“Bozell is a hater, and he also, like, has a long, sordid history, like, hating Karl Rove, too. So he has, like, a weird personal axe to grind,” Collegio said.
“Bozell is a hater, and he also, like, has a long, sordid history, like, hating Karl Rove, too. So he has, like, a weird personal axe to grind,” Collegio said.
I hate conservative male valley girls.
right? i now have an image of collegio slapping at the air and awkwardly running out of the room…and really? these people are going to go to war over brent bozell?!?
Funny, if a “number of liberal activists” had called for the firing of a conservative over his or her words, it would be branded “censorship disguised as journalism” — but as usual, IOKIYAR.
It wasn’t the first time Trump aimed his derision at Rove. In late 2011, Trump criticized Rove and former President George W. Bush for providing fertile ground for President Barack Obama’s election after the GOP strategist had voiced concern about a Republican presidential debate that the “Apprentice” star was originally scheduled to moderate.
omg…how much flipping fun would that have been to watch?
Look. I get the Tudor campaign to defame the character of Richard III. I even understand why Shakespeare bought into the propaganda about Richard III and elevated it into art. But why/how did Thomas More buy into and even expand upon the anti-Richard III propaganda? Shouldn’t have have known better, and certainly wasn’t he brave enough to not buy into the “Richard III was a deformed meany” conventional wisdom enforced by the Tudors?
After all, wasn’t a key beef with Richard III that he dare to notice that there were people in England other than nobles and gentlemen? Wasn’t he the original “liberal fascist”?
Or maybe I shouldn’t make that allusion lest Jonah Cheesitberg get wind (see what I did there?) of that comparison and start claiming himself to be of the same caliber as Shakespeare?
dammit…now i don’t know if i’m hungry or horny… – bbkf
When I was a teenager, I think I was both. All the time. Now I am getting into middle age (not quite there yet), so I am no longer quite so hungry and quite so horny, but I am more tired.
So what do you do if you are a little hungry, a little horny and more than a little tired?
Russians Warns That Obama Death Squads Are Fanning Out Across America (Unconfirmed)
It’s from something called Liberty.com. The headline says it all, but read the whole thing if you must. (Something about how he’s going to target gun owners with drones.)
We have not confirmed this article as we have not found the original source and do not have a Russian translator. We are asking for anyone that can help us research this article for us.
It would be very bad for someone who is fluent in Russian to mess with these poor bewildered people.
I also have trouble understanding why Obama needs to send out the Death Squads when he can just use Drones TO RAIN DEATH FROM ABOVE. Perhaps if I were more insane than mildly neurotic.
A fainting couch tout de suite, minion!
HTML in full spate, Gavin and now that old Pinko.
Methinks I am too advanced in age for such excitement.
Talking that way, Shakespeare was of a whole different calibre (note spelling) from any of these propellorheads.
I take a few weeks off because of getting thrown out of our apartment, madly scrambling to find another, killing myself moving crap…and look what happens! HTML Mencken returning for a posting spree, and now Gavin’s back. I’ll never catch up.
And now I discover that DAS is a Yorkist—like me. In all the discussions about what you would change with your shiny new time machine, that’s one of mine—Bosworth Field. For want of a fucking nail!
We have not confirmed this article as we have not found the original source and do not have a Russian translator. We are asking for anyone that can help us research this article for us.
Since when have the wingnuts trusted the Russians? Shit, I know, Kenyan Usurper and all that.
I had no idea there was such diversity of death squids, are there any broad trends in the opinions or do the differences between the varieties of death squid demand an independent nuances opinion for each kind?
I had no idea there was such diversity of death squids, are there any broad trends in the opinions or do the differences between the varieties of death squid demand an independent nuances opinion for each kind?
I had no idea there was such diversity of death squids, are there any broad trends in the opinions or do the differences between the varieties of death squid demand an independent nuances opinion for each kind?
The nuance is mostly with the amount of breading you have to prepare before you fry them.
And now I discover that DAS is a Yorkist—like me. In all the discussions about what you would change with your shiny new time machine, that’s one of mine—Bosworth Field. For want of a fucking nail! – The Very Reverand Battle-Axe of Knowledge
While I would generally consider myself a liberal, I have flirted with Samuel Johnson-style Toryism and even with Jacobitism (although I am no Cavalier). I haven’t considered myself a Yorkist, but I guess now that you mention it, I may be. I guess it all boils down whether or not one thinks this dude should be the king of England? Perhaps he should be, but the picture has a wee bit too much of a Paul Ryan vibe to me. But I guess I should still consider whether or not I should align myself with the Yorkist cause … I certainly am intrigued and wish to subscribe to a newsletter.
Oh Dear God. Do NOT follow the link to SG’s house while you are at work. Or in a library. Or within five miles of the very young, the very old or really anyone at all who might be prone to bazooka barfing.
Oh Dear God. Do NOT follow the link to SG’s house while you are at work. Or in a library. Or within five miles of the very young, the very old or really anyone at all who might be prone to bazooka barfing.
Don’t listen to Shakezula, it’s really quite mesmerizing — almost soothing in a hypnotic way. Be sure to enjoy the musical accompaniment.
Oh Dear God. Do NOT follow the link to SG’s house while you are at work. Or in a library. Or within five miles of the very young, the very old or really anyone at all who might be prone to bazooka barfing.
Based on the commenting style, opionions of the subject matter, and her inability to install flash player, I am seriously beginning to wonder about her sanity.
Based on the commenting style, opionions of the subject matter, and her inability to install flash player, I am seriously beginning to wonder about her sanity.
I’m convinced it’s a spambot, or maybe one of SMcG’s Janus Node projects became self-aware. It’s a pity, I’m totally smitten with the profile pic.
From the reserve-popcorn-levels-dropping-to-critical link:
The letter added that Bozell is a “legacy” in the conservative movement. “He has devoted his life to the cause of American conservatism as did his father, Brent Bozell II, who wrote ‘Conscience of a Conservative’ for Barry Goldwater. Maybe you’ve heard of Brent’s uncle, Bill Buckley, whose words you misquote and twist as the basis for your organization enough to falsely suggest you know something about him. You may have heard of his other uncle, Jim Buckley, a former U.S. Senator, or Brent’s mother, Patricia Buckley Bozell—both important figures and writers in our conservative movement.”
Weirdbeard is thus the finest living example of conservative meritocracy since Bill Kristol met Loadpants.
Especially if you like having your pants scared off your body and into the next county. Efuckinggads. If there is a prize for creating the urban fantasy villains you’d least like to meet without a SWAT team at your back, C.M. comes in a close second to J. Barnes.
P.S. DO NOT FOLLOW THE LINK. You will go mad. Or laugh really hard and choke.
Maybe you’ve heard of Brent’s uncle, Bill Buckley, whose words you misquote and twist as the basis for your organization enough to falsely suggest you know something about him.
Speaking of twisted, this sentence was built with the help of Eschergram 2.0.
I am seriously beginning to wonder about her sanity.
Having dealt with people of varying levels of connection to reality, not to mention other levels of disability, I am not so harsh. I know, shocking, right?
But having started to be able to decipher her phrasing and tempo, I am not so willing to discard. I am starting to kind of like it, in a dadaist poetic kind of way. And she has dropped a couple of hints to birth disabilities, and such, that make me willing to give her more slack.
But then, I once cob-logged with AG, so who am I to judge? Perhaps I am just eager for commenters.
Maybe you’ve heard the story so far: Fired LAPD cop goes apeshit. Shoots other cops and a women’s basketball coach. On-duty officers in the greater LA area shoot four innocents driving the same model pickup. The entire city is in paranoid mode after press publishes his 20-page manifesto-slash-suicide note, which includes a paragraph or two complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Obama, Hillary Clinton, and endorsing stricter gun control laws… and pages and pages and pages describing his grievances against his superiors in the LAPD, along with plenty of evidence that he’s manic-depressive.
Oh, and also, the liberal media are covering it up by not publishing the entire manifesto.
All of a sudden, because we have one shooter who is a) black and b) briefly expresses non-wingnut political views, we are to believe that the correlation between eliminationist ultraconservatism and spree-shootings is entirely negated.
Forget entirely that this case is fundamentally different in that the murderer is not randomly selecting targets but going after people who he feels have aggrieved him. Forget that the weapons he’s using would not be covered under any proposed gun control laws. Forget that he’s not interested in simply racking up a body count, nor trying to make a name for himself by shocking the country.
This is going to be one hell of a weekend here in LA.
But having started to be able to decipher her phrasing and tempo, I am not so willing to discard. I am starting to kind of like it, in a dadaist poetic kind of way. And she has dropped a couple of hints to birth disabilities, and such, that make me willing to give her more slack.
You have to admit it’s a bit weird that she actually enjoyed that photo of SubMcG’s though. And that’s without being able to hear the delightful musical accompaniment that really pulls the whole thing together, y’know?
Well, GAvin, you just made MY weekend… which is starting early because SNOPOCALPSEMAGGEDDON 2013. Here’s hoping both of us keep power, for pixel-surfing between the shovel-shifts!
(I would think all of us here would be Yorkists, as any right-thinking person would be, as long as you generally ignore any Yorkist monarch who wasn’t Richard III. As to your question about what the hell Sir Thomas was up to with his History, the only thing I can say is that the Richard III board on which I have spent the majority of the past week and a half takes it up regularly as a perplexing and possibly insoluble conundrum. He may have been inveighing against tyranny and couldn’t use Henry VII as his real example; he may have been a hatchet for hire who did enough research to realize the demonization was pure crap; he may have been writing the world’s least amusing satire. My own personal idea is that Henry VIII asked Sir Thomas about it once and he just kept drafting and drafting and drafting, hoping to turn it into useful propaganda, until he finally said the hell with it and wrote Utopia instead.)
btw, my goddam html thingie isn’t working. everytime I try it puts some kind of sadly no archive link in front of the real link goddammit, making for a shit link indeed. eg
Pot roast. Provencal. Simple and absolutely fucking delicious. But that was the other day. The leftovers made for a lunch that CAN’T BE BEAT.
Snagged some gorgeous t-bones. Prime. For cheap! Spinach cheese souffle – it’s actuallly much easier than one would think. I cut the loin and tenderloin portions out, gave the bones to THE CUTEST DOG ON THE PLANET, tossed in a HOT HOT HOT cast iron pan, will finish with maybe some compound butter or maybe poivre the fuck out of them. I dunno, we’ll see.
Tomorrow Imma confiting the shit out of some duck – 2$ a pound at the restaurant supply house. Legs get confit’ed, breasts get saved for sauteeing and served on bitter greens with a cherry balsamic reduction or some shit, duck stock is in our future, and duck fat is A KITCHEN FUCKING TREASURE.
Gavin, welcome back! Below I quote one of my favoritest evah blog posts:
Gavin about conservatard whining: 3/30/09
Aha, so they’re the victims of a Time Warner conspiracy to silence [trips over lamp cord] — agh, liberal lamp-trip unfairness. [grabs shelf, chinaware falls] Shit, dish-crashing liberal victimizer scheme-plot, with the [cat dashes under feet] gaaah, [falls through glass coffee table] fnaaagh, Soros-funded sneak-assault on [shelf falls on head] nuh! [cat runs across wreckage pursued by dog] Vince Foster [cat and dog knock over brass pole lamp, clatter out of pitch-dark room; phone rings]
But even so, is that worse that what those perverts at Riddled serve up every day?
Mr Zombie, considering the images that occupy my head, visitors to Riddled are getting off lightly. I have only posted one image from “Surgery in Infancy & Early Childhood”, and none involving eyeball trauma.
Oh sure, the reunionizing is all fine amd good and shit until some damn Fool shows up to go on and on and on and on about his patented up-on-the-backstroke masturbatory fantasies.
So if Bush is worse than Hitler and Obama is worse than Bush, does that make Obama a Mega-Hitler? – Shakezula
I think the theory of Godwinization of political discourse is isomorphic to the Cantor’s theory of transfinite numbers: i.e. there is an isomorphism between aleph_0, aleph_1, etc and Hitler_0, Hitler_1, etc.
Actually, there are multiple isomorphisms possible. Indeed, you can endow the set of isomorphisms between the transfinite cardinals and the Hitlerian cardinals (and similarly for transfinite ordinals and Hitlerian ordinals) with a mathematical structure such that this set of isomorphisms is itself isomorphic to the political spectrum.
Yes, I did major in math way back when. And yes I did take logic as well as computability (I skipped set theory though … and I have not taken an actual course in category theory). Why do you ask?
Not to diminish old home week here at SN!, and forgive me if I missed someone or many someones else doing so, but I have to say that Cerberus and Tintin deserve out raucus applause for keeping this blog alive.
My gratitude to you both, and to all the frontpagers here. I know I couldn’t keep it up a tenth as long*. I tried.
some tidbits from the latest ‘hooterville indigestion’:
-a diatribe targeting our ‘LAX-LUSTER CONGRESS’ who ‘DID NOT GIVE CONSENT’ to obama and his ‘constant dictatorial ways’ when he gave six fighter jets to egypt. this particular rant, which began with him noting that our politicians are ‘sick’ ends thusly:
‘…how much of Obama dictatorship will it take to wake up America?? Remember Nazi Germany, how it started with Hitler gradually taking full charge, having hypnotized the German Army?? Darn right, our own government is becoming SICK. Just think about it!!!.’
-a ‘guest editorial’ by one Clash Daly who passes along all the usual ‘these countries passed gun control and look what happened to all these poor unarmed people’ crap featuring, of course, the jews and political dissidents, etc. and where i found this surprising factoid:
‘During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!’
it ends with: ‘You’re not imagining it, history shows that governments always manipulate tragedies to attempt to disarm the people.’
-‘Letter to the Editor:
How do we justify soft core porn as National Family Entertainment for our Superbowl Half Time Show? I don’t understand. Thank You.’
-obama is a muslim because yahoo news item that says that the tea party says the debate continues over the claim that obama’s wedding ring is inscribed with the muslim declaration of faith because some staffers of a religious wingnut in jordan saw a picture of obama wearing the ring BEFORE he married michelle and a guy in amman said, yes that is the shahada…
-thomas sowell quote
-assorted quotes denigrating women that are supposed to be ‘laughers’…
The letter added that Bozell is a “legacy” in the conservative movement.
Yes, like those jerkhole W-level-IQ “legacy” students at the Ivies, and just as ineluctable.
I didn’t go to an Ivy, but I used to go to Harvard-sponsored events a lot and ride the 66 bus, so I know of whom I speak. (Not implying that Winklevii would be riding the 66 bus. That was more for those one level down on the social chain, those fratty jocks who dressed like gay guys… double take… triple take… okay, just another HU Athletics asshole.)
One might ask if the gay guys were dressing like Harvard jocks, but these are Boston gays we’re talking about, so I’m pretty sure that’s unpossible, but some of the younger more impressionable ones might have taken strong hints from the A&F catalog back in the day. There also used to be an A&F store in Hahvahd Squeyah, so syncronicity! or something, it was a sort of thing: I can’t recall the technical term for a store that LOSES MONEY ON PURPOSE FOR GREAT JUSTICE brand prestige, but it closed in the Great Recession or maybe even before, lolololol. Just their karma for pissing on the grave of the old, funky Harvard Sq. (Tufts students rejoice.)
Oh sure, the reunionizing is all fine amd good and shit until some damn Fool shows up to go on and on and on and on about his patented up-on-the-backstroke masturbatory fantasies.
Hmm, try catfishing the blog with an elaborate Munchhausen’s by internet sob story, then flounce in a trollsy meltdown of epic proportions when too many critical questions are asked. I think that will make you immortal and unforgettable (like Kahless!) in bloggish terms.
In my neck of Queens, it’s still sleet. The gas lines are already starting up, though. I think going forward we’ll need to just start gas rationing before every storm.
But we’re all home, safe and warm at Schloss DAS. Too warm, in fact: as with many apartment buildings, the concept of a thermostat is beyond the ken of our management. So it’s either keep our radiator off or keep it on until it gets so hot we have to turn it off until it gets too cold.
How do we justify soft core porn as National Family Entertainment for our Superbowl Half Time Show? I don’t understand. Thank You.’
it occurs to me that letter-writer may be asking for help in justifying soft core porn as national family entertainment…if i were a bit deviouser and was not worried about job security, i would offer her some ways in which she could justify such a display…although, with the crack editorial staff at the hooterville indigestion, i bet a clever funny made up name and location would pass their muster…these are, after all, the people who gave us the front page headline about the re-opening of the pubic library, the filet mignon smothered in crap dinner special and the hooterville swimming poop story…
How do we justify soft core porn as National Family Entertainment for our Superbowl Half Time Show
Let me guess, this guy considers himself a libertarian and a capitalist, and has bitched about the liberal nanny state and/or some perceived infringement of his civil liberties at least once in the past month.
Tomorrow Imma confiting the shit out of some duck – 2$ a pound at the restaurant supply house. Legs get confit’ed, breasts get saved for sauteeing and served on bitter greens with a cherry balsamic reduction or some shit
I was recently introduced to duck confit for the first time, and I must say it was pretty damn amazing. But I really think you should serve it over the greens — serving it over some shit won’t really do the duck justice.
Also, too: I left a more detailed accounting of the local idiot glibertarian I mentioned a couple threads back at my place. [/whore]
Let me guess, this guy considers himself a libertarian and a capitalist, and has bitched about the liberal nanny state and/or some perceived infringement of his civil liberties at least once in the past month.
oho! fooled you on that one…letter writer is actually a lady…a crazy shiite catholic, rabidly forced birther lady…she is so hardcore whackaloon that 3/4s of her kids will not talk to her…she also had a burial ceremony (with a priest and everything) for her breasts when she had a double mastectomy a few years back…that she had breast cancer is the only thing about her that causes me to look at her as a human being…otherwise she is extremely odious…
Hmm, try catfishing the blog with an elaborate Munchhausen’s by internet sob story, then flounce in a trollsy meltdown of epic proportions when too many critical questions are asked
Spearhafoc, who waits dreaming in his house at R’lyeh said,
February 8, 2013 at 21:26 (kill)
Oh sure, the reunionizing is all fine amd good and shit until some damn Fool shows up to go on and on and on and on about his patented up-on-the-backstroke masturbatory fantasies.
You talking about me?
Spearhafoc is evidently not aware of all internet traditions. Note that in the original there was a troll (“The Fool”) that had made some particularly ridiculous suggestions regarding how to satisfy a woman. His posts got deleted (and for a long time you couldn’t actually type “fool” in a comments box here), but if you search that page for “backstroke” you’ll see enough quoted comments to figure out what was going on.
The paintings demonstrate a command of line and color that is rarely seen in the modern-day “art” world. Former President George W. Bush appears to be influenced by such painters as Edgar Degas and Édouard Manet. The portraits also clearly capture the personality of their subject.
As an artist myself, I’m feeling a real Salieri-in-Amadeus moment here.
Was out running errands and decided to go to the Freddy’s on Hawthorne today. Four-pack of Rasputin Imperial Stout is now in my fridge. I have several other food-things going on just now so the braising isn’t going to happen right away. Prolly sometime next week I’ll snag some beef short ribs and make some variant of carbonade alla flamande.
Four-pack of Rasputin Imperial Stout is now in my fridge.
Excellent, I look forward to hearing of the results (and exactly what you did — I braise roasts but nothing else and not very often and could definitely use some tips).
Oh great. I stop reading S,N! for a year, and by sheer happenstance stop by here TODAY, and see that not only Mencken, but Gavin, too, is back. And like an episode of This Is Your Life (which none of you are old enough to remember), come the voices of the past: Gary Rupperts fake and real (assuming the distinction means anything), Shoelimpy, and an invocation of the Fuching Ferrets. What? No Pastor Swank?
So now I have to keep coming back, and have yet another way to not get any work done. Well, fine. Welcome back, me!
Looked at that “Karl Rove aide an enemy of Truth/Bozell” article, and glanced over the list of signatories. Due to someone’s inability to master either Word, email, or web writing, it appeared to contain this little gem:
Tea Party Patriots
Austin Ruse
Catholic Family & Human
And yes, as a Tea Partier he’s probably right to be proud to be human.
First HTML Mencken and now Gavin!
This canna’ be!!
It’s a good thing too. I was getting pretty tired waiting for the next HTML post.
GASP! Sweet Mother Of Pearl!
Welcome back to the freakshow that never ends.
To quote George Takai: Oh My!
See, one prepares a “Fixing the Interlattice” post as a Gavin M. tribute, and this is what happens. Cargo cults work.
So it really is the apocalypse then.
I thought you folx were making these people up, altogether. A clever ruse, what with the leaving of blogroll links up, and whatnot.
Not since the Great French Toast Blockade, kid, has the Lunch Lady trembled so in her Easy Spirits.
VIPERS are a GO!!
Welcome Back, G.M.!
Yow!!!! Excellent.
The fact is peek wingnut has commensed with the zombie apockalips.
Welcome back, you lazy shit.
As soon as I am done at work I will start carving a 5000′ runway in the jungles of Wisconsin. The sweet sweet cargo will be mine.
Let me be the first one to say: Tonguejack my shitbox!
We were happy then.
We were happy then.
Now that’s funny, that is.
Hi, I’m back!
But really, you never went away.
Does this mean Leonard Pierce will be posting again?
Oppan Gavin Style
Wowzers! It’s all old-timey up in here.
Oh dear, Richard the third.
While you were gone, Gavin, the country was usurped by a Kenyan Muslim narcissist in Mom-jeans. And the poors caused a global financial meltdown.
He’s back, and he’s brought Glen Matlock and Midge Ure with him. Oh, frabjous day!
See, one prepares a “Fixing the Interlattice” post as a Gavin M. tribute, and this is what happens. Cargo cults work.
Forget friendship. Smut is magic!
Wait, were you exhumed along w/ Richie III?
In any case, welcome back.
Yay, Gavin’s back too!
I guess it’s only a matter of time until Troofy comes back, then.
Gary Ruppert said,
February 7, 2013 at 15:26 (kill)
The fact is peek wingnut has commensed with the zombie apockalips.
Hey now.
Milwaukee Law Firm and Sausage Factory will be in touch about this obvious copyright violation. 200 billion dollars seems like a fair compensation.
Don’t invoke its name, you’ll attract it!
[throws salt over shoulder while chanting and sacrificing a ferret]
OK, I think we’re safe for now…
Can you do Fafblog next? I miss the Medium Lobster.
Hello, everyone!
Finally we can kill that damn fatted calf.
Wow, Gavin and the Lunch Lady! Our cafeteria tray sloppeth over!
Also, fixing the interlattice.
Welcome back! Old home week is right!
Also, sacrificing the ferret.
coveting the cheese curds…
Gravying the fries.
Freaky, I just had poutine at a food truck that’ opened for business on one of the main drags- must have been a disturbance in the Force.
I’ll see your poutine and raise you a NEOCON WAR!
dammit…now i don’t know if i’m hungry or horny…
How come there is never an impending plate-of-shrimp crisis?
I’ll see your poutine and raise you a NEOCON WAR!
“Bozell is a hater, and he also, like, has a long, sordid history, like, hating Karl Rove, too. So he has, like, a weird personal axe to grind,” Collegio said.
I hate conservative male valley girls.
How come there is never an impending plate-of-shrimp crisis?
Because the supplies are continually re-stocked by flying saucers, which are really, you got it, time machines.
“Bozell is a hater, and he also, like, has a long, sordid history, like, hating Karl Rove, too. So he has, like, a weird personal axe to grind,” Collegio said.
I hate conservative male valley girls.
right? i now have an image of collegio slapping at the air and awkwardly running out of the room…and really? these people are going to go to war over brent bozell?!?
Funny, if a “number of liberal activists” had called for the firing of a conservative over his or her words, it would be branded “censorship disguised as journalism” — but as usual, IOKIYAR.
Also, too: Pass the popcorn!
Bad Wig vs. Turd Blossom!
“Karl Rove is a total loser. Money given to him might as well be thrown down the drain.”
yow…the jaws are verily snapping for karl rove…i bet he really wishes he wasn’t made out of ham…
now i don’t know if i’m hungry or horny…
There is a way to satisfy both needs…
I love that the same fucknuggets who were fighting over who got to blow Dubya are now pretending they never liked him.
It wasn’t the first time Trump aimed his derision at Rove. In late 2011, Trump criticized Rove and former President George W. Bush for providing fertile ground for President Barack Obama’s election after the GOP strategist had voiced concern about a Republican presidential debate that the “Apprentice” star was originally scheduled to moderate.
omg…how much flipping fun would that have been to watch?
There is a way to satisfy both needs…/i
i?, w?, n?
The truth is, keep fucking that chicken.
Eagerly anticipating a news update from RANTOUL ILLINOS while we’re at it…
Look. I get the Tudor campaign to defame the character of Richard III. I even understand why Shakespeare bought into the propaganda about Richard III and elevated it into art. But why/how did Thomas More buy into and even expand upon the anti-Richard III propaganda? Shouldn’t have have known better, and certainly wasn’t he brave enough to not buy into the “Richard III was a deformed meany” conventional wisdom enforced by the Tudors?
After all, wasn’t a key beef with Richard III that he dare to notice that there were people in England other than nobles and gentlemen? Wasn’t he the original “liberal fascist”?
Or maybe I shouldn’t make that allusion lest Jonah Cheesitberg get wind (see what I did there?) of that comparison and start claiming himself to be of the same caliber as Shakespeare?
“Bozell is a hater, and he also, like, has a long, sordid history, like, hating Karl Rove, too. So he has, like, a weird personal axe to grind,”
He should be fired for sucking as a spokesman.
now i don’t know if i’m hungry or horny…
There is a way to satisfy both needs…
Welcome back, Gavin!
I guess it’s only a matter of time until Troofy comes back, then.
We got Copypasta Troll back in the last thread. Let’s not get greedy.
dammit…now i don’t know if i’m hungry or horny… – bbkf
When I was a teenager, I think I was both. All the time. Now I am getting into middle age (not quite there yet), so I am no longer quite so hungry and quite so horny, but I am more tired.
So what do you do if you are a little hungry, a little horny and more than a little tired?
Precooked sausages.
The internets, let you fix them for me.
Gun cake, golden onion wieners, libertarian nanobots, let us snort them together. I say three billion cheers.
Precooked sausages. – bughunter
I’m a straight male: I guess it would be pre-made fish tacos?
So what do you do if you are a little hungry, a little horny and more than a little tired?
hang out here…
Headline that’s OT but too good not to share:
Russians Warns That Obama Death Squads Are Fanning Out Across America (Unconfirmed)
It’s from something called Liberty.com. The headline says it all, but read the whole thing if you must. (Something about how he’s going to target gun owners with drones.)
DAS said,
February 7, 2013 at 21:38
i concur, sir…and your jonah jibe was most amusing…
Holy mitre of crap. The people I used to read before I discovered the ripe and delicious mangos in the comments are back.
Also, too, Major Kong, that was an excellent diary at GOS. I look forward to the part 2.
Fenwick, it seems like we are ships in the night. good to see you are OK.
Russians Warns That Obama Death Squads Are Fanning Out Across America (Unconfirmed)
first off: emboldening the obama
and also, too…i am not afeered of the death squads…it’s the death squords that we have to watch out for…
It would be very bad for someone who is fluent in Russian to mess with these poor bewildered people.
I also have trouble understanding why Obama needs to send out the Death Squads when he can just use Drones TO RAIN DEATH FROM ABOVE. Perhaps if I were more insane than mildly neurotic.
Having Gavin and HTML back is all well and good but I’ll not be satisfied until Lonny Martello brings back the FUCHING FERRETS.
Holy snark! It’s a sadlyno! revival!
A fainting couch tout de suite, minion!
HTML in full spate, Gavin and now that old Pinko.
Methinks I am too advanced in age for such excitement.
Talking that way, Shakespeare was of a whole different calibre (note spelling) from any of these propellorheads.
Fanning Out Across America
I assume that “fanning out” refers to loss of consciousness from trying to clutch pearls and fan oneself simultaneously.
It would be very bad for someone who is fluent in Russian to mess with these poor bewildered people.
Shirley Substance McGravitas has a grasp of the language.
…he did?
I take a few weeks off because of getting thrown out of our apartment, madly scrambling to find another, killing myself moving crap…and look what happens! HTML Mencken returning for a posting spree, and now Gavin’s back. I’ll never catch up.
And now I discover that DAS is a Yorkist—like me. In all the discussions about what you would change with your shiny new time machine, that’s one of mine—Bosworth Field. For want of a fucking nail!
No, kid—Miracle Whip is not really a miracle.
We have not confirmed this article as we have not found the original source and do not have a Russian translator. We are asking for anyone that can help us research this article for us.
Since when have the wingnuts trusted the Russians? Shit, I know, Kenyan Usurper and all that.
Shalom, gentlemen.
Mencken posts again
Gavin makes an appearance
Troofie rubs out LLLs
Monkey Penis!
Since Pravda turned into The National Enquirer?
Dammit people, it’s Death Squard. Sheesh.
Putin is what they had hoped George Bush was.
What’s our collective opinion on death squids?
Colossal, giant, or humboldt death squids?
I had no idea there was such diversity of death squids, are there any broad trends in the opinions or do the differences between the varieties of death squid demand an independent nuances opinion for each kind?
Dammit people, it’s Death Squard. Sheesh.
yeah…sorry…my bad…i guess thats what happens when one is vainly waiting for some thomas kinkade coffin art…
I had no idea there was such diversity of death squids, are there any broad trends in the opinions or do the differences between the varieties of death squid demand an independent nuances opinion for each kind?
since wingnuts do not get nuance, does it matter?
The nuance is mostly with the amount of breading you have to prepare before you fry them.
I live to disappoint. And after it had been long enough that the “haha” factor of his timely demise wore off it just seemed sorta pointless.
And after it had been long enough that the “haha” factor of his timely demise wore off it just seemed sorta pointless.
you seem to have forgotten the pointlessness of most of my humor…
Colossal, giant, or humboldt death squids?
All of them, Katie.
Death Squash?
What’s our collective opinion on death squids?
Colossal, giant, or humboldt death squids?
Vampire. From Hell.
Colossal, giant, or humboldt death squids?
Release the Kraken!!!
No, not that stupid ‘ol Kraken, release the Wise Kraken!
I miss Bruce.
And now I discover that DAS is a Yorkist—like me. In all the discussions about what you would change with your shiny new time machine, that’s one of mine—Bosworth Field. For want of a fucking nail! – The Very Reverand Battle-Axe of Knowledge
While I would generally consider myself a liberal, I have flirted with Samuel Johnson-style Toryism and even with Jacobitism (although I am no Cavalier). I haven’t considered myself a Yorkist, but I guess now that you mention it, I may be. I guess it all boils down whether or not one thinks this dude should be the king of England? Perhaps he should be, but the picture has a wee bit too much of a Paul Ryan vibe to me. But I guess I should still consider whether or not I should align myself with the Yorkist cause … I certainly am intrigued and wish to subscribe to a newsletter.
Never mind the Kraken, release Goss & Subby!
I’m a straight male: I guess it would be pre-made fish tacos?
it’s Death Squard. Sheesh.
Death Squared?
??? ??.
Well that one’s ruined.
SMcG, you are wronger than a football bat. Wronger… than… a… football… bat, old chum!
Oh Dear God. Do NOT follow the link to SG’s house while you are at work. Or in a library. Or within five miles of the very young, the very old or really anyone at all who might be prone to bazooka barfing.
Don’t listen to Shakezula, it’s really quite mesmerizing — almost soothing in a hypnotic way. Be sure to enjoy the musical accompaniment.
Goss & Subby!
Ah. Good book, that.
Here is a surprising reaction:
Here is a surprising reaction:
not so surprising after reading past comments…
Oh Dear God. Do NOT follow the link to SG’s house while you are at work. Or in a library. Or within five miles of the very young, the very old or really anyone at all who might be prone to bazooka barfing.
or if you don’t want to burn your eyeballs out…
Based on the commenting style, opionions of the subject matter, and her inability to install flash player, I am seriously beginning to wonder about her sanity.
A Record of Success
The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only one failure since 1998.
Based on the commenting style, opionions of the subject matter, and her inability to install flash player, I am seriously beginning to wonder about her sanity.
I’m convinced it’s a spambot, or maybe one of SMcG’s Janus Node projects became self-aware. It’s a pity, I’m totally smitten with the profile pic.
The thought screen helmet has effectively stopped several types of aliens from abducting or controlling humans. Only one failure since 1998.
Damn, it even made teh Wiki.
I imagine a really, really big Rastafarian hat would be the best base for such a helmet- you could stuff it with a whole lot of Velostat.
Man, if he got JanusNode to actually respond with semi-on-topic-if-hard-to-decipher comments to people, I really need to get that code.
I’d never have to go to another meeting again!
I’m in yur petri dish planning yur wireless networks!
From the reserve-popcorn-levels-dropping-to-critical link:
Weirdbeard is thus the finest living example of conservative meritocracy since Bill Kristol met Loadpants.
But Bozell III made it completely on his own.
He killed a cow with his bare hands to make the bootstraps he pulled himself up by.
Weirdbeard is thus the finest living example of conservative meritocracy since Bill Kristol met Loadpants.
And all of them are dead set against affirmative action.
He killed a cow with his bare hands
From inside.
He killed a cow with his bare hands to make the bootstraps he pulled himself up by.
You forgot about the tanning and the Coardwainering skills. As well as many others that escape the mind at present.
From inside.
Especially if you like having your pants scared off your body and into the next county. Efuckinggads. If there is a prize for creating the urban fantasy villains you’d least like to meet without a SWAT team at your back, C.M. comes in a close second to J. Barnes.
P.S. DO NOT FOLLOW THE LINK. You will go mad. Or laugh really hard and choke.
Speaking of twisted, this sentence was built with the help of Eschergram 2.0.
So, Ewik bin Ewik von Dumbassdottir is taking on Karl Rove. The greatest humor value will derive from:
1a) — How swiftly Rove squishes Ewik;
1b) — The lack of effort Rove puts into squishing Ewik;
1c) — The finality with which Ewik remains squished;
2a, 2b, 2c) — Ewik’s total surprise at 1a, 1b, 1c;
3a, 3b, 3c) — Ewik’s enraged, flailing, impotent failure in countering 1a, 1b, 1c
Discussion is not required; pointing and laughing, however, is unavoidable.
You forgot about the tanning and the Coardwainering skills. As well as many others that escape the mind at present.
Hmmm… I hope I can post a Cordwainer Smith bit before Smut Clyde beats me to the punch.
When’s Two-Minute Town Hall? Huh? Huh?
I am seriously beginning to wonder about her sanity.
Some of the comments have made me question my own.
Only one failure since 1998!
This is utterly wonderful because of commenter Irma LaDuce:
[muttering] What a remarkable performance.
I prefer my very stylish tinfoil fedora.
I am seriously beginning to wonder about her sanity.
Having dealt with people of varying levels of connection to reality, not to mention other levels of disability, I am not so harsh. I know, shocking, right?
But having started to be able to decipher her phrasing and tempo, I am not so willing to discard. I am starting to kind of like it, in a dadaist poetic kind of way. And she has dropped a couple of hints to birth disabilities, and such, that make me willing to give her more slack.
But then, I once cob-logged with AG, so who am I to judge? Perhaps I am just eager for commenters.
Maybe you’ve heard the story so far: Fired LAPD cop goes apeshit. Shoots other cops and a women’s basketball coach. On-duty officers in the greater LA area shoot four innocents driving the same model pickup. The entire city is in paranoid mode after press publishes his 20-page manifesto-slash-suicide note, which includes a paragraph or two complimenting Mr. and Mrs. Obama, Hillary Clinton, and endorsing stricter gun control laws… and pages and pages and pages describing his grievances against his superiors in the LAPD, along with plenty of evidence that he’s manic-depressive.
What is the right wing reaction? Dorner is a moonbat psychopath driven to murder by leftist propaganda in the mainstream media.
Oh, and also, the liberal media are covering it up by not publishing the entire manifesto.
All of a sudden, because we have one shooter who is a) black and b) briefly expresses non-wingnut political views, we are to believe that the correlation between eliminationist ultraconservatism and spree-shootings is entirely negated.
Forget entirely that this case is fundamentally different in that the murderer is not randomly selecting targets but going after people who he feels have aggrieved him. Forget that the weapons he’s using would not be covered under any proposed gun control laws. Forget that he’s not interested in simply racking up a body count, nor trying to make a name for himself by shocking the country.
This is going to be one hell of a weekend here in LA.
You have to admit it’s a bit weird that she actually enjoyed that photo of SubMcG’s though. And that’s without being able to hear the delightful musical accompaniment that really pulls the whole thing together, y’know?
My first thought was that Anne had a stroke.
Anyway brain troubles should be no obstacle to posting or commenting at the House of Substance.
Ow, ow, ow.
This week has beat the stuffing out of me.
Well, GAvin, you just made MY weekend… which is starting early because SNOPOCALPSEMAGGEDDON 2013. Here’s hoping both of us keep power, for pixel-surfing between the shovel-shifts!
now i don’t know if i’m hungry or horny…
There’s a difference?
I may have been doing it wrong.
What did I miss???
I really don’t see what’s the big deal. I’m partial to thighs as well. They don’t dry out as much as the breasts.
Gavin! Gavin! Gavin’s here! Gavin’s here! Yay!
(I would think all of us here would be Yorkists, as any right-thinking person would be, as long as you generally ignore any Yorkist monarch who wasn’t Richard III. As to your question about what the hell Sir Thomas was up to with his History, the only thing I can say is that the Richard III board on which I have spent the majority of the past week and a half takes it up regularly as a perplexing and possibly insoluble conundrum. He may have been inveighing against tyranny and couldn’t use Henry VII as his real example; he may have been a hatchet for hire who did enough research to realize the demonization was pure crap; he may have been writing the world’s least amusing satire. My own personal idea is that Henry VIII asked Sir Thomas about it once and he just kept drafting and drafting and drafting, hoping to turn it into useful propaganda, until he finally said the hell with it and wrote Utopia instead.)
OT (thank fucking jesus) but thought I’d leave this gem here.
btw, my goddam html thingie isn’t working. everytime I try it puts some kind of sadly no archive link in front of the real link goddammit, making for a shit link indeed. eg
Hi Gavin! And HTML! And everyone else!
Yes, I still surf here from time to time. While I enjoy Cerberus – the old crew brings the lulz. Hope they stick around for a while longer.
Pot roast. Provencal. Simple and absolutely fucking delicious. But that was the other day. The leftovers made for a lunch that CAN’T BE BEAT.
Snagged some gorgeous t-bones. Prime. For cheap! Spinach cheese souffle – it’s actuallly much easier than one would think. I cut the loin and tenderloin portions out, gave the bones to THE CUTEST DOG ON THE PLANET, tossed in a HOT HOT HOT cast iron pan, will finish with maybe some compound butter or maybe poivre the fuck out of them. I dunno, we’ll see.
Tomorrow Imma confiting the shit out of some duck – 2$ a pound at the restaurant supply house. Legs get confit’ed, breasts get saved for sauteeing and served on bitter greens with a cherry balsamic reduction or some shit, duck stock is in our future, and duck fat is A KITCHEN FUCKING TREASURE.
I may have been doing it wrong.
Wow. That’s something I never thought I’d ear from an engineer.
or hear. Either way.
What did I miss???
It turned out, Pinko Punko was Gary!
ou have to admit it’s a bit weird that she actually enjoyed that photo of SubMcG’s though.
OK, I don’ t think that’s what she was saying; her comments indicate she can’t see much of the flash-based content.
But even so, is that worse that what those perverts at Riddled serve up every day?
McJohn, glad to know that I can ask important questions even in fields outside my bailiwick … even if I am not sure how to spell bailiwick.
Oh and OBS, Bell’s Hopslam is really, really good. (hic!)
Richard III– a short man, was he… eh? All squat and bent up?
How about Lonny Martello, zrm?
Gavin, welcome back! Below I quote one of my favoritest evah blog posts:
Gavin about conservatard whining: 3/30/09
Aha, so they’re the victims of a Time Warner conspiracy to silence [trips over lamp cord] — agh, liberal lamp-trip unfairness. [grabs shelf, chinaware falls] Shit, dish-crashing liberal victimizer scheme-plot, with the [cat dashes under feet] gaaah, [falls through glass coffee table] fnaaagh, Soros-funded sneak-assault on [shelf falls on head] nuh! [cat runs across wreckage pursued by dog] Vince Foster [cat and dog knock over brass pole lamp, clatter out of pitch-dark room; phone rings]
But even so, is that worse that what those perverts at Riddled serve up every day?
Mr Zombie, considering the images that occupy my head, visitors to Riddled are getting off lightly. I have only posted one image from “Surgery in Infancy & Early Childhood”, and none involving eyeball trauma.
This is awesome — It’s like homecoming here!
YAY Gavin!
My string-and-cans mechanism isn’t working atm but when it’s fixed I’ll be in touch.
The fact is, I’ve never felt more real.
I’m Shoelimpy. Where’s my girlfriend?
Oh sure, the reunionizing is all fine amd good and shit until some damn Fool shows up to go on and on and on and on about his patented up-on-the-backstroke masturbatory fantasies.
Now we need Rugged In Montana and the Goddamn Batman.
Is it Teh Gav?
Bushes were hacked? They shoulda waxed instead.
i am impressed with his faucet painting…
i am impressed with his faucet painting…
Hard proof that Bush is worse than Hitler!
So if Bush is worse than Hitler and Obama is worse than Bush, does that make Obama a Mega-Hitler?
So if Bush is worse than Hitler and Obama is worse than Bush, does that make Obama a Mega-Hitler? – Shakezula
I think the theory of Godwinization of political discourse is isomorphic to the Cantor’s theory of transfinite numbers: i.e. there is an isomorphism between aleph_0, aleph_1, etc and Hitler_0, Hitler_1, etc.
Actually, there are multiple isomorphisms possible. Indeed, you can endow the set of isomorphisms between the transfinite cardinals and the Hitlerian cardinals (and similarly for transfinite ordinals and Hitlerian ordinals) with a mathematical structure such that this set of isomorphisms is itself isomorphic to the political spectrum.
Yes, I did major in math way back when. And yes I did take logic as well as computability (I skipped set theory though … and I have not taken an actual course in category theory). Why do you ask?
Richard III Jokes Never Get Old
huh…apparently, they are a thing…
also, too…richard the iii is an euphemism for POOP…
Richard III? We refer to him as Dick!!!
Kantor was a st00pids.
Kurt –
But how can you be sure?
DAS’ theory of Hitlerian isomorphism in Cantor might have merit if anyone can figure out WTF der Georg was on about.
Cantor’s theory creates a paradox!
Well duh, you wanker.
I zee nothink vrong vit dat.
oh my…the postponements and cancellations have begun here due to the impending weather…how are the east coast sadlies fairing?
how are the east coast sadlies fairing?
I have not yet been reduced to cannibalism, but I have my eye on the children in apartment 25K should supplies grow tight.
Only 1/2″ so far, apparently big snow and winds are supposed to start around 4.
Not to diminish old home week here at SN!, and forgive me if I missed someone or many someones else doing so, but I have to say that Cerberus and Tintin deserve out raucus applause for keeping this blog alive.
My gratitude to you both, and to all the frontpagers here. I know I couldn’t keep it up a tenth as long*. I tried.
*Oh yes I did.
Editing, how does it work?
some tidbits from the latest ‘hooterville indigestion’:
-a diatribe targeting our ‘LAX-LUSTER CONGRESS’ who ‘DID NOT GIVE CONSENT’ to obama and his ‘constant dictatorial ways’ when he gave six fighter jets to egypt. this particular rant, which began with him noting that our politicians are ‘sick’ ends thusly:
‘…how much of Obama dictatorship will it take to wake up America?? Remember Nazi Germany, how it started with Hitler gradually taking full charge, having hypnotized the German Army?? Darn right, our own government is becoming SICK. Just think about it!!!.’
-a ‘guest editorial’ by one Clash Daly who passes along all the usual ‘these countries passed gun control and look what happened to all these poor unarmed people’ crap featuring, of course, the jews and political dissidents, etc. and where i found this surprising factoid:
‘During WWII the Japanese decided not to invade America because they knew most Americans were ARMED!’
it ends with: ‘You’re not imagining it, history shows that governments always manipulate tragedies to attempt to disarm the people.’
-‘Letter to the Editor:
How do we justify soft core porn as National Family Entertainment for our Superbowl Half Time Show? I don’t understand. Thank You.’
-obama is a muslim because yahoo news item that says that the tea party says the debate continues over the claim that obama’s wedding ring is inscribed with the muslim declaration of faith because some staffers of a religious wingnut in jordan saw a picture of obama wearing the ring BEFORE he married michelle and a guy in amman said, yes that is the shahada…
-thomas sowell quote
-assorted quotes denigrating women that are supposed to be ‘laughers’…
the wingnutstoopid is strong with this one…
Silly congressmen, you can’t polish a turd.
Nobody misses ME ……….. not even me.
Cerberus and Tintin deserve ou[r] raucus applause for keeping this blog alive.
The letter added that Bozell is a “legacy” in the conservative movement.
Yes, like those jerkhole W-level-IQ “legacy” students at the Ivies, and just as ineluctable.
I didn’t go to an Ivy, but I used to go to Harvard-sponsored events a lot and ride the 66 bus, so I know of whom I speak. (Not implying that Winklevii would be riding the 66 bus. That was more for those one level down on the social chain, those fratty jocks who dressed like gay guys… double take… triple take… okay, just another HU Athletics asshole.)
One might ask if the gay guys were dressing like Harvard jocks, but these are Boston gays we’re talking about, so I’m pretty sure that’s unpossible, but some of the younger more impressionable ones might have taken strong hints from the A&F catalog back in the day. There also used to be an A&F store in Hahvahd Squeyah, so syncronicity! or something, it was a sort of thing: I can’t recall the technical term for a store that LOSES MONEY ON PURPOSE FOR GREAT
JUSTICEbrand prestige, but it closed in the Great Recession or maybe even before, lolololol. Just their karma for pissing on the grave of the old, funky Harvard Sq. (Tufts students rejoice.)Cerberus and Tintin deserve ou[r] raucus applause for keeping this blog alive.
Turded. Or possibly tarted. Just, definitely not sharted. We’ll leave that to Rick Perry and his 99.97% ineffective strategies. (Cf: Wonkette)
–not a gator, swanky slut
Remember Nazi Germany, how it started with Hitler gradually taking full charge, having hypnotized the German Army?
…aah, vaudeville!
You talking about me? Because that is completely uncalled for.
Rugged in Montana said,
February 8, 2013 at 21:12
Nobody misses ME ……….. not even me.
Hmm, try catfishing the blog with an elaborate Munchhausen’s by internet sob story, then flounce in a trollsy meltdown of epic proportions when too many critical questions are asked. I think that will make you immortal and unforgettable (like Kahless!) in bloggish terms.
Was this advice useful? Yes/no
You talking about me? Because that is completely uncalled for.
Holy redhead mother of god!
Remember Nazi Germany, how it started with Hitler gradually taking full charge, having hypnotized the German Army?
The quest for genetic purity was actually all about breeding the perfect hypnotoad.
How can we tell the perfect hypnotoad has not been created?
In my neck of Queens, it’s still sleet. The gas lines are already starting up, though. I think going forward we’ll need to just start gas rationing before every storm.
But we’re all home, safe and warm at Schloss DAS. Too warm, in fact: as with many apartment buildings, the concept of a thermostat is beyond the ken of our management. So it’s either keep our radiator off or keep it on until it gets so hot we have to turn it off until it gets too cold.
How do we justify soft core porn as National Family Entertainment for our Superbowl Half Time Show? I don’t understand. Thank You.’
it occurs to me that letter-writer may be asking for help in justifying soft core porn as national family entertainment…if i were a bit deviouser and was not worried about job security, i would offer her some ways in which she could justify such a display…although, with the crack editorial staff at the hooterville indigestion, i bet a clever funny made up name and location would pass their muster…these are, after all, the people who gave us the front page headline about the re-opening of the pubic library, the filet mignon smothered in crap dinner special and the hooterville swimming poop story…
How can we tell the perfect hypnotoad has not been created?
There is no hypnotoad. All hail hypnotoad.
How do we justify soft core porn as National Family Entertainment for our Superbowl Half Time Show when we could go straight to hardcore?
Extenz’d that for ya.
How do we justify soft core porn as National Family Entertainment for our Superbowl Half Time Show
Let me guess, this guy considers himself a libertarian and a capitalist, and has bitched about the liberal nanny state and/or some perceived infringement of his civil liberties at least once in the past month.
Gods, eight years along and I still love this blog. Youz da bes’!
I was recently introduced to duck confit for the first time, and I must say it was pretty damn amazing. But I really think you should serve it over the greens — serving it over some shit won’t really do the duck justice.
Also, too: I left a more detailed accounting of the local idiot glibertarian I mentioned a couple threads back at my place. [/whore]
Let me guess, this guy considers himself a libertarian and a capitalist, and has bitched about the liberal nanny state and/or some perceived infringement of his civil liberties at least once in the past month.
oho! fooled you on that one…letter writer is actually a lady…a crazy shiite catholic, rabidly forced birther lady…she is so hardcore whackaloon that 3/4s of her kids will not talk to her…she also had a burial ceremony (with a priest and everything) for her breasts when she had a double mastectomy a few years back…that she had breast cancer is the only thing about her that causes me to look at her as a human being…otherwise she is extremely odious…
whaddya know…the first time nro comments have been amusing in a ‘haha funny’ way…
Hmm, try catfishing the blog with an elaborate Munchhausen’s by internet sob story, then flounce in a trollsy meltdown of epic proportions when too many critical questions are asked
Cerberus and Tintin deserve ou[r] raucus applause for keeping this blog alive.
Echoed enthusiastically.
Spearhafoc is evidently not aware of all internet traditions. Note that in the original there was a troll (“The Fool”) that had made some particularly ridiculous suggestions regarding how to satisfy a woman. His posts got deleted (and for a long time you couldn’t actually type “fool” in a comments box here), but if you search that page for “backstroke” you’ll see enough quoted comments to figure out what was going on.
he apparently wasn’t very fond of punk bitchez either. greatful dead all the way.
That was what made me so sad. Us punk bitchez have such a hard time already…
oh. Forgot all those Fool comments were deleted. Sorry.
I miss that PeeJ guy.
I wish I could’ve made it to The Portlanding back in aught-eight so I could’ve met him before he disappeared. Wherever could he have gone?
When you’re older, you’ll understand, kid, why you want a little mystery in a good sloppy joe.
New diary:
PeeJ, Righteous Bubblah, Sam from Utah, TC…
All Glory, etc.
Okay, I’ll stop.
Well, I enjoyed the last one at any rate.
There should have been a YAY in there.
help in justifying soft core porn as national family entertainment
Vote Beyonce/Gaga in 2016!
Holy shit! Check out George W. Bush’s paintings.
As an artist myself, I’m feeling a real Salieri-in-Amadeus moment here.
What’s really awesome is that he painted those with his penis.
Looks like Condi Rice and Dick Cheney have one more thing in common…
Looks like Condi Rice and Dick Cheney have one more thing in common…
Condi and Jerry Ford, I think you should mean.
The portraits also clearly capture the personality of their subject.
…back …feet Why, yes, yes they do!!.
Just want to chime in to the chorus of appreciation to Cerb and Tintin.
Thanks, y’all.
Was out running errands and decided to go to the Freddy’s on Hawthorne today. Four-pack of Rasputin Imperial Stout is now in my fridge. I have several other food-things going on just now so the braising isn’t going to happen right away. Prolly sometime next week I’ll snag some beef short ribs and make some variant of carbonade alla flamande.
Excellent, I look forward to hearing of the results (and exactly what you did — I braise roasts but nothing else and not very often and could definitely use some tips).
Drones drones go away
come again some ….
The power of the Powerline prophecy!
Holy shit, read the third line of Hinderaker’s class Bush post:
. . .a great painter . . . who is ahead of his time, and who unveils one masterpiece after another . . .
I trust the Bush paintings are being closely analysed by the SadlyLabs spectrochoromiscoper at this very moment.
I braise roasts but nothing else and not very often and could definitely use some tips
I’m sure Pup would be happy to give you a tip. Heh.
Oh great. I stop reading S,N! for a year, and by sheer happenstance stop by here TODAY, and see that not only Mencken, but Gavin, too, is back. And like an episode of This Is Your Life (which none of you are old enough to remember), come the voices of the past: Gary Rupperts fake and real (assuming the distinction means anything), Shoelimpy, and an invocation of the Fuching Ferrets. What? No Pastor Swank?
So now I have to keep coming back, and have yet another way to not get any work done. Well, fine. Welcome back, me!
The birth of Power Pop! Screw the drones; we rock!
Looked at that “Karl Rove aide an enemy of Truth/Bozell” article, and glanced over the list of signatories. Due to someone’s inability to master either Word, email, or web writing, it appeared to contain this little gem:
Tea Party Patriots
Austin Ruse
Catholic Family & Human
And yes, as a Tea Partier he’s probably right to be proud to be human.