The Depressing Truth

Kevin Drum writes the following:

Atrios asks:

One does wonder why the 101st Fighting Keyboarders aren’t more upset by the fact that George Bush has fucked up their pet war.

OK, I know this is partly tongue in cheek. But as near as I can tell there are real answers:

1.) They don’t believe Bush has fucked up the war. They think that most of the bad news from Iraq is just an invention of the anti-military liberal media.

2.) To the extent that we are doing badly, they think it’s the fault of liberals who are undermining morale by criticizing the war.

3.) Following up on #2, their biggest complaint with Bush isn’t that the war is going badly, but that it isn’t broad enough and brutal enough. If only we’d take the gloves off and stop fighting like liberal pussies, we’d be doing OK.

Yes, this is delusional. But they don’t think it’s Bush who has screwed up their war, it’s liberals. There is nothing that will ever change their minds about this.


The warbloggers have completely internalized their support for this war to the point where their very identities as human beings hinge on its success. They see the war as a symbol of what makes America, and by extension themselves, strong, noble and good. And since America can never be anything but strong, noble and good, any negative news about the war must by necesity come from an Internal Enemy Within that is jealous of America’s strength.

Arguing with these guys becomes extremely depressing after a while. It’s like trying to convince the average LaRouchie that the Queen of England does not, in fact, run the world crack trade. Sure, you occasionally get guys like John Cole who get deprogrammed, but most will be stuck this way for the rest of their lives. 9/11 permanently traumatized an entire generation of right-wing nerds, and nothing we say can change that.


Comments: 52


I keep saying this, and it’s not just about the war in Iraq. Some people are not gonna help, they’re not gonna listen to you, they’re part of the problem and, apart from the merciless mocking that each and every one of these guys deserve, they should be completely ignored. Listen and converse with conservatives and moderates, find common ground and work for the greater good.

However, kowtowing to Bible-thumping bigots, mendacious fear-mongers and bloodthirsty jackasses who’s idea of being “serious” about a war is killing as many people as possible isn’t gonna help shit. They think we’re the source of all cultural ills and traitors to the country, okay? They ain’t interested in making this a better country and a better world. Make fun of them that take themselves far too seriously – which is the vast majority of wingnuts, frankly – but beyond that, fuck ’em and feed ’em Corn Flakes. We got shit to do.

I really don’t think I’m being unreasonable about this.


it’s an old malady. their daddies used to have the soviet union to fear. then the soviet union fell apart due to inertia and rot from within. their daddies declared victory over the soviet union, but that left the little babies with nothing to fear but fear itself.

luckily awol’s administration was so frickin’ incompetent that they let some guys with box cutters blow up some buildings, and voila! a race war that could be sublimated into true patirotism.

they will never give it up, becuase they can only exist in opposition to something. they don’t believe things are good, they can’t possibly, because when things are good, their reason d’etat vanishes.


they will never give it up, becuase they can only exist in opposition to something…

If yer really into it, here’s a 5-part PDF(so far) explication of the Right-Wing Authoritarianism personality (followers, not leaders) linked from Dave Niewart’s place.



I misspelled David Neiwert’s name like I’m a freeper or something.


yeah, collectively they’re like Christopher Homer, the author of The Politically Incorrect Guide to Global Warming (and Environmentalism) who was interviewed on the Daily Show last week. Nothing he said made ANY sense, he couldn’t cough up a single fact, made the most bizarre statements like scientists thought we were being attacked by icebergs the year the Titanic was hit so why believe what science says today? and didn’t tune in to the fact that Jon Stewart was laughing at him during the entire interview. Or Michael Steele (R) on Real Time last night who kept insisting global warming was just a natural earth change (not caused by man, ok maybe man contributed a little bit but so what); we should adapt and go with it. The stupidity is mind boggling.


Barack Obama said that the Iraq War was planned by Karl Rove to distract people from the rise in the uninsured.

All of the main Democrat candidates advocate surrender.

Every Democrat in Congress except 3 advocate surrender.

The fact is that the Democrat surrender resolution just endangered your party.

Your Speaker is a woman who believes in global warming, and takes jets crosscountry, instead of more fuel-efficient methods.

Your Speaker is a woman who claimed to oppose corruption, but put a man who was caught by the FBI with $90K in his freezer on a Homeland Security committee.

Your Speaker is a woman who says she supports the troops, but undercuts their mission, therefore endangering them.

The Democrat Party is a party that is on the verge of doom.

Once strong leaders speak out, your party is doomed.

The biggest problem with 2006 is that Bush didn’t speak out enough. But when he got on the trail, Republicans made up ground, and he saved the Republicans from losing around 20 seats.

Had Bush been more aggressive in the Iraq War, and in linking Liberals to surrender, and to protecting the borders, the GOP would have majorities in both houses, preventing the Reid-Pelosi dictatorship from being established.

It’s obvious that the forces of freedom took blows in 2006 due to Democrat efforts. The Democrat emboldening of the enemy led to many deaths, the election of Evo Morales and Daniel Ortega, and many other things which hurt the cause of freedom around the world.


I can look outside tonight, at the snow, and tell you that there is no such thing as global warming. In fact, the ozone hole is practically gone. In fact, this winter is extremely cold.

There may be some natural climate change. But, that happens all the time and isn’t something to freak out about.


Somebody with ginormous fists needs to bitchslap Gary Ruppert.


Mmmmmm. Fake or real, that’s some good Gary.
Here’s a q, Gary.
If the dems are surrender monkeys, why leave Bin Laden alive for us to surrender to?


The biggest problem with 2006 is that Bush didn’t speak out enough. But when he got on the trail, Republicans made up ground, and he saved the Republicans from losing around 20 seats.

Gary, Gary, Gary.. We “stole” the election, remember? The Republic party actually GAINED seats in reality! Bwahaha!

he Reid-Pelosi dictatorship from being established.

This is priceless comedy material.

I can look outside tonight, at the snow, and tell you that there is no such thing as global warming.

Again, I don’t know if you can even make parody that’s this good.

What happened to the preview button

Qetesh the Abyssinian

I can look outside tonight, at the snow, and tell you that there is no such thing as global warming.

Goldarnit, if only those durned furrin’ scientisty fellahs had a window, we wouldn’t be hearin’ any o’ this global warmin’ nonsense. All they hadda do was look outa thuh window and see snow!

Gary, I don’t understand how you survived to adulthood with that sort of logic.

All of the main Democrat candidates advocate surrender.

This would be all the “surrender immediately to the foreign brown persons” pieces of legislation that have been rushing through the House and Senate. Sheesh, someone who can’t understand the difference between ‘surrender’ and ‘get the hell out of a stupid war dreamed up by stupid men that is not possibly winnable, before more innocent people get slaughtered and the entire world hates us so much that they all bomb us’ is not someone who should be let loose on the streets.

Your Speaker is a woman who says she supports the troops, but undercuts their mission, therefore endangering them.

Your president is a man who says he supports the troops, but he sends them into a war of choice, refuses to provide them with protection, and refuses to take care of them when they return home in bits. Who’s killing who, Gare?

Once strong leaders speak out, your party is doomed.

Garble warble farble. Your ‘strong leaders’ are men who couldn’t organise a pissup in a brewery, men who somehow lost $20 billion (that’s 20 billion, Gary), and have a playground view of foreign affairs – “Yah don’t need ta know who they are or where they come from, yah just gotta threaten ’em real good. Hur hur hur.”

Had Bush been more aggressive in the Iraq War,

Bush?!? Aggressive? He’s a pansy who sends others off to do that, he just stands around and makes purty speeches, while half a million innocent people die. Civilians, Gare.

The Democrat emboldening of the enemy led to many deaths, the election of Evo Morales and Daniel Ortega, and many other things which hurt the cause of freedom around the world.

Now this has just got to be a joke: I mean, free and fair elections hurt the cause of freedom? And this is after, mind you, decades of South and Central America being subjected to the worst of the worst dictators and military regimes, courtesy of the US who wanted good business partners? Google ‘banana republic’, doofus, and find out why your very own US of A has been the worst repressor of freedom worldwide for decades.

Idiots. Just can’t figure out how there’s so many of ’em.


Surrender? who said surrender? Bush declared victory years ago.


Your Speaker is a woman who believes in global warming, and takes jets crosscountry, instead of more fuel-efficient methods.

Your Speaker is a woman who claimed to oppose corruption, but put a man who was caught by the FBI with $90K in his freezer on a Homeland Security committee.

Your Speaker is a woman who says she supports the troops, but undercuts their mission, therefore endangering them.

I see what he wants to say:

Your Speaker is a woman.

Your Speaker is a woman.

Your Speaker is a woman.

Also, because it’s just TOO easy:

I can look outside tonight, at the snow, and tell you that there is no such thing as global warming. In fact, the ozone hole is practically gone. In fact, this winter is extremely cold.

There may be some natural climate change. But, that happens all the time and isn’t something to freak out about.

1. O-Zone depletion is not that closely related to Global Warming, dumb ass.

2. The hole in the O-Zone layer doesn’t just magically “disappear” (and no, it won’t if you “wish really, really hard” for it to)

3. “Cold” is relative.

4. Just because it’s “cold” now doesn’t mean it will be “cold” in the future. Things change over time, even if you don’t want them to.

Also, here’s a question about GW I’d like you, or any conservative to answer:

Global Warming can be curtailed by increasing emmission standards. This method of slowing the process will also help alleviate other numerous problems, such as O-Zone depletion and poisoning the air. Even IF global warming wasn’t real, are you actually saying that corperations earning a few extra dollars is more important that increased rates in skin cancer and asthma? Now, I predict one of 3 things will happen:

1. Gary will ignore the post entirely.
2. Gary will refuse to answer the question out of fear and/or some other petty reason.
3. Gary will give the answer that he thinks everyone wants to hear, and then continue whining about people talking about GW, missing the point entirely.


The Reid-Pelosi dictatorship from being established.

Also Gary, can we now describe what we had before the ‘Frist-Hastert Dictatorship’?


This is a pet bugbear of mine. I apologise for harping on about it.

It’s not “right-wing nerds”.

It’s right-wing dorks.

That is all. Thank you for your attention.


he only comes out when i drink my giiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnn


The biggest problem with 2006 is that Bush didn’t speak out enough. . . Had Bush been more aggressive in the Iraq War. . .

I love the idea that if only Bush were more of a real conservative, we wouldn’t have the problems we’re having today. (And we all thought that Trent Lott-style excuse-making had gone underground.) Funny how rightwingers can hold up Bush as an example of a strong, clear-thinking leader and yet tell us simultaneously that (a) he’s not doing a great job of leading and (b) he’s too passive in the face of resistance. . .


One really important factor that hasn’t been mentioned is how much support and reinforcement they got and get from the media. For years the only people calling them on their insanity have been bloggers in the trenches. Anne Coulter was on the cover of Time as a “public intellectual”, Beck is on CNN, all the right-wing radio talk people are still at it. The “look out the window at the snow” approach to climate science is straight from Rush Limbaugh.

They havfe gotten and continue to get endless reinforcement for their sorry little world view from a well-entrenched ideological establishment. Only a few will ever realize that their world view is, in fact, batshit crazy.


What if it were pointed out to wingnuts that global warming will give an evolutionary advantage to people with more pigmentation in their skin over those of northern Europeans and that if they don’t want their descendants to be subjugated by brown people they better wake up? Oh wait, dumbfucks don’t believe in evolution either.

As for the reasons that they can’t admit Shrub fucked up, all 3 of Drum’s reasons apply plus a 4th, admitting they are/were wrong about this war would give way too much satisfaction to those people they’ve been arguing with about it for years now. Better we spend $2 trillion dollars and have every last US soldier die than have to surrender psychologically to the moonbats.


Your Speaker is a woman who believes in global warming, and takes jets crosscountry, instead of more fuel-efficient methods

Gary, the Speaker very nobly and unselfishly decided to give up riding a burro back and forth across the country for security reasons. What with being 2 heartbeats away and all.


I enjoyed how Ruppert showed up and proved Brad’s point.


What if it were pointed out to wingnuts that global warming will give an evolutionary advantage to people with more pigmentation in their skin over those of northern Europeans and that if they don’t want their descendants to be subjugated by brown people they better wake up? Oh wait, dumbfucks don’t believe in evolution either.



Look, can I add another reason? The wingnuts see war as an action movie/video game. They view Bush (and by extension themselves) as the to hell with the rules, chance taking but always right bad ass who kills bad guys by the thousands and always saves the day. The left in their mind is the sniveling by the book retard who cares more about the paperwork being properly filled out than “results” who double crosses the hero just before the climax, but ends up getting what he deserves, usually with the most cliche line possible.

In this context, it is impossible for the die hard conservatives to view George Bush as a complete fuck up. Sure they will chide him for not being as much as a bloodthirsty killing machine their fantasy requires, but to actually consider him as not the hero and as the comedy release would ruin the movie. Blaming the left, however doesn’t collapse the fantasy at all.


I enjoyed how Ruppert showed up and proved Brad’s point.

Would it shock you guys if I told you I was Gary Ruppert?

sleazy, scuzzy, unprincipled, & handsome

They really believe that “They hate us for our freedoms.”
If only we (all the rest of us, because they already are, to the max) would just knuckle down and focus on hammering the nails straight, all our foreign blundering would work out right. That’s what the whole surge thing is about, our plan to make the Iraqi insurgency…run out of gas. As far as global warming, the wingnuts will maintain that they know what they’re doing, right up to the day that the bank comes to reposess their trailers, and then it will all be in the past and there’s no need to talk about it. “look out the window, you won’t see trouble” means the wingnuts just got the bank letter that comes in the pink envelope.


Would it shock you guys if I told you I was Gary Ruppert?

I’d be shocked you put that much time into it. And I’d also have to kill you.


Actually, I think this is where we catch the war bloggers in a big contradiction. When you suggest to them that the Iraq War would be better served by a new leader and it would be best for Bush and Cheney to resign and let someone else take over who is more competent, they quickly balk. Clearly, if you really believed in the Iraq War, you would have to agree that this would be the best way to improve the morale of the troops, gain more public support for the war and possibly put the war in a new direction. It would also set that new president up for ’08 if he really salvaged Iraq. There really isn’t a good argument against this from them, they just refuse to entertain the idea. This is when it becomes obvious that keeping Bush in power is more important to them than winning in Iraq.


I can look outside tonight, at the snow, and tell you that there is no such thing as global warming.

And I can look outside tonight, at the darkness, and tell you that there is no such thing as the sun.


In fact, the ozone hole is practically gone.

You mean this one? “The largest Antarctic ozone hole ever recorded in September 2006”?


Speaking as a British crackhead, I resent the implication.

Her majesty is holding all the best shit.


Not that wingnuts would ever misquote Lincoln, but I figured I’d actually check this one out for myself.

The President, Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy, desires and enjoins the orderly observance of the Sabbath by the officers and men in the military and naval service. The importance for man and beast of the prescribed weekly rest, the sacred rights of Christian soldiers and sailors, a becoming deference to the best sentiment of a Christian people. and a due regard for the divine will demand that Sunday labor in the Army and Navy be reduced to the measure of strict necessity.

Abraham Lincoln.

This is the part Janet LaRue left out. It’s also the main point of the order…he’s giving the troops Sunday off, for the most part. After that, you can see the second part as, all you Fundie whackjobs out there, don’t worry too much about the troops will all be spending Sunday drinking and whacking off, as I’m sure they can find something else to do.


(that last was supposed to be upstairs)


The importance for man and beast of the prescribed weekly rest

I can see why LaRue left this part out.


The warbloggers have completely internalized their support for this war to the point where their very identities as human beings hinge on its success.

Well, when you’ve pretty much declared “VICTORY” each month for 4 years…


Garlito: Had Bush been more aggressive in the Iraq War…

This is actually one my favorite bits of standard Wingnut pretzel-logic.

“We tried X and it didn’t work (or made things worse). The obvious solution is to do X even more.”

Its the specialest kind of stupid.

ps. The Altemeyer book, The Authoritarians, that Essjay mentioned up-thread is an absolute must-read. Decades of rigorous empirical research into the Wingnut mind boiled down into a breezy, accessible overview. And its free.


Since you did mention the Queen of England, it’s worth noting that, apparently, her grandson Harry, 3rd in line for the throne, will shortly be serving in Iraq. In this respect, Harry is carrying on a long tradition of the Royal Family – the previous generation’s 2nd in line for the throne, Prince Andrew, served as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy during the Falklands War.

I don’t suppose we could expect the children of America’s leaders to serve? Alas, the closest Jenna and Not Jenna will get to combat is probably a “Girls Gone Wild” video…


The Righties like Gary keep claiming us libruls want to surrender. But who do we want to surrender to? Seriously, who do we sit down and sign over the country to? We aren’t fighting a government, we aren’t fighting any group with a recognized leader.

I’m sorry if I missed a memo on this, but can someone tell me exactly who we are surrendering to? ’cause otherwise I won’t know who to bow down to once Nancy has given over the keys to the country.


May I point out how stupid this whole “morale” thing is? If you are a soldier in combat, your morale is very shitty. This is entirely independant of anything said by politicians or press or pundits back where people don’t die suddenly and horrifically right next to you. Your morale is the shits because your in an unfamiliar place, eating rotten food, shitting outdoors and fighting for your life. Bad morale does not cause you to lose. You don’t fight any less hard, because if you do you’ll die and your friends will die.

The only people talking about morale in the combat zone are NOT IN the combat zone.

I’m going to breakfast with a hot babe…



No, Gary, we don’t want to “surrender”. We want to “retreat”. We invaded them, remember? If you invade someone else’s turf and cannot subjugate them, you don’t “surrender.” You “cease trying to subjugate them.”


I’m a cute widdle Surrender Monkey. Wind me up and watch me hand over the keys to the city. Once the hordes are in town, I’ll direct them to Gary’s house. Since he likes the whole British Empire kind of thing, I’m sure he won’t mind having troops quartered in his house. To the victor go the spoils, after all!

Imagine, if you will, that by some absolute bizarre twist of fate, the US was conquered. I would submit to you that the Garys of this world would be the ones to quickly fall in line. They’d convert, not to mainstream Islam but the most extreme form possible, the women would be in bourkas, and they would turn in everyone who was resisting – (which would be us godless leftists, mainly.) Just as long as their little patch of dirt in the suburbs was safe, and they didn’t have to feel any pain, they’d go right along with the new boss. They’re authoritarians to the bone.


You know, that dude has a point. If Nancy Pelosi is so high and mighty about the problems with global warming, she shouldn’t ort to be flying back & forth. Maybe people could wind-sail between San Francisco and Washington DC and back.

Or she could get one of her damn liberal friends to invent her some type of new airplane that is solar powered or flies on anti-gravity stuff, or something like that. You’d think they’d do that by now.

Come to think of it, why doesn’t Little Mrs. High and Mighty Speaker Pelosi just *walk* back and forth from San Francisco. I mean, how long could it take? She should be able to do it in like, a few months or something.


Apparently, Lord Blackadder had to deal with a similar kind of idea, as shown in this top secret mission briefing.


I would submit to you that the Garys of this world would be the ones to quickly fall in line. They’d convert, not to mainstream Islam but the most extreme form possible, the women would be in bourkas

Well, it was revealed a while back that this Gary is an Afghan poppy farmer.


Gary is a man of a thousand faces…


Your Speaker is a woman who believes in global warming, and takes jets crosscountry, instead of more fuel-efficient methods.

My God!! I did not know this! She takes jets crosscountry? How dare she!! When there are perfectly adequate Conestoga wagons available.


Gary Ruppert is the best troll I know.


I can look outside tonight, at the snow, and tell you that there is no such thing as global warming.

I can look in the mirror tonight, and tell you that because I didn’t die yesterday, I must be immortal.


They will also never achieve the realization that Bush’s invasion of Iraq diverted resources from the legitimate fight against al Qaeda on the Afgan/Pakistani frontier. As National Intelligence Estimates have pointed out, this has increased our risks of terrorist attack and swelled the ranks of jihadists. Bush’s war was one of settling scores from his father’s era, and attempting to achieve hegemony over this oil rich region.




9/11 permanently traumatized an entire generation of right-wing nerds, and nothing we say can change that.

no, they were this delusional and disconnected from reallity before september the 11th. that event just brought them to the forefront of our political discourse.


(comments are closed)