Things that are too damn depressing
Posted on October 8th, 2007 by Brad
The wingnutosphere has found another Jamil Hussein/Scott Thomas Beauchamp figure to attack. And this time it’s a 12-year-old boy who was involved in a severe car accident. I wish I were making this up.
Gavin adds:
Confederate Yankee didn’t pile onto the 12-year-old kid, so true to our promise, we got him a…
Above (l-r): Confederate Yankee, BRAND NEW SPANKIN’ CHAR-COAL GRILL!
[Hanx! t4toby]
Why be surprised? The Right has never advocted for children in any meaningful sense. Children, in their politcal fiddlings, are useful for attacking Teh Ghey and pr0n, and occasionally for fairy tales in which they’re taken from incubators and thrown to the floors of Kuwaiti NICUs. Republicans always–always!–take money from programs for kids (unless those programs are DARE or abstinence-only, which have been shown to be entirely ineffective–perhaps a plus, given how odious those programs are).
Barney Frank nailed ’em–life begins at conception and ends at birth.
Hey, somebody’s got to stand up for the big guy. Not sure who that is in this case but HEY LOOK 1-20-09 STICKER! PARTISANZZZ!!
In the first place, the Dems should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting a 12-year-old boy this way.
In the second place, the fucking soulless RightWingTards should just be ashamed of themselves, period. Except that they have no shame, which is why they behave this way.
Don’t forget, kids are also good for sitting on Preznit Bush’s lap during photo ops. But only if they are teh black.
Tell the kid it was only business.
Holy crap, they’ve even gone over the edge from even my low expectations.
Now they’re the stalker right.
And the relevant spooky visit from Michelle Malacoda:
Reminds me of Tucker Carlson mocking John Edwards and his client, a young girl whose intestines were violently sucked out by a faulty pool system.
In the first place, the Dems should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting a 12-year-old boy this way.
I hear what you’re saying, but I disagree. Is it exploiting? Maybe the family feels strongly about this. Yes, Bush and all of them exploit kids with photo ops, but didn’t Bush also cross this same line and have a kid say something in support of his policies – I’m thinking there was a girl who lost a parent/relative yet spoke out to support the war?
The right always uses this “exploit” and “use” theme when they shrink from the indecency of outrightly attacking the speaker – this is what they use about soldiers who speak out – the ones they can’t smear as fake, that is – that they’re being “used”. As if the soldiers don’t have free agency.
Listen, the kid and his family were legitimately eligible for the benefit and spoke out about how it helped them and they wanted other people to be helped too.
That’s no different from someone who says “This small business grant helped me” or “This labor retraining grant helped me”,or “this federal program helped our school.” The only difference is that its in the context of opposing the president’s veto, rather than being in the context of letting him take credit for his support.
You can bet if he signed it, he’d sign it with the backdrop of a bunch of kids who were helped by it.
Wonder what kind of health insurance Malkin has invested in for her family? She is, after all, a self-employed author.
Republicans are horrified when children are used as PR characters.
The Republicans never stand so tall as when they stoop to kick the shins of an ailing child !!
Hey g, I’m just sayin’. Just because Bush exploits children doesn’t mean Dems are not capable of also doing it. Of course the family has free agency; the kid himself, maybe not so much. I just get kinda creeped out when children are used as props, however much I may agree with the politics behind it — and to me, universal health care runs a real close second to ending the war on the list of our top-10 urgent national priorities.
And see, now they’ve got the Malkin thing creeping around their house and the dad’s place of business. Perhaps they misunderestimated the extent to which wingnuts are fucking batshit insane these days.
“I’ve seen guesstimates of the house’s worth in the $400,000-plus range. Those are high.” – Malkin
OMG, she’s seen high guesstimates!1111!!1one21 If only there was an easy, publicly available method of determining real property values!!!!
S’cool, MzNicky. Thing is, at 12 I think a kid’s choice is at least a contributing factor. It’s not like he’s 4 or something. They say he wrote the main gist of the piece.
now they’ve got the Malkin thing creeping around their house and the dad’s place of business.
That IS creepy.Speculating on whose car is parked outside. Note its a row house, and presumably accessible from the street. Do you suppose she’s tiptoeing around peeking into the windows?
I’m with g — what’s the big deal about having that kid tell about his experience with the program? This stuff happens all the time. It’s called a “testimonial” and politicians have been using shit like this for about a billion years.
But it’s astonishing the G(ihad).O.P. is going so apeshit over this one. SCHIIP isn’t a controversial program to anyone but the 30 percenters. It’s an effective program that, in this case, helped a 12-year old middle class kid. Most people are middle class or think of themselves as middle class. Most people worry about health care costs, even if they are insured. Most people can see how this program would help their kids if, god forbid, they were in a similar circumstance. And most people have similar make-ups as the Frost family.
This is their McCarthy v. The Army moment. The Democrats, the inept, cowardly, compliant, loser Democrats (my party, of course) are going to destroy these monstrous idiots in 2008 because their core support comes from people who, like their president, support a war over a 12-year old getting health care.
the Dems should be ashamed of themselves for exploiting a 12-year-old boy this way
The only mistake the Democrats made was in thinking that most people had enough basic human decency to care more about a little kid’s well-being than about their own partisan position.
As for being outraged over “exploiting” a kid, look at it this way: would you feel better if no one ever mentioned children in the debate over this program, and it failed, causing millions of real kids to lose their health coverage?
You have a severely disturbed center of outrage if the first thing you think when reading this story is “those darn Democrats!”
Just saw your update MzNicky — I still don’t know how this ‘exploits’ anyone. It’s only a controversial program to these rabid freaks. It’s no different than the way people talk about how the New Deal helped them, or how this politician spurred the VA to give all us vets the health care we deserve, or how Senator Smith was big on the Boy Ranger’s camp.
Can we get s stalkin’ Malkin photo going?
get a
Bush Gopper bravery on FULL display…
[…] er pragtfuldt at skue. Mere her. Og meget here […]
Just when you think the right wing can’t sink any lower, they find a crawl space under the bottom of the barrel.
Can you imagine pulling your curtains back and seeing that creature Malkin traipsing around your front yard.
You’re right … that’s depressing.
There are certain lines that don’t get crossed in a civil society. The welfare of our children is one of those lines.
Bush and his 29% crew clearly do not care about children receiving adequate healthcare. That’s not a surprise.
But attacking the 12-year-old and his family is indicative of their true intent. It’s not about whether millions of kids have healthcare. If it was about healthcare policy they would actually be talking about, you know, healthcare policy. Certainly Bush has reasons for his veto, however mean-spirited.
But it’s not about that. It’s about intimidation of your political opponents. It’s about scaring the population into submission. We are witnessing the birth of brownshirt tactics. Speak up about a policy issue and they visit your home, your work, they gather outside your home and scream insults at your children.
I’m not sure if the Gathering of Eagles and the Freepers have decided to picket the Frost house yet, but this sort of bully-boy tactic is not far off. Apparently Malkin visited the father’s workplace today. If you simply object to S-CHIP as a policy, why do you even care about the family of some kid who was helped by the CHIP program? On the other hand, if you desperately want to stifle legitimate dissent, this is exactly the type of thing you do.
And they’ll pat themselves on the back as heroes and patriots. Let’s have Confederate Yankee in here to tell us why investigating the kid’s family is such a noble task.
I would dearly love to see the media pick this up as a story about the Freepi and their thuggish response to Graeme Frost. The wingnuts are harassing the Frost family for the crime of speaking up about a policy issue.
Taking a break from walking around Brooklyn with a camera, Professor Althouse is on the case. By quoting other bloggers!
I’d like to reiterate what Doc amazing said, “Barney Frank nailed ‘em–life begins at conception and ends at birth.”. I have recently taught my 4 and 1/2 year old grandson the old stale joke when driving past a cemetary, “You know, people are dying to get in there.” We were passing a church and I noticed a couple of hundred white crosses out front of their property and I said to him, “Look, they have a cross up for every dead soldier.”, and then sped past lest he see the huge graphic anti-abortion signs. Oh yeah, my grandson actually gets the joke, I know becaused he actually groaned.
Can you imagine pulling your curtains back and seeing that creature Malkin traipsing around your front yard.
It would be a dream come true if I had a firearm handy.
The Wingnuts are playing “Gathering Of Eagles Attendance” games with the Frost home value, I see.
Malkin guesstimates it’s worth 400k and I found this at Althouses’ comment hole.
6. Their house appears, based on comps to be worth around $800k and they have a business building worth in excess of $200k, plus the value of several businesses.
How long before the Frost home is worth 30 million and they wipe their asses with 100 dollar bills.
Why do the Democrats want to tax us so we can help these ‘poor’ multi-billionaires who own 14 homes all over 50,000 square feet and made out of gold, rubies, emeralds and the ground up bones of Siberian tigers?
I heard that every single day Nance Pelosi and Hillary Clinton ride in a luxury helicopter to one of the Frost’s helipads just to hand them their “health care” check of $100 million dollars.
I don’t know what you all are so shocked for. These are the same people who not only think poor people displaced by Katrina deserved what they got for not having enough money to not be hurt, but that them that’s living in trailers and whose homes were destroyed are living like kings off the government teat. These are people who think hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqi men, women and children who never had a thing to do with us deserved to die because America got frightened in 2001. These are people who’d make gay people second-class citizens because they’re deathly afriad they might get a boner around one. Michelle Malkin is a woman who actually wrote a book arguing for interning people that looked a lot like her because it’d make rich white people feel safe. These are people who screamed that Cindy Shehan and the 9/11 Widows were only in it for the money, as are global scientists and evolutionary biologists. These are people who scream at 14 year olds going into Planned Parenthood and would happily see a woman die if it meant another baby was brought into the world they could ignore. These are people who, back in the day, may not have joined the Klan but were certainly glad the Klan was around to “keep things peaceable”.
These people are horrible human beings.
I read on some site (too tired to go retreive it) that the family bought the home (its an older row house) 5-6 years ago for $55K when the neighborhood was in much worse shape. Given the fact that the dad is a cabinetmaker, I would imagine much of the current value is due to sweat-equity and the changing of the neighborhood.
There’s a voice in the back of our monkey brains saying that if we can only “rationalize” that 12-year-old’s suffering, if we can only find a reason why he deserved to suffer, then we (and our own 12-year-olds) are SAFE. If the kid’s parents chose not to be insured, or at least insured adequately against a dual catastrophe, then WE aren’t to blame, and we don’t have to worry about what would become of us in a similar situation. If the 12-year-old’s parents are secretly “rich”, or lazy, or greedy, or suffering from BDS, then *we* (the monkey brain says) don’t have to wonder about the unfairness of fate, because *we* aren’t rich or greedy and we luvs us some Dubya. It’s a slightly more sophisticated version of the way the other members of a monkey troop will attack, murder, and sometimes cannibalize an injured monkey… because seeing a member of your tribe limping, crippled, hurting is just too friggin scary for your little monkey brains to assimiliate.
The Malkins and their Malkintent followers, on the other hand, don’t rise as far up the phylogenetic tree as the monkeys. Their brains are purely reptilian, and contain only the simplest stimulus/response triggers: New figure — Eat? Mate? Fight? Run? Hide? Since a crippled 12-year-old is insufficiently threatening to trip the run/hide switches, and it’s not the right shape to mate with, that leaves only eat and fight. This gives Malkin the “Purity of Purpose” to treat people as fungible items in the eternal lizard jungle of her mind… and to manipulate her even less self-aware acolytes into treating the rest of the world as an endless array of simple yes-no response triggers.
There was an “01 – 20 -09? bumper sticker plastered on the door
Yeah, that’s really incriminating. It’s hard to imagine why the Frost family might be eager to see the Republicans out of power.
Hasn’t Malkin been known to use her own child’s experiences to inveigh against liberal straw-men?
Jeebus. I didn’t think Malkin could scrape through the bottom of the barrel but that’s low, even by her standards.
The thing that struck me, as I tried to hold my breakfast down, was that she is bagging the guy for starting a business instead of paying health insurance. What the blue fuck?! She is suggesting he should be unemployed so that he can pay health insurance? Is the woman m… oh, yes, of course she is. And he should not have bought a house? The poor should have health insurance but live on the street?
And here’s what motivates these turds. Icwhatudo:
“also with 4 kids in a 600sf smaller house”
Bitter envy. The fuel for the capitalist machine.
Someone on another blog posted the floowing speculation:
Personally, I want the Republicans to highlight a family that did sell their house and small business and get a low-level job at a large company which provides health insurance to ensure that they can pay their child’s medical expenses in order to call attention to their independent spirit and tell Americans that this is the example they should be imitating.
It was a registered posters only blog, so I didn’t post my response, which is:
Didn’t Michael Moore showcase exactly such a family in “Sicko?” you know the couple that had to move into their daughter’s spare room after the dad got sick and the insurance company refused to cover expenses? Oh, and also the retired guy who went back to work as a stocker at the supermarket.
I’m sure ichwatudo also lives in a mixed-race neighborhood in Baltimore.
Don’t forget, this is the same pack of lovelies that think Kristin Breitweiser and John Edwards rather enjoy their own personal tragedies.
Yes, when are they going to bring in Coulter as the clean-up batter?
-“Reilly was an outspoken advocate for socialized health care without any means-testing whatsoever and an insistent critic of the Iraq war.”
-“There was an “01 – 20 -09? bumper sticker plastered on the door and a newer model GMC Suburban parked directly in front of the house.”
Well that proves that they’re liars! Only some sort of UNHINGED! moonbat wouldn’t see that the fix is on.
-“I’ve seen guesstimates of the house’s worth in the $400,000-plus range.”
Well if we can’t trust unattributed “guesstimates” what can you trust? Personally I feel a lot safer knowing Malkin and co. may be skulking outside my house right this very minute. For my good of course.
File this under “they really are soulless” #49624
Between the Iraq war being a problem of “flux” and the guesstimates of Malkin and her merry band of halfwit hitmen, I am going to have to pour some out in honor of what’s left of my sanity today and call it a night.
Worst of all, after Michelle was gone, they noticed that … THE DOG WAS MISSING!!!
We need to set up some kind of trojan horse. Get the press to report that I’m some kind of unhinged moonbat getting some of that fine free money I don’t deserve.
Get the malkin thing to skulk around my house. The video of her encountering my Front Door Overhead Bowling Ball Dispenser will be hilarious. Or meeting up with Mr. Mace™, the somewhat Rube Goldberg back porch defensive system, all filmed under the unrelenting glare of the motion activated IR floods. That would well and truly be “priceless”.
Ok, I know. I like to build stuff. But it’s only fun if it can hurt you.
C’mon, everybody needs a hobby…
Sounds like Mousetrap the Game.
You have a severely disturbed center of outrage if the first thing you think when reading this story is “those darn Democrats!”
Notorious P.A.T.: Fer cryin’ out loud, simmer down! I never said I was “outraged” over the Dems using a kid! Sheesh already!
Jaye B: I agree, the nutzos are as usual making a big deal out of nada.
Yes yes, the real outrage is the abominable state of US health insurance. I have my own personal stories to make your hair stand on end, so gimme a break.
May I conclude by adding I was simply expressing my personal opinion about the use of children to make political points. I can do that here, right? Plus I’m a mom, so maybe that has something to do with it.
Are you sure that’s a charcoal grill? Looks like propane to me. Maybe CY won’t mind either way, but you DID promise a charcoal grill.
May I conclude by adding I was simply expressing my personal opinion about the use of children to make political points. I can do that here, right? Plus I’m a mom, so maybe that has something to do with it.
And I’m just disagreeing with you. I can do that too, right? Maybe it’s because I’m a dad.
Jay B: I wasn’t aiming the “gimme a break” etc. stuff at you. Sorry.
Bah, these wingnut fuckheads get on my very last nerve. I’m through now.
Hey MzNicky. Join me in a cold one.
Hey g! Don’t mind if I do. Sounds like a damn good idea.
I think it’s about time for someone to drag up Malkin’s new address and post some satellite images of her house. Maybe we should even try to set up surveillance. After all, there are persistent rumors and circumstantial evidence indicating that Michelle’s husband Jesse actually writes many of her posts.
A word for all the faux outraged rightists who will accuse liberal bloggers of waging a “smear campaign:” Asking questions and subjecting political propagandists to scrutiny are what journalists should be doing.
When a Filipino wingnut welfare queen defends the interment of Asian-Americans, constructs posts with widely varying style, and manages to file off shrieking missives on a ‘round the clock basis, someone might have questions about her claims of self-authorship. The newspapers that literally employ her don’t want to do their jobs. The vacuum is being filled.
Anyone mention Digby yet?
And as one of Digby’s commenters mentioned, ZOMG DON’T YOU SAY NUTHIN’ BOUT NO GENERAL G** D*** PETRAEUS but it’s okay to go after the parents of little kids severely injured in a car accident because, well, f*** ’em.
So Confederate Yankee hasn’t piled on?
Good for him.
The wingnuts are saying that the Frost family somehow demonstrates the failure of the CHIP program to achieve its objectives. Thus the concentrated focus on a single family that benefited from the program.
If we really want to evaluate the utility and effectiveness of the CHIP program, however, there are lot’s of more useful policy-wonk analysis that can be done. If the wingers had the equivalent of an Ezra Klein or Kevin Drum who actually wants to wade through bucketloads of statistics about income levels, program costs & benefits, etc. (precisely the kind of detail that we here are too flighty and excitable to carry out effectively), they could actually make a case defending Bush’s veto. Or not.
But if you really want to evaluate the CHIP program, about the last thing you would do would be to pick a single family and form conclusions based solely on that family’s circumstances. It’s simply no an effective argument. We have detailed data on thousands, if not millions, of kids and families who have been part of the CHIP program.
You would pick on a specific single family, however, if they had spoken out and if what you wanted to do was to create a chilling atmosphere for dissent.
I really try to ignore Malkin, even when she is excerpted here at S, N! or anyplace else.
Mike Reilly, who is a talented welder.
Really? Are you a big judge of welding, lady?
Despite all that, he did agree with me that going without health insurance is often a matter of choice and a matter of priorities. Or maybe we were speaking two different languages.
In other words, she talked his ear off along these lines until he said, “whatever, lady” and she took as that as agreeing with her.
Maybe Malacodakin can launch her a new organization:
Anchor Babies For Making Low Income Parents Somehow Pay For Their Severely Injured Children’s Health Care Otherwise They Shouldn’t Have That Damn House That They Have
Imagine how much damage the internmentista and her fans could cause to the nation’s small business economy just by interrupting peoples’ work days with their crazy wingnut wackathons.
“Despite all that, he did agree with me that going without health insurance is often a matter of choice and a matter of priorities.”
Yes. A choice to prioritize things like ‘eating’ and ‘a home’ and ‘electricity’ over things like ‘treating significant health issues that may not lead to your immediate death but which will severely affect your quality of life’.
Fuck you, Michelle Malkin. You’ve got yours and now you’re pissing on all the little people for your sick glee.
the minute they shuffle off their useless mortal coils.
Shuffle? The bastards should be sprinting. Pole-vaulting. Anything.
Ok, I know. I like to build stuff. But it’s only fun if it can hurt you.
C’mon, everybody needs a hobby…
Y’know, Mikey, that’s exactly what my dad used to say about having six kids!
Somehow, my hobby looks increasingly pathetic…
You, I think there’s more to this story than meets the eye. It’s only scratching the surface.
As Michelle says, it’s a matter of choices and prioritizing. If the Frost family is willing to use a government children’s health insurance program for which they are eligible to insure their kids’ health, what other government programs are they benefiting from that we don’t know about?
If they’re choosing to accept government health insurance, just because they’re eligible for it, could it also be that they are willing to accept government housing programs, in the form of FHA – assisted mortgages, perhaps, instead of making the choice to use a private mortgage lendor?
Is it possible they’re willing to use the taxpayers’ dollars for a Small Business loan, instead of making the choice to use private funds to support the business?
Are they accepting any historic preservation grants for the restoration of their home?
And what of the mortgage interest deduction from their income tax? It’s all a matter of priorities and choice – just because they’re eligible, should they actually choose to benefit from this?
We should naturally ask questions and probe whenever it appears that someone who criticizes the Bush Administration uses government benefits they are eligible for.
Why, these people probably expect to collect their Social Security benefits someday!
Man, they’re just flinging shit in every direction over this one. It drives them screeching, bugnuts insane when they can’t just call someone a liberal commie traitor and be done with it.
Malkin and her flying monkeys are vile.
It’s about priorities and choices, she says.
Actually, do we know what the Frost family chose to spend their money on for health care? I’m not so sure we do. Do we know whether they had any insurance at all, maybe insurance that didn’t cover the kids’ care? What about President Bush’s highly touted Medical Savings Plans? Maybe the family listened to Bush and started up one of these, hoping to be able to cover their medical care tax free (although, damn them, that would be using yet another federal benefit for which they are entirely eligible). And they ran out of their savings before going on SCHIP.
Or maybe the Frosts, in their choosing and prioritization, thought that they would, like many of the Freeper commenters, live responsiblity and keep healthy by eating right and exercising. Maybe the parents are putting away their spare coins to save for the childrens’ college tuitions so that the children can contribute to society later – although then they would be using yet another government benefirt for which they are eligible – that is, the 527 plan.
Maybe the parents are putting away their spare coins to save for retirement, or paying life insurance so as not to saddle their kids or the taxpayers with supporting them when they are old.
Maybe they bought an SUV with airbags and a good safety record so as not to put their kids at risk if hit by another driver.
Maybe they felt that building equity in their home and building a business and trying to revitalize a community would make it possible to get insurance later, when the business was stable enough.
Maybe they felt, all things considered that they could be personally responsible for their everyday medical bills, and that going without insurance that would cover a catatrophic accident was a long shot, and anyway, the safety net for which they were eligible was there if the worst happened.
Kind of the same calculus Trent Lott did, owning a family estate in the flood plain of Mississippi.
I need to know which classes the Frost children have taken, and to see samples of what they have been writing in school, and it might be a good idea for the Malacodakins to film them at their school to make sure they’re not faking the whole “car accident” injury too.
LSD, Everyone knows there are no Frost children. Or parents either. It’s a make-believe family cobbled together from coughed-up bits of Ted Kennedy’s liver.
Seriously, “Frost”??? What’s the dad’s first name, “Jack”?
ZOMG!! If thur’s no Frost family then dat means they are an Al Kida sleepin cell and they are sneekin closer and closer to the President OMG they are already in Maryland and the Democraps are helpin them!!!
that looks like a gas grill to me
0 to 60C is 2.3 seconds.
From some comments on another blog:
“Soft hearted old compassionate conservative that I am, I suggested that: 1-if federal funds were required the[sic] could die for all I care. Let the parents get second jobs, let their state foot the bill or let them seek help from private charities. And 2-I would hire a team of PIs and find out exactly how much their parents made and where they spent every nickel. Then I’d do everything possible to destroy their lives with that info… …Hang ’em. Publically. Let ’em twist in the wind and be eaten by ravens. Then maybe the bunch of socialist patsies will think twice.”
think twice? Think twice about what, you might ask? Not about accepting the benefits, but, exactly what was said up thread. Think twice about speaking out.
sidenote – actually, they are seeking help from private charities – the schools – and the state, since the S-Chip program is, in fact, a state-run program.
mikey said,
October 9, 2007 at 1:40
We need to set up some kind of trojan horse. Get the press to report that I’m some kind of unhinged moonbat getting some of that fine free money I don’t deserve.
Get the malkin thing to skulk around my house. The video of her encountering my Front Door Overhead Bowling Ball Dispenser will be hilarious. Or meeting up with Mr. Mace™, the somewhat Rube Goldberg back porch defensive system, all filmed under the unrelenting glare of the motion activated IR floods. That would well and truly be “priceless”.
Ok, I know. I like to build stuff. But it’s only fun if it can hurt you.
C’mon, everybody needs a hobby…
HeeHeeHee!!1If I had a hammer,I’d hammer in the morn……
Can you imagine pulling your curtains back and seeing that creature Malkin traipsing around your front yard.
there would be words….
the Frosts have made choice to invest in property and a business, but not in private health insurance
They probably also invested in food and clothing instead of health insurance, the profligates. Ah, well, too bad the kids aren’t snowflake babies.
The aim it to mau-mau every critic of BushCo into silence so that they can say no such criticism exists.
They are brownshirts, pure and simple. And they cannot be laughed at any more.
That grill ain’t propane! It’s 100% nitromethane! 800 horses and 1300lb/ft of torque off the line! And that’s just to get the briquets goin!
That CY’s crazy though. I wouldn’t stand in front of that thing without a full nomex suit and a helmet.
Wonder if Gomer is still defendin’ those brave Blackwater boys, sensible moderate that he is.
Can you imagine pulling your curtains back and seeing that creature Malkin traipsing around your front yard.
“Stalker Malkin”
Can you imagine pulling your curtains back and seeing that creature Malkin traipsing around your front yard.
She’s just promoting her new DVD:
Beautiful, objectively. One suggestion – The Title should be “Stalkin”
Go all Home Alone of their “Investigative Reporting Team”.
There is no limit to what these bile-fueled haters will go to, simply in the name of annoying liberals. Fuck how much damage it wrecks, or how many lives it cripples and ruins! It ANNOYS THE LIBERALS!
The obvious solution is to have John Kerry, Jack Murtha, the Clintons (yes, both of them) and Obama and all the rest, get together and promote Suicide Awareness and rally the progressives behind a Suicide Prevention Program.
That will take care of the few of the 30% who could successfully figure out how to off themselves (Rush, this is where your program is simply critical. You gotta get on those airwaves and sell sell sell your own EIB Approved way to gank yourself.)
THAT will sure stick it to us!
Thanx, g.
Excellent idea, what with the rhymin’, but I loved those broken letters in STALKER™. I woulda made a mess trying to change it.
Anastasius, That kid has a suspiciously full head of hair, smarmy dark-skinned people grow hair like that. Terrorists have kids with that much hair. Or perhaps his parents were wasting money on conditioners instead of health insurance, and what’s that on the bed? A book? A red book. Terrorists and liberals read books. Red books.
That grill ain’t propane! It’s 100% nitromethane! 800 horses and 1300lb/ft of torque off the line!
That’s all very well, but I can’t see the tank for the liquid oxygen.
Something that always baffles me is why do working class people go after other working class people over this shit when corporate dicks are cashing in left and right all around us and government/taxpayer money is sucked into the vortex of war profiteering
Can you imagine pulling your curtains back and seeing that creature Malkin traipsing around your front yard.
She’d better be watching where she traipses; our dogs use that yard the way Malkin uses the intertoobs, only the dogs are literalists.
…and none of these jackasses will ever see a dime of any of the spoils.
I have a few thoughts here. Forgive me for assuming this person is male. Change the articles if it’s not the face.
The next time this guy’s house is broken into, may the cops laugh, and ignore him. When his house sets on fire, may it burn to the ground while the firefighters drink beer. May every road he drives on be cracked and broken, and may the freeways tear holes in his tires. May the air he breathes and the water he drinks be foul and contaminated; may his food be adulterated and his medication fraudulent. May his employers fuck him out of every last cent of his wages, and his complaints fall on deaf ears; if he owns property, may his neighbors pollute it. Let him fall ill and be injured, and may he be evicted and thrown upon the mercies of the elements. When he grows old and feeble, may he only be availed of the capricious and self-righteous charity of men like himself.
Fuck. When faced with this kind of malice in the face of human privation, there’s just about nothing that can be said. We’re within a month of the 92nd anniversary of Joe Hill’s execution. I’ve been thinking about him and about Eugene Debs and Emma Goldman and about every brave man and woman that fought and suffered for human dignity and freedom. They suffered at the hands of bastards like this one — evil-minded, dull-witted, malignant little shits without anything but venom and spit for their fellow human beings.
As a proud ‘socialist patsy’, I say fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck Michelle Malkin, and fuck every one of these deranged psychopaths trying to tear these people apart for having the basic human decency and courage to stand up and make a simple statement on something they believe is right. Ugh.
Hear hear!
Djur. I’d be honored to share a hole with you anytime.
Fuck ’em…
Djur – that’s some awesome stuff.
Let me pour you a drink. You too, mikey, if you like.
Liberal death threats are so charming and funny. So is raising taxes on the poor (cigarette taxes) to give middle and upper income folk free insurance. Isn’t that class warfare?
“He steals from the poor and gives to the rich…. Stupid bitch!”
“Djur said,
The next time this guy’s house is broken into, may the cops laugh, and ignore him. When his house sets on fire, may it burn to the ground while the firefighters drink beer. May every road he drives on be cracked and broken, and may the freeways tear holes in his tires. May the air he breathes and the water he drinks be foul and contaminated; may his food be adulterated and his medication fraudulent. May his employers fuck him out of every last cent of his wages, and his complaints fall on deaf ears; if he owns property, may his neighbors pollute it. Let him fall ill and be injured, and may he be evicted and thrown upon the mercies of the elements. When he grows old and feeble, may he only be availed of the capricious and self-righteous charity of men like himself.
Fuck. When faced with this kind of malice in the face of human privation, there’s just about nothing that can be said. We’re within a month of the 92nd anniversary of Joe Hill’s execution. I’ve been thinking about him and about Eugene Debs and Emma Goldman and about every brave man and woman that fought and suffered for human dignity and freedom. They suffered at the hands of bastards like this one — evil-minded, dull-witted, malignant little shits without anything but venom and spit for their fellow human beings.
As a proud ’socialist patsy’, I say fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck Michelle Malkin, and fuck every one of these deranged psychopaths trying to tear these people apart for having the basic human decency and courage to stand up and make a simple statement on something they believe is right. Ugh.”
If there’s any justice in this old universe…
CY looks like he’s wearing the Michael Myers mask from Halloween…
The liberals are doing “the poor” a favor as they’ll be a little less poor after they give up wasting their $ on cigarettes and the insurance rates and hospital bills they cause.
ROFL the wingers and Malkin especially really shit the bed with this one.
The funniest part is on her website she says “guessitmates say that house could be worth $400,000 or about” or something to that effect. And the truth is the house was bought 16 years ago for $55,000. I guess it’s just like when she went that burned and blowned up mosque that wasn’t burned and blown up.
Goddamn, when will their readers get that these “citizen-journalists” of the right are the most out-of-touch from reality people in the world.
“fuck you, fuck the horse you rode in on, fuck Michelle Malkin, and fuck every one of these deranged psychopaths trying to tear these people apart for having the basic human decency and courage to stand up and make a simple statement on something they believe is right.”
That was amazing. You have achieved heights of inspired and eloquent rage which I, a humble student of the rant, can only hope to reach one day. *bows respectfully*
Similar superlative rants seem to be available at djur’s site,
I am very impressed with the quality, and I intend to recommend it everywhere.
As a society, we Americans have always done this. Just ask Utah Phillips.
As to why we do it…..the strategy behind it is old enough to have a Latin name.
It’s not so much that *we* do it, as it is done to us. Or, if it bothers you to have that much agency removed from us and put onto our enemies, you could say “We let it be done to us”.
your are the man…..
[…] Image by Anastasius […]
Maybe if Dr. Frist watches a video of the kids he could tell us if they were sick enough to require government involvement in their health care.
Anne Laurie – slight problem with your post. 12-year-old boys “aren’t the right shape” to arouse a “mating” instinct in GOPers? The evidence suggests otherwise:
Perhaps the reason they hate children so much is because children are dirty, tempting whores, the same reason a rapist hates women.
raising taxes on the poor (cigarette taxes)
Ah. But shouldn’t the poor accept personal responsiblity for the choice and priorties they have regarding tobacco use?
[…] huh. And there’s always compassionate liberalism: The liberals are doing “the poor” a favor as they’ll be a little less poor after they give […]
Djur, Bravo.
He couldn’t restrain himself. Back to the dealer with the grill: