Foto Funnies Pt. 2.1
There’s been kind of a lot going on with this story today. Not terribly unrepresentative is the following, from comments at SouthernBeale:
typical of leftist turds who want to discount the misery of Iranian women. This is NO actress you fuckwits. This was a woman in her 20’s in the city of Arok in Iran and the photo was taken in 1992 and the photographer GAVE IT to Tamizi.
Ban | 09.27.07 – 11:27 pm |
You’re nothing but cultural imperialist westerners who have NO clue as to what goes on in the middle east and only want to scream about your own misery to drown out the sounds of the real pain around the world. SHAME ON YOU FASCISTS.Why don’t you move to Iran so the Mullahs can give you a taste of what your free speech will cost you.
Ban | 09.27.07 – 11:32 pm |
Wow…you guys really believe your own lies. Tamizi was given the photo by the photographer you self-congradulatory American smart ass. What do you think? That Iranians are liars and we make this stuff up? Who died and made you such an expert on our part of the world Ms. Southern Belle?
Nasi | 09.27.07 – 11:37 pm |
Oh yes, these silly entitled people sit on this side of the world nice and happy, fat, ignorant, arrogant and think that we have to lie about the filth of the Mullahs. Wait till they come and get you, because they are coming and by the time you wake up, it will be too late and then you will be wondering why you treated us like sand monkeys. Racist.
Somaya | 09.27.07 – 11:40 pm |
Ban, don’t you think posting under five different names is a little disingenuous? Do you really think I don’t know how to look up an IP address?
Southern Beale | Homepage | 09.28.07 – 7:30 am |
Actually it wasn’t just me posting Madam. I contacted a group of my friends who all live in the US to show them what racists you people are and how much you want to support the Mullahs by acting like the Mullahs do not stone women to death in Iran. THAT is why you have people baragging you…because I told them to give them a piece of their mind. Just to show that you American leftists will do and say anything to support the Islamo-Imperialists.
ban | 09.28.07 – 11:16 am |
Well, Ban, you’re all living really close together because you all have the same IP address and it’s in Virginia, not the Middle East but whatEVER. Keep up the fairy tales.
Southern Beale | Homepage | 09.28.07 – 12:44 pm |
“It’s not me! It’s just my friends, who all post from my house from all over the nation, and who are handsome and tall and thin and get to have sex with Jessica Alba!”
That’s possibly the most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen.
Teh awesum.
Damn. These sub-minimum wage trolls seriously need some training.
Never a dull-day in la-la-land.
Middle Eastern VIRGINIA!
NO, I”M AN IRANIAN, Mr. ban-nasi-somaya! It’s very nice here, a little warm but you get used to it. You should visit some time. Okay, I’m lying. See, you were right about us lefties.
You know, with all the time these assclowns spending listening to Rush Limbaugh and the other professional right-wing bloviators, you’d think they’d have learned to tell a semi-believeable lie by now.
typical of leftist turds who want to discount the misery of Iranian women. This is NO actress you fuckwits.
So you should bomb my country tens of thousands of tons of SmartBombsofFreedom™, killing many of my own family, because that will teach these evil mullahs that freedom means killing foreigners in large numbers!!!
Holy crap. The world has officially gone insane…
There is no city of “Arok.” There is a city of “Arak,” and they do carry out stonings from time to time. Interestingly, the only reference I could find to a 1992 stoning in the city of Arak was from .. Hmmm.
There is no city of “Arok.” There is a city of “Arak,”
I would not go too far with differences in transliteration. Vowels and consonants get represented differently depending on who you choose to translate your stuff.
I would not go too far with differences in transliteration. Vowels and consonants get represented differently depending on who you choose to translate your stuff.
And tell the damn French it’s “China” NOT “Chinois”!!!!
I’d like to book a flight from Bombay to Peking, please…
And my GIRLFRIEND! Who Lives in CANADA!!!
I’m not Rufus, but I agree with him. There is no “Arok, Iran,” no matter how much Liberal spinmeisters might wish to pretend otherwise.
I’m not Rufus, either, but I agree with Rufus and Not Rufus. The fact that there is no Arok, Iran does not mean that sockpuppet trolls are not telling the truth as they know it.
Me fail sock puppetry? That’s unpossible!
So after the photographer gave it to Tamizi, did Tamizi use all that 1994 technology to digitally recreate a full motion scene from a single still image? Is that the argument?
Okay, totally OT and incredibly embarrassing:
How do you check the IP address of someone.
Be nice, I’m old.
And, of course, I forgot the question mark at the end of my question.
Okay…pile on.
dms, it shows up on the visitor log for the site, so the owner can see who’s been coming around. Or sitemeter, if the blogger is using it.
Before anyone starts accusing me of sockpuppetry, I just want to let everyone know that my proxy server is currently being shared by more than 1 million internet users around the world. Honest.
>typical of leftist turds who want to discount the misery of Iranian women
right off the bat i’m confused. do they really think this is true, and if so, WHY would leftists want to discount the misery? i thought we were bleeding heart liberals, but all of the sudden we have some sort of specific dislike for Iranian women? i don’t get it.
i guess it’s the same kind of selective outrage where saudi arabia gets a free pass but we’re assholes for not wanting to bomb iran over their treatment of gays?
I’d like to book a flight from Bombay to Peking, please…
Actually, mikey, Peking is a reasonable transliteration of the Cantonese pronunciation of the city’s name. Beijing is the Mandarin version, which is probably more appropriate since the northern Chinese mostly speak Mandarin (which is the official language, even though there are dozens of dialects), but I suspect that English-speakers got their words from the Cantonese out of Hong Kong.
Sorry for the incoherence, but I’ve just got up. I’ve been building airplanes in my back yard, ready to break into the market. My friend a few streets away has called her house Heathrow, so I’ve got that problem sorted as well.
Flights from Home to Heathrow boarding soon, with QetAir: Teh Fur That Flies.
Mine too.
Fucking Ada!!! Have you seen Confederate Yankee.
Getting It Wrong
Let’s give credit Where credit is due: Gavin M. at lefty satire blog Sadly, No! has been on a bit of a tear in the past week, having found two instances where right-leaning sites have used fictional images to back calls for protests.
It is getting even better. LGF have a pseudo-apology. Not that They did anything wrong, they were just following orders from Front Page.
That last Rufus wasn’t me.
Or was it?
I’m so confused…
Aw fuck, white liberal guilt, that’s my kryptonite. You got me, I’m pro-war now.
Peking is a reasonable transliteration of the Cantonese pronunciation of the city’s name. Beijing is the Mandarin version
I believe ‘way back in the mists of time (1920 or so) it was also called “Peiping”, though how you get that pronunciation kinda mystifies me.
And I love that line from Treason-In-Defense-Of-Human-Ownership Yankee – “back calls for protests”. Ah. So slobbering all over the concept of nuking Tehran because of “compassion for the oppressed women of Iran” based on a staged photo is merely a “call for protests”. Well!
Qetesh the Abyssinian – everybody has to start somewhere. The precursor of Concorde was a papier mache model.
Attention all loyal Christian Republicans:
This is your deity speaking. You must obey the voice on the interwebs, even if it seems to be asking for just what your enemies want.
Do not kill. Do not use my name in vain. Feed the hungry. Heal the sick. If you are attacked, turn the other cheek. Give away all of your belongings and follow me, spreading my message of hope and love and… ah, well it was worth a shot.
Here’s a question – which I already posted in different form in the other photofunny thread. Let’s say the photo of the Iranian teen being stoned is real. Let’s pretend it’s a real photo of a real person at the moment of horrendous death and suffering.
What kind of people would use that photo – with its inherent indecency and invasion of privacy – to promote their meetings?
These are, if you recall, the same people who object to even the symbol of the written name of a dead US soldier being used in a promotion, who snatched a posed portrait in uniform from the hand of a dead soldier’s father, objecting to its use.
Yet they have no compunction about splashing around what they think is a picture of some other human being’s corpse.
I wonder what they would say to the mother of that teen, if it were a real photo.
I was struck by the accusations of racism and bigotry. Hmm, project much?
OT but its worth mentioning that the the GeoIP stuff (tries to associate an IP address with a physical location) is far from bulletproof. Even putting aside proxies, ssh tunnels, spoofed headers and the like, the location given by most services should be considered a hint, not a fact.
Just sayin’. I’d hate to see any Sadlynauts get too far out there on an “AH HA!!!” based on unreliable data.
Yet they have no compunction about splashing around what they think is a picture of some other human being’s corpse. I wonder what they would say to the mother of that teen, if it were a real photo.
Oh, foreigners aren’t so much people as abstractions of good and evil to them. Innocent civilian women in Iran aren’t real women, they are Damsels in Distress, earthly incarnations of the Blessed Virgin, the focal point of their faux-chivalrous, masterbatory concept of virtue.
She doesn’t deserve any more respect than Mel Gibson’s murdered bride in Braveheart. They are all just elements to intensify the plot. Its all entertainment for bored video game junkies.
Batocchio, that was just a bad attempt at mimicking liberal speak. Its kind of like when a movie alien pretends to be human as part of some murderous scheme, but isn’t very convincing.
That last Rufus wasn’t me.
I have been waiting in vain for any of these Rufuses to tell me something good.
I think Battochio was talking about the statements made by the sockpuppets on Southern Beale’s blog, Cambridge.
Yeah I know. The wingnut sockpuppet is mouthing liberal catchphrases like “racism” and “imperialist” without really understanding what those things mean or in what context those might be valid accusations.
Let’s say the photo of the Iranian teen being stoned is real. Let’s pretend it’s a real photo of a real person at the moment of horrendous death and suffering.
And even beyond all that, valid as it is, my question continues to stand. What do they want us to do about it? Do they really believe that the answer to a few hundred horrible atrocities is to kill tens or hundreds of thousands of Iranians horribly, women and children and old people, destroy their infrastructure and their homes and bridges and hospitals? How does this make sense?
People kill their neighbors in terrible ways all over the globe every day. So should we just randomly bomb cities, towns and villiages to make them stop? This is either a.) very poorly thought out or b.) they don’t really care about the victims of these local atrocities, they just want America to kill the maximum number of muslims and will latch on to any excuse in order to attempt to goad our leadership into doing that killing for them?
That last Rufus wasn’t me.
I have been waiting in vain for any of these Rufuses to tell me something good.
Hanx, Bubba! I’m back in the seventies. My biggest worry was homework.
Hey, blowback, I feel I’m in august company now! My Qetcorde, cunningly crafted out of furballs and held together with spit, is bound to be a mega-success just like Concorde. Hurrah!
What? Stopped altogether? Well, bugger this for a game of soldiers, I’m going back to bed.
On the plus side, Ban gets a few style points for going with “Islamo-Imperialists” instead of the worn-out “Islamo-Fascists.”
Same kind of people who like to show Jesus hanging on a cross.
“I believe ‘way back in the mists of time (1920 or so) it was also called ‘Peiping’, though how you get that pronunciation kinda mystifies me.”
The name Peip’ing, meaning “northern peace” rather than “northern capital”, was the creation of the Nationalists (i.e., of Chiang Kai-Shek) who for a brief time made Nanking (“southern capital”) the capital of China.
“Treason-In-Defense-Of-Human-Ownership Yankee” — that’s hilarious. And, as with all great humor, true.
Thanks a lot, guys! Y’all are what started this mess! For more fun, see how our local blog, Music City Bloggers, picked up the story … posting the troll’s comment as FACT because even though it might not be true, “it could be true” — it had truthiness.
Like an idiot I took the bait, prompting me to waste half my day trying to debate the topic with a couple of locals, one of whom I’m sure needs medication.
Actually, after wading knee deep in troll BS I think I need medication.
these wingnuts are getting dummer and dummer everyday- sockpuppets are so so 2003.
I agree Dustbin!
Thank you NGD!
An might I say what a brave and intellent commenter you are? Ever your frequent typos add to the frision othe your writing. I truly makes Sadly No a better site! You sir are a great American!
I’m confused. The same rightards who advocate the wholesale slaughter of all Muslims – women and children, included; call mothers who work “feminazis”, and argue that a woman’s primary duty is to serve hubbie pie on an eternally spinning lazy-susan and home school her kiddies and pop as many babies as she can – DEEP BREATH – are now claiming they support Iranian women who don’t have the rights and liberties western women have (thanks to the feminazis)?
Confused is putting it mildly. I think I’ll have some ice cream now.
(I wonder how many of those right wing bitches wear trousers. Women had to fight for the right to wear trousers…so if you’re wearing trousers bitches, you’d best take them off and put on a dress!)
God knock it off the joke is old already!
mikey, as with the fainting goats of the “Iran’s mean to gays!” argument, I’m going to have to assume it’s option B. Feminists have been trying to call our government’s attention to this kind of crap for decades now, as the right wingers went on about how it wasn’t vital to our national interests to do anything about this and meanwhile, honey, you don’t really need all those big scary rights and choices here at home, let us take a few of them away from you.
Over there sluts are stoned, over here whores are murdered, and I say this not to compare miseries but to note that these guys only care when it gets them closer to a war they want anyway. I’d be more convinced of their sincerity if they stopped trying to oppress women everywhere they could reach any. Which is not to say I want them to try to save any non-Islamic women, since as mikey points out this appears to mean bombing them to death.
I was struck by the accusations of racism and bigotry. Hmm, project much?
You leftists are just racist bigots! Also, slavery wasn’t so bad, and Africans who were enslaved are better off because of it! And you leftists are bigoted racists!
The name Peip’ing, meaning “northern peace” rather than “northern capital”, was the creation of the Nationalists (i.e., of Chiang Kai-Shek) who for a brief time made Nanking (”southern capital”) the capital of China.
Ah! So it was, basically, a shill to the Good Chinese (i.e. the Nationalists) and a slap to the Bad Chinese (the evil Commies).
Some things never change…
What do they want us to do about it? Do they really believe that the answer to a few hundred horrible atrocities is to kill tens or hundreds of thousands of Iranians horribly, women and children and old people, destroy their infrastructure and their homes and bridges and hospitals?
Sadly, Yes!
mikey, they don’t show the bombed-out civilians on the teevees in the basements, so let ’em rip!
mikey, your entertainment is my number one priority.
If it’s so much better in America, why not bring ’em all over? Welcome, freedom lovers!
They support them over there so they won’t have to support them over here.
speaking of bringing them over, how many of the millions of Iraqi refugees has the US offered to take in/taken in (not that many would want to settle there)?
How long before the right-wing goes full circle and claims we have to “liberate” Iran so that their women can have access to safe abortions and their gays are free to legally marry?
I also concur with a previous commentator that its quite amusing to note that they seem to have no concern what so ever for all the women of Saudi Arabia who cannot be admitted to a hospital, examined by a doctor, travel abroad or leave the house without the express permission and/or company of an immediate male relative. They also cannot drive a car or ride a bicycle and can be caned and beaten for not obeying the strict dress codes of sharia law.
Nor do they have a problem with the Saudi’s funding the Sunni insurgency. Nor the fact that its the home of a majority of the 9/11 hijackers, or the source of Bin Laden’s wealth.
This isn’t news to any of us though.
Their moral certitude is solely based on how badly they want to drop bombs on someone’s house.
In fact, I think “helping women’s rights” is right-wing code for bombing the crap out of someone. So, in a way, maybe we should be thankful they don’t want to help women here in the US.
I’m just not feelin it, Sidhe….
C’mon, mikey! Don’t you remember the green flashes and night-vision explosions from Gulf War I? Boom, crash, pow! There weren’t any people in those images, just video game fireworks! Bombs away!
Divide the current cost of the war by the population of Iraq and you get about $16000 per person. It would have been so much smarter to give each one cash and a plane ticket.
See, wouldn’t it be easier to invade the other 50+ other countries* living in squalor and oppression, and work our way inward, rather then jump into the middle of the fucking Ballpit of Crazy?
Oh, right, They don’t have oil. We only care about your suffering if you have oil.
*Yes, China, I’m looking at you. When are we going to invade China? Or Russia? Or South America? OR sub-Saharan Africa? WHEEEE!! Sure, it’ll mean 200 years of constant warfare, but think of how COOL that will be!
How long before the right-wing goes full circle and claims we have to “liberate” Iran so that their women can have access to safe abortions and their gays are free to legally marry?
See, I don’t think this as confusing as all that. Remember, dear hearts, the Right thinks stuff like gays being treated equally under law and women having say over what happens to their bodies as stuff that will destroy America. Dig? Of course, their all het up about Iranian women not being able to gay marry their aborted feti! It’ll totally destroy the Iranian Islamocommies and their Supreme Leader Saddam al-Queda al-Hitler al-Puppystomper. First gay marriage and Iran totally blows up, ’cause, y’know, that’s totally what happened in Massachusettes.
Ya gotta think like a wingnut, see. Try it with me. Get some airplane glue and a good, solid two-by-four.
Um. Where does the 2 X 4 go? It’s awful hard to walk with it up my butt …
Arak is a fine drink on those hot, hot days in the Sahara.
What? Oh. Well, just bring me some more ice then.
Sorry, I mean some more motherfucking ice.
That would be motherfucking ice tea, wouldn’t it, Smiling?
Sure, it’ll mean 200 years of constant warfare…
Half a trillion a year? There better be a goddamn war.
I don’t want my grandchildren’s money spent just so these guys can tromp around some stateside training ground.
Can we just have a little more slaughter on the teevee? Let me be involved.
I’m sorry, I want to push on this a little.
I mean – these motherfuckers formatted and designed a press release to publicize their event. They slapped on a picture to make it resonate, give it a little goose, give it a kick.
It’s all about motiviating the masses to comeon out and support the cause, and what’s better than an image with some impact to get the folks coming out, right?
There’s a long tradition with this right? We show pix of big-eyed swollen-stomached kids to get folks to open their wallets and feed Darfur, Ethiopia, Biafra, Bangaldesh….
But what we DON’T do is use – exploit – the photos of dead bodies, or, worse, photos of people meeting their death to publicize our events or raise our fund.
We don’t do it. We don’t show pictures of the corpses at Auschwitz in our marketing materials to raise funds for the Holocaust Museum. We don’t show the pictures of the falling bodies at the WTC to raise funds for a memorial. We don’t show pictures of lynched black people to publicize an NAACP event. We don’t show pictures of soldiers blown up by IEDs to boost the war.
I was actually going to link photos to the 4 examples above – I actually have examples of all the above – but it seemed too indecent to me to show them. Even too indecent to link to them. So – I guess I’m exemplifying what I’m talking about here.
You don’t do it. The American Cancer Society doesn’t use pictures of dead or dying cancer patients in its press releases. The Shriners Burn Center doesn’t show pictures of peoples’ keloid scars.
Why don’t we do it? For the same reason we cover the faces of the dead.
What Fucking Horowitz is doing is taking the sheet off the corpse, stripping the corpse’s clothing off, and laying her naked out in the street for all to see. What he’s doing to these victims is no less than dragging their corpses down the streets of Mogadishu as the American soldier victims of “Blackhawk Down” or as the burning of the Blackwater security guys’ corpses in Fallujah.
Do these motherfuckers understand this? Our army decimated an entire city because 4 guys were killed and had their private, agonizing deaths exploited indecently on international TV.
So now David Fucking Horowitz uses the death agony of a woman he believes to be real to exploit his fucking enterprise.
Thank God the picture is fake. Thank God there is no mother, no family out there to see it and say – that’s my daughter in the moment of her death – and they’re using her.
It’s indecent. For nothing else, he should be condemned and shunned by all society for doing this.
It’s indecent. It’s invasive. It’s wrong.
If you’re raising awareness of the abuses of human rights in a particular
Its looks to me like it could be one of the professional trolls i’ve read about. There are businesses starting up whose purpose it is is to shape opinions on blogs by flooding the comments section. Then again, Southern Beale’s blog may be lower trafic, and wouldn’t warrant a professional spamming. Still its worth pondering. As far as I know, the method of execution prefered in Iran is hanging. The only government I’m aware of that sactioned stoning executions was the Taliban. Other cases of it tend to be ad hoc executions, like the widely reported one from Iraq several months ago (but Hussein was worse…..)
sorry, last sentence fragment is something that should have been deleted.
I saw that woman with my own two eyes. Ass hole.
UPDATE: I have been informed this was a different woman I saw shredded. This one was in Baluchistan.
“get some airplane glue and a 2 by 4”
and dont forget to deflate your blow up woman, ring and threaten your femi nazi ex wife and masturbate to the rantings of Coulter. Then you’re ready to exploit some other womans “pain” to cause a whole lot more suffering to women.
ps great posts on this thread
Freepers care deeply and passionately about the misery of Iranian women. Of course they do.
Snooper gets around, don’t he.
He’s such an Ass
………..which was started by cuckoo left site SadlyNo, who included a screenshot of the LGF post in their piece.
LGF calling us a cuckoo left site, oh the irony…
Im going for a lie down
Cough! Some of them want to liberate American women from abortion clinics.
Haven’t we been through this before with Afghanistan and Iraq? I recall the right crowing about what the invasions had done to progress women’s rights, pointing at rape rooms in Iraq and Taliban excess in Afghanistan. However, I hear less from them on this nowadays, just as we begin to hear more worrying news about the imposition of islamic restrictions on women in Iraq, and the same old same old from the Afghans who haven’t, it seems, changed their spots.
It’s enough to make one think that they don’t care about the women, only whatever atrocity story they can leverage for propaganda purposes.
How do you check the IP address of someone.
dms106, I think you have to be the ‘owner’ of the blog. Apparently blog hosting companies’ software will show you what the ip addresses of the posters are, among other info.
Welcome to Sock Puppet Nation. I was gonna say that nobody could be that stupid, but . . . . . . I was proven wrong, wasn’t I? 🙁
Hey, I won’t lie, I was even brought to tears by that pic, which I used myself in blogging. But suggesting that none on the Left are helping in human rights campaigns regarding abuses in Iran? Please. This is where partisan squabbling turns into a disaster that hinders campaigns to actually make changes in the world. Just look up Nazanin Fatehi. She is now out of Iran’s infamous Evin Prison, off of death row there, and home with family.
Hey Lex,
perhaps its because most of the ‘human rights campaigns’ are fronts from lets blow up those muslim types campans. If I see you getting worked up about rights abuses in Saudi, Zimbabwe or Myanmar, then I will give you credit, otherwise, just bugger off.
And right on cue, a Sensible Liberal appears. Geez, can’t you people just fuck off already?
They support them over there so they won’t have to support them over here.
Lesley wins this round.
As far as I can tell Lex is sincerely interested in human rights and that’s not just okay, it’s good.
Bubba’s right.
Seems to me, we like to talk about engagement and dialog rather than violence and warfare, but we seem to delight in taking every opportunity to scorch us some earth.
Now, I realize this is a blog where the primary purpose is exposing and mocking the nuttiest of the wingnuts, but whenever somebody tries to engage with civility, two things happen. First, he gets insulted and excoriated right off the bat, before we really even can tell if he has that dreaded “agenda”. Second, if somebody around here does have the temerity to go off the reservation and try to talk instead of flame and argue, he gets slapped around by his allies that he is NOT to behave this way, they’re just setting you up, they have a fucking agenda.
I like to try to whatever extent possible to live up to my ideals. So tellya what. If you see me trying to have a dialog, not with a crazy, hate-spewing warmonger, you won’t see that, but with somebody who seems willing to engage in a real conversation, please don’t instruct me on my naivety.
I don’t like the way the world is going, and I’m looking for some kind of consensus and some allies. I know, it’s not there yet, but it’s never going to get there if nobody talks to anybody…
What do they want us to do about it? Do they really believe that the answer to a few hundred horrible atrocities is to kill tens or hundreds of thousands of Iranians horribly, women and children and old people, destroy their infrastructure and their homes and bridges and hospitals?
We have to kill the sluts to save them.
I’m with you, mikey, as always. But caveat, when someone brings up the Turner Diaries in defense of their dialog, even if they haven’t read it, well… they lost me.
I like her and hope Lex has genuinely evolved and it seems that she has finally cleaned her blogroll of hate sites (apart from NRO, ewww) but my blackberry’s browser doesn’t always load pages fully so I’m not sure.A denunciation of Pam Atlas would go a long way towards convincing me.
Ahem. At the risk of inflaming someone – I read the exchange with – what was her name? joanne or someone? A 9/11 conspiracy theorist.
And my read on the Turner Diary thing was that she was using it to make a rather narrow point – she was pointing to Condoleeza Rice saying “No one could have imagined flying planes into buildings” and joanne said, in effect, Nonsense, of course someone could imagine flying planes into buildings, it was contemplated at an earlier Italian economic meeting and also figured in a scenario in the Turner Diary.
I don’t think she was embracing the Turner Diaries and all it infers – I think she was just making a point that Rice was being disingenuous; the idea had been out there percolating around the world, and perhaps significantly, it had been out there in a distinctly non-Muslim community.
I didn’t much like the pile-on she got for that. She was a jerk in many many other ways, but I thought that was a little much.
I, personally found it amusing that the Confederate Yankee suggested that the Daily Mail was a “reputable news source.”
Lesley said,
September 29, 2007 at 3:56
They support them over there so they won’t have to support them over here.
Lesley wins. genius.
joanne said, in effect, Nonsense, of course someone could imagine flying planes into buildings, it was contemplated at an earlier Italian economic meeting and also figured in a scenario in the Turner Diary.
Some Tom Clancy novel (I forget which. Oh, yeah, the one where Jack Ryan saves America.) also featured a terrorist flying a plane into the White House. In yet another example of Clancy’s finger-on-the-pulse-of the-world sensibility, the terrorist was a Japanese ultra-right nationalist.
Then there was this guy, who didn’t just think of the idea, he actually tried it.
Sadly, it is for many Britons. Yes, to a progressive it is shrill, aggressive, wrongheaded and reactionary, but it is also subtle. It is an sober, upmarket paper compared to the nutty red top tabloids, slotting into a niche between those and the serious broadsheets.
It’s a paper for the respectable middle-class middle-Englander; the Thatcherite-trending, Clarkson-loving, Richard Littlejohn fan whose personal wealth is defined by the price of their home and who believes the country is going to hell in a handbasket. The paper’s demographic is broad. Most notably, since the ’80s it has made enormous strides in building and cultivating a young female readership. (I have supposed that part of the appeal is that the Mail doesn’t show tits on page 3, but in truth the FeMail pages of the paper are an attractive mix of slebbery, women’s fashion, consumerism, health issues and diet faddism.)
Now, whenever I see a Daily Mail reader on the train I immediately assume that they are a cunt to the core. But most Britons won’t. It is the respectable face of populist British conservatism.
No, I won’t bugger off. I have gone very far in making amends for having fallen into certain circles and painting all Muslims with the same brush. As far as the campaigns I have worked on, I seriously doubt if the involvement of Amnesty International is even remotely a front for “wingnuts”. Likewise, I came to many of the campaigns run by Iranian expats through the attention of Iranian expat friends, frequently begging former members of my “blogroll” to get involved. But campaigns to send aid both financially and in terms of goods to those affected by the years of violence in Sierra Leone has been yet another thing my family has been involved with, quite independently of the web, as this has gone back many years.
I won’t lie, I started a reactionary blog in my anger over several issues regarding 9/11. When I realized that this was heading in a direction that I could not ethically condone and leading to involvement in web sites containing statements that I could also not condone, I stripped my web activities of any such materials. I learned my lesson.
Lawnguy–I have agreed not to denounce someone who I am personal friends with, the friend you mentioned, and will not do so, I hope you understand. That goes beyond blogs. I did, however, delete all prior posts as well on my blog though keeping it for the current posts which reflect where I was before my reactionary spouting and now again.
Seriously, my chickens came home to roost in very personal ways, and I am more sorry that I possibly ever hurt anyone through the bigotry that I now face offline that I cannot even express it enough, online or off. I hope you understand that and understand my sincere regrets, Lobbey.