Okay, Which One Of You Guys Is Driving Ace To Drink?

Ace was drunk-blogging last night. Apparently something is weighing on him.

Drunk (and Open Blog)

I get drunk about once every two years.

This is that once.

Since I cannot just post something saying, “I’m drunk,” here is a good link I got off Instapundit, which you’ve already read, because face it, the only things I link are from Instapudnit and AllahPundit.

You will say this makes me stupid.

I will say: “Who is the fool, the fool or the fool who reads the blog of the fool?”


PPS: Here’s that creepy stalkerazzi message I got from a liberal troll earlier.

I didn’t want to post it because I didn’t want to freak people out, but it is… unsettling.

Eh, we’ll kick his ass.

‘Sides, we have an agreement with the bar. He acts like a douche, we get the bouncer to toss him.

We’ve seen this side of Ace before.


Ace Of Spades: Valiant Fighter Against Terror

Liberal Troll: OMG, you are such a freakin’ puss.

Ace: Help! Help! I’m being sexually harassed with hate speech!

Liberal Troll: Yeah, okay, whatever.

Ace: Muahaha, iffat muh-fuh douchebag come back here, I’s gone beat he ass, yo. Muh-fuh playa-hata, hatin’ on da playas yo. Respeck.

Liberal Troll: Okay, I’m back.

Ace: Help! Help! I’m being victimized by a creepy harassment stalker!


We actually don’t have any firm plans to hang out at Lir, at 903 Boylston, between 9PM and midnight on. . .uh, what was it, Saturday, September 15th? (We’d double-check, but Ace pulled all mention of the location and time from his site.)

Then again, you know, we don’t really have anything else planned.


Comments: 71


That’s a shame. I’ll be in Washington DC all that day, yelling at the presidents house and acting like another sheep for peace.


The poor schmo can’t even drunkblog properly.


Oooh, scary. Someone will be taking pictures at Ace’s He Man Woman Hater’s Club meeting. No wonder Ace had to drink to make the askeered feelings go away.


The fact is, it has been six years since the ugly, cowardly attacks on our nation and I must pointedly ask, what have we learned? To my sadness, the answer must be nothing. Yes, we pursue al Qaeda in Iraq and, not that you hear it ever from the Liberal Media, they are taking heavy, horrendous casualties there. Afghanistan too.

The supporters of the war are people who were aware before 9-11, who knew how precious American freedom is and that there are many who want to take it away. Those who oppose the war have returned like a dog to its own vomit, supporting every enemy of America since Stalin. And the great masses who know neither victory nor defeat, neither Conservatism nor Liberalism have gone back to their dream world. Liberals hated the immediate post-9-11 period because it was a Real World scenario. Their political correctness and social experiments were seen for the useless excrement that they are.

The day after 9-11, who needed a Feminist, an ACLU lawyer, a tree hugger or a “Peace” Activist? Liberal Ivory Towers had come crashing down and they were scrambling to keep up with the rest of us who already dwelt where things are real.

But now the Liberal Media and DNC Activists have succeeded in singing most of the American people back to sleep. I remember the days immediately following the WTC attacks they talked about how our world was changed forever. But how are things today different from ten years ago? Nothing of significance. Liberals are walking tall again, once more acting like they have something to be proud of. They manage to say with a straight face that it is patriotism on there part to help al Qaeda bring about genocide and tyranny in Iraq.

Today is the same as 1776- in the “Flyover Country” we are Americans wanted to live with a free, strong and independent America, while the Liberals in the big urban areas are still seeking their King George to bow down to, today in the person of the UN Sec’y General, the President of France (before they went and elected a Conservative who admires America, that is) and other Eurasian Leftists. In previous years they sought to emulate the likes of Stalin and Ho Chi Minh. The struggle of Conservative vs. Liberal is truly a continuation of the Revolutionary War, with Liberals as the Loyalists.

Why do some free people turn against their societies and support the worst of tyrants? Even the tyrants themselves aren’t grateful either. Lenin’s affectionate term for Western Liberals who believed every word he said and supported the USSR totally was “Useful Idiot.”

As the sixth anniversary of 9-11 approaches, Liberals have added an enormous crime to their long list of many others. They have done their uttermost to send the memory of the heroes and martyrs of 9-11 down the memory hole. The Liberal Media has slowly guided us back to lionizing their favorite heroes- pornographers, abortionists, comedians who tell dirty jokes and hygienically challenged, dope-smoking hippies who helped out the Stalinist Ho Chi Minh. It is poignant to note that Orwell in “1984” believed that the murdering of the past was a greater crime of INGSOC (the Left Wing Socialist Party of Big Brother) than all the murder, death, torture and other tyranny they inflicted. Perhaps he was right. Whatever your take on it, it is a terrible crime against humanity.

The Liberal Media has decided that images of 9-11 are not to be shown to us because of the passions they might excite in us. They had no problem running non-stop images of Abu Ghraib in order to excite anger against our soldiers. We should show those images every day.

Our people have forgotten them and are in much need of reminding before the next bomb goes off on American soil.



Hey, Dylan scares me, too.

Especially Early 60’s New York City Skinny Dylan.

And that Ginsburg guy!?! They’re in an alley. An alley! With fire escapes.


I need a drink….


Come and debate facts with me on Facebook, idiots.


I don’t have any opinions about Facebook.


Its the real Gary!

Wingnut screed? Check!

Invitation to friendly battlefield? Check!

I, for one, have missed you Gary. But do we really know each other well enough to ‘do’ Facebook?

Gavin- that response was hilarious. Stalkerazzi indeed. Please get pictures. Please.


I’d say Facebook is pretty good at what it tries to do, and surprisingly stable, but then, I’m an idiot…



‘Our people have forgotten them and are in much need of reminding before the next bomb goes off on American soil.’

I suspect Gary got an erection while he was typing that sentence. He can’t wait for another terrorist attack to justify his hatred and xenophobia. Too bad there are so many like him.


I see this incarnation of Gary Ruppert has learned to copy and paste.


I’m all for the S,N! New England Contingent’s pulling a Gathering of Eagles move at AceFest ’07. Hilarity would ensue.

It would be even funnier if somehow a boatload of ActUP, PETA and NORML activists also showed up. Throw in a few antiwar types and a Brown Person® or two, and wingnut diarrhea will flow on the carpeting.


“I get drunk about once every two years.”

Yet more proof, if proof be need be, that Ace is seriously wrong in the head.


“As the sixth anniversary of 9-11 approaches” …

Um. Why do I get the impression that this drooling screed has been cut and paste about 700 times on many, many, many blogs and message boards?

“The Liberal Media has decided that images of 9-11 are not to be shown to us because of the passions they might excite in us.”

That’s funny; 60 Minutes had a segment on the other night with the images played over and over, and such images were all over the news this morning before I left for work.

Reality must suck in Wingnutistan.


“I get drunk about once every two years.”

I love you, man.


Damn, do I wish I was on Boston.

Though I’m brown, so I suspect they’d spot me immediately as a trouble maker. Even before I could make trouble. 🙁

while the Liberals in the big urban areas are still seeking their King George to bow down to,

I would’ve preferred William of Orange, myself. Mary can come along, too.

As the sixth anniversary of 9-11 approaches, Liberals have added an enormous crime to their long list of many others. They have done their uttermost to send the memory of the heroes and martyrs of 9-11 down the memory hole.

There were people dying for a cause on 9/11? Other than the hijackers?


Ginger: Maybe he gets crunk more often and gets only drunk once every two years.

It’d explain a lot, surely. Though I would expect crunk posting to be much more entertaining.


I hear that Gavin and Brad have dibs on the bear and puma costumes. Does Boston Costume stock giant gay squid?

On second thought, Ace could be a furry. Could get awkward.


“Those who oppose the war have returned like a dog to its own vomit…”

Hey, “Gary,” (if that is your real name) dogs will eat anything you put in front of them. Anything.

Roald Amundsen used dogs to get to the South Pole and back.

When they were in camp before and after the trip to the pole, the dogs kept the latrines clean by eating all the shit. When they ran out of seal meat on the return from the pole, they fed the dogs…other dogs.

Robert Falcon Scott, on the other hand, tried to reach the pole using Shetland ponies. Ponies, fer crissake! Ponies eat hay, and oats. Where the fuck are you gonna find hay and oats in Antarctica?

After the ponies died, Scott had his men drag their sleds themselves. Through waist-deep snow. For > 1,500 (more than one thousand and five hundred) miles. To the South Pole. Only to see that Amundsen’s crew had already come and gone.

Then Scott and his men had to drag everything back again.

Well, almost back.

They all died, exhausted, in a tent. They froze to death, and starved. Because Robert F. Scott was a fucking moron who didn’t know what the fuck he was doing and, as a result, got everybody killed.

Meanwhile, Amundsen and his men returned to their base camp in fine health. Several gained weight. They were heavier when they got back than when they left on their journey. By sled and ski. To the South Pole. And back. Safely.

Amundsen knew to use dogs, and he and his men knew how to work with dogs. Don’t you be dissing dogs or what they eat.

But go ahead and keep worshiping the modern day Robert F. Scotts. Just remember that they’re probably gonna get you killed.

Not me, though. No fucking way. I know how to ski, and I know how to work with dogs.


Oh, and I forgot one other thing – the latrines at Scott’s camp were all backed up with shit, because nobody wanted to clean them, and they didn’t have any dogs.


Why do some free people turn against their societies and support the worst of tyrants?

Indeed, why?

Jorge Ubico
Castillo Armas
Fulgencia Batista
Anastasio Somoza
Efrian Rios
Joseph Mobutu
Idi Amin
Hastings Banda
Mohammad Reza Pahlevi
Ngo Dien Diem
Pol Pot
Syngmann Rhee

&c. &c.


“The Liberal Media has decided that images of 9-11 are not to be shown to us because of the passions they might excite in us.”

That’s funny; 60 Minutes had a segment on the other night with the images played over and over, and such images were all over the news this morning before I left for work.

I understand the today show was re-running their entire broadcast of that day. I can just picture the wingnuts tuning in now:

“OMG, it’s happening again!!!!1111!!!!”

Hey Gavin, did ya get that….


I sent ya?


I wonder how Ace will deal with a 6’5″ black man who shows up?

Do they sell Depends in his size?


Hey, Smotes Durston you forgot Saddam Hussein:



“They have done their uttermost to send the memory of the heroes and martyrs of 9-11 down the memory hole.”

Do the martyrs of 9-11 get 72 raisins?


Yeah, ace, viral marketing is very disturbing. Or are you taking about bacon and playdoh?


J– Nice catch.

Gary: You forgot to mention your mentor, Alfredo.

Oh, and: it’s “patriotism on *their* part.” Not “there.”


Smotes- I got that link, and with the insider info, that joke was hilarious. Without it, it went over my head.

J- That’s his gig, man, he is the King of cut and paste.


Oh, damn. I am not going to be in New England until late next week, so it appears I will miss Acepalooka.

What a pity! I could have represented Teh White Haired Disabled Liberal Troll Stalkerazzi.

I certainly hope someone else can fill this important niche.


I have a question about that graphic we always use of A.O. Spades. Where did it come from? And, more importantly, is that goose a Photoshop?


“They have done their uttermost to send the memory of the heroes and martyrs of 9-11 down the memory hole.”

I’m sorry, did you say “uttermost”?


Yeah, it’s a screen-capture of a TV appearance he did, and I put a goose into it at some point. Since pix are so scarce, it’s become the standard one w/TBogg and other people hiking it.


Now that would be hilarious! Think about 7-10 people with cameras showing up? If I was even remotely close to there, I’d be in.

I’m thinking old hats with ‘Press’ cards in them, big flashbulbs, the works…


I’m thinking full pirate regalia and a proper scene.


I’m thinking old hats with ‘Press’ cards in them, big flashbulbs, the works…

People could imitate Walter Winchell. “Mr. O’Spades! Is it true you were recently arrested in a meat market for combining pork products and children’s clay in a criminal manner? Is it true that your scrotum is infested with bees? Is it true that you only get drunk once a year, and not twice? Mr. O’Spades! Mr. O’Spades!”


When they ran out of seal meat on the return from the pole, they fed the dogs…other dogs.

That reminds me of the time we were crossing the North Pole. It was so cold, we were so hungry, we were forced to eat the dogs. As I looked down at that pile of steaming bones, I thought “Pity! The dogs would have loved those!”


The Liberal Media has decided that images of 9-11 are not to be shown to us because of the passions they might excite in us.

Would not showing the images of 9/11 include just running six year footage of 9/11 all day, faux gary?


Re: RubDMC’s harrowing tale of dog cannibalism

What DMC (may I call you Rub?) neglected to include in his account is, after Amundsen had completed his epic adventure, the remaining dogs who had survived the journey ran back across Antarctica and ate the frozen bodies from the Scott expedition! Those were some hungry dogs!


“Lenin’s affectionate term for Western Liberals who believed every word he said and supported the USSR totally was “Useful Idiot.””

Sadly, No! That term was never used by Lenin, and doesn’t appear in any of his writings.


Charles Giacometti

I am so tempted to blow off a family gathering and show up at the Rube-a-palooza.

They will make us in no time at all. We will be the ones there with triple-digit IQs.


Bleh, leave the Aceholes alone. By now they’re aware of this discussion of crashing it and will work themselves into a froth at the event whether any libruls show up or not.

So by going to a different bar, you can have fun without any wingnuttery around – apart from the usual background level – and know that they’re off pooing themselves anyway.

So everybody has a good time!


Well, is anyone else going to be around Lir on Boston that day?

Am a Sadly No! fan reader and live a few blocks away.



Englishwoman: Well, he said it in Russian of course.


englishwoman: I always thought it sounded weird, as if Lenin and pals were laughing it up in the Kremlin saying “They fell for it! Communism is actually horrible!”


The day after 9-11, who needed a Feminist, an ACLU lawyer, a tree hugger or a “Peace” Activist?

Well, it turns out that everyone needed the ACLU lawyer, right? Oh, crap, I forgot: If I didn’t do anything wrong, I don’t have anything to worry about.


If that’s worst “stalking” ace ever has to deal with, I’d say he’s pretty well made in the shade.


No, no, no. It’s “who is the bigger fool, the fool or the fool who follows him?”



It would be a real shame if they learned about the weekly (Wed’s) liberal- “apalooza” (Drinking Liberally) at a bar (the Peoples Republik) in Central Square (Cambridge, MA) and came for a debate.


I wonder how Ace will deal with a 6?5? black man who shows up?

offer to pay the black man $20 to take a blowjob from ace out of self defence?


Ha!!!! Nice, Galactic!

Okay, that settles it. Miguel, you are to infiltrate the enemy and get a freaking picture of Ace!

I mean, really, my ceiling’s looking pretty bare….

You too, Brad. I’m pretty sure you have to live in Boston to care about the Sox like you do…

Shit, if I wasn’t so wasteful with my salary, I’d hop a plane this weekend to be there. Could make it a Sept 15 protest in DC, then…ACEAPALOOZIKA!!!1!!!


Today is the same as 1776- in the “Flyover Country” we are Americans wanted to live with a free, strong and independent America, while the Liberals in the big urban areas are still seeking their King George to bow down to

Now that’s some Excellent Crazy!

What do you suppose the Flyover Country would have been in 1776? Back Bay?


It would be an opportunity to meet the mothers that produced this wingnut morons. Could that be useful in furthering the elimination of the wingnut gene from the human population?


The next bomb already went off on American soil.

…The problem is, the Republicans in control of the country didn’t care. They’d rather send troops after ephemeral AQI reps.

If they’re taking heavy losses, howcome we’ve lost more troops than they’ve ever been estimated to have in the country?


So Ace is NOT going to get drunk on Saturday, because he’s used up his drinky quota?

Tres uncool, dudes!


Ah, a Pinko sighting.

Uncool? I think you forget where you are.

There are people here whose pictures appear in the dictionary next to the definition of uncool….



Bleh, leave the Aceholes alone. By now they’re aware of this discussion of crashing it and will work themselves into a froth at the event whether any libruls show up or not.… by going to a different bar, you can have fun without any wingnuttery around – apart from the usual background level – and know that they’re off pooing themselves anyway.

So everybody has a good time!

Brilliant, SamfromUtah! But our Forces of Justice need to choose a bar with wireless access, because it will be particularly hilarious if they can eavesdrop on the Ace-palookas frantically live-blogging Teh Search for Teh Librul Infiltrators. (“There’s one!!!1!… no, wait, just another college kid. Dammit, Kevin, we *told* you to bring the heavy-duty Depends — now we’re *never* gonna get our security deposit back!”)

If someone wanted to be seriously mischievous, they’d flyer the projects in Southie with the details and the magic words “Open Bar”. Watching Ace’s soft-handed followers trying to deal with genuinely scary white bigots would be… well, I think the video aftersales might be really profitable. Kind of like RESCUE ME, but with more blood and uglier actors.


I think someone should order a big plate of bacon for their table.


There are people here whose pictures appear in the dictionary next to the definition of uncool…

Let me go consult one of my many dictionaries to see if this is true.


I keep getting time out messages trying to access Ace’s blog. But I know in the summer of ’06 he posted he had not slept in several days, focused as he was on whatever his issue was with Greenwald at the time, and he implicated alcohol in his sleeplessness.


You will say this makes me stupid.
I will say: “Who is the fool, the fool or the fool who reads the blog of the fool?”

This admission might be progress. Then again…


Wait, if he gets drunk only once every two years, what’s he going to be drinking at Lir? Gingerale?


Wait, if he gets drunk only once every two years, what’s he going to be drinking at Lir? Gingerale?

Hater-ade(tm) — the Repub Kool-aid!

Now in Stupid, Clueless, Spineless, and Noisy, in addition to the original flavor — Pure Unadulterated Evil!


i stole this from tpm comments cos i love it so much and needed to honor ruppert with it:

Why don’t you get off this site, go eat some freedom fries, shoot some confined varmints, or play footsie in a bathroom stall somewhere? Rudy (drag queen / opportunist poseur candidate) Guliani is appearing on fox with a nausea-inducing cast of psycho-wingnuts, and their target audience is YOU! There must be a rebroadcast somewhere – go listen to this all star gathering of reactionairies preach the gospel of endless war in Iraq as the solution to the terrorist attacks that happened SIX YEARS AGO today, under the careful watch of your brilliant leader, W. “Mission Accomplished” Bush. There’s nothing like being treated to the soothing sounds of one-hit legend Lee Greenwood, the macho awesomeness of country boneheads / bear poachers Montgomery Gentry, and the patriotic musings of convict Oliver North, serial hatemonger Ann Coulter, ousted failed House Speaker / adulterer Newt Gingrich, x-democrat / warmonger Joe Lieberman, and fixed news hero / genius Sean Hannity! It’s like Woodstock for assholes! Liberals wouldn’t dare impugn the overwhelming charismatic appeal of such a fun and impressive gathering! Were Scooter Libby, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Mark Foley, Jack Abramhoff, and Duke Cunningham not permitted to leave the Island of Disgraced Neocons long enough to attend? Couldn’t Ted Nugent take some time from his busy schedule of making terroristic threats with his assault weapons to help stoke up the faithful with a little “Wango Tango”? Maybe he and Ann C. could have a baby, and IT COULD CONQUER THE ENTIRE MUSLIM WORLD, give them all lobotomies, and make every one of them just like all of you! How cool would that be, huh?
Take some advice conservatives, and read the handwriting on the walls. Your days are numbered, you’re getting run out of Washington in droves, and your presidential candidates are a joke. You might as well embrace the minority status your flawed policies, bad leadership, and repeated corruption have earned you, because it’s a place you’re going to find yourself occupying for a long time to come. But, hey, at least you’ll always have Lee Greenwood to sing your blues away…


it will be particularly hilarious if they can eavesdrop on the Ace-palookas frantically live-blogging Teh Search for Teh Librul Infiltrators.

Hee hee – yeah, that would be choice.

So now they know no Sadlyites are going to show up – but maybe that’s just what we’re saying here to lull them into dropping their guard, while on the secret librul web-channel we’re plotting to show up in droves.

But now they know that!

Trying to think like a paranoid is so confusing.


Kathy: “Englishwoman: Well, he said it in Russian of course.”


Still no, though. I think he called Woodrow Wilson a ‘simpleton’. The phrase or anything close to it was never* used in the way that the wingnuts always interpret it.

*as far as I know. I’d describe myself as an amateur scholar in this field at very best.


just remember the culture of such meetings: bathroom & footsie-signals.


Is this the same guy that made a post a few days ago about how some “homo” will print a picture of him and tape it to their bedroom ceiling?

What a weirdo.



Previously on “The Height of Internets Humor, with your (heterosexual) host A.O. Spades”


hey gavin, is there a way i can get in touch with you? i get an error message with the contacts link (possibly because i’m not a wordpress user?)



Sarah, I don’t presume to speak for Gavin but he has said before that he gets mail at the address gavin@sadlyno.com.


thank you, simba!


(comments are closed)