Just Remember – We’re The Fascists

Because, you know, we’re the ones putting up images like this:


And we’re the ones comparing people we disagree with to a bacterial infection:

Above: The Jew liberal will be identified! The same battle which Pasteur and Koch had to fight must be led by us today. Innumerable sicknesses have their origin in one bacillus: the Jew liberal! Japan would also have got it had it been remained open any longer to the Jew liberal. We will get well when we eliminate the Jews liberals.

Which, of course, is not an image with parallels in Nazi terminology at all.

Oh, hey, wait. It’s not us doing that. It’s those charming folks over at Gathering of Eagles!

Gee, I guess it’s not really fascist at all, then. Just a joke, right? And the reason I don’t find it particularly amusing is because liberals have no sense of humor, right?

I’m pretty sure that if I call Jonah Goldberg an ignorant fool, though, that would make me a fascist. But I’m okay with that. Because he really is an ignorant fool.


Comments: 379


I like bats.

They eat mosquitoes.

Ever see an eagle eat a mosquito? No.

I rest my case.


Why do they hate Batman? They are strange, strange people.


Code Pinko wha?

Sad the lengths they’ll go to to blame that rampant b-acne on anything but poor hygiene and hours slouched in front of the computer.


While some of the above may be vaguely associated with what has often been defined as “classical fascism,” or perhaps “adult contemporary fascism”, it is not an example of the far more dangerous “liberal fascism”, which is central to my point.

The above quotations simply use militaristic and terror-linked phraseology to suggest that a set of peaceful protesters be exterminated. That is “antique and anemic” forms of fascism.

The more dangerous and more poisonous for the fruit fascism is the fascism of the left, which I have called “liberal fascism”, because instead of rounding up and killing some hateful protesters, this would involve having grade school teachers suggest we give out free food.

The Left does not like this ugly reality pointed out, but never has this argument been made with such care, or in such detail.


Forgive my ignorance of the latest dog-whistle codes used by the right, but what exactly is the significance of the imagery on that patch? Is that really a bat, or just a bad graphic of an eagle? The moon…Islam, I suppose…?

I guess I’m not enough of a fascist patriotic American to know.


Feh. Anyone else thinking that ’09 is going to be the beginning of the Golden Age of Domestic Terrorism?


what exactly is the significance of the imagery on that patch?

I think it’s just a moon and a bat with crosshairs. Ham-handed, simple-minded knuckledragger eliminationism directed at strawman liberals.

Amazing you can knuckledrag and goosestep at the same time, but they manage it.


it’s a “moonbat”, Simba.

They are talking about shooting people like us.

Because, y’know, that’s hella funny.


The link above is the North Carolina chapter. Here’s the link for the main group:

Bonus question to whomever can answer the question about the bat —

The new GoE eagles slogan is, Never Again!. What are they referring to?

I’m guessing it’s the gauntlet of spitting, micturating and defecating commie protesters that universally greeted all returning veterans of Vietnam. But I’m only guessing.

Side note: These fascists militaristic creeps hate the “God Hates Fags” people even more than I do. But, then again, they hate everything more than I do.



Only if a Republican doesn’t win. Then Waco and Ruby Ridge and all that shit will be but preludes to the excesses and violent extremism of the totalitarians in office, and lo, we can only be protected by Republicans!

Because then the right-wing jackoffs will be freedom fighters, not terrorists. Though the Muslims might still be terrorists. Hard to say.


If you kill the moonbats, there will only be more moonies.


As long as right-wing freedom lovers stick to assasinating black politicans and abortion doctors, they have nothing to fear from our government. They just better keep their Molotov (Reagan?) cocktails away from our Humvees.


Forgive my ignorance of the latest dog-whistle codes used by the right, but what exactly is the significance of the imagery on that patch? Is that really a bat, or just a bad graphic of an eagle? The moon…Islam, I suppose…?

It’s a very poor graphic of a bat against a crescent moon. Moon. Bat. Moonbat: get it? It refers to those considered “liberals” (i.e. anyone who dares to disagree with this flock of eagles (i.e. raptors who aren’t too proud to eat the occasional roadkill). Although what kind of a dumbass would use a scoped rifle to shoot at bats instead of a shotgun is beyond me.


Anyone else thinking that ‘09 is going to be the beginning of the Golden Age of Domestic Terrorism?

Way ahead of you. I’ve never worried about islahomofascists blowing up bits of my town but I began to get nervous after the 06 elections. We’ve got the gubbermint, fascist universities, every flavor of foreigner you can imagine, women and brown people who don’t know their place and teh ghey.

However, most of these assholes would crap their pants if you looked at them funny and hopefully they’ve gotten so fat after 8 years of typing Libruls r lozers LOL!!1 that they won’t get far when they finally waddle into action.


Woohoo, Jillian gets the angry party started right!


And someone please tell me that is a baby’s arm in the second photo. The thought of the trogdolytes doing anything to catch a rash on their cocktail wiener makes me itch.


“inkadu said,
January 5, 2008 at 23:15

I like bats.
They eat mosquitoes.
Ever see an eagle eat a mosquito? No.
I rest my case.”

Eagles are actually primarily scavengers, not unlike buzzards.

Where as bats are highly advanced killing machines.

Really, can we all come together, as one, and demand that the wingnuts explain what the FUCK “moonbat” is supposed to fucking MEAN? Seriously, this shit’s just ridiculous. It’s like they get into this group sniggering thing by calling someone a “pea soup wallaby.”

Effing trafficpinecones.



I guess it goes without saying that right-wing humor is either malicious or inept.

Usually both.


“I’m pretty sure that if I call Jonah Goldberg an ignorant ftool, though, that would make me a fascist. But I’m okay with that. Because he really is an ignorant ftool.”

Fixed your typos, which are indeed central to your point.


Really, can we all come together, as one, and demand that the wingnuts explain what the FUCK “moonbat” is supposed to fucking MEAN? Seriously, this shit’s just ridiculous. It’s like they get into this group sniggering thing by calling someone a “pea soup wallaby.”

It’s the fourth-grade “I know you are but what am I” reactionary-insult mentality. We came up with ‘wingnut’, which actually, you know, makes sense (e.g. there’s humor to “get”), so the reichtards, totally not getting the joke but feeling their temples tingling, blurt something back without thinking.

I’ve never been able to divine the origin of the “_____ Derangement Syndrome” thing but going upon the reasoning above I’m guessing CDS came first.


Do we still even HAVE an American Communist Party? I’ve been too busy hating the flag to keep up with that kind of thing.

Damn you flag! Damn you to hay-ell!


inkadu said,

January 5, 2008 at 23:30

The new GoE eagles slogan is, Never Again!. What are they referring to?

Bald eagles are mainly fish eaters, you see. However, this incredibly stupid eagle once confused a strip of cloth for a fish. This gave him quite the belly ache, and so he carries that around as a reminder not to do that again.


There is not only still a Communist Party USA, there are also two different Maoist parties — the Revolutionary Communist Party of Chairman Bob Avakian and the Maoist International Movement of whoever.

But none of these are the real Left most likely to impose liberal fascism, the most dangerous totalitarian leader ever to have existed ever since Jonah Goldberg was cruelly forced to use the potty instead of the comfy pants, Hillary Clinton.


Do we still even HAVE an American Communist Party?

Yes, we do.

But they’re confused, impotent, and disarrayed. Even for leftists. And that’s saying something.


“Hatred of Everything Holy”?!?!?

It is deeply, deeply depressing that there are people who can read a poster like that and actually be inspired by it — as opposed to bursting out laughing.


There is, in fact, an American Communist Party. Actually, as a result of the Red Scare and McCarthy, and the cooling-effect that had on communist politics, there’s many different “communist” parties in America advocating anything from classical Marxist-Leninism, Trotskyism or Maoism. Heck, there might even be some Luxembourgers or Stalinists still keeping it real.


The old-school CPUSA… not so much vanguardists anymore as working towards a peaceful transition to socialism wherever possible. Cause y’know, advocacy of other things tends to lead to us being put in jail or blacklisted.


“Really, can we all come together, as one, and demand that the wingnuts explain what the FUCK “moonbat” is supposed to fucking MEAN? Seriously, this shit’s just ridiculous. It’s like they get into this group sniggering thing by calling someone a “pea soup wallaby.””

I’ve never understood that one either. I guess it’s a riposte to wingnut. It’s “The Daily Show” vs “The Half Hour Show”. We should pity them in a way.

btw really missing the Daily Show 🙁


I love that CPUSA still calls themselves a “Marxist-Leninist party”, yet endorses every Democratic candidate to come down the pike.

Lenin would have them all shot, I’m afraid.


Well, I never understood what the h-e-double-hockey-stix a “moonbat” was supposed to be in the first place, but now it seems wingnut Internet nomenclature for liberal is “netroot” (“nutroot”?), which makes even less sense.

And seriously: The Flock o’ Seagulls is skeered of “Code Pink”?! Why, they’re just a bunch of girls! Ooooo, big mean scary girls, all wearin’ pink and everything! Oooo nooooooo!!!!12(oops)11!!1!!


Instantly LMAO. Great sketch from a great movie.



I’m pretty sure every communist leader prior to Gorbachev would have the CPUSA shot.

Hell, Stalin wouldn’t have even had to have a reason.


Actually, most eagles are principally hunters. That doesn’t rule out eating carrion when its convenient of course. The bald eagle mostly hunts for fish, golden eagles mostly hunt smallish things etc. Legend is, the Mongols used to train golden eagles to hunt with metal blades and hooks put over the beak and talons, and hunt tigers with them.


But if you’re going to call yourselves Marxist-Leninists, then for god’s sake, don’t encourage people to vote for John Kerry. It’s just embarrassing!


“Really, can we all come together, as one, and demand that the wingnuts explain what the FUCK “moonbat” is supposed to fucking MEAN? Seriously, this shit’s just ridiculous. It’s like they get into this group sniggering thing by calling someone a “pea soup wallaby.””

No one knows what “moonbat” (“barking moonbat” in its rarely-used complete form) is supposed to mean. Look it up on Wikipedia – even they don’t know. I heard one theory that it may be based on some sci-fi story where moonbats are people that live on the dark side of the moon, but I’ve never been able to confirm that.

As far as I can tell, some twit of a blogger just made it up and started using it. There’s your answer. “Wingnut” may have a definite etymology, but “moonbat” is utterly meaningless.


Moonbat has been around a while. Its mostly aimed at liberals or leftists, and seems to be connected with the expression batshit. A moonbat is someone with ideas that are not down-to-earth (hence the reference to moon and winged creature) and therefore, incorrect. Now, I challenge you all to go find anyone who uses moonbat as an insult to give you some vague etymology. Use the word etymology too.

For my part, wingnut rolls off the tongue better than moonbat.


Isn’t A Gathering of Eagles about a bunch of guys who don’t pass muster until (gay) Rock Hudson shows up to whip them into shape?



The African crowned eagle eats monkeys. Prehistoric eagles hunted australopitheci. The first australopithecus specimen, Taung Child, was killed by an eagle with a taste for brains.


No one knows what “moonbat” (”barking moonbat” in its rarely-used complete form) is supposed to mean.

4 Realz? Could it be some obscure reference to Ozzy Osborne? “Bark at the moon,” bat snacks … er … never mind.


The first australopithecus specimen, Taung Child, was killed by an eagle with a taste for brains.

Hence, the wingnuts’ feeling of safety with regard to eagles.


Jillian, maybe they’re going for a Trojan horse\useful idiot strategy, you see first they get Kerry elected and then…eh……

I’ll get back to you.


And all this great eagle moments is entirely spoiled by the fact that the Gathering of Eagles could be outwitted by this guy:


Incidentally, Beaky Buzzard is who I hear when I read Jonah. Just thought that’d help people.


I now pronounce him JoBeak GoldBuzzard. H/T Patkin.


Caveat: You are correct, sir. 1963 Cold War movie, also starring Mary Peach. Written and produced by — Syd Barrett!!??!!?? Why, he must have been about 12 years old! Oh no, wait—that’s Sy Bartlett. Never mind.


Speaking of Goldberg — check out his comments about Obama on THE CORNER about “certain segments of American political life:”


Gee. Who COULD he have meant?


No one knows what “moonbat” (”barking moonbat” in its rarely-used complete form) is supposed to mean. Look it up on Wikipedia – even they don’t know. I heard one theory that it may be based on some sci-fi story where moonbats are people that live on the dark side of the moon, but I’ve never been able to confirm that.

It goes back to when Jerry Brown was governor of California. For his penchant for spouting off New Agey sounding nonsense, he came to be referred to as: “Governor Moonbeam”. This got combined with slang like “batshit” and “batshit insanity”, hence “moonbat”.

That’s about as close to an explanation I’ve been able to find.


El Cid has been cracking me up even more than usual lately. Or maybe I’m just finally cracking up.


Bald eagles like fish, but they frequently steal them from the ospreys that actually caught the fish.


I remember a picture of some of those Eagle boyos I saw a while ‘back. Scrawny or pudgy fat, pimply dorks who looked like they didn’t get out in the fresh air much. Judging from that photo, most of the Code Pink women could indeed kick their asses.

/not to be all looksist or anything. You try walking around the Mall wearing an eagle . . .


I thought moonbat was a combination of the Jerry Brown “bat” thing as explained by x_eleven, combined with Archie Bunker’s “dingbat”. I can’t remember where I heard that.


I heard one theory that it may be based on some sci-fi story where moonbats are people that live on the dark side of the moon
Sounds like The Lunatic Republic.
I incline to blame Ted Hughes more.


MzNicky said, January 6, 2008 at 0:35

El Cid has been cracking me up even more than usual lately. Or maybe I’m just finally cracking up.

And that is central to my point.


Oh mercy, NO ONE OF ANY CONSEQUENCE is “associated” with the friggin commies anymore, you dumbasses.

NAMbLA has more relevance than the American Communist Party.

Principal Blackman

The new GoE eagles slogan is, Never Again!. What are they referring to?

Running out of Cheetos.


Ever since I first heard “Moonbat”, maybe four years ago, I have always worn it with honor. I LIKE being a moonbat. I like the way it sounds. A Moonbat is a friendly creature, really not much of a bother and very helpful in his ecosystem, eliminating pests and toxins, but don’t kid yourself. He’s got teeth and claws and WILL fuck you up if you force him to.

Yep. When it all goes to hell in a bucket, and I’m living in the hills with the guerrillas, I’m gonna make us up some Moonbat Brigade patches, and when the conflict ends and the new order starts to come together, they’re gonna teach their children about the exploits of the heroic Moonbats…



Have I mentioned lately how much I love mikey?


Who is their art director? Julius Streicher?



But will you get C. Thomas Howell and Lea Thompson on your side?



Why would moonbats bark? They’d squeak, wouldn’t they?


Inkadu: “Ever see an eagle eat a mosquito? No.”

I’ve seen eagles eat garbage. In Juneau they hang around the dump and scavange. It’s most inspirational.


I thought the term originally was applied to the left-wing British journalist, George Monbiot.


NAMbLA has more relevance than the American Communist Party.

Blobviously. NAMBLA is sure to have a few CongressCritters in its ranks.

[Penalizes self for unnecessary roughness.]


i stared at that damn patch for about five minutes and i still had no idea what they were getting at. i’m glad you all could explain it for me.

i was thinking maybe the bat was supposed to have some Islamic significance…Muhammad was a vampire or something?…


First of all, it’s a patch. Who in the hell commemorates their events with a patch? And please, someone tell me what they do with the damn patch once they’ve earned it. Some people love to play dress up.


At our next Angry Party, will our DJ play “Hatred of Everything Holy” backwards? I understand we moonbats can hear a secret message that way.


Quakerhouse dot org

According to the New York Times’s veteran lexicographer, the now retired William Safire, “Moonbat” emerged in about 2002 from a libertarian blog and was adopted as a piece of counter-slang to the term “wingnut,” often applied by some leftists to what they view as extreme conservatives. Safire quotes the blogger as saying it was:
originally rendered as ‘Barking Moonbat,’ suggesting that certain issues seem to trigger a reflexive response from some people much like wolves howl at the moon.”

Is a “Moonbat” something like a “Womb baby”?


NO ONE OF ANY CONSEQUENCE is “associated” with the friggin commies anymore, you dumbasses

I’m someone of consequence… dumbass.


This is the part of the Angry Party where we dance…angrily!


ice weasel said,

January 6, 2008 at 1:09

First of all, it’s a patch. Who in the hell commemorates their events with a patch?

Boy Scouts. I used to have some patches. Not sure where they’ve gone, after all these years.


Dagoril said, January 6, 2008 at 1:01

Gathering of Eagles?

Your link didn’t come up, but I wondered if someone might point out that technically it’s a Convocation of Eagles, but I supposed that the term “convocation” sounded either too religious or somehow not enough of an active sounding verb to reveal the truly Manly, Butch, Military, Patch-wearing crowd of not-active-duty non-servicemen who would be involved.


Ice Weasle
“First of all, it’s a patch. Who in the hell commemorates their events with a patch? And please, someone tell me what they do with the damn patch once they’ve earned it. Some people love to play dress up.”

You’re exactly right I think here. My understanding is that even the blackest of military black ops always have a patch for their operation. It’s a fetish they have, among many others as we have been learning.


Who in the hell commemorates their events with a patch? … Some people love to play dress up.

I think you answered your own question there. These doofi clearly want to play soldier. It looks like the patch has an event date on it, so maybe you get to wear it to prove that you were at the great Hippie Shout-At (now legend) or whatever else.

If they could afford to issue campaign medals, they’d be doing that, I bet.

Davis X. Machina

‘Moonbat’ is a reference to anti-war British journo George Monbiot, and was coined around the same time as the word ‘fisking’.


Anyone else thinking that ‘09 is going to be the beginning of the Golden Age of Domestic Terrorism?

Hell, I’m just glad I’m not working Secret Service detail for Obama or Hillary. Or any Democratic candidate, really, as their Repub opposites lose more steam / hair / IQ points with every passing primary. It’s not the intertoobz-noisy lackwits like the Gathering of Scavengers that worry me, it’s all the lost souls wandering around with guns and without medical supervision, because when you have the Second Amendment who needs access to health care. I’d like to think committed authoritarians like the Reichtards would *want* to keep their violence-addled “shock troops” from doing anything that would expose their dearest plans to the All-American Non-Political Center Non-Party — that portion of the eligible population that doesn’t pay much attention to political arguments, frequently to the point of not voting — but the romance of the lone gunman is so much a part of the American Dream, *sigh*…

MzNicky, yeah, but we all know Code Pink refers to down there, the ladybits, that Terra Incognita where wingnuts fear to travel. How cruel of the CP wimmens to taunt the manly Seagulls with those dread secret bowers from which all rational beings have been so violently obtruded! Remember, also, Newt the Gingrich’s explanation that women “get infections every month”, which is why he proclaimed we are so unfit to serve in the military, unlike the Scavengers, who have much more individual and creative reasons for not putting their heinies on the line to support the various wars they cheerlead.


And seriously: The Flock o’ Seagulls is skeered of “Code Pink”?! Why, they’re just a bunch of girls! Ooooo, big mean scary girls, all wearin’ pink and everything! Oooo nooooooo!!!!12(oops)11!!1!!

It’s all about Teh Scary Vagina.


Angry ladybits?


“First of all, it’s a patch. Who in the hell commemorates their events with a patch?”

Boy Scouts. I used to have some patches. Not sure where they’ve gone, after all these years.

Yeah, Lord Robert Baden-Powell got the mania for patches from the paramilitary penchant for a secret badge that the ninjas could flash each other to separate their way-cool Special Ops selves from the mere uniform-wearing drones. And once you’ve brought to mind Lord BP’s paeons to “Young men, running free and unashamed through the virgin forests, removed from the mundane cares of daily life” we are right back in NAMBLA — or, per the General of Jesus, Spartan-wresting — territory. Patches are irresistible to ten-year-olds of all ages.


From Goldberg’s book I have learned that the Nazi Rudolf Hess was into alternative medicines. This fact is indisputable. What is also beyond debate is that the Gathering of Eagles flier draws on germ theory to make its points. Therefore, they cannot be fascists because they, unlike the Nazi discussed above, believe in and advocate traditional Western medicine. One is compelled to conclude that their adversary, the Communist Party-affiliated Code Pink, is against Western medicine and has embraced the herbal remedies championed by Hess. One must then ask in what other ways does Code Pink resemble the Nazis.


Fashion tip for wingnut females: the best way to hide your scary vagina is by wearing high-waisted jeans. Seriously.


Back when I was just a womb-baby, my Mom used to play Moonbats to me. It was a Pink Floyd/Meatloaf mash-up if I recall.


Thank you El Cid. I suppose liberal fascists must angrily copy and paste said linky manually. http://youtube.com/watch?v=MW2cPr0fQ7Y

Angry dancing optional! Though please touch my monkey.


Patches also give something the women folk something to do, now that their sewing skills have been displaced by cut-rate Walmart fashion.

Funny story: My mother was pregnant when she was passing through Chile a few months after Pinochet took power. It was just a stop-over, continuing on to NYC, but the new government insisted EVERYONE have vaccinations, even if they were just passing through the country. Turns out this vaccine is absolutely contraindicated for pregnant women. My brother was still born six-months later. Okay, so maybe that wasn’t such a funny story.

Fascists sure do fear teh germs. Part of their generalized paranoia.


Back when I was just a womb-baby, my Mom used to play Moonbats to me. It was a Pink Floyd/Meatloaf mash-up if I recall.

The Dark Side of the Moonbat Out of Hell, I believe.


Thank you El Cid. I suppose liberal fascists must angrily copy and paste said linky manually.

Check out the sensitive camerwork a few seconds after the 2 minute mark. Truly moving.


“The Dark Side of the Moonbat Out of Hell”

Yep, that was it, alright. And people wonder why I’m not normal.


Dagoril said, January 6, 2008 at 1:36

Thank you El Cid. I suppose liberal fascists must angrily copy and paste said linky manually. http://youtube.com/watch?v=MW2cPr0fQ7Y

Angry dancing optional! Though please touch my monkey.

When the Battering of Smeagols go home to produce some of those womb babies they are obligated to liberate every now and then, do they annoy their put-upon, long-suffering wives by suddenly dragging them into the bedroom and singing in their loudest, Ashcroft-imitating voice, “Let the Eeeeeeeeeeeeagle Sooooooooar, Like It’s Never Sooooooooared Before…”


Who in the hell commemorates their events with a patch?

Girl Scouts.

And, of course, real men like President Dress-Up.


“The Dark Side of the Moonbat Out of Hell”

Yep, that was it, alright. And people wonder why I’m not normal.

Don’t feel bad. I was Kenny Roger’s biggest fan until I turned 2 years old, and learned how to say jejune.


I think I found Ashcroft’s inspiration…the Wind Beneath His Wings, if you will.


…which is central to my point.


Patches are irresistible to ten-year-olds of all ages.

I suppose. But it is deeply ingrained.

In spite of everything thats happened, whenever I see that 1st Cav patch, my heart swells and my chest puffs out…



My first album was the Cryan Shames/Synthesis. I won it in a coloring contest. I still have the album. It’s in stereo even.


Cool. My first album was Weird Al in 3D. My first “Real” album was Billy Joel “Innocent Man.” Both were tapes.

And I’m not counting the incredible Rankin-Bass 4 LP-edition of the Hobbit. My mommy bought that for me at the library.

GoE is full of great lines:

I have anew rear tire on the Harley and am ready to ride. See you there.

Also, what better way to say, “Me and my God are going to kick your camel-humping ass” than this Youtube video?

Incidently, I think the problem with GoE and their ilk is they somehow can’t come to grips with the idea that countries might go to war for reasons that are not worthy of the men that ultimately fight them.

Check out this clip from the national Director of Operations, Kit Lange:

I see my job as the guardian of those who have suited up and shown up to protect freedoms we all hold dear; no matter when, where or how they have served. When I had the opportunity to meet the President of the United States I told him that all the kids serving now are “my guys.” He smiled and responded, “Chris you know they’re my guys right?” “Well Mr. President, I guess we’ll just have to share them,” I said. That is my job. I am the champion for anyone and everyone who is wearing, or has worn the uniform of this country.

O rly?

I guess it would be vain to see what events GoE has planned to make sure vehicles are properly armored, our troops properly equipped, that medical treatment is given as needed, that our vets get the educational benefits they are promised, that army recruiters maintain high standards, and that contractors don’t siphon money (and troops) away from the government military, and that the military’s own counter-operations manuals is being followed, etc. etc….



Link didn’t work.

Stand Up (Christian Soldiers):


It’s all pretty much down hill after the parachuting American Flag.


In spite of everything thats happened, whenever I see that 1st Cav patch, my heart swells and my chest puffs out…


Yeah, but I think you’re suggesting that you have that feeling because you actually did & lived those things suggested by a real military unit patch.

That’s more than a little bit different than being part of a squad of raving, non-serving nutbags who imagine they’re saving the ‘Urf from the Islamo-Commie-Pinkanoids by dressing up in pseudo-military attire and screaming about their own non-combat bravery and glory.


I dare say if this was the third world, the rabid neocons would be roaming the streets in tribal gangs slaughtering liberals with machetes.


Lesley said, January 6, 2008 at 2:13

I dare say if this was the third world, the rabid neocons would be roaming the streets in tribal gangs slaughtering liberals with machetes.

Actually, they typically would work for Radio Milles Collines, and let the schmucks do the actual nasty and dangerous work for them — just like they do now, staying at home while baying for more war abroad.


Damn, I’m old. My first album was Abbey Road. When it was first released. I still have it.

Re: the patches: I just kind of assumed that the whole brouhaha w/gays in Scouts a few years ago was due to some overblown homophobic paranoia that allowing gay kids in would result in a new merit badge for c***sucking, which of course would prohibit fine upstanding Christian young men from progressing to Eagle Scouts unless infected with teh gaii in earning this badge (they have to earn every single badge to get to Eagle Scout, right?). I am still silently amused whenever I imagine what that badge would look like, with the standing and kneeling round-head stickfigures….


You’re right, of course, cid. But it IS a mindless thing with boys and patches. Realistically, the sight of that patch ought to make me furious for the waste of so many of my years, or at least ought to make me curl up in a fetal position and sob with fear and horror.

We ARE tribal, all of us. We need to look for it, see it for what it is and overcome it with reason when it threatens to take us in ugly directions…



Has anyone suggested this on here — that the Goldbutt brigades be not the Brown Shirts but the Brown Shorts?


Honestly, I don’t think your typical wingnut chest-thumper is much of a threat. We’ve all seen these guys and we all know what frightens them (everything). They might talk tough, but they’re too chickenshit to actually DO something, let alone something that might entail risk of injury. The militant and eliminationist rhetoric coming from the ‘wingers is just impotent posturing.

What’s more troubling is the points where the squishy, big-mouth wingnuts mix with the serious right-wing extremists. We’ve already seen some of this with Malkin and VDARE. That same rhetoric can spur someone to violence if he’s violent and/or unstable to start with.


Realistically, the sight of that patch ought to make me furious for the waste of so many of my years, or at least ought to make me curl up in a fetal position and sob with fear and horror.

There’s nothing fake about a memento, a patch, a signifier that, hey, you and some certain other group of people went through something together, you stood up to something, you endured something, you survived, maybe even when others somehow didn’t.

That’s why it’s so frustrating when the motions are applied falsely, when a**holes displaying fake bravado act like people who really went through something tough, when being a cheap and well-protected bully is portrayed as resistance under fire, when those in the cushioned positions of wealth and privilege and demanding that cruelty reign dare to speak as battered partisans surviving an onslaught of the weak.

That is the difference.


Honestly, I don’t think your typical wingnut chest-thumper is much of a threat.

Problem is, there are a number of other variables. One is leadership. A good Sergeant can take a bunch of terrified, sobbing cowards, get them organized and pointed in the right direction and get them fighting, HARD, as a unit, in a couple minutes under a hail of incoming while holding the line by himself. And if your Cap’n cares about you, his men, tries to take care of you, get you good food, keep you healthy and out of pointless combat, makes sure you have good equipment and plenty of support, then, when he says, “yep, I KNOW it’s a shitty deal, but we’re gonna take that hill, and when we take it, we’re gonna hold it”, you don’t think twice. You take the fucking hill.

On an individual level, you never know who has sand in his socks until the shit hits the fan. Big strong jocks have melted. Little skinny guys in glasses with a stutter suddenly turn into beasts under fire, calmly killing, holding, taking care of the wounded and organizing the perimeter. You just CAN’T know.

Some of the pimply, chubby, cheetos stained wingnuts are fighters. THEY may not even know it, and I have to hope we don’t get the opportunity to find out…



First album? ‘Hatred of the Houses of the Holy’.

My understanding is that even the blackest of military black ops always have a patch for their operation.
Damn. All I got was this lousy coffee mug.


My first album was Document by R.E.M. at 10 or 11, not counting Weird Al tapes.
GoE really makes me think of keefer, of scrutator and blogs4bush/victory ‘fame’. Easily riled up, easily fooled, rapidly regressing to the point of needing adult diapers, and so juvenile that if I hadn’t seem them on CSPAN that one day I’d think they’re all performance art comedians.

In entirely unrelated news, I am heading out to get takeout from a newly discovered supposedly best in nyc bbq place.
Having bbq bacon chunks and three kinds of sausage are good signs.


On the surface all this eliminationist bullshit is probably bloviating. But remember kids,the OKC bombings,the abortion clinic fires and bombings and the dead ob/gyns that worked at some of those clinics died at the hands of people we think of as cowardly assholes. You can kill people and not be detected or get your hands dirty. Sniper rifles,well timed exposives,etc.

Mikey’s right,given the right set of circumstances and “inspiration”,some of these assholes aren’t far away from doing great harm to someone they perceive as a threat. There’s no way to know in advance who’s just mouthy and who is one push away from acting out.


Well said, El Cid. I wonder how many of us get a similar feeling about Old Glory? It is supposed to stand for “the land of the free and the home of the brave”, but now Five Deferments Face-Shooter & Champagne Unit Codpiece have killed thousands of innocent humans, dragging our flag through Gitmo, secret flights to secret prisons, torture and warrantless wiretapping, all whilst wrapping themselves in that same flag. (Then outfits like GoE get all indignant when we don’t snap to salute it whenever we see it.)


The fact is, I find this video very inspiring. Liberals who find it threatening or disagree with the sentiment are fascists, like Nazis, and hate USA and freedom. They ought to remember that we outnumber them, here in the heartland. Onward Christian Soldiers, we bear the cross and flag of AMERICA!


” Anyone else thinking that ‘09 is going to be the beginning of the Golden Age of Domestic Terrorism?”

Not me, I remember republicans blowing up the Murrah Building, people I knew died. It’s when I really began hating the GOP – and yah, I use the hate word, and I don’t give a shit.

Fortunately the Gathered Eagles don’t have the balls for something like that. So fuck them. Let them wave their asinine signs and make their silly little patches, they’re still republicans, and they’re still full of shit. Nothings going to change that.


Oh, I’ll play. But no giggling at the old dude.

My first album was Hermans Hermits. My second album was “The Monkees”…

Both of which, if you check it out, hold up quite well…



Oy and check this silly NY Times columnist. Bush’s lasting legacy will be how much he’s done to help AIDS victims in the third world. Excuse me while I run to the washroom to throw up.

Ah…not quite

Betraying Africa’s Priorities: A Short Analysis of U.S. Policies on HIV/AIDS in Africa

May 22, 2006

Twenty-five years into the HIV/AIDS pandemic, Africa is “ground zero” of this devastating crisis – home to more than 25 million of the 40 million people living with HIV/AIDS worldwide. U.S. and international policies have fundamentally failed to address the roots and the impact of this pandemic, particularly in Africa. Across the continent, inadequate resources and other challenges continue to fuel HIV/AIDS and undermine African efforts to respond.

International support is critical to turning the tide of this pandemic in Africa and globally, but current U.S. policies on HIV/AIDS hinder the African response to this crisis in several ways. In the realm of HIV prevention, the U.S. continues to allow an ideological bias toward abstinence-only programs to bar the way of best practices and evidence-based approaches. When it comes to treatment, the U.S. preference for expensive, brand name medications rather than generic antiretroviral drugs hinders the pursuit of universal access to treatment in Africa and beyond. U.S. funding levels for HIV/AIDS programs have also fallen far short of the response a crisis of this magnitude demands. At the same time, the U.S. failure to provide strong and consistent support for the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria has left this important multilateral initiative without the resources it needs to scale up its HIV/AIDS programs.

More than 80 representatives of African civil society met in Abuja, Nigeria in April 2006 to craft a position paper laying out their main concerns and recommendations for action against HIV/AIDS. In May 2006, African Union member states also convened for the five-year review of the “Abuja Declaration on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Other Related Infectious Diseases.” Through such fora, civil society organizations and governments in Africa have made their priorities clear. An effective response to HIV/AIDS requires a more urgent and comprehensive approach from the U.S. and the international community. It requires greater funding, a scale-up of effective prevention, treatment, care and support programs, support for the rights and needs of women and girls, and new investments in Africa’s human resources and health care infrastructure.

But despite these clear priorities, the U.S. continues to pursue policies that betray Africa’s most urgent needs in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

PEPFAR – the U.S. framework for fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa

In his 2003 State of the Union Address, President Bush announced a new program to act as a framework for U.S. contributions to the fight against HIV/AIDS: the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Rather than engaging in multilateral initiatives and supporting pre-existing programs for prevention, treatment and care, the U.S. chose instead to launch its own parallel and unilateral initiative, creating a new and duplicative bureaucracy for HIV/AIDS work.

Twelve African countries are among the fifteen targeted by PEPFAR, a proportion that represents less than a quarter of the continent. This selective approach flies in the face of efforts to promote a comprehensive and coherent response to the continent-wide crisis.

The PEPFAR plan authorized spending of up to $15 billion over the course of five years, with $1 billion slated for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Of the total, only $9 billion was new money, to be added to $5 billion in old bilateral assistance programs. In addition, only a portion of that money was to be dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS in Africa, despite the President’s original promise that the initiative would focus on the HIV/AIDS crisis in Africa and the Caribbean.

The funds devoted to PEPFAR programs were allocated by Congress with specific parameters: 55% for treatment of individuals with HIV/AIDS; 15% for palliative care of individuals with HIV/AIDS; 20% for HIV/AIDS prevention; and 10% for the support of orphans and vulnerable children. In spreading out the U.S. contribution over five years, President Bush promised to make gradual increases in funding, but a real U.S. investment in the fight against HIV/AIDS in Africa would involve a significant increase to scale up essential programs and to build Africa’s health care infrastructure. This kind of financial commitment has not been a U.S. policy priority, as recent funding levels show. Meanwhile, an August 2005 UNAIDS report projects the level of resources needed to fully address the pandemic will be more than $18 billion for 2007.

In addition to criticism of the U.S. failure to input its fair share to funding of HIV/AIDS programs, policies included within PEPFAR programs and examined below have actually detracted from African countries’ capacities to adequately and comprehensively address this crisis.

Yeah, I know, I’m preaching to the choir posting all of that.

I sent the stupid bitch the link because I’m a closet hoper.


Jillian throws teh best angry parties!11!!! Grrrrr…


Fucking Gary thinks he’s Jesus. If you need tips on how to carry that cross, let me know.


Actually, they typically would work for Radio Milles Collines, and let the schmucks do the actual nasty and dangerous work for them

True. A person whose diet consists of transfats and cheetos couldn’t do much running around. I encourage the right wing to keep eating cheetos, lots of cheetos…


“But no giggling at the old dude.”

Can’t I even chuckle a little? Fascist!


They ought to remember that we outnumber them

Ok, see, then they go and show they don’t have the sand.

Gary, lemme help you, since you seem to have no understanding of 21st century ground combat.

Modern small unit doctrine is built around the tremendous lethality of combined arms tactics. We’re SUPPOSED to be outnumbered. Numbers mean less than nothing. We had to develop a qualitative advantage when we were “outnumbered” by the Soviets. It’s basic seven-to-one math. Seven fighter jets for one. Seven tanks for one. Seven soldiers for one. You can bring all the inbred toothless hillbillies you want. One 240Bravo (shut up and google it if you don’t know) kind of makes that moot.

Go back and understand the mathematics of combat power, then come back for your quiz…



Heh…Gary Ruppert thinks he knows inspirational films:

Fuck yeah.


Fucking Gary thinks he’s Jesus. If you need tips on how to carry that cross, let me know.

True story: once at Mardi Gras there was this guy dragging a huge cross thru Jackson Square, but the thing was, he had a little wheel mounted on the bottom of the other side of the cross. A wheel that wasn’t being used. I thought my brother was going to pass out when I walked up behind the guy and started tapping him on the shoulder. When he turned around, I said, “you know, it would be a lot easier to move this cross around if you’d just flip it over and roll it on that little wheel.” He said, “well…well…JESUS didn’t HAVE a wheel!!!” So I said, “then why do you?” He didn’t respond, he just stood there looking at me for a minute and then turned around and continued to drag his cross along.

So my suggestion to Gary: get a wheel. Better yet, get two, so you’ll be less likely to forget you have this great labor-saving device like my friend in Jackson Square did.


dan b–

I was reminded of “Team America:World Police” this morning when I read that this DEA statement upon increased funding today…

“This is an important and most welcome development,” Leonhart said. “With this much-needed funding, DEA will be able to fill 200 Special Agent positions, as well as many vacant Intelligence Analyst and critical support positions. This legislation sends a strong and encouraging message to all of us at DEA as we continue our worldwide drug law enforcement mission.”

“…worldwide drug law enforcement mission.” America, FUCK YEAH!


Gary would definitely use the wheel – if it’s not one them tiny crosses that you can tie to your shoe or around his ankes, since his Hearltand values probably precluede him from wearing shoes.

But as for your friend, soldiering on was kind of cool.


What’s more troubling is the points where the squishy, big-mouth wingnuts mix with the serious right-wing extremists. We’ve already seen some of this with Malkin and VDARE. That same rhetoric can spur someone to violence if he’s violent and/or unstable to start with.

I’m more worried about knuckle dragging mercenaries who’ve spent several years being told they were above the law. Imagine adjusting to the 5 zillion rules we obey without thinking after that crap.

Add to that we’ve got an administration that’s taken the “LA LA LA I CAN’T HEAR YOOOOOOU” approach to PTSD because admitting that keeping human beings in the line of fire for weeks and months and years without a break isn’t good for their mental health might require them to re-think their current statergery. Oops, I mean it will embolden the enemy.

I’m not trying to call up the “crazed vet” crap. But in addition to the fucking disaster at WRMC I’m hearing stories about these guys being homeless when they get back. Wha? Huh? How? Protect the womb babies! Until they’re born. Support the troops! Until they come home. And if this war produces another McVeigh or Allen the chi-cons will tut and say a filthy librul must’ve spat on him and that set him over the edge. Whose nuts do I have to twist to get those guys what they need when they come home? I can be at the P-Gon in about 1/2 hour.


Wait, so Jesus used to fake people out and make them respond to his blatant spoofing as though he were an actual right-winger?


But as for your friend, soldiering on was kind of cool.

Well, aside from the unmistakable implication created by the presence of the wheel….yeah.


Onward Christian Soldiers, we bear the cross and flag of AMERICA!

You can keep yer sodding flag, but me an my homie the Arch-Bish of Canty would like our cross back, please.


He said, “well…well…JESUS didn’t HAVE a wheel!!!”
Well he might have, for all we know. There’s nothing specific in the Gospels to rule out the possibility of the True Cross having little wheels like airport luggage. And a telescoping handle. Imagine that as a relic in some European cathedral.

More to the point, what Jesus did have was someone else to carry the sodding cross for him. Records are divided as to whether this person was called Simon of Cyrene, or Sidney Poitier.


Patches, I’m depending on you, son, to shoot the moonbats through.


Realistically, the sight of that patch ought to make me furious for the waste of so many of my years, or at least ought to make me curl up in a fetal position and sob with fear and horror.

We ARE tribal, all of us. We need to look for it, see it for what it is and overcome it with reason when it threatens to take us in ugly directions…

Well spoken, Mikey. You are a rational adult, and have proven yourself capable of differentiating between the signifier of an important chunk of your youth & your soul, and a piece of colored fabric. We are all indeed tribal, to one degree or another. The important thing is that we not let ourselves fall into mindless worship of Teh Patch / Flag / Cross, like those little songbirds who are compelled to shovel precious resources into any bright-yellow-outlined gape. The songbirds who not only exhaust themselves, but can be tricked into exhausting themselves in service to imposters like cowbird fledgings whose bills gape more yellow & more voraciously than the songbirds’ own offspring. The Gathering of Seagulls are minor-grade cowbirds; it’s the squawking Dobsons & Goldbergs & Cheneys who not only suck down a vastly disproportionate share of our joint resources, but actually shove the non-cowbird actual songbird fledgings out of the mutual nest.

Modern Repubs are the Cowbird Party — dumping their responsibilities on others so they can follow their peripatetic careers following the herd and dining richly on bullshit.


While S,N! is a humor blog, it’s good to keep a laugh or two aimed at crap like this. By whatever silly derivation gave us “moonbat”, the patch clearly shows someone targeting one, representing targeting real Americans (which, by the way, is central to my point). I’m less scared about cellar-dwelling, loudmouthed jingos than I am about someone like McVeigh, who really believed people would rise up against our government, once he’d killed all of the children in the daycare center of the Murrah Building. We’ve had many scattered incidents of terror against medical facilities and personnel, all encouraged by fire-eating rhetoric about killing and murder — and, of course, the orators of hate, being such paragons of Personal Responsibility, always get indignant when we note the similarity between wingnut rhetoric and terrorist reality.

Adding ex-mercenaries from Blackwater, who still want money for shooting civilians, and “legitimate” leaders still demanding “action” against pro-choicers, “Islamofascist sympathizers” (remember how the U.S. Representative for Waco, Texas, got a fax from some “Patriot” group, celebrating the attack on the Murragh Building?) and the like, and we’ve got a powerful argument for more of us liberals to buy weapons. (Let’s not forget the gaggles of Bush-league Commissars now infesting our federal bureaucracy, who know that real terrorists couldn’t possibly be self-described right-wingers, and so allocate resources away from infiltrating far-right hate groups.)


mikey: When you’re living in the hills with the guerillas, can I be one of the guerillas? I’m ready to go at a moment’s notice.


Simba B said,

January 5, 2008 at 23:45

I’ve never been able to divine the origin of the “_____ Derangement Syndrome” thing but going upon the reasoning above I’m guessing CDS came first.

I think they accused me of Ray-Gun Derangement Syndrome back in eighty three. You kids get offa my lawn!

But, for my money, Goldwater Derangement Syndrome has been the strongest currently running mental problem in my lifetime, and Minority Derangement Syndrome the longest. YMMV.


the cadres of Bush-league Commissars now infesting our federal bureaucracy
Fixed, in the spirit of El Cid’s comment at 1:13.

Someone with more time than sense has suggested “a corral of cowbirds”.


Gary Ruppert: You no capitalize-a the H in “homeland.” Why no? Is the thrill gone?


That’s why the McVeigh terrorism was preceded by years of agitation by right wing extremist media such as “The Clinton Chronicles,” magazines like the “American Spectator,” mainstream right wing radio, right wing militia movements across the nation, and the ultra-extremist right wing and militia short-wave radio broadcasts (predominantly pre-internet days).

The ideologues sit back and encourage the nuttery, and let the grassroots work out which ones are crazy enough to kill people, which they occasionally do.


when you have the Second Amendment who needs access to health care.

Anne Laurie: I’m going to needlepoint that onto my next throw pillow. And: As I recall, in the same breath that he wishfully banished women from the military on the basis of their infection-having proclivities, Newt Gingrich (was anyone ever more aptly named?) also said something about how men were more suited because they liked hunting giraffes.


Re: The Moon-bat patch:

“As long as we’ve got Patches O’Houlihan, we’ve got a shot. Oh GOD!”


You can get your “Gathering of Eagles: Fighting the Insurgency at Home” t-shirts here.


Ain’t nothing wrong with eagles.

There is something wrong with doughy hyperventilating cowards who pretend they’re just like eagles, though.


Okay, after spending entire minutes researching the matter, I can now spew out this moonbat etymology, which may or may not be accurate.

‘Higher than a moonbat’ – meaning crazy – was in occasional use by the late 1990s. It had no political connotations.

The phrase ‘barking moonbat’ (a crackpot) popped up on the libertarian Samizdata.net blog by May 2002. The phrase doesn’t seem to have attracted much attention at the time and was not specifically associated with the left.

A warblogger at a site called Spleenville.com mocked British columnist George Monbiot by calling him ‘George Moonbat’ in September 2002. This may be the first time the word was directed against someone on the left.

The word was probably popularized by none other than Jonah Goldberg, who wrote ‘higher than a moonbat’ in a National Review article in November 2002, although he was directing the insult against libertarians rather than leftists.

‘Moonbat’ popped up pretty regularly after that, and by summer 2003 was typically used against leftists or liberals.


“First of all, it’s a patch. Who in the hell commemorates their events with a patch?”

This guy, perhaps?


I’m the oldest. My first album was “Meet the Beatles,” 1964. It cost $2.50. I’ve still got it. I repeat: I’m the oldest.


@ Scott –

it’s hard to soar like an eagle when you’ve spent years weighing yourself down with Cheetos and Code Red.

it might even be harder to fly if you refuse to leave mom’s basement.


Stop talking. Everyone in the world, just stop talking.

Remember in the days after nine eleven, when there were no planes in the sky—except Air force One and its minions? Maybe no one else noticed but me. I remember sitting on the steps, looking up and feeling and thinking how beautiful it was…the quiet…the clear skies.

It made me think of the web-in-the-sky prophecies of the Lakota as the wasi’chu were covering their land like locusts.

It really doesn’t take a brain surgeon now does it?


Well, and the plane bearing the bin Laden family back to Saudi Arabia.


John J. Tierney’s lengthy rant about Code Pink (“Code Pink Undermines War on Terror,” Human Events, 1/29/07) is worth a perusal. A pair of snippets:

Code Pink’s leaders are not pacifists — they are revolutionaries. They are not devoted to peace — they are dedicated to political turmoil. They are not even feminists in the ordinary sense of that term. While they hold themselves out to the public as women who have left the kitchen for the street on behalf of peace, the leaders of Code Pink are actually well-organized political operatives on a radical mission.

How Left Manipulates Gender

Just as the modern political left distorts the historical record to link trade and enterprise to war, so also does it deliberately manipulate gender for its own political purposes. The left’s “biological politics” tries to claim a necessary connection between women and peace politics. Appealing to women’s rights groups, it asserts that if men make war, then women must make peace. Historically, leftwing parties have been based on the concept of economic and social class. The working class is typically the agent of revolutionary change. But the modern left can’t rely on workers, so it appeals to the concept of gender and the political role of women.


Long ago, feminists adopted anti-militarism and anti-imperialism, claiming that these political causes were uniquely suited to their nurturing gender. Like the left-wing view that capitalism leads to war, the view that women in power produce peace is an anti-intellectual fraud. The claim also masks the historical record, which shows that men are mainly responsible for both war and peace, diplomacy and militarism. Nevertheless, the myth of gender-based causation dominates leftist opinion: To be a woman is to be a peacemaker.

The GOE Florida web site relies heavily on this essay for its “The Truth About ANSWER and Code Pink” section.


I’m the oldest. My first album was “Meet the Beatles,” 1964. It cost $2.50. I’ve still got it. I repeat: I’m the oldest.

Yeah? Well my first album was Introducing The Beatles, which is even older. And I’ve still got it, too, although it looks like someone parked a truck on it.

And even before that, I saved up my allowance and bought a 45 of Johnny Cash’s Remember the Alamo for some reason.

No one is more old than I. I am the most old of all. None equal my oldacity.


Oh Jeez. ABC’s Democratic debate starts out with videotaped segment with big looming Osama bin Laden / Al Qa’ida video on the ‘biggest threat facing the United States security — nuclear terrorism.’

Hmmm. They got any further with those mythical suitcase / trunk nukes yet? Or are they going to set sail from Pakistan to the U.S. in a cargo ship?


MzNicky, There are satellite photos of contrails over the U.S., before and after nine eleven. They are quite illuminating.


Look, seriously, fuck ANSWER all over for their support of Slobbo. And, seriously, fuck Code Pink for not doing a damn thing towards message control.

But you know what? It just doesn’t matter. It does NOT fucking matter. Your average American schmo knows this war is a POS. Your Volvo-driving suburbanite monkey knows this war is a POS. Your dipshit who loves chain restaurants with massive chicken parmigiana or chicken-finger baskets (and, in either case, crazy crap on the walls) knows this war is a POS.

Your average American, no matter how lame, how uncultured, how baffling, HATES THE DAMN WAR. Bringing up and fighting against random crap like ANSWER and the Code Pinkos is a cargo boatload of red herrings. This line might have worked in 2003, but dammit, it ain’t gonna fly now.


Gary Ruppert said,

January 6, 2008 at 2:43

The fact is, I find this video very inspiring. Liberals who find it threatening or disagree with the sentiment are fascists, like Nazis, and hate USA and freedom. They ought to remember that we outnumber them, here in the heartland. Onward Christian Soldiers, we bear the cross and flag of AMERICA!


On my Gary Ruppert Bingo scorecard, I had:

liberals are fascists
liberals are nazis
liberals hate USA
liberals hate freedom
and the powerball: we bear the cross and flag!

Not often you get a full card in one post. Nice work, Gary.You really earned your wingnut welfare today.


Now Charlie Gibson is saying that the next president may have to deal with a nuclear attack on an American city. 30% chance.




Wow. Go John Edwards. When he answered the question, besides the boilerplate about how we’d respond quick and tough, we would also need to make sure and CALM the situation — to NOT MAKE A BAD SITUATION WORSE.

Wow. I didn’t expect that. It even left dumbass Charlie Gibson confused. Too rational, too little “24” — bink, BINK, bink, BINK, bink, BINK….


Liberals who find it threatening or disagree with the sentiment are fascists, like Nazis, and hate USA and freedom.

Now see? Karl Rove is not dead…yet…much to my regret. Better yet, can we just stop reacting to this bullshit? We all know just who the “nazis” are, don’t we?

It doesn’t take a brain surgeon.


Hmmm. They got any further with those mythical suitcase / trunk nukes yet? Or are they going to set sail from Pakistan to the U.S. in a cargo ship?

I have conclusive that one of these suitcase nukes brought down Oceanic Flight 815. I can not however post it here due to threats against my life. Google searches however would be most enlightening.

P.S. I am not a crackpot.


Holy crap. Sorry everyone. I’m apparently viewing the debate lagged by some 15 or 20 minutes as I had had the DVR paused. Consider it a delayed reaction.


…Charlie Gibson is saying that the next president may have to deal with a nuclear attack on an American city. 30% chance.

And how the fuck did he come up with a 30% chance figure? That’s about the pulled-out-of-the-assedest number evar.


Dear Michelle Malkin,
tsisageya does not speak for any of us.


Suitcase nukes differ from classical nukes, I do not deny this, indeed, you are a crackpot.


Oh, sh*t — don’t tell me they gotz librul nukez now — o noez!!!


My first album was Paranoid, and yeah, I’ve been singing War Pigs for over 30 fucking years.


Mikey’s right (as usual) about never being able to tell who the stone badasses are ’til the shit starts.

As a general rule, though, members of Teh Yammering of Beagles and other He-man Woman-hater middle-aged treefort organizations don’t worry me. At least not individually. They are typically only dangerous in packs and when the victim is alone and visibly weak. Use the buddy system.

What worries me, though, is some shit that I saw on Dan Rather’s show about the crossover between US street gangs and the military. Naturally, its a complex issue. For some, joining up offers a ticket out of the gang and on to a better life; others return from Iraq/Afghanistan and go right back into the life– upgraded with the best tactical training money can buy and hardened by years of urban warfare.

Watch here as one dude who came home from the war with a party in his head draws two cops into a firefight then uses his training and experience to gun them down while simultaneously cutting off their escape routes. One word: Yikes.


El Cid, I, too, used to get all hot and bothered over ABC, et al. Try to get over that, if you can. I know I did. In fact, I never even watch that tripe anymore.

Also, I used to love John Edwards and you’d BETTER NOT EVER say anything bad about him. Then, the day came when he appeared in a satellite feed at a Herzliya conference. Now my love has grown cold.


EDWARDS AND IRAN….Here is John Edwards two weeks ago, speaking about Iran to the Herzliya Conference in Israel:

Edwards: Let me be clear: Under no circumstances can Iran be allowed to have nuclear weapons. For years, the US hasn’t done enough to deal with what I have seen as a threat from Iran…..To ensure that Iran never gets nuclear weapons, we need to keep ALL options on the table. Let me reiterate — ALL options must remain on the table….

Question: ….Would you be prepared, if diplomacy failed, to take further action against Iran?….Secondly, you as grassroots person, who has an understanding of the American people, is there understanding of this threat across US?

Edwards: ….As to what to do, we should not take anything off the table….As to the American people, this is a difficult question. The vast majority of people are concerned about what is going on in Iraq. This will make the American people reticent toward going for Iran. But I think the American people are smart if they are told the truth, and if they trust their president. So Americans can be educated to come along with what needs to be done with Iran.

So I’m thinking he’s just like all the rest of them…useless, war-mongering, money-grubbers.


Now Charlie Gibson is saying that the next president may have to deal with a nuclear attack on an American city. 30% chance.

Zzzzz! Huh, whazzat? Itty bitty dirty nuke firecrackers?

Sorry, I grew up with Ronnie and Yuri barking at each other like crazed schnauzers on fraying leashes. I’ve spent most of my life less than 15 miles from the alleged Ground Zero for All Out. Thermonuclear. War. During my teen years my sleep was frequently interrupted by nightmares that the Russians had finally launched the ICBMs and the first time I heard an air raid siren used to summon members of the VFD I nearly pissed my pants because I was certain the end was nigh.

On the other hand “The Day After” didn’t scare me because I knew I’d never even see the fucking flash, I wouldn’t even feel anything.

In other words, when I were a lad we had a real nuclear threat. So you kids get off my lawn and take your dang s’nukes.



Yeah, I know, I got stone cold moments against Edwards, just like I do about any actual prominent U.S. politicians.

But that doesn’t freak me out. I know I’m right, and they’re wrong.

Dennis Kucinich may have been among the most progressive of major candidates, but he don’t hold a friggin’ candle to me, so I don’t need any political candidate lecturing me about how so & so politician which represents, unfortunately, a rational choice I make in the real world, fails to reflect my actual awesome rightness on the issues.


Arky, now come on. I happen to love schnauzers!


I know, El Cid. I know.


That patch would be more effective if they’d put the “no” red diagonal slash across it. The rifle sights are lame.


Well said, El Cid.

My first album – well, first that was given to me – was Alice Cooper’s “School’s Out”. The second, which I bought myself, was AC “Billion Dollar Babies”.

My mom said that when I was a little tiny kid I used to do the twist whenever she’d sing “Twist & Shout”. I have a vague, vague memory of twisting for a pair of laughing nuns in Osco Drug in Ottumwa Iowa.

I’ve got some oldacity myself.


I’m not even supposed to be here. I swore off, and deleted from my bookmarks, all my political blogs and stuff. I guess I must wean myself. I keep returning and pissing people off. I really don’t mean to. It just happens.

It’s hard.


when I were a lad we had a real nuclear threat.

Damn right. I too lived within H-bomb ground zero range of a huge target and knew I’d be vaporized in a big hurry (same deal where I went to college, too). It was very common for the youngsters of the day to assume – assume – they’d die of a nuclear attack before they reached retirement age, or even before they reached adulthood. Those were some fucked-up, depressing times, but as you say, going through that made this current hysteria seem a lot more petty.


I keep returning and pissing people off.

Who’d you piss off?


Why don’t the Dem Debaters tell the ‘moderator’ his question is BS? I bet it would get them a LOT of votes.


And how the fuck did he come up with a 30% chance figure? That’s about the pulled-out-of-the-assedest number evar.

Hey! He’s Charles Gibson. He’s a network news anchor. He knows.


MzNicky, I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. We all know that I am dork. You can’t stay mad at a dork forever, can you?


Hey! He’s Charles Gibson. He’s a network news anchor. He knows.

Chloe sent him a map to the room and a schematic of the bomb and a live satellite view onto his PDA without anyone else knowing that she had broken protocol to do so.


El Cid, I am — shoot, it’s a long boring story. But if we can all start over, that seems good to me. Does it to you?

You know how this intertoobs thing goes. You say stuff and folks get mad, then you get mad and horrific of horrifying horrors!

And I do tend to take things too seriously and too personally. I just always seem to get myself into trouble, even here.


I grew up east of Offutt AFB and we knew that when the nukes flew we’d be very unfortunate. Much more unfortunate than those in Omaha, who would be vaporized. We would be blinded by the flash if we were looking west, and the prevailing winds would bring the fallout our way.

When the October missile crisis happened, my mom left Des Moines and went to Ottumwa to be with the family. I was a babe in arms. My grandfather and his da had made a fallout shelter in the basement of my granda’s house, complete with well and canned goods. When the bombs fell, I guess we were all supposed to live down there like Morlocks for an indeterminate time.

When I tell my son about those times, and what it was like to live with the shadow of probable nuclear annihilation over your life, he stares in utter incomprehension. I’m glad he hasn’t had to live with that, at least.

It reminds me of Hunter Thompson saying something about a generation that’s been raised understanding that rain is poison and sex is death. That was the ones who came right after us. Good times. Good times. And they wonder why young people do drugs.


Candy – Did you grow up around/live near Ottumwa?

I have people in Fairfield and my grandmother grew up in Ottumwa.


And I do tend to take things too seriously and too personally. I just always seem to get myself into trouble, even here.

If that’s what you want to do, then do it. Me, it’s some internet stuff I do because I like it. If I get really mad about it, that’s cool too, because 15 seconds later, after I’ve visited the kitchen or gone somewhere, I’ve forgotten it. Unlike real world stuff.


Yep, I was born in Des Moines, my mom went home to the grandparents in Ottumwa when I was one, and I grew up down there. I moved back to Des Moines in 1980 and, save for a short time in Washington state a few years back, have been here in Des Moines ever since.


My grandfather and his da had made a fallout shelter in the basement of my granda’s house, complete with well and canned goods. When the bombs fell, I guess we were all supposed to live down there like Morlocks for an indeterminate time.

Fairly early in the Cold War, when I was a little kid, some buffoons in my neighborhood excavated their front yard to put in a fallout shelter. I think it was about the size a typical walk-in closet, but with less headroom. I remember the adults all standing around watching, nodding sagely, and saying “You know, that’s a good idea.”


Snorghagen, I kind of got the feeling that building the fallout shelter was largely something the menfolks in my family did because it was the kind of thing they liked to mess around with. It was a good excuse to confront engineering issues and drink lots of beer. They were certainly smart enough to know it wasn’t going to work, at least not for long. I would love to get into that house today and see if that well is still down there.


El Cid, thank you. What do I want? Just what do I want? Let me ponder that. It’s a very good question. Maybe not what you intended but…let me sit with that for awhile.


El Cid said,
Has anyone suggested this on here — that the Goldbutt brigades be not the Brown Shirts but the Brown Shorts?

El Cid, that’s my comment. I’m Brenda, and I’m rather proud of that one. I don’t think I read it anywhere else.

And my first record album was the 2001 A Space Odyssey Soundtrack. My favorite cut was “Also sprach Zarathustra”. I didn’t discover the Beatles until my late teens. Yes, that is just how big of a nerd I am.


Okay, Mistress of Old, here. I can’t remember my first album, which, by the way, I no longer have, but I did get 45’s of “The King and I” when I was 10. When I was a HS senior (’66) I bought a Joan Baez album and my parents accused me of being a communist. They grounded me when I said, “Well, I am left-handed.” Now I’m a fascist. I’m so confused. Maybe it’s my age.


About g**-d*** time. John Edwards finally knocked it out of the ball-park with this crap from Obama and Richardson (in the context of people always saying that Edwards sounds askeery & ‘divisive’) about how you can’t just yell about change, you have to bring people together & work with politicians, etc.

He said, “Yes, I agree with Barack, you have to bring people together, and yes, I agree with Governor Richardson that you have to work with politicians, and as president I’ll do that. But these entrenched, monied interests that are standing in our way, I’ve been fighting them my whole adult life — and you can’t ‘nice’ these people to death. You have to fight. And no, certainly this is not a fight against the American people, it’s a fight for the American people.”


I’m the oldest. My first album was “Meet the Beatles,” 1964. It cost $2.50. I’ve still got it. I repeat: I’m the oldest.

Nuh uh. That was mine too I beat.

What was your first single you bought? Mine was “End of the World” by Sketer Davis.


What was your first single you bought? Mine was “End of the World” by Sketer Davis.

Christ… I can actually remember that. Arrrggghhhh!!!


Oh yes, A different Brad,

Apparently, I don’t speak for anyone but myself. That seems to be a problem for me sometimes.

And please, do not EVER pair my name with Michelle Malkin again. DO YOU HEAR ME?


Yeah, didn’t that suck? My next door neighbor’s big sister had it. I thought it was the shitz at the time.


I’ve got a cold and just woke up. I’m way out of it. tonight. Is tsisageya a troll or is she/he cool? I need a cast list.


They were certainly smart enough to know (the fallout shelter) wasn’t going to work, at least not for long.

By the later Cold War, everyone knew that shelters were useless. But earlier, back in the fifties, a lot of people had an amazing amount of faith in that sort of thing. I think they conceived of a nuclear attack as a somewhat bad WWII-style bombing. Check out Atomic Café if you’ve never seen it. It’s creepy-funny.

I would love to get into that house today and see if that well is still down there.

I bet there’re many long-forgotten, sealed-up fallout shelters under lawns and basements in older neighborhoods.



I’m cool, of course. Why do you ask?


“Please don’t be mad at me. We all know that I am dork. You can’t stay mad at a dork forever, can you?”

Dude, you are really mellowing my harsh! Have you never been to an angry party before?

Regrets and agologies are for the morning after the angry party. Geez.


I dunno, tsis – it’s an angry party and I’m on drugs (OK, NyQuil, but whatevs). My perception is skewed.


Snorhagen: Oh yeah? Okay, I wasn’t going to say this, but: The first 45 I recall playing on my childhood record player was “Red Red Robin” I think by Patti Page, and “This Old House” by someone I don’t remember. Then there was Andy Griffith’s “What It Was Was Football.” Then I had LPs of Vaughn Meader, who did JFK parodies until, well, 1963, and the Smothers Brothers Live at the Purple Onion.

I also remember Skeeter Davis, and Little Jimmy Somebody’s “Sugar Shack.”


I think it was about the size a typical walk-in closet, but with less headroom. I remember the adults all standing around watching, nodding sagely, and saying “You know, that’s a good idea.”

Hey now, everyone knows it’s better to be killed by your own cabin-fever crazed relatives than a dirty commie! I get bored shitless during trans-Atlantic flights, the thought of being shut up underground with anyone makes want to run round the ‘hood making Daffy Duck woop-woop noises.

A few years ago my mom unearthed the Civil Defense Plan her father had carefully tucked away before he died. It includes an evacuation plan. Trying to evacuate this area before the Russians got Da Bomb would have been an exercise in madness.

Needless to say we laughed ourselves stupid and mom put the thing in her curio cabinet.


tsisageya: I believe I’ve said this on previous occasions, but let me repeat at this point: Fuck off.


Then I had LPs of Vaughn Meader, who did JFK parodies until, well, 1963,

Oh, God, my family had this album! I remember the Caroline parody as if it were yesterday. Man, talk about having your career ruined.


I’m going with MzNicky. MzNicky, where’s the bar? I just got here.


Bomb shelters won’t help you when the 2 billion Moozlim hordes swim here and cross the Mexican border to go house by house to convert you to Shari’a, at which point you will be stood against a wall and asked, ‘Do you still accept your Jesus Christ,’ and there, in soft lighting, you will look at the swarthy, sneering, bearded figure, and say, ‘Yes, yes I do,’ and then they will slit your throat and your death will be somehow be captured on video distributed in every Sunday afternoon church youth group forever, just before they start signing up for the summer camping trips. There may be a contradiction here, but that would only be classical, which is central to my point.


I bet there’re many long-forgotten, sealed-up fallout shelters under lawns and basements in older neighborhoods.

I wonder what future archeologists may make of them . . .

I get bored shitless during trans-Atlantic flights, the thought of being shut up underground with anyone makes want to run round the ‘hood making Daffy Duck woop-woop noises.

Yeah, but just think of the Angry Party you could throw in the fallout shelter.


MileHi Hawkeye,

So very sorry. There’s a little bit of history that, perhaps, only I am aware of—names often being changed to protect the innocent, and all. I thought I would take the opportunity to make it right. (Don’t ask.)

Besides, whenever I’ve joined the angry party, the buzzards come a-flocking a-glee.

Don’t get wrong, though. I LOVE the angry party!


When I was a HS senior (’66) I bought a Joan Baez album and my parents accused me of being a communist.

Okay, ignobility is older than I.


Then I had LPs of Vaughn Meader, who did JFK parodies until, well, 1963,

Oh, God, my family had this album! I remember the Caroline parody as if it were yesterday. Man, talk about having your career ruined.

My mom had that as well! Didn’t it have a parody of Kruschev banging his shoe on the table at a luncheon? And Jackie blathering about a white house tour? I vaguely remember that.


Well done, Jillian. One of many reasons Goldberg’s shoddy book is so loathsome is that he willingly ignores the eliminationist rhetoric of his own side.


tsisageya: I believe I’ve said this on previous occasions, but let me repeat at this point: Fuck off.

Actually, you only said it once. And actually what you said was, go fuck yourself.
But that’s okay. I have turned the other cheek, in honor of Twisty.


at which point you will be stood against a wall and asked, ‘Do you still accept your Jesus Christ,’ and there, in soft lighting, you will look at the swarthy, sneering, bearded figure, and say, ‘Yes, yes I do,’ and then they will slit your throat

But wait, don’t they turn you gay first?


I want a sexy Angry party.
With whipped cream.
*needs go out, doesn’t want to deal with tonights limited options*


But wait, don’t they turn you gay first?

Well, it depends on how cramped and how sweaty your shelter is. You know those swarthy, bearded guys are.


and can’t you take your ability to needlessly stir unwanted shit elsewhere, tsisageya?
HTML isn’t even here for you to repeatedly insult.


You know those swarthy, bearded guys are.</i.

I do, I do! To my shame.


El Cid: I also was surprisingly impressed with Edwards tonight. He seemed to transcend his plastic televangelist facade and speak from the heart, and in doing so made Obama and Hillary look like the DemoBots they are.

As a denizen of the South I guess I have a built-in resistance to Edwards’s faux-sounding accent (I know it’s not faux, but it sounds that way to really Deep Southerners) and his resemblance to Jimmy Swaggart. But I was actually moved, a little, deep in my cynical atheist feminazi heart, by what he had to say, despite The Spouse’s tiresome and repetitive executive-speak reminders of teh trial-lawyers’ PAC load.


Yeah, but just think of the Angry Party you could throw in the fallout shelter.

Rrrr! Arky! Smash! Rrrrar!

Thanks, that helps.

First albums deemed worthy of play on the “real” record player: Beatles 1967 – 1970 and Pink Floyd: The Wall.
Birthday presents from Grandma.

And if any whippersnappers ask “What’s a record?” I’ll hit ’em with my ear trumpet.



Smash.. bang… oops, sorry




MzNicky, I’m sorry. Please don’t be mad at me. We all know that I am dork. You can’t stay mad at a dork forever, can you?

tsisageya: No, I can’t. It’s just that you’re just so damn weird.


“What’s a record?”

Jonah Goldberg passing a buffet table.


No, that’s an impossiblity.


Lack of a God, Charles Gibson sure is an arrogant pile of stupid.

I liked Edwards’s answer to that bullshit about a nuclear attack on US cities. I got quite angry when Gibson refused to let Gov. Richardson finish about Iraq, practically shouting Gov. Richardson down.

Our country has come to a strange pass when I am forced to continually take the side of politicians against the mass media. The fact is, politicians, with all their cynicism and corruption, are a much more honest class of people than our media workers.


The first 45 I recall playing on my childhood record player was “Red Red Robin” I think by Patti Page, and “This Old House” by someone I don’t remember.

Rancid old memories are emerging in my mind like rotting timbers rising to the surface of a stagnant pond. When I was real fucking small, my parents bought a high-fidelity record player – very modernistic. There was an demo record that came with it, a sort of compilation of RCA classics, that included Vaughn Monroe’s Ghost Riders in the Sky. I thought it was mighty snazzy.

There were also some very early vinyl disk records laying around, very heavy and brittle, some with grooves only on one side. I think one of the oldest ones was Enrico Caruso, sounding as if he was singing underwater.


Our country has come to a strange pass when I am forced to continually take the side of politicians against the mass media. The fact is, politicians, with all their cynicism and corruption, are a much more honest class of people than our media workers.

It’s a through-the-looking-glass world these days, fer sure.


g: Where’s the bar? It’s in my rumpus room baby! What can I get for ya?


So, does this mean that you all want me to join the angry party? Really? I can do that?

Oh wait. I just realized that I don’t actually NEED your motherfucking permission.


MzNicky, aren’t you supposed to be dead now? I TOLD you to die. To just stop breathing. Why haven’t you done that?


Well, you’re dead to ME, anyway. That’s all that matters, yes?


But I was actually moved, a little, deep in my cynical atheist feminazi heart, by what he had to say, despite The Spouse’s tiresome and repetitive executive-speak reminders of teh trial-lawyers’ PAC load.

I admit I was both deeply hoping for yet deeply fearful of Edwards’ performance tonight, and I was really, really impressed. There were a few moments that were flat out moving.

On the “trial lawyers” thing, that’s something that’s hard for me to take seriously on a national scale. They are not an actual group interest, aside from opposing lunatic, right wing “tort reforms” to screw over one’s ability to sue large corporations.

I mean, what are the “trial lawyers” collective interests? They don’t represent any particular industry. They aren’t so manipulative and Machiavellian that they have some clever plot against, say, improvements in medical care which would reduce lawsuits.

Lawyers who truly have national or international scale collective, especially upper-class interests are pretty easily identifiable. Say, James Baker’s firm which stands up for every Mid-East and Central Asian tyranny which hires it. Or attorneys for the petroleum industry, or health insurance. Or “intellectual property rights” attorneys pushing to label everything from the shape of a fender to the actual arm movements of a surgeon as copyrighted IP.

But “the trial lawyers”? Really? I can’t even think the phrase mentally without hearing the angry, Southern-accented nimrod right wing paranoid voice saying “the dam traaal lawyuz,” without any clue as to why they’re p***ed off about them so much.


Yes, well. Voting. I would rather be raped.

Angry enough? No? Just wait.


g, I imagine your question has been answered by now, no? I got some more links if you want to click on them and do the Ctrl F thing.


Oh, god yes, El Cid, as someone working on a career in the legal profession, nothing makes me froth at the mouth like the words “tort reform” combined with “frivilous lawsuits” and “trial lawyers.” Like the corporate bastard insurance company lawyers are some kind of saints, keeping those greedy peons from getting their hands on Real American’s money.


I’ve got a time-lapse thing going on here because I just returned from the Dem debate and am playing catch-up, but re: fallout shelters. Our across-the-street neighbor—a real reactionary redneck who owned the barbershop two blocks over–built the only fallout shelter I knew of. Even in my backwater east Tennessee smalltown USA 50s-early 60s childhood, it was considered over-the-top, so to speak. This was when we kids in the hood walked two blocks to the elementary school and received daily Bible verses over the intercom system every morning and were given the oh-so-serious instructions about hiding under our desks in the event of a Commie air strike.

It was a year or so later that I bought “Meet the Beatles” at Big K. I sorely wish I had all the 45s I paid $1 each for during that time.


As a denizen of the South I guess I have a built-in resistance to Edwards’s faux-sounding accent (I know it’s not faux, but it sounds that way to really Deep Southerners) and his resemblance to Jimmy Swaggart.

One thing I noticed in the little bit of the debate I caught: Edwards’ accent got thicker when he talked about his family, particularly his father and grandmother.


One thing I noticed in the little bit of the debate I caught: Edwards’ accent got thicker when he talked about his family, particularly his father and grandmother.

Yeah, well, I was liable to sound more Southern in front of my momma’s kin too.


It was a year or so later that I bought “Meet the Beatles” at Big K. I sorely wish I had all the 45s I paid $1 each for during that time.

I still have a huge stack of 45s from the 60s and 70s. I wish I had a turntable.


Yeah, if I have to listen to another stupid whining about the “trial lawyers” messing with our country, tsisageya might as well be raped.


And here I thought I was old. I’m a relative pup. Not to worry, I’ll type loudly so you old folks can hear. Jethro Tull, Minstrel in the Gallery. Still pretty damn good.

Suddenly this takes me back to the scheme we had for kinda sorta stealing records from the store …


Welcome to the Angry Party
We’ve got fun and games . . .


“Like the corporate bastard insurance company lawyers”

Isn’t there an ordinance against that kind of talk in Des Moines?!?

But, I know exactly what you mean since it is my sworn duty to thwart and defeat those slimy fucks. And, I take great pleasure in that.

Me + conference room of insurance lawyers=instant angry party


What grabbed my attention, El Cid, was that Edwards wasn’t talking with a family member or even a fellow Southerner. He was speaking in a nationally televised debate, at the time directing his comments to Gibson, and the very personal subject matter brought out the thicker accent.

Or maybe he was just doing a good Jimmy Swaggart.


Bomb shelters won’t help you when the 2 billion Moozlim hordes swim here and cross the Mexican border to go house by house to convert you to Shari’a…

No, you can hide in the fallout shelters and reproduce and live out your span of years. And your children will beget children and those will beget new children, generation after generation, century after century, until the Father and the Son and Holy Ghost cleanse the land of unbelievers, and your descendants emerge into the light of a fresh, purified world!

No problem.


tsisageya doesn’t exist.


They grounded me when I said, “Well, I am left-handed.”

A Simple Desultory Philippic

“I been Norman Mailered, Maxwell Taylored.
I been John O’Hara’d, McNamara’d.
I been Rolling Stoned and Beatled till I’m blind.
I been Ayn Randed, nearly branded
Communist, ’cause I’m left-handed.
That’s the hand I use, well, never mind!”

Simon & Garfunkel, 1966?


MileHi, did you go to Drake?


“the cadres of Bush-league Commissars now infesting our federal bureaucracy”

Thank you, Smut Clyde, for fixing my typo. Like the Bolsheviks or Nazis, whom they (not so) secretly admire, this gang is great at treachery, subversion, and grabbing power. Governance, not so much.


a different brad,

How come you know me so well that you can say that I love to stir up shit?

Hijack that thread for us, Batman.


I’ve seen a Spattering of Eagles at a protest I went to last fall; their handsome-but-not-in-no-homo-way shirts read “Fighting the Insurgency at Home”. But your intent to do violence to dissenters on your group’s t-shirt doesn’t make you a fascist. If you jogged in it, meanwhile… have fun in FASCISTland, liberal FASCIST!
Jonah the Wailer seems to be using “fascist” the same way my fourteen-year-old brother uses “gay”. Or the way Jonah probably does, for that matter.


tsisageya doesn’t exist.

Good one. Really good. Don’t taze me, bro.


What grabbed my attention, El Cid, was that Edwards wasn’t talking with a family member or even a fellow Southerner. He was speaking in a nationally televised debate, at the time directing his comments to Gibson, and the very personal subject matter brought out the thicker accent.

I’m sure there is also a degree of control of accent strength when Edwards goes into a Southern mill, or when he was trying to convince a client to challenge the company that screwed her, etc. But you’re right. It is a signifier of ‘reglar folk’ that gets employed.


Snorhagen: Okay, about “Ghost Riders in the Sky”— is it, or is it not, the same basic rhythm and beat as “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again”?

I mean, if George Harrison can get hauled into court over “My Sweet Lord” miming “He’s So Fine,” I ask this eternal question.

A lifetime of wagers lies on this simple opinion.


I went to Drake my first year of college (’79) and then joined the other dirty fucking hippies in Iowa City for an extended stay.

I foolishly donated my old 45’s to the bar I worked at in the IC so there would be decent tunes. Never got them back to my dismay. I’ll bet your collect has some valuable items.


Dear anger party,

I have reached my nausea limit. Laterz.

Or not.


MzNicky, aren’t you supposed to be dead now? I TOLD you to die. To just stop breathing. Why haven’t you done that?

Well, you’re dead to ME, anyway. That’s all that matters, yes?

tsisageya reveals herself. Someone was asking whether she was cool?


Okay, about “Ghost Riders in the Sky”— is it, or is it not, the same basic rhythm and beat as “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again”?

Alls I know is, “When Johnny Comes Marching Home” is swiped from “Johnny, I Hardly Knew Ye”, which is an Irish ANTI-war song protesting the British Empire using destitute Irish as cannon fodder. Not that anything like that happens today. That’s why the majority of the Executive Branch has EVER worn a non-codpieced military uniform.


Snorghagen, under that scenario the generation that emerged into the purified world would do so on three misshapen legs.

They’d be pretty mad when they found their ancestors’ tales of the glorious MacDonuls and the fabulous TarGot weren’t true. And what’s this? The Star of Bucks burns their pallid skin.

Then they could have an angry party…

Graaar! Pin Head Troglodytes Dance! Urrrr!

Um. Yeah. I’m going to have to blame all this on The Miraculous DayKwil.


When I was a kid the family next door had a bomb shelter. We all thought it was pretty freaky, since clearly all we had to do to be safe during a nuclear war was to drop to the floor, cove our heads with our hands, and everything would be fine.

The family was from Germany and the Dad had been in the war – on the German side – and he was missing an arm. He was the meanest old guy I think I’ve ever met. Probably didn’t help that all we knew about Germans was what we saw on the Rat Patrol. We were fucking terrified of him.


Time for me to pull out my degree in mechanical engineering, and laugh at the absurdity of “backpack nukes”. I very much doubt the Soviet Union had gotten this far before they ran out of stolen roubles, and somehow, a bunch of guys who fart in caves somehow lacks the wherewithal to produce such a techno wonder. (I doubt Allah told Mohammed much about uranium enrichment; those old-time gods seem to know little about the actual workings of the universe they supposedly created.)

To force (highly-enriched) uranium, or plutonium, to critical mass requires compacting it into a tiny space, really fast. Fitting all of that apparatus into a small, rectangular space would challenge the most experienced of weapon designers. Guys who’ve spent their years reading the “divine wisdom” tend to lack the mathematical background required for such mental gymnastics. I’m not saying it’s impossible (only The Rapture is), but getting hit by a car whilst crossing the street is about a trillion times more likely.


El Cid: Teh Spouse is a lawyer, so I use the grain of salt. As did Fagin, I am reviewing the situation.


MileHi: Might be some value, but they are mostly in very poor shape. In recent years, they’ve been tied together with a length of twine run through the middle hole. I wish I’d had more foresight.

I don’t go to Drake, but I got to use the law library for the great Curt Sytsma’s Legal Research & Writing classes. I actually enjoyed this. A lot.

I feel bad about you losing your 45s. At least they may have done some good. I’ve lost a lot of music, mostly through breakups. Breaking up is, as advertised, hard to do.


J— The Edwards accent thing is what bugs me the most. As a Southerner I’m trying to figger out how to deal.


There were also some very early vinyl disk records laying around, very heavy and brittle, some with grooves only on one side.

Not vinyl, baby, they were made of shellac. Grooves only on one side? Must be way old.

It’s not my area of expertise, but I have a scholar friend who has had to work with older recordings (including wax cylinders, check that shit out!) and there apparently were several different kinds of players at the beginning, so some discs were cut one way and others cut another way, and you could only play them on the player they were meant for. And different kinds for different regions of the world. Kinda like Beta and VHS.

My dad had collections of Wagner operas on 78 rpm shellac discs – each disc only covered so many minutes. Hence the name “album” – the discs were sold in bound albums with several discs tucked into paper folders.


Now Charlie Gibson is saying that the next president may have to deal with a nuclear attack on an American city. 30% chance.

Yeah, but it’s also a 70% chance not. Gibson is a glass-half-empty pessimist.

PS – First album of my own I can recall was the original Broadway cast recording of Hair! when I graduated 8th grade. That, along with an AM/FM clock radio (after a friend told me about Boston’s WBCN-FM), and a subscription to Playboy magazine (“He’s gonna go out and find a copy somehow, Ma. Better to get it delivered to the house.”), changed my life forever, and led me to this place right here now.

Funny how that works, huh?


My parents had 2 albums I remember – the original Broadway Cast recording of “The Sound of Music” with Mary Martin and Theodore Bikel, and “South Pacific” with Mary Martin and Enzio Pinza.

I wore those out.

What’s the first concert you went to? Mine was “Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass” at Cincinnati Gardens. Brazil ’66 opened.


My first (rock) concert was Kansas, Montrose, and Rush at Veteran’s Memorial Auditorium. We went to see Montrose, and it was the first we’d ever heard of Rush. I was determined to go, although I had a horrible case of chicken pox and felt like I was going to die. We sat in the balcony and smoked weed. All the way back to Ottumwa I lay with my head in my boyfriend’s lap and prayed for death.

It was really fun! I think the tickets cost $7.50 apiece.


First concert? Hot Tuna (electric, with Papa John Creach on violin) at the Orpheum Theater in Boston. Jack Cassady is a kick-ass bass player.


g: Herb Albert & the Tijuana Brass were HOT in the day. I still remember the “Whipped Cream and Other Delights” cover—way risque in its day.

First concert I went to was my first-ever “date”: Mitch Ryder and the Detroit Wheels, Kingsport, Tennessee, high-school gym, 1967. I fell in love with the saxophone player. My date resembled a 15-year-old Fred Flintstone.


I think I had partial ownership (along with my siblings) of the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack (1977). I know I was the one who, using a dark blue marker, colored in the white background behind the three Gib brothers in the front cover photo and then tried to rub it off, leaving the background baby blue. My older siblings’ friends would comment on how their Saturday Night Fever albums didn’t look like that.


“Mine was “Herb Alpert & the Tijuana Brass” at Cincinnati Gardens. Brazil ‘66 opened.”

OMG–my Mother (or womb-baby host, if you will), would have LOVED that show. I think she had a crush on Herb or something. She’s in a giving shit away mode right now and was trying to give me all the HA&tTB albums. Just what I want to lug through the airport and all the way home.


J— My older brother inked devil horns and a moustache on John Lennon on the cover of my “Beatles ’65” album. I’ve only recently begun to speak to him again.


Make that Gibb.

I think my first concert was the first edition of the Monterey Bay Blues Festival (1986). I went with my mom.


The Angry Party is still in session? Oh joy!
[Attempts to dance the Iration Gyration; falls over.]


Oh, and MzNicky? No, you go fuck YOURSELF, you motherfucking BITCH!

Angry enough, dudes? Hey, you go FUCK YOURSELVES TOO, ASSHOLES.

Have we covered all the orifices and all the motherfucking ANGER??

NO? Well then, get ready.


I have the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack. Still. I did not buy it. I borrowed it off someone and somehow never gave it back. Shame. Much alcohol was involved. This whole night has been a trip down memory lane.


Herb’s a cool guy:

Alpert School of Music

Giving money to do good things.


Candy, I was at that show too. Too many concerts at Vet’s–it is a wonder I can still hear.


You know every good party ends with some drunk getting in a fight.

And I would expect no less from an Angry Party.


Wow, MzNicky, I would be so pissed. I’m still mad at my sister for putting hairy legs on some dude sitting in a forest in a coloring book of famous fairy tales I had when I was a little kid. This was after I had announced that I was going to color in his legs with some light brown crayon and that I was definitely going to make them smooth.


Veterans Memorial – what town? Every city in the midwest has a Vet’s Memorial.

I am actually really really interested in the beginnings of rock concerts. I worked in an industry that supported rock concerts and that was transformed by the experience. I grew up going to concerts in a Northeast rock palace, and then later worked in a great Pacific Northwest rock venue. Now I am working in close connection to a fabled Southern California rock venue, with a great history. It’s fascinating.


Second concert: Also at the high-school gym (who knew we were so cool?!): The Beach Boys, 1968. They ROCKED the place for 2 1/2 hours. The tickets were like $5 or so a piece, which was a king’s ransom back then. Yeah, I’m old, but not as old as Snorhagen.


Okay, MileHi, this is gettin’ weird! LOL. Did you see Aerosmith there in, hmmm, 78? It was hotter than hell out, over a 100, and we waited in line in the sun for about an hour. A girl in line ahead of us freaked out, curled up in the fetal position and just cried. When we finally got into the autditorium, Joe Perry was so high (or maybe having heat stroke) they had to help him out on stage, as I recall.

Yeah, the barn was deafening!

I went to a lot of shows there. I missed the Prince of Darkness biting the bat, though.


Here comes the rain.


g – Des Moines.


I saw P-Funk and Bootsies Rubber Band at the Palladium in NYC in the 70’s.

I remember I was working in Off-off Broadway theatres in NYC the 70’s and there was this loft on Bowery & 2nd where we’d rehearse, and I remember having to push through the scrum hanging out at this bar up the street, I think it was called CBGB’s or something. Buncha weirdos. Sometimes we’d go in….


g, what Pacific Northwest venue? Some of my Seattle freinds hung out at the Vogue and the Central (and even the Kent Skate Rink – ha!) back in the day, and others were with the AIC crowd at the Music Bank, were friends with Andy Wood, the whole Seattle mystique.


Des Moines.

I like your town. When I toured with theatre shows, we always loved playing Des Moines cause your big theatre (I forget the name) was such a great building to play, after all the shitholes we’d done one night stands in.

The only thing that’s weird about it is its all bright primary colors inside.

I remember taking a shower in the big chorus dressing room and feeling like I’d died and gone to heaven.

The guys who work there are great, too.

What’s the famous old hotel near there , like a couple blocks away? I like Des Moines.


If there was a decent show at Vet’s from about ’74 on, I was probably there. Unless I was in the hospital…

For living in a podunk little cow town, I got to see a lot of good shows–and some not so good ones. I couldn’t tell you how many times I saw Ted Nugent–and liked it. *hangs head in shame*

g–you didn’t work at the Croc Cafe, did you? I was quite, quite sad to read that closed recently. The birthplace of grunge gone.


Ah, g, you must be talking about the Civic Center. You know, I’ve never seen a show there. Not one. Isn’t that weird? My partner couldn’t believe it.

Well, there’s the Savery Hotel, where Irene Myles used to hold her jazz court. There’s also The Hotel Fort Des Moines, still going strong. The wonderful Kirkwood is now really upscale condos. You wouldn’t know Des Moines these days. It’s changed a lot. Mostly for the better.


g, what Pacific Northwest venue? Some of my Seattle friends hung out at the Vogue and the Central

Oh, Paramount Northwest. But I know the Central. And the Comet Tavern o’ course. How about the Blue Moon? and the Buckaroo.

Andy Wood, the whole Seattle mystique.

I did a lot of work for the City around then, and did some work on some free shows at the Mural Amphitheatre for a couple years – we had Mudhoney and Alice in Chains, and a buncha other bands play for free for crowds numbering a couple thousand each Friday night.


Tiny Tim, that odd little Christianist fella, lived at the Hotel Ft. Des Moines. I used to see him at a Dahl’s grocery store on Fleur Drive. The hotel van would bring him there to shop.


Savery Hotel

thats the one. Nice place.


g, I’ll bet we know some of the same people. It is a seriously small world.


There was a Vets Memorial in Columbus Ohio, too. I never saw a show there. I saw shows at the Agora, on High Street.


That is hard to believe, Candy. I’ve seen Elvis Costello and the Attractions, the Moody Blues and a few others there.

Is the Val-Aire Ballroom still around? What’s a condo in the Kirkwood go for?


g, I’ll bet we know some of the same people. It is a seriously small world.

Hell, are you kidding? My neighbor was on this board last night!


J—: I’m a collector of Beatles memorabilia, and after the evil brothers and then the college room-mate from hell (who “loaned out” my Beatles albums and other stuff that was never seen again) I’ve had to resort to eBay to restock my shrine. Man, I wish I’d saved all the Beatles merchandise that you could buy for a few bucks or a nickel in the drug-store gumball machines back then.


Hey – is there anyone here from Cleveland? You guys have the most awesome old venue – the Public Auditorium. It’s what we touring folks all used to call the “double-headed monster” – the stage can either face a 3000 seat auditorium, or a 10,000 seat arena, depending on which side you play to. That’s totally awesome.

It’s a little strange working in it, though, cause it’s hard to wrap your brain around what side is Stage Left and Stage Right.


Hey, that’s my old Dahl’s!

g–did you ever see the Young Fresh Fellows?


I saw the Ramones at Toad’s Place in New Haven a couple of times in the late 70s, g. Just mentioning that because they were CBGBs regulars. And they rocked!


MzNicky, they say the world is ordered by what Beatle you liked best. Were you a John, Paul, George, or Ringo fan?


Okay, about “Ghost Riders in the Sky”— is it, or is it not, the same basic rhythm and beat as “When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again”?

I don’t think it’s the same at all. But Spike Jones did a sort of drunken klezmer version that segs into When Johnny Comes Marching Home Again at the end – maybe that’s where the idea came from. Bear in mind that I haven’t listened to the original Vaughn Monroe Ghost Riders for decades.


g said,

January 6, 2008 at 7:33

There was a Vets Memorial in Columbus Ohio, too. I never saw a show there. I saw shows at the Agora, on High Street.

The Vet is still here, though I’ve only been in it a couple of times (to kick off St. Patrick’s day). Course, I’ve only been here a couple of years.


Young Fresh Fellows?

I think I’m too old for them.

Music for me is divided into the era when I actually paid money to go see bands play, and the era when I got paid to be there. When I was working, I was not very focused on the merits of the show, unless it was transformative.


When I was a kid, I liked Ringo the best, because I thought drums were cool. Now Lennon is my favorite because of his acerbity.


MzNicky, they say the world is ordered by what Beatle you liked best.

My favorite is Paul – what does that mean?


They were probably one of those “buncha other bands play for free for crowds numbering a couple thousand each Friday night.”


g: Sweet darling, I’m glad you asked.

I fancy myself an amateur Beatleologist, and as such I’ve formulated a lifespan theory of individual Beatle identification. It goes like this:

The adolescent girl falls in love with Paul, the soulful-eyed, romantic balladeer.

The young to middle-aged woman loves John, the cynical, politically-savvy revolutionary.

The late-middle-aged woman, who begins to face her inevitable mortality and subsequent questioning of existence, loves George, who sought transcendence and karmic knowledge.

The elderly woman appreciate Ringo, who was always aware that life is the luck of the draw and was just happy to have been a part of it all.


Well, MileHi, the condos are seriously cheap by big city standards, but high priced by Iowa standards. I’m not sure where the ones at the Kirkwood are priced, but there’s a beautiful loft in the East Village going for better than half a million. In Seattle terms, that would be a couple million, probably. One of the really good things about Iowa is the relatively inexpensive real estate.

The Val-Aire is still going strong. That’s where Edwards had his rally with John Mellencamp the other night. My friend has done a lot of booking shows out there.

You were probably gone away by the time Hairy Mary’s came to be. If not, I have to sadly report that it is now closed. I cried.

The Fleur Dahl’s used to be my Dahl’s too, but now I go to the one on 35th. They are building a new store. It’s a big deal right now, some of the neighbors aren’t too happy about the big size.

I fear there is a picture of me and a friend and the Nuge backstage in Kansas City out on the interwebs somewhere. Joins shameful head hanging. He was very polite. That was before his wingnutitude was well known, at least by us.


P.S. — Having pontificated, I must add that I’ve always been a John fan. I was remarking to The Spouse just tonight, as we were driving home from going out to dinner and “Mind Games” came on the radio, that what this country needs more than anything right now is a mega-dose of John.


Yes, but MzNicky, I recall that in high school we all felt there was some significance about which Beatle you liked, and we were all adolescent girls.

I liked John, actually.


which Monkee did you like?


g: I was 11 when the Beatles became popular in the U.S. We were all in love with Paul. I still am, but jeez, I can’t wait forever to catch him between wives and girlfriends.


‘Kay, I’m back. Yay!

My first .45 was a Star PD with the aluminum frame.




g: As a die-hard lifelong Beatles lover, I considered the Monkees at the time to be rank wannabes. But I did like Michael Nesmith. He reminded me of the boyfriend I had at the time.


How’s the weather, mikey? For the Storm of the Century, it’s pretty dry here still.


MzNicky – was it the hat?

I was a Mickey Dolenz fan. Drummers. What can I say?

And the Monkees concert at Cincinnati Gardens was the second concert I ever went to.


tsisageya, you sure you wanna come over here and fuck with my friend Miznicky?

‘Cause it seems to me you’ve showed up with empty pockets and not a whole lot to say. And you can line up and bite me if you think you can walk all over good peeps ’cause you’re some kinda damaged goods.

Pretty sure we’ve gotcha beat, and you can’t write worth two damns and a nickel, so you can go now.




I actually wrote a short story about what the Beatles meant to an adolescent girl trying to make sense of growing up in the 60s. I’m currently shopping it around.


Not vinyl, baby, they were made of shellac. Grooves only on one side? Must be way old.

After I posted that, it occurred to me that they couldn’t be vinyl. I was thinking some sort of wax, but shellac sounds feasible. The oldest records seemed to be from the 1930s or 1920s, with bloody awful sound quality. If I’m correct in remembering a Caruso record, it had to be a reissue – I don’t think any of them were that old.

Hence the name “album” – the discs were sold in bound albums with several discs tucked into paper folders.

Yep, that’s how they were stored. They looked like big, old-fashioned photo albums, each with about a dozen or two dozen disks in heavy paper folders.

…wax cylinders, check that shit out!

I’ve got a wax cylinder that I picked up at a flea market, though it’s cracked and unplayable. Evidently a novelty record – Don’t Get Married Again, Ma. I’m sure it’s a real laugh riot.


g: Don’t get me wrong; me and my girl posse watched the Monkees on TV and followed them, but they were the first to admit they were Beatles imitators. Yeah, Mickey was cute.

Little known fact: Michael Nesmith was the creator of the music video concept. He had a way-early cable thing called “Pop rocks” or “Pop Flicks” or something like that, circa 1980. A predecessor of MTV, it was the first time I saw “Video Killed The Radio Star,” way back in the early days. As I have mentioned, I’m real old.


I went to an angry party
To kick the ass of some old men
There were birds and bees and memories
There was a dude named Sven

People came from miles around, everyone was there
Jonah brought some Nazis, Bobo brought his hair
‘n’ over in the corner, much to my surprise
Was Mr. Scaife dressed up like a waif, sensing his demise

Y’know, I coulda played this up big time, but it seems like everybody should be involved. So the song is “Angry Party” to the tune of “Garden Party” by Ricky Nelson.

Now let’s see whatcha got….



g–you didn’t work at the Croc Cafe, did you? I was quite, quite sad to read that closed recently. The birthplace of grunge gone.

I din’t know the Croc closed. Jeez. There’s just no fun to be had anymore. Saw The Makers the last time I was there.

I heard something about the Blue Moon closing too. I don’t know if that’s true, though. I need to call one of my friends, I’ll try to remember to ask her. I guess I could Google it, but I should call. I’ve been very bad about calling people lately.

I need to crash. I’m getting a migraine. I can’t maintain the rage level necessary for the Angry Party anymore. Nitey nite.


I think Mike Nesmith was the only member of the Monkees who was actually a musician, IIRC/

I spent a summer in – I dunno, maybe 1982 or 1983? – on unemployment, living in a house full of losers, playing Mahjohng and drinking generic beer and watching the inaugural season of MTV. Flock of Seagulls. Duran Duran, “Season of the Wolf.” Billy Idol. Man….good times.

I really liked those rebuses they printed on the inside of the beer caps for generic beer. Anyone remember those?


heard something about the Blue Moon closing too. I don’t know if that’s true, though.

God, the Blue Moon sadly closed well before I left Seattle in 1996. Sad. Here’s a link

Closed in 1990, it sez.

What was that crazy joint out in Greenwood, where they did some serious shitkicking dancing? The G-Note?

Anyone ever hang out at Ernie Steele’s on Broadway?


mikey darling: ::mwah!::


“Nitey nite” Now is the time of the angry party that we all sleep?

As someone who also suffers that affliction, I hope you get the migraine beaten back!


As I have mentioned, I’m real old.

Darlin’ let us compare walkers. I have the model with the really cool wheels.


Are we talking about the same Blue Moon, g? The Blue Moon appears to be going still Maybe they had closed and then reopened.

Now I am going to bed. I just can’t leave Teh Great Gazoogle alone.


I really liked those rebuses they printed on the inside of the beer caps for generic beer. Anyone remember those?

Yep. Those were in Pearl Beer caps around here, a cheap but tasty brew back then.


thanks MileHi. My kid gets migraines too. Unfortunately, we are all out of Vicodin.

Nitey nite, may flights of moonbats wing me to my rest . . .


I find kickboxing lessons are more effective when I imagine the current administration and some of its fans as targets.


Snorghagen said,
No, you can hide in the fallout shelters and reproduce and live out your span of years. And your children will beget children and those will beget new children, generation after generation, century after century, until the Father and the Son and Holy Ghost cleanse the land of unbelievers, and your descendants emerge into the light of a fresh, purified world!

They made that movie. It’s called “A Boy and His Dog” and is based on a novel by Harlan Ellison. Kind of… dark. But Harlan’s depiction of “Topeka” is a dead ringer for the current fundi-evangelical Utopian wet dream. Though inbreeding is a bit of a problem. Their solution is… interesting.


You know, that looks like the same. Good for them! There was a huge fight to save it, and it was closed during the last years I was there. Someone came through – hooray!

Me and my Nyquil are going back to bed, too.


“Now let’s see whatcha got….”

I got nothing, Mikey. But then, that’s why I became a drummer–so I haven’t have to worry about that lyrical stuff. A man’s got to know his limitations.

Well, that and it’s really pretty cool to beat on things with sticks.


Ok, quiet night. Peaceful.

Lets sit fifty percent security, four hour watches, mortar section to fire intermittent illum, firebase arty will be working H&I.

Revile at 0430, and first perimeter sweeps at 0500.

G’night all



“You can get your “Gathering of Eagles: Fighting the Insurgency at Home” t-shirts here.”

Damn. No contact address to see if any of the apparel comes in diaper form.


Who’s on KP for the morning?


“But these entrenched, monied interests that are standing in our way, I’ve been fighting them my whole adult life — and you can’t ‘nice’ these people to death. You have to fight. And no, certainly this is not a fight against the American people, it’s a fight for the American people.”

Good for you, John Edwards. Whether or not you end up as the nominee (and if you do, that would make me happy) may your shadow never decrease…

Others here may be the most old, but I am demonstrably the most LAME. My first music purchases — cassette tapes, state-of-the-art! — were Mary Travers’ solo album and Gordon Lightfoot’s “Early Morning Rain”, which I bought from a hole-in-the-wall in Manhattan’s Fabric District. My first live concert didn’t happen until a few years later, when I was a frosh at Moo U, and paid to see Bonnie Raitt because my (older, much more sophisticated) roommate was going. Perhaps it will cheer some young lurker to know that Lame need not be a terminal illness.

And I have a very clear vocal memory of Vaughn Meader doing Kennedy dividing up the bathtub toys between Carolyn and John-John: “… and the rubbah swaaaaan — is MINE!”


Check the basement for water leaks and also for rat traps.

G’night. Sleep tight.


And I have a very clear vocal memory of Vaughn Meader doing Kennedy dividing up the bathtub toys between Carolyn and John-John: “… and the rubbah swaaaaan — is MINE!”

Ah. Yes.


Also, I’m afraid that as a third-grader I chose Ringo, because he made me laugh. I’ve always had a weakness for drummers (you know, the people who hang around musicians) and people who make me laugh.


NINE of the PT boats…



Anne Laurie: Well, I was a sixth-grader, and given the childhood I’d had thus far, Paul was my salvation. He and John persuaded me that my hand was worth being held.


Smash! Rrrraaa …. yawn. Sma….

Zzzz. Dang kids. ZzzzZZzzz. Suitcase nukes, I’ll show ’em Zzzzzzzzzz!


g and Candy, when I left Seattle a year and a half ago the Blue Moon was having trouble with the neighborhood and the City regarding noise and (supposedly) violence blah,blah,blah… Owners and patrons were fighting back!
Seattle, in many ways is a great place but city mgmt., cops, etc.. are fukt.


Glenn Blechh went into the hospital for some “minor surgery”. Things went “horribly awry”.

He came out possessed by a demon that is forcing him to grunt and bark while rolling his eyes and reciting scenes from Michael Moore’s Sicko.

Ain’t karma a bitch?

My money is on pilonidal ass-cyst.


Re: Michael Nesmith …

Are you talking about “Elephant Parts“?

Qetesh the Qaveat Qat

noen, that Harlan Ellison story is one of my faves. Well, not insofar as I enjoyed it, but it’s a great dystopian novel. The film was so-so, although the very young Don Johnson made an interesting Vic. But I ultimately abandoned the whole Harlan Ellison wacky-dystopian-mind-fuck thing for more wholesome (ie less mind-fucky) reading.

What grabbed my attention, El Cid, was that Edwards wasn’t talking with a family member or even a fellow Southerner. He was speaking in a nationally televised debate, at the time directing his comments to Gibson, and the very personal subject matter brought out the thicker accent.

In Edwards’ defence, I sometimes do that when I’m talking about (or to) some forrin’ friends, which confuses me and everyone else. In my case, the accent isn’t mine but theirs, which makes it even weirder. I think it’s something to do with the fact that language, including intonation, accent, and emphasis, expresses meaning, in which the context (ie who you’re speaking to or thinking of) is relevant.

"Oh Stewardess, I Speak 'Nut"

Gathering of Seagulls must adopt the trappings of fascism, you see, in order to defeat the Liberal Fascist enemies of The State (TM) and thereby preserve the Thousand Year GOP Majority.

The term “moonbat” was created on December 16, 1992, at [redacted in interest of national security], and released into the wingnutosphere after successful focus group testing at [redacted in interest of national security].

a different mikey

Well I missed this whole party so I’ll do KP. Bone in bacon from the local butcher, eggs from our crazy chickens, sourdough biscuits, grapefruits saved from the frost two days ago. C’mon over.

Among other issues here, Mongols still hunt with golden eagles, they have wooden rests on their saddles where you put the arm with the eagle on it. A friend got to do this last year and came back with a wonderful video.

From yesterday: my carbonara has always had green peas and I would cite Marcella Hazan as authority. Otherwise g has it right, as usual.

My first album was Zeppelin 2, which my cool auntie gave me for Xmas. I’ll never forget putting it on the family stereo Xmas morning. Whole lotta love!

I find myself unable to get worked up about the Smattering of Eagles. They define deluded irrelevance. Frum and vodkapundit, OTOH have a quality of malevolence to their stupid that really gets me ready for an angry party.

Hey, where’d everybody go?


Mike Nesmith’s mom invented Liquid Paper,look it up. I liked the Monkees teevee show,for some damned reason,not the music so much.

George is my fave Beatle,always was. Does that mean I was born old?

First record I owned was Humble Pie Rockin’ The Filmore,a live double album dealie.

I was born and raised in Columbus Ohio,saw my first concert at Vet’s Memorial. Uriah Heep and Blue Oyster Cult. I’m not old,only mildly antiqued,lol.


In Edwards’ defence, I sometimes do that when I’m talking about (or to) some forrin’ friends, which confuses me and everyone else. In my case, the accent isn’t mine but theirs, which makes it even weirder. I think it’s something to do with the fact that language, including intonation, accent, and emphasis, expresses meaning, in which the context (ie who you’re speaking to or thinking of) is relevant.

Oh, I’m not disparaging him for it. I was interested precisely for the reason you express in your last sentence. I would argue the norm for Southern politicians running for national office is to maintain an accent than is less marked and more consistent, especially when they participate in national events (like a TV debate on ABC). What impressed me about Edwards was that, for whatever reason or reasons, he was varying his speech with context.

And what you describe in your second sentence—I do that in Spanish. Chameleonic.


Mike Nesmith was producer for Repo Man.

As for Glenn Blech, I linked to that a day or two back…you’d think from the blubbering that ol’ Glenn had been waterboarded or the like. Funny how the tuff guys cry like little bitchez after routine medical procedures in controlled sterile environments with anaesthesia and painkillers, but for anyone else…well, they’re pussies if they can’t stand pain approaching that which accompanies organ failure. Or even if they can stand it and just complain later that they were tortured. Just hazing and fraternity pranks, ya know?


George Will shares his special insight on how best to fulfill populism’s goals. Surprise? It’s to shrink government.

The way to achieve Edwards’s and Huckabee’s populist goal of reducing the role of “special interests,” meaning money, in government is to reduce the role of government in distributing money. But populists want to sharply increase that role by expanding the regulatory state’s reach and enlarging its agenda of determining the distribution of wealth. Populists, who are slow learners, cannot comprehend this iron law: Concentrate power in Washington, and you increase the power of interests whose representatives are concentrated there.

Barack Obama, who might be mercifully closing the Clinton parenthesis in presidential history, is refreshingly cerebral amid this recrudescence of the paranoid style in American politics. He is the un-Edwards and un-Huckabee — an adult aiming to reform the real world rather than an adolescent fantasizing mock-heroic “fights” against fictitious villains in a left-wing cartoon version of this country.



“Pop Clips” is what I was trying to think of last night re: Michael Nesmith coming up with the music-video idea that became MTV.


Smiling Mortician

Wow. Some party I missed last night. Who invited the tsunami?

Well, at least George Will is still reliably obtuse:

Concentrate power in Washington, and you increase the power of interests whose representatives are concentrated there.

So we just move the federal government to Cleveland or Eugene or something. Fixed!


Speaking of big fat bloviating narcissistic whiny babies: Here’s a news item that makes a nice set piece with the Glenn Blecchh story linked to above.



So we just move the federal government to Cleveland or Eugene or something. Fixed!

Exactly! Because the intervention of a somewhat democratically selected Constitutional representative between powerful wealthy interests and ordinary citizens is, like, nowhere near as powerful as moving the geographic location of something, because, there is totally no billionaire who could possibly use Google Maps and find out where it all went.

They’d just be standing out in some square in DC, with their custom multi-million dollar vehicles circling, wondering, “Where do we go? What do we do?”


I knew the “brown shorts” sparked a memory: PG Wodehouse has anticipated you, although in black, and he did it while the real Fascists were still extant (1938):

“Roderick Spode, 8th Earl of Sidcup, often simply known as Lord Sidcup, is a recurring fictional character from the Jeeves novels of British comic writer P. G. Wodehouse, being an “amateur Dictator” and the leader of a fictional fascist group in London called The Black Shorts.” (Wikipedia)


Morning everyone. I feel like crap. This cold is kicking my ass.

I forgot about Repo Man. That was a good movie.

[trots off to find link about Glenn Blech].


George Will wrote:

…an adult aiming to reform the real world rather than an adolescent fantasizing mock-heroic “fights” against fictitious villains in a left-wing cartoon version of this country.

Gawrsh, those fictitious villains look pretty real to me. But I guess I’m just an arrested adolescent, immersed in my left-wing cartoon fantasy world. It’s a good thing that there are trustworthy adults like George Will out there who are willing to guide me back to reality.


Y’know, I knew it was a bad idea for Joe Walsh & Timothy B Schmitt to agree to that reunion….


MzNicky said,
January 6, 2008 at 7:55

g: As a die-hard lifelong Beatles lover, I considered the Monkees at the time to be rank wannabes. But I did like Michael Nesmith. He reminded me of the boy

That, and he was the Smart One.


“Pop Clips” is what I was trying to think of last night re: Michael Nesmith coming up with the music-video idea that became MTV.


Sand City in the house!

So we just move the federal government to Cleveland or Eugene or something. Fixed!

I nominate Brasilia on the weekends, which is when Brazilian politicians clear out and leave the city center a ghost town. But no internet connections allowed. Otherwise the wealthy special interests would be able to step out of their fancy cars and sent the cash through one of them internet tubes I’ve heard so much about.


send the cash


But populists want to sharply increase that role by expanding the regulatory state’s reach and enlarging its agenda of determining the distribution of wealth.

Ahh … so that’s why we need more regressive tax policies.


You know every good party ends with some drunk getting in a fight. And I would expect no less from an Angry Party.

Angry Parties start that way. They never end, they metastasize.

Goldbricking MileHi Hawkeye

Nobody tell Mikey I slept through revele this morning. kthx

I was born old and need my sleep.


Me too.

But I’m pretty sure it wasn’t my watch..



Did you see this on their site as well:

“NC Gathering of Eagles officially declares
Stewart Parkway, Washington
a Moonbat-Free Zone.”

They’re proudly irradicating areas of “moonbats”! They’re sick bastards.


Repo Man is one of the more bizarre flicks out there. All I can think while watching it is “Mike Patton must’ve loved this more than life itself”.
Which is a good thing, but I still can’t quite tune into that movie’s frequency.


“NC Gathering of Eagles officially declares Stewart Parkway, Washington a Moonbat-Free Zone.”

‘Moonbat-Free Zone’? That turn of phrase sure brings back some fond memories of yesteryear.


Bruce was supposed to wake everyone up, but he slipped off base to hock his bugle and hasn’t been back since.


“NC Gathering of Eagles officially declares…”
The smell of atomised sadness coming from that sentence is strong enough to smell through the interducts. Nothing shouts ‘Pathos’ louder than playing dress-ups with the language of petty officialdom.


After much serious deliberation, I’ve concluded that the logo means ‘Batshit Forever’ and is therefore apropos.

Smiling Mortician

“NC Gathering of Eagles officially declares Stewart Parkway, Washington a Moonbat-Free Zone.”

AFAIK there is no such town. Maybe it’s a street? In which case I’m with Smut Clyde but squared. No, cubed.


Describing one’s tantrums as ‘official declarations’ is on a level with… comparisons fail me. Like carrying faked credentials and claiming to work for the Board of Parks Administration. Something like that. Dressed in a little brief authority…
As opposed as smearing oneself with soft cheese as a fancy-dress costume. I tried to explain that I was ‘dressed in a little brie for Thora T.”, but the constables were not amused.

Smiling Mortician

The constables are rarely amused, Smut Clyde. That’s no reason to stop sporting the triple-cream dairy ensemble.


Jeez, I came hoping to get drunk, break stuff, and dance, and the place is filled with a bunch of old farts reminiscing about the music of their childhood. That pisses me off.

Grrr!!! Smash!! Now I dance!! (Aw hell, I completely forgot to drink.)

Ok, that was fun.

One thing I’m wondering about that Pack ‘o’ Beagles patch: I’m no weapons expert, but since when does any rifle scope have red crosshairs? That looks a lot more like some fps video game reticle than any actual scope.

Oh, what the heck… I have no idea what my first record was, ask my mom. Something from K-tel, maybe? The earliest one I can remember buying with my OWN money was Van Halen’s Women and Children First LP. And I still like the way the line runs up the back of her stockings.


[…] more liberal fascism at sadlyno!. Filed under: good guys, heros — JasonC @ 4:14 pm […]


My first rock concert was Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young — yes, “& Young” — at Pauley Pavilion (UCLA). Wasn’t the first rock show I’d ever been to, though — that, although I’m embarrassed to admit it, was a dance where The Strawberry Alarm Clock was the band

[ducks cloud of incoming rotten veg….]


Why does the Smattering of Pigeon Droppings want to shoot Larry Craig dressed up as Batman?


This page really has all the information I wanted concerning this
subject and didn’t know who to ask.


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