Blaaargh (Snort)!
Posted on November 10th, 2007 by Gafydd Ab M.
There are some things that humankind was not meant to know.
However, the results of our terrible experiment are forthcoming.
Above: Found amidst the snows of Kilimanjaro
There are some things that humankind was not meant to know.
However, the results of our terrible experiment are forthcoming.
Above: Found amidst the snows of Kilimanjaro
(comments are closed)
I trust you’re going to add a pic of yourself holding a giant sammich, Gavin?
You tease.
I trust you’re going to add a pic of yourself holding a giant sammich, Gavin?
I also trust this will be the case!
Norman Mailer is dead at age 84. Connection?
Mailer didn’t sully his body with harmful products such as Cheetos and Mountain Dew (yahoo!). He only consumed the pure substances found in booze and smokes.
Please, take it easy on us, it’s almost lunch time here in Michigan.
I’ve never understood why people don’t just eat the packaging while they’re at it.
[Gag] That ain’t snow my friend. [Urk!]
I fear what dark thing comes slouching towards Sadly No.
“I fear what dark thing comes slouching towards Sadly No.”
See also beasts, rough.
R.I.P. Norman Mailer.
Even if Gore Vidal pwned you at Lally Weymouth’s house (verbally and physically).
Johnny Old Fish – be gentle with me.
RIP Norm.
There are novelizations of Sinistar that have yet to be written, and only Cheetos can fuel that.
oo that picture is creepy. Reminds me of “Into thin air”, where the corpses high on Everest can be ID’ed by their clothes- hey, check out that frozen hippie!
The results of your terrible experiment merit a warning call to the Boston Water and Sewer Division.
The Ur-Cheeto. All this time I’ve believed it the subject of myth, and yet who can refute this hard evidence?
However, the results of our terrible experiment are forthcoming.
It’s not going to be fanfic based on Orson Scott Card’s Empire, is it?
[shudders in terror]
By the way, Althouse is at it again with her “De took mah name!” shtick.
Or maybe he’s just afraid of getting into trouble for impersonating me.
Behold! The Caucasian wingnut, Pterocarya fraxinifolia.
I’m a stupid moron, with an ugly face, and a big butt, and my butt stinks, and I like to kiss my own butt.
What in fuck’s name is wrong with Althouse?
Re: Althouse’s post
Why is Righteous Bubba impersonating TRex? Or is TRex impersonating Righteous Bubba?
God fucking damn it, I didn’t see the NWS warning.
Go. Away.
I have to assume that the full impact of this study have not taken effect on Gaffyd yet. If he had become a Right Blogger, he would have found it impossible not to post thousands of one or two-sentence posts with links and a clever tag line.
Heh, indeed.
Read the whole thing…
I love the smell of clumbers in the morning!!!
God damn! Take that link away!
Studies have shown that Althouse has a desperate need for validation and acceptance but unfortunately doesn’t provide much on her blog that would achieve that. So her flock of eunuchs with their sycophantic comments will have to do.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, Michaelangelo is coming for lunch and I really must go put up some ‘quotes’ about how great I am on my blog header because the content alone won’t cut it.
Studies have shown that when you’re as desperate for validation and acceptance as a certain blogger appears to be, a flock of sycophantic eunuchs posting comments is a good substitute for the real thing.
Now, excuse me, I must display some ‘quotes’ about how fantastic I am on my blog header.
Let’s face it, the content alone won’t convey my wonderfulness to myself (and my handful of readers).
Great, it looks like we’ve got another agent provocateur responding to his or her own comments. Those who checked the link provided at 19:44, note the name of the person posting at that site. Note also the name of the person who brought up Althouse in this thread.
C’mon, it’s like tossing pebbles at the old lady’s windows, and she gets all pissed off and runs out on the porch, shaking her cane.
If the old lady just stayed in her rocking chair, nobody’d even bother tossing pebbles at her windows. What fun would that be?
Besides, if nobody tossed pebbles at Ann Althouse’s windows, she wouldn’t have anything to do.
And that would be just sad.
I’ve had this experience early in the morning while camping in the desert.
Not a sound from anywhere except the sound of the wind buffeting past your head and the infrequent, soft sound of scurrying somewhere near. Then a Twinkies wrapper flutters by…
David B.
Or, you’re out in the middle of nowhere and there are no tracks or other signs of people. But by the side of the trail, untouched by insects, rodents or weather: Half of a Twinkie.
Damnit, why did I think NSFW meant something different? (I don’t even have work)
Arky, that works better as a haiku:
Trailside, untouched by
insects, rodents or weather:
half of a Twinkie
Smiling Mortician,
Is that a verse from The Narrow Road to the Deep Psychosis?
She has a category for her posts called ‘Anti-Althousania’.
Exactly how far – in inches, say – does a person’s head have to be rammed up their own ass for them to come up with a generic term (capitalised, to boot) for people who don’t like them? Are there medical studies for this?
Anyone who doesn’t think this post is awesome is simply suffering from Anti-kiki-ism.
kiki, I think you mean “Anti-Kikiosis”. Clearlu anyone who doesn’t think your comment is awesome is suffering less from a problem with their beliefs, and more from a disorder of some sort.
Also, for your first question, my guess is 16. Anyone else care to make an estimate?
Indeed, I did notice the spectacularly cretinous ‘-ania’ affix, and its obvious implication.
Perhaps the head goes all the way back up the neck and passes into some kind of parallel dimension.
Far enough to gaze at the world through her navel.
Doh! Both my comments were posted. I thought that because I’d used my real name, L Da V, it got caught in the spam filter so I used my pseudonym and reposted.
Now I look like a fool, which means all is well with the world.
Look,I would appreciate you removing all posts with my name forthwith.If said action isn’t taken ASAP.I will be forced to consider taking legal action against the proprietors of this site.Now forgive me whilst I retire to a glass of wine and a peaceful night of blogging and washing my vortex.My vortex gets extremely funky.Did I mention that?I sweat alot especially after quaffing spirits so I need to wash my vortex regularly.Sometimes I forget,and it gets really ugly down there.Anywho off to the salle de bain,carry on.
A 10¢ bag of Chee-tos™? Hokey Smokes! The air in them alone is worth a dime. Has someone been saving that bag for 30 yrs. for just such an occasion?
That looks like a Mountain Dew can next to the bag. I would guess late 60s, early 70s.
I don’t recommend experimenting with Cheetos for longer than a few minutes, an hour at most. Should we be dialing 911?
Are you reinventing this movie? The lab rat in that one almost died you know.
Ann Althouse said,
November 11, 2007 at 1:32
I call DEMIZE!
I call DEMIZE!
DEMIZE!?There’s no url.So while you maybe right,I’m not sure how you can tell.
Lawnguylander said,
November 11, 2007 at 2:52
I call DEMIZE! again!
I am invoking my 5th.amendment privilege.
Great, it looks like we’ve got another agent provocateur responding to his or her own comments.
Damn, now I’m an agent provocateur! That’s cooler-sounding than anything Althouse will end up calling me! Whee!
Sorry for stepping in here, but Photoshopped Althouse porn is a bit much — especially with all the trolling that’s been going on lately, attempting to frame us for various things.
Will the unfamiliar person who’s posting the homemade porn links please not do that?
Wasn’t me.I have a hard enough time operating my difference engine.
Oh, I know. It looked like someone who hadn’t been here before.
Can you guys follow the accepted practice with fake comments? Examples:
Jonah Goldberg –>
Pam Oshry –>
It not only keeps things honest, but it’s a place where another joke can go!
Are you reinventing this movie? The lab rat in that one almost died you know.
I think the movie version should be called ‘Flowers4Algernon’.
It’s been a tough week in terms of Freepers and other trolls coming over to plant nasty stuff in comments, so I apologize, but I’m being a bit vigilant in moderating things that even seem to rub up against the basic no-assholishness policy (see posted policy re: personal info, threats, and all that).
Althouse is having another of her hissies about people using her name. Our reply, every time she does this, includes the fact that anyone is allowed to use anyone’s name they want here, if it’s done as satire and not maliciously — e.g., not as a way to fool people into thinking that somebody is saying things that they’re not really saying.
She seems determined to misunderstand this, which is fine, but I think it’s a good idea to restate it here, so that any new people who come by will know how things customarily work, etc.
Just a note in passing. G-
Sorry for stepping in here, but Photoshopped Althouse porn is a bit much — especially with all the trolling that’s been going on lately, attempting to frame us for various things.
You might want to check the comment at 3:56.
Jeez, like anyone in the entire online world would complain about some poster using someone’s name in comments on some website.
Gav, apparently you should be cross-referencing all commenter data to be absolutely sure everyone is exactly who they claim to be. If the commenter’s IP info does not jibe with that of Ann’s website, then you have absolute evidence of fraud in the factum and are required to take action immediately or you shall be deemed unethical.
And if it really is Ann, and she posted the suspect comment while on her university’s system, do not worry, she will most certainly inform you when you have the gall to remove her comment. She keeps up on these little things, you see.
Anal-retentive, anyone? But now I realize that the word does not even begin to describe Ms. Althouse.