Love War Means Never Having To Say You’re Sorry

Bush and his administration neatly (and sadly) summed up:

One of his senior advisers broke out laughing Wednesday as he recalled the persistence of reporters pressing Mr. Bush on the subject of remorse, suggesting that contrition would have been a sign of weakness that was both alien to Mr. Bush and more typically found in the corridors of the Democratic Party.

“We must return to the days of Jimmy Carter!” the aide said in a sarcastic invocation of a Democratic president that Republicans have long sought to equate with presidential weakness. “We must have malaise! We must have a weak president! We must have a morose Kerrylike apology!”

New York Times, April 15, 2004


Comments: 6


Also in the article:

“One adviser said the White House had examined polling and focus group studies in determining that it would be a mistake for Mr. Bush to appear to yield.”

This would be the President who so defiantly declared the other night that he doesn’t make his decisions based on polls? Ah well, what’s one more small lie?


See, this is why you liberals are never going to beat Bush. Bush, himself, never looks at polls. He has people who do that for him and never, never tell him that’s where they got the information for the ordersadvice they’re giving him.


One of his senior advisers broke out laughing Wednesday as he recalled the persistence of reporters pressing Mr. Bush on the subject of remorse, suggesting that contrition would have been a sign of weakness

Did the aide pause in his crackup at all to say which jumper Bush was going to wear when he sat on Cheney’s knee for their 911 testimony? I think it should be the one with the fishies, to solidify his reputation as a manly sportsman.


Did the aide pause in his crackup at all to say which jumper Bush was going to wear when he sat on Cheney’s knee for their 911 testimony?

I vote for the plain white one with the “arms-crossed-across-the-chest” look and the metal buckles on the back.


Blair! I just noticed that you have been posting way more lately!

Now, I would apologize for my previous comments about your lack of posting activity, but that would mark a return to the days of Jimmy Carter and show signs of weakness as a Sadly, No commenter.

So don’t expect a morose Kerry-like apology, fella, ’cause you aint-a-gonna-get-it.


With all this administration has accomplished, malaise would be a step up.


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