitting behind a keyboard and inciting others to do violence against their fellow citizens, all the while crying like a little girl for being held accountable for doing it.
The British National Party are not racsist or anti-semitic. They accept Jews in the party as candidates and voters, and why should they accept brown people in their Country, Britian is not a nation of immigrants it never has been it is the nation of the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish all Whites. Why should they accept demographic change? Wanting to prevent brown people from coming is not racism its just Patriotism and defense of Nationhood.
Did this bloke write all of the lines for Lewis Prothero (the loudmouthed television commentator in the film “V for Vendetta”) without understanding it was a satire on guys like O’Reilly and Limbaugh?
is that taken from an old Klan Pamphlet
Bastion Booger,
I was wondering if it bothers you that black guys are having sex with white women? Do you think about that alot?
>is that taken from an old Klan Pamphlet
You mean a Klanphlet? 😉
And also, nothing says “jihadi ass-kicking” like athletic culottes, baggy oversized tees, and Nike cross-trainers.
“I was wondering if it bothers you that black guys are having sex with white women? Do you think about that alot?”
If by “black” you mean “anything less than lilly-white”, then, yes, it would seem to rule both the Baron’s and Booger’s thoughts completely.
Jennifer, he’s a classic Chav.
Which, if one of my friends wasn’t just kidding me, means he probably owns a bird of prey (or in layman’s terms, an eagle). They’re the pit bull of British white trash, apparently.
Wingnut world is a small world.
Wikipedia’s entry on Chavs
even those judges’ robes are dark. Be very afraid
I call upon Great Britian and all the formerly great Nations of Europe to reject secularism and multi-culturalism, to respect free speech and to join America and Israel in defense of Western Civilization.
ABOVE: The last great hope of white Britain
…standing in b-boy stance in front of a Roman aqueduct.
Pakis, Indians, Jamaicans, Danes, Saxons, Celts. Romans, go home! Britain for the British!
Timothy Birdnow of “Where are the giant mammaried mosquitos?” fame is a big fan of Lionheart. Birdnow’s blog is a font of pants-wetting “the Brown people are coming!” wingnuttery. Think Foehammer’s Anvil for the Lawrence Welk crowd.
More podgy wanna-be rude boys strutting their stuff on the internons. Yaaaawn. My guess: He’s in trouble for something like sexual assault and is trying to Kreate a little Kover for why he’s in the Kooler.
And by “we,” he of course means “Everyone but me.” He’ll stay with the women and if it looks like they’re about to fall into the hands of the savage swarthy types, he’ll kill them to keep them burqua-free.
I think those clam-diggers look very snappy.
When girls wear them they’re called capris, but for guys it’s clam-diggers all the way.
This bugger doesn’t even know how to spell “Muslim” and “Muhammad”.
That’s like calling a Jewish person a “Joo”, or using the word “Jewess” seriously.
Especially as the descendant of very patriotic Englishmen and women, I pity England for having to deal with this moron.
Looks as if the crackdown on soccer (alright, “footie”) hooliganism in the U. K. forced the hooligans to find another tribe to rally around. And let’s see, “Lionheart” the Loudmouth is being suppressed:
the “Moslem” is able to spew his hatred
right out there in public“behind closed doors.”WTF?
Not only that, but not once has he attempted to disrupt the Earth’s magnetic field, not once has he created millions of giant mutant cockroaches, not once has he thrown poop on the Mona Lisa, and yet they’re still going to charge him with something completely different! Is there no frigging justice?
(Of course, they may not actually be charging him with anything at all, but that does not detract from my point. In fact, it’s central to it. Or it would be if I had a point.)
For some reason, I am reminded of a Punch cartoon from back in the early 80s: A door labelled “British National Party HQ” and a strip along the doorstep reading “Mind Your Knuckles”…
“…Great Britian and all the formerly great Nations of Europe to reject secularism and multi-culturalism…”
Now I’m beginning to think BB and Baron Gates are the same guy. The pure moronic intensity of asking many nations to reject multi-culturalism cannot exist in two different places at the same time, right?
Back up there, buppy. Bastion Boogey is driven into a private all night angry party by the thought of any guy having sex with any woman or indeed, anything other than their own hand.
The fact is, Misery loves company.
And that is central to my point.
He’s so angry and patriotic, his very punctuation keys falter before his Mighty Purity and Whiteness.
When is Congress going to make a law that all English people have to learn how to read and write English?
The whole Reducto-level of paranoia and fear of Them is a memorizing thing to watch. The Outsiders are out to get Us, and They control our Government.
Hmmm…. Shorter Baron: “I’ll make you fun-sized!!” ?
And someone should point out that there’s at least one chick one the US Supreme court. Yeah, and they can vote now and everything, too!
Again, here’s what he wanted to say the Moslems [sic] were surely saying behind his back:
Here’s what he was actually saying:
And he wonders why his dumb ass might be getting thrown in the clink.
P. S.: Let’s just ignore Kate Bush. It’ll be as if she (& the ’80s) never existed at all, & that would be a very poitive thing.
When girls wear them they’re called capris
The current slang for guys’ capris is “man-pris” which I find hysterically funny. This was put to use frequently in regards to the sartorial stylings of
Kevin Federline
I suppose it would be unkind to point out to him the virtual certainty that he has black, middle eastern, and/or asian ancestry from probably multiple points in the past 1500 years.
Lionheart is obviously a delusional fascist (even though fascists are normally leftist organic farmers) but, if his situation is as he describes it, I disagree with his possible arrest/prosecution.
Racism is not reduced by locking racists up. And it would simply make a martyr out of the man. Reasoned argument, and blog posts similar to this, are all that is needed to expose such stupidity.
Maybe, but I’m kind of okay with locking him up anyway.
You know, I think it’s a pretty safe bet that, even if Lion-O isn’t making the whole thing up, he’s not going to become anyone’s martyr.
You liberals are a bunch of multi-cultural lovin faggots who smell like feces!
Plus, taking *his* word is kind of asking us to be Jesus Christ in terms of being the better man.
I am quietly confident that Lionheart’s dubious grammar and punctuation are deliberate acts of homage towards his inspiration, Richard Coeur-de-Lion, who spoke bugger-all English.
That Lionheart also despised England, hardly ever visited the place, regarded it as only good for providing finance for his interests in Europe, and bankrupted the English economy with the size of the ransom that they had to cough up when he was captured on his way home from losing the 3rd Crusade.
“They are the only… true Conservative Party left in Great Britian.”
Promises, promises.
“You liberals are a bunch of multi-cultural lovin faggots who smell like feces!”
Mmm, I loves me some multi-cultural! It’s got that feces smell!
P.S. Love the Mordo/Strucker references, but you oughtta do a DC crossover, since I think “Baron Blitzkrieg” is probably the most appropriate alias for that wanker.
Marlowe: If you want to stay Marvel though, don’t forget Baron Blood, Union Jack’s most hated foe! Added benefit, Baron Blood, actually Union Jack’s vampire brother that sided with the Nazis.
Something tells me this guy is thinking he’s about to be convicted for being a paedophile or something, since he repeatedly references paedophilia in his post. Otherwise, why would he embarrass himself by bringing up the ridiculously childish “Z0MG MOH-HAM-UHD WUZ A PAEDOPHILE LOLOLOLZ” “argument”?
[added a ‘Gavin-adds,’ btw]
Gavin — have you found any actual evidence that what Lionheart says is happening is actually happening? The only links to it I could find after extensive Googling are to his own post.
I mean, not that it makes him any less of a dipshit if he is getting charged, but the fact that he provides absolutely no evidence whatsoever makes me wonder if he’s not just making the whole thing up.
and you mud-bloods are going to get it when Voldemort comes back!
Leonard Pierce: Have you seen this Lionheart post? It quotes from Anthony Bennett’s comments posted at Anorak News.
So, the British police serve arrest warrants via e-mail? I dunno, the whole thing still sounds kinda fishy to me…
I wonder what the more gaelic occupants of the UK have to say about shitty off-islanders coming to take over their precious homeland.
I have a small sum of money that says that he got a letter in the mail that read something like,
“Dear Mr. Mordo,
Hello. I am Sam Black, from the Ministry of Justice. We’ve received information from our officers that you’re a royal twat, and we intend to arrest you for it.
In order for us to do this, we require you to send us some information about yourself. Please write back with details on your name, address, Social Security number*, bank account number, and copy of your parent’s marriage license, to P.O. box 5554. Thank you for your cooperation, and an officer of the law will be around to clap you in your irons as soon as this information is received.”
if you catch my drift.
*Yeah, I know. Bite me.
He posted an email from the officer who’s set to arrest him. Seems legit (i.e., only a mega-loser would fake such a thing — although, of course, I’m realizing what I’m saying just now and am suddenly less confident than a few minutes ago). In any case, I wandered into this sideways and know less about it than you do.
Leonard Pierce: This is more recent, for what it’s worth.
Don’t forget Baron Karza.
Gavin — yeah, that e-mail is one of the things that made me suspicious. I’m none too knowledgeable about English police procedure, but it seems odd that a cop would alert someone via e-mail that they’re going to be arrested. Especially when he gives no details in the e-mail, and says that he will give them sometime in February and won’t be reachable for the next six weeks. That just rings all kinds of alarm bells for me.
J — yeah, but that again gives no sources other than Bennett’s alleged e-mail from the police, and Lionheart’s own blog.
Anyway, I couldn’t find a single mention of this in Luton Today, which is Lionheart’s hometown newspaper. I’ve e-mailed the Bedfordshire police department to see if they can confirm that he’s being arrested. Again, I don’t think it’ll make the guy any less of a jerk if his story is true, but the total lack of any kind of corroborating evidence, and the weird details in Bennett’s post, just make me suspicious.
>I’ve e-mailed the Bedfordshire police
Did you try the Ministry of Magic?
I think I’d have better luck with the Ministry of Silly Walks. Or perhaps, in this case, the MiniTrue.
There is an Ian Bedford who works for the Bedfordshire PD’s hate crimes division, so again, he might well be telling the truth. But I’m inclined to find out for myself, since, in his post, he’s already lied about some stuff (like the sentence for violating the Religious and Racial Hatred Bill being worse than the average sentence for rape) and he’s been awfully dodge about others (like the fact that less than three people a year have been convicted under this law, and the only person convicted of violating the specific sections he claims he’s being charged under since its inception in 2006 was a Muslim woman).
Well, I guess we’ve only ever had to do like three or four corrections in all the time we’ve been gleefully insulting people. But I also guess I’m extra-cognizant about pulling sources together and checking things, both for its own sake and because we’re idiots who’ve unwisely chosen a venue in which we need to be right all the damn time (whilst the wingnuts can be lucky to have a nut fall off the tree and roll between their paws, and so forth).
Why don’t we call the Bedfordshire police and ask? If no one else has the time to do it, I can find some time tomorrow.
Added: Ach, I’m behind the game. Seriously, let’s call tomorrow if nothing yields.
“I wonder what the more gaelic occupants of the UK have to say about shitty off-islanders coming to take over their precious homeland.”
Reached for comment, the Prime Minister remarked “As long as the Hannitys don’t come back, we say fook it, right?”
Good post on this. We can’t stop, WE MUST NOT STOP fighting for Free Speech and Justice! We will fight for Lionheart!
The ‘Bushies’ would never advocate these legal shenanigans but some of the PIAPS people and Dhimmicrats do and would.
This ‘Racial & Religious Hatred Act’ is a load of crap. Hopefully it will be scrapped someday when the lawyers start being pressured to use it against Islam’s obvious and much more virulent hate speech.
Islam preaches hatred of non-Muslims, it is a fact, read the Koran.
This planned arrest is terrible news for Lionheart, Britain and the world.
Probably the Luton Pakistani Muslim Heroin and crack gang (which is also involved with forcing non-Muslim teen girls into sex-slavery) who he has helped expose pressured the dhimmi pigs to arrest him.
Too many in the dhimmidiot government in Britain are pathetic and corrupt.
The EU is showing itself to be very evil in practice as well as most misguided and extremely stupid and ignorant of reality.
This suppression of free speech will actually cause more violence and hatred of course.
This case will also serve to educate the masses even more about the evils of Sharia and the importance of standing up to Islam.
This must be made very public, we should all tell all our friends about this. Spread the word! God bless Lionheart, I believe he will prevail.
The lawyers on the Right MUST be supported to start fighting this BS more.
Both ‘The Left’ and ‘The Right’ should be ticked off about this.
We should tell all the Radio Gods about this. Maybe they’ll rant about it on their shows.
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
outlaw most bloggers
license all the rest
monitor their writing
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
eliminate FREE speech
the truth may not be spoken
if criminals are exposed
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
outlaw self-defense
exposing violent crimes
shall be deemed hate speech
absurd thought –
God of the Universe loves
corrupt politicians
offer immigrants welfare
get their votes to keep your jobs
absurd thought –
God of the Universe says
be traitorous garbage
just destroy your country
screw your great-granddaughter
Yeah, suits me. As I say, I’ve already e-mailed their FOI and general addresses asking for details, but if I don’t hear anything by tomorrow, all their phone numbers are here.
I’d be happy to retract my suspicions that he’s lying about being arrested (although you’re right — this is way more research than any one of our regular punching bags would be willing to do), but I stand by my claim that he’s a racist douchebag.
(BTW, looking at his site archives, he seems to spend an inordinate amount of time yammering about these two Pakistani brothers in his neighborhood he claims are drug dealers, and he says he’s ratted them out to the cops, for which his life has been threatened. As with everything else, there are zero details, but if he’s telling the truth — and keep in mind, he also claims to be an ex-drug dealer himself — I wouldn’t be shocked if someone is just using the hate crimes thing to get a pesty jerk off their backs.)
In his defense, they may claim that anyone who reads this:
could not possibly be incited to religious hatred, due to excessive befuddlement.
He also seems to be showing some qualms about his targets, referring to them as Moslems and not “slinking Musulmen.”
And is it worth pointing out to his indignant, brave American commenter that the Supreme Court does not consist of nine old men in robes? Unless you’re being unusually cruel to Ruth Ginsberg.
Or is that central to his point?
First They Came for the English Bloggers
Following the Anorak link, we find that in fact They came first for a UK woman named Samina Malik, and locked her up for unauthorised possession of information (in the form of books like “How To Win In Hand To Hand Combat”).
Then They came for Lionheart, at which point the whining started.
“Anyway, I couldn’t find a single mention of this in Luton Today, which is Lionheart’s hometown newspaper.”
I dare say. Perhaps you (and everyone) should look here:
Indeed, MrWonderful! And what does Rutland Weekend Television have to say about all this?
You’re an evil man.
His silly-looking Chav outfit was probably manufactured in Pakistan.
Lionheart my ass. Fucking whiny ass titti-baby. His writing sucks to.
Seriously, I guess he thinks this sounds profound and powerful:
“Do we give in like most of Europe and accept the Islamification of our Nation? Or do we stand up and fight with every last drop of blood declaring ‘No Surrender’ no matter what the cost? A few summer riots will probably be the spark that lights the British fury that no British government or police force will be able to quench. Go quench the army of Islam before you pick on the British defenders of our lands..”
But it really doesn’t. It sounds like something a Mountain Dew addled fourteen year old might come up with after one to many viewings of “300”. Or maybe Foehammer’s latest.
A few summer riots will probably be the spark that lights the British fury that no British government or police force will be able to quench. Go quench the army of Islam before you pick on the British defenders of our lands..”
And if you are looking for me, I’ll be in me Mum’s flat eating crisps.
“Christ, these racists can’t even get their fucking racist slurs right.”
You’re only saying that because you are a, Kike-Lizard-Spic-Wop-Ango-Nigger-Homo-Polack!
Oh, dear. I believe we’ve just been pwned.
PWNED! I say.
Shorter Bastion Booger:
You know, I hadn’t realized how hard it is to write a ‘shorter’ when factoring in an imaginary stuck keyboard.
About the name…
I wonder if this fellow bothered looking at the history of King Richard. The man lived outside of England as much as he could – he far preferred France, considering the English little more than undomesticated sword-fodder.
And if someone could please get down to defining just what the Sam Hill “white” is, I’d appreciate it! The Irish were NOT considered “white” for ages. Likewise, do the Italians count now? The French? Estonians?
Or, as George Wigg put it, do “the wogs begin at Calais”?
My recent favorite at Gates was when wife Dymphna wrote a post on equivalence between treatment of women in certain Western cultures (especially other immigrant groups to the U.S.) and the case of the two girls murdered in Texas in a so-called “honor killing”, which led to a slew of comments basically stating that Baron needed to keep Dymph on a shorter leash….the irony, as usual, was lost on them. Even with another post by Baron on the subject with continued comment madness.
I did, however, find out how YOU can in fact help over at AS. A “blessing on your head” for writing Atlas and offering to take in Lionheart here in the U.S.
But lo! I also discovered that much help is needed in order to also help out Steyn, perhaps out of the heinous photoshop he is trapped in (speaking of the world of Harry Potter….).
Reading this stuff when you’re really sick (still. after a fucking month. ugh.) is really almost too much.
Speaking of Kate Bush though, when I’m not sick I do a great imitation of her singing Wuthering Heights. Just thought you guys should know. LOL
Speaking as a patriotic Briton, I am most worried about those blasted Huguenots. They’ve been here for over 350 years. When will the bastards go home!
It’s a religious issue, I tell you!
He sounds like this chap:
At least he didn’t say “Mahommedean”
And Kate Bush could probably make me a Furry. Just so you all know.
This bugs me, you know? I’m a batshit crazy zombie-hallucinating voice-hearing omen-reading hand-washing vision-having paranoid schizophrenic misanthrope, and you put me in a room with USpace and Baron Belligerent, and I look completely fucking sane, not to mention a lot like Miss Congeniality. Doesn’t that socialist medicine system you guys have over there cover Haldol? Seriously, knock it off, you fucking nuttybars, you’re stealing my gig.
Reached for comment, the Prime Minister remarked “As long as the Hannitys don’t come back, we say fook it, right?”
“..and that fucker o’reilly and coulter…” he added; “…we’ll arrest those feckers at the airport if they even try it….”
Speaking as a patriotic Briton, I am most worried about those blasted Huguenots. They’ve been here for over 350 years. When will the bastards go home!
Speaking as a patriotic Scotsman, its the damn Vikings that bother me, said they would bugger off after they had finished with the raping and pillaging, but 900 years later there still here; “.. oi, Sven, get back to your own country!”
Britian is not a nation of immigrants it never has been it is the nation of the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish all Whites.
Gaels, Picts, Welsh, Normans, Saxons, Norse, and Romans all spring to mind as folks who have immigrated to the British Isles in large numbers. The idea of a homogeneous single ‘white’ nation makes me laugh immoderately, and would make my Irish relatives and Scots friends swear in a blood-curdling fashion.
Why should they accept demographic change?
Why indeed? Send all those bloody furriners home again, I say! Same with the US: furriners out! Original inhabitants want their country back!
Wanting to prevent brown people from coming is not racism its just Patriotism and defense of Nationhood.
Defense of Nationhood? Golly, the Indians, Pakistanis, Singaporeans, Chinese, and inhabitants of various African nations would have something to say about that. Not to mention the original (ie non-white) inhabitants of the continents we now know as Australia, the US, and New Zealand.
Or is it only whiteys who get to defend their Nation’s Hood? I get so confused these days…
I heard a great story from Benbecula in the Western Isles of Scotland: a friend visited (his family emigrated to the states from that area) and his surname was Fraser. When he was asking around for other Frasers, one old Scot said, “Aye, I know Fraser – French bastard” (in the slow, drawn out way that only a Scot can deliver).
Fraser’s family had lived there for the past 400+ years…
Speaking as a patriotic Londoner, I’m most concerned about those damn Scots! Filling up our pubs and complaining about how awful England is and making a fuss about the new prayer book! Why don’t they all go back home, these bishopless nerks!
“Solemn League and Covenant”, my arse! It’s a religious issue, I tell you!
I had that Enoch Powell in the back of my cab, once!
d’oh – Benbecula is actually the Outer Hebrides, but you get the idea…
Oh, and Hubris Sonic, you came *this* close to owing me a new keyboard. Ministry of Magic indeed!
By the way, the above ‘forces of anarchy’ speech from the sitcom Reggie Perrin was followed by Geoffrey Palmer’s performance as another ‘little Englander’, Harry Truscott, in A Fairly Secret Army, where he was prone to wandering around muttering to himself such dark observations as: ‘treacherous chaps, women!’
I apologise on behalf of all Englishmen for this cnut.
That last comment was deeply offensive, and symptomatic of the discriminatory hate language regularly directed at the Danish community.
Bloody Vikings, come over here, steal our women, drink all our booze, and don’t have the decency to pay!
Bloody workshy spongers, they all are!
Adara, the British Society of Editors guidelines warn reporters to avoid the variant spelling “moslem” because it’s considered by muslims to be deliberately offensive. He’s doing it on purpose.
This charge if found guilty carries a lengthy prison sentence, more than what most paedophiles and rapists receive, and all for writing words of truth about the barbarity that is living in the midst of our children, which threatens the very future of our Country.
I’d throw in a few extra years for appalling grammar and sentence structure.
(Many pedophiles get an electronic bracelet and/or time served and/or a few months so… I guess he’s saying he won’t be serving much time?)
This has been a Sadly, No! edition of short answers to simple questions.
“See, it’s a religious issue, not a race issue!”
No, it’s a Religious issue. Can’t forget the capital letter.
“Britian is not a nation of immigrants it never has been it is the nation of the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish all Whites”
So, um, where exactly did the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes come from then?
Preferring to focus on the positive this Monday morning, I must say that it’s kind of reassuring to know that Great Britain, too, has racist whackos who see their subliterate internet scribblings as contributions to some great civilizational struggle. We are not alone.
What’s the English equivalent of Cheetos?
Cheesy Wotsits. They’re much nicer than Cheetos.
It should be noted that in the UK one can be arrested but not formally charged with a crime. The arrest is a device which allows the police to secure a formal interview on the record, and also serves in part to safeguard the accused’s rights in interview, such as the right to legal representation etc. Hence why in the news you often hear about Celebs being arrested but never charged with a crime.
*goes off to chuckle about the BNP being the party of the ‘British People’.*
Not to mention the Huguenots, jews, refugees from Europe’s wars of religion and the French Revolution. Don’t forget our Dutch King Billy (who gave the Stuarts a kicking) who was soon followed by our German royal family!
Ginger–funny, I always use the history of Britain to throw that argument back in people’s faces. The Celts invaded the existing pre-historic population, the Romans imposed rule (and much law and culture), then came the Germanics, then those other pesky Germanic Vikings/Danes, then add in the Normans….
But as usual, a lovely bit of revised Western history does just fine for anyone fighting the Muslims.
This dude’s writing style looks awfully familiar. Think he’s got that SwankWrite software on his system?
Not to mention that central to Christian folklore in Britain is the arrival of Joseph of Arimathea to these isles. He was claimed as an ancestor by the British monarchies and he was, let’s face it, pretty bloody semitic bloke from Judea!
I am able to see that a serious threat to my liberal, humanist and secular values do indeed come from people who happen to be brown and has a history of oppression. I am very not okay with some aspects of some strains of Islam, and I am very not okay with some cultural/social/whathaveyou expressions of belief and culture that hail from different countries and that have found their ways into Europe.
Some acts stemming from culture must be criticized and subjected to law without any considerations – otherwise multiculturalism will ruin itself. Some cultures – not in their entireties, but in some aspects – are inferior to others, and cannot be tolerated completely.
Yet I think the above fellow is a whiny douchebag who overplays his hand. Seems to me that the only real, serious and intelligent indictment of religious extremists and supremacists come from realist left-wingers like Johann Hari.
Pamela is on the case! She even has an interview with Lionheart from last year (the interview starts around 11:10).
And don’t miss Pamela’s source for her most recent post on the subject.
Of course, for all right-thinking patriotic Englishmen, our true enemy is the Scots. We have never forgiven them for rejecting the prayer book and trying to impose their beastly covenant on us. We have not forgotten that they ransomed Newcastle for our good English gold. There will be a reckoning.
For that matter, we are suspicious of those Welsh and Irish fellows. Always singing songs about how wonderful they are and making rude remarks about us English.
Michael Flanders and Donald Swann said it best in their ‘Song of Patriotic Prejudice’.
This song starts with, I think, very typical English Understatement:
Humourless Americans should note that the above is a work of satire. Kindly do not pound me for being an arse.
The chav sayeth:
“Britian is not a nation of immigrants”
Apart from the Vikings, the Danes, the Saxons, the Angles, the Britons, and the Romans? (and they’re only the ones I can remember of the top of my head).
Not to mention the fact that most people of Pakistani, Bangladeshi or Indian descent are here because we fucking asked them to come, because we needed the cheap labour in the 70s.
Sorry. That was a bit angry.
Not forgetting the ones that fought the Empire and Commonwealth in two world wars.
That guy writes like a former drug dealer.
Not at all, englishwoman! Don’t you know we have angry parties here?
Smut Clyde said,
January 7, 2008 at 7:51
First They Came for the English Bloggers
Following the Anorak link, we find that in fact They came first for a UK woman named Samina Malik, and locked her up for unauthorised possession of information (in the form of books like “How To Win In Hand To Hand Combat”).
Then They came for Lionheart, at which point the whining started.
The wingnuts do love to appropriate that “First they came for…” poem, don’t they? And this is their new version of it.
“First they came for Groups A, B, C and D, and I didn’t give a flying fuck. Really, I mean it. Not a tiny rat’s turd did I give. In fact, I was quite happy about it in most cases.
“Then they came for me, and I suddenly realized that WE MUST ALL BAND TOGETHER TO FIGHT THIS MENACE!!!!.”
Absolutely, Percyprune (although I think that you meant ‘fought for’).
I loves me an angry party, Simba B.
englishwoman: Normans, I think they’re probably the ones that seem get overlooked in these lists. Maybe the source of all that anti-French sentiment? Seems pretty likely that chav boy’s bloodline is a bastard mix-up of a lot of dirty furriners…
I don’t think that was angry, just accurate. Odd how the BNP forgets that trifling little fact, innit?
[…] No! regrets the implication that he might have been making the whole thing up. We do, however, stand by our claim that he deliberately lied about the seriousness of the offense, […]
I’d be a lot more sympathetic to the “White Englishman’s Plight” if the drunken Yobbos would stay the fuck out of Amsterdam on the weekends.
Hardly. The Normans were not French but of Viking descent. (Norman = Norseman.) Which is why they had such a fearsome reputation in the Crusades.
My typing is all fingers and thumbs today.
Ah, thank you Percyprune – I should have realised. I stand corrected.
It’s worth reading what the Byzantines thought of the Normans. If you want to know the origins of British yob culture, go no further.
Bastion Booger said,
January 7, 2008 at 5:16
The truth is, that British Patriot (sadly one of the few left) should not have been imprisoned.
Hanging’s too good for him.
Ian Bedford of the Bedfordshire police? Are you sure this isn’t an old Lee and Herring sketch?
On the subject of British sketches about the police, here’s Adam Buxton’s Help The Police.
I am not a BNP member and have never voted, I am not a neo Nazi or racist, I am a British patriot […]
So you’re a “patriot” who nonetheless has failed to ever exercise your most basic (and piss-easy) civil duty to your nation?
On reflection, I suppose it’s possible he’s saying he’s never voted for the BNP, but his Bizarro grammar is inconclusive, not to mention fucking appalling on a very primal level, so I think I’ll stick with the former interpretation.
“Britian is not a nation of immigrants”
Apart from the Vikings, the Danes, the Saxons, the Angles, the Britons, and the Romans? (and they’re only the ones I can remember of the top of my head).
CENTURION: What’s this, then? ‘Romanes Eunt Domus’? ‘People called Romanes they go the house’?
BRIAN: It– it says, ‘Romans, go home’.
CENTURION: No, it doesn’t. What’s Latin for ‘Roman’? Come on!
BRIAN: ‘R– Romanus’?
CENTURION: Goes like…?
BRIAN: ‘Annus’?
CENTURION: Vocative plural of ‘annus’ is…?
BRIAN: Eh. ‘Anni’?
CENTURION: ‘Romani’. ‘Eunt’? What is ‘eunt’?
BRIAN: ‘Go’. Let–
CENTURION: Conjugate the verb ‘to go’.
BRIAN: Uh. ‘Ire’. Uh, ‘eo’. ‘Is’. ‘It’. ‘Imus’. ‘Itis’. ‘Eunt’.
CENTURION: So ‘eunt’ is…?
BRIAN: Ah, huh, third person plural, uh, present indicative. Uh, ‘they go’.
CENTURION: But ‘Romans, go home’ is an order, so you must use the…?
BRIAN: The… imperative!
CENTURION: Which is…?
BRIAN: Umm! Oh. Oh. Um, ‘i’. ‘I’!
CENTURION: How many Romans?
BRIAN: Ah! ‘I’– Plural. Plural. ‘Ite’. ‘Ite’.
BRIAN: Ah. Eh.
CENTURION: Nominative?
CENTURION: ‘Go home’? This is motion towards. Isn’t it, boy?
BRIAN: Ah. Ah, dative, sir! Ahh! No, not dative! Not the dative, sir! No! Ah! Oh, the… accusative! Accusative! Ah! ‘Domum’, sir! ‘Ad domum’! Ah! Oooh! Ah!
CENTURION: Except that ‘domus’ takes the…?
BRIAN: The locative, sir!
CENTURION: Which is…?!
BRIAN: ‘Domum’.
BRIAN: Aaah! Ah.
CENTURION: ‘Um’. Understand?
BRIAN: Yes, sir.
CENTURION: Now, write it out a hundred times.
BRIAN: Yes, sir. Thank you, sir. Hail Caesar, sir.
CENTURION: Hail Caesar. If it’s not done by sunrise, I’ll cut your balls off.
“Would you like to see Brittania rule again? My friend?
Would you like to see our coloured cousins home again? My friend?” -Pink Floyd
I am able to see that a serious threat to my liberal, humanist and secular values do indeed come from people who happen to be brown and has a history of oppression.
You do? Seriously? Because in my experience, the only threats coming to any of those values are coming from the handiwork of rich white guys who haven’t had a moment of oppression in their lives where they weren’t the ones putting in the boot.
But no, let’s fear the brown people. Bridge that gap between us and the knob-headed racists that’ve already fallen for this century’s folk devils.
Some acts stemming from culture must be criticized and subjected to law without any considerations – otherwise multiculturalism will ruin itself. Some cultures – not in their entireties, but in some aspects – are inferior to others, and cannot be tolerated completely.
Oh yes, that’s going to work out quite well.
“Oi, you, fella. Your culture – not in its entirety, but merely in some aspects – is inferior, and I’m afraid we can’t go tolerating it around here.”
If you just get a punch in the mouth, you’re getting off easy.
Notice how all the bad guys in the Harry Potter books have Norman / French names like Voldemort or Malfoy. Conversely, all the good guys have wholesome English names like Potter. The whole series is simply a thinly-veiled piece of anti-Norman propaganda.
Just another aspect of the rising tide of Viking persecution.
[Drinks booze; does a runner from pub].
Britian is not a nation of immigrants it never has been it is the nation of the English, Scots, Welsh and Irish all Whites.
Gaels, Picts, Welsh, Normans, Saxons, Norse, and Romans all spring to mind as folks who have immigrated to the British Isles in large numbers.
And they were pretty filthy dirty, too. Not altogether white, as it were. Living in mud huts as they did, etc.
[…] Sadly, No! also had Lionheart’s lies in it’s cross hairs. […]
[…] handful of Islamist extremists who protested a military parade in March, and Paul Ray, the local anti-Muslim blogger known as “Lionheart”. Ray, who rants on American Christian radio about “Paki […]
[…] for a short time last year when right-wing “anti-Jihadists” in the USA decided that a police investigation into whether Ray was stirring up racial hatred meant that he was was “free speech […]
[…] making an appearance is, inevitably, Paul Ray: Among the would-be march organisers was a white man called Paul Ray who didn’t even live in […]
[…] I’ve blogged, last year Ray was investigated by the British police for incitement to racial hatred; for a while, he was lauded by US conservatives as a free-speech martyr, but when […]
[…] the end of it. Further details about why the police may have been interested in him can be seen here (I was against the prosecution, by the way). Possibly related posts: (automatically […]
[…] 2007, before the EDL was created, Ray was investigated by the police for incitement – for a short time he was regarded as a “free speech martyr” by American […]
[…] Posted on January 17, 2009 by Richard Bartholomew Anti-Muslim blogger Lionheart (who claims to be a “good friend” of Glen Jenvey) explains the meaning of […]
[…] arrested on suspicion of stirring up racial hatred, based on sanguinary statements on his blog (Sadly No! has a useful round-up), and that he was seeking political asylum in South Carolina; however, support […]
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[…] by some American conservatives, despite the extremity of his statements (which were noted by Sadly No!). However, support melted away after pro-BNP comments came to light; Ray claimed that God was using […]
[…] clear that he still lives there. Ray did flee to the USA in 2007 when the police took an interest in statements on his blog, but the matter was eventually resolved without charges being brought; for a time […]