Warner Todd Busts Out Teh Nye Quill
It’s Thursday, and that means it’s time to pick on Megan McArdle again see what’s happening with Warner Todd Huston, the formerly walrus-visaged seer of RenewAmerica and NewsBusters.
Above: Totally looked better with the beard
Another example of how nutroots are completely mad
August 22, 2007
Another example? As if this video of the YearlyKos Nutroots Panel weren’t enough!
Above: Markos Moulitsas (with glasses), Matt Stoller, Jerome Armstrong
It’s sad that the Nutrooters can’t even demagogue a story right!
Oh, well, that’s a different thing, there. Most of us aren’t even aware that ‘demagogue’ is a verb. Warner Todd is going to show us how it’s done:
I mean, about all the extreme left in this country has left is demagogy,
Uh, hi. Me again. Excuse me for busting in here again already. So, this must be a result of the tidal wave of defeats and scandals that the left has suffered lately, whilst conservatives ride high?
Seriously though: you can’t tell who the wingnuts are talking about half the time, since they insist on referring to liberals interchangeably as ‘the left,’ ‘the extreme left-wing,’ ‘the hard, extreme Stalinist left,’ ‘the hard, berserk Nazi-Stalinist left wing OF DOOM,’ and ‘the Democrats.’ I think he means that Ward Churchill lost his job, ergo Chuck Shumer must be on 24-hour suicide watch, or something.
Honestly, we’re only one line in, and I’m already baffled.
Also, I hate pedantry, but the word is ‘demagoguery,’ not ‘demagogy.’ [*]
and they can’t even get THAT right anymore. Here is one from the fringe, nutters on a site called BSAlert.com. It is hilarious in that their August 8th story so badly missed its target as well as instructive for its display of an utter inability to discern reality from their favored fiction. Couple that with a wild-eyed effort at assumption and the extrapolation of one person’s comment into an assumption of ubiquitous representation and you have a fine example of what the nutroots is famous for: BS. Yes, it’s amusing that the site called BSAlert gives us a perfect example of what it purports to reveal… unfortunately it uncovers its own BS instead of other’s.
We’d never heard of this site before, but being curious fellows, we poked around a bit and found this post at Free Republic, which explains how Warner Todd found it. It’s nothing but a quoted news story from the Waco Tribune.
(I’ll wait while the nutrooters who stumbled upon this post look up the words “demagogue” and “ubiquitous.” OK. Learned what the definitions are, guys? Great. Now we can continue…)
Oh certainly. And in that case, sir, I hope you will not object if we also offer our most enthusiastic… contrafibularities.
Also, since ‘others’ now has an apostrophe in it, we pledge to follow suit for all possessive pronoun’s.
This nutrooter post breathlessly proclaims in its title that “Bill Nye Boo’d In Texas For Saying The Moon Reflects The Sun”
It’s not clear how that’s ‘breathless.’ ‘Breathless’ would be Warner Todd Huston after five minutes on a Stairmaster.
OK, so according to the BSers at BSAlert, we are to believe that all of Waco, Texas, are anti-science whack jobs that would be so gauche…
Yes, I’ll wait while you look up “gauche,” too….
OK. Back? Great
En fait, nous étions dans la salle de bains. Excusez-nous tandis que nous coupons la belette.
…so gauche as to attack that poor, innocuous Bill Nye the Science Guy. (No I will not wait for you to look up “innocuous.” I have to move on here. If I had to wait every time you didn’t get a word, I’d never get through this Fisking.)
Um, mon aéroglisseur est plein des anguilles.
zzzzzzz oh wait fell asleep with all those prosampiquitous words.
This is not as exciting as I’d hoped. Let’s pick it up from the end.
I guess to the nutters of BSAlert.com, one woman apparently equals all of Waco, Texas. I would like to point out to the BSers that it is highly doubtful that even half of Waco had attended the Nye lecture, so it’s a tad disingenuous for them to assume that the attitudes of the few people Nye upset equates to that of the entire town. In fact, I’d bet that there isn’t a single venue in the town where the estimated Waco population of 121,496 could have gathered to take the chance to be offended by Bill Nye’s elocutionary skills and religious allusions. (I told you I’m not waiting while you thumb your dictionary!)
That’s not my dictionary, sweetie. Ok, seriously, let’s get this straight: According to an obscure website, a Waco, Texas newspaper published a story about a woman walking out of a Bill Nye lecture. Since all the people in Waco didn’t walk out of the lecture, we can see that this obscure website is howling mad and represents the entire left in America. Also, in a subsequent mini-rollercoaster of paragraphs, Huston asserts that the Bible is true.
Well, there you have it. A perfect example of the nutroots’ inability to understand real Americans and their total failure to interpret an incident for its truth as well as a fine example of their ability to turn just anything into a chance to demagogue for their favorite cause célèbre.
The pleasure is all our’s.
Sausage? SAUSAGE?!?!?
“contrafibularities. ”
Oh, GOD! Blackadder LIVES!!!
Allah is truly merciful
That guy needs a Wingnut Face Mullet desperately.
Oh, and a Sammich.
” ‘Mon aéroglisseur est plein des anguilles. ‘ And I think we all know what that means.”
“Yes, it means ‘Excuse me, could you please call the hall porter, there appears to be a frog in my bidet.'”
That was some damn fine snark. No– that was gourmet snark. That’s the stuff I’ve been hanging around here hoping to see more of (and lately, y’all have been delivering).
I laughed my ass off. Keep up the good work!
Evidently Mr. -Warner, is it? Or Todd? Huston? – has just left the lodge meeting of the Guild of Village Idiots.
Nut’s to you sir.
Oh, dear.
All honest, decent, intelligent conservatives should be writing letters of outrage to this guy for making conservatives look so arrogant, stupid and desperate.
How many outraged letters from conservatvies do you think he’ll get?
We should probably be on guard after ridiculing these people. They have guns.
Um, my college French is pretty rusty but – weasel cutting?
Your hovercraft is full of eels?
I’m tired of McArdling and snarking and whatnot.
When do we start the War on Christmas again? (I seem to remember it starting earlier every year, but I haven’t gotten my marching orders from Central Headquarters.)
Very dangerous to play the “I’m smarter than you and know bigger words” card when you’re a fucking moron.
(I’ll wait while the nutrooters who stumbled upon this post look up the words “demagogue” and “ubiquitous.” OK. Learned what the definitions are, guys? Great. Now we can continue…)
Wait! Wait! I’m still trying to find “‘demagogy”… damn it, I always get behind on these things.
Ok, seriously, let’s get this straight: According to an obscure website, a Waco, Texas newspaper published a story about a woman walking out of a Bill Nye lecture. Since all the people in Waco didn’t walk out of the lecture, we can see that this obscure website is howling mad and represents the entire left in America.
Oh, wait. I think there’s a word for this. You know, where someone criticizes someone for doing something and in so doing, does the same thing. Like that “Get a brain Morans” thing. Luckily I kept my dictionary near by… what’s that word again.
It is hilarious in that their August 8th story so badly missed its target as well as instructive for its display of an utter inability to discern reality from their favored fiction.
Mmmm.. that’s some fine writin’ there.
Oh Sadly No!, you complete me.
Wait, there are people in this world who believe the moon emits it’s own light?
Wow, H-okay.
and someone should tell that guy the Ceasar haircut is soooo not working for him. Or anyone else post-1997.
total failure to interpret an incident for its truth
Mmmm, Swank-like prose!
He looks like a live-action Fred Flinstone.
It is hilarious in that their August 8th story so badly missed its target as well as instructive for its display of an utter inability to discern reality from their favored fiction.
What hope have the poor little pronouns against confusion like this?
Hmm. That’s interesting. The other day I read in the Bakersfield Lepidopterist’s Journal about how this woman walked out of the city council meeting when a councilman put forward a motion to raise downtown parking fees, denouncing him “…and George W. Bush” as “poopyheads”.
Holy shit, this is big news. “The Right” is abandoning support of GW Bush, whom they have determined is a poopyhead! This is no different than if, say, Drudge or Rush had said it!
He Card read good
Wow, so being idle today, I actually went to the Freep site, and then clicked on the link to the BSAlert website Ole Walrus is talking about.
They both post the Waco newspaper article with very little editorial comment. Then both sites’ commenters weigh in, and – believe it or not of Free Republic – the commentary is mixed snark, disbelief, equally distributed ridicule and defense of the Waco-ites and by extension Waco itself, and a discussion of supposed bad manners making fun of the Bible.
Ole Walrus’s crazed lefties are virtually identical to Freepers in their reaction to the story.
I’m gonna email him to ask what demagogy is. I bet it’ll be instructive to do so.
Oh, wait. It is a word, which he used properly, just not the preferred form.
Ah well. Oddly enough, all the citations for it on freedictionary.com are from wingnut publications, tho.
According to Babelfish:
means “In fact, we were in the bathroom. Excuse we while we cut the weasel.”
means “my hovercraft is full with eels.”
Question: would the French Gary Ruppert start every sentence with “Le fait est?”
“… what’s that word again….”
Irony. You know – like goldy, or bronzy – only it’s made of iron.
He looks like a live-action Fred Flinstone.
Nah. He looks like Kenny Price from the “Hee-Haw Gospel Quartet”.
[Edited as footnote]
Well, ‘demagogy’ is a more British term, while ‘demagoguery’ is American. So it’s like he referred to ‘lorry drivers’ or ‘crisps,’ all like, “Bwahaha, I’m eating Dorito crisps. I’ll wait while you look up the word ‘crisp,’ you illiterates!”
I think he just discoverd an online dictionary (is there a conserva-dictionary?)
Yay! The Toy Dolls rox!
I love it when wingers play the LOL-libz-r-st00pit-and-dont-now-smrt-w0rdz game, whilst simultaneously (a) rambling on incoherently about a non-existent topic, and (b) getting pissy about how everyone makes fun them for being fucking fuckity fuck-wits.
I mean, seriously, does he really think that a bunch of nerds with advanced degrees don’t know the meaning of the word “ubiquitous”? Really?
OK, none of Mr. Erudite’s “I’ll wait for you to look that up, moran” words are obscure, but come on, gauche? He really thinks anyone who can read needs to look up gauche?
We should probably be on guard after ridiculing these people. They have guns.
Fortunately, if their Thought Leader Dick Cheney (not to mention their way with the English language) is an indicator, they have lousy aim. So as long as they’re gunning for us, we’re safe. Although as fair-minded anti-violence progressives we should probably notify the farmed quail to stay low.
Hold on, guys! I have to look up fuckwit in the dictionary.
I can has dixanarie?
Drop your panties Sir William I can not wait until lunchtime?!?
My nipples explode with Delight!
Is he trying to channel George Will?
I’d guess that he is but couldn’t handle the writing part.
If you spend your words in fifty-cent increments, make sure you have enough intellectual capital to finish your thoughts.
Yeah, ‘gauche’ is like, ubiquitous.
Well, gauche is teh funny, meaning ‘left’ – although I seriously doubt he is sharp enough to make the pun.
WTH = “What the Hell?”
(Spoken with bad French accent) We have a demagogy, its very nice. We also have nutrooters. You may know them by their more common name, squirrels.
Every time I look at his picture, I smell farts.
That was some damn fine snark. No– that was gourmet snark.
I second this emotion. Even my lunch sammich chuckled.
I click many times on the link hoping Mr. Dimwit has sitemeter and checks the referring page.
In his defense, “others” did need an apostrophe in his usage. But the apostrophe should have followed the “s” –i.e. “it uncovers its own BS instead of others’ [BS]”
Yes, he was wrong, but he was wrong in a way other than you asserted, therefore he and all of his arguments are right (or something like that –that’s how it goes, isn’t it?)
I thought it was absolutely fucking brilliant that Gavin put that in … and then people didn’t get it.
Not your finest moment, S,N! commenters.
Doritos aren’t crisps. They’re corn based snacks.
Anyway, I found it rather amusing that he calls out this website for supposedly equating the audience member with all the people of Waco shortly before equating the same audience member with all “real Americans”.
I haven’t thought about the Toy Dolls in about a decade…. Going to go through my records to see if I still have those LPs…..
Legalize said, LOL-libz-r-st00pit-and-dont-now-smrt-w0rdz
your LOLcon right there.
I wonder who cuts his fringe? Rather odd don’t you think? He looks like Dennis the Menace or Calvin.
Here is one from the fringe, nutters on a site called BSAlert.com. [..] Couple that with a wild-eyed effort at assumption and the extrapolation of one person’s comment into an assumption of ubiquitous representation and you have a fine example of what the nutroots is famous for: BS
This has to be a joke, really. I mean, I get that wingnut writers don’t have the self awareness to notice when they contradict their own arguments, but this?
His complaint is that a website takes one single woman’s comment as representative of a community–but he uses one single person’s post to demonstrate that the nutroots as a community is crazy?
DUDE! It’s the same fucking paragraph! Can’t you maintain any logical consistency for ONE FUCKING PARAGRAPH?
So BSAlert are trying to gain “political power by appealing to the popular prejudices, fears and expectations of the public — typically via impassioned rhetoric and propaganda, and often using nationalist or populist themes.” Sadly No!
So BSAlert are making use of popular prejudices and false claims and promises in order to gain power. Sadly No!
So BSAlert are championing the cause of the common people. May be they are but it isn’t obvious.
BTW Gavin you should have called upon the services of The Great Gazoogle. The best bit; the story in the Waco Trib was published April 6th, 2006.
The Toy Doll’s magnum opus is far more appropriate to that wingnut arsehole.
“It is hilarious in that their August 8th story so badly missed its target as well as instructive for its display of an utter inability to discern reality from their favored fiction.”
Ignoring the “content” for a mo’, but how the hell can such an ugly sentence even exist. I can imagine pinching off something like that on the first draft of an email or something, but to look at that monstrosity and think “Yep, that’s fine” is an absolute fucking disgrace. Im sorry, carry on.
opps, should of read the comments first 🙁
Dorothy Dorothy Dorothy
It’s not that the contradiction comes in the space of one paragraph. that would be…pedestrian wingnut illogical embarrassment.
it’s that the very idea contains its own contradiction. the very concept of synecdoche is what he objects to, and therefore he must, by a kind of wingnut alchemy, use synecdoche in order to refute it. it’s some sort of an emerging singularity, this wingnuttania, and it will ultimately destroy the brains of those who wield it like a hungry prion in bowl of neuron soup.
Shorter this dickhead:
I thought “my hovercraft is full of eels” is from not Monty Python, but the opening few minutes of a val kilmer movie called Top Secret, made by the same guys that made Airplane!
Gauche? Thats easy. Its a Steely Dan album
Gauche? Thats easy. Its a Steely Dan album
Once again the Ajan kids put the others to shame.
Jackass wrote:
The First fucking line of the quoted story says:
“My hovercraft is full of eels” is from a Monty Python sketch in which John Cleese, as a Hungarian (I believe) tourist falls victim to a nefarious Hungarian-English phrase book. The phrasebook also included such aforementioned gems as “Drop your panties, Sir William, I cannot wait until lunchtime”, and “my nipples explode with delight!”
Oddly enough, just yesterday I found myself giving in to an impromptu urge to pronounce, “Do not buy this tobacconist; it is scratched.”
[…] kinda have to agree with SN-er Legalize: I love it when wingers play the LOL-libz-r-st00pit-and-dont-now-smrt-w0rdz game, whilst […]
Wow this guy REALLY wants to convince that he’s an “intellectual”. Sorry buddy, yer act just isn’t that convincing.
“(I’ll wait while the nutrooters who stumbled upon this post look up the words “demagogue” and “ubiquitous.” OK. Learned what the definitions are, guys? Great. Now we can continue…)”
Wow! When did Oscar Wilde start writing for Free Republic!?!
This is not as exciting as I’d hoped.
Hell, Gavin – that’s the story of my life.
Am I the only one who experienced hypopoxia via laffter at the fading-out into whiteness of the featured moranic ramblings?
How does he DO that?
Wow! When did Oscar Wilde start writing for Free Republic!?!
“Apart from art, Mr. [Huston]?”
“I cannot answer apart from art.”
The whole “I’m smart for using big words” works better when:
1. The words are spelled right.
2. The words are real.
3. The words are actually big words rather than commonplace.
A better title for his piece would have been “I’m smart!!! PLEASE BELIEVE ME!”
So using one example of a website that nobody reads is a good way of showing how the *left* assumes and extrapolates based on singular comments?
This is really what the right-wing is famous for. Hey guyz, I found a comment in HuffPo that’s totally crazy! ZOMG HATE SITE!!!
Seeing that line again, I just have to ask: what the hell kind of phrase is “wild-eyed effort at assumption” anyway? Is he saying that they tried to make an unsupported assumption, but faild to do so? Because usually when you use words like “attempt” or “effort” or “endeavor” in a criticism, the implication is that they were unsuccessful.
Well, yeah, Sophist. I made every attempt to assume this guy had at least a middle school education. Tried so hard to assume he had an IQ of at least 80 I broke out in a sweat. In the end, I failed to assume he was anything other than a sad little wingnut hack…
Can’t you maintain any logical consistency for ONE FUCKING PARAGRAPH?
No, they can’t. And the audience they are reaching out to is so fucking stupid, they don’t have to be consistent for a whole paragraph, or a whole sentence, or even just for a single clause.
So, why bother? WTH is being very efficient with his brain power by not knocking himself out coming up with something that has more internal logic than it needs.
Conservative commentary levels the playing field by providing an intellectual forum for people who need 50 more IQ points just to be considered pseudo-intellectuals.
So, do you think he insinuated his foot into his mouth before he thrust his head up his ass OR did he slide the foot in after said cranium was already firmly ensconced?
I agree with people upsteam that the old “Arguing with strawmen” gambit works better if you are not continually interrupting yourself in order to give your strawman a lesson in English vocabulary.
Trying to tell jokes to this dude must be a real pain…
So a guy walks into a bar in Waco and says to the barman…
I guess to the nutters of PubJoke.com, one guy apparently equals all of Waco, Texas. I would like to point out to the PubJokers that it is highly doubtful that even half of Waco walk into bars, so it’s a tad disingenuous for them to assume that the attitudes of the few people insulted by the barman equates to that of the entire town.
[et cetera]
I like how we found two guys who remind me of Ignatius Reilly, in the same week! You guys are awesome!
Dollars to donuts this rectum is an English firster,you know because they’re the ones always mangling said language.My head hurts….
Owing to what I’ll assume is blind luck, he’s hit on a correct usage here. The OED has a entry for demagogue (v), meaning:
1. intr. To play the demagogue.
2. trans. To deal with (a matter) after the fashion of a demagogue.
Chiefly American, apparently, though there isn’t any example usage post-1890.
Would just love to know Warner Todd’s educational background. To have such a stick-up-your-ass attitude about big words, you damn well better be carrying some heavy credentials.
My guess? College level only, nothing of a grad school nature. I just can’t believe he’s even a pseudo-pundit with sentence constructions like: “It is hilarious in that their August 8th story so badly missed its target as well as instructive for its display of an utter inability to discern reality from their favored fiction.”
Jesus, talk about sloppy writing.
Hmmm, maybe I should email him and ask where he got himself all learn’d and shit, his email address in his column bio is “igcolonel@hotmail.com” (I assume the “colonel” reference is either to fried chicken or civil war reenactments, and not actual military service).
A couple excerpts from an article from 2001 called “Wahhabi Muslims must be destroyed”:
“Saudi Arabia- This country with it’s riches is the chief exporter of Wahhabist terror and hate.”
“This may sound harsh and, ordinarily, I would be the first to decry the intrusion into religious freedom. However, religious freedom presupposes that said religion is not directly linked to acts of war. Religious freedom is for those who wish to practice their religion and observes it’s tenets, not kill all who do not.”
I think Warner Todd might have a contraction problem. Look’s like its time for some intervention’s.
Heh, good times. He wrote an “insightful” piece in 2001 entitled “Attention Reenactors, we are losing our hobby!” (as you can imagine, hilarity ensues)
THREE TIMES he writes “it’s” instead of “its.”
In another from 2001 entitled “The Clone Utopia”, he has this brilliant sentence: “It seems that the clone was not sedated like it was supposed to be and it took umbrage at loosing it’s little life.” JESUS. In this intellectual mini-treatise, “it’s” vs. “its” trips up the brainiac FOUR TIMES.
Good lord. Do you think his hilarious “look it up in a dictionary, ya damn yankee liberals!” riff is based on real life experience, because he DOES need a dictionary to look up words like “gauche”?
“My guess? College level only, nothing of a grad school nature”
see how elietist you liberals are? nobody in the heartland buys your BDS or cares about the difference in degrees, common sense matters more.
One last one, can’t resist. Here’s his deep thoughts on 9/11:
Sadly, he did not have a dictionary handy to learn the difference between “aisle” and “isle.”
Oh, plus he’s an insane fucker. How’s this for moral authority:
“And last we must not allow our compassion for the innocence of those common Muslim men and women in countries whose governments harbor these terrorists organizations keep us from responding with quick, massive military air strikes against them. For if we demure, we tacitly approve of the common folks in those countries who are permitting their governments to harbor and sponsor such acts of infamy.”
Seriously, an insane fucker.
Proper use of “gauche” in a sentence:
Gauche, you have a blog? Can I see it? You must be really smart.
Gary Ruppert said,
August 24, 2007 at 4:38
“My guess? College level only, nothing of a grad school nature”
see how elietist you liberals are? nobody in the heartland buys your BDS or cares about the difference in degrees, common sense matters more.
Sarcasm? I can’t even tell.
… common sense matters more.
To whom?
If you can show me anywhere where WTH shows a lick of common sense, maybe we can have a discussion.
Heck, let’s not just pick on WTH, show me anybody in the upper levels of the Executive Branch with any common sense whatsoever.
Oh, wait, is this one of those deals where the wingnuts have made up new meanings for old phrases, and “common sense” now means “whatever Rush Limbaugh said today”?
Proper use of “gauche” in a sentence:
Gauche, you have a blog? Can I see it? You must be really smart.
Shit, gauche damn, get off your ass and jam.
Gary Ruppert said,
August 24, 2007 at 4:38
“My guess? College level only, nothing of a grad school nature”
see how elietist you liberals are?
I certainly hope us “elietes” set the bar higher than being able to spell “its” correctly.
Slim Tyranny said,
August 24, 2007 at 4:41
One last one, can’t resist. Here’s his deep thoughts on 9/11:
Sadly, he did not have a dictionary handy to learn the difference between “aisle” and “isle.”
Oh, plus he’s an insane fucker. How’s this for moral authority:
“And last we must not allow our compassion for the innocence of those common Muslim men and women in countries whose governments harbor these terrorists organizations keep us from responding with quick, massive military air strikes against them. For if we demure, we tacitly approve of the common folks in those countries who are permitting their governments to harbor and sponsor such acts of infamy.”
Seriously, an insane fucker.
Damn son,he bitch slapped that sentence into submission!!I mean it borders on being some kind of DaDaist composition and shit.
Um, mein Luftkissenfahrzeug ist voll von den Aalen.
Actually, it’s translated from the original German’s.
I thought it sounded like it was machine translated from Chinese(‘s).
So, just for fun, I ran it through Google translate and got:
Which if you translate it back to English reads:
which curiously makes a little more sense than the original, if only because the the computer seems to be familiar with comma’s.
Imagine all the question marks are actually Chinese characters.
“t took umbrage at loosing it’s little life.””
Loosing, as in making loose, or losing as in not winning? I imagine Mr. Huston here is one of those trolls who write “get a life, looser!” when he’s trying to insult you.
I want to know if he woman left because she felt insulted or if she really believed that the moon gives off its own light. There are some bone stupid people in this world. A generation or so of creationism can do a lot of damage.
I did some searching and while the WacoTrib article has been pulled (you can purchase a copy for $2.50 though) I was able to find a copy of the WacoTrib article but I am still unsure if Nye was disrespectful or not.
Some people claim that no one today really believes in the Bible so literally as to think that the moon gives off its own light. No one could be that ignorant. Oh ye of little faith!
Christian Apologetics Forums
heh, indeed.
Wait, the sun “excites” the moon? Do the moon’s nipples get hard? Do its poles swell with blood and become erect in anticipati… ***ERROR : ANALOGY HALTED*** ***CRITICAL THINKING FILE CORRUPTED*** ***ABORT, RETRY, FAIL?***
elocutionary – Adj.
1. elocutionary – of or relating to elocution; “elocutionary recitals”
2. elocutionary – (used of style of speaking) overly embellished; “an elocutionary Oxonian delivery”
affected, unnatural – speaking or behaving in an artificial way to make an impression
How much you want to bet this guy DIDN’T look that word up before using it? Seems to fit his entire diatribe eloquently.
My fave aspect of this post is how he peppers his blog with insults (“I’ll wait till you look that up,” ad inifinitum, ad nauseum) of the very people he thinks are…..reading his blog? Why would they be reading his blog? Why would ANYONE be reading his blog?
Come back to my place, bouncy bouncy?
And I, too, occasionally find myself saying “I will not buy this tobacconist, it is scratched” in a faux-Hungarian accent. Some things just never lose their funny.
I guess to the nutters of BSAlert.com, one woman apparently equals all of Waco, Texas.
Not true! We nutrooters are well aware that there are so many sane members of the Waco community and environs.
And, of course, “if we demure.”
What if we petite? What if we winsome? Well, winsome, lose some.
I haven’t had coffee yet.
The great thing about strawmen is how easily they burn while you skirt (look up it, morans) around the real issue.
I find his belief that the left does not understand the word gauche to be rather sinister. Auf widdershins!
[…] Journal, formerly known as “The Rant” and home of such luminaries as Frank Salvato and Warner Todd Huston. So let’s see what Grampa Prelutsky is ranting about at The New Media Journal, shall […]