Swatting flies, fly fishing, what’s the diff?

clinton_bush1993.jpg The incomparable Randi Rhodes brings up an excellent point the lazy SCLM airbrushes when echoing the latest administration dodge.

BushCo apologists and enablers like to point to the 1993 WTC attacks as “evidence” that Clinton fell down on the job. The Feb/26/93 World Trade Center attack occurred a scant 4 1/2 weeks after Bill Clinton’s Jan/20/93 inauguration.

Yet he didn’t waste time blaming the departing George HW Bush administration or working on talking points like “we didn’t want to swat flies” and “blah blah blah silver bullet”. Clinton showed some leadership and tracked down the perpetrators. (Nor did he try to vindicate old Carter-admin business by using the incident as an excuse to attack Iran. He focused on bringing those WTC attackers to justice.)

bush_fishing.jpg But this begs the question: if an attack 4-1/2 weeks after Clinton’s inauguration is his fault, how is an attack 8 months after Commander Codpiece’s inauguration also Clinton’s fault?

If Bush wasn’t interested in swatting flies, it’s because he more interested in fly fishing. Oh, and in reclassifying documents from his father’s and Reagan’s administrations relating to Iraq and Saudi Arabia.

(Here’s GW fishing in July/01, which is also how he spent August 6, 2001, immediately after being briefed about al Qaeda’s intention to attack.)


Comments: 2


But this begs the question: if an attack 4-1/2 weeks after Clinton’s inauguration is his fault, how is an attack 8 months after Commander Codpiece’s inauguration also Clinton’s fault?

Good motherf$#!ing question.

And the fact you bothered to ask it is enough to make me forgive you for doing the whole “I Want Condi” thing today. I was doing that! You did it better, sure, but I wanted to do it! And it’s all about me!


LOL — I’m pissed I didn’t think of I want Condi first. Now I can’t get that beat out of my head, but that’s all right with me.

If you want a quick Real Audio or WAM fix online, you can listen to Bow Wow Wow’s remake of the Strangeloves original. (Latter on a really great Nuggets compilation, which I played to the bone.)

Riff stolen off Bo Diddley, whom I worship as a god. Here’s the RA sample of Hey Bo Diddley. (Windows Media sample’s also at the Bo Diddley link above.)

More Bo to sample or download at the Blues legends page. Gawd, I love him.


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