“I’m a educator, not a divider”
An Associated Press piece today discusses how George Bush is becoming more verbose, at least in his remarks to political audiences (but certainly not, of course, in his remarks at press conferences or to the Sept. 11 commission).
There are several other examples where Bush alone accounted for all the verbiage: a 54-minute speech in Charlotte, N.C., on Monday on job training, 51 minutes in Wisconsin late last month on the economic help from his tax cuts, and 45 minutes on the same topic in Cleveland on March 10.
Bush’s standard speech to purely political audiences also has swelled, from a reliable 24 minutes last year to routinely well over 30. …
… White House communications director Dan Bartlett said the trend is by design – the president’s. Bush has told his schedulers and speechwriters to build in more time so he can walk audiences through the many “really important things going on in our country and our world.”
“He takes that role seriously, as sort of educator-in-chief,” Bartlett said.
I’m with Tyler Crotty – wake me up when it’s over.
Bush has told his schedulers and speechwriters to build in more time so he can walk audiences through the many “really important things going on in our country and our world.”
“He takes that role seriously, as sort of educator-in-chief,” Bartlett said.
(Sorry — that’s the only sane response to that statement.) Is the WH communications dept having a contest to see who can get the most outrageous statement printed straight-up in a wire story?
Hmmmm…I want to be edumacated by da preznit…
“By mentoring a child, you shape the character of a child. And it’s a high calling in life, because that influence reaches to eternity.”
Dubya in Dallas Texas, Oct. 29, 2003
Read them The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Gag choke…I can’t image almost an hour’s worth of the short simplistic sentences he’s so famous for. How many times in one speech can he say democracy, freedom, terror, hate, 9/11? (All interchangeably I might add..and with that odd lisp)
Whatever happened to Mars by the way?
As someone who’s read the stump speech many, many times, I can say that the only thing it taught me was that nothing is Bush’s fault, we should love our neighbors the way we want to be loved (hard), and that farm implementation dealerships are the political salons of the South.
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