They Will Never Leave
Remember when this clown tried to build a conspiracy theory about how it was wrong to even try to run a trial for George Zimmerman after he murdered a kid in cold blood. I do.
Jack Cashill, American Birther:
Reggie Love and the Birth Certificate
Oh, birthers. So… you may be forgiven in thinking that the men upstairs would be having some gentle words downwards to op-dray the irther-bay it-shay now that the re-election of Obama has come to pass and it only serves to show the conservatives’ ass end to the world. And you’d be right. They are trying to stopper up the genie they’ve unleashed and running into the fundamental problem of all right-wing conspiracy theories.
They. Never. End. Still, nearly 20 years later, you get nutjobs whingeing about how Clinton used his secret Satanist mind-control powers to force a bunch of holy religious zealots to try and kill all their kids by setting their own treehouse on fire. Or the various crap about LBJ or FDR being secret communists or their being secret communist infiltrations everywhere responsible for everything progressive ever. Hell, some of them have been recycling old conspiracy theories about how women never had the mental capacity to handle voting or anything Progressive from the 20s. And the less said about the “War of Northern Aggression”, the better.
So, of course the nutbars allowed to run free and keep the Anti-christ Hunters all hot and bothered are still adding to their rich tapestry of denied reality where Obama and his time machine is responsible for everything bad in the last 60 years or beyond. Because he’s black and President and Vampire President for Unlife Robert E. Lee wouldn’t agree to that without secret commie Satanist brainwashing and if he we can just make him illegitimate maybe he’ll go away and stop forcing us to accept his existence and therefore the existence of black people in positions of power.
Needless to say, the strain is making them a little… shall we say, more obvious than usual.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Nuh uh, nope, no way. He’s black therefore couldn’t have been born. I don’t care that his birth certificate is googleable and has been for years. I am a skeptic and therefore I always deny the evidence of my own fucking eyes. And besides everyone is in on it. You saw. He’s hiding how black he was cause how could he have been elected if everyone could see he was black! It’s a fix, I tell you! A FIX!
Which, okay, that’s been their default mode since… well, since they began, so what else is new?
Most of the talk about the recently released Reggie Love interview centers on Love’s admission that he and President Obama played cards — Sp***s to be precise — during the Osama bin Laden raid.
Oh wow. They aren’t even bothering to hide this shit.
Sp***s to be precise
Of course it is. And with the little asterixes trying to be PC, not bothering to note that it’s only a slur when the FIRST FUCKING PLACE YOU GO TO WHEN YOU HEAR THAT IS A SLUR! And besides, this shit is almost always just made-up horseshit in the first place.
You can just smell how pissed they are that the entire world simply refuses to acknowledge that Obama is unfit and illegitimate to lead for being black. That he is fundamentally inhuman for being black. That they long to shout every racial slur from the top of the mountain to force him back in his place and make him resign from his post mumbling “yes massa, yes”.
I have had far too many people in my life do horrible things to me at one point or another, but I don’t think I’ll ever hate someone as strongly and piercingly as they do.
during the Osama bin Laden raid.
And this is the other delicious cherry on the Sunday. You can tell how much it eats them up inside that not only did Obama shut up all the justifications for our unending War on Terror horseshit, but also revealed the con for what it is.
And they are even more obsessed with getting revenge for Democrats noting and mocking Bush’s deer-in-the-headlights response to 9/11, continuing to read a children’s book rather than make any motion to respond in any way like a President to an emergency situation.
Oh yeah, liberals, well, your President did something innocuous too while a big incident was happening, so there! Which not only is well, no. No, on every level including the bizarre “so what even if it was true that Obama killed some dead time in the mission he had little direct control while things were on task or while things were being prepared”.
But also colossally misses the fucking point of why Bush’s hesitation was mocked in the first place. It was an immediate disaster needing immediate response and Bush simply couldn’t handle it. Handle anything real. It showed the same sort of impulsive and lost principle that guided most of his responses afterwards. Defaulting to wars, rollbacks of civil rights, and so on that he and his gang wanted to do initially and riding over an unearned gravitas for barely being able to give a half-coherent speech to a nation wholly unused to being attacked and willing to swallow anything.
Just like the wingnuts can’t seem to understand liberals’ issues with Bush’s vacations. The way he used them to preform displays of “masculinity” to a preening press force while completely failing to ever display any actual gonads or care for the death and destruction going on at his decision for known lies. Especially at a time when his supporters were constantly questioning the masculinity of military personnel complaining about his abuses of the troops and the mission.
Which leads to an even more unsettling fact.
These fuckers don’t seem to understand that the terrorism thing wasn’t a fucking game. Some convenient little bit of fluff that let them play Junior Fascists and maybe buy them a few more decades of delay in fixing anything in this broken country.
To them, the terrorists are an excuse. Something to let them get revenge against muslims for believing in a different God that is just weird enough to seem plaintively false and thus raise uncomfortable questions about their own religion. Something to let them get revenge against liberals for caring about civil liberties and that annoying Bill of Rights that we’ll pretend to give a fuck about only when decrying people looking questioningly at our smoking guns. Something to let them get revenge on the World for not letting them celebrate the fall of the Soviet Union by creating a US Lead Fascist State over the World, running it according to the interests of the Plutocrats within.
And considering all the blood spilled, all the lives lost, all the people tortured and murdered for this little “game” and the revenge for petty imagined “slights”, that might be the most insulting thing of all.
Cause they don’t care about terrorism. If they did, they wouldn’t so gleefully terrorize minority groups and cheer and entrench what tools they can to make it easier. And they wouldn’t dehumanize everyone they can while whistling to their lunatic, heavily armed base, “hey, that person is an unperson and it wouldn’t be murder to kill them and besides they are probably Satan”.
And they wouldn’t be pushing conspiracy theory after conspiracy theory, making a psychotic break with reality the “price” for “being a tribe member in good standing” safe from the implicit threat.
So fuck these jokers.
They aren’t “quaint”. They are a mirror into everything that is the rot at the center of the conservative apple.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Even when I do a shorter and a single quoted line, I gotta break 1000 words. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
So, speaking of birthers, did you hear that Ted Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and (I assume) a Cuban father?
I hear the TPers want to run him for President (and he wants to run, too). It’s either his American mother* makes him a “natural born American,” or Canada isn’t really a foreign country.
*To be fair, I don’t know if Cruz’s mother was under 21 at the time of his birth or not, which might make a difference.
Oops, sorry – if she’d lived in the US a minimum of 5 years after her 14th birthday. I just remembered that since BO’s mother couldn’t have lived anywhere for a minimum of 5 years after her 14th birthday when she gave birth, being 18 at the time, her age would have been an issue. Which, of course, is totally beside the point, Hawai’i being a state and all (and had been for 2 years prior). I suspect that some people didn’t realize Hawai’i was a state (I understand some people don’t realize New Mexico is a state), and are just using the Kenya thing to cover their ignorance.
Good one Cerb.
he and President Obama played cards
Most people realise, I suspect, that “playing cards” is a normal human response to the tension when crucial events are in progress and one’s decision is made and it is only a matter of waiting to see if it was the right one. That is, card playing is an indication of taking the results seriously.
I do not speak as an expert on normal human behaviour.
And certain trolls are the worms in the apple leaving a trail of worm sh*t so that there is no uncertainty of which side they’re on.
<i.did you hear that Ted Cruz was born in Canada to an American mother and (I assume) a Cuban father?
Yes, a Cuban father. Wake up sheeple. Ted Cruz is a Cuban communist usurper!!!!!11!1!11
To them, the terrorists are an excuse. Something to let them get revenge against muslims for believing in a different God that is just weird enough to seem plaintively false and thus raise uncomfortable questions about their own religion
I’ll go you one further and say that the Muslims and their different God are an excuse too. They need enemies for their crusades, period. Muslims aren’t someone they had a specific grudge against, they’re just the new bogeyman 9/11 handed them after a decade of grasping around for a new Red Menace. Before that, you had Catholics or Masons. There’s always someone.
The saying “every 10 years, America needs to pick up a little country and fling it against the wall just to remind the world who we are” sums it up nicely. The violence is its own reward.
What is his deal? That maybe the African guy the president was told was his father wasn’t his “real” father? What would it matter?
If G.W. Bush had played cards during a raid* on Bin Laden’s compound, wingnuts probably would’ve described him as cool, as trusting the ground team, etc. Hey, he’s like one of our dogfaces in a trench, biding his time but vigilant. How do you say macho in American (as Bush might ask)?
*Of course he never came this close (couldn’t or wouldn’t), and the word “during” needs qualification. The whole thing took many hours, I’m sure. But a few idiots can be convinced that Obama was goofing off even as the SEAL team offloaded and started kicking down doors.
VC – smoked marrow bone w/ toasted cread bums. Mixed into the soup it was an ethereal chowder.
Most people realise, I suspect, that “playing cards” is a normal human response to the tension when crucial events are in progress and one’s decision is made and it is only a matter of waiting to see if it was the right one. That is, card playing is an indication of taking the results seriously.
The next dispatch will let us know how he put the lie to caring about healthcare by SMOKING and how he disrespected the other people in the room by walking back and forth, back and forth, instead of staying in one place where they could discuss important matters with him.
Yeah, Ted Cruz was born in Canadia to a US momma. There is no question that he is a USian and even eligible for teh presnitzy. That ain’t his problem. His problem is that he is also a CANADIAN CITIZEN. Even better, he recently claimed not to know that. But thing is, he would have had to reveal that info when he went through a security clearance some years back.
He is renouncing his Canadianiteness but it will take at least 8 months to do so.
Muslims aren’t someone they had a specific grudge against, they’re just the new bogeyman 9/11 handed them after a decade of grasping around for a new Red Menace
The old Red Menace was almost the new Red Menace. Prior to 9/11 handing them a new boogeyman, the Bush administration was pushing pretty hard against China.
Remember the EP-3 spy plane incident?
Remember all the op eds about “Eeek! China’s taking over the Panama Canal!”
That all got dropped quickly after 9/11 but they were definitely pushing in that direction.
Reggie Love interview centers on Love’s admission that he and President Obama played cards — Sp***s to be precise — during the Osama bin Laden raid.
Sp***s? You’re kidding! Why that’s just the narcissist Obama trying to make it “all about him” again! What they really played was that metrosexual mom-jean-wearing manchild girly game Go Fish. Or, I should say and be equally discrete, G* F***.
Meanwhile, regarding Bush’s deer-in-the-headlights response to 9/11, continuing to read a children’s book rather than make any motion to respond in any way like a President to an emergency situation.
It’s always been my belief that what Andrew Card really whispered in Bush’s ear that morning was “Just sit tight. Something happening, but Dick’s taking care of it, so sit here till we come get you.”
Once you go Canadian
Fuck your circadian
Okay, thinking…
radian … Judean … lesbian?
Once you go Canadian,
and take pleasure arcadian,
all others look Hadean.
If you’re blue
And you don’t know where to go to
Why don’t you go where Quebec flits
Poutine on the ritz
From the farticle:
…concedes that no credible witness can remember…
That settles it then.
We gots plenty of real ‘Mericans that can do the job of a batshit crazy politician, we don’t need no lousy icebacks* comin’ in here takin’ our jobs!!
*from swimming across the St Lawrence of course.
…concedes that no credible witness can remember…
Of course, for the birthers, any witness who can remember is automatically not credible.
OT, but because my favorite player from my local minor league hockey team is now playing in Sweden, I follow his career through the Swedish team’s website with the help of Google translate. Sometimes the translations are interesting and confusing. A recap from this afternoon’s game between Djugarden and Liberec gave me this:
“Halfway through the game Djurgården took the lead with a nice wrist shot from Sam Lofquist. 2-1 to Djurgården. Assistant was Mattias Guter for.”
Ok, I can follow that easily enough, but then this followed:
The match then became grumpy and Liberec went hard against animal farms.
I guess hockey may be a bit different over there than what I’m used to.
On Topic:
The thing that struck me about this situation when Bush
fiddledwhileRomeNew York burned was where the hell were the Secret Service detail. I never expected GW to have a clue in a situation like this, but the Secret Service should. The story we got was that at that time nobody knew how many other hijacked flights might be out there or where they might be headed. And yet the president sits quietly at the school, a visit that’d been on his itinerary for months and was likely known by the terrorists? The Secret Service should have dragged his butt out of there and strongly suggested that the students, teachers and staff take the rest of the day off as well. This one detail makes me wonder if there might be some truth to the conspiracy theories that surround 9/11. It certainly makes it appear that someone in the administration knew more about what was going on that day than they let on. Or perhaps Dick Cheney gave the orders for GW to stay put, figuring he’d have a good shot at being president that way. Cheney sure as hell got his ass to a safe hiding spot right away.Thread Bear wanders through
A bare thread that may be dead
Asks did I kill it?
Miracles and wonder.
Here is where I publicly intoxicate after work, some days.
Also, kitteh portraits.
This one detail makes me wonder if there might be some truth to the conspiracy theories that surround 9/11.
Oh, I think it’s simpler than that. I think Bush’s administrative officials all tacitly agreed that he wasn’t the brains in the operation, Cheney was, so when a crisis occurred they looked to Cheney to make the decisions and made sure Junior stayed in the figurehead role.
I think if there was any administration coverup it was to cover up the embarrassing fact that Bush was an empty suit and Dick was the de-factor President.
Covering up incompetency is just as compelling a motivation as covering up criminality.
Oh, I think it’s simpler than that. I think Bush’s administrative officials all tacitly agreed that he wasn’t the brains in the operation, Cheney was, so when a crisis occurred they looked to Cheney to make the decisions and made sure Junior stayed in the figurehead role.
Yes, but it’s still looks bad if you let foreign terrorists kill your president. And the Secret Service is sworn to protect the president, so why weren’t they doing their job?
And I don’t believe for a minute that 9/11 was an inside job. But I can’t help but think that someone, or several someones, in the administration had more intelligence about the attack than they ever let on.
7/11 was an inside job!
Alex Jones is an inside job.
7/11 was an inside job!
Til they asked me to sweep the side walks.
I think Bush’s administrative officials all tacitly agreed that he wasn’t the brains in the operation, Cheney was, so when a crisis occurred they looked to Cheney to make the decisions and made sure Junior stayed in the figurehead role.
The Secret Service nickname for Cheney was “McCarthy.”
For Bush, it was “Snerd.”
[/stolen joke]
I made paella tonight and it was wonderful.
Maraniss concedes that no credible witness can remember seeing his parents together. “In the college life of Barack Obama in 1961 and 1962,” writes Maraniss, “as recounted by his friends and acquaintances in Honolulu, there was no Ann; there was no baby.”
“Right, so our candidate has no father, being the spawn of Satan. Now, we’ll have to manufacture one for him so he can become President of the USA”
“i know – why not an African with a Muslim-sounding name?”
There’s cosplay, and then there’s cosplay.
Apropos of nothing, I am watching Empire Strikes Back and realizing one of the side effects of reading way too many Star Wars expanded universe novels; when I watch the movies, I now end up cheering for the background characters even more than the main ones.
(Specifically, Wedge and Janson at the controls of
a snowspeedera fighter craft of any kind = shit gets DONE).Amazing circular firing squad action over at BJ.
If I never hear the word “troll” again I’ll be just fine.
NoScript keeps Balloon Juice comments away from me and that is good.
Yeah. It’s been escalating for a while, but today was just something else. Christ in heaven.
That is some impressive trompe l’oiel.
The intro piece belongs in the Best of Cerebrus anthology.
Also: Greetings, salutations, and best wishes to everyone in Sadlyville.
*slips back into the shadows*
I hope our fearless reporters are resting up so they can cope with the mangogeddon to come from the anniversary of the March on Washington.
It took me a minute to figure out was Sp***s was supposed to be, but when I did, I laughed very hard….
Back in the day, you could call a sp*** a sp***, and no one would get all up in your face about it.
But, aren’t we all Gods’ cards? Some are diamonds, some are hearts, some are clubs……………..
This pack is full of Jokers.
This pack is full of Jokers.
Why so serious?
Good to see you good sir!!!!
This pack is full of Jokers.
I see some assorted midnight tokers.
And they probably play their music in the sun.
Alex, I’ll take most overplayed classic rock songs for $500.
I’m hoping the press will start to refer to Cruz as “the first Canadian-American dual citizen to run for president.”
Chester Arthur has a sad.
New post… kinda.
I’m sorry.