Let The Circle Be Complete

Once Lawyers, Guns, And Money and TBogg had made fun of the latest Day By Day strip, we really had no further choice in the matter.


Update: Xenos asks:

How much resentment and bitterness does this white, professional, and financially well-off couple carry around in their heads that, upon the birth of two healthy children their first thoughts center around how affirmative action is so unfair to them?

That strip is pretty hard to improve, and may indeed be a Day By Day classic. (It even has a punchline!) And yet, missing from the narrative is a certain dramatic frisson, a certain urge-toward-tension such as is found in the greater works of art. Perhaps this brings it nearer to its potential:



Comments: 86


Thanks, Gavin.

Seriously. This little sick fuck has been getting away with this shit for weeks.




Tsk, tsk, tsk.

That’s not what she meant when she was talking about a pearl necklace.


It disgusts me that she’s just giving that milk to those babies for free.

Tim (the other one)

Wait ’til this gets to the diaper changing wars. I’ll bet Patricia Neal and Gary Cooper never bargained for this in The Fountainhead.


I’ve never heard of this comic strip until ye three mentioned it, but I’m ready to scream at how horribly misinformed and un-funny it is.


Okay, I’m probably the perv here, plus I’m kinda slow. But—is the guy in the “cartoon”…no, wait…is he… whacking off?

What in holy hell is wrong with Chris Muir? I almost wish our useless local paper hadn’t already dropped this loathesome strip so I could play horrified little old lady and write in and complain.


Okay, I’m probably the perv here, plus I’m kinda slow. But—is the guy in the “cartoon”…no, wait…is he… whacking off?

This version has been, um, slightly expanded from the original


Oh good Lord. I just clicked on the real cartoon. Duh.

You guys!! (said in an amused yet exasperated sing-song tone)

Still — Even if it wasn’t his, it says a lot about him that I would even consider the possibility.


Gavin’s version has the added advantage of actually being funny while strangely slightly less creepy than the original.


Even if it wasn’t his, it says a lot about him that I would even consider the possibility.

Damn, beat me to that one.


So, Muir wrote twins into the strip so that he can show both boobs at the same time? Is that about right?

Tim (the other one)

Could we work Mallard Fillmore into the Muir scene ? Like what if Mallard was the “real” father ?

Work with me here…


Damn, this guy is creepy.


Gawd, I made the mistake of clicking through to the original. Looking on the bright side, a lactation fetish is unlikely to get Muir arrested.


If nothing else, it seems to have left saul speechless.


I already said that I believed the correct sound, as we determined, was “pocketa pocketa.”


I’m with Pinkita Punkita…



The babies depicted here are feeding in the football position, in which normally the nursing baby’s legs are free. I don’t know about the baby on her left, but with the baby on her right the legs are either jammed up against her body, stuck between her back and the bed, or missing. Also, Muir has mother’s fingers shoved into the baby’s fontanel.

And the babies been in the same position for a week.


And the babies have been in the same position


And I guess it’s totally beside the point, but one doesn’t tuck a newborn into the crook of one’s arm, like a recently received football or something, when one is breastfeeding said newborn. Let alone two newborns. Gyaa this creeps me out.


I already said that I believed the correct sound, as we determined, was “pocketa pocketa.”

The thups were just lying there and manufacturing new pixels is environmentally irresponsible, what with the shipping costs and all.


Speaking as both a onetime cartoon writer and a father of twins, there are exactly 14,721 ways in which those strips are not funny, and 0 ways in which they are. And how does a nursing mother pronounce “®” anyway?


I don’t get it. I really don’t.

It disgusts me that she’s just giving that milk to those babies for free.

Seriously. Not very Austiran, is it?


Look at those babies sucking on those teets without paying a dime. And, I bet the mother is treating both of them equally. This is evil communist propaganda. Anyone else notice the color of her hair? RED! And, no doubt, this lady would not allow either of these Christian soldiers to even hold a gun.

All god-fearing capitalists are urged to denounce this immediately.


Oh, just saw the original. Lame.


Damn. I thought there were infinity ways chris muir wasn’t funny.

But I can go with 14, 721.

Thanks, Albatross….



Do twins usually tag team? Also, doesn’t breast feeding hurt like a motherfucker for new moms or for that matter most moms when the milk comes in, and the little blotchy, shrunken raisin beasts suck away like piranhas?


doesn’t breast feeding hurt like a motherfucker for new moms or for that matter most moms when the milk comes in

It hurts at first. But then it can be, well, quite pleasurable.

Seems there was a story a while back about a breastfeeding mom who told someone she had an orgasm while breastfeeding her baby, and the someone reported her to the police and the breastfeeding mom was charged with child abuse or indecency or some such shit.


OT, but some bad person edited the Human Steyn’s biography on Wikipedia and the edit has been standing for days…


doesn’t breast feeding hurt like a motherfucker for new moms or for that matter most moms when the milk comes in, and the little blotchy, shrunken raisin beasts suck away like piranhas?

No, actually it hurts like a muthafucker when the milk comes in and the little blotchy shrunken raisin beasts CAN’T such away like piranhas – if the milk happens to come in suddenly when the little guys aren’t hungry or are sleeping. If you get engorged, they can’t suck, and it hurts like hell.

So, if the milk comes in and they actually CAN suck away like piranhas, it totally feels great, because the little guys are relieving your pain, or potential pain.

It’s my firm belief that this is a totally intended biological phenomenon made to bond mothers to kids, because otherwise with all the trouble they give you, you’d dash their brains out on the rocks. But fortunately for them, they keep your breasts from exploding, so you love them immensely.


Okay I just happened to click the very first of those non-funny strips:
And then I happened to click a strip that was created last week:

It’s about all I can stomach, but he seems to be recycling jokes inscrutable comments.

And Mikey, that’s why you need professionals for this sort of thing 😉


I cannot believe that that piece of crap strip is actually printed in a dead-tree newspaper. It’s the epitome of the damage that computers & internettery have done to culture, blah blah blah. (There are non-damaging results of electron mania, but I’m always focused on the negative.)


Men have testicles
Ladies have breasticles
The former attach
To some seminal vesicles
The latter give succor to
Babies and freaks
And fill Day by Day up
With content for weeks


“Albatross said,

December 3, 2007 at 6:17

Okay I just happened to click the very first of those non-funny strips:
And then I happened to click a strip that was created last week:

So he hasn’t improved at all in five years. As pathetic as that is, I’m releaved in a way. The idea that this cartoon could actually be WORSE than it is now…well I don’t want to think about it.

Anyway, we should at least give Muir credit for actually going to the trouble of drawing a character in a whole new pose rather than just cutting and pasting. For this strip, that’s a pretty big deal.


Whoa. When the hell did Female X squeeze out twins?


By the way, if anyone recognizes the font that Muir is using, I’d dearly love to know what it is.

I’m torturing the hell out of a font called DigitalStrip to match it (to the point of stretching and/or squashing individual letters), but it’s still pretty easy to tell which text is his and which is added, when the two are side-by-side in the same panel…


I wish I owned a helpless, bedfast little redhead with a baby hangin off of each tit. Why aren’t more people in perfect mental health like me?


Gavin, it’s not at all obvious, you did a great job – although you probably could save yourself some labor, seeing that Muir is sure to have more funny((un)funny) where that came from.

However if Michelle & Co. run out of disabled children and go back to document authentication, you might be in for an infestation.


Hi, me again. Sorry, but it’s either post comments here or do actual work, so…

Okay, so one of the frames of the very-not-funny comic caught my eye.

Compare the following and answer, which one was drawn by an adult professional with five years of experience, and which one was drawn by a fourteen year old girl who just so happens to be my daughter?

Now, far be it from me to brag about my offspring, but which one of those has: shading; depth; texture; fabric draping?

I’m just sayin’…


A fudge – the preview inserts the image, but the comment does not.
Find it here:


OT, but some bad person edited the Human Steyn’s biography on Wikipedia and the edit has been standing for days…

I have no idea who would do such a thing.


Vote for Glenn! Because we don’t want a cyborg to win, heh indeedy.


Um, I don’t want to be putting too much emphasis on human phenotypes or anything, but IIRC, Muir’s characters happen to be a mixed-race couple. How come the babies are the same skin color as the mom?

Just askin’.


How come the babies are the same skin color as the mom?

They’re good babies.


your daughter’s drawings are pretty good! and I’m sure her punch lines would best Muir’s, as well.
for the love of God, can we figure out a way to put an end to Muir’s horrible strip? the more links from you all that I visit, the more I loathe it…

if you have a Mac and Comic Life, you’ve got the font in your list somewhere. if you haven’t and you’d like to download one, you can go here for free ones.
good job on the original tweaked font, though!! I didn’t notice any difference either.


You know, as web comics go, I’ve always like Order of the Stick. It’s funny, especially for a gaming nerd like my self, but at least it has a punch line. And while all the characters are freaking stick figures, at least there’s a background scenery.

Muir draws like twenty pictures every year, and just redoes the frame slightly, then makes them say nothing but trite garbage that had been recycled from last weeks Glenn Beck.

In fact, there should be an on-line petition to force Muir to apologize for placing titties even if they are being suckled by newborns, on his site. It’s rank pornography, I tells ya, and we should complain to the AFA. They’ll get right on it, I’m sure.


Hey Gavin
The font is very similar to WildWords.


“How come the babies are the same skin color as the mom?”

Wrong couple. The liberal white girl who can’t find clothes that fit is who you ‘re thinking of.


If nothing else, it seems to have left saul speechless.

I guess it’s difficult to type and whack off at the same time. Could be a way to reduce the troll traffic on SN, though.


Wrong couple. The liberal white girl who can’t find clothes that fit is who you ‘re thinking of.

Oh, you mean the girl in the cartoon who has the tits sticking out.



looking on the bright side, a lactation fetish is unlikely to get muir arrested.

how is that the bright side?


I’m a longtime lurker, but I wanted to say that the football carry position is not as strange as you’d think – well, except for its use in this sad little man’s terribly unfunny strip. It’s recommended as an alternative, especially for moms who’ve had C-sections, otherwise mom’s arm (or the baby’s butt) would be resting on her incision.

Truthfully, what amazes me is these twins being on the same feeding schedule. Motherhood being all about pain, poo, and sleep deprivation those first few weeks, twins would not want to make it any easier by being on a matching schedule.


I guess it’s difficult to type and whack off at the same time. Could be a way to reduce the troll traffic on SN, though.

Don’t count on it. If Saul and Kevin are any indication it’s positively a requirement. “Must be able to type and attempt to suck own dick at same time.”


“it’s difficult to type and whack off at the same time.”

Uhm, it’s not rewally to o ughn di9fficult.


OTOH, credit where credit is due and all, the new strips based on the Day by Day strip are some of the better cartoons I’ve seen in the last week or so. IMO, slightly better than the Tom Toles cartoon and, unfortunately a lot better than the Tom Tomorrow reading on Olberman.


Can someone explain the original strip to me. What is supposed to be the funny part?


The fact is, homosexuality is a sin and an abomination and…

Oh. Shit, were we talking about something else?

Oh yeah. Boobs. I, um, love boobs. And vaginas. Because I’m, like, attracted to women. Not men.


For children…a woman
For pleasure…a boy
But for sheer ecstasy…2 pounds of calf’s liver


unfortunately a lot better than the Tom Tomorrow reading on Olberman.

Yeah that was sheer drudgery. His Bill O voice has gotta go. And really, the falafal jokes are getting stale.


RO, the funny part is when you finish reading and your brain starts melting and leaking out your tear ducts. Hee hee!


Observer, the idea is that he’s calling her his queen, but she jokes that he must actually mean she’s a dairy queen, because she’s nursing twins.

It’s the Underpants Gnome approach to humor, really:

1) Draw anatomically bizarre “humans”, and have them make weak puns.
2) ???


Also, Muir has mother’s fingers shoved into the baby’s fontanel.

And with that, J has discovered how new wingnuts are created.


How much resentment and bitterness does this white, professional, and financially well-off couple carry around in their heads that, upon the birth of two healthy children their first thoughts center around how affirmative action is so unfair to them?

To even think of such dialogue reveals a very screwed up personality on the part of Muir. I thought this strip could not get worse than the whole ‘death-scare’ series it had last year, but this beats Mallard Fillmore for unadulterated wretchedness.


I think the repetition of this image* is supposed to be part of ye humorousse motiffe. As in, “This chick’s had twins, so just like Doonesbury’s amusing representation of Bush as an asterisk, I’ll depict this concept by drawing her with babies permanently attached to her tits. Hyuk, hyuk.”

* By which I mean the repetition of this image of the woman with the twins, not the regular repetition of images in the strips, which to be fair is not unique to this guy in the world of three-/four-panel cartoons.


Oh, you mean the girl in the cartoon who has the tits sticking out.

If I recall correctly, they’re prehensile…



Your font is CCComicrazy


I got that using
, it takes some playing with and it doesn’t work well unless you get font to about 100 pixels high, but it usually comes up with a match.


I decided to make a crappy, hastily-assembled remix based on Gavin’s remix and Tim (the other one’s) suggestion above.

Lookie here!


Apparently Muir commissions the drawings and merely writes the text. Talk about lame.

I’m guessing the drawer is around ten years old.


this beats Mallard Fillmore for unadulterated wretchedness.

Dude, I try really hard to be the most loathesomely unfunny comic strip ever. Comments like this make me wonder if I shouldn’t just chuck the whole project.

Could you do better?

(Excuse me. That should be …)

Could you do worse?


Where do I fit in? I try really hard to be loathesome and unfunny too!


my favorite is the one where the husband is too skeeved out to stay in the room while she nurses, so she calls him a “big girl.”

Men are always the ideal; even for a nursing mother who just gave birth to twin girls.


Gaaa!! “Prickly City” is what my useless local newspaper replaced the odious “Day by Day” with!! It is indeed loathesome and unfunny!

And Clint—hey, thanks a LOT, pal. Just when I thought the remix couldn’t have been more horrifying. Now I’m envisioning those poor doomed twins sucking their mamma’s tits with little duck bills.


The Los Angeles Times got rid of Mallard Fillmore but kept Prickly City. I’m assuming they kept it to “balance” Doonesbury.

Isn’t it amazing that “conservative” counterpart of anything is always shallow, humorless and replete with non-sequitors and straw man arguments?

Logical Fallacy Salesman

I make a fortune off of conservative comic strips.


Could you do worse?

It wasn’t a professional attempt, but someone did manage it:



those are the well fed children EVER! 7 straight days and mom is STILL feeding them


those are the well fed children EVER! 7 straight days and mom is STILL feeding them

They don’t sleep, they don’t go to the bathroom, they don’t even get burped. All they do is eat, eat, eat!


All they do is eat, eat, eat!

This pair of twins represents a great opportunity – split them up, keeping one with his real parents and placing one in a liberal home. Disallow any contact between the families. Wait until the twins are 21 or so to tell them about the arrangement and have a reunion. If both twins refuse to leave the basement and stay down there gorging themselves on Cheetos, we will have proof of the Wingnut Gene.


Isn’t it amazing that “conservative” counterpart of anything is always shallow, humorless and replete with non-sequitors and straw man arguments?

It’s doubleplusfunny in the context of the “affirmative action” strip; both Mallard Filmore and this wretched bit of business are going concerns purely because of a few editors’ misconceptions that “equal time” doesn’t just apply to elections, but to anything having to do with politics. Or, at least, to anything liberal (like Doonesbury) that people actually want to read.


What do you mean? Mallard Fillmore is a talking duck — that’s HILARIOUS. I mean, ducks don’t talk. Also his name is a pun or something. Seriously, though, it’s as funny as Garfield. Just replace Mondays with liberals, lasagna with, uh, Reagan, and the cat with a duck dressed as a 1940s reporter.


At the very least it evinces a complete ignorance about breastfeeding. No one nurses two at once; it is not necessary. Baby needs to “switch sides” to gain perspective and promote visual acuity. I am not a mother of twins but I have known a few and I believe they are nursed consecutively, not simultaneously.

Maybe he thought it would be “funnier” that way. Ha.


No one nurses two at once; it is not necessary.

No one’s a little strong.


At the very least it evinces a complete ignorance about breastfeeding. No one nurses two at once; it is not necessary.

Lactation counselor here. 🙂 If you can nurse both twins at once, this is actually preferable because then there’s more chance for the mother to rest afterwards. Unfortunately, twins often are on different schedules, where one is sleeping while the other is hungry, so consecutive nursing tends to be more common. But if both twins are awake and interested, simultaneous nursing is perfectly acceptable. Here’s a good page that shows different holds useful for simultaneously feeding twins.

As for visual acuity, it is recommended that if you nurse twins simultaneously, then you do change which side you hold each twin on (so you’re not always holding Twin A on your left and Twin B on your right) for exactly that reason. 🙂

doesn’t breast feeding hurt like a motherfucker for new moms or for that matter most moms when the milk comes in, and the little blotchy, shrunken raisin beasts suck away like piranhas?

Some women experience an easy transition to breastfeeding with no or very little pain; for others, it is more difficult and accompanied by some pain or significant pain. It’s based on a number of factors, such as prior breastfeeding experience for the mother, physiologic differences such as the strength of the baby’s suck or the presence of tongue-tie, whether there are issues like overactive letdown, etc. The experience of most women I’ve come into contact with is that breastfeeding tends to be a little or somewhat painful in the beginning while both the mama and the baby learn to feed, but that it eases with time and becomes a pleasant experience. (A lot of that is naturally induced – for example, a baby suckling releases tranquilizing hormones in the mother’s brain.) But there’s certainly no guarantee that breastfeeding will automatically be painful. 🙂 And if a woman is experiencing serious and continuing pain, she should see an IBCLC* (anyone can call themselves a “lactation consultant” with any kind of training or not at all, so be sure to only see an IBCLC, because they’re certified to have several thousands of hours of experience and a lot of training) for help; almost all breastfeeding difficulties can be resolved successfully.

As for the content of the original cartoons… yuck. There’s nothing quite like a hostile, passive-aggressive relationship between the parents for creating a healthy environment to raise children. o_O The remakes are pretty funny though. 🙂

* IBCLC = International Board Certified Lactation Consultant


[…] the tradition started here, we shall join the pile-on. The original baffling stinker of […]


wait, wait. ducks DON’T talk? i guess i must have been imagining that duck telling me to throw chris muir into a pit filled with runny cow poo.


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