Profiles In Courage
Posted on January 30th, 2013 by HTML Mencken
Shorter Matt K. Lewis
The Daily Cholera
“How conservatives and liberals enforce pundit conformity”
- I am saddened to note that in the current culture of journalism truly brave TV pundits like Erick Erickson, who attacked RINOs from the right on CNN, and Kirsten Powers, who attacks many Democrats from the right on Fox, are rare birds indeed, deserving admiration and awe from all fair-minded people.
‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™
If we don’t enforce pundit conformity, we could end up having to use shims to stack them like cordwood. I despise such sloppiness.
Erick Erickson, who attacks perceived RINOs from the right on CNN
Now he can attack perceived RINOs from the right on Fox.
Attacking a perceived threat is a symptom of the type of mental illnesses I wouldn’t wish on Erick Erickson.
Matt K. Lewis will cut your bitch ass.
Now he can attack
perceived RINOsactual rhinos from the right on Fox.Ok, ok, I’ll fix it.
Meanwhile, Kirsten Powers, a liberal who appears on Fox News, endured some vicious attacks on twitter
A Fox News liberal, you say? I haven’t actually watched Ms Powers, never actually heard of,her before, but I’m guessing she’s a vacuous twit.
Fox News COULD hire an actual articulate liberal, of which there is no shortage in Left Blogistan, but for mysterious reasons, Fox News chose Ms Powers over any of those.
so I say, fuck her and the horse she rode in on.
Jesus Tapdancing Christ on an asteroid, breathes there a more contemptibly whiney cohort among all of humanity than AA-league wingnut columnists? Oh no, some random asshole tweeted mean things at me, liberalism must answer for this outrage. If your skin is really as thin as all that, “expressing your opinions in public” ought not to be your fucking job description. I also love how when peddling false equivalence on this issue, they always equate statements by random Internet assholes allegedly from the left with statements by leaders and elected officials on the right. Because Some Dude On Twitter is the official spokesman for the liberal movement, but Rush Limbaugh with an audience of millions and enough clout to force GOP congresspeople to grovel before his feet has nothing to do with conservatism.
Curse you, Sadly No! You got me irate enough to actually click through to the stupidity in question, which as Dog is my witness I have NEVER DONE BEFORE in my many years of lurking here. Pshaw!
HTML, have you tapped a keg of Red Bull? Great to see your posts again, keep ’em coming.
Hah! Sucker.
Nah just garden-variety insomnia and a desire to be distracted. Thank you, though.
Ah yes, a Fox News Liberal.
kirsten powers? @kirstenpowers10
Why do “liberals” so consistently attack the way I look and make sexist comments when they disagree with my columns? Serious question.
I lurk about 1000 times more than I post here, but please include me in a tip ‘o the hat to the prodigious ouput as of late. Kudos to all the contributor, new and old.
Why do “liberals” so consistently attack the way I look and make sexist comments when they disagree with my columns?
Because liberals are humans and like all humans some are assholes. Why do Serious Fox News “Liberals” only notice when “liberals” are assholes and pretend it means something about liberalism and not mere assholery? Not a serious question, as I already know why.
Can I just say I love the opening sentence?
During the 1990s, I always found the East Coast-West Coast hip-hop rivalry interesting. Biggie and Tupac, no doubt, had more in common with each other than either of them did with, say, Garth Brooks.
Look, look! I’m hip! I’m a conservative, but I know about hip-hop! Look at me casually dropping those references to the stuff these kids are watching these days!
The most jaw-dropping (to me) paragraph from EE’s farewell:
Yes, I’m sure the suit was the only reason.
The only other thing –
There’s something about internecine squabbles that really brings out the bitterness.
Which is why it’s always really struck me as remarkable that there was basically zero conflict in the comments sections of the conservative blogs I’ve read in my time.
I used to read EjectEjectEject on a fairly regular basis, and when it merged with other blogs and became PJMedia, I read that for a while after the election (just to get an idea what they were saying). In all that time, I don’t recall a meaningful argument arising between the denizens. I never read a single discussion about the merits of the Iraq War, Social Security privatization, tax cuts, or whatever; never read a single discussion about how well Bush was doing his job, even if it was to say he should be more conservative; basically no arguments of any meaning at all, other than those of “are liberals stupid or evil? Discuss” format. The blogger would issue the talking points. The commentors would fall all over themselves agreeing with him and praising his brilliance. Once that dried up and the thread needed to be kept going, they’d bring in news about this or that person or event, and fall all over themselves agreeing with the conservative party line. The only arguments that ever occurred were when a liberal troll came along and stirred the pot.
Always really struck me when you compare that to the fairly healthy arguments or just conversations that crop up on this site, let alone the “2 liberals, 3 opinions” shit show (I mean that in a good way :D) that is Balloon Juice. Over on this side, internecine squabbles out the wazoo. Over there, everyone goose-steps in unified formation.
Sort of OT, the following spam from Regnery was in my mailbox, titled “How the Media Stole the 2012 Election”
sort of “OnT” I meant.
Shorter Regnery: Only my newsletter has the REAL truth!!
Erick didn’t* notice all the people yelling, “Porter! Oh, porter!”**
*did but feigned ignorance
**Also, too, playing the “some of my best friends are…” card
Not only did the media openly cheerlead for Obama; they circled like a pack of bullies around his opponent, showing more intellectual curiosity in a dumb story about his dog than scandals such as the murder of a US ambassador in Benghazi.
Bullshit. The media certainly made more of a big deal out of Benghazi, going along with farcical conservative talking points like “he didn’t call it terrorism until two weeks later! OMG OMG OMG!” than they ever did about Romney’s dog. I was there, bro. I read and saw what the “mainstream media” were talking about, and the idea that they covered up Benghazi is beyond ludicrous.
Oh, what the hell. By all means keep spoon-feeding this shit to your readers – the more desperately they cling to the alternate reality and the longer they refuse to let go, the better it is for us. Please proceed, governor.
Over on this side, internecine squabbles out the wazoo. Over there, everyone goose-steps in unified formation.
It’s simultaneously the most frustrating aspect of leftism, and probably our one saving grace as a political lean. Getting us to move in a direction is more difficult than cat-herding.
It’s simultaneously the most frustrating aspect of leftism, and probably our one saving grace as a political lean. Getting us to move in a direction is more difficult than cat-herding.
Yeah, and when this is done on a national scale, it’s called “consent of the governed,” i.e. “democracy,” vs. “dictatorship.” Dictatorships are certainly more “efficient” than democracies, because only a small number (or one) make the decisions. But they lack the self-corrective nature of democracies, which is why dictators usually wind up leading their nations, very efficiently, off a cliff.
Yeah, as often as it makes me want to tear my hair out, I wouldn’t trade it for the world at the end of the day. That sort of chaos is the inevitable result of free thought and civic engagement. And it’s what stops us from blindly following ideology for ideology’s sake until it walks us off a cliff, as conservatives and communists have done. Democracy is the worst form of government – but still better than all the others that have been tried from time to time.
God DAMN it. Even used the cliff analogy and everything.
I’ll beat you to it next time, Gadget! NEXT TIME!
[cue the credits]
And it’s what stops us from blindly following ideology for ideology’s sake until it walks us off a cliff, as conservatives and communists have done.
It always makes me sad when that comparison comes up. Because, I mean, yeah, but also my name is only partly constructed in jest.
HTLM Mencken, has taken his Biagra, which is like the little blue pill only you get a raging blog-on.
Also re: Mr. Erickson’s charming little bellhop mix up anecdote. The only thing less funny than those kinds of mistakes is the fact that the Ericks of the world become irate when they learn of their error.
Spin Masters “serves as an alternate-universe
assignment desk for the stories unbiased reporters might have written.”Fixxed.
More praise for HTML. (“The Daily Cholera”, laffed I did.)
Somebody take out Fred Hiatt’s knees (with votes).
I won’t care about the rest.
It’s simultaneously the most frustrating aspect of leftism, and probably our one saving grace as a political lean.
What lefties need is the stones to take a shiv to their own dogma when it fails to deliver the goods.
Back when some Vietmanese peasants were pwning the USAF, they’d make it their first priority after every engagement to sit in a circle & have an autocritique/story-sharing session, exactly like a bunch of hippies! Yet despite this comical touchy-feely left wing crap, without an Air Force of their own to help them survive the most ferocious carpet-bombing campaign in history, they somehow sent The Best Damn Army EVAR packing.
I’m wondering what Roland Martin gets out of the deal. So much humiliation in exchange for stuff to sell on ebay?
O.K., eataTree, I’m gonna make this easy for you.
This breaking story is hilarious:
From eddie’s linkl:
Not quite as pointed in their skewing as The Onion.
skewERing. Derp.
The Daily Curreny is satire of course, but they make it so it’s believable. Their Bachman vs Boehner story is fekin genius.
I didn’t even know Stefanie Powers was on Fox News.
Hmmm… I see to recall that North Vietnam absolutely had an airforce, equipped with some nice Soviet MiGs.
However, the after-action group analyses and training assaults before action are both good practices.
Hmmm… I see to recall that North Vietnam absolutely had an airforce, equipped with some nice Soviet MiGs.
Plus so many SA-2s that the Russians complained they were setting them off like firecrackers.
When they invaded the South in 1975 they had huge numbers of tanks.
I’m curious when the meme changed from:
“We lost in Vietnam because we were stabbed in the back by Jane Fonda and the hippies”
“We lost in Vietnam because the brave
Viet CongWolverines! drove out the invaders with their privately owned rifles.”Which is why it’s always really struck me as remarkable that there was basically zero conflict in the comments sections of the conservative blogs I’ve read in my time.
I imagine any comments not in lockstep are quickly deleted. Much as I hate “NRO”, I think they showed some moxie by moving to Disqus, thus allowing negative comments.
Spin Masters tells the straight story about Romney’s merits and demonstrates just how far out of their way the media was willing to go to tarnish his image, sometimes flirting with the boundary between muddled truth and outright fiction.
This is weird, I thought the Conservative party line was that Romney was a poor candidate because he was insufficiently conservative… I can’t imagine that such BADWRONGTHINK would come out of Regenery’s word-mills.
Conservatism cannot fail. It can only be failed.
TSA spokesperson Dirk Diggler,
Would be a good walk-on in “Tender is the Night”, he and Dick Diver would probably have issues to discuss.
The fact is, everyone knows the left wing media liberal bias is left wing. Even the left aknowledges that, which is how Obama cheat himself to second coronoation as king of the lazy.
right wing nutjobs at work:
Sorry, Fox Noise, the left can offer nothing to rival this in hatred, dogmatism and sheer wackadoodle insanity.
Because nothing says Brave Patriot like sending hate mail to grandpa.
@ShakyZulu (the caffeine-addicted brother of the Master of the assegai?):
“..the type of mental illnesses I wouldn’t wish on Erick Erickson.”
(a) You wouldn’t? I would., but that requires
(b) you imply that there are some which Mr Ericksonononon has not as yet sampled. Have you any proof of that bold assertion?
To Chris’s point:
Back when I was younger, and much more amused by both the stupidity and the insanity of the right, I would login to right wing websites to stir things up. Usually a simple question in contravention of their talking point was all that was required. I got banned from Moran’s place, and Right Wing News, and, of course, Red State. My favorite banning from Red State was when I asked, prior to start of hostilities in Iraq, whether fighting a war on two fronts in the same region was wise.
I responded to every post that was directed at mine, fielding questions about my patriotism, my manliness, and my deep and abiding desire to see American ground under the boot heel of the pending Caliphate. That took about two hours, with the ban coming as the final post. Not once did any of them doubt America’s ability to fight on two fronts (“hell, why not make it three and take on Iran as well?”), and this was at the 5 or 6 year mark following the invasion of Afghanistan. They do NOT deviate from the meme, and challenges to it are expelled from the body blogitic by little red corpuscles of stupidity.
I dunno if I’d classify the Great Obots Vs. The True Left Massacre Of Aught-Twelve as “fairly healthy” but I still prefer that to lockstep indoctrination.
<i.Yes, I’m sure the suit was the only reason.
Bitter Scribe, not being a Merkin (from Merka), I didn’t know who the dude was. So when I clicked through and saw the image, I actually laughed out loud. In the office.
Is Erky McErkimerLurkimer really so stupid? How did he survive to adulthood?
Sodbuckets, italics fail. Must be the implied effect of Erkit.