Let’s Do the Time Warp Again!

Charles C.W. Cooke hanging with the only doctors he can stand.

Charles C.W. Cooke, National Deja Vu:
Too Young to Decide

Today’s article is 5 months old.

Which, okay yeah, on the surface of it looks pretty bad. We here at Sadly, No! pride ourselves in bringing back only the freshest mangos (okay, fine, reasonably fresh, like from the last month tops) from our bi or tridaily safaris into the Heart of Darkness. So what gives?

Has the laziness endemic to our profession finally collapsed to the point where we’re quoting things from the Pleistocene era because we cannot even bother to pretend to keep abreast of the continuous stream of diarrhea that the right-wing calls a river (honestly, I’ve been mostly sending robots for the last year at least)?

Well, okay, yes, but I swear this has nothing to do with that.

See, it all began with this tweet by resident National Review shithead Charles C. W. Cooke Esq. (previously highlighted on this site arguing that contraceptives for people with vaginas must be easy to acquire because he could get some free condoms from liberal sex health services the wingnuts were trying to shut down) made yesterday (See? Ha! Within the last century, score one for me):

Which, um, several things.

A) Bob damn, do I need to get on twitter one of these days. Not because I thrive when my word count is limited (BWAHAHAHA, yeah right) or because I look forward to thriving social connections (OTHER PEOPLE SCARY!), but because the wingnuts have decided that the short character limit and tradition of retweeting makes it the perfect medium to show their “wit” and “argumentation techniques”.

And every single piece of it is COMEDY GOLD!

B) “Gay conversion” “therapy”. Really? There are still massive marks among the right-wing willing to flog that dead horse and make all sorts of “we’re the real oppressed class” bullshit noises about how nobody is taking their little child abuse racket seriously? I would have assumed that having even the heads of the racket admit the complete failure of that little joke would have put an end to the desperate sweaty love-making with its damp and dirty sheets. At least among the “ooh, take us seriously, we’re totally the moderate intellectuals of this dead-brain movement” types. Guess, I apparently assumed too much of the right-wing.

C) Durr. I dunno, why. Those things no make sense. Why people no support a fake abuse racket that is no medically and psychologically supported, has zero success rates, has no means of ever being successful, and which is only good for abusing and reinforcing shame so that kids are emotionally destroyed in order so their parents can pretend that only “straight” is natural. Durr. I mean. It no make sense. And why would scienamatists support a therapy focused around actual research into harm reduction and based around actual medical realities of transgender children and which if correctly used is a dramatic necessity to prevent suicides, allow trans* kids the correct puberty, and greatly increase child happiness and life satisfaction with an immensely high efficacy rate.

But anyways, it’s just one tweet. Not worth really going into.

Except, apparently, Charles C.W. Cooke has been spared the attention he so richly deserves and has a wee bit of a thin skin. So he’s been going around to all the threads that have mentioned him and either bitching about them on his twitter feed like a catty drag queen stereotype in a slightly offensive semi-indie movie or JUMPING INTO THE FUCKING COMMENT THREADS to post today’s complete fail of a post and get his ass kicked by an army of liberals.

Which… fuck. If the wingnuts are going to drag their hairy little troll bodies into my off-time “pleasure” reading to shake their purple baboon asses in my face, then fuck, I might as well give it the firm smack it’s so desperately begging for.

And so here we are, 5 months from home and with the faint scent of despair and poor life choices in the air not at all regretting where last evening’s activities have dumped me (NOT EVEN A LITTLE, DO YOU HEAR ME? *Sob*).

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Now, I’m not saying I don’t believe in trans* people and want to make sure trans* children go through the suicide mill and unending Hell that is growing up with the wrong puberty. I’m just really concerned about the children and worried they’ll be forced into a permanent “choice” by over-eager parents. Wink wink. And if you don’t get what I’m getting back at you freaks over, I’ll make it plenty obvious in a couple of months time.

So yeah, if we’re hitting the wayback machine in terms of collecting our fodder for the grist mill, we might as well have a moldy oldy in terms of the actual post’s arguments.

So yeah, this bit of concern troll fuckwittery is painfully, brutally known by transsexuals around the globe.

The whole “no, we can’t possibly give you access to the medical interventions necessary to alleviate your suicidal-ideation-inducing gender dysphoria, because what if you are a deluded fuckball? Then we would have made you infertile for nothing? I mean, who cares if you kill yourself or are suffering under our arbitrary hoops. The infintessimal chance you’d seek hormones and a gender change you actually didn’t and the fate of your future babies matters far more than tiny shit like that” rigmarole.

It’s the bane of every transsexual. The justification of an ever expanding ring of hoops to dance through in order to prove that no, you weren’t actually just randomly waking up for the past several years thinking “gosh, you know what I’d love today, unnecessary medical bills that I’ll regret pursuing”. And most infuriatingly, the “given reason” (the real reason is limiting transitions to only those so androgynous in frame that they can pass without hormones) for why transsexuals have to go through the infamous “year of hazing” that is the stage when you actually do get a psychologist and are forced to live a year “strongly presenting” as your correct gender without the aid of any hormones, because if you can withstand that brutal backlash of societal disapproval, then hey, maybe we’ll almost believe you aren’t just joking with us… as long as you fit our mental idea of what a boy or girl “looks like”.

Naturally, this state of affairs means that most transsexuals just get their hormones the super-totally-legal-and-safe way of using the internet and hoping the best guess based on self-reported stories from other trans* people won’t land them in a hospital bed they can’t afford.

And it’s way WAY worse for young trans* people. Because puberty is a ticking time bomb and doctors are so pants-shittingly afraid of ruining those precious future babies that they usually want to avoid any medical interventions whatsoever, no hormones, and rarely even current-hormone blockers.

Which is nightmarish. I mean, it’s bad enough going through the wrong puberty when you don’t understand what’s going on. But when you do. When you understand exactly what you need. And that if you can just get access to the right hormones, you can have all the correct body growth that comes with it, far more successful and able to pass than if you wait? And then being denied it?

Because some doctor doesn’t want you to go through the “wrong” “irreversible” process, yanno, if you changed your mind and decided not to be a freak.

So yeah, Captain Cooke’s arguments aren’t exactly coming from the deep right-field of right-wing conspiracy theories, but it’s no less damaging and life-destroying for those being “concerned” over.

We can all agree that children should not be able to change their sex.

And we’re not even past the tag line before I want to punch a motherfucker in the neck. Oh, I most definitely do not have enough booze for this.

When children look to adults to give them guidance, adults often fall short of their charge;

As exemplified by every right-wing hack known to man and the society they have decided to leave behind.

but few fall as short as Dr. Norman Spack of Children’s Hospital in Boston. According to a scattering of reports that have consistently struggled to gain attention when pitted against more important topics — the Oscars, for example — there has been a dramatic rise in the number of incidents in which children are given treatment that is designed to halt their development as males or females and, ultimately, completely change the sex of their birth.


How dare he? How DARE a doctor actually pay attention to the current medical and academic recommendations on the subject, seeking to minimize harm to his patients within the legal allowances of his state?

I mean, doesn’t he understand that wingnuts need trans* people to be an eternal joke, something they can point to as a hideous delusion brought on by our “backwards PC culture” because blah blah blah trans* people are weird and their condition is not as socially well regarded and accepted for the fact it is as say, ischemic heart disease?

And here he’s ruining all of that, by actually accepting that trans* people are real and forcing a child to endure the wrong puberty, when he can at the very least delay things for a few years in service to our broken ass medical policy on trans* people, is a cruelty no compassionate doctor could willfully perform.

And that respecting the “assigned sex of one’s birth” means fuck all when one is fucking trans* and that assigned sex only means that some doctor done fucked up in their coin-toss guess based on the state of the natal genitals.

Cause, you know, your body is a cage and you better die in it rather than ever admit the well-documented reality by this point that best-guess outward genital states dictate very little about how male, female, or other you really are.

Spack is the procedure’s champion.

True, in a way. Norman Spack is, in fact, the co-founder of the Gender Management Service clinic. And that clinic is one of the few in the world that is even willing to prescribe hormones to minors as long as they have full parental permission (oh, life saving medical intervention, but only if their parents accept their transition and strongly back their decision and only in one location and even then, it’s usually only hormone blockers, not the full treatment with the right hormones so they can experience a “normal” puberty experience? Well, slap me on the ass and call me a slutty sub. Fuck, and they wonder why current trans* kids put their lives and health at risk just guessing at what their bodies can take with no actual endocrinologist advice.). Which can bring joy to any young transsexual.

But the main focus of the clinic actually is more focused on those conditions that fall within the intersex spectrum seeing as how the usual doctor response to intersex conditions is usually to bury one’s head in the sand and pretend it all away. Which is fan-fucking-tastic! Intersex kids and adults need specialized medical support, especially with regards to conditions relating to the genitals, from doctors who are actually informed about the condition and are able to respond both to the physical state of the genitals and the preferred gender identity of the intersexed person.

But I’m getting off track, Charles Cooke was about to demonstrate that his concern trolling bullshit was based in only the most current academic understanding on the issue.

He rejects the traditional notion that children who are confused about their gender are suffering from what psychiatrists term “gender-identity disorder” — which varies in severity from normal growing pains to fully-fledged disorders — and believes instead that they have innate differences in their brains that render them, literally, of the wrong sex.

That’s what “gender identity disorder” means, you absolute cretin.

Your biological, in-born, mental sex differs from the state of your genitals and what sex you were assigned at birth by one’s doctor based on that. That’s what “gender identity disorder” means.

Also, um… “normal growing pains”? Go fuck yourself with a rusty chainsaw. Imagine if you had grown up and when you hit 10 or 12, you started growing breasts and every time you looked into a mirror, you felt nothing but revulsion and shame. And so you stop looking in the mirror and you try and chop off your hair and wear really tight training sports bras and when blood comes out you weep for hours and every day you dream of suicide and…

But hey, that’s equivalent to getting dumped by some broad and feeling like “totally bummed out dude” for a weekend. There are literally not enough fucks for that little elbow jab of trans* denialist, trans* minimization bullshit on display right there.

Ditto, also, for dog whistling “disorder” in such a way that you can pretend you were using it by its accurate medical nature in the DSM for insurance purposes rather than as a pejorative for “trans* people are deluded fruitcakes”.

Such “transgendered” children, argues Spack, need “correcting” before it is too late.

Yes. Duh.

Fuck, the assholes among the cisgendered, seem to recognize that being trapped in the wrongly sexed body would be a terrible thing when they are “just so worried” about that obviously huge and not at all nearly non-existent number of people who medically transition and then regret how they’ve “ruined their bodies”.

But ask them to apply the same empathy to people currently living that nightmare of biology and doctors deciding that what they really need is to go through the wrong puberty and be trapped in the wrong body, because, ermigod, what if you changed your mind, it would have been terrible if you had briefly experienced being in the wrong body? Bah!

It’s no more nightmarish when the accident of biology and social conditioning is doing it to you, yanno?

And also, let’s again point out the blooming obvious. Despite the best desires of wingnuts everywhere, it turns out that kids aren’t actually stupid. If they know what’s going on inside them, know what medical interventions they need, and what it means if they don’t receive it. And frankly, many of them who know at an earlier enough age also know all that (hello, internet, nice to see you there) and they WILL seek out alternate methods if denied.

And this is done, he explained in the Boston Globe in 2009, with “puberty-blocking drugs” that “work best at the beginning of the pubital process, typically age 10 to 12 for a girl and 12 to 14 for a boy.” The results are remarkable. One patient was a “girl from the UK,” who “was destined to be a 6-foot-4 male. With treatment, she’s going to end up 5-foot-10.”

Yeah, anti-androgens and anti-estrogens are pretty fucking boss.

I hear even on people post-puberty you can, with these “scary” “puberty-blocking drugs” totally change your body, making it exhibit all those “in-born” and totally immutable traits of sex and gender, such as breast size, hirsuteness, amount and thickness of hairs, actual genital shape including cock size (for transmen) or that area shrinkage (for transwomen), when combined with the correct hormone regimen.

Cause just because you delay the correct puberty doesn’t mean you don’t get to go through it once the fucking system or your best guess DIY experiment lets you.

I mean, yes, I understand that Cooke’s article is supposed to scare us about “oooh, bodies changing” “unnatural” and all that malarkey. But puberty is all about “scary” body change. Hairs in weird places, strange fluids, growth of secondary sex characteristics.

And there’s no reason to deny trans* kids their correct puberty if they are lucky enough to figure out things beforehand because we want to pretend that those body changes are somehow “more scary” if we don’t approve of the genital state of the person going through it.

Or as we see in our current fucked up world, just kicking the can a few years down the road so “we can just make sure and hey, why are you using your parent’s credit card to order drugs from Vanautu?”

Spack’s ideas are growing in popularity. “If you open the doors, these are the kids who come,” he claims.

Shock and outrage. Trans* peoples IZ REAL! And being real, they will gravitate towards whatever meager resources are available to help them no matter where they are or where they want to or are willing to go.

It’s almost like if you actually stop pretending away an issue and actually provide some form of service to those in need, those in need will use it. No matter how many threatening letters or “we swear it’s not terrorism” death threats you try and unleash your rabid monkeys to send on your behalf.


Well no, actually, they don’t.

Ha! Gotcha, trans* people are imaginary creatures much like pixies and have no need for medical services to avoid having to go through an incorrect puberty.

“These kids” are brought to Spack’s Huxleyesque “Gender Management Service Clinic” — and other such institutions across the country — by their parents;


Oh wait, we’re always pretending we’re just staunch defenders of this when we’re trying to force teenagers to give birth or block incest victims from finding a way out of their abusive home environments.

Um, er… Ah, they are brought to the clinic, hint hint, not at all like those gay conversion therapies that we support I mean… OOH, yes, exactly like those. I mean, gotcha libs! You want to argue that that’s child abuse or a kid can’t consent to my love rocket of justice? Then eat that!

I mean, it’s not like there are ways to independently verify what a kid knows about these issues or that there are already established mechanisms for children to get necessary medical interventions despite their “consent status”.

their futures are discussed primarily between their parents and a doctor;


I mean, let’s leave aside that there is not a single child psychologist on the fucking planet that is ever going to exclusively or even primarily conduct their work with the parents of the child. And even accept a tiny minority of truly EPIC parents who are not only cool and accepting of their child’s condition, but are absolutely game from Day One even beyond their children. Even then, the world is a cold and transphobic place and it takes one hell of an iron will to convince a therapist in this country as an adult, much less as a kid that you understand who you are and how that differs from what you were assigned.

There is not a doctor on the planet who will allow a child to go on blockers and/or their appropriate hormone without spending weeks upon weeks with the child in very intensive therapy and a very conservative notion of what fits the bill for gender identity disorder.

As much as dumbfuck conservative trolls might like to imagine that trans people can just walk right up and demand the drugs they need and the social acceptance they crave with so little as a nevermind. THAT IS NOT ACTUALLY HOW THE WORLD WORKS!

and crucially, the decision is made by their parents, who then sign off on treatment that is undertaken by an (adult) doctor.

Yes. Consent laws make it so. And Bob damn does it suck to know at an earlier enough age, but have unsupportive parents or full-on abusive ones.

But going back to the consent laws. It’s sort of how all medical laws work.

I mean, here, let me do the scary voice.

Ooooh, children go in to the doctor, but the doctor and parent discuss the future of the child what with their super scary congenital heart condition and crucially, the decision is made by their parents on whether or not the child will receive heart medication and/or potential surgical intervention. OH NOES! And the parents may even discuss these options openly with the child (they probably will) or decide to make the final decision based on what the child has already reported! AND THEY SIGN OFF ON IT! LIKE ON PAPER! AIEEE! EVIL DOCTORS! HATE THEM! HATE THEM!

Yeah, sounds fucking stupid, don’t it?

That’s because it is.

No child in the history of the United States has ever walked into a doctor’s office and organized his or her own sex-change therapy, much less prescribed themselves and administered the requisite drugs.

Oh I can think of one potential candidate.

Some suggest that a child is unlikely to prescribe their own hormone therapry or organize their own sex-change surgeries what with them not being fully licensed doctors by the age of 10 or 12. But if the kids today aren’t going to apply themselves and finish med school and residency before their teen years, then I don’t see what business they have begging for the correct puberty regimen like a bunch of unproductive moochers. I mean, for fuck’s sake kids, haven’t you heard of pulling yourselves up by your bootstraps?

But hey, I guess you have to jump to that complete absurdity to try and erase the far more common reality where a child knows who they are, have enough access to the internet to understand what it means and what therapies could best aid them, and are perfectly capable of expressing what is occurring inside of them enough to let a trained medical personnel understand what medical interventions are necessary or ideal. Especially over the course of many repeated sessions.

But hey, if you just glide over it and pretend it never happened, then you can smear a brave medical professional responding to a common enough reality, by pretending that he’s only interacting with parents, never looking at the kid, and prescribing whatever drugs the parents say the kid should get like some complete fucking quack working for some conservative gay-conversion abuse mill.

Fuck. That. *Spit*

But even were a child to “walk through the door” entirely of his own volition, would that constitute an excuse?

Man, can you imagine a world where this wasn’t self-serving bullshit spread in all its bad faith glory?

Where transgender children were so regularly and thoroughly believed by their parents at first casual mention that it was never a hard battle even for those with “good parents” to even take the first steps of alleviating their gender dysphoria? Where the medical system was so accommodating for trans* individuals of all ages that it was never a hard battle for a psychologist to acknowledge what you already knew and would even admit a borderline case, with barely a whisper?

How glorious that would be?

Where a child who knew could be believed first go, rather than run a long battle against the denial and desperation to cling to what they’ve “known” of their even supportive parents? Where said parent would take them to a psychologist first thing and that psychologist reacted correctly first go, rather than needing to be convinced of basic reality?

Where a sentence like the one uttered by Charles Cooke wouldn’t be a laughably bitter pill in grave ignorance of the life experiences of actual trans* children?

Fuck. Again, I wish wingnuts would stop taunting us all with visions of a better world.

A child might also pick up a loaded handgun or avail himself of the liquor cabinet or elect to rub lipstick into the carpet, but we would not consider such agency to be sufficient warrant to cease all parental and societal oversight.


cease all parental and societal oversight.


the decision is made by their parents, who then sign off on treatment that is undertaken by an (adult) doctor.

Can’t even go a paragraph can you? Not even a fucking paragraph without tripping over your shoelaces and knocking yourself out in an own goal.

Spack, however, clearly sees no moral problem with indulging troubled children’s every desire.

Ugh. Such, greedy little children, always wanting to adults to acquiesce to their petty little whims. Oh, mommy mommy, I want to be able to see my eleventh birthday, will you please get me treatment for my leukemia? Or daddy daddy, I really need dialysis for my failing kidney!

And can you believe some parents actually fall for this garbage and waste their money indulging the little brats?!? It just sickens me!

When questioned about the potential drawbacks of his scheme, his only concession to the Boston Globe was “the issue of fertility.” He adumbrated: “When young people halt their puberty before their bodies have developed, and then take cross-hormones for a few years, they’ll probably be infertile. You have to explain to the patients that if they go ahead, they may not be able to have children.


It doesn’t matter that we will force you into a traumatic young life experience that will greatly increase your chance of suicide and deny one a “normal” puberty life experience including the reduction in general passing and body satisfaction in the long term.

CAUSE THE FUTURE BABIES! They might be hurt. And be unable to tie their little future, non-existent booties because of mean evil trans* people and the vile doctors who totally manufacture them out of clay.

Yanno, like that won’t already happen when the kid dangerously self-medicates because they know exactly what they are and that those future babies were dun fucked the day that they were born in a body assigned one sex while their mental true sex said otherwise.

When you’re talking to a 12-year-old, that’s a heavy-duty conversation.

Yeah, it’s a heavy-duty reality.

Your point…??

Does a kid that age really think about fertility?”

Well, trans* kids do. Trans* kids read up on their condition. Trans* kids look into what their condition means. Trans* kids look into what it will all mean if they get the hormone treatment. And if they make it into a doctor, it’s usually only because they’ve worked out every last dotted i and crossed t and have managed to be eloquent enough to convince their parents and work through their parents’ grasping straws regarding “but grandkids” and “are you sure you’re not just emulating that nice X on TV?”.

Also, note, these are the words of the “good doctor”. The one “super on the ball” on these issues and who is being demonized for providing one of the few avenues of this service.

This is literally as good as it gets in terms of official level support for trans* kids.

But hey, that’s not going to stop Captain Fuckpants from running with those few crumbs thrown his direction in order to claim that kids are idiots and doctors are pumping them full of hormones they don’t need out of fealty to the Grand Transgender Empire.

One can only conclude that, in Dr. Spack’s worldview, children of “that age” are unlikely to “think about fertility,” but are nonetheless capable of making irreversible decisions that will affect them until their dying day.

Yes, because the actual kids know WAY more about transgender issues than you’ll EVER allow yourself to.

And not because you are stupid. Fuck, we could only PRAY that you were stupid. No, it’s because you are deliberately, intentionally ignorant. By. Choice.

Children, of course, are incapable of making either kind of decision, or of fully grasping the gravity of what is being suggested.

Kids are stupid. Derp a derp. And completely incapable of relating their experiences before a trained professional who DOES have the experience and knowledge base to come to a therapeutic conclusion.

Also the sky is orange and ratatouille tastes like butts and the tears of the damned.

It is thus that we maintain laws that prohibit the young from voting, driving, buying whiskey, and starting a family — even when these tasks are within their physical abilities.

Um… okay, gonna let the cheap child molestation bait go right on by.

Also, congratulations, dear wingnut, on belatedly realizing what consent is… kinda.

Next, you just need to understand what “medical laws relating to children’s consent” and what “parents signing off” means and then you’ll finally be able to join the rest of us at the adult table… Actually, let’s find you your own table cause I’m not entirely sure I fully trust that “starting a family is within their physical abilities” line.

It would be made blindingly obvious just how ridiculous are suggestions to the contrary if it were reported that twelve-year-old children were undergoing vasectomies or electing to be sterilized.


Also, indeed it would be, because a prepubescent “needing a vasectomy” (independent of gender identity surgery considerations) isn’t actually a universally recognized medical phenomenon that reduces harm and prevents traumatic events.

If there actually was a condition wherein a child not receiving a vasectomy would cause half the negative effects that a child going through the wrong puberty does, then, yeah, we’d be fucking crowing to the roofs to make sure the sufferers of that condition got the care they needed.

But there isn’t. So it’s an absurdity. Same as if you tried to argue that we don’t need to save a drowning person because fish can swim and you don’t see them needing to be removed from the lake.

(Or, perhaps, changing their skin color.)

Ha! Showed those liberals! I mean, changing your assigned sex! Clearly as absurd as changing your race!

What’s that? One’s biological reality actually almost entirely depends on one’s hormonal composition? And that the contrary of trying to change the “delusion” of one’s mental sex is actually the one that is as fixed and immutable as race? Or rather as the popular comprehension of race, what with actual race being kind of fuzzy concept largely defined by cultural standards. And…

Er… ha ha loony libs! Life is so much easier as long as you pretend away any aspect of reality that makes your thinky box hurt too much! Ow, nosebleed.

If such cases came to light, the condemnation would be swift, with all sections of the country calling for the heads of the parents, doctors, and, ultimately, Congress — all of which institutions, one might note, are filled by adults. In our society it is with adults that the buck stops.

Okay, fine, I believe you. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, I believe that you are in actuality… an adult.

And, yeah, rah rah, ignore studied upon studied reality and potentially fatal consequences for denying them access to a body that doesn’t cause them continuous pain (specifically note the last line) so that you can demonize an “easy target” and “suggest” that riots and demands for blood should be the “proper” reaction to an actual real phenomenon you want people to suffer for so you don’t have to admit it exists.

There are words to describe what that makes you. But I’m afraid that verbalizing them unleashes the Seven Headed Beast that Heralds the End of the World.

Besides… there might be children present.

Dr. Margaret Moon, a member of the bioethics committee at the American Academy of Pediatrics and a teacher at the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics, is horrified by the trend. She contends that it is devastating for children “to have an irreversible treatment too early.” She is concerned that, in addition to abdicating their responsibilities, adults involved in children’s sex-change treatment often have questionable motives.


I mean, reacting to a reality and trying to ease the life of a child with a very difficult biological reality?

Clearly suspect. Far more than say, parents who decide to bury their heads in the sand and deny the reality of their child, leaving the child at the mercy of a terrifying and soul-crushing pubescence absent any support from their parents.

I mean, what parent doesn’t love burying their kid because the strain of trying to fit a box they can never fit was too much to bear and no one bothered to get them help when they could?

It’s fun fun fun.

Parents, she notes, are much too quick to try and medicate their children’s natural confusion and curiosity, or clutch at straws out of shame at having a different — and possibly homosexual — child.

I mean, duh.

What parent, when given the choice between having some kind of gay child, with their faggoty ways or having a trans* child, won’t choose the latter every time?

I mean, trans* people are so much more socially accepted than gay people and have so much easier lives and never ever face the same social ostracization and…

I’m fucking sorry, but when the fuck has anyone EVER thought “gosh, my kid being a faggot makes them an abomination, I’ll just give them a sex change and then they’ll totally live an easy life of being normal?”

I know it’s a common right-wing scare tactic and argument, but so is the idea that queer teachers “recruit” with “gay propaganda” or the idea that trans* people go into bathrooms in order to have access to the non-stop rape orgies.

But here in reality, there is not a homophobic parent on the planet that’s going to accept a trans* kid more. Not a speck of our broken society that is going to accept a trans* person more than a gay person. That is going to think more highly of someone for being trans* than being gay.

So fuck off with your concern troll bullshit. We don’t need it.

There is a legitimate debate about the degree to which our society’s adults should use medicine to change their gender,

Oh there is?

Pray tell, what is this “legitimate debate” about how adults can alleviate gender dysphoria?

Might it resemble the current atmosphere where trans* people say “this is what is happening and this is what I need access to” and conservatives shout “ARGLE BARGLE! TRANNIES IN YOUR LOCKER ROOMS! GRYAAAAHHH! SAVE THE GENITALS FROM MUTILATION! RAWR! NO SUCH THING! BLARG!”?

Cause somehow, I think so.

but not one that obtains in this case. What the likes of Dr. Spack are doing has nothing to do with sex or individual rights, and everything to do with the welfare of children and our duty to protect them before they cross the threshold into adulthood and make life’s major decisions for themselves.


Well, not what actual children need or what the children themselves are requesting or what the medical realities would suggest as a best case practice in accordance with harm reduction public policy and the advice of trained professionals.

But children in the abstract.

You know, that abstract, fulfilling all the emotional buttons our authoritarian control over others demands, thing completely disconnected from actual smelly physical having real lives children.

The same children that are harmed if you watch an R movie on TV late at night. Or if someone listens to a metal album.

Unlike so much these days, this is an issue that transcends the standard political divide;

… Sigh. Sadly, Yes.

Transphobia is sadly something that transcends the political divide. By which I mean, it is still primarily a conservative phenomenon, but there is no shorter of self-professed liberals or even liberals with really good awareness on other issues who nonetheless are a complete dog’s bollocks on trans* issues.

And it is this oppressive culture of fear, hatred, casual discrimination, and assumptions of being lying delusional bastards that make such a world where in a mother of a young trans* kid turned to me and begged me for mentoring for their kid as an out trans* teacher. Why the first thing I needed to tell that young kid was that it’ll get better eventually. And why I’ll bleed to the death to try and make that better world actually exist if that kid is lucky enough to make it my age (yeah, I didn’t misspeak there, we bury a shit-ton of our own).

It’s bad out there for our young.

And there’s no shortage of baddies who want this painful reality to continue unabated.

Dr. Spack can cloak his sickening procedures with as many euphemisms as he likes, but the only two words that we should hear are “child abuse.”

I remember my father’s words. “I don’t want to hear about how studies say blah blah blah”. The fingers in the ears to a reality that is not what they were taught. So it must be screamed at until it goes away.

One way or another.

Well, fuck that.

We’re here. We’re trans*. Get the fuck used to it.

And Charlie boy, if you’re still reading every piece mentioning your fucked up tweet, then I invite you to join us in the comment threads here. I’m sure the regulars will appreciate the ability to sharpen their teeth.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. I’d recommend most of the webcomics linked to in the course of this post. Especially Khaos Komix, Misfile, and Rooster Tails. Also, Khaos’s sequel, Discord Comics with an asexual/genderqueer/transvestite parody of Shades of Grey. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™


Comments: 343




Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 8:32 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment
I think we’re done here.

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 8:38 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 8:42 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 8:47 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 8:54 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 8:59 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 9:02 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 9:04 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment

Charles Cooke
19 August 2013 at 9:12 pm (UTC -5) Link to this comment


Looks like one of the kids charged as an accessory to the murders isn’t African-Anerican, sorry if that spoils your story, troll.



The three teens are being held in individual cells at the Stephens County jail, Sheriff Wayne McKinney told NBC News.

He said that there has been an escalation in major crimes committed by people under 18 in recent years in Stephens County, a rural ranching and farming community about an hour and a half outside Oklahoma City.

Also in the jail are a teen accused of murdering his 16-year-old girlfriend and a man just over 18 accused of killing a store attendant, he said.

A rural ranching and farming community. Funny, we were told some five years ago by the Quitbull Sister Sarah that those kind of places were where real Amurikans live, unlike those cities where fake Americans who pretend to love their country hang out and wait for the word to begin the Alinsky-Ayers-Obama Socialist/Kenyan/Islamic Revolution.

Was she merely mistaken, or massively wrong?

I report, you decide.


Does this Dr. Spack even exist? I see Mr. Cooke starts with the standard “Here is a totally true story that you haven’t heard about because liberal media!” Which oftracedten is ultimately traced to some deranged fuck’s FB page, perhaps even the DF claiming the story has been hushed up.


Face it Dennis, you don’t come here for the hunting, do you?


hmmmm…cooke’s crapticle may be five months old, but apparently his tweet caused others to check out his ‘work’…here’s the lone comment which was left two days ago:

Dude, you are such an idiot. Thanks to my conservative family, I had to wait until 21 to start hormones, even though I begged for gender therapy in my early teens that would lead to a solution. It’s not right to make children with gender issues wait until these puberty changes are permanent. I didn’t want to wait. Kara didn’t want to wait. Legit, not a single trans person I know wanted to wait as long as we ultimately had to thanks to society’s hostility to transgenderism. You aren’t helping, you’re just polluting.


Why is “gay conversion therapy” so terrible that it must be banned but physical sex-change operations not? Seems a bizarre double-standard.

No, that’s more a bizarre and insane false equivalency, rather than a double standard. This guy is dumb as fuck.


Why is “gay conversion therapy” so terrible that it must be banned but physical sex-change operations not? Seems a bizarre double-standard.

No, that’s more a bizarre and insane false equivalency, rather than a double standard. This guy is dumb as fuck.

I’m curious. I know liberals have been criticizing it forever (myself included), is anyone actually talking about banning “gay conversion therapy?” Are Focus on the Family and other institutions of that nature actually in danger of getting shut down? I wouldn’t exactly be tearing up if they were, but this has the smell of yet another wingnut being told that something he believes in sucks, and mistaking that frank appraisal of his politics as an attempt to criminalize them in the legal sense.

(“You’re calling me a racist! THAT’S ATTACKING MY FREE SPEECH RIGHTS!” kind of thing).

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

is anyone actually talking about banning “gay conversion therapy?

We did so in California last year, but a three judge panel on the US Court of Appeals stopped it from becoming law, and, recently, the governor of NJ signed a law banning it for minors, according to the WaPo.

So there is a slight trend, but, like anything else opposing their crazy beliefs, FOF and other wingnut institutions of lower lobbying are trying to make it sound as though it means the end of their existence if such a bill is allowed to become law.

As if.


is anyone actually talking about banning “gay conversion therapy?”

I don’t remember anything like this ever happening. I would think that since all of these “gay therapy” organizations (AFAIK) are a branch of some fascist religious group, this therapy falls under the “Free Practice Thereof” clause, since it would be very difficult to demonstrate injury in court.


Meaning I think a decent defense counselor could make a reasonable comparison to marriage counseling.


So weird to see the number of comments go up and then way back down.


Consent and bodily autonomy seem to confuse conservatives mightily.


There was a time I could do gay conversion in my head, but now I have to use the tables. I think it’s 1.68 gays to a decalitre, or something like that.


Conversion therapy should be banned just as laetrile therapy is banned. The advocates should keep fighting as eventually judges die and better informed ones take their place. The FDA raided William Reich, after all, even though you could call it more cult than FTC-rules-violation-scheme.

(Then again, imagine if Enzyte declared itself to be a religion.)

They should also ban those places that kidnap teens and put them in gay conversion camps. (Like the movie “But I’m A Cheerleader” but in real life.) But oh no, we can’t impinge on rights of parents to treat their children like slaves… as long as they are white. I mean, go ahead and rat out the Haitian neighbors that don’t send their cousin’s child to school and make her scrub floors all day … but if a white family does that and “home schools–girls don’t need to go to college” that’s religious freedom.


Consent and bodily autonomy seem to confuse conservatives mightily.

I think it’s more fear and loathing than confusion. Loss of control, letting others make decisions for themselves (while insisting on making their own life choices)…typical conservative BIZARRE DOUBLE STANDARD


bbkf–that comment gets to the heart of it

trans kids know they are trans from a very, very young age
there’s no growing out of it or wait and maybe you’ll feel differently

it’s just about parents (and doctors) imposing their will on a minor and torturing the adult to be

because trans people are icky


Looks like one of the kids charged as an accessory to the murders isn’t African-Anerican, sorry if that spoils your story, troll.


Oh, well that explains the accessory charge, had the driver been black and the triggerman white the driver would be the “mastermind” and be looking at 1st degree aggravated murder charges (with a fanciful narrative of how they intended to rob him, all invented by the cops fevered minds).


So people are getting shot every day but the news only picks up black perp–white victim, plus the old 80s playbook claiming that there are some sort of random psychos out there killing for thrills BURN THE WITCHES BURN THEM ohgodohgodimsoafraid…

Teens engaging in grossly anti-social acts is in fact totally unsurprising and that is why there should be a juvenile system, although a juvenile system which is nothing more than a brutal school for crime with the graduates cut loose on the world at 18 clearly makes no rational sense. However, neither does ‘try as an adult’. 15, 16 year olds DO change, fucking dipshit scaredly amygdala’d internet commenters.


*scaredy, or possibly a-skeered-y


But conservatives are all about PERSONAL responsibility! And that is why they believe that anyone who is not a straight white male is personally responsible for anything bad that happens.

Helmut Monotreme

So there is a slight trend, but, like anything else opposing their crazy beliefs, FOF and other wingnut institutions of lower lobbying are trying to make it sound as though it means the end of their existence if such a bill is allowed to become law.

It does mean the end of the world for the ‘industrial’ religious right. If these religiously motivated camps were subject to the same level of official scrutiny as the kitchen at a fast food restaurant, they would all be shut down in a hurry. The whole gay conversion therapy industry looks like predatory fraud to me. By forcing desperate gay people back into the closets and charging thousands of dollars to do it, the whole industry is counterproductive, its like telling an albino they can cure their condition by getting a tan. It’s not helping people, and it’s keeping people from getting any help they might need.

That’s a microcosm of the religious right economy. Their one-god-size-fits-all solution to any problem, works primarily as a way to enrich the leaders and fleece those who trust them for guidance.

Helmut Monotreme

plus the old 80s playbook claiming that there are some sort of random psychos out there killing for thrills BURN THE WITCHES BURN THEM ohgodohgodimsoafraid…

do you deny the existence of My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult?


Conversion therapy should be banned just as laetrile therapy is banned.

Why is “laetrile” so terrible that it must be banned but physical tumor removal operations not? Seems a bizarre double-standard.


(Then again, imagine if Enzyte declared itself to be a religion.)

Overflowing pews at every service.


okay, thread bear…you have made me lol quite loudly twice now this morning…the last was such that it startled the therapist (her name is america!) who was walking by my office…


shake…how does one comment on your tumblr dealio?


There was a time I could do gay conversion in my head, but now I have to use the tables. I think it’s 1.68 gays to a decalitre, or something like that.

It’s no laffin’ matter. Imagine mistakenly inviting half (or twice!) as many gays as the recipe for a good party calls for.

And when I’m abroad, faced with signage, I can never tell how gay things are.

Imperial gaydar, once acquired, is forever ingrained.


I’m curious. I know liberals have been criticizing it forever (myself included), is anyone actually talking about banning “gay conversion therapy?”

Absolutely. See the mention of California and NJ. The American Psychological Association, American Pediatri Association, and just about every other psychological / psychiatric / sociological preoessional organization has said DON’T DO IT. So yes.


You knew there had to be a but. The bans prevent state licensed therapists from engaging in so called reparative therapy. Any of those Jesus’ cock sucking christianist funnymentalist shits that want to do it in a purely religious setting, well they’re free to do so.


Just btw, Wayne Besen of Truth Wins Out is the go-to guy on the issue.


Any of those Jesus’ cock sucking christianist funnymentalist shits that want to do it in a purely religious setting, well they’re free to do so.

d’oh! another crushing blow to christianity…will they ever get all their freedumbs back?


Helmut Monotreme said,

August 21, 2013 at 17:31 (kill)

Prezactly. It’s a decent business plan, if you throw out all ethical and moral considerations: Convince someone that they have an illness (which of course they don’t) then sell them the cure (which doesn’t work). When they aren’t “cured” tell them it’s because they’re not trying hard enough (sell them more snake oil).


Also, “purple.” It’s purple-assed baboons.


Their one-god-size-fits-all solution to any problem, works primarily as a way to enrich the leaders and fleece those who trust them for guidance

in re: icky gays and trans people, i am always confused by the premise ‘god don’t make no junk’…so why are their knickers in a twist? apparently god made them that way…sooooo? and if it’s all in their heads, didn’t he make their heads that way too? so are they or aren’t they saying god did indeed make some junk?


Imperial gaydar, once acquired, is forever ingrained.

This is a good theory. I’d been thinking it was a digital/analog issue.


Don’t even get me started on Whitworth gaydar….



Thanks. Fixed.


apparently god made them that way…sooooo?

No no no, small children CHOOSE a life of ostracism and ridicule, most likely because they were recruited to it by an adult. See? Not God’s fault, just the fault of gays which also conveniently proves that they SHOULD be discriminated against.



I’m sure sufferers of children’s leukemia, the candiru, or Epidermolysis Bullosa are well bolstered by the knowledge that God doesn’t make mistakes, he’s just a vindictive and unnecessarily cruel asshole who doesn’t mind brutally torturing and murdering people in order to “make a point” to safe comfortable middle class white people with no problems about some safe comfortable middle class topic like “the importance of faith” or why one should feel smugly superior to those who are suffering.


Have you all forgotten about 9/11? GAYS GAYS GAYS.

Straight to hell if we don’t change our ways.



I remember when I chose to be trans*. I was thinking. Hey, self, you know what sounds fun? A lifetime of ostracization, everything being ten times harder, and people taking me less seriously. All for the reward of wearing an article of clothing I probably would have worn if I was a cis-male anyways.

Of course, I have to pretend like I am hurt by that deliberate choice in order to feed the global Queer Conspiracy to make religious people seem like inflexible bigots for seeing through our evil recruitment campaigns in only the most lily-white and pure of suburbs (which are Heaven on Earth, amen).


No no no, small children CHOOSE a life of ostracism and ridicule, most likely because they were recruited to it by an adult. See? Not God’s fault, just the fault of gays which also conveniently proves that they SHOULD be discriminated against.

But God didn’t make no junk. So how could these evil parents be the type to indoctrinate poor, innocent little kids into the gay lifestyle? I don’t know how conservatives don’t have a constant blinding headache from the stress of their inability to reason past a simple logical concept.

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

I’d been thinking it was a digital/analog issue.

If my gaydar was radar
I couldn’t find a fly
But when Uncle Karl passes by,
It says, “My, my, my!”.


Well, to some extent you’re not to blame, society is. If only we still jailed people for being gay, they wouldn’t be out there with their irresistible wiles because, let’s face it, gay sex has to be the best sex ever, am I right? If we don’t make sure it’s punished harshly there will eventually never be another child born ever because everyone will be so busy having disgusting but HOT HOT HOT gay sex.


tsam, God makes stuff good then people choose to be evil because free will. God is powerless in the face of free will, it’s like God kryptonite. He can only shrug and wait til folks die so He can lovingly torture them for all eternity for liking other boys.


JHVH-1 space god of Wrath, truly the teenager of the Gods.


God makes stuff good then people choose to be evil because free will.

But what about all these “plans for everything” that bereaved parents like to attribute to God? Did God plan these murders and rapes or not? Is it free will or God’s plan? It can’t be both…OR CAN IT???


Was it Anne Lemotte who noted how convenient it was that their god hates exactly the same people they hate?

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

El Manquécito, this is relevantif old-skool.

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

Christie is stepping on the rights of every religious person in NJ, according to Maggie G:

Gallagher says that Chris Christie “is willing to use government power to restrict liberty and strip religious people of equal rights to live as we choose.”



Well, first of all all these clowns who call themselves Christian really aren’t. They don’t actually extol Christian values. Yes, there’s some OT stuff about gays that’s pretty ugly, but there’s also some about shellfish too and they manage to completely ignore that. But let’s look at Christ himself, the Son of God who came along to clarify all that jumble of the old testament. If I recall correctly, He had nothing to say about abortion and He had nothing to say about gays. Heck, He cured a centurions gay lover without pause. He did have a lot to say about providing health care for the sick, providing food for the hungry and aid to the poor. And to me, the most memorable story of Jesus was the one with the money lenders in the temple. I remember the story so well because it stands out. It is the only story where Jesus loses his temper. He gets downright pissed off. So that pretty much tells us where Christ stands on usury and greed right there. So, these so-called Christians work ever so vigilantly to protect us from rampant abortions and gays while at the same time work even harder to shoot down any attempts to provide health care for the sick, food for the hungry or aid to the poor. While at the same time providing as much aid and relief to the greedy and the usurers as they can. Christians? No, sorry, not even close.


Gallagher says that Chris Christie “is willing to use government power to restrict liberty and strip religious people of equal rights to live as we choose.”

“And we CHOOSE to inflict abusive and ineffective treatment on our children!”


The Magster is just incoherent anymore. Not a big decline but still…
FWIW, in Wayne Besen’s post at truthwinsout.org he says Mags refudiated that comment, attributing it to a staffer (yeah, right) and will tell us what she REALLY thinks after reading the bill. Yeah, she hadn’t actually read the fucking bill – SOP.


I’m sure sufferers of children’s leukemia, the candiru, or Epidermolysis Bullosa are well bolstered by the knowledge that God doesn’t make mistakes, he’s just a vindictive and unnecessarily cruel asshole who doesn’t mind brutally torturing and murdering people in order to “make a point” to safe comfortable middle class white people with no problems about some safe comfortable middle class topic like “the importance of faith” or why one should feel smugly superior to those who are suffering.

as a parent of a child with trials and tribulations, i have to say, ‘exactly’ and also, i’m going to memorize this exact verbiage because it kicks ass…


That, TB, is why I call them “Christianists.” Or sometimes “Christian supremacists” when apt.


That, TB, is why I call them “Christianists.” Or sometimes “Christian supremacists” when apt.

I prefer the term Christian blasphemists.

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

From a recent NRO exchange betwix Maggie G and J Lo:

KATHRYN JEAN LOPEZ: Are last week’s rulings on marriage as monumental, with the staying power, of Roe v. Wade?

MAGGIE GALLAGHER: What you are really asking is: Will we concede the legitimacy of Kennedy’s fatwa against us, or will we respond with a sustained opposition — legal, political, cultural, and of the moral imagination?

I don’t believe in inevitability, I believe in human freedom and our power to shape the future.

Don’t stop believing!


But what about all these “plans for everything” that bereaved parents like to attribute to God? Did God plan these murders and rapes or not? Is it free will or God’s plan? It can’t be both…OR CAN IT???

well, the way my godbothering mother explains it, god doesn’t plan for bad things to happen, although he does have a plan…but he can’t stop bad things from happening…she told me that it’s horrible and wrong to ‘get mad’ at god when things like, oh say, your brother (her son) is killed in a motorcycle accident right in front of her house and she heard the crash and was the first on the scene, or when your dad (her husband) dies from cancer at the age of 60 after a lifetime of hardwork and little reward…nope, just god being god and won’t we all rejoice when we are together in heaven?*

*of which place she is most anxious to get to…even though she is terrified of dying and goes to the doctor on a weekly basis because she is sure she is dying!!! but also, too…doctors usually don’t know what they are talking about…**

**is it any wonder i’m a bit of a fuck up?


but he can’t stop bad things from happening

Omniscient, all powerful God CAN’T stop these things? Every argument those birdbrained buttholes make completely dismantles another.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Welp, I sure as hell don’t remember sitting down one day and “choosing” the straight “lifestyle”…if these “ex-gay” therapists remember such an event in their lives, I’ve got a theory about that that they probably wouldn’t want to hear.

(It’s kind of like my theory about men who are only attracted to women who look like 10-year-old boys with boobs—so you can judge it on that basis..)


From TPM, 29% of Louisiana GOP blames Obama for poor response to hurricane … wait for it … Katrina. Dayum is there anything he can’t do with his time machine?



Michael Søndberg Olsen

I just wanna applaud this so hard that my hands hurt.


Welp, I sure as hell don’t remember sitting down one day and “choosing” the straight “lifestyle”…

I DO! The first time I stumbled across a Playboy in cousin’s house. That was the 70s, so hairy bush and everything.


Are last week’s rulings on marriage as monumental, with the staying power, of Roe v. Wade?



From a recent NRO exchange betwix Maggie G and J Lo:

You can get the same affect by tossing a dictionary into a blender.


29% of Louisiana GOP blames Obama for poor response to hurricane … wait for it … Katrina

Same 29% that blames him for 9/11, Iraq, the deficit and Twinkies taking the most terrifying hiatus ever in the history of the world and such, right?


29% of Louisiana GOP blames Obama for poor response to hurricane … wait for it … Katrina

And those are LOUISIANA republicans.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Same 29% that blames him for 9/11, Iraq, the deficit and Twinkies taking the most terrifying hiatus ever in the history of the world and such, right?

Fuck Twinkies! The real question is (I don’t get downtown much anymore, so I don’t know): after Frederick & Nelson went under you could still buy Frangos at the Bon Marché—now that they’ve been taken over by Macy’s, can you still get them?


“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?”

– Epicurus

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Whew! Looks like you can.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Thanks, PM. I guess we should be grateful the Bon didn’t rename them “Bongos” and Macy’s hasn’t renamed them “Mangos”.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

If they had, I would have blamed Obama.


29% of Louisiana GOP blames Obama for poor response to hurricane … wait for it … Katrina

There’s a reason we called it Lousy-ana when I lived there.

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

Yah gotta hand it to the AP, sometimes they know how to write a lede:

Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon led to the arrest of a California sex offender and parole violator in South Lake Tahoe.



Oh thanks. Now I cannot look at punctuation without throwing up a little in my mind.



only if they are papal commas…


There remains the colon.


There remains the colon.

And the interrobang.


Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
I didn’t know what I was doin’
Shore messed up my afternoon
Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon


There remains the colon.

Indeed, you have linked proof of it. MANY TIMES.


John Revolta said,
August 21, 2013 at 22:36

Needs more verses to be a blues song:

Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
I didn’t know what I was doin’
Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
Shore messed up my afternoon

Bloody hands, skinned raccoon
Yes I said bloody hands, skinned raccoon
My days might end real soon
‘Cause of bloody hands, and that skinned raccoon

Well I went down to the corner
Got picked up by a bunch of goons
Yes I went down to that corner
Got picked up by those gubmint goons

All because they saw my bloody hands,
and that damned skinned raccoon
Oh those bloody, bloody hands
And that damned skinned raccoon

[harmonica solo!]

Bloody hands, skinned raccoon
Yes I said bloody hands, skinned raccoon
My days might end real soon
‘Cause of bloody hands, and that skinned raccoon

Meh, needs work.


JR, is that a Hayes Carll tune?


And the interrobang.

as usual, you have gone a step too far, sir…although if k-lo were indeed banging the pope, the interrobang would be a most representative glyph…


I was thinking more of a country feel
(cue banjo):

Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
Damn it! I forgot my spoon!
Guess I’ll go back to the old saloon
With my bloody hands and a skinned raccoon


Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
I didn’t know what I was doin’
Shore messed up my afternoon
Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon

A skinned raccoon and bloody hands
Got cut down ‘fore I could make me stand
A skinned raccoon and bloody hands
Won’t get to do the things that I had planned

The raccoon skinned and hands all bloody
Oh please take pity on me buddy
The raccoon skinned and hands all bloody
My future’s lookin’ downright muddy

(harmonica solo)

Hands all bloody and raccoon skinned
The Lord only knows how I have sinned
Hands all bloody and raccoon skinned
All my hopes gone with the wind


Oops, got distracted as I went along. Works better if you switch the last two lines of each of my added verses.


you guys are starting to alarm me…


you guys are starting to alarm me…

My work is done here!


It’s all good fun until someone skins a raccoon.


Why stop there?

Bloody hands and a naked marmot
Swear I never meant to harm it
Feelin’ like the Devil incarnate
Bloody hands and a naked marmot


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a clothed marmot. Isn’t naked the default setting for a marmot?

Not that I’ve ever actually seen a marmot.


Well, first of all all these clowns who call themselves Christian really aren’t. They don’t actually extol Christian values. Yes, there’s some OT stuff about gays that’s pretty ugly, but there’s also some about shellfish too and they manage to completely ignore that. But let’s look at Christ himself, the Son of God who came along to clarify all that jumble of the old testament. If I recall correctly, He had nothing to say about abortion and He had nothing to say about gays. Heck, He cured a centurions gay lover without pause. He did have a lot to say about providing health care for the sick, providing food for the hungry and aid to the poor. And to me, the most memorable story of Jesus was the one with the money lenders in the temple. I remember the story so well because it stands out. It is the only story where Jesus loses his temper. He gets downright pissed off. So that pretty much tells us where Christ stands on usury and greed right there. So, these so-called Christians work ever so vigilantly to protect us from rampant abortions and gays while at the same time work even harder to shoot down any attempts to provide health care for the sick, food for the hungry or aid to the poor. While at the same time providing as much aid and relief to the greedy and the usurers as they can. Christians? No, sorry, not even close.

There’ve been several attempts in literature to imagine what would happen if Jesus came back to Earth and tried preaching the same gospel now (or whenever the author was writing) as he did then… resulting in his being condemned as a heretic.

I remember watching “The Passion of the Christ” in the basement of a fundiegelical church once. All the parts where Jesus is being accused of blasphemy, black magic and the like, I was looking around the congregation sort of surreptitiously going “am I really the only one who gets the irony here?” Apparently so.


I remember watching “The Passion of the Christ” in the basement of a fundiegelical church once. All the parts where Jesus is being accused of blasphemy, black magic and the like, I was looking around the congregation sort of surreptitiously going “am I really the only one who gets the irony here?” Apparently so.

*wondering… No, I didn’t actually say it out loud. There’d have been a riot. 😀


I remember watching “The Passion of the Christ” in the basement of a fundiegelical church once.

Eeeew! I hope you were wearing a raincoat.


Cali sex offender
skins raccoon in broad daylight
booked on five charges


Very much on topic:

For any in the comment threads that are into teh vidjeo games and have access to Steam, I cannot recommend Gone Home ENOUGH.

It’s a really powerful game by a company willing to fuck themselves over to make a stand against transphobia and that would be enough to support their game if it wasn’t also fan-fucking-tastic and about a subject that really doesn’t get enough focus in video games with character types that are very rarely seen in games.


I cannot recommend Gone Home ENOUGH.

Do you get to kill anything? It’s no fun if nobody gets hurt.


so off topic, but O.M.G. i just heard on the raydio that macaroon stands are becoming a thing…


Don’t even get me started on Whitworth gaydar….

That 55 degree pitch scews everything…

Raccoon haiku…CRA drops the mike and walks off of the stage.


Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
I didn’t know what I was doin’
Cramming that mess into macaroons
Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon


If Jesus returned his biggest hurdle would be the fact he’s a brown Jewish dude.

I think one reason the Left Behind books did so well is they gave the hard cores exactly what they wanted – a lot of violence and bloodshed tangentially related to the second coming. These assholes don’t want Jesus walking around all Yea verily, you are judgmental douches, and what did I say about praying in public?piss off.


Hands all bloody and the procyonid’s flayed.
Got no idea why bbbk’s afraid.

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

Hands are red and a raccoon dead
means I’ll be back in the slammer
with all the mammy-jammers.


Clearly there’s more than one way to skin a raccoon.


I cannot recommend Gone Home ENOUGH.

Sweet! they have versions for Mac and linux!


This school didn’t have armed teachers, deputized administrators, or roaming gun fetishists playing vigilante.

Thank FSM, because if it did, the outcome probably would have been tragic.


Pro-tip for coon skinning; orange hand cleaner. Not just for blood (shouldn’t be much of that) but for that unique coon musk.


Besides, who skins a summer coon ?


I sharpen my spoon
So to flay my raccoon
Oh the thought makes me swoon
In the hot month of June


don’t want Jesus walking around all Yea verily

That he might not speak like James I & VI Stuart would be a problem too.


The Harry Benjamin Standards of Care never included a Real Life Test without hormones! That’s a severe perversion of the standards of care promulgated by assholes.


A recidivist procyon flayer
Decided to campaign for mayor.
To the voters he said
With his hands dripping red,
“At least I don’t listen to Slayer”.


Incantation spell gone by
I will live again
My deals were made eternally
I signed the book in red
My rage will be unleashed again
Burning ‘neath the moon
Death means nothing there’s no end


I’m not sure I’ve ever seen a clothed marmot

Marmots are really just naked mole rats that the Disney studio dressed up in little fur coats. Everyone knows that.


“am I really the only one who gets the irony here?”


Shoulda stuck in a Harry Potter movie. They’d be doing all that whipping and stuff to you, heretic.


Marmots are really just naked mole rats that the Disney studio dressed up in little fur coats. Everyone knows that.

Once they turn 18, though–TTL SLUTZ

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Finally! The scandal that brings down capitalism may be here at last! I just saw on the television machine that there is not double the amount of filling in Double Stuf Oreos! Torches and pitchforks to follow.


Ia! Ia! Raccthulu flaying!


soooo…a facebook acquaintance put something on her page about this house that her husband had built a couple of years ago, but it turns out that it was built on some graves and now it’s seriously haunted and he won’t go in it…and this dude gets on and is all, ‘uh, you can’t use the bible and god like they are strings of garlic…they can’t ward off anything…you have to pray and believe and say this one psalm over and over again until you can tell these demons who you allow yourself to fear…’ and he actually said, ‘remember, god don’t share the stage with sage!’ and she wrote back something about how she didn’t think sage would work…has to be holy water and the lords prayer and he was a total dink in his reply back to her…so, i just had to post, ‘so blessing a house really doesn’t work?’ just to see what he’ll say…i’m betting that using the bible and god as ‘symbols’ of peace and joy and what not are a lot different than using them to scare off spirits…hmmmm….something, something…you don’t believe enough and are a bad person….something….


it also struck me that her husband has watched ‘poltergeist’ one too many times and she is seriously gullible…which she totally is…


god don’t share the stage with sage!’

No, and he didn’t create Adam and Steve, neither!


‘uh, you can’t use the bible and god like they are strings of garlic…they can’t ward off anything…you have to pray and believe and say this one psalm over and over again

This is different from using strings of garlic because…?

so, i just had to post, ‘so blessing a house really doesn’t work?’ just to see what he’ll say

Please let us know. This sounds… sad, yet hilarious.


‘remember, god don’t share the stage with sage!’

He sent the angel to rosemary, so I know which herb I’d choose for blessing a house with haints.



I think people tend to think of these kind of blessings in pseudo-superstitious ways. Like as replacement for a consistent daily walk with God in faith and obedience. If you ask God to help you prosper and be safe in your home He can surely do it, but if the blessing you are asking for is something akin to magic utterance and sprinkling – then I think it’s something foreign to the things of God. The best thing I can think of is to draw close to God in faith and obedience and then the God of Angel armies will be at your side come what may.

so then she tells him that her family has always been religious and had a ghost in one of the houses she lived in growing up, but singing religious songs and praying and going to church and all that didn’t make the ghost go away…and he says:

Don’t think I’m commenting on your faith or your parents or your brother. All I’m saying is that when it comes to your current fears I would go directly to God and bypass blessed water, recitations, exorcists, herbs, and such. The way I read it, the curtain has been torn and if you have Christ as your savior and God is your Father then you are welcome to go right to Him. In the words of Ray Parker Jr. “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts”

ooooooh, i sooooooooo want to reply to that…something along the lines of, so in the end, it’s really all up to us? okay, keep the faith sister, cuz even when the bad things are happening, it’s all you got! well, except for god’s angel armies which are apparently useless in this situation…


well…i don’t know how i did that…it’s a new kind of tagfail!


Well, you must admit there’s some entertainment value in hearing “Ghostbusters” referenced as a basis for sound theology.


Like a country morning
All smothered in dew
She’s got a way to make a man
Feel shiny and new
And she’ll skin in the evening
An old familiar raccoon
And she feeds me love and tenderness
And macaroons


No, and he didn’t create Adam and Steve, neither!

Well, God created me, so I wonder where Adam came from then.


bbkf said,
August 22, 2013 at 5:40


A quite fine example of snark!




god don’t share the stage with sage!
Does god have time for thyme?

What is god’s position on cilantro?


Only a petty deity would worry about being upsaged.


The wife woke me up around 4:00 saying “Honey, I think there’s a bat in here.” I thought she was crazy at first but sure enough, there was a bat flying around the bedroom.

This raises two questions:

1. How the heck did it get in?
2. How do we get it out?

Since I really don’t feel like messing with it I think I’m going to have to get an exterminator out here.


Bats can flatten their rib cages and fit through a 1 cm slot. Waiting till it lands and throwing a towel on it is my preferred technique, they’re pretty gentle but they have needly little claws. Opening doors and leaving the room sometimes works; they’ll circle a few times getting an echo map and out they go.


I’m wondering if I need to have this thing caught and tested for rabies in case our cat came in contact with it.


No. It’s coons, skunks and foxes that might have rabies. Don’t worry about a thing, they’re gentle and harmless unless you have to shovel their poop which is a good medium for histoplasmia mold spores.


Only 1% of bats have rabies, but they own 90% of the wealth.


I’ve awakened more than once to find a bat flying in a circle ( ok, an ellipse ) over the bed. Eerie at first but it’s just data gathering mode and they’ll go about their business if you don’t freak out. Bat populations have crashed in the northeast, down by 95% in the last 4 years and it remains to be seen what effect this might have on insect populations.


Well, you must admit there’s some entertainment value in hearing “Ghostbusters” referenced as a basis for sound theology.

As the advice-giver, I would’ve worked in “bustin’ makes me feel good!”


not too long ago during my weekly stint on local raydio, we played an spot that started out with, ‘do you have bats? are they scaring your children and driving your pets crazy?’ this caught us unawares and we had the giggles for the rest of the show…but it was good to know that we had experienced and environmentally friendly bat catchers in the area…otherwise, bats…GAH!

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

These aren’t bats, but they’re just as nightmarishly black.


I’m wondering if I need to have this thing caught and tested for rabies in case our cat came in contact with it.

Yes. Contact local animal control.

You can read about pet exposure here:


If you click around you can read some staggeringly alarming stories about human rabies. Warning: Contains mention of spontaneous ejaculation.


2. How do we get it out?

Call Ozzie Osborne



Those CDC sites seem totally hysterical to me and remarkably devoid of any helpful figures like those provided by Smyt’s lunk above. I know two bat scientists, one tropical and one temperate zone, and have been dealing with bats as part of living on farms all my life. To euthanize a pet because it had contact with a bat seems outrageous to me, and I think that 1% figure from the Canadian study is a little high though I have only anecdata and field reports verbally given to me to support me. The way I understand it rabies finds locally limited footholds in host populations where there will be a temporally limited hotspot of which local naturalists are usually aware and will duly publicize. The baseline percentage of rabies infection in any species is always very low.

Still, I do wear gloves handling live bats and recommend it to anyone, though their needly little claws are delightfully ticklish. Don’t kill your cats Major and if you do kill the bat send it in for analysis, more data is always good.


though their needly little claws are delightfully ticklish.

i hope you realize that you just gave me an epic case of the willies…


Sorry bbkf.

I have gotten the willies from bats a couple of times, once in Mexico having arrived at a friends place in the early evening after a hard day of travelling I was standing alone at the pool’s edge, naked, about to dive in when a flying fox fruit bat came down to drink from the pool, skimming along the surface directly towards me and swooping up and away at the last second. I felt peculiarly, er, vulnerable.


in my high school days i worked at an old movie theater and bats were common…they would swoop out from up in the balcony, chase each other through the projected picture in front of the screen and come tearing through the lobby and then back to whence they came…freaked me out every time…

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

I was walking outside the cemetery one find dusk, and a bat flew right about 6 or 8 inches in front of me perpendicular to my direction before I could even react, let alone stop. Not scary, just unexpected and took a couple of seconds before I could figure out what happened.


The protocol for a pet who is up on its vaccines that may have been exposed is to keep it in and under observation for 45 days. The protocol for a pet who not up on its vaccines is 6 months. (I’ve dealt with this.) No one has to have their pet put down on suspected exposure to rabies.

(However, if you know your local animal control person is a raging dick, I would think twice about mentioning any pets in the home because the protocol for keeping them in is really strict.)

This isn’t about being mean to bats or whether they’re getting a fair shake in the press. This is about making sure house pets and humans don’t get ill. All right?


Skinned raccoon and a rabid bat
Don’t know where my wife is at
Skinned raccoon and a rabid bat
Don’t know where my wife is at

Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
I blacked out under a darkened moon
Bloody hands and a skinned raccoon
Don’t think my woman gonna come back soon

(bass solo, that’s right beaches)

Bats and racoons make an oddish set
Blood and gore make my hands all wet
There’s still one thing that I don’t get
Why’d she run off with a marmoset


In college ballet took place in the old gym and dead bats in the building weren’t an uncommon occurrence. One day someone noticed an ex-bat laying on the floor in the changing room. As per usual, an instructor came in with a dust pan and a broom to take poor dead bat away. Except this poor dead bat wasn’t quite dead. When the teacher flipped it over it opened its mouth and tried to squeak or hiss or something that brought lots of little saliva bubbles to its mouth.

Exeunt omnes, squealing like little girls.

I was really fucking scared of bats for a few years after that, but now I like to watch the colony emerge from our house in the evenings. I didn’t realize they’ll come out in the winter when it is warm.


The Milwaukee Zoo has some awfully cute bats in dark little rooms. Biguns (species?), and vampires. The poor little vampire bats have to eat from some sort of bloodsickle, or dispenser. I think the bat-wallahs should throw an animal in there at least once in a while.


Go ahead Shakes, be safe. I’m just trying to add some input on a discussion in which I have some experience.

In the set of pet/bat interactions the number that include a bite by a bat is very small.

The figures on percentages of bats infected are biased by the fact the the only bats usually turned in are dead; studies of the percentage of live bats carrying rabies are few and show very small, though regionally variable, rates of infection.

Whenever the equation bats==rabies comes up it triggers me into response. Rabies is bad and the treatments for it, while improved, are still very uncomfortable; people should take good sense measures to avoid rabies, sure. Skunks are lots worse though admittedly less mobile and cuter.


The idiots who ignore the “Do not tap on glass” signs would be good food sources for the vamps.


On the Perhentian Islands off of Kelantan there is a colony of the biggest farking fruit bats I’ve ever seen, wing spans of nearly a meter and black, very black. I was in a hut on a steep hill and at dusk would watch them dropping out of the tall palms like flying monkeys. It made me look at those palms differently during the day. Willies, sure.

There was a very pleasant Californian woman there studying them and I learned a lot about bats, there’s not much to do out there.


In Dakhla in Egypt there were white birds wheeling around the oasis in the day and big black bats at night. Colour coordinated.


Fair enough. I would say the same about any wild or feral mammal.

I’d also note that in certain circumstances vets have to tell the county about suspected contact. So unless the animal needs medical care, some preliminary research may be a good idea before mentioning it to the vet.

As for skunks they are also less likely to sneak up on you, even if you have a really bad head cold. My campus had a good sized population of semi-tame skunks and warnings to leave them the hell alone included warnings about rabies.

In my neighborhood I worry rabies will be found anywhere in the critter population. We have a lot of feral cats because asshole students abandon them every year. We also have tons of raccoons and a few foxes. I know that it wouldn’t take much for people to panic and decide every furry critter has to be destroyed.


The idiots who ignore the “Do not tap on glass” signs would be good food sources for the vamps.

Every zoo ticket should include a lottery style chance of being fed to the critters. This would make the whole experience more equable and might encourage the animals to look at the people with a little more interest.

Helmut Monotreme

On the Perhentian Islands off of Kelantan there is a colony of the biggest farking fruit bats I’ve ever seen, wing spans of nearly a meter and black, very black.

I’m never stopping there. It’s bat country.


One of my Dad’s cats, Hamlet, once batted a bat right out of the air and the stunned bat was safely taken outside. Sadly, the next time a bat came in he did nothing because I guess he was jaded?


Why yet I live to say ‘This bat’s to catch;’
Sith I have cause and will and strength and means
To do’t.


Every zoo ticket should include a lottery style chance of being fed to the critters.

Brilliant. And the confusion of those who didn’t read the ticket closely would be amusing.

“Fed to the animals? Wait! I thought it said feed the animals!”


When I was a kid I was told stories of bats getting tangled up in hair (they’re blind, after all, dontcha know…) and then biting and scratching their rabies all up in you.

I petrified of bats until I developed the cognitive skills to realize this was total bullshit. About 8, I think.


I told you that story so I could tell you this one:

We had an above ground pool out in the boonies when I was a kid. When we’d swim at dusk, bats would swarm that pool to eat all the bugs that were trying to eat us. I thought that was the coolest thing ever. We never had any contact with a single bat and we appreciated the reduction in the nocturnal bugs n shit that hung around the pool.


I wish I had radar and a brain that lay out a radar map of the terrain. Then I could be all like Special Forces and shit.


I wish I had radar and a brain that lay out a radar map of the terrain. Then I could be all like Special Forces and shit.

Admit it, you really just want to dress up in a shiny red skin-tight suit.


Hamlet is an awesome name for a cat. I hope he had a little mouse skull.


When I was a kid I was told stories of bats getting tangled up in hair (they’re blind, after all, dontcha know…) and then biting and scratching their rabies all up in you.

one of my favorite far side cartoons is the one where the big haired lady is peering into a cave…just beyond her line of sight the cave turns into a cavern filled with bats…i’ve searched the interwebs in vain trying to find it…


Got an exterminator out here to catch the bat. I didn’t feel like climbing 18 feet up a ladder to get to the top of my bedroom ceiling.

I called ODH (Ohio Dept of Health) to bring the bat in for testing.

They said I had to kill it first. I said:

“The whole purpose of this is to find out if I’ve been exposed. Why would I deliberately expose myself and remove all doubt?”

That went over about as well as you think it did.

Paper towels soaked in automotive starter fluid (ether) in a plastic container did the trick. Put the now deceased bat on ice and off to the lab with him.

It’s been a very weird day so far.


Got an exterminator out here to catch the bat. I didn’t feel like climbing 18 feet up a ladder to get to the top of my bedroom ceiling.

i have an aunt who whacks them with a tennis racket…


I talked to my vet and she wasn’t too concerned about our cat being exposed because the cat has been vaccinated.

That cat has been my dear friend for 15 years. I wouldn’t think of having her put down unless she was foaming at the mouth.


While we’re on the off topic, No one could have predicted


Admit it, you really just want to dress up in a shiny red skin-tight suit.

I wouldn’t even think of denying that! Rubber suit, kicking ass, there’s no downside.


In the set of pet/bat interactions the number that include a bite by a bat is very small.

Apparently a bite is not necessary; drops of saliva on skin can suffice for rabies transmission.
Trufax: birds can catch rabies. Fortunately they don’t have salivary glands so they can’t transmit it.

Of course if you’re on the Tribiscum Plateau, you’re more in danger of bats flying though you.


While we’re on the off topic, No one could have predicted

That link was borked. Try this:


Of fuck me.


I wouldn’t even think of denying that! Rubber suit, kicking ass, there’s no downside.

i think the sweat would be pretty gross…


Also, sunlight destroys the virus. But not garlic or silver.

MK – I don’t think any vet would put down a pet on suspected exposure, even if the owner asked. Even when my cat turned up with a mysterious wound (probably inflicted by his sister) I just had to keep him in for half a year. Since he was old and fat, no one was bothered except the power trippy animal control dude, who stopped calling after I asked him to cite the regulations that would gave him the authority to inspect the house and if necessary, confiscate property.

Now you get to figure out how the critter got in there in the first place.


Also, sunlight destroys the virus. But not garlic or silver.

and as we learned last night, not god or the bible…just gotta pray it away…might work for bats getting in to…the major just has to decide whom he fears…


Also, sunlight destroys the virus. But not garlic or silver.

Does it share the stage with sage?


Now you get to figure out how the critter got in there in the first place.

Came in through the attic as far as we can tell. Not sure how it got out of the attic and into the house, but as El Manq pointed out they can squeeze through a very small gap.


And the interesting thing of it, it wasn’t a medical doctor per se who took care of those things, it was the priesthood. It was the ministers, it was those who knew how to take the promises of God as well as the commandments of God to take care of things like disinfection and so forth….

Right. Because when you’ve been pushing the Vaccines BAAAAD crapola and an outbreak of a disease you’ve been telling people not to get vaccinated from crops up right on your doorstep, the smart thing to do is to hint people should turn to their ministers for medical guidance.

But if the flock doesn’t notice a giiiiirl is preaching (and possibly menstruating!) then I guess they aren’t paying attention anyway.


I should keep my yap shut cause y’all live in a different world than I do. Animal control officer? What the hell zat? My cat shows up with unexplained wounds once a month, usually looking very smug after winning AGAIN.


Of fuck me.

$250 for the GFE, GF.


i think the sweat would be pretty gross…

NO- On my strict diet of McDonald’s and asparagus, it’s all roses and sunshine under this thang.


No discussion here yet of Chelsea Manning?

As Hart Williams pointed out, not the best timing. But Hart seems to be forgetting that it’s probably not going to get any better for at least 7 years… if not 35.


I should keep my yap shut cause y’all live in a different world than I do.

I live in a suburban area but we get an amazing variety of critters. I’ve seen possums, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, foxes, hawks, deer and even a mink out back.


Better yet, Hamlet’s sister is Ophelia.


I live in a suburban area but we get an amazing variety of critters.

My neighborhood has very different critters. I’ve seen rustlers, cut throats, murderers, bounty hunters, desperados, mugs, pugs, thugs, nitwits, halfwits, dimwits, vipers, snipers, con men, Indian agents, Mexican bandits, muggers, buggerers, bushwhackers, hornswogglers, horse thieves, bull dykes, train robbers, bank robbers, ass-kickers, shit-kickers, and Methodists


I was referring to regulatory structures Major. There aren’t even any building codes here let alone puffed up animal control officers.


There aren’t even any building codes here

Not much information, there. Texas is a pretty big state. /snark


Holy shit! Awesome!



There aren’t even any building codes here

You live in Galt’s Gulch?


Oh I’ve got most of them roundabouts, tsam, plus tweakers and Pentecostalists.


There aren’t even any building codes here let alone puffed up animal control officers.

Oh come on, the sheriff surely has enough relations to get you somebody to call when you find a horse in the back yard.


Via LGM You’re pretty much all assholes.

As you noted over there, that first comment is a real winner.


Oh come on, the sheriff surely has enough relations to get you somebody to call when you find a horse in the back yard.

Though I get along very well with the sheriff the idea that calling law enforcement is ever a good solution is one I reject.


Though I get along very well with the sheriff the idea that calling law enforcement is ever a good solution is one I reject.

Los Angeles? P.G. County? Anywhere in Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, Florida if you are of brownish hue?


Hey, what kind of farm IS that, anyway?

The Dark God of Time, AKA DA

Antelope Valley?


Trufax: birds can catch rabies. Fortunately they don’t have salivary glands so they can’t transmit it.

Their mouths must get awfully dry.

Also, and hypothetically, they’d give lousy blowjobs.


Their mouths must get awfully dry.

That’s cuz they be pretty high.

HAHA! GET IT? High…birds….funny cuz mouth be gettin’ dry, you pretty h–ok, I’ll shut up.


something something “swallow”


Hey, what kind of farm IS that, anyway?



That’s SG, that is truly fucking horrific.


Something something cock


The Atlantic is running an excellent analysis of the British detainment of David Miranda, by Bruce Schneier.


Something something sapsucker.


From the esteemed Mr. Pierce,

Woke Up, It Was A Chelsea Manning

I see I’m not the only one that has a Joni Mitchell earworm all day.


“These kids” are brought to Spack’s Huxleyesque “Gender Management Service Clinic” — and other such institutions across the country — by their parents;


I suppose it’s not impossible that a parent or guardian could be forcing such a change but it’s awfully hard to imagine. I would hope that protocols and procedures to catch that situation would be in place. Like interviewing parents / child separately and seeing how the stories match up.

I think it would be more important to find a way for a kid who wants to make their external body match their self image to be able to get such a service without having to go through their parents because crazy fundiegelicals.

I guess I’m just a dreamer.


Something something nuthatch.


That’s SG, that is truly fucking horrific.

thanking some entity that i did NOT click that link…


I guess I’m just a dreamer.

great…now i have a supertramp earworm…dang nab it…


Something something woodpecker.


Something something oystercatcher.


Wow, Erick Erickson is as repetitive as his name: Don’t Blink, Defund It.

I hope he convinces lots of marks to throw money, like he’s doing, at the grifter orgs that are claiming to stand for “defunding Obamacare.” I wonder if he mails checks to people who thunder about impeaching Obama? If these were timely, viable ideas (for conservatives), one wouldn’t hafta make those donations, or write diaries like Erickson’s. Later the dipshit actually calls out pols who fundraise around battles they won’t fight. He should thank the ones that stopped jerking him around.

His whole strategy is to demonstrate that he’s principled and convince others to do the same: “As for me, I think defunding Obamacare is a hill worth dying on.” Failing to defund, in spite of having nothing to do with repeal, would demonstrate a willingness to “do anything and everything to repeal Obamacare.” Huh?

Go for it, Erickson. We live in fear of your brass-balls throwdown followed by “I see no reason to negotiate now.”

In comments, “rightappeal” seems alone in disagreeing with Erickson’s premise, what there is of it.


“As for me, I think defunding Obamacare is a hill worth dying on.”



Something something coot


Something something fork-tailed flycatcher.

(also: PENIS)


From today’s DNR newsletter: “Metro Atlanta Either-Sex Deer Days”


People, the cardinal rule of bird blowjob club is YOU DON’T CHAT ABOUT BIRD BLOWJOB CLUB.


That’s the wrong kind of bird to be getting a blowjob offa.


Waiting to see Cerb’s reaction to these assholes.


Yesterday my wife was watching a nature show called “The Beak Makes the Bird,” and it does.


“So Manning wants to live as a woman. Let me guess, we have to pay for it.”–Laura Ingraham

Uh, let her go? Reduce her* sentence (every day costs taxpayers money) by the total cost of hormone therapy?

*Oddly enough, I remembered to fix the second pronoun, and was about to publish, when I noticed the first one. I’m surprised I remembered at all in this case, so soon.

Anyway, Laura Ingraham is quite the pile of shit, eh?


…plants and vegetables (carrot, cucumber, beans, hay, bamboo sticks, grass leaves)…

Never stuck hay up my pecker but, hey, the night is young.


Waiting to see Cerb’s reaction to these assholes.

Not just a right-wing thing, sadly, I saw some real prize-winning jerks on an AATP FB post.

Interestingly, according to one guy interviewed by the WaPo, the cost of hormone therapy is not very high. Less to the military than they are spending responding to the news, he said. Not as much less as between the amount of time to be served by the torturers and civilian-murderers versus the whistle-blower, of course.


Anyway, Laura Ingraham is quite the pile of shit, eh?

She’s basically the poor man’s Ann Coulter.


Not just a right-wing thing, sadly.

Hatred of GLBTQ is universal. I’m forever amazed at the abhorrent remarks of my “liberal” friends on these issues.



Reminds me of a *very* weird porno I rented in the late 90’s: in one scene, an empty console TV cabinet was rigged to vomit gallons and gallons of pork & beans into a wading pool, where the principal stars (BGB) performed. At one point, one guy starts stuffing beans in his meatus and then milking them out one at a time. Just bizarre. Too bizarre to fap to.

(Almost, anyway.)

Made by JM Productions, iirc, in case you have a good archive of 20 year old VHS porn.


Hmm, have you done a goatse with teeth?

Pupienus Maximus

Sumpin sumpin peaCOCK woodCOCK gameCOCK


Something something Tit!


I encourage Ingram and her followers to storm Bethesda Naval in order to make sure they aren’t paying for any medical services that don’t meet their approval.

Survivors can then barge into the homes of service members living on base and demand money, food and shelter because they paid for it right?

And is it fair the military has lots of weapons that they paid for? Someone needs to reclaim a few tanks, some rocket launchers, ICBMs…


Hmm, have you done a goatse with teeth?

Not yet, but I’ve been thinking of ways for the flesh to stretch around moving parts. I’ll keep you updated.


Paper towels soaked in automotive starter fluid (ether) in a plastic container did the trick. Put the now deceased bat on ice and off to the lab with him.

It’s been a very weird day so far.



I can’t believe I clicked on one of Subby’s links and got away unscathed. Even enjoyed it–the maps. Gotta remember to be careful.


It goes without saying that Antoinette Tuff is one cool hero.


“As for me, I think defunding Obamacare is a hill worth dying on.”

Regularly dying on hills in the past does not seem to have affected Erik Erikson’s allegedly animate status.


Teh Great Gazoogle reveals that EE has been dying on hills throughout his political career.


in one scene, an empty console TV cabinet was rigged to vomit gallons and gallons of pork & beans into a wading pool, where the principal stars (BGB) performed

So a Rule 34 version of the baked-beans scene from Tommy?


One would imagine that the Trike Force would have trouble with hills.


Doesn’t this just figure. A great talent, an interesting mind, a tireless explorer of complex histories and ideas; obviously someone to be hounded by the suits and haircuts that are the heirs to Hoover’s legacy.


What he describes is a mostly invisible and completely impervious class of bureaucrats — he calls them “the Unamericans” — who systematically violate our privacy and disregard the presumption of innocence. The worst irony, of course, is they do this under the guise of protecting us.

It became necessary to destroy the Constitution to save it.


I don’t know what you mean tigris. The 2nd Amendment is alive and well. I didn’t think there was anything else in there.


The 2nd Amendment is alive and well. I didn’t think there was anything else in there.

uh, i think yer forgetting the first amendment which guarantees wingnuts freedumb of speech to say anything they like but disallows anyone to agree with them or PERSECUTION!!11!!!


FECK!!! DISagree with them…sheesh!


I have important things to say about Gods’ children being all the same!

But some are more same than others.


Regularly dying on hills in the past does not seem to have affected Erik Erikson’s allegedly animate status.

I think he abandons his marines to do or make the Bataan Death March, like a certain hero us Americans love so much.



that should read DIE or make the march. Fucking Obama. Always gotta be fucking with my rants.


re: a hill worth dying on.

I guess it’s not that surprising that Irky Irksome uses this military metaphor when talking about the political process. I mean, sure he probably lacks the self-awareness required to acknowledge his role as a mere footsoldier, just following orders passed down the chain of command, unquestioningly “taking that hill” with no thought to the actual implications. But that part of it probably went right over his head, just like the goat testicles.

Helmut Monotreme

like a certain hero us Americans love so much


Arnold Schwarzenegger?


General Douglas MacArthur.


dang…i was thinking william katt…


Wow, was I hallucinating when I thought I posted the following or was I caught up in the great troll dragnet? I thought I had said something like:

Something something chicks
Something something the eagle’s sore.


…not that I couldn’t be dinged on taste grounds.


bad tasting whale chowder? nah…speaking of whales, this is pretty neat…

Pupienus Maximus

I completely agree Irk. Snap to it.


If I were a veteran, well, I am, but not a combat veteran, but that apparently doesn’t matter to some but it matters to me.. what the fuck was I


Anyway, I don’t LIKE these chickenhawk motherfuckers casually tossing about phrases like “dying on a hill”. Very disrespectful to all those who really did die on hill at the behest of asshole commanders who waited in the rear (heh) and sent orders forward.


Anyway, I don’t LIKE these chickenhawk motherfuckers casually tossing about phrases like “dying on a hill”.

I agree 100%. They do love their war metaphors over there.


Wow, was I hallucinating when I thought I posted the following 

You weren’t hallucinating, nor did you get caught up in the great troll dragnet. You just posted to the previous thread.

Helmut Monotreme

I agree 100%. They do love their war metaphors over there.

Well, if they were to use metaphors from their actual life ‘a hill to die on’ becomes ‘a hill to die on and then re-spawn and run back to the exact same spot to see if you can find the sniper that got you and… bang. dead again’


You just posted to the previous thread.

HA HA, bbkf your tagfails pale in comparison.


Erickson would only die on a hill of BEANS.


Well, if they were to use metaphors from their actual life ‘a hill to die on’ becomes ‘a hill to die on and then re-spawn and run back to the exact same spot to see if you can find the sniper that got you and… bang. dead again’

At which time he screams into the headset “fucking modders!” and quits the game. Sucks thumb for hours.


For S. McG. You know you don’t want to click



I clicked!

That is NOT supposed to go in there, but I guess it’s better than seeing them all over the sidewalk.


HA HA, bbkf your tagfails pale in comparison.

indeed…i would feel pretty dum if i were you…i kid because i had a monster tagfail yesterday…

Erickson would only die on a hill of BEANS.

more like a bolus of flatulence…


Bolus of Flatulence had a great sound until the lead guitarist split off to form his own band, Sharted Underpants.

After that they just stunk.


yeah, and they hung around too long…


I WARNED YOU bbkf. Criminy, I said it was for Subby, WTF did you expect?!?!?!


I really wish I hadn’t clicked on that. Oh the humanity!


It’s recursive.

Or fractal.

Or something.


Well, some time has gone by, so now it must be said:



Teh Ho is taking me to Ox tonight cuz it’s muh birfday. Happy birfday to me, ….


Butt tray?




Happy birthday and may Teh Ho give you meat forevermore.


Looks like a good restaurant. Probably not the place I’d bring a vegetarian.


Incidentally I saw Elysium and although it is Hollywooded up in comparison to District 9 it was a lot of fun.


Probably not the place I’d bring a vegetarian.

Since the graphic they use for the “entree” menu is a slab of meat, probably not.

Hippo birdie, and all that, Pup.


Mui feliz cumpleaños amigo.


Happy birthday, you old fart.

May Teh Ho lay the meat to you forevermore.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Glad bursdag, PM!

Incidentally I saw Elysium and although it is Hollywooded up in comparison to District 9 it was a lot of fun.

I really want to see Elysium—hopefully under better conditions than when I saw District 9 for the first time. I didn’t see it in a theater when it was out, but that Christmas at the family gathering, they had it on TV—of course too low for me to hear. I kept saying to myself: “The aliens speak their language with subtitles, the black characters speak !Xhosa or whatever with subtitles, now if only the Boers would speak Afrikaans with subtitles, I could tell WTF is going on!”


Happy birthday, you old fart.

Just chasing rabbits, but I suspect a regular fart would smell better less bad than one emanating from that asstray.


Caveat: Jodie Foster is awful. Long-time crush OVER.


May Teh Ho lay the meat to you forevermore.

And I see I stole blatantly from S. McG. Sue me.

How about this?

May Teh Ho feed you meat for the rest of your natural life.


Re: Ox. My sources say go early cause it gets zooey. Also, too, Toro Bravo is as good and close by. Have fun.


Happy HAPPY B-DAY Pup. I hope the next one round the sun treats you well.

Also, too, I hope the ribs are healing…


Happy birthday Pup. Don’t forget to drink irresponsibly.


El M.,
But I’ve BEEN to Toro Bravo. John Goreham is less than a friend but more than an acquaintance. I keep running across him at his various restaurants. Ox can be a long wait and they don’t take rezzez for less than 6 so …

MK, were going to the attached Whey Bar at 4ish to sign up early and drink irresponsibly.

Thanks everybody!


Terrific. Go for it.


Also, P__, I’m down to a couple “OUCH”es a day.


So her being ads Ian didn’t dampen your crush but a bad performance did. :-/


Yeah, you never thought a straight guy was hot, you noble individual you…




Sooo…. looking up at the most recent comment it says “August 24, 2013 at 1:01” Is this blog run out of China? Not that’s there’s anything wrong with that!! h/t Jerry Seinfeld. I

t’s 8/23/13; 7:12 pm here in NYC


My longtime crush even survived meeting her a couple times. I better not see this movie.


Just dropping in to wish you a happy day and year, PM, you great big hunka biker manflesh, you.
Whut? They told me that was a compliment.
I hope the chefs at Ox are as good in the kitchen as you are. Enjoy.


Helen, that was spot-on SA time.

Pupienus Maximus

Opening cocktail – Hand of Fate: rye, fernet branca, dry curacao, mole bitters. And house made ricotta with chimichurri, crostini. I like! Still waiting for the COCKtail.


The cocktail is interesting, though pricey. Teh Ho says I have to mention, vis a vis the chimmichurri, it’s the first time he’s ever heard me say “I like it better than my own “


I think all y’all should liveblog your dates nights out.


Hey Suezboo – thanks, but what? I should minus the 2, carry the 7, divide the difference and what??



The amuse bouche may be the star! Corn, cauliflower, mushroom bisque, subtlety seasoned was FAB. The clam chowder with smoked marrow bone was interesting and very very good. We also had pork rillettes – which they had baked In a ramekin, apparently – with greens, a delightful aioli, edible flowers (nasty urtiums if I’m not miss taken) and heirloom tomatoes.


Good so far but what about the MEAT?


Hello Pup – why do we say ‘amuse bouche” and how do I know what that means? I am a simple girl from a simple background. Am I watching too much food channel?

And if you are being ironic – will you marry me?

(I’m loaded; really)


I liveblogged a date last month but it was a gig so I was keeping my band informed of the somewhat surprising setlist. Can’t remember the last time I saw someone do Tallahatchee Bridge. The food was, um, unremarkable.


No way EL. Not Billy Joe McAllister. That is NOT what you are talking about.


I’m telling you.


She actually delivered it.


Chorizo just good. Skirt steak fab. Sweetbreads very good. Short ribs delightful. Morcilla was superbly seasoned.


Couple sat down next to us. Hipster and GF. I suggested the vegan blood sausage – gluten free!


Helen – SA is GMT +2 hours. So, if it’s 01:00 here it’s 23:00 in London.
Then minus the difference between London and NYC which I don’t know offhand. But the Great Gazoogle can probably enlighten you.
As you can see, it is now 03:30, so Good Night.


Amuse bouche, or for the gauche ‘amuse goule’ is the leetle “compliments of the chef'” treat good restos bring to the table early on. Mouth treat, I think it means tho I have no frenchy speaks.


Ok. We’re going to waddle down to the streetcar now.


Sweetbreads, morcilla and steak sounds abso delightful, hold the chorizo. Amuse bouche=mouth entertainment


When I hear “mouth entertainment” I think of something other than food.




When I hear “mouth entertainment” I think of something other than food.

Sometimes for me too but there’s almost always meat involved.


Never fish, I assure you.


My old Air National Guard unit was having a promotion party so we went to that. Saw a bunch of people I haven’t seen since I retired.

Then we ended up eating at my favorite bar The Flatiron


Looks like a bar I could be friends with.


The clam chowder was a revelation.


You’d probably like it. It’s unpretentious and the food quality is way above what you’d expect from this type of place.

I’ve been going there for (holy crap!) 19 years now and the manager knows me by sight.


The clam chowder was a revelation

So what’s the wedgy thing the jalapeño slices (I assume) are sitting on?


New post.


I hate to agree with the crazy people. I really do. But they’re right. Well. Not entirely right, but close enough for government work. Er. Crazy people work. Yes, the whole system for allowing people to change their physical gender is broken, and they’re the reason it’s broken. And what’s happened to you is absolutely appalling, and in a civilized country would never have happened.

BUT. But. While a more efficient way of allowing people to change their sex is desired and desirable, the year in therapy and so on and making it hard for people to do so is at the least benignly intended. Yes, it makes things take longer than they should, and alternatives can and should be discussed, but generally speaking, cosmetic/hormonal procedures should be done with informed consent, and I’m really not sure how we’d go about ensuring a legal minor would go about giving informed consent.

Legal emancipation is one way forward, but in many cases not the right one, since it involves fights and legal battles and distractions for what is generally intended as an absolute last resort. Not something a person already under psychological stress from being the wrong sex needs, imo.

Since you’ve actually lived through the system, I’d be curious to hear what you think are improvements that can be made, as opposed to just what you dislike about it. It’s very hard to convince people to replace a broken system, but it’s rather more difficult to convince them to tear something down with no plans for what should come next.

Yes, I recognize that you may feel that the system should be replaced by nothing, but until full physical/genetic therapy is available for creatures more complicated than fish (which incidentally would theoretically make it reversible/repeatable, if time consuming) the law isn’t going to go for that.


(comments are closed)