Charlie’s Angels

I make no apologies for the title nor how it may ruin the camp (or erotic) value of bad 70s television

Clarice Feldman, American … Fuck You:
Newtown: Just Leave Us to Grieve in Peace

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • Shame on you, dirty liberals claiming kinship with the Sandy Hook shooting victims to pursue your political agenda of trying to make sure this never happens again. I’m so upset at you, I need to claim ownership and spokesmanship for the victims in order to pursue my political agenda of ensuring that these shootings continue to happen every couple of months!


No no no no no no no nononnonono! Not doing it!

Mona Charen, National Knows Her Place:
Chivalry: The Opposite of Good Manners?

I need a break from trying to mango retrieve wingnut responses to Sandy Hook*. Something refreshing. Something enjoyable.

Like… ooh. Mona Charen, the delightful moron who managed to lose an argument against her own spellcheck software has a new article. Even better it’s an attempt to understand and exploit some genuine academic research.

Ah, it’s like Satanmas come early!

Shorter (or the last port before Jungle):

  • This academic article about how women rationalize non-cartoonish bigotry as not being that bad proves conclusively that non-cartoonish bigotry isn’t that bad. Take that, feminists!

(girlish squeal) And it’s even about feminism and sexism! Oh thank you, National Review gods, you know exactly what I needed! Now if only there was some painful myopia to sprinkle on the top-

Chivalry is back in the news.


Yep, chivalry sure is all anyone is talking about these days! I mean, a google news search for chivalry turns up what must be… nearly 5 stories in the last 4 days (most by wingnuts following the same talking points as Mona) versus the approximately seventy bajillion articles on the Sandy Hook shooting released in the last 4 picoseconds alone.

And it’s not like she can even pull the bullshit “oh some of the male heroes only saved those ungrateful bitches out of chivalry” shit some were peddling after the Colorado shooting what with nearly all the fallen heroes of this shooting being brave and under-appreciated female public school teachers.

I guess, sometimes real life can just be all “inconvenient” to attempted talking point pimping, can’t it, Mona? So what’s the real reason for your sudden interest in the “nice” sexism known as chivalry?

The always alert Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute draws our attention

Ah, of course he does. Well, if ole Charlie No Talent of the perpetual fail machine known as the AEI directed you to write about it, I guess you had no choice but to follow.

Actually, let’s take a moment to process just how incredibly pathetic it is that she’s the talking point outlet for Charles Fucking Murray. That’s like barely one step above being the talking point recipient of Glenn Reynolds. Or Mona herself.

draws our attention to an item in the Psychology of Women Quarterly.

Eeeeeeeeee! Sorry, for my continued girly excitement, but it is always so refreshing when wingnuts stupidly decide to go after genuine academic scholarship in their usual “enlightened” fashion.

So today’s wingnut target for bastardization is the article “Why is Benevolent Sexism Appealing? Associations With System Justification and Life Satisfaction” published back in August in the “Psychology of Women Quarterly” written by Kathleen Connelly in partnership with Dr. Martin Heesacker both of the Department of Psychology at the University of Florida. The article itself is sadly still behind the academic paywall, but luckily having shelled out the $25! for the article I can confirm that the abstract is a pretty strong summary of its main findings. And let’s be honest, if Cheapass Murray and his attack schnauzer read anything other than the abstract I’ll eat my brand new hat.

So what’s the article about? Well, here’s the abstract:

Previous research suggests that benevolent sexism is an ideology that perpetuates gender inequality. But despite its negative consequences, benevolent sexism is a prevalent ideology that some even find attractive. To better understand why women and men alike might be motivated to adopt benevolent sexism, the current study tested system justification theory’s prediction that benevolent sexism might have a positive linkage to life satisfaction through increased diffuse system justification, or the sense that the status quo is fair. A structural equation model revealed that benevolent sexism was positively associated with diffuse system justification within a sample of 274 college women and 111 college men. Additionally, benevolent sexism was indirectly associated with life satisfaction for both women and men through diffuse system justification. In contrast, hostile sexism was not related to diffuse system justification or life satisfaction. The results imply that although benevolent sexism perpetuates inequality at the structural level, it might offer some benefits at the personal level. Thus, our findings reinforce the dangerous nature of benevolent sexism and emphasize the need for interventions to reduce its prevalence.

So basically, due to internalized sexism and having been raised in a status quo of an unequal system, many men and women see “nice” sexism as a refreshing break from the more obvious and archaic sexism as exhibited by say, the current Republican party and so are less likely to recognize it as oppression at all, are more likely to justify and defend it against those who speak out against it, and may even see it as an overall positive thing in their lives because hey, it’s not like those small oppressions and inequalities are the same thing as like being abused or being raped or something.

Which is pretty much obvious to most people who have been paying even the slightest bit of attention to issues of gender and sexism. The real definition of “the personal is political” is all about trying to recognize how inequalities in one’s personal life are actually caused and exasperated by social and political issues of inequality. And many of us have stepped into some accidental sexism that we didn’t notice at first because “why would we, it’s just the way the world is”. And certainly looking back, we can boggle at how women even put up with the level of sexism and inequality back in the early 60s and earlier and wonder at how much of our current interactions between the sexes will look just as archaic and inexcusable to our grandkids or great-grandkids.

So let’s see how Mona misses the point entirely!

A new study on what the authors are pleased to call “benevolent sexism” (which, as Murray translates, seems to mean gentlemanly behavior)

Because, of course, thinking for yourself is NOT LADYLIKE! A proper woman lets men decide what words mean lest they accidentally get conscious-raising on them!

Yeah, don’t let any of that nasty education get on you, or bother doing even the most rudimentary google research on what “benevolent sexism” actually means. Hint, it’s not benevolent for the receiver of the sexism, it’s just easier for the deliverer to justify as “positive” for the recipient of the sexism.

Much easier to do what you’re told.

On an unrelated note, how is that conservative outreach to young women voters coming?

found that both women and men are happier when men behave like gentlemen.

Yeah, that’s not even close to what the article found. Like even in the same ballpark. Fuck, it’s not even in the same solar system.

But hey, it wouldn’t be a wingnut’s understanding of academic research if it let little things like facts and reality get in the way of a good confirmation of what you already want to believe.

This being a sociological publication, though, the findings are not written in English, but rather in academic argot.

Snrk. Yes, those damn academics writing in their weird space language that is completely impenetrable to anyone else… Oh, wingnut anti-intellectuals, so very proud of being too dumb to even look up words on wikipedia lest they get some accidental knowledge on them and become infected with the liberal cooties that make you care about petty things like social injustice and oppression.

It makes you so completely voluntarily brain-dead that if someone were to savagely rip into you and your culture, you would gleefully cite it as a confirmation of how awesome you were… oh wait!

It’s full of sentences like this: “A structural equation model revealed that benevolent sexism was positively associated with diffuse system justification within a sample of 274 college women and 111 college men.”

Like here for example. Yes, let’s “translate” this completely impenetrable spaceman garble piece by piece into proper Amurican english.

A structural equation model is a statistical technique for finding causal relationships (that is X causes Y) that is very useful because it can be used with qualitative data (like “I feel sad”, “I feel happy”, etc…). In short, they did some math shit to make people’s feelings into fancy math they could use to test whether or not things are related to each other in meaningful ways.

Benevolent sexism, we defined above.

So we move to positively associated which doesn’t actually mean “yep, it’s super positive and a hearty endorsement”, but just means, yup, we sure did find a significant, possibly causal, connection between the two things we were studying. It’s standard science for “yup this thing sure does exist”.

Diffuse System Justification is a way to refer to the way people are motivated to support an unequal and shitty status quo even when they are being personally fucked by it because it’s what they are used to and besides everything works okay the way things are and change is all scary because change brings in the unknown and we reflexively fear the unknown and suspect it will be worse than what we have now even when changes usually are either neutral or for the better.

In short, “we don’t need no stinking feminism! Back in my day, women knew their place and everyone was happier back then”. It’s basically the rallying cry of every conservative as they cling bitterly to “what I have always known”.

And the last bit is just the numbers of who they surveyed.

So yeah, she quoted the article preemptively bitchslapping her. Ah, Mona, you never disappoint in your myopic publishing of your own self-fails!

Oh, and I should mention here that I have never taken a psychology course in my life. All of these terms? I learned what they meant with a simple google search and without straying off the first page of results. It took me less than 10 minutes total to learn what they meant.

That is the level of work that Mona and her fellow professional anti-intellectuals see as “fundamentally impossible” for the poor common prole.

Yeah, just going to let that sink in for a second…

If you spend more than $100,000 on an education in women’s studies, you can learn to be this impenetrable too.

Yeah, Kathleen Connelly and Dr. Martin Heesacker are from the Department of Psychology not the Women’s Studies Department and all the terms they use are standard Psychology terminology, not “Women’s Studies” terminology.

I mean, yes, I know this is the standard pre-emptive smear job because Mona’s remaining neuron was bright enough to notice that “benevolent sexism” may not have been intended in a positive manner and she wants to make sure her knuckle-dragger readers remember that they are supposed to reflexively hate all eggheads and education, but still… Worth pointing out just how off the mark she is here.

The authors of the study were quick to warn readers about what they’d discovered.

See? Last remaining neuron.

“Our findings reinforce the dangerous nature of benevolent sexism and emphasize the need for interventions to reduce its prevalence.”

Because, yeah, duh, as the study discovered, people aren’t really quick to notice “soft” bigotry as a big enough deal to recognize or fight against. And as the backlash against feminists who dare point out “soft” bigotry goes, there’s a painful social cost in even daring to see and call out this bigotry, leaving it to continue unchallenged. I mean, after all, why should women even care? Are you some humorless feminist or something looking for excuses to be angry? Do you want to be so picky you never get laid again?

Yeah. A bit of an issue there and why a lot of modern feminist thought tries and cover both the subtle sexism and the cartoonish man tying a woman to the train-track sexism and note how the defenses of both tend to say the same exact things.

Right. Though it seems to increase the life satisfaction of both sexes, it must still be eradicated.


Oh, wow. This is why it is so worth it to be actually intellectually curious and why it’s worth it to know things. It allows me to throughly appreciate just how intensely moronic Mona’s misreading here is.

“Life satisfaction” doesn’t mean “happiness”. It’s a self-reporting of one’s perception of their own happiness. So yeah, it doesn’t actually cover say people being genuinely happier, less stressed, more content with their life, but only whether or not they even perceive that their lives are shitty or not. It’s like the impoverished mother drowning in debt who loudly talks about how “she has nothing to complain about” and how “there’s plenty more worse off”. It’s the origin of the huge numbers of people below the poverty line who think they are middle class simply because they’re white or how the Dunning-Kruger effect leads morons to assume they are unrecognized geniuses.

Saying something increases “life satisfaction” means very little unless it correlates with actual, real improvement in one’s life and happiness. Otherwise, we know it by a more common name:


And that dear readers, is what we call education leading to a real increase in one’s happiness level AND life satisfaction.

When feminists set out to remake the sexes back in the 1970s

Oh, what heady days those were. Feminist sculptors working with the very clay of our being designing whole new sexes into the night. Fluberts and shlinks were only the tip of the iceberg my friends. I still have a special place in my heart for when they hand-crafted a spendulik. A sex of such rare and wondrous complexity that one needs to acquire a triple PhD in academic gobbledygook to even begin to describe what it is.

Sniff, those truly were the days!

they seemed to choose all the wrong traits to emulate or eliminate.

Let’s see, 1970s, so that would be second wave. So “traits to emulate” would have been “ability to work outside the home”, “ability to do sports”, allowing both genders more freedom and flexibility to be who they are naturally rather than feeling that they might as well commit suicide if they didn’t conform to the rigid standards in place. And “traits to eliminate” was mostly things like rape, child molestation, physical and emotional abuse, and dickheads thinking that a woman’s only place was in the home suffering from feminine mystique related breakdowns.

I think we have a living example of what society you get if we made sure the “wrong traits” weren’t “emulated or eliminated”. I believe it is called the Catholic Church.

Women were encouraged to match the promiscuity, aggressiveness, and irresponsibility of men.

But remember, it’s feminists who hate men and view them as barely functional man-children who couldn’t possibly be expected to look after themselves. Oh, IT’S ALWAYS PROJECTION, will there ever come a day when you won’t turn out to be true?

In other words, women were to model themselves on the worst men.

Oh, of course, it’s only the worst men. So women went from being beneath men to being equal… to the worst of men.

Hey, conservatives, how’s that outreach to female voters going?

Meanwhile, the best traits of traditional men — specifically their most chivalrous and protective impulses — were to be maligned, mocked, and resented.

And if infantilizing women as if they were subhuman child-like creatures who should never be allowed outside the control of a male master and owner really was the pinnacle of male behavior, then I doubt that modern feminism would be anything other than a mass-acceptance of the quickly-abandoned subculture of female separatism.

Luckily for all of us, it turns out most men aren’t as horrible as anti-feminists assume they are and it’s perfectly possible for men to be egalitarian in their daily lives or at least strive to be.

Well, don’t tell those nasty feminists about that. I’m sure they’ll have a giant conniption fit about-

What’s that? The feminists are the ones who regularly point this out while anti-feminists and people suffering from System Justification are the ones who assume that men can’t help but be sexist towards women and the gender and sex non-conforming?

Huh, well, isn’t that awkward to the narrative.

Still dancing on Mitt Romney’s political grave, feminist writer Gina Barreca told the Washington Post’s Gene Weingarten that Romney would be a “terrible, terrible date.” (Leave it to a feminist who wants women to be taken seriously to evaluate a presidential candidate as a potential date.) Why? Because he’d be chivalrous. “Chivalry is the opposite of good manners. It’s infantilizing. It’s contempt masquerading as politeness. The chivalrous guy is establishing roles; he is the protector, you are Limoges. Your job is to let him be masterful. In my experience, when you are standing on a pedestal, there’s not much room to move around. That’s by design.”

…You’re a fucking moron.

Okay, yes, I know, goes without saying, but really knowing everything I know (and I’ve written articles about her losing fights against her spellchecker and trying awkwardly to argue that the beliefs that “it’s impossible to get pregnant from rape” and “manly sperm create more male heirs” were somehow reasonable logical statements), this still makes me want to slap my hand against my forehead and ask what the fuck is wrong with her.

Gina Barreca is a humorist. This “Washington Post article” that Mona tries to pretend is some serious interview is a motherfucking humor column she does with Gene Weingarten for the Lifestyle section of the Washington Post.

This is literally the equivalent of someone angrily quoting Dave Berry as a “prominent journalist” failing to get serious about Florida’s alligator infestation.

And the irony is that even when Gina is presenting a deliberate caricature of a feminist taking humorous issue with a meaningless aspect of Mitt Romney’s character, she’s not actually wrong.

Chivalry is infantilizing, archaic, and is often used as the thin social veneer to disguise contempt and disrespect as a “favor” to women who are expected to pay a much higher social cost in “return”. And I speak as a person who used to deliberately try and be chivalrous when I was a kid. As practiced by many, what is referred to as “chivalry” and what conservatives consider “the best of male behavior” is often a social trap for women pretending to offer positive rewards (i.e. near treatment as a human being but with loads of condescension) in exchange for dramatically limiting what a woman can be lest they “violate the social contract”. Failure to do so by being a messy human being who doesn’t fit in narrow boxes is usually punished all the harder because the men were “trying to be nice” before the woman threw it all away.

You can see how much “nicer” such faux-polite cultures are simply by looking at how women are treated in the Deep South or in Fundamentalist Christian households. Yeah, there’s a reason a lot of young women run screaming into the night away from such households despite how “polite” and “nice” said cultures want to seem to be.

Emily Esfahani Smith isn’t buying the chivalry-as-disguised-power-grab line.

What’s that? The other professional anti-feminist whose paycheck also depends on telling sexist men that there’s no such thing as sexism and who received the same marching orders from the AEI** agrees with you that chivalry is like tout suite awesome? UNPOSSIBLE!

Surely, witchcraft must have been involved for such an amazing coincidence to occur!

Writing in The Atlantic, she notes (as Rich Lowry has highlighted)

Ooh, and now Rich Lowry is even involved. I’m not sure we can stuff any more hacks into this piece without triggering peak hack***.

the contrast between the Titanic and the Costa Concordia — two sinkings 100 years apart.

Oh god, we’re not going where I think we’re going are we?

Three-quarters of the women on the Titanic survived, while three-quarters of the men died. In 1912, men would have been ashamed of themselves if they had failed to protect women — even at the cost of their lives.

Yep, they really went there.

So yeah, the Titanic. That famous sunk ship wherein the stingy egotistical rich ass boat owner and captain didn’t bother to include a proper amount of lifeboats because “it ARE unpossible to sink big boats, adoy”. The ship wherein rich passengers famously cast off in their lifeboats at half capacity carrying along their actual fucking luggage in places where more living breathing people could go.

Where women were mostly aided in their survival rate by the fact that first class women made up over a third of total women aboard whereas first class men were only a little over a fifth. I mean, yes, there was the famous bit about “women and children first” which was enforced on one of the sides of the ship but that’s not really what sane people fixate on when they think about the Titanic disaster and the injustices that occurred on it.

But hey, if you really want to open a “supposedly benevolent sexism hurts men too” argument, you’ll find many a feminist in strong agreement. Which would be one among many of the reasons why they’ve criticized the system and worked to create an egalitarian model in its place.

Was that “contempt masquerading as politeness”?

1. You’re strawmanning a humor column. The bar is officially so low, the only way not to clear it would be to tunnel under the earth, so how on Earth did you manage to knock yourself out on the underside of the bar?

2. You’re a fucking idiot.

3. As above, codes of gendered behavior hurt both sexes and we’re well rid of them. Hence why in this time of “increased talk about chivalry”, only you and your assorted gang of Charles Murray sockpuppets are bothering to talk about it.

On the Costa Concordia, early in 2012, men shoved women aside to get into the lifeboats.

The Costa Concordia, much like the Titanic also had a colossal moron for a captain, with the over-promoted idiot deciding to ignore all his instruments to guide his massive cruise ship directly into the rocky shoals of the coastline.

4,252 people were on board. Unlike the Titanic, only 30 were confirmed dead (2 more missing and presumed dead) and 64 were injured. None of those dead or presumed dead died because lifeboats were unavailable to them. Instead they were killed either in the initial crash or because they were in a part of the ship where they were trapped and couldn’t get to where the lifeboats were.

So for all the supposed “pushing and shoving” that was so “intemperate” and totally the fault of women not being meek and mild enough to “deserve” chivalry, their chance of survival in the 2012 crash were meteorically higher simply because ships are now forced, by the evil Government no less, to carry enough lifeboats for everyone. Also, because we now recognize that one is not more worthy of life and survival simply because of one’s social class or one’s perceived gender.

Oh well, at least the women had more room to move around than on that darn pedestal.

Yes. Yes, they did. Because they were nearly all alive. Because no one actually died from “being (supposedly) shoved aside”. Instead of only 75% of women living in a tragedy with the “gracious” benefit of the most “benevolent” sexism the early 20th century could manage, we got nearly 100% with all the nasty brutish humanity we’d expect from a cruise ship catering to entitled American tourists.

So yes, you just reinforced not only the point that women in sea-accidents were better off in rude modern times with its government-enforced policies of having adequate lifeboats than in the caring arms of chivalrous bullshit and “free-market” decision making.

As a bonus, you also demonstrated Kathleen Connelly’s study about how Diffuse System Justification is used to perceive one’s life as totally being better in a system that’s actually worse for them.

Any more own goals and the crowd is going to start assuming you’re on the other team’s payroll… comrade.

Smith reminds us that chivalry arose in response to the violence and barbarism of the Middle Ages.

Which would be why the popular name for the amorphous period popularly referred to as “The Middle Ages” is “The Age of Chivalry”. Yeah, all that fancy pageantry of how kind and nice and loving the upper classes were didn’t at all temper their violence and barbarism, or reduce the amount of rape, murder, genocide, and wars the “chivalrous” class got up to. For all the Disney packaging of the “princess fantasy” to little girls, there ain’t no woman alive who’d really genuinely choose that life over the “decadent” world we’ve got now. Not really.

“It cautioned men to temper their aggression, deploying it only in appropriate circumstances — like to protect the physically weak and defenseless members of society.” Obviously many men failed to fulfill the ideal.

Nah, really?

And here I was thinking that obvious crock of shit was simply the garderobe springing a leak.

We’ve always had boorish behavior. But wasn’t it preferable to label boorish behavior as such, rather than celebrate it as a victory for sexual equality?

Of course, which is why it’s so sad that modern feminists celebrate sexism, violence towards women, general violence, and hateful slurs…

Oh… by “boorish behavior” you didn’t actually mean real bad behavior and hate towards women; you more meant the way those uppity kids don’t automatically respect their elders and use the curse words and listen to the rap music, didn’t you?

Yeah, turns out young women (who are equally “boorish” by that idiotic notion) don’t really give a flying fuck about the faux-concern about “civility” and the way that bullshit often gives a free pass to hateful bigotry as long as it’s presented with a smile on one’s face and with proper blanching at “bad words” or “heavy emotions”.

You know, like the way Uncle Phil rants about how you’re an evil harpy demoness who is destroying America, but you’re the real bad guy when you call him a “fucking bigot”.

The chivalric code persists to this day, despite the best efforts of the feminists. When a shooter opened fire at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater, no fewer than three young men protected their girlfriends from bullets with their own bodies — and died in the process.

Yeah, the Men Right’s fucktards were peddling this shit pretty hard after the shooting. About how men were chivalrously dying to protect women and how this is both unfair and why women should shut up forever about their “genuine oppression” shit.

And it was and still remains just that, shit.

Not only is it a disgraceful vile obscene act to try and reduce these automatic acts of genuine concern for loved ones into some sort of “just so” story to reinforce systematic sexism, twisting a genuine action of heroism and love into a reinforcement of paternalistic behavior and “benign” hate, but it’s also not really the whole story.

There turned out to be a shit ton of heroes that night at Aurora. Those three men may have gotten the bulk of the attention, but there were a host of other heroes, both male and female who risked their lives to save others. 19-year-old Emma Goos rushed to help the injured and helped keep a man with head wound alive while the shooter was still firing. 13-year-old Kaylan (no last name given) risked her life to try to save the life of Veronica Moser-Sullivan, a 6-year-old who was the youngest victim of the shooting. 21-year-old Stephanie Davies was hugged by Obama for the bravery she showed saving the life of her friend Allie Young, keeping her alive through a bullet wound to the neck and refusing to leave and informing 911 of what was going on, thus putting her in serious danger of being killed herself.

I could make a pithy comment about how the heroism of the women got so much less attention than the heroism of the men and how there are far less stories about the heroism in the Sandy Hook shootings because the main heroes there are all heroines, but frankly, no. They all deserve better than that.

Smith includes an anecdote that sums up the case for chivalry. Samuel Proctor, pastor of Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church in the 1970s and 1980s, tipped his hat to a lady. She was offended and demanded, “What is that supposed to mean?”

He replied: “Madame, by tipping my hat I was telling you several things. That I would not harm you in any way. That if someone came into this elevator and threatened you, I would defend you. That if you fell ill, I would tend to you and if necessary carry you to safety. I was telling you that even though I am a man and physically stronger than you, I will treat you with both respect and solicitude. But frankly, Madame, it would have taken too much time to tell you all of that; so, instead, I just tipped my hat.”

Why, how pithy that self-reported story by said pastor is. And how difficult it must be to say one would do those things.

But as nice as those could be (in a world where they could be decoupled from the accompanying social expectations placed on women in exchange for mere words of support they didn’t ask for and seldom were done in practice), they, at their best, remain a poor substitute for genuine egalitarianism and respect as a person.

Women don’t need random men on the street to “protect them from threatening people on the elevator”. They need men to stop threatening them on the elevator. They don’t need random men on the street promising they’d carry them like porcelain dolls if they catch a spell of the vapors with their weak little lady constitutions. They need egalitarian romantic partners and friends who can get their back when they are genuinely sick with a real kick-you-in-the-pants flu even if that just entails making sure their cat is fed or they can pick them up some canned soup and Dayquil. And they freely give that back, not because it is simply expected that women will drop everything to care for men, but because that’s what romantic partners and/or friends do for each other. They don’t need to be told that they are deigned to be respected with an unhealthy dollop of “but I can totally overpower you if you don’t turn out to deserve it”.

They need genuine respect. And genuine allies. People who won’t turn on them and join the douchebag chorus at the drop of a hat. People who won’t treat them like something not-entirely equal nor not-fully human while pretending that’s a kindness. People who will check their privilege and actively work to improve themselves. People who will call out douchebags and recognize sexism and not be rapists or abusers and most importantly people who will recognize that this is the minimum standard not some grand favor to be done in exchange for sex and lowered standards at home. In short, people who understand that women are people and don’t try and pretend that archaic and constricting gender bullshit is the favored alternative to real transformative change.

They need at the very least, people who are willing to at least try to improve themselves and this broken system we find ourselves in, which hurts both men and women alike, instead of a chorus of throwbacks still clinging to the delusion that the old ways were somehow tenable or even better.

In short, what they need a fuck less of is System Justifying assholes like you and a bit more of those nasty brutish rabble-rousers that give said System Justifying assholes the vapors.

‘Shorter’ concept created by Daniel Davies and perfected by Elton Beard. Surgeon General’s Warning: Mango diving for wingnut responses to Sandy Hook may be hazardous to your health. We are aware of all Internet traditions.™

*Yes, I realize I’ve yet to actually do a proper post on it, yet. I’ll write one when I can get through a wingnut article without vomiting up the blackened and tarnished remainder of my soul.

**Seriously. Neither writer even bothered to hide the fact that Charles Murray told them to try and obfuscate the article as actually supporting chivalry. I’m honestly a little offended at the absolute lack of effort both women give their hackitude. I mean, fuck, you sold away whatever remained of your soul and your mind to eternal servitude to the crazy party and let Charles fucking Murray dictate your talking points and you don’t even bother to bring your A-game? C’mon, have some self-respect, sisters! Just because you are working for the enemy trying to sell us all out by penning condescending “appeals to women” arguing that if we just stop seeing sexism as sexism we’ll be happier doesn’t mean you have to also write in a way that’s embarrassing to the sex!

***Either that or the most terrifying orgy in the history of the universe.


Comments: 298


So now the polite metrosexual is the model of manliness? The model of behavoir Charen is lauding in this post is what rightwingers usually refer to as “being a pussy.”


I thought Chivalry was dead. zomg ZOMBIE CHIVALRY!

Brrrrrrraaaaaiiiiiiinnnnnssssssssss, m’lady.

Aside, Dave Barry.


Guardian headline: Cerberus to sell firearms company

Smooth move for Cerberus!


which, as Murray translates, seems to mean gentlemanly behavior

Honestly, you might want to find another translator.

In other words, women were to model themselves on the worst men.

I have to admit, those are indeed other words from the authors’. Also other ideas.


He replied: “Madame, by tipping my hat I was telling you several things. That I would not harm you in any way. That if someone came into this elevator and threatened you, I would defend you. That if you[yadda yadda yadda]
so, instead, I just tipped my hat.”

And then she said: “But I am still not sleeping with you.”

“Fuck you slut!”


The always alert Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute draws our attention

Shirley Mona meant inert?


Shirley Mona meant inert?

Butt-hurt. Also, isn’t it required that he be introduced as “Charles Murray, professional racist?”


The chivalric code persists to this day, despite the best efforts of the feminists. When a shooter opened fire at an Aurora, Colorado, movie theater, no fewer than three young men protected their girlfriends from bullets with their own bodies — and died in the process.

Um. Is that “chivalry,” or is that just “something you do for someone you love, regardless of your respective genders and all that shit?” I notice we’re not told whether or how often the reverse – women jumping in front of bullets for their significant others – happened.

So much of the stuff that I eventually found out was considered “chivalry” is… stuff that’s recognizably something I would do, but not for any gender related reasons. Yes, I’ve been known to hold doors for women. I’ve also been known to hold doors for men. It’s just a nice thing to do when a group of people get to a door and you happen to be the first one there. People of both genders have also held the door for me, never thought much about it other than “thank you, that’s nice.”

Ditto the “never hit a woman” rule, which… throw rocks at me if you wish… I have never, ever, from my earliest age onwards, understood. No, I wouldn’t hit a woman. But generally speaking I wouldn’t hit a man either, violence being, you know, not an ideal thing just on general principle. Unless I had a real reason to feel threatened, maybe, but then I’d hit back regardless of a person’s gender.


I was telling you that even though I am a man and physically stronger than you, I will treat you with both respect and solicitude.

“I could kick your ass, because I’m a man! I won’t, because I’m such a good person. Be grateful already!”

Traditional gender relations are the scaled-down version of feudalism; one party is given all the power, in exchange for which that party is supposed to protect the other party and treat it well. But since the first party has all the power, there’s not a hell of a lot to make him live up to his responsibilities towards the other party, which just has to sort of assume that he’ll do the right thing. And if not, well… there’s the creek. Sorry about the paddle! Or lack thereof.

A hundred years of feminism ensured that women actually had another option rather than just having to hope that their man would “treat them with respect and solicitude” – much the same way a couple centuries of liberalism and socialism have ensured that regular people actually have a recourse other than “hope against hope that the feudal lord won’t beat us to death if the fancy strikes him.” And, of course, conservatives flipped. About both things.


Also, and, let’s not forget that “chivalry” was a code for the noble-of-birth only.

So, Lord Murray was a cad if he didn’t protect the honor of Milady Mona, but it was A-OK if he ran down the dirty peasant woman who dared to be in his path as he rode his charger into town.


What these people need to hear every time they produce one of these insufferable screeds:



I poked you in the eye with a sharp stick at the bottom of the previous post. Well, maybe a dull, soft twig.


From what I’ve read about the Middle Ages, the average knight back then wasn’t particularly chivalrous.

One reason for the Crusades was to get these bastards out of Europe so they could cause somebody else grief for a change.


Charlie’s Angels

Charlie’s Harpies.


One reason for the Crusades was to get these bastards out of Europe so they could cause somebody else grief for a change.

The Saudis (and other Muslim governments) sent a bunch of jihadis to Afghanistan in the eighties for exactly the same reason.

Unfortunately, some of them came back.


When feminists set out to remake the sexes back in the 1970s, they seemed to choose all the wrong traits to emulate or eliminate. Women were encouraged to match the promiscuity, aggressiveness, and irresponsibility of men. In other words, women were to model themselves on the worst men. Meanwhile, the best traits of traditional men — specifically their most chivalrous and protective impulses — were to be maligned, mocked, and resented.

Mona, like a typical conservative, simply ignores the vast documentation on the positive outcomes of high-school classes in How To Fuck Good.


Tell you what, Mona. You get on your goddamn pedestal and enjoy your “chivalry” and “benevolent sexism,” and let the rest of the human race enjoy its basic dignity.


Excellent diary over at kos as usual Major.


jesusfuckingchrist! is clarice feldman that fucking full of herself and dissonant that she doesn’t get the irony of what she’s just done? and her commenters? holy shit, i love how she’s all, ‘oh, i have done some SERIOUS research on environmental issues which btw are total bullshit because liberalsalgoreshutup! and was totes going to write about those liberal lies but then something bad happened and i don’t think we should talk about it…instead i’m going to tell everybody to stfu about it while i’m writing about it because that makes total sense to tell YOU not to do it while I AM DOING IT MYSELF and because china…a bombing in 1927…and really, this isn’t the worst tragedy because guns! shutup that’s why! so liberals, just can it so we can just go back to ignoring the problem.” then the very first comment is a long ass one about our 2nd amendment rights…HOW CAN THEY NOT KNOW HOW INCREDIBLY HEINOUS THEY ARE AS PEOPLE…HOW DO THEY NOT FUCKING GET IT? they completely suck at humanity and yet, we’re the monsters…jesus h…pass the goddamn egg nog…i’m just going to stay in a drunken stupor for the rest of my fucking life…


i’m not sure if i have the stomach to read mona…


You know, we only needed one Dunblane to immediately sign legislation to prevent it from having happened since. What the fuck are you Americans’ heads made of? Teak?


From what I’ve read about the Middle Ages, the average knight back then wasn’t particularly chivalrous.

Butbutbut droit du seigneur! Each peasant girl on the night of marriage was graciously allowed to gobble teh royal knob. What more could a wimmens ask for?


Bozo, I think teak would be an upgrade for some of us. I honestly don’t know what the fuck is wrong with people here.


Apparently NRA sources say they’re about to start pushing back. WTF would it take for these people?


I poked you in the eye with a sharp stick at the bottom of the previous post. Well, maybe a dull, soft twig.

Yeah, also the “altruism gene.” I was oversimplifying terribly, sorry. Amazing how just generally treating one’s fellow humans like fellow humans, worthy of care and love just ’cause,* tends to work out better for everyone.

And the “poke you in the eye with a stick” makes me think of Leo Kottke – one of his intros on that topic shows up every now and then on random play.

*Though there are always the shits who work real hard at making other people want to damage them severely.


jesusfuckingchrist! is clarice feldman that fucking full of herself and dissonant that she doesn’t get the irony of what she’s just done? and her commenters? holy shit, i love how she’s all, ‘oh, i have done some SERIOUS research on environmental issues which btw are total bullshit because liberalsalgoreshutup! and was totes going to write about those liberal lies but then something bad happened and i don’t think we should talk about it…instead i’m going to tell everybody to stfu about it while i’m writing about it because that makes total sense to tell YOU not to do it while I AM DOING IT MYSELF and because china…a bombing in 1927…and really, this isn’t the worst tragedy because guns! shutup that’s why! so liberals, just can it so we can just go back to ignoring the problem.” then the very first comment is a long ass one about our 2nd amendment rights…HOW CAN THEY NOT KNOW HOW INCREDIBLY HEINOUS THEY ARE AS PEOPLE…HOW DO THEY NOT FUCKING GET IT? they completely suck at humanity and yet, we’re the monsters…jesus h…pass the goddamn egg nog…i’m just going to stay in a drunken stupor for the rest of my fucking life…

Serious bag o’ tits, bbkf, one righteous rant. Ovation from teh East.

Oh, the two primary questions in there? May I suggest, as possible answers, two complementary theorys. IGMFY, b/w There’s a blah in the White House.

For those a bit more advanced than myself, a precocious 12 yo at the time of his beatification inauguration, was there this unbelievable need for a 100 ft radius of self defense before Ronaldus Moronicus became president? I’d like to know the gun ownership rates even at the beginning of Secret Agent Bush’s term as president. I am truly curious – some of the things I’ve read recently have stated that other than the militias, Posse Comitatus and such, who unfortunately will always be with us, there was not any particular broad movement to have everyone fuckin’ packing, prior to the mid 80s or so.


One reason for the Crusades was to get these bastards out of Europe so they could cause somebody else grief for a change. – Major Kong

And on their way out of Europe, the bastards got to kill all the Jews they wanted. And yet, Mona Charon and her AEI friends think these kinds of mens are the menfolk we need more of? Perhaps someone can remind Mona Charon and her political allies of their objectively-pro-anti-Semite position on “chivalry” the next time they claim that people like me are self-hating Jews for daring to express opinions about Israel that are held by about 50% of actual Israeli Jews!


I mean, fuck, you sold away whatever remained of your soul and your mind to eternal servitude to the crazy party and let Charles fucking Murray dictate your talking points and you don’t even bother to bring your A-game? C’mon, have some self-respect, sisters! Just because you are working for the enemy trying to sell us all out by penning condescending “appeals to women” arguing that if we just stop seeing sexism as sexism we’ll be happier doesn’t mean you have to also write in a way that’s embarrassing to the sex!

uhhhh, cerbs? this IS their a-game…


Charles Murray told them to try and obfuscate the article as actually supporting chivalry.

It’s the Republican version of Telephone, where the goal is to distort the original message as much as possible while it goes through the stages of transmission.


OT: There’s a funny troll invasion at LGM.


Whoa, Major, I am really gaining new RESPECT for people who fly in serious aeroplanes.
Thanks for the edumacation.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

I tried, I honestly did, to read all of the post, Cerbs. The density of Mona’s stupidity prevented me from completing the task. Well, that and the nagging thought that, since that level of stupid usually implies membership in the phylum Mollusca, she knows how she is twisting reality into a sugar coated shitsicle for her readers. And that turns my stomach which also gets me to stop reading.


that level of stupid usually implies membership in the phylum Mollusca
Fuck you too!


Also, and, let’s not forget that “chivalry” was a code for the noble-of-birth only.

that was running through my mind the entire time i read-then-vomited mona’s latest opus…what’s the most vivid example of chivalry you can think of?

yes, sir walter raleigh laying down his cape so the queen wouldn’t muddy her shoes…i imagine this was copied by other young men of the time and thereafter as a swoon worthy act…

being a young woman whose sex education came from romance novels…some real bodice rippers no less, i had a more than skewed view of romance and interaction between the sexes. after all, in our household, the boys took out the garbage, the girls did housework and took care of the children and the men…and my mom was and still is under the delusion that strong women are abominable and should be mocked always.

anyhoo, after a less than stellar early romantic career, hubbkf and i started dating…you all know that i am rather mouthy, opinionated and whatnot, but dammit, i’m still a girl and want boys to do nice things for me!!! while hubbkf is a genuinely good and nice person, romance and chivalry are not first nature. the first valentine’s day gift he gave me after we were officially a couple was a handmixer…that he had a raincheck for…that he ran downtown and purchased after he saw that i had gotten him a gift…he also was good at pointing out that real life and love is NOT LIKE THE MOVIES OR THOSE GODAWFUL ROMANCE NOVELS and if that’s what i was expecting, well, buh-bye…if my big mouth gets me into trouble, he’s not fighting some dude…i better extricate myself…or better yet, how bout not getting into fights in the first place?

which kind of brings me to the premise of this rant: instead of celebrating walter raleigh and his stupid cape and a misguided notion that men need to always help the ladies, let’s think about what happens afterwards…was walter going to clean his own cape? uh, no. was the queen going to clean his cape? or was walter going to throw that cape away and just buy a new one? doubtful…here’s a thought: was some poor female peasant going to clean his cape…ayup! and why? so walter could prove his manhood in a totes paternalistic way? yay! i bet whoever had to clean the cape would have been all swoony and giddy after hearing about such gentlemanly manners…especially while she was scubbing the elizabethan effluvia other than mud out of said cape with hands that were likely raw from soap, water and scrubbing…and the few pence she got for her labors? yeah, whatever…

i guess what i’m trying to say and that cerb hit on pretty well was that if men and women are in a loving relationship, you DO things for the other person no matter what your gender and what you were taught is normal, or correct or in vogue…if you love somebody, you want to support, protect, whatever…but, you also have to recognize when they need to do something for themselves…

and it’s not just in relationships…yeah, you hold the door open for PEOPLE…you don’t leave your shit laying around for somebody else to clean up…if you have an overflowing grocery cart and somebody comes in line behind you carrying only one item, you let them go ahead of you…

as the women of sandy hook showed us, chivalry as we learned it is dead…and they gave their lives to protect those kids and from all accounts, it sounds like it was just instinctual…i don’t know if it was because they were children, but teachers are human and you know there were kids that frustrated them, were difficult or frustrating and on some days, they didn’t even want to look at them. but when the shit hit the fan, those women just acted…and that mona can’t even spare a few of her tortured phrases to honor them and have the temerity to chide the rest of us to ‘let the men take care of us…quit being such manly bitches’ it makes me angry…

it’s not that chivalry is dead…and i hope it is…that we need to lament…what we need to practice (and internet comment boards are the worst offenders) is to just try to fucking be nicer to each other…common courtesy…give it a try mona…hold a door open for a man! you won’t grow testicles and ear hair…


wow…did i just write all that?


Smith includes an anecdote that sums up the case for chivalry.

How is that a case for chivalry? Wouldn’t an “anecdote that sums up the case for chivalry” be a story of a man being chivalrous and making a positive change in a woman’s life, instead of a story about a guy doing nothing but talk about how great he is?


yes, sir walter raleigh laying down his cape so the queen wouldn’t muddy her shoes…

There are alternate readings to such an act…


Bozo the Cocksucker said,

December 18, 2012 at 21:34 (kill)

You know, we only needed one Dunblane to immediately sign legislation to prevent it from having happened since. What the fuck are you Americans’ heads made of? Teak?

Dunblane you say…? Hmm…

Looky what just showed up in my mailbox, somehow getting past my spam filters. Subject was “Newtown, Connecticut is the second Dunblane Primary-School Massacre.” and it was from someone calling themselves “”:

The primary-school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, approximately 45 miles from the Colt Arms Factory, is just another one in the long line of government psyops designed to persuade the public to allow the government to take away their guns, and their means to defend themselves against the government and the banksters that the politicians really serve.

The small children murders are designed to create hysterical emotions in women to get them to demand that guns are banned. If that doesn’t work they will continue with their evil agenda with worse and worse atrocities on younger children, until they get their way and disarm the people, so that they cannot fight back against government tyranny.

Newtown is the U.S.A.’s Dunblane, which was orchestrated in Scotland in 1996 by the British establishment, to whip up hysteria in order to ban all handguns from the U.K. It was a follow-up to the Hungerford Massacre in England in 1987, which was carried out by mind-controlled Michael Ryan, who then shot himself so he could not be questioned, and it was used to ban semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.

It’s always the same people behind it – the gun-grabbers who want the people to be defenceless against the gun-grabbers’ employers – the banksters who own all of the politicians. They get their politicians to pass legislation for them, in order to remove the people’s freedoms and means of defending themselves, and enslave them in a draconian police-state, under a mountain of debt, and then exterminate the useless-eaters.

The Dunblane massacre was supposedly carried out by Thomas Hamilton, who was a paedophile and procurer of children, for a high level paedophile ring involving senior members of the Tony Blair Labour-Party shadow-cabinet and others. The massacre served two purposes, it achieved their desired handgun-ban and killed the abused children, so they could not be witnesses against the elite-paedophiles. They then had the findings of the inquiry sealed for 100 years, which is proof of the above.

Like Newtown there were two shooters, Hamilton and a hit-man who shot Hamilton and made it look like Hamilton committed suicide after shooting 16 children, so that he couldn’t be questioned. Hamilton was found in the school gymnasium slumped against a wall and still gurgling, when an off-duty policeman PC Grant McCutcheon entered the gym and saw two semi-automatic pistols, one on either side of Hamilton’s body.

The autopsy revealed that Hamilton was killed with a .38 revolver. These people always slip-up with their crimes. There was no .38 revolver for him to have shot himself with. Thus, there was a second shooter who killed Hamilton.

Similarly, the first reports from Newtown were of two shooters, just like mind-controlled James Holmes in the Denver Batman Cinema massacre, the story then quickly changes to just one.

Columbine was similar, in that a team of shooters in black outfits were seen there and the two accused were on mind-altering prescription-drugs.

Wake up and see the pattern and their modus operandi and don’t fall for it. Never let them take your guns, except from your cold dead hands.

All of these are staged events to whip-up hysterical public support for banning the people from having guns. It works the same in every country – Hungerford in England, Dunblane in Scotland, Port Arthur in Australia and the list in America is endless, because of the Second Amendment and the people having a pro-gun culture. That makes it much more difficult to break the Americans’ love of guns and the Second Amendment, which was put in place to protect the people from the government.

Gun bans work well for tyrants. They worked well for Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao, to name just three.

If you want to stop these massacres, wake-up and get rid of the banksters, their puppet-politicians and all gun-grabbers; arm teachers and ban gun-free zones.

From one who can see the pattern and hopes to enable you to see it too.

And peak wingnut notches ever higher, as it always will…


jesus christ…how do these people get out of bed everyday what with the rampant paranoia?


There are alternate readings to such an act…

that made me lol…thank you! but also, damn you for showing me a NEW timewaster!!!


Righteous rant bbkf, but:

just try to fucking be nicer to each other

I’ll only be nicer to people that deserve it. That is unfortunately a pretty fucking small set.


wow…did i just write all that?
Yep and Respect for you it’s very good.


jesus christ…how do these people get out of bed everyday what with the rampant paranoia?

Silly — they’re still in bed, alternately wanking to pictures of guns and dead children and e-mailing incoherent screeds.


I’ll only be nicer to people that deserve it. That is unfortunately a pretty fucking small set.

this is true…but unless i know someone to be a truly hideous individual, i try to give people the benefit of the doubt…believe it or not, i am not always all goodness and light…i know!

i am probably just too fucking nice…oh, wait…no, i’m not…i’m arrogant and thoughtless and mean AND dumb!

and thanks for the kudos…it’s a rant so nice that i posted it twice…yes, it’s a lazy blahg posting tactic, but dammit…imma do it!


wow…did i just write all that?

Yeah. Talk about long winded. Sheesh.


I’ll only be nicer to people that deserve it. That is unfortunately a pretty fucking small set.

To be clear, I’m pretty “nice” in day-to-day life — hold doors for people (NOT just teh poor weak wimmins), offer my seat on the bus to those that might need it, etc. I just generally try not to be too much of an asshole unless provoked, y’know?

But: To the sick fuckers pouring out of the baseboards like so many roaches to a nugget of shit — no. You don’t get “nice” — you get stomped.


When feminists set out to remake the sexes back in the 1970s, they seemed to choose all the wrong traits to emulate or eliminate. Women were encouraged to match the promiscuity, aggressiveness, and irresponsibility of men

I thought the dudebros were supposed to get a hearty high five and a slap on the ass for being a player and a badass.

I am confused.


Yeah. Talk about long winded. Sheesh.

well, duh! wimmen are all talky and emotional and stuff and men are just quiet and stoic…for our sakes, no less! don’t you know that?!?


When feminists set out to remake the sexes back in the 1970s, they seemed to choose all the wrong traits to emulate or eliminate. Women were encouraged to match the promiscuity, aggressiveness, and irresponsibility of men

so, really, what mona is saying (and forgive me if cerb already pointed this out) is that mona really thinks women are BETTER than men…at best they are aggressive oversexed doofuses…at worst, they are downright pigs…but that’s okay, because they’re…men? and women are better than that…we just go around all day never thinking about sex…just going, ‘lalalalalalala…’ as we flit about the house, filling our heads with nothing more aggressive than how to get rid of the stains in hubby’s poopie undies…or how we can liven up our pot roast recipe…without being too exotic, of course…aaaaah, yes…good times…


which you know, is better than thinking about sex…or having an opinion…high moral ground…the view is endless from here!!!


Looky what just showed up in my mailbox, somehow getting past my spam filters. Subject was “Newtown, Connecticut is the second Dunblane Primary-School Massacre.” and it was from someone calling themselves “”:

Oh, my. I started reading that, then began skipping over ever-increasing stretches of text as the ranting lroceeded along its well-worn way. There was a bit in there explaining that Columbine was part of a conspiracy, and the shooters weren’t really shooters, but shot to take blame? On top of the overcomplication, how does the basic message of “too many guns available to anyone who’s feeling the slightest bit cheesed off” get changed? I mean, for a plot to work, there has to be some element of believability, like the occasional caches of massive amounts of weapons and ammo turning up.

That would be “Fremen.” Get a brain moran.


having shelled out the $25! for the article
Drop a line next time you need an academic article and want to save money for beer.

The always alert Charles Murray of the American Enterprise Institute
Why should women worry their pretty little heads about the social arrangements they prefer when here is Murray to tell them?


I’m pretty sure you meant ‘exacerbated’ rather than exasperated /pedant


Drop a line next time you need an academic article and want to save money for beer.

Yes! I have access to that stuff and will be happy to share as well. No reason to pay snark fuel when you don’t have to.


from mat’s link:

“The dispatcher heard ‘No, no, no,’ and then gunshots,” said Weld County sheriff’s spokesman Tim Schwartz. “A male party then picks up the phone and says he’s going to kill himself. The dispatcher hears another gunshot.”

chivalrous of him to kill the wimmins first, no?


I need some Lou Reed to put it all in perspective. You’re going to reap just what you sow. Goddamn right.


Don’t want to give the poor dears a chance to discover they can, after all, do quite well without him.


Chivalry at SPLC identified hate group Family Research Council!


I’m pretty sure you meant ‘exacerbated’ rather than exasperated /pedant

The pedant in me noticed that, too, but the “exasperated” in that context worked – kind of a nice play on words, in fact.


Somebody linked to Wikipedia re: the late Sen. Daniel Inouye.

If you don’t know already about his WW2 service, see here.

To recap, he singlehandedly destroyed two machine gun bunkers after being badly wounded; primed a grenade to destroy the third; a German blows his right arm off; Inouye pries the grenade out of his severed right hand and tosses it into the third bunker, then finishes killing the Germans inside with his submachine gun, left handed.

… Above and beyond the call of duty, you might say.


… Above and beyond the call of duty, you might say.

And though he was put in for a Medal of Honor, racism ensured he wasn’t awarded one until Clinton did in the 1990s.


Above and beyond the call of duty, you might say.

Yeah, but he was a Democrat so really just a pussy liberal gurly man. Also Hawaii is some sort of foreign country so totally doesn’t count, no takesies backsies!


If you don’t know already about his WW2 service

Sometimes when I see some wannabe tough-guy posturing I just want to say:

You think you’re a bad-ass? You see that 88-year-old guy over there with the VFW cap? That’s what a bad-ass looks like.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

I know, Major, kind of how I always want to make people watch this.


That’s what a bad-ass looks like.
One of the great Australian cricket players was Keith Miller who flew mosquitos in WWII. After the war he was the captain of the Aussie team and once got asked about the pressures of international cricket. He said “Pressure? Mate when you’re over Berlin at night and there’s a ME110 up your arse, that’s pressure”


You think you’re a bad-ass? You see that 88-year-old guy over there with the VFW cap? That’s what a bad-ass looks like.

Alternately you could just point him toward your kos diaries…

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Re FRC lawsuit-
In general I sympathize, but I find it a bit difficult in this particular instance. Y’know, lie down with dogs an’ all that.


If I understand correctly, Inouye’s physical equipment consisted of a submachine gun and several grenades.

Lots of U.S. citizens seem to have a modest-to-impressive collection of guns, and analyzing those folks doesn’t much interest me, unless they have certain attitudes, i.e. unless they cross over into gun-nuttery.

The gun nuts are arguably less likely to admit that they’re just collecting, the way Eric Clapton probably collects guitars he isn’t going to play … so I wonder about those supposedly-necessary arsenals (as opposed to collections). If you’re besieged at a defensible position with food and comrades, an arsenal is a good thing to have. If you have to arm yourself and head off to some situation or another, an arsenal is good to choose from, within the limits of your carrying capacity. Then the rest of the arsenal goes to whoever comes and takes it … bigger question being who can make efficient use of it …

Wing/gun nuts lack the organizational capacity to do much. They’d be more impressive if they’d just narrow down their arsenals and focus the rest of their attention on becoming more effective people, or warriors or whatever. As it stands, too many of them are like the guys (yes, generally guys) who buy a dozen guitars, home studio complete with a PC and ProTools, etc. — but they can’t compose or play, and nobody who can play or produce will give them the time of day, let alone work with them on a project. So they keep buying stuff, because it’s easier than learning songs, writing ’em, developing technique or connections or what have you.


yes, sir walter raleigh laying down his cape so the queen wouldn’t muddy her shoes…

I saw a man do that in a very old film, and when the woman trod on the jacket over the puddle, she ended up in waist-deep water.


Awesome post Cerb. I’m still here but burned out on both grief and mangos.


Furthering my comparison of hoarding musical equipment you won’t use, vs. weapons and ammo: the wannabe musician is faced with the obvious fact that he/she could make music, at least some music– job notwithstanding, for ex. Most of these armchair artists will sell off the arsenal at some point.

Whereas the wannabe apocalypse warrior can be excused for not fighting, yet. What’s unclear is why they don’t train, improve their minds and bodies, build organizations, arrange for supplies other than guns-n-ammo, have tenable bases, and all that. Maybe they’re unserious? It looks as if they’re all prepping for murderous sprees, nothing more. Heavens, I’m rude to suggest it.



Most of my guns are antiques or replicas of antiques and certainly not what I would pick for defensive purposes.

I do have a few modern guns, but most go back to at least WWII.


In re Major Kong’s comments about who is a real bad-ass: reminds me of the brilliant SNL parody of the VP debate. Actually, I can really imagine that, if it were to have come to fisticuffs between Ryan and Biden, Biden would win hands down. I betcha Obama is prolly a lot (physically speaking) tougher than either Ryan or Romney as well.


“the “nice” sexism known as chivalry”

Lol can’t remember the last time a ‘gent’ gave up his seat for me on a train so – as a girl – i’m not sure that the legendry “nice sexism known as chivalry” actually exists anymore anyway!!! However, one thing seems only fair: when we earn as much as men then we’ll pay half the tab until then’ guys, it’s only fair that you pay for us in for instance restaurant bills etc. It’s called egalite/equality…..


I know, Major, kind of how I always want to make people watch this.

Wow. Very moving Pup.


Most of my guns are antiques or replicas of antiques and certainly not what I would pick for defensive purposes.

I do have a few modern guns, but most go back to at least WWII.

Right, you’ve got a collection, not an illogical arsenal. I assume you know what’d be useful for self-defense.

The maximal NRA-type position seems to be that people who are equipped for 1-12 Columbines are to be treated as homemakers, hunters, collectors, patriots — whatever they claim to be. (Well, if they claim to be preparing for insurrection, we must set that aside, because here it’s patriotic to prepare for that and talk about it, from the Right at least.) Anyway, none of them are prepping for a murderous spree that ends in suicide. That’s impossible, however many points of comparison you might compile. They’re all just taking the logical steps any sensible person should take, and who are we to question their motivations?


Ya know, it’s not like assault weapons are really great for home defense, either. Wouldn’t a shotgun or a pistol be much better in such close quarters? Also, unless multiple attackers are perpetrating a mass shooting, why would any defenders need a semi-automatic rifle with a drum magazine? The NRA is so full of crap… they’re really a bunch of psychos.


The defense against tyranny thing is the one that I don’t get. If you’re really afraid of the government why aren’t you advocating for reducing military spending so they couldn’t kill you 1000 times over without even coming within several miles of you?


… Above and beyond the call of duty, you might say.

I read today that during the war, Inouye stepped into a barbershop in San Francisco for a haircut. He was in his Army uniform with his empty right sleeve pinned to his jacket. The shithead barber told him, “We don’t serve Japs here.”

I just know that guy was an ancestor, spiritual if not actual, of the jerkoffs who watch Fox News.


Great diary entries Major Kong!


Ya know, it’s not like assault weapons are really great for home defense, either. Wouldn’t a shotgun or a pistol be much better in such close quarters?

Statistics say it’s not a good idea to keep a gun for home defense.

That being said, I keep a .357 revolver loaded with .38 rounds (a .357 can chamber either one).

Why a revolver? First off, they work. You get “six for sure”.

Second, they’re simple. If someone’s trying to kick my door down at midnight, I’m going to be scared shitless and I don’t want to be messing with having to chamber a round or release a safety.

You pick up a revolver, pull the trigger and it goes “bang”. If it doesn’t, keep pulling the trigger until it does. Simple.

I keep light loads in it because if I actually have to discharge the weapon I don’t want to be blind and deaf in the middle of a fight. Also I don’t want to put one through the walls and hit the neighbor.


Cerb: I think you meant ’caused and exacerbated’ when your fingers keyed ’caused and exasperated'(*). Now I’m gonna go back and read the rest of your post. When last I left, you were beginning to turn up the heat from simmer to boil….

(*) Mona: The typo would have passed spellcheck. (Oh, never mind. You wouldn’t understand, because you don’t no howe spellcheck werks, and–given the tiny, tiny clump of ganglia masquerading as your brane–you never will understand.


Holy snapping arseholes, Victoria Jackson is an evil hate-filled-alien species. Who, or what, else would post this on their FB page?
My friend Jim Riley posted: “Wasn’t the Connecticut killer just doing what abortionists do every day? It’s a wonder we don’t have more 20 year old “dads” doing what women and doctors have been an accomplice to for years in America. When you forget the TEN COMMANDMENTS, people, THIS is what you get.”


I didn’t know you could abort a 6 year old. Frankly I may have to change my pro-choice stance because that is just WRONG.


I’m reading the Loomis thread at LGM and wondering if you can abort adults.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Teh Ho, who creamed his jeans when he got to sit in the left seat of a B-17 (static, just sitting on the ground) which his fave plane EVAH!, wants me to tell the BUFF pilot how much he likes you diary, Major Major, er, Kong,


things posted here:

major, you make it impossible not to love you…

pup, that clip made me cry…fuck yeah!

ak, the vicky jackson thing made me all stabby again…and by the way, obs, victoria jackson is something i would never, ever, ever be nice to…


Yesterday,or possibly the day before, a troll here threw out the tired old “cars kill people too and nobody’s banning cars” meme. Apparently that’s been festering in the back of my head somewhere because today it occured to me that he might have a point there. Not the piont he was trying for probably, but a point none the less. So okay, let’s treat guns like we treat cars:

Nobody may shoot a gun until they reach a specific government mandated age.
You must first complete a government mandated course on gun usage and safety and successfully pass a test to show proper knowledge of gun usage and safety.
You must register every gun and re-register every gun each year. When I register my car I must report the mileage, when you register your gun you must report the number of rounds fired.
You must carry an insurance policy for each gun to cover the potential damage, death or dismemberment that gun may cause. Insurance rates will depend somewhat on the age of the gun owner, wether there are children in the house and his/her firearms safety record. Also, after an event like we just had in Newtown where the insurance company(s) covering the guns involved would be liable for a very large payout it would likely have an adverse effect on everybody’s rates. (This might be the quickest way to get gun nuts behind reasonable gun control laws)
Because my car has the potential to cause death and dismemberment it actually already is heavily regulated. (Trolls apparently are not aware of this.) I am required to have safety belts, air bags, brakes, headlights, a horn, headlights, tail lights, brake lights and, if I have small children, child safety seats. So for gun owners with small children gunlocks will be mandatory.


doing what women and doctors have been an accomplice to for years in America.

Huh? They’re ALL accomplices? Who the fuck’s at fault? OIC, godless liberals, how convenient.

So I got a haircut today, and the woman did NOT mention my eyebrows. She was in another world or something, really morose and distracted. I have a cartoon wizard’s eyebrows, still. Why did I tip, that’s the question … not a bad haircut, though.


Also Hawaii is some sort of foreign country so totally doesn’t count, no takesies backsies!

Well DUH! Everybody knows it’s part of Kenya.


You must first complete a government mandated course on gun usage and safety and successfully pass a test to show proper knowledge of gun usage and safety.

A different test for each class of gun, too. Also yearly gun inspections.


Cerb: Wow. You must have worked on the post a l-o-n-g time. I especially enjoyed the way you drilled down into the academic terminology, ‘translated’ it, and converted the actual meanings into a devastating attack. Imma gonna follow the links to see what the corpses looked like before you dissected them.

Also, IIRC, you teach children as a museum tour guide. I imagine you are great with kids and their curiosity; I’m glad you are a de facto teacher. (I’ve been reflecting on teachers and children a lot over the last few days….)


You’ll be able to tell gang-bangers because their guns will have neon on the underside.


Some pedant will probably notice that I listed headlights twice in the post above. It’s all good because my car has daytime running lights.


A different test for each class of gun, too. Also yearly gun inspections.

And regular requirements to pass tests of knowledge, ability, and physical ability. I’m thinking eye exams here – if you’re a blind collector, fine, but no ammo!

I think the above should apply to motor vehicle licenses, too.


You’ll be able to tell gang-bangers because their guns will have neon on the underside

Also the thumping bass from the giant subwoofers will give you ample warning that someone with a gun is approaching.


I forgot to include the bit about how you will also face mandatory jail time if you are found to be carrying a gun while under the influence of alcohol.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Whew. My dadgum laptop is finally working, and recognizing the bajillion wi-fi points available in this li’l tourist town. I can actually see what I’m typing, and edit and such as.
With that, I can try to apologize for pitching out some of the incomprehensable BS that’s been flying out of my damn near bricked phone.
Why, you may ask, did I continue to try to jump in on threads knowing full well that I’d end up screaming at the walls?
I’m just that dense, I guess.
First to Another Kiwi. A few threads ago I tried to be really clever and posted something after one of his posts mentioning “Negroes” that was supposed to be something along the lines of “Wow, you’ve really got that accent down!”
The screen on said phone starts to go berzerk after a point, and just begins deciding things on it’s own, like “Oh you’re done, Silly. I’ll just send what you initially typed and stop responding. You’re welcome”
Then, my anger at the events of Friday had me not paying attention to the little voice in my head that screamed “DON’T FEED THE TROLL, ASSHOLE!!!” so…to misquote Strother Martin, ya get what ya got here last night.
You’d have thought that the fact that the last post took me a full twenty minutes to type would have clued me in, but umm,…
So, again, sorry all.
I’ll try hard to behave like someone with a few neurons now.
Carry on.


Some pedant will probably notice that I listed headlights twice in the post above.

I like headlights.


No worries mayor.
I like headlights. So did Jean Paul Satre and people will say “Oh, what mine does he work in”

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Much obliged.


The defense against tyranny thing is the one that I don’t get. If you’re really afraid of the government why aren’t you advocating for reducing military spending so they couldn’t kill you 1000 times over without even coming within several miles of you?

Because the soldiers are patriots, and being patriots, will refuse to do anything bad to Americans. (We’re referring here to “Americans,” not Muslims, immigrants, union members, people in the inner cities, people on the coasts or anyone who votes Democrat. These people, the military would and should open fire on).

I just know that guy was an ancestor, spiritual if not actual, of the jerkoffs who watch Fox News.

Imagine if they’d had Michelle Bachmann during World War Two. “Eisenhower? Sounds German! We’d better postpone this entire ‘Second Front’ thing until we’ve done a conclusive investigation into his hidden allegiances!”


Teh Ho, who creamed his jeans when he got to sit in the left seat of a B-17 (static, just sitting on the ground) which his fave plane EVAH!, wants me to tell the BUFF pilot how much he likes you diary, Major Major, er, Kong,

Thanks Pup. I actually got a ride in a B-17 as my anniversary present a couple years ago.

There are a couple that tour around the country giving rides. The cost is around $400 for 30 minutes.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

So did Jean Paul Satre and people will say “Oh, what mine does he work in”

Down the mine with Marcel Proust.


Indeed Marcel Proust, all them Frenchies look the same.


Robert Bork finally stops complaining about not being on SCOTUS.


Down the mine mime with Marcel Proust Marceau.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Anonymous aims at Westboro.
Bout damn time.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

h/t tristero at Hullabaloo


Indeed Marcel Proust, all them Frenchies look the same.

According to Proust, all them Frenchies smell the same.


Smut Clyde: “I like headlights.”

Through the Vatican?

Ah, well, once again Mona demonstrates to the point of nausea that while you can cure ignorance, you can’t cure stupid. Was there ever a time when stupid was seen as a bit disreputable? Hell, it’s a better job qualification now than a professional degree.
Also, too, @ the good Major: about the crusades and the Age of Chivalry and whatnot; have you read Froissart, and de Villehardouin? There’s a lot of good stuff out there, but de V’s contemporary account of the Fourth Crusade is vastly (and ironically) amusing as well as interesting. Especially the bit about why the Crusaders ended up stranded in Venice in the first place, which ended up leading to their sack of Constantinople. Not a whole lot of “chivalry” about that whole thing, although of course, definitions may vary…


Robert Bork finally stops complaining about not being on SCOTUS.

just the rollover text on that one made me guffaw…well, done!


Anonymous aims at Westboro.

this is one time i am totally down with what anonymous does…keep it up, boys…errr…girls?…errrr…whoever you are!


bbkf: I feel not unlike a fool: I just realized that I have been erroneously keying ‘bbfk’ instead of your for-true nym. (ditto with hubbkf.) Musta got the consonant-wires crossed during my long absence from Sadlyburg….


Did you know that fucker Sowell has a column in the Guardian today? About how there’s no connection between the number of guns and the number of people murdered by guns? Fucking get out of our newspapers, you fuck.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Better there than here. Though I wonder what he thinks he’ll gain by spewing his bullshit to people in another fucking country that have zero impact on US politics. WTF Sowell, WND or the NY Post wouldn’t even print it?


Everyone must do their part.

I pledge to redouble my efforts.


bbkf: I feel not unlike a fool:

haha…i didn’t even notice! does that surprise you?


I saw the Sowell’s blurt and skim read it. Just the usual blart about people kill people. I sure hope he’s not getting paid for it.


“You’re an unbelievably stupid man, aren’t you?”

Piers Morgan destroys the barely-sentient asshole in charge of the “Gun Owners of America.” Video starts at the good part, but as they say, watch the whole thing.


When you’re being destroyed by Piers Morgan, you really should kill yourself.


When you’re being destroyed by Piers Morgan, you really should kill yourself.

Conveniently Pratt already has the proper weapons for that.


OBS – seen these very nice growlers?


hahaha…i got the local radio station to play the kinks’ father christmas our older demographic has to be dying inside just a little…


the barely-sentient asshole in charge of the “Gun Owners of America.”

could the man be any less enlightened? mentally ill people are EVIL? and lanza’s mom had it coming because she was stupid?* wow…dude just put himself in the running for most hated man in america…

*from what i’ve read, i’m not sure she was the most mentally stable person either, but holy shit…


OBS – seen these very nice growlers?

No, I hadn’t. Very cool, thanks!


Wow. When that whingnut (whoever it was, can’t be arsed and etc.) was attacking Nate Silver for being “effete” I thought he was just being a standard asshole. I did know until this morning that Nate is in fact gay. The schadenfreude just got even sweeter knowing a fag he tried to malign kicked his ass.,0


WashPost transcript of Obama’s gun control ask.

Speaking of “talk about anything other than guns” do NOT read the press corps’ questions. FFS, almost makes me wish that gun control doesn’t kick in until after at least one more spree-style rampage killing.


But as nice as those could be (in a world where they could be decoupled from the accompanying social expectations placed on women in exchange for mere words of support they didn’t ask for and seldom were done in practice)

Surely you hear the implied threat behind those words. Like the crazy guy on the bus who “helpfully” warns you that white people get mugged in this neighborhood all the time.


I noticed that the (writer for the) NYT takeaway was not “this attitude is so repugnant that even someone whose job depends on being civil* couldn’t stomach it,” but “Piers Morgan will yell at you if you’re like this guy.”

*For whatever values of “civil” Morgan employs. I don’t watch his show, but I assume his position at CNN requires him to be more tolerant of wingnuts than I would be.


I don’t watch his show, but I assume his position at CNN requires him to be more tolerant of wingnuts than I would be.

Yeah — he’s on CNN so he’s got to be thoroughly steeped in wingnuts. I don’t watch the show either. I saw the clip online and was mildly amused that somebody actually called one of these fuckers out, mildly, on nat’l TV. That shit essentially never happens, so I figured I’d share.


Everyone must do their part.

I humbly offer my services. Christina, Diora, Salma, and Sofía, you can be first in line.


I humbly offer my services. Christina, Diora, Salma, and Sofía, you can be first in line.

I think we may need to work in shifts. Wouldn’t want you to get carpal tunnel syndrome.


To my friends, I’m kind of sexually gay but ethnically straight,”

one of my gay friends is royally pissed about this line…was more surprised by his perception of gays and equality…i’ve always liked the guy, but in this interview he comes off as rather douchey…


And it’s encouraging that people of all different backgrounds and beliefs and political persuasions have been willing to challenge some old assumptions and change some long-standing positions.

bronco apparently does not go on teh intertubes…


bbkf: Huh? I can only goof off from work intermittently, so I’m kind of losing the thread. Who is “ethnically straight”?


Who is “ethnically straight”?

Nate Silver, I think.


yep, nate silver…


Oh fuck. via thinkprogress,

National Review, whose in-house editorial suggested Newtown was the price of the Second Amendment, published a piece on Wednesday from anti-feminist Charlotte Allen suggesting the reason the shooter was able to kill so many students was because Newtown was a “feminized setting:”

There was not a single adult male on the school premises when the shooting occurred. In this school of 450 students, a sizeable number of whom were undoubtedly 11- and 12-year-old boys (it was a K–6 school), all the personnel — the teachers, the principal, the assistant principal, the school psychologist, the “reading specialist” — were female. There didn’t even seem to be a male janitor to heave his bucket at Adam Lanza’s knees. Women and small children are sitting ducks for mass-murderers. The principal, Dawn Hochsprung, seemed to have performed bravely. According to reports, she activated the school’s public-address system and also lunged at Lanza, before he shot her to death. Some of the teachers managed to save all or some of their charges by rushing them into closets or bathrooms. But in general, a feminized setting is a setting in which helpless passivity is the norm. Male aggression can be a good thing, as in protecting the weak — but it has been forced out of the culture of elementary schools and the education schools that train their personnel. Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza.


Yeah — he’s on CNN so he’s got to be thoroughly steeped in wingnuts. I don’t watch the show either. I saw the clip online and was mildly amused that somebody actually called one of these fuckers out, mildly, on nat’l TV. That shit essentially never happens, so I figured I’d share.

i’m glad you did…it will be the one and only time i actually admire that wanker…

okay…i got this far and i am already so pissed off…would it be wise of me to continue reading?


oh, holy fuck…i am inviting charlotte and mona over to my house…i will have hubbkf rather chivalrously serve them some hemlock cocktails…


I did know until this morning that Nate is in fact gay.
I just found out yesterday as well. It’s the best icing on the Humble pie served up to Mr Skewed Polls.


Jesus, how long before Chuck Norris weighs in on this? What wretched excuses for human beings these are.


James Wolcott tweets Charlotte Allen into dust

You know who’s husky, Charlotte Allen? Jonah Goldberg, he’s husky. Maybe HE could rush the gunman and save some 12 year olds the trouble.


i will have hubbkf rather chivalrously serve them some hemlock cocktails…

Let me know if you need someone to run the wood-chipper.


Let me know if you need someone to run the wood-chipper.


Sergeant Macho Grade School Hero

That’s right, those feminazi, morning-after-pill-gobbling whores who run Sandy Hook are to blame! Yes!

They should have been packing heat and assigned a couple of kids in each classroom to erect a sniper’s hide and arm themselves with USMC M40A5 rifles! You know, set up crossing fields of fire so as to best get clean hits any incoming psychotic, bed-wetting, booger-eating suburban brat armed to the fucking teeth. Center mass, my little darlings, center mass! Triple tap! And if you wet your pants, NO RECESS.

Hoo-ah! I love the smell of cordite, cookies, and milk in my grammar school classroom in the morning!



Well played sir. Well played.


OK, those people are just vile.

Their sexist crap aside, they do realize that one of the reasons there was such a preponderance of women there was that kid’s schooling is traditionally “women’s work?” The fantasy past they are so in love with and want the rest of us to live in would still have wimminz at the school. And a mop bucket, thrown by a man, would, of course, have made all the difference.


one of my gay friends is royally pissed about this line…

There is more than a bit of division in the gay (alleged) community about stereotypes and gender norms and stuff. We’ve been talking for years about saying things like “straight acting,” “femmey” yada yada. One can always offend people just by talking about the issue of labeling.

“Ethnically straight” to me seems a perfectly reasonable thing to say, for someone with a certain perspective. I have at times labeled myself “ethnically Catholic” because I fucking loves me my Friday fish fry though I am a militant anti-theist. I suppose some Catholics might get offended by that (though I don’t give a fat flying Philadelphia fiddler’s fuck). Teh Ho used to tell people I wasn’t actually gay but a straight man trapped in a gay man’s body. Some people took offense which is their right, but please don’t expect us to gag ourselves to please you.


Didn’t think there were a whole lot of men lining up to become elementary school teachers.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Didn’t think there were a whole lot of men lining up to become elementary school teachers.

Not many, only the faggy ones.


a male janitor to heave his bucket at Adam Lanza’s knees.

Yeah, but he’d have to wait until after the six-year-olds rushed the gunman per Megan McArdle. Otherwise they might slip on the spilled water.

How fucking stupid can these people get? Where is the honest-to-God bottom?

Sergeant Macho Grade School Hero

I don’t know if those fucking shit for brains at the NR realize it or not, but bullets tear through man flesh pretty much with the same devastating effect as they do in that of little kids.

Oh, right, teachers should wear BODY ARMOR! Brilliant!

Maybe all teachers should keep a canister of VX nerve gas in their desk next to their ruler and lesson plan! Think we could teach our little brats to don a military-issue gas mask and get into MOPP Level 4 rapidly?


bullets tear through man flesh pretty much with the same devastating effect as they do in that of little kids.

Oh, noes! I thought sufficient levels of testosterone in the body created a magical impermeable shield?


Or maybe teachers could, a la William “The Lonesome End” Carpenter in Vietnam style, just call in an air strike on their classroom if the shit gets hot.


Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza.

Um, it would have looked like a bloody mess with a couple of adult or perhaps husky 12-year-old male bodies lying on the floor in addition to the women and children.

You fucking monster Charlotte.


Oh, noes! I thought sufficient levels of testosterone in the body created a magical impermeable shield?

If it’s a legitimate shooting, the male body has ways of shutting that thing down.


I don’t get these wingnut wackos.

All they do is complain what a bunch of tofu-munching, effeminate, limp-wristed sissies Liberals are, and yet they wet themselves daily over the horrifying thought of being tyrannized by them.

These nutty contradictions lie at the heart of their deluded insanity.


inequalities in one’s personal life are actually caused and exasperated by social and political issues of inequality

Please excuse the grammar pedant, but it’s ‘exacerbated’, not ‘exasperated’. Although we are exasperated by inequality, to be sure, to be sure.


There was not a single adult male on the school premises when the shooting occurred.

Well, there was the one with the gun, but my understanding is that one of the unidentified injured people in hospital was an adult male; referred to as “he” anyway. Here’s a photo of several teachers, and there are males. I’m not pointing this out because she’s got a point, but to show that not only is she horribly wrong to belittle WOMEN WHO DIED PROTECTING CHILDREN but that she didn’t even make the most basic journalistic effort to see if her bullshit was based on any single fact whatsoever. She has failed basic journalism as well as basic humanity.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

but that she didn’t even make the most basic journalistic effort to see if her bullshit was based on any single fact whatsoever

HAHAHAHAHA tigris is shocked by America’s Shittiest Website™ doing what America’s Shittiest Website™ always does.


I thought Town Hall was America’s Shittiest Website? Damn all these people and their race to the bottom.


Those of you with any weight to your name might want to head over to Crooked Timber.


Didn’t think there were a whole lot of men lining up to become elementary school teachers.

Ah, that’s only because the salary is not low enough to tempt them. Lower it further and they will be queuing up.


That’s an interesting CT thread, I’m almost dismayed by how many of those nyms I recognize. Weightless myself though.


Weightless myself, but I signed anyways. Well, I will have signed once my real name gets past moderation.


I can’t believe UMD is letting themselves get buffaloed by a bunch of professional umbrage-takers.


Oops. I’m getting too old to tell those itty-bitty states apart.


Sent email to them. Used my best crayons and the back of an envelope.


Those of you with any weight to your name

Does negative weight count? Lingering after-effect from the cavorite experiment.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Well fuck me, I got it wrong. You are right, tigris. Do some mutatis mutandis on that shit, okay?


Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza.

If only we’d had men in the Army in WWII, nobody would have died.


I bet you all didn’t know having a penis made you bulletproof.


Ha ha tigris has only now figured it out.


DAMMIT all that rapid-fire kegeling WASTED.


I wouldn’t say wasted…more like “repurposed.”


I bet you all didn’t know having a penis made you bulletproof.

Even if it’s a very, very small penis? Asking for a friend. A friend named…Clearhafoc… Yeah, that’s the ticket.


Think of what Sandy Hook might have been like if a couple of male teachers who had played high-school football, or even some of the huskier 12-year-old boys, had converged on Lanza.

Huskier, of course. You need guys that are huskier, more suited for football, than the late Sen. Daniel Inouye, for example.



I believe in this guy, because his name makes as much sense as yours.

He probably waits Creaming, somewhere.

Ignorance on Gun Control

Must every tragic mass shooting bring out the shrill ignorance of “gun control” advocates?

The key fallacy of so-called gun control laws is that such laws do not in fact control guns. They simply disarm law-abiding citizens, while people bent on violence find firearms readily available.

If gun control zealots had any respect for facts, they would have discovered this long ago, because there have been too many factual studies over the years to leave any serious doubt about gun control laws being not merely futile but counterproductive.

Places and times with the strongest gun control laws have often been places and times with high murder rates. Washington, D.C., is a classic example, but just one among many.

When it comes to the rate of gun ownership, that is higher in rural areas than in urban areas, but the murder rate is higher in urban areas. The rate of gun ownership is higher among whites than among blacks, but the murder rate is higher among blacks. For the country as a whole, hand gun ownership doubled in the late 20th century, while the murder rate went down.

The few counter-examples offered by gun control zealots do not stand up under scrutiny. Perhaps their strongest talking point is that Britain has stronger gun control laws than the United States and lower murder rates.

But, if you look back through history, you will find that Britain has had a lower murder rate than the United States for more than two centuries– and, for most of that time, the British had no more stringent gun control laws than the United States. Indeed, neither country had stringent gun control for most of that time.

In the middle of the 20th century, you could buy a shotgun in London with no questions asked. New York, which at that time had had the stringent Sullivan Law restricting gun ownership since 1911, still had several times the gun murder rate of London, as well as several times the London murder rate with other weapons.

Neither guns nor gun control was the reason for the difference in murder rates. People were the difference.

Yet many of the most zealous advocates of gun control laws, on both sides of the Atlantic, have also been advocates of leniency toward criminals.

In Britain, such people have been so successful that legal gun ownership has been reduced almost to the vanishing point, while even most convicted felons in Britain are not put behind bars. The crime rate, including the rate of crimes committed with guns, is far higher in Britain now than it was back in the days when there were few restrictions on Britons buying firearms.

In 1954, there were only a dozen armed robberies in London but, by the 1990s– after decades of ever tightening gun ownership restrictions– there were more than a hundred times as many armed robberies.

Gun control zealots’ choice of Britain for comparison with the United States has been wholly tendentious, not only because it ignored the history of the two countries, but also because it ignored other countries with stronger gun control laws than the United States, such as Russia, Brazil and Mexico. All of these countries have higher murder rates than the United States.

You could compare other sets of countries and get similar results. Gun ownership has been three times as high in Switzerland as in Germany, but the Swiss have had lower murder rates. Other countries with high rates of gun ownership and low murder rates include Israel, New Zealand, and Finland.

Guns are not the problem. People are the problem– including people who are determined to push gun control laws, either in ignorance of the facts or in defiance of the facts.

There is innocent ignorance and there is invincible, dogmatic and self-righteous ignorance. Every tragic mass shooting seems to bring out examples of both among gun control advocates.

Some years back, there was a professor whose advocacy of gun control led him to produce a “study” that became so discredited that he resigned from his university. This column predicted at the time that this discredited study would continue to be cited by gun control advocates. But I had no idea that this would happen the very next week in the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals.


He probably waits Creaming

Cream in quarter-pint containers, apparently.


Places and times with the strongest gun control laws have often been places and times with high murder rates. Washington, D.C., is a classic example, but just one among many.

There are few real barriers, as opposed to nomenclatural or jurisdictional ones, between (for example) Washington, D.C. and the surrounding area. This is what deeper thinkers call a fact; YMMV.

I can’t see how I need to proceed any further just yet.


Bla bla bla Guns are not the problem bla bla &etc.

Absolutely right! A gun for every man woman and child in America isn’t enough! More guns! More guns for all! We don’t have enough guns and that’s wrong!

Impervious to facts, he is.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

OK,…Charlie Pierce gives Charlotte Allen The McArdle Award and guess who shows up?!?
I shit you not.
I haven’t finished reading yet.
I had to pick myself up off the floor.
…but she does regale the attending with an “I almost got raped” story.


I believe in this guy, because his name makes as much sense as yours.

It’s the name of an historical figure. He was a monk, artist, thief, and conman.


Also, Jake Tapper is an asshole.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

I seriously thought I understood the lack of self awareness of these people, but…
I am now officially terrified of my fellow citizens, and I grew up in Flint, MI.
I didn’t leave until three years ago when I got tired of sleeping in the basement because of the constant gunfire,…but THIS…
Just wow.


The small children murders are designed to create hysterical emotions in women to get them to demand that guns are banned. If that doesn’t work they will continue with their evil agenda with worse and worse atrocities on younger children, until they get their way and disarm the people, so that they cannot fight back against government tyranny.

Because all women are hysterical, and at the same time we have an evil agenda (muahahahaha) to commit atrocities on young children.



Newtown is the U.S.A.’s Dunblane, which was orchestrated in Scotland in 1996 by the British establishment, to whip up hysteria in order to ban all handguns from the U.K. It was a follow-up to the Hungerford Massacre in England in 1987, which was carried out by mind-controlled Michael Ryan, who then shot himself so he could not be questioned, and it was used to ban semi-automatic rifles and shotguns.

It’s always the same people behind it – the gun-grabbers who want the people to be defenceless against the gun-grabbers’ employers – the banksters who own all of the politicians. They get their politicians to pass legislation for them, in order to remove the people’s freedoms and means of defending themselves, and enslave them in a draconian police-state, under a mountain of debt, and then exterminate the useless-eaters.

And see the draconian police state the UK has turned into!

Sorry for the multiple posts – just got back from work Chrissy lunch, and I’m a mite pished (translation: ooterly ratsarsed).


All of these are staged events to whip-up hysterical public support for banning the people from having guns. It works the same in every country – Hungerford in England, Dunblane in Scotland, Port Arthur in Australia and the list in America is endless, because of the Second Amendment and the people having a pro-gun culture. That makes it much more difficult to break the Americans’ love of guns and the Second Amendment, which was put in place to protect the people from the government.

Gun bans work well for tyrants. They worked well for Hitler, Stalin and Chairman Mao, to name just three.

If you want to stop these massacres, wake-up and get rid of the banksters, their puppet-politicians and all gun-grabbers; arm teachers and ban gun-free zones.

From one who can see the pattern and hopes to enable you to see it too.

Yah, and us down here down under are being exterminated as useless eaters too. Blame John Howard (why not, he’s a complete bastard ratfucker anyway).

Arm teachers? That’s a great idea. Hey, I’ve been a teacher, and there’s nothing I’d have liked better than to be able to gun down a couple of the little fuckers now and again.

St. Trotsky, Pope-in-Avignon

Indeed Marcel Proust, all them Frenchies look the same.

If I can just say, it figures the one person in the world I’ve found to be aware of that joke is on the other side of the fucking world.


until they get their way and disarm the people, so that they cannot fight back against government tyranny

The US military is actually pretty good at fighting people who have guns. The Wehrmacht was rather fond of them as I recall.


I mean, if the government ever were to become tyrannical, it’s the military that you’d end up facing.

What, did you think Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid are going to show up at your house to take your guns away?


Spearhafoc, whose nym is Old English for “sparrowhawk” said,
December 20, 2012 at 5:33

I believe in this guy, because his name makes as much sense as yours.

It’s the name of an historical figure. He was a monk, artist, thief, and conman.

Reminds me that I’ve been wondering what all these people calling themselves “Sparhawk” is about. Wondering, but not enough to figure it out.

My late cousin called himself that online, for one.


there’s nothing I’d have liked better than to be able to gun down a couple of the little fuckers now and again.

Certainly the survivors would stay in line after. Probably.


If I can just say, it figures the one person in the world I’ve found to be aware of that joke is on the other side of the fucking world.
With the interweb we all live next door.
What we are on about


Goddamn National Review moderation, here’s the comment:

“Nah, they’re neither super-literate nor super-intelligent. They are a largely a bunch of legacy hire hacks who will spout any sort of nonsense in an attempt to undermine an egalitarian society. Even William F. Buckley was a goddamn Neanderthal- he just had an Oxford Unabridged Dictionary.”


I mean, if the government ever were to become tyrannical, it’s the military that you’d end up facing.

Now now. The NRA would be happy to lend them a hand.


December 20, 2012 at 4:06

I bet you all didn’t know having a penis made you bulletproof.

With the correct incantations this magical property will rub off on you.


I’m still dead.


So am I.


Me tool.


I’m not dead. But I’m an asshole. BTW, I enjoyed Francisco Franco’s typo. Also applies to me!


They’re dead, Jim.


New thread.


Ha ha!

Made ya look.

Deep; hollow; gelatinous; remote; unearthly; inhuman; disembodied voice

You fool, Warren the thread is DEAD!


Then the thread was magically brought back to life!

That’s right, those feminazi, morning-after-pill-gobbling whores who run Sandy Hook are to blame! Yes!

They should have been packing heat and assigned a couple of kids in each classroom to erect a sniper’s hide and arm themselves with USMC M40A5 rifles! You know, set up crossing fields of fire so as to best get clean hits any incoming psychotic, bed-wetting, booger-eating suburban brat armed to the fucking teeth. Center mass, my little darlings, center mass! Triple tap! And if you wet your pants, NO RECESS.

Hoo-ah! I love the smell of cordite, cookies, and milk in my grammar school classroom in the morning!


It is my distict privilege and High honor to present Sergeant Macho Grade School Hero with the Quelle Fromage–a distinguished and now rarely-awarded medal–for Outstanding Savage Mockery.

[renders sharpest parade-ground salute]


Deep; hollow; gelatinous; remote; unearthly; inhuman; disembodied voice said,

Well, played! Well played!


Please Note: As Sergeant School Hero is fictional, the medal belongs to the Inventor. If the recipient has already been awarded the Quelle Fromage, please accept thIs Cannabis Leaf cluster in lieu of the medal (*) itself. We hope you will overcome your becoming modesty, reveal your for-true Sadly identity, and so recieve the plaudits you so richly deserve.

(*) The medal, struck of gunmetal, portrays images appropriate to our Sinister Plan, e.g., hammer-and-sickle, swastika, Islamic crescent; has treasonous text engraved on the outer circular margins; and, is suspended from a ribbon of queer rainbow.


Major Kong: I am looking forward to the Gulf War diaries! The Training diaries are a brilliant set-up; the audience now have(*) an understanding of B-52’s, crew, flying characterics, and so on. I also like the way you structure a series.


(*) I decided to go English English. Curiosity: Before the Civil War, the plural form was the norm: “The United States have…” After the Civil War, the singular form became the norm “The United States has…”

Fenwick the Merciless, Slayer of Threads

My work here is done.


Sun, sun. I may collapse from the heat.


From the musical “Street Scene”, to be sung in six-part harmony while sitting on a stoop:

Ain’t it awful the heat
Aint it awful
Don’t know what I’m gonna do
What a scorcher
This is torture
Don’t know what I’m gonna do


Can say that any conservative who advocate arming the faculty, staff or students of schools are “Going Kony?”

Ignorance on Gun Control

Let me keep my big shiny penis machine!! I wanna kill everyone that looks at me funny and you killjoys can’t stop me!


With the correct incantations this magical property will rub off on you.

Oh crap, the incantations are required? I BEEN DOIN IT RONG.


Oh crap, the incantations are required? I BEEN DOIN IT RONG.

Well not necessarily required if your technique is good enough. How about you upload some webcam videos and we’ll tell you about what effect it has on our PENISes.


I endorse this statement.

It’s over 800 now. And you don’t need to be the Grand Distinguished Chair Emeritus Laureate from Ivory Tower Institution, Fellow of Very Important Scientific Society in order to sign. Nor even identify yourself beyond your name. There’s even a couple of pseudonymous signatories even.

You’re already too late to be on the list before William “LeAKaL InSeRt ErEcTiOn” Jacobsen.


I wasn’t actually gay but a straight man trapped in a gay man’s body.

heh…i always tell one of my bosses that he should have been a lesbian…


You’re already too late to be on the list before William “LeAKaL InSeRt ErEcTiOn” Jacobsen.

He signed it? Wow, my opinion of him just went up a notch.


I believe it was in the film “Barcelona” that best explains why America has so many gun murders:

Woman: You can’t say Americans are not more violent than other people.
Fred: No.
Woman: All those people killed in shootings in America?
Fred: Oh, shootings, yes. But that doesn’t mean Americans are more violent than other people. We’re just better shots.


TSomething else I wanted to comment on. (The Sadly Faux Troll above reminded me.)

Initially, I thought the screed (Dec 20; 5:00) by “Ingorance on Gun Control” might possibly be the work of a Sadly Faux Troll:

(1) The nym itself must be comedic mockery of reichwing reaction to Newtown: The very idea of Ignorance writing an essay on Gun Control had me chuckling from the start.

(2) The opening paragraphs were pitch-perfect imitations of gun-nut cliches and paranoia.

However, it soon became crystal clear the Comment was made by a particularly idiotic For-Realz Troll unaware of the stupidity of his nym. Another tipoff: The Comment’s length was w-a-y excessive, strongly suggesting a brain-dead copypasta troll who doesn’t have enough originality to fart out an original thought from his own brane. Or the courage to stick around and defend his/her bullshit

((One of my delights in Sadlyville is studying–and differentiating–real Trolls and Sadly Faux Trolls. On rare occasions, I’ve even tried my hand at Faux Trolling.))


He signed it? Wow, my opinion of him just went up a notch.

He’s #518. You know it’s him because he throws a dig in at how gun control advocates are suicidal idiots or tyrannical dictators or poopyheads or something. Although he also confines the ranting to an external link.


last night i was listening to mpr and they had on the president of the southern baptist whatever…dude was skeery!

1)truly feels all teachers should be trained and armed to kill (which you know brings up, in my mind anyways, uhhhh…what about their rights?) now to teach kids they must not only pass muster academically and technically, they are also going to be required to be down with killing people? not to mention that we expect them to babysit, be moral guiders, make sure kids are eating properly, etc. etc. yada yada…now we should expect them to KILL? not to mention the idiocy of having GUNS in classrooms side by side with CHILDREN…sigh…

2)he believes that jesus would also be down with arming everyone to the teeth and being ready willing and able to shoot someone down in the name of LOVE THY NEIGHBOR AS THYSELF…yes, folks, you heard it here first! what a bunch of dumbasses we’ve been to have been thinking that jesus meant be nice to people! he clearly meant, hey, if your neighbor feels threatened, whip out your heat and blast away! it’s the neighborly thing to do…and we all have the obligation to kill for our neighbors*…yes, i’ve seen this willingness to perform a most heinous of acts for our neighbors time and time again when reading about neighbors who take each other to court over barking dogs, an encroaching tree limb, an ugly fence, a disputed property line…yes, americans are noted for being the most reasonable and generous neighbors in the world!

*as long as our neighbors are NOT a blastocyst…


Wasn’t he awful? Husband is typically heroically patient with stupid people but even he had to turn that guy off.


Wasn’t he awful? Husband is typically heroically patient with stupid people but even he had to turn that guy off.

i’m glad you heard it too…i didn’t in any way misinterpret that did i?


Honestly I didn’t hear much of it, I am NOT patient with stupid. What you said matches with the little I heard and husband’s with shocked comments after he too turned it off, though he said it was “do unto others” the guy utterly misapplied.


with husband’s, I mean, Sheesh.


i think he actually used both…i was listening on my way up to collect the daughter and got out of the car mid-stream…i suppose i could prolly listen on an archive, but eck…and if charlotte allen and the rest of the wingnutosphere can ignore journalistic integrities, i guess i can too in this case…


I heard the Southern Baptist Convention (?) guy on NPR as well.

He’s got alot of chutzpah, voicing that “do unto others” angle.

If these people really believe, why aren’t they afraid? I mean c’mon, Jesus wants us to be a nation of heavily-armed vigilantes? He could’ve been clearer on that point. You only say this shit if you aren’t afraid of judgment by a higher power.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Jeffraham Prestonian said,
December 20, 2012 at 14:25

Rain, rain.

Suezboo said,
December 20, 2012 at 15:33

Sun, sun. I may collapse from the heat.

Meanwhile in Oregon.


I wonder if that guy packs during his sermons? Or does he trust Jeebus and the other parishioners to protect him?

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

That Sovern Baptista guy was just saying how it is according to NRA Jesus.


So there’s no transcript and I will NOT listen to it, but I did find out he’s not the president of the SBA, he’s the president of The Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission of the SBA… that’s right, this is their go-to guy on ethics. Dr Richard Land.


SBC, not SBA. LOOK AT ME SELF-CORRECTING! It’s not that hard, right-wing “journalists!”


“The Other Cheek” must have been an arms manufacturer a couple thousand years ago, eh?

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Nym fail

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Meanwhile in Oregon.
Yay snow!
We’ve got a dumping coming ourselves.


Rain, rain.

Sun, sun. I may collapse from the heat.

Meanwhile in Oregon.

Meanwhile, in this part of Oregon:

Rain, rain. Rainrainrain. Rain.



[Flood watch in effect.]

Fun times.


Also I think I mentioned that my wife left in tears after I had the news on before she went to work — teaching grade school — on Monday. Shows up to work and there’s a cop out front to “reassure” people.

Then some unstable fucked up student posts on the twitface or something that he’s gonna shoot up the place. He’s arrested, suspended and undergoing “evaluation” now.

And now I just got a text from her saying “If you hear anything, I’m OK, we’re evacuating the kids.”


So you know what — this is fucking personal now, fuckers.

Damn I hate people.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

A couple tweets yesterday, possibly from high school students, led every school district in Genesee County, MI to cancel classes for today and tomorrow.
Good times.

The Mayor of Upper Astroboffin

Texts, not tweets.


How much of a leap is it from vigilante to warlord? Suddenly “tyranny” to a heavily armed Goober is his neighbor’s dog barking, or having wages garnished for child support, or any other conflict that leads to the murderous tipping point of a childish and delusional mind.

As I always say, everyone is a “law-abiding citizen” until one isn’t. Even John Q. Milquetoast Poindexter is capable of appalling mass murder if in the crazy frame of mind, pushed to his tipping point, and armed with military-grade weaponry. How can we possibly distinguish between the peaceful and the potentially crazy?

We can’t. So the better solution is disarmament.


How much of a leap is it from vigilante to warlord?

I’m willing to try.


How much of a leap is it from vigilante to warlord?

One inspires, and has little interest in governing; the other develops a following and tends to be pathologically power-hungry.


Oh OBS, I’m so sorry your wife is having to go through this. I’m thinking a glass of something and a foot massage might help.

Suddenly “tyranny” to a heavily armed Goober is his neighbor’s dog barking

Did you check out the Harvard link above? GREAT place to poke around for real data. One of the things researchers found was that guns were WAY more likely to be used to intimidate a non-criminal (esp a family member) than used to stop a crime, and it reminded me of the story I’d JUST READ of some idiot in FL shooting a guy twice because they’d gotten into a shoving match.


When you want to get the story straight from the source, you can trust Fox News to do it.

Pshaw, I saw a documentary and the Finnish guys blew up Santa.


Hah! We watched that last night.


If that documentary was any guide there are no ladies in Finland. Perhaps they have all decamped to somewhere warmer where they spend their time knitting reindeer-themed cardigans in primary colours.


Good thing since Finland is apparently overrun with scary old nekkid dudes.


When you’ve lost Jonah Goldberg…

And here’s our friend Charlotte Allen, writing for NRO. Allen says some things I agree with here, but her effort to blame this tragedy, at least partly, on the fact that it was a “feminized” setting strikes me as somewhat perverse; if only there were real men there to attack the murderer with chairs or staplers or something. First, I find this utterly unpersuasive, in part because she makes little effort to persuade. Plenty of men have been killed in other mass slaughters, some of them in the process of trying to tackle the shooter. And women, including the Newtown school principal, have been killed in the same manner. Indeed, as others have noted, Allen gets the facts wrong about how many men worked at the school anyway.

But even if she had the facts right, so what? I’m all for arguments against the feminizing of the culture, the Nanny state, etc. But if those arguments take us to a place where some school — or the parents who sent their kids there — deserve the slightest suggestion of blame for this kind of slaughter, that’s where I get off the bus. And not just because blaming the victim, even obliquely, in a tragedy like this is unacceptable, but also because it assumes that such crimes are simply a fact of life so all of society should simply “man up” and get ready for them. But most of all, arguments like this bother me because they come ready-made off the shelf.

Of course he says a bunch of stupid shit too, but approaching humanity is a good thing.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

How much of a leap is it from vigilante to warlord?

Can’t help you out there. From dilettante to barlord however is more of a stumble than a leap.


I’m all for arguments against the feminizing of the culture

And yet women don’t commit these sorts of crimes by and large. Maybe actually feminizing the culture (as opposed to just complaining about it) might not be a bad idea.


How much of a leap is it from vigilante to warlord?

It depends on how much the guy behind you in line is bitching.


that’s where I get off the bus. And not just because blaming the victim, even obliquely, in a tragedy like this is unacceptable, but also because it assumes that such crimes are simply a fact of life so all of society should simply “man up” and get ready for them.

Isn’t he one of the guys that usually pulls out the “man up” card when making an argument?


I wonder if that guy packs during his sermons? Or does he trust Jeebus and the other parishioners to protect him?

oh, i’m sure he does…he also believes there should be NO gun free zones…guns should be allowed EVERYWHERE…sounds like a great plan, doesn’t it? Yes, i think disgruntled parties should be able to pack heat in the courtroom…could really cut down on lengthy trials AND insure more courtroom business…


Pshaw, I saw a documentary and the Finnish guys blew up Santa.

It didn’t take.

In 1980, Doonesbury ran strips about Reagan campaign commercials that featured an endorsement by God. That’s the next logical step.


Isn’t he one of the guys that usually pulls out the “man up” card when making an argument?

Yes. He is also, though, doing the faux intellectual civility bit, which allows him to be mad at Something Must Be Done arguments that immediately follow a tragedy because, you know, it’s in poor taste.


I never listen to NPR. I have never understood what attraction it has. Completely opposite with PBS. (The Ho will be glad to hear that I hope.)

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

Oregon Public Croadbasting is a dual licensee – NPR and PBS so it’s a wash, Fenwick. You are a member of your local station, one hopes. If not then Teh Ho sez fuck off.

Okay, he would never say that but I can say it for him. And I often do.


Yet another responsibility.


I still have a special place in my heart for when they hand-crafted a spendulik. A sex of such rare and wondrous complexity that one needs to acquire a triple PhD in academic gobbledygook to even begin to describe what it is.

Totally hawt.


Not gonna bother to “ahem,” ’cause Jeebus knows there are days where I just skip to the middle/end of these posts.


Not gonna bother to “ahem,” ’cause Jeebus knows there are days where I just skip to the middle/end of these posts.

Also, you can never have too many reminders of the importance of squeezing breasts.


After the shooting, both men went outside and waited for police.

can you imagine the conversation?

You are a member of your local station, one hopes. If not then Teh Ho sez fuck off.

Okay, he would never say that but I can say it for him. And I often do.

ditto for hubbkf and i…i was the envy of the department heads meeting today with my ‘downtown abbey’ engagement calendar…here in mn pbs and public raydio are not intertwined…i wish they were, those fuckers in the cities can raise some serious scratch…and i do worry about hubbkf’s job…he’s been there a long time and his station has a declining membership base…they’ve been doing some good proactive stuff, so i hope they don’t have any lay-offs for the next 5-7 years or so…


I have never understood what attraction it has.

also, too…’wait wait…don’t tell me!’ and ‘prairie home companion’…and such…hell, i even love ‘car talk’


Also, you can never have too many reminders of the importance of squeezing a mutually pleasing manner.

fixed with no further comment…


I never listen to NPR. I have never understood what attraction it has. Completely opposite with PBS. (The Ho will be glad to hear that I hope.) — Fenwick

Oregon Public Croadbasting is a dual licensee – NPR and PBS so it’s a wash, Fenwick. You are a member of your local station, one hopes. If not then Teh Ho sez fuck off.

Okay, he would never say that but I can say it for him. And I often do.

No, it’s not a wash. In my opinion, NPR sucks. PBS does not suck. I said nothing about liscensing. Where the fuck did that come from? It’s not even pertinent.

I am not a member of PBS, though I used to support MD PBS fund drives whenever Red Green hosted one. Now, however, I live on a fixed income, and it is not lavish, (You probably spend more in a week on yer groceries than I spend in a MONTH.)

I’m sure you are far wealthier than I. I was forced by financial circumstances–I lost my life’s savings before I was hospitalized before I first entered the psychiatric ward. After I was discharged, I narrowly averted bankruptcy. As I plunged down, I trimmed my political and social giving down to bone; all mby budget will support is my ACLU membership.


If every repeat post in this thread got ‘ahem’ed, it’d sound like a smoker’s convention in here…

Also, I looked twice but couldn’t find who posted this:

but thank you.


I finally wrote a Sandy Hook post…

I think I might have hit peak rage.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

here in mn pbs and public raydio are not intertwined
OPB serves most of the state. There’s Southern OR PT (which I think OPB has or will take over) and I think something in Klamath Falls.

…i wish they were, those fuckers in the cities can raise some serious scratch…
You don’t even want to hear what OPB just brought in during the last two weeks, their winter pledge event. Teh Ho often muses how one single program will raise more $$ than he could do in a week back at WPSU.

and i do worry about hubbkf’s job…he’s been there a long time and his station has a declining membership base….

Very few PBS stations are not in the same boat. I don’t know if _any_ are not losing members. And its the smaller ops that are hardest hit by the CPB cutbacks.


And its the smaller ops that are hardest hit by the CPB cutbacks.

oh, undoubtedly…being a good liberalcommiesocialist, i wish funds were divvied up a bit more equitably…


Which is my way of saying:

New Post.

Pupienus, Doctor of Anathematics

What is a wash, Fenwick, is Teh Ho’s appreciation

Completely opposite with PBS. (The Ho will be glad to hear that I hope.) — Fenwick

Since he does both NPR and PBS, and since you maligned one but praised the other, that makes it a wash. See?

You don’t have to throw a lot of money at them – at OPB senior and disabled annual membership is $35. Per year. I’m not anywhere near as well off as you seem to think but c’mon, couple-three bux per month? That’s not a big stretch for almost anyone. Teh Ho likes to talk about the gifts they get of $5 or $10 from people who say they wish they could do more but just flat out can’t afford it. Those donations he treasures more than any and effusively thanks them for it.


Teh Ho likes to talk about the gifts they get of $5 or $10 from people who say they wish they could do more but just flat out can’t afford it. Those donations he treasures more than any and effusively thanks them for it.

they are the most rewarding, that is true…i’m lucky enough to shill for pbs AND do it professionally…what i do is a most humbling (and just weird) profession…


Wow, bbkf, that link is shattering.


Wow, bbkf, that link is shattering.

what link?


“When you want to get the story straight from the source, you can trust Fox News to do it.”
That is so fucking painful, the two Faux goobers trying to be all down-home folks but having to slobber on the knob of anti-PC bullshit. I think that even Lizard got a little peeved with them.
Why must you torment us Mayans? Just fucking do it!!!


When you’ve lost Jonah Goldberg…

… it means Jonah Goldberg was never a True Conservative and it’s time from the NRO to fire his ass.


until they get their way and disarm the people, so that they cannot fight back against government tyranny

Because the gubmint will be totally powerless against a small bunch of rednecks with rifles. Or indeed automatic weapons. Doesn’t he know the gubmint spends upwards of a trillion dollars on weaponry etc.?

Sigh. Isn’t it a pity that deeply stupid people can still pass their Stupid Gene on?

PS Blog pimping for Chrissy: a somewhat bleary waffle “about amnimals” that hasn’t been approved by Our Great Leader (who would doubtless disapprove of me writing something less than serious and totally without footnotes).


(comments are closed)