Patriarchy Inc.

This was a real ad that Ford commissioned and fairly high level approved. This is a real Ford ad completed concept sketch that got pretty far in the completed ad development process in its ad agency before being proudly leaked to the internet. But the fact that this was seen as acceptable in the first place and seriously proposed as a way to sell motor vehicles is not at all a sign of an increase in sexist backlash against women or anything like that. Or something. All I know is that I should be able to blame MISANDRY for all this somehow.

Carol Sarler, The Daily Burden Upon My Very Soul Mail Online:
Why bosses are right to distrust women who don’t want children… by a VERY outspoken mother (and ex-boss)

… Oh sweet toe-nibbling sub Jesus, that fucking title! Not just any outspoken mother, but a VERY outspoken mother. Sorry, Daily Mail, were you worried that we’d only consider her SLIGHTLY outspoken? Did you think we’d be trudging along and then go “Whot, ho! This scurrilous wench has deceived me! Her condescending ‘concern’ is only PASSABLY outspoken at best!” and you wanted to nip that in the bud early on and assure us that regardless of how she is presented here, she is surely VERY outspoken in general? Well, I for one, am a little put off by the defensiveness shown here. I’m starting to suspect there might have been vocal chord doping involved in this year’s Outspoken Games and I’m-

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • I know you bitches always complain about being denied jobs and advancement because “you little ladies are just going to drop out and have children anyways”. Well, it turns out we’re also willing to discriminate against you for being evil soulless “career women” who lack the fundamental “humanity” to drop out of the boy’s club and retire back to your gilded cages where you belong.

Sorry, I seemed to drift off there a little bit. The Daily Fail is one of those unholy slogs through nightmarish hellscapes and seems to have been specially designed by sadists to personally drive me insane.

For example, today’s “output” from the proud fascists’ condescending fishwrap “marketed for the lower classes”, is part of their special Femail sectionKRRRRRRRRRCCCCCCCCHHHHHHH

Sorry, I think my teeth just filed themselves into point sharp spikes as a Pavlovian response. Anyways, we’ve seen various terrible “for women” sections in wingnut media, but this may, BY FAR, be the worst yet. The whole section is festooned in pink (*tik*) with important sections on fashion, food, and babies, because bitchesamirite (*tikgrind*), and based on the sidebar, most of the articles seem to consist of “women you need breed now” (*tikgrindhssss*) articles next to poorly photoshopped bikini photos of famous straight actresses (*tikgrindhssssnap*), because… I think they are a bit confused on their intended message there admittedly. Overall, it’s enough-

Interrupting Your Author’s Mental Exodus:

  • Are we actually going to start talking about the article or…

Oh don’t you start on me! I’ll talk about the article when I’m damn well ready!

Okay, let’s begin… by talking about Carol Sarler. Carol Sarler is that woman you’ve seen a million times in print media. The professional misogynist who happens to be a woman so all the old white male editors can pretend that “it’s not us who are saying this archaic crap, it’s another woman, therefore blah blah blah, feminism is dead”. The only difference is that Carol Sarler tends to take it the full Dr. Helen in trying desperately to earn her honorary man card so she can escape the horrors of being considered a woman in sexist conservative society. It’d be heartbreaking if she wasn’t such a terrible conspiracy-selling vile excuse for humanity (I’d have written a full post about her post in the final link, but when I attempted it, I blacked out for 5 hours and when I woke up my screen was covered in 12,000 words of eldritch screaming and the word “fuck”).

And so, like every professional misogynist out there, she’s of course taken her various swings at those vile women who dare participate in man’s word by trying to avoid starving to death in the streets. But since she works for racist, British Empire Uber Alles dickweasels, her particular incarnation and obsession is a bit more on those vile white women who refuse their “biological programming” to breed and instead commit themselves to career in the same way that men are pretty much expected to.

But since, that’s still not quite enough pure venom for one post, she does her best to “season it” with little dog-whistles and jabs at the standard conservative bugaboos. For instance:

Much as I like to trumpet the importance of a woman’s right to choose all things at all times,

Ha ha, she really really doesn’t, but like most wingnuts, she hopes that by appropriating cultural ideas that conservatives have publicly lost and trying to twist them to support retrogressive positions, she can somehow make those hideous ideas last longer or otherwise cudgel minority groups into shutting up. You know, like arguing that blacks are the real racists because they don’t let Klansmen join the NAACP?

Oh, hey, you see that comma at the end of that “sentence”. Yeah… I call that a savior comma. Savior commas appear at the end of sentences like a giant question to the author going “are you sure you don’t want to end here safely on this side of the sentence where you won’t quite reveal the maggots that feast upon your mind? Sadly, savior commas are possibly the most ineffectual bunch of punctuation known to man and can only serve to warn those of us continuing on to grab on for dear life.

there’s one choice I simply cannot understand: the choice of an otherwise sane and healthy woman not to have children.

Yes, apparently all of us whorish young women who haven’t yet squeezed a batch of mewling flesh from our uterii and especially those harlots among us who have no intention of ever doing so, are just unthinkable, insane, and diseased specimens.

And just in case, we didn’t quite get the message, she proceeds to mention a number of right-wing scare-groups that we’re less human than in the eyes of people who thought Hitler should have won World War II.


If a would-be mother is a singleton of 40 who decides to have a baby without a partner, I might wish she’d thought of it sooner and prepared for it better – but I understand.

SINGLE MOTHERS! Those sick, ungrateful, patriarchy-eschewing harlots who dare breed without a man and therefore are single-handedly responsible for all crime everywhere according to The Smiler and others. Also:

If she’s half of a lesbian couple who ‘borrows’ the wherewithal, I might cross my fingers that the child is not teased at school – but I understand.

CUM-BURGLING LESBIANS! She’s willing to “understand” that they exist and may be theoretically human, because, at least they’re not the diseased, possibly asexual creatures known as “the childless”.

Even if she’s a 66-year- old pregnant pensioner, threatening to turn motherhood into a freak show, I might (indeed, I do) think she’s monstrously selfish and dangerously wrong – but again, more or less, I understand.

EVEN POOR PEOPLE AND OLD PEOPLE! Yes, those two unholy groups of hideous twisted villainy! Poor people and their sickening poverty, corrupting the very land around them because such squalor couldn’t possibly have resulted due to institutional neglect and predatory slumlords! Old people and their… oldness, neglecting their youthful looks by daring to get old, and stealing from hard-working bankers by daring to have government-guaranteed incomes that are not going straight to wealthy douchenozzles who couldn’t possibly hope to spend it in their lives*! Mere novice Satanists compared to the galaxy-destroying evils of the Childless!

Yet if she says she hasn’t a shred of maternal feeling in her, moreover, if she says she would prefer to concentrate on her career and that a child would only get in the way of it, then my head might acknowledge her right to do so. But my heart whispers: ‘Lady, you’re weird.’

I’ll totally tolerate them and their temporary “right” to do… something that hasn’t been weird for women to do in the UK in at least 30 years and is these days honestly a bit expected, but that’s only because I fear cold steel would fail to pierce their black, dead hearts.

It was welcome news, therefore, to discover this week that I am not alone.

Huh, seconds after introducing the “savior comma”, we get an example of its marginally more successful cousin, the “savior period”. It knows well enough to close the sentence and lock and bar its gates from the horribleness to come, but sadly, it can do naught but watch in horror as the rest of the paragraph is consumed in flames.

Research conducted over six years shows that far from bosses and colleagues always being suspicious of a working mother, the opposite is becoming true: it is the childless woman who is regarded as cold and odd.

What’s that, you say?

Sexists who cling to excuses about women “leaving their jobs to raise families” to justify sexist discriminatory hiring and promotion policies look down most strongly on the exact groups that disprove their sexist assumptions?

Next you’re going to tell me that employers who believe there are fundamental differences between men and women discriminate most strongly against transgender, genderqueer, and queer individuals who blur the line rather than the living stereotypes who playact upholding them! Or maybe that employers or political parties who believe in the inherent inferiority of other races might hold their vilest hatreds for those minority members who demonstrate their intelligence and competence and thus treat them worse than the token members they hire to make them look less racist! Or maybe that women who speak out against sexism in industries are always treated worse than the women in those industries who make sure to shut up when shit like that happens!

Seriously, this is a more pathetic attempt at dodging accurate accusations of bigotry than even the shit-dance Republicans have been making around immigration of late.

As a result, it is these single-track careerists who are increasingly likely to be vilified, refused jobs and denied promotion

Really? I am so shocked that women trying to participate fully in the corporate world are actively harassed, denied employment, and denied advancement due to archaic sexism. It’s almost like all those feminists bitching about the problem were RIGHT or something.

because many employers believe them to lack what the study calls ‘an essential humanity’.

I know this is a minor nitpick what with the horror of the overall viewpoint and all, but…

Holy fuckballs are wingnuts getting bad at hiding their “I wanna be real science too, mommy” bullshit. Fuck, here, we’re getting this study cited in terms of the years spent studying the subject and even directly quoted here. It’s apparently a major source for the news article itself (and yes, it’s trying to pass itself as an opinion-based news article) and they still can’t be bothered to link to the study itself or even name who worked on it?

What, have they spent so many years shitcanning the reputations of so many think tanks that they think their readers will recognize their in-house lie-merchants by sight? Or is the article itself a rare bit of real science that they’re trying to obfuscate by failing to note how the study rips its teeth savagely into the patriarchy and removes its still beating heart? Or have they realized that their audience is so dumb and lazy that just referring generally to “studies” that never existed outside the tightly sewn-up reaches of their digestive tracks will be treated with the same gravitas and weight as genuine peer-reviewed scholarship?

And I know exactly what they mean.

Yes, I bet you would know what “they” mean, Constipation Lady.

In the little hothouse of my own trade as a hack,

(pause in drinking soda)PSSSSSSSSSHHHH!


I… I… never expected to hear one of them actually admit it… I can die happy now. Tell my post-writing software I love….

I play a game with myself. Reading all the other female scribblers, sometimes with grudging admiration and sometimes none at all, I try to guess from their expression of their world view whether or not they are mothers.

I haven’t – yet – been wrong. Now, with MPs so much in the headlines, I’ve extended the game and started to guess about the women among them, too.

As far as I can tell, my score is also pretty high there – even though it’s just a feeling. On both sides of the political divide, as with the writers, it’s not what MPs say or do, so much as how they go about it.

… I think you could have stopped with the savior period up there, Carol… Fuckin’ hell. You “play a game” guessing whether or not women have kids based on whether or not you view their hearts as having fangs like a beast and blah blah archaic sexism and you congratulate yourself for being spot on despite never having checked your answers about rather prominent public figures whose marital status is pretty high-profile.

There are ways to be less deserving of the highly-paid writing job you currently hold, but I’m having difficulty thinking of them at the moment.

Fuck… I’m strongly regretting turning down my chance to work at the Weekly Shithead ranting about the evils of trans* people.

‘Mothers bring something extra’

Oh, hey, we could have spent an article ranting about how childless women deserve their discrimination for being all weird and childless, but it turns out that Carol Sarler does have a pair of neurons to rub together (and no more) and has realized that proper child-breeding women would be next in line in her perfect world and so wants to try and innoculate herself first by trying to argue that pushing out a child from your uterus somehow makes you even more qualified than usual to be employable as a woman.

And if that touch of ‘essential humanity’ – or its absence – colours such notably tough professions, it’s hardly surprising that employers are starting to notice that the same applies across the spectrum of workplaces.

Or she could try and argue that being childless casts a zombie cloud of death around the hulking abomination frames that house their unfeeling metal hearts that causes them to regard customers with inhuman indifference and casual malice.

Because when all you know is kicking women when they’re down, apparently you completely lose the ability to speak in your own defense.

Of course, we need not be silly about it.

Yes, not breeding apparently makes you a subhuman monster, one whose very interactions with other people leaves them cold and drained as from a close encounter with some vile succubus, but we don’t want to be silly about this discriminatory nonsense.

You’re right Carol Sarler, let’s start rolling up the stats for a 26-year-old Careerist Doppleganger!

Nobody wishes to see a female soldier in combat with a six-week-old infant in one arm and a rifle in the other.

Or a high-flier working 20-hour days while still breast-feeding. Or the mother of a small brood taking on any job of such erratic hours that she cannot promise them when or even if she’ll be home.

Oh, that’s what you meant…

Yeah, no bets allowed on whether or not she thinks the solution to this little “damned if you do, damned if you don’t” trap is for women to abandon those fields once more so they can safely be the all-male fetish objects that closeted wingnuts crave them to be.

Also, no bets on whether or not that would be her ideal solution (for everyone other than her) for the rest of the industries as well.

But most jobs aren’t like that – and most children don’t stay babies for long.

Yeah, you greedy harlots. All you have to do is drop out of those age-sensitive and seniority-sensitive industries for 6-8 years in order to raise a child that can be safely left behind for extended stays (but more like 18-20 if you don’t want to be viewed as a terrible mother) so that we don’t think you’re one of those evil “careerists”. And hey, in the meantime, you don’t mind being paid 75% of a real salary because you’re just “going to drop out and plop out a kid, anyways”, right?

Also, none of these women could ever expect that the man drop out of their less time or travel sensitive position and take up more child-raising duties, because… ha ha, silly bitches, don’t you know that Patriarchy Inc doesn’t work like that?

Fuck, you’d think after over 50 years of banging this particular drum, they might have learned to hide the double-standard horseshit a bit better.

Besides which, in my experiences both as a colleague and an employer, I have found that mothers almost always bring something extra to the job, to the benefit of all.

So say certain commenters of this forum as well, but I think they had something in their eye because they were winking the whole time they were saying it.

It’s not the mothers, for a start, who are going to turn up late and hungover after a night on the razz;

Spoken like a woman who paid her maid to wake up and take care of the baby during those “peaky” first months.

they’ll have been up, dressed and alert for hours, having cooked a family breakfast and delivered their children to school. On time.


You are a mother. Or at least you’ve shoved your little artifact child in front of as many articles as you can justify getting paid for. So how the flying fuck do you know less about what it’s like to be a mother than Ann Fucking Romney…? Wait, are we entirely sure Carol Sarler isn’t Ann Romney’s pseudonym? Cause both seem to have the same “I paid the maid to take care of all this shit” relationship when talking about what “mothers are like”.

Fuck, that shit is so fantasy kingdom sitcom that it’s almost laughable. Unless the mother was damn lucky enough to move her hours so they don’t start until noon or cruel enough to drop them off 2 or 3 hours before school starts, those kids are pretty much damn lucky if they’ve got some lunchboxes packed for their school day and a note telling them to make sure they catch the bus on time and by the way, mommy’s going to be busy tonight with a “late meeting” with someone who isn’t a neglectful patriarchal asshole like their father.

Oh and hey, patriarchal fantasists? You want the “return” of sitcom families? Then you might want to A) make working hours more flexible without mentally “dinging” those who attempt to take advantage, B) pay people enough so they can regularly afford to take care of a family with a single salary, and C) give up all the capitalist exploitation and theft of the public purse and instead gleefully support both a robust safety net as well as extensive family friendly facilities and programs in all places of employment.

In short, stop being you.

It’s not the mothers, usually, who run the office bitch-fest.

Yes… Totally, it’s not at all “mothers”… No, fuck her euphemism and attempt to universalize her petty bullshit under the guise of speaking for “mothers”. It’s not at all “patriarchy-invested grown-up Plastics” who run the gossip mills about those evil young bitches and their damnable wasted youth or who try and support the old white men in the office in their discrimination efforts against gender-non-conforming and/or career-minded women or who default office conversations to the standard soup of Patriarchy-approved topics and bitter conservatism that are always considered the only “acceptable” “business conversations”.

Please, if the IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION was any stronger on this bit of odious bullshit, we could use it to visualize dark matter in space!

They’re not there to compete for the attentions of the male executives;

Have you ever even worked a day in your fucking life?

Competing for the attentions of the male executives? Like that’s been a thing in… fuck, decades? Like when that was even a “thing”, it wasn’t because of intense restrictions and cultural pressure on women against ever having a career and thus needing to quickly rely on getting a man before their “expiration date” hit?

Do… do you even know what you’re arguing against at this point?

So, evil heartless childless young women are evil because… they are patriarchal throwbacks to a time rightfully stabbed in the heart by thousands of brave feminists who went before and fought for the right of women to work in the workplace and be taken seriously?

Uh huh. Yeah, I’m sure adding more layers of Patriarchal discrimination to the workplace will totally solve those problems, mmm hmmm.

they’re there to get out of the house; they’re there because they genuinely enjoy some adult company;


This is your long-awaited argument on behalf of working mothers? That they are so traumatized by the unblinking hell of their home lives that they are willing to quietly suffer through any bullshit their workplace throws at them and give away what remains of their life and energy because at least it’s not clinging up shit all night and then fending off the drunken advances of an ungrateful pub-crawling husband?

Leaving aside the archaic sexism of those assumptions (as well as the assumptions that parents never need to go out and get crazy to forget the Hell they’ve made shaping their life into the White Picket Fence fantasy), I’m forced to actually agree with this a little.

I imagine that workplaces, when forced to allow women in, do in fact prefer to hire desperate people who are willing to suffer anything because at least its preferable to their home life. That, however is not exactly a ringing endorsement of the bag of Capitalist Fail we have now, though.

Also? I think the vast majority of working mothers who would rather not be abused by their workplaces and in fact actually like their home lives (hence why they choose to stay in them rather than bailing) and like having adult interactions outside of work because they haven’t destroyed their entire lives to fit a sitcom’s idea of what a family “should” look like might have a few words of choice regarding your overall “defense” of them.

and they’re there because they have mouths to feed other than their own and shoes to buy for someone else’s feet.

Yes, Bob forbid, they ever dare want to put food in their own mouth or buy themselves some pretty shoes or a luxury item that isn’t based on a stereotype. Why, if a mother dared do that and not consider her entire salary the sole property of her children and her deadbeat husband (because apparently every husband in Carol Land is a deadbeat who can’t be expected to help out even a little), then she’d be just as heartless and cruel as those vile feminist “childless” people.

Also, wasn’t this article supposed to, at one time, argue WHY these bigoted viewpoints about childless women were right rather than just going “grrr, I hate them for having money and time and lives outside work and bossing the maids around!”?

Oh, and I should also take the time to point out in the midst of the little dog-whistle about “shoes for someone else’s feet” that we’ve yet again got the Capitalism Fetishists arguing that one’s employers have a right to dictate what you can use your earned salary on.

Cause apparently underpaying you for work provided means they personally control that money forever and if they think you’re just going to spend it on luxuries like a pair of shoes that look professional for the office but don’t cripple the feet like the mandatory heels have been or a quick single-person meal from the local fast-food restaurant, then they have the right to underpay you even more to stop you.

Note that I’m not being facetious here. That’s what the conservatives have been more and more openly arguing for both here in USA!USA!USA! and abroad in cheeze-eatin-surrender-land. The right to own your money even after they underpay you for the work you provide making them even more undeservedly rich.

There’s a joke in there somewhere, but I have a sneaking suspicion it’s on all of us.

Two-thirds of working mothers, a recent survey found, could not provide for the children they love in the manner they would wish if they lost their jobs. So there’s incentive for you.

Are… You’re… I…

She’s openly praising that even the Capitalism of the UK provides a shitty enough safety net to force working mothers to cling to shitty jobs and put up with outright abuse out of desperation.

Considering this is the woman who argued that an even more abusive law system in the UK that actively scared women out of reporting is better than one that still scares most women out of reporting crimes because the low conviction and legal system support prove that the vast majority of women try to lie about being raped for the wonderful free smoothies (Yes, yes, she did), this is hardly unsurprising, but it is still amazing when you see something so coldly thrown up. Hey, IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION girl, which group of individuals were the cold, unfeeling creatures again? Was it the group of stereotypical ideas of what younger and more feminist women are like (euphemismed to “childless”) or was it the group of proferssional misogynist capitalism fetishists working to make the workforce even more hostile to women (euphemismed sickly to “mothers”, because apparently non-douche working mothers just don’t fucking count)? I just keep losing track and FOR FUCK’S SAKE WHY IS THE PAGE SO FUCKING PINK?!?

Hahhh, hahhh… Anyhoo:

They will, it is true, snatch time off for poorly children and Christmas carol services.

Wanting time off for Christmas is seen as a bad thing?

And it’s true they will insist that, in return for arriving on the dot of 9am, they must also leave on the dot of 5pm.

Wanting to only work the hours for which they receive PAY is a bad thing?!?

Valuing assets in your staff

Ooh, after that, can we value humans in our resources?

Quelle ironie, of all the poses she’s attempted to do this article, only the boss one has come across halfway competently… Shame that abusing the staff that actually raise your child doesn’t really count as being a “boss”, now isn’t it?

But rarely have I encountered a mother who did not offer to make up time lost,

Make up the time lost… to actually working her set hours and the hours for which she was paid rather than the made-up unpaid overtime hours the rest of the staff is expected to fulfill out of some sick misunderstanding of the point of receiving a “salary” instead of hourly pay?

This is almost becoming beautiful. In her attempt to argue that no, no, it’s the proper patriarchal role fulfillers who should be considered exemplary female-cootied employees rather than the ones who “dare put on the man-role”, she’s turning to more and more bizarre stretches of logic in order to argue that working mothers are more easily abused and mistreated than their alternative.

It’s like watching a greedy sub beg to be tied up with ramen noodles and beaten with wooden mallet but without any of the dignity or class.

often in lunch hours.

Between the fantasy of mothers spending all their time cooking other people meals and this belief that they don’t need lunch hours, I’m having to wonder if you haven’t gotten “working mothers” confused with robot servants.

Cause, yeah, little bit of a difference between the two.

As for leaving on time, put enough mothers together in one workplace and you’ll get rid of the ghastly ethos of ‘presenteeism’, whereby people vie for plaudits based solely on how late – albeit often uselessly – they hang around the office.

Oh how cute, she thinks that if and her fellow breeders make a big show of how properly chastised they are by the patriarchy and how hard they worked to make it a single-chick free space, their Capitalist oppressors will look kindly upon them and allow them to have actual lives rather than demanding pointless busy work and unnecessarily late hours…

And for some reason, I’m suddenly reminded of the ending of this song.

The prioritising that may baffle other people is a cinch for a woman who has spent years juggling a household. Negotiating skills? A request for 10 per cent off an overdue invoice is nothing to a woman who has had to broker a deal on Britain’s Got Talent versus bedtime.

When it comes to emergencies, if you have run all the way to a clinic with a terrified toddler vomiting down your neck then, trust me, a package delayed in transit is a piece of cake. And if those are the tangibles, the intangibles – the ‘essential humanity’ – are more important still.

Are… Are you attempting to barter for your honorary humanity from a patriarchal system by trading entirely in cliches?

My God, woman, have some fucking dignity! You’re like a beat dog who hasn’t realized yet their owner is a complete and utter jackhole and the punishments have nothing to do with how “good” you’ve been or not.

You cannot be a mother without knowing something about selflessness, compassion, generosity, commitment, fierce loyalty and plain hard work.

Yes, you can’t be a mother without having those qualities and you can’t not be a mother and have even one of them.

You cannot – surely – be a boss and not value assets such as those in your staff.

A harsh blow I’m sure to all the men on staff, who must inherently lack such qualities (what with not being mothers) and thus must be immediately downsized in favor of the all working mother armada!

Nor is it the boss who pays the price for the extras a mother brings with her; she’s the one who pays for that. Enough reams have been written about the long hours of slog it takes to run a home and hold down a job at the same time. Yet still we keep doing it because we want our work, our independence and our money.

Or maybe this is all just transparent self-serving bullshit by someone belatedly realizing that the sexist bosses of the world hate working women for being working women and whether or not they breed could matter fuck all for how tenuous their employment and advancement options are thus treated.

I mean, seriously, what is this paragraph even trying to say beyond “please don’t fire me Mr. ‘Femail is a Great Name for a ‘Lifestyles’ section’, I can pimp breeding for white women harder if you want!”

But, more than all the things we want, we actually need our children; they complete us as women, they are our light and our love and our legacy.

Because without that ability to spawn actual human beings with their uteruses (well, about 49 or so % of the time anyways), women would be the useless malfunctioning fleshlights Patriarchal society treats them as, amirite?

We feel desperately sorry for those who yearn for children they cannot have; the unwilling barren, if you will.

Translation: The last time I tried to argue that childless women were soulless abominations, I got my ass deep-roasted in flames from barren conservative women, so this time I’m trying to throw this belated shield up in the hopes of making it more clear that “childless” is just an attempted dog whistle for “those young feministy types that actually want to be treated like full people in the workplace and society” that makes “curtain-twitching patriarchy defender” sound like something halfway appealing in contrast.

But when we meet a woman who chooses her childlessness in the belief that there is something out there worth more, we smile politely even while – once again – our guts whisper: ‘Lady, you’re weird.’

You keep using that condescending attempt at sassy insult. I don’t think it means what you think it means.

So three cheers for the employers who are catching on,

Three cheers for those who discriminate against women, treating them like garbage for daring to participate in the workplace that they kinda have to thanks to all those “employer” victories over worker’s rights.

the ones who don’t want to people their workforces with the cold, the calculating,

Yeah, I think if workplaces cared about any of that, then they’d have a fuckton less MBA douchenozzles and layers of upper management and a fuckton more support for strong social safety nets.

the sad and the mad.

Yes, those darn uppity women daring to be depressed and angry about the discrimination you admitted was occurring against them on a widespread level and which you’re helping to propagate!!!

Yeah, I wonder why they would be sad and angry about that?!?

Fuck, every time someone actively supports discrimination or second class treatment of minorities and then tries to blame the victims for being all weird emotionally about the fallout of that the perpetrators should immediately be kicked in the reproductive organs until death.

The only question is: what took you so long?

It didn’t.

That’s sort of the point of all these desperate anti-minority-group-X-rights screeds calling for more general discrimination both on the job and off of it.

That these discriminatory attitudes are not coming at the rate they used to, or more importantly the minority groups are less willing to put up with it and there’s less social and legal support for those who try and continue it.

Already, right now, despite decades of hard desperate, often violent resistance on behalf of Patriarchal Capitalism to the idea of including women in the workforce, more and more women are working. More and more women are expecting to work as adults, are expected to work as adults. More and more young girls are planning what they will be in our broken ass capitalist system when they grow up in the same way that young boys are. Fewer and fewer people still buy the old lies on what a woman’s role should be in life or the Catch 22s those always were.

And a lot of the responsibility for that can be shared with a capitalist system that made these feminist growths critical and necessary for our Western society to continue limping forward.

The days when the discrimination discouraged women from working are done and over. As are the days when the argument that women need to be paid less because “they’re just going to drop out and raise a family” held any goddamn weight. Hopefully in a decade or two, maybe even less, so will the wage gap itself or the differential way women are treated for advancement. Perhaps we’ll even see the growth of family leave for both a child’s parents if they have two parents, regardless of their sex so that both genders can take that personal time for new additions. Maybe businesses can be pressured into actually footing some of the bill for child care rather than shirking that and many other responsibilities onto their employees.

Maybe we’ll even have a day when any paper that tries to publish an article like this** is burned to the ground and the former site converted to low-cost housing.

At least it’s a nice thought and something much better to fight for than the hope that you can encourage businesses to discriminate against people like you, but not you specifically.

And that is why, no matter who you are, nor what you do, you are a better person and smarter than Carol Sarler, professional scum merchant.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. They can sharpen their steely knives, but they can’t kill the beast. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Hey, average American elderly people, when are you going to figure out that conservatives hate you as much as they do those “inner city” “freeloaders”?

**Oh yeah, I forgot to mention this, but this wonderful article came with this picture and caption:

Yeah… See this is why I start to go on tangent rants whenever the subject of The Daily Fail comes up. I mean, what the fuck kind of dog whistle bingo is that shit? I mean, we’ve got the makeup and jewelry and proper feminine attire vs more gender neutral shit. We’ve got the creepy, needing a male partner’s name and photo evidence of the kids around the desk shit vs. the “how dare young people party” shit. The hair, oh my god the hair v hair and all the infinite baggage they managed to shove into that whole rigmarole. The idiotic belief that the working mother is going to be a morning person while the other person isn’t that’s based on… wishful thinking at best. The posture dog-whistle they managed to also shove in there. The fact that their most visual “work” difference is of course typing speed, because, that’s all lady workers are good for, amirite? The dumbass party poster shit, because, yeah, there’s a worker on the planet that actually puts up party posters at work. And even the good archaic technology by proper housewife vs evil modern technology by unwashed hippie garbage. Also it’s FUCKING PINK!

You know what? Fuck it, no. Here’s my interpretation of the two.

Righty there is doped to the gills on about 40 pounds of horse tranquilizers because the stress of dealing with her impending divorce (hence why “Gary” is missing from the photo collage on the wall) and trying to keep her job and raise two young children is driving her insane. Every day when she goes off to lunch, she sits in her car and screams for at least 10 minutes. Her rictus smile is a grimace of rage from constantly being considered by her bosses as a sex object and a less “committed” worker now that she is no longer connected with her husband. Right now she is writing an email to her boss trying to politely tell him that if he keeps on drunkingly hitting on her, she’s reporting him to HR. She’s stuck working on a backup computer because her drunken frat asshole coworker who will always make more than her and be given the credit of her successes came in and fucked up her real work computer before she came in, because he thought it was his.

Meanwhile poor Lefty there is the IT techie for the company and has been up for 36 hours straight fixing various fuckups by upper management that have caused major server problems that required immediate emergency response. She’s also been fending off drunk frat asshole whose been giving her constant bullshit over Adria Richards and teasing her with sexual harassment to “make sure she’s not one of those feminazis too, hurr hurr.” Fixing Righty’s laptop is a final favor to a long time friend before she can fuck off for the day and remember what it feels like to be a non-zombie. Meanwhile, she’s getting shit from some stupid ass bint from the newspaper pointing at her and claiming she’s a soulless pile of puke who deserves even less respect and pay for her hard work. Because she’s exhausted, she wasn’t quite able to repress the “are you fucking kidding me” face as the picture is taken.

Eventually they will move to Sweden together and start a new company that will kick their current one’s ass. Newspaper bint lady will claim the success of the company is due to Righty’s child bearing hips.


Comments: 205


Hi. It’s not a real ad. These were ghost ads created by WPP India as part of a creative brief process. Nether commissioned by, sanctioned by, nor seen by Ford before the idiots (now sacked) involved uploaded to a website, obviously proud of their work. This goes on all the time in agencies in the Middle East and Asia, and Europe and the US too. Anyone remember the VW suicide bomber viral? Best to be accurate, just sayin.

Gentlemens' Agreements

Everyone knows the motto, ‘scratch my ass and I’ll sniff yours!”

Everyone that is but the bitches and the Minos.


“women try to lie about being raped for the wonderful free smoothies”

Is that what they call the cold metal thing they stuck in my vaj during the exam? Yeah, totes worth it.


(hence why “Gary” is missing from the photo collage on the wall)

He was too busy trolling lefty blogs to attend to his marital duties. The reason the woman on the right is so chipper is because a certain Dragon-King has been lavishing her with “attention” IYKWIMAITTYD.



Really? I’ve had other people who’ve been more in the ad industry noting that the presence of a lot of completed details means it probably was far along in the approval process.

Well, just in case, I’ve fixed up the photo caption a bit.


The weird thing in the ad is that the women depicted in it look a bit like Pammycakes. Do you think the conceptual artist was an Atlas Juggs fan?


While I do not want to discourage women from motherhood, I just want to point out that when I saw the cartoon and read the caption, I assumed the sleep deprived zombie on the left was the mom. Seriously, without the pictures/posters in the back (who the hell has a poster that says “Party!* *”?) that is the obvious interpretation.

That said, hi moms!


I play a game with myself.

WAY too much information.


It’s supposed to be the Kardashians, with Berlusconi up in front. I guess this all makes more sense if you’re a horndog fratboy Indian Madman.


At my office, I’m part of the new parents brigade. Three of us all welcomed bundles of joy or wev within a year. Our other cow-orkers would probably agree that new parents do bring a little something extra – never ending discussions of POOP.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

I have two lovely daughters, both of which are highly ashamed of my stalking activities on the Internets.

Pupienus Maximus

“Show, don’t tell” is a rule good writers adhere to. Carol tells us I simply cannot understand then produces a pile of noisome dreck to show us that she simply cannot understand.

Pupienus Maximus

Both of whom, Dennis.


The only thing I have to add is that I think by “mad”, Carol Snarler means “insane”, not “angry”. And that I’m not surprised the linked Chumbawamba song never enjoyed the mainstream success of a radio-friendly unit-shifter like “Tubthumping”.


Shoot, now I have the biggest urge to run out and buy a Ford. Actually, it will be good for my *ahem* passengers, too, as that looks a whole lot more comfortable and pleasant than my trunk is. Plus, my trunk usually can’t hold more than two at a time, what with the spare tire and all.


As far as I can tell, my score is also pretty high there – even though it’s just a feeling.

Maybe if I’d sprogged this would seem sensible. Anyway, good luck with the whole divide and conquer thing, my friends with and without kids are all sure to change their feelings about people they’ve known for years based on your substance-free, unverified feelings about complete strangers.


As always, all I can think is there are people who spend way too much time thinking about vaginas and uteri and ovaries that are not the vagina or uterus or ovaries inside of the thinker’s body. Seriously, I don’t spend that much time thinking about my vagina or uteri or ovaries. I doubt the president of ACOG spends that much time thinking about vaginas, uteri or ovaries.

And these people are what I call sick monkey fucks who need to stay far away from me.


FFS, that ad… are people at WPP India bondage fetishists? It looks like a one of those domination porn-comici splash pages, not that I would know anything about that.

Helmut Monotreme

Our other cow-orkers would probably agree that new parents do bring a little something extra – never ending discussions of POOP.

I believe that even the childless at the office at the office can contribute to these discussions, if they have dogs.


It’s not the mothers, for a start, who are going to turn up late and hungover after a night on the razz; they’ll have been up, dressed and alert for hours, having cooked a family breakfast and delivered their children to school. On time.
It’s not the mothers, usually, who run the office bitchfesy.

carol is sooooooooooooo wrong here, it’s not even funnel…or is that just me?

i have never read such a load of twaddle in my life…also, I love her, ‘i play this game that only I know about and I make all the rules and I totally rock at it…i think…’

imma just assume from reading this bullshit that giving something up for the greater good is a philosophy most foreign to miss condescension mcsmartypants here…


i play this game that only I know about and I make all the rules and I totally rock at it

Sounds like Calvinball.


FFS, that ad… are people at WPP India bondage fetishists?

If I remember correctly the ad was supposed to be Silvio Berlusconi and his various mistresses.

Pupienus Maximus

Yeah, it was reported to be Berlusconi. When I heard that I wondered how recognizeable is Berlusconi in fucking India? Is he to India as Jerry Lewis is to France? David Hasselhof in Germany?


I believe that even the childless at the office at the office can contribute to these discussions, if they have dogs.

Or cats. Or rectums.


Pure click bait from the Daily Mail. They’ve been trolling with these misogynist articles for a while now, and they’re always written by women so, you know, how can you liberals call them misogynist, huh?


Cool, the “smell the glove” special edition Ford hatchback! How sexyist. Does it come in none more black?


I believe that even the childless at the office at the office can contribute to these discussions, if they have dogs.

I have two large birds, so I have something to contribute to these discussions. Guano!


Yeah, I’m not a parent but I know a bunch and most mornings they look much more like party girl up there than Mrs. Stepford on the right.


Hey it’s Sadly, No! I firmly believe that anyone can regularly contribute to POOP discussions. You don’t need to just sit on a stool minding their own business. Pitch in and give the conversation some movement.


Oh my saints and fairies, Kommissar Kelly is trying to sell his Cops Frisking Random Brown People policy as something that would have the approval of MLK.

O pitchfork where art thou?


I ordered at bloody mary this morning, and it came with a slice of crisp bacon in it, and a miniature bottle of Miller High Life for a complimentary chaser. So you might think I’m in a good mood, but no — I proceeded to my workplace.

Much as I like to trumpet the importance of a woman’s right to choose all things at all times, there’s one choice I simply cannot understand: the choice of an otherwise sane and healthy woman not to have children.

I’ve seen this routine before. It’s big on the right. “There’s this thing I don’t understand, see? Now I will explain how I feel, what I think. I won’t do a damn thing to learn about the misunderstood thing. Well, unless stirring the contents of my own benightsoiled brainpan counts … There, done! And I still don’t get it. People suck, amirite?”


I’ve seen this routine before. It’s big on the right. “There’s this thing I don’t understand, see? Now I will explain how I feel, what I think. I won’t do a damn thing to learn about the misunderstood thing.

Indeed, and not understanding certainly won’t ever stop any of them from judging: “my heart whispers: ‘Lady, you’re weird.’” The thing I don’t understand is why she thinks this makes her anything more than an asshole.


The thing I don’t understand is

Both Sides Do It!!©

Helmut Monotreme

How contrarian. Doubling down on so called traditional gender roles. How bold to capture the simple folk wisdom of the ignorant and pretend that the gender roles that were stifling to your grandparents were the high water mark of civilization. All it took to create that suburban utopia was the utter demolition of the entire rest of the world’s industrial base, and a highly unionized and segregated work force. So, sure once you don’t have to compete against anyone abroad and 75% of the work force at home, white men can live pretty high off the hog on a single income. And that’s great for the women who want to and can bag a man rich enough to hire a maid and a nanny and a cook as well as supporting a wife who doesn’t have a career in the style in which she would like to become accustomed.

But there’s these little things of sixty+ years of history since her alleged golden age. Things like the end of legalized segregation based on race religion and sex. Things like the Marshall plan where we helped rebuild the economy of Europe so they could buy American, for a while anyway. Things like the way we traded our commercial dominance of the world economy for military hegemony (unless you didn’t realize the reason we got to have all of those military bases all over the world was by giving all of our allies preferential trade terms and access to US markets). Things like the relentless war on unions that has shattered the earning power of every American who wasn’t born rich. Things like two whole pointless wars put on a high interest credit card by a president more interested in padding the crotch of his flight suit for the cameras than actually helping to run the country. And every stupid decision that makes life harder for parents and more miserable in general, has been lauded as the triumph of the free market, or in the case of civil rights and feminism, been heralded as the end of a golden age. (of, as we have seen mostly unearned privilege)

And it’s not like skipping childbearing is all that hard to understand. Kids are expensive, I recently read that it can cost $250,000 to raise a child to age 18. Kids are time consuming, it takes a lot of time to properly raise that child, and see that they are properly fed and cared for and educated. All of that is time that could be spent doing other things like working, sleeping or even just goofing off. Kids are heartbreaking. They can get sick or get hurt or make terrible life choices. Almost every parent would be proud to have a child grow up into a responsible, hard working citizen. Not all of them do. Some children are born unhealthy and die too soon after a life filled with undeserved suffering, leaving nothing but grief and a mountain of medical bills. Some children can’t stay away from drugs or alcohol or crime. Having a child is a tremendously expensive roll of the dice, and in a world that already has 6 billion plus people, maybe we should respect people for deciding parenthood is something they would rather avoid.


Hey, I’m willing to learn why she’s such an asshole.


I’ve seen this routine before. It’s big on the right. “There’s this thing I don’t understand, see? Now I will explain how I feel, what I think. I won’t do a damn thing to learn about the misunderstood thing.

our particular wingnut is even more tedious…he doesn’t ‘understand’ something’s but only in a ‘why isn’t everyone awesome like me? Oh, yeah, because our government and schools suck!’ and then he will proceed to tell you everything you didn’t want to know about his version of history….

what i was going to say before that comment caught my eye is: what kind of man doesn’t discuss any disagreements he has with the actual person he has the disagreement with but instead will wait until all the adults are gone and will then harangue the youngest person available with his petty personal affronts? I think we al know that that is not a man but a bully…

My mom actually yelled at him today to shut up because we were there to have a good time not to hear his views…she also snorted quite loudly when i asked, ‘hmmmmmm….just what are they learning in those american history classes if not american


fecking iPad…

american history.’ in response to his lecture about the founders and how the very first UNITED STATES CONGRESS met in a church….and that’s whats wrong with this country and education because kids aren’t being taught American history…

seriously, the man has a longstanding argument with my now fifteen year old niece because she once mentioned that geo. washington owned slaves …dickwadngives George a pass because he was ‘nice’ to his slaves….

ugh…we are glad to not see that a-hole again (for a short while) but damn…already missing the sun and the pool….


The first federal congress met in Federal Hall in NYC. It was not a church. The first continental congress met at Carpenter’s Hall in Philly. It was also not a church.


Today in birther stupidity

If didn’t set such a bad precedent, I’d be all for the State of Hawaii charging the birther queriers a hefty* annoyance fee. Those jerks continue to steal from Hawaii taxpayers with their continual demands that State workers take the time and resources they could be using for legitimate requests to inform them that yes, reality is still real and wishing will not change that.

*Say, starting at $1000 for a first request and increasing by an order of magnitute for each failure to learn.


Pitch in and give the conversation some movement.

Just stick to the fæx.


I have two large birds, so I have something to contribute to these discussions. Guano!

Are they stool pigeons?


The first federal congress met in Federal Hall in NYC. It was not a church. The first continental congress met at Carpenter’s Hall in Philly. It was also not a church.

God is everywhere! So everywhere is a church. My body is a temple. Next to mt forehead are two temples.


Sorry, MY forehead. Jesus made me typo to atone for my sins.


It was also not a church.

I don’t think bbkf’s pop would thank you for pointing out such unMerkun truths. It’s all that nasty public education giving the poors ideas above their stations, which is why there’s such an assault on public education and public school teachers (one of the reasons, anyway).


My body is a temple.

Communion just got FREAKY.


Well, freakier. I mean, EATING DEAD GUY AND DRINKING HIS BLOOD starts off pretty freaky.


Church and ye will find?


Our other cow-orkers would probably agree that new parents do bring a little something extra – never ending discussions of POOP.

And vomit-stained clothing.

Although this is a college campus, so that’s more common here normally than elsewhere I s’pose.


Just stick to the fæx.

Speaking of POOP, it’s a load off of me to know that some one is willing to enter a logical discussion.


Churchez la femme!


I skipped childbearing because I was afraid I’d get one that was like me when I was a kid.

No telling what kind of demonic little hell-spawn I might have produced.


EATING DEAD GUY AND DRINKING HIS BLOOD starts off pretty freaky.

Tigris is judgmental.


C – you’re probably the funniest writer I’ve ever read. Dump that job that’s giving you shit and go be a famous writer where you can wear whatever the fuck you want.

Some of us out here love your work. Keep at it!


I’m OK with freaky, I just calls it like I sees it.


I propose changing the name of Good Friday to Freaky Friday.


I propose changing the name of Good Friday to Freaky Friday.

Zany adventures ensue. Then we change back after an important lesson is learned.


“Our other cow-orkers would probably agree that new parents do bring a little something extra – never ending discussions of POOP.”

If you have time to talk about stuff like that, you are probably not orking them right, or skipping part of the process.

Pupienus Maximus

It’s all that nasty public education giving the poors ideas above their stations, which is why there’s such an assault on public education and public school teachers (one of the reasons, anyway).

Pat Robertson attributes the lack of miracles in America, while Africa is apparently rife with them, to our being educated. He blames the Ivy League schools in particular. It is astonishing how disingenuous and/or stupid and/or vile he is.

Pupienus Maximus

Is “orking” a form of tipping?


Zany adventures ensue. Then we change back after an important lesson is learned.
Swapping bodies with Jesus? One minute you’re watching a parade, then next thing you know you’re carrying a big piece of wood? I DON’T THINK SO.

* Ooo-er.


Pat Robertson attributes the lack of miracles in America, while Africa is apparently rife with them, to our being educated.

God of the oops, fresh out of gaps.


Pat Robertson attributes the lack of miracles in America, while Africa is apparently rife with them, to our being educated.

You get the iPhones and the medical treatments; Africans get to see miracles.


God does sound strangely akin to an old-time spiritualist whose seances are spoiled by the negative energy if there is a skeptic in the room.


Swapping bodies with Jesus has to be an euphemism for something. You know, I’ll be down in a couple minutes, once I’m done inhabiting the Messiah.


Jesus may fill your life with meaning, but I am filling the Jesus.

Possessing the Saviour.

Corpus Christi.


Is “orking” a form of tipping?

For those that don’t already know, it’s a form of misplaced dash: cow-orkers instead if co-workers. Started as a mistake, now it’s a joke in various places on the ‘net.


Grrr autocorrect.

Corpus Christ I


Pat Robertson is a horrible old man. Why anyone listens to him at all is a terrible mystery.


I am filling the Jesus.



You monster.

You dressed it up by putting in commentary, but the plain fact of the matter is that you just forced me (YES, FORCED ME, I AM COMPELLED TO ALWAYS READ EVERYTHING ON SADLYNO) to read the majority of text in an article by this woman. I cannot undo the damage done to my brain; I can only hope to die quickly, before I can further spread the infection.

Goodbye, cruel world.

Also, I have had coworkers who had party-related stuff up on the wall. It has always, without exception, had something to do with one of their childrens’ birthday parties, bar mitzvahs, or similar.


Just as long as orking has nothing to do with Robin Williams.


Well, since I read this, I’ve added “to annoy Carole Sarler” to my list of reasons not to have children (up there with “clinical depression” “I would be a terrible mother” “there are way too many people already and they all need to FUCK OFF” “money, or lack of” and “I just plain don’t want to, okay”). I’m not a ball-busting career woman, though, I’m a lazy unemployed crazy person, living off YOUR TAXES. So Ms. Sarler hates me anyway, with or without the children thing.


I bet he expects you to cook too. Well as a Canadian, lemme pass along a tip in passive-aggressiveness. Keep cooking for him, but do it badly. Mess up all the sides that are going with that hard won bacon. In other words, keep the home fries burning.

Packers the Easygoing Governor

In other words, keep the home fries burning.
I genuflect in your general direction.


“there are way too many people already and they all need to FUCK OFF”

I’m a lazy unemployed crazy person, living off YOUR TAXES.

Fuckin’ell, I wanna have YOUR baby.


“Tell my post-writing software …”

Hahaha… I smell robot

Meribel Taco Belle

I bet he expects you to cook too. Well as a Canadian, lemme pass along a tip in passive-aggressiveness. Keep cooking for him, but do it badly. Mess up all the sides that are going with that hard won bacon. In other words, keep the home fries burning.

Thanks, Dragon-King, I may try that. It’s exasperating, though.I just wish he had more drive and purpose in life besides playing around on his laptop blogging all the time.


we petition the obama administration to:

Demand a Wall Street Sales Tax

Dear President Obama,

The fiscal problems of the United States are largely due to the fact that Wall Street pays no taxes. While working families pay on average 7% in sales tax for the necessities of life, Wall Street speculators pay no tax on a yearly turnover of over $5 quadrillion (5,000 trillion dollars) in derivatives, futures, stocks, bonds and other securities on US exchanges. A 1% sales tax on this turnover, equally divided between the federal and state governments, largely solves the budget deficit at all levels of government.

We ask you to put the Wall Street Sales Tax squarely on the table, to use the power of your office to mobilize the congress for this tax, and to fight for the American people against the interests of Wall Street speculators.

Created: Mar 11, 2013


Demand a Wall Street Sales Tax

I am gonna sign the shit out of that petition, and I urge you to do the same.


I am gonna sign the shit out of that petition, and I urge you to do the same.

Already done.


Demand a Wall Street Sales Tax

I wish I was (only temporarily) an Amurr’can, just so’s I could also sign the shit out of it.

P.S. blog pimpage: click my name link and learn about the slimiest critter on god’s green earth! (Warning: not safe for those with weak stomachs)


So I heard the NRA made an announcement at the Press Club, having brought their own armed representatives – about one for every three (unarmed) reporters.

What pathetic cowards they are.


I propose changing the name of Good Friday to Freaky Friday.

Zany adventures ensue. Then we change back after an important lesson is learned.

The scene in which the executioners try to nail the incorporeal God the Father to the cross is particularly wacky.

Dennis Butthurt Schlacter

My butt is still very sore. Please help me!


Celia said,

April 4, 2013 at 2:42

Well, since I read this, I’ve added “to annoy Carole Sarler” to my list of reasons not to have children (up there with “clinical depression” “I would be a terrible mother” “there are way too many people already and they all need to FUCK OFF” “money, or lack of” and “I just plain don’t want to, okay”). I’m not a ball-busting career woman, though, I’m a lazy unemployed crazy person, living off YOUR TAXES. So Ms. Sarler hates me anyway, with or without the children thing.

I lurved this so much I had to rewind, replay.

Pupienus Maximus

I just signed up with to sign the petition. I don’t see anything preventing you furners from doing the same. Maybe they’ll ask you aout citizenship if your email addy is elsewhere but it’s worth a shot. I command you to try.


Not quite right. Tyranny equals not letting them beat us up anymore.


“You can’t actually have an adoption service that’s run by Catholics unless they’re willing to be not Catholic,” Gingrich remarked, alluding to the Catholic organizations that refuse to consider gay couples for adoptive parents and have had to close as a result.

No, you can’t contract WITH the state to run adoption services FOR the state and refuse to follow the laws OF the state.


Coos Bay has a memorial for some war or other consisting of a large cross. Some ody complained and got the FRF involved. The town got some godbotherer organization involved, said group of loons dedicated to preserving religious displays in the public square. No suit filed yet. So this morning I heard a councilman or such on the radio telling us that they talked to a bunch vets. The vets reportedly did not think the large crucifix was a religious symbol, nope not at all. I larfed out loud.


Tyranny equals not letting them beat us up anymore.

Tyranny equals not letting them tyrannize folks anymore.


Yeah tigris, I didn’t bother to correct that. They didn’t have to close. They could have kept the agencies going and refused to place kids with icky icky fags. They would have to simply forego ANY and ALL taxpayer support. Hey Newticles – you can practice your religion (which, by the way, bans DIVORCE you piece of shit) without interference as long as WE aren’t paying for it.

Newty knows full well that he’s talking nonsense. What a slimeball. Scuzzbucket. Swamp puke.


They could have kept the agencies going and refused to place kids with icky icky fags. They would have to simply forego ANY and ALL taxpayer support.

In Massachusetts, they can do what the Worcester diocese does, which is simply ask the state to refer same sex couples to another agency, which the state then does. IOW, the Boston diocese shutting down adoptions entirely was 100% huffing off in a snit.


Coos Bay has a memorial for some war or other consisting of a large cross.

So apparently Jews, Muslims, etc., weren’t allowed to fight in this war, whatever it was?


For no special reason I am reminded of Master of Puppets and the fuck-up on the central row of crosses.

I guess they can’t be an important symbol if you can chop off the top of them because your perspective-planning didn’t work out.

Helmut Monotreme

was that a link to a Latvian version of Google image search?


Yes. I do a lotta Googling at work and the fucking thing privileges local results I don’t need. Personalized search results suck.


No, you can’t contract WITH the state to run adoption services FOR the state and refuse to follow the laws OF the state.

One of the defining features of a certain kind of asshole – laws and rules are for other people – the rubes, the hoi polloi, the great unwashed – not for me, because I’m special .

I can’t say I find the Worcester Diocese workaround admirable, unless it costs the State no more money and the kids and parents no more time (and doesn’t disadvantage those ickyicky fags somehow, which I suspect it does).

And we already knew Neuticles was a major hypocrite, as well as a loathesome human being, but I suppose reminders for those not paying attention/not born yet during his earlier performances would not go amiss.

As a side note: it’s very difficult to type when one of your cats has chosen to strop her chin on your tablet.


So this morning I heard a councilman or such on the radio telling us that they talked to a bunch vets. The vets reportedly did not think the large crucifix was a religious symbol, nope not at all.

I’m sure (for some reason) the councilman did not follow that up with a question about Mapplethorpe’s Piss Christ .


So apparently Jews, Muslims, etc., weren’t allowed to fight in this war, whatever it was?

Oh, they’re allowed to fight, they’re just not allowed to be memorialised for it.


All it took to create that suburban utopia was the utter demolition of the entire rest of the world’s industrial base, and a highly unionized and segregated work force. So, sure once you don’t have to compete against anyone abroad and 75% of the work force at home, white men can live pretty high off the hog on a single income.

As I recall, life in Western Europe and Japan was also pretty good back in the “liberal consensus” years – not, like, immediately after the war, but once reconstruction got underway – during which they too mostly followed some variation of New Deal corporatism. My French history textbooks referred to the 1945-1973 era as “the thirty glorious years” (les trente glorieuses) and described it much the same way America remembers the era – economic growth, near-full employment, a widespread high standard of living, etc. Pretty sure most of the West has its term for similar experiences during that time period.

I often hear that American prosperity in the fifties and sixties is explained by the fact that our European and Japanese competition had been destroyed by the war (and yes, I know you didn’t say it was the only cause for it), but if that’s true, why did Western Europe and Japan experience the same prosperity during the same era? Yeah, the Marshall Plan and reduction in defense budgets would’ve helped them get back on their feet, but that can’t explain the whole story.


Dear God,
You could earn a fuckload of followers if you would just zap the next fat hypocritical dirtbag who maunders on about the importance of being religious. Just a suggestion.


Oops. Serrano ‘s Piss Christ .


One of the defining features of a certain kind of asshole – laws and rules are for other people – the rubes, the hoi polloi, the great unwashed – not for me, because I’m special .

That mindset’s probably the main reason why it’s so difficult (I’d argue impossible) for liberal observers to come up with some coherent ideology to explain the conservative worldview (e.g, “what’s your stance on abortion?” “What’s your stance on counterterrorist policy?” “How about business regulation?”) Conservatives don’t think in terms of issues, they think in terms of people. They’ll embrace wildly different and contradictory opinions on the same issue depending on which person is sitting in front of them being affected by it. Hence the “abortion is wrong, but my special snowflake here’s a unique case” crowd.

Which simply doesn’t compute for people who think the law by definition should be the same for everyone.


I can’t say I find the Worcester Diocese workaround admirable, unless it costs the State no more money and the kids and parents no more time

No, it’s pretty fucking awful, BUT if the Boston diocese wasn’t happy with that it shows me they not only didn’t want to assist gays in adoption, they wanted to actively hinder gay families from adopting from ANY service. And this is what Newt considers tyranny, not that a religious person or organization can personally refrain from doing something with which s/he disagrees, but that s/he can no longer prevent someone else from doing it when the other person DOES agree with it. The gay marriage fracas on the right is the same thing, in that nobody will force anti-gay churches to marry gay folks in the way righties demand pro-gay churches be forced not to.


As head of the Securities and Exchange Commission for the past four years, Mary Schapiro failed* to win a major civil action against any Wall Street executive connected to what may be the worst financial fraud in history, the subprime-mortgage scam that led to the 2008 crash.

As head of the Justice Department’s criminal division for the past four years, Lanny Breuer failed to accomplish the same with criminal action. And now both are headed back over to the other side: deep-pocketed firms that earn their keep largely from Wall Street. In Schapiro’s case, that’s Promontory Financial Group, which advises financial firms on regulation; in Breuer’s, it’s Covington & Burling, a major law firm that defends financial clients.

* Feature, not a bug.

That’s our Administration, folks. Eric Holder’s deal when he returns to Covington and Burling will probably dwarf Breuer’s.



click my name link and learn about the slimiest critter on god’s green earth!

I call shenanigans. Alison’s post is about the hagfish, rather than Gingrich.


And this is what Newt considers tyranny, not that a religious person or organization can personally refrain from doing something with which s/he disagrees, but that s/he can no longer prevent someone else from doing it when the other person DOES agree with it.

This . This is the basis for most, if not all, of the regressive “stands” – whether it be “religious freedom,” abortion, gays, science (as opposed to pseudoscience) in the classroom, contraception, segregation (fer gawd’s sake, this is 2013 ), or any other occasion in which people want to be treated as real people.

Helmut Monotreme

why did Western Europe and Japan experience the same prosperity during the same era? Yeah, the Marshall Plan and reduction in defense budgets would’ve helped them get back on their feet, but that can’t explain the whole story.

I think those were 2/3rds of the story, the other third being a post war labor shortage. The labor shortage just after the black plague is often identified as improving wages and the bargaining position of labor and helping to cause the renaissance. In the same way, the massive reconstruction effort, and reduced labor pool made sure there was plenty of work available at good wages. Also in the wake of the upheavals of WWII the governments of western Europe and Japan probably got a fair amount of money in estate taxes, which, again would help finance reconstruction.

Helmut Monotreme

Also, I would like to remind everyone, that I am really lazy so my opinions regarding the prosperity of postwar Europe and Japan are completely unblemished by experience, or research. They are guesses.


Also, I would like to remind everyone, that I am really lazy so my opinions regarding the prosperity of postwar Europe and Japan are completely unblemished by experience, or research. They are guesses.

Which makes you perfectly qualified to be a “journalist” at any modern media outlet. I’ll bet you’re scheduled for lunch with David Brooks next week and didn’t even know it.


Long-term reader/ lurker, signed up there to say, thank you for wading through my nation’s horrible, horrible tabloid and dealing with the horrible, horrible article therein. Because even with skimming and your asides to make it better, I could not finish the horribleness and may have to go wash my eyes anyway. (Also, kudos for dealing with previous horribleness, but godDAMN that was… eurgh).

Helmut Monotreme

Which makes you perfectly qualified to be a “journalist” at any modern media outlet. I’ll bet you’re scheduled for lunch with David Brooks next week and didn’t even know it.

I would argue that I’m a perfect blog commenter. If I were employed to write articles that people were intended to read, I would do research, read a few books, talk to a few economists and a few historians and get a sense of what informed people think about a given topic so I could throw something together that wouldn’t be a giant waste of everyone’s time. But here, I write as well as I get paid, which I wish were also true of David Brooks and Jonah Goldberg.


I would argue that I’m a perfect blog commenter.

No way. You can spell and your grammar is better than a third-grader. You’re disqualified.

Also, too: you don’t fucking curse enough! Fuck!


I would argue that I’m a perfect blog commenter.

Well, durn good anyway.


I would argue that I’m a perfect blog commenter.

There’s a coin/ass-bounce perfection test, but HD video can be offered as evidence.


I have spent all my life looking for the perfect blog commenter. I can’t say I haven’t had fun, but where oh where is the right one for me?


C’mon Helmut. Ass bounce test!

Helmut Monotreme

well, ok, that was an ill chosen phrase. How’s this: I’m a far better blog commenter than I am a journalist. I would be willing to pretend to be a journalist for a mere mid six figure salary and regular appearances on ‘serious’ news shows. I would bring a fresh new middle class white guy perspective to issues on which I hold no expertise, and for that salary, would happily parrot conventional wisdom under the guise of freethinking contrarianism.

Is my integrity for sale? Yes. For the right price. Until I get the chance to pants George Will or some other similar stuffed shirt on national television.


RIP Roger Ebert. He was great.


Ebert was one of the good ones. Back in Chicago back in the ’70s, he used to hang out in the same bars that my friends & I frequented. When he got a few in him he would fancy himself a bit of a ladies man, but (Protip) the girls soon figured out that if you wanted to get rid of him, all you had to do was start talking about……………


RIP Roger Ebert. He was great.

Hear, hear! He and Gene Siskal were the Bert and Ernie of film criticism… though they largely lacked B&E’s sexual tension.


Is Roger Ebert the guy who said that video games can never be art? And then justified his position by saying that he’s hardly ever played any so his argument is rooted in ignorance and prejudice and therefore infallible? That after being inundated with outraged responses and mountains of counter examples, his position was “why do you care what an old dude like me thinks?” And then being told specifically that as a cultural icon and expert on things like art and media, his opinion actually made a difference. Especially considering that at the time of said paid opinion piece there was an active censorship movement arguing that censoring video games was totally legit since they have no artistic merit. That Roget Ebert? Fuck him.


Yes he also did the whole “stand with Rand” ridiculousness a couple weeks ago but fuck him is a bit rough. Its not like he’s yet ma or something.


“That Roget Ebert?”
Oh, come on. He was a good guy.
Really, go through his archives.


Let me tell you a story. The day after Columbine, I was interviewed for the Tom Brokaw news program. The reporter had been assigned a theory and was seeking sound bites to support it. “Wouldn’t you say,” she asked, “that killings like this are influenced by violent movies?” No, I said, I wouldn’t say that. “But what about ‘Basketball Diaries’?” she asked. “Doesn’t that have a scene of a boy walking into a school with a machine gun?” The obscure 1995 Leonardo Di Caprio movie did indeed have a brief fantasy scene of that nature, I said, but the movie failed at the box office (it grossed only $2.5 million), and it’s unlikely the Columbine killers saw it.

For egsamples


Seriously, why “fuck him” for having an opinion different from yours? Fuck the people that try to censor stuff, whether it’s art or not.


1. The guy posted his opinion in his published column
2. The guy acknowledged his opinion was not founded on evidence.
3. The guy refused to admit he may be wrong.
4. When given several example of evidence if his wrongness, he said he couldn’t be bothered.

Here’s an example – what if Ebery published a review on a movie he never saw? And then when called on it, not only refused to retract the criticism, but also refused to watch the movie. And then when fans of the movie got pissed off with that bullshit attitude, were dismissed because Ebert’s entitled to his opinion. And then the Supreme Court of California gets presented a case censoring the movie based on THE VERY SAME FUCKING ARGUMENTS THAT EBERT PRESENTED.

SRSLY, what’s the big deal?


okay, now that i am back home and have access to my laptop instead of my stupid ipad, i went back and read cerb’s most excellent takedown…what struck me again, as it did when i read this twunt’s article, is the caption under the odious cartoon, “Carol believes she can always guess which femle staff have children”…she’s being mocked by several departments at the daily fail and she still wants to be a misogynist? wtf…she’s the weird lady…


i still find it incredibly disheartening that persons can make actual careers where they get paid lots of cash money and other perks just to watch movies and then write about them…


And then when fans of the movie got pissed off with that bullshit attitude, were dismissed because Ebert’s entitled to his opinion

That’s different because it’s his job, unlike deciding whether or not video games are art. Also, when I googled, the column I found by him(I’m not sure if it was the original or a later clarification) addressed point 2(in that he was very clear it was his opinion in response to a TEDtalk), contradicted points 3 and 4, and point 5 was not evident.


Calling something “not art” and calling for censorship are pretty far apart, unless he really was a paid shill for big-videogame-censor.


I call shenanigans. Alison’s post is about the hagfish, rather than Gingrich.

Okay, you got me: I should have moderated that as “the slimiest creature in the ocean of god’s green earth”.


John Revolta said,
“It’s supposed to be the Kardashians, with Berlusconi up in front. I guess this all makes more sense if you’re a horndog fratboy Indian Madman.”

Wrong; that was the OTHER ad with Paris Hilton as the driver – these women are supposed to be the “bunga-bunga” girls that got Il Duce 2 in trouble.


Good guy?

Fact, he made an ignorant statement. He acknowledged it was ignorant. He wallowed in that ignorance and refused to test if his ignorant opinion could be mistaken. Because he could not be bothered.

He willfully ignored the fact that his opinion on the matter probably does have significant import. His fucking job, career and entire existence was about providing his opinion on the artistic merits of movies – something not entirely unlike video games.

He had such an aversion to “being wrong” a on a topic that he not only didn’t give a shit about but also in a circumstance where he acknowledged his position and opinion had no basis – that he refused to test it. And then pulled the “I’m sorry if you got offended, but that’s really your fault” bullshit.


To be clear, Ebert’s op-ed was not related to the censorship case. He was just pulling shit out of his ass and when confronted with the very likely possibility that he could have been wrong, downplayed the importance of the world’s foremost movie critic panning an entire medium as artless – blamed video game fans for being upset – refused to actually play any suggested games which were thought by thousands of respondents to be art because “he had better things to do with his time” and zomg.

No, seriously. Fuck that guy.


Okay tigris. He may have conceded that he may have been wrong but fuck if he was going to actually play Shadow of the Colossus. Seriously, “I have better things to do with my time” is a valid response?

The guy was a huge dick about it.

And seriously. You really think that the world’s most recognized movie critic saying that a medium consisting of interactive moving pictures could NEVER be art is no big thing?


I’d say fuck him over the Rand Paul support and probably a shit load of other positions he had but overall I think he did more to advance art than detract.


I’m totally okay with his having an opinion on it but refusing to acknowledge that what he said may have actually been damaging? Refusing to even play a fucking video game to see if he was right?

His originally post inspired thousands of comments. Remember, he just made a broad sweeping generalization based on almost zero evidence or experience. He said he got maybe a couple intemperate unacceptably “FUCK YOU EBERT” responses. In like thousands of blog post comments. And in spite of that miracle, could not be bothered to fucking play a video game.

He admitted ignorance and then used it as a shield. As his proof of righteousness. And then refused to address it or retract his ignorant statement.


Hey, I will acknowledge that overall, he may have contributed more good than harm. But the guy, at least near the end, total douche.


i still find it incredibly disheartening that persons can make actual careers where they get paid lots of cash money and other perks just to watch movies and then write about them…and I’m not one of them.



And he eventually recognized how foolish he was (or was just trying to save his skin) and said :

“I was a fool for mentioning video games in the first place,” he admitted. “I would never express an opinion on a movie I hadn’t seen. Yet I declared as an axiom that video games can never be Art. I still believe this, but I should never have said so. Some opinions are best kept to yourself.”

Cynical non-apology? Probably.


And to be clear – I am okay with his having an ignorant prejudiced opinion. Cripes, “art” is about a subjective term as you can get. I am offended by his firm devotion to maintaining his state of ignorance – even while acknowledging that it was ignorant. That he went out of his way to tell people “fuck you, I’m Ebert. I can do and say what the fuck ever I please. And fuck you if it’s obviously wrong. And double fuck you if you are offended by it. Because that’s the way I roll.” Which, BTW, all totally true and all totally why I say fuck that guy.


The guy’s career was largely based on pissing people off.


i still find it incredibly disheartening that persons can make actual careers where they get paid lots of cash money and other perks just to watch movies and then write about them…

I did it myself for a brief while (except for the “lots of…” part) and I’m here to tell you, it’s nowhere near as easy as it may look.

DKW, chill. Ebert was a good guy who may have been wrong about video games.


i still find it incredibly disheartening that persons can make actual careers where they get paid lots of cash money and other perks just to watch movies and then write about them…and I’m not one of them.


hahaha…yes, that is true…

I did it myself for a brief while (except for the “lots of…” part) and I’m here to tell you, it’s nowhere near as easy as it may look.

just like other jobs i suspect…


Just to be clear once more, it is not that I disagreed with him about video games and art. That people disagree about the definition of art is perfectly reasonable. I am deeply offended by his response, his reaction to having his ignorance pointed out. It’s a special kind of doubling down to say “I may have been talking out my ass since I ain’t got nothing to back up my assertions, but holy shit am I ever right.” Followed by, “hey you hundreds of folks who responded to my blatant trolling with reasonable and polite requests for me to try SotC – I can’t be bothered. Yeah it’s plainly obvious that there are a lot of people who feel very strongly about what I said, but damned if I am going to spend a couple hours experiencing what hundreds of you have said is a masterpiece of the medium. I gots better things to do with my time.”

There is most likely all sorts of good stuff he’s done but calling him a “good guy” is a stretch.


What I said at the time.

Okay. Done Ebert bashing. You may continue with your regularly scheduled POOP.


POOP bashing usually results in an awful mess.


these women are supposed to be the “bunga-bunga” girls that got Il Duce 2 in trouble.

Hm. Well, at least that kinda makes sense.


BTW, Tony Randall once said that all rock music was garbage.

So, fuck him, right?


BTW, Tony Randall once said that all rock music was garbage.

So, fuck him, right?

Not even with Ebert’s dick.


I always thought Siskel was Ebert’s dick.


I always thought Siskel was Ebert’s dick.

Well, he was long and skinny with a big bald head on the end.


April 5, 2013, 8:30 a.m. EDT

U.S. economy creates 88,000 jobs in March

By Jeffry Bartash

WASHINGTON (MarketWatch) – The economy generated just 88,000 jobs in March – the smallest gain in 10 months – and more people dropped out of the labor force, adding to a fresh pile of evidence that the pace of hiring in the United States has slowed.

The unemployment rate fell a tick to 7.6% from 7.7%, the lowest rate since December 2007, but the decline stemmed from fewer Americans looking for work, according to Labor Department data.

The jobs report fell well short of Wall Street forecasts. Economists polled by MarketWatch expected the number of new jobs to increase by 190,000 last month and for the unemployment rate to remain unchanged at 7.7%.

Employment gains for February and January, however, were both revised higher and people who do hold jobs put in more hours, Labor said Friday. The number of new jobs created in February was revised to 268,000 from 236,000, while January’s figure was revised up to 148,000 from 119,000.


Hey, good news everybody! Technology for bypassing shit moats is currently being developed! POOP boats! O wait, there’s still some bugs to be worked out.

Roger Ebert's Ghost

He may have conceded that he may have been wrong but fuck if he was going to actually play Shadow of the Colossus. Seriously, “I have better things to do with my time” is a valid response?

Yo, I didn’t have to play Shadow of the Colossus. I lived Shadow of the Colossus, mister.
All because
I banged

Pupienus Maximus

POOP bashing usually results in an awful mess.

That was yesterday’s subtopic, or maybe it was the day before. In any case, it is well established already that you don’t have to be a parent to know POOP.


Guns/penis/Fox News colostomy bag/ Jim Carrey: Juan Cole comments


I actually agree entirely with DKW.

Ebert was a halfway decent writer and from most accounts was, at least originally, a pretty down-to-earth guy. I think becoming “the guy” that could make or break a movie with just his thumb went to his head a bit.

And Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is unforgivably horrible.


S. cerevisiae to be honored by Oregon.

I wholeheartedly endorse him as our new state microbe.


I wholeheartedly endorse him as our new state microbe.



And Beyond the Valley of the Dolls is unforgivably horrible.

Well, there’s one thing we don’t agree on.


Teh Ho is hoping for a Russ Meyer marathon.


Guns/penis/Fox News colostomy bag/ Jim Carrey: Juan Cole comments

haha…i just watched that for the first time…wish i would have had that little gem on the ipad earlier this week when i was informed by dumbass mcasshat that people are accosted by guns more often than i think…i am deeply chagrined and saddened that i missed this golden opportunity to reply, ‘just how many times have you and mom been confronted by a crazed person with a gun?…oh…wait…there was that time AT YOUR BROTHER’S HOUSE!’ true story…


I think becoming “the guy” that could make or break a movie with just his thumb went to his head a bit.

Oh, I hardly think he had anywhere near that kind of power. In fact, he probably would have laughed at the suggestion. He hated many, many movies that went on to make shit-tons of money.


Couldn’t care less about Ebert but I’m sorry I missed POOP jokes. It’s the second or turd time that’s happened.


Oh, I hardly think he had anywhere near that kind of power. In fact, he probably would have laughed at the suggestion. He hated many, many movies that went on to make shit-tons of money.

I dunno. Yeah, he couldn’t stop a shitty blockbuster from being a blockbuster, but he could make or break a relatively unknown film.


Well, there’s one thing we don’t agree on.

I hated it because your mom was in it.


I dunno. Yeah, he couldn’t stop a shitty blockbuster from being a blockbuster, but he could make or break a relatively unknown film.

Except that as long as I’ve read him—and I live near Chicago, so I read him pretty regularly—he used whatever power he had in that regard for good. He championed movies like “Lost in Translation” that were genuinely worthwhile.


Oh, I hardly think he had anywhere near that kind of power. In fact, he probably would have laughed at the suggestion. He hated many, many movies that went on to make shit-tons of money.

Too true, he had no power to derail Uwe Boll’s and Michael Bay’s careers.

Helmut Monotreme

UWE Boll’s career can partly be blamed on German tax laws. It’s hard to get a person to stop making horrible movies when he’s making a fortune doing it.
Quoting the wikipedia:

Until the law was changed in 2005, Boll was able to acquire funding for his movies thanks to German tax laws that reward investments in film. The law allowed investors in German-owned films to write off 100% of their investment as a tax deduction; it also allowed them to invest borrowed money and write off any fees associated with the loan. The investor was then only required to pay taxes on the profits made by the movie; if the movie loses money, the investor would get a tax writeoff.[citation needed]

In the DVD commentary of Alone in the Dark, Boll explains how he funds his films: “Maybe you know it but it’s not so easy to finance movies in total. And the reason I am able to do these kind of movies is I have a tax shelter fund in Germany, and if you invest in a movie in Germany you get basically fifty percent back from the government.”

Boll has received a lot of negative publicity regarding this funding method


He’s no Russ Meyer.


UWE Boll’s career can partly be blamed on German tax laws

Yet there is no Boll adaptation of “Springtime for Hitler”. I am disappoint.





(and, of course, cheap beer)


It was nice in Memphis today. Too bad I was in class all day.

Tomorrow I’m in the “box of pain” aka the simulator all morning.


Was this proto-advertisement done by, um… Mort Drucker? It seems Mad-esque.


Tomorrow I’m in the “box of pain”

Here in the 23rd Century, we call it the Agony Booth.


Newty knows full well that he’s talking nonsense. What a slimeball. Scuzzbucket. Swamp puke.Newty knows full well that he’s talking nonsense. What a slimeball. Scuzzbucket. Swamp puke.

Newt is a shameless bag of salted dicks.


There’s a coin/ass-bounce perfection test, but HD video can be offered as evidence.

I am fairly certain that a quarter could be bounced off of my nearly 48 year old ass.

/I use a bicycle as my primary form of transport.

/did I just say that out loud?


Well, he was long and skinny with a big bald head on the end.

I really can’t believe that nobody touched this, check that, I can, but still… A hanging curve ball over the center of the plate…Even Stevie Wonder could knock this one out of the park.

/Baseball season has started, something I look forward to beginning in November (which is actually the cruelest month)…


Now that I have read every comment on the thread, mostly brilliant as always, I must give a shout out to to Cerb. Epic takedown and well enjoyed, thank you for your excellence in parsing an unimaginable amount of fail.

If there was anything remotely resembling Justice in this world, Rush Limbaugh would be on a street corner with a sandwich-board and a tin cup fighting for territory with Brooks, DontDoThat, and the entirety of the Washington Post editorial staff and after a long day fighting to avoid sloppy a second reach around from Roger Ailes behind the Dumpster in that alley off of Broadway, and you would be living in one of the towers surrounding central park, writing, teaching, or doing whatever you wanted in a world that did not require the deconstruction of a depraved mass of hateful idiots.

/genuflection in your general direction as I bow and back my way out of the room.


/shorter me…You Rock!!! And should get a writing gig (as someone previously suggested) Though I suspect that Merit and Justice are concepts which are not dreampt of in our collective philosophy…


There is something to see, here, but it is very much scooter-related, plus Nashville-related.


Shamelessly Salted Dicks is a motherfucker of a band name, btw.



For eldritch horrors, they sure are cute.

There is something to see, here, but it is very much scooter-related, plus Nashville-related.

These are not the scooters you are looking for…

kate is bored again

What an awful pile of dreck, Cereberus, you deserve a medal for treading through all that, I mean I couldn’t even finish all of it here.

As a single mother who started out as a faithful married women with kids, this bitch owes me big. I was the faithful servant of my husband who was never home and never worked, then I left him and became a welfare hussy.

Now according to this wench, I was not a welfare hussy but in fact a saint, hell I even worked in a low-wage job because my pre-working world “sacrifice” rendered me job incompetent and relegated to the world of the low wage worker, populated I might add by many single mothers who didn’t have the womanly skillz to make their menz into real good men.

But I digress. What I’d like to say, what I mean to say, is this bitch owes me. I want her to pay me the child support that my ex never paid, which for the entire twenty years of raising my kids would probably not even take up the entirety of what she was paid to punch out bullshit on a computer.

I also want her to pay me for the times I had to rush home to retrieve my sick kid from school, with the pay I lost for being late most of the time because leaving 6,7 and 8 year olds at home alone to get themselves off to school isn’t such a cool idea, even if the boss does want you in by seven and you notice how he grits his teeth when you say you can’t come in until after eight.

She owes me all the dollars I had to pay for sitters to watch my kids on weekends when I had to work and during after school hours into the evenings and holidays as well. she can also pay me for that time that meant my children were robbed of a nurturing parent being with them.

That bitch needs to pay up for the times I was overlooked for promotion because I couldn’t get to work ontime or because I didn’t have the right attitude because I was angry all the time about abandoning my children just so that I can earn a wage that wouldn’t even pay the rent or keep the lights on, leaving me to beg for help from whoever I could around the end of the month for years.

She can pay me also for all the abuse hurled on my children during the welfare debate wherein they were told they were worthless and were gubmint moochers.

The harm these people do to woman makes me think very bad things about these bad people. Like I would tell my children, anger is best directed at the positive. So I devoted myself to raising my two girls into feminazi hussies too and my son into a (most of the time) sensitive feminist male.


The scary thing about the Daily Fail is that Cerberus is holding back; the current target of her ire is not even the vilest or stupidest of their opinionators.
It is hard to determine who *does* deserve that hotly-contested title, but a vile little shitweasel like Richard Littlejohn is certainly in the running.


Maybe Richard Littlejohn could be vile shitweasel king, and Carol could be vile shitweasel queen.


Maybe Richard Littlejohn could be vile shitweasel king, and Carol could be vile shitweasel queen.

Does that mean that they get to slow dance in a cesspit at the end of the night?


Video games are art, and I say that as someone who finds them alternatively frustrating and boring. Just because it’s not my thing, doesn’t make it not art. I also hate it when people say that rap isn’t music. I don’t like rap either, but the idea that it’s not music is ridiculous.

That said, although I disagreed with a lot of what he wrote and did, I think Ebert’s overall contribution to the cultural landscape was a positive one.

And, you know, for a guy with my particular taste in the female form, it’s weird that I’ve never actually seen a Russ Meyer movie. Huh.


a smear of shitweasels


New post! Now with 38% more lesbians.


This is a real Ford ad completed concept sketch that got pretty far in the completed ad development process in its ad agency before being proudly leaked to the internet.

Don’t be an idiot. This would never fly and has a purpose different than your imagined purpose.

You run a great site here. But sometimes your head is so far up your ass looking for imagined slights that you miss the obvious — YOU HAVE BEEN TROLLED.

Ad agencies do ‘unacceptable’ work all the time. And they leak it on purpose.

And I’ll let you turn your brain back on and let you figure out WHY they do these things…


Shamelessly Salted Dicks is a motherfucker of a band name, btw.

I likee, I run it by the mates, especially if we end up a trio instead of a five piece.


Kate, If I ever manage to get my baseball bat and Pitchfork concern going, you can name your price and job description. Sadly, all I can offer you, at this time, are some internet hugs (as long as they are welcome) and a kiss on the cheek (as long as it is welcome).

Sounds to me like you managed to do a hell of a job raising three kids, given the circumstances.



I believe that everyone should strive to use the phrase “cum-burgling lesbians” at least once a day.


They’re not there to compete for the attentions of the male executives;

Have you ever even worked a day in your fucking life?

Competing for the attentions of the male executives? Like that’s been a thing in… fuck, decades? Like when that was even a “thing”, it wasn’t because of intense restrictions and cultural pressure on women against ever having a career and thus needing to quickly rely on getting a man before their “expiration date” hit?

Cerb, I think you spoke too soon. In my experience the mommies are vying for the attention of male executives (not all of them–some of them tell them to go to hell, but they pay the price). On the low end, they become compromised because they have mouths to feed and the male supervisor has power over them. On the high end, because it’s been a successful strategy so far and they figure that psychotic loyalty and being the understanding, overachieving ‘work wife’ will be rewarded.

The people who don’t do it are childless women, who, like childless young men, can pretty much take the job and shove it a lot more easily than workers with children. That’s why employers loooooove employees with babies and mortgages. That’s when they have you over a barrel. Of course, they hate hate hate when said parents take off work to take care of a sick child. Then it’s threats and rage.


While I do not want to discourage women from motherhood, I just want to point out that when I saw the cartoon and read the caption, I assumed the sleep deprived zombie on the left was the mom.

Right? I figured right-hand lady was well over 50 and the kids are either grown or those are grandkids.


[…] it’s even a full end to a paragraph. Not a savior period or a savior comma where it’s just a dull respite before jumping off the cliff into the rapids […]


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