Jim Rutz: Still After Soy

Jim Rutz has published part three in his acclaimed “Eating soy will turn your kid into a fag” series. This stuff will never stop being funny:

One percent of U.S. girls are now growing breasts or pubic hair before age three.

I have no idea how Rutz knows this. And really, I don’t want to know.

By age eight, either of these two abnormalities is appearing among 14.7 percent of white girls and a staggering 48.3 percent of black girls [22]. Why so many black girls? Probably because they are more likely to be given soy infant formula. They are being robbed of their girlhood. Soy formula-fed girls are also more likely to have lifelong menstrual problems (primarily longer and more painful periods), hormonal changes associated with infertility, and other health problems. If this isn’t a national medical emergency, I don’t know what is.

You certainly don’t.

The situation is just as bad for boys. Boy babies fed soy formula may go into puberty late — or not at all. Some of these boys are so feminized that their breasts grow but their penises don’t.

If I had boobs, I’d never leave the house. Just sayin’ it’s not all bad.

Some mature into adults with penises not much bigger than the ones they were born with!

Who will stop soy’s relentless assault on the American penis? Who?

It’s not just the sex organs that are affected during the key developmental phases of pregnancy and infancy. The brain, too, can be irrevocably changed by excess estrogens, which suppress testosterone. That may contribute to altered sexual behavior and sexual preference. Estrogenized males of many species are more likely to suffer from ADD/ADHD and even to perform more like females on tests.

I.e., perform all STUPID. Cuz girls’re DUMB and they SMELL and they’re YUCKY.

Gavin adds: “Males of many species”? How many species of human are there besides Homo sapiens and Homo jacobius?

Soy won’t hurt a grown man the same way. It’s apt to flatten his libido, but won’t affect the size or shape of his sex organs. (Against my better judgment, I took a national TV interview last week. They handed a bowl of soy stuff to a guy in the studio audience. After he had munched for thirty seconds, the host asked him, “Well, you startin’ to feel kinda swishy yet?” Good comedy, but highly misleading.)

Jim, you’re officially being used by talk show hosts as a figure of ridicule. I hope you’re proud of yourself.

However, soy can cause gynecomastia (female-looking breasts) within months.

Wait. W-w-wait. So if I eat soy now, it won’t affect my penis size, but it will allow me to grow breasts… oh man… my dream has come true… Retardo, I’m taking a little trip down to your farm later this week, OK?

A recent study at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill showed that men eating whopping amounts of soy experienced breast enlargement and even some nipple discharge [29].

That 1z soooo hottttt.

Right now, no evidence indicates that soy during childhood or adulthood is likely to change sexual preference. The danger zone is the first three months of both pregnancy and infancy, when male physiology and brain circuitry are still developing. In other words, a girl-chasing, football-playing college boy won’t go gay even if he becomes a vegetarian or snacks all day on soy energy bars. (He might develop thyroid or other health problems or lose most of his libido, though.)

My larger concern is that the increasing number of less robust 15-year-olds who are already “struggling with their sexual identity” will be shoved over that thin line into homosexuality. No, they won’t wake up some morning with floppy wrists and a nasal lisp, but they may begin to gravitate toward social circles where they feel more comfortable — and less expected to be rowdy or brag about a string of sexual conquests.

Uh… is that really something that Good Christians encourage their sons to do anyway?

Does the idea that soy can cause so much trouble sound like Rutz sensationalism?

What, you mean that Jim “Prayer Can Bring Your Relatives Back from the Dead” Rutz might sensationalize every now and then? Who knew?

Anyway, you can read the rest for yourselves. As for me, I’ve got a lot of soy to eat if I wanna grow a nice pair of plump boobies by New Year’s…

UPDATE: I think it’s perfectly clear that Hugh Hewitt has an all-soy diet:



Comments: 72


Dude I wanna be in one of those shemale porno vids! Pass the soy!


Don’t bother, Brad. I’ve been eating soy for twelve-plus years and I don’t even need a training bra yet.


Actually I have heard similar things about soy from my new-agey (definitely non-fundie) Mother and her husband. I have never listened to them, because I really like tofu, but could there also be a grain (a bean?) of truth? Or ya think it’s just a totally nuts rumor? (New-agers are sometimes nearly as susceptible to rumor as fundies.)




Funny thing, too- know what else will give men boobs? Eating lots of red meat and never exercising. Rutz doesn’t seem to have the same passion for attacking hamburgers as he has for soy though…


know what else will give men boobs? Eating lots of red meat and never exercising.

Another excellent point.


And of course it’s soy and not pollutive estrogens in our environment that might be doing these things. Why blame corporations when you can blame fruity hippies?


RIght on Anne – like there’s probably no link at all between the amount of excess estrogens in meat and diary products either. No siree, none at all. Then you add the excess estrogens in the water supply and – what? Ooh looky there, something shiny!

Rutz is a putz…

LA Confidential Pantload

I’ve read that some (not all) soy products can suppress thyroid function. This idea that eating any soy leads to Hugh Hewitt Syndrome sounds like bullshit, though.


I am a vegetarian and so eat more soy than a lot of people. And my gynecologist still says that I need to take estrogen. (Natural estrogen + natural progesterone-not the cancer-causing synthetic stuff). However, some men who smoke excessive (?) amounts of pot grow little boobies.


His name is Rutz. Heh.


may begin to gravitate toward social circles where they feel more comfortable — and less expected to be rowdy or brag about a string of sexual conquests.



I think we have the makings of a wonderful scientific enquiry here:
“Estrogenized males of many species are more likely to suffer from ADD/ADHD and even to perform more like females on tests.”

Many species! We could begin studies on a variety of male herbivores- some with a high soy diet, some with a soy-free diet- and see if they start to moo/oink/neigh a little differently or see if their penises shrink.

Which of these logical trains are more likely to be true:
1) Americans eat more soy; Americans are becoming more effeminate; therefore, soy causes “feminization”!


There’s no evidence, but Jimbo knows enough to tell us–to the month–what the danger zone is?

Look, soy is a food. Food is, in essence, chemicals. Some of those chemicals will even make you put on weight, or build bones or grow fingernails!

Yes, it’s true that, say, turkey contains a chemical that might make you sleepy if you eat, as Jim says, “whopping amounts”, and “whopping amounts” of grapefruit does seem to suppress the activity of certain antibiotics. Meanwhile, “whopping amounts” of sugar could make your third graders bounce off the walls, and “whopping amounts” of broccoli, as I understand it, might give you cancer. A “whopping amount” is rather vague, and I’d tend, based on Jim’s columns, to define it as “enough to make the effects I’m panicking about a possibility”, so the whole thing kind of eats itself.

“Whopping amounts” of anything, including water, will have harmful effects on you. The question is, is there any evidence that A) the effects Jim is fretting about exist (Possibly, but soy is no more likely to screw you over than other natural things like wild yam, or, as Anne points out, industrial pollutants), B) there are benefits (in the case of soy, yes. In the case of hormone-saturated effluvium from pigfarms, maybe not.) C) the possible negatives outweigh the possible benefits (Soy does appear to be helping feed a lot of people, and does seem to be healthier for you than, say, pigshit in your local water supply) D) other things are causing the same effect and if so to what degree and E) there are bigger things to worry about.

Whether or not Jimmy read something somewhere and got all hysterical about the possibility of girl cooties in his food, one has to wonder if he’d stop eating beef if it became apparent to him that it also contained estrogens. (It does.) One also has to wonder if he considers the much more compelling scientic consensus about global warming to be something he needs to worry about, or if he only freaks out over shit in inverse proportion to its probable reality.

I’m going with “No” and “No” and “Yes” in that order. Jim could convince me he’s sincerely concerned about the fate of our children by going vegetarian, demanding better governmental oversight of industry, and taking the bus to work from now on, as our children are far more at risk from pollution and ecological collapse than queerifying produce.


I think we have the makings of a wonderful scientific enquiry here:
“Estrogenized males of many species are more likely to suffer from ADD/ADHD and even to perform more like females on tests.”

Many species! We could begin studies on a variety of male herbivores- some with a high soy diet, some with a soy-free diet- and see if they start to moo/oink/neigh a little differently or see if their penises shrink.

Which of these logical trains are more likely to be true:
1) Americans eat more soy; Americans are becoming more effeminate; therefore, soy causes “feminization”.
2) July is the month when the most ice cream is eaten; more cars are stolen in August than any other month; therefore, eating ice cream causes people to steal cars (thank you, Stephen Jay Gould).

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.


Ah, at last Rutz has found his true calling: not political commentary, but peddling bogus health scares to fatheads.


By age eight, either of these two abnormalities is appearing among 14.7 percent of white girls and a staggering 48.3 percent of black girls [22]. Why so many black girls? Probably because they are more likely to be given soy infant formula.

I certainly don’t want any young girls, black or white, to experience hormone abnormalities due to their diet.

However, if the tofu is making boys more feminine, does that then mean that it’s the ideal food to create feminine girls?

Well, really, I want to see the evidence that 1. Black girls do indeed have hormone abnormalities at that level, 2. The abnormalities are due to diet, not environment or some other factor.


It’s worth noting that minority kids are more likely to be exposed to pollution than white kids.

Also, Bubba makes an excellent point, and before we hear any more from Jim on the subject, I want him to produce data on how rabbits have ADHD nowadays when they never used to, and exactly how low cows’ math scores are.

Otherwise, again, I will simply have to chalk this up to poor reading comprehension and fear of girl cooties. It’s a good demonstration yet again, however, of how homophobia and misogyny are linked.



You fool! Evidence is for scientists, Libruls, and atheists!!

…. oh. wait.


Best of Both Worlds. Beautiful chicks with dicks that put mine to shame. Hey, I like to expand my horizons. [/Clerks]


Like every other new addition to the shitty American diet (SAD), soy was at first practically unknown, then ridiculed, then accepted, then oversold, and now is in the repudiated phase, with everyone from fundies to earth mothers condemning it. How tiresome.

Remember “Eat a variety of foods” from health class? You’d be hard pressed to find a more scientifically-sound, time-tested piece of nutriton advice.

Too bad we’ll all just keep lurching from one stupid fad to the next.


Does this explain why all the porn guys have huge penises, and I don’t? I mean, I always compare myself to those specimens, and cannot help but feel inadequate.

there are a lot of sources for estrogen like compounds. the ones made by plants are of a type our body expects to get, and has mechanisms for disposing of.

The estrogen-like compounds made by man, used in plastics, cosmetics, and pesticides are not of a type our body expects to get, and does not have mechanisms for quickly disposing of.

Also, does it not make more sense to look at the hormones we force feed our milk cows to give them bigger boobs?

Seems like a little more direct link, despite the milk industries best science campaigns.


I haven’t read all the comments, so maybe someone touched on this, but he should be looking into growth hormones fed to cows for the cause of girlie tits.


I think Jimbo’s been searching for years for the reason that Teh General’s massive 3 inch monster is so much larger than his own.


This explains why Asian women have such massive breasts.

Or not.


I can’t wait for the “Soy is for Pussies” public service announcements


I haven’t seen anyone mention plastics which contain a great deal of estrogen, he chemical makes the plastic flexible as I recall. This plastic coats the insides of cans of food; it is in our water bottles, the plastic bags. Food is exposed to these plastics all along the processing line. I’ve not even mentioned the pollution that shrouds us at every turn.

Following this soy argument through to its logical conclusion, the Asian cultures that eat it regularly would obviously have falling birthrates, right? Right?


we’re in ur base faggin ur doodz up.
north american man soy love association


Can’t we blame this on immigrants? I mean, isn’t yo soy the “I am” of the Mexlamofascist moon-tongue?


He whined about the Asian birth rate thing after the first column, when he was the recipient of a nearly global “You fucking moron” for the soy-makes-you-gay argument. His actual rebuttal was that they don’t, in fact, eat as much soy as you might think. Which kinda left me defining “as much as you might think” as “only slightly more than they actually do”. The man’s a master of shifting quantifiables.

And Edmund, why don’t you have a WND column?


Going back to Rutz’s source documents (particularly the one that he refers to in here:
“One percent of U.S. girls [Note: the study says 1% of white girls, 3% of African American girls] are now growing breasts or pubic hair before age three. By age eight, either of these two abnormalities is appearing among 14.7 percent of white girls and a staggering 48.3 percent of black girls [22]. Why so many black girls? Probably because they are more likely to be given soy infant formula.”

1) There is nothing in the study that suggests that this is different from, say 100 years ago
2) There is nothing in the study describing particular causes
3) Most of the 48.3%/14.7% difference appears to be early pubic hair development, not early breast development
4) Menstruation starts at essentially the same age for A/A and Caucasion girls, suggesting that precocious (i.e., early-hitting) puberty may not be different between black & white girls
5) As Punkinsmom suggests above, there are no data on Asian, Native American, Hispanic, etc. groups

Therefore, what I take out of the study is: African American girls tend to get pubic hair at a significantly earlier age than caucasian girls.

I’m sorry, what does this have to do with soy? Oh, yeah, Rutz makes the heady comment, “Why so many black girls? Probably because they are more likely to be given soy infant formula.” Got any data on that one, Jim?

I have my own source data: The August 15, 2001 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) contains the results of a study of 811 adults, some of who drank soy formula as children and others who drank milk-based formulas. No statistically significant differences were observed between the groups in either women or men. They followed more than 30 different measures of general health or reproductive health. (lifted from http://www.drgreene.com/21_536.html)


LOL! My oh my Rutz is nutz.


My favorite part is where he “cites” a study from UNC and claims it shows men eating soy get milk-boobies [29]. Hey, he puts a number by it! A number in brackets!!!! Just like real scientists do.

Hilariously, when you read reference #29, he doesn’t actually cite the study- just a Post article about the study. I think the study he refers to is Fischer et al (2004) NUTRITION AND CANCER, 48(2), 160–170, which is a phase 1 clinical trial to determine toxicity of a 10-fold dose of soy isoflavones in men with prostate cancer.

I’m no doctor, but I’m pretty sure having hot flashes and leaky nipples would be preferable to a tumor.




Don’t click that at work. 😀


No doubt he first became aware of the soy plot during the physical act of love.


North american man soy love association

Can’t we blame this on immigrants? I mean, isn’t yo soy the “I am� of the Mexlamofascist moon-tongue?

You people make my day every day. Thanks again!


However, some men who smoke excessive (?) amounts of pot grow little boobies.

proof, please.


Gus, I think it’s called stoners who eat crap, and lots of it, syndrome. I suffer from it, but so far the booby fairy hasn’t arrived. Maybe it’s cause I don’t like hostess ‘food’ products.


Though I’m also waiting for the extra weight. Maybe I just don’t eat crappy enough food. If only I still ate fast food.


Has he yet explained why people in other countries who consume a lot of soy don’t suffer from the same effects? Is it just the United States that has a problem with soy?

"Fair and Balanced" Dave

However, some men who smoke excessive (?) amounts of pot grow little boobies.

That might have more to do with what they consume after getting “the munchies” from smoking all that weed.

Not that I’d know from personal experience or anything….


Has he yet explained why people in other countries who consume a lot of soy don’t suffer from the same effects? Is it just the United States that has a problem with soy?

Well, since he’s completely making things up, I suppose he could just say something like, “People in other countries don’t have a problem with soy because vampires stole their lunch money.”


Well, since he’s completely making things up, I suppose he could just say something like, “People in other countries don’t have a problem with soy because vampires stole their lunch money.�

Yeah, that sounds just as logical.


Try saying “soy gay” really fast over and over.
Eventually it comes out as “so gay”.
Rutz is a genius.


I tried the fast repetition of soy gay, and for me it came out “so i gay”, which is both a shocking personal revelation and proof it’s worse than even the genius Rutz thinks.


Jim Rutz looks like th guy who built Robocop.


Aw, dammit. *the guy*. I don’t even have the excuse of not having a preview button.


One also has to wonder if he considers the much more compelling scientic consensus about global warming to be something he needs to worry about, or if he only freaks out over shit in inverse proportion to its probable reality.

Oh no, his only concern is over things that are turning our young men gay (I’ll take things that are turning our young men gay for a hundred, alex). He doesn’t care if global warming kills 80% of the population in 200 years, as long as the remaing billion peeps are straight, and christian…



Breasts and public hair are “abnormalities”?


Public hair? You have a few indecent exposures in your criminal history there, Some Guy?


Public hair.

Public. Hair.

“She had on a leather skirt and had a lot of hair on her arms. I like that a lot. That means a big bush. I like a big bush.”

Sorry, Slingblade came to mind and I couldn’t resist.


Mikey, I think you’ve hit on something there. If we could somehow convince the Rutzes of the world that global warming was making folks gay, they’d throw all their efforts into fixing and protecting the environment.

Nah, who am I kidding? Their heads would just explode. Of course, that would improve their IQs, but not to any great practical effect.

Tara the anti-social social worker


Soy turns guys gay.

But it also “flattens their libido.” (Apparently a lumpy libido is better.)

But isn’t the usual wingnut stereotype that gay men are hypersexual sluts who want to jump every man’s bones?

Dammit, pick a talking point and go with it, wingnutz!


If this isn’t a national medical emergency, I don’t know what is.

Try type two diabetes (no longer only adult on-set) which has nothing to do with soy and everything to do with the overconsumption of fatty fast foods and and refined carbohydrates.


OT but worthwhile:

The funny, funny, funny (remember “The America Show?) Julia Gorin is guest-blogging over at AlarmingNews, and the wing is gettin’ nutty.


… there are benefits (in the case of soy, yes. In the case of hormone-saturated effluvium from pigfarms, maybe not.)

D. Sidhe, I would still like to see a graph mapping the distribution of pigfarm effluvium in local watertables matched against a map of the hardcore Bush voters (that die-hard 29% who still have positive feelings for the C-Plus Augustus). Karl Rove has always had a rather porcine physiogamy, and certainly the effects of low-level toxicity on neural function would be as useful an explanation for Midwesterners voting Bush ahead of their personal interests as any other theory I’ve seen in print!


But Shlimpyâ„¢ told us the World Nut Daily was perfectly reliable.



Somebody asked for proof that excessive marijuana smoking makes men grow breasts. I just googled “male breast marijuana” and a number of articles mention the marijuana/male breast connection. I did not see any actual proof, as in studies. However, I have known, in my long ago and far away youth, some men who were really stoned and had little boobies.


Well, Anne Laurie, we midwestern folks here in Iowa, where we have a serious hog lot problem, went overwhelmingly Democratic in the midterms – even voting out liberal Repub Jim Leach, who voted against the Iraq misadventure – so I don’t know if your theory holds up. However, I’d like to see a map of where the hog lots are most concentrated. If they are in Steve King’s district, I’d give your theory some credence. 🙂


The funniest thing about this is how wingnuts keep reading World Nut Daily. They don’t care how little credibility the publication has. People like Glenn “Instapundit” Reynolds will still link to WND with confidence, despite shit like this.

I wrote about this over at my new blog. This is the post, if anybody is interested:


Pfah! The idgit maroon just wrote a more long-winded version of Brian Weeks’ I Wish I Had My Own Tits (iTunes link). Big deal.


That number pinned on Huge Hewitt in the picture, 3644… is that his weight in pounds? And, ooh, Preview button!


“I could never be woman. I’d just stay home and play with my breasts all day.” — Steve Martin, L.A. Story

You didn’t steal it, though, Brad. I consider it a paraphrased homage.

And it seems I would be remiss if I didn’t mention this – Preview button!! Rawk on!!


what’s an “excessive” amount of pot for boob growing. I’ve been a daily smoker for 32 years. still nothing but nipples.

Herr Doktor Bimler

know what else will give men boobs? Eating lots of red meat and never exercising.
I don’t want to worry anyone — or get them over-excited, for that matter — but alcohol is on the list too. We’re talking about serious amounts of alcohol, mind you — liver-cirrhosis quantities. Hasn’t worked for me so far.

Estrogenized males of many species are more likely to suffer from ADD/ADHD and even to perform more like females on tests.

Oh yes. Because we all know that ADD/ADHD is like a mild form of femininity, a stage along what I will now call “Femininity spectrum disorder”. That’s why the performance of girls at school is so much worse than boys. Boys are better at sitting still and concentrating.

… Oh, hello Preview Button! Will you be my friend?

juan da spoojelator

YIKES! Look at that picture, will you? The man’s FOREhead- there’s an Animal just bursting out of there- an animal with Horns! There’s a BULL about to erupt right out of his head… into the Light. Jim Rutz’s head has a BULL in it… It’s Full… of BULL! (sure hope it isn’t Hungrry… woa!) ^..^

Herr Doktor Bimler

Rutz does bear an uncanny resemblance to the Mekon of Mekonta. See
— Compare and contrast.

Every time you show his picture, I expect him to zoom off on his hover-rider in hot pursuit of Dan Dare.


Development Emergency Medical Service in America has received the second wave, improvement of quality of service and speed of reaction WBR LeoP


For those disappointed males here who still want “boobies,” maybe you could try this instead of soy:


Banning advertising of fatty foods might meant that less attention is paid to these foods. Out of sight, out of mind. WBR LeoP


World largest dating portal…


You are right! Rutz DOES bear an uncanny resemblance to the Mekon of Mekonta, particularly the chin.

Medifast Getting Started


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