Uncle Ruckus Isreal!
“White Heaven is for decent, good, God-fearing Christians who just happen to, well, hate everyone and everything relating to black people. That means no Muhammad Ali, no hip-hop music and no fucking Jesse Jackson.”
Alan Keyes, Rød America:
Which race is truly victimized?
Flip. Post about Zimmerman. Flip. Post about Zimmerman. Flip. Post about Zimmerman.
It is often said, by us heartless demonic liberals that conservatives suffer from a failure of empathy. Unable to put themselves in the shoes of those who are suffering. Those who have less of the advantages shitbird conservatives squander. Those who are brutalized and oppressed at their hands.
And while those things are, one might say, a wee bit DUH. I would strongly argue that these failures are NOT due to a lack of empathy. Hell, I would even go one step beyond and argue that conservatives are FULL of empathy.
Look no further than George Zimmerman, child murderer, wife beater, and possibly more. Conservatives just can’t stop empathizing with him and his “suffering”, placing themselves in his shoes, identifying with his paranoia and gun nuttery, the way mean old liberals view him as a racist just because of a couple of incredibly racist incidents like stalking and murdering a kid for being black in his neighborhood. Can’t stop feeling sorry for him being the coddled child of a politically connected figure whose various soldiers can be counted on to bail him from whatever “oops” he might get himself into. Can’t stop fantasizing about how it must have felt to live the dream of getting away with offing one of those filthy escaped slaves.
Much like they had trouble pulling themselves away from identifying with Anders Breivik or Scott Roeder.
No, they have empathy in spades. What they lack is imagination. They can empathize with someone perfectly as long as they are a tribe member, have the same paranoid overprivileged fears as them, the same soft-life uneasiness that leads to barricading oneself in one’s gated community with a small hillside of guns and ammunition and chattering one’s teeth at the thought of encountering someone with a tan. Is in essence, nearly 100% just like them, or at least, what they’d like to be if they had the ovaries to live their ideals in the way these murderers did.
What they have a harder time with is imagining what it’s like to not be a terrible person. What it’s like to be the target in the guns, the victim of the paranoia, the poor regular person just trying to get by in a world they made wretched. Which often leads to the twin defining aspects of modern conservatism. 1) IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION and the way they displace themselves on their enemies because if all you can imagine is yourself, then your enemies must just be twice as you so you can be the good guys and of course 2) Bizarre conspiracy laden justifications for the horrible people and actions they end up actually identifying with. Ways in which it’s not their fault or someone else made them do it.
And to this stage, up steps Alan Keyes.
Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):
- Obama is personally responsible for all racism everywhere. And if he wasn’t manufacturing all racism everywhere in his Doom Tower, then everyone would be able to peacefully see that lynching is a damn skippy pleasant activity that both races can enjoy as long as the victims are coons like me-e-e-e. Wow there really is no low I won’t sink to. That’s slightly horrifying to realize.
I’ll admit. It’s been downright fascinating to watch all the Pigs for Bacon among the illiterate right sell that last tiny piece of their soul and join the choir of dedicated racists cheering on the lucky Klansman who got away with a modern lynching. It’s rather like watching that one Dave Chappelle episode with the blind black KKK writer, except the characters aren’t blind, they just have a policy of never looking in the mirror for fear that their ancestors will try and throttle them through it.
Since the Zimmerman trial verdict, and especially on account of the Obama faction’s efforts to pretend that it had something to do with racism
Damn liberal race mongers seeing racism in some perfectly innocent strange fruit hanging from the poplar trees. What have you got against horticulture! Next you’re going to say there is some issue with showing some pre-Labor-Day love by sporting a chic seasonally-appropriate hood!
people have been remarking on the fact that racial divide in the United States has become much worse since Obama took over the White House.
These people are stupid white moderates who wanted to pretend that one singular action of electing a black man when the only other option was… shudder somehow a) made up for endemic and historic racism and its pervasive effect on America still today, b) meant that all racism was done now or at least behind us and couldn’t possibly abuse that desire to be “done” to resurface quite literally with the same damn laws under new names, and of course c) meant that the usual brigade of “The Slave Owning South Will Rise Again” fuckers were at all going to go quietly into that good night and wouldn’t spend all 4-8 years of Obama’s presidency throwing the greatest racist temper tantrum known to man.
Alan Keyes are going to assume these people equal “America”.
As is often the case these days, I find myself marveling at how long it takes people to see the obvious.
You know, I don’t know why. But I’m strongly suspecting he doesn’t mean that sentence how you, I, or any… in the same ballpark as sane human being on the planet might mean that sentence.
Soon after Obama took over the White House (Feb. 18, 2009, to be precise), I wrote an article for my blog pointing out how much of Obama’s success depended on fomenting racial bad feelings:
“Because it so well served their purposes of self-advancement, the liberal black elite became adept at exploiting the fear of perceived racism so prevalent since the Civil Rights Movement’s conquest of America’s conscience in the 1960s…. In reaction against racial prejudice, the black elite unwittingly embraced race and racism as the defining preoccupation of the black American identity.”
Yes! For truly if there was no racism in America for black Americans to raise an outcry over, they would fade back into the nightmares of paranoid white suburbanites, never to be seen again on the surface world.
It is only this faux-rage by demonmancers known only as “lieberals” that keep summoning these foul creatures onto such surreal landscapes as “reality” to torture the rationalizations of redneck hicks by not just going away and dying when told.
Also, um, if it’s just these supposed plausibly racist events that keep providing the lifeblood of these vile creatures? Why don’t you just… stop? I mean, if there wasn’t something that could be “exploited” by “race merchants” to feed this Civil Rights “scam” (I bumped the whistle up to 5,000,000,000 decibels, but I worry that you still can’t hear it over the distracting nature of my skin color, maybe an extra 4 trillion will do it), then wouldn’t you be free of the cycle?
Maybe if your “heroes” stopped gunning down their children, executing unarmed restrained citizens, or just shooting some unarmed black men for being black, then the “black elite” that control the wheels within the system would have a bit less to bitch about on a regular basis.
I mean, I can’t speak for the International Brotherhood of the New Black Panther’s Eye, but here in Our Dread Circle of the Eternal Trans* Menace and Its Pulsating Asterix, I know that we’d be plenty happy to cancel the sacrifices at the Bohemian Grove if we could just live our lives in peace without having to worry about the constant threat of murder and other bullshit by random bigots. Just saying.
In speaking of Obama in particular, I would not be nearly so charitable now as I was when I wrote those words.
Okay it’s up to 12 quadrillion decibels. I think you might be able to hear it over my race now and thus kindly put down your shaking gun instead of shoving it in my face and ranting about how Skittles are code for PCP made from ground up white babies (I mean, have you cracked one open? No matter the color, all the insides are white! Also, “taste the rainbow”? If that isn’t the secret connection with the Homosexual Agenda, I don’t know what is!).
Obama’s abuse of the so-called “race card” isn’t an unwitting surrender to an externally imposed conceptual stereotype of black Americans.
Pfft, of course Obama noting obvious racism with undue grace and forgiveness to the rot poisoning the very fabric of what it means to be the United States of America isn’t secret proof that he’s a gangbangin’ thug poppin’ caps at the 5-0 while screwing all our white women. I mean, what do you take us for?
He is ruthlessly squandering the moral capital of the black American heritage in pursuit of his communist ideological goals (in this case disarming the American people so that he and his elitist faction fellow travelers can impose their will without fear of potentially messy and embarrassing resistance).
We’re just saying he’s leading a Death Army made of secret Soviets that are going to steal all the white people’s guns just because white people have made a sport out of shooting women, black teenagers, and elementary aged children with not a hint of remorse, moral conduct, or ability to separate themselves away from defending and in fact deifying the worst offenders.
I mean, shyeah, it’s obvious.
…right? Please Bob, say it’s obvious to you too! Cause right now winding up psychotic violent gun-fetishists to wipe out all the others is literally our only plan for political relevance.
There was nothing remotely racist about the Zimmerman case
Not a single thing. I mean, black kids get shot all the time by violent racist fuckwits whose crimes are treated as lesser than jaywalking on a side street and… oh, shit, I think I see your point. Uh…
, until and unless we include the vitriolic racist rhetoric of the black liberals,
Uh… they made us be super racist. They were just so black! And it was scary. They criticized our actions and said we couldn’t just kill their kids like it was nothing and expect to get away with it. Mommy, they aren’t letting us get away with lynching. Why aren’t they letting us get away with lynching? It’s not fair! It’snotfairit’snotfairit’snotfair!
or the vengeful violence that has been perpetrated against blameless whites attacked by mobs supposedly infuriated because Martin’s “white” killer escaped punishment.
I noticed by the complete lack of links among you and everyone else who’s brought up these “retaliatory” (but not because we did anything wrong, MOMMY!) strikes.
I mean, I’m sure they’ve all been happening in the very tricky to photograph corner of “Never Fucking Happened” Ave and “Made Up Self-Serving Bullshit” Ct.
When the truth is known, it will be clear that these mobocratic protests were staged as part of the elitist faction push to discredit Second Amendment rights.
It’s all about us! Any time people protest, it’s to take away our guns! Any time people drink coffee, it’s to take away our guns! Any time a kid walks to the corner store to buy some tea and candy for his brother, it’s to take away our guns! Quick! Kill him before he steals the gun you were going to use to kill him on behalf of Obama’s stormtroopers… er… Uh…
It’s really the elitist faction’s media and their well-kept activists and politicos who are screaming.
LIBERAL MEDIA! It’s all the liberal media’s fault (even though they’ve been pushing water uphill for our little bête soirée of Klansmen and Neo-Nazis in the wakes of this Segregation Era Redux)!
I mean, we wouldn’t at all be able to sustain the delusion of the “silent majority” if it turned out that actual protesters were actually angry about our actual bad actions and actually cared about some filthy lesser creature.
We might even have to acknowledge the stain on our souls that comes with supporting this horrorshow and realize the terrible price that “tribe loyalty” enacts when the only people left in the tribe are violent psychotic fucks. And yeah, we’ll be facing nuclear winter before THAT ever happens… largely because we’ll find a way to launch some nukes before having to admit we’re the horrible people everyone else knows us to be.
They’re outraged because the Zimmerman jury refused to validate the scenario of irresponsible gun abuse that was to be used as the excuse for the next round of assaults on gun ownership in America.
Now, this might get me thrown out of the next meeting of Obama’s Secret Cabal to Steal All Penis Substitutes From Overcompensating Pathetic Suburban Fuckweasels As Part of the Gynocratic Feminist Takeover of America, but…
I don’t really give a damn about your fucking cock sticks. If you were just gargling on the goddamn things, trying hard not to think about how badly you want Steve’s much larger member protruding between your thighs, I wouldn’t give a single fuck about your sad little guns.
And with regards to Trayvon Martin’s lynching, I kind of have to admit that it might be the unmitigated racism jizzing in my eyes, but I have a hard time focusing on your little masturbation routine.
A kid was murdered. And in a country where racism and complete surrender on gun issues weren’t the ruling Gods, we’d have bipartisan outrage over this. There wouldn’t be a soul alive outside the dusty rags of the KKK cheering over his death, smearing his name, or seeking justification to create more of him. We certainly wouldn’t have an embarrassing fleet of fellators lining up for a go at his murderer’s cock.
And we definitely wouldn’t have a host of sick amoral fucks using the excuse of “I iz scared they gon’ take my penis away” to serve as their lazy public justification for quietly enacting and enforcing a “lynching is legal now in these states” law.
And so at this point, I gotta say.
Melt them all down. Let’s take every single gun in America and melt them down and use the lead to make the world’s biggest statue of a human scrotum and plop it in the middle of Shitsville, Middle America so all the sad paranoid fuckwits can gawk at it and feel all “manly” (not at all a code for closeted homosexual lust). Do it yesterday.
Not because I’m working for Obama’s Secret Blah blah blah. Not because guns bad. But because at every point and tragedy possible, the sum total of gun ownership has put its worst face forward and defended the indefensible all while crying in a corner and pretending to be a victim because people just want to stop being shot by paranoid violent fuckwits scared about losing some cultural power that was never supposed to be theirs in the first place.
Seriously, fuck your guns and fuck you if the only possible reaction you can have to the murder of children is “AIEEE, my penis!”
Fuck the rest of his post. And fuck these sick fucking ghouls.
Though if there is one great solace, it is this.
This is the right-wing. Loud and blaring and front and center of the whole “liberal media” for everyone to see.
Maybe I’m wrong and America is so racist that they don’t care (and frankly, the days in which white people’s racism is the deciding vote is rapidly dissipating), but I can’t imagine this is doing any favors to conservatism’s desperate grasps for relevance.
I mean, their last few huge actions have been whining like they were the real victims when their ideology got a room full of kindergartners murdered, deifying a child murderer and openly cheering for the return of lynching, vetoing the fucking VRA and preventing a new one from being enacted, openly calling for the continued economic and social suffering of anyone not in the 1%, and of course publishing disturbing erotic penletters to the last violent child murderer they helped manufacture.
This can’t be winning over the hearts and minds as they say.
I cheer the right-wing for both their honesty and their belated ability to find empathy, but they have proudly stood for their true beliefs, cheering what they find laudable and smearing what they find inhuman.
And despite their minor regional victory, I don’t think they quite grasp that the America they are trying to revive in their little corner is far and removed from the America that is and will continue to be going forward.
And frankly, they can all choke on that… if they can fit it in between all the guns we’ll inevitably steal with our liberal vagina-shaped tentacles.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Someday I’m going to write a post about something other than this bullshit and it’ll be a fine day indeed. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
Deborah C. Tyler, American Child Murderer Fan Club:
Hey Cowards, Let’s Have a Conversation
The “I swear this is the real fucking shorter they used for their front page for this post, I’m not even kidding” Verbatim Shorter:
- It is said that only equals can be friends. It’s a shame that Democrats want nothing less than people as equals.
*Slow clap*
Pack it up boys, we are out of business.
I mean, first.
They can empathize with someone perfectly as long as they are a tribe member… if all you can imagine is yourself, then your enemies must just be twice as you…
That’s just it. That’s not Empathy; that’s Identity. Empathy is being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes, to have some success at imagining what the others’ different circumstances, environments, and perspectives might be. And, therefore, the *lack* of empathy is why It’s Always Projection. It works in reverse. They cannot conceive how anyone would act with any motives or [ir]rationales or [im]morals than their own.
Alan Keyes: batty as ever or has he gone to a whole new level of infuckingsane?
Melt those fuckers down and cast that ginormous Shitsville ballsack!
I’m beginning to feel like the Nicholas Cage character in Face Off.
Social science research uses a model called frame analysis to understand social movements
“Racism doesn’t exist except as a rhetorical device to help black people, unqualified of course, guilt their betters. Also Democrats are lazy and here’s my regurgitation of text and conservative idees fixes for proof.” And lady, if you’re going to use “chin music,” try using LAST century’s definition instead of the CIVIL WAR era one.
Awwwwwww, isn’t that cute. Look honey! Alan Keyes thinks he’s still relevant!
I could tell a long pointless anecdote about the Red Sox, a beautiful Belgian and the colloquial “chin music” but ima gonna just leave that to your imagination
El Manq – I was making focaccia today and I tried your technique of covering the dough with an oiled plastic trash bag. Worked like a champ. Nothing stuck to it.
That’s great MK but that wasn’t me. I use plastic pails with lids. Take all the credit I can get though. Back and forth thru Savannah the next 3 weeks if you’re around let me know.
“Empathy in spades”
I saw what you did there.
Thank goodness Alan Keyes is still around and still a frog shagging asshole. I want lots of GOPfucks to rally around Keyes and put Keyes on TV and generally remind everyone that entire conservative movement is bug fucking kRazee!
That’s great MK but that wasn’t me.
Might have been Pup then. Well whoever suggested it, it was a great idea.
The fact is, blacks are lazy and allfair because promised them free phones exchange for voting Democrat the media is biased toward the liberal left wing slant and no hot reality which is that white people are better because they work hard and I love America like lazy shift less blacks.
Alan Keyes? I was hoping for Lloyd Marcus.
Cerb, that was a glorious smackdown. Although I thought Keyes was out on Galt’s offshore oil platform .
i.e. http://www.sealandgov.org/
Lately Allen West has replaced Keyes as “that one black guy racists approve of.” Dude needs to step his game up.
He is ruthlessly squandering the moral capital of the black American heritage in pursuit of his communist ideological goals (in this case disarming the American people so that he and his elitist faction fellow travelers can impose their will without fear of potentially messy and embarrassing resistance).
Wow, now that is the wingnuttiest sentence ever written. You have your racism, your Commie-takeover fear, your faux-populist rant against “elites”, and a not-so-veiled threat of anti-government violence.
The fact that a black man who sounds like Kermit the Frog wrote that sentence is simultaneously awe- and nausea-inspiring.
Cerb, that was a glorious smackdown. Although I thought Keyes was out on Galt’s offshore oil platform .
He’s docked outside it. They won’t let him inside until they build a separate service entrance.
Also Sealand is passe, they now want something closer.
What’s up with “Crain’s Business” hosting that editorial, I thought they were somewhat sane. Have they become Crank’s Business?
See, I never get invited to the COOL paranoid nut parties.
How big is the Shitsville bag? A pistol is around a couple pounds. A rifle or shotgun? Probably 5 to 10, but might have a fair amount of wood on it. Let’s say an average of 6 pounds of metal. How many guns? A lot of them. Works out to roughly 1.4 billion pounds or 700 million tons. Steel has a specific gravity of around 7. So 100 million cubic metres – if that sucker were solid.
Each nut would be around a quarter mile across.
Whoops. Major calculation error. It’s only 700 thousand tons. Derp.
Still, each nut is as big across as a football field.
Width wise. As big across as a football field is wide.
You know what? Imma get myself a coffee.
I wish you would face up to the problems in your community, XXXXXXX:
He is ruthlessly squandering the moral capital of the black American heritage in pursuit of his communist ideological goals
So silly. Communism is about the workers, Obama doesn’t want anyone to work, sheesh.
I know that Alan Keyes cut off ties with his daughter when she came out as a lesbian, who needs to know more about him than that to know that he’s an asshole and an idiot?
Speaking of Alan Keyes, I propose making August 8 a national holiday. That is the day the Illini GOP asked Keyes to move out from Maryland and run against some kid with a funny name for a U.S. Senate seat.
…Can’t stop fantasizing about how it must have felt to live the dream of getting away with offing one of those filthy escaped slaves.
Fucking This!!!
Cerberus, you have distilled into essence exactly what I have been trying to wrap my fucking head around for the last month. Imma gonna steal that shit iff’n you don’t mind.
TIA and xoxox,
•It is said that only equals can be friends. It’s a shame that Democrats want nothing less than people as equals.
wtf does this even mean? so…it’s bad to want everyone to be friends? or friendly? or at the very least not so pitched against each other because of our need to be TOTALLY 100% RIGHT because jeebus and fox news say so? so that’s bad? is that really what she means?
and hahahahahaha…this is the dude who rants about ‘elitists’:
and that’s just PART of his bio…holy crap, he goes on and on about himself…and much butthurt about losing to obama which is kinda funneh…
also, too…i am down with the august 8 holiday…’it’s august 8, let’s celebrate!’…
wtf does this even mean? so…it’s bad to want everyone to be friends? or friendly?
Wouldn’t you rather have lackeys and minions than friends?
Dr. Keyes holds the distinction of being the only person ever to run against Barack Obama in a truly contested election — one featuring authentic Declaration-based moral conservatism vs. progressive liberalism
And he got steamrolled!
Funny that he brings up Declaration-based conservatism rather than Constitution-based conservatism.
Wait, I can’t have both?
If Jack Ryan hadn’t acted like a dipshit towards his wife, Obama might still be a state senator in IL today.
Funny that he brings up Declaration-based conservatism rather than Constitution-based conservatism.
I was wondering about that too. I think it’s a dog-whistle for theocracy since the Constitution makes no mention of God*
*Religious conservatives of the 19th century actually railed against the “Godless Constitution” and believed the Civil War was divine punishment for not having declared a “Christian Nation” at the get go.
I was wondering about that too. I think it’s a dog-whistle for theocracy since the Constitution makes no mention of God*
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Religious conservatives of the 19th century actually railed against the “Godless Constitution” and believed the Civil War was divine punishment for not having declared a “Christian Nation” at the get go
You mean, 21st century religious conservatives are lying? SHOCKING!
From the Declaration of Independence, one of the complaints against the king: “He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.”
Sounds like “Strict Declarationist” will be the new “Strict Constitutionalist,” complete with ignoring of all of the bits they don’t like.
We might get to the “Strict Magna Cartalists,” but by that point the modern conservative movement will be small enough to drown in a bathtub.
“He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.”
From the Declaration of Independence, one of the complaints against the king: “He has endeavoured to prevent the population of these States; for that purpose obstructing the Laws for Naturalization of Foreigners; refusing to pass others to encourage their migrations hither, and raising the conditions of new Appropriations of Lands.”
Whoa, they were declaring their independence from Steve King?
I’m a strict Provisions of Oxfordist, but don’t hold me to it.
Gotta take a Stand somewhere.
Whoa, they were declaring their independence from Steve King?
i was thinking the same thing…isn’t that what they want to do?
Gotta take a Stand somewhere.
we can no longer be the shining beacon of hope…
Sasquatch Israel!
Sasquatch Israel!
Well, that’s the last time I go hiking in the woods with my shirt off. Sorry about all the fuss.
Well, that’s the last time I go hiking in the woods with my shirt off. Sorry about all the fuss.
I was going to compliment you on the nice sweater…guess I’ll just keep that to myself…wretch
But the fun part comes next, when presumably some press flak for PlayMobility was capable of hoodwinking Fox News into running a head scratcher of a story and driving traffic to the app developers’ YouTube.”
dude, it’s seriously not hard to hoodwink fox news…
we can no longer be the shining beacon of hope…
How will you Carrie on?
In Maximum Overdrive.
To the Pet Cemetery.
Cujo repeat that, I seem to be in the fog this morning.
Well, now it’s more of a dead zone than a fog, now that the needful thing has shown up to post again. Hopefully the regulators will take care of it, but sometimes they come back.
and here i thought the steven king references would get thinner as we went along, but thread bear seems to have quite a few of them under the dome…
I’m tired of this macabre danse.
Have a Tommyknocker beer.
Why the original post even starts with IT.
Just imagine my misery when Christine pointed out to me that it’s The Mist, not The Fog. In desperation I tried to edit but I’d already pushed the submit button. That’s what I get for posting from my cell. I couldn’t use my laptop because the lithium batteries turned out to be firestarters. Oh well, I won’t lose any sleep over it. No insomnia here.
The Missed.
Have you been working out? You’re looking Thinner.
this is all better than a bag of bones, in fact, it’s a bag of tits!
My grandfather remarried a while back to a much younger woman who recently gave birth to twin baby girls so now I have new aunts as well.
Alan Keyes still is trying to get over the fact the Muslim Kenyan Usurper who squeaked out victory over him by a mere 50% margin for the Senate in 2004 (that is Obama got 75% while Keyes got about 25%) is now President, while he can’t get a job at the National Review.
Seriously that was the most relaxed election I’ve ever been involved in. It wasn’t the Harlem Globetrotters versus the Washington Generals. It was 1993 Chicago Bulls against the Bratty Elementary Whining Douchebags football team. It wasn’t bring a knife to a gun fight, it was bringing a sofa cushion to Stalingrad. Good times, good times.
If Jack Ryan hadn’t acted like a dipshit towards his wife, Obama might still be a state senator in IL today.
No, Obama would still have won. A much closer race, but Illinois is still a blue state.
But even assuming he had lost…if you read the biographical literature, you’d know that the Obamas had agreed to an “up or out” strategy. Had Obama lost, he’d have served out his state senate term and left politics, becoming a full-time law professor at U of C.
we can no longer be the shining beacon of hope…
More of a Dark Tower, I would say
and what does jack ryan being a dipshit to his own wife have to do with it?
More of a Dark Tower, I would say
yes, there is a dark half to ‘murika, and it makes my friend rose madder than anything…but you know, gop and all that…whaddya gonna do?
The Chain of Chance, featuring Jeri Ryan.
When Ryan was going to run for the Senate, the court records relating to the divorce and child support proceeding became public, and he had to drop out of the race, which is where Alan Keyes came in from Maryland to run in his stead.
Check the Wiki on Jack Ryan, politician. It’s pretty creepy when you go into the details.
Check the Wiki on Jack Ryan, or pretty much any other politician. It’s pretty creepy when you go into the details.
When Ryan was going to run for the Senate, the court records relating to the divorce and child support proceeding became public, and he had to drop out of the race,
oh, i see….
And the winner of that race was a young Harvard Law graduate, Barack Hussein Obama.
And this was after Keyes flung poo at Hillary Clinton for “carpetbagging” in NY.
But, according to Keyes it was OK because Clinton acted out of naked icky, ambition, while his motives were pure.
So, Obama set up Jack Ryan to humiliate his wife, and then, after the divorce, knowing what was in the divorce papers, had them leaked via the Chicago Tribune?
Man, what a smooth operator.
The Arrow of Time—let me show you it….
I don’t think our trolls are up to understanding temporal causality, they can barely tie their shoes in the morning.
Needless to say, the requisite of neutralizing the Democrats’ unprecedented & SHOCKING “digging up real dirt on your opponent” tactic by not being a bloody raging cobag in the first place is tragically unavailable to the GOP since the controversial addition of the “You Must Be This Scummy To Run For Office” amendment to their charter.
Teh Reagan Legacy backfires yet again.
Yep, I’ll bet Obama put the idea in Ryan’s head to take his wife to a sex club, I mean, she played a Star Trek character, Obamas’ love of Star Trek is well known, do I have to draw a diagram for you sheeple? Wake up and smell the coffee that the Tea Party was formed to save us from.
He did the Vulcan Mind Trick. Or was it the Jedi Mind Meld?
Hmm. I don’t know how things are now, but when I lived in Chicago the idea that the Tribune would be pulling any strings for any Democrat, let alone a Black Socialist Kenyan Muslim Harvard Boy, would be pretty ridiculous.
“If I had a woman like that, I’d cherish her, I’d worship her—I’d start a small country and put her face on a stamp so I could lick the back of her head!”
—Alan Harper on Jeri Ryan
The biggest news today as far as I am concerned, is the passing of Doghouse Riley.
The man was an inspiration to many of our favourite bloggers; an insightful, passionate observer of Indiana politics and a brilliant and funny writer.
The Hoosier Sage (c. Charlie Pierce) will be sadly missed in the blogosphere.
And we have to read annoying drivel from trolls and their stalkers.
So. Many. Kittens.
I have it on good authority that Obama had the wizard Merlin transform him into the veritable doublegangster of Ryan. And so disguised he took fair Jeri of 9 to swingers bars and did pressure her to perform before the masses. THEN he went back to his Secret Lair. And stroked a silver point Siamese cat. And waited…
Be still my heart.
That is sad.
You guys are all wrong. Obummer enlisted Bill Ayers to trick Ryan into thinking his wife was into that stuff, then drugged him and dragged them both to all those titty bars.
Learn your history!
I mean, after all, I just read it on the internet! It MUST be true!
Tea Mix [edit]
* Powder
o Diet Green Tea with Ginseng
o Lemon Tea
o Half Tea Half Lemonade
o Peach Tea
o Pomegranate Green Tea
* Liquid
o Green Tea with Ginseng & Honey
o Lemon Tea
o Blueberry Green Tea
o Watermelon cocktail
* Powder Stix
o Diet Green Tea with Ginseng
o Lemon Tea
o Peach Tea
o Pomegranate Green Tea
Yeah, where does all this talk of “tea” come from?
F*ckin’ colloquial English, how does that work?
well, to be correct which seems to be of the utmost importance to the entire case, if you go to the AZ tea companies page and look at it’s products, the watermelon whatever is listed under “juices”, not “teas”. i had to google this info since all i’ve ever seen of the AZ products is tea…i had no idea they made a variety of beverage like products…and for the record, i’m not sure that any of their products could truly be called tea or juice…but i do love those arnold palmers…
so, let’s all remember to research each and any reference we ever make to anything just to make sure we are absolutely correct on everysinglemotherfucking thing that comes out of our mouths or through our keyboards…apparently the entire fate of mankind relies on it…*
*above az tea company info comes from my memory of the google search i did yesterday…or possibly the day before…so, sorry if the entire universe comes apart if i am mis-remembering…
sorry if the entire universe comes apart if
I talk to trollz
well, to be correct which seems to be of the utmost importance to the entire case, if you go to the AZ tea companies page and look at it’s products, the watermelon whatever is listed under “juices”, not “teas”
It’s funny how wingnuts are so obsessed with the type of drink Martin bought, and their insistence that he was “cooking” lean, as if making purple drank were as complicated as producing meth. The only reason to mix codein laden cough syrup with a beverage (which could be any beverage, not just the magic “OMG! WATERMELON PUNCH!!!”) is to make it more palatable. Typically, the recipe involves Sprite and Jolly Ranchers, there’s no reason, besides magical thinking, that the type of beverage Martin was carrying has any significance at all.
I think wingnuts just want to use the “watermelon” trope as a not-too-effective dog whistle to further marginalize the late Mr Martin.
Also, purple drank has cross-cultural appeal.
well, to be correct which seems to be of the utmost importance to the entire case, if you go to the AZ tea companies page and look at it’s products, the watermelon whatever is listed under “juices”, not “teas”
I suspect if you looked at the ingredients list for their entire product line it’s all mostly sugar and/or corn syrup.
To clarify the “creepy details” in the Jack/Jeri Ryan situation, just because that’s the kind of guy I am: They broke up in part because he took her (more than once, IIRC) to a sex club in France and proposed that they get it on in front of a bunch of strangers. And this was a complete surprise to her.
When I think of a romantic surprise for my wife, it’s more along the lines of a nice dinner, followed by a show or concert.
Jack Ryan (who was the third flipping Republican with the surname Ryan that year, none related. They were just that unimaginative.) probably wouldn’t have been tossed from the sleigh quite so fast if he hadn’t lied to the powers-that-be about what was coming.
The basic deal was Jeri declared that she would allow the court records to be released on a Thursday or Friday. Jack went to see party elders including the rest of the statewide ticket over the weekend after which they all publicly declared Jack’s the man. No story here.
Then the records got released with the pressuring his wife into sex club revelation. And suddenly Alan “Over the Rainbow” Keyes looked like a decent candidate (while Ryan’s primary opponent, the mighty ice cream magnate Oberweiss was pushed aside, though I can’t remember why).
If Trayvon had been carrying a Coke, they would have claimed he was planning on mixing it with rum.
(while Ryan’s primary opponent, the mighty ice cream magnate Oberweiss was pushed aside, though I can’t remember why).
It probably had something to do with him being basically Mitt Romney without the charm or brains.
If Trayvon Martin had been carrying spaghetti they would have accused him of planning to mix it with meatballs.
If Trayvon Martin had been carrying yellow Play-doh, they would have accused him of planning to mix it with blue Play-doh to make green Play-doh.
If Trayvon Martin had been carrying a 2 liter bottle of Diet Coke, they would have accused him of planning to mix it with Mentos to make a huge fucking mess.
This is fun!
It probably had something to do with him being basically Mitt Romney without the charm or brains.
This dude?
paleo, didja see Brian Kilmeade talkin’ ’bout Sasquatch?
“Orthodox Trinitarian Christians”, huh? Actually a lot of the signers of the DoI and the framers of the Constitution were Unitarians, especially in New England. (And of course, many more were Deists.) You notice they were very careful to make sure that there would be no established church, because they knew they would be the first victims.
We all know the Continental Congress was a kitten-herding exercise.
Treaty of Tripoli. Ratified by Congref and signed by George Fucking Washington. “The US is in no sense a Christian nation.” That’s LAW beotches.
oooh, the illuminati were pervacious!
Also, it was the 18th c. when Adam Weishaupt and the Bavarian Illuminati took over THE ENTIRE WORLD.
Jacques DeMornay THOU ART SAUCED!
oooh, the illuminati were pervacious!
You should read Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s Illuminatus!
Treaty of Tripoli. Ratified by Congref and signed by George Fucking Washington. “The US is in no sense a Christian nation.” That’s LAW beotches.
from what i read in teh wiki, geo. washington got the ball rolling on the tot, but it was actually john adams who signed it…but yes, it does say:
carry on…
paleo, didja see Brian Kilmeade talkin’ ’bout Sasquatch?
Couldn’t help but see it. I have an aggregator set up for News O’ The What-Interests-paleo. Of course, ‘Squatch, in a bar in WA, looked up at the TV, only to see Kilmeade, and say “What. a. peckerwood.”
You should read Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s Illuminatus!
soon to be a musical, i hope?
So I will leave you liberals with this last thought.
Gawd, one can only hope.
from what i read in teh wiki, geo. washington got the ball rolling on the tot, but it was actually john adams who signed it
Oops. My bad. My memory ain’t work so gud nomore.
oooh, the illuminati were pervacious!
Sign me up!
Oh, not, um, curv… Fuck.
That sock that went missing in the dryer? Illuminati.
You should read Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s Illuminatus!
Set aside a weekend and a couple bottles of Glen Morangie. And don’t bother yourself with contemporary forms of ‘logic’ or ‘time’ or ‘causality’.
Oops. My bad. My memory ain’t work so gud nomore.
no worries, but since we are now apparently operating under the ‘every word in every post must be 110% factual or we are being lying liebral idiot crybabies’ criterion lest we invoke the wrath of a certain individual, i just thought i would point that teensy innaccuracy out…
You should read Robert Anton Wilson and Robert Shea’s Illuminatus!
soon to be a musical, i hope?
Bootsy Collins is in it, right?
So what soft drink did George Washington prefer?
A reasonably-well-dressed white person can wander around virtually anywhere in public, and even act strange or loaded, with almost no chance of being accosted, let alone shot.
I know this from personal experience, and would add that it’s happening constantly around the country. Some of the nice white people you meet are on three to six psychoactive drugs, legal and illegal, not counting stuff like Prozac.
Not too long ago I met a hale 80-year-old pothead. Had been smoking for decades; his family had long wanted him to quit, because as CEO of a certain company, his habit could appear not just irresponsible, but hypocritical in the extreme.
He mentioned in passing that he no longer used Visine (etc.) and could drive around freely getting high, with a supply, because even in the event cops pulled him over, nothing would happen. No ticket, no search. Not when you’re a well-dressed white octagenarian in a Mercedes convertible.
So what soft drink did George Washington prefer?
I don’t know, but Lincoln preferred Honest Ade.
The age and the Mercedes convertible make a big difference.
30 years or so ago, a buddy of mine got pulled over—a white guy in his 20s in an all-white suburb. This was after Reagan and M.A.D.D. got the 4th Amendment repealed, so they didn’t need any reason to search his car and they tore it apart. Eventually they found a beer bottle cap under the back seat. They were hell-bent on calling that an “open container”.
Now he’d had this 15-year-old car for six months maybe—there’s no telling how long it had been under there. But once some cop get a wild hair up his ass he’s going to find something. Well, in the long run they couldn’t make it stick, but the moral is: Don’t drive a jalopy in an upper-middle-class enclave.
I guess flip counted as a soft drink back then.
Actually, my knowledge of life in the 18th century all comes from Kenneth Roberts novels, and they were always drinking flip….
flip is hip, man…
Kenneth Roberts was a Tory Royalist nutbag but he wrote the only novel ever that featured the NH town I grew up in so I read all his books.
A reasonably-well-dressed white person can wander around virtually anywhere in public, and even act strange or loaded, with almost no chance of being accosted, let alone shot.
I guess so.
I guess so.
Interesting. But I should clarify that my main point (in spite of the anecdote about the 80-year-old pothead driving about) was about walking, like Trayvon was doing. I guess I should have chosen a “walking while white and affluent” anecdote, but they’re too numerous. You really can get away with alot.
Especially if you spend money. Go somewhere spendy and spend. Up to a point it doesn’t matter if you’re overdosed on acid. Most of those places are used to dizzy nitwits anyhow.
furby w Explosion?
We don’t call it that, but yeah … we talk alot about that.
Set aside a weekend and a couple bottles of Glen Morangie.
Better yet, a couple of lids of Panama Red.
That’s how I read it anyway. The first time.
And funny you should bring up Illuminatus!… this:
Made me think of Hagbard Celine’s Second Law.
[PS – I liked Schrodinger’s Cat trilogy even better…It’s like Psilocybin compared to Illuminatus!‘s THC.]
Peanut butter on romaine for dinner. Yummy
Quick, someone put up the Pup-signal! I need food prawn to make that go away!
Of course, he may be a badger…
Bootsy Collins as Hassan i Sabbah X.
Schrodinger’s Cat trilogy
um. googlegooglegoogle.
Pup signal?
He, and to be fair, others, often give my taste buds erections.
I’d cast Sean Connery as Hagbard Celine, and Jeff Bridges as George Dorn, and Jeff Goldblum (with a jewfro) as Simon Moon.
Oh yea, and of course Peter Dinklage as Markoff Chaney.
I’m guessing these people don’t eat many Oreos. I haven’t had one in at least a decade. Peanut butter, yes.
Oh yea. One of the major characters is a detached PENIS, of Rasuptinous proportions, which makes several appearances.
The best part is that in the second book, Wilson replaces words like Penis, Fuck, Tits, etc. with names of Supreme Court Justices, feminists, etc.
PENIS = “Rehnquist”
Tits = “Brownmillers”
Fuck = “Potter Stewart”
… and much more.
Wilson does an awesome job of reprogramming the reader. I can’t hear the name William Rehnquist without thinking of a Giant Dick.
I thought that trick of replacing swear words with Supreme Court justice names was in Gore Vidal’s Myron (the lesser-known sequel to Myra Breckinridge).
Nym, yes that is true, Gore Vidal used that device in Myron.
I can see it now, an army of semi-sentient detached penii, marching(?) off to do my bidding. Like Willard(not the Mormon one).
Ya – someone did it before… I was thinking Joyce, but I defer to your superior scholarship.
James Joyce? He’d never play word games!
Myron was an odd book. I enjoyed the gimmick of movie fans willing themselves into the films they love through the late late TV show screenings (you could– and someone probably has– get an interesting novel on the nature of fandom out of that), but Myra/Myron is not an easy protagonist to like.
Free Willies!
I can see it now, an army of semi-sentient detached penii, marching(?) off to do my bidding. Like Willard(not the Mormon one).
Free Willies!
There actually is a musical version.
There actually is a musical version.
i don’t think there is anything on this earth that could get me to click that link…
i don’t think there is anything on this earth that could get me to click that link…
What about a truck full of cheesecakes?
Here’s a link you can click. My stepson is a radiologist and he’s been doing cartoons about his work environment.
What about a truck full of cheesecakes?
My stepson is a radiologist and he’s been doing cartoons about his work environment.
That was funny. Good luck to him!
once again, the other mccain gets it wrong and is a total misogynistic asshole…
bonus mango:
also, too…’typical democrat girls’ are all sluts…
I had to buy it off him.
The Kiev, tragically, has closed, but it was one of the best places to go after an all-night drinking binge. Nothing like a pot of coffee and a plate of kielbasa and potato pancakes to help with a hangover.
I was dragged to the Kiev a couple of times and I always thought I would have been better off in Chinatown. I’m just not slavic enough. I know people that loved it though.
Also, too, Shakes made me laff
I was dragged to the Kiev a couple of times and I always thought I would have been better off in Chinatown. I’m just not slavic enough.
Not a lot of 24-hour options, Wo Hop on Mott south of Canal was one. It was near the precinct house, so there would always be a lot of cops in there.
I guess I’m showing my age cause I remember Noodletown being open 24 but gazoogle sez they close at 3. There was a Shanghai place on East B’way open all the time when I was around but it’s gone now. My last dawn crawl through there ended Vietnamese somewhere on Mott and that was only 2 or 3 years ago.
Wow, I had totally forgotten about Wo Hop. You really specialize in Ye Olde New Amsterdam don’t you?
Wow, I had totally forgotten about Wo Hop. You really specialize in Ye Olde New Amsterdam don’t you?
Nah, more like drunkard’s New York.
My last dawn crawl through there ended Vietnamese somewhere on Mott and that was only 2 or 3 years ago.
My favorite Vietnamese is on Centre Street, north of the Courthouse, on the outskirts of Chinatown. For bahn mi, though, I swear by Paris bakery on Mott north of Canal- they bake their baguettines on the premises.
It sounds weird calling plain-old heterosexual adultery “deviant”. Newsflash: women have committed adultery ever since marriage was invented. It’s not some big weird fetish for a woman to want to have sex with a man.
also, too…’typical democrat girls’ are all sluts…
That’s why I became a democrat.
My favorite Vietnamese is on Centre Street
That’s across from an odd shaped park? Yeah, they’re good, there’s a weird chinese restaurant on that street too that I liked.
Hey! It’s better than trollz.
That’s across from an odd shaped park? Yeah, they’re good, there’s a weird chinese restaurant on that street too that I liked.
Had some really good frogs’ legs in lemongrass-infused broth at the Vietnamese place, and their pho is delicious.
Nobody does frogs like the Vietnamese. In north Vietnam there was a street stall where they had sharpened spoons, like grapefruit spoons, for gutting frogs. They’d gut them and throw them in the marinade bucket and then thread them on bamboo skewers to grill on a hibachi while basting with nuoc cham and chili. Real good.
Nobody does frogs like the Vietnamese. In north Vietnam there was a street stall where they had sharpened spoons, like grapefruit spoons, for gutting frogs. They’d gut them and throw them in the marinade bucket and then thread them on bamboo skewers to grill on a hibachi while basting with nuoc cham and chili. Real good.
won’t anyone think of the tadpoles?!
I tried frogs legs exactly once when I lived in Louisiana. They were OK but I probably wouldn’t go out of my way for them.
I tried frogs legs exactly once when I lived in Louisiana. They were OK but I probably wouldn’t go out of my way for them.
i tried frog legs exactly once also…i had no idea what they were…i thought they were little drumsticks…my family found my confusion and near vomiting to be pretty funneh…
i tried frog legs exactly once also…i had no idea what they were…i thought they were little drumsticks…
I have a friend who’s best described as a perma-n00b. A bunch of us went to Coney Island to watch the AAA ball club (the Cyclones) play. We stopped at Nathan’s before the game and I ordered a couple of portions of frogs’ legs (when they are attached to the hip, it looks like you’re eating a Smurf). Anyway, I tell everybody to dig in, and perma-n00b takes a bite:
“This has got a bone in it!”
“What did you expect?”
“Chicken fingers got no bones!”
I had to walk away for a couple of minutes… same guy thinks he’s a steak aficianado, even though he orders his steaks well done. He actually ordered a porterhouse once, and was shocked that it had a bone in it. Of course, the fact that there is a bone in it is a defining characteristic of a porterhouse.
He’d be better off sticking to chicken nuggets.
same guy thinks he’s a steak aficianado, even though he orders his steaks well done
In France I once ordered a steak “blue” which is rare even by French standards.
The guy I was eating lunch with took one look and said “If the paramedics got here soon enough they could probably resuscitate that thing”.
B4 is your friend’s name Rimmer? Does he know the correct temperature for gazpacho soup?
Used to gig frogs occasionally. Persillade, yum. I sometimes use chicken breast, cubed, prepared persillade. Yum.
B4 is your friend’s name Rimmer?
Gah, the mere thought of this d00d eating ass is gonna make me hork up a hairball, and I’m bald.
Does he know the correct temperature for gazpacho soup?
He’s not much of a vegetable eater, he’s probably never had gazpacho. Oddly enough, he’s of Iberian extraction, though he hates the cuisine.
Just starting thread – anybody mention Crunchy Frog candy yet?
I sometimes use chicken breast, cubed, prepared persillade.
Oh, you mean chimichurri!
Now, pup’s going to make duck persillade.
even though he orders his steaks well done
In France I once ordered a steak “blue” which is rare even by French standards.
i shudder whenever somebody orders their steak anything above medium…when is was much, much younger, i was a well-done…then i learned the joys of medium-rare…i don’t think i’ll ever get to the ‘one raw, hold the horns’ setting, though…
i also have great contempt for those who put ketchup or steak sauce (esp. heinz 57) all over their* steak…and may become apoplectic if it is both well done and doused in any of the above…
*and yes, i know it’s their steak and they are paying for it, but holy hellions, if you’re going to go out and spend money on a good piece of beef, you should be able to taste the damn thing!
*and yes, i know it’s their steak and they are paying for it, but holy hellions, if you’re going to go out and spend money on a good piece of beef, you should be able to taste the damn thing!
Right? If you want well done meat slathered with sauce, you may as well buy beef heart and stew it. It’s a hell of a lot cheaper.
Just starting thread – anybody mention Crunchy Frog candy yet?
well, then it wouldn’t be crunchy, would it?!
Duck persillade? … Naw, don’t think so. Eggs Benny with duck confit and sauce Maltaise, however. Get it? Duck l’orange.
I have been to restos that refused to prepare steak beyond medium rare. Waitron to patron who objected: “If you don’t want rare steak then order something other than steak.”
I have been to restos that refused to prepare steak beyond medium rare. Waitron to patron who objected: “If you don’t want rare steak then order something other than steak.”
I’ve seen the waitstaff explain that cooking the steak beyond medium will impair the flavor, but I’ve never seen them refuse. I think the proper response would be to serve the idiot a hotdog.
John Nolte has discovered what a metaphor is.
I’ve seen the waitstaff explain that cooking the steak beyond medium will impair the flavor, but I’ve never seen them refuse. I think the proper response would be to serve the idiot a hotdog.
i always ask our customers how everything was when they come to the bar to pay their ticket…my favorite complaint is, ‘well, my steak was kinda tough…’ and then i look at their ticket and see WD…duh…it’s just been cooked to shoe leather…what did you expect? also, you’re about 90 years old and can’t chew anything anymore!
my favorite complaint is, ‘well, my steak was kinda tough…’ and then i look at their ticket and see WD…duh…it’s just been cooked to shoe leather…what did you expect? also, you’re about 90 years old and can’t chew anything anymore!
Just give them a Salisbury steak, they’ll be happier in the long run… if there is a long run for them.
Pssst – John Nolte, “enema” is not a verb. Not even a noun that can be verbed. Also, you’re a doofus.
Open letter to Wil Shortz,
“Eng” is not a “H. S. subj” in any H. S. I’ve ever known of. Seriously, are you becoming daft?
I have been to restos that refused to prepare steak beyond medium rare
Pretty much the entire country of France, except for places that cater mostly to tourists.
Really? I took English all four years of high school.
Pssst – John Nolte, “enema” is not a verb.
For Nolte it is: John Nolte enemaed another blog post.
I wonder what Nolte’s prescription for income inequality is? Welfare “reform” and lower capital gains taxes?
I touk Canadioun.
Yes, he seems to blame socialism for that uncaring class of rich folks he should theoretically love.
Sorry B4, I was referring to the straight man (protagonist?) in Red Dwarf.
And when I say I’m sorry I am expressing my sympathy because you’ve never seen the show.
There is no possible way I could explain how gazpacho soup fits in here, you’ll have to find out for yourself.
And when I say I’m sorry I am expressing my sympathy because you’ve never seen the show.
Pity that, didn’t Claire Grogan have a cameo role? Uhh…. Claire Grogan…
Restaurants that won’t serve it above medium rare? I’ve had to sign fricking releases to get a steak that is less cooked than medium well and some places won’t serve pink meat at all. Ostensibly this is to protect diners from food borne illnesses and the restaurant from lawsuits, but my husband pointed out that cooking everything at medium well or above requires less effort (and skill) on the chef’s part.
You can find episodes on line. Unless you don’t like Brit. Comedy, in which case you must be a demon wearing a meat suit or something.
Was she playing Kristine Kochanski?
Restaurants that won’t serve it above medium rare? I’ve had to sign fricking releases to get a steak that is less cooked than medium well and some places won’t serve pink meat at all. Ostensibly this is to protect diners from food borne illnesses and the restaurant from lawsuits, but my husband pointed out that cooking everything at medium well or above requires less effort (and skill) on the chef’s part.
here in mn (may be elsewhere also) restos cannot serve pre-fab burgers below a certain temp…but if you grind your own burger, then you can serve it however the customer wants…as far as not serving any meat that is pink, imma going with your husband on this one…
You can find episodes on line. Unless you don’t like Brit. Comedy, in which case you must be a demon wearing a meat suit or something.
being a bit of a brit lover, i have been tempted to check out red dwarf…so, it’s pretty good, eh?
I have been to restos that refused to prepare steak beyond medium rare. Waitron to patron who objected: “If you don’t want rare steak then order something other than steak.”
I’ve been to a resto where the patron ordered a steak well done and when the food came out he was given a plate with an old leather shoe on it.
You can find episodes on line. Unless you don’t like Brit. Comedy, in which case you must be a demon wearing a meat suit or something.
Have you seen Dark Star by John Carpenter and Dan O’Bannon? I think it was a major inspiration.
Was she playing Kristine Kochanski?
Probably, pretty little blonde slip of a Scot?
I’ve been to a resto where the patron ordered a steak well done and when the food came out he was given a plate with an old leather shoe on it.
that’s a good one…our menus give descriptions of the varying donenesses and well done is described as ‘ruined’…
Was she playing Kristine Kochanski?
Yes, in series 1,2 and 6.
Have you seen Dark Star by John Carpenter and Dan O’Bannon?
Watched it at least once when I was in college.
“with an old leather shoe on it ”
Aaargh This gave me a flashback to a movie that makes me cry uncontrollably – yes, it’s a comedy.
Charlie Chaplin’s The Gold Rush.
You know, this is the scene where he eats his boots, having nothing else – brilliant. The saddest scene is where he waits for his friends to arrive for a party – breaks me every time.
Same thing in Madame Butterfly – Un bel di – breaks me down -waiting for someone who doesn’t come. Must be some subconscious pain in me or something.
/stream of consciousness post
Alan Keyes got 27% against Obama which gave birth to this internet meme:
“Keyes was from out of state, so you can eliminate any established political base; both candidates were black, so you can factor out racism; and Keyes was plainly, obviously, completely crazy. Batshit crazy. Head-trauma crazy. But 27% of the population of Illinois voted for him. They put party identification, personal prejudice, whatever ahead of rational judgement. Hell, even like 5% of Democrats voted for him. That’s crazy behaviour. I think you have to assume a 27% Crazification Factor in any population.”
Much of the bombastic campaign rhetoric from 2008 – THINK “3 a.m. call” – proved as ephemeral as the thousands of half-melted “Hillary” candy bars Clinton’s staff handed out on Super Tuesday five years ago.
I rest my case.
being a bit of a brit lover, i have been tempted to check out red dwarf…so, it’s pretty good, eh?
I will go out on a limb, as, admittedly, a tremendous nerd, and say that some of it was absolutely brilliant.
Oh. “English. Fuck.
“The path of my life is strewn with cowpats from the Devils’ own satanic HERD.”
Blackadder II
I always liked British Comedy, KTEH in San Jose used to play a lot of Brit coms and, of course, Dr. Who.
some of it was absolutely brilliant.
Yeah. Some of it was pretty silly too but I do love me some low-budget Brit scifi / comedy (and combinations thereof).
I’m a God-fearing Christ-follower (though I don’t believe in fearing God, that goes beyond a healthy respect), and I don’t believe in hell. I believe in people of all colors, and I believe in rap. I even write rap. I am white. So much for stereotypes.
Come on BLT, you gotta prove it with a link.
The commenter pricks from Sub’s link are shredding Matt Damon…fucking morons.
Bruce Willis is a right wing phukupp, but I still watch anything he puts out because the guy is fucking good. WAIT–except for the last 16 Die Hard movies. I’m over that shit.
Me too, but you know, I only use it playing pool or ping pong.
It cured my alliteracy.
Did it tone your assonance?
Did it tone your assonance?
Fire up the bassoons!!!
Did it tone your assonance?
We can test, I have quarters.
It cured my alliteracy.
Alleviated all attraction, did it?
Interest? Newsletter? Website? Bunk?
Fifty cents should do for half an ass.
There’s gotta be a half a loon joke there somewhere. Not seeing it
There’s gotta be a half a loon joke there somewhere. Not seeing it
Two quatloons on teh newcomer.
POOP = number twoonie.
Red Dwarf is on par with Blackadder. The fact that it is SciFi means it has fewer restraints. Cat alone is worth the time spent watching an episode or 3.
Caveat: I didn’t realize it had such a long run. I can’t vouch for later episodes.
Quatloons are 1/8 of doubloons? Pieces of eight?
tsam skrev:
They’re Blartblart readers; what did you expect?
Oh, and B4, thanks for posting the medley of King Missile’s hit. Guaranteed to pick me up when the Rise of the Right has me thinking it’s time to give up on domesticated primates.
I know it’s called hand cream, but it works wonders on the PENIS
Oh, and B4, thanks for posting the medley of King Missile’s hit. Guaranteed to pick me up when the Rise of the Right has me thinking it’s time to give up on domesticated primates.
I live to serve! One can never have too much King Missile.
Good kitteh, messy house.
Why settle for a personal lubrican’t, when you can use a lubriCAN
New one, sadly had to remove the burden and share. i would also like to thank the helpers…
OK, herb and late nite Heavy Metal. Heh.
All pre-hiatus series of Red Dwarf are great, but the revived version is not remotely comparable.
You Red Dwarf fans should probably check out Robert Llewellyn (Kryten) on twitter – he’s a pretty cool guy, especially if you like electric cars…
Clicked on your name from Pharyngula. This is a great blog! Glad I discovered it.